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T:Call on two pairs to play roles T: Ask Ss to practice in pairs T:Call some pair to perform Ss: Play role1. Ss:Work in pairs.[r]


Date of preparing: 05/9/2020 Week: 01 Period: 01

UNIT :WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS Lesson 1: (1, 2, 3)

I Aims.


- After the lesson ,Ss will be able to asking and answering questions about someone’s address

2.Skill: Listening, speaking Attitude

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends

II.Teaching aids: Books, teachers’ book, notebooks, cards and cassette III Teaching method: MAT, TPA.

IV Procedure: Organization:1’

Date of teaching Class Absent students

07/9/2020 5A

07/9/2020 5B

07/9/2020 5C

2 Warm up.( 5’)

-Say hello to the class and introduce yourself, using Hello, I’m Thuy Lead in the new lesson: Unit - Lesson1(1.2.)

3/ New lesson:( 30’)

Teacher and students activities Contents

1 Activity (8’)

Ss :Listen and write the title

T:Ask Ss to open their book on page Ss:Open the book and listen

T: Ask Ss the name of the characters T: Use a poster to present the context T:Play the recording twice

T: Ask Ss to repeat a few times T:Call on two pairs to play roles T: Ask Ss to practice in pairs T:Call some pair to perform Ss: Play role

Ss:Work in pairs

Have the whole class repeat all the phrases a few times


to reinforce their pronunciation - Teach the new words: 2 Activity 2.(12’)

T: Using pictures to present the words: T:corrects

T:Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page and identify the characters

- Explain the pattern

+ What’s your address in Ha Noi? It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao street.

T: Ask Ss about what they fill in the blanks Ss: Look and identify:

Mai, Phong, Nam -Ss:Listen and write T: Ask Sts to practice

T: model,T.WC, open pair, close pair T:Call on some pair s to perform the task T:Comment and correct the mistake *Practice

T: Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page and identify the characters

T: Guide Ss to practice greeting and self-introducing T: Asks Ss to use the names in their books or their real names to practice

T: model,T.WC, half – half , open pair, close pair Ss: Work in pairs

T: Ask Ss to practice in small groups Ss: Practice

-T: Call someone to perform at the front of the class T: Comment

3 Activity 3(10’)

T Look at the picture and introdure

T:Tell them that they are going practise more with their friends, using the questions

T: In pairs students introduce the question the same in the book

T:Have some Ss make a dialogue with their true names

Ss work in pairs

2 Point and say. a/ New words: - address: địa - live: sống

- street: đường phố - floor: tầng nhà - in: - on:

- lane:ngõ hẻm, ngõ nhỏ - tower:tháp

b/ Model sentences.

What’s your address in Ha Noi? It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao street.

c/ Practice 3 Let’s talk.


Ss: Practice

-Ss: The questions : two Ss introducing and play roles T: Do as example if the Ss don’t understand

Ss: look the questions and then work in pairs before class

T: Teacher give the correct answer 4 Consolidation : (3’)

T: Call Ss to greet each other

T:Asking and answering questions about someone’s address

Educate Ss to say hello when they meet others

What’s your address in Ha Noi? It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao street

Be ready Unit – Lesson 1(3,4,5,6) 5 Homelink (1’)

-Learn by heart the newwords and structure.


Date of preparing: 05/9/2020 Week: 01

Period: 02

UNIT 1: WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS ? Lesson 1: (4, 5, 6)

I Aims 1/Knowledge

- After the lesson ,Ss will be able to: Asking and answering questions about someone’s address.Get Ps to work in groups òf four to ask each other’s addresser 2 Skill: Listening, writing and speaking reading.

3 Attitude.

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends II.Teaching aids:

T:Books, teachers’ book, , cards , poster and cassette tape. Ss: student book, notebooks book.

III Teaching method: MAT, TPA.IV/ Procedure 1/ Organization ( 1’)

Date of teaching Class Absent students

07/9/2020 5A

07/9/2020 5B

08/9/2020 5C


- Revising Chain game

S1: What’s your address in Ha Noi?

S2: It’s 81, Tran Hung Dao street What’s your address……….?

S3: ……… 3/New lesson:

Teacher's and Ss activities Contents

Activity 1: (10’)

*Listen and complete.

- Ask Ss to look at the sentence: What are they doing? Ss: answers

Ss: The questions : two Ss introducing and play roles - Tell ps that they are going to listen and complete the correct boxes under the sentence

Ss: Look at the sentence

- Elicit the name of the characters Have ps repeat them once or twice

Ss: Listen to the recording the first time - Play the recording through for Ss to listen

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and complete the correct answers

Ss: Listen again and tick Ss: Give the answers.

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class

- Correct, remark

- Play the recording again to Ss repeat follow Activity (10’)

- Look at the sentence and the text Ss: Listen and write the title

- Run throught the sentence and text - Ask Ss to discuss how to this taxt

- Ask them to work individually and group of Ss: read and complete

- Correct

- Call on some group to give their answers - Comment and correct the mistakes

- Give feedback Activity 3.(10’)

1/ Listen and complete. 1/ 208

2/ 321

3/White street 4/ the second floor

2/ Read and complete 1/ from

2/lives 3/ address 4/ street


- Ask Ss to open their Student’s book on page Stick

The wheels on the bus of paper with the sing on page on the board Tell them that they are going to sing the

The wheels on the bus song Ss: Listen and repeat

Ss: Listen and repeat once more

SS: Sing and clap the hands at rhythms

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the intonation of the song

- Play the recording again, pausing after each line for Ss to repeat

- Play the recording once more for Ss to repeat the whole song

- Call on some Ss to sing the song in front of the class The rest of the class clap their hands at rhythms

4 Consolidation : ( 3’)

Call Ss to greet each other, and self introduce Educate Ss to say hello when they meet others 5 Homelink (1’)

- Have Ss practise singing the song on page at home Be ready Unit – Lesson 2(1,2,3)


Date of preparing: 05/9/2020 Week: 01 Period: 03


Lesson 2: (1, 2, 3) I Aims


-After the lesson ,Ss will be able toa sking and answering questions about what a village/ town/ city is like

2 Skill: Listening, writing and speaking reading. 3 Attitude.

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends II.Teaching aids:


Ss: student book, notebooks book III Teaching method: MAT, TPA IV Procedure:(1’)

1 Organization:

Date of teaching Class Absent students

08/9/2020 5A

08/9/2020 5B

09/9/2020 5C

2 Warm up (5’)

- Get the class sing the wheels on the bus song again Then get them to play spelling bee with lane, flat, tower, mountains, city, village and home

3/ New lesson

Teacher's and Ss activities Students' activities * Activity 1(8’)

- Introduce picture and ask some questions about the situations in the picture:

+ Who are they in the picture? + Where are they?

Ss: Look, listen and answer the questions

- Tell the that they are going to practise saying and responding to what’s the ….like? It’s …

- Check undestanding

- Procedure the first picture and explain what they say - Repeat the procedure with the second picture

- T plays the recording through for Ss to listen to the dialogue

Ss: Listen to the recording

- T plays the recording again, pausing after each line for Ss to repeat

Ss ; Listen and repeat Ss; Work in pairs

- T divides the class into two groups: one group to repeat Miss Hien and the Mai’s part

- Call on Ss to practise in front of the class SS: Practice in front of class

- Correct, remark * Activity 2(12’)

- Using picteres to present the words:

1/Look,listen and repeat.


Ss: Look at the pictures and listen carefully Ss: Listen and repeat a few times

- corrects

Use pictures set the sicene Ss: Listen and repeat

- Ask Ss about what they fill in the blanks - Ask Sts look at the pictures and practice

- model,T.WC, Half – Half, open pair, close pair Ss: Half – Half, open pair, close pair

- Call on some pair s to perform the task - Comment and correct the mistake

- Ask Sts to look at the pictures on page and identify the characters

- Explain the pattern

- Ask ps look at the pictures:

- Tell ps that they are going to practise saying : - Draw ps’ attention to the pictures

- Point to each character in the picture and elicit his/her name

- Write the whole sentences on the board - Have ps repeat the sentences a few times - Repeat the procedure with the second picture - Ask ps work in groups , pairs

Ss: Half – Half, open pair, close pair

- Call some pairs practice in front of the class - Check ss’ mistake when necessary

* Activity 3(10’)

- Look at the picture and introdure

- Tell them thatthey are going practise more with their friends, using their own names

- In pairs students introduce their name the same in the book

- Have some Ss make a dialogue with their true names - Call Ss work in pairs

Ss: Listen Practice in pairs Open pairs Close pairs

- Do as example if the Ss don’t understand

- look the pic and then work in pairs with the name of pic before class

- hometown: quê nhà - City: thành phố - Village: làng quê - Town: thị xã

- Crowded: đông đúc - Quite: yên tĩnh - Large: rộng lớn b Model sentences.

What’s the ……….like? It’s ………

c/ Practice

- city/big and busy - village/ far and quite - town/ large and crowded - island/ small anf pretty

3/ Let’s talk.

Where you live? I live ……… What’s it like?



- Teacher give the correct answer 4 Consolidation ; (3’)

Repeat the new words and the structure

What’s the ……….like? It’s ………

- Ask ps practise greeting using

What’s the ……….like? It’s ………

5 Homelink(1’)

- Learn by heart the new words - By lesson ( 4,5,6)

Date of preparing : 05/9/2020 Week: 01 Period: 04

UNIT 1:WHAT’S YOUR ADDRESS Lesson 2: (4, 5, 6)

I Aims 1/Knowledge.

After the lesson ,Ss will be able to asking and answering questions about what a village/ town/ city is like

2 Skill: Listening, writing and speaking reading. 3 Attitude.

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends II.Teaching aids:

T:Books, teachers’ book, , cards , poster and cassette tape. Ss: student book, notebooks book.

III Teaching method: MAT, TPA. IV Procedure

1/ Organization:(1’)

Date of teaching Class Absent students

08/9/2020 5A

08/9/2020 5B

09/9/2020 5C

2/ Warm up: (5’)

Spend a few minutes revising - Have ps play the Slap the board game

hometown, city, village, town, crowded, quite, large. Ss: Work in groups

3/ New lesson



- Pre- listen : Ask Ss to tell about the differences between the sentence

+ Tell Ss the way to listen

While listen: + Ask Ss to listen to the tape and choose , letter a,b the right sentence

Ss: Listen and number.( two times)

- Listen and circle the letter in the sentence you hear + Play the tape three times to listen

+ Listen and circle the mentioned sentence + Listen and give the corrects

- Check the answer , open the tape once and check - Corrects

* Activity 2.(12’)

- Tell ps look at the question and they are going to write and fill the graps with the answers

- Give ps few seconds to read the senatences in silence - Check comprehension and give feedback

- Give ps time to the task and go around and offer help if necessary

- Get ps to work in pairs

- Get ps to swap and check their answers before checking as a class

- Divive the class into two groups and get them to read aloud each character’s lines respectively

*Activity (8’)

Ss look at the picture on page in their book and identify it

- Say Ss how to play game Ss: play game

- Ask them to write the sport the difference pictures a and b

- After finishing ask Ss show sport the difference pictures a and b and introduce the friends

- Give ps time to their writing

- Tell them to swap and check their answers before calling different pairs to read aloud the sentences 4 Consolidation ; (3’)

1/ Listen and number

Keys :

1: a, 2: b 3: b 4;a

2/ Write about you.

- It’s in/ on /at Tan Viet

- It’s ……… - I live with my


- Yes, I Because It’s very quite and pretty……


Repeat the new words and the model 5 Homelink(1’)

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 18:59
