1. Sff dung tan ngff cach de chi mot tan ngff trffc tiep (direct ob ject).
Tan ngff trffc tiep la mot danh tff hoSc dai tff chiu t£c dong cua hanh dong.
John’s suit no longer fits (he, him).
Trd Idi: John’s suit no longer fits him. Bo do cua John mac khong vita nita.
(Who, Whom) did she finally invite to the dinner party?
Trd Idi: She la chu ngff, ngffdi thffc hien hanh dong. Vi vay, cau tren phai viet la "Whom did she finally invite to the dinner p a rty ? ”
Of course, she can invite (whoever, whomever) she wants.
Trd Idi: Of course, she can invite whomever she wants.
DT nhien, cd ay cd the mdi ai tuy y.
Khi b a n co m ot d ai tiif k<;t h<?p vdi d an h tif (vl du nlnf tve guests, us guests), hay thuf d a t cSu m a khflng co dan h tif. B an co the “ nghe” thuf xem d ai tif nao la dung.
It is always a pleasure for we to atten d th e ir p arty . It is always a pleasure for us to atten d th e ir p arty .
C hung toi luon th a y vui kh i dit tiec cua ho.
CSu thuf hai la dung.
2. Dung tan ngff cach de chi mot tan nguf gian tiep (indirect object).
Tan ngff gian tiep cho ta biet sff viec dtfOc thtfc hien doi vdi ai
(to whom) hoac cho ai (for whom). Ban co the biet tif nao la tan ngff gian tiep neu ban co the them to hoac for vao trffdc no ma khong lam thay doi nghla. Vi du: “The book gave (to) my boss and (to) me some new strategies.”
The bill gave (we, us) a shock.
To hoa don khien chung toi sung sot. Trd Idi: The bill gave us a shock.
3. Sff dung tan ngff cach cho tan ngff cua gidi tff.
Hay nhd gidi tff la mot tff nho co tac dung noi danh tff hoSc dai tif theo sau no vdi mot tff khac trong cau.
Sit by (I, me).
Trd Idi: Dai tff la tan ngff cua gidi tff, vi vay cau tren phai viet la “Sit by m e”.
Hay ngoi ke ben toi.