CM ngU sb it phdt dt vai dong til sb ft
Col chinh td thuong g#p nhdt
Khi viet ta thffdng viet sai chinh ta l i do phat am tff dd sai. Ba loi thffdng gap nhat la:
• Bo mot chff cai hoac am tiet khi phat am tiif dd • Them mot chff cai khong can thiet khi phdt am • Phat am tff sai nen viet sai chinh ta
14. Thieu chff cai
Dtfdi day la 10 tff thffdng viet sai chinh ta vi ngffdi ndi thffdng bo mot chff cai hoiic am tiet.
• A ccidentally: Tff nay cd nam am tiet; bo mot am tiet va acciden tally bien thanh accidently.
• A ccom panim ent: Chff a thff hai va chff / la van de trong chff n&y. De nhd la phai cd chff i, ban hay nhd cau sau day: there’s a lot of animal in accompaniment.
• A creag e: Chff e la van de trong tff nay vi khi ndi, ngffdi ta it khi nhan manh no. Vi vay, ngffdi ta hay viet thanh acrage. Ngffdi ta cung hay dat chff e sai vi tri, nhff trong acerage.
• Anecdote: Khi dpc anecdote thanh anedote thi viet se bo sot chff c.
Roi con antidote - mot tff co nghla, nhffng dung trong ngff canh thi khong phii hdp.
• Asked: Tff nay hay bi nham thanh ast hoiic tham chi axed. Ket qua la ngffdi ta se viet thanh nhffng chff nhff askd, askt va axst.
• Asterisk: Tff nay co the bi viet nham thanh aterisk, askterisk, hoac tham chi la acksterisk.
• Broccoli: Bo bdt mot chff c va them mot chff / vao chff nay thi khong kh6. Phat am dung cung chdng co tdc dung gi d day, vi vay hay chia tff nay thanh hai phan: broc va coli.
• Calisthenics: Hay nhan manh chff i dau tien va chff e de tranh bo bdt chff cai khi viet chff calisthenics. Neu khong, ban co the viet thanh calesthenics hoac calesthinics.
• Category: Hay chac chan la ban doc dung chff e chff khong phai la
a de tranh viet sai thanh catagory.
• Cem etery: Khi phat am chff e thff ba nhff a thi ket qua khi viet se lk cemetary.
15. Thffa chff cai
Vi mac loi khi phat am nen khi viet, ngirdi ta thffdng them mot nguyen am thffa giffa hai chff cai. Dffdi day la mot so tff hay bi viet sai chinh ta nhat:
• Athlete: Thffdng bi doc sai la athalete, ket qua la viet thffa chff a.
• Disatrous: Ngirdi ta hay viet chff nay thanh disasterous do suy ra
tit disaster. Ban thay dffra chff cai nao khong?
• Grievous: Mot loi phat am khac, khien ngffdi ta hay viet thanh
grieveous hoac grievious. Khong dffdc them chff e hay i nao ca. • Hindrance: Chff nay cung tffdng tff nhff trffdng hdp chff disastrous:
tff hinder suy ra thanh hinderance. Qua nhieu am tiet!
• Lightning: Anh chdp giffa trdi mffa nay thffdng bi phat am sai va viet sai thanh lightening. Dung la co ton tai tff lightening; no co nghla la trd nen bdt toi tarn hdn. Hay doc tffng chff cai de viet dung tff ban muon viet.
• M ischievous: Ddng ngac nhidn l i rat nhieu ngirdi hay doc sai think
mischievious, do dd them v&o mQt chff i.
• P e rs e v e ra n c e : Ngffdi ta thffdng them v&o mot chff rv i ket qud li
perserveranee. Doc tff cho dung thi ban se trin h dffdc loi niy.
Y Y \e & txkxr
Ngirdi dpc va noi tigng Anh trong thdi gian d&i da
I i q c diTQc m 6 'i li6n I16 cSn ban giffa 5m va td h«?p chil cai d6’ co thg’ vi§"t diTQc rSt nhi£u chff. Tuy nhign, do nguy€n nhan ljch suf, mot vai td hQp cliil cai co phat 5m khong giong nhiT vi£t. Vi du nhiT ough co thd phat §m khac
nhau trong thought, bough, through, drought.
16. Doi cho c ic tff
Phat am sai cung c6 the dan tdi viet chff bj dao cho. Dtfdi day lit nhffng tff hay bi sai theo kieu nay:
analyze anonymous entrepreneur gasoline khaki lingerie
rhyme rhythm
aesthetic allegiance analysis auxiliary bureaucrat diaphragm gauge gorgeous irrelevant mileage psychology resuscitate 17. Sai dang so" nhieu
Hay nhd la danh tff sd nhieu dung de chi nhieu hdn mot ngffdi, ndi chon hoac sff vat. Cd danh tff so" nhieu theo quy tic lan bat quy tac. Dang so" nhieu theo quy tic it khi bi viet sai, nhffng dang so nhieu bat quy tic lai thffdng gay r ic roi. Hay phan biet dang so nhieu theo quy tic va bat quy tic cho ro rang va ban se cd the loai bd dffdc nhieu loi chinh ta. Dffdi day la vai quy tic chinh ta de giup ban viet dang sd nhieu cho dung.
• Hau het cac dang sd" nhieu theo quy tic dffdc thanh lap b in g cich them s vao cuoi tff.
So ft So"nhieu
bird birds
hat hats
arrow arrows
pencil pencils
duck ducks
dog dogs
• Them es neu danh tff tan cilng b&ng s, sh, ch
So it So'nhi^u class classes inch inches box boxes stress stresses sex sexes tax taxes Jones Joneses
• Neu danh tuf tan cung bang y va trffdc n6 la mot phu am thi doi y
thanh i va them es.
S o ft So'nhieu city cities lady ladies happy happiness icy iciness activity activities cry cries blueberry blueberries
• Neu danh tuf tan cilng bang y va trffdc no la mot nguyen am thi them s. S o ft So' nhieu essay essays monkey monkeys journey journeys survey surveys
Ngoai 1$: Co ngoai le doi vdi nhffng tff tan cung b ln g -quy, nhu
soliloquy doi thanh soliloquies.
• Nhffng tff tan cung bang - ly van giff chff y khi doi sang dang so nhieu.
So' ft So' nhieu
bialy bialys
• Neu danh tff tan cung bang o va trffdc no la mot nguyen am thi them s.
Ngoai 1§: dollies lilies S6'it radio ratio patio studio So' nhieu radios ratios patios studios
Neu danh tff tan cung bang o va trffdc no la mot phu am thi danh ti/ co the them es, s hoac s hoac es deu dffdc.
Them es Them s Them es hoac 5 So it So' nhieu potato potatoes hero heroes tomato tomatoes echo echoes veto vetoes silo silos solo solos piano pianos soprano sopranos alto altos dynamo dynamos
zero zeros, zeroes
tornado tornados, tornadoes
cargo cargos, cargoes
motto mottos, mottoes
domino dominos, dominoes
buffalo buffalos, buffaloes
• Them s v&o hau het cac danh tuf tan cilng b^ng f. Tuy nhien, cac tiif tan cung b&ng f nay cung rat bat quy tic , gan nhir la ching co quy
tic nao. Neu ban con nghi ngd thi hay tra tir dien cho chan.
S o ft So’n h ilu brief briefs chief chiefs proof proofs belief beliefs staff staffs sheriff sheriffs belief beliefs
N goai 1$: Trong vai triTdng hdp, ta phai doi f hoSc fe thanh v roi them es: So it So nhieu half halves knife knives leaf leaves life lives self selves thief thieves wife wives wolf wolves
Ngoai 1£: Quy t^c nay khong ap dung doi vdi ten rieng. Trong triTdng hdp nay, ta chi viec them vao mot chff s: Mr. and Ms. Wolf
trd thanh The Wolfs.
• Nhffng tff tan cung bang -ey, -ay hoac -o y khong doi thanh -ies
Stf ft S d 'n h ilu
-ey valley valleys
abbey abbeys
jitney jitneys
-ay tray trays
clay clays
-oy ploy ploys
• Trong tir ghep thi hay bien tir chinh th&nh so nhieu.
So' it Sd'nhieu
mother-in-law mothers-in-law
passerby passersby
sister-in-law sisters-in-law
Ngoai 1§: Neu trong tir gh6p khong c6 danh tir nao thi them s vio cuoi tir, nhu trong mix-ups, takeoffs. Neu tir ghep tan cung b&ng -
ful thi them s vao cuoi tir, nhir trong cupfuls.
• Mot so danh tir doi cach viet khi doi thanh so' nhieu.
So it S o 'n h iiu child children foot feet goose geese louse lice man men mouse mice ox oxen tooth teeth woman women
• Mot so danh tir van giff nguyen dang du d so it hay so nhieu.
swine series deer sheep
moose species Portuguese
• Nhffng trffdng hdp so nhieu phai di vdi dau lffdc la dang so nhieu cua so, chuT cai va nhffng tff dffdc dung de chi ban than tff d6.
How many 3’s make 9? There were too many but’s in the speech. • Mot so" tff trong c ic ngon ngff khac tao thanh dang so nhieu theo
nhffng cach kM c nhau va thffdng tuan theo ngff phdp cua ngon ngff goc do.
So' ft So' nhieu
alumnus alumni (female)
alumna alumnae (male)
analysis analyses axis axes bacterium bacteria basis bases crisis crises criterion criteria hypothesis hypotheses
index index, indices
memorandum memorandums, memoranda
parenthesis parentheses
phenomenon phenomena
stimulus stimuli
thesis theses
18. Loi dung nham d ip tff (nhff weather/whether)
Mot so' tff trong tieng Anh co cung cach viet va phat am nhffng lai c6 nghla khdc nhau, vi du nhff bay/bay va beam/beam. Cung co nhffng tff phat am giong nhau nhffng cach viet va nghla khac nhau, vi du nhff coarse/course hay bridal/bridle. Phan biet nhffng cap tff nay la dieu rat quan trong vi ban se viet dUdc chinh xac y ma ban muon noi.
Dffdi day la mot so' tff hay bi viet sai chinh ta vi phat am va/hoac cdch viet cua chung rat giong nhau. Tuy nhien, sau khi ban hoc xong danh sach nay, ban se co the phan biet de dang va sff dung cac tff that chinh xac.
• Air: khong khi
T h ere’s no air in a vacuum - hence his empty head.
Khong co khong khi d cho chan khong - va cai dau rong tuech cua anh ta cung vay.
Err: pham loi
To err is human; to purr, feline.
Pham loi lam la con ngudi; keu gCc gif, loai meo.
• A lot: nhieu
A lot of people are absent from work today.
Horn nay rat nhieu ngUcti khong di lam. Allot: chia
Allot the prizes among all guests, please.
Lam tfn chia gidi thudng cho tat cd khdch mdi. • All together: tat ca cung mot luc
The students spoke all together. Cac sinh vien noi cung mot luc. Altogether: hoan toan
The job is altogether complete.
Cong viec dd hoan tat cd roi. • Allowed: dtfdc phep
You are allowed to vote for the candidate of your choice.
Ban duoc phep bau cho Ung cut vien ban chon. Aloud: noi to, bang Idi noi
D on’t say it aloud. D on’t even think it quietly.
Dimg noi ra. Dimg co suy nghi ve no trong yen lang. • Already: da roi
W e had already packed.
Chung tdi dd sap xep hanh ly roi. All ready: san sang
The cole slaw is all ready to serve.
Altar: be thd
The priest placed the prayer book on the altar.
Vien muc sU dtft quyen sach cau nguyen len b§ thd. Alter: thay doi
She had to alter her dress.
Co ay phai doi vay. Arc: dffdng cong
The walls have an arc rather than a straight line.
Cac btfc tudng co dudng cong chit khong phai dudng thang. Ark: con thuyen l<5n
Noah loaded the ark with animals.
Noah dua cac con thu len thuyen. Are: dpng tff so nhieu
M ae W est said, “Brains are an asset, if you hide them .”
Mae West dd noi, “Bq ndo la tdi san Idn, neu ban giau no di. ” Our: cua chung ta
T h ere’s someone in the corner of our living room.
Co ai do trong gdc phong khdch cua chung tdi. Ascent: di len
She made a quick ascent up the corporate ladder!
Co ay di len rat nhanh tren ndc thang sUnghiep d cong ty! Assent: dong y
I assent your plan.
Tdi dong y vdi ke hoach cua ban. Bare: tran
You can find a lot of bare people in nudist camps.
Ban co the gap ra t nhieu ngudi d tran trong cac trUdng ph a i khoa
Bare: tff nhien, gian di
Just take the bare essentials when you go camping.
Bear: con gau Look at the bear! Nhin con gau kia! Bear: mang, cam I bear no grudges.
Toi khong cd moi ac cam nao cd.
• Base: phan d£y cua vat, gdc san bong chiky, h6n ha
The vase has a wide, sturdy base. The catcher’s wild throw missed the base. The criminal is base and corrupt.
Cai lo cd day r Q n g vd chac. Cu nem cua cau t h u bdt bong khong
t r u n g miic. Ten tQi pham r a t hen ha vd doi bai. Bass: giong nam tram, mpt loai cd, mpt nhac cu
He sings bass. W e caught a striped bass. She plays the bass in the orchestra.
Anh ay hat giong nam tram. Chung tdi bat mQt con cd pecca. Co 6) choi ken bass trong ddn nhac.
• Beau: ngtfdi yeu
My beau bought me flowers.
Ngudi yeu cua tdi mua hoa cho tdi.
Bow: cui chao, cung ten, c£i nd btfdm, mui tau
The dancer liked to bow to his partner. W e shoot deer with a boh and arrow. The baby wore a pretty hair bow. The passengers satin the ship’s bow.
Ngudi vu cong thich cui chao ngudi nhdy cap vdi an h Chung tdi ban con huou vdi mot cay cung vd mui ten. DUa be C Q t m o t cai nd budm rat dep tren tdc. NhCtng hanh khdch ngoi tren mui td u .
• Board: tarn van go
The karate master cut the board with his bare hand.
Vd su karate chat tam go vdi ban tay khong. Board: uy ban
The school board meets the first Tuesday of every month.
Ban giam hieu trudng hop vdo ngdy thii ba dau tien moi thang.
Bored: khong htfng thu
The movie bored us so we left early.
Bo phim chan ngdt nen chung tdi ve sdm.
• Born: bam sinh
Born free... taxed to death.
Sinh ra dtfOc tu do... bi danh thue den luc chet.
Borne: chiu dtfng
Fortunato had borne his insults the best he could.
Fortunaton da het svlc chiu dung nhtitng Idi lang ma.
• Bore: ngtfdi ch&n n g it
What a bore he is!
Han la m Q t ke chan ngdt! Boar: Idn 16i dtfc
They found a boar in the woods.
Hqtim thay mot con Ion due trong rCtng.
• Brake: th^ng xe Use the car brake! Dung thang xe do! Break: 1km nut hokc vd Don’t break my back.
DUng lam gay lung toi. • Breadth: be rong
The desk has a breadth of more than 6 feet.
C&i ban co be rong hdn 6 feet.
Breath: hdi thd She has bad breath. Co ta co hoi thd kho chiu.
Capital: thu do, rat quan trong, tien von, ttf ban
Albany is the capital of New York state. What a capital id e a ! The business has $12 million operating capital.
Albany la thu phu bang New York. That la mQt y tudng quan trpng! Viec kinh doanh nay co 12 tri$u do tien von.
Capitol: toa nha d Washington, D.C, ndi Quoc hpi My hop mat The Capitol is a beautiful building.
Toa nha Quoc hoi Hoa Ky la m Q t cong trinh kien true tuyet dep. Conscience: ltfdng tam
Your conscience helps you distinguish right from wrong.
Luang tarn giup ban phan biet phai trdi. Conscious: tinh tao
Being conscious: that annoying time betw een naps.
Tinh tao: dd la khodng thdi gian kho chiu giUa cac giac ngu. Cheep: tieng keu chiem chiep
“Cheep, ” said the canary.
“Chip, ” con chim hodng yen keu len. Cheap: re
Talk is cheap because supply exceeds demand.
Ldi ndi chdng mat tien mua vi cung vUcft cau. Deer: con htfdu
The deer sneered at the inept hunter.
Con huou nhucudi che nhqo ngudi tha san vung ve. Dear: ngtfdi than men
“You are my dear," the man said to his wife.
“Em la ngudi yeu quy cua anh, ” ngudi dan ong ndi vdi va minh. Draft: gio lua
W hat’s causing that draft on my neck?
Cai gi gay ra ludng gid sau gay toi vay? Draft: ban phac thao
Life: a first draft, with no rewrites.