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Mask of Twilight Aura none (strong evocation with a successful caster level check DC 20); CL 9th Slot head; Price 99,770 gp; Weight 2 lbs DESCRIPTION This mask, traditionally worn by powerful Acolytes of Twilight (see chapter 9) is crafted to resemble the holy symbol of the Twilight Dragon It displays the powers of light and darkness in balance, yet swirling about each other, each trying to gain the advantage The Mask of Twilight grants the wearer the following spell-like abilities: Constant - nondetection 2/day - deeper darkness, searing light (4d8 or 9d6 vs undead) 1/week - dispel chaos or dispel law (chosen at time of casting) CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, deeper darkness, dispel chaos, dispel law, nondetection, searing light; Cost 49,886 gp Necklace of the Sirens Aura moderate enchantment; CL 10th Slot neck; Price 34,000 gp; Weight - 178 DESCRIPTION The necklace is a fl uid mixture of gold and silver, accentuated by fl awless pearls Even without its enchantments the beauty of the craftsmanship and valuable metals would bring over 1,000 gold pieces The necklace allows any bard wearing it to use the following spells (with the cost in charges) Charm Person (1 charge) Hypnotism (1 charge) Confusion (2 charges) The Necklace of Sirens has 2 charges that renew each day at the rise of Nalus the silver moon The charges can also be renewed by anyone with the Bardic Performance class feature at a cost of rounds of performance per charge Charging the necklace in this manner is a standard action that provokes an attack of opportunity CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, charm person, confusion, hypnotism; Cost 17,000 gp Sunstar Aura moderate evocation; CL 6th Slot none; Price 16,200 gp; Weight DESCRIPTION This 4-inch diameter gold medallion is emblazoned with the symbol of the sun rising over the horizon It is an item that is much sought after by undead hunters in the sunless realms When found a Sunstar possesses 2d6 charges When a wielder utters the command word, a charge is expended and it creates an area of true sunlight out to a 30 foot radius This sunlight affects vampires and other creatures adversely affected by sunlight as if it were natural, true sunlight This magical light lasts for 1d6+1 rounds and is then extinguished CONSTRUCTION Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Bless,

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 11:31

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