đề thi trắc nghiệm hành vi tổ chức

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (có đáp án)

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (có đáp án)

... organizations are configured d An emerging trend in organizational behavior is the increasing emphasis on ethical values and behavior e As telecommuting increases, corporate leaders need to put more ... teams b virtual teams c open systems d independent teams e knowledge management teams Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behavior? a OB should view organizations ... McClelland's learned needs theory: a does not discuss individual needs b ignores the possibility that people have a need for social interaction c takes the view that needs are not instinctive d differs from

Ngày tải lên: 12/03/2019, 13:19

10 701 1
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 2

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 2

... facilitate his/her behaviour and performance True False 2-5 Most knowledge in organizations is explicit rather than tacit True False 2-6 Behaviour modification emphasizes involuntary behaviours True False ... matching e ability 2-2 Which of the following is not explicitly stated in the model of individual behaviour and performance? a Motivation b Self-efficacy c Role perceptions d Situational factors ... aptitudes c Role perceptions d Situational factors e Competencies 2-6 Goal-directed activities under the individual's control are known as: a Learning b Tacit knowledge c Self-efficacy d Task performance

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 09:55

11 706 4
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 3

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 3

... McClelland's learned needs theory: a does not discuss individual needs b ignores the possibility that people have a need for social interaction c takes the view that needs are not instinctive d differs from ... main task is to allocate scarce resources People in this job often experience conflict with others in the organization The person hired for this job should have a relatively: a High need for personalized ... anticipated satisfaction or dissatisfaction that an individual feels toward an outcome True False 3-8 E >P expectancies are based on self-esteem and previous experience in that situation True False 3-9

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:10

15 478 5
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 4

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 4

... Only 'a' and 'b' are true TRUE or FALSE 4-1 Employees with a strong money ethic believe that money is not inherently evil and should be carefully budgeted True False 4-2 The largest portion of ... cost reduction and labour efficiency is within the team's control True False 4-6 The trend toward employability means that organizations today are moving toward offering life-long employment ... performance appraisal results e Additional week of paid vacation after completing five years of service with the company 4-4 Membership-based pay practices: a encourage poor performers to voluntarily

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:18

13 439 5
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 5

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 5

... demands are experiencing: a A role-related stressor b A physical environment stressor c An interpersonal stressor d Type B behaviour pattern e A temporary withdrawal strategy 5-4 Technostress refers ... workplace violence e The technical process of avoiding job burnout 5-5 Situations in which a person's employment or job performance is conditional on unwanted sexual relations refers to a hostile environment ... Type B behaviour pattern? a Struggles to perform several tasks b Devoted to work c Talks rapidly d Low concern about time limitations e Interrupts others 5-11 Which of the following activities tries

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:27

12 462 3
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 6

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 6

... clues and avoids focusing on the available clues This is an example of: a Perceptual defence b Social identity c Self-serving bias d Splatter vision e Self-fulfilling prophecy The question was ... these refers to the process of receiving information about and making sense of the world around us? a Personality b Projection c Attitude d Perception e Self-serving bias The question was not answered ... the suit is the store manager c The employment interviewer notices from the resume that an applicant was raised in the same town as the interviewer d All of the above e None of the above The question

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:36

15 387 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 7

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 7

... levels of negative affectivity b Emotions are unaffected by personality traits c Positive affectivity is a form of cognitive dissonance d Positive and negative affectivity influence our emotions ... an issue demands the application of ethical principles refers to a utilitarianism b distributive justice c moral intensity d action learning e ethical sensitivity The question was not answered ... 7-13 People who are able to recognize the presence and importance of an ethical issue have a high level of ethical sensitivity True / False The question was not answered The correct answer is "True"

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:43

15 316 1
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 8

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 8

... c A grapevine d Filtering e The law of telecosm The question was not answered The correct answer is "b" (Coaching responses are only available for answered questions) 8-13 The grapevine typically ... most obvious cross-cultural barrier True / False The question was not answered The correct answer is "True" (Coaching responses are only available for answered questions) 8-12 When having a conversation ... in the hierarchy of media richness? a Telephone b E-mail c Face-to-face d Financial statements e Video conference The question was not answered The correct answer is "d" (Coaching responses are

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:54

15 311 2
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 9

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 9

... questions) 9-5 Recent evidence suggests that companies with the best team dynamics are more likely to have individual-based rewards and merit increases determined by the individual's contribution ... circles c Virtual teams d Management teams e Self-directed work teams The question was not answered The correct answer is "c" (Coaching responses are only available for answered questions) 9-4 Virtual ... available for answered questions) 9-5 Which of these is NOT an element in the organizational and team environment that influence team effectiveness? a Reward systems b Physical space c Communication systems

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 10:59

13 245 1
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 10

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 10

... a trait that people acquire mainly through heredity d Intuition is a mythical belief that we can make decisions without thinking, whereas it does not exist in reality e Intuition relies on tacit ... only available for answered questions) 10-5 Which of the following is NOT an organizational behaviour finding about choosing decision alternatives? a Decision makers evaluate alternatives against ... (Coaching responses are only available for answered questions) 10-12 When a bank teller makes a service improvement suggestion to the branch manager, it represents which form of involvement? a Informal

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:04

15 308 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 11

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 11

... how gum has features that might fulfil this need This incident is an example of: a escalation of commitment b brainstorming c divergent thinking d groupthink e Delphi technique The question was ... different approaches to the issue is called a brainstorming b groupthink c divergent thinking d evaluation apprehension e a devil's advocate The question was not answered The correct answer is ... associative-play activity to improve creativity b The trap that teams fall into during group polarization c One of the four elements of brainstorming d The structured activity required by participants

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:09

15 200 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 12

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 12

... someone in this situation However, the manager tolerates Lee's behaviour (with the occasional reminder and warning) because Lee is one of the best people in the bank to secure new loans In this situation, ... knowledge c The application of rewards and sanctions in ways that reinforces desired behaviour d The capacity of an individual, team, or organization to influence others e Cultivating social relationships ... nonsubstitutability d Referent power and "love forms" e An abuse of power and stereotyping the victim as subservient The question was not answered The correct answer is "e" (Coaching responses are only

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:14

15 206 1
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 13

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 13

... location b time c audience d behavior e physical setting The question was not answered The correct answer is "d" 13-18 Which of these is not a negotiating behavior in resolving conflict? a Gathering ... parties through problem solving? a Avoidance b Collaboration c Compromise d Accommodating e Competing The question was not answered The correct answer is "b" 13-10 An individual high on assertiveness ... is "a" TRUE or FALSE 13-1 People experience socioemotional conflict when they view the conflict experience as something separate from them True / False The question was not answered The correct

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:18

14 222 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 14

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 14

... transformational leadership? a Creating a vision b Substituting the vision c Building commitment to the vision d Communicating the vision e Modeling the vision The question was not answered The ... readily adapt their own behavior appropriately is called a self-monitoring personality b integrity c leadership motivation d drive e None of these because it is a behavior, not a trait The question ... only available for answered questions) 14-4 The behavioural perspective of leadership identified task-oriented and people-oriented leadership behaviours True / False The question was not answered

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:23

13 246 2
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 15

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 15

... "c" 15-12 Organizational change is, in large measure, a a social activity b cruel activity c training activity d political activity e None of these The question was not answered The correct answer ... system e Saving face The question was not answered The correct answer is "e" 15-7 The preferred option under the unfreezing stage is a increase the restraining forces b increase the driving forces ... for change, introduces the OD activity, and then evaluates and stabilizes the desired changes a Process consultation b Action research c Quantum change d Sensitivity training e Organizational incongruency

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:26

14 235 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 16

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 16

... structure? a Client b Product/service c Geographic d Functional e All are divisional The question was not answered The correct answer is "d" 16-16 The structure combines divisional and _ structures ... answered The correct answer is "e" 16-2 Fundamental requirements of are division of labor and coordination of work activities a span of control b centralization c organizational structure d job ... owner's direct supervision c narrowly defined roles d minimal hierarchy e flexible The question was not answered The correct answer is "c" 16-15 Which of these is not a type of divisional structure?

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:31

13 276 2
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 17

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 17

... programmed routines; daily tasks b programmed routines, planned activities c daily tasks; programmed routines d planned activities; programmed routines e None of these The question was not answered ... "d" 17-20 Organizational socialization is a process by which individuals learn values, , and social knowledge a expected behavior b independence c other cultures for comparison d teamwork ... important functions except a deeply embedded form of social control b bonds people together c provides direction through religious ceremonies d assists in sense making and understanding e All of

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:35

13 284 3
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 18

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 18

... socialization affects all of these except a turnover b organizational commitment c environmental analysis d individual performance e All of these The question was not answered The correct answer ... with the contingent workforce is a advantage; it provides economic benefits b concern; the ignorance of organizational behavior c concern; the transactional psychological contract d concern; ... the process of a role management b encounter c post-decisional justification d realistic job previews e boundaryless careers The question was not answered The correct answer is "c" 18-11 Organizational

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 11:40

13 199 0
Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 1

Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (Organizational Behavior) CHƯƠNG 1

... organizations are configured d An emerging trend in organizational behaviour is the increasing emphasis on ethical values and behaviour e As telecommuting increases, corporate leaders need to put ... teams b virtual teams c open systems d independent teams e knowledge management teams 1-9 Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behaviour? a OB should view ... Contingency, universal, and systematic c Acquisition, sharing, and use d Team, individual, and organizational e Virtual, real, and hypothetical 1-14 As part of the knowledge management process,

Ngày tải lên: 31/03/2019, 09:50

11 1,1K 4
ôn tập trắc nghiệm hành vi tổ chức

ôn tập trắc nghiệm hành vi tổ chức

... số thành viên Văn hóa tổ chức có tác dụng: tổ chức Tăng cam kết người lao động tổ chức; Tăng tính quán hành vi người lao động; Giúp nhà quản lí kiểm Văn hóa tổ chức lan truyền thơng qua sốt hành ... nhân viên Hành vi tổ chức giúp tạo gắn kết người lao động với Hiểu biết toàn diện người lao động, tôn tổ chức sở? trọng khác biệt người lao động tạo lập môi trường làm việc hiệu Hành vi tổ chức ... làm việc nhân viên tổ Việc áp dụng trả lương thưởng cho nhóm thay cho chức Tăng tính gắn kết thành viên cá nhân có tác dụng đây? nhóm Việc dự đốn hành vi tăng cường biết Nguyên nhân hành vi

Ngày tải lên: 23/01/2019, 12:53

11 378 0

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