Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (có đáp án)

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Đề cương trắc nghiệm Hành Vi Tổ Chức (có đáp án)

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Đề cương giúp sinh viên trả lời câu hỏi trắc nghiệm môn Hành Vi Tổ Chức.Hành vi tổ chức là gì?:Hành vi tổ chức (HVTC) là hành vi của con người trong tổ chức (còn được gọi là người lao động). Hành vi đó được chi phối và quyết định bởi sự nhận thức, thái độ, năng lực của bản thân người lao động. Con người với tư cách là thành viên của tổ chức, chịu sự chi phối và tác động của nhân tố thuộc tổ chức như văn hóa, lãnh đạo, quyền lực, cơ cấu tổ chức, các nhóm của tổ chức mà người lao động tham gia là thành viên nhóm.

1 Organizations are best described as: a groups of buildings in which people are paid from the same budget b groups of people who work interdependently toward some purpose c Closed systems that operate without consideration of space, time, or people d Any entity that can exist without the need to acquire knowledge e physical structures with observable capital equipment The main reason for studying organizational behavior is to: a Understand organizational events b Influence organizational events c Predict organizational events d All of the above e Only 'a' and 'c' According to the text, which of these is NOT one of the emerging trends in organizational behavior? a Increasing globalization b Increasing command-and-control leadership c Increasing workforce diversity d The shift toward employability e Increasing tendency to use teams Which of these statements is FALSE? a The trend toward globalization means that we need to consider cultural contingencies of OB concepts b Increasing workplace diversity can potentially improve decision making and team performance on complex problems c Information technology challenges traditional business logic regarding how employees interact and how organizations are configured d An emerging trend in organizational behavior is the increasing emphasis on ethical values and behavior e As telecommuting increases, corporate leaders need to put more emphasis on evaluating employees for their face time Which of the following is a "secondary" category of diversity? a Age b Ethnicity c Gender d Income e All of the above Any job in which the individual does not have an explicit or implicit contract for longterm employment or the one in which minimum hours of work can vary in a non-systematic way is called: a outsourcing b telecommuting c grafting d a network structure e contingent work Cross functional teams that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries with members who communicate mainly through electronic technologies are referred to as: a network organization teams b virtual teams c open systems d independent teams e knowledge management teams Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behavior? a OB should view organizations as open systems b OB should assume that employees are more effective in teams c OB should draw on knowledge from other disciplines d OB should rely on the scientific method to generate knowledge e OB topics can be studied from multiple levels of analysis Network organizations are more common today because: a of increasing employability b of increasing contingent work c more firms are becoming closed systems d organizations want to encourage telecommuting e information technology makes it easier to connect organizations 10 Which of the following is NOT a conceptual anchor in organizational behavior? a Employability anchor b Multidisciplinary anchor c Open systems anchor d Multiple levels of analysis anchor e Contingency anchor 11 Which of these phrases best reflects the contingency approach? a "Face time" b "Open system" c "The right thing to do" d "Emerging employment relationships" e "It depends" 12 Which of these is NOT a basic category of needs identified by Maslow? a Self-actualization b Safety c Power d Esteem e Belongingness 13 The highest level need in ERG theory is: a hygienes b relatedness c affiliation d status e growth 14 Unlike Maslow's needs hierarchy, McClelland's learned needs theory: a does not discuss individual needs b ignores the possibility that people have a need for social interaction c takes the view that needs are not instinctive d differs from Maslow's needs hierarchy theory in all of the above ways e Maslow's and McClelland's theories ot differ in any way 15 Which of these theories suggest that growth and esteem needs represent the only source of motivation? a Herzberg's Motivator-Hygiene theory b Expectancy theory c Maslow's Needs Hierarchy theory d McClelland's Learned Needs theory e Alderfer's ERG theory 16 An organization wants to hire someone whose main task is to allocate scarce resources People in this job often experience conflict with others in the organization The person hired for this job should have a relatively: a High need for personalized power b High need for affiliation c Low need for achievement d Low need for affiliation e Low need for socialized power 17 Which of these is a process motivation theory based on the idea that work effort is directed toward behaviours that people believe will lead to desired outcomes? a Equity theory b ERG theory c Expectancy theory d Motivator-hygiene theory e Goal setting theory 18 Expectancy theory includes which of the following elements? a P  O b O/I < O/I c nAch d V  O e E < R < G 19 Providing counselling and coaching to employees who lack self-confidence increases which of these expectancies? a P  O b E  O c V  O d O  P e E  P 20 Individualizing rewards enhances which expectancy theory component? a P  E expectancy b Valences of outcomes c V  O expectancy d E  P expectancy e P  O expectancy 21 Which of the following is NOT explicitly mentioned in equity theory? a Inputs b Comparison other c Valences d Outcomes e Outcome/input ratio 22 According to equity theory: a our comparison other never exists in real life b feelings of inequity can never be reduced after the feelings have been formed c employees must set their own goals d everyone has the same set of inputs and outcomes e the importance of inputs and outcomes varies from one person to the next 23 goals improve work performance more than goals a Process-oriented; results-oriented b Specific; results-oriented c Challenging; specific d Results-oriented; process-oriented e Specific; challenging 24 People who believe that money is evil and should be squandered: a have a strong preference for gainsharing plans b have a strong need for status c have a strong preference for competency-based rewards d tend to define themselves in terms of their wealth e Have a weak money ethic 25 Which of the following is most likely to be a type of membership or seniority-based reward? a Employee benefits b Pay increase resulting from a promotion c Employee share ownership plan d Royalities e Gainsharing 26 Which of the following is a competency-based reward? a Gainsharing b Pay increase resulting from a promotion c Skill-based pay plan d Merit increase based on performance appraisal results e Additional week of paid vacation after completing five years of service with the company 27 Membership-based pay practices: a encourage poor performers to voluntarily leave the organization b are difficult to apply in organizational settings c increase the probability that good performers are lured to other organizations d directly motivate job performance e all of the above 28 Job evaluation systems try to maintain: a internal equity b pay surveys c competencies d performance-based rewards e seniority 29 Which of these rewards is consistent with the emerging view that people are hired into organizations, not specific jobs? a Seniority-based b Competency-based c Job status-based d Membership-based e Performance-based 30 Which of these is not typically an individual performance-based reward? a Royalties b Commissions c Gainsharing d Piece rate e Merit pay 31 Which of these is a team reward that motivates team members to reduce costs and increase labour efficiency in their work process? a profit-sharing b royalities c ESOP d share options e gainsharing 32 Merit pay increases: a Are becoming less common in organizations b Are similar to ESOPs c Have replaced job evaluation plans in most organizations d Represent the most common form of competency-based reward e Are all of the above 33 Scientific management is most closely related to the process of: a Self-leadership b Job evaluation c Job specialization d Constructive thought patterns e Job enrichment 34 General adaptation syndrome involves which of these stage sequences? a Alarm reaction, resistance, exhaustion b Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment c Adaptation, reduction, dissemination d Ambiguity, clarity, confusion e Resistance, ambiguity, depersonalization 35 During which stage of the general adaptation syndrome is it that a person's ability to cope with the environmental demand rises above the normal state? a Exhaustion b Alarm reaction c Perception d Resistance e None of the above 36 Employees who face competing demands are experiencing: a A role-related stressor b A physical environment stressor c An interpersonal stressor d Type B behaviour pattern e A temporary withdrawal strategy 37 Technostress refers to: a An interpersonal stressor caused by recent information technologies b The general adaptation syndrome observed through monitoring equipment c a role-related stressor caused by recent information technologies d Stress caused by information systems employees after an incident of workplace violence e The technical process of avoiding job burnout 38 Situations in which a person's employment or job performance is conditional on unwanted sexual relations refers to a hostile environment b strain-based conflict c role ambiguity d quid-pro-quo e role conflict 39 Time-based conflict mainly refers to: a The challenge of performing a job that requires more skill and knowledge than you currently possess b The most common outcome of job burnout c The conflict that people experience when they possess a Type B behaviour pattern d All of the above e None of the above 40 When people who act logically and impersonally at work have difficulty switching to a more compassionate role in their personal lives, they are experiencing which of these? a Technostress b Interpersonal conflict c Role-behavior conflict d Time-based conflict e Strain-based conflict 41 Which of these is generally identified as a high stress occupation? a Artist b Telephone operator c Forester d Accountant e Auto mechanic 42 People with a Type A behavior pattern tend to: a Have a relaxed approach to life b Have a low concern about time limitations c Contemplate issues carefully d work at a steady pace e easily lose their temper 43 Which of these is a characteristic of a Type B behavior pattern? a Struggles to perform several tasks b Devoted to work c Talks rapidly d Low concern about time limitations e Interrupts others 44 Which of these are formal temporary teams that investigate a particular problem and disband when a decision is made? a Quality circles b Self-directed work teams c Virtual teams d Task forces e Coalition groups 45 Which of these are usually temporary teams formed spontaneously to develop products or solve complex problems a Communities of practice b Management teams c Skunkworks d Self-directed work teams e Quality circles 46 Which of these are cross-functional groups that operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries with members who communicate mainly through electronic technologies? a Skunkworks b Quality circles c Virtual teams d Management teams e Self-directed work teams 47 Virtual teams are increasingly necessary because of: a Globalization b Social loafing c Technology d Production-based work e B and c only 48 Which of these is NOT an element in the organizational and team environment that influence team effectiveness? a Reward systems b Physical space c Communication systems d Team cohesiveness e Organizational leadership 49 A homogeneous team is better than a heterogeneous team: a in situations where the team must reach the performing stage of team development quickly b on complex projects and tasks requiring innovative solutions c When the team needs to gain support from a variety of diverse groups in the organization d When the team requires a broad base of knowledge, experience, and perspectives e Under all of these conditions 50 Which stage of the team development model is marked by interpersonal conflict as members compete for leadership and other roles in the team? a Adjourning b Forming c Storming d Performing e Norming 51 Forming, storming, and norming refer to: a The three elements of team effectiveness b Three roles found in all organizational teams c The three main causes of team cohesiveness d The main stages of social loafing e The first three stages of team development 52 The informal rules and expectations that groups establish to regulate the behavior of their members is called a norms b roles c cohesiveness d interdependence e composition 53 The degree of attraction people feels toward the team and their motivation to remain members is called: a Social loafing b Team roles c Task interdependence d Team cohesiveness e Team composition 54 Which of these is true about organizational structure? a It refers to the division of labor b It refers to the pattern of coordination c It refers to the pattern of workflow and formal power that directs organizational activity d An organizational structure reflects its cultural and power relationships e All of these 55 Fundamental requirements of are division of labor and coordination of work activities a span of control b centralization c organizational structure d job specialization e concurrent engineering 56 Informal communication a is a coordinating mechanism in all organizations b can be avoided in larger organizations by creating a liaison role c does not work in non-routine and ambiguous situations d creates standardization e All of these 57 Coordination through formal hierarchy is a(n) coordinating mechanism a flexible b inefficient c efficient d effortless e a contemporary and optimal 58 Each of these are basic elements of organizational structure except a formalization b departmentalization c Standardization d centralization e span of control 59 Delayering organizational structures costs and decisionmaking a cuts; centralizes b increases; centralizes c increases; minimizes d cuts; decentralizes e stabilizes; eliminates 60 A flat organizational structure creates a(n) span of control a Tall b Narrow c Wide d Centralized e Informal 61 As organizations grow, top management decision-making a centralizes b decentralizes c maintains d controls e standardizes 62 is the degree to which organizations standardize behavior through rules, procedures, formal training, and related mechanisms a Formalization b Standardization c Centralization d Departmentalization e Decentralization 63 In a formalized structure, some work rules become so that organizational efficiency would decline if they were actually followed a flexible b ordinary c decentralized d centralized e convoluted 64 Organizational culture is the basic pattern of governing how employees handle problems and opportunities a shared assumptions, goals, and attitudes b complimentary beliefs, targets, and attitudes c shared assumptions, values, and beliefs d complimentary artifacts, assumptions, and perceptions e None of these 65 are the shared mental models a Assumptions b Values c Beliefs d Artifacts e Culture 66 Assumptions are a stable, long-lasting beliefs of what is important b definitions of wrong from right c the deepest part of organizational culture d definitions of good or bad e shared perceptions of reality 67 All of these are artifacts of organizational culture except a beliefs b rituals c stories d language e physical structures 68 The culture content of an organization a follows a shared focus of other organizations of similar size b is easily defined by all employees c falls into a generally accepted specific classification d None of the above e A and c only 69 Organizations are comprised of all of these except a subcultures b a dominant culture c counter cultures d homogenous cultures e All of these make up an organization's culture 70 Organizational stories and legends a are always positive and attract a following b are negative and deter any disobedience c are more effective when they describe imaginative people and beliefs d not have management following since its they who create these for employees e advise people what to or what not to 71 Rituals are , and ceremonies are a programmed routines; daily tasks b programmed routines, planned activities c daily tasks; programmed routines d planned activities; programmed routines e None of these 72 Many experts believe organizational culture affects corporate performance because of these important functions except a deeply embedded form of social control b bonds people together c provides direction through religious ceremonies d assists in sense making and understanding e All of these are important functions of organizational culture 73 Companies with strong cultures have performance a Highly positive b Moderately negative c neutral d modestly positive e an inverse relationship with 74 Education is a secondary category of demographic diversity a True b False 75 Replacing the job-for-life contract is a "new deal" called employability a True b False 76 Telecommuting and virtual teams are discussed as characteristics of a changing work force a True b False 77 ERG theory includes a frustration-regression process whereby those who are unable to satisfy a higher need become frustrated and regress back to the next lower need level a True b False 78 According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, improving motivators increases job satisfaction and decreases job dissatisfaction a True b False 79 Employees with a low need for achievement perform their work better when money is used as a financial incentive a True b False 80 People with a high need for personalized power want power to helps others and improve the organization's success a True b False ...8 Which of the following does NOT represent a belief that anchors organizational behavior? a OB should view organizations as open systems b OB should assume that employees are more effective... McClelland's learned needs theory: a does not discuss individual needs b ignores the possibility that people have a need for social interaction c takes the view that needs are not instinctive d differs from... e E < R < G 19 Providing counselling and coaching to employees who lack self-confidence increases which of these expectancies? a P  O b E  O c V  O d O  P e E  P 20 Individualizing rewards

Ngày đăng: 12/03/2019, 13:19

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