Situation générale de la recherche en rapport avec le sujet
2.1 Situation de la recherche à l’étranger
Dans le monde, la recherche sur la stratégie en général et la stratégie d'extension de marché étant très diverse, on peut citer certaines des études suivantes:
In his 2006 work "Corporate Strategy," Richard Lynch analyzes key elements of the business environment, focusing on the resources, processes, and activities essential for implementing effective strategies and tools.
Philip Kotler, Marketing Management, ce livre démontre l’importance des activités de marketing Les entreprises gagnantes sont aujourd’hui des entreprises qui satisfont pleinement et véritablement leurs clients.
Charles W.L.Hill& Gareth R.Jones, Strategic Management: An Integrate
The book is recognized for showcasing the achievements, management strategies, technological advancements, and ethical practices of 30 global companies through a blend of theory and practical insights.
Additionally, several foreign-authored textbooks have been translated into Vietnamese, including "Blue Ocean Strategy" by W Chan Kim and R Mauborgne (2005) Notably, David A Aaker's book "Deploying the Business Strategy" provides a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on the implementation of business strategies.
2.2 Situation de la recherche au Vietnam
Grâce aux recherches sur la bibliothèque et aux sources de données sur Internet, il existe des études sur ce sujet, telles que:
The book "Strategic Management" (2015) by Professors NGUYEN Hoang Long and NGUYEN Hoang Viet from Thuongmai University provides foundational knowledge on strategic management It covers essential topics such as strategic planning, strategy implementation, and strategic control, offering valuable insights for effective management practices.
"The Strategic Management" (2012) by Professor NGO Kim Thanh from the National University of Economics systematically consolidates strategic management knowledge, offering students a clearer understanding and practical application of the concepts.
Several theses focus on market expansion strategies, including "Enhancing Market Expansion Strategy at Technology Infrastructure Development Limited Company" by student Le Nhat Linh (K49A) and "Improving the Implementation of Market Penetration Strategy at Tecapro for Information and Communication Technologies" by student Nguyen Thi Lan (K8CQ1A).
In summary, numerous studies have explored market development strategies for businesses; however, there has been no research conducted specifically on the market penetration strategy of Aza Limited, an investment and development company.
Objectifs de la recherche
Objet: Promouvoir la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché chez AZA Investment and Development Company Limited afin de résoudre les objectifs fondamentaux suivants:
To effectively accelerate the implementation of market penetration strategies, it is essential to systematize the theoretical foundations that encompass key concepts, characteristics, content, and the processes involved in executing these strategies.
• Effectuer des analyses et évaluer l'état de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché dans les zones environnantes à Hanoi.
This article analyzes the theoretical framework and objective evaluations concerning the implementation of the market penetration strategy employed by Aza Limited, an investment and development company The focus is on assessing the effectiveness of their strategic approach in enhancing market presence and driving growth.
Objet et portée de la recherche
* Objets de recherche: sont les facteurs d'influence, les facteurs constitutifs, les modèles et les processus de mise en œuvre des stratégies de pénétration du marché deAZA.
• À propos du contenu: le sujet est axé sur les activités de recherche visant à mettre en œuvre la stratégie commerciale de l’eau potable en bouteille et à usages multiples.
This study examines the implementation of a market penetration strategy for versatile products and bottled water in the neighboring provinces of Hanoi.
This article examines the commercial performance data of Aza Limited, an investment and development corporation, over the three-year period from 2016 to 2018, while also outlining its strategic vision for 2020.
Méthodologie de la recherche
5.1 Méthodes de collecte des données 5.1.1 Méthode de collecte de données primaire
Primary data refers to information that is not readily available and cannot address multiple-choice research questions To gather this data, it is essential to conduct statistical surveys tailored to the research inquiries In this study, the author employed direct interviews and multiple-choice surveys as methods for collecting primary data.
The direct interview method is utilized alongside survey questionnaires to enhance understanding Specifically, direct interviews serve to clarify and implement the company's business strategy effectively.
Based on the necessary information for the study, we prepare a pre-interview questionnaire that addresses the relevant topics We then schedule face-to-face meetings with the interviewees at the agreed-upon times One of the interviewees is Mr Nguyen Van Tu, the General Director of Aza Limited, an investment and development joint-stock company The direct approach involves in-person discussions, with the interview taking place on March 16, 2019 A sample of the interview questionnaire is attached as Annex 2.
Méthodes d'enquête au moyen de questionnaires à choix multiples:
The survey method utilizing questionnaires aims to gather and synthesize the evaluation opinions of both managers and employees at Aza Limited, an investment and development corporation This approach assesses the current state of the company's business strategy implementation, while also exploring the external environmental challenges and the overall strengths and weaknesses of the organization.
To conduct a survey, we designed and built a questionnaire consisting of 11 questions A total of 15 votes were cast, with 10 valid responses collected The participants included individuals from various levels and job functions within the company The survey was conducted over a two-day period, from March 16 to March 17, 2019, with the questionnaire form attached in Appendix 1.
5.1.2 Méthode de collecte de données secondaires
Les données secondaires sont des données disponibles, collectées à partir de sources internes et externes à l'entreprise.
The types of data collected include information from internal company sources, books, corporate reports, data from the company's website, and other channels such as scientific journals, the internet, and research papers on various topics.
In analyzing data for the implementation of penetration strategy policies, we utilize both primary and secondary data sources This comprehensive approach allows us to effectively study and address the associated challenges.
Méthodes quantitatives: nous utilisons Word, synthétiser les informations du questionnaire collecté et utilisons Excel pour modéliser les données primaires en niveaux de graphique.
Structure du mémoire
En plus de l'introduction, la conclusion et l'annexe Ce mémoire se compose de trois chapitres.
Chapitre 1: Quelques théoriques de base sur l’achèvement de la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement
Aza limitée Chapitre 2: De l‟état de la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée
Chapitre 3: Propositons et recommandations pour améliorer la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée
Définitions des concepts
In its conventional sense, the term "strategy," derived from the Greek word "strategos," refers to a military concept that focuses on the arrangement and deployment of forces to defeat an adversary The 19th-century military theorist Carl von Clausewitz defined strategy as the art of planning warfare and orchestrating combat operations.
Currently, there are numerous varying definitions of strategy, primarily due to the diverse perspectives on organization as a whole and the distinct approaches to organizational strategy.
Selon Bruce Henderson, stratège et fondateur du groupe de conseil Boston
In 1934, it was emphasized that strategy involves a careful search for an action plan aimed at developing and leveraging an organization's competitive advantage The distinctions between a business and its competitors serve as the foundation for achieving this advantage.
According to Alfred Chandler (1972), strategy involves defining an organization's long-term goals and objectives, followed by selecting the appropriate actions and resource allocations necessary to achieve these aims.
According to G Johnson and K Scholes (2011), strategy involves setting long-term fundamental objectives for a business, selecting the appropriate courses of action, and allocating the essential resources needed to achieve these goals.
Selon William J’.Gluech (1908): “La stratégie est un plan complet et coordonné, conỗu pour garantir la mise en œuvre des objectifs fondamentaux de l'entreprise”[10]
From a strategic perspective, strategy can be defined as the process of identifying the overarching goals of a business, enabling companies to establish and enhance significant competitive advantages that cater to customers with values distinct from those of their rivals.
1.1.2 Stratégie de pénétration du marché
Market penetration strategy involves offering existing products and services in new market sectors to increase a company's market share This strategy is particularly suitable in specific scenarios where businesses aim to expand their reach and enhance competitiveness.
Lorsque les entreprises disposent de nouveaux canaux de distribution fiables, pas ruineux et de grande qualité.
Lorsque les entreprises réussissent très bien sur le marché traditionnel avec les activités des affaires.
Lorsque les nouveaux marchés sont inexploités et non saturés.
Lorsque les entreprises disposent des ressources, des équipements et de la main- d'œuvre nécessaires pour gérer des activités commerciales étendues.
Lorsque les entreprises sont libres.
Lorsque l'activité de base de l'entreprise se développe rapidement à l'échelle mondiale.
The nature of market development strategy is an integral component of the company's overall business strategy It serves as one of the general strategies at the corporate level, directing functional units and departments in achieving their specific objectives.
1.1.3 Mise en oeuvre de la stratégie
La mise en œuvre est le processus consistant à transformer la stratégie en actions concrètes et à s'assurer que ces tâches sont exécutées de manière à atteindre tous les objectifs des entreprises.
The implementation of a strategy encompasses all actions and decisions required to put that strategy into effect It is essential to execute the actions derived from the chosen strategic directions.
Contenu théorique
1.1.2 Facteurs affectants la mise en oeuvre de la Stratégie de pénétration du marché
The analysis of factors is conducted through McKinsey's 7S framework, which identifies elements influencing strategy implementation Effective strategy execution relies not only on the focus given to these seven factors but also on their systemic impact.
Figure 1.1.: Les 7S de MC Kinsey
(Source : McKinsey, Manuel de gestion stratégique)
C'est le contenu des éléments du modèle 7S MCKinsey :
Stratégie: Le plan aide à préserver et à créer des avantages concurrentiels par rapport aux concurrents.
Structure: Montrer le mode d'organisation de la société et le système de reporting inter-niveaux
Systèmes: Le système comprend des activités quotidiennes ainsi que des processus pour chaque employé impliqué dans la tâche.
Valeurs partagées: Peut-être appelé “objectifs anormals” telle que valeurs fondamentales de la société et éthique de travail commune.
Style: Quel est le style de la classe de leadership? Équipes: comprend les employés et leurs capacités.
Savoir-faire: Les compétences réelles et compétences des employés.
1.1.3 Contenu de la recherche Identification de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d'extension du marché
L’identification de la stratégie d'extension du marché mise en œuvre par la société inclut les critères suivants:
Strategic objectives are essential for guiding managers in determining the future direction of the company It is crucial to outline your top priorities, including your vision, mission, values, strategies, and goals Consider where you envision your business in five to ten years and identify the key focus areas that will provide a competitive advantage over rivals in the market This foundational step is vital for developing a comprehensive plan and driving meaningful change within the organization.
The market consists of customers with similar needs or desires that businesses can fulfill, allowing their marketing efforts to create competitive advantages and achieve specific goals This target market can either be the current market for deeper engagement or new markets for expansion opportunities.
En réalité, pour bien définir le marché cible de l’entreprise, il faut:
Analyser la base de clients actuelle
Choisisser des données démographiques spécifiques à cibler Évaluer la propre décision
The target customers outlined in this document are essential for the business, as they represent both potential and existing clients who demonstrate a demand for the products offered These customers not only need to have an interest in the company's offerings but must also possess the financial capacity to purchase them Understanding the characteristics of this clientele is crucial for effective market positioning and competition analysis.
Identifying the characteristics of target customers is essential for businesses, focusing on basic psychological parameters, needs, and demands to help companies develop effective strategies for customer retention and growth Additionally, understanding competition is crucial; businesses must accurately identify their competitors, which requires insight into various challenges Often, the real competition that can threaten a company's survival may not be immediately apparent A competitor is defined as any business vying for the same customers, including those offering substitute products or services.
Product positioning is the process of establishing a desirable place for a product in the consumer's mind, ensuring that it is consistently associated with specific attributes Companies should aim to differentiate their products, become cost leaders, or dominate niche markets to effectively position themselves in the marketplace.
The positioning process involves three key steps Step 1 is the situation analysis, where companies assess customer characteristics, competitor strategies, and their own strengths, weaknesses, and objectives Step 2 focuses on identifying competitors and creating positioning diagrams; after gathering comprehensive information, businesses should develop a positioning map to clarify their market position and identify competitors based on defined criteria Step 3 entails selecting a positioning strategy; by analyzing the situation and recognizing competitive advantages, companies can choose one or multiple positioning strategies for their brands. Définition des objectifs à court terme
Short-term goals serve as the foundation for achieving long-term objectives, as the latter can only be realized through the effective development and implementation of the former To ensure success, short-term goals should be measurable, realistic, specific, and broken down into manageable steps with clear timelines.
Internal agreement on objectives is essential to ensure information is effectively communicated across all departments, fostering a shared sense of harmony and motivation within the company Short-term goals are typically articulated through specific indicators, including growth, market share, profitability, revenue, technology advancements, and the introduction of new products.
La mise en place d'un système d'objectifs annuels à court terme est très importante et nécessaire en raison de la mise en œuvre stratégique, car:
Il crée la base et les conditions de la répartition des ressources clés: financières, physiques, humaines et techniques.
Il crée un mécanisme de fonctionnement et évaluez les performances des admi- nistrateurs.
Il est principaux outils pour contrôler, ajuster les progrès et mettre en œuvre les objectifs stratégiques à long terme.
Il est la base d’identification des problèmes prioritaires importants doit être axée avant tout Élaboration des politiques pour la mise en oeuvre de la stratégie d’ex- tension de marché
Marketing policy is crucial in implementing companies' market expansion strategies By utilizing a rational market segmentation approach and selected strategies, businesses can effectively deploy mixed marketing program variables, including product development, pricing, distribution channel selection, and the execution of appropriate promotional programs.
L' allocation des ressources humaines lors de la mise en œuvre des stratégies d'entreprise doit être conforme à la politique générale du personnel des entreprises Les points suivants doivent être notés:
Des politiques de recrutement, de formation et de formation du personnel conformes aux objectifs stratégiques.
Non-financial treatment policies include aligning performance and compensation with strategy implementation, unified compensation structures, resolving internal conflicts, and fostering a cultural environment supported by human resources to enhance strategic goals.
As usual, the implementation of a new strategy is largely influenced by market dynamics and competitiveness Therefore, timely decisions regarding salary increases and promotions for the right individuals at the appropriate moments will serve as crucial catalysts, significantly impacting the successful execution of the strategy. Allocation des ressources pour la mise en œuvre de la stratégie d’exten- sion de marché
Implementing a strategy requires adjustments in resource utilization, making resource allocation a critical factor in successful strategy execution.
Human resource allocation is the process of redistributing resources throughout the lifecycle and development of a business A合理 allocation of resources is essential for the effective implementation of strategic objectives Resource evaluation occurs during the analysis and assessment of the company's situation, ensuring that the organization has the necessary resources to successfully execute the proposed strategies.
To achieve this, it is essential to analyze and evaluate both the quantity and quality of each resource during every period Specifically, there is a need to focus on special human resources and the commitment of employees towards fulfilling their tasks.
Aperỗu de la sociộtộ d'investissement et de dộveloppement AZA limitộe
Nom, forme, bureau, succursale, bureau de représentation et durée de fonctionnement de la société
- Adresse: allée n ° 6/25 102 Truong Chinh, quartier de Phuong Liet, district de Thanh Xuan, Hanọ
- Licence commerciale / Date d'édition: 0107968234/21 aỏt 2016
La société est une société à responsabilité limitée dotée d'un statut juridique conforme aux lois en vigueur au Vietnam.
2.1.2 Le processus de formation et de développement
AZA Development and Investment Limited, established in 2016, began with around 9 employees
After more than three years of establishment and growth, the company is thriving and successfully distributing its products both domestically and internationally Its offerings are highly popular among customers, who appreciate the quality, fostering a loyal clientele The company's revenues have been steadily increasing year after year, contributing to profitability and bolstering the country's economic development.
Les secteurs d'activité de la société sont:
- Fabrication et commerce d'articles ménagers pratiques
- Négoce d'articles diversifiés (Réglementations spécifiques au secteur - Objectifs opérationnels de l'entreprise:
As a young company operating exclusively in Hanoi and its neighboring provinces, it is now poised to expand its market reach to the north and has formulated a development strategy targeting foreign markets, particularly the Philippines.
Effectively mobilizing and utilizing capital is essential for enhancing production, commercial activities, and other sectors to achieve profitability This approach not only fosters stable job creation for workers but also boosts shareholder income, contributes to the state budget, and supports overall societal growth.
The company is permitted to plan and conduct all its business activities in accordance with its business registration certificate and the current charter, in compliance with applicable laws, while implementing appropriate measures to achieve its objectives.
- La société peut exercer des activités commerciales dans d'autres domaines autorisés par la loi.
Figure 2.1: Organigramme de la société AZA Investment and Development
Département des affaires Département de comptablilités
Service d'expéditionDistribution, les stockers
2.1.5 Résultats des entreprises (au cours des 2 dernières années)
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les résultats commerciaux de la société au cours des 2 dernières années.
Tableau 2.1: Résultats commerciaux d'Aza Investment and Development Company
Recettes provenant de la vente et de la prestation de services
2 Marge brute sur ventes et prestation de services
5 Frais d’exploitation financière (frais d’intérêts)
4 Résultat net des activités commerciales 140,45
0 Total du bénéfice comptable avant impôt 140,61
0 Charge d'impôt sur les entreprises (20%) 28123 93094,
(Source: Département de la comptabilité)
The total sales revenue reached 113%, amounting to 502,473,000 VND, surpassing the figures from 2017 This increase highlights the company's efforts in sales and market expansion to attract more orders compared to the previous year.
As a result, net revenues increased in both absolute and relative terms from 2017 to 2018, demonstrating that the company's products are increasingly well-received by consumers.
Despite a 113% increase in revenue, the cost of goods sold rose by only 58%, indicating that as production remains high, the quantity of raw materials is significantly reduced.
Business management costs have risen to 5,187,000 VND, representing a 60.4% increase, while financial costs have reached 167,000,000 VND, or 35.5%, both attributed to revenue growth This increase in costs aligns with the company's expansion, new production initiatives, and overall efficiency improvements.
+ Le bénéfice des activités commerciales est passé à 259 886 000 VND
Le bénéfice comptable total de la société en 2018 s'élève à 465 472 000 VND, en hausse de 324 millions VND.
Generally, the financial situation of Aza Limited, an investment and development company, remains relatively stable The company continues to demonstrate a production and growth rate that exceeds that of the beginning of the year.
2.2 Évaluation globale de l'impact des facteurs environnementaux pour déployer la stratégie de développement du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée
2.2.1 Effet de facteurs environnementaux externes Effet du macro environnement
The economic situation in Vietnam has seen a significant rise in inflation over the past few years, which has notably impacted businesses across the board, including the Investment and Development Company, Limited.
In 2018, Vietnam's GDP growth reached a record high of 7.08%, marking the highest growth rate in the past decade This significant increase indicates a gradual economic recovery since the global financial crisis in 2008, during which GDP growth had not exceeded 7% Notably, the 7.08% growth surpassed the National Assembly's target of 6.7% and exceeded initial forecasts, highlighting the resilience of Vietnam's economy.
In 2018, Hanoi's economy experienced significant growth, with a gross domestic product (GDP) increase of 8.65%, according to a new calculation method, compared to 7.37% previously This upward trend continued into the following year, surpassing the growth rates of 8.2% in 2016 and 8.48% in 2017 The average GDP per capita reached $4,080, reflecting a 1.12-fold increase since 2015 Additionally, the city's total budget revenues demonstrated robust performance, contributing to its economic stability and development.
In 2018, Vietnam's budget expenditures were estimated at 238.8 trillion VND, reflecting a 12% increase and meeting 100.2% of the forecast To ensure compliance with regulations, budget spending must focus on restructuring to reduce regular expenses, thereby freeing up resources for development investments Notably, the share of recurrent expenditures decreased to 50.8% in 2018.
As economic development and living standards improve, consumer demand is rising, particularly for online shopping through social media platforms that cater to family needs This increase in quality of life presents significant opportunities for growth in online business activities on social networking sites However, it also brings challenges due to heightened competition within the market.
Analyser et évaluer l'état de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration
2.3.1 Identifier la stratégie de pénétration du marché de l'entreprise
The company is currently thriving in the Hanoi market and surrounding regions, but it aims to expand its market share internationally To achieve this, the business is focusing on online sales strategies through social media platforms like Facebook, Zalo, and Instagram, as well as e-commerce sites such as Lazada, Shopee, and Sendo This strategic approach positions the company for growth in the global market.
Stratégie commerciale en ligne visant à développer les entreprises car la demande d’achat direct des consommateurs augmente rapidement.
The strategic objective of the company for the period from 2017 to 2021 is to achieve a net profit of €1.5 billion by the end of 2021, as indicated by the survey results.
To boost transaction volumes for existing customers, attract competitors' clients, and draw in new customers, the company must enhance its marketing efforts through various strategies.
- Offrir une nouvelle campagne publicitaire efficace
- Réplication du nombre de magasins, points de vente et réseaux de consommation dans ce pays.
- Améliorer constamment la qualité du produit
The company is strategically entering the market by gradually increasing the number of modern machines and expanding its sales team In the coming years, it plans to expand its market presence to neighboring provinces of Hanoi, which are home to numerous industrial zones, including Hung Yen, Vinh Phuc, Bac Ninh, and Bac Giang In addition to its national market, the company aims to extend its reach to other countries such as Indonesia and Malaysia.
La dernière fois, l’entreprise s’est toujours attachée à renforcer sa compétitivité en réduisant ses cỏts d’exploitation Main d'œuvre active et créative au travail Cependant, il reste des problèmes tels que:
Currently, the company is a small enterprise with a limited market share in Hanoi's agricultural sector, resulting in low competitiveness However, it benefits from a simple organizational structure and a young, dynamic workforce, which keeps personnel costs low With an enthusiastic team eager to learn, the company has the potential for growth if it continues to invest in and nurture its employees.
2.3.2 Situation actuelle de l'analyse environnementale pour déployer la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée
According to the survey results, 100% of respondents indicated that the company had implemented a market penetration environmental analysis strategy, while 80% noted that the company conducted only a sensitive analysis using specific tools A direct interview with the director of AZA Investment and Development revealed that the company had effectively identified and analyzed environmental factors that clearly articulated market penetration strategies for discovering new markets Key factors identified by the company in their situational analysis included:
In recent years, the emergence of various e-commerce platforms such as Lazada, Tiki, Shopee, Sendo, and Adayroi has made online shopping a familiar experience for Vietnamese consumers.
The 21st century is recognized as the era of technology 4.0, with the online shopping market becoming increasingly dynamic as consumers engage in buying and selling through interactive social networks like Facebook and Zalo This shift is fostering a new trend in consumer behavior—online shopping—which presents a fertile opportunity for retailers and promises significant benefits for consumers Since the early 2000s, the demand for online product transactions has surged, creating substantial opportunities for online businesses, such as investment and development firms like Aza Limited, while also posing certain challenges.
Currently, online businesses are well-established, leading to increased competition Companies must seek unique products to meet customer needs and explore new markets for growth Vietnam's accession to the WTO presents both opportunities and risks for local businesses, as it intensifies competition and introduces rivals from economically stronger countries Without effective management and sound business strategies, it becomes challenging for companies to establish themselves in the Vietnamese market, let alone compete on an international scale.
The company benefits from a youthful workforce that fosters creativity, enabling the discovery of trendy fashion products Additionally, the management team maintains strong relationships with suppliers, ensuring access to quality sources that build trust with customers.
Weaknesses: The management has not thoroughly studied the identification and assessment of environmental influences Evaluating the impact of these factors can often lack precision and remains unassessed Additionally, the company's diverse range of activities complicates this evaluation further.
2.3.3 État actuel de la gestion à court terme de la société dans la mise en œuvre de stratégies de pénétration du marché
In an interview with Mr Nguyen Van Tu, Director of AZA Investment and Development, the company has successfully implemented a market penetration strategy focused on identifying new markets, increasing market share, attracting clients, and generating high revenues and profits This remains the primary objective of the company.
Tableau 2.6: Objectifs spécifiques de l'entreprise
Les buts Année 2019 Année 2020 Année 2021
Revenu Augmentation de 10% par rapport à 2018
Continuer à croợtre de 15% par rapport à 2019
Continuer à croợtre de 20% par rapport à 2020
Le profit Bénéfice augmenté de
Croissance de la part de Atteindre un taux de Atteindre un taux de Tăng trưởng 25% marché croissance de 10% croissance de 20%
Ressources humaines Ressources humaines bien formées
(Source: Département des ventes de AZA)
L'auteur a mené une enquête sur le niveau de la réalisation de l'objectif à court terme de la société et obtenu des résultats :
Figure 2.1 Le niveau de la réalisation de l'objectif à court terme de 2016 à 2018
Escheelle de temps possibilité capacité de mesure spécificité et clarté
The survey results indicate that the company's short-term goals are highly valued for their clarity and specificity, with 40% of respondents highlighting this aspect Additionally, 36% appreciate the relevance of these goals in relation to the current state of businesses and the future telecommunications industry environment However, the ability to measure these goals and their timeline is rated low at 9%, as the objectives have not been detailed on a monthly basis.
2.3.4 Situation actuelle de la mise en œuvre des politiques marketing dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché
Marketing policy is a crucial component of AZA's market penetration strategy The implementation of marketing policy management activities is assessed by officials and employees in various ways.
Figure 2.2: Évaluation de la mise en œuvre de la gestion des politiques marketing d’AZA
Po liti qu e de p ro du it
Po liti qu e de p rix
Po liti qu e de d ist rib uti on
P ol iti qu e de p ro m oti on
(Source synthétisée à partir des résultats de l'enquête)
Selon l'enquête, 80% des personnes interrogées ont déclaré que la gestion de la politique produit de la société était bonne.
AZA Development and Investment Company Limited offers a wide range of high-quality products imported directly from renowned suppliers, featuring exceptional characteristics and diverse designs.
D'après les résultats de l'enquête, l'auteur résume les opinions des employés sur les produits de l'entreprise de la manière suivante:
Conclusions sur l'état de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée .30 1 Les résultats obtenus
du marché de la société par action d'investissement et de développement Aza limitée
In examining the implementation of the market penetration strategy by Aza Limited, an investment and development company, over the years, one of the notable achievements of the firm stands out.
The company has adopted a market penetration strategy tailored to the current conditions of its target market, focusing on a more in-depth development approach in the HCMV market This includes targeting Hanoi and its surrounding areas, as well as expanding access to Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia.
The company establishes and implements annual goals based on the current market situation By setting short-term objectives with specific metrics and departmental plans, the management can be effectively monitored and adjusted as needed As a result, the company's market penetration strategy is executed more efficiently.
The company has developed reasonable policies to enhance its market penetration strategy Similar to its human resources policy, the organization consistently invests in employee development to foster creativity and innovation in the workplace.
- Politique des prix: poursuivre son développement sur le marché des HCMV.
Hanoi Company has introduced a competitive pricing strategy by offering lower prices than its rivals in the market To enhance distribution and foster competition, the company has also organized promotions for distributors and dealers, aiming to support its pricing strategy effectively.
The company's product policy focuses on continuously enhancing product quality and design by investing in production lines and consistently updating to the latest and fastest product models over the years.
Sales consulting strategy: For new clients unfamiliar with the company's products, a dedicated advisor will assist them in selecting the right items based on both quality and price This approach aims to build customer trust and enhance their overall experience with the brand.
Despite the company's achievements, its market penetration strategy still has significant gaps The absence of a specialized strategy division necessitates the development of targeted strategies and organizational structures to align with the specific plans and objectives of each department This lack of cohesion has hindered the unified pursuit of short-term goals, ultimately failing to deliver high results for the company's business activities.
Les politiques visant à soutenir la stratégie de pénétration du marché de l'entreprise ne sont pas vraiment efficaces:
The company implements its distribution policy based on three criteria: direct distribution, agent-based distribution, and external distribution However, it primarily focuses on direct distribution without synchronization Therefore, the company should pay more attention to distribution channels through agents to enhance its overall distribution strategy.
The market research and marketing teams have not been functioning effectively, resulting in inadequate market studies Consequently, the sales department is now responsible for all aspects, including sales, business logistics, and marketing, which has led to inefficiencies in their operations.
2.4.3 La cause de ces problèmes Cause objective
Due to the growing market, an increasing number of companies are engaging in online activities on social media platforms and trading rooms, leading to intense competition in this sector This presents a significant challenge for businesses.
Oblige les entreprises à toujours innover et à innover dans la vente en ligne.
- L'économie de notre pays est en plein essor dans la période technologique 4.0, elle a créé des opportunités mais également des défis et des limites.
The company lacks a specialized department for intrusion strategy, so market penetration is managed by the leadership team, who then delegate tasks to department heads Subsequently, these department heads assign responsibilities to junior employees.
La capacité de prévoir le marché est encore passive, la capacité de capturer des informations sur le marché est encore limitée.
Prévision de l'évolution de l'environnement commercial et de l'orientation développement de la société AZA Investment and Development Company Limited
3.1.1 Prévoir la situation dans le temps à venir
In an unstable business environment, the economy is rapidly evolving to embrace the era of technology 4.0 A global Nielsen study surveyed 30,000 internet users across 60 countries to understand consumer purchasing intentions in the realm of online shopping This research provides valuable insights into global consumer behavior regarding the purchase of consumer goods and other products within the expanding online commerce landscape Beyond the convenience of online shopping, factors such as product information, reviews, and price comparisons play a crucial role in influencing consumer decisions Additionally, retail websites enhance the shopping experience, making it more engaging for consumers.
Consumers increasingly research products online before making traditional purchases, highlighting the critical importance of e-commerce in retail strategies This trend indicates that online business holds significant potential, providing companies with rapid growth opportunities As a result, businesses must discover effective ways to compete with others in the digital marketplace.
Afin de développer le marché cible de Hanoi, de certaines provinces voisines et de certains autres pays, la société a développé sa propre orientation de développement.
En 2019 et les années à venir, AZA Investment et Development Co., Ltd suivront les orientations de développement suivantes:
To ensure coherence within the company's strategic system, the market penetration strategy must be synchronized and unified across all strategic elements This involves identifying and evaluating strategic content to effectively monitor and assess the implementation of strategies Furthermore, the management of services and strategic levels should align consistently with the overarching goals of the entire organization.
To enhance the effectiveness of market penetration strategy implementation, the company will enforce stricter oversight on strategic policy execution and consider revising these policies to better align with market conditions.
To boost consumption, the company will enhance its marketing efforts by expanding its sales teams Additionally, it will persist in advertising through magazines and online platforms, with a particular focus on businesses that invest in sponsoring charitable activities, as the company aims to sustain this initiative.
+ Proposer une politique de rabais élevés pour les clients à long terme, en réduisant le% de nombre de commandes.
+ Maintenir et développer davantage la qualité de nos produits et services pour répondre aux divers besoins des clients.
+ Passez en revue les techniques de tarification et les méthodes d'évaluation qui conviennent le mieux à chaque type de produit et à différents clients.
Propositions visant à améliorer la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration
3.2.1 Proposer d'améliorer la gestion des objectifs à court terme de l'entreprise
The process of establishing short-term goals is guided by the company's long-term objectives, which must include measurable criteria, relevance, challenges, clarity, and effective communication within organizations These goals should be set for an appropriate timeframe and accompanied by proportional rewards.
Setting annual business objectives should begin with an assessment of market demand, followed by an evaluation of the company's internal capabilities The annual goals must include specific numerical targets, which will guide other departments in developing their operational plans to achieve the organization's objectives This approach ensures that all parts of the company remain proactive and capitalizes on market opportunities.
In 2019, AZA Development and Investment Company Limited aimed to increase its market share from 15% to 18.8% as part of its strategy for market development in Hanoi and other countries To achieve this goal, the company plans to enhance its marketing policies, optimize human resources, allocate resources effectively, and adapt its organizational structure to align with its strategy, while also implementing a monitoring process to evaluate the strategy's execution.
Additionally, the company should consider how to effectively communicate short-term objectives to its departments and divisions The management council can create strategic documents, plan the dissemination of this information, and ensure that key recipients are the managers Subsequently, these leaders will organize meetings or other formats to assist their employees in understanding the objectives and collaborating towards future goals.
Tableau 3.1 Objectifs à court terme de la société pour la période 2018-2020
ANNÉE Revenu Cette partie Marque
Le chiffre d’affaires total de la société a atteint 24,5 milliards de VND
Ne vous arrêtez pas, faites de la publicité et développez pour devenir une marque prestigieuse sur le marché
Le chiffre d'affaires total de la société a atteint 26,3 milliards VND
Construire une image d'entreprise typique et prestigieuse sur le marché de l'industrie
Le chiffre d'affaires total de la société a atteint 30,8 milliards VND
Devenir l'une des principales entreprises de commerce en ligne
3.2.2 Proposer de compléter l'analyse environnementale dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché de la société par actions AZA Investment and Development
To effectively implement a market development strategy, the company should utilize TOWS analysis tools to identify factors influencing execution and assess their impact level Market associations help mitigate risks and discover solutions to leverage the company's strengths while minimizing its weaknesses.
Tableau 3.2 Modèle TOWS - Stratégies de pénétration du marché de la société
2 La demande de paiement par carte a été de plus en plus étendue.
3 Nouveaux marchés intérieurs à potentiel de croissance
4 Taux d'urbanisation élevé dans les grandes villes, la tendance à la modernisation s'accentue progressivement.
1.Les concurrents deviennent de plus en plus nombreux
2 Dépendance vis-à-vis des fournitures étrangères
4 La situation du marché fluctue et de nombreuses incertitudes
5.Apparaissent de nombreux produits alternatifs
Forces (S) Stratégie (SO) Stratégie (ST)
1 La qualité du produit est améliorée
2 Les sources d'approvisionnement sont des sociétés réputées dans le monde.
3 Service après-vente attentif et dédié
Stratégies de développement en profondeur des marchés étrangers basées sur les avantages de la qualité du produit
- (S1,3,4, T1,2,4): Stratégie de développement du marché intérieur fondée sur les avantages des avantages du service après-vente / des produits riches
7 Ressources humaines expérimentées, qualifiées et bien formées
Faiblesse (W) Stratégie (WO) Stratégie (WT)
1 Les études de marché ne sont pas bonnes
3 Le prix du produit est supérieur à celui du principal concurrent
4 La taille de l'entreprise n'est pas grande
6 Les politiques de promotion n'ont pas été ciblées ni diversifiées
- (W3,4,5O2,3): Stratégie de pénétration du marché en renforỗant les efforts de marketing
- (W1,2,4, T2,3,5): La stratégie de pénétration du marché est axée sur les Philippines, la Malaisie, l'Indonésie
Since then, TOWS matrix analysis companies have adopted market penetration strategies based on marketing policies, particularly focusing on product advantages and after-sales service policies.
3.2.3 Proposer de renforcer la politique de mise en œuvre de la stratégie de pénétration du marché
La solution d'Ominsu Co., Ltd pour déployer sa stratégie de pénétration du marchộ dans les annộes à venir consiste à accroợtre l'utilisation d'outils de marketing par pénétration sur les marchés actuels.
In the increasingly competitive online market, businesses must enhance their competitiveness by diversifying their product offerings and aligning them with targeted market segments To achieve this, companies should invest in modern technologies to improve product quality and innovation This includes developing new solutions such as soundproof walls, high-end smart energy-saving switchgear, and advanced power switching devices By focusing on these strategies, companies can maximize benefits for both customers and themselves.
Investing in the development of high-end smart electrical devices, including quality motion switches, remote controls, and alarm security systems, is crucial Currently, the wall-mounted electrical panel segment contributes a modest revenue of approximately 5% to 7% of total earnings.
The volume is decreasing, particularly in mountainous areas and low-income households In the future, the company plans to maintain a limited production of solar panel groups, focusing resources on developing high-end products and those that generate higher revenues.
Regarding pricing strategy, AZA Company should maintain its current market-based pricing approach for traditional product lines while upholding its existing pricing policies and price discrimination practices For its premium smart product range, the company plans to implement a pricing strategy that is approximately 5% lower than competitors to facilitate market entry After a year of market penetration, prices can align with market rates Additionally, the company should print the suggested retail price directly on product packaging to regulate retail prices for consumers, ensuring that store prices do not exceed the printed retail price.
The company focuses on maintaining and developing nodes that serve as both wholesale and retail distributors within its distribution system To successfully launch high-end products, it is essential to expand its network of distributors Additionally, the company has enhanced its sales channels by leveraging e-commerce platforms, including selling goods through websites, social media, and online video channels.
To enhance customer service quality, the company must increase delivery frequency, ensuring products remain available in the market while effectively addressing customer complaints Orders should be processed and shipped promptly Distributors must adhere to regulations regarding pricing and distribution areas as agreed with the company Furthermore, AZA can reach its target audience through social media advertising, websites, online video channels, and a dedicated Facebook fan page These advertising strategies aim to introduce product codes, ordering and payment methods, maintenance services, promotions, and company programs, ultimately attracting a larger pool of potential customers.
3.2.4 Proposer d'améliorer les ressources humaines et le budget dans la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de développement du marché
AZA Investment and Development Company Limited boasts a dedicated team with a strong work ethic and extensive experience; however, the management's capacity, qualifications, and abilities are somewhat limited.
Innovation has not yet met the demand for effective market development strategies Therefore, training should focus on enhancing the quality of the management team.
To ensure the sales department effectively contributes to the company's objectives, collaboration with the human resources department is essential for developing a comprehensive recruitment plan This plan should focus on training high-quality sales and management teams Specifically, it is crucial to recruit skilled managers and experienced leaders, as well as to hire and train new sales employees, especially as the company plans to expand in Hanoi.