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- solar adj:thuộc về mặt trời -Students listen to the teacher, give the - Roof n: mái nhà meaning of words and write them in the - solar panel n:tấm pin mặt trời notebooks.. - cloudy adj[r]

(1)Week: 23 Period: 43 Date of preparing: 01/ 01/ 2013 Date of teaching: 21&24/ 01/ 2013 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY (Speak and Listen) I/ Objectives: Practice making and responding to suggestions Listen for details to complete the notes II/ Language contents: Grammar: Vocabulary: water bill, enormous, III/ Language skills: Practice speaking, listening skills IV/ Aids: Teaching aids: Lesson plan, extra board, pictures Studying aids: Books and notebooks V/ Methods: Direct method, suggestion and task – based learning VI/ Procedures: Class organization: Greetings Taking attendance: 9B … / … ; 9C … / … ; 9E … / …… Checking up - Ask students to the exercises Combine the sentences by using because Nam is tired He stayed up late last night She was happy She got good marks New lesson Teacher and students’ activities Content - Teacher gives the requirement I/ Warm up - Students work in groups and give the Put the letters in the right order to make answer good words Cyrelce Svea Gyener -Teacher introduces the new lesson Recycle , energy II/ Speak 1/ Pre-speaking Suggestion , save Response (2) -Teacher reviews the ways to make suggestions -Students make some sentences with the structures above -Students learn by heart the ways to make suggestions I suggest + V-ing I think we should shall we ? Why don’t we How about + V-ing …? What about + V-ing ….? Let’s Ok That’s a good idea all right No I don’t want to I prefer to …… Let’s …… -Teacher explains how to the 2/ While – speaking exercise a) Look at the expressions in the table -Students listen and take note and pictures Make suggestions about -Teacher gives the model how to save energy Ex: I think we should turn off the -Students make the suggestions faucet I suggest fixing the faucet -Students exchange the suggestions b) I think you should turn off the gas -Teacher corrects and gives suggested fire answer c) I suggest turning off the fan d) I think we should turn off the air -Students write the answer in their conditioner when no one is in notebooks e) Why don’t we turn off the TV when no one watches it f) I think we shouldn’t go to school by motor bike g) Let’s go to school by bus or bicycle 3/ Post – speaking -Teacher explains the requirement b) Work in a group of four Work out an -Students work in group of four to work action plan to save energy for your class out an action plan to save energy The expressions and ideas in section a) -Teacher goes around class and provides help you help A: I think we should turn off all the lights -Students act out the discussion before leaning the class -Teacher gives suggested answers B: That’s a good idea -Students take notes C: What about going to school by bus ? D: Great! Let’s take the bus to school III/ Listen 1/ Pre-listening -Teacher introduces the content of the *) New words lesson and explains new words - solar (adj):thuộc mặt trời -Students listen to the teacher, give the - Roof (n): mái nhà meaning of words and write them in the - solar panel (n):tấm pin mặt trời notebooks - cloudy (adj):có gió -Teacher guides students to read words - instead of (pre):thay vì -Students read new words -nuclear power (n):năng lượng nguyên (3) tử -Teacher explains the requirement 2/ While – listening - Students listen to the tape twice, then a) Listen to the news on solar energy exercise a) and decide whether the statements are -Teacher checks students’ answer true or false Check () the boxes and -Students listen to the tape again correct the false statements -Teacher corrects and gives the correct one True False: Most of our electricity comes from the use of coal, gas, or nuclear power False: The solar energy that gets to the Earth can provide enough power for the world’s population True False: All buildings in Sweden will be heated by solar energy in 2015 -Teacher explains the requirement 3/ Post – listening -Students listen and fill in the blank Listen again and fill in each blank with -Students listen to the tape to check the one word you hear answer and read loudly effective pollution countries -Teacher corrects and gives the answer store roof instead Consolidation Some up the main points Homework: Ask students to study the lesson and prepare unit Unit 7: Read Week: 23 Date of preparing: 01/ 01/ 2013 (4) Period: 44 Date of teaching: 23&25/ 01/ 2013 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY (Read) I/ Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how North American and Europeean countries save money and natural resources II/ Language contents: Grammar: Vocabulary: luxury, consumer, house hold III/ Language skills: Practice speaking, listening skills IV/ Aids: Teaching aids: Lesson plan, extra board, pictures Studying aids: Books and notebooks V/ Methods: Direct method, suggestion and task – based learning VI/ Procedures: Class organization: Greetings Taking attendance: 9B … / … ; 9C … / … ; 9E … / …… Checking up Ask students some questions - What is this? - How much is your family’s water bill? - How much is your family’s electricity bill? - Do you think it is enormous? - Are your parents worried about that? New lesson Teacher and students’ activities Content 1/ Warm up -Teacher explains the requirement Match the verb in A to the words in B -Students work in pairs and match the A B verb in A to the words in B wrap a public buses -Teacher corrects throw b food save c trash use d energy Answers: (5) -Teacher introduces the situation of the lesson and explains new words -Students give the meaning of words and write them in the note books -Teacher guides students to read words -Students read the words -Teacher asks some questions -Students answer and read the passage -Teacher asks some questions -Students work in pairs and answer the questions - Students read the text again to check their answer -Teacher gives the correct answer -Students take notes -Teacher asks students to read the text more carefully and choose the best summary for it among four following options -Students give the correct answer -Teacher explains the requirement -Students read the text again, then ask and answer the questions in pairs -Students ask and answer in class -Teacher gives the correct answer 1.b 2.c 3.d a 2/ Pre – reading */ Vocabulary: -luxury (n):xa xỉ phẩm -account for (v):chiếm khoảng -consumer (n):người tiêu dùng -labeling scheme (n):kế hoạch dán nhãn -tumble dryer (n):máy xấy -innovation (n):sự đổi 3/ While - reading - How much is your family’s electricity bill? - How much electricity does your TV use? - What is the passage about? - What is the idea of the passage? - Which continents are mentioned in the text? a) Which of the following is the best summary of the passage? */ North American and European countries are interested in saving money and natural resources b) Answer the question Write the answers in your exercise book Western consumers are interested in products that will not only work effectively but also save money We can use energy Saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watt – light bulbs to spend less on lighting - Students write the answers in the She will pay US for lighting of she notebooks uses energy saving bulbs instead The purpose of the labeling scheme is to help consumers to know how efficient each model is, compared with other appliances in the same category so that they can save money and energy Suggested answer: We should save energy because by saving energy we can conserve the (6) Earth’s resources -Teacher gives the question 4/ Post – reading -Students work in group to list the Why should we save energy? reasons for saving energy -Teacher comments Consolidation Ask students to show the answers in front of the class Homework: Ask students to study the lesson and prepare unit Unit 7: Write 19/ 01/2013 Signature (7)

Ngày đăng: 21/06/2021, 03:38


