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Iec 62841 2 14 2015

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I E C 62 41 -2 -1 ® Edition 201 5-06 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD E l ectri c m otor-operated h an d -h el d tool s , tran s portabl e tool s an d l awn an d g ard en m ach i n ery – S afety – IEC 62841 -2-1 4:201 5-06(en) Part -1 4: P arti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for h an d -h el d pl an ers TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications More than 60 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 62 41 -2 -1 ® Edition 201 5-06 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD E l ectri c m otor-operated h an d -h el d tool s , tran s portabl e tool s an d l awn an d g ard en m ach i n ery – S afety – P art -1 4: P arti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for h an d -h el d pl an ers INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.1 40.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-2770-1 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Normative references Terms and definitions General requirements 5 General conditions for the tests Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards Classification Marking and instructions Protection against access to live parts Starting 1 I nput and current Heating Resistance to heat and fire Moisture resistance Resistance to rusting Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits 7 Endurance Abnormal operation Mechanical hazards 20 Mechanical strength 21 Construction 22 I nternal wiring 1 23 Components 1 24 Supply connection and external flexible cords 1 25 Terminals for external conductors 1 26 Provision for earthing 1 27 Screws and connections 1 28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation 1 Annexes Annex I (informative) Measurement of noise and vibration emissions Annex K (normative) Battery tools and battery packs Annex L (normative) Battery tools and battery packs provided with mains connection or non-isolated sources Bibliography 20 Figure Figure Figure Figure 01 – Examples of cutting heads with basic dimensions 02 – Test probe I 01 – Test set-up for planers I 02 – Positions of transducers Table – Required performance levels Table I 01 – Test conditions I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 –3– I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON E L E C T RI C M O T O R-O P E RAT E D H AN D - H E L D T O O L S , T RAN S P O RT AB L E T O O L S AN D L AWN P a rt - : AN D G ARD E N M AC H I N E RY – S AF E T Y – P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n t s fo r h a n d - h e l d p l a n e rs FOREWORD ) The I ntern ati onal El ectrotechnical Commi ssi on (I EC) is a worl d wid e org anizati on for standard izati on comprisi ng all nati onal electrotech nical committees (I EC N ational Comm ittees) Th e object of I EC i s to promote i nternati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti ons cernin g standard izati on i n the el ectrical and el ectronic fi el ds To this end an d in ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu blish es I nternati onal Stan d ards, Technical Speci fi cati ons, Technical Reports, Pu blicl y Availabl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu id es (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blicati on(s)”) Their preparati on is entru sted to technical committees; an y I EC N ati onal Committee i nterested i n the subject d eal t wi th may parti ci pate i n thi s preparatory work I nternati onal , governmental and n ongovernm ental organizations l iaisi ng wi th the I EC al so participate i n this preparation I EC coll aborates cl osely wi th th e I n ternational Organizati on for Stand ard izati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th cond i ti ons d etermined by agreement between th e two org anizati ons 2) Th e form al d ecision s or ag reements of I EC on technical m atters express, as n earl y as possibl e, an i nternati onal consensus of opi ni on on the rel evan t su bjects si nce each technical committee has representati on from all i nterested I EC N ati onal Commi ttees 3) I EC Pu blications have th e form of recommend ati ons for internati onal u se and are accepted by I EC N ati onal Comm ittees i n th at sense While all reasonabl e efforts are mad e to ensu re that the technical content of I EC Pu blicati ons is accu rate, I EC cann ot be hel d responsi bl e for the way in wh i ch they are used or for an y misin terpretati on by an y end u ser 4) I n ord er to promote i nternational u ni formi ty, I EC N ati onal Commi ttees u nd ertake to appl y I EC Publicati on s transparen tl y to the maximum extent possibl e i n thei r nati onal and regi on al pu blicati ons Any d i vergence between an y I EC Pu bl icati on and the correspond i ng national or regional publi cation shal l be cl earl y i ndi cated in the l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes not provi d e any attestation of conform ity I nd epend ent certi ficati on bodies provi d e conformity assessment services an d , in some areas, access to I EC marks of conformi ty I EC i s not responsi bl e for any services carried ou t by i nd epend en t certi fication bodi es 6) All users sh ould ensu re that they h ave the l atest edi ti on of this pu blicati on 7) N o li abili ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts di rectors, empl oyees, servan ts or agents in clu di ng i nd ivi du al experts and members of i ts technical commi ttees and I EC N ati onal Comm ittees for any personal i nju ry, property d amage or other d amage of any natu re whatsoever, wh eth er di rect or i nd i rect, or for costs (i nclud i ng l egal fees) an d expenses arising ou t of the pu bli cati on, use of, or rel iance u pon, this I EC Pu bl ication or any oth er I EC Pu blicati ons 8) Attention is d rawn to the N orm ative references cited i n this pu bl icati on U se of the referenced pu blicati ons is i ndi spensabl e for the correct appli cati on of this publicati on 9) Attention is d rawn to th e possibili ty that som e of the el ements of thi s I EC Pu bl icati on may be th e su bj ect of patent ri ghts I EC sh al l not be held responsi bl e for i d en ti fyi ng any or al l such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard IEC 62841 -2-1 has been prepared by I EC technical committee 1 6: Safety of motor-operated electric tools The text of this standard is based on the following documents: FDI S Report on voti ng 1 6/222/FDI S 1 6/236/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/I EC Directives, Part This Part 2-1 is to be used in conjunction with the first edition of I EC 62841 -1 (201 4) –4– I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 This Part 2-1 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 62841 -1 , so as to convert it into the I EC standard: Particular requirements for hand-held planers Where a particular subclause of Part is not mentioned in this Part 2-1 4, that subclause applies as far as relevant Where this standard states “addition”, “modification” or “replacement”, the relevant text in Part is to be adapted accordingly The following print types are used: – requirements: in roman type; – test specifica tion s: in italic type; – notes: i n small roman type The terms defined in Clause are printed in bold t y p e fa c e Subclauses, notes and figures which are additional to those in Part are numbered starting from 01 A list of all parts of the I EC 62841 series, under the general title: Electric motor-opera ted , can be found h a nd-h e ld tools, tra nsporta ble tools a n d la wn a n d garden ma ch in ery – Sa fety on the I EC website The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date N OTE Th e attenti on of N ational Commi ttees i s d rawn to the fact that eq u ipment manu factu rers and testi ng organizations m ay need a transi ti onal peri od followi ng pu bl icati on of a new, amend ed or revi sed I EC pu bl ication in whi ch to make prod u cts in accord ance wi th th e new req u i rem ents and to eq u i p them selves for d ucti ng n ew or revi sed tests I t i s the recom mend ation of the committee th at th e content of this publi cati on be ad opted for i mplementation nationall y not earli er than 36 months from the d ate of pu bl icati on I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 –5– E L E C T RI C M O T O R-O P E RAT E D H AN D - H E L D T O O L S , T RAN S P O RT AB L E T O O L S AN D L AWN P a rt - : AN D G ARD E N M AC H I N E RY – S AF E T Y – P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n t s fo r h a n d - h e l d p l a n e rs Scope This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A ddition : This part of IEC 62841 applies to p l a n e rs N o rm a t i v e re fe re n c e s This clause of Part is applicable T e rm s a n d d e fi n i t i o n s This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A dditiona l defin ition s: 01 pl an er tool intended for removing surface material, equipped with a rotating where the axis of rotation of the is parallel to the plane of the base plate, which is the part supporting the on the workpiece c u tti n g c u tti n g h ead h ead pl an er N ote to entry: The base pl ate consists of a fi xed shoe an d an adj u stabl e shoe that d etermi n es the depth of cu t 02 l i ft - o ff d e v i c e device which keeps the blade(s) from making contact with a flat surface when the base plate of the is attempted to be placed on the flat surface pl an er 03 c u tti n g h e a d assembly of blades, cutter block, blade fixing elements, relevant screws and spindle, the whole being ready for working G e n e l re q u i re m e n t s This clause of Part is applicable G e n e l c o n d i t i o n s fo r t h e t e s t s This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A ddition : The ma ss of th e tool includes th e a da p ter, if a ny cutting head in cludin g b la des a n d th e dust extra ction –6– I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 Radiation, toxicity and similar hazards This clause of Part is applicable Classification This clause of Part is applicable Marking and instructions This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 8.1 A ddition : – rated no-load speed 8.3 A ddition : – direction of rotation of the working spindle This shall be indicated by an arrow, raised or sunk, or by other means no less visible and indelible 8.1 4.1 A ddition : For planers , the additional safety instructions as specified in 01 shall be given This part may be printed separately from the “General power tool safety warnings” 8.1 4.1 01 Safety instructions for planers a) Wait for the cutter to stop before setting the tool down A n exposed rota tin g cutter ma y e nga ge th e surface lea din g to possib le loss of trol a n d serious in jury b) Hold the power tool by insulated gripping surfaces, because the cutter may contact its own cord Cuttin g a "live" wire ma y ma ke exposed meta l p arts of th e p ower tool "live" a n d could give th e opera tor an e lectric sh ock c) Use clamps or another practical way to secure and support the workpiece to a stable platform Holdin g the workp iece by your h a nd or a ga in st th e b ody leaves it unstab le a nd ma y lea d to loss of trol 8.1 4.2 b) A ddition : 01 ) instructions on how to adjust the entire range of the depth of cut; 02) instruction on the correct use of the dust collection system 8.1 4.2 c) A ddition : 01 ) information about types of cutting heads which can be used, if applicable; 02) instructions for the changing of the blades and their adjustment to the correct position; 03) instruction on how to properly clean/clear the chip ejection opening Protection against access to live parts This clause of Part is applicable Starting This clause of Part is applicable I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 1 –7– I n p u t a n d c u rre n t This clause of Part is applicable H e a ti n g This clause of Part is applicable R e s i s t a n c e t o h e a t a n d fi re This clause of Part is applicable M o i s t u re re s i s t a n c e This clause of Part is applicable R e s i s t a n c e t o ru s t i n g This clause of Part is applicable O v e rl o a d p ro t e c t i o n o f t n s fo rm e rs a n d a s s o c i a t e d c i rc u i t s This clause of Part is applicable E n d u n c e This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: If a be sufficiently durable 7.1 01 l i ft - o ff d e vi c e is provided to meet the requirements of 8 or 21 8.1 , it shall Comp lian ce is checked by a n ew tool sa mp le comp letin g th e followin g test planer Th e is to be se t in horizon ta l p osition Th e lift-off device is cycled through its in te nde d ran ge of opera tion for 50 000 cycles Th is sequence is re pea te d a t a te n ot less th an cycles per ute A fter comp letion of th e cycling test as specified above , 1 1 Ab n o rm a l o p e t i o n This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 8.8 Rep la ce me n t of Ta ble by th e followin g: the planer sh a ll the n comply with –8– I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 Table – Required performance levels Type and purpose of SCF Minimum Performance Level (PL) Power switch – prevent u nwanted swi tch -on Power switch – provi de d esired swi tch-off for planers wi th lift-off device Power switch – provi de d esired swi tch-off for planers wi th ou t lift-off device a Any el ectroni c control to pass the test of a Overspeed preven ti on to prevent outpu t speed above 30 % of rated no-load speed b Provi d e d esi red d i recti on of rotati on a Prevent exceedi ng therm al li mits as i n Clau se a Prevent sel f-resetti ng as req uired i n 23 b Lock-off fu ncti on as req ui red by 21 b c b Mechanical hazards This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 9.1 A ddition : For th e require me n ts given in 07, 08 a nd 09, on ly the test probe sh own in Figure 02 is used 9.4.1 01 Planers with a mass according to exceeding kg shall have at least two handles The auxiliary handle, if any, may also be used for the depth-of-cut setting, provided the adjustment of depth of cut is achieved by a rotary action Comp lian ce is checked by insp ection a nd by me a suremen t 9.1 01 The cutting head shall be cylindrically shaped except for the blades, the gullet and the blade clamping means The maximum gullet width s max = 0,235 where d d s shall be + 7,2 mm is the diameter of the rotating circle of the cutting edges See Figure 01 Comp lian ce is ch ecked by insp ection a nd by me asure men t 9.1 02 The blades when aligned with the fixed shoe shall not project by more than , mm radially beyond the cutter block (as per dimension “ a ” in Figure 01 ) Comp lian ce is ch ecked by mea sure me n t 9.1 03 At any depth of cut, the distance “ b ” (see Figure 01 ) between the rotating circle of the cutting edges and the trailing edge on the adjustable shoe shall not exceed mm measured radially Comp lian ce is ch ecked by insp ection a n d by me a sure men t I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 –9– 9.1 04 The blades shall be secured in the cutter block in such a way that friction alone is not relied upon to prevent the radial ejection of the blades Comp lia nce is ch ecked by in sp ection 9.1 05 Cutting heads shall be designed and made of such materials that they withstand the forces and loads expected in normal use Comp lia nce is ch ecked by th e followin g test: A n oversp ee d test sh a ll be ma de on a sa mp le cutting head, equippe d with b la des for th e la rgest cuttin g dia me ter a n d th e la rgest cutting edge width , th e test spe ed be in g , time s th e rated no-load speed If a pp licab le, te n sion e le me n ts such as cla mp in g screws sh a ll be tigh ten e d in a ccorda nce with th e in struction s re quired by b) A fter the test, th e cutting head loosen ed a n d disp la ceme n ts sh a ll n ot be of se parab le deformed or cra cke d, pa rts sh all be less tha n no screws sp ecifie d in sh all be the test proce dure Th e test proce dure is a s follows: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) cutting head dime n sions Brin g th e cutting head to th e rated no-load speed, for Stop a n d re-me asure the cutting head; mea sured disp lace men ts of the separable pa rts of th e cutting head sh a ll n ot be grea ter th a n 0, mm Bring the cutting head to the test spe ed, for Stop an d re-me a sure th e cutting head a nd comp a re th e results with those ob ta ined from Measure th e ste p The comp a red displace men ts sh a ll n ot exceed 0, mm 9.1 06 Clamping screws or bolts shall not project beyond the cutter block as shown in Figure 01 Complia n ce is ch ecked by in spection 9.1 07 I t shall not be possible to inadvertently touch rotating parts from the sides of the planer, except for the cases covered by 08 Complia n ce is ch ecked by th e followin g test: The planer is se t to minimum depth of cut a nd is positione d with th e shoes resting on a fla t surface th a t extends beyon d th e device is disab led Th e planer a ccessib ility is by at lea st 00 mm in a ll direction s ch ecke d by me a ns of the test Any probe lift-off sh own in Figure 02 with a force n ot exce edin g N 9.1 08 Planers with rabbeting facilities shall be provided with a guard that avoids inadvertent contact at the sides with the blades N OTE Rabbeti ng is also known as rebati ng Comp lia nce is checked by insp ection a nd by th e followin g test: Th e planer is se t to minimum depth of cut a nd is position e d with the sh oes restin g on a fla t surfa ce th a t exten ds beyond th e device is disab le d Th e planer a ccessib ility is Figure 02 without an y force by a t least 00 mm in a ll directions ch ecked by me an s of th e test Any probe lift-off sh own in – 10 – I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 9.1 09 I t shall not be possible to touch the blades through the chip ejection opening Comp lia nce is ch ecked by testin g a ll a pertures for ch ip Figure 02 It sh all n ot be possible to touch th e b la des in the e jection with th e test p rob e cutting head a t a n y a ngle of of th e p robe 9.1 Planers shall stop within s after switching off Comp lia nce is checked by insp ection a nd by me asure men t 9.1 1 Lift-off device 9.1 1 I f a lift-off device is provided to meet the requirements of 8 or 21 8.1 , it shall meet the requirements of 1 and 9.1 1 3, which are checked only after completing the endurance test of 7.1 01 9.1 1 I f a lift-off device is provided, it shall be designed so that – it is automatically activated, when the planer is lifted up from a horizontal surface; and – the blade(s) not make contact, when the planer is set at maximum depth of cut in accordance with b) 01 ) and placed on a horizontal surface Comp lia nce is checked by insp ection 9.1 1 A lift-off device shall provide sufficient stability Comp lia nce is checked by th e followin g test: planer is se t to supply cord, if a n y, Th e maximum dep th of cut in a ccorda nce with b ) 01 ) a n d with th e remove d Th e planer is th en pla ce d on a fla t boa rd of medium den sity fibreboard (MDF) h a vin g a density of 650 kg/m 0°, such th a t the rea r of th e planer to 850 kg/m th a t is in clin ed a t a n a n gle of is nearest to th e h igh side of the b oard an d a llowed to planer is p ermitted planer b la des come in to rest free ly for s to s Durin g th e test, th e off device sh all n ot collapse such tha t th e to slide , h owever, th e lift- tact with the b oard 20 Mechanical strength This clause of Part is applicable 21 Construction This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 21 8.1 A ddition : Planers whose blade(s) make contact with a flat surface when the base plate is placed on the flat surface and without a lift-off device are regarded as tools having a risk associated with continued locked-on operation N OTE I n Eu rope (EN 62841 -2-1 4), the above text is repl aced by th e foll owi ng : For planers, the swi tch shall not have any l ocking d evi ce to lock i t i n the “on” posi ti on 21 8.1 A ddition : Planers are regarded as tools having a risk associated with inadvertent starting I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 21 35 22 – 11 – This subclause of Part is applicable I n t e rn a l w i ri n g This clause of Part is applicable 23 C o m p on e n ts This clause of Part is applicable 24 S u p p l y c o n n e c t i o n a n d e x t e rn a l fl e x i b l e c o rd s This clause of Part is applicable 25 T e rm i n a l s fo r e x t e rn a l c o n d u c t o rs This clause of Part is applicable 26 P ro v i s i o n fo r e a rt h i n g This clause of Part is applicable 27 S c re w s a n d c o n n e c t i o n s This clause of Part is applicable 28 C re e p a g e d i s t a n c e s , c l e a n c e s a n d d i s t a n c e s t h ro u g h i n s u l a t i o n This clause of Part is applicable – 12 – I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 IEC a) Example and explanation of basic dimensi ons IEC b) Example Key fi xed sh oe ad j ustabl e sh oe traili ng ed ge a rad i al proj ection of th e bl ades beyond the cu tter bl ock b d istance between the rotati ng circl e of the cu tti ng ed ges an d th e traili ng ed ge of th e ad j ustabl e sh oe d d i ameter of the rotati ng ci rcl e of th e cu tti ng ed ges s gu ll et wi d th Figure 01 – Examples of cutting heads with basic dimensions I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 – 13 – +0 R6 − 0, 05 ∅ 35±0, ∅8 ∅ +− 00, 05 Dim e n sio n s in m illim e tre s 30 50±0, IEC Key handl e section test secti on probe’s flan ge Fi g u re 02 – Test probe – 14 – I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 An n e x e s The annexes of Part are applicable except as follows An n e x I (informative) M e a s u re m e n t o f n o i s e a n d v i b t i o n e m i s s i o n s N OTE I n Eu rope (EN 62841 -2-1 4), An nex I is normati ve I.2 N o i s e t e s t c o d e ( g d e ) This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: I.2.4 I n s ta l l ati on a n d m o u n t i n g c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e p o w e r t o o l s d u ri n g n o i s e t e s t s A ddition : P l a n e rs I.2.5 are held and used as specified in I 2.5 O p e t i n g d i ti on s A ddition : P l a n e rs are tested under load observing the conditions shown in Table I 01 The temperature requirements of are not applicable Tab l e I 1 O ri e n t a t i o n – Tes t co n d i ti on s Pl ani ng al ong a horizontal su rface of a softwood workpiece free of knots and havi n g a resi d u al moisture n ot exceedi ng % The workpi ece shal l h ave a mini mum length of 600 mm, a mini mum hei ght of 90 mm and a wi d th B , where B is the maximu m pl ani ng wi d th of th e tool mi n us (1 ± 2) mm The workpi ece shal l be su pported on resili ent materi al an d fi xed verticall y by screws, clamps, r cyl in d ers or the l ike to a test bench of Fi gu re I , see Fi gu re I 01 For the fixing , the workpi ece m ay have recesses or th e like; an exampl e is sh own in Fi gu re I 01 The resilient materi al shall be mou n ted so that it d oes not have any si gnificant resonance i n the freq u ency range th at can i nflu ence the test resu lt To prevent absorpti on of rborne noi se, th e resi li ent materi al sh al l ei th er – not extend the contact area between workpi ece and test ben ch ; or – be of non rborne-sou nd absorbi ng materi al , such as ru bber I f a paral l el gu id e is provi d ed , this may be u sed N OTE Exam ples of softwood are pine and fi r Tool Feed bi t fo rc e Bl ade as speci fi ed for pl ani ng softwood The d epth of cu t shall be set to maxi mu m capaci ty As necessary to ach i eve a constant feed rate resul ti ng i n s to s pl ani ng time for one test cycle (600 m m) Eq u al forces are appl ied to the mai n hand le an d th e au xi li ary hand le, i f applicabl e, avoi di ng excessive gri ppi n g forces H owever, i f i t is n ot possi bl e to pl an e th e whole su rface l ength wi thin the gi ven ti me, because the may stall , a longer test cycle ti me is permi tted usi ng a feed force as hi gh as possi ble wi th ou t stal ling the pl an er pl an er T e s t c yc l e Pl ani ng the compl ete l ength of 600 mm at maxi mu m d epth of cu t The m easu remen t takes pl ace over a l ength of approxi mately 400 mm that d oes not i ncl ud e the end s of the workpiece I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 I.3 – 15 – Vi b t i o n This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: I.3 3.2 L o c a ti o n o f m e a s u re m e n t A ddition : Figure I 02 shows the positions on the main handle and the auxiliary handle, if applicable I O p e t i n g c o n d i t i o n s A ddition : are tested under load according to the conditions shown in Table I 01 P l a n e rs I 6.2 D e c l a t i o n o f t h e v i b t i o n to ta l va l u e A ddition : The vibration total value be declared ah of the handle with the highest emission and the uncertainty K shall – 16 – I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 IEC a) S i d e vi e w IEC b) F r o n t vi e w Ke y test bench of Figu re I resi li ent material workpi ece fi xing means (e g clamps) F i g u re I 1 – T e s t s e t - u p fo r p l a n e rs I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 – 17 – IEC F i g u re I – P o s i t i o n s o f t n s d u c e rs – 18 – I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 An n e x K (normative) B a t te ry t o o l s a n d b a t t e ry p a c k s K Scope A ddition : All clauses of this Part 2-1 apply unless otherwise specified in this annex K 1 This subclause is not applicable K K I tem b) is not applicable This subclause is not applicable K A ddition : Two separate and dissimilar actions shall be necessary before the motor is switched on (e.g a which has to be pushed in before it can be moved laterally to close the contacts to start the motor) I t shall not be possible to achieve these two actions with a single grasping motion or a straight line motion p owe r s wi tch Comp lian ce is ch ecked by in sp ection a n d by ma n ual test K This subclause is not applicable N OTE I n Eu rope (EN 62841 -2-1 4), the foll owi n g ad di ti onal su bcl ause appl ies: K Z 1 I s o l a ti o n d e vi c e wi th an shal l be eq u i pped wi th an isol ati on d evice to prevent the risk of i nju ry from mechanical hazard s d u ri ng that – ensu res a rel iabl e d isconn ection of at least on e pol e of the from the rel evant l oad(s); – h as a rel iable mech anical li nk between the man u al trol and th e di sconnecti ng element(s); – i s eq ui pped wi th an u nam bi guou s in di cati on of the state of the d isconn ection d evice which correspon ds to each posi ti on of i ts manu al control (actu ator); – protects agai nst acci d ental reconn ection P l a n e rs i n t e g l b a tte ry u s e r m a i n te n a n ce b a tt e ry N OTE Exampl es of methods to achi eve this d isconnection i ncl u d e removabl e j u mpers, removable el ectromechanical wi th a d i rect mechanical li nk between the actuator and the contact b a t t e ri e s or a p o w e r s w i tc h N OTE The ri sk of acci d ental reconnecti on for a i s ad d ressed by th e req u i rement of 21 Th e other exampl es i n N ote achi eve thi s by the necessary acti ons for reconnecti on p owe r Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in sp e ctio n s wi tc h I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 – 19 – An n e x L (normative) B a t t e ry t o o l s a n d b a tt e ry p a c k s p ro vi d e d wi t h m a i n s c o n n e c ti o n o r n o n -i s o l a t e d s o u rc e s L S co pe A ddition : All clauses of this Part 2-1 apply unless otherwise specified in this annex L 21 A ddition : Two separate and dissimilar actions shall be necessary before the motor is switched on (e g a which has to be pushed in before it can be moved laterally to close the contacts to start the motor) I t shall not be possible to achieve these two actions with a single grasping motion or a straight line motion power s wi tc h Comp lia nce is checked by insp ection a nd by ma nua l test N OTE I n Eu rope (EN 62841 -2-1 4), the foll owi n g ad di ti onal su bcl ause appl ies: L Z1 I s o l a ti o n d e vi c e wi th an shal l be eq u i pped wi th an isol ati on d evice to prevent the risk of i nju ry from mechanical hazard s d u ri ng that – ensu res a reliabl e d iscon nection of at least on e pol e of the from the rel evant l oad(s); – h as a rel iable mech anical li nk between the man u al trol and th e di sconnecti ng element(s); – i s eq ui pped wi th an u nambi guou s i n di cati on of the state of the d isconn ection d evice which correspon ds to each posi ti on of i ts manu al control (actu ator); – protects agai nst acci d ental reconn ection P l a n e rs i n t e g l b a tt e ry u s e r m a i n te n a n ce b a tt e ry N OTE Exampl es of methods to achi eve this d isconnection i ncl u d e removabl e j u mpers, removable el ectromechanical wi th a d irect mechani cal li nk between the actuator and the contact b a t t e ri e s or a p o w e r s w i tc h N OTE The ri sk of acci d en tal reconnecti on for a i s ad d ressed by the req u i rement of 21 The other exampl es i n N ote achi eve thi s by the necessary acti ons for recon necti on power Co m p lia n ce is ch e cke d b y in sp e ctio n s wi tch – 20 – Bibliography The bibliography of Part is applicable _ I EC 62841 -2-1 4:201 © IEC 201 I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE CTRO TE CH N I CAL CO M M I S S I O N 3, ru e d e Va re m bé P O B ox CH -1 1 G e n e va S wi tze rl a n d Te l : + 41 F a x: + 22 91 02 1 22 91 03 00 i n fo @i e c ch www i e c ch

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