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I E C 62 41 -3 -1 ® Edition 201 5-09 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e E l ectri c m otor-operated h an d -h el d tool s , tran s portabl e tool s an d l awn an d g ard e n m ach i n e ry – S afe ty – IEC 62841 -3-1 0:201 5-09(en) P art -1 : P arti cu l ar re q u i re m e n ts for tran s portabl e cu t-off m ach i n es T H I S P U B L I C AT I O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO T E C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e v a , S wi tz e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about I EC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local I EC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Ab ou t th e I E C The I nternational Electrotechnical Commission (I EC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes I nternational Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i ca ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C Catal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal og u e The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /search pu b The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C G l os sary - s td i ec ch /g l oss ary More than 60 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stpu bl i sh ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u stom er S ervi ce C en tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 62 41 -3 -1 ® Edition 201 5-09 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD colour i n sid e E l ectri c m otor-operate d h an d -h e l d tool s , tran s portabl e tool s an d l awn an d g ard en m ach i n ery – S afe ty – P art -1 : P arti cu l ar req u i rem en ts for tran s portabl e cu t-off m ach i n e s INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 25.1 40.20 ISBN 978-2-8322-291 2-5 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th a t you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD Scope Norm ative references Terms and definitions General requirem ents General conditions for the tests Radiation, toxicity and sim ilar hazards Classification 8 Marking and instructions Protection against access to live parts 1 Starting 1 1 I nput and current 1 Heating 1 Resistance to heat and fire 1 Moisture resistance 1 Resistance to rusting 1 Overload protection of transformers and associated circuits 1 Endurance 1 Abnormal operation Mechanical hazards 20 Mechanical strength 21 Construction 22 I nternal wiring 23 Components 24 Suppl y connection and external flexible cords 25 Terminals for external conductors 26 Provision for earthing 27 Screws and connections 28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation Annexes 26 Annex I (inform ative) Measurement of noise and vibration em issions 26 Annex K (normative) Battery tools and battery packs 27 Bibliograph y 28 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 – Exam ple of a cut-off machine 20 – Exam ples of gaps and rake angles 21 – Wheel guards 22 – Test probe 22 – Spark deflection 23 – Principal designs and dim ensions of flanges 24 – Position of test hole for im pact test 25 I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 –3– Figure 08 – Wheel guard m aterial strength test 25 Table Table Table Table – Required performance levels 01 – Flange dimensions 02 – Torques for testing flanges I 01 – N oise test conditions for cut-off m achines 26 –4– I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON E L E C T RI C M O T O R- O P E R AT E D H AN D - H E L D T O O L S , T R AN S P O RT AB L E T O O L S AN D L AW N AN D G ARD E N M AC H I N E RY – S AF E T Y – P a rt -1 : P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n ts fo r tra n s p o rta b l e c u t- o ff m a c h i n e s FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC pu blish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) an d Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I ntern ational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that the tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom ote intern ational u niform ity, I EC National Com m ittees und ertake to apply I EC Publications transparentl y to the m axim um extent possible i n their national an d regi on al publicati ons Any d ivergence between an y I EC Publication and the correspondi ng national or regi on al publicati on sh all be clearl y in dicated in the latter 5) I EC itself d oes n ot provi de an y attestation of conform ity I n depend ent certificati on bodies provi de conform ity assessm ent services and, in som e areas, access to I EC m arks of conform ity I EC is not responsi ble for any services carri ed out by ind ependent certification bodi es 6) All users shou ld ensure that th ey have the l atest editi on of thi s publicati on 7) No liability shall attach to I EC or its directors, em ployees, servants or ag ents inclu din g in divi du al experts an d m em bers of its technical com m ittees and I EC Nati on al Com m ittees for any person al i njury, property d am age or other dam age of any nature whatsoever, wheth er di rect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard I EC 62841 -3-1 has been prepared by I EC technical comm ittee 1 6: Safety of motor-operated electric tools The text of this standard is based on the following docum ents: FDI S Report on votin g 1 6/240/FDI S 1 6/253/RVD Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the I SO/I EC Directives, Part I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 –5– This Part 3-1 is to be used in conj unction with the first edition of I EC 62841 -1 (201 4) This Part 3-1 supplements or m odifies the corresponding clauses in I EC 62841 -1 , so as to convert it into the I EC Standard: Particular requirem ents for transportable cut-off m achines Where a particular subclause of Part is not m entioned in this Part 3-1 0, that subclause applies as far as relevant Where this standard states “addition”, “m odification” or “replacement”, the relevant text in Part is to be adapted accordingl y The following print types are used: – requirem ents: in rom an type; – test sp ecifica tions: in ita lic type ; – notes: in sm all rom an type Words in in the text are defined in Clause When a definition concerns an adj ective, the adjective and the associated noun are also in bold bol d Subclauses, notes and figures which are additional to those in Part are num bered starting from 01 A list of all parts of the I EC 62841 series, under the general title: Electric m otor-operate d , can be found n d-h e ld too ls, tra n sp orta b le tools a n d lawn a nd garde n m a ch in ery – Safety on the I EC website The comm ittee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or am ended A bilingual version of this publication m ay be issued at a later date NOTE The attention of Nati onal Comm ittees is drawn to the fact that equipm ent m anufactu rers an d testing org ani zati ons m ay need a tran sitional peri od followin g pu blication of a new, am ended or revised I EC pu blication in which to m ake prod ucts in accord ance with the n ew requi rem ents and to eq uip them selves for conducting new or revised tests I t is the recom m endation of the com m ittee that th e conten t of this pu blication be adopted for im plem entati on nationall y n ot earlier than 36 m onths from the date of publicati on I M P O RT AN T th at it – Th e co n ta i n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g c o l o u r p ri n t e r of ' co l ou r c o l o u rs i ts i n si de' wh i ch c o n te n ts l og o a re U s e rs on th e cover c o n s i d e re d sh ou l d p ag e to t h e re fo re of th i s be p ri n t p u b l i cati on u s e fu l th i s fo r i n d i c ate s th e d ocu m e n t c o rre c t u si n g a –6– I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 E L E C T RI C M O T O R- O P E R AT E D H AN D - H E L D T O O L S , T R AN S P O RT AB L E T O O L S AN D L AW N AN D G ARD E N M AC H I N E RY – S AF E T Y – P a rt -1 : P a rti c u l a r re q u i re m e n ts fo r tra n s p o rta b l e c u t- o ff m a c h i n e s S cop e This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A ddition: This part of I EC 62841 applies to transportable intended to cut materials such as m etals, concrete and masonry and to be fitted with one abrasive c u t - o ff – – bon d ed re i n fo rc e d d i am on d m a ch i n es of Type 41 , or with the peripheral gaps, if an y, not exceeding mm wh e el c u t - o ff w h e e l and with – a not exceeding a peripheral speed of the wheel of 00 m /s with the m axim um wheel diam eter and – a wheel diameter range of 250 mm to 41 mm t e d n o -l o a d sp eed This standard does not appl y to: – transportable mitre saws; – transportable tile saws; – transportable m etal saws NOTE 01 Transportable m itre saws are covered by I EC 62841 -3-9 Transportable tile saws wil l be covered by a future part of I EC 62841 -3 Transportabl e m etal saws wil l be covered by a futu re part of I EC 62841 -3 N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: A ddition: I SO 603-1 5, Bo nde d a brasive pro ducts – Dim en sions – Part 5: Grinding wh e els for cuttin g- off on sta tio n ary or m obile cuttin g-off m ach in es I SO 630 (all parts), Structura l ste e ls T e rm s a n d d e fi n i t i o n s This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 01 i n n e r fl a n g e part that contacts and provides support to the back side of the wheel and is located on the spindle between wheel and tool I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 –7– 02 bon d ed rei n forced wh eel wheel for different applications and of a type in accordance with I SO 603-1 03 cu t-off m ach in e tool designed to cut by m eans of a rotating abrasive cut-off wheel (bonded reinforced or diamond), where the wheel is fixed on a spindle which is m ounted on a cu tti n g u n it , the machine is equipped with a table which supports and positions the workpiece fixed in a vice and the cu ttin g u n it is fitted to an arm which projects over the table from a pivot located at the table or on part of the fram e of the machine Note to entry: See Fig ure 01 04 cu tti n g u n it device with an affixed cut-off wheel, capable of generating a cutting action 05 D maxim um specified diameter of the wheel 06 diamon d wh eel wheel m ade of m etal with a continuous or segm ented abrasive rim 07 fen ce device to position the workpiece and absorb the horizontal forces from the wheel during the cutting process 08 ou ter fl an g e part that supports the front side of the wheel and secures and clam ps the wheel to the spindle and the i n n er fl an ge 09 rest positi on upperm ost position of the cu ttin g u n i t intended by design 1 wh eel gu ard gu ard which partl y encloses the wheel and gives protection to the operator General req ui rements This clause of Part is applicable General condi ti ons for the tests This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A dditio n: Th e m ass of th e to ol sh all include th e wheel guard a n d th e fence –8– Furth er p arts such as ca rryin g me a ns th a t are I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 required in accordan ce with the user instructions sha ll b e include d in the mass Ra d i a t i o n , t o xi c i t y a n d s i m i l a r h a z a rd s This clause of Part is applicable C l a s s i fi c a t i o n This clause of Part is applicable M a rki n g a n d i n s t ru c t i o n s This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: A ddition : Tools shall also be marked with: – the t e d n o -l o a d speed of the output spindle A dditio n : Tools shall also be marked with the following safety warning: “ safety sign: W AR N I N G – Always wear eye protection” or the sign M004 of I SO 701 or the following The eye protection sym bol may be modified by adding other personal protective equipm ent such as ear protection, dust mask, etc A ddition : Tools shall also be marked with additional information as follows: – the wheel diam eter D ; – the direction of rotation of the wheel indicated on the tool by an arrow raised or sunk or by an y other means no less visible and indelible A ddition: The additional safety instructions as specified in 01 shall be given This part may be printed separately from the “General Power Tool Safety Warnings” For all warnings in 01 , the term “ appropriate term at the discretion of the manufacturer cu tti n g unit ” m ay be replaced by another – 16 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 Flanges shall comply with the m inim um dim ensions shown in Table 01 and Figure 06 05 Tabl e 01 – Fl an g e d i m en si on s D C Df G W mm mm mm mm mm 250 64 10 ,5 ,5 300 75 13 ,5 ,5 350 to 356 89 16 ,5 ,5 400 to 41 00 17 ,5 ,5 Ke y D specified m axim um diam eter of the wh eel D f diam eter of th e flan ge clam pin g surface C width of the cl am ping su rface G depth of the recess W width of the recess Com plia nce is ch ecke d b y m e asure m en t 05 Flanges for d i am on d wh eel s shall have the following dimensions i llustrated in Figure 06, where D is the m axim um outside diameter of the wheel, G and W are the dim ensions of the recess and D f is the outside diameter of the flange clamping surface Df Dimensions G and W ≥ 0,1 D shall be: W ≥ 0, G ≥0 Co m plia nce is ch ecke d b y m e asure m en t 05 Flanges shall be so designed that they are of adequate strength Co m plia nce is checke d b y the follo win g test Th e cut-off machine is fitte d with a stee l disc h avin g a n equal th ickn ess a n d sh a pe as th e abrasive cuttin g whe e l Th e cla mp ing n ut is tigh ten e d with a first test torque according to Ta b le 02 A fe eler ga uge of a th ickness of 0, 05 m m is used to test whe th er th e fla n ges a re in ta ct with th e disc a ll around th e circumference Th e test is sa tisfactory if at n o p lace th e fe eler ga uge ca n b e p ush e d un derne a th th e fla nges Th e cla m pin g n ut is furth er tigh te n ed to the secon d test torque accordin g to Ta ble 02 A fe e ler ga uge of a th ickne ss of 0, 05 m m is use d to test th e de flectio n of th e fla nges The result is satisfa ctory if a t n o p lace th e fe e ler ga uge ca n b e push ed un dern e a th the flan ges by m ore th a n m m I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 17 – Table 02 – Torqu es for testi n g fl an g es Th read Fi rst tes t torq u e Secon d tes t torq u e Metric UNC Nm Nm 2 10 3/8 15 12 ½ 7, 30 11 45 14 06 16 5/8 7, 70 20 ¾ 35 40 > 20 >¾ 75 300 Tool spi n dl e I f a thread is used on the spindle, it shall be such that it is self-tightening during the cutting operation Com plia nce is checke d b y in spectio n The wheel retaining fastener(s) in conjunction with the spindle shall n ot loosen under an y operations including wheel acceleration during start-up and rapid wheel deceleration induced by motor braking devices, if an y Co m plia nce is ch ecke d b y the fo llowin g test D is m oun te d to th e cut-off machine Th e cut-off rest position , allo we d to re a ch op era tin g sp e ed a n d shut wn A mm th ick abrasive whe e l of dia me te r machine is starte d fro m th e Th is cycle is rep e ate d te n tim es Th e whe e l sh a ll not becom e loose durin g a nd at co nclusion of th e test 20 M echani cal stren gth This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 20 This subclause of Part is not applicable 20 01 Stren g th of wh eel gu ards Wh eel gu ards shall either: a) be made of steel with a m inim um ultimate tensile strength of 300 N/mm , a thickness of the periphery of the wh eel g u ard of not less than 2, m m and a thickness of the side of the wh eel g u ard of not less than 2, mm or, b) if not in accordance with a), have adequate strength Com plia nce is ch ecke d b y: – – in case of a) by insp ection a n d by me asure m e nt; o r, in case of b) by th e test o f 20 02 20 02 20 02 Stren gth test Th e tool is assem b led a s for normal use – 18 – A I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 b o nde d whe e l with th e m axim um th ickn ess reco m m en ded in a ) 01 ) dia m eter Th e D is m o unted to th e spin dle in a ccorda nce with th e instructio ns a n d with cut-off machine is o pera te d a t rated voltage an d a t n o-lo a d fo r a m in imum of m in a Th e spe e d of th e wh e e l is m e a sure d a n d recorded Th e to ol is th e n sub jecte d to th e test sp ecified in 20 02 20 02 Th e wh ee l a s specifie d in 20 02 is slotte d in to four e qua l se gme n ts (qua dran ts) Th e cut is directed from the oute r edge dia lly towards th e cen tre The width of each slot sha ll n o t excee d m m Th e len gth of e a ch slot sh a ll b e as lon g as possible , b ut th e wh e e l sha ll n ot yet disin tegra te be fore im p acting Th e wh e e l is im pacted a s close as p ossib le to th e fla n ge so as to cause a com p le te bre akage of th e whe e l, care b e in g take n th a t th e im p a ctor a uto m atically retracts so th a t it es n ot affect the outco m e of th e test Th e e le m en ts o f th e im pa ctin g test are as follows: – make a h o le in th e wheel guard to lin e up with th e imp actin g tool of th e te st fixture a s per Figure 07; – – – – mount th e too l in th e test b ox o f Figure 08, secure ly fixe d to th e b otto m o f th e b ox; secure the cover of the test b ox a n d op erate th e tool a t n o-loa d for at le ast 30 s; h it th e im p actor sh arply with on e quick b low; switch off th e tool 20 02 mountin g A fter th e test of 20 02 2, th e h ardwa re go uges to the 21 sh a ll re m a in in wheel guard a n d th e faste ners or th e wheel guard’ s p la ce De form ation , h a irlin e wheel guard a n d mountin g rdware are a cce p ta b le cracks or scra tch es an d C o n s t ru c t i o n This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 21 8.2 Re p lace me n t: shall be equipped with a means for locking the switch in the ”on“ position C u t - o ff m a c h i n e s m o m e n t a ry Com plia nce is ch ecke d b y in spectio n 21 8.2 21 8.2 21 30 22 This subclause of Part is not applicable This subclause of Part is not applicable This subclause of Part is not applicable I n t e rn a l w i ri n g This clause of Part is applicable p o we r s wi tc h and there shall be no I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 19 – 23 Components This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 23.3 A dditio n: Cut-off machines are regarded as tools having a risk associated with inadvertent starting 24 Supply connection and external flexible cords This clause of Part is applicable, except as follows: 24.4 Re p lace me n t of th e first p aragra p h: Supply cords shall be not lighter than heavy polychloroprene sheathed flexible cable (code designation 60245 I EC 66) or equivalent 25 Terminals for external conductors This clause of Part is applicable 26 Provision for earthing This clause of Part is applicable 27 Screws and connections This clause of Part is applicable 28 Creepage distances, clearances and distances through insulation This clause of Part is applicable – 20 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 IEC Figure 01 – Example of a cut-off machine I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 21 – 2 IEC Key direction of rotati on gap lead ing ti p of segm ent neg ative rake angle positive rake an gle Figure 02 – Examples of gaps and rake angles – 22 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 A2 A1 A3 β α IEC IEC a) Cu tting uni t in full y down position b) Cutting unit in rest position Key A1 area A2 area 2, at least outer 20 % of the radi us of the wheel A3 area 3, at least outer % of the radi us of the wheel α ≥ 5° β ≥ 5° Figure 03 – Wheel guards +0 R6 − 0, 05 ∅8 ∅ 35±0, +0 ∅ − 0, 05 Dim en sion s in millim etres 30 50±0, IEC Key han dle section test section probe’s g uard Figure 04 – Test probe I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 23 – T2 T1 A B IEC a) Cu tting uni t in rest position and in full y down position T2 β T1 α IEC b) Spark deflection angles Key fi xed wheel guard A position of the fence nearest to the operator fence B position of the fence furthest from the operator base α horizontal spark d eflection an g le m achine arm β vertical spark deflecti on angl e cut-off wh eel with di am eter D T1 tang ent lin e cutting unit in th e rest positi on cutting unit in th e full y d own position T2 tang ent lin e Figure 05 – Spark deflection – 24 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 G C W Df IEC Fl an g e d esi g n exam pl e a) C G a) W Df IEC b) Fl an g e d esi g n exam pl e b) Ke y Df W G C diam eter of th e flan ge clam ping surface width of the recess depth of the recess width of the clam ping su rface Fi gu re 06 – Prin ci pal d esign s an d d im en si on s of fl an ges I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 25 – IEC Ke y position of the h ole i n the wh eel g u ard ↶ direction of rotati on Fig u re 07 – Position of test h ol e for im pact test Ke y hole for th e steel im pactor to g o throug h the wh eel g u ard before testi ng steel im pactor m echanism for returnin g the steel im pactor (e g a sprin g or a pneum atic device) test box fi xation of th e tool to the bottom of the test box Fig u re 08 – Wh eel g u ard m aterial stren g th test IEC – 26 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 An n e x e s The annexes of Part are applicable, except as follows: An n e x I (informative) M e a s u re m e n t o f n o i s e a n d vi b ti o n e m i s s i o n s NOTE I n Europe (EN 62841 -3-1 0), Ann ex I is norm ative I.2 N o i s e t e s t c o d e ( g d e ) This clause of Part is applicable except as follows: I.2.4 I n s ta l l at i o n an d m ou n ti n g c o n d i t i o n s o f t h e p o w e r t o o l s d u ri n g n oi s e tests A ddition : C u t - o ff m a c h i n e s a reflecting plane supplied with a working stand are placed on this working stand standing on Other reflecting plane c u t - o ff I.2.5 m a ch i n e s O p e t i n g are placed on a test bench as shown in Figure I standing on a d i ti on s A ddition : C u t - o ff m a c h i n e s are tested under load under the conditions shown in Table I 01 Tabl e I 1 W o rk p i e c e To o l Feed bi t fo rc e D ep th of cu t T e s t c yc l e – N o i s e t e s t c o n d i t i o n s fo r c u t - o ff m a c h i n e s Cuttin g a h ori zontal squ are steel bar according to I SO 630 with the dim ensions 40 mm × 40 mm and a m inim um length of 500 mm prior to th e enti re series of tests New entire seri es of tests bon d ed re i n fo rc e d wh ee l as recomm ended by the m an ufacturer, to be used for th e J ust sufficient to achieve stead y cutting Throug h the 40 mm square m aterial Cuttin g off approxim atel y m m wide pieces from the steel bar Fi ve cuts quickly followin g each other constitutes on e com plete test cycle The m easurem ent is cond ucted (averaged ) over the com plete test cycle I.3 Vi b t i o n This clause of Part is not applicable I EC 62841 -3-1 0: 201 © I EC 201 – 27 – An nex K (normative) Battery tools an d battery packs K A dditio n: All clauses of this Part 3-1 appl y unless otherwise specified in this annex K 01 This subclause is applicable, except as follows: Item ) k) is no t a pp lica ble K 24 This subclause is not applicable – 28 – I EC 62841 -3-1 0:201 © I EC 201 Bibliography The bibliograph y of Part is applicable, except as follows: A ddition: I EC 62841 -3-9, Electric motor-op erated h a n d-h e ld tools, tra nsp orta b le too ls an d la wn and ga rden mach in ery – Safe ty – Pa rt 3-9: Pa rticula r requirem e nts for transp ortab le m itre sa ws _ INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:50
