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(Religion) (Int), Perception (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Stealth (Dex), Swim (Str) Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier Class Features: Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Elemental fists gain no additional proficiency in any weapons or armor Monk Abilities: Levels taken in elemental fist stack with monk levels to determine unarmed attack damage, flurry of blows abilities, Maneuver Training, and Stunning Fist effects If the character does not have any levels in monk treat them as a monk of the same level as their elemental fist class level to determine these abilities Elemental Shrouds (Su): As an elemental fist progresses in his training they learn to mold their inner energy and mix it with the power of the elements Doing this creates a shroud of elemental power that surrounds their body for a time, granting them additional attack damage and a temporary elemental resistance This resistance stacks on his Elemental Resistance ability and any natural resistances he may have as they prevent a certain amount of such damage from ever reaching the fist’s body They can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his class level in elemental fist, and maintain it a number of rounds equal to 1 + ½ class level + Con modifier At 2nd level the elemental fist learns the first of his shrouds, the Ice Shroud This ability covers his body with extreme cold and coats his limbs in sharp ice shards Any unarmed attack made while this shroud is active inflicts an additional 1d6 points of cold damage The shroud also grants the elemental fist also gains Cold Resistance 5 At 3rd level an elemental fist learns to create a Flame Shroud When this shroud is used their body becomes enveloped in flame created from their own inner energy Any unarmed attack made while this shroud is active inflicts an additional 1d6 points of fire damage Fire Resistance 5 is also gained while this shroud is active This shroud produces light equivalent to a torch At 5th level the ability to create an Acid Shroud is learned This shroud causes the body of the elemental fist to secrete a potent acid, temporarily bleaching his skin This shroud does not, however, damage any clothing or equipment the character may be wearing or carrying Any unarmed attack made while this shroud is active inflicts an additional 1d6 points of acid damage This shroud also grants Acid Resistance 5 while it is active At 7th level the next step in his learning takes place He learns to create a Lightning Shroud This shroud is a sight to behold, covering the body with glowing blue electrical currents that are constantly in motion Any unarmed attack made while this shroud is active inflicts an additional 1d6 points of electrical damage Electricity Resistance 5 is granted whenever this shroud is active It also generates light equivalent to half the illumination given off by a torch At 9th level the elemental fist has reached the pinnacle of shroud mastery His studies and trials have taught him to harness the energy of sound to command The sonic shroud causes the very sound of the environment to resonate around the body of the fist Any unarmed attacks made while this shroud is active inflict an additional 1d8 points of sonic damage The noise can also disrupt spellcasters struck with a successful attack A spellcaster struck by an elemental fist using a sonic shroud must double the effective damage taken to determine the DC of the concentration check needed to maintain his focus While this shroud is active the elemental fist gains Sonic Resistance 5 Elemental Resistance (Ex): This ability is received at 2nd, 5th, and 8th level Each time the character reaches one of these experience plateaus, they gain Resistance to the element of their choice Sonic Resistance is not available via this ability These resistances do not stack with energy resistances from any other source with the exception of the resistances granted by the Elemental Shroud class ability or race Energy resistances stack normally in these cases It is through practice, focus and endurance that these abilities are gained Master of the Elements: When an elemental fist achieves 10th level they are forever more considered an Outsider (Native) with all of that template’s benefits and draw backs The damage dealt by their elemental shrouds increases by one die type and the fist gains Sonic Resistance 5 143

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 10:48

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