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Phụ lục 1. Chương trình phần mềm GLOBALRPh.com hỗ trợ việc thực hiện TDM của Aminoglycosid và Vancomycin.
Aminoglycoside-Vancomycin Dosing
This document Copyright © 2009 D.McAuley, GlobalRPh Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Patient Name: Location: - PROGRAM HINTS -
Conventional dosing
Select drug: Gentamicin
Select dosing range (if once daily dosing selected):
Gent-tobra: Mild (4 mg/kg)/ Amikacin (10 mg/kg)
Age: Weight: Kg
Scr: Height: Inches
Desired peak: Desired trough: Infusion time: 0.5 Volume of distribution: Select Volume of Distribution (VD) L/kg
Usual range: aminoglycosides: 0.25-0.35 Vanco: 0.65 - 0.9
Calculate Regimen Reset
Selecting the infusion time
Infusion time (ti)
Sample recommendations
Aminoglycosides: (All doses) 0.5
Vancomycin (0 - 500mg/ 0.5 ) 0.5 501 - 1250 mg 1 1251 -1750 mg 1.5 1751 - 2250 mg 2
Sample recommendations for peak / trough concentrations
Infection Site Peak Trough Peak Trough Peak Trough Abdominal 6-7 <1 25-30 4-6 Cystitis 4-5 <1 20-25 4-6 Endocarditis 4-12 <1.5 25-30 <8 30-40 5-15 Osteomyelitis 6-7 <1 25-30 4-6 30-40 5-20 Pneumonia 8-10 <1.5 25-30 <8 30-40 5-20 Pyelonephritis 6-7 <1 25-30 4-6 25-35 5-10 Sepsis 7-8 <1 25-30 4-6 25-35 5-15 Soft tissue 6-7 <1 20-25 <6 25-35 5-10 Synergy 5-6 <1 20-25 4-6 25-35 5-10 Wound Infections 6-7 <1 25-30 <6 25-35 5-10
Vancomycin - Target trough levels??
M. Goodwin, E. Ashley. Vancomycin: can we teach the mainstay of therapy for gram-positives new tricks? Special to Infectious Disease News. February 2006.