2.3. Các chủ đề dạy học Hóa học bằng tiếng Anh tiếp cận SAT II
và các chủ đề của SAT II Chemistry, chúng tôi đề xuất các chủ đề dạy học Hóa học bằng tiếng Anh cho HS THPT như liệt kê trong bảng 2.2. HS lớp 10 học các chủ đề từ 1 đến 10 với tổng cộng 31 tiết. Các chủ đề từ 11 đến 17 với tổng cộng 29 tiết dành cho HS lớp 11. Như vậy, nhà trường có thể tổ chức dạy học các chủ đề này với mật độ 1 tiết/tuần trong suốt 2 năm học. HS lớp 12 chỉ cần dành thời gian ôn tập tổng hợp.
Bảng 2.2. Các chủ đề dạy học Hóa học bằng tiếng Anh cho HS THPT
Unit Content
Topic 1: The basics of chemistry
#1: Matter Definition of matter
Classification of substances and mixtures
#2: Physical and chemical properties
Physical and chemical properties Physical and chemical changes
#3: Stoichiometry Chemical equation
Types of chemical reaction Stoichiometry
#4: Practice Topic 2: Atom
#1: Atomic structure Discoveries of atomic structure
#2: Electron shell The principal quantum number (n) and energy levels
The orbital angular momentum quantum number (l)
The magnetic quantum number (ml) The atomic orbitals
The electron spin quantum number (ms)
#3: Practice
Topic 3: The periodic table
#1: The periodic trends The periodic trends
Patterns in ionization energies in the periodic table
#2: Practice
Topic 4: Molecular shapes
#1: Chemical bonding Types of chemical bonding Characteristics of bonds Lewis structures
#2: Molecular geometry VSEPR theory
Resonance structures
#3: Practice
Topic 5: Intermolecular forces
#1: Dipole moment and dipole- dipole forces
Dipole moment Dipole – dipole force
Induced dipole – dipole force
#2: Hydrogen bonding Hydrogen bonding
Effects of intermolecular forces on physical properties
#3: Practice
Topic 6: States of matter
#1: The kinetic-molecular theory of gases
Definition of ideal gas
The kinetic-molecular theory
Deviations of real gases from ideal behavior
#2: The gas laws Ideal gas law
Dalton’s law of partial pressures Graham’s Law of Effusion
#3: Liquids Properties of liquids Evaporation and boiling
#4: Solids Properties of solids Classification of solids
#5: Practice
Topic 7: Phase changes
#1: Changes of state Vaporization and condensation Molar heat of vaporization Freezing and melting points Molar heat of fusion
Sublimation Deposition
#2: Phase changes Phase changes
Heating curve of phase changes Phase diagram
#3: Practice
Topic 8: Solution
#1: Solutions Definition of solution Types of solutions
Suspensions and colloids Concentration of solutions
#2: Solvation Factors affecting the rate of dissolution
The solubility and the “like dissolves like” rule Solubility rules in water
Effects of pressure and temperature on solubility
Levels of saturation
#3: Colligative properties Vapor pressure lowering Lowering the freezing point Raising the boiling point
#4: Practice
Topic 9: Equilibrium
#1: Equilibrium expression and equilibrium constant
Equilibrium expressions and the equilibrium constant Kc
Equilibria in gas reactions and the equilibrium constant Kp
Vapour pressure and factors affecting vapour pressure
#2: Problems related to equilibrium expression
#3: Practice
Topic 10: Rate of reaction
#1: Collision theory Collision theory
Potential energy diagram Activated energy
Factors affecting rate of reaction
#2: Reaction mechanism Rate equations Order of reaction
Deducing order of reaction from raw data Reaction mechanism
#3: Practice
Topic 11: Enthalpy changes
#1: Introduction to enthalpy changes
Energy: definition, types and sources Exothermic and endothermic reactions Definition of enthalpy changes
Enthalpy changes profile diagram Calorimetry technique
#2: Enthalpy changes of reactions
Enthalpy changes of different types of reactions
Hess’s law
Calculation of enthalpy changes using Hess’s law
#3: Bond energies Bond energies
Calculation of enthalpy changes using bond energies
#4: Practice
Topic 12: Entropy and free Gibbs energy
#1: Entropy Chance and spontaneous change Introduction to entropy
Factors affecting the increase of entropy Entropy changes of reaction and surroundings
#2: Free Gibbs energy Introduction to free Gibbs energy Calculation of free Gibbs energy
Relationship of enthalpy, entropy and free Gibbs energy
#3: Practice
Topic 13: Dissociation
#1: pH and the dissociation constant
Dissociation constants weak acid and weak base
Calculation of pH and dissociation constants
#2: Buffer solutions Buffer solutions
Calculation of pH of buffer solution
#3: Indicators and acid – base titrations
Acid – base titrations
#4: Further aspects of equilibria Equilibrium and solubility
Equilibrium and partition coefficients
#5: Practice
Topic 14: Practical skills
#1: Practical skills Manipulation, measurement and observation
Presentation of data and observations Analysis, conclusions and evaluation
#2: Laboratory Instruments
Safety in laboratory
#3: Practice
#4: Practice
#5: Practice
Topic 15: Introduction to organic chemistry
#1: Bonding in organic chemistry
σ bonding and π bonding
Single bonding and multiple bonding Hybridation: sp3, sp2, sp
#2: Structural isomerism Definition of structural isomers
Types of structural isomers: Chain, position, functional
#3: Geometric isomerism Definition of geometric isomerism Types of geometric isomerism
#4: Practice
Topic 16: Types of Organic reactions
#1: Common organic chemical reactions
Substitution reaction Addition reaction Elimination reaction Condensation reaction
#2: Oxidation reactions in organic chemistry
Balancing oxidation reactions in organic chemistry
Some types of oxidation reactions in organic chemistry
#3: Interactions between molecular components
Π conjugation
The acidity of phenol
The acidity of carboxylic acids and their derivatives
Properties of acyl hallides The basicity of amines
#4: Practice
Topic 17: Electrochemistry
#1: Electrolysis Redox reactions revisited Electrolysis
Quantitative electrolysis
#2: Electrode potentials Electrode potentials
Measuring standard electrode potentials The Nernst equation
#3: Cells and batteries The variety of cells Rechargeable cells Solid state cells
Hydrogen – oxygen fuel cells
#4: Practice
2.4. Quy trình thiết kế kế hoạch dạy học theo định hướng tích hợp nội dung