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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 - Tuần 01

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Futher practice: “Slap the board” 2’ - T arrange the flashcards on the board - T calls 2 groups of students stand in front of the board.. - Ss from 2 groups slap the flashcard on the boa[r]

(1)WEEK 01 Date of teaching: 07/ 9/ 2021 (1A) Period 07/ 9/ 2021 (1D) Date of preparing: 04/ 9/ 2021 ENLISH GRADE GETTING STARTED LESSON I Objective Language focus - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to say "Hello!" and "Goodbye!" Vocabulary: hello, goodbye Skills - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids Teacher’s aids: Ss’book and teacher’s book, CDs, flashcards, projector , TV Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook III Method - Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedures (35’) Teacher - Students’ activies Warm up (5’) *Activities: “Sing and Dance” - T play “I-Learn Smart Start” song (from YouTube) and make gestures following the lyrics - T ask Ss stand up and make the gestures New lesson 2.1.Activitiy 1: Listen and point Repeat (5’) - T ask Ss to listen to each new word - Ss listen - T asks Ss to listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually - Ss read out the word - Arrange the flashcards on the board Play audio and have students listen and point at the pictures in their books - T play the CD again for Ss to listen, repeat several times - Ss listen and read aloud several times Content A Listen and point, repeat a Vocab hello: xin chào goodbye: tạm biệt (2) - T change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and asks Ss say the words, correct pronunciation when needed - T asks Ss to work in pairs, one points at the picture in the book and the other says the word - Ss work in pairs - Step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word - Step 2: the actions and students say the word accordingly - Step 3: T asks Ss to work in pairs, one would the action, the other say the word Further practice " Heads up What's Missing?" Play Game (3’) - T divide the class into two teams - Arrange the flashcards on the board and remove one card when students are not looking - One student from each team calls out the missing flashcard 2.2 Activity Listen and point (5’) B Listen and point + Pre- listening: - T introduce the situation - Ss listen + While- listening: - T play the CD and ask Ss to look at the picture - Demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words - T play the CD again Ask Ss to listen and repeat and point - Ss listen and repeat and point + Post- listening: - T point at each word and asks Ss to call it out “hello/ goodbye.” C Now, sing a song 2.3 Activity Now, sing a song (5’) - T play the CD and asks Ss to listen - Ss listen - T play the CD and asks Ss to turn to page 68 - Ss turn to page 68 - T play the CD and asks Ss to sing the song - Ss sing the song - T asks Ss to sing in front of class Further practice “Lips read” (2’) (3) - T says a word silently - Ss say that word loudly 2.4 Activity 4: Role-play (3’) - T say a name to the class - T asks Ss to practice the structure using the name - Ss repeat with other names E.g Teacher: "Bill" Class: "Hello, Bill." - T divides the class into pairs - T asks Ss to work in pairs to practice the conversations and swap roles - T calls some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class 2.5.Activity 5: Say (3’) - T divides Ss into groups of four - T ask Ss to take turns saying “Hello!” and “goodbye” to their friends - T calls some groups demonstrate the activity in front of the class Further practice: Say “Hello!/Goodbye!”(3’) - T goes around the class, say “Hello!/Goodbye!” to Ss, one by one - T asks Ss say “Hello!/Goodbye!” - Ss say “Hello!/Goodbye” to their neighboring friends Application Summary (1’) - Learn by heart the word “hello, goodbye” D Role - play E Say IV Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………… WEEK 01 Date of teaching: 10/ 9/ 2021 (1A) Period 10/ 9/ 2021 (1D) Date of preparing: 07/ 9/ 2021 GETTING STARTED LESSON I Objective Language focus (4) - By the end of this lesson, students will be able to understand basic classroom Vocabulary: stand up, sit down, listen Skills - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing skills Core competencies & Personal qualities - Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids Teacher’s aids: Ss’book and teacher’s book, CDs, flashcards, projector, TV Students’ aids: Student book, notebooks, workbook ,paper including the lyrics of the chant III Method - Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedures (35’) Teacher - Students’ activies Warm up (5’) *Activity: “Look and Point” - T write the words in different areas on the board - T shows a flashcard - Ss use their fingers to point to the word on the board and say it loudly New lesson 2.1 Activity 1: Listen and point Repeat (5’) - T asks Ss to listen to each new word - T asks Ss to listen to each new word and repeat all together and individually - T play the CD and asks Ss to listen and point at the pictures - T play the CD again and and asks Ss to listen, repeat several times - T change the order of the flashcards, point at them individually and asks Ss to say the words, correct pronunciation when needed - T asks Ss to work in pairs, one points at the picture in the book and the other says the word + Step 1: say the word and make the gesture/ sound all together according to the word + Step 2: the actions and students say the word accordingly + Step 3: T asks Ss to work in pairs, one would the action, the other say the word Further practice: “GUESS” game (3’) - T arrange the flashcards on the board Contents A Listen and point Repeat Play game (5) - T write a number under each flashcard - T asks Ss to look at the flashcards for the count of ten - T turn the flashcards over to face the board when Ss are not looking - T call out a number and have students take turns guessing the face down card - T turn the card over after each guess 2.2 Activity 2: Listen and point (5’) B Listen and point - T introduce the situation - T plays the CD and asks Ss to look at the picture - T demonstrate the activity by pointing at the words - T plays the CD again and asks Ss to listen, repeat and point - T plays the CD again and asks Ss to listen and repeat - T point at each word and asks Ss to call it out “ stand up/ sit down/ listen 2.3 Activity 3: Now, sing a song (5’) C Now, sing a song - T plays the CD and asks Ss to listen - Ss listen - T plays the CD turn to page 68 - T plays the CD sing the song as a whole class - Ss listen and sing - T asks some Ss sing in front of class Play game Further practice “Listen and point” (2’) - T write the vocabulary in different areas on the board - T says a word (written on the board) - Ss use their fingers to point at the word on the board and say it loudly 2.4 Activity Say and (5’) - T show a flashcard to the class - T asks Ss to practice the structure using the new word - T repeat with other flashcards E.g Teacher shows a flashcard "listen" Class: "Listen." - T divides the class into pairs - Ss A say (e.g 'stand up') and Student B the action (6) - T ask Ss swap roles and repeat - T calls some pairs demonstrate the activity in front of the class E Play “Simon says” 2.5 Activity Play “Simon says” (3’) - T asks Ss to look at the example - T asks Ss follow commands that start with “Simon says…” - T give them different commands with or without “Simon says…” such as “stand up”, “Simon says stand up”, etc If it doesn’t start with “Simon says…”, students who the action must sit down - T calls one student stand in front of the class to be Simon - T asks Ss swap roles and repeat Futher practice: “Slap the board” (2’) - T arrange the flashcards on the board - T calls groups of students stand in front of the board - T call out a word - Ss from groups slap the flashcard on the board - The student who can slap the flashcard first is the winner Application Summary - What skills have you practiced? VII Evaluation ……………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… (7)

Ngày đăng: 07/10/2021, 23:54
