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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lesson plan Grade 9 School year 2012 2013 Week 29/ Period 55 Date of planning 19/03/2013 Total Date of teaching 21/03/2013 Unit 9 natural disasters Getting Started + Listen and Read I[.]

Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Week: 29/ Period: 55 Total: Date of planning: 19/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/03/2013 Unit : natural disasters Getting Started + Listen and Read I Objectives By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to get to know and use new words about weather Understand the information in a weather forecastand write one - Sructure : The weather will be hot … The temperature will be ……… II Preparations Textbooks , chalk , flashcards , stereo ……… III Procedures Warm up Ask Sts to match the pictures with the right name Pre – reading Ask Sts some questions - Do these cause a lot of damage ? - Can we avoid these natural disasters ? - Can we reduce the damage ? - How can we reduce the damage ? Today we will study a weather forecast Getting started Match the name with the picture snow earthquake volcano typhoon  natural disasters - Answer Yes , they No , we can’t Yes , we can By listening to the weather forecast … Hang the map +/ Pre – teach vocab Use the map to present some newwords Vocab practice : R O R */ Newwords Weather forecast Turn up Thunderstorm Highland Coast Expect 33 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Trust Ask Sts to name places on the map While – reading Ask Sts to listen and read then ask Sts to read the dialogue in a group of three and exercise b Ask Sts to read the complete sentences again */ Vocab practice */ parts on the map - North West - North East - Center of Vietnam - Central highland - South Central Coast - Cuu Long Detal - Hanoi City * / Exercise b ( P 75 ) turn up - weather forecast raining central highlands have temperatures weather forecasts Ask Sts to read again to find out */ The weather : the information about the Sunny weather : the weather / Raining / rainy temperature Cloud / cloudy - It will be sunny Ask one St to speak the adj , the - There will be thunderstorm other points to the map - Cuu Long detal can expect clouds / will be cloudy … Ask Sts to find out how to describe the temperature */ Temperature Hue will experience the temperature between 25 oC and 30 oC / will have Ho Chi Minh City’s temperature will Post – reading be between 27 oC and 35 oC Ask Sts to ask and answer about the weather , using the map Suggested answer : Ask Sts to act as a weatherman Yen Bai is a small city in the North to talk about the weather again ( West of vietnam Tomorrow the map ) weather will be warm It won’t be rainy but humid The temperature 34 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 If there is enough time , ask Sts to speak about the weather in Yen Bai city , using some word cues Yen Bai / warm / not rainy / humid 22 – 27 oC will be 22 – 27 oC Homework Ask Sts to write a weather forecast and study newwords + prepare for the next lesson ( flashcard for listening ) Week: 29/ Period: 56 Total: Date of planning: 21/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/03/2013 Unit : natural disasters Speak + Listen I Objectives By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to talk about preparations before a typhoon and listen to the instructions on how to live with earthquake - Sructure : I think we should ………… - Vocab : canned food / candles / ladder / tie / tying ……… II Preparations Textbooks , chalk , flashcards , stereo III Procedures Warm up Hold a game : Hang Man Does it cause a lot of damage ? What can we to reduce the damage ? *Typhoon - Yes , it causes a lot of damage – lots of people die , lots of houses are destroyed ……… - We must see weather forecast to see when it happens and have good preparations */ Speak 35 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Pre – speaking There are a lot of things to before a typhoon Check the boxes Ask Sts to speak the whole sentences again Pre – teach newwords Vocab practice : Ask Sts to match the words with the meaning While – speaking Ask Sts to review the ways to give suggestions Ask Sts to read the examples and then the same Post – speaking Ask Sts to write about the preparations before a typhoon +/ Listen - Pre – listening Have you ever experienced earthquake ? Can you tell ST about an earthquake ? Set the sence : An expert is giving a talk on how to live with earthquake Preparations should be made :  Buying some canned food Buying candles Buying matches  Filling all buckets with water  Buying a ladder  Fixing the leak on the roof  Tying the roof to the ground with pegs  Check all the windows and door latches */ Newwords Canned food ( n) realia Candles ( realia ) Ladder ( draw ) Tie – tying ( mime ) */ Matching */ Suggestions I think we should ……… How about ………….? What about ………… ? Why don’t we ………… ? * / Make dialogues Eg : A : I think we should buy a canned fodd before a typhoon B : Yes , I think so The markets will be closed and no food will be available A : I think we should buy a ladder B : Why ? A : Just in case we have to fix the roof , because there will be hard rain and we should tie the roof to the ground since there must be strong wind B : I agree with you Why don’t we buy some matches and candles ? Thjere may be a power cut A : That’s my idea, too And we should fill all buckets with water B : That’s right Because the waterpipes may be damaged 36 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 T/ F prediction : - While – listening Ask Sts to listen the first time to check the prediction Ask Sts to listen the 2nd time to complete the table - Post – listening Ask Sts to read these instructions again Homework Ask Sts to copy the table + A : Finally I think we shoul check all the windows and door latches The wind may be very strong */ Listen T/ F prediction We shoul;d block the rollers on your heavy fixtures , appliances We shouldn’t go out during the earthquake We shopuld sit under the strong table We should check the fragile things in your house Key : ,3 , : T : F */ Complete the table + Heavy fixtures , furniture , and appliances : - Place heavy books on the bottom shelf of the/ your bookshelf - Block the rollers on your fridge and washing machine + Flying glass : - Check the mirrors - Do not put your bed near a window + Earthquakes drill : - Stay inside - Sit under a strong table or doorway Stand in the corner of a room write about the preparations before a typhoon Week: 30/ Period: 57 Total: Date of planning: 21/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/03/2013 Unit : natural disasters I Objectives Read 37 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to know more about some natural disasters : earthquake , tidal wave , typhoon , volcano , tornado …… - Vocab : Pacific Rim , strike , collapse tidal wave ……… II Preparations Textbooks , chalk , flashcards , stereo III Procedures Warm up Hold a game : Find words about * / Natural disasters natural disasters Typhoon / storm / volcano / snowstrom / earthquake ………… Pre – reading */ Newwords */ Pre – teach vocab - Pacific Rim (n) : Countries in the Pacific area - Collapse ( v) : break down , fall down - Abrupt (a ) : Suddenly happen - Vocab practice : Bingo - Shift ( n) : change - Hurricane = Cyclone = Typhoon = tropical strom - Erupt (v) – Eruption ( n) : break out or through - Funnel (n) : narrowing tube for putting liquid into small opening While – reading - Baby carriage (n) : small , special */ Set the scene “ We are vehicle for carrying baby going to read a passage about - Play bingo five disasters that mentioned - Guess first : Eg 1.T F ……… earlier Read and the comprehension tasks a/ True or false True - Ask Sts to T/ F True 38 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 prediction False( The tidal wave traveled from - Ask Sts to read the text and Alaska to California ) check their prediction True False ( The eruption of Mount - Ask Sts to read the text Pinatubo is the World,s largest volcano again and exercise b : eruption in more than 50 years Complete the sentences True b/ Complete the sentences Post – reading The majority of earhtquakes occur around the Pacific Rim Ask Sts to retell the text , using During the earthquakes in Kobe , the pictures in the book many houses , office blocks and high Discuss : How to reduce natural ways collapsed disaster’s damage A tidal wave can only occur when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth In Australia a tropical storm is known as a cyclone 5.The Chinese language gave us the word “ typhoon ” A tornado is a type of storm that passes overland below a thunderstorm and suck up anything that is in its path */ Suggested ideas - We should see weather forecast Homework regularly 39 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Ask Sts to write about their - We should prepare well before a discussion disaster happens Study vocab ……… Week: 30/ Period: 58 Total: Date of planning: 21/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/03/2013 Unit : natural disasters Write I Objectives - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to write a story using the words given and the pictures - Vocab : keep + ving It is sunny ………… II Preparations Textbooks , chalk , flashcards III Procedures Warm up */ Answer Ask some questions : It is warm What is the weather like today ? It is hot and sunny What is the weather like in the It is cold and cloudy summer / It is cool and windy Winter / fall / spring ? It is warm What was the weather like It was cold yesterday ? ……… Pre – writing Pre – teach newwords Vocab practice Ask Sts to match the words with the right meaning - How we wrtie a story ? - Which tense can be used ? */ Newwords Keep + V- ing Behave ( v) Shelter ( n) Scared ( a) = afraid Save SB from doing ST Go in a circle ( v) - We use past simple tense to write a story It often has three parts : introduction / body / conclusion 40 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 - What’s its form ? Ask Sts to describe the pictures first decide the sentences that goes with each picture by asking questions Picture a What you see in the first picture ? b Who is she ? What is she doing ? c What is the weather like ? Picture : a What is wrong with the dog ? b Is he behaving strangely ? c What you think is going to happen ? Picture : a Who is in the picture with Lan ? b What does she say ? Picture : a What is happening ? b Where are Lan,sfamily members ? Picture : a Is the wind strong? b What is the weather like ? Picture : a What you see in the picture ? b What are Lan and her parents doing now ? c Does the weather become good again ? - Describe the pictures first Eg : The weather was very beautiful Lan was playing in the yard with her dog ……… */ Suggested writing It was a beautiful day The sun was shining and the sky was blue The weather was perfect Lan was playing outside with her dog , Skippy All of a sudden , the dog behaved strangely She kept running around in circles Lan ran home with her dog to tell her mother what Skippy was doing Lan’s mother – Mrs Quyen told Lan that she heard on TV that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gathered her family and told them to find a shelter in the home Suddenly the sky became very dark The Storm came with strong wind and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family were scared but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog Skippy is ! She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon While – writing Ask Sts to write in groups Each group writes a picture 41 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Ask Sts to hang the flashcards on the board Post – writing Give feedback Ask Sts to read the whole passage again Homework Ask Sts to write the whole story again Week: 31/ Period: 59 Total: Date of planning: 21/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/03/2013 Unit : natural disasters Language focus I Objectives - By the end of the lesson , Sts will be able to practice more about relative clauses both non – defining clause and defining clauses Relative pronoun : Who / which / that II Preparations Textbooks , chalk , flashcards III Procedures Warm up Chatting : Ask Sts some questions about their knowledge Ask them to give Questions and give short answers Which city in Japan was struck by a huge earthquake ? Kobe Which country won the 1998 Tiger Cup ? Singapore 42 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 short answers Presentation - Present vocab Ask Sts to listen , speak , read and write the newwords - Vocab practice : Rub Out and Remember */ Present relative clauses : non – defining clause and defining clauses Present defining clauses and non – defining clauses through examples If we omit this clause , will the sentence be correct ? What is this clause for ? Is it necessary in the sentence ? We call it defining clause Ask Sts the same questions to help them know about the non – defining clauses Notice the commas Practice Ask Sts to the exercises Ask them to give the full answers Ask Sts to read and answer again Which explorer discovered America ? Christopher Columbus Which animal has one or two horns on its snout ? Rhinoceros Which planet is closest to the earth ? Venus */ Newwords - Horn (n) : (translation ) -Snout (n) : pointed front , above the mouth - Rhinoceros ( n) ( translation ) - Swallow (v) : make or let pass down one,s throat - Extensive ( adj) : large , a lot - Tail (n) : ( translation ) Try to remember words */ Copy examples Eg : The boy who is wearing a blue cap is my new classmate - This clause makes the noun “ the boy ” before it definite Without it , the sentence is meaningless It is necessary in the sentence It is a defining clause Eg : Nam , who is wearing a blue cap , is my new classmate - In this sentence the word “ Nam ”is already definite The clause only gives more information to the noun before it Without it , the sentence is correct It is a non – defining clause - Exerices Use “ Who / which / that ” to answer these questions ( full answers ) a The city which was struck by a huge earthquake in 1995 is Kobe b The country which won the 1998 Tiger Cup is Singapore c The animal that has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros 43 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 Ask Sts to exercie : Match then write complete sentences Ask them to read the correct sentences again Ask Sts to exercise then ask them to read the correct sentences again and distinguish : non – defining clause and defining clauses Notice the way to add commas Production Ask Sts to exercise Encourage them to imagine different clauses Ask Sts to read their sentences Then give feedback Homework Ask Sts to these again and prepare for the test : number d The explorer who discovered America is Christopher Columbus e The planet that is closest to the earth is Venus f The animal in which was choosen to be the logo of Sea Games 2003 is the buffalo g The ASEAN country which is divided into two regions by the sea is Malaysia h The food which you can chew but you can not swallow is the chewing gum, and the thing you can swallow but you can not chew is water Exercise Match each of the sentences in column A with a related sentence in column B Then use a suitable relative pronoun to join the two sentences e 2.g 3.f 4.a 5.d 7.b Eg : 1.e Andrew is flying to Sacramento , which is the capital city of California Write all sentences in the notebook Exerices Underline the relative clause in the sentence Add commas if necessary b, Kangaroos , which come from Australia , have long tails c, Ba, who lives in Trang Tien Street , likes playing the guitar d, ( Defining ) e, Neil Amstrong , who first walked on the moon , lived in the USA f, (Defining ) g, Miss Lien , who sings very well , is my English teacher Exerices : Rewrite the sentences in Exerices , replacing relative clauses Eg : Kangaroos , which come from Australia , have long tails - Kangaroos , Which can be seen everywhere in Australia , have long tails Do the same ……… 44 Lesson plan: Grade School year: 2012 -2013 45

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 17:56
