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Yue nan chen chao hui zhong shang shi de shi wen ji qi si xiang shuo shi lun wen

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Số trang 238
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୯ҥᄤࠄ୯ሞεᏢύ୯ᇟЎᏢ‫!س‬ ! ᅺγፕЎ! ! ! ! ! ຫࠄഋරች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬၃ЎϷ‫ࡘځ‬གྷ!! ! ! ! ! ࡰᏤ௲௤ǺᄃᆬՎ! ! ࣴ‫ز‬ғǺ‫ࡾݓ‬қླྀ! ύ๮҇୯΋Ʉ΋ԃϤД! ୯ҥᄤࠄ୯ሞεᏢύ୯ᇟЎᏢ‫!س‬ ! ᅺγፕЎ! ! ! ! ! ຫࠄഋරች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬၃ЎϷ‫ࡘځ‬གྷ!! ! ! ! ! ࡰᏤ௲௤ǺᄃᆬՎ! ! ࣴ‫ز‬ғǺ‫ࡾݓ‬қླྀ! ύ๮҇୯΋Ʉ΋ԃϤД! ᖴᜏ! ġ 幓䁢ᶨ⎵⢾䯵䓇炻ㆹ傥⛐⎘䀋㙐⋿⣏⬠䘬ᷕ㔯㇨䔊㤕᷎ᶵ⭡㖻ˤ忁㗗ㆹ䘬⣊゛炻ḇ 㗗ㆹᾳṢ䘬㊹㇘ˤỮ㗗炻忁ᾳ昶㭝ḇ䳪㕤⏲ᶨ㭝句炻ㆹ䘬⣊゛䳪㕤⮎䎦ḮĢ忁㭝嶗炻冯 ℞婒㗗ㆹ冒⶙ᶨ嶗崘Ἦ炻㭳⮏婒㗗┬䶋␴⎰炻ㆹᶵ⬌╖炻侴㗗㚱姙⣂Ṣ昒ㆹᶨ崟崘ˤ忁 䭯婾㔯ᶵ㗗ㆹᾳṢ䘬ㆸ㝄炻劍㰺㚱⣏⭞㊯⮶ˣ⸓⾁ˣ溻⊝䫱炻ḇᶵ㚫㚱㬌婾㔯ˤ⁷渥 ⶜冯㯜ᶨ㧋炻䔞渥⶜⶚䴻㓦⛐㯜墉朊炻⇯䃉㱽⋨⇍⒒ᾳ㗗渥⶜ˣ⒒ᾳ㗗㯜炻⚈䁢ℑ侭⶚ 䴻圵⎰ㆸᶨ橼ˤ⚈㬌炻㛔婾㔯⯙㗗⣏⭞䘬ㆸ㝄炻ᶵ㗗ㆹᶨᾳṢˤ㬋⚈⤪㬌炻℞⮎⣏⭞⮵ ㆹ䘬】ね⶚朆妨婆㇨傥⼊⭡ˤ啱叿忁㚱旸䘬䭯ⷭ炻≱⻟冯⣏⭞↮ṓㆹ冒⶙䘬⽫ねˤġ 椾⃰炻ㆹ天⎹䌳㴟⮔侩ⷓĩ⚃⒍Īデ】ˤぐ⮵ㆹ䘬㶙】䡢⮎ᶵ⎗⿅嬘炻傥娵嬀ぐ㗗ㆹ Ṳ䓇㚨⣏䘬䤷⟙炻ㆹ䚠ᾉảỽṢ劍傥冯ぐ娵嬀悥㗗ṾᾹ䘬䤷⟙ˤ㬌婾㔯柴䚖⚈㚱ぐ䘬㍸ 䣢炻ㆹㇵ傥䡢⭂䞼䨞㕡⎹炻⽆侴➭㊩ᶳ⍣崘⬴忁㡅嶗ˤġ ℞㫉炻朆ⷠデ嫅㣲䌱ㆸ侩ⷓ冯ㆹ婾㔯㊯⮶㔁㌰ʇ⹾倯Ṑ侩ⷓˤ㰺㚱㣲侩ⷓ炻ㆹḇ㰺 㚱娵嬀⹾倯Ṑ侩ⷓ䘬䤷⟙ˤㆹ⛐⹾侩ⷓ䘬䅙⽫㊯⮶ᷳᶳ炻ᶵỮ㍸⋯Ḯ冒⶙䘬ᷕ㔯⮓ἄ傥 ≃炻侴ᶼ㚜慵天䘬㗗⡆忚Ḯ冯ㆹ䞼䨞柀➇䚠斄䘬䍵屜夳嬀炻ẍ⍲䞼䨞䘬㕡㱽冯䴻槿ˤ⛐ ⹾侩ⷓ幓ᶲ炻ㆹ⬠⇘姙⣂㜙大ˤ䈡⇍㗗⼭Ṣ嗽ḳ䘬䅙婈炻⮵Ṣ㖊ヰず⍰⸛䫱炻䚜䌯ˣ尒 䇥ˣ✎䘥侴⾈佑炻℞⏃⫸䱦䤆暋傥⎗屜炻嬻ㆹ⚈侴⍵䚩冒⶙炻⮵冒⶙䘬⬠埻冯䓇㳣⍿䙲 列⣂ˤ⹾侩ⷓ⮵ㆹ䘬㔁⮶冯㓗㊩⮎朆䫮⡐㇨傥⼊⭡炻ㆹ⎒傥⛐㬌嗽⮓⸦埴嫅录俲堐⽫ シˤ⎴㗪炻⼰デ嫅湫恩㘜␴晭⯡⬠⥲ᶨ䚜ẍἮ䅙⽫䘬⋼≑冯斄⽫ㆹ䘬婾㔯ˤġ ㍍叿炻デ嫅⼸俾⽫冯湫㔔⭞侩ⷓℑỵ⎋侫⥼⒉䴎ㆹ婾㔯枿〘䔞ˣ㬋䡢䘬㊯溆炻ἧㆹ 傥䚳↢冒⶙䘬仢⣙炻ẍ⍲婾㔯㛒䚉⬴┬䘬⛘㕡ˤġ ⛐㬌⎴㗪炻ㆹḇデ嫅冢ᷕ咖䣦䘬䯉慹㬎吋ḳ攟ˣῒ㥖昮ᷣảˣ㜿㡳㵹⍼⍼䅙ね⸓ ⾁ˣ溻⊝冯ῇㆹ⮰㚠炻嬻ㆹ⼿ẍ㍍妠ᶵ⮹慵天䘬⍫侫屯㕁ˤġ 㬌⢾炻⼰デ嫅惏⃳所侩ⷓ⛐⬠埻⿅゛㕡朊䴎Ḱ姙⣂䍵屜䘬䴻槿␴䞼䨞㕡㱽ˤ⽆ぐ幓 ᶲㆹㇵ傥⣂⍵䚩冒⶙⮵⬠埻䘬♜嫡炻嬻ㆹㄊㄊ㍍妠冯怑ㅱ⎘䀋䘬⬠桐ˤġ ᶵ⼿ᶵデ嫅㙐⋿⣏⬠ᷕ㔯㇨䘬⎴䎕⎴⬠Ᾱ炻ᶨ䚜ẍἮ䅙⽫⛘⸓≑ˣ㓗㊩炻⯌℞㗗⹟ 䡏䛇ˣ恙栗㘢⎴⬠ˤ⛐ㆹ䡘⇘⚘暋䘬㗪῁炻Ḵỵ⎴⬠ᶵ㗪䅙ね⛘ᷣ≽䘤⽫⸓⾁炻ㆹⰊ㫉 悥㉾䳗ṾᾹ炻忁㛔婾㔯劍㰺㚱ṾᾹ⸓⾁炻⮎⛐䃉㱽⬴ㆸˤġ ḇデ嫅䲣彎䘬媠ỵ侩ⷓ⮵ㆹ䘬橼婺炻᷎ᶼ䚉⽫㔁⮶⍲溻⊝炻デ嫅昛塽伶冯⏛⽥曰≑ 㔁ᶨ䚜ẍἮ䘬Ḻ≑␴㓗㊩ˤġ 怬㚱⎬ỵ⤥⍳⤪旖㮷✪䍚ˣ剟㵝⥲ˣ旖㮷⿮ˣ⏛㰞泣ˣ⼸⭂䍚䫱Ṣ䛇婈㓗㊩ㆹˤ⛐ ㆹ忯⇘⚘暋䘬㗪῁炻ᷣ≽㍸↢⸓⾁ㆾ婈⮎冯ㆹ↮ṓ姙⣂シ夳炻ἈᾹ䘬⋼≑䴎ㆹ㤝⣏䘬溻 ⊝ˤġ ㆹḇ⼰デ嫅慳㖶ㄏ㱽ⷓ炻⚈㚱ぐῇㆹ姙⣂慵天䘬⍫侫㔯䌣炻ㆹㇵ傥⮓↢㬌婾㔯ˤデ 嫅㭝湶㰇㔁㌰復䴎ㆹ婾㔯ᶵ⎗ㆾ仢䘬⍫侫⮰㚠炻⯙㗗㛶崲≯䘬˪ㄏ⾈ᶲ⢓婆抬嬗妋˫ᶨ 㚠炻᷎䅙⽫⺢嬘ㆹ婾㔯䘬䞼䨞㕡⎹冯㕡㱽ˤġ デ嫅崲⋿䣦㚫䥹⬠冯Ṣ㔯䥹⬠㔯⬠冯婆妨䲣㻊┫䞼䨞䳬䘬⎴ḳᾹ⸦⸜Ἦ⸓ㆹ屈㑼姙 ⣂ⶍἄ炻嬻ㆹ傥⛐⎘⬱⽫⾝㚠ˤġ 㚨⼴炻ㆹ天ヶ慵⛘デ嫅⭞Ṣ炻⯌℞㗗䇞㭵ᶵ㗪䘬斄⽫ˣ⸓≑ˣ溻⊝ˣ䚤㛃炻⚈䁢㚱 ぐᾹ䘬㛇⼭炻ㆹ㚜㚱≽≃⬴ㆸ冒⶙䘬⬠㤕ˤデ嫅⢾⧮ˣ䇠䇠ˣ⩥⩥ˣ⥲⥲ˣ⥲⣓ˣ⻇ ⻇ˣ旖㮷淆␴旖㮷䅽旧⦐䘬䅙⽫⸓≑炻⛐䱦䤆冯䴻㾇ᶲᶵ㕟䘤⽫⸓≑ㆹ炻嬻ㆹ傥⛐⎘枮 ⇑⬴ㆸ⬠㤕ˤġ ℵ㫉デ嫅⣏⭞ᶨ䚜ẍἮ昒ㆹ⬴ㆸṢ䓇䘬䚖㧁Ģġ ġ ġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġġ傉⽿㖶ⶪ 2012 ⸜ 㚰⢷⣑ġ ġ ፕЎӜᆀǺຫࠄഋරች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬၃ЎϷ‫ࡘځ‬གྷ ਠଣ‫س‬Ǻ୯ҥᄤࠄ୯ሞεᏢΓЎᏢଣύ୯ᇟЎᏢ‫س‬ ౥཰ਔ໔Ǻ101 ԃ Д ࣴ‫ز‬ғǺ‫ࡾݓ‬қླྀ ।ኧǺ223 ᏢՏձǺᅺγ ࡰᏤ௲௤ǺᄃᆬՎ ፕЎᄔा ች۸΢γ(1230-1291)Ǵ߫Ӝഋ༵Ǵഋර(1225-1400)ࣤ௼ϐΓ‫ނ‬ǴဦᒏᑫჱЦǴࣁ ຫࠄഋරՕ௲‫ޑ‬εᕝৣǶό໻ӵԜǴමᘉҺεஒैǴ‫ٿ‬ԛ‫࡭ן‬ර‫׊‬Ѻ௳ϡරᆾђεैǶ ౲‫ޕڬ܌‬ǴഋරࢂຫࠄՕ௲ᐕў΢Ӏᝬന‫ޑܮ‬ਔжǴᇬ਻౓ਗ਼ǴӚঁБय़ࣣԖё໹ϐ ԋ൩Ǵ੝ձࢂՕ௲ǵᕝᏢࡘགྷБय़ǶഋරՕ௲ж߄๱ຫࠄᕝ‫ޑے‬ଯঢ়ǴԶଅ᝘‫ܭ‬ഋර ᕝ‫ޑے‬ໜ౰วၲ‫ޑ‬ᜢᗖӢન҅ࢂȬԮ݅ᕝࢴȭ‫ޑ‬р౜ǶԜᕝࢴࢂҗຫࠄΓബҥ‫ޑ‬୤΋ ‫ࢴے‬ǴّϞǴӧຫࠄ‫ុۯޑ‬ว৖ϝࣗᑫໜǶ‫ځ‬ബ઒ջࢂԮ݅ᓐߒഋϘ‫ے‬Օࣤ (1258-1308)ǴഋϘ‫ے‬Ξࣁች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬ᏢՕ‫׌‬ηǶች۸൩ࢂЇᏤഋϘ‫ے‬ՕࣤుΕᕝߐϐ ৱৣǴҭࣁຫࠄ౲ғ‫ޑ‬΋Տε๓‫ޕ‬᛽ǶЀ‫ځ‬Ǵች۸΢γӧԮ݅ᕝࢴ‫ޑ‬ബҥ‫ک‬ว৖ၸำ ύǴэԖΑሥख़ा‫ޑ‬ӦՏǶ җ΢γ၃Ўёа࣮р‫ࡘځ‬གྷ཮೯ՕǵၰǵᏂΟৎ‫ޑ‬Ǵ‫ࡘځ‬གྷ‫ځ‬ύаᕝࣁЬᏤǶች ۸΢γ၃ЎЬा‫ޑ‬ϣ৒ࢂа၃‫ق‬ᕝǵаნേ௃ǵஒ၃Ў྽ԋ΋ᅿ๓ѯБߡԶឪࡋӭᅿ ਥ୷‫ޑ‬অՉ‫ޣ‬Ǵᡉ៛Α΢γճ኷Ԗ௃౲ғ‫ޑ‬ཁൿЈཀǶԜѦǴૈЎૈ‫ޑݓ‬ች۸΢γᗋ ࢂ΋Տ၃ৎǴεӭኧઠӧ΋ঁ໒৴‫ࡋفޑޣ‬Ǵ٬‫ځ‬၃Ў੝֖ుᐚǵ༫ઝ‫ޑ‬ᕝ‫ښ‬ǵ၃‫ښ‬ ᆶΓ௃‫ښ‬Ƕҭഋॊ‫ځ‬ჹΓғ‫ޑ‬࿶ᐕᆶགྷ‫ݤ‬Ǵ‫ޣ܈‬ԖਔǴ΢γΞႽ΋Տᜏ‫۔‬ଏᗦϐၰγǵ Ꮒγ‫ک‬၃ৎ΋ኬӗ៛ჹШֽǵғ‫ޑڮ‬Ј٣Ƕ ԶЪǴ‫ځ‬ᕝᏢసറǴதஒ೚ӭҔཀҎ֮‫ޑ‬Օ௲ǵЎᏢ‫߄ٰࡺڂ‬ၲ‫܌‬ᇥϐཀǴ٬ள ‫ځ‬၃Ў‫ڀ‬ԖЎ—ў—ণόϩ‫ޑ‬੝ՅǶች۸΢γᗨ‫ࣁي‬ӧৎۚγǴฅԶǴჹՕ‫ޑݤ‬ᡏ৴ ნࣚёᇥຬຫ൨தঅՉΓ‫ૈ܌‬Αှ‫ޑ‬ӦБǶҗ‫ځܭ‬ჹᕝ‫ޑ‬ᡏ཮ნཱུࣚుǴࡺ൩ᕝᏢࡘ གྷԶ‫ق‬Ǵӧ‫ځ‬၃Ўύ‫߄܌‬ၲ‫ޑ‬БԄϷϣ৒ሥࣁ੝ਸǴз྽ਔೱ೚ӭᏢՕ‫ޑ‬ΓΨᜤаΑ ှǴ೏࣮ࣁຫࠄߚΥ‫ޑ‬εᕝৣǶჹ‫ځܭ‬၃Ўύ੝ਸ‫ޑ‬Ў॥ǵঅᜏǵ᛬ೌЋ‫ݤ‬ǴаԿ‫ܭ‬ ‫ࡺڂ‬ǴҁፕЎ‫׆‬ఈૈуаϩ‫݋‬ǵ௖઩Ƕ ΢γ‫ޑ‬๱բԖȠഋරች۸΢γᇟᒵȡ Ǵ‫ځ‬ύ‫ޑ‬Ȥჹᐒȥ(ΟΜΐঁᕝϦਢ)ǵ ȤႨђȥ (ΜΟ२)ϷȤႨ၃ȥ(ѤΜΐ२)Ǵх఼๱ᐚࠆǵుᇻǵస༫‫ޑ‬ᕝᏢࡘགྷǴᡉள΋ঁр ౲ǵຬဂ‫ޑ‬Γ਱Ǵ๏ϒຫࠄఁ፸অᕝΓόϿᔅշǴటΑಥғԝǵ᛾৴๦ගၰ݀‫ޑ‬ΓǴ ‫ؼ੻ڙ‬ӭǶࡺች۸΢γ‫ځک‬բࠔሥࣁࣔ຦Ǵӧຫࠄᕝ‫ے‬ў΢ԖѮεቹៜǴᔈ੝ձ‫ݙ‬ཀ ࣴ‫ز‬ǶவٰǴӧຫࠄǴΓৎѝЬाࣴ‫ځز‬ϐᕝᏢࡘགྷǴᗨΨԖΓࣴ‫ځز‬၃ᄺǴࠅ҂ຼ ӄǶᇂҁፕЎ၂კ೸ၸϟಏǵ௖૸ǵࣴ‫ز‬΢γϐ၃Ўૈᇥܴа΢‫܌‬ॊ‫ޑ‬੝ᗺǶ ች۸΢ΓჹΓೀ٣ۗᙯཁൿǴᔉளѯ֮Ӧᑼ೯ၰ -Ш‫ޣٿ‬ǴჴՉ΋ᅿ“ష߫‫ک‬ Ӏ”ǵ“ΕШԖࣁ”ǵ“ۚლ኷ၰ”ǵ“Ӽ኷Ծӧ”ᆒઓ‫ޑ‬ᕝঅғࢲǶ‫ځ‬ჹ୯ৎΓ҇‫ޑ‬Јᄊሥ ᑈཱུǴஒᕝ‫ޑ‬ମᡎᆒઓଅ᝘๏྽ਔϷࡕж‫ޑ‬ΓǴᅰΚճ੻Ԗ௃౲ғǴ༝ᅈε๦ᙓՉᜫǶ ௖૸‫ځ‬ϐ၃ЎǴ੝ձࢂᕝὸǵᇟᒵǴૈబΑှ‫ځ‬ჹᕝ‫ޑ‬ᡏ཮ǵჹ୯ৎΓဂ‫ޑ‬ཁൿᆒઓǵ Ӽ኷ԾӧЪᐱᐋ΋਱‫ޑ‬ᕝ॥ǶӆᇥǴ೸ၸԜፕЎǴ฽‫ޣ‬టࡰрች۸΢Γᆶ‫ځ‬၃Ўჹ‫ܭ‬ ຫࠄᕝ‫ے‬ǵՕ௲ǵЎᏢǵЎϯǵࡘགྷᄽᡂϷว৖ၸำჴӧ‫ޑ‬ቹៜǶ നࡕǴᗨฅаች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬၃ЎࣁЬाࣴ‫ز‬ჹຝǴՠ฽‫ޣ‬ᗋ၂კ೸ၸࣴ‫ز‬д‫ޑ‬၃Ў ϣ৒Ǵ྽բᐏఉǴԶᜢᗖ‫ޑ‬ཀკࢂஒђжຫࠄՕ௲ǵᕝᏢࡘགྷ‫ک‬ЎᏢᆶύ୯ᕝ‫ے‬ǵЎ ᏢբჹКǶҁፕЎЬाઠӧ࠼ᢀǵύϟ‫ޑ‬ҥ൑Զᢀ࣮Ԝ‫ޑޣٿ‬ᜢ߯Ǵаߡ‫פ‬р‫࣬ځ‬ӕ ౦ձϷቹៜǶӢԜǴଞჹԜᚒҞ‫زࣴޑ‬Ǵ฽‫׆ޣ‬ఈૈख़ཥᢀჸϷ࠼ᢀӦຑፕǶऩа੟ ကԶ‫ق‬Ǵջࢂች۸΢γ‫ޑ‬၃ЎϷࡘགྷ੝ՅǹऩаቶကԶ‫ق‬Ǵаች۸ࣁ‫ࠠڂ‬Ǵ߾ࢂ᏾ঁ ຫࠄഋරՕ௲ࡘགྷϷЎᏢ‫کྍٰޑ‬ว৖ǵᄽᡂ‫ޑ‬੝‫܄‬Ƕ ᜢᗖຒǺች۸΢γǵഋරǵԮ݅ᕝࢴǵᕝǵᕝ‫ے‬ǵᕝৣǵᕝᏢǵᕝ၃ǵᇟᒵ Title of ThesisǺThe Research on Tue Trung Thuong Si ‘s Poetry, Prose and his Thought in Tran Dynasty of Vietnam Name of InstituteǺDepartment of Chinese Languages and Literature in College of Humanities at National Chi-Nan University PagesǺ223 Graduation TimeǺJune, 2012 Degree ConferredǺMaster of Chinese Literature Student NameǺBach Duong-Vu Xuan Advisor NameǺCHAO-HENG LIAO AbstractǺ The Tue Trung Thuong Si (ㄏ⾈ᶲ⢓) (1230-1291), the common name Tran Tung (昛 ⴑ), Tran (昛) Dynasty (1225-1400) the characters of the royal family, name as 冰⮏䌳, Zen master of Tran Buddhism in Vietnam, He had served as great general to support the Imperial court twice to defeat the Yuan Dynasty, the Mongol armies As we all know, Dynasty Tran was the most prosperous era in the history of Vietnamese Buddhism, with impressive achievements in every aspects of both, in particular, Buddhism and Zen Tran Dynasty Buddhism represented the peak of the Vietnamese Zen, and contribute to Tran Zen of thriving developed the key factors was the "Bamboo Zen school"(䪡㜿䥒㳦) This Zen camp is the only sect founded by the Vietnamese, as yet, the continuation of development in Vietnam is still very prosperous The Bamboo faction Zen founder was King Tran Nhan Tong (昛ṩ⬿) (1258-1308); Tran Nhan Tong was also for Tue Trung Thuong Si’s Buddhist disciples Tue Trung was the Zen guidance teacher for King Tran Nhan Tong and also a good mentor to Vietnamese Especially, the Tue Trung Thuong Si in the creation and development of the Bamboo Zen School occupied a rather important position Their thoughts through Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and three of the dominant ideology which Zen as can be seen by the Thuong Si poetry Tue Trung Thuong Si poetry main content is according to interpretation of literature poetry into Zen and environment to express their emotions It will be poetry as a skillful means and absorb on a variety of foundation practitioner to revealed Thuong Si tetra pak sentient beings of compassionate mind In addition, Tue Trung Thong Si was versed in both literature and martial arts; moreover he was a great Poet, The majority of standing on a point of view of those who are enlightenment It causes the poetry with special profound, mysteries of Zen, poetic and humane He also stated their experiences and thoughts on life, sometimes, Thuong Si liked a retired of the Taoist, Confucian and Poetry at home to reveal thoughts on world events and life In addition, it’s Zen and erudite, he was often with intention mysteries of Buddhism, literary allusions to express the meaning of poetry and be possessed with literary-history-philosophy regardless of the characteristic Although he was a lay Buddhist, however his understanding to realm of the Dharma can be said beyond the unusual Practitioner could understand The realm of deep understanding of Zen, Zen thinking, expressed in his poetry and content is quite special, so that even many Buddhists also difficult to understand, he was seen to be an extraordinary Zen Vietnamese master for its special style of writing poetry, rhetoric, art techniques, allusion, I wish could be analyzed as well as explored in thesis such as , (ᶱ⋩ḅᾳ䥒℔㟰 thirty-nine Zen koan), , (⋩ᶱ椾 thirteen) and (fourth nine), his Zen thought is rich, profound, abstruse as well as outstanding personality It’s giving helps to 191 166 192 166 193 166 194 166 195 166 196 166 197 166 198 166 199 166 200 166 201 166 202 166 203 166 204 166 205 166

Ngày đăng: 01/07/2023, 21:48


