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Tiêu đề Vai trò của Dịch vụ trong nền kinh tế hiện đại (The Role of Services in the Modern Economy)
Chuyên ngành Services Marketing
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Trang 1 Vai trò của Dịch vụ trong nền kinh tế hiện đạiChiến lược định giá cho dịch vụ Topic 1: SERVICES MARKETING - CRM Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks 1 Explai

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Vai trò của Dịch vụ trong nền kinh tế hiện đạiChiến lược định giá cho dịch vụ


Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks

1 Explain the role and significance of services in the modern economy

2 Answer the following:

(a) The marketing planning process:

(b) Monitory marketing planning and services

3 Answer the following:

(a) Service market segmentation

(b) Customer loyalty

4 Answer the following:

(a) Planning and branding service products

(b) New service development

5 Write a detailed note on pricing strategies for services

6 Answer the following:

(a) Explain the role of marketing communication

(b) Service promotion

7 Explain the role of intermediaries in planning and managing service delivery

8 Write a detailed note on CRM programmers


1 Explain the role and significance of services in the modern economy

Today, the service sector contributes a great share to the nation’s gross domesticproduct as well as each single business ‘revenue stream Many organizations and individualinvestors put more money and resources to the service sector, as they will get the highest

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return on investments In developed countries, the service sector holds key to theireconomic growth and account for a high percentage of workforce and national income Inthese countries at the end of 2013, approximately 50 to 60 % of the workforce works in theservice industries and they account for more than 70% of GDP, and individual expenses onservices are 60 to 65% of personal income In the United States, the service sector has about70% share of the GD However, several regions in the US have this number up to 79.8%.Other developed countries also have a high services share of GDP – Japan: 73.3%, England77.1% and France 70.9%

Overall, the service industry aims to provide services to people in daily life, or to provideassistances to the continuation and completion of business processes In many ofbusinesses, besides the primary processes to design the main products, there are alsoauxiliary activities These activities support and complement the main production line Forexample, the packaging unit, the sorting unit, the marketing unit, the installing and repairingunit, the product warranty unit, and the supplying unit… These are other kinds ofproduction services In the process of switching to a market economy, these businessesdesire to sell their merchandise faster, so they transfer some of their activities to thecommercial businesses The consumer units will the buy the goods whenever they need.They are expecting to be best served and most convenient This results in the developmentand centralization of the transportation unit

The modern economy relies on the scientific knowledge and reflects an advanced high-levelworkforce It is also a new economy with a technical, cultural, and social environment thatsupports the learning, innovation and creativity In this environment, knowledge becomesthe most important production factor to contribute to the social economy development.Thus, instead of using manual production, it applies technology and knowledge to producemore goods in a more timely fashion to meet the needs of consumers

On the other hand, using the advanced technology and knowledge also makes thecommodity prices higher However, the consumers trust the product’s quality due to theformation of services According Karl Marx, “service is the offspring of a economyproducing goods For the commodity economy to thrive, it requires a constant, smooth, andcontinuous flow to meet the human increasing demand and these results in a developed

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In human’s history, there are three major development stages of the productive forces

In the first stage, the agriculture economy or the labor based economy, the manual laborforces produce the majority of goods with low productivity, and the land is the mainresource In the second stage, the industrial economy or resource based economy; it reliesheavily on the machines and the natural resources In the third stage, formed since the early

1980, the knowledge economy has become the modern economy as it relies on knowledge.Knowledge and information technology become the major keys and are more important thanthe labor source Thus, we can say the modern economy is a knowledge-based economy

So the knowledge economy is an economy in which the production of, and the use ofknowledge play decisive roles for the economic development It creates wealth andimproves the quality of life

Comparing tables economic periods


Industrial Economy

Knowledge Economy

Important Inputs Labor Forces, land,


Technology,machinery, equipment

Knowledge, advancedtechnology,informationMain processes Crops and Livestock Manufacturing,


Control, informationprocessingProduction

outputs Food Goods and products Products that meethigh demand of

Industries Use of animals andsimple machines Mechanization,electrification Science andTechnology

Social Structure Farmers Labor workers White-collar workers

+ The role and importance of services in modern economies

There are three categories

- Business and Finance: pay television services, Internet services, advertising services,

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insurance services, home delivery sale services, mail delivery services, online retail services,banking services (ATM, online payment, consumer lending services, financial advisoryservices…)

- Consumer: electricity and water services, sport and entertainment services, foodservices, clothing and fashion services, hotel and tourism services (including motels,restaurants, tour/sightseeing), hair salons, beauty salons, appliance repair, house cleaning,child care, …

- Public: public health services, health care services, public child care services,education, libraries, museums, lighting …

Each service plays an important role in the modern market economy:

- Services help businesses to increase sales and profits

- Services have strong influences to the trade of goods and products within the countryand internationally What the businesses would do to deliver their goods if there are notransportation services? It is the birth and the development of road, air, sea transportationservices that have contributed to overcoming the geographical obstacles, to accelerating thecirculation of goods, and to boosting the demand for sales and exchanges of goods fromcountry to country and from one region to another region With the payment services, thebanks can make the payment process happen easily and efficiently to help both the exportsand the imports to complete their trades Communication services also play important role

to stimulate the commercial activities and to shorten the time of buying for the consumers.Other services such as agent services, trade/retail services play an intermediary role toconnect the producers and the consumers They help to reduce the time circulating andconsuming the goods, and help the manufacturers to recover quickly their capitalinvestments

* The growth of the services is the driving force for economic development, as well ascreating positive impacts on the social division of labor A stronger economy provides morevariety of products and services Currently, the development of services reflects the level ofeconomic development of each country Existing research finds that the ratio of businessservices in the economy is higher for countries with higher level of economic development.The development of services will fast-track the development of the social division of labor

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and the specialization, and facilitates the growth of other areas of development (Indeveloped countries, today the service factor accounts for 50-60% the workforce and 60-65% of the national GDP The industrial economy only accounts for 40% of the workforceand 30-35% of the national GDP Forecasters say that in the XXI century, the service factorwill account up to 70-80% of the workforce, and the industrial economy will reduce theworkforce accordingly)

* Through the buy and sell of goods and products, services create various markets(promotion, gift, birthday, card membership), drive consumption and enjoyment byindividuals and businesses, and contribute to the expansion of production and new locations

* Services set up barricades and block the entry of competitors Services always showthe competition between enterprises through services created on the market for goods andservices Therefore, services require businesses to be dynamic, creative, and even artistic intheir activities to improve constantly their competitiveness in producing and selling of goodsand services on the market This will create a solid foundation to help businesses survivingand striving in the fierce competitive of today market

In conclusion, in today’s trend of vibrant globalization, services play an increasingly largerole in the economy in developing countries, especially in new sectors such astelecommunications, and electronics (occupations with high technological content) Theroles of services in the developing countries remain low, but they are increasing rapidlyfollowing the general trend of the world economy With such important roles, investorsshould pay close attention to develop these services in the right direction

3 Answer the following:

(a) Service market segmentation

(b) Customer loyalty

a Service Market Segmentation

The market is the place where the trading activity happens, and where the buyers andthe sellers gather to buy and sell products and services

Service Market segmentation is the process of identifying and targeting groups ofindividuals who are similar to one another There are many different ways to segment a

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market: by income, by age group, by individual service needs, by culture, or by lifestyles,etc

Successful segmentation divides a large market into smaller markets based on whatthe consumers’ shared interests Understanding the segmentation will help the company todevelop products and services that meet consumers’ needs and focus the marketing resources

on effective marketing communications

 By geographic areas: North, Center, South, urban and rural… Businesses with enoughcapital can still serve in many different areas but they would need to focus on the differences

of regional customers

 Consumer’s behavior : This segmentation approach focuses on the purchasing powerand the spending characteristics of the consumers The purchasing power is measured by theconsumer income For example, in the mobile phone market, the Vietnam Posts andTelecommunications Group (VNPT) has divided their customers into these groups:

- Segment 1 includes customers with monthly spending budget above 350000 VND.This is the market for postpaid mobile phones

- Segment 2 includes customers with monthly spending budget between

235000-350000 VND The spending pattern can occur regularly or irregularly This is the market forprepaid by day mobile phones

- Segment 3 includes customers with monthly spending budget between

142000-235000 VND This is the market for prepaid mobile phones

- Segment 3 includes customers with monthly spending budget from 60000-142000VND This is the market for prepaid one way messaging mobile phones

 Consumer’s occupations and areas of operation

In general, this is the traditional segmentation method of the service sector The twomajor markets are the business customers and the consumers For example, VNPT hasdivided its market into these six groups:

- Special customers: national or local government entities, embassies and consulates

- Customers that are other telecommunication companies having their own networksbut connecting with VNPT

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- Special business customers that are businesses or organizations consuming a largevolume and having their internal networks across the country

- Large customers that are businesses or organizations consuming a large volume

- Medium and small customers that are businesses or organizations consuming amedium or small volume

- Individual customers or households

 Consumer’s age groups

This segmentation method is new to Vietnam and less However, with the boominggrowth of this sector, the consumers can be divided into these submarkets:

- Customers in the ages 10-18 years – mostly high school students and depend on thefamily

- Customers in the ages 18-30 years – young customers, college students, or thosewho just enter the workforce, can be subscribers and pay for themselves

- Customers in the ages 30-55 years (female) and 30-60 (male) are working ageconsumers with highest affordability and incomes They have luxury demands and expectquality and excellent customer services

- Customers in the ages 55 years and above (female), and 60 years and above (male)are retired consumers with lower demands

 By psychographics: personality, values, social classes and lifestyles of customers

 By demographic segments: age, gender, language, education, income

 By buying behavior: occasions, number of products, buying decision-making process,product loyalty

For another example, a company has just received an invitation to attend a workshopfrom a consulting firm about retirement planning This company is one of the many whoreceive the same invitation After analyzing the company’s data, the results show thefollowing:

- The company has assets

- The company has employees reaching retirement age

- The company locates nearby the location where the workshop will take place

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These attributes have put the company into a market segment that the retirementconsulting firm interests They believe the message sent to the company with the title “Letour experts help you planning for your future!” will catch attention from the employees in thecompany Clearly, the firm focuses on a group of people who have the money and areinterested in their services.

 Companies also need to consider different factors to ascertain that the marketsegment that they chose is suitable or not?

 The market size and the consumers’ purchasing power…are the measures thecompanies need to be able to find and assess

 The market needs to be substantial enough so the profits can support the entirecompany

 The market needs to be unique to other markets For example, in the foodserviceindustry, the main segment is based on the clients’ taste, income, and location If drillingdown to gender and age, the market becomes smaller

 The company also needs to have enough resources to support the marketsegmentation If there are already many competitors in the same market, the company shouldavoid it altogether

Thus after completing the market segmentation process, the businesses will have acomprehensive picture about the market they want to participate They have the detailedinformation about what segments are good and what segments are bad

is relative small In this competition, the company selling the most in the current stage is notnecessary the winner, but the company with more loyal customers is the real winner

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Local customers are customers who currently buy products and services from thecompany, and will continue choosing the company for their future purchases In reality, thecustomer’s first impression with the products and/or services is very important Mostsatisfied customers with their first purchases will continue to do business with the samecompany when their needs arrive It is also less expensive to keep the current loyalcustomers than to recruit new loyal customers.

Today many businesses recognize that keeping their loyal customers in the end willbring far greater benefits than to increase their short-term sale numbers

To help with identifying the right target customers, businesses build databases abouttheir clients and their attributes (such as individual or group, domestic or foreign, spendinghabits, etc.) These databases play an important role in providing great future customerservices Some examples are

-When client A calls in to make room reservation, the business can offer right awaythe type of room the client A wants;

- When client B calls in to pay, the business knows the type of credit card (andpossible the card numbers);

- When client C orders perfume, the sale staff can recommend the products matchingC’s style

The customers are sure to be very satisfied with all the businesses that know them sowell

4 Answer the following:

(a) Planning and branding service products

(b) New service development

a Planning and branding service products

Brand is not just a symbol, a slogan, or commercial signs The brand is a collection of allthe feeling, the experience of customers and consumers about a product, a service or acompany over the years and it's emotional survival in heart, in the mind of consumers Forcompanies providing services, their brands are their company names For example,Vietcombank is the company brand name of the Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam and isthe trademark of banking services provided by these banks Although Vietcombank also

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offers other small and different services but in general, we know this brand for "bankingservices" Success in a fast becoming overcrowded market will depend on effective branddifferentiation, based on the identification, internalization and communication of uniquebrand values that are both pertinent to and desired by consumers [ Source: The challenge offinancial services branding: majoring on category or brand values? by Leslie de Chernatonyand Fiona Harris; August 2000 Brand Management and Marketing Research Unit(BMMRU)] However, what would businesses do for products or services that do not havephysical packages, or can only be viewed in a cluttered marketplace? Take for example, acompany provides consultation services on Internet banking solution or on a softwarepackage How will this company sell these products like selling a Nestle milk product or aGeneral Motors car?

Below are a few ways to beat your competitors

Explore and identity the company’s core values and the reasons for its existence.

Sometimes taking one-step back can move the company miles ahead Pursue the company’sheritage, the company founder’s vision and thoughts Communicate this information withinternal employees Then the company may stumble upon an idea or two

Understand the most important value that the company promises to its customers This

value can be the confidence, the expertise or the flexibility, and an area of operation Focus

on driving home the point in every internal or external communication the company gives

Associate with a social cause that the company can identify with: Reebok with the

Amnesty International or Kellogg with the Kids Helpline

Always be visible Be present at wherever whenever the decision makers voice their

opinions Try to match the company’s ideas with the theme of the event

Help the employees to succeed Invest in them The value of talented and resourceful

employees is much greater than anything a company can buy

Be careful and considerate if the company has just entered the market, or is in a large

market with the big guns Voice your position clearly and loudly

Aim to be a leader in your line of business in your customers’ minds Whenever

decisions are called for in your industry or in your association, the opportunity is alwaysmuch higher for the leaders

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Differentiate your company on the basis of uniqueness to appeal to the customers’

emotional values instead of focusing on the functional category values

b New service product development

Review mission and vision After evaluating the level of change, the service firmneeds to do the market research in both qualitative and quantitative modes Qualitativemarketing research tells us about how to introduce the service to the market, by expanding oracquiring competitors Quantitative marketing research tells us about the projected sales,market share and profitability

Brainstorm ideas New services are resulting from the company’s thinking

Evaluate ideas Need to analyze and evaluate the advantages and disadvantages ofeach idea and narrow it down to a handful of those with the most potential and effective

Business analysis This phase conducts a review of the sales, costs, and profitprojections to find out whether the new product/service will satisfy the company’s strategy

Develop product/service This is the decision to develop a plan for the newproduct/service after the business analysis process completes The implementation must alsofollow with a concrete plan

Test Market This is the full evaluation period of the new product to make sure that itmeets the outline goals and objectives to assure the success of implementing newproduct/service

Launch the new product/service In this final stage, the main activities are advertisingand marketing the new product/service along with operating a full‐scale manufacturing tobring them to the foreign markets

Model of new service product development

Review mission and vision -> Brainstorm ideas -> Screen ideas -> Evaluate market ->Develop product/service ->Test Market -> Launch the new product/service

( Source: C.Lovelock – Marketing des Services, p 532 [1] )

Gale Bradley (USA) has emphasized “Value is simply quality, however the customerdefines it, offered at the right price."[1] For the emerging perspectives on service marketing,this concept of quality, especially in service, has met the expectations of many people Of

Ngày đăng: 27/03/2024, 17:25



