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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING VINH UNIVERSITY - NGUYEN THI BICH THAO QUALITY ASSURANCE OF CHILD CARE AND EDUCATION AT PRIVATE PRESCHOOL IN HANOI CITY Major: Education Management Code: 14 01 14 SUMMARY OF DOCTORAL THESIS OF SCIENCE EDUCATION Supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr NGUYEN NHU AN Prof Dr THAI VAN THANH NGHE AN, 2021 This thesis is completed at: VINH UNIVERSITY Supervisors: Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Nhu An Prof Dr Thai Van Thanh Reviewer 1: …………………… Reviewer 2: …………………… Reviewer 3: …………………… This thesis will be defended by the author before the Thesis Assessment Board of Vinh University, at 182 Le Duan street, Vinh city, Nghe An province At ……… , date …… month …… year ……… This thesis can be found at: - The National Library of Vietnam The Library of Vinh University INTRODUCTION Rationale Quality of education is always an extremely concern of whole society because of its importance for developing the country and formatting human personality The country is prosperous or weak, weak or strong to depend largely products of education Accordingly, quality and its improvement of preschool education is priorited goal and important tasks for preschools in general and private preschools in particular to meet the regional and international integration trend In recent years, implementing the policy of educational socialization that has been promoted and achieved certain results, especially mobilization of potentials among people to build preschools Currently, the preschool system is rapidly developing in urban areas such as Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City It plays an important role in preschool education It meets social needs of child care and education Besides, it increases rate of children to come preschools; contributes to reduce pressure on the state budget However, there are still many difficulties and inadequacies in private preschool institutions, in which issue of quality assurance for child care and education as well as conditions for organizing care and education activities is different between private preschools Besides a number of preschools with high quality, there are still many private preschools that have not met requirements; quality of child care and education is not guaranteed regulations Therefore, private preschools must improve their competitiveness and creation of satisfaction to children, parents and society At the same time, increasing morale and motivation for administrators, teachers and staff in preschool is most priority to improve quality of child care and education From the above reasons, we has chosen the topic for research: "Child care and education quality assurance at private preschools in Hanoi city" Research objective Based on theoretical and practical research, the thesis proposes solutions of quality assurance in child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi city to contribute quality improvement of preschool education and to meet innovated requirements of education Object and subject of the research 3.1 Research object Child care and education activities at private preschools 3.2 Research subjects Quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi city Scientific hypothesis Quality assurance is a desired level of quality management If current situation and implementation solutions are properly assessed with specific characteristics and conditions, it will gradually improve and enhance child care and education at private preschools Research contents 5.1 Research on the theoretical basis of quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools 5.2 Survey on the actual situation of quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi 5.3 Proposing solutions for quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi Test the necessity and feasibility of the proposed solutions Test the necessity and feasibility of one proposed solution Research scope - Research content: Research on the current status of Quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi city - Object of investigation, survey: Research conducted a survey and data collection from subjects that are administrators and teachers of the private preschools in Hanoi, including 04 districts: Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan, Long Bien and Dong Anh - Research area: A survey at private preschools in Hanoi - Experiment: The private preschools in Hanoi, including 04 districts: Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan, Long Bien and Dong Anh Approaches and research methods 7.1 Approaches Using different approaches such as system apporach, operational approach, practical approach, total quality management and market access approach 7.2 Methods 7.2.1 Theoretical research methods Analyzing and synthesizing documents: To collect information, literatures related to quality and quality assurance to develop a theoretical basis Generalizing independent statements: To carry out a generalization about the research problem Building a model (theoretical, practical) about the research object 7.2.2 Practical research methods Questionnaire survey - The current situation of child care and education; - The current situation of quality assurance of child care and education; - The current situation of affecting factors to quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools Investigation method, indeep interview method Data analysis method Experiment 7.2.3 Statistic method Using mathermatical formulas applied in educational research and SPSS software to analyse data Defending points of the thesis - Quality assurance of child care and education is a level of quality management Therefore, contents, methods, and processes of quality assurance for child care and education at private preschools must comply with contents, methods and processes of quality management in general and consistent with quality characteristics of private preschools in Hanoi city in particular - Currently, quality of child care and education at private preschools has not met social demands due to many different reasons, including inadequacy of quality assurance In order to enhance quality and social demands, private preschools must have solutions to improve quality of child care and education in accordance with characteristics of preschools and context of current educational reform - Developing a strategic plan of quality assurance; establishing internal quality assurance system, quality contents for child care and education; creating a cultural environment of quality; strengthening conditions of quality assurance for child care and education; capacity building on quality assurance of child care and education for administrators and teachers Proposed solutions to improve quality of child care and education at private preschools Contributions of the thesis - This thesis has contributed theoretical framework on quality assurance of child care and education at preschools in general and private preschools in particular - This thesis has analyzed the current situation of quality assurance for child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi; clearly indicated difficulties, existences and causes - Based on the theoretical and practical research, the thesis has proposed five major solutions for quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools Each solution has analyzed necessity and feasibility through survey and interview of administrators and teachers at private preschools in order to choose suitable and effective solutions The experiment result of proposed solution has significant for building capacity for administrators and teachers on quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools 10 Structure of the thesis In addtion to the parts of Introduction, Conclusions and Recommendations, References and Appendices, the thesis consists of 03 Chapters: - Chapter 1: Literature review on quality assurance for child care and education - Chapter 2: The current situation of quality assurance for child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi - Chapter 3: Solutions for quality assurance for child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi Chapter 1: Literature review on quality assurance for child care and education 1.1 Overview 1.1.1 Research on quality of child care and education In abroad Child care and education has always paid attention of educators in the world such as: Alison Elliott, Chrishana M Lloyd Michael Bangser; Lloyd Megan Millenkfy; Dalli C, White E, Rockel J, & Duhn I, Yoshikawa; Moss A Pence; V Joseph Hotz and Mo Xiao… These sudies have clarified related to quality of child care and education It becomes an urgent and topical issue for preschool education today In Viet Nam Preschool education is the first level of the education system in Vietnam It creates personality and intelligence for children There were some typical researches as follows: Nguyen Huu Chau, Nguyen Van Hung, Tran Thi Bich Tra, Tran Thi Ngoc Tram, Nguyen Thi My Trinh… 1.1.2 Research on quality assurance of child care and education In abroad Studies have inherited scientific arguments in quality assurance of child care and education A system of quality assurance includes curriculum, teachers, adminitration staff; ability to use existing infrastructure; positive feedback from their parents and support of stakeholders In addition, quality assurance is also related to an educational program or institution or system Actually, an institution has a quality, its product will have a quality as well In Viet Nam In Vietnam, there were many authors and scientists who have researched and published textbooks and documents on quality education in general and quality of preschool edcuation in particular Quality assurance is not merely process of verifying educational quality assurance conditions because quality assurance is a level of quality management; therefore, the functions of quality management must be fully implemented, which is the management of quality assurance system (including quality assurance conditions, output quality and management processes) 1.1.3 Researched issues An overview of domestic and foreign researches has mentioned on different aspects and especially interested in quality management, quality assurance of education, accreditation and assessment of quality We found that, preschool education related to quality assurance of early childhood care and education were interested in research Quality concept of child care and education; Components, standards and criteria to evaluate child care and education quality; affecting factors to quality of child care and education; Quality assurance conditions for child care and education; Solutions to improve quality of child care and education; Principles, approaches and methods of quality management for preschools; Models and solutions to manage private preschools and private children groups However, there are still issues that domestic and foreign projects have not paid attention to research such as theoretical and practical basis for quality assurance of child care and education for preschools; Level of quality management and quality assurance system of child care and educate; Specific studies on current situation and solutions to quality assurance of child care and education for children at private preschools in Hanoi 1.2 Concepts 1.2.1 Quality, preschool education quality and child care and education quality Quality Quality is a good level, excellence and perfection to meet goals, demands and expectations of clients; ensure the prescribed standards and development requirements of the society Education quality Education quality is to meet goals of school level as well as to satisfy demands of learners, parents and community b Preschool education quality Preschool education quality is approproate response to objective of preschool education It ensures requirements for goals of the Education Law Quality of child care and education Quality of preschool care and education is consistent with goals of preschool education It meets requirements of comprehensive development for children on physical, perception, language, social-emtional skills and arts 1.2.2 Quality assurance of child care and education Quality assurance According to Sallis Edward, quality management includes (1) quality control; (2) quality assurance level; (3) Total quality management level In this thesis, quality assurance is a process of planned and systematic implementation It is conducted by coordination between stakeholders through strict procedures and processes; prevented errors by detecting and correcting Quality assurance means that product quality to satisfy and create trust for clients Educational quality assurance Educational quality assurance is management activity within internal scope and external coordination activities It is implemented as a process to orient and control educational quality assurance system It aims to create confidence about education products to ensure knowledge, skills, attitudes and academic standards Quality assurance of child care and education Quality assurance of child care and education is a process of planned and systematic activities according to ensure education objectives, maintain, improve and enhance quality of child care and education towards satisfaction, trust creation for their parents and community; implement mission in education innovation context 1.3 Quality of child care and education at private preschool 1.3.1 Basic characteristics of private preschool Private preschools are not owned by the State They are established and invested by private organizations; ensure requirements of organizational structure as prescribed Regulations on organization and operation of private preschool shall comply with the provisions of the preschool charter The private prechools operates on priciple of financial autonomy 1.3.2 Basic components of child care and education at private preschool Preschool education program Implementing plan of child care and education under preschool education program is promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, in which ensure enough time as required Developing program of preschool (experience program, gifted classes, Montessori education methods …); associated with practice, innovation needs; ensure suitability with child’s psychophysiological characteristics; towards education development for children and its evaluation; access to preschool education programs of developed countries in the region and the world Organizing activities of child care and education Organizing actitivies of child care and education needs to be active through major activities Education methods has a combination of “organizing play to learn” and “learning to play”; linking process of child care and education at preschool with the reality of life Creating a favorable environment for forming skills and developing children’s physical… Outcomes of child care and education need to be evaluated objectively, focusing on discovery ability and experience This is one of decisive components in maintaining and enhancing quality of child care and education Administrators, teachers and staff Administrators, teachers and staff are one of important elements of quality assurance for child care and education Therefore, improving quality , position and role of administrators, teachers and staff is important and regularly tasks; ensure sufficient quantity and synchronous organizational structure to meet requirements as prescribed Quality of child care and education is really improved when administrators, teachers and staff is enthusiastic, proactive and creative Organization and management Organization and management are important activities to determine development of preschool Organizations of schoool are formed according to regulations They help school’s leaders to manage professional skills The school council shall perform its functions, duties and powers as prescribed Children's groups and kindergarten classes are according to the regulations of the preschool Charter of the Ministry of Education and Training Managing educational activities and plans must appropriate to actual conditions of the school; Implementing democratic regulations, publicizing about quality as well as committing to parents and society; Organizing and managing quality assurance for child care and education and assessing educational quality to ensure safety Preschool children Preschool children need to be cared and educated with the following basic elements: children are always respected and asserted themselves; encouraged and supported to participate and cooperate in process of caring and educating Children are received health care and safety; comprehensively developed according to age; prepared life skills and social skills; 5-year-old children's readiness for school Facilities, tools, toys and teaching equipment Facilities and equipments to support child care and education such as: school area, campus and garden are guaranteed according to regulations; master and detailed planning must convenient for care and education activities; prioritize the "green - clean - beautiful" factors Arrange and decorate space reasonably, aesthetic and friendly 11 international cooperation and relationship between family, school and society Therefore, evaluating quality or quality assurance of child care and education needs to base on these components and characteristics of preschool Quality assurance is a level of quality management Accordingly, quality assurance of child care and education is components of quality management system at preschools Quality assurance of child care and education is process of planned and systematic implementation This is a strict system, including components: internal quality assurance, external quality assurance and quality accreditation Quality assurance of child care and education is closely linked with self-assessment and quality culture When proposing solutions to ensure quality assurance for child care and education, it is impossible to pay attention to self-assessment and quality culture of preschool Chapter 2: Current situation of quality assurance for child care and education at private preschool in Hanoi 2.1 Overview of developing private preschool in Hanoi 2.2.1 General overview Education and training sector in Hanoi has a large scale School and class network has been expanded, facility investment has been increased It has been gradually solidified, standardized and modernized to meet learning needs of people and requirements of human resource development 2.2.2 Education development in Hanoi Hanoi has a total of 1,145 preschools (776 public preschools, 369 peoplefounded and private preschools) 100% of non-public schools are licensed to establish as regulations There were 07 high quality public preschools and 24 foreign-invested preschools There were 2,678 groups of children and private kindergarten classes There were licensed for 2,669 preschool, occupied about 99.7% 2.2 Survey 2.2.1 Objective To evaluate current status of quality and quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi; carry out advantages, disadvantages, causes of existence, limitation; establish practical basis of research and propose solutions quality assurance of child care and education at private preschool 12 2.2.2 Content Current status of child care and education quality; the current situation of quality assurance of child care and education and affecting factors of quality assurance for child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi 2.2.3 Đối tượng, địa bàn thời gian khảo sát Respondents - Management staff and teachers of private preschools in Hanoi (04 districts: Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan, Long Bien and Dong Anh) Total of 556 people, including management staff: 188 people and teachers: 368 people Survey area Private pre schools in Hanoi Survey time: The questionnaires and interview questions were sent to survey subjects in September of the academic year 2018 - 2019; withdrawing investigation comments in October 2019 2.2.4 Method - Building survey questionnaire - Discussion and interview 2.2.5 Data analysis and evaluation scale Using mathematical statistical methods and Microsoft Office Excel software to calculate the mean a) Using descriptive method of quantity and percentage (%) to analyze and describe situation b) Using 5-level Likert scale, convention is: = Weak; = Average; = Fair; = Good; = Very good to assess the current status of quality and quality assurance of child care and education, then: - Distance value = (Maximum – Minimum)/n = (5-1)/5 = 0.80 - Meanings of the levels are as follows: 1.00 – 1.80: Weak; 1.81 – 2.60: Medium; 2.61 – 3.40: Fair; 3.41 – 4.20: Good; 4.21 – 5.00: Very good 2.3 The current status of quality of child care and education at private preschool 2.3.1 Professional qualifications and working time a Status of professional qualifications 13 The result shows that number of teachers with intermediate qualifications have accounted for 37.5%, meanwhile management staff accounted for 11.2% b Actual situation of working time Over 61.9% of survey subjects have worked for less than years and more than 22% from to less than 10 years A highest number of administrators and teachers has less than years of working experience 2.3.2 The current situation of awareness of administrators and teachers about concept of quality of child care and education Administrators have perception of "correct - complete", accounting for 55.5% and 49.3% of teachers Meanwhile, 44.5% of administrators and 50,3% of teachers have perception of "correct - incomplete" Thus, awareness of administrators have a higher than teachers about this concept 2.3.3 Current status of awareness of administrators and teachers about concept of quality assurance in child care and education According to the results, both of administrators and teachers have 42,3% for "correct - complete" awareness; “correct - incomplete” accounted for 57.2% and perception of “incorrect” accounted for 0.5% 2.3.4 The current situation of the quality of child care and education at private preschool Quality of preschool education program Preschool education quality has completely required by the Ministry of Education and Training In addition, development of school programs is concerned by private preschools However, preschools have almost difficult to access preschool education programs from developed education countries Quality organization of child care and education Private preschools have paid attention to appropriate nutrition and diet for each age group In addition, activities (educational purposes and content; spatial location, number of children, etc.) are prioritized However, activities that develop physical, emotional, social skills, language and aesthetics are limited Thus, it is important to propose solution of quality assurance for child care and education Quality of administrators and teachers Most of administrators and teachers have full professional qualifications However, some administrators and teachers have not been trained according 14 to regulations In addition, several private preschools are still lacking in number and the organizational structure Therefore, improving quality, fostering professional skills for administrators and preschool teachers is an urgent requirement, focusing on meeting professional standards, contributing to quality assurance of child care and education Quality of preschool children Private preschools have extremely cared health and safety of children Children are respected, encouraged and supported to participate in activities However, preparation of life skills, social skills, readiness ability for 5-year-old children and education of children is still limited and inadequate Quality of organization and management As a reslut, private preschools have organized groups/classes in accordance with the regulations of the Charter of Preschool Charter However, organizing groups/classes is facing many difficulties and inadequacies due to many different reasons Survey results of 04 districts showed that most of preschools had a commitment to implement three publicity, namely: publicizing quality of child care, publicizing quality of education and disclosing information about facilities, administrators, teachers; financial Quality of facilities and equipment Private preschools have regulations and guidelines on use of materials, tools, toys, and teaching equipment Equipment and utensils are relatively guaranteed at a minimum Arrangement, layout and decoration of classrooms and schools are quite reasonable However, limitations of area, campus, and classes have not yet met the prescribed standards Quality building relationships between preschool, family and society Private preschools have actively developed solutions to mobilize participation of parents; two-way information exchange in child care and education However, it is not really effective and certainly limitations Quality of research, apply in educational science and international cooperation The number of experience initiatives, participation in scientific research or participation in scientific seminars of administrators and teachers of private preschools is very low Therefore, it has affected quality of science education research and international cooperation 2.4 Actual situation of quality assurance of child care and education 15 2.4.1 Setting quality standards for child care and education It can be seen that contents of standard setting for quality of care and education private preschools are evaluated at different levels Most private preschools are interested in goal of setting standards and announcing their mission, vision, and core values However, they were not really paying attention to standard assessment as well as its implementation Therefore, it is necessary to have a synchronous solution to ensure setting of quality standards for child care and education 2.4.2 The actual situation of a system of quality assurance of child care and education Using collected information is most important to adjust goals, plans Besides, mobilizing participation and supervision of parents and society in child care and education Preschools have to pay more attention to improve quality assurance process of caring and educating children as well as managing and developing of preschool goals and strategies 2.4.3 Building a process of quality assurance of child care and education Most of the private preschools are interested in outputs and inputs of process of quality assurance of child care and education Meanwhile, process quality assurance needs solutions such as organizational management, care and education activities; reasonably resources use to improve quality of child care and education 2.4.4 Funding, facilities and equipment The ranking results show that private preschools have had solutions to improve conditions of management and administrative for child care and education activities However, financial mechanism is most difficult for private preschools 2.4.5 Implementation of preschool educational socialization The results of average value and ranking show that private preschools have paid attention to identifying objects of socialization, developing a flexible, creative and suitable implementation plan Many private preschool have achieved initial results However, preschool educational socialization is always facing certain difficulties 2.4.6 Building a quality culture of child care and education Building a quality culture of child care and education has been concerned by private preschools, promoting the role of quality cultural 16 values However, survey results show that implementation of quality culture has not achieved high results at private preschools 2.4.7 Improvement of quality of child care and education Most of administrators and preschool teachers have assessed that improvement of quality of child care and education was fully implemented However, monitoring and evaluation of improvement activities is still limited Therefore, there should be solutions to check, monitor and evaluate activities in order to improve quality of child care and education in preschools 2.5 Affecting factors to quality assurance of child care and education The results show that affecting factors of quality assurance of child care and education have certain influences These are very important to determine existence and development of preschool It can be seen that almost affecting factors have a level of "influence" (from the level of "very influence" to the level of "little influence") Thus, affecting factors can directly or indirectly affect quality assurance of child care and education Therefore, it is noted that proposed solutions are necessary to consider these affecting factors It can be seen that, All of these factors directly affect quality assurance of child care and education at private preschool Therefore, identification of affecting factors is significant for proposing solutions to overcome shortcomings and limitations as well as promoting positive factors to improve quality of child care and education for preschool children in general and private preschool children in particular 2.6 General assessment 2.6.1 Strength a Evaluate The result show that private preschools have great efforts in improving quality of child care and education b Reason - Attention and direction of the Party, the State and the education sector for preschool education Attention of leaders is very important at all levels in Hanoi Besides, parents and whole society are basic conditions for bringing successful results - Developing integration with advanced education 2.6.2 Limitations a Evaluate 17 - Limited awareness of some administrators, teachers, and staff about quality assurance of child care of education - Limited understanding of quality standards for child care and education - Lacking of solutions for capacity building on quality of child care and education b Reason - Quality assurance activities for child care and education have not been regularly and systematically implemented - Awareness of administrators, teachers and staff has not been highly consistent in implementation of quality assurance activities - Organization and management of private preschools have not been paid attention - Limited experience in implementing - Pressure on financial autonomy, enrollment - Lack of facilities, equipment, toys Conclusion of Chapter Hanoi is always receives attention and investment of all authority levels for preschool education Private preschool system has various developed Although private preschools have not completely met needs of child care and education quality However, this system has contributed in terms of needs of parents and society as well as reduce presure on public preschools and create jobs for many preschool teachers Over the last years, quality of child care and education at private preschools has been improved and achieved some remarkable achievements The reality shows that private preschools have carried out child care and education activities according to preschool education program However, quality assurance in child care and education still has many limitations and shortcomings such as some preschools have not met standards and requirements There are many objective and subjective reasons leading to this situation Therefore, it is necessary to have a total solution of many levels of educational management to improve effectiveness of quality assurance in child care and education, Implementation of solutions has not effective yet The result of above situation is an important practical basis for proposing solutions for quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi 18 Chapter 3: Solutions of quality assurance of child care and education at private preschool in Hanoi 3.1 Principle of solution proposing The proposed solutions must ensure the feasibility, efficiency, systematic/synchronous, scientific, strategic, practical and developmental properties 3.2 Proposed solutions Solution 1: Organizing awareness raising for administrators and teachers about quality assurance of child care and education Solution 2: Developing a suitable quality strategy to actual conditions of private preschool Solution 3: Developing quality standards for child care and education at private preschools Solution 4: Training capacity on quality assurance for private preschools administrators and teachers Solution 5: Strengthening conditions for implementing quality assurance of child care and education 3.3 Survey of necessity and feasibility of proposed solutions 3.3.1 Objective The purpose of this survey is to collect information to assess necessity and feasibility of proposed solutions to quality assurance of child care and education at private preschools in Hanoi On that basis, adjusting, amending and supplementing unreasonable solutions and affirming reliability of highly appreciated solutions 3.3.2 Content and method - Are the proposed solutions really necessary for quality assurance of child care and education at private preschool in Hanoi? - Are the proposed solutions really feasibility for quality assurance of child care and education at private preschool in Hanoi? Using questionnaire survey to collect opinions and information related to research content with 04 levels and scale as follows: Not necessity/Not feasibility: 01 point; Less necessity/Less feasibility: 02 points; Necessity/Feasibility: 03 points; Very necessity/Very feasibility: 04 points ... Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan, Long Bien and Dong Anh - Research area: A survey at private preschools in Hanoi - Experiment: The private preschools in Hanoi, including 04 districts: Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan,... 2.2.3 Đối tư? ??ng, địa bàn thời gian khảo sát Respondents - Management staff and teachers of private preschools in Hanoi (04 districts: Hoang Mai, Thanh Xuan, Long Bien and Dong Anh) Total... education In abroad Child care and education has always paid attention of educators in the world such as: Alison Elliott, Chrishana M Lloyd Michael Bangser; Lloyd Megan Millenkfy; Dalli

Ngày đăng: 23/07/2021, 13:46


