TRUONG DAI HOC KINH TE QUOC DAN Le Dieu Ly DAI HOC KTQD TT THONG TIN THlfVIEN PHONG LUAN AN-TV LIEU XUC TIEN CUA sd VAN HOA, THE THAO VA DU LICH HA NOI NHAM THU HUT KHACH DU LICH QUOC TE Chuyen nganh : Quan tri Kinh doanh thucrng mai LUAN VAN THAC SI QUAN TRI KINH DOANH TK.66% NGlTCJI HUONG DAN KHOA HOC: PGS.TS.Nguyen Thi Xuan Hirong Ha Noi, Nam 2011 L(')I CAM DOAN Sau gan nam nghien cuu va thu thap cac so lieu, thong tin, duoc su giup cua Phong Lu hanh, Trung tarn Thong tin va Xuc tien Du lich - So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi, Tong cuc Du lich, su nhiet tinh chi bao cua giao vien huong dan PGS.TS Nguyen Thi Xuan Huong va no luc tim toi cua ban than, tac gia da viet luan van thac si kinh te: “Xuc tien cua SO van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te” Tac gia xin cam doan day la tai lieu minh tu nghien cuu, thu thap cac thong tin cung nhu cac so lieu tu nhieu nguon khac de viet nen luan van tot nghiep ma khong phai chep tu bat cu tai lieu nao khac Ha noi, Ngay 18 thang nam 2011 Cao hoc vien Le Dieu Ly MUC LUC • • Trang MUC LUC i DANH MUC CAC CHU’ VIET TAT iii DANH MUC BANG BIEU, HINH VE v TOM TAT LUAN VAN vi Ldl Md DAU xivv CHUONG 1: LY LUAN CO BAN VE XUC TIEN DU LICH CUA CAC UN IL THANH PHO NHAM THU HIJT KHACH DU LICH QUOC TE .1 1.1 Xuc tien du lich va dac diem xuc tien du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 1.1.1 Mot so khai niem ve du lich va xuc tien du lich 1.1.2 Cac loai hinh du lich va xuc tien du lich 1.1.3 Dac diem xuc tien du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 1.2 Noi dung xuc tien du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc telO 1.2.1 Tuyen truyen du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 10 1.2.2 Quang cao du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te l2 1.2.3 Hoat dong ghep moi du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 14 1.2.4 Lien ket xuc tien du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 16 1.2.5 Dao tao, boi duong nguon nhan luc cho du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 17 1.3 Cac yeu to anh huong tdi xuc tien du lich cua cac tinh, nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 19 1.3.1 Cac yeu to ben ngoai 19 1.3.2 Cac yeu to ben 25 1.4 Kinh nghiem xuc tien du lich nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te cua mot so tren the gidi va bai hoc choxuc tiendu lich cua Ha Noi 29 1.4.1 Kinh nghiem xuc tien du lich nham thu hutkhachdu lich quoc te cua mot so tren the gidi 29 1.4.2 Bai hoc kinh nghiem xuc tien du lich nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te cho Ha Noi 34 CHUONG 2: DU LICH HA NOI VA THUC TRANG XUC TIEN CUA SO VAN HOA, THE THAO VA DU LICH HA NOI NHAM THU HUT KHACH DU LICH QUOC TE 38 2.1 Su hinh thanh, phat trien cua Sd Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi va bo may xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 38 2.2 Tiem nang du lich Ha Noi va dac diem khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi 42 2.2.1 Tiem nang du lich Ha Noi 42 2.2.2 Dac diem cua khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi 46 ii Phan tich thuc trang xuc tien cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 48 2.3.1 Thue trang tuyen truyen du lich cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 48 2.3.2 Thue trang quang cao du lich cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 52 2.3.3 Thue trang hoat dong ghep moi du lich nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi 58 2.3.4 Thue trang lien ket xuc tien nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi 61 3.3.5 Thue trang dao tao va boi dudng nguon nhan luc cho du lich 66 3.3.6 Kinh phi dau tu cho xuc tien du lich cua Ha Noi 67 2.4 Danh gia thuc trang xuc tien cua So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 69 2.4.1 Nhung tuu dat duoc 69 2.4.3 Han che va nguyen nhan 81 CIIU'ONG 3: PHUONG HUONG VA GIAI PHAP TANG CU'ONG XUC TIEN CUA SO VAN HOA, THE THAO VA DU LICH HA NOI NHAM THU HUT KHACH DU LICH QUOC TE 86 3.1 Muc tieu cua du lich Ha Noi va dinh hudng chung cho xuc tien du lich Ha Noi giai doan 2011 -2015.’ ’ ’ .’ 86 3.1.3 Tong quan ve xu hudng du lich the gidi 86 3.1.2 Muc tieu phat trien cua du lich Ha Noi 88 3.1.3 Dinh hudng chung cho xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 89 3.2 Giai phap tang cudng xuc tien cua Sd Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te 91 3.2.1 Cai each quy trinh xuc tien du lich va xay dung ke hoach xuc tien du lich Ha Noi phu hop 91 3.2.2 Giai phap ve co che, chinh sach nguon tai chinh va uu tien dau tu cho xuc tien du lich Ha Noi dac biet tai cac thi truong diem 93 3.2.3 Hoan thien va nang cao nang luc cho xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 95 3.2.4 Tang cudng lien ket xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 96 3.2.5 Day manh hop tac quoc te cac hoat dong ghep moi du lich 98 3.2.6 Da dang hoa cac san pham du lich va xay dung chuoi gia tri cho du lich Ha Noi 100 3.2.7 Day manh cac hoat dong tuyen truyen du lich Ha Noi 105 3.3.8 Tang cudng cac hoat dong quang cao cho du lich Ha Noi 115 3.3.9 Kien toan nhan luc hoat dong linh vuc xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 118 3.3 Kien nghi va de xuat .119 3.3.1 De xuat vdi Nha nude va Nganh du lich: 119 3.3.2 De xuat vdi Thanh Ha Noi 120 3.3.3 De xuat vdi cac doanh nghiep kinh doanh du lich tren dia ban Ha Noi 122 KET LUAN ' ’ ’ xixx DANH MUC TAI LIEU THAM KHAO PHU LUC 2.3 DANH MVC CAC CHC* VIET TAT ANMC21 Asian Network of Major Cities 21 Mang ludi cac ldn Chau A Theky 21 APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Dien dan hop tac kinh te Chau A Thai Binh Duong ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations Hiep hoi cac nude Dong Nam A ASEM The Asia-Europe Meeting Dien dan hop tac A - Au ATF ASEAN Tourism Forum Dien dan du lich cua Hiep hoi cac nude Dong Nam A BITE Beijing International Tourism Expo Hoi cho du lich quoc te Bac Kinh CITM China International Travel Mart Hoi cho du lich quoc te tai Trung Quoc CPTA Council for Promotion of Tourism in Asia Hoi dong xue tien du lich Chau A GDP Gross Domestic Product Tong san pham quoc noi GMS Greater Mekong Subregion Tieu vung song Mekong md rong ITB International Tourism Bourse Hoi cho du lich quoc te tai Berlin JATA Japan Association of Travel Agents Hiep hoi Ltr hanh Nhat Ban KLIA Kuala Lumpur International Airport San bay quoc te Kuala Lumpur Malaysia KNTO Korea National Tourism Organization To chuc du lich quoc gia Han Quoc KOTFA Korea World Travel Fair Hoi cho du lich the gidi Han Quoc FAM Trip Familiarization Trip Du lich khao sat FITUR Feria Internacional de Turismo Hoi cho du lich quoc te tai Madrid MICE Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Loai hinh du lich ket hop Hoi hop, Xue and Exhibitions tien dau tu, Hoi thao va Trien lam iv MSN Micro-soft-Network Mang thong tin true tuyen cua Tap doan Microsoft PATA Pacific Asia Travel Association Hiep hoi du lich Chau A - Thai Binh Duong TRAVEX Travel Exchange Hoi cho du lich cua Hiep hoi cac nude Dong Nam A TUI Lien hiep lu hanh quoc te Due Touristik Union International UBND Uy ban Nhan dan UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization To chuc Giao due, Khoa hoc va Van hoa Lien hop quoc UNWTO United Nations World Tourism Organization To chuc du lich the gidi USTOA United States Tour Operators Association Hiep hoi Lu hanh Hoa Ky VAT Value Added Tax Thue gia tri gia tang WTF World Travel Fair Hoi cho du lich the gidi tai Tokyo WTM World Travel Market Hoi cho du lich the gidi tai London WTO World Trade Oganization To chuc thuong mai the gidi DANH MUC BANG BIEU, HINH VE So 1: Moi lien he giCra So Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi va cac co quan quan ly nha nude nganh doc va nganh ngang 39 So 2: Bo may xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 41 Bang : Tong hop mot so sir kien, hoi cho tai cac thi trirong quoc te diem ma du lich Ha Noi tham gia nam 2009 - 2010 50 Bang : Cac an pham, vat pham ve du lich Ha Noi dirge phat hanh_nam 2009 - 2010 53 Bang 3: Thong ke so luong cac hoi cho va roadshow ma du lich Ha Noi tham gia giai doan 2006-2010 ’ 59 Bang 4: Kinh phi dau tir cho du lich cua Ha Noi giai doan 2006 -2010 67 Bang 5: Luong khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi va kinh phi xuc tien du lich Ha Noi_giai doan 2006-2010 68 Bang 6: Cach thuc tim kiem thong tin ve Ha Noi trudc khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi 71 Bang 7: Danh gia ve cac chuong trinh xuc tien du lich Ha Noi 72 Bang 8: So luong khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi va Viet Nam 72 Bang 9: Mac chi tieu trung binh cua khach du lich quoc te den Ha Noi qua dieu tra nam 2003, 2005, 2009 ’ 77 Bang 10: Chi tieu binh quan mot cua du khach quoc te den Ha Noi 77 Bieu 1: Luong khach quoc te den Viet Nam va Ha Noi giai doan 2000 -2010 74 Bieu 2: Top thi truong co luong khach den Ha Noi nhieu nhat 76 Bieu 4: Doanh thu du lich Ha Noi va ca nude giai doan 2005 - 2010 80 Bieu 5: Luong khach du lich quoc te den cac viing, lanh tho tir nam 1950 va du bao tdi 2020 86 Hinh 1: Giao dien website quang ba du lich Ha Noi 56 TOM TAT LUAN VAN A ? A Nhung nam gan day, dirge sir quan tarn cua Dang va Nha nude, sir doi mdi ve chinh sach doi ngoai, vdi xu hudng hoi nhap kinh te quoc te, nganh du lich Viet Nam da co nhung budc phat trien manh me va cang cd tac dong tich circ hon d£n nhieu linh vuc cua doi sdng kinh te - xa hoi Du lich la nganh kinh te mui nhon phat trien kinh te cua dat nude va dang dan hoi nhap sau hon vdi khu vuc va the gidi Dong gop vao cong chung cua du lich Viet Nam cd vai trd quan cua du lich Ha Noi Ha Noi la thu cua dat nude - trung tarn chinh tri, hanh chinh, van hoa, khoa hoc ky thuat, kinh te cua ca nude va cd nhieu tai nguyen du lich phong phu, dac sac Dac biet, sau dugc md rong dia gidi hanh chinh, tidm nang du lich cua Ha Noi dugc tang cudng va da dang hoa Ha Noi md rong cd mat dam dac cac du tich, danh thang cang khang dinh tiem nang phat triin du lich van hoa, lich su cua Ha Noi Ciing vdi the manh ve lich sir, van hoa, Ha Noi edn cd nhieu lang co va lang nghe noi tieng - mot dieu kien thuan lgi de thiet ke, xay dung cac tour du lich lang nghe Vdi quy dat ldn gap 3,6 lan cung se md trien vgng cho cac du an dau tu linh vuc du lich nhu khach san, san gon, khu vui chai giai tri Xac dinh vi tri quan cua nganh du lich doi vdi sir phat trien kinh te xa hoi va de khai thac hgp ly cac tiem nang du lich phong phu, Thu Ha Noi da coi phat trien du lich la mot nhung the manh chu yeu chien luge phat trien kinh te Va cac dinh hudng phat trien du lich Ha Noi cua Thanh uy Ha Noi, phat trien thi trudng va xue tien du lich la mot nhung dinh hudng trgng tarn cho du lich Ha Noi Tuy vay, sau giai doan phat trien vua qua, ben canh nhung tuu dat dugc, xue tien du lich Ha Noi nhieu van de ton tai Do do, luan van xin dugc de cap tdi khia canh “Xue tien cua Sd Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te” de qua do, danh gia thuc trang, de xuat cac giai phap phat trien hgp ly, hieu qua xue tien du lich va khuech truong cho cac san pham du lich Ha Noi cua Sd Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi nham thu hut khach du lich quoc te Do dac thu d tarn quan ly chien luge ve du lich cua co quan true thuoc Nha nude, noi dung xue tien du lich cua Sd Van hoa, The thao va Du lich Ha Noi ma tac gia de cap luan van la xue tien vi md Ve phuang phap nghien cuu, de tai su dung phuang phap vat bien chung, vat lich su, phuang phap thong ke, HANOI CHY TOIJR & HANDICRAFT VILLAGES ($75,2 Days/ Night) Departure: Duration: Price: Tour Code: Hanoi Full day trip Please contact us for update price DH - TTH10 Highlights: Ho Chi Minh mausoleum - old French quarter - army museum Ethnology Museum - Hanoi Hilton -Vietnam national history museum Hanoi's specialty foods - making vermicelli noodle village in out skirt Visit major sites of Hanoi capital and outside - This is great combination tour between major site internal of capital, such as Ho Chi Minh Complex; Army Museum, Hanoi Hilton, Vietnamese Women's Museum, History Museum, local market, and the surrounding areas: the noodle village located long the Nhue River BRIEF ITINERARY : Day 1: Hanoi City tour Day 2: Hanoi half Day city - handy craft village out skirt - Hanoi DETAILS ITINERARY: Day 1: Hanoi Capital City Tour At am we start our tour by visiting Ho Chi Minh Complex, including Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum, His House on the stilts, the One Pillar Pagoda and outside of the Presidential Palace After that we walk along evergreen street in Old French Quarter to get to the Vietnamese People Army Museum, where we can see with our own eyes and understand more about resistance wars to defend the Nation Bun Cha (the rice vermicelli severed together with grilled pork with wonderful sauce) is specialty for our lunch The following destination is the Hanoi Hilton - the old prison where the American pilots used to be detained and the Ethnology Museum - where contains more than 10,000 objects, 15,000 black and white photos and hundreds of video tapes and cassettes which depict all aspects of life, activities, customs, and habits of the 54 ethnic groups of Vietnam This evening we going to have special hot pot (the steam-boat pot) for dinner in local restaurant Today Lunch & Dinner included Notes: Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum opening time: Open from Tuesday to Thursday and weekends from 8am to 11pm Closed on Mondays and Fridays The mausoleum is closed for two months of the year, usually October and November, when Ho Chi Minh’s body is maintenance by Russian expert Day 2: Hanoi Capital & outskirt Village - Hanoi At am, once again we leave the hotel to visit the History Museum, in which we have chance to see Vietnamese long history from early of the Stone Age to the present days The next places are Tran Quoc and Kim Lien pagodas, where we have chance to talk to some monks and enjoy the vegetarian lunch In the afternoon we continue our trip on Hoang Hoa Tham street, get off the vehicle walking along the narrow alley to the wreckage of B52 airplane After that we keep walking to other way to get our car for visiting one of the typical market of Hanoi Later on we drive out of the city for rambling in making noodle and vermicelli village in the buffer zone Enjoying the Water Puppet show in the end Tour finishes at 07:30 Today Lunch included Trip Price Included: - A/C Transportation - English speaking guide -1 night accommodation - Lunches and dinner - Entrance fees & sightseeing tickets - A bottle of water/person/day Trip Price Excluded: - All airfare - Personal travel insurance - Personal expense such as shopping; telephone, laundry and bar bills etc HANOI - IIA LONG - SAPA (6 days/ nights) For this trip 6days/ nights we will start off in Hanoi, you'll have an educational and participative experience that will show you the rich history, deep culture and emerging prosperity of today's Vietnam After exploring and shopping the bustling, tree lined boulevards of Hanoi, you'll soon be escaping on a relaxing cruise or sea kayaking trip in World Heritage Halong Bay The thousands of limestone karsts and the emerald waters of the bay truly make it a mystical and romantic escape, and you'll soon see why it's a place of legends You'll still be raving about the beauty of Halong with your fellow travelers as you board the night train to Lao Cai, embarking on your journey into the stunning northern mountains Sapa boasts some of the most stunning scenery and diverse culture found anywhere in South East Asia Itinerary Day 01 : Arrive Hanoi (Dinner) Meeting at Noi Bai airport Meet your guide and transfer to hotel The rest of the day is at leisure Welcome dinner hosted by Vietnam OpenTour Enjoy water puppet show Overnight in Hanoi Day 02 : Hanoi to Halong Cruise (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) We transfer overland to Halong Bay, northeast of Hanoi and enter into the Red River Delta, rich with rural beauty and picturesque rice-farming villages Once reaching Halong Bay, We board the wooden junk and set sail for a leisure cruise of Halong Bay Declared a World Heritage Site to protect its beauty, we'll cruise through its three-thousand islands and rich rock-formations, passing by Ga Choi Island, Dinh Huong Island, Dog Island, Sail Island, and even visit Sung Sot Cave Lunch served on-board while viewing the islands Dinner and overnight in Halong Bay on Junk Day 03 : Halong Bay - Hanoi (Breakfast, Lunch) Keep cruising around the bay Back to Halong bay harbour Lunch Back to Hanoi Free time for shopping and dinner In the evening, take the night train to Lao Cai Overnight on train (Soft Sleepers) Day 04 : LaoCai - Sapa - Cat Cat & Ta Phin Village (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) Arrive at Lao Cai Train station at about 6.30, welcome by our local guide and take a ride to Sapa Have breakfast and relax before exploring Sapa Town In the afternoon, take a 2km trek to Cat Cat Village, home of H'mong Ethnics Meet & talk with locals to learn more about their daily life Then continue the ride to Ta phin village (12km from Sapa) home to the Red Dzao minority Visit Ta Phin Cave, Ta Phin handicraft shops and explore the daily life of Red Dzao Here you have good choice to buy woven and textile brocades, which are hand made by ethnic people Visit a small hamlet of Black H'mong people here too Overnight in Sapa Day 05 : Sapa - Lao Chai - Ta Van Village - Lao Cai (Breakfast, Lunch) After breakfast you check out and leave your luggage in the hotel, get ready for the trip Trek down to Lao Chai village to visit the Tay and Day tribes then keep going along the bottom of the Sapa valley to get to Ta Van village, which is supposed to be the most beautiful one in the area Have a picnic lunch on the way You go back to Sapa by motorbike/jeep Get yourself fresh with a shower in the hotel's day room before transfer down to Lao Cai Station for the night train LC2 back to Hanoi .Day 06 : Hanoi (Breakfast, Lunch) A short city tour to: Ngoc Son temple and Hoan Kiem Lake; HoChiMinh complex: HoChiMinh museum, HoChiMinh mausoleum; One pillar pagoda; West Lake and Tran Quoc Pagoda Lunch At leisure until transfer to Noi Bai Airport for onward flight Tour price Seat-in-coach price Price per pax (adult) in US Dollars Class/Group size Per pax Remark Standard 449 Amazing hotel//Legendbay Junk// berths AC wooden cabin train Superior 486 Sun Way Hotel or Fortuna Hotel // Emotion Cruise// Livitran train Deluxe 625 Nikko Hotel, Sheraton Hanoi Hotel // Jasmine Cruise, Ginger Cruise// Livitran train Seat-in-coach tours: To join with other people on available daily tours These tours are fixed itinerary and departure time It is possible to join in even your group of only or people Customer not to find other people to form the group It is our company duty to gather the tourists for each tour For these tours, you have to share the coach, boat and tour guide with other tourists who come from different nationalities The number of people of this group is normally less than 20 persons Private price Price per pax (adult) in US Dollars Class/Group size pax 3-4 pax 5-6 pax 7-9 pax 10-14 pax Single Sup Standard 448 376 331 311 267 205 Superior 625 553 508 488 444 367 Deluxe 691 619 574 554 510 439 Luxury' 757 685 640 620 576 505 Private tour: To the tour privately The tour is not fixed, it is possible to be customized for your group All service is reserved for your group only You not have to share the bus, boat, tour guide with other tourists One exception, if you stay at the boat in Halong bay - it is like the hotel in Halong - you still have to share the boat with other people Price included: • • • • • • Hotel accommodation based on twin or triple share with daily breakfast (incl: services charges, room taxes and baggage handling) Meals as specified in the itinerary All transfers and transportation Soft sleepers air-conditioning train tickets English- speaking guide (other languages are available upon request) Sightseeing as specified including entrance fees Price excluded: • • • • • • • Optional tours Tips for tour guide, driver Travel insurance Expenditure of a personal nature, tips, such as drinks, souvenirs, laundry, emergency transfers & etc Visa fee International airfare to/ from Vietnam & International airport tax in Vietnam Others which are not mentioned in the inclusion Phu• luc • Cac bang dieu tra khach du lich quoc te QUESTIONNAIRE (For foreign tourists) Dear Sir/Madam Please give us some of your precious time to read and answer the following question Your kindness will help Hanoi Tourism improve its service quality and marketing activities Thank you and have a good journey! Please show your opinion by marking a tick (V) in the suitable gap □ Are you a frequent traveler going abroad? □ Once a year □ Very seldom □ Several times a year Which of the following Asian cities have you ever visited? □ □ □ □ Beijing-China DTokyo-Japan □ Seoul-Korea Singapore - Singapore □ NewDeli - India □ Manila - Philipin Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia □ Bangkok - Thailand □ Hanoi - Vietnam Other How many times have you been to Hanoi, including this time? □ Second time □ First time □ Third time □ More than times How are you traveling? □ By a group tour □ Individual traveler Where did you get information about Hanoi before departure? □ □ □ □ Travel agency ^Catalogues, Brochures Vietnamese Embassy □ Friends/Relatives Vietnamese tourism website □ Other websites Tourism fairs, exhibitions, road shows □ Others: DGuide book/poster □ Hanoi tourism website What is your deepest impression about Hanoi? □ Particular culture □ Rich nature □ Hospitable and kind people □ Variety of gastronomy □ Variety of cultural and natural heritage □ City with long history □ Developing urban □No specific impression Have you ever attended Vietnam (Hanoi) tourism fairs, Vietnam (Hanoi) days, exhibitions or road shows held in your country? □ Yes (in what year ) □No Give your marks to above-mentioned events based on the following criteria? (Please circle where appropriate) Criteria Very good a Attractiveness b Uniqueness c Impression d Source of tourist information e Motivation for travel to Vietnam (Hanoi) f More knowledge about Vietnam (Hanoi) 1 1 1 Good 2 2 2 Fair Not good 3 3 3 4 4 4 How far in advance did you prepare for this journey to Hanoi? □ year □ months □ months □ month □ Less than months 10 Could you compare your real impression from the trip with other expectation before departure? □ More interesting □ Less than my expectation □ Same 11 Which of the following activities have you ever experienced or had intension to during the trip in Hanoi? □ Exploring old quarter □ Enjoying folk song and other traditional culture □ Exploring local life □ Sightseeing landscape and natural beauty □ Visiting natural and cultural heritage sites □ Leisure and entertainment □ Eco- and nature- based tourism activities □ Sport activities (golf) □ Shopping and enjoying gastronomy □ MICE tourism □ Other 12 What would be important for you when visiting Hanoi? (Please circle -where appropriate) Criteria Most important Important Less important 1 1 2 2 3 n 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3■5 3 n3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 A GENERAL REQUIREMENTS a b c d Easy formality procedures Safety Attractiveness of destination Cheap price B VISITING a Beautiful natural landscapes b Variety of historical, cultural and architectural heritage sites c Diversified and particular tour programs d Variety of entertainment options e Joining community life f Variety of festival and customs g Shopping for souvenirs and goods h Sightseeing and shopping for handicraft and fine art products i Variety of traditional culture (Water puppetry, Tru singing, potteiy village, bronze casting village, etc.) k Hospitable conduct of local people C SERVICES a Immigration service b Customs services (facilities) c Hotel room and facilities d Variety menu in restaurants e Hygiene and sanitary f Courtesy of service g Interpretation and guide service h Transportation service i Medical service k Communication services Your personal details: Age group: □ Under 20 □ 20-29 □ 30 - 39 D 40-49 □50-59 □ 60 and above Gender: DMale □ Female Occupation: Nationality: Thank you so much ! QUESTIONNAIRE (Pour les touristes etrangers) Cher Monsieur / Madame S'il vous plait nous donner un peu de votre precieux temps pour lire et repondre a la question suivante Votre gentillesse aidera Hanoi Tourisme ameliorer sa qualite de service et les activites de marketing Merci et bon voyage! S'il vous plait montrer votre opinion en marquant une croix (^)dans le fosse adaptee □ Etes-vous un voyageur frequent a l'etranger? □ Une fois par an □ Tres rarement □ Plusieurs fois par an Lequel de ces villes asiatiques suivants avez-vous deja visite? □ □ □ □ Pekin - Chine □ Tokyo - Japon □ Seoul - Koree Singapour - Singapour □ NewDeli - Inde □ Manille - Philippines Kuala Lumpur - Malaisie □ Bangkok - Thailande □ Hanoi - Vietnam Autre Combien de fois avez-vous ete a Hanoi, y compris cette fois? □ Premiere fois □ Deuxieme fois □ Troisieme fois □ Plus de fois Comment voyagez-vous? □ Par une visite de groupe □ Des individuels Ou avez-vous obtenu des informations a propos de Hanoi avant le depart? □ Agence de Voyage DCatalogues, les brochures □ Livre Guide / affiche □ Ambassade vietnamienne □ Amis / parents DHanoi Web site de tourisme □ Site touristique vietnamienne □ Autres sites □ Salons du tourisme, expositions, spectacles de route □Autres: Quelle est votre impression la plus profonde a propos de Hanoi? □ La culture particuliere □ Nature riche □ Ville avec une longue histoire □ Peuple hospitalier et aimable □ Variete de la gastronomieD Developpement urbain □ Variete du patrimoine culturel et naturel □ Non impression specifique Avez-vous deja participe a des salons du tourisme du Vietnam (Hanoi), Vietnam (Hanoi) jours, des expositions ou des spectacles de route ont lieu dans votre pays? □ Oui (en quelle annee ) □ Non Donnez a vos marques pour des evenements mentionnes ci-dessus sur la base des criteres suivants? (S'il vous plait cercle, le cas echeant) Criteres a Attractivite b Unique c impression d Source d'information touristique e Motivation pour voyager au Vietnam (Hanoi) f Plus de connaissances sur le Vietnam (Hanoi) Tres bien Bien Moyen Pas bien 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 Combien de temps a l'avance avez-vous prepare pour ce voyage a Hanoi'? □ annee □ mois □ mois □ mois □ Moinsd'l mois 10 Pourriez-vous comparer votre impression reelle de ce voyage avec d'autres attentes avant le depart? □ Plus interessant □ Meme □ Moins de mes attentes 11 Laquelle des activites suivantes avez-vous deja vecu ou avait l'intension de faire pendant le voyage a Hanoi? □ □ □ □ □ □ Explorer vieux quartier □ Beneficiant chanson folklorique et les autres la culture traditionnelle Decouverte de la vie locale □ Paysages touristiques et la beaute naturelie Visiter des sites du patrimoine naturel et culturel □ Loisirs et de divertissement Eco- and nature- based tourism activities □ Activites sportives (golf) Shopping et savourer la cuisine □ MICE le tourisme Autre 12 Quel serait important pour vous lors de la visite a Hanoi? (S'il vous plait cercle, le cas echeant) Criteres Le plus important Important Moins important 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 I 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 A EXIGENCES GENERALES a b c d Procedures formalite facile Securite Attractivite de la destination Prix pas cher B VISITE a Superbes paysages naturels b Variete des sites du patrimoine historique, culturel et architectural c Programmes de visite diversifies et notamment d Variete d'options de divertissement e Rejoindre la vie communautaire f Variete de festival et des douanes g Shopping pour les souvenirs et les marchandises h Tourisme et du shopping pour 1'artisanat et des produits beaux-arts i Variete de la culture traditionnelle (marionnettes sur l'eau le chant de Tru, village de la poterie, village coulee en bronze, etc) k Conduite hospitaliere de la population locale C SERVICES a Service de l'immigration b Les services des douanes (installations) c Chambre d'hotel et des installations de d Variete du menu dans les restaurants e Hygiene et sanitaires f Courtoisie du service g Interpretation et service de guide h Un service de transport i Service medical k Les services de communication Vos coordonnees personnelles: Tranche d'age: □ Moins de 20 ans □ 20 - 29 □ 30 - 39 □ 40-49 D50-59 □ 60 ans et plus Sexe: □ Homme □ Feminin Emploi: Nationalite: Merci beaucoup! LgRr^'v^-tt/v/j< TiaoKPp^^[ni^jomv^L^-r0 & rW JL£r v AcTc£ A < a W^oib- EAo X >9 —JScofnj±»M X/fiV''? ^To “£' tfe 9 A £VAi~” o *(S) ^m< 7c'A!' \ A t> MmrWUW □ ¥-0 Wđ 7^SâWâ^WrW>? DO-0* ^-4>H AT'AzK/> - i/y^-zk □—a.—A'P — - A > b' □ 7T77>>y°—/lz.-^u—?7a □?-7-7^JJt°y A/A^bt^ □ At □ □ Atâ^WJ0m;m0môW ? [Ê]Đ H0@ □A0BJ^± r'WO|^Wl-oV'7?^< 7c$V\ ? 0^ □ iw#7£ l ? Wt □/A7Ab LWKAA-^A ^FW^tg □£A•a^v^rw/b -< b aawv-a b □af-0b f©M: ^/7©Ol^V'-C©-#XV^aO^L-C< 7c$A? □ £hWoA?(t □ 9 ^TA? □ f±v\ (V'ofz^ric? ) mA, ^o$W£^vt±ieoa^> b^r'wf) fA btAtoV'Tto (7'/- 22 Wl° * f-5- H0 a? fl? ru|>4 J2 r_> j> r °* rJ Ho offl □ |> Hfl 1^' jS □ □ rM 2J oiji X'9, o{tl £ JU □ ri oat |x> JL -£■ -t* o}n gi r|tu k * r2, ri | (fl *• & i r£ oKn Jo o joj< * 'f ■f * rir o^ fU|o -£