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benefits are granted, depending on the level of the disciple These bonuses are in addition to any magical bonuses granted by an enchanted weapon as they represent the skill of the disciple with his chosen weapon These bonuses cannot be applied to any other weapon If his chosen weapon is lost or destroyed he can select a new weapon In this case he must spend one full week practicing with the weapon at least four hours a day in order for it to become his chosen weapon Eyes of the Shadowborn (Ex): At 3rd level the disciple of the shadows is given his first major reward for his service He begins the metamorphosis into one of the Dark Father’s Shadowborn This first step takes place in the disciple’s eyes No longer does any particular color dominate the irises, they are black Even the whites of their eyes become a dark shade of gray The metamorphosis grants the disciple the ability to see through magical darkness as if it were merely wisps of shadow Thus his opponents are not granted concealment and the disciple is not considered to be flat-footed when in the area of effect of this type of magic Table 8-6: Chosen Weapon Bonuses Class Level 10 Hit/Damage Bonus +1 to Hit +1 to Hit/+1 to Damage +2 to Hit/+1 to Damage +2 to Hit/+2 to Damage +3 to Hit/+2 to Damage +3 to Hit/+3 to Damage Touch of the Shadowborn (Su): When a disciple of the shadows achieves 5th level they are blessed with the second stage of their transformation The disciple’s limbs darken to a dull gray and the strength draining touch of the shadowborn is conferred Once per day the disciple can make a melee touch attack to attempt 140 to drain 1d4 points of strength from a target plus an additional point at 7th and 9th levels (totalling 1d4+2) The drained strength is given to the disciple for a number of rounds equal to their class level + Wis modifier This ability can be resisted by a successful Fortitude save (DC = 10 + Wis modifier + ½ class level) At 8th level this ability can be used twice per day Grace of the Shadowborn (Ex): The third stage of the metamorphosis comes in the form of divinely enhanced reflexes and insight at 8th level This translates to a permanent +2 bonus to the disciple’s wisdom and dexterity scores Shadowborn Transformation (Ex): When the disciple of the shadows achieves 10th level they are granted the highest blessing a mortal can receive from the Dark Father The entire body of the disciple becomes almost completely black They are furthermore considered Outsiders (native) and are no longer subject to spells that specifically target humanoids They also gain Cold Resistance: 10 and Fire Resistance: 10 Sample Disciple of the Shadows Vincent is one of the highest ranking Disciples operating in the Illurian capital He moves throughout the church’s hierarchy without question, though only his brothers know the truth of his power He serves as the Shadow Priest’s High Inquisitor during cleansings Otherwise he gathers his information discreetly for use when the time is right In combat Vincent relies heavily on his chosen two-bladed sword and his martial talents If he has time he will cast Divine Power, Shield of Faith and Protection from Energy before combat is joined Vincent Rultan: Male Human Cleric 6/ Disciple of the Shadows 10; CR: 17; Medium Outsider (native); HD: 16d8; hp: 80; Init: +7; Spd: 30 ft.; AC: 23, Touch: 14, Flat-footed: 19; CMD: 27; Base Atk: +11/+6/+1; CMB: +13; Atk: +3/+3 two-bladed sword +20 (1d8+8/19-20 x2), Full Atk: +3/+3 two-bladed sword +18/+18/+13/+8 (1d8+8/19-20 x2); SA: Channel Negative Energy 5/ day, Shadowflame Blade 4/day, Spells, Touch of the Shadowborn; SQ: Aura of Law, Chosen Weapon,

Ngày đăng: 21/10/2022, 10:45

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