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Tóm tắt tiếng anh: Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.

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Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.Quản lý dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học cơ sở thành phố Hà Nội theo hướng phát triển năng lực người học.

VIETNAM ACADEMY SOCIAL SCIENCE ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES BUI THI KIM ANH TEACHING MANAGEMENT IN LITERATURE OF HANOI CITY’S SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNER'S CAPACITY Major: Education Management Code: 14 01 14 SUMMARY OF THE DOCTORAL DISSERTATION OF EDUCATION MANAGEMENT HANOI - 2022 Work was completed at: ACADEMY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES Supervisor: Assoc Prof PhD Nguyen Khac Binh Examiner 1: Assoc Prof PhD Nguyen Thi Tinh Examiner 2: Assoc Prof PhD Pham Van Thuan Examiner 3: Assoc Prof PhD Phan Van Ty This doctoral dissertation will be defended at the Board of Examiners, At the Academy of Social Sciences At , Date month 202 This doctoral dissertation can be found at: National Library of Vietnam The Library of the Academy of Social Sciences INTRODUCTION Rationale for the study The role of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in secondary schools: very important, has unique characteristics compared to other subjects From the specificity of the subject of Literature in the school, the management of teaching Literature also has its own characteristics The role of teaching in developing learners' competency: Competency Based Education (CBE) is a particularly progressive trend today Competency Based Education aims to form the competencies that learners need and can acquire after completing the study program at a certain time The current situation of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in Secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity: Teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in Secondary schools has had some innovations, achieved many achievements, but also has many shortcomings: favoring administrative measures; management purposes have not been directed at developing individual capacity of learners; The management method has not promoted much creativity of teachers and learners due to unclear hierarchy and coordination among management subjects and many other influencing factors From these above reasons, the dissertation has been chosen to research the problem: “Teaching management in Literature of Hanoi City secondary schools in the development of student’s capacity” Aims and missions of the dissertation: 2.1 Aims: General assessment of theory and reality, propose measures to manage the teaching of Literature in Hanoi City Secondary School towards developing learners' capacity so that the teaching of Literature in schools can achieve the goal The goal is to form and develop in learners the necessary general and specialized competencies after completing the Literature curriculum at the secondary level 2.2 Missions: Overview of research on teaching and managing the teaching of Literature towards developing learner’s capacity; Building a theoretical basis for the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools; Assessing the current situation of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in Hanoi Secondary Schools towards developing learners' capacity Finding the causes and factors affecting that situation; Offering the solutions of managing the teaching of Literature in Hanoi Secondary Schools towards developing learners' capacity Test and experiment with a content in the proposed measure Objective and scope of the study 3.1 Objective of the study: Solutions of managing the teaching of Literature in Secondary Schools in Hanoi City towards developing learners' capacity 3.2 Scope of the study Research content limitation: Research the current situation and propose management measures of managers in secondary schools Limitation of the study area: Research on management measures of managers in 164 public secondary schools in 30 districts of Hanoi city Limitation of research subjects: Survey of 150 administrators, 150 teachers of Literature and 200 students of secondary schools The dissertation focuses on proposing management measures of the heads (including principals, chief special) Methodology and research methods 4.1 Methodology: The thesis uses the following approaches: Access to content; operational access; access to capacity development; system access; process approach in which content access is the primary approach 4.2 Research method: The thesis use groups of research methods: Group of theoretical research methods (method of analysis and synthesis of theory; method of generalization); Group of practical research methods (questionnaire survey method; observation method; indepth interview method; experience summarization method; expert method; mathematical statistical method; practical method); pedagogical experience) 4.3 Scientific hypothesis: In fact, the management of teaching Literature at secondary schools in Hanoi towards developing learners' capacity besides the achieved results is still limited If it is proposed to propose measures to manage the teaching of Literature in Hanoi city Secondary Schools towards competency approach, the necessary competencies of learners will be formed (such as language competence, aesthetics, emotion, etc ability to communicate and cooperate; autonomy and self-study; problem solving and creativity) after studying Literature at the secondary level; meet the requirements of curriculum innovation, 2018 textbooks and real life New contributions of the thesis: The thesis contributes to the development of the theory of teaching Literature at Secondary School in Hanoi towards developing learners' capacity and the theory of management in teaching Literature at the Secondary Schools in Hanoi towards developing the competence of the learners The research results of the thesis are the basis for school administrators and those who are interested in the issue of deeper understanding of teaching and teaching management of Literature at secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity The research results of the thesis are also the basis for reference management subjects to manage the teaching of Literature at Hanoi Secondary Schools towards developing learners' capacity The research of the thesis creates favorable conditions for the practical application of the management and teaching of Literature in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity, helping school administrators to implement the management of teaching Literature in a scientific way, more effective than the management by experience and habits; helping the teaching of Literature in secondary schools achieve the set goal of developing the necessary competencies of learners after completing the study program in Literature at the secondary level The thesis has designed one of the training programs for teachers of Literature at Hanoi Secondary School in teaching Literature towards developing learners' capacity, helping to design similar training topics to be more convenient; help to train Literature teachers effectively Theoretical and practical significance of the thesis: The thesis has reviewed the research situation related to the topic On that basis, the research situation can be assessed and issues that need to be further researched and solved are identified The research results of the thesis contribute to systematically and clarify, enrich and fully explain the theory of teaching management of Literature subject in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity; help further research on teaching and teaching management of Linguistics in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity and research on similar issues to have a general and scientific view The thesis has contributed to the discovery, analysis, and objective assessment of the current situation of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature at secondary schools in Hanoi city towards developing learners' capacity to provide provide a comprehensive view of the problem and serve as a scientific basis for proposing implementation measures The thesis has proposed measures to manage the teaching of Literature in Secondary School towards developing learners' capacity (with attention to the characteristics of Literature subject, the characteristics of secondary school level and the characteristics of Ha Noi city) in order to help the management of teaching Literature in particular, and management of teaching subjects in general in secondary schools to achieve the goal towards developing learners' capacity The thesis has tested the level of the necessity and feasibility of the management measures for teaching Literature in Secondary School in Hanoi city towards developing learners' capacity has been built The thesis has built a topic on fostering teachers on teaching Literature in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity and conducted experiments in practice to help prove the science of the problem presented by the thesis Structure of the thesis According to the general structure, in addition to the introduction and conclusion, the thesis is divided into main chapters: Chapter 1: Overview of research situation on teaching and managing the teaching of Literature towards developing learner’s capacity Chapter 2: Theoretical basis for the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners' capacity Chapter 3: The current situation of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in Secondary Schools in Hanoi city towards developing learners' capacity Chapter 4: Solutions of managing the teaching of Literature in Hanoi City Secondary Schools towards developing learners' capacity Chapter OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH ON TEACHING AND TEACHING MANAGEMENT IN LITERATURE OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNER'S CAPACITY 1.1 Research on the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners’ capacity 1.1.1 Research on the management of teaching towards the development of learners’ capacity In the world: These studies focus on the following issues: - The necessity, the process of formation and development of the trend of Competency Based Education: Author: Richard Boyatzis OECD organizarion; P.A McLagan; authors Ananiadou, K and M Claro; “Capacity-Based Learning” Summit; Educators Tony Wagner all emphasized the need to switch to teaching to develop competencies - Features and advantages of capacity development teaching: Of Robert J Marzano; Thad Nodline and Sally M Johnsone; K.E Paprock and S Kerka; Richard David Prencht emphasize the outstanding feature of competency-based teaching: "Helps promote learners' capacity, which has many advantages over current learning methods" - Competencies that need to be formed for learners: OECD Research; EU; WEF; The New Zealand Curriculum; California Department of Education; organization P21; the authors Richard; Ananiadou, K and M Claro; World-renowned educator and psychologist G Howard; Education expert Tony Wagner pointed out that there are many competencies that need to be formed for learners, but they are basically unified in a number of necessary competencies (reading, writing, listening, speaking, computing, information and communication technology) and thinking abilities (criticism, synthesis, problem solving, collaboration, creativity), etc - Building programs in teaching capacity development: Studies have confirmed that school program development is the basis of capacity development teaching - Teaching methods to develop competencies: By Robert J Marzano, Debra J.Pickering Jane E Pollock; Researcher Giselle O Martin-Kniep, etc emphasizes active teaching methods that help develop learners' competencies - Assessment in teaching capacity development: Authors Domaleski, C., Gong, B., Hess, K., Marion, S., Curl, C., Peltzman, A, etc state the advantages of capacity-based assessment in ensuring quality and fairness In Vietnam, the research by many authors focus on the following contents: The need to switch to teaching towards developing learners' capacity; Competencies that need to be formed for learners; Designing teaching contents and programs towards developing learners' capacity; Innovating teaching methods towards developing learners' capacity; Evaluating the result of teaching towards the development of learners’ capacity 1.1.2 Research on the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners’ capacity In the world: Research are focused on: Literature teaching program; Examination and assessment of Literature subject; Activities of teachers and learners in teaching Literature towards developing learners' capacity; Research on teaching Literature associated with the development of specific competencies In Vietnam: Research on the necessity of teaching Literature towards developing learners' capacity; about the curriculum; on examination and evaluation; on the activities of teachers and learners in teaching Literature towards developing learners' capacity; on teaching Literature in association with specialized capacity development, etc Studies appear with increasing frequency, and all confirm that teaching develops better competencies for learners in the current period However, there is no research that directly and comprehensively refers to teaching Literature at secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity 1.2 Research on the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners’ capacity 1.2.1 Research on the management of teaching towards the development of learners’ capacity In the world: Studies on teaching management towards developing learners' competencies focus on the following issues: Conditions for teaching and developing capacity; Teaching management towards capacity development In Vietnam: There are research on teaching management towards innovation, approach to teaching management according to the following learner capacity approach: Research on decentralization; about the principal's management measures; clarify the role of the secondary school professional team in designing the school's educational program; stating the basic principles of differentiated teaching, etc However, there has not been any research that has directly investigated the problem of teaching and management of a particular subject at the secondary level towards developing learners' capacity in a comprehensive way, especially in Literature 1.2.2 Research on the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners’ capacity: Mentioned the following content: Organize the determination of the objectives of the subject of Literature; Select appropriate teaching content; Organize training for teachers to innovate teaching methods; Foster teachers to carry out teaching activities in Literature etc in order to improve the effectiveness of educational dynamic management According to the author's research, there are no dissertations and scientific works that directly address the issue of teaching management Literature at Secondary Schools in Hanoi city towards developing learners' capacity 1.3 Evaluation of the research situation 1.3.1 The research problem has been solved: Clarifying the most core issues of teaching towards developing learners' competencies (necessity, process of formation and development; characteristics and advantages of capacity development teaching; competencies to be formed) for learners; developing curriculum and teaching methods to approach competence; conditions for teaching and developing competence; the most important issues of teaching Literature in schools towards capacity development; Modern research on teaching management 1.3.2 Arguments that have not been studied: There has not been any research on the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity 1.3.3 Thesis topic selected for research: Research on teaching management of Literature subject at Secondary Schools in Hanoi towards developing learners' capacity, find out ways to manage the creation of students' capacity through teaching and learning activities of Literature so that the management process of teaching Literature is aimed at helping Literature teachers to form general and specific competencies of learners after completing the Literature subject program at the secondary level Chapter THEORETICAL BASIS OF TEACHING MANAGEMENT OF LITERATURE AT SECONDARY SCHOOLS TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE LEARNER’S CAPACITY 2.1 Teaching Literature at secondary schools 2.1.1 Teaching capacity development The concept of teaching: is the process in which learners, under the influence of the teacher, actively occupy knowledge and form necessary competencies Teaching includes the following elements: objectives, contents, methods, means, forms of organization, examination and evaluation; teachers and learners, the teaching environment Each element has its own connotations that need to be clarified Teaching objectives are the expected state of personality development of learners after a training process In the new general education program, teaching objectives are the competencies and qualities of learners Teaching content is a combination of activities and manipulations with educational content performed by subjects of the teaching process, taking place in a defined teaching environment and influenced by the material resources of teaching and learning, providing specific products that reflect the goals of teaching Teaching method is the forms and modes of operation of teachers and learners in certain teaching conditions in order to achieve teaching purpose Teaching means are tools to carry out the task of teaching and learning activities The form of teaching organization is the form in which the teacher directs cognitive activities of a stable nature on the basis of paying attention to the characteristics of each learner in order to create favorable conditions for learners to study Examination and evaluation: is the process by which the teacher collects information about the learning outcomes of the learners; is the process of processing information about learners' qualifications and ability to accomplish defined goals in order to create the basis for decisions of learners and management levels Teacher: "Teacher is a person who is in charge of teaching and educating in schools and other educational institutions" Learner: "A learner is a person who is studying at an educational institution of the national education system" Teaching environment: includes permanent and temporary physical, technical and psychosocial means and conditions and conditions used consciously by teachers and learners to ensure that teaching and learning work conveniently and effectively Teaching to develop learner’s capacities is the teacher's organization and guidance of learners' learning activities towards the formation of learners' capacity 2.1.2 Vai trò đặc trưng dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học sở theo 2.1.2 The role and features of teaching Literature in secondary schools in relation to learners' capacity development In Vietnam, Literature is a subject in the field of language and literature education, studied from grade to grade 12 Literature is taught periods/week, equivalent to 140 periods/year, is one of two Subjects occupy the largest amount of time (13.57%) in current subjects in secondary schools Teaching Literature is different from teaching Natural sciences A new feature in teaching Literature today is that the program considers Literature as a tool subject Teaching literature aimed at developing learners' capacity both focuses on developing aesthetic competence as the inherent nature of the subject of Literature, while developing the ability to use language in real life, help learners use communication tools fluently 2.1.3 Components of teaching Literature at secondary schools aimed at developing learners' capacity: The structure of teaching activities of Literature in secondary schools bears the common characteristics of the structure of teaching activities in schools: Teaching objectives are implemented through content; method; device; test and evaluation of the results ; performed by teachers and learners; placed in a particular teaching environment Components of teaching Literature at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity include: The objective of teaching Literature in secondary schools directed toward learners' capacity development is to form and develop learners’ capacity; The content of teaching Literature at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity includes basic and essential knowledge about Vietnamese language and literature; Methods of teaching Literature subject at secondary schools directed toward capacity development so as to approach active activities of learners; Means of teaching Literature subject at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; Form of organization of teaching Literature subject at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; Assessment in teaching Literature subject at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; Literature teaching activities at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; Learning activities of learners in Literature subject at secondary schools in the direction of capacity development; The teaching environment of Literature subject in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 2.2 Management of Literature teaching in secondary schools in relation to develop learners' capacity 2.2.1 The concept of Literature teaching and learning management in the direction of developing learners' competencies is the oriented impact of school administrators on elements of the teaching process to ensure learners' competence in the subject Literature is formed and developed according to the set goals 2.2.2 Contents of Literature teaching and learning management in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing objective determination of in teaching Literature in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing the construction of Literature teaching content in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing innovation in Literature teaching methods in secondary schools towards developing learners' capacity Management and use of teaching aids for Literature in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing innovation in the form of Literature teaching organization in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing innovation in testing and assessment in teaching Literature at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing teacher's activities in teaching Literature at secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity Managing learners’ activities in teaching Literature at secondary schools in the direction of capacity development Managing the construction of Literature teaching environment in secondary school in the direction of developing learners' capacity PRINCIPAL TEAM LEADER TEACHING MANAGER TEACHING MANAGEMENT HUMAN TEACHING MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENT GOAL CONTENT METHOD EDUCATOR LEARNER TRAINING SELF-STUDY MEANS MODE AIMING AT OF LEARNERS’ CAPABILITIES DEVELOPMENT TEST & ASSSESSMENT Figure 1: Management measures for teaching Literature in Secondary schools in Hanoi city in the direction of developing learners' capacity 2.3 Factors affecting the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 2.3.1 Trends of innovation and international integration in education and the renewal of general education programs in 2018 2.3.2 Hierarchical management mechanism 2.3.3 Practical teaching conditions of secondary schools 2.3.4 Family, community and social relationships 2.3.5 Professional quality, professional capacity, time involved in management of school administrators 2.3.6 Quality and teaching capacity of Literature teachers 2.3.7 Psychophysiological characteristics of secondary school students Chapter REAL SITUATION OF TEACHING AND MANAGEMENT OF TEACHING LITERATURE AT HANOI CITY’S SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF LEARNER'S CAPACITY 3.1 Overview of the research area and the research subject 3.1.1 Overview of natural conditions, economic and social situation of Hanoi city: Hanoi is a special administrative unit - the capital of Vietnam, located in the center of the Northern Delta The favorable location helps new educational management solutions to be effectively received and implemented in Hanoi 3.1.2 Characteristics of secondary education in Hanoi city: The network of schools and the size of secondary school students: is very large and the pressure on the number of students/class in Hanoi is times higher than in other localities This is a factor that causes great difficulties for the application of teaching in the direction of developing learners' capacity Secondary school teachers and Managerial staff - Secondary school teachers: The Literature teachers at Hanoi city’s Secondary School have high standards and above standards (83.7%), which is a favorable condition for educational innovation towards developing learners' capacity - Secondary school managerial staff: The qualifications of managerial staff at Hanoi city’s secondary school both in terms of expertise and in other asspects have met and exceeded the requirements, which has the effect of promoting the current educational innovation issues to be introduced into schools quickly and more effective Hanoi city budget spends on education: achieved a fairly high rate, allowing Hanoi city's secondary schools to invest in the equipment and school supplies; enhanced in terms of teacher training… It helps to ensure the conditions of educational innovation towards developing learners' capacity 3.2 Situation research organization 3.2.1 Research time: From September 2016 to October 2022 3.2.2 Research area: 164/609 secondary schools belong to 30/30 districts, towns and cities of Hanoi city In which, each district chooses at least schools (2 schools in the central area with teaching quality ranked "top" in the district (high average score in Literature) and schools in the non-central area, with average or below county average quality of district, to ensure the universality and characteristics of the research sample developing learners' capacity is not good Many teachers still teach according to the distribution of the program, but have not taught according to the teaching plan, although this is the most effective measure being evaluated It is very necessary to have management measures to change the implementation of teaching content in Literature as it is today 3.3.3 The real situation of innovation in teaching methods of Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that this content is evaluated by managerial staffs and teachers as being implemented very effectively The innovation of teachers' teaching methods has helped to form the corresponding competencies of learners The effect of innovation in teaching methods in schools in the capital is quite comprehensive and clear The thesis’s author recommends measures to innovate teaching methods that need to be further promoted in the future 3.3.4 The real situation of using teaching facilities in Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that this content is evaluated as being implemented effectively The use of many modern teaching aids also helps develop students' technology, informatics, and problem-solving abilities effectively; This is also Hanoi city's own strength Measures to manage the use of teaching facilities in secondary schools in the past time have contributed to the development of learners' capacity and should be further promoted in the coming time 3.3.5 The real situation of reforming the form of organization of teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that this content is evaluated as being implemented very effectively… In fact, Literature teachers have paid great attention to innovating teaching methods, especially organizing experiential activities in teaching Literature With a locality with developed socioeconomic conditions like Hanoi, the organization of different forms of teaching Literature is paid great attention by schools and can be implemented in teaching practice Organizational forms of teaching Literature in this direction have contributed to the development of different capacities of different learners Management measures in the new period need to continue to promote the strengths of the organization of effective teaching methods in Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools as at present 3.3.6 The real situation of innovation in testing and assessing Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that the renewal of inspection and assessment is being carried out regularly; Teachers are performing well in many stages in the process of testing and assessing learners However, the effectiveness of measures to test and evaluate students' learning outcomes in Literature in the direction of capacity development is not really good It is necessary to have changes in innovation in testing and assessment in order to develop learners' capacity when studying Literature 3.3.7 The real situation of organizing learning activities of learners in teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that it is necessary to have organizational measures for learners to self-study and special attention should be paid to management measures to improve learners' self-study capacity 3.3.8 The real situation of performing teaching activities of Literature teachers at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: Survey data shows that the content that is being evaluated for good performance is the teacher's work planning or the teacher's implementation of the regulations on professional records This is consistent with the current reality because the program before 2018 is implemented according to the general consensus Within the framework of the thesis, the author finds it necessary to focus on the fostering activities of 11 teachers The majority of managerial staff and teachers assessed the current situation of teacher training in teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity is not effective There should be changes in the management and training of Literature teachers in the direction of developing learners' capacity 3.3.9 The real situation of building a teaching environment for Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data show that the problem of building a teaching environment for Literature has been raised and some indicators have achieved initial results such as teachers consciously building a positive teacherstudent relationship, teachers have a sense of helping each other in professional skills; Teachers are assigned tasks according to their expertise and capacity However, many measures to build a teaching environment are only being evaluated at an average level of effectiveness, especially the content of creating a teaching environment for Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity in the current system of low rank Thus, it is necessary to have management measures to build an environment for teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 3.4 The real situation of teaching and learning Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 3.4.1 The real situation of managing the determination of teaching goals of Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: Survey data shows that the management of determining teaching goals is always the top priority of managerial staff Many management measures have been put in place and implemented quite effectively, which should be continued in the coming time 3.4.2 The real situation of management and construction of teaching content of Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: Survey data show that the effectiveness of the measure of directing teachers to develop content for teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity is currently only average and good The lowest effectiveness is concentrated in a number of indicators such as guiding teachers to select and develop teaching materials suitable to learners' abilities; integration of teaching contents; develop appropriate elective teaching content; The principal directs the exploitation of resources to ensure the implementation of the content of teaching Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity Management measures should focus on these issues 3.4.3 The real situation of management in innovative teaching methods of Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data show that teachers are guided to innovate teaching methods in the direction of developing learners' capacity and measures to manage teachers to innovate teaching methods of Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity have done well in practice With the conditions of education in the capital, management measures for teaching innovation have always been valued and implemented effectively Management measures in the coming time should continue to help teachers innovate teaching methods in a modern direction Therefore, he thesis does not continue to delve into this well-executed management measure 3.4.4 The real situation of management and use of teaching facilities of Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: Survey data shows that this management content is achieving high efficiency All secondary schools in Hanoi have requirements that teachers make efforts to use information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching activities Especially, the online teaching during the epidemic situation that lasted for the past years has helped 100% of managerial staff and secondary school teachers 12 use online teaching methods and popular teaching software, helping for teachers' lectures, even through online form, still become more attractive to learners In the practice of teaching Literature, through direct observation, the author realizes that measures to manage the use of teaching facilities associated with the specificity of teaching Literature have been given special attention by secondary schools in Hanoi city, including: Building information technology classrooms; equipment is computerized; directing the construction of school libraries The thesis recommends continuing to well implement management measures to use teaching facilities as mentioned above 3.4.5 The real situation of management and innovation in the form of teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that the effectiveness of this measure is being evaluated as very good The proposed management measures need to continue to promote and pay more attention to the organization of different teaching forms, especially experiential activities for learners in teaching in the direction of developing learners' capacity to best develop the different capacities of different learners 3.4.6 The real situation of innovative management, testing and assessment of teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that the level of performance is rated as good or average The management functions performed in the measure of assessment have not been directed to the development of learners' capacity The proposed management measures need to go deep into this issue 3.4.7 The real situation of managing teaching activities of Literature teachers at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data shows that the management content with high efficiency is the management of teacher's work planning; manage the implementation of regulations on professional records; manage classroom teaching activities of teachers because this is the traditional management of secondary schools However, when switching to teaching in developing capacity, the management of teacher training activities is posing many problems Surveying the implementation level of management measures of training activities of Literature teachers at Hanoi city’s secondary schools showed average results Management measures need to be towards changes in order for the training of Literature teachers to achieve its goals 3.4.8 The real situation of managing learners' learning activities in teaching Literature at Hanoi city’s secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: The survey data show that management measures to learners' learning activities in the direction of capacity development as assessed by managerial staff and teachers are being implemented at a good level This measure needs to have breakthrough ways to achieve the goal of developing learners' capacity because learners may form their competencies in the most purposeful and effective way in self-study activities, which is suitable for each individual learner Therefore, the thesis chooses to delve into the measures to manage learners' self-study activities in the measures of managing learners' learning activities without going into the measures to manage learners' learning in class (because it has been and is being implemented effectively in schools) 3.4.9 The current situation of managing and building the teaching environment of Literature at Hanoi secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity: Survey data shows that the level of implementation of these measures is reaching the average level It is necessary to have measures to manage and build an environment for teaching Literature in Hanoi Secondary School in the direction of better developing learners' capacity 3.5 Surveying the current situation of factors affecting the management of teaching 13 Literature in secondary schools towards the development of learners' capacity: Factors affecting the measures of teaching management of Literature subject in secondary schools Hanoi streets in the direction of developing learners' capacity are at a necessary and very necessary level These are the factors that have a decisive influence on the transformation of teaching in the direction of developing learners' competencies 3.6 Evaluation of the current situation of teaching and managing the teaching of Literature in Hanoi secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 3.6.1 Strengths: In teaching Literature, many contents are being well implemented by the secondary schools of Hanoi city; The contents of teaching method innovation, organizational reform and teaching means are being evaluated as well done About the management of teaching Literature It can be seen that the management of determining the goals of teaching Literature has oriented towards problems that are useful to learners in real life; Teachers are guided to fully understand the goals of teaching and develop learners' competencies The management of construction and teaching of Literature at the Hanoi Secondary School has had many changes: the planned teaching management has initially replaced the teaching management according to the program distribution; management innovation in the direction of learner-centered effectively; management innovation of teaching forms and means has been focused and achieved good results; well organized learning activities of learners in class, well managed some activities of teachers 3.6.2 Weakness: However, in fact, there are many problems that have been raised with the teaching and management of Linguistics teaching in the direction of developing learners' capacity in secondary schools in Hanoi city Teaching Literature to develop the specialized competencies of low-level learners; many skills of learners have not been associated with real life; different capacities of different learners have not been fully developed; innovation in examination and evaluation has not yet developed the different capacities of learners; learners are not fully active in self-study; training has not met the needs of the majority of teachers; The construction of a teaching environment in the direction of developing learners' capacity is still limited The management of teaching Literature is also posing many problems Management of the construction of teaching content has not been implemented according to the hierarchy and has not promoted the creativity of teachers The management of innovation, testing and evaluation towards developing learners' capacity is not effective when both administrators and teachers of Literature have not had optimal measures on the selection of form, content, and methods check Measures to manage the training of teachers have not met the requirements of preparing staff for the renovation of curricula and textbooks in the direction of teaching and developing learners' capacity The management of self-study learners has not yet reached the essence that learners must be considered the center of the teaching process The management of building a teaching environment in the direction of developing learners' capacity in terms of awareness is considered important, but in fact is not qualified or has not been implemented 3.6.3 Chance: Teaching and developing learners' capacity is facing great opportunities: the trend of capacity development teaching is dominant in the world and the direction of the Party and State emphasizes to quickly switch from teaching to students Learning provides knowledge to teaching and developing learners' capacity 3.6.4 Daresay: The pressures on teachers when entering the comprehensive renovation process, the lack of facilities, the subsidized management mechanism, the lack of awareness 14 and hesitancy in action are obstacles There is no small change in teaching Literature in particular and teaching in schools in general towards developing learners' capacity Obviously, school administrators and teachers have initially approached teaching to develop learners' capacity; there is quite good awareness and high agreement with the transfer of knowledge-providing teaching to teaching to develop learners' capacity However, the implementation of teaching in the direction of capacity development and teaching management in the direction of developing learners' capacity in practice has not been as effective as stated Management measures should focus on those issues: 1) Continue to promote the effective measures achieved in terms of management, defining objectives, methods, means and forms of organization of teaching Literature; manage students' activities in class and manage the implementation of professional regulations and regulations of teachers; 2) Better implementation of measures to manage the development of teaching content, management of innovation, testing and evaluation; managing and fostering teachers, managing learners' selfstudy activities and managing the construction of a teaching environment for Literature at Hanoi Secondary School in the direction of developing learners' capacity This is an important basis for proposing measures of the research problem in chapter Chapter MEASURES FOR MANAGEMENT OF TEACHING LANGUAG LEARNING HANOI CITY’S SECOND SCHOOL IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF STUDENT'S CAPACITY 4.1 Principles of proposing measures 4.1.1 Guaranteed target: This principle requires that the proposed measures must be directed to the management of teaching Literature in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; of which it is especially important build learners' language and communication skills in a sustainable way This is the main principle when proposing management measures for teaching Literature in Hanoi Secondary School in the direction of developing learners' capacity 4.1.2 Guaranteed practice: This principle requires that the proposed measures must be consistent with the practice of teaching and learning Literature in secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity; at the same time must suitable to the socioeconomic conditions of Hanoi city 4.1.3 Systematic guarantee: This principle requires that the proposed measures must be consistent with management logic, simultaneously affecting all elements of the teaching process in the direction of developing learners' capacity Measures must be closely related to each other, supporting each other, promoting each other in order to create synergy of a unified whole 4.1.4 Guaranteed effectiveness: This principle requires the proposed measures to be highly effective; contribute to changing the way of managing secondary schools in the context of fundamental and comprehensive educational reform today 4.2 Measures to manage and teach Literature at Hanoi secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity 4.2.1 Directing the development of teaching content for Literature subject at secondary schools in Hanoi in the direction of developing learners' capacity The target of the measure - To help teachers fully realize the importance and necessity of developing the content of 15 teaching Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity, understanding how to choose teaching content according to the regulations new direction, know how to build teaching content suitable for learners - Help choose useful and effective teaching content for learners - Directing the implementation of teaching content - the most important measure - promoting the renewal of other components of the process of teaching and learning Literature in secondary schools Contents of the measure - The principal clearly defines the requirements for implementing the teaching content in the direction of developing learners' capacity to each teacher - The professional leader organizes the process of implementing the content of teaching Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity - The principal prepares the necessary conditions for teachers to be proactive in implementing teaching content towards developing learners' capacity - The principal directly implements or assigns the professional team to regularly check the teacher's implementation of the teaching content Type of practice First is: Guide teachers to build teaching topics according to the promulgated curriculum framework Second is: Guide teachers to reduce the load of knowledge that is not suitable for developing learners' capacity, including reviewing teaching content, reducing unnecessary content to learners and structuring and rearranging teaching content of each subject in the program in the direction of developing learners' capacity Third is: Guide teachers to integrate teaching contents,including: building interdisciplinary topics; rearrange teaching content; convert some teaching content into experiential activities Fourth is: Guide teachers to select and develop teaching materials suitable to learners' abilities, in which textbooks are considered as a main reference channel, new and valuable learning materials, and used by the teacher to be included in the teaching content Fifth is: Guide teachers to build elective teaching content suitable for different learners The principal manages the implementation of the curriculum framework and assigns the professional team leader to guide teachers in developing elective teaching content in the subject of Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity Elective teaching content can be divided into types: Elective content divided by learners' level; in-depth elective teaching content and additional elective teaching content Sixth is: The principal directs the exploitation of resources to ensure the implementation of the content of teaching Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity Seventh is: Check and evaluate the implementation of teaching content in an open direction The principal implements decentralization in testing and evaluating the implementation of teaching content in the direction of assigning autonomy to specialist teams and teachers of Literature Conditions practice - Secondary school administrators must have the skills to direct the development of teaching content as well as the ability to manage the implementation of teaching content in the direction of assigning autonomy This measure is not new in the name but completely new in the method of implementation - The most effective measure is when assigning autonomy to schools, is also giving teachers 16 autonomy when developing and implementing teaching content according to the promulgated curriculum framework - Teachers must have skills in building teaching content in the direction of developing learners' capacity; have the capacity to build and develop class programs to meet learners' requirements 4.2.2 Organization of innovation, testing and evaluation in teaching Literature at Hanoi secondary schools in the direction of developing learners' capacity The target of the measure - Help teachers fully aware of the importance and necessity of conducting innovation in testing and assessment, understanding how to implement innovation in testing and evaluation - Helping the organization to innovate, test and evaluate in the direction of developing learners' capacity effectively - Through the results of the organization of renovation and inspection, promoting the renewal of other elements of the process of teaching and managing Literature in Secondary Schools The content of the measure - The principal focuses on raising teachers' awareness of the importance of innovation in testing and assessment in the Secondary School Literature subject - The Literature Team needs to ask teachers to fully participate in order to receive new content and requirements on testing and assessment in teaching towards developing learners' capacity - The professional team needs to deploy for teachers to research and build a bank of test questions in the subject of Literature in the direction of developing learners' capacity - The principal properly assesses the extent of the implementation of the inspection and evaluation innovation - The principal directs the development of a reward and encouragement policy for teachers to perform well in testing and evaluating in the direction of developing learners' capacity Type of practice First is: Raising awareness of teachers about the new purpose of testing and assessment: for the progress of each learner Second is: Directing teachers to choose the form of testing and assessment suitable for learners Third is: Guide teachers to combine periodical and process assessment in teaching Fourth is: Ask teachers to select test and assessment content suitable for learners and the characteristics of the subject of Literature The content of the assessment should pay attention to the fact that the new Literature program focuses on assessing learners' reading, writing, speaking and listening skills Fifth is: Organize for teachers to choose appropriate testing and assessment methods for learners It is necessary to help teachers to focus on differentiation while testing and classifying learners according to goals and common quality standards Sixth is: To guide teachers on how to organize learners' self-assessment Principals assign autonomy to teachers in testing and assessing learners and guide teachers on how to organize learners' self-assessment Seventh is: Organize the analysis and feedback of student assessment results with stakeholders (students' parents, school education council, superiors, ) Eighth is: Directing and inspecting the process of innovation, testing and evaluation towards developing learners' capacity 17 Conditions practice - The principal understands the guiding documents, tests and evaluates teaching in the direction of developing learners' capacity; support teachers to implement innovation; help teachers understand the key issues of innovation in testing and assessment; Leveraging the potential of each teacher - The Linguistics team actively organizes training sessions, seminars, and topics to guide teachers in proficiently implementing assessment methods towards developing learners' competencies - Teachers must cultivate and learn by themselves to improve the ability to test and evaluate students' learning results Teachers of other subjects actively coordinate in implementing innovative testing and evaluation activities in schools so that testing and evaluation towards the development of learners' capacity is conducted synchronously Learners must be seen as the center of the teaching process Objectives, content, methods and forms of assessment must be aimed at the goal for the progress of learners - There is close coordination between the principal and the professional team leader in directing the Literature teachers to carry out testing and evaluation innovation There is decentralization in the delegation of authority to direct in-depth linguistic expertise in performing the test and evaluation of the principal with the head of the department and the teacher of Literature - Facilities and teaching facilities in the school must meet the requirements of testing and assessment in the direction of developing learners' capacity 4.2.3 Directing and fostering teachers of Literature at Hanoi secondary schools in teaching towards developing learners' capacity The target of the measure - Improve capacity, create motivation for each individual teacher, help teachers of Literature update knowledge and develop professional skills - Help managers get a plan and way to train teachers in the right direction, quickly and effectively, creating better motivation for teachers when participating in training - Help the principal and the professional team to achieve the set educational goals The content of the measure - The principal directs to properly assess the actual situation of the team in order to get a comprehensive picture of the quality of the team in order to make an appropriate training plan; develop the school's teacher training plan; assign the professional team to develop a plan for teacher training for each subject (content, method, means, form, method, time, participants); promulgate regulations and adopt policies to create conditions for teachers to self-improve - The professional leader organizes regular training activities for teachers with different contents and forms - The principal directly inspects or authorizes the specialized team to inspect the work of teacher training Type of practice First is: Properly assessing the current situation of the staff of Literature teachers: The principal assigns the professional team to conduct a survey on the current status of the teaching staff in terms of quantity and quality according to the goals of teaching and developing learners' capacity Second is: Develop a plan to foster teachers on teaching and develop learners' capacity The 18 ... activities towards the formation of learners'' capacity 2.1.2 Vai trò đặc trưng dạy học môn Ngữ văn trường trung học sở theo 2.1.2 The role and features of teaching Literature in secondary schools... thesis contributes to the development of the theory of teaching Literature at Secondary School in Hanoi towards developing learners'' capacity and the theory of management in teaching Literature... Research method: The thesis use groups of research methods: Group of theoretical research methods (method of analysis and synthesis of theory; method of generalization); Group of practical research

Ngày đăng: 21/11/2022, 11:44


