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onlookers as the hypnotic pattern spell To determine the caster level of this effect add any previous bard levels to class levels in fire dancer Slashing Flames: At 3rd level the fire dancer gains more control over the surrounding fires She can make one touch attack each round against an adjacent foe A successful attack inflicts 1d8 points of fire damage This increases to 2d8 at 6th level Each use of this ability shortens the duration of the dance by 1 round Leaping Fire: At 5th level the fire dancer can cause the flames that surround her to lash out at her foes at a distance Treat these attacks as touch attacks with a reach of 15 feet These attacks, if successful, inflict 1d8 points of fire damage on the target Each use of this ability shortens the duration of the dance by 2 rounds Guardian Fires: At 7th level, by using one of her daily Bardic Performances, a fire dancer can imbue the flames surrounding her with arcane substance The flames function as the warm version of the spell fire shield for a number of rounds equal to the fire dancer’s class level Wandering Flames: At 9th level a fire dancer can will a portion of the fires of her dance to wander from her When she does this she must expend one of her daily Bardic Performances, then the wandering flames take the form of a Medium Fire Elemental She can only maintain a single elemental at a time and even then it is difficult to allow the embodiment of her passions to stray too far The elemental must stay within 50 feet of the dancer at all times If, at any time, that distance is exceeded the fires that make up its existence extinguish and fade into nothingness Even if it remains near to the dancer, she can only maintain it for a number of rounds equal to her Charisma modifier before it must return to her and rejoin the flames surrounding her dancing form Vortex of Fire: At 10th level a fire dancer learns to manifest the most powerful form of her dance At any point during her dance she can go into a fast spin as a full-round action The flames swirl about her madly and build upon themselves, feeding on her passion and growing ever stronger At the end of the spin the flames of her dance swirl and lash out in a vortex of fiery destruction Every creature in a 10 foot radius takes 6d6 points of fire damage and may catch fire (Reflex save for half) The use of this ability instantly ends the dance, and leaves the dancer fatigued At 1st level a fire dancer can perform the dance 1/day and gains an additional dance per day every levels thereafter (2 at 4th level, at 7th and at 10th level) She can maintain the Dance of the Flames for round for every ranks of Perform (dance) the character has She must move at least 5’ each round that she maintains the Dance of the Flames If she fails to do so or is prevented from moving, the flames die out and the dance ends The Fires Within (Ex): The fires of passion that burn within a fire dancer grant her Fire Resistance 5 at 2nd level Sample Fire Dancer Leshida grew up in a traveling mummers group They travelled from town to town performing any number of skits, plays or songs across the land They played in taverns and theatres alike Leshida’s role was simple at first She would work the crowd, stealing what she could without being noticed while the attention of the audience was on the performers As she grew, her dancing talents were noticed by the senior members of the group They were amazed by her natural grace and her passion for the dance The first time her flames manifested was in the middle of a performance on a street stage Even the mummers believed them to be clever illusions or stage tricks Only after the show was over, when she was asked about them, did she discover exactly what she had done She has since left that particular group and struck out on her own, telling tales, singing and dancing to keep her purse full Leshida Rashdul: Female Human Bard 5/Fire Dancer 3; CR: 8; Medium Humanoid; HD: 8d8 + 16; hp: 61; Init: +3; Spd: 35 ft.; AC: 16, Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 13; CMD: 19; Base Atk: +5; CMB: +6; Atk: +1 Flame tongue +7 (1d8+2 plus 1d6 fire/1920 x2 plus 1d10 fire), Full Atk: +1 Flame tongue +7 (1d8+2 plus 1d6 fire/19-20 x2 plus 1d10 fire); SA: Spells, Dance of the Flames; SQ: The Fires Within; AL: CG; SV: Fort: +4, Ref: +9, Will: +7; Str: 13, Dex: 16, Con: 15, Int: 16, Wis: 14, Cha: 19; Skills: Acrobatics: +16, Bluff: +12, Disguise: +11, Escape Artist: +13, Perception: +11, Perform 147

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 10:54