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NGUYE N THI MINH CHAU – GRAD UATIO N PAPER IN ENGLI SH LINGU ISTICS - 2022 DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH NGUYEN THI MINH CHAU AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK “THE LUCIFER EFFECT” BY PHILIP G.ZIMBARDO, 2017 GRADUATION PAPER IN ENGLISH LINGUISTICS DA NANG, 2022 DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK “THE LUCIFER EFFECT” BY PHILIP G.ZIMBARDO, 2017 Major: English for Translation - Interpretation SUPERVISOR : TRAN THI MINH GIANG, Ph.D STUDENT : NGUYEN THI MINH CHAU CLASS : K24NAB4 STUDENT CODE: 24203115797 DA NANG, 2021 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS To teachers at Duy Tan University! To my supervisor – Dr Tran Thi Minh Giang First and foremost, I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to all of the English faculty members who taught me everything from studies to life during the previous four years Second, I'd want to thank my supervisor, Dr Tran Thi Minh Giang, for her passionate leadership and assistance in answering all of my inquiries I couldn't finish my graduation paper without her assistance Third, I'm grateful to my family and friends for assisting me in overcoming life's challenges and for constantly encouraging and motivating me Furthermore, it is preventable to have some errors in my graduation paper, therefore I am hoping that my instructors and friends would sympathize with me Lastly, I hope all of you are always happy and successful in your life Finally, I wish all of you happiness and success in your lives Sincerely, Nguyen Thi Minh Chau STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP This thesis contains no material published elsewhere or taken in whole or in part from a thesis that qualified for or was given another degree or diploma, save when reference is made in the body of the thesis No other person's work has been used without proper attribution in the thesis This thesis has not been submitted to any other educational institution for the award of a degree or certificate Danang, May 2022 Nguyen Thi Minh Chau ABSTRACT Philip Zimbardo, the renowned social psychologist and founder of the Stanford Prison Experiment, investigates the reasons that lead good people to horrible things, how moral individuals may be persuaded to act immorally, and what this means for the border between good and evil The Lucifer Effect explores how and why we are all prone to the allure of "the dark side." Zimbardo narrates the whole narrative of the Stanford Prison Experiment, the seminal research in which a group of college-student volunteers was randomly separated into "guards" and "inmates" and then placed in a mimic prison setting, for the first time and in detail Zimbardo's work illuminates the psychological causes of such disturbing transformations, allowing us to better understand a wide range of harrowing phenomena, from corporate malfeasance to organized genocide to how oncehonorable American soldiers came to abuse and torture Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib He substitutes the long-held notion of the "bad apple" with the "bad barrel"—the idea that the social environment and system infect the individual rather than the other way around He claims that we are capable of rejecting evil and that we can even educate ourselves to act courageously The Lucifer Effect, like Hannah Arendt's Eichmann in Jerusalem and Steven Pinker's The Blank Slate, is a frightening, enthralling study that will revolutionize the way we understand human conduct I construct the recommended translation based on the theoretical foundation and the original version Furthermore, I learn about the study of several complex vocabulary, such as words with multiple meanings, difficult meanings, slang, and untranslatable words, idioms and phrases, and advanced structures in the translation process, all of which are included in the graduation thesis Furthermore, at the end of my graduation thesis, I identify several barriers and recommend some solutions for students to enhance their translation skills ABBREVIATIONS TL : Target Language SL : Source Language TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .i STATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP ii ABSTRACT iii ABBREVIATIONS iv CHAPTER INTRODUCTION .1 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and Objectives 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.3 Aims .2 Objectives .2 Scope of the Study .2 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 Text Features Text Length .3 Text Organization Text Source .3 1.4 Method of the Study CHAPTER THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1 Translation Theory .4 2.1.1 2.1.2 Definition Types of categories Full vs Partial Translation Total vs Restricted Translation Phonological Translation .6 2.2 Methods And Principles .6 2.2.2 Methods Word-for-word Translation Literal Translation .7 Faithful Translation .7 Semantic Translation Adaptation Translation Free Translation Idiomatic Translation Communicative Translation 2.2.3 Principles 10 Meaning .10 Form 10 Register .10 Idioms 11 Style and Clarity 11 Source Language Influence .11 2.3 Context In Translating 11 CHAPTER SUGGESTED TRANSLATION .13 CHAPTER ANALYSIS .40 4.1 Vocabulary 40 4.1.1 Words and Phrases with Multi-Meaning .40 4.1.2 Words and Phrases with Difficult Meaning 42 4.1.3 Slang and Untranslatable Words 43 4.1.4 Idioms and Expressions 45 4.2 Challenging Structures 46 4.2.1 Compound Sentences 47 4.2.2 Complex Sentences .48 Complex Sentences with Adjective Clause 48 Complex Sentences with Noun Clause 49 Complex Sentences with Adverb Clause .50 Multi-Complex Sentences 51 4.2.3 Compound-Complex Sentences 53 4.2.4 Passive Voice 54 4.2.5 Dummy Subject “It” .55 4.2.6 Existential “There” Sentence 56 CHAPTER DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 58 5.1 Difficulties 58 5.2 Solutions .59 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 62 6.1 Conclusion 62 6.2 Suggestions 63 6.2.1 Suggestions for Learning 63 6.2.2 Suggestions for Teaching 63 REFERENCES 65 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS .66 CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale What makes good people capable of committing bad – even evil – acts? Few psychologists are better qualified to answer that question than Philip Zimbardo, a psychology professor who was not only the author of the classic Stanford Prison Experiment, in which two groups of students played the roles of prisoners and guards in a makeshift jail, to dramatic effect but also an active participant in the trial of a US serviceman who participated in the violent abuse of Iraqi prisoners in the aftermath of the second Gulf War The Lucifer Effect, written by Philip Zimbardo, is a detailed examination of how decent people may perform terrible deeds Zimbardo utilized his problemsolving abilities to discover the answer to this issue, which is knowledge of two circumstances To begin, he adds situational elements (circumstances and setting) and he must take precedence over dispositional ones, implying that nice and wellmeaning individuals might behave abnormally when placed in unexpected or stressful situations Second, good and evil are interchangeable; they are not opposites Depending on the circumstances, most people may be both angels and demons In establishing this conclusion, Zimbardo drew on the work of Stanley Milgram, whose own psychological tests had demonstrated the influence that authoritative people may have on influencing the conduct of others The Lucifer effect illustrates how a scenario may transform otherwise 'good' individuals into perpetrators of immoral or 'evil' actions The name is derived from the legendary account of Lucifer, a noble angel who became bad and was exiled as a result of his acts What causes decent individuals to conduct harmful – even wicked – acts? This is the same question I've been looking for for a long time, and, luckily, I came into the book "the lucifer effect," which lets me know some of the answers based on genuine research I'm hoping that at the end of this graduation thesis, you'll have a better understanding of this question This is more than a book; it is a study of the 52 nhiều tù nhân cảm thấy vui mừng có đủ can đảm để thách thức kẻ nắm quyền Multi-Complex Sentences Essentially this is a complex form of a sentence, however, in a sentence, it is possible to incorporate a variety of different types of propositions, namely noun clause and adjective clause, noun clause and adverbial clause, and adjective clauses and adverbial clause This will likely cause difficulty and confusion in the analysis of sentences and translations into transcendental languages Example 20: When the day shift arrives and suits up before their 10 A.M duty, they discover that all is not as under control as it was when they left yesterday There are different clauses in a complex sentence, namely adverbial clauses of time and noun clause The first clause “When the day shift arrives and suits up before their 10 A.M duty” is an adverbial clause of time beginning with subordinate conjunction “When” and it gives the background for the independent clause “they discover that all is not as under control as it was when they left yesterday.” Second, the embedded clause “that all is not as under control as it was when they left yesterday” is a noun clause as the direct object of the verb “discover” Besides, in this embedded clause, there is an adverbial clause of time “when they left yesterday” starting with subordinate conjunction “when” and it gives additional information Suggested version: Ca sáng bắt đầu đến họ mặc quần áo sẵn sang cho ca làm 10 sáng, họ phát thứ khơng cịn tầm kiểm sốt họ rời vào ngày hôm qua Example 21: The ringleader of the revolt is Paul-5704, who got his buddies in Cell 1, Hubbie-7258 and Glenn-3401, to agree that it was time to react against the violation of the original contract they made with the authorities (me) There are three different clauses in a complex sentence, namely one adjective clause, one noun clause, and a reduced adjective clause “Who got his buddies in Cell 1” is a relative clause and is the post-modification of the subject “Paul-5704” 53 in the independent clause The pronoun “who” is replaced for “Paul-5704” The next clause, it is “that it was time to react against the violation of the original contract they made with the authorities (me).” This is a noun clause as the direct object of the verb “agree” Besides, in this embedded clause, there is the reduced adjective clause - “they made with the authorities (me)” - the subordinate clause that refers to the word “the violation of the original contract” in the clause before, so it modifies for “the violation of the original contract” Suggested version: Người cầm đầu dậy Paul-5704, người thuyết phục người bạn tù buồng giam số 1, Hubbie-7258 Glenn3401, đồng ý đến lúc họ có hành động chống lại việc vi phạm thỏa thuận ban đầu mà họ ký với người tổ chức thí nghiệm (đó tơi) Example 22: Time distortion also got to 3401, who felt starved and was angry that dinner had not been served, thinking it was or 10 P.M when it was not yet P.M There are three different clauses in this sentence, namely one adjective clause, one noun clause, and one adverbial clause of time “Who felt starved and was angry that dinner had not been served” is a relative clause and is the post-modification of the subject “3401” in the independent clause The pronoun “who” is replaced for “3401” Besides, in this embedded clause, there is the noun clause “that dinner had not been served” which is as the direct object of the verb “angry” Finally, “when it was not yet P.M” is an adverbial clause of time beginning with subordinate conjunction “when” and it gives the background for the independent clause Suggested version: Tương tự vậy, tù nhân số 3401 bị tình trạng nhận thức thời gian, thể cảm thấy đói tức giận chưa tới ăn tối nghĩ lúc hay 10 tối rồi, thực tế lúc cịn chưa tới chiều 4.2.3 Compound-Complex Sentences A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause Compound-complex sentences help us express longer more complicated thoughts, with more parts than other sentences However, it is difficult for translators to translate this sentence into Vietnamese 54 Example 23: After initially refusing, 5704 reconsiders when he thinks it will get him on the good side of Guard Ceros and gain him a cigarette, so he starts picking and picking out the hundreds of stickers in his blanket This sentence is so complicated, I have an adverbial clause “when it will get him on the good side of Guard Ceros and gain him a cigarette, so he starts picking and picking out the hundreds of stickers in his blanket” Not only does this clause embed a noun clause “it will get him on the good side of Guard Ceros and gain him a cigarette’’ that functions as the direct object of the verb “think”, but it also contains an independent clause “so he starts picking and picking out the hundreds of stickers in his blanket” with the coordinating conjunction“so” Based on the analysis, this is my suggested version: Suggested version: Sau từ chối mệnh lệnh giao, 5704 xem xét kĩ lưỡng lại lần nghĩ lấy lịng quản ngục Ceros xin xỏ điếu thuốc sao, bắt đầu nhặt nhặt hàng trăm gai phủ kín chăn Example 24: The guards try to persuade them just to taste the delicious meal, but even though they are hungry after their minimal oatmeal breakfast and last night's slim dinner, the Cell inmates cannot agree to act as such traitors, as "rat finks.” Complicated sentences like this sentence usually have a complicated translation I have two independent clauses, including “The guards try to persuade them just to taste the delicious meal” and “even though they are hungry after their minimal oatmeal breakfast and last night's slim dinner, the Cell inmates cannot agree to act as such traitors, as "rat finks.”, which are linked by coordinating conjunction “but” However, such coordinating conjunction “but” is adjacent to the subordinating conjunction “even though” If I used literal translation method as “Nhưng mặc dù”, it sounds unnatural and unordinary, so I only maintained the meaning “Mặc dù” in this sentence Suggested version: Các lính canh cố gắng thuyết phục họ thử qua bữa ăn mời gọi đi, họ đói mà ăn sáng với chút bột yến mạch cịn tối qua ăn chẳng bao tù nhân buồng giam số kiên từ chôi, làm việc phản bội, “đáng khinh” được.” 55 4.2.4 Passive Voice Passive voice is defined that to be one of two voices of verbs In a passive sentence, the action of the verb is done to the subject Passive voice is a common structure in English However, in Vietnam, people rarely use this structure to express an idea It has yet found its way into Vietnamese, and there has not been so far any exact and steady grammatical equivalent structure for it When I want to express a passive idea, I usually use “được” or “bị” or transfer into an active voice Example 25: Then, in the first stroke of their collective creative revenge, they take the blankets off the prisoners' beds in Cells and 2, carry them outside the building, and drag them through the underbrush until the blankets are covered with stickers or burrs This sentence was originally written in passive voice, with the verb “cover” in passive form If I remain passive form and translated like “chăn bị bao phủ đầy gai nhọn.” the sentence sounds rough and unnatural as well as does not emphasize the author's ideas In order to make this sentence more natural, I offered the suggested version as follows: Suggested version: Sau đó, chiêu trị trả đũa lũ từ nhân mà họ nghĩ ném chăn khỏi giường tù nhân buồng giam số khỏi tòa nhà, kéo chúng qua bụi chăn dính đầy bụi gai bụi 4.2.5 Dummy Subject “It” A complete sentence must be composed of a subject and at least a verb A dummy subject conveys no meaning of its own but simply fills the position of a subject in a sentence when the subject is not available Sentence with dummy subject is one of the sentences that does not exist in Vietnamese, so translating this kind of sentence from English to Vietnamese is a difficult task Thus, I met up with many difficulties to transfer them into Vietnamese To have a good suggested version, I must not only understand the meaning of the sentence but also know how to naturally translate it into TL 56 Example 26: 5704 later told us that it was depressing to face this new day knowing he would have to go through "all the same shit again, and maybe worse." This sentence has a dummy subject “it” but its real subject is “to face this new day knowing he would have to go through” In Vietnam, this structure doesn’t exist Thus, to translate this kind of sentence, I must get the main idea, then transfer this meaning by the freeway that is suitable to the Vietnamese culture and style I translated it as follows: Suggested version: Một lát sau, tù nhân 5704 nói với thật chán nản hôm thức dậy với ngày mà lại biết hơm phải làm làm lại việc, có cơng việc cịn tệ hôm qua Example 27: It soon becomes painful to hold in the urge to urinate, so they decide not to make trouble just yet, but soon This sentence has a dummy subject “it” but its real subject is “painful to hold in the urge to urinate” And in Vietnam, this structure doesn’t exist Besides, if I translate word by word “Cảm giác muốn tiểu sớm trở nên đau đớn, họ định khơng gây rắc rối sớm thôi.” I realize that this sentence it’s not logical Thus, to translate this kind of sentence, I must get the main idea that the incorporation of sentences in the original text into one sentence in the translation text, namely "But they miss the chance to go to the toilet, to which the others are escorted in pairs." makes it easier for readers to understand and make sense in terms of meaning Besides, transfer this meaning by the freeway that is suitable to the Vietnamese culture and style I translated it as follows: Suggested version: Và dĩ nhiên, họ bỏ lỡ vệ sinh tù nhân thường hộ tống theo cặp phải nhịn tiểu khó chịu họ định tạm thời khơng có động tĩnh, phải kiễn nhẫn thêm chút 4.2.6 Existential “There” Sentence Existential “there”, also known as non-referential there, which is a whole different concept from “there” used as a place adverb, is also a prevailing structure that people just cannot help putting it into use in everyday language Differently noticeable about this grammatical structure that it does not emphasize anything, 57 rather asserts the existence (or non-existence) of something and is often used to introduce new information or state an observation This structure usually coincides with the verb “to have” indicating possession when translated into Vietnamese Example 28: There's no question that the prisoners are getting frustrated by having to deal with what the guards are doing to them In this example, my existential “there” sentence is “There's no question that the prisoners are getting frustrated by having to deal with what the guards are doing to them.” However, this form of the sentence doesn’t exist in Vietnamese, it’s difficult to translate it Besides, if I literally translate it, the suggested sentence “Có câu hỏi …” is unnatural and unsuitable So, I applied the free translation method to transfer the idea, then I have a suggested version: Suggested version: Khơng cịn nghi ngờ nữa, tù nhân cảm thấy chán nản trước mà cai ngục làm với họ Example 29: There are pushing and shoving and shouting all around that cell, spilling out into the Yard In this example, my existential “there” sentence is in “There are pushing and shoving and shouting all around that cell, spilling out into the Yard.” However, this form of the sentence doesn’t exist in Vietnamese, it’s difficult to translate it Besides, if I literally translate it, the suggested sentence “Có tiếng xơ xát, ẩu đả la hét…” is unnatural and unsuitable So, I applied the free translation method to transfer the idea, then I have a suggested version as: Suggested version: Xung quanh buồng tiếng xô xát, ẩu đả, la hét, kéo đến sân tù 58 CHAPTER DIFFICULTIES AND SOLUTIONS 5.1 Difficulties Many translation abilities were taught to me at university through both academic and practical classes However, accurately interpreting and evaluating the content is quite difficult These topics provide me with a wide range of abilities and background information that enable me to decipher a text, allowing me to get more comfortable with the translation Every language, on the other hand, has its own unique characteristics and expressions Furthermore, the quality of the proposed version is influenced by grammar, lexis, syntax, and particular words As a result, accurately translating a text from English into Vietnamese is a challenging undertaking Translators must have a comprehensive understanding of the field they are translating as well as the structure and lexis employed in the text to provide accurate, natural, seamless, and interesting proposed versions When the translator must rebuild the original text in the form of SL to TL, it is extremely difficult since they must provide a short and correct translated version that is easy to grasp for the reader As a result, as an inexperienced translator, I had several issues during the translation process: First and foremost, vocabulary is critical in the construction of a document The author's unique concept may be expressed through vocabulary in a number of ways As a result, it is such a challenging factor to which I must devote more attention In English, for example, many words have several meanings, making it difficult to determine the most precise meaning These several meanings of the multi-meaning term frequently confuse me, and I end up translating the erroneous one To find the appropriate meanings for multi-word units with a lot of meanings in the dictionary, I need to comprehend the context and the author's thoughts In addition, while I was translating a report, I came across a lot of particular phrases However, my lack of experience in this sector made converting these words into TL challenging The specification calls for precise counterparts, however, I am not always sure how to deal with this one because I can't transfer a regular meaning Furthermore, because these phrases are rarely described in dictionaries, translating them might be difficult 59 Furthermore, untranslated terms and synonyms exacerbate the translation process I can't look up the meanings of words that haven't been translated in a dictionary I can't always figure out what these terms imply, or the meanings aren't appropriate for the circumstances So, in order to solve these terms, I must first comprehend the original author's concept before selecting the best Vietnamese counterparts Synonyms, idioms, and phrases are additional factors that make translating difficult for me Second, grammar is a tough factor to master since there are changes in the grammar between languages, thus I found ourselves in a difficult situation when it came to resolving the grammar in the text The two languages' grammars are vastly different Many structures that are common in English but uncommon in Vietnamese, such as the empty subject structure, are examples As a result, translators face a hurdle in translating this structure since they must first comprehend the author's thoughts before expressing them in Vietnamese using a different framework I need to pay attention to the differences in how people use language The active voice is commonly used in Vietnamese to communicate thoughts or intents, whereas the passive voice is more commonly employed in English That is why I have often translated in an odd and rude manner In the translation process, complicated structures such as relative clauses, noun clauses, reduction clauses, and so on frequently confound me This type of organization is quite complicated, and I frequently mistake the concepts if I lack a solid understanding of grammar or I am unable to evaluate sentences To summarize, correctly translating a text is difficult To produce precise copies, translators must have a thorough understanding of not only the field into which they are translating but also the structure and lexis of both languages 5.2 Solutions It is unavoidable to encounter issues throughout the translation process I, on the other hand, have my own approach to solving these issues Before translating, I read the original text in its entirety to grasp the author's principal concept This allowed me to cover the text's substance and gain a broad 60 perspective I also concentrated on and noted all the problematic words and phrases that I considered challenging to translate during this procedure In addition, I highlighted the structures that perplexed or perplexed me Then I'd go over it again with a fine-toothed comb and my best to interpret them I would seek input from my supervisor if I felt my versions were not accurate And she'd show me how to deconstruct these tough structures or find the best interpretations for tricky terms In addition, I went to the library and searched the internet for papers connected to this subject These publications provided me with background information on the tourist industry, and they were quite helpful in deciphering certain difficult terminology, such as specialized terms I also spoke about it and enlisted the support of several friends who are tourism majors Second, dictionaries are essential for translators, and I am no exception To identify the finest definitions, I studied a variety of dictionaries, including the Linguistic Institute's English-Vietnamese Dictionary, Soha Tra Tu Dictionary, Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, Lingoes Essential Dictionary, and others I looked up some unfamiliar topics and locations on the internet to figure out what they were There are some words that I don’t have to look up the definition of a term in a dictionary; however, I can find the meaning of the words In some circumstances, I place problematic terms into correct contexts after seeking up their definitions in dictionaries or on the internet Then I looked up the definitions of the words in the dictionary and compared them to the context in which they appeared I carefully studied if the interpretations are appropriate and precise However, for several terms that were not in the dictionary, I had to rely on context to determine appropriate interpretations Third, I would carefully evaluate difficult architectures to find their constituents To avoid misunderstanding, it was extremely beneficial to have a thorough understanding of the sentence forms If there were any structures that I weren't sure about or didn't recall, I'd go through them again to ensure that I got the greatest outcome possible To effectively evaluate and translate a sentence, it is critical to have a thorough grasp of the purpose of the words or structures in the 61 phrase To translate successfully and accurately, you must also have a working knowledge of the target language To convey better meaning to the text, I must rely on the context while interpreting it Translators face several problems during the translating process They are quite simple to make mistakes if they not have a clear understanding of structure as well as a specific one, and I am no exception I had a lot of trouble translating this material as well However, I did my best to figure out a solution and provide the best-recommended version 62 CHAPTER CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 6.1 Conclusion While working on my graduation paper, I discovered that I had a number of drawbacks I was given a lot of knowledge and skills to become a competent translator throughout my four years at university However, I found via my graduation paper that what I had learned was only a small part of a larger body of knowledge This paper aided me in improving my analysis and expression skills Furthermore, I gained a great deal of experience during the analysis process I discovered that I had a short vocabulary in both SL and TL during the translation process I didn't know the meanings of a lot of terms, which made it tough to translate Furthermore, the absence of the Vietnamese lexicon led to poorly conveying an idea in Vietnamese, as well as having no expression even though I understood the author's one As a result, expanding the vocabulary is both vital and required In addition, when translating a specialized topic, specific understanding of that field plays a significant role in obtaining an accurate translation As a result, the translator must study a wide range of topics to prepare the background in order to fully understand the author's point of view Having specific knowledge will make it easier for translators to translate precisely Despite the fact that the text I translated was about psychological and social, I had no prior experience in this subject So, I encountered several challenges I was also able to correctly translate some specific terms after a long period of searching and studying material about this topic; nonetheless, this was a useful experience for me My grammar was also demonstrated in this graduation paper There were a number of sentences I incorrectly analyzed because of the lack of grammar and syntax knowledge Through this paper, I had the opportunity to identify the shortcomings as well as improve my understanding I learned a lot of useful things in translating and analyzing this graduation paper, and my ability to translate has improved Now, I know how to address the issues in the original text in order to produce a decent suggested version I frequently find myself unable to transfer terms or phrases that are not defined in 63 dictionary However, I have recently learned how to infer these meanings from context This is so fantastic In addition, I also learned how to express an idea using an equivalent in TL Challenging structures are another issue to which I must pay greater attention Nonetheless, now I may quickly analyze them in order to obtain the greatest results I am aware that I have many shortcomings in translation As a result, in order to become a skilled translator, I must always strive to learn and enhance my knowledge and skills Furthermore, I need to have more practice in order to improve my abilities 6.2 Suggestions 6.2.1 Suggestions for Learning Students must improve their knowledge in all subjects because they will encounter many documents in various fields in the future Furthermore, knowing the structure, syntax, semantics, and other aspects of the language will make it easier for students to grasp the author's idea, reducing confusion and errors during the translation process Students must develop their English skills while also focusing on their mother tongue in order to become good translators In many circumstances, students are able to comprehend all of the author's ideas However, they are unable to convey their thoughts in their mother tongue due to a lack of vocabulary Improving their Vietnamese will enable them to translate more naturally, smoothly Besides, students must develop their reading comprehension skill This skill allows them to fully understand the topics mentioned by the author to avoid mistakes in the translation process It also helps students in guessing difficult words 6.2.2 Suggestions for Teaching Firstly, I think that the students should be given more opportunities from their teachers to improve their translation analysis skills It is very common for students to be able to translate a sentence but not understand why they translated it that way This means that students cannot analyze the elements of the statement 64 Secondly, teachers should teach their students more knowledge of various cultures As you know, culture has a great influence on the style of writing and the use of words If students are familiar with the culture of the country in which the author lives, translating will be easier Thirdly, I believe that teachers should give students specialized terms in many fields of life These terms are very important for translating a specialized document It is very easy for students to face up difficulties if they not know these Therefore, by teaching specialized terms while studying at university, students will acquire the necessary knowledge to overcome the difficulties 65 REFERENCES [1] Catford, J.C (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation Oxford: Oxford University Press [2] Duff, A (1990) Translation Oxford: Oxford University Press [3] Heywood, A (2017) Political Ideologies: An Introduction (6th edition) New York: Red Globe Press [4] Newmark, P (1988) A Textbook of Translation New York: Prentice Hall [5] Tudor, I (1965) About Translation Theory Cambridge: Cambridge University Press [6] Zimbardo, P G (2007) The Lucifer effect: Understanding how good people turn evil New York: Random House ONLINE MATERIALS [7] Glosbe Dictionary https://vi.glosbe.com/en/vi/snowfall [8] Oxford Learner's Dictionaries https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/ [9] Soha Tra Tu Dictionary http://tratu.soha.vn/ [10] StudyTiengAnh (2017, August) Danh sách câu thành ngữ tiếng Anh thông dụng Retrieved from StudyTiengAnh: https://www.studytienganh.vn/news/42/danh-sach-nhung-cau-thanh-ngu-tieng-anhthong-dung [11] The Free Dictionary https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/ [12] Tiến, L (2007) Vấn đề phương pháp dịch thuật Anh Việt Retrieved from VNU Journal of Foreign Studies: https://js.vnu.edu.vn/FS/article/view/3092 66 SUPERVISOR’S COMMENTS ...DUY TAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ENGLISH GRADUATION PAPER AN ANALYSIS OF THE SUGGESTED TRANSLATION OF CHAPTER FROM THE BOOK ? ?THE LUCIFER EFFECT” BY PHILIP G.ZIMBARDO, 2017 Major: English for Translation. .. 40 4. 1.1 Words and Phrases with Multi-Meaning .40 4. 1.2 Words and Phrases with Difficult Meaning 42 4. 1.3 Slang and Untranslatable Words 43 4. 1 .4 Idioms and Expressions... meanings, slang, and untranslatable words, idioms and phrases, and advanced structures in the translation process, all of which are included in the graduation thesis Furthermore, at the end of

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