Choix du sujet de la recherche
In today's competitive economic landscape marked by ongoing crises, strategic management remains crucial for a company's success It enables businesses to define their long-term positioning while setting achievable short-term goals.
In Vietnam, small and medium-sized enterprises often struggle with low competitiveness due to a lack of strategic planning and insufficient capital To survive and thrive in the current integration trends, businesses need not only a solid strategy but also effective implementation.
Thanh Dat is a well-established commercial enterprise in the construction sector, recognized for its products, including construction materials, designs, and advisory services In Vietnam, the market comprises around 300 companies, with major players concentrated in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City However, Thanh Dat has yet to solidify its position in the consumer mindset This raises pertinent questions about the effectiveness of the company's operations in the construction materials market and strategies to enhance business performance, increase sales, and expand market share Consequently, the focus of this analysis is on improving the market development strategy at Thanh Dat Construction and Consulting Company.
2.Situation générale de la recherche en rapport avec le sujet. a.Intérieur du pays.
-Le sujet : “ Développement et perfectionnement du marché boursier Vietnam dans le contexte de la restructuration du système financier ”, le docteure VU Thi
Kim Lien-La vice-président de la Commission des valeurs boursier du Vietnam.
-Le sujet : “ Perfectionnement du déploiement de la stratégie marketing des supermarchés Hanoi ” le docteure Pham Thuy Hong, le professeur de l’ Université Thuongmai.
The article discusses the enhancement of business development strategies through MTV VTC technology and digital content, as presented by Dr Nguyen Thi Uyen from Thuongmai University It also references "The Workforce Scorecard: Managing Human Capital to Execute Strategy" by Mark A Huselid, Brian E Becker, and Richard W Beatty, published by Harvard Business School, which emphasizes the importance of human resource management in implementing strategic initiatives.
- “ Strategic intent” , Gary Hamel and C.K Prahalad, l éditeur “Havard business school”.On recherche des idées stratégiques pour un certain nombre de cas d'affaires spécifiques.
- “ Market dévelopement using TQM through system intergration and customer service in Asia ”, Fasil Taddese et Hiroshi Osada, l’ éditeur Emerald
Group publishing Limited, le but de la recherche est de résoudre les problèmes de développement du marché en utilisant TQM (gestion complète de la qualité).
As a student specializing in commercial French, I have gained insights into various strategies and their implementation I believe that effective deployment plays a crucial role in the operational success and business outcomes of companies.
This article focuses on studying the deployment of Thanh Dat Joint Stock Company's strategy to identify weaknesses and their causes, ultimately providing solutions to enhance the company's strategic implementation The aim is to help the company increase its market share and revenue This research will clearly analyze the content of the strategic deployment and refine the process and short-term objectives.
Objectifs de la recherche
-Systématiser quelques théories fondamentales du déploiement de la stratégie.
-Analyser et évaluer la situation réelle du déploiement de la stratégie de la société par actions Thanh Dat.
-Proposer quelques solutions pour perfectionner et développer le marché de la société Thanh Dat.
Objet et cardre de la recherche
The objective of this research is to analyze the activities involved in the deployment of Thanh Dat's market development strategy for construction materials The scope of the research encompasses various aspects related to this strategy.
This article analyzes the current deployment of Thanh Dat's market development strategy for construction materials, identifying existing problems and their underlying causes It also proposes solutions to enhance the effectiveness of the market development strategy, aiming to improve overall performance and address challenges in the industry.
The central region of Vietnam represents a significant market, with research utilizing essential data and information gathered from published statistics and company reports over the past few years, specifically focusing on the period from 2015 to 2017.
Méthodologie de la recherche
6.1.1.Méthode de collecte des données secondaires Définition des données secondaires: Ce sont des informations, les données pour ce mémoire.
L’objectifs de l’utilisation: collectionner les informations, les données pour ce mémoire.
Secondary data is utilized in this analysis to examine the history and development, organizational structure, and human resource situation of Thanh Dat Company Additionally, it evaluates the company's operational results from 2015 to 2017, along with manufacturing activity reports for the same period, particularly focusing on the company's sales force.
6.1.2Méthode de collecte des données primaires
Les données primaires sont les premières données recueillies pour traiter,analyser et évaluer J’utilise deux méthodes de collecte de données: le questionnaire et l’interview.
Méthode d’e n quête par le questionnaire
This method employs a questionnaire specifically designed for Thanh Dat employees The questionnaire features carefully selected questions that are easy to answer objectively and honestly, aimed at evaluating various issues effectively.
-Le nombre de fiches:15 fiches.
-Le nombre de fiches valides:15 fiches -Objet: Les salariés du département commercial de bureau commercial.
-Forme: Le questionnaire se compose 13 questions convenablement établiés.
The deployment of Thanh Dat's market development strategy involves several key factors, including the impact of external market conditions, the roles of various stakeholders, the effectiveness of operational processes, leadership policies, and the company's available resources These elements collectively influence the success of the strategy and contribute to the overall growth and competitiveness of the organization in the market.
L’auteur interviewe directement le gestionnaire sur la base des questions qui ont été préparées On prépare 7 questions d’interview d’entretien
-M DANG Trong Thanh- Directeur général -Forme: entretien direct au bureau.
-Contenu: L’ entrevue a eu lieu autour des thèmes des politiques actuelles, les forces et les faiblesses de l’ entreprise.
- Le temps d’entrevues :De 8h à 9h30 le 8/3/2018.
6.2Méthode de traitement des données
The investigation's data reveals that the interview questions are repetitive and fragmented Therefore, it is essential to utilize data processing tools such as statistical methods, comparative analysis, economic analysis, and synthetic methods to effectively evaluate activities within the company.
This method relies on the collected data to synthesize it using various criteria The statistical results are objective, accurate, and comprehensive It is essential to consolidate all data to provide a general assessment of sales to the company.
To effectively analyze the issue, it is essential to first gather the necessary data and then study the theoretical foundations This involves researching and examining the data to identify the root cause of the problem, followed by developing detailed plans for addressing the findings.
Pour les données de l’entreprise qui fournit, à travers les résultats sont comparables, en tenant comple des commentaires spécifiques et d’expliquer cette réalité.
Based on the results obtained, I analyze the data to compare and identify the underlying causes I will summarize the company's situation, and to effectively manage the data, I must apply fundamental principles of innovative thinking Logical synthesis is aimed at exploring the economic activities within the company.
This method analyzes the company's performance and employee situation over a three-year period (2015, 2016, and 2017) to identify changes The findings serve as a crucial foundation for the topic.
Ce mémoire de fin d’études comprend 3 chapitres principals suivants :
Chapitre 2 : Analyse de la situation actuelle du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société de Conseil et de Construction Thanh Dat
Chapitre 3 : Conclusions et propositions de perfectionner le déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société de Conseil et deConstruction Thanh Dat
Cadre théorique
Concepts et définition
1.1.1 Concepts de base 1.1.1 1Définition de la stratégie et les facteurs formant la stratégie.
La stratégie est un concept de base, il est aussi très important dans les affaires.
Les spectateurs différents ont des opinions différentes de l'approche de stratégique.
Chaque concept peut être plus ou moins différents, ou des expressions diférentes et des angles de vision, mais ils ont tous le même contenu de base.
According to Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes, a strategy aims to meet stakeholder expectations and achieve competitive advantage through resource allocation This approach commits the organization to long-term engagement by defining its scope of activities.
The Strategy and Corporate Policy Department of HEC Group states that developing a company's strategy involves selecting the business areas in which the company intends to operate and allocating resources effectively to ensure its presence and growth in those sectors.
En général, ces points de vue ont indiqué la nature du contenu de base de la stratégie:
-Élaborerdes objectifs commerciaux à long terme, base sur l’ avantage concurrent.
-Offrir des programmes d’ action à caractère général.
-Sélectionner du plan d’action, mettre en oeuvre l’ allocation des ressources pour atteindre cet objectif. Définition et rôles du management stratégique
Strategic management involves strategic diagnosis to assess an organization's strategic position, strategic choices to formulate and select among possible options, and strategic deployment, which focuses on implementing the chosen strategy and managing the changes it necessitates.éfinition du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché.
The implementation of strategies involves a blend of market development activities and policies essential for executing proposed market development strategies aimed at achieving business objectives These activities effectively realize the proposed market development strategy, enhancing market share and profitability. Définition de la stratégie de développement de marché.
The company's strategy is multifaceted and can be categorized into several key areas It includes institutional strategy, market penetration strategy, market development strategy, and product development strategy This approach aims to enhance the company's competitive position by leveraging existing products while emphasizing the need for a high level of effort from all personnel.
The strategic market development strategy involves introducing existing products and services into new markets Companies should consistently seek out new market opportunities, ensuring their products reach these audiences while reinforcing customer trust in their offerings.
1.1.2 Facteurs affectant le déploiement de la stratégie ( le modèele 7S de MM.McKinsey)
The McKinsey 7S framework, developed by Tom Peters and Robert H Waterman, highlights the key factors that impact strategy deployment Utilizing this model allows us to easily identify the elements that can shape various payment options.
Modèle 1.1 Le modèle de 7 facteurs influencent sur le déploiement de la stratégie de MM.McKinsey
The McKinsey 7S model, developed by Tom Peters and Robert H Waterman, illustrates the key factors that impact strategy implementation Utilizing this framework, we can effectively identify the elements that shape various payment options.
Strategy Stratégie Une série des actiivites visant à maintenir et à développer un avantage concurrentiel
Managers prioritize how they allocate their time and attention, emphasizing the significance of symbolic actions Ultimately, their actions hold greater importance than their words.
Systems Systèmes Des processus du système, le processus de la facon dont les organisations fonctionnent
Skills Compétences Les caractéristiques ou des capacités associées à une organisation
Staff Employés Les choses que l'entreprise font pour développer les ressources humaines et leur fournir les valeur fondamentales
Les valeurs annoncées dans la mission et les objectifs Ces valeurs sont partagées par les membres de l'organisation
Modèle du contenu du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché
Modèle 1.2 Modèle du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché
1.2.1 Identifier la stratégie de développement de marché et analyser la situation actuelle du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché Identifier la stratégie de développement de marché
Le marché cible fait partie d'une société, c'est un marché ó il y a la mise en oeuvre leurs processus d'affaires de la société et des projets dans l’ avenir proche Selon,
Philip Kotler emphasizes that marketing managers cannot satisfy the entire market, which necessitates market segmentation—identifying distinct customer groups and selecting those with the greatest potential These selected groups are referred to as "targets." To maximize effectiveness, businesses should focus their efforts on two or three potential markets, tailoring specific products to meet the needs of customers within each segment.
Contrôler et évaluer de déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché
Mobiliser des ressources humaines de développement de marchéans le déploiement Élaborer les politiques dans le déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché
Analyser les facteurs de l' environnement influencant sur la stratégie de développement de marchéAnalyser le contenu de la stratégie de développement de marché
*Identifier la structure et caractéristiques du marché
After defining the market, a company must analyze the structure and characteristics of the markets where it plans to develop its products This crucial step informs marketing strategies, distribution methods, and pricing policies Each market possesses unique traits that require tailored development strategies.
Quand on approche un marchộ - produit spộcifique, les commerỗants déterminent et divisent les marches selon les étapes suivantes: le marché cible, la capacité du marché, le marché potential.
Identifier la méthode concurrentielle est la base pour Élaborerde la stratégie.
Competitive methods that a business can employ include cost leadership and differentiation For the cost leadership approach, a company must minimize operational costs by offering affordable innovative products, implementing simple and effective promotional strategies, and reducing labor expenses across all activities In contrast, the differentiation strategy focuses on creating superior products with unique features to outshine competitors Consequently, the cost leadership method targets a broad consumer base, relying on high sales volumes to offset lower profit margins, while differentiation appeals to niche markets, resulting in lower sales volumes but higher product margins.
To ensure the feasibility of a strategy, a company must identify the necessary resources, which include both tangible assets (physical, financial, human, and organizational resources) and intangible assets (technology, innovation, and reputation) Once these resources are secured, it indicates that the expected objectives are reasonable, allowing the company to concretely develop its strategies For instance, a small business with a low reputation and limited financial resources should opt for low-cost methods instead of pursuing differentiation to create a high-quality product that excels in cost superiority. Analyser la situation actuelle du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché
Strategic situation analysis involves assessing and evaluating a company's performance by examining its growth level, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges This analysis enables businesses to identify appropriate strategies that leverage their strengths while addressing limitations and weaknesses, ultimately guiding them toward achieving their commercial objectives.
Situational analysis is a complex and uncertain process that impacts operational decision-making, requiring comprehensive solutions that address both internal and external business factors Major long-term changes are essential, often guided by a SWOT analysis This analysis examines strategic factors within and outside the planning environment, helping to identify suitable strategies To effectively leverage this process, businesses frequently follow specific steps to avoid failure.
* Identifier les opportunités et les défis grâce à l'analyse environnementale externe.
L'environnement externe de l'entreprise est un élément de force complexe et continu
Quantities and constraints play a crucial role in shaping a company's existence, operations, and market effectiveness The external environment comprises both a micro-environment and a closed environment The macro environment includes significant forces that impact long-term strategic decisions, such as economic factors (trade balance, foreign investment, market trends, monetary system, income distribution, purchasing power, economic development, infrastructure, and natural resources) and political factors (political stability, government attitudes towards international business, legal systems, and judiciary).
* Identifier les forces et les faiblesses par l'analyse du marché interne.
Internal environmental analysis is a crucial component of strategic situational necessity Without a thorough internal analysis, effective identification of an organization's strengths and weaknesses is impossible, hindering the establishment of a robust strategy.
Internal environmental analysis is a comprehensive assessment of the potential, strengths, and weaknesses within an organization Key factors include human resources, operational efficiency, financial resources, market share, technology, brand image, distribution channels, corporate culture, and proprietary assets such as patents and trade secrets.
- Le muscle de l'opportunité -Faire la liste des défis
- Dressez la liste des points forts -Faire la liste des faiblesses.
Customers, both individuals and organizations, seek the products and services offered by businesses In a market economy, customers are the primary focus of companies, with all efforts aimed at capturing their attention, stimulating interest, and promoting the business's offerings By gathering and analyzing customer information, managers can identify target customers and develop policies and action plans to better meet their needs and desires over time.
The number, size, and strength of each competitor significantly influence business operations and strategy Increased competition leads to intensified price competition, resulting in decreased profits.
Consequently, price competition poses a threat to the company's profitability To effectively analyze competitive activity in the market, it is essential to gather and evaluate information about competitors.
A supplier is a company or individual capable of manufacturing and providing essential resources for a business, including investments in machinery, factory equipment, raw materials, and replacement parts.
The conditions of raw materials, including quantity, quality, type, and price, directly impact business missions and objectives, as well as the processes and activities of the ministry These factors influence production costs and the overall performance of the enterprise during each period.
Les foumisseurs peuvent être comme un mauvais risque quand ils augmentent les prix ou réduisent la qualité des produits De cette facon, les bentfices des sociéests baissent
The objective represents the desired future state and results that a company aims to achieve It serves as a crucial milestone for businesses to progress after a certain period Consequently, the objective harmoniously combines what companies want, their needs, and their capacity for attainment The goal of market development strategies is regarded as the fundamental objective and mission of the company within the market, determining the long-term direction of the business.
Analyse de la situation actuelle du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société de Conseil et de Construction Thanh Dat
Présentation générale de l’ entreprise
2.1.1 Processus de formation et de développement de l’ entreprise
- Nom: Société par actions de Conseil et de Construction Thành Đạt.
- Adresse: Numéro de sale 703, département 703-le boulevard V.I.Lê Nin- La ville de Vinh-NA
- Courier électronique :
Thành Đạt Consulting and Construction Joint Stock Company was established in January 2009, with commercial license number (038) 8904 868 issued by the Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment.
The company's business strategy focuses on developing internal resources while leveraging external ones, fostering collaboration with organizations and individuals both domestically and internationally, all aimed at achieving central growth.
The company's mission is to establish a robust economic organization that fosters stable and long-term development It aims to accelerate the processes of industrialization and modernization, while also enhancing the integration of the provincial economy within the national economy.
-Construction travaux: civil, industriel, transport, irrigation et l' énergie;
Conseils d' investissement, documents d'appel d'offres et la gestion des projets d'investissement;
- Consultant Supervision de la construction - complet civil, industriel, le transport, l' irrigation;
- Travaux d' installation d'équipement de surveillance: énergie hydroélectrique, des lignes et des transformateurs jusqu'à 35 kv;
Our design consultancy services encompass a wide range of projects, including civil engineering, industrial design, and road bridge construction We specialize in the deployment of construction projects, architectural works, water supply systems, as well as substations and transmission lines under 35 kV.
- Production et vente de matériaux de construction;
- travaux géologiques et hydrologiques de ponts routiers, division des levés géodésiques ponts routiers, civils, industriels.
Figure 2.1: Structure organisationnelle de l'entreprise
Le conseil d'administration a 3 membres dont le directeur et deux directeur adjont Le conseil d'administration contrôle toutes les activités de l'entreprise, en définissant les objectifs et les stratégies de l'entreprise.
The company's leader, Director Đặng Trọng Thanh, oversees various departments including accounting and finance, planning, surveying, design, and consulting.
Département de sondage Département de design
2.1.4 Résultats d’ affaires de la société Thanh Dat.
Tableau 2.1: Résultats d'affaires de la société Thanh Dat
1 Revenus de vente et prestation de services 01 5.287,380 7.029,750 7.994,585
2 Revenu net des ventes et des services ( 10-02) 10 5.287,380 7.029,750 7.994,585
4 Marge brute sur les ventes et la prestation de services (20-11) 20 1404,951 2.168,221 2.305,918
Bénéfice net des activités commerciales (30= 20 +( 21–
10 Impôt sur le revenu des sociétés 51 158,543 188,446 348,149
Intérêt après impôt sur le revenu des sociétés (60 = 50 – 51-52)
According to data from the Accounting-Finance Department, the results of Thanh Dat have been quite good over the past three years, with noticeable changes.
Le chiffre d'affaires de la société a augmenté dans les années en particulier en
2015 a augmenté de 1,7 milliards par rapport à 2014 et 2016 a augmenté de près de
The company has shown steady growth since 2015, despite challenging economic conditions Its continued activity and ability to seize the right opportunities, along with effective policies and strategies, have played a crucial role in its success.
Évaluation générale de la situation et de l'influence des facteurs
2.2.1 Influence des facteurs des environnements extérieurs sur le déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la société par actions de Conseil et de construction Thành Đạt.
-En 2016 malgré de nombreuses difficultés et défis, notre économie a continué à rester stable, la croissance du PIB de 6,21%, légèrement inférieure à 6,68% de
2015 L'économie a un léger changement, mais c'est aussi la motivation pour que le Vietnam atteigne l'objectif fixé pour les années à venir.
The economy plays a crucial role in stabilizing people's lives and improving various aspects of society By fostering favorable conditions for businesses, the city of Vinh has achieved a commendable economic growth rate In 2016, the city's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is projected to rise by 0.2% compared to 2015 This growth enables businesses to anticipate an increase in consumer income and better assess market spending trends, allowing them to implement appropriate strategies.
The opportunity arises as the economy has developed and the real estate market shows signs of recovery The growth in mortgage credit is outpacing the overall credit growth, making real estate an appealing investment.
The construction industry is experiencing significant growth, leading to increased competition among businesses However, access to capital remains challenging due to stringent administrative procedures and strict requirements imposed by banks.
- Vietnam est considéré comme un état politique stable, ce qui est très avantageux pour toutes les entreprises qui font des affaires sur le territoire du
The Vietnamese government is implementing policies to adjust regulations and laws, particularly concerning land use rights, to create a favorable environment for businesses.
Vietnam's legal environment has undergone significant positive changes, becoming increasingly refined and suitable for businesses This has established a reliable legal framework that allows companies to operate smoothly while planning their business strategies The government continues to implement supportive policies for enterprises.
-La menace: Réglementations d'État sur les fourchettes de prix, les taux, les règlements d'emprunt à suivre Les entreprises ne sont pas libres de donner des prix individuels comme avant.
As the economy grows, the standard of living in Vietnam is rising, leading to an increased demand for quality food among its citizens In 2015, the average population reached approximately 89.7 million, with a density of 271 people per square kilometer and an annual growth rate of 1.06% The majority of the population is concentrated in urban areas, which has intensified housing challenges and subsequently stimulated growth in the construction industry.
Nghe An, located near Hanoi, benefits from interconnected highways that facilitate easy transportation, leading to a growing demand for housing The rise in apartment living addresses fundamental housing needs based on the population's income levels Additionally, the sociocultural landscape presents numerous opportunities for construction companies, particularly in the apartment sector.
-La menaces: Les facteurs culturels et sociaux changent avec le temps, il est donc parfois difficile de connaợtre les rốgles et les caractộristiques du marchộ.
L'entreprise dispose suffisamment de machines et d'équipements pour répondre aux exigences de production et d'affaires de la Société:
Office equipment includes high-tech tools essential for all staff members and engineers to operate efficiently in their designated professional fields.
Measurement and surveying equipment play a crucial role in the design and development of projects related to communications and transportation, including railways, roads, bridges, and ports This technology is essential for ensuring the effective management of utilities such as electricity and water, as well as in the fields of architecture and construction.
- Équipement de forage géologique à une profondeur de 100 m.
The company offers a range of laboratory materials, including equipment for mechanical experiments, geological engineering studies, foundational experiments, and assessments of concrete pavement surfaces and bituminous concrete.
-L’opportunité: Grâce à cette technologie, l'entreprise a économisé des cỏts, augmenté la productivité du travail et amélioré la qualité des produits.
The threat: Despite the company's advancements in machinery and technology from industrialized nations, the pace of technological innovation has been slow and lacks a clear developmental direction.
Currently, the company faces numerous competitors, with the strongest and most direct rivals located in Nghe An and neighboring provinces such as Hai Duong, Hung Yen, and Bac Giang Key competitors include Thanh Do Thang Long and Song Da Corporation In addition to national entrepreneurs, there are also foreign competitors from countries like China, South Korea, and Germany.
-La menace: Les concurrents ont de nombreuses années d'expérience dans l'industrie, en plus d'un capital solide et d'un personnel solide.
Opportunities: The main competitors are established players entering Nghe An, prompting management to implement appropriate policies and strategies that will enable Thanh Dat to quickly catch up in the competitive market.
The company's suppliers include manufacturers, construction material providers, machinery, equipment, and financial services The business has consistently fostered strong relationships with its suppliers to ensure timely project completion.
For many years, the company has established relationships with suppliers both domestically and internationally One of its long-term partners is Hanoi Architectural Joint Stock Company, which provides design, modeling, and interior consulting services This collaboration has been a cornerstone of the company's operations since its inception.
Analyse et évaluation la situation du déploiement de la stratégie du développement de marché à la Société de Conseil et de Construction Thanh Dat
2.3.1 Analyse de situation de la stratégie de la Société par actions de Conseil et de Construction Thành Đạt.
According to the results of the multiple-choice questionnaire, 100% of respondents indicated that the company conducted a strategic analysis, with 80% of them responding to the analysis through sensory evaluation without specific tools It was found that the company identifies and analyzes only individual factors, which are not aggregated into a specific model to define the most appropriate strategy Several factors encountered by Thanh Dat during the situational analysis include:
The Vietnamese economy is rapidly advancing through industrialization and modernization, attracting significant foreign investment and urgently developing its infrastructure This presents a clear opportunity for construction material trading companies to thrive Thanh Dat has also capitalized on this opportunity.
The economy is currently facing significant challenges, having struggled since the 2008 crisis The capital markets remain tight, and the real estate sector is bleak, leading many businesses to temporarily halt operations Overall, purchasing power has declined compared to previous periods, posing a considerable challenge for numerous companies, including Thanh Dat.
- Système de fidélisation client disponible: Au fil des années de construction du marché, Thanh Dat compte de nombreux partenaires qui sont des partenaires assez importants et importent régulièrement.
The Board of Directors maintains strong relationships with suppliers Thanh Dat, with over 20 years of experience in the construction materials sector, has long fostered these connections.
- Les ressources humaines sont limitées en quantité et en qualité:
Actuellement, Thanh Dat emploie au total 76 personnes, ce qui ne correspond pas au potentiel du marché En outre, il reste quelques employés jeunes et inexpérimentés.
2.3.2 Situation de la construction du système cible à court terme de Thanh Dat
Afin de s'assurer que la position stratégique est le distributeur numéro un à Nghe An, la société a fixé les objectifs de revenus les plus courts et les plus importants.
Ce qui suit est un objectif à court terme de l'entreprise pour trois ans de 2014 à2016.
Tableau 2.3: Objectifs à court terme de l'entreprise Thanh Dat
2014 Développer et élargir le marché sur la ville de Vinh
2015 L'investissement dans la construction d'une société filiale sur le marché à la ville de Vinh
2016 Déployer le développement de marché à la ville de Vinh et acheter plus de gros camions.
(Source: la société Thanh Dat)
Thanh Dat sets objectives based on revenue criteria, new customer benefits, and monthly, quarterly, and annual targets The company's short-term goals focus on brand promotion and attracting new clients While there have been some positive outcomes, there are also challenges, as customers struggle to find information about the company and its products beyond its official website,
2.3.3 Situation de la construction des politiques de déploiement de la stratégie du développement de marché de Thanh Dat.
The company primarily distributes Bim Son cement and Hoa Phat steel products, including PC30 and PC40 cement, Portland cement (PC30), and specialty cement such as long-lasting sulfate Portland cement.
The company offers services to assist clients, including product transportation and loading Customers purchasing products will receive guidance from the company, which aims to provide solutions that best meet their needs and preferences.
According to the survey, 100% of respondents agree that profit targets are the most crucial factor in price determination The ability to develop effective marketing and distribution policies, along with the efficient use of human and financial resources and investment in modern technology, contributes to a company's competitiveness High competitiveness enables Thanh Dat to reduce production costs while maintaining product quality Furthermore, market pricing and the quality of the company's products in comparison to competitors are significant factors in establishing the selling price of a product.
Tableau 2.4: Liste de prix de certains produits de l'entreprise Thanh Dat
9 Ciment Bỉm Sơn PCB40 Tonne 1.450.000
10 Ciment Bỉm Sơn PCB30 Tonne 1.070.000
The company directly distributes to end customers and also supplies secondary agents in the region All employees agree that this distribution channel is effective The company's clients include small and medium-sized construction businesses, distribution agents, and households engaged in civil engineering projects.
En utilisant ce canal de distribution, l'entreprise doit trouver ses propres clients à travers des ressources internet, des forums d'affaires immobilières notamment à travers le magazine de la construction industrielle spécialisée.
-La société a beaucoup de types de véhicules comme les grandes voitures, les remorques, etc
In its commercial promotion strategy, the company employs various methods including advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, and sales promotions A recent survey revealed that up to 40% of employees view the company's promotional efforts positively, while 20% consider them to be lacking Detailed evaluations from employees highlight their perceptions of each type of promotional policy.
Tableau 2.5: Niveaux de mise en œuvre des formes de promotion commerciale de l'entreprise
Pas utilisatio n Évaluer le niveau de performance
Moyenne Assez bien Bien Très bien
In the construction industry, individual sales play a crucial role Company employees frequently engage directly with clients to drive demand, provide product advice, and encourage long-term contract signings.
Additionally, phone-based marketing is focused on reaching organizations, which have legal personalities and typically require scheduled contact While direct marketing significantly supports sales, its overall impact is limited, with an average of only 60% of employees reporting effectiveness.
The evaluation and allocation of human resources should focus on job functions and tasks Implementing the market development strategy requires collaborative efforts from five departments: accounting and finance, planning, surveying, design, and consulting Key responsibilities for planning, monitoring, and evaluating this strategy fall to the deputy director and employees in the marketing and business services departments, which consist of ten staff members The deployment process for Thanh Dat's strategy involves five stages, with two individuals assigned to each stage.
2.3.4 Situation budgétaire de déploiement de la stratégie du développement de marché de Thanh Dat.
In terms of research, the company allocates funds based on the number of human resources and the workload within the department responsible for executing the market development strategy.
Tableau 2.6: Allocation budgétaire du déploiement de la stratégie de l'entreprise
Département Nombre de personnes Pourcentage du budget alloué
As a distributor responsible for shipping and unloading for both clients and suppliers, Thanh Dat allocates a budget for two employees to maximize loading and driving efficiency with the available tools The allocation for warehousing and staffing accounted for 48%, while vehicle and driver management represented 37%.
En outre, ces allocations budgétaires peuvent également varier d'une étape à l'autre afin de s'adapter aux périodes du marché.
Conclusion et proposition de perfectionner le déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société de Conseil et de Construction
Conclusions de la situation actuelle du déploiement de la stratégie de dé
dé veloppement de marché de la Société Thanh Dat.
Thanh Dat recognizes the significance of market development strategy within its business approach, executing it with serious attention and substantial investment As a result, the company achieved impressive outcomes over a three-year period from 2014 to 2016.
Firstly, establishing short-term goals is crucial for the company, which has consistently focused on setting annual objectives This practice is essential for the effective allocation of key resources, including financial, material, human, and technical assets By doing so, the company can monitor its progress and implement long-term strategic objectives Notably, in 2013 and 2014, the company exceeded its revenue targets, marking a significant achievement during a challenging economic period.
Secondly, the establishment and management of the marketing policy have been pivotal for the company It has successfully developed a diverse product portfolio that encompasses the entire construction materials supply sector, offering high-quality products that meet international standards Additionally, the company's pricing strategy remains consistently stable.
Thirdly, resource allocation is crucial; the company has recognized its goal of developing the sales team, leading to a focused investment of resources in the sales department.
Fourthly, budget allocation plays a crucial role in the company's financial strategy The organization allocates its budget systematically across various departments, enabling a more proactive financial approach in executing market development strategies.
Thanh Dat has built a team of young, qualified, and responsible employees In recent years, the company has recruited individuals with professional licenses and organized both domestic and international training courses Their human resource policies are reasonable and effective, strongly encouraging employees and helping them achieve excellent work results All members of the company embody a collective spirit.
La société Thanh Dat a non seulement les résultats mais elle reste quelques limites à surmonter dans le déploiement de la stratégie de développement du marché:
- Premièrement: L'analyse de la stratégie commerciale de l'entreprise n'est pas scientifique et raisonnable sans utiliser aucun outil d'analyse scientifique.
Short-term goals within the company are established but lack a clear connection to significant gains, leaving some employees feeling disengaged Additionally, the company's short-term revenue objectives are inadequate and do not ensure the achievement of its long-term goals.
Thirdly, the effectiveness of the company's marketing activities is relatively low Specifically, the advertising approach is inadequate, sales promotion efforts are infrequently utilized, and the impact of direct marketing is minimal.
- Quatrièmement, la qualité des employées ne sont pas synchronisée, il reste beaucoup de jeunes qui sont inexpérimentés.
-Cinquièmement: Les nouvelles affectations budgétaires sont classées dans l’ ordre d'importance des départements qui ne sont pas programmés par le programme spécifique.
-Le directeur de l'entreprise est trop occupé pour être dépassé par les décisions prises lors de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie de développement du marché.
- La société n'a pas de département marketing spécialisé, la gestion marketing par le département des ventes et le directeur.
Human resource management focuses not only on employee training and development but also on fostering a youthful and dynamic workforce However, the team lacks experience, and the company's recruitment pool is limited, primarily relying on familiar contacts for hiring.
3.2 Prévisions sur le changement de l’environnement des affaires et l’orientation du développement de la Société de Conseil et de Construction Thanh Dat
3.2.1 Prévisions sur le changement de l’environnement des affaires.
Since the end of 2014, the real estate market has rebounded, positively impacting various industries, including the construction materials sector However, experts predict that in 2018, the construction materials market will encounter several significant challenges.
-Selon M.Nguyen Tran Nam, ancien vice-ministre de la Construction- président de l'Association de l'immobilier au Vietnam : “Le marché immobilier en
In 2018, the development pace has not improved compared to previous years, leading to an irregular growth pattern The anticipated number of real estate projects for the upcoming year is limited, resulting in a decreased potential demand for construction materials.
-Les concurrents du Vietnam, de la Thạlande et de la Chine vont desvelopper la concurrence dans l'industrie des matériaux de construction au Vietnam.
3.2.2 Orientation du développement de la Société de Conseil et de Construction Thanh Dat.
In the coming years, the company aims to become a leading player in the construction materials supply industry, providing significant benefits for workers while promoting sustainable development.
- Promouvoir activement l'image de l'entreprise et des produits auprès des consommateurs avec les efforts inlassables de tous les employés de l'entreprise.
The company plans to double its charter capital from $15 billion to $30 billion to meet the investment needs for expanding both the depth and breadth of its market development.
- La société continue de maintenir la devise de l'entreprise: service professionnel - bonne qualité - prix raisonnable.
- L'entreprise s'intéresse toujours à la vie des travailleurs, améliorer la vie matérielle et l'esprit des employés de l'entreprise.
Organizing training programs is essential for enhancing workforce quality, fostering awareness, responsibility, and discipline, which are crucial for effectively implementing the company's strategic objectives.
Strengthening cooperation and enhancing relationships with strategic partners, commercial partners, distributors, and agents is essential for finding effective outlets for products and maximizing profits.
-Augmenter des activités de marketing pour promouvoir la vente et définir l’ image de produit dans l’ esprit des consommateurs.
Propositions et recommandations de promouvoir le déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société Thanh Dat
3.3.1 Solution de perfectionner l’évaluation du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de l’ entreprise.
L’'auteur propose la matrice TOWS pour analyser la situation dans la stratégie de développement du marché de Thanh Dat
O 1 : L'économie du Vietnam se développe.
O 2 :La vie quotienne a été améliorée, la demande de logements a augmenté.
O 3 : Le marché de l'immobilier se récupére
T 1 : L'économie est encore dans une période difficile.
T 2 : Les concurrents apparaissent de plus en plus.
S 1 : Système de fidélisation client disponible.
- S 1 + S 2 et O 1: Développement plus profond dans le marché
- S 1+ S 2+ T 1+ T 2:Développer le marché sur la différenciation des produits
S 2 : Bonne relation avec les fournisseurs.
W 1 : Les ressources humaines sont limitées en quantité et en qualité.
W 2 : Le marketing n'est pas professionnel, pas de département séparé.
- W 1 + W 2 + O 1 + O 3 + O 2 : Poursuite du développement du marché grâce à l'amélioration des ressources humaines et au marketing.
- W 1 + W 2 với T 1 , T 2 : Développement du marché par le développement et le marketing des ressources humaines.
Figure 3.1: Modèle TOWS de la société
A company can utilize quantitative indicators such as sales figures, market share, and the number of business clients, along with qualitative metrics like customer satisfaction, brand positioning, and innovation levels, to achieve a more comprehensive evaluation.
3.3.2 Solution de perfectionner la détermination des objectifs annuels du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société Thanh Dat.
To strategically achieve the number one position in construction material distribution in Vinh, Thanh Dat should set short-term growth objectives This includes increasing market share related to revenue and profit.
-Augementer la recherche de marché de 6 mois/fois à 3 mois fois.L’ entreprise va mener des études de marché sur une base trimestrielle pour évaluer le changement du consommateur.
Tableau 3.2: Objectifs annuels de l'entreprise de 2017 à 2019
Total des revenus 170 milliards 200 milliards 250 milliards
Croissance de la part de marché 5% 10% 20%
The target outlined in the table above is informed by the warming trend in the real estate market, with the construction materials sector showing increased optimism Additionally, the company must clearly delineate responsibilities and provide rewards when performance is multiplied The staff's positive behavior plays a crucial role in achieving the overall objective.
3.3.3 Solution de perfectionner les politiques dans le déploiement de la stra tégie de développement de marché de l’entreprise
First and foremost, the company should enhance its call service offerings Market research indicates that our customers prioritize care services, followed closely by the quality and design of products Therefore, the company needs to establish a department dedicated to post-sale customer care, frequently engaging with clients, especially our regular customers.
-Former un département de conseil technique spécialisé et conception et sélection de matériaux de construction pour répondre aux besoins des clients.
-Ajouter un petit nombre de camions pour transporter les produits dans toutes les zones de la région afin de répondre aux besoins des clients.
To enhance the prestige of the company's products and brand, it is essential to continuously maintain and improve the quality of products and services This involves closely organizing quality management and developing a robust quality management system.
Secondly, the company should enhance its trade promotion policies This includes revising the company's website to make it more user-friendly and ensuring that online support staff are available Additionally, the company needs to increase its advertising efforts through platforms like,, and, as well as consider occasional advertisements in specialized magazines and participation in construction fairs.
The company should implement targeted advertising for each specific product The advertising message must be clear, showcasing the product in detail to effectively convince customers of its superior price, quality, and usability.
Phone sales should focus more on specific goals It's essential to establish daily and monthly targets for the total number of customer calls and the success rate of those calls, which will help identify the most effective strategies.
The company needs to enhance its distribution capabilities by optimizing its channels to effectively guide consumers and streamline operations through agencies Additionally, establishing a warehouse in Vinh city is essential for facilitating more efficient goods transportation and reducing business costs.
Recruitment is essential for enhancing the quality of new hires The company needs a standardized system for evaluating candidates objectively for each role Simultaneously, it should expand its recruitment resources to ensure the right tools and support are available for every position.
-Formation: L’ entreprise devait accorder une attention particulière à ses employés, en formant régulièrement leurs compétences pour mieux répondre aux exigences de l'emploi.
-Rémunération: La Société devrait améliorer l'utilisation efficace des stimuli matériels et spirituels pour améliorer le travail positif et créatif des employés.
3.3.4 Solution de perfectionner les politiques financières du déploiement de la stratégie de développement de marché de la Société Thanh Dat.
-Élever l'efficacité d'établir la prévision financière de chaque département dans chaque temps de diviser la ressource financière approprié.
To effectively manage the distribution of financial resources within a company and assess project execution, it is essential to establish precise evaluation criteria and implement financial controls that meet regulatory requirements The company's financial resources should primarily focus on two key areas: the sales department and the marketing department.
-Établir la caisse pour faire face aux risques possibles et pour éviter de graves erreurs quand elle ne réglera pas le problème à temps.
The practical argument demonstrates that implementing market development strategies is crucial for a company's business process, ultimately determining its long-term success or failure This highlights the importance of the topic "Enhancing Market Development Strategy Deployment at Thanh Dat Consulting and Construction Company" specifically, and for Vietnamese businesses in general.
This study aims to systematically consolidate fundamental knowledge regarding the implementation of market development strategies within businesses It will examine and analyze the deployment process of ThanhDat's strategy and subsequently propose several solutions to enhance the current state of the company's implementation efforts.
During my internship, I focused on the management of the company, particularly the implementation of market development strategies However, due to time constraints, my experience, and skill level, this thesis still contains errors I hope that the professors and executives at Thanh Dat Company will provide me with feedback to finalize this thesis.
I sincerely thank Madame NGUYEN Thi Hong Van, Monsieur NGUYEN Hoang Nam, and the leaders and employees of Thanh Dat for their enthusiastic support during this thesis.