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Cold Resistance: 10, Eyes of the Shadowborn, Fire Resistance: 10, Grace of the Shadowborn, Spontaneous Casting (Inflict spells); AL: LN; SV: Fort: +11, Ref: +8, Will: +16; Str: 14, Dex: 18, Con: 11, Int: 14, Wis: 19, Cha: 14; Skills: Acrobatics: +14, Bluff +7, Craft: Weaponsmith +8, Diplomacy +13, Disguise +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge (Arcana) +7, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Religion) +12, Knowledge (The Planes) +7, Perception: +6, Sense Motive +10, Spellcraft +13; Feats: Battlepriest of Steelight, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Two-Bladed Sword), Improved Initiative, Investigator, Iron Will, TwoWeapon Defense, Two-Weapon Fighting Languages: Common, Elven, Shadrath Aura of Law (Ex): As a cleric of a lawful deity Vincent radiates a particularly powerful aura of law Chosen Weapon (Ex): While using his chosen weapon (his current +3/+3 two-bladed sword) Vincent receives a +3 to hit and damage rolls due to his extensive practice and knowledge of the weapon Cold Resistance (Ex): The power of the Shadowborn Transformation has granted Vincent a resistance to cold energy (10) Eyes of the Shadowborn (Ex): Vincent can see through any magical darkness as if it were merely wisps of shadow As a result he is not considered flat-footed while in areas of darkness and opponents are not granted concealment against his attacks Fire Resistance (Ex): The power of the Shadowborn Transformation has granted Vincent a resistance to fire energy (10) Grace of the Shadowborn (Ex): Vincent has been granted a +2 bonus to his Wisdom and Dexterity scores due to divinely inspired reflexes and insight Rebuke Undead (Su): Vincent can channel negative energy in order to rebuke undead 5/day Due to his knowledge of religion and the undead, Vincent receives a +2 bonus to his rebuking rolls Shadowflame Blade (Su): Vincent can cause his two-bladed sword to erupt in black fire Every successful hit while the weapon is flaming inflicts an additional 1d6 points of damage (½ fire damage, ½ cold damage) He can create this effect 4 times per day and it lasts for up to 12 rounds each time Spontaneous Casting: Vincent can sacrifice any prepared spell for an Inflict spell of the same level Touch of the Shadowborn (Su): Twice per day Vincent can use a touch attack to drain 1d4+2 points of strength from an opponent The drained strength is temporarily added to Vincent’s strength score for 13 rounds A Fortitude save (DC: 19) can negate this effect Cleric Spells Prepared (caster level 11th): 0 - Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light x2, Read Magic, Resistance; 1st - Bless, Cause Fear, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Undead, Divine Favor, Embrace of the Shadows* Shield of Faith; 2nd - Bull Strength, Calm Emotions, Darkness, Hold Person, Silence, Zone of Truth; 3rd - Armor of Darkness*, Cure Serious Wounds, Dispel Magic, Protection From Energy, Searing Light, Speak with Dead; 4th - Divination, Divine Power, Order’s Wrath, Tongues; 5th - Discern Lies, Empower the Dead*, Mark of Justice; 6th - Shadow Twin*, Word of Recall Possessions: Amulet of Proof Against Detection and Location, Boots of Speed, Mithril Chain Shirt of Invulnerability +3, Ring of Evasion, Scroll of Flame Strike, Two-Bladed Sword +3/+3, Wand of Cure Serious Wounds (23 charges) * Indicates a new spell found in Chapter 10 of this book Elemental Fist There are few warriors that choose to forgo training with armor and common weaponry These select few undergo special training to turn their very body into a weapon, and in so doing find perfection Many scholars believe this state of perfection can only be reached when the mind and the body are at one, and internal energies are in harmony with nature If this is true, the elemental fist is the epitome of perfection They have pursued rigorous training and endured incredible pain to harmonize their body, mind and their very soul with the power of the elements Yet this is only the first step Along the path they have chosen to follow they slowly learn to harmonize with different elemental energies, even learning to shroud themselves in the power of the immortal energies from which the world itself was 141

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 10:46

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