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Aims: -By the of the lesson Ss will be able to - Ss will be able to revise the present perfect tense and compare with the simple past tense - do the exercise in the text book.. *Teaching[r]

(1)No.1 Thursday, September 6th, 2012 Rivision and testing A/ Aim: - Ss can revise the basic grammar points in English - Check Ss’ knowledge of English form - Make Ss start the lesson of 8th form more easily *Teaching aids: B/ Content: I Warm- up: - Ss play the game : Hangman: (SUMMER HOLIDAY) II Revision : Grammar points 1/ Tenses - T elicits the forms from the SS The present simple tense S + V(bare)/ V s/es… The present progressive tense S+ be + V-ing… The future tense S + will + V(bare)…/ S + be going to + V(bare)… The simple past tense S + Ved / past - Checking: What is The present simple tense used for? What are the adverbs of time in the The present simple tense? 2/ Structures: - Ss list some main structures they have learnt in Engklish - Hái vÒ gi¸ c¶ - Hái vÒ kho¶ng c¸ch - Hỏi đờng - Hái vÒ thêi gian - C¸ch mêi mäc How much is it? /Are they? How far is it from….? Could you tell me where to get …? What time is it? Would you like … ? - T gives exercises for Ss to practice - T corrects III Testing: I/ Khoanh trßn vµo a, b hoÆc c cho mçi c©u sau: Childen should to bed early a to go b go don’t you come to my house ? OK, Let's go a why b Let's Tam enjoys soccer a playing b to play Would you like badminton.? a play b playing Students have two each day a 20- minnute break b 20-minute breaks In ., we some experiments a Math b History c going c what c play c to play c 20- minutes breaks c Chemistry II Chia động từ ngoặc : 1, Last week, all of the class (have) a cold 2, She (learn) how to cook now 3, Hoa (wash) her clothes every day 4, Mai (make) a new shirt for her mother next week III.Gạch chân từ đúng ngoặc để hoàn thành các câu sau: (2) 1, I didn’t eat chicken and (so/ neither) did my mother 2, I didn’t go out yesterday and my sister didn’t, (either/ too) 3, Tom is a student and Peter is, (so/ too) 4, I often eat bread for breakfast and my sister does,(too/ either) IV ChuyÓn c¸c tÝnh tõ sau thµnh tr¹ng tõ: beautiful : beautifully 1, slow 4, fast 2, heavy 5, good 3, strong 6, successful *Consolidation: IV Homework: - Make sentences using the grammar points - Prepare for the next lesson Unit1 : Getting started, listen and read (3) No.2 Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 1: Getting started, Listen and read A/ Aims: - After the lesson, Ss will be able to introduce people and review the simple present tense through listening & reading skills * Teaching aids: disc / Textbook B/ Content: I Warm- up: 1/ Chatting: - How are you? - What did you in the summer? - Are you happy to meet your classmates? 2/ Pre teach vocabulary: to seem: dêng nh (trans.) a next door neighbor: hµng xãm ( explanation) to look like: tr«ng nh (trans.) * Checking; R.O.R II Pre reading: -Pre questions: 1, About whom is Hoa talking to Lan? 2, How old is Nien? 3, Where does Nien live? 4, Is she a beautiful girl? III While-reading: - SS listen and read the dialogue - Ss practice the dialogue in pairs - Ss read the dialogue again to answer the given questions in the textbook - Call some ss to give the answers -Answers: a, She lives in Hue b,No, she doesn’t c, She was old enough to be in my class d, She isgoing to visit Hoa at Christmas IV Post – reading: - Ask Ss to write about Nien Use the cue words below * Cues: a, Nien/ Hoa’s friend b, She / in Hue c, She / beautiful d, She/ 12 years old E, She / Hoa at christmas - Ss share the writing with their partners - write about one of your friends * Consolidation: - Remember the use of the simple present and simple past tense V Homework: - Do exercises in the workbook - Prepare the next lesson: Speaking + listening (4) No.3 Wednesday, August 24th, 2011 Unit 1: My friends Lesson 1: Speaking and listening A/ Aims: -By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop their speaking and listening skills by describing and introducing people * Teaching aids:- Textbook, cassette player… B Content: I Warm up: - Revision: List adjectives to discribe people ( work in two groups) slim curly Adjectives of describing hair Adjectives of describing body blond II Speaking: 1/Pre-speaking: -Show the picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair, her body build thin (5) - E.g: She has long blond hair She is short and thin - Ask Ss to give more examples 2/While-speaking: - Ss describe the people in the pictures on page 11 - Call on a student to describe on person, the others guess who is described a, Van : -He/tall/thin /black hair/ b, Mr Lai: He/ short/fat/ bold hair c, Miss Lien She/tall/ slim/ curly brown hair d, Ann: She/curly blond hair e, Mr Khoi: He/tall/ short black hair f, Marry: She/ short/ straight/long/brown hair 3/Post-speaking -Guessing people: Ss work in groups of to discribe their classmates, others guess them: S1: This person is short and thin, She has long black hair S2:Is he Nam? S1:No, he isn’t S2:Is heMinh? S1: Yes, he is III/ Listening: 1/ Pre-listening: - T presents the requirements of the lesson - T shows these expressions: - How you do? - I’d like you to meet - Nice to meet you - Come and meet - It’s a pleasure to meet you - Ss practice reading aloud - Ss can guess the expression to fill in the blank 2/ While- listening: - Ss listen to the tape twice and check their guessing - T calls some Ss to give their answers, asks if any others have other asnwers - T plays the tape once again, and pauses at each important sentence for Ss to check - T gives the right answers: I’d like you to meet 2.nice to meet you I’d like you to meet It’s a pleasure to meet you Come and meet How you - T calls some pairs to read the completed dialogue 3/Post- listening: -Ss practice to introduce their friend Use the dialogues *Consolidation: - Remember how to describe and introduce people IV Homework: - Do the exercise in the workbook - Desriber the members in your family - Prepare the next lesson: Reading (6) Tuesday, september 6th, 2011 No.4 Unit : MY FRIENDS Lesson 3: Reading A Aims : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about their friends' characters and her (his) favorite through reading a text * Teaching aids: posters B Procedure: I Check- up : - Describe one of your closed friends ( build and hair) II Warm up: 1/Chatting: + Do you have many friends? + How many closed friends you have? + What they look like? + What they like? - T asks 2-3 ss 2/Pre-teach vocab: (a) character: tÝnh c¸ch (explanation) sociable (adj): hoà đồng (translation) reserved (adj): kín đáo, dè dặt (translation) generous(adj): hµo phãng (translation) out going (adj): cëi më (translation) volunteer (adj) t×nh nguyÖn (explanation) * Checking: What and Where III Pre-reading: ( books shut) -T introduces: " Ba's at school now.He's talking about his close friends : Khai, Song, Bao Look at the statements and decide if they are true or false - True/ false statements: Ba likes Khai and Song Each of them has a different character Bao is the best soccer player He often spend his free time doing volunteer work He studies badly Song likes reading books - Ss guess in individuals - Feedback: in two teams IV While- reading: - T has ss read the text silently and check their prediction - Feedback - Answer key: 1.T, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6F, 7T * Multiple choice: - T asks ss to read the text again and the exercise in the text book (7) - Ss work in pairs - Feedback - Answer key : a.A, b.C, c.B, * Comprehension questions: -T ask ss to answer the questions in the book - Ss work in pairs : open pairs- closed pairs d.D V Post reading: * Writing: write about your friends’ character Use the eliciting questions Question: 1.What’s his/her name? 2.How old is he /she? Where does she /he live? what does he/ she look like? what sports / color/ music/ films does he/ she like? what does he/ she in the free time? -Feedback VI Home work: -Write a short paragraph ( 50 words) to talk about your close friends Wednesday, september 7th, 2010 No.5 A Aims: Unit 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 4: Writing (8) By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describe or introduce other people thought writing a short paragraph about a friend *Teaching aids: B Procedure: I Warm up: Network T asks ss to write as many adjectives (using to describe people's characters) as possible helpful Character -Ss work in two teams friendly II Pre-writing: * Listening: (book shut) -T writes the passage on the board: His name's and he's .years old He lives at in Ha Noi with his , Hung He's ., and helpful His best friends are , and -T asks ss to listen and fill in the blanks - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback * Reading (books open) - T asks ss to read the paragraph and check their answers - T asks ss to look at the box and make questions - Ss work in pairs - Feedback III While writing: * Questions and answers: - T asks ss to ask and answer the questions in E2 then fill the information in the box Name Appearance Character Address Family Friends : : : : : : - Ss work in groups of four - T asks some ss to go to the board and fill in the form * Write it up: -T asks ss to write a short paragraph Using the information in the form - Ss work in groups of four (write on the poster) IV Post-writing: (9) * Sharing and comparing: - Ss share with other groups * Exhibition: - T chooses the best paragraphs to stick on the board * Correction: -T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down V Home work: -Write a paragraph about yourself Thursday, september 8th, 2011 No.6 Unit 1: MY FRIENDS Lesson 6: Language Focus A Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to use the simple present tense to talk about general truths and use the structure " (not)adj + enough + to-infi to talk about someone who has or doesn't have an ability to something *Teaching aids: text book B Procedure : I.Warm up: (revision) 1/ Talk about your friends 2/ Exercise ( p.17) - SS look at the picture on page 17 and answer some questions: + How many people are there in the picture? + What does each person look like? + What is each person wearing? - Ss answer in individuals II Presentation: 1/ Pre-teach vocab: + (to) rise:  (to) set Mäc Ex: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West (10) + (to) move: rêi, di chuyÓn (mine) + (the) earth: trái đất (explanation) + Mars (n): ho¶ (translation) + Mercury (n) : thæ ( translation) * Checking: ROR 2/ Revise the simple past tense : ( Elicite from ss) * Form: S + Ved / V (cét 2) * Usage: Express an action happened and ended in the past 3/ Revise the simple present tense.( Elicite from ss) * Form: S + V(bare) / Vs/es  Concept check: - use: express general truths / habits III Practice: 1/ Exercise 1: - ss complete the paragraph Use the correct verbs in brackets: (page 16) - Corrects - Key: a/ 1- lives – sent 3- was 4- was b/ 1—are 2- came 3- showed 4- introduced 2/ Exercise 2: - SS complete the dialogue Use the correct form of the verbs in the box: Key: 1- sets 2- moves 3- goes 4- was 5- was 6- was 3/ Exercise 4: - T gives an example and elicits the form from ss: Ex: Nien is not old enough to be in Hoa's class Be + ( NOT) ADJ + ENOUGH + (FOR S.O)+ TO-INF * Concept check: Meaning, form, use, and pronunciation - T asks ss to the exercise in individuals then compare with their partners - Feedback IV.Home work: + Do exercises 2,5 in workbook + Prepare for Unit Lesson getting started and listen and read (11) No Monday, september 12th , 2011 Unit : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read A Aims : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to arrange the appointments on the phone and revise the future tense of intentions *Teaching aids: Textbook/poster B Procedure : I Warm up: (Getting started) 1/ Matching: Match each object with it’s name.(p18) a A fax machine b A public telephone c Answer key address books d A mobile phone e A telephone directory f An answering machine - Ss work in two teams: Blue and Red - Feedback - T asks ss to guess the meaning of some words - Feedback 2/ Chatting: + Do you have a phone? What is your telephone number? + Do you often call your friends? + Who you often call? + Have you ever invited your friends to somewhere? II.Presentation: - T introduces: "This is the conversation between Hoa and Nga Nga is phoning Hoa She wants to invite Hoa to see a film” -Ordering statements: Ss guess to order the statements a> Hoa's aunt is downstairs b> Nga phones to Hoa c> It's a bit far from Hoa's house to Sao Mai Theater d> Hoa is going to borrow her cousin's bike e> Hoa arranges the time for the meeting f> Nga invites Hoa to go to the movie III Practice: - Ss listen and read the dialogue and check their prediction - Ss compare with their partners (12) - Ss listen to the tape again to correct their answers - Feedback Answer key: 1c, 2g, 3b , 4d, 5e, 6f 7a - Pair work: Practice acting out the dialogue  Comprehension questions: Who: a> made the call? b> introduced herself? c> invited the other to the movie? d> arranged the time? e> agreed to the time? - Ss work in pairs - Feedback -Answer key: a> Nga b> Nga c> Nga d> Hoa *Grammar points: (revision) T elicits from SS - The Future tense of intention: e>Nga S + is / am/are + going to + V (bare) - Use: to talk about intentions and activities in the future IV Production: 1/ Make a phone call to arrange an apointment with your friends Use the dialogue 2/ Use the Future tense of intention to talk about your intentions in the future III Home work: - Revise the future tense of intention and make sentences - Prepare for Speaking and listening No Date of Teaching: Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 2: Speaking and Listening (13) A Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to make arrangements on the phone and take telephone messages *Teaching aids: disc / recoder/ textbook B Procedure : I Warm up : hang man TELEPHONE number II.Speaking: 1/ Pre speaking: - Pre quetions: + How many people are there in the conversation? + Who is the caller? + Who answers the phone? + Can you guess what they are talking about?( Are they talking about cinema or concert?) - Ordering the dialogue: Ss put the sentences in the correct order to make a complete conversation ( work in pairs) 2/ While speaking: - Ss practice speaking the dialogue: Pair work: open pairs - closed pairs - Ss complete the dialogue between Ba and Bao then practic it with partner 3/ post speaking: - Ss make arrangements on the phone as the arrangements of Ba and Bao III Listening: 1/ Pre-listening: *Pre-teach vocab: + (to) make an appointment: hÑn (Translation) + (to) leave a message: để lại tin nhắn (Translation) - Checking vocab: R.O.R * Open prediction: - T : "You are going to listen to a conversation between a woman and a secretary Let's guess what they are talking about." -SS guess the answers Use yes/ no Questions Are the woman and the secretary close friends? Are they talking on the phone? Does the secretary work at a hospital? Does the woman want to talk to the principal? Can she talk to the principal then? 2/While listening: - Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction - Ss listen to the tape again and correct the answer -Feedback -T corrects * Answer key: 1.NO 2.YES 3.NO * Complete the grid: Yes/No 4.YES 5.NO Kingston Junior High School Date: Time: (14) For: The principal Message: Telephone number: -T asks ss to listen to the tape and complete the grid - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback - Answer key : Date: Time: 9:45 in the morning Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen Tel number: 6468372094 3/Post-listening: Fill in the blanks: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to the principal but he at the moment She had the secretary take She would she the principal at in Her address is and her is 64683720942 - Feedback IV Home work: + Do E in workbook + Make an appointment with your friend to invite him/her to the zoo Date of Teaching: Thursday, september 15th , 2011 No Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 3: Reading A Aims : By the end of the lesson, ss will know more about Alexander Graham Bell and his inventions such as telephone * Teaching aids: picture B Procedure : I.Warm up: 1/ Net word A mobile phone television public telephone fax machine Devices of media answering machine radio -Ss work in two teams 2/ Pre-teach vocab: + (To) transmit: truyÒn, ph¸t (translation) + (A) device: thiÕt bÞ (explanation/example) + Deaf-mute: tËt võa c©m ,vïa ®iÕc (explanation) + (To) demonstrate: biÓu diÔn (explanation) (15) + (An) exhibition: cuéc triÓn l¶m, trng bµy (explanation) + Emigrate: xuÊt c¶nh, di c (explanation) + (To) conduct: thùc hiÖn, tiÕn hµnh (translation) +Experiment: cuéc thÝ nghiÖm (translation) +(An) assistant: ngời giúp đỡ, phụ tá (explanation) * Checking vocab: R.O.R II Pre-reading: (books shut) -T shows the picture and asks some questions: a> Who is he? b> What did he invent? When was it invented? c> Where was he from? d> Who was his assistant? e> Where did he demonstrate his invention? f> When was the fist telephone used? - Ss work in two teams - Feedback III While- reading: * ss read the text silently and check their answers -Feedback * T/f statements -T asks ss to read the text again and the exercise in the text book - Ss work in pairs - Feedback - Answer key : a.T, b.T, c.F, d.T eT, * Put the events in the correct order: - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback - Answer key: d-e-a-g-c-f-b f.F IV Post reading: - Retell the story:(use the events in exercise two) - Ss work in groups of four - T calls some ss to retell the story before the class V Home work: -Write a short paragraph (50 words) about Alexander Graham Bell-Using your own words (16) Monday, september 19 , 2011 No.10 Unit 2: MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 4: Writing A Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a telephone message * Teaching aids: B Procedure: I Warm up: 1/ Revision: Interview -Ss plays the part of Alexander Graham Bell then answer the questions + Where was you from? + What did you invent? +When was it invented? +Where did you demonstrate your invention? + When was the first telephone used? II Pre writing: 1/ Pre-teach vocab: + furniture delivery (n): chuyển phát đồ đạc ( translation) +stationary order: ( translation) + (a) customer: khacks hµng (explanation) + (to) pick s.o up: đón (ai) ( translation) - T models, Ss repeat: chorus-individuals * Checking vocab: RoR 2/Pre-questions: a> Who made the call? b> When did she call? c> Whom did she want to speak to? d> What did she call about? e> What did she want? f> Who took the message? - T asks ss to read the message and answer the questions - Ss answer the questions in individuals - Feedback * Complete the passage: - T asks ss to read the message again and complete the passage - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback III While writing: * Write the message: -T asks ss to read the passage on page 23 to get information and write the message - Ss work in groups of four( write on the poster) (17) IV.Post-writing: * Sharing and comparing: -Ss share with other groups * Exhibition: - T choose the best messages to stick on the board * Correction: -T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down V Home work: - Do exercise in text books - Write a passage which is the same as passage Use the information in message Tuesday, september 20th, 2011 No.11 Unit : MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Lesson 5: Language Focus A Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk about their intention in the near future and use some adverbs of place correctly * Teaching aids: Pictures, posters B Content: I Warm up: - Pelmanism: (antonym) outside 2.up 3.upstairs 4.there 5.above (18) below 7.here 8.inside 9.downstairs 10.down II Practice: Exercise 1: - T: "What are you going to in exercise 1?" - T asks ss to give the form and the use of " be going to" * Form: Be going to + v-infi * Usage: Express intentions, near future * Concept check: form, use, meaning, and pronunciation - T asks ss to compare two examples: + I will visit her + I am going to visit her -Feedback - Ss work in pairs then compare with other pairs - T calls some pairs - Feedback * Answer key : a> They are going to go fishing b> She's going to read a new novel c> She's going to her homework in Math d> He's going to watch an action movie on TV tonight e> She's going to give him a birthday presnet Exercise 2: a/ ss complete the “ you” column with check (v) -T: What are you going to at weekend? - Are you going to see a movie?/ play sports?/ meet your friends?/ help your parents?/ your homework? / watch Tv? - Ss: Yes/No b/ Ss ask their partner and tick (v) or (x) on the column - Pair work - Feedback Exercise 3: - T asks ss to look at the pictures Use adverbs in the box to fill in the blanks: - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback : T raises the picture; ss read aloud the complete sentences III Production: - Ss practise asking and answering about next weekend (19) IV Homework: + Write sentences about what you are going to this Sunday + Do exercise 2,7 in workbook Friday, september 23, 2011 No 12 Unit : AT HOME Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read A Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to tell the chores they often to help their parents at home by listening and reading the dialogue *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, cassette, disc B.Content: I Warm up 1.Check- up : ss answer the question: what are you going to on the weekend? 2.T hangs the pictures on the board and asks ss what the girl in the pictures is doing - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback - T gives some expressions using to describe the pictures a> (To) wash the dishes / (to) the washing up b> (to) make the bed c> (to) sweep the floor d> (to) cook e> (to) tidy up f> (to) feed the chicken - T gets ss to ask and answer the question: " What you have to at home? Do you have to ?" - Ss work in pairs : open pair-closed pairs - Feedback II Presentation: * Preteach vocabulary: + (a) steamer: nåi ®un h¬i + (a) sink : bồn rửa bát đĩa + (a)saucepan: c¸i ch¶o (pictures) + (a) frying pan: Ch¶o r¸n + (a) stove: c¸i lß + (a) cupboard tñ ch¹n, tñ ly *Checking vocab: R.O.R (20) * T/f prediction: a> Mrs Vui and Nam are talking on the phone b> Mrs Vui intends to visit her mother c> Nam and Mrs Vui cook diner d> Nam has to go to the market buy some meat and fruits e> The rice cooker is on the table f> Mrs Vui has Nam call his aunt Chi III Practise: 1.Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction - Ss compare with their partners - Ss listen to the tape again to correct their answers - Feedback Answer key: a.T; b.T; c.F; d.F; e.F; f.T - Ss listen and repeat after the tape - Pair work: Acting out the dialogue Ss read the dialogue again then list the thing Nam has to do: Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback * Answer key: + (Nam has to) cook diner + (He has to )go to the market to buy fish and vegetables + (He has to) call his aunt Chi and ask her to meet his mother at Grandma's house *Grammar points: Modal verbs + Have to + V(bare) Must + V(bare) : phải (ý bắt buộc) + Ought to + V(bare) Should + V(bare) : nªn (ý khuyªn bảo) Ex: + You must/have to go to school on time + You should go to bed early IV Production: - Substitution drill: ( example) Mai: Hello Mrs Lan: Mai It's Mom Mai: Hi, Mom Mrs Lan:I'm going to be home late tonight I've to visit my friend in the hospital after work (1) Mai: What time will you be home? Mrs Lan: At 9.00 (2) Will you please cook diner and look after your little sister(3)? Mai: No problem, Mom Mrs Lan: There is some food in the fridge(4) Rice is in the bowl near the ricecooker(5) Mai: Ok, Mom, bye Mrs Lan:Bye -T calls two ss to act out the dialogue V Home work: - Learn the dialogue by heart - Write (post-) in your notebook - Write some chores you have to at home Monday, september 26, 2011 No 13 (21) Unit : AT HOME Lesson 2: Speaking A Aims : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to describe the position of things by pratising prepositions of place * Teaching aids: Pictures B Content: I.Revision: Check up: 15min test I.Write the past form of the following verbs to visit to have to arrive to go to buy to take to see to think to wear to look to move to eat to watch to give to learn to teach to make to want to enjoy to leave II/ Put the correct tense of the verb in the bracket: 1.We (go)……….to school everyday 2.She(not drink)………………coffee In the evening 3.The sun (rise)in the east and(set )in the west 4.I (see) him last year It (rain) Look at those clouds Brainstorming: between in beside Prepositions of places under II Pre speaking: * Pre-teach : A rug thảm , trải sàn A rice cooker nåi c¬m ®iÖn A knife dao * Checking vocabulary : on (picture) (picture) (picture) R OR III while speaking: Question-answer drill: - Ss ask and answer about the position of the things in the picture - T models first S1: Where is the clock? S2: It’s on the wall S1: Are the knives under the cupboard: S2: Yes/No - T introduces: Mrs Vui bought some furnitures for her living room but she hasn't decided where to put them yet Help her to arrange the furnitures in the most suitable place (22) -T models: S1 : Let's put the armchair opposite the couch S2 : Ok, and I think we ought to put the rug between the armchair and the couch S1 : - T asks the representatives of groups to take their pictures and go to the board to talk about the preposition of the things - T chooses the best pictures to hang on the board and asks ss to find the different pictures IV Post speaking: - T asks ss to describe their living room / kitchen - Ss work in individuals then talk in the class V Home work: Write sentences to describe the kitchen in your house Thurday, september 29 , 2011 No 14 Unit : AT HOME Lesson 3: Listening A Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to develop their listening skill by practising listening how to make "Chinese Fried Rice" * Teaching aids: Pictures , stereo and disc B.Content: I.Warm up: 1.Check- up : - Describe one of the rooms in your house Hangman: " FRIED RICE" II Pre-listening: - T asks ss to name the objects in the pictures - Ss answer in individuals - Feedback (23) - Answer key: rice, noodles, saucepan, frying pan, garlic, onions, green peppers, peas, ham * Open prediction: "What ingredients you need to cook the " Special Chinese Fried Rice"?" - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback III.While listening: - T introduces: "We are going to listen to a conversation between Tu and Lan about the necessary ingredients to cook the "Special Chinese Fried Rice"." - Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction -Feedback1 - Ss listen to the tape again and correct their answer -Feedback * Answer key : fried rice, pan, garlic, green pepper, ham and peas * Arrange the sentences in the correct order Put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in Use the big pan Put the ham and the peas in Put the oil in Fried the garlic and the green peppers - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback IV.Post-listening: - Present how to cook the "Special Chinese Fried Rice" -T calls some ss to present V Home work: - Write it up - Present how to make the "salad" (24) Friday, september 30 , 2011 No 15 Unit : AT HOME Lesson 4: Reading A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to present a warn (safety precautions at home) * Teaching aids: Pictures , posters B.Content: I.Warm up: Jumbled words: + bduoacrps = cupboards +ssrissoc = scissors +aeoubrdns = dangerous +nikvse = knives +jcboets = object Pre-teach vocab: chemicals : Ho¸ chÊt safety(n): Sù an toµn precautions : Sù phßng ngõa (an)electrical sockets: æ c¾m ®iÖn (a) match: èng diªm bead(n): hat, vËt trßn nhá (to) cause a fire: g©y ch¸y (to) injure =(to) hurt) : lµm bÞ th¬ng (example: H2, O2, Cu) (translation) (translation) (realia) (realia) (realia) (realia) (synonym) - T models, ss repeat: chorus-individuals - Ss copy down the words * Checking vocabulary : Slap the board II Pre-reading: -T guides:"In our family, there are many different objects Some of them may be dangerous for children if we don't keep them carefully" Now you make a list of dangerous things -Ss work in groups of four - Feedback - T asks ss to discuss: " What must we to keep children safe? " (25) - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback III While- reading: -T has ss read the text silently and check their answers -Feedback * Exercise 1: -T asks ss to read the text again and the exercise in the text book - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback * Answer key : a.F, b.T, c.F, d.F eT, - T asks ss to correct the false statements - Feedback * Answer key : a It's safe to keep medicine in locked cupboards c A kitchen is a dangerous place to play d Playing with one match can cause a fire * Exercise 2: SS rea the text again then answer the questions f.T - Feedback IV Post reading: Gap-fill (books shut) - T sticks the poster on the BB Children may eat because they look like candy The kitchen is a place for children Children can cause a fire if they play with Children shouldn't put anything into sockets Knives and are also dangerous objects for children -Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback -Answer key : drugs , 2.dangerous , 3.matches , 4.electrical , scissors IV Home work: -Rewrite the safety precautions at home in your own words - Prepare for “ write” No 16 A Aims: Date of Preparation: Sunday, October 3, 2010 Date of Teaching: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Unit 3: AT HOME Lesson 5: Write (26) - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a description about rooms in the house *Teaching aids: posters papers, pen * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B.Content: I Warm up: 1.A 15 minute test: Listen then fill the blank: Track 10 TEST 1b Hi, my name is Debra Liese I’m from Bristol Betal I’m (1)… years old And I come from a (2)……… family I have one(3)…… and I lived at home with my sister and both(4)……… my until recently Key: 1-23 2- small 3- sister 4- parents Pre-teach vocab: (a) folder (a) wardrobe (an) oven beneath(adv) (a) lighting-fixture :KÑp hå s¬ : Tñ quÇn ¸o : Lß níng : ë phÝa díi : đèn chùm (visual) (visual) ( picture ) (antonym)~ under (visual) - T models, Ss repeat: chorus-individuals * Checking vocab: Slap the board oven wardrobe beneath folder lighting-fixture II Pre-writing: *Picture dictation: (books shut) - T reads the description of Hoa’s room - Ss listen and draw the picture - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - T asks 2-3 ss to stick their pictures on the board III While writing: * T asks ss to open their books and read the description of Hoa's room then check their pictures - Ss comment the pictures on the board * Write a description of the kitchen Use the given prompts: -Ss work in pairs IV Post-writing: * Sharing and comparing: - Ss share with other pairs * Exhibition: - T choose the best description to hang on the board * Correction: -T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down V Home work: -Write a description of a room in your house (27) No 17 Date of Preparation: Monday, October 4, 2010 Date of Teaching: Wednesday, October 6, 2010 Unit 3: AT HOME Lesson 6: Language Focus A Aims: : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able: - To complete the dialogue, look at the picture and make sentences - To review: + Reflexive pronouns +Modals: must, have to, ought to + Why-because * Teaching aids: Pictures, posters * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B.Content: I Warm up: Check- up: - Describe your kitchen Matching: -T asks ss to match personal pronouns with reflexive pronouns A B I a himself He b Yourselves She c myself You d ourselves They e herself We f yourself You g themselves -Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner (28) - Feedback Pre-teach vocab: (a) fish tank : bÓ c¸ (picture) (to) fail : trît (situation) garbage(n) : r¸c rëi (picture) - T models, ss repeat: chorus-individuals * Checking vocab: R.O.R I presentation: 1.Theory: - T asks ss to remind the form and the usage of " have to" and " must" - T writes the form and the usage on the board * Form: + Affirmative: S + have to/must + V-infi  Express the obligation + Negative: S + do/does + not +have to+ V-infi S + have to/must + V-infi S + mustn't + V-infi Express the less necessary II Practice: Exercise 1: - T: "What are you going to with exercise 1?" - T asks ss to match the verbs with picture first then complete the dialogue - T models first - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - T calls some ss to answer - Feedback - T calls some pairs to act out the dialogue 2.Exercise 2: - T asks ss to remind the meaning and the usage of "ought to" - Ss answer in individuals - T asks ss to look at the pictures and use "ought to " to give advices to the others Example exchange: S1: I failed my English text S2: You ought to study harder - Ss work in pairs: open pairs-closed pairs - T checks some closed pairs - Feedback Exercise 3: - Complete the dialogues Use the reflexive pronouns in the box - T asks ss to the exercise - Ss work in pairs - Feedback - T asks ss to give the usage of reflexive pronouns - Ss answer in individuals - Feedback Exercise 4: - T asks :What are you going to in this exercise? - Ss answer: We use "Why - Because" to ask and answer about the pictures - T models first - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs III Production: - Ss ask and answer about real situations Using " Why-Because" (29) - Example: S1: Why you have toothache? S2: Because I eat too much sweet - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs - T calls some open pairs IV Homework: - Learn by heart the grammar points - Do exercise 1,2,3,6 in work book Date of Preparation: Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Date of Teaching: Friday, October 8, 2010 No.18 Revision A Aims: - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to review grammar points from U1-Unit * Teaching aids: posters * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Theory: Enough: * Form:  Adj /Adv + enough + for S.O + to-infi  Enough + N + to-infi * Meaning Đủ để làm g× Simple past * Form: * Usage: express Intentions: "be * Form: * Usage: happen in intentions (+) S + V-ed/V2 (-) S + didn't + V (?) Did + S + V? (+) S + be going to + V-infi (-) S + be + not + going to + V-infi (?) Be + S + going to + V-infi? an action happened in the past going to" Express an action which will the future and we have II.practice: Exercise 1: Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets: My brother (join) ………………………the army when he (be) …………… young Tom (study) ………………………chemistry for three years ago Miss Lee (buy) ………………………………a new car next week He often (leave) …………………………………………home on the weekends when the teacher came in, the pupils (play) ……………………games Columbus (discover) …………………………America more then 400 years ago It (rain )………………………… tomorrow She usually (play) ………………the piano in the morning The light (go) ……………………………out when we (have) ……………… dinner (30) 10 What ………you (do) …………………at PM last night? Exercise 2: Using "enough" and the words in the box to complete the sentences Old a b c d e f tired money flour strong tall I am to fall asleep They are .to see the horror film He has to buy a house I'm to reach the top shelf There is .to make a cake He's to carry the suitcase Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets 1.What is the matter with you? -You seem .(worry) Nam is enough to drive a car (age) I enjoy to the radio.(listen) Let's him on his good exam results (congratulation) Your order is ready for (deliver) Alexander Graham Bell demonstrated his invention, the telephone (success) Have you ever seen the Picasso ?(exhibit) the film is very (interest) There are stars in the sky.(count) 10 Have you just bought this rods?.(fish) II Home work: - Do the exercises in the notebooks - Prepare for a written test No.19 Date of Preparation:Sunday, October 10, 2010 Date of Teaching: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 The first written test A Aims: - To check ss grammar points, listening/ reading /writing skill and vocabulary from Unit1 to Unit * Teaching aids: ss the test on papers given * Way of working: individual B Content: I Listen and fill in the gaps: (2,5pts) (31) Her name is Lan She’s (1) years old She lives at (2) ……………… (3) ……… ……… Street She is (4) ……………… and slim and has (5) ……………… hair II.Underline the correct answer ( 2.5pts) 1/ No one helped Trang to draw a picture She did it ( yourself / herself / myself ) 2/ A person who can not speak or hear is called a ( deaf / blind / deaf-mute ) 3/ My little brother is ill I have to stay home to look after ( his / him / himself ) 4/ You must ( / to / doing ) your homework right away 5/ She went to school late this morning ( if / because / so ) she watched TV last night III/ Read the passage Mark T if the statement is true and F if it’s false : ( 2.5pts ) Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847, but when he was a young man of twenty-three, he moved with his parents to Canada At the end of the year, he left his family and went to Boston Though Bell was a dreamer, he was also a practical thinker and a man of action At Boston University, where he worked as a teacher of the deaf - mutes, he started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance This led to the invention of the telephone For class 8b.c, d 1/ Graham Bell was born in England 2/ He emigrated to Canada in 1865 3/ He went to Boston when he was twenty-three 4/ He worked with the deaf-mutes in Boston 5/ Graham Bell invented telephone For class 8a: 1/ Where was Graham Bell was born?->……………………………………………… 2/ When did he emigrate to Canada? ->…………………………………………… 3/ Did he went to Boston in 1862? ->……………………………………………… 4/ Who did he work with in Boston? ->……………………………………………… 5/ What did Graham Bell invent ? ->……………………………………………… IV Put the verbs in the correct tense(2,0pts) 1/ Loan ( do) her homework tomorrow 2/ Mr Ba ( be) a doctor She (walk) to school every morning Nam (visit) Da lat last summer …………… …………… …………… ………… V/ Write the second sentence ( 0.5p) She is intelligent She can this test -> She is intelligent enough ……………………………… This test isn't easy We can't it -> This test isn't easy enough For class 8a: She is intelligent She can this test -> ………………………………………………………………………… This test isn't easy We can't it -> ………………………………………………………………………… *key: I.Listen and fill in the gaps: (2,5pts- each correct word receives 0.5 pts) II 1/ twenty 2/ 32 3/Ly Thuong Kiet 4/ tall 5/ long II.Underline the correct answer ( 2.5pts) - each correct word receives 0.5 pts) (32) 1/ herself 2/ deaf-mute 3/ him 4/ 5/ because III/ Read the passage Mark T if the statement is true and F if it’s false : ( 2.5pts ) For class 8b,c,d 1/ F 2/ F 3/ T 4/ F 5/ T For class 8a 1/ He was born in 1847 2/He went to Canada in 1870 3/No, he didn’t 4/ he worked as a teacher of the deaf - mutes 5/ He invented telephone IV Put the verbs in the correct tense(2,0pts) 1/ will 2/ has lived 3/ walks 4/ visited V/ Write the second sentence ( 0.5p) 1/ She is intelligent enough to the test 2/ This test isn't easy enough to * Home work: - Check the test at home - Prepare for Unit Lesson 1: getting started+ listen and read Phßng GD-§T CÈm Xuyªn Trêng THCS CÈm Quang §iÓm Ngµy th¸ng 10 n¨m 2010 KiÓm tra tiÕt- Bµi sè M«n: TiÕng Anh Hä tªn:………………………………… Líp: 8… I Listen and fill in the gaps: (2,5pts) Her name is Lan She’s (1) years old She lives at (2) ……………… (3) ……… ……… Street She is (4) ……………… and slim and has (5) ……………… hair II.Underline the correct answer ( 2.5pts) 1/ No one helped Trang to draw a picture She did it ( yourself / herself / myself ) 2/ A person who can not speak or hear is called a ( deaf / blind / deaf-mute ) 3/ My little brother is ill I have to stay home to look after ( his / him / himself ) 4/ You must ( / to / doing ) your homework right away 5/ She went to school late this morning ( if / because / so ) she watched TV last night III/ Read the passage Mark T if the statement is true and F if it’s false : ( 2.5pts ) Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847, but when he was a young man of twenty-three, he moved with his parents to Canada At the end of the year, he left his family and went to Boston Though Bell was a dreamer, he was also a practical thinker and a man of action At Boston University, where he worked as a teacher of the deaf - mutes, he started experimenting with ways of transmitting speech over a long distance This led to the invention of the telephone 1/ Where was Graham Bell was born?->……………………………………………… 2/ When did he emigrate to Canada? ->…………………………………………… 3/ Did he went to Boston in 1862? ->……………………………………………… 4/ Who did he work with in Boston? ->……………………………………………… 5/ What did Graham Bell invent ? ->……………………………………………… IV Put the verbs in the correct tense(2,0pts) (33) 1/ Loan ( do) her homework tomorrow …………… 2/ Lan ( live) in Cam Quang 14 years ago …………… She (walk) to school every morning …………… Nam (visit) Da lat last summer ………… V/ Rewrite the sentences using “enough”( 0.5p) She is intelligent She can this test -> ………………………………………………………………………… This test isn't easy We can't it -> ………………………………………………………………………… Date of Preparation:Monday, October 11, 2010 Date of Teaching: Thursday, October 14, 2010 No.20 Unit : OUR PAST Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen and Read Language focus A Aims : -By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to talk to their friends about the things in the past by listening and reading the dialogue *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, stereo, tape * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Warm up: - T hangs the pictures on the board and asks ss to observe and write the names of the things that not belong to the past (100 years ago) -Answer key: The T.V, the mobile phone, modern clothing, the radio, the lighting fixture, school uniform II Presentation: Preteach vocabulary: + used to : đã (explanation) + great-grandma(n): bà (explanation) +equipment(n) : trang thiÕt bÞ (example) +(to) light - lit - lit: đốt ,thắp lửa (mime) +folktale (n) : chuyÖn d©n gian (example) * Checking: ROR Prentation technique: - prediction (books shut) -T introduces: "Nga's grandma is telling Nga about the past Now, you guess what Nga's grandma did in the past" She used to + live on a farm + go to school + light the lamp + cook meals + wash the clothes + tell the stories +workwith modern equipment + look after the sisters andd brothers Yes III Practice: SS read the text then check their prediction - Ss listen and read the text again to correct their answers -Feedback -Pair work: Acting out the dialogue - Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions No (34) *Fact or opinion - T explains the meaning of the words:"fact" and "opinion" - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback * Answer key : Fact : a,b,c,d Opinion: e,f  Grammar points: * Form: Used to + V-infi * Meaning: Diễn tả thãi quen qu¸ khứ mà b©y kh«ng cßn Ex: My father used to smoke IV.Production: -Ss language focus - T-ss correct V Home work: + Write some things you used to in the past + Do exercise in work books No.21 Date of Preparation:Wednesday, October 13, 2010 Date of Teaching: friday, October 15, 2010 Unit : OUR PAST Lesson 2: Speak + language focus A Aims : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to talk about the differences between the life in the present and the life in the past by using "used to" *Teaching aids: Pictures * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups (35) B Content: I Warm up: chain game -T: yesterday I got up late -S1: yester day I got up late, then I had breafast II Pre- Speaking: Yes/No questions: -T hangs the picture (in the past) on the board and asks some questions: + Did they use to live in thatched cottages? +Did they use to watch T.V? + Did children play computer games? + Did they travel on foot? - Ss answer in individual Ss work in two teams to list differences between the past and at the present from the pictures (p.40) In the past Today Live in thatched cottage Work on farm People live and work in tall buidings Walk on pathways Go on asphalted roads Work hard all time,have no intertainment Have time for intertainment, have phone cells, cars, motorbikes , tv People wear”Ao tu than” Wear modern clothing Children have stay at home Children go to big schools Ss work in pairs to talk about the way things used to be and the way they are now Eg: In the past, people used to live in thatched cottages and Work on farms Now People live and work in tall buidings II While speaking: - T asks ss to talk about things they used to and compare to those at the present *find some one who: Who used to Watch tv Drink coffe Listen to music Hoa v x v Eg: Play soccer - S1: Did you use to watch Tv? S2: yes, I did S1: Did you use to drink coffee? S2: No, I didn’t Ss work in pairs: open pairs-closed pairs - T checks some closed pairs - Feedback.: " Who has the best habits?" III Post speaking: Read books Play video games Help mum v Get up early (36) * Write it up: SS use the ‘ find some one who ” to write it up Hoa used to watch Tv, listen to music and help mum She didn’t use drink coffee * Language focus - Ss complete the sentences use the prepositions in the table - T- ss correct IV Home work: - Write it up - Write habits you used to in the past - Prepare for the next lesson Date of Preparation:Sunday, October 17, 2010 No.22 Unit : OUR PAST Lesson 3: Listen + language focus 1,2 A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able develop their listening skill through listening to a story and have a moral lesson *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, stereo, tape * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Check- up : - Talk about the things you used to in the past - Palmanism ( language focus 1): run fly take go have be ride eat sit come ran fle w took wen t had Was/wer e rod e sat came did * Pre-teach vocab: + (to) lay-laid : đặt, đẻ ( trứng) +(to) cut open : mæ bông + foolish (adj) : ngu ngèc + greedy (adj) : tham lam +(to) shout excitedly: hÐt lªn hµo høng + (to) discover : kh¸m ph¸ - Checking vocab: R.O.R ate (explanation) (translation) (translation) (translation) (explanation) (translation) II.Pre-listening: * Open prediction: -T introduces: "You are going to listen to a story about a farmer's with his chickens Now before listening, you guess if these statements are true or false" (37) Poster: *True/false statements: a The farmer lived a poor life with his family b His chicken laid many eggs c He bought food and clothing from eggs d Some of the chicken were dead e The farmer was intelligent f His wife is greedy - Ss work in two teams - Feedback III While listening: * Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction -Feedback1 - Ss listen to the tape again and correct their answer -Feedback - Answer key : a.F, b.T c.T d.F e.F f.T * Comprehension questions a What did the farmer raise? b What did the farmer discover? c What did the woman want? d What did the farmer do? e Did they find any gold eggs? -Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback * T asks ss to reason the most suitable moral lesson What you thing about the story? What you reason from the story? -Ss work in group of four - Feedback * Answer key: Don't be foolish and greedy IV Post-listening: * Retell the story -T asks ss to listen to the tape and take notes the main idea of the story, and then retell the story in their own words V Home work: - Rewrite the story in the notebooks - Do language focus (38) Date of Preparation:Thursday, October 21, 2010 Date of teaching: Friday, October 22 , 2010 No.23 Tr¶ bµi kiÓm tra tiÕt A Aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review some grammar points from the test and find out how they made mistakes from the test *Teaching aids: * Way of working: individual, pairs B Content: I warm up: Matching I He She They we you (singular) you (plural) it themselves himselve ourselves herself yourslf itself myself yourselves The simple past tense: -Form: - Usage: express actions happened in the past Enough: ( Có đủ / không đủ … để làm gì ) Common verbs To be + S + Ved/cét S + was / were + S + be (not) + adj +enough + to infi +…… S didn’t + V(bare) S + Was/ were + V(bare) S + V + enough +N + to infi +…… ? (wh) + did +S + V(bare) ? Was/ were + S V(bare) ? Eg: -The tea is not warm enough to drink -I have enough money to buy a new house II Correct the test: * Teacher’s comment about the test *key: III IV 1/ twenty Listen and fill in the gaps: (2,5pts- each correct word receives 0.5 pts) 2/ 32 3/Ly Thuong Kiet 4/ tall 5/ long II.Underline the correct answer ( 2.5pts) - each correct word receives 0.5 pts) 1/ herself 2/ deaf-mute 3/ him 4/ 5/ because III/ Read the passage Mark T if the statement is true and F if it’s false : ( 2.5pts ) (39) For class 8b,c,d 1/ F 2/ F 3/ T 4/ F 5/ T For class 8a 1/ He was born in 1847 2/He went to Canada in 1870 3/No, he didn’t 4/ he worked as a teacher of the deaf - mutes 5/ He invented telephone IV Put the verbs in the correct tense(2,0pts) 1/ will 2/ lived 3/ walks V/ Write the second sentence ( 0.5p) 1/ She is intelligent enough to the test 2/ This test isn't easy enough to 4/ visited * Home work: - Check the test at home - Prepare for Unit Lesson : read No.24 Date of Preparation:Thursday, October 21, 2010 Date of teaching: Friday, October 22 , 2010 s unit : OUR PAST Lesson 4: Reading A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to develop their reading skill through reading a folktale *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Warm up: Cross word puzzle 4 M K D F A I R Y A R T I E L R C V S L Y H E The season after summer To get married = to You cook in this room A person who drives a car, a bus E R N (40) If you agree, you will say *Pre-teach vocab: +(to) appear: xuất + be cruel (adj) độc ác, cay nghiệt + rags(n): quần ¸o r¸ch +( a ) prince: hoàng tử + magically (adv) : mét c¸ch k× diÖu * Checking vocab: What and where ( translation) (antonym of "be kind of") (antonym of "new clothes") (explanation) (translation) II Pre-reading: (books shut) * Ordering pictures.(prediction) -T gives pictures, but they are in wrong order T asks ss to arrange them in their correct order -Ss work in groups of four - Feedback III While- reading: (books open) *T has ss read the text silently and check their answers -Feedback * Gap fill: (Exercise 1-p.42) -T asks ss to read the text again and the exercise in the text book - Ss work in groups of four to write on the papers - T stick ss' papers on the board - Feedback * Answer key * Comprehension questions:(exercise p.42) - Feedback IV Post reading: - T asks ss to look at the pictures and retell the story - Draw a moral lesson from the story -Ss work in individuals - Feedback IV Home work: -Answer all of the questions in exercise - Retell the story (41) Date of Preparation:Thursday, October 21, 2010 Date of teaching: Friday, October 22 , 2010 No.25 Unit : OUR PAST Lesson 5: writing A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write a story, base on the cues *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Check- up: - Retell the story - T asks ss to give the past form of the verbs Burn leave be light go have Graze ask say appear tell call -Ss work in individuals then write the verbs on the board * Pre-teach vocab: + (a) servant # (a) master ®Çy tí # «ng chñ + wisdom (n) : rÝ kh«n, sù th«ng minh + straw (n) : r¬m r¹ + (to) escape -escaped : trèn tho¸t + (to) graze : gÆn cá + (to) tie - tied : buéc + stripes (n) : säc, v»n * Checking vocab: slap the board II Pre-writing: *Pre-questions: Do you know why tigers have black tripes? Which story tell you about that? How many characters are there in the story? What did the tiger want? What did the farmer do? -Ss answer in individual (example: Osin) (translation) (explanation) (translation) (picture) (mime) (picture) (42) III.While writing: Gap-fill : -T asks ss to red the story and fill in the blanks with the words above - Ss work in groups of four and write on the papers - Ss sticks ss' papers on the board - Feeback - T corrects Exercise 2: -T asks ss to write the story.Use the cues given Suggestion: “One day, as I was in the filed and my buffalo was grazing nearby, a tiger came It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and why I was its master I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom The tiger wanted to see it, but I told it I left the wisdom at home ( that day) Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope because I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo I went to get some straw that I said was my wisdom and I burned the tiger The tiger escaped, but today it still have black stripes from the burn.” IV.Post-writing: * Sharing and comparing: -Ss share with other pairs * Exhibition: - T chooses the best story to stick on the board - Feedback * Correction: -T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down * Ss play the role of the man in the story to retell the story ( if having time) IV Home work: Rewrite the exercise in the notebooks No.26 Sunday, October 25 th, 2010 (43) Unit : study habits Lesson 1: getting started + listen and read A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to tell about their school report and subject write a story, base on the cues *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, B Content: I Presentation: Warm –up: Chatting - T: How often you have English?" - Ss: "Three times a week." - T asks Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about their lesson schedule: Math, History - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs Pre teach vocabulary: + (a) report card: phiÕu ®iÓm (visual) + (to) improve: cè g¾ng (translation) + (to) try one's best + to-infi: c« g¾ng hÕt søc (example: I 'll try my best to learn English harder) + (to) be proud of : tù hào vÒ (translation) + pronunciation (n): sù ph¸t ©m (example) Presentation technique: - T hangs the picture on the board and asks: + Who are they? + What are they talking about? - Ss answer in individuals -T introduces: This is Miss Jackson, Tim's form teacher and Tim's Mom They are talking about Tim's report card and his learning at school Now you are going to listen to a conversation between Tim and his mother Before listening, you guess if these statements are true or false *T/F prediction: a.Tim was out when his mother called him b.Tim's mother met his teacher at school c Tim's report is poor d Tim's mother wants him to improve one thing e Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar f Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish -T - Ss work in two teams * Feedback II Practice: - Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction - Ss compare with their partners - Ss read the dialogue again to correct their answers - Feedback - Ss listen and repeat after the tape * Pair work: Acting out the dialogue LUCKY NUMBERS *Comprehension questions (poster) a Who is Miss Jackson? (44) b What did Miss Jackson give Tim's mother? c How did Tim study this semester? d What did Miss Jackson say Tim should do? e What did Tim's mother give him at the end of the conversation? f What did Tim think about Spanish sounds? - Ss work in two teams III Production: -T asks ss to talk about their school report last year -T models first: Last year, my report card was good My English was excellent, my math and literature were good However I needed to improve my history - Ss work in groups of four - T calls some ss to report before the class - T corrects some mistakes IV Home work: + Write a passage reporting your study result from the school report card last year + prepare for speak Monday, October 26 th , 2009 No.27 Unit : study habits Lesson 2: Speak and listen A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to develop their speaking and listening through activities about their studyhabits *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, cassette * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Warm up - Brainstom biology history subjects technology geography chemistry - Ss go to the board to write the subjects II Speaking: a Pre-questions: a How many subjects you study this year? b What are they? c.Which subjects you like best? (45) d Do you like studying English? e How much time you spend on it? b practise: * Survey -T asks ss to use these questions and some other questions to interview their friends Questions Lan When you after dinner your homework? Hoa early morning Mai after school - Ss work in groups of four Ss can go around the class * Report -T asks some ss to report what they have interviewed their friends before the class -T models first * Example exchange : ” Lan said she did her homework after dinner" - T corrects mistakes c Production : - Ss write a paragraph about themselves, base on the questions about and retell it III.Listening: a.Pre-listening: * Pre-teach vocab: + marking period(n) : thời gian đánh giá (translation) + behavior(n) : thái độ (translation) + Participation(n) : tham gia (translation) + co-operation(n) : hîp t¸c (explanation) + fair (adj) = C : kh¸ (explanation) + satisfactory (adj) : hài lßng (translation) + comment (n) : nhận xét, đánh giá (explanation) A = exellent : xuÊt s¾c B = good : giái, tètt C = fair : kh¸ D = poor : yÕu F = fail : trù¬t S = satisfactory : hài lßng U = unsatisfactory : kh«ng hài lßng -T models, ss repeat: chorus-individuals * Checking vocab: R.O.R *Open-prediction - T gives the poster and asks:" What is it?" - Ss answer : It is a report card - T introduces: This is Nga school report You will listen to a conversation between Sarah's teacher and Sarah's mother about her study result in the first term Before listening, let's guess her result b.While listening: * Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction -Feedback1 - Ss listen to the tape again and correct their answer -Feedback *Answer key : 87 days days S C A A B Miss Blake -Ss listen to the tape the third time (T pauses at each sentence.) c.Post-listening: - Ss write report cards about their study result last year -T calls some ss to talk about their report card before class IV Home work: (46) - Write it up - Do exercise in workbooks Date of preparation: Sunday October 31, 2010 Date of teaching: Tuesday, October 2, 2010 No.28 Unit : study habits Lesson 3: Speak and listen A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to how to learn new words *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters, cassette * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Warm up Hangman L L LANGUAGE LEARNER Pre-teach vocab: + mother tongue(n) +(to) underline +(to) highlight :tiếng mẹ đẻ : g¹ch ch©n : làm næi bËt (explanation) (example) (visual) * Checking vocab: R.O.R II Pre-reading: -T asks ss to guess some ways to learn new words that will appear in the text How to learn new words learn by heart - Ss work in two teams III While- reading: *T has ss read the text silently and check their answers Feedback - T/F statements a All language learner write the meaning of nw words in their mother tongue b Some learners write examples of words they ant to learn c Every leaner tries to learn all new words they come across d Many learners only learn new words that are important - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner (47) - Feedback * Answer key : a.F * Comprehension questions: b.T c F d T a Do leaners learn words in the same way? b Why some learners write example sentences with new words? c What some learners in order to remember words better? d Why don't some learners learn all the new words they come across? e What is necessary in learning words? f How should you learn words? - Ss work in two teams - Feedback IV Post reading: * Discussion - T asks ss to write their ways to learn new words - Ss work in groups of four and write on the papers -T sticks the papers on the board - Feedback V Home work: Write some best ways to learn new words Prepare for writing No.29 Date of preparation: Monday, November1, 2010 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 3, 2010 Unit : study habits (48) Lesson 4: writing A Aims : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to write to their friend letters to tell about their results of studying *Teaching aids: Pictures , posters * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: I Warm up: Pre-teach vocab: + regards : chóc mõng, chµo hái ( dïng ë cuèi th) (explanation) + lunar (a) :©m lÞch, thuéc vÒ mÆt tr¨ng (example) + dear (n) :th©n mÕn , kÝnh mÕn (explanation) * Checking vocab: slap the board II Pre-writing: -*Pre questions: -T asks: Have you ever wirtten lettes? How you write a letter? How many parts are there in the letter? Do you know what they are called? * Ordering: Ss look at Hoa’s letter to Tim then order the parts of the letter - T asks and explains the content of each part in a letter + Heading: Writer's address,date + Opening: Dear, + Name (Noun) + Body of a letter: The main content of the letter + Closing: Regards, Best wishes, Love, With all my love, Your friends III.While writing : - Ss write a letter Use the information in the box on page 51 - Ss work in individual -Key(suggestion) (Lan’s address) (date) Dear Donna, Thanks for your letter I’m pleased to hear you had a happy mother day I received my second semester report last month I got good grades for geography, physics and math, but my English and History results were poor My teacher told me to improve English and History I think I’’ll have to study hard next school year In a few weeks we’re going to celebrate the mid-Autumn festival That’s a moon festival in Autumn or fall in Viet Nam I’m going to Ha long bay with my aunt and uncle by bus this afternoonand I’m going to stay there with them until the festival I’ll send you a postcard from there Write soon and tell me all your news Best, lan IV.Post-writing: * Sharing and comparing: - Ss share with their partners * Exhibition: - T chooses the best letters to stick on the board * Feedback (49) * Correction: - T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down V Home work: -Rewrite the exercise in the notebooks -Write a letter to your friend.Tell him/her about your last result study Date of preparation: Tuesday November 2, 2010 Date of teaching: Thursday, November 4, 2010 No.30 Unit : study habits Lesson 5: Language Focus A Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to give advice, use the reported speech and adverbs of manner * Teaching aids: Pictures, posters * Ways of teaching: B.Content: I Warm up: Pelmanism Adj and Adv of manner Soft y Badl l Wel Bad Good y Softl d Har Fast II Practice: Exercise 1: adverbs of manner - T: "What are you going to in exercise 1?" - Ss answer: " complete the dialogue with adverds of manner" - T asks Ss to work in individuals then compare with a partner fast d har (50) - T calls some ss to write the words on the board - Feedback - T corrects 2.Exercise 2: should - T hangs the picture on the board.(E2) - T asks ss some questions: + Do you think the house is new? +.Is Mr Hoa's house beautiful? +What should Mr Hoa do? - Ss answer in individual -T asks ss to use "should" to make sentences with given words *Ex: Mr Hoa should repair the roof - Ss work in pairs -Feedback - T corrects *Grammar: Modal: "Should": express an advice Form: S+should / shouldn't+V-infi Exercise 3: reported speech - T gives a situation - Tsays: "Hoa, open the door." - T asks:"What did I ask Hoa to do?" - Ss answer: "You asked Hoa to open the door" - T gives the structure: S + told / asked + O + (not) To V -T - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback - T corrects Exercise 4: should in reported speech - T gives another situation T:"You should learn harder,Hoa" T asks:"What did I advise Hoa?" - Ss answer: - T writes the model sentence The teacher said Hoa should learn harder - T asks ss to give the structure asks ss to the exercise S1 + said + S2 + should + V-infini -T asks ss to the exercise - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner III Production: LUCKY NUMBERs She said to Lan "Don't open the window" The teacher said to him"Could you give me a pen?" The doctor said to him"You should keep your body warm" My's mother said to her"You should go to bed early" (51) Huong said to Hoa"Call me this morning" The dentist said"You should brush your teeth after meals IV.Homework: + Write the exercises in your notebooks + Do exercise 3,4,7 in work book Date of preparation: Sunday, November 7, 2010 Date of teaching: Tuesday, November 9, 2010 No.31 Unit : the young pioneers club Lesson 1: Getting started & listen and read A Aims: By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to know more activities of Ho Chi Minh Young Pioneer and Youth Organization * Teaching aids: Pictures, disc , recorder * Ways of teaching: B.Content: I.Warm up: 1.Chatting: - T asks some questions: + What you often on your summer holiday? + Do you take part in HCM Young Pioneer club? + What you often when you take part in this? - T asks ss to check (v) the boxes to identify the activities that the HCM Young Pioneer and Youth Organization participate in Helping blind people Helping elderly people animals Helping handicapped children Clean up beaches Caring for Taking part inSs - Ss work in groups of four * Feedback -T corrects -T asks : Which activity you like best? Do you plan to take part in any activities this summer? II.presentation: Pre teach vocabulary: + (to) enroll + (to) apply for a job + application (n) + (to) fill out :®¨ng ký häc , tham gia : nộp đơn xin việc : đơn xin ( việc ) : ®iÒn th«ng tin (situation) (situation) (translation) (explanation) (52) -T models, ss repeat: chorus-individuals In trduction: - T introduces: Now you are going to listen to a conversation between the secretary and Nga Nga is enrolling for some activities for this summer Pre questions: a When was Nga born? b Where does she live? c What are her hobbies? II.Practice: - Ss listen and read the dialogue then answer the questions - Complete Nga’s details Name: Home address: Phone number: Date of birth: Sex: Interest: - Ss work in individuals - Ss compare with their partners - Ss listen and read again to correct their answers -Feedback - Ss listen and repeat after the tape -Pair work: Acting out the dialogue *Ss look at the box above and work in pair: one asks and one answers III.Production: *Interview: groupwork - T: Imagine you are enrolling for some activities for this summer Interview the members in the group to fill in the form above - Ss work in groups of four -Feedback * Write it up: ( if time allows) IV Home work: -Tell some main activities of Young Pioneers and Youth Organization -prepare for the next lesson (53) Date of preparation: Monday October 8, 2010 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 10, 2010 No.32 Unit : the young pioneers club Lesson 2: Speak & listen A Aims: -By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to develop their speaking and listening skills through: + asking for favor and offering assistance then responding + listening and practising an English song * Teaching aids: Pictures, disc , recorder * Ways of teaching: indivisual / pairs/ groups B.Content: I.Warm up: II Speaking: Brainstorming -Ss work in two teams * Asking for favors: Can/Could you + help me, please? Could you me a favor? I need a favor * Offering assistance: May I help you? Do you need any help? Let’s me help you Responding + Certainly/of course/sure + No proplem + What can I for you? + How can i help you? + I'm sorry I'm really busy Responding Yes/No.Thank you Yes, That's very kind of you No.Thank you,I'm fine Practise: - T asks ss to practise dialogue a) and b) - Ss work in pairs *Gap-fill Mrs Ngoc: Could you me a , please? Hoa : Sure, for you? Mrs Ngoc: you my bags? I've hurt my arm Hoa : I'll help you Mrs Ngoc: Thank you very much of you - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs * Mapped dialogue: Receptionist May ? -Sure .right when you get out of the hotel left first corner It ‘s .your right Yes, bank? Tourist the way .nearest - Thank you very much - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs Production: Role play -T devides the class into groups Group r Who Tourist Neighbo Friend What Needs to find a police station Needs help tidying yard Needs help fixing her bike Needs to buy some vegetables Why Lost money Has a broken leg Has a flat tire Is busy cooking meal (54) aunt -T asks ss to discuss to make a similar dialogues -Ss work in groups of ten - Feedback -T calls some pairs to speak before the class III Listening Pre-listening: -Pre questions: What are you about to hear? What’s the name of the song? What ’s the song about? - T asks Ss to read the song without the missing words 2.While listening: * Ss listen to the tape times - The first one: Ss listen to the tape - The second: Listen and pick out the missing words - The third: check the result.( In this time, T pauses sentence by sentence.) * Feedback * Answer key: unite peace right love north south of world show 10 place 11 out 12 stand 13 world - Ss work in pairs * Feedback - T explains some words + (to) unite: đoàn kết , thống (translation) + unity (n) : thống + right (unc) : quyền , quyền lực (translation) + (to) shout out : la , hét (mime) Post-listening: - Ss practise singing the song after the tape - Ss sing in groups Which group sings best will be the winner IV Home work: - Learn the ways of asking for favors and offering assistance by heart - Rewrite the song and practise singing it - prepare for reading No.33 Date of preparation: Tuesday October 9, 2010 Date of teaching: Thursday, November 11, 2010 Unit : the young pioneers club Lesson 3: Reading A Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to develop their reading skill through reading a text about some organizations of american teenages called “the Boy Scouts” and “Girl Guides Association * Teaching aids: Pictures * Ways of teaching: B.Content: I.Warm up: Net works - Ss list social activities HCM Young Pioneer and Youth Organization (55) Helping children handicaped Y&Y Helping blind people - Ss work in two teams II pre reading: 1.Pre-teach vocab: + (to) encourage : khuyÕn khÝch (translation) + citizenship(n) : quyÒn c«ng d©n (translation) + fitness(n) : së thÝch (explanation) + (a) businessman : th¬ng gia (explanation) + co-educational(adj) : gi¸o dôc chung cho nam và nữ (explanation) + (to) establish :thiÕt lËp (translation) * Checking vocab: Slap the board Pre questions: - Do you know any organizations similar to Y & Y in other countries? - Do you know anything about the Boy scouts and Girl Guides in the USA? - Guess what the Boy Scouts and the Gil Guides - Ss work in two teams * Feedback III While- reading: (books open) *T has ss read the text silently and check their answers -Feedback * Fill in the mising words:(Exercise 1) - T asks ss to read the text again and the exercise - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - Feedback * Answer key : a.1907 b.1909 c 1010 d 1994 * Comprehension questions:(exercise 2) a When did Scouting begin in England? b When did Willian Boyce lose in England? c What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910? d What are the scouting groups that girls can join? e How many scouts are there now? f.What are the three aims of the scouting program? g.Which organization is the largest voluntary Youth one in the world? - Ss work in pairs to practise asking and answering - Feedback IV Post reading: *Discussion "What are the three aims of Y&Y?" - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback V Home work: - Write the answers in your notebooks - Write some activities of Y&Y (56) No.34 Date of preparation: Monday October 15, 2010 Date of teaching: Tuesday, November 16, 2010 , Unit : the young pioneers club Lesson 4: Writing A Aims: By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to develop their writing skill through writing a letter about some plans in the future * Teaching aids: * Ways of teaching: indivisual, pairs, groups B.Content: I.Warm up: 1.Guessing game: - A student write a sentence about what he/she going to this Sunday on a piece of paper Others guess Pre-teach vocab: + community(n) : cộng đồng (explanation) + (to) recycle :t¸i sö dông, t¸i chÕ (situation) + resources (n) : nguån tµi nguyªn (example) + (to) raise fund :g©y quü (explanation) * Checking vocab: R.O.R II Pre-writing: (57) * T guides: "This is the notice from "Y&Y" to its members You read it and tell me what activities this organization is going to do?" - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner * Feedback - T corrects * T: Now you complete Nga’s letter to Linh about Y&Y plan by filling the missing information in the blank" - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner - T calls some ss to read their answer - Feedback - Answer key: community recycling collect 4.send 5.recycling save raise participating plating 10 helping - T corrects * SS read the dialogue between Hoa and her aunt and then list what Hoa is going to in this organization III.While writing: - SS base on the dialogue Imagine that they are Hoa and write a letter to parents about the activities they are going to - Ss work in individuals IV.Post-writing: * Sharing and comparing: - Ss share with their partners * Exhibition: - T chooses the best letters to stick on the board - Feedback * Correction: - T corrects the mistakes and asks ss to write down V Home work: -Write a letter to your friend Tell her/him what you are going to this summer holiday -prepare for the next lesson (58) No.35 Date of preparation: Tuesday October 16, 2010 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 Unit : the young pioneers club Lesson 5: Language focus A Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - Use present simple with future meaning - Talk about hobbies with " love, like + V-ing:, - Ask for favor assistance with modals: may, can, could * Teaching aids: * Ways of teaching: indivisual, pairs, groups B.Content: I.Warm up: -Networks reading HOBBIES -Ss work in two teams swimming II practice: Exercise 2: * Talking about hobbies - T gives the poster (table in the book) and asks ss to talk about Ba and Lan's hobbies - Ss work in individuals then compare with a partner -Feedback - T corrects - Example exchange: S1: Ba likes playing soccer, but he doesn't like washing up S2: Lan doesn't like playing soccer and she doesn't like washing up either * Survey: - T asks ss to practise asking and answering about their hobbies - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs * Feedback * Example exchange S1: Do you like playing soccer? S2: No, I hate it What about you? S1: Yes, I love playing soccer Note: love/like/hate + V-ing (59) 2.Exercise 1: Present simple with future meaning - T sticks the poster of " Youth and Young Pioneer organization spring activity program" on the board - T asks Ss to read it and answer the questions: + When they collect and empty garbage? + Where they collect and empty garbage? + What time they start and finish work? - Ss answer in individual - T asks ss to use "when, where, what time" to ask and answer about Y &Y Spring activity program - Ss work in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs - T calls some pairs Exercise 3: - T asks ss to use expressions in the box to complete the dialogues - Ss work in groups of four - Feedback - T corrects - Ss practise the dialogues in pairs : open pairs-closed pairs IV.Homework: + Write the exercises in your notebooks + Do exercise 2,5,6,7 in work book No.36 Date of preparation: Tuesday October 16, 2010 Date of teaching: Thursday, November 17, 2010 REVISION A Aims: -Revise some grammar points in unit 4,5,6 and exercises * Teaching aids: * Way of working: indivisual, pairs , groups I Theory: (60) Past simple: a Form: (+) S + V-ed /V2 (-) S + didn't + V-infi (?) Did + S + V-infi? b Usage: It is used to express Answer key action happening and ending in the past Used to: a Form: (+) S + used to + V-infi (-) S + didn't + use to + V-infi (?) Did + S + use to + V-infi? b Usage: It is used to express a habit in the past Prepositions of time: in, on ,at, after, before, between Adverbs of manner: a Form: Adj + ly  Adv * Note: good  well hard  hard fast  fast late  late early  early b Usage: It is express how Answer key action happens Commands, requests, and advice in reported speech: a Commands or requests: * Form: S+ told/asked + O + to-infi * Meaning: Bảo/ yªu cầu làm g× Modals: May,can,could a Asking for favors b Offering assistance Gerunds: Like, love, hate, enjoy + V-ing Preposition + V-ing II.Practice: 1.Chose the best answer a I was born April 12,1980 A on B in C at D for b Could you me a favor? - A Why? B What can I for you? C I'm really busy D Both B&C are correct c you show me the way to the market,please? A Can B Could C Do D both B&A are correct d How many countries will participate the Olympic A in B on C to D from e What did you when you were young? A Used to B use to C use D used f She got good marks because she studied A hardly B hard C good D Goodly Rewrite the sentences in reported speech (61) "Can you lend me some money?"  Lan told me "You should learn harder, Nam"  Nam's mother said "Open your books, please"  The teacher told " She should spend more time on English" The teacher said III Home work: - Learn the forms by heart - prepare for a test No.37 Date of preparation: Monday October 22, 2010 Date of teaching: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 The second test A Aims: To check ss’ knowledge from unit to unit including vocabulary, grammar and skills and through the test ss can see their mistakes * Teaching aids: ss the test on papers given * Way of working: individual B Content: I Grammar and Vocabulary: Multiple Choice: (4pts) It’s very kind …………… you to help me ( for/ to / of) Nga hates …………… novels ( reads/ to read/ reading) She told me …………… these books to her house ( to take/ take/ takes) Do you enjoy …………… soccer? ( play/ to play/ playing ) We’ll organize a party …………… 27th May ( in / on/ at) I …………… noodles yesterday.( eated / eat / ate) I’ll try my …………… to improve my English ( better / good/ best) I’m …………… into the Young Pioneers Club this summer ( enrolling / taking/ do) We will plant trees and flowers along the ………( pavements / sidewalks / a & b) 10 Some people write a list of new words with the meaning in their …………… ( translation / mother tongue/ mother language) II Listening: Listen the text and fill in the missing words (3pts) (62) 52 Ware Road, London February 12th, 19 Dear Ahmad, I was very pleaset to get your last letter, and I hear that you are well My (1) …………….last wasn’t very good, and my father wasn’t pleased with it I got good marks in my(2)…………… and (3)……………… , but my marks in other subjects are (4)………… , and I’m very bad at(5) …………… Do you get reports from your school? If so, pleased tell me about your last report I enjoy getting your letter, so please write again soon With best wishes Yours sincerely Richard III Reading: - True or False (2 pt) Everyone knows that in studying foreign language, practice is the key to fluency All foreign language learners even the advanced learners need practice There is a fact that a learner can know a lot of grammar rules and have a large vocabulary, however, they can’t speak well yet So the learner must know how to use what they have learned apart from the ability to explain grammatical rules ………1 Practice in learning foreign language is very important ……… We know a lot of grammar rules, we can speak well ……… The learner has to know how to use grammatically rules ……… Advanced learner doesn’t need practice IV Writing: Write the sentences with words given (2pts) “You should stay in bed for a few days” My doctor told me…………………………………………………………… “ I will phone you tomorrow” said my mother My mother said ………………………………………………………… She wants to walk every morning She enjoys…………………………………………………………………… *Answer key: I Grammar and Vocabulary: Multiple Choice: (4pts) Each correct answer receives 0.4 point of reading to take playing on ate best enrolling a & b 10.mother tongue II Listening: Listen the text and fill in the missing words (2,5pts) Each correct answer receives 0.5 point report English History poor III Reading: - True or False (2 pt) Each correct answer receives 0.5 T F T F Maths IV Writing: Write the sentences with words given (1,5 pts) Each correct answer receives 0.5 My doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days My mother said she would phone me the following day She enjoyswalking evry morning *Home work: - Redo the test at home - Prepare for unit (63) Trêng THCS CÈm Quang Thø… Ngµy ….th¸ng 11 n¨m 2010 KiÓm Tra tiÕt – Bµi sè 2- Kú I ( Thêi gian: 45 ‘) Hä vµ tªn: ………………………… Líp: I Grammar and Vocabulary: Multiple Choice: (4pts) It’s very kind …………… you to help me ( for/ to / of) Nga hates …………… novels ( reads/ to read/ reading) She told me …………… these books to her house ( to take/ take/ takes) Do you enjoy …………… soccer? ( play/ to play/ playing ) We’ll organize a party …………… 27th May ( in / on/ at) I …………… noodles yesterday.( eated / eat / ate) I’ll try my …………… to improve my English ( better / good/ best) I’m …………… into the Young Pioneers Club this summer ( enrolling / taking/ do) We will plant trees and flowers along the ………( pavements / sidewalks / a & b) 10 Some people write a list of new words with the meaning in their …………… ( translation / mother tongue/ mother language) II Listening: Listen the letter and fill in the missing words (3pts) 52 Ware Road, London February 12th, 19 Dear Ahmad, I was very pleaset to get your last letter, and I hear that you are well My (1) …………….last wasn’t very good, and my father wasn’t pleased with it I got good marks in my(2)…………… and (3)……………… , but my marks in other subjects are (4)………… , and I’m very bad at(5) …………… Do you get reports from your school? If so, pleased tell me about your last report I enjoy getting your letter, so please write again soon With best wishes Yours sincerely Richard III Reading: - True or False (2 pt) Everyone knows that in studying foreign language, practice is the key to fluency All foreign language learners even the advanced learners need practice There is a fact that a learner can know a lot of grammar rules and have a large vocabulary, however, they can’t speak well yet So the learner must know how to use what they have learned apart from the ability to explain grammatical rules ………1 Practice in learning foreign language is very important ……… We know a lot of grammar rules, we can speak well ……… The learner has to know how to use grammatically rules ……… Advanced learner doesn’t need practice IV Writing: Write the sentences with words given (2pts) “You should stay in bed for a few days” My doctor told me…………………………………………………………… “ I will phone you tomorrow” said my mother My mother said ………………………………………………………… She wants to walk every morning She enjoys…………………………………………………………………… No.38 Monday, November 29th, 2010 Unit 7: my neighborhood Lesson 1: Getting Started + Listen And Read (64) Language focus A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ss know about the places in their neighborhood *Teaching aids: Extra board/ Cassette player * Way of working: individual, pairs, groups B Content: S+ have/ has +pp I Warm up: - Ask ss to match the names of places with the suitable pictures a/ grocery store b/ stadium c/ wet market d/ drug store e/ hairdresser's f/ swimming - Ask them to give the meaning of these places II Presentation: 1/ Pre- teach: - a pancake: b¸nh ngät ( viual) - (to) serve: thëng thøc ( sit) - close by: gÇn, c¹nh (syn) - tasty: ngon ( syn) * What and where 2/ Pre- questions: * Set the scene: Nam and Na are talking about the place where they live But Na is new there - Ask ss to answer the questions: a/ How long has Nam lived in that neighborhood? b/ Where does Na want to go? III.Practice: 1/ Questions: - ss work in pairs to practise reading - Ask them to read the dialogue and check the answers a/ Nam has lived there for ten years b/ Na wants to go to a restaurant 2/ Complete the sentenses: - Ask ss to complete the sentenses a) Na is new to the neighborhood b) She and her family arrived last week c) Na's mother is very tired d) There is a restaurant in the area e) The restaurant serve food in from Hue f) Nam thinks the pancakes are tasty 3, Target language: The present perfect tense - use: 4/ Asnwer given: - Ask them to make the questions for these asnwers: a) Nam has lived here for ten years b) Yes, her mother is too tired to cook c) The restaurant serves Hue food d) Hue food is very good IV Production: Language focus 3: Ss complete the sentences Use the present perfect tense Write: (65) - Ask them to write a passage about their neighborhood by answering the following questions: a) How long have you lived in the neighborhood? b) Do you like it? Why? c) Is there a market/ a bank… in your neighborhood? d) How you to keep your neighborhood clean? V.Homework No.39 - New words - Complete their writing - Do 1,2 workbook Date of preparation: Sunday October 28, 2010 Date of teaching: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Unit 7: my neighborhood Lesson 2: Speaking + Language focus A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about how to send a parcel or a letter *Teaching aids: Extra board/ Cassette player * Way of working: B Content: I Warm up: * Chatting: - Show a letter and ask them some questions:  What is this? ( a letter)  Where can you post it to your friend? ( at the post office)  How can you post it? ( stict stamp on it)  How much? ( 800 VN dong)  Is it more expensive than we send a parcel? (yes, of course)  Have you ever sent a letter or a parcel ? II Pre- speaking: 1/ Pre- teach: - air- mail: gửi đờng hàng không ( vis) - surface mail: gửi đờng ( ant) - a parcel: bu kiÖn ( vis) - charge: b¶ng gi¸ ( example) (66) * Rub out and remember 2/ Reading comprehension: - Set the scene: Mrs Kim wants to send a parcel to Quy Nhon, so she has to go to the post office - Ask them to read the dialogue then answer the questions: a) Does Mrs Kim sent the parcel air mail or surface mail? Why ? b) What's the weight of her parcel? c) How much does she pay? - Ask them to practice in pair III While- speaking * Role play: - Ask them to look at the box and similar dialogues a/ Lan want to send a letter to Kon Tum Clerk: Can I help you? Lan: I want to send this letter to Kon Tum Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail? Lan: I'm not sure How much is airmail? Clerk: It's 1,200 dong Lan: What about sending it surfacemail? Clerk: It's 800 dong Lan: I'll send it surface Clerk: All right b/ Huong wants to send a postcard to Ho Chi Minh city Clerk: Can I help you? Huong : I want to send this post card to HCM city Clerk: Do you want to send it airmail or surface mail? Huong: I'll send it air mail? How much is it? Clerk: It's 1,200 dong Huong: Here you are Clerk: Thank you c/ Mr Nam wants to send a parcel to Ca Mau d/ Minh wants to send a parcel to Buon Ma Thuot IV.Post- speaking: - Ss make similar dialogue by themselves.( one: the clerk, one: sender.) - Ss talk before the class - ss language focus on page 70 V Homework: - Learn by heart the new words./ redo language focus on page 70 again - Prepare for listening (67) Date of preparation: Monday, November 29, 2010 Date of teaching: Wednesday, December , 2010 No.40 Unit 7: my neighborhood Lesson 3: listening A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know what Na is going to on the weekend by listening *Teaching aids: Cassette player * Way of working: B Content: I Warm up: * Jumbled words: Tonsetc => contest Mthac => match Vomei => movie Nocermwe => newcomer Nougdr => ground Tasrt => start II Prelistening: 1/ Pre- teach: - an advertisement: Qu¶ng c¸o (vis) - an exhibition: cuéc triÓn l·m ( sit) - a contest: cuéc thi ( example) - (to) kick off: trận đấu bắt đầu ( sit) *R&R 2/ Prediction: - Set the scene: Na is new to the neighborhood She is talking to Nam about what she's going to on the weekend - Ask them to read the advertisements " What's on this weekend" then guess “what is in the blanks.” III While listening: 1/ Checking the prediction: - Ask them to listen and check the prediction 1) The newcomer 2) Town ground 3) English speaking contest 4) Culture house 2/ T/F statements: - Ask them to read the T/F statements - Ask them to listen again then tick T,F or No information T a b F No information (68) c d e f 3/ Comprehension questions: - Ask them to answer these questions to check their understanding of the conversation  Does Na like movies?  Why doesn't she go to see the film " The newcomer"?  Why won't Na go to the photo exhibition?  Who will Na go to the soccer match with?  What time does the match start? IV Post listening: - Ask them to talk with their friends about what Na is (not) going to this weekend Ex: Na likes the movies very much but she won't see the film " The newcomer" because she has seen it She won't go to the photo exhibition because it doesn't open at weekend She is going to see a soccer match with Nam V Homework: - New words - Write a paragraph about what you are going to this weekend - Do 3,4 ( workbook) No.41 Date of preparation: Monday, November 29, 2010 Date of teaching: Thursday, December , 2010 Test review By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to: - Review some knowlegdes related to the test - Correct the test and know how they made mistakes from the test * Teaching aids: * Ways of workings: Individually A Aims: (69) B procedures: I Theory: (review) Review some grammar knowledges related the test a Reported speech: Commands, requests, and advice in reported speech: - Commands or requests: * Form: S+ told/asked + O + to-infi * Meaning: Bảo/ yªu cầu làm g× b Gerunds: Like, love, hate, enjoy + V-ing Preposition + V-ing Ex; I like walking evry morning The simple past tense : form: KD: S + V (past)… PD: S + didn/t + V(bare)… NV: (wh-) + did + S + V(bare)….? Use: ( T asks Ss to give out some examples ) II Correct the test T returns the test to Ss and gets marsks Comment: Teacher comments the test ( the number of ss gets good /fair and bad marks ) Correcting - T asks Ss to redo the test on the board ( individually) - T andSs correct *Answer key: I Grammar and Vocabulary: Multiple Choice: (4pts) Each correct answer receives 0.4 point of reading to take playing on ate best enrolling a & b 10.mother tongue II Listening: Listen the text and fill in the missing words (2.5pts) Each correct answer receives 0.5 point report english History poor math III Reading: - True or False (2 pt) Each correct answer receives 0.5 T F T F IV Writing: Write the sentences with words given (1.5 pts) Each correct answer receives 0.5 My doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days My mother said she would phone me the day after She enjoys walking every morning *Home work: - review the grammar from the test at home (70) - Prepare for unit : reading and l focus 2,3 No.42 Sunday, December 5, 2010 Unit 7: my neighborhood Lesson 4: Reading + L Focus 1,2 A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the passage about a new shopping mall * Teaching aids: * Way of working: B Content: I Warm up * Guessing words: - Give some definitions and get ss to find out the words as quickly as possible  A place where you can buy everything (supermarket)  A place where you can buy vestables and fruits ( grocery store)  A place where you can buy books (bookstore)  A place where you can come to eat (restaurant)  A place where you can come to see a movie ( movie theatre) II.Pre- reading: 1/ Pre-teach: - a roof: m¸I nhµ ( vis) - a selection sù lùa chän ( explain) - a mall: khu th¬ng m¹i ( syn) - a resident: c d©n (tran) - available: cã gi¸ trÞ ( tran) - convenient: thuËn tiÖn ( sit) * Slap the board 2/ T/F prediction: - Ask them to read the T/F statenments at page 68 then guess which is true and which is false III.While- reading: 1/ T/F statements: - Ask them to read the text, check their prediction and correct the false sentenses (71) a b c d T/F F F T F e T Correction The mall is open daily There are 50 stores in the mall Not everyone pleased The owners of the small stores on TP street aren't happy 2/ Comprehension questions: - Ask them to answer the questions in pairs a) It is different from the present shopping area All the shops are under one roof So customers will shop in comfort and won't notice the weather, especially during the hot and humid summer months b) There are 50 air- conditioned special stores, movies theaters and 10 restaurants There is also a children's play area c) They think the mall will take their business d) The stores in the mall will offer the wider selection of products, some goods are at lower prices IV Post-reading: * Discussion: - Give a situation and ask them to discuss it "Do you want a have a new mall in your neighborhood? If there is one, what will happen to the residents?" *Language focus 1: Match each verb to its past participle * Language focus 2: Use since or for - T corrects V Homework: - New words - Read the text - Write the meanings of these phrases  Under the roof  Shop in comfort  Take their business  Offer a wider selection (72) No.43 Monday, December 6th, 2010 Unit 7: my neighborhood Lesson 5: Writing + L Focus A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a notice and practice doing exercises about comparisons * Teaching aids: * Way of working: pairs , groups B Content: I Warm up * Discussion: - Ask them to answer the questions: a Do you want to have a new mall in your neighborhood? b If there is one, what will happen to the residents? c Have you ever read a notice? d What is it about? II Pre writing: 1/ Pre- teach: - effect: sù ¶nh hëng, hËu qu¶ ( sit) - information: th«ng tin ( tran) - a hall: héi trêng ( vis) - (to) discuss: tranh luËn (tran) - (to) contact: liªn hÖ ( sit) * Slap the board 2/Pre-questions:  Set the scene: The residents and store owners on Tran Phu street are going to hold a meeting to discuss the effects of new mall - Ask Ss to read the notice and answer the questions: a) Why are the residents and store owners on TP street going to hold a meeting? b) When will they hold a meeting? What time? c) Where will they hold the meeting? - Ask Ss to give the way to write a notice + not write full sentenses + emphasize the important words - Ask them to read the passage on page 68 - Ask them to give short answers for these questions a) What is the English Speaking Club going to hold? b) Where and when will it hold? c) What time? d) Who is the person to contact? III While - writing - Guide them to write a notice - Ask them to write the notice individually Ex: The shool English Speaking Club Holding a speaking contest to celebrate Teacher's Day Date: December 6th,2009 Time: 7.30p.m to 10.00 pm Place: Halll 204, building G Please contact Tran Thi Thu Hang of class 8H for more information IV Post- writing (73) Write it up: - Ask them to write a notice about your class meeting or your sports club meeting Group 1,2: Write a notice about your class meeting Group 3,4 : Write a notice about your sports club meeting Language focus 4: - Ask them to exercise in pair ( 1: have been, 2: hope, 3: have …lived, 4: is, 5:wants, 6: looks,7: have … been, 8: have been) - Comparison: - Model sentenses: * Show ss three books, a red book and a yellow one which have the same size and a bigger brown dictionary then ask students to make comparisons - The red book is the same as the yellow one - The red book is as big as the yellow one - The red book is different from the brown dictionary - The yellow book is not as big as the brown dictionary V Home work: - New words - Complete the notice - Do 5,6 ( P 45,46) No.44 Monday, December 6th, 2010 unit 8: country life and city life lesson 1: getting started - listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about the city life and the country life and know the difference between them * Teaching aids: Cassette player B Content: I Warm-up: * Chatting: - Ask them to talk about the life in the city and in the country basing on these questions a) Where you live? b) Do you want to live in the city? Why? c) Do you want to live in the country? Why? II Presentation: 1/ Pre- teach: - a relative: hä hµng - facility: c¬ së vËt chÊt - a province: tØnh lÎ - traffic jam: t¾c nghÏn giao th«ng - peaceful: yªn lµnh - permanently: l©u dµi - accessible: cã thÓ tiÕp cËn ( example) ( tran) ( example) ( vis) ( syn) ( tran) ( tran) (74) * Back to board 2/ Getting started: * Brainstorming: - Ask them to talk about the life in the city and in the country The words in the box of getting started can help them peaceful Countr y life City life noisy II Practice: - Ask them to read the dialogue and answer the questions: a) Na has been to Kim Lien village b) She was there for the weekend c) To her, the countryside is peaceful and quiet and there is nothing to d) There is no libraries, no movies, no supermarkets, no zoos… e) Country life is become better Many remote area are getting electricity People can now have things like refrigerators and TV, medical facilities are more accessible  Target language: III Production: * Discussion: - Divide the class into groups Two group include ss who prefer the city life and the others include ss who prefer the country life - Ask them to work in groups to asnwer the questions " Do you prefer the city or the country life? Why?" - Ask pioneers from groups to show their ideas before class - Ask them to write their ideas in the notebook IV Homework: - New words - Read the dialogue - Prepare " Speak & Listen" (75) Sunday, December 12th, 2010 No.45 unit 8: country life and city life lesson 2: Speaking + Listening A/ Aims: - T helps ss practice the present progressive tense to describe changes with "get, become" - Listening for the details about the dialogue between Lan and aunt Hang * Teaching aids: - Cassette player B Content: Pelmanism tall more beautiful beautiful expensive mordern noisy clean busier more mordern cleaner taller more expensive I/ Speaking: 1.Pre- speaking: 1/ Model sentenses: - Set the scene: " Hoa's grandmother is 78 Five years ago she was 73 and she was stronger than she is now" - Ask them to make a sentense about her health -> She is getting weaker - Ask them to give form and the use of the present progressive tense Form: S - am/ is/ are – getting/ Coming… Use: used to describe changes with " get" and " become" 2/ While- speaking: - Ask them to look at the pictures on page 73 and talk to their partners about the changes of the town using the words in the box - T can give them some word prompts on the board ( traffic, sky, houses, city, trees, …) Possible asnwers:  The traffic is getting busier  There are more tall buildings and houses  The houses are getting more modern  There are more green trees  The streets are becoming cleaner/ larger/ noisier  Goods are getting more expensive II/ Listening: Pre- listening (76) - Set the scene: "Aunt Hang is talking to Lan on the phone She is coming to visit Lan in Hanoi" 1/ Prediction: - Ask them to read the dialogue and guess the missing words 2/ While - listening - Ask them to listen to the tape and check the prediction 1) That 2) This 3) It's 4) Where 5) From 6) Coming 7) Next week 8) Arriving 9) Thursday 10)late 11) afternoon 12) speak 13) my 14) get - Ask them to listen again then check the key Post- listening: * Write it up: - Ask them to write sentenses using the present progressive tense about what they are doing next week III Homework: - Do 1, ( page 49- 51) - Prepare part " Read" No.46 Monday, December 13th, 2010 unit 8: country life and city life lesson 3: Reading A/ Aims: : - Ss can be able to develop their reading skill though reading a text for details about the problem of people from the countryside moving to the city * Teaching aids: B Content: I Warm up: Brainstorming (77) City Country noisy tall buildings entertainments peaceful small houses fresh food Pre-teach vocab: + rural # urban : thuéc vÒ n«ng th«n # thuéc vÒ thµnh phè( explaination ) + ( a ) typhoon : bảo nhiệt đới (translation) + ( a ) flood : lò lôt (translation) + ( a ) drought : h¹n h¸n (antonym # flood) + ( a ) tragedy : bi kịch (explaination) + (a) migrant : d©n di c , (translation) ( to ) migrate : di c * Checking vocab: Slap the board II Pre-reading: 2/ Brainstorming: - Ask them to list the difficulties of farmers' life - Divide the class into groups droughts hard work Difficulties of farmers' life III While- reading: 1.Reading the text: - Ask them to read the text and asnwer the question: " What many farmers to solve their prolem?" ( They move to the city so that they can get well - paid jobs) Matching Well-paying job Increase Strain Over crowding Electricity supplies To live apart a Ph¬ng tiÖn sinh ho¹t b Sù qu¸ t¶i c Gia t¨ng d Công việc đợc trả lơng cao e Ngån cung cÊp ®iÖn f Sèng xa nhµ 3/ Gap fill: - Ask them to work in pairs to complete the summary, using the information from the passage 1) leaving 6) prolems 2) home 7) schools 3) city 8) hospitals 4) rural 9) prolem 5) city 10) world (78) 4/ Finding the words: - Ask them to find the words in the passage that means: a) of the countryside => rural b) as many as needed => plentiful c) become greater or larger => increase d) a great pressure => strain e) a terrible event => tragedy f) of the city or city life => urban IV Post reading: - Discussion: Advantage/ disadvantages of city life Advantage/ disadvantages of country life * Write it up: ( may be at home) V Home work: - Learn the new words by heart - Write some advantages and disadvantages about living in the city -Prepare for writing No.47 Monday, December 13th, 2010 unit 8: country life and city life lesson 4: writing A/ Aims: : By the end of the lesson, ss will be able to develop their writing skills through writing a letter to their friend to talk about their neighborhood * Teaching aids: B Content: I Warm up: revision: Ss talk about the advantages and disadvantages about living in the city hang man: letter - T asks some questions + How many parts are there in a letter ? + What are they ? - T asks Ss to put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order - T corrects * Answer key : writer's address date opening body of letter closing II Pre-writing : * Pre- questions: - Ask them to answer the questions in page 76 in pairs Suggestion: a) I live in a small town/ village b) My house is small with three rooms, a kitchen and a garden c) From my bedroom window, I can see a park with a lot of trees and flowers d) It's about kilometters from my house to school and I often ride there e) Inmy neighborhood, there is a movie , factory and a musuem f) I like the library best because I can read books in my free time - Ask them to practice the answers (79) III While writing: * Writing a letter: - Ask them to write individually then compare with their partners - Suggested letter: ( writer's address) ( date) Dear …, I live in Cam Quang, a small village We live in a small house with four rooms and a small garden From my bedroom window, I can see a beautiful rice fields, rivers, and mountains We live near my school It's about 5oo metters so I often walk there In my neighborhood, there is a river , a mountain named Quang Son and a school I often go swimmimg with my friends in the afternoon, and I often go to the mountainin my the morning in order to exercies So I like this place best Is there a mountain in your neighborhood? What you in your free time? Write to me please I have to say goodbye now I'm looking forwards to hearing from you Love ( signature) IV.Post-writing: * Correction: - Choose some letters to correct before class - Give some main mistakes that they often get - Write the letter that have corrected in the notebook V Home work: - Learn how to write a letter by heart -Write a letter about your home village - Prepare for Language focus (80) Sunday, December 19h, 2010 No.48 unit 8: country life and city life lesson 5: language focus A/ Aims: : - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use the Present progressive tense to talk about changes , development and use comparative, superlative adjectives * Teaching aids: B Content: * Warm up: -Matching: - Ask them to match the verbs with these phrases  play table tennis  my homework  watch a program  Go to violin lesson  clean the house  have a meeting  phone my aunt, Mrs Hang  speak to Mom Language focus 1: - Give ss the shipping information and ask them to make the similar dialogues Language focus 2: - SS use the suitable verbs in the Present progressive tense to complete the dialogue in the exerise ( page 78) - Ask them to read in pairs 1/ The Present progressive tense: ? What is the form of the Present progressive tense? => S - am/is /are - V-ing ? Look at the adverbs of time in the dialogue Are they at present or in the future? => in the future ? What the use of the Present progressive tense => to talk about the future actions Language focus 3: - The Present progressive tense is also used to express the changes with " get, become" - Ask them to complete the sentenses using these adjectives *Comparative and superlative adjectives: - Ask them to list all adjectives that they have learnt Long adjectives Short adjectives Expensive small - Ask them to remind the form of the comparative and superlative adjectives  Comparative: Short adjective - er + than + object More - long adjective + than + object  Superlative: (81) The - short adjective - est The most - long adjective Language focus 4: - Ask them to make comparasons between the city and the country about these things - Example: + The air in the country is fresher than in the city + The medical facilities in the city are more accessible than in the country - Ask them to read aloud the sentenses that they have made Language focus 5: Noughts and crosses: - Ask them to read the advertisements and then make comparasons using the adjectives in the box cheap expensive hot cold clean dirty small big tall short Ex: + The house is more expensive than the apartment + The villa is the most expensive * Homework: - Do all exercise in the workbook old expensive big No.49 expensive small beautiful - Prepare the revision big hot old Monday, december 20th, 2010 Revision A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice the structures and exercises * Teaching aids: B / Content: I.Warm up: * Pelmanism: (82) Ask SS to find the opposite adjectives II Presentation 1/ Review some structures: -Elicit from the ss a/ Asking about the appearance: S1: What does she look like? S2: He is tall with black hair b/ Asking about the character: S1: What is she like? S2: She is sociable c/ Using "Enough" : S - be ( not) - adjective - enough - to - infinitive Ex: I'm old enough to drive a car d/ Talking about the intention with " be going to" S - be going to - infinitive Ex: My father is going to visit my brother tomorrow e/ Reflexive pronouns: - Ask Ss to list the reflexive pronouns: ( myself, yourselves, herself, himself, …) Ex: I'll the homework myself She can cook the dinner herself f/ Modal verbs: - Ask Ss to name all modal verbs: ( must, can, could, ought to, have to,…) - Form: S - modal verb - infinitive Ex: The students must go to school on time g/ Talking about the past habbit S - used to - infinitive Ex: My father used to smoke when he was young III Practice: Choose the best answer to complete these sentenses: 1/ This summer holiday we … the mountain A: will climb B: go climbing C: are going to climb D: going climb 2/ Let's … outside the theatre A: meet B: meeting C: to meet D: to meeting 3/ The lower floor of a house is called the … A: upstairs B: downstairs C: outside D: inside 4/ I … to go out when I was in the countryside A: not used B: wasn't used C: didn't use D: wasn't using 5/ The party was great and we enjoyed … very much A: weselfes B: usselves C: ourself D: ourselves 6/ I hope that … us when you come to Hanoi A: you'll B: you're visiting C: you visited D: you'd visit 7/ Will she … take this exam? A: has to B: have to C: to have D: had to 8/ Your son isn't tall … to be a good basket ball player A: too B: very C: so D: enough 9/What does your sister look like? She is … A: generous B: kind C: beautiful D: sociable (83) 10/ What … nam … ? he is helpful A: is- like B: does - like C: has- liked D: will- like IV Homework - Make sentense with these structures - Prepare " Reported speech" No 50 Monday, December, 20t, 2010 Revision A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice reported speech and exercises B /Content: I Warm up * Simon says: T: simon says : Stand up => Ss stand up Sitdown Open your book Close your book Raise your right hand Put your hand down II Presentation 1/ reported speech: - Ask them to answer this question: + When we use the reported speech? - Ask them to give the form of the reported speech: a/ Command in the reported speech: Ex: "Stand up." The teacher told us => The teacher told us to stand up - Form:S- tell/ asked/ order - sbd - to- infinitive b/ Advice in the reported speech: Ex: " You should work harder for this exam." My mother told me => My mother said I should work harder for this exam => My mother advised me to work harder for this exam - Form: + S1 - said - S2 - should/ ought to/ had better - infinitive + S - advised - sbd - to - infinitive II/ Practice: Exercise 1: Change these sentenses into the reported speech: 1/ " Please don't talk during the test." The teacger said to the students 2/ " Could you speak more slowly." I asked the foreigner 3/ " Your brother should not eat much fatty food" Hoa said to Mai 4/ " Can you explain this work to me?" Trang asked Hue 5/ " You should drink a lot of water." The doctor said to me 6/ "Don't read the key before you finish the task." The teacher told us 7/ " Could you open the window for me." My brother said 8/ " You should learn the irregular verbs by heart." Mrs Lan said to Tam (84) Exercise 2: Change these reported speech into the direct speech: 1/ My sister asked me not to stay up too late 2/ He said that I should spend more time in the library 3/ Her teacher said she should revise the lessons carefully 4/ Mr Minh asked me to buy him some vegetable 5/ Lan advised me to go to the dentist's 6/ My English said we should learn twelve new words by heard in two days 7/ My teacher asked us to show her our homework 8/ The old man begged us to give him some money  Noughts and crosses: Ask ss to complete these sentenses with suitable prepositions 1/You should learn the irregular verbs (1) heart 2/ Please wait ( 2) us outside the school gate 3/ Mrs Hien's daughter should work harder ( 3) her English 4/ Some learners make a list and put into it the meaning (4) new words(5) their mother tongue 5/ Many thanks (6) your letter I'm very pleased to hear (7) you 6/ Please turn ( 8) the lights (9) me It's getting dark IV Homework - Prepare the Present perfect tense No 51 Tuesday, December, 21st, 2010 Revision A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice doing exercises *Teaching aids: (85) B /Content: I Warm up: * Wordsquare: - Ask them to find the adjectives E o u i y s u b x a b c l m o p p m o d e r n t e d i r t y o f n n s t l h i d s u v r l g s e I V E T A O Y L b e a u t i f u II Practice: a Choose the best answers The fire isn’t ………………… to boil the kettle a enough hot b enough c hot d hot enough Who cut the roses ? She cut them ………………… a yourself b herself c himself d myself They have to …………………uniform when they go to school a wears b wearing c wear d to wear May I help you ? ……………… a What can I for you ? b I’m afraid I’m busy now c Yes That’s very kind of you d How can I help ? Khai doesn’t talk much in public He is quite……….in public a reserved b sociable c kind d helpful My brother is good ……… Math a at b for c with d in Last year I used to …………… up late a gets b get c to get d getting We must be there …………… 8.30 and 9.15 a between b at c on d in b Supply the correct verb tenses or forms Mrs.Vui ………………………… her mother last night ( visit ) They are going to …………………… fishing (go ) Lan used to ……………………… in Hue ( stay) Do you like…………………… soccer? ( play ) c Match the sentences in column A with those in column B A Can you help me, please? How long has she lived here? Why did Minh go to school late this morning? What are your hobbies? B a Since 2006 b I love drawing and acting c Yes, certainly d Because he watched TV late last night (86) d Put the correct verbs in these sentenses 1/ My uncle ( not visit) us since he (move) to the new town 2/ Look! A man (run) after the bus He (want) ( catch) it 3/ It (get) hotter and hotter in June 4/ The movie ( start) at 8.15 this evening 5/ Our grandparents (live) in Ninh Binh They ( live) there for over 60 years 6/ We are having a party next Sunday Would you like ( come) ? e/ Read the passage and answer the questions: In England boys and girls go to school five days a week They don't go to school on Saturdays and Sundays Lessons usually begin at nine o'clock Each lesson lasts forty - five minutes At ten past eleven they have a quarter of an hour's break in which they drink milk Some pupils eat sandwiches or biscuits which they brought from home Then they have two lessons more After that they have lunch break Some pupils go home for lunch, but many have it at school At two o'clock shool begins again There are two more lessons For the next forty minutes they some of their homework or have a club meeting or play games like football They go home at four o'clock Questions: 1/ Do pupils in England go to school on Saturdays? 2/ How long does each lesson last? 3/ What pupils during the break? 4/ What time does school begin again? 5/ How many lessons they learn in the afternoon? III Home work: - Review the strutures - Prepare the first semester test Monday, 28 th december, 2010 No 52 The first term written test A/Aims: To check ss’ knowledge that they have learn in the first temr such as reading , writing skills and grammar like tenses/ gerund/ comparisons/ adverbs of manner… * Teaching aids: SS the test on papers given B/ Content: for classes b/c/d I/ Chon từ thÝch hợp đÓ hoàn thành c©u sau (3 points) ………………you going to see a movie? ( Do / Are / Did / May ) Lan is …………… beautiful than her sister ( as / more / the most / like) She told me …………… you this present ( to give / giving / gave / gives) We must be there …………… 7.30 and 9.00 ( at / before / between / after) He like ……… to music ( listen / listens / listening / listened) The sun …………… in the East ( rise / rises / rose / rising ) Nam is 16 He isn't ………… to drive a car.( enough young / enough old / older / old enough ) Last year Hoa ………… in Hue ( live / lives / lived / living ) He drives ………… (careful / carefully/ / care / careless ) (87) 10 My Dad …………… in this company since 2001 ( works / to work / worked / has worked) II/ Hoàn thành c¸c c©u sau sử dụng dạng đóng động từ ngoặc đơn (2.0 points) Our class ……… (go) to visit Ke Go Lake when the school year of 2009-2010 finished Mary ……………… …….(live) in Vietnam since 2000 Alexander Graham Bell ………… (be) born in Edinburgh Everyday, my mother ……… …….(wash) clothes What are you doing tonight? I …………………… (do) my homework III Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau và trả lời c©u hỏi (2.5 points) Nam is in grade 8A He has received his report card for the last school year He got good grade for Literature and Math, but his English was poor His English teacher said, “Nam, you must work harder on your English” He’ll try his best to study well next year He loves studying and He likes sports, too He enjoys playing soccer a lot This summer vacation, he is enrolling for the summer activities in his hometown They’ll plant trees, clean the streets and participate in the city's sport programs What subject does Nam need to improve? -> Did he good at Literature and Math? What sport does he like? -> Has he received his report card? -> What will he this summer? -> IV H·y viÕt l¹i c¸c c©u sau sö dông nh÷ng tõ gîi ý cho s½n (2.5 points) Mr Brown told Ann, 'Please give me some food!' -> Mr brown asked Children didn't play this game because they aren't old -> Children enough The life in the city isn't as cheap as the life in the countryside -> The life in the countryside .than She studies hard -> She is Do you want to leave a message?-> Would you .? * §¸p ¸n vµ biÓu ®iÓm: I/ Tổng điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,3 điểm Are more to give between listening rises old enough lived carefully 10 has worked II/ Tổng điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,4 điểm went has lived was washes (88) am going to III/ Tổng 2,5 điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,5 điểm Nam needs to improve (his) English Yes, he did (He was good at Literature and Math) He enjoys (likes) playing soccer Yes, he has (He has received his report card) He will plant trees, clean the streets and participate in the city’s sport programs (this summer) IV/ Tổng 2.5 điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,5 điểm Mr brown asked Ann to give him some food Children aren’t old enough to play this game The life in the countryside is cheaper than the life in the city She is a hard student Would you like to leave a message? C/ Content for classes A I Underline the right answers ( 3pts ) ………………you going to see a movie? ( Do / Are / Did / May ) Lan is …………… beautiful than her sister ( as / more / the most / like) She told me …………… you this present ( to give / giving / gave / gives) We must be there …………… 7.30 and 9.00 ( at / before / between / after) He like ……… to music ( listen / listens / listening / listened) The sun …………… in the East ( rise / rises / rose / rising ) Nam is 16 He isn't ………… to drive a car.( enough young / enough old / older / old enough ) Last year Hoa ………… in Hue ( live / lives / lived / living ) Are you free ………… Sunday morning? ( in / on / at / of ) 10 My Dad …………… in this company since 2001 ( works / to work / worked / has worked) 11 Which word doesn’t contain /t∫/ sound ? ( chance / chemistry / children / change) 12 Would you like some orange juice ? - …… ( Sorry, but I can’t./ Yes, I would./ No, I wouldn’t./ No, thanks.) 13 On the old days, people …………… think that boys were more important than girls ( were used to/ used to / are used to / be used to) 14 He ran too ………… for us to catch up ( fastly / fastest / fast / faster) 15 She always tries her best to study please her parents ( in order / in order to / so as in / so that) II Complete the sentences with the right form of the verbs in brackets ( 2pts ) I usually ( go ) ………….to school by bike, but yesterday my father ( take ) ………………… me to school by motorbike Look ! It ( snow ) ………………………………… I (never/ see ) ……………………………… …… it before Alexander Graham Bell ………… (be) born in Edinburgh III Fill in each blank with the correct form of the word in brackets: ( 1pt ) They walked , enjoying the fresh air in the early morning ( slow ) Be quiet, please ! You are too .! ( noise ) Everyone likes him because of his great ………………………………… ( behave ) More and more modern facilities are easily …………… …………… in the countryside now ( access ) IV Rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same as the preceding ones: (2pts) My mother said, “ Turn off all the lights before you leave “ (89) My mother told Why don’t we help Mom with the washing up ? Shall …………… ? Mary isn’t so intelligent as her sister Mary ’s sister I need your favor -> Could …………………………………………………………………………? V Cloze Test: Read the text then answer the questions( pts ) Nam is in grade 8A He has received his report card for the last school year He got good grade for Literature and Math, but his English was poor His English teacher said, “Nam, you must work harder on your English” He’ll try his best to study well next year He loves studying and He likes sports, too He enjoys playing soccer a lot This summer vacation, he is enrolling for the summer activities in his hometown They’ll plant trees, clean the streets and participate in the city's sport programs What subject does Nam need to improve? -> Did he good at Literature and Math? What sport does he like? -> Has he received his report card? -> 10 What will he this summer? -> * §¸p ¸n vµ biÓu ®iÓm: I/ Tổng điểm -Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,2 điểm Are more to give between listening rises old enough lived on 10 has worked 11 chemistry 12.No thanks 13 used 14.fast 15.in order to II/ Tổng điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,4 điểm go/ took is snowing/ I have never seen was III/ Tổng điểm-Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,25 điểm slowly noisy behavior accessible IV/ Tổng điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,4 điểm My mother told me to turn off all the lights before I leave Shall we help Mom with the washing up? Mary ’s sister is more intelligent than Mary Could you me a favor? V/ Tổng điểm- Mổi câu đúng nhận 0,4 điểm He needs to emprove his English Yes, he did He likes soccer (90) yes, he has he is enrolling for the summer activitis in his home town * Homework: - Redo the test at home - Revise the missing knowledge - prepare for the next lesson (91) Tuesday, December29 th, 2010 No 53 Test review A Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to find out their mistakes review the knowledge in the test *Teaching aids * Ways of works B Procedure I Revision: Tenses: Tenses Present perfect Affirmation S + have/ has + PP Negation S + have/ has +no t+ PP Interrogation With have/ has S + PP Since/ for modal verbs: can/ could/ must/ should …+ V(bare)… Enough: S + be + adj + enough + to infi S + V + enough + Noun+ to infi Adjectives & Adverbs II.Correct the test: Answer key: §Ò lÏ: Câu I Chọn đáp án đúng để hoàn thành các câu: 1.not tall enough 2.from 3.themseves live 5.not to talk 6.carefully watching have lived look 10 study C©u II T×m lçi sai ë nh÷ng c©u sau vµ viÕt (kh«ng cÇn s÷a l¹i): 1.for -> since When -> what 3.fastly-> fast 4.speaking-> speak 5.is -> was Câu III.Viết lại câu sau theo từ gợi ý cho cho nghĩa câu không đổi: He asked Tom to turn off the radio Nam is old enough to drive a car She said that I shouldn’t stay up late Mai is not as intelligent as Lan he drives more carefully C©u IV §äc ®o¹n v¨n sau vµ tr¶ lêi c©u hái: Yes, she is She will participate in recycling program She will send glass, used paper and empty cansfor cycling She hope she can save natural resourcesl Câu V Dựa vào từ gợi ý để viết thành câu hoàn chỉnh I haven’t met Hoa for two weeks We go to school evry day (92) He is old enough to go to school I used to play basketball III Home work: No.54 - Review the grammarand redo the test at home - Prepare for unit lesson unday, January 9th, 2011 unit 9: a first- aid course lesson 1: Getting started , listen and read A Aims: By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: - know what they would in situations which require first- aid - review comparative, superlative adjectives * Teaching aids: Cassette B.Content: I Warm up: Kim's game - Ask ss to look at the pictures in the book for 30 seconds Tell them these things are used for first- aid - Ss close their book and write the names of the things that they have seen 1/ emergency room 2/ sterile dressing 3/ medicated oil 4/ ice 5/ water pack (93) 6/ alcohol - Ask ss to discuss about what they would in these situations which require fisrtaid + a girl has a burn on her arm -> use cold water/ ice to ease the pain + A boy has a bad cut on his leg -> use acohol/ madicated oil/ sterile dressing + A girl has a nose bleed -> use a handkerchief to stop the bleeding/ tell her to lie down Pre- teach: - (an) ambulance: xe cøu th¬ng ( vis) - (an) emegency: ca cÊp cøu ( sit) - (a) tower , handkerchief: kh¨n (real) - Wound: vÕt th¬ng ( sit) - Conscious >< unconscious: tØnh t¸o, bÊt tØnh ( tran) - (to) bleed: ch¶y m¸u (sit) - ( to) hit: đập, đánh ( sit) *Checking: Back to board II Pre- reading 1/ Gap fill prediction: - Ask them to read this para then predict the words to complete it " There was an emergency at Lan's school A student (1)… off her bike and hit her head on the road She was (2)… but she cut her head and the (3)… was (4)… badly Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an (5) … to Quang Trung School Lan asked to keep the student (6)…… while waiting for the ambulance." III While- reading 1/ Gap fill: - Ss read the dialogue then check the prediction ( 1: fell, 2: concious, 3: cut, 4: bleeding, 5: ambulance, 6: awake) - Ask them to read in pairs 2/ Select the topics covered in the dialogue - ss read the dialogue again and select the topics covered in the dialogue - Ss write the answer in a piece of paper and ahnd it after finishing Key: a, b, c, e, f IV Post-reading * Write it up: - Basing on the dialogue, write a story Begin with: " Yesterday there was an emergency at Quang Trung school A student fell off her bike and hit her head on the road … V Homework - New words - Complete the story - Do ( 55 workbook) (94) Monday, january 10 th, 2011 No 55 unit 9: a first- aid course lesson 2: speak and listen A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: + make and respond requests, offer, and promises + know how to listen for the details * Teaching aids: Cassette player B /Content: I Warm up * Brainstorming: scared Situations which require first- aid Have a snake bite II Speaking Pre- speaking - Set the scene: + What would you say when: a/ You want me to give you a bandage => Will you give me a bandage? b/ You want me to go to your party => Would you like to come to my party? c/ You tell your mother that you'll finish your work before bedtime => I promise I'll finish my homework before bedtime - Model sentenses: a/ To make a request: + Will/ Would/ Could/ Can - you - Verb…? - Sure/ OK/ All right ( v) - I'm sorry I can't/ I'm afraid not (x) b/ To make an offer: + Will/ Won't you/ Shall I / Can I - Verb…? + Would you like - to verb …? + What can I for you?/ Can I get you ….? - Yes, please/ that would be nice (v) - No, thank you (x) c/ To make a promise: + I promise I'll …/ I won't… + I will… I promise (95) + I promise - to verb - I hope so/ I'm glad/ Don't forget * Matching: - Ss look at the pictures on page 82 and match the situations with the statements  The girl has a burn on her hand  The girlk has a bad fever  The boy has just broken the vase  The boy has a eadache  The boy has a snake bite While- speaking * Picture drills: - look at the pictures then indentify the situations.( requests, offer or promises.) - Ss work in pairs to practice making requests, offer or promises b/ Can I get you some medicine/ water? c/ Can I get you a bandage? d/ Would you like some medicine? e/ I promise I won't play soccer in the house again III Listening 1.Pre- listening 1/ Pre- teach: - (an) eye chart: biểu đồ (vis) - (a) wheelchair: xe l¨n (vis) - (a) stretcher: c¸ng cøu th¬ng ( vis) - (a) crutch: n¹ng ( vis) * Rub out and remember 2/ Predictions: - Ask Ss to predict the order of these words on the page 82 While - listening Listening: - Ask Ss to listen to the tape and check the prediction ( 1: stretcher, 2: wheelchair, 3:ambulance, 4: eye chart, 5: scale, 6: crutches) - Ask them to listen and check again IV: Homework - New words - Do 2( 55) - Prepare for reading No 56 Monday, January 10, 2011 unit 9: a first- aid course lesson 3: reading A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know the ways of some first- aids * Teaching aids: * Way of working: B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Bingo: (96) - Ask Ss to give nouns for emergencies which require first aid ( burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock, nose bleed) - Ask Ss to choose four nouns of them - T read the nouns and the ss check II Pre- reading 1/ Pre-teach: - a victim: n¹n nh©n (sit) - a tissue: m«, thÞt (sit) - a damage: ph¸ huû ( tran) - (to) lie down: l»m xuèng ( vis) - (to) elevate >< (to) lower: n©ng lªn, h¹ xuèng - (to) overheat: lµm qu¸ nãng ( sit) - (to) ease: lµm dÞu ( syn) * Slap the board 2/ Network: First aid burn shock Cool the burn with ice Don't give him any food III While- reading * Matching: - Ask Ss to read the text in Page 84 and match three Leadings A,B,C with them ( A: a,c,e; B: b; C: d) IV Post reading: * Grid: - Ask them toread the text again and then fill the information Cases Fainting Do - Leave the patients lying flat - Give him a cup of tea - Don't overheat him with a coats - Don't give him any food or drink Shock Burn Don't - Don't force him/ to sit or stand - Cool the burn to minimizethe tissue damage - Put the affacted part under a running tap - Ease the pain with the ice or cold water packs (97) V Homework - New words - Do 2,3 ( 55,56) No 57 Sunday, January 16, 2011 unit 9: a first- aid course lesson 4: Writing A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know the ways of writing a thank- you note * Teaching aids: * Way of working B / Proceduces: I.Warm up * Hangman: _ _ _ _ (ease) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ( elevate) _ _ _ _ _ _ ( victim) _ _ _ _ _ _ (burn) II Pre- writing 1/ Pre- teach: - (to) come over: ghÐ qua (trans) - (to) cheer: chóc mõng (trans) *Checking: 2/ Reading: a/ T/F prediction - Nga writes to thank Hoa for some candy - Hoa's gift cheered Nga up - Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital - Nga is very bored now - Nga writes the letter at the hospital b/ Reading: (98) - Ask Ss to complete the thank - you note with the right verb forms.( was, were, helped, came, am, will phone) - Ask ss to read the thank- you note then check the prediction 3/ Questions and answers: - Ask Ss to read the questions at page 85 then answer them a/ Lan gave me a gift on Chistmas b/ It was very nice c/ I was very happy when I received it d/ Now I feel bored e/ I want to invite Lan to go for a picnic next Sunday in the countryside f/ I will phone her tonight III.While - writing * Writing: - Ask ss to base on the questions and the answers, write a thank-you note Invite him/ her to go for a picnic with you Ex: Dear Lan, Thank you very much for the gift you sent me on the Chistmas It was very lovely I like it very much… IV Post- writing * Exhibition: - Divide the class into groups - Ask them to write another thank- you note on a poster, then stick it on the wall - Compare the posters and correct them V Homework - New words - Do 7( 57) (99) No.58 Monday, January 17, 2011 unit 9: a first- aid course lesson 5: language focus A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to practice doing exercises about " in order to, so as to", the future tense, and practice request, offer, promises B / Proceduces: I.Warm up: * Jumpled words: - quteers -> request - feofr -> offer - ropimes -> promise - loduc -> could - pelaes -> please II Practice 1/ Language focus 1: “in order to / so as to” in purposes: Ex: I study hard to pass the exam in order to pass the exam so as to to pass the exam - Ss match two parts of the sentenses using " in order to, so as to " KEY: 1- f, 2- c, 3- b, 4- e, 5- a, 6- d - Ask them to read the sentenses aloud 2/ Language focus 2: “Will” in the simple future/ “Shall” in requests - complete the dialogue and practice in pairs KEY: 1/ will, 2/ will, 3/ won't, 4/ Shall, 5/ will, 6/ 'll 3/ Language focus3: “will” in offers - Ask them to complete the dialogue between Nga and her grandmother b/ Will you give it? c/ Will you answer the telephone? d/ Will you turn the TV on? e/ Will you pour a glass of water? f/ Will you get me a cushion? - Ask ss to practice in pair 4/ Language focus 4: - Making requests, offers, or promises basing on the verbs and the pictures a/ Will you empty the garbage can, please b/ Will you paint the doors for me, please? c/ I promise I'll study harder d/ Shall I carry the food for you? e/ Will you hang the clothes for me, please? f/ Will you cut the vegetables for me, please? III Production * Noughts and crosses: - Use these verbs, make request, offer or promise give take play video game help buy clean IV Homework - Make five sentenses with " in order to, so as to" get learn Close (100) - Do 5, ( Page 57,58 (101) No 59 Monday, January 17th, 2011 UNIT 10: RECYCLING Lesson 1: getting started and listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to something to protect the environmentand and save natural resources *Teaching aids: - Cassette player B Proceduces: I Warm up * Brainstorming: - Ss think the ways to reduce the amount of garbage Use tree leaves to wrap thing Ways to reduce the amount of garbage Reuse plastic bags Use garbage to make fertilizer - Ask ss work in pairs to practise " Getting Started" II.Pre- reading 1/ Pre- teach: - a representative: ngời đại diện ( tran) - fertilizer: ph©n bãn (sit) - natural resources: t/ng thiªn nhiªn ( example) - garbage: r¸c th¶I ( vis) - (to) protect: b¶o vÖ (sit) - (to) reduce: lµm gi¶m ( ant) - (to) wrap: gãi ( mime) * Slap the board 2/ T/F Prediction: a/ Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other b/ Miss Blake askes the ss to remember things: reduce, reuse, and recycle c/ reduce means buying the products which are overpacked d/ We cannot reuse things like: envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags e/ Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn't use plastic bags at all f/ Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them III While- reading 1/ T/F statements - Ask ss to read the dialogue about Miss Blake and ss then check their prediction KEY: a/ F, b/ T, c/ F, d/ F, e/ T, f/ T 2/ Comprehension questions: - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then answer the questions: a/ Reduce means not buying the products which are overpacked b/ We can reuse things like: envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags c/ Recycle means not just throwing things away but Try and find another use for them d/ We can look for information on recycling on things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library or asking your family and friends (102) e/ Because we throw them away, they are very hard to destroy IV Post-reading * Discussion: - Ask Ss to express their opinions about "How to protect our environment?" - Ask them to write on the board V Homework - New words - Do 1,2 ( Page 59) (103) No 60 Sunday, January 23th, 2011 unit 10: recycling lesson 2: speaking and listening A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to give and respond to instructions and listen for specific information about making compost * Teaching aids: Cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Kim's game: - Ask them to look at the picture about one minute, then go to the board and wirte all names of things are there in the picture KEY: used paper, newspaper, books, plactic bags, clothes, shoes, school bags,… II.Speaking 1.Pre speaking: a/ Pre-teach: - fertilizer: ph©n bãn - compost: ph©n xanh - fabric: v¶i sîi - leather: da - junk: đồ phế thải * Slap the board ( sit) ( sit) ( vis) ( rea) ( vis) b/ Dictation list: - Ss listen to the words for items and put them into the right groups Group Paper Glass Plactic Metal Fabric Leather Vegetable matter Items Used paper (old newspaper, books, ) Bottles, glasses, jars Plactic bags, plactic bottles Food cans, drinking tins, Clothes (cloth, cloth bags, materials ) Shoes, sandals, scoolbags, Fruit peels, vegetales, rotten fruits, While- speaking a/ Mapped dialogue: - Ss work in pairs, replacing the information with the words in the dictation list Mary Which group clothes belong to? What can we with them? Is fruit "vegetable matter? What will we with it? 3/ post speaking: Peter ->Put them in "Fabric" ->We can recycle them and make them into paper or shopping bags ->That's right ->We make it into compost and fertilize our field (104) - Ss make the similar dialogues III Listening: Pre- listening - ss predict the best choices to answer these questions 2.While – listening - ss listen to an expert who gives the instructions to make compost - listen again and choose the best answer - After the listening ss can swap their listening result KEY: a:A, b:B, c:A, d: B Post listening: -Retell how to make comppost IV Homework - New words - Do 3( P 60) (105) Monday, january 24th, 2011 No 61 unit 10: recycling lesson 3: Reading A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know how recycling things *Teaching aids: Extra board B / Proceduces: I Warm up: *Networds: - Ss find the words related to the environment (work in groups) Words related to the environment II Pre- reading 1/ Pre- teach: - a tire: lèp xe ( vis) - a pipe: èng dÉn ( vis) - a deposit: kho¶n tiÒn ( tran) - (to) refill: lµm ®Çy ( expain) - (to) melt: tan (ant) - (to) share: chia sÎ (tran) *Checking: R& R 2/ Open prediction: - SS predict the answering for these questions a/ What people with used things? b/ What can they make from them? III.While- reading 1/ Grid: - SS read the text and make a list of recycling facts mentioned in the text Used things Car tires Recycling facts are recycled to make pipes and floor coverings Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled with milk Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware Drink cans are brought back for recycling Household and garden waste is make into compost 2/ Comprehension questions: - Ask them to read thee text again and then answer these questions a/ People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles b/ The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glass ware c/ The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling d/ Compost is made from household and garden waste e/ If we have a recycling story to share, we can call or fax the mazagine at 265 456 IV Post-reading (106) * Passive form: T give a sentense Eg: Cars tipes are recycled to make pips and floor coverings => Ss give the form, use of the Passive voice in the Present Simple tense - S - am/is/are - Past participle - Ask ss to change some sentenses a/ We often give Lan flowers on her birthday b/ My mother takes me to school c/ We love our parents very much d/ He helps the ss exercises V Homework - Learn the new words by heart - Do 4,5 (P 60,61) - Prepare for writing No 62 Monday, January 24, 2011 unit 10: recycling lesson 4: write A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things using sequencing * Teaching aids: Extra board B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Lucky numbers: 1/ Lucky number 2/ Say this sentense in the passive: " People speak English everywhere" 3/ Say this sentense in the active " Cartoons are liked by mosr children" 4/ Lucky number 5/ Lucky number 6/ Say this sentense in the passive: " We not use things carefully." 7/ Say this sentense in the active: " Are candies liked by the children." 8/ Say this sentense in the passive: " Mr Han teaches Maths." 9/ Say this sentense in the passive: "Vegetarian not eat meat." II Pre- writing 1/ Pre- teach: - a wire mesh: líi s¾t - a bucket: thïng - (to) mix: trén (tran) (vis) ( sit) (107) - (to) press: Ên nÌn - (to) mash: nghiÒn - (to) soak: ng©m (mime) (mime) (explain) * R&R 2/ Ordering predictions: - Ask them to predict the order of the actions soak press dry mash pull out mix III While - writing 1/ Completing the recycling instructions: SS read the text and fill in the verbs KEY: 1/ use, 2/ mix, 3/ place, 4/ press, 5/ wrap, 6/ wait, 7/ dry 2/ Recall: - SS tell the instructions using the sequencing ( not look at the book) Then copy it in the notebook First, soak some old newspaper in a bucket of water overnight Then, use a wooden spoon to mash the paper Next, mix the mashed paper with water After that, use a wire mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the cloth and press it down firmly Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth and dry it in the sun IV Post- writing * Complete the instructions using the pictures - ss use the pictures and the words given to complete the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves First take the used tealeaves from the tea - pot Next scatter the tealeaves on a tray Then dry the leaves in the Sun Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use V.Homework - New words - Do (P62) (108) Sunday, February 6, 2011 No 63 unit 10: recycling lesson 5: language focus A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to form the Passive in the Future simple tense and the structures with adjectives * Teaching aid: B / Proceduces: I Revision: - Passive form: Be + PP Passive form of the simple present tense Is /am / are +pp Passive form of the simple future tense Will be +pp - Adjective followed by an infinitive/ a noun clause easy hard dangerou s difficult important delighte d happ y sure Ex: It's difficult to follow your directions - ss give the form of the sentense => It - be - adjective - ( for sbd) - to - verb Ex: We are delighted that you passed the English exam - Ask ss to give fom of the sentense S - be - adjective - that - clause II.Practice: 1/ Language focus1: Ss change the sentences a, -f, on page 95 to passive form - Key: a the glass is broken into small spieces b The glass is washed with a detergent liquid c The glass pieces are dried completely d They are mixed with certain specific chemicals e The mixture is melted until it become a liquid f A long pipe is used , it is dipped into the liquid Then the liquid is blown into intended shapes 2/ Language focus 2: - Ss complete the dialogue between Dr Kim abd his assistant ( 1) - will be shown (2) - Will … be built (3) will be finished (4) Will … be made (109) 3/ Language focus 3: a/ Set the scene: Ba gives Nam a lot of directions at a time so Nam finds it difficult to follow Ba's directions What does he say to Ba? -Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogue use the words in the box *Key: b/ It's easy to understand c/ It's hard to believe that d/ It's dangerous to go near the stove e/ It's important to wait for five minutes 3/ Language focus 4: a/ Set the scene: Nam passed the English exam and his grandparents are delighted at it What did they write to him? b/ Matching: - Ss match these words with their meanings  Relieve a/xin chóc mõng  Congratulations b/ tr«ng chê  look forward to c/ x¸c nhËn l¹i  confirm d/ nhÑ nhâm c/ complete the letter (1) - happy (2) - releived (3) - afraid (4) - Are you sure (5) - certain III Homework - Review the structures again - Do ( 5,6,7) in the workbook (110) No 64 Monday, February 7, 2011 unit 11: travelling around vietnam lesson 1: getting started - listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue and practice to express a request " would you mind - V.ing , would you mind if I …." *Teaching aids: cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Chatting: ( Getting started) a/ Do you like traveling? b/ Where you like going best? c/ Look at the pictures at Page 98 and match the places of interrest with their names ( a- Ngo Mon gate, b- Nha Rong Harbor, c- The Temple Literature, d- Ha Long Bay.) II Pre reading: 1/ Pre- teach: - a sugar cane: c©y mÝa ( rea) - a corn: c©y ng« ( rea) - a crop: vô mïa ( sit) - a front seat: ghÕ tríc ( real) - a forty- minute-drive: chuyÕn xe 45 phót (sit) *R&R 2/ T/F statements prediction: a/ This is the first time Hoa has met Tim's family b/ Hoa helps Mrs Jones with her luggage c/ The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus d/ Shannon has never seen rice paddies before e/ The car is traveling past farmland f/ Only rice and corn are grown around Hanoi III/ While reading: 1/ Reading - Ss read in groups of four - Ss read the dialogue and check their prediction a/ T b/ T c/ F ( … in a taxi) d/ T e/ T f/ F ( Not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are Grammar: Set the scene: Hoa wants Mr Jones to sit in the front seat so how she says to Mr Jones? -Model sentences: => Would you mind sitting in the front seat of the taxi? => Would you mind if I took a photo? - T elicits SS to give the form from the sentense: => + Would you mind - v-ing? - No problem/ Certainly/ OK… => + Would you mind if I - past simple? Eg: Would you mind opening the window? Would you mind if I opened the doors? IV Post reading: (111) - Word cue drills: ss work in pairs to practice Give me that pen Turn off the lights Close the doors Take me to school Borrow your bike Turn the TV on Cut the flowers Use this pen V Home work: - learn the forms and New words by heart - Do 1,3 in workbook - Prepare for the next lesson + Do you mind + v-ing? + Do you mind if I +V(past)…? No.65 Monday, February 7, 2011 unit 11: travelling around vietnam lesson 2: speak and language focus 3, A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to make and repond to formal requests using " mind" and make suggestions * Teaching aids: Extra board B / Proceduces: I Revision: Ss give the form of request they have learned Would you mind + V-ing…? II Presentation - Set the scene: => Do you mind opening the doors? Do you mind if I turned on the TV? - ss give the form of these requests: (112) - Ss give the respond: + Agreement:  No, I don’t mind  No, of course not  Not at all  Please do/ Please go ahead + Disagreement:  I'm sorry, I can't / I'm sorry, it's impossible  I'd rather you didn't./ I'd prefer you didn't III Practice: - Speaking: - Ss work in pair One plays a tourist on vacation in Ho Chi Minh city and other plays a tourist officer - Ask ss to look the dilogue Tourist Excuse me? I'd like to visit a market Would you mind suggesting one? That is interesting Thank you Tourist officer Yes? Not at all How about going to Thai Binh Market? It opens from about am to 8pm - Ss make similar dialogue about the museum, restaurant, and zoo… IV Production -Language focus 3: Word cue drill; a/ move / car.(V) b/ put ourt/ cigarette(V) c/ get / coffee (X) d/ wait / a moment (X) - language focus 4: Ss to look at the pictures at page 110 then make request and give the reponds a/ S1: Do you mind if I sat down? S2: Please dol b/ S1: Would you mind if I smoked? S2: I’ rather you didn’t c/ S1:Would you mind closing the window? S2: Not at all d/ S1: Do you mind turning off the radio? S2: No, I don't mind e/ S1: Do you mind if I turn the air-conditioner? S2: Please f/ S1: Would you mind if I turned the TV off? S2: Please go ahead -T checks and corrects V Homework - learn the forms of requests by heart - Do exercises 1,2 in workbook (113) - Prepare for the next lesson (114) No.66 Sunday, February 13, 2011 unit 11: travelling around vietnam lesson 3: listen and language focus 1,2 A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop their listening skills by listening about places on a map * Teaching aids: - Cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Whispering: - Choose two groups (of four students), teacher gives the first student a word then he/she whispers it with the second student… The last student has to write it on the board Gr1: bus station, hotel, pagoda Gr2: restaurant, temple, bank II Pre- listening a/ Prediction: + Set the scene: The Jones family are going around HaNoi and they are talking about the directions of places in the maps + Ss guess the places the johns will go on the maps III.While - listening - Listening: - Ss listen and check their prediction and give the key a) Restaurant b) Hotel c) Bus station d) Pagoda e) Temple IV Post listening: 1/ Language focus 1: a/ Set the scene: It's time for recess and the people at Quang Trung School are in the school yard What are they doing? -Ss work inpair to practice asking and anwsering T: What is Mr Quang doing? Ss: He's walking/ going up the stairs T: What is Miss Hoa doing? Ss: She's talking to Nam T: Who is the man walking up the stairs? Ss: The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang b/ Model sentense: The man walking up the stairs is Mr Quang - Use: A present participle can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning c/ Practice: Picture drills - Ask ss to look at the pictures and make new sentenses  The girl playing chess is Hoa  The girl playing chess with Hoa is Nga  The boy reading book is Ba  The girl standing by the table is Lan 2/ Language focus 2: a/ Matching: - Ss match the nouns with the verbs 1) Box a/ wrap in 2) Lamp b/ dress in (115) 3) Truct c/ recycled from 4) Doll d/ keep in 5) Flowers e/ make in 6) Toys f/ paint b/ Model sentense: The old lamp made in China is $5 - Use: a past participle is used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning c/ Picture drills:  The box painted green is $1  The truck recycled from cans is $2  The doll dressed in red is $2  The flowers wrapped in yellow paper is $1  The toys kept in a cardboard box is $10 V Homework - Learn the model sentenses by heart - Do (66) (116) No.67 Monday, February 14, 2011 unit 11: travelling around vietnam lesson 4: reading A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know about some places of interest in VietNam *Teaching aids: - Cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Quiz: What is this place? - Give ss sentenses about a place then ask them to guess where it is a/ - It is called the city of Eternal spring - It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes - You can see the most kinds of flowers here => DaLat b/ - It's a seaside resort - It has a very big monuments of Buddha => NhaTrang c/ - It has a lot of caves - It consists of a lot of islands => Ha Long Bay II Pre- reading 1/ Pre- teach: - an accommodation: chæ ë (explain) - a tribe: bé l¹c (tran) - a slope: sên dèc ( vis) - a jungle: rõng (sit) - a limestone: đá vôi ( sit) - a cave: hang động (vis) - giant: khæng lå ( syn) - magnificent: nguy nga, tr¸ng lÖ (tran) * Matching 2/ Prediction: - Ss look at the grid and guess the topic mentioned in the brochures about the resorts - Ss compare with their partners III While- reading 1/ Grid: - Ss read the advertisements about the resorts and then check the prediction + Nha Trang: flights to HaNoi, railway, hotels, local transport, tourist attractions + DaLat: hotels, local transport, waterfalls, tourist attractions + Sapa: hotels,local transport, mountain slopes, tourist attractions, villages + Ha Long Bay: World Heritage, tourist attractions, sand beaches, railway, hotels, caves, locals transport 2/ Asnwer: " What should these people go?" - Ask ss to read the information about these people and help them to find suitable places a) Andrew: Sapa b) Mary: Nha trang c) John: Nha rong Harbor d) Joanne: HaLong Bay e) Donna: DaLat IV Post - reading * Role play: - SS look at the " Asnwer" then ask and answer the questions: (117) S1: Where should Andrew go? S2: He should go to Sa Pa S1: Why? S2: Because he studies tribes and he likes mountian- climbing V Homework - New words - Do ( 66) (118) No.68 Monday, February 14, 2011 unit 11: travelling around vietnam lesson 5: writing A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a narrative *Teaching aids: B / Proceduces: I Warm up *Hang man: - story/ traveling/ II Pre- writing 1/ Pre- teach: - a canoe: ca n« (vis) - a paddle: m¸i chÌo, sù chÌo thuyÒn (vis) - (to) paddle: chÌo (mime) - (to) hire: thuª (sit) - (to) overturn: lËt (sit) - (to) rescue: cøu (tran) - (to) stumble vÊp ( mime) * Slap the board 2/ Ordering statements: a/ Set the scene: Last week, while on the vacation in Dalat, the Jones family had quite an unforgetable adventure on Xuan Huong lake What did they and what happened to them? b/ Ordering: - SS read the first part of the story and rearranged the sentenses to complete the story => c, a , g, d, f, b, e - read the story aloud 3/ Ordering the pictures: - Ask them to look at the pictures and then arrange them into right order => d, b, e, h, a , f, c, g IV While - writing - Ask ss to use the pictures and the words given to write story about Uyen Story: Uyen had a day remember last week She had a Math exam on Friday but she got up late She relized that her alarm clock did not go off As she was leaving home, it started to rain heavily Uyen tried to run as fast as she could Suddenly she stumbled agaist a rock and fell onto the road Her school bag went into a pool of water and everything got wet Strngly, the rain stopped as she got to her classroom Luckily, Uyen had enough time to finish her exam IV Post- writing - After ss finish, call some ss read their story aloud - Correct the main mistakes V Homework - New words - Do 8,9 ( 67) in workbook (119) Sunday, February 20, 2011 No.69 revision A/ Aims: - - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review passive voice and some structures by doing exercises * Teaching aids: B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Matching: - SS match the words in column A and the phrases in column B Column A (to) make (to) ride (to) put out (to) stumple (to) help (to) drop (to) pick (to) take II Presentation: (revision) 1/ The passive voice: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Column B A photo A paddle Mrs Jone with her luggage Against a rock A suggestion about places of interest The bag up A cigarette A water buffalo => S + be + P2 + ( by ) Active: They clean the room everyday Passive: The room is cleaned everyday 2/ Some structures: a/ Request: - SS list some ways to make requests + Would you mind + V-ing + Would you mind if I - V-ed b/ Present participle and past participle: - Ss give the use of the Present participle and past participle: - Ex: + The man talking to our teacher is Mr Minh + The cat bought last week is Mimi III Practice Exercise1: Change these active sentenses into passive ones a) People don't use this road very often b) We will grow a lot of trees in the park c) They are painting the living-room light blue d) People have developed many defferent paper products e) He asked us many difficult questions f) They must widen the road soon g) She advised me to reuse the milk bottles h) My siter cleans these rooms eveyday i) Waste from chemical factories have caused lots of pollution Exercise2: Change these passive sentenses into active ones Ex: (120) a) This tree was planted by my grandfather b) The rubbish hasn't been collected c) Is recycled paper being used? d) Will a new school be built very soon? e) A lot of work is done everyday f) Many trees are cut down to make paper g) English is considered the most international language h) These doors should be shut before pm i) Many lakes and rivers have been destroyed by pollution from factories Exercise 3: Choose the best answer to complete these sentenses 1/ I can see a boy a water buffalo A: ride B: riding C: to ride D: rode 2/ It's to travel around VietNam A: interesting B: interested C: interestingly D: interestedly 3/ Would you mind the window? A: to close B: close C: closing D: closed 4/ you mind if I smoke? A: could B: Do C: Would D: Don't 5/ The ruler of plastic is Lan's A: made B: is made C: to make D: making IV Homework - Do all exercises again - Prepare the test No.70 Monday, February 21, 2011 Written test A/ Aims: - Check ss' knowledge in three units: 9,10,11 * Teaching aids: Ss the test on given paper B / Proceduces: A:listening:Listen to a text then tick "T(true)" or "F(false)" for these statements (2 marks) Pedro will fly to Spain, Lucille is going to school Jan will spend Christmas in Switzland They all promise to meet at Victoria Station at half past seven in the morning B vocabulary and structures: I/ Choose the best answer to compete these sentenses: ( 3,5 marks) 1/ I can see a boy a water buffalo ( rides / riding / to ride / rode) 2/ It's to meet you.(happy / happily /happiness) 3/ Would you mind the window for me?( to close / close/ closing / closed) 4/ you mind if I smoke? (could / Don't / Would / Do) 5/ The ruler of plastic is Lan's ( made / is made / to make / making) 6/ Would you mind off the lights? -I'd rather you didn't.( if I turn / I turn/ if I turned / turning.) (121) 7/ It is a drive from here to the city center (thirty- minute / thirty minutes / thirty- minutes / thirty minute) 8/ We should … cloth bags instead of plastic bags.(use/used/ using) 9/ Mai is often a lot of books on her birthday (give / gave / giving /given) 10/ She didn’t ……… Homework yesterday.( do/ does / did/ doing) C: writing: Change these sentenses into passive sentenses ( 2,0 marks) Students use this dictionary very often.=> This dictionary ……………………………… We will grow a lot of trees here.=> A lot of trees ………………………………………… They painted the class-room last week.=> The class-room …………………………… He speaks English well.=> English ………………………………………………………… D: reading: Read the passage then tick "T(true)" or "F(false)" for these statements ( 2,5 marks) Ha Long Bay Ha Long Bay of the Descending Dragon is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone-mountains The Bay's water is clear during the spring and early summer Upon arriving in Ha Long city, visitors can go along Chay beach From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the bay It is here that the visitors can find some of Southeast Asia's most beautiful sites Daugo cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongol on Bach Dang river in 1288 1/ Ha Long Bay is not popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists 2/ One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone-mountains 3/ The Bay's water is dirty during the spring and early summer 4/ Visitors can hire a boat and go out to the bay 5/ Daugo cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long *Point and key: A: listening: (2 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1:T 2: F 3: T 4: T B vocabulary and structures: (3,5 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,35 ) 1/ riding 2/ happy 3/ closing 4/ Do 5/ made 6/ if I turned 7/ thirty- minute 8/ use 9/ given 10/ C: Writing: (2 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1/ This dictionary is used very often by the students 2/ A lot of trees will be grown here 3/ The class- room is painted last week 4/ English is spoken well by him D: reading: (2,5 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1-F 2- T 3-F 4-T 5- T * Home work: - Redo the test home - Check the mistakes - Prepare for unit 12 (122) ……………, february …… , 2011 Written test No.3 Full name:……………………………… class: 8… time: 45 mins A:listening: Listen to a text then tick "T(true)" or "F(false)" for these statements (2 marks) Pedro will fly to Spain, Lucille is going to school Jan will spend Christmas in Switzland They all promise to meet at Victoria Station at half past seven in the morning B vocabulary and structures: Choose the best answer to compete these sentenses: ( 3,5 marks) 1/ I can see a boy a water buffalo ( rides / riding / to ride / rode) 2/ It's to meet you (happy /happily /happiness) 3/ Would you mind .the window for me?( to close / close/ closing / closed) 4/ … you mind if I smoke? (could / Don't / Would / Do) 5/ The ruler of plastic is Lan's ( made / is made / to make / making) 6/ Would you mind off the lights? I'd rather you didn't.( if I turn / I turn/ if I turned / turning.) 7/ It is a drive from here to the city center (thirty- minute / thirty minutes / thirty- minutes / thirty minute) 8/ We should … cloth bags instead of plastic bags (use/used/ using) 9/ Mai is often a lot of books on her birthday (give / gave / giving /given) 10/ She didn’t ……… Homework yesterday ( do/ does / did/ doing) C: writing: Change these sentenses into passive sentenses ( 2,0 marks) Students use this dictionary very often.=> This dictionary ……………………………… We will grow a lot of trees here.=> A lot of trees ………………………………………… They painted the class-room last week.=> The class-room …………………………… He speaks English well.=> English ………………………………………………………… D: Reading: Read the passage then tick "T(true)" or "F(false)" for these statements ( 2,5 marks) Ha Long Bay Ha Long Bay of the Descending Dragon is popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone-mountains The Bay's water is clear during the spring and early summer Upon arriving in Ha Long city, visitors can go along Chay beach From the beach, they can hire a boat and go out to the bay It is here that the visitors can find some of Southeast Asia's most beautiful sites Daugo cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long It was the cave in which General Tran Hung Dao hid wooden stakes to beat the Mongol on Bach Dang river in 1288 1/ Ha Long Bay is not popular with both Vietnamese and international tourists 2/ One of the attractions of Ha Long is the Bay's calm water with limestone-mountains 3/ The Bay's water is dirty during the spring and early summer 4/ Visitors can hire a boat and go out to the bay 5/ Daugo cave is one of the most beautiful caves at Ha Long Monday, february 21, 2011 (123) No 71 unit 12: a vacation abroad lesson 1: Getting started - listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know how to make, accept and decline invitations through reading for details about making plans for a vacation abroad * Teaching aids: Cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Guessing game: Getting started: - Ask ss to look at the pictures and guess what country it is a/ The USA b/ Australia c/ Thailand d/ Britain e/ Canada f/ Japan * Chatting: - Ask them to ask and answer the questions S1: Where you want to visit?/ Which country you want to visit? S2: I'd like to visit… S1: Why? S2: Because… II Pre- reading 1/ Pre-teach: - (to) include: bao gåm ( tran) - Suitable (a): phu hop ( tran) - (to) come over: ghÐ qua ( sit) - (to) pick up: đón đó ( explain) * Rub out and remember 2.Open prediction: Ss pridict what Mrs Quyen will say to Mrs Smith III While- reading 1/ checking: - Ask ss to read the dialogue and check the prediction 2/ Grid: ( with key) - Ss read the dialogue again then fill the table about Mrs Quyen's schedule Date Schedul e Mon25 Coming to San Francisco Tue26 Going out Wed27 Having dinner with the Smiths Thur28 Leaving San Francisco 3/ Comprehension questions: a/ No, they won't because they are going on a tour, and their accomodation includes in the ticket price b/ No, he won't because he will have a bussiness meeting in the evening that day c/ Mrs smith will pick her up at her hotel IV Post-reading - Ss read the dialogue again then pick out the statements indicating the following situation a) Making an invitation b) (would you like to come and stay with us while you are in town? c) Accepting an invitation ( yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights We leave on the 28th) d) Declining an invitation (124) ( That ‘s very kind of you, but we are comimg on a tour Our accomodation is included in the ticket price.) V Homework - learn the New words by heart - Do 1,3 ( 65) - prepare for speak + l.focus 1,2 (125) No 72 Sunday, february, 27th , 2011 unit 12: a vacation abroad lesson 2: speak+ L focus 1,2 A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to: + Talk about their plans for a trip abroad using tourist brochures and flight information +Review the past progressive tense with “when and while” * Teaching aids: Extra board B / Proceduces: I Revision: - The past progressive S1: write the form of the tense , usage form: S+ was/ were + V-ing T : reviews how to use “When” and “while “ in the past progressive tense II Pre- speaking 1/ Pre-teach: - an itinerary: lÞch tr×nh (tran) - a gallery: phßng trng bµy (sit) - a brochure: b¶ng qu¶ng c¸o (rea) - facilities: ®iÒu kiÖn (tran) - rate: gi¸ (sit) - via : qua (syn) * Slap the board 2/ Matching: - Ss look at the tables at page 114 and then match them with these words a/ Itinerary b/ Flight information c/ Hotel advertisements d/ Travel brochure 3/ Pre-questions: - Ask ss to answer some questions: a/ How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston? b/ Which flight can you take everyday of the week? c/ Which of the hotel is cheaper? d/ How much a double room in Revere Hotel? e/ Where can you visit? III While- speaking - ss work in pair replacing the information using the table S1: Where shall we stay? S2: The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym S1: Where should we visit? S2: I think we should visit Harvard Medical School, the Museum and art galleries S1:… S2:… IV Post- speaking * Transformation: - SS make a plan for their coming summer holiday by filling the information in their itinerary Depart: (Hue) …………………… Arrive: (HCM city) …………………… Accomodation: …………………… Sightseeing: …………………… Depart: (HCM city) …………………… V Homework (126) - New words - Do L.focus1,2 (119) (127) Monday, February 28, 2011 No 73 unit 12: a vacation abroad lesson 3: listening- language focus A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to + Practice in listening to the weather forecast for information about the weather in the big cities in the world +, use the progressive tense with “always” to make complaints *Teaching aids: - Cassette player D / Proceduces: I Warm up * Chain Game: - Ask ss to make a sentense by each student says out one word Eg: S1: Yesterday S2: I S3: went S4: to S5: the S6: zoo II Pre- listening 1/ Brainstorming: Words related to the weather forecast Cool wet 2/ Chatting: -Ss answer these questions: a/ Have you ever listened to the weather forcast on TV or radio? b/ What does it often tell you about? c/ Do you think it's necessary to listen to the weather forecast? Why? III While - listening * Gap fill: - ss listen and fill the gaps City Weather Sydney Tokyo London Bangkok NewYork Paris Dry, windy Dry, windy Humid, cold Warm, dry Windy, cloud Cool, dry Temperature Low High 20 26 15 22 -3 24 32 15 10 16 IV Post listening: - Retell the weather reports of the places: Ex: It’s windy and dry in Syd ney etc - Language focus 3: -The progressive tense with “always” to make complaints Ss write the sentences Say what the people are always doing (128) V Homework - Do (74) - Prepare for reading Monday, February 28, 2011 No 74 Test review A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know the mistakes which they got and how to correct them * Teaching aids: - tests B / Proceduces: I Warm up 1/ Discussion: a/ What you think about the test? b/ Is it easy or difficult? c/ Which sentense is the most difficult? d/ How many marks you think you got? 2/ Give ss their tests - Ask them to look at the test and check again II Correcting the test: A: listening: (2 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1:T 2: F 3: T 4: T B vocabulary and structures: (3,5 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,35 ) 1/ riding (129) 2/ interesting / 3/ closing 4/ Do 5/ made 6/ if I turned 7/ thirty- minute 8/ use 9/ given 10/ C: Writing: (2 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1/ This dictionary is used very often by the students 2/ A lot of trees will be grown here 3/ The class- room is painted last week 4/ English is spoken well by him D: reading: (2,5 marks- each correct sentences is received 0,5 ) 1-F 2- T 3-F 4-T 5- T * Main mistakes: - Changing the sentense into the passive voice - Answer the questions * Class 8… Name some good tests, bad test - Bad tests: - Good tests: … III Homework: - Do the test again - Prepare Unit 4- Listen and read (130) Sunday, March 6, 2011 No 75 unit 12: a vacation abroad lesson 4: reading A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to get some knowledge through reading for information about the places of interest in the world *Teaching aids: B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Ss describer the weather of the day II Pre- reading 1/ Pre-teach: - a volcano: nói löa (vis) - lava: nham th¹ch (vis) - (to) pour out: trµo (sit) - (to) carve: kh¾c (sit) - (to) be situated: to¹ l¹c (sit) - overhead: trªn ®Çu (tran) * Slap the board 2/ Pre-questions: 1/ Where did Mrs Quyen and her husband visit? 2/ Which places of interest did they visit? 3/ What did they there? III While- reading 1/ Grid: - SS read the postcards from Mrs Quyen to her children and complete the grid Place a) Hawaii b) New York c) Chicago d) Mount Rushmore e) San Fancisco What she did and saw? Went swimming, visited Kilawea Volcano Went hopping, bought a lot of souvenirs Saw lake Michigan Saw the heads of American Presidents Visited Fisherman's wharf, the Napa Valley wine-growing area and the Alcatraz Prison 2/ Comprehension questions: SS read the postcards again then answer these questions a) She went there by plane b) She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz c) It is the mount where the heads of four American Presidents are carved into the rock, and it can be seen from more than 100 km away d) It is also called "the windy city" e) She went shopping IV Post-reading * Write it up: - Ask ss to write about Mrs Quyen’s trip V Homework - New words - Do 2,4 (P 73-74) (131) (132) No 76 Monday, March 7, 2011 unit 12: a vacation abroad lesson 5: writing A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a postcard to their friends to talk about their trip * Teaching aids: - Extra board B / Proceduces: I Warm up: Ha Long bay * Brainstorm Places of interest in viet nam Nha Trang Da lat II Pre- writing 1/ Gap - fill - Set the scene: From the USA, Mrs Quyen sent a postcards to her friend sally to tell her about the trip - Ss read the postcard then complete it in, people, weather, visited, her, nice, bought, for, heaviness, 10 soon - Ask ss to read the postcard aloud III While - writing 2/ Writing: Imagine you are a tourists on a vacations inVN Write a postcard to a friend about your trip, using the information in part - SS read the information in part again then write individual Example exchange: Dear Lan, I am having a wonderful time in Dalat The people are very friendly The weather has been rather cold since I came here Here I visited my old teacher who taught me at secondary school She was the teacher I like best This is the first time I visited Than Tho lake It is lovely I bought a lot of souvenirsand many books… See you soon Love, Mai IV Post- writing - read their postcards aloud and correct them V Homework (133) - Complete the postcard - Do (P 77) (134) No 77 Monday, March 7, 2011 unit 13: festivals lesson : getting started - listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ss read for details about traditional Festivals - ask for explanations of events * Teaching aids: - Cassette player B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Chatting: - Tell ss these people are going on their visits to Viet Nam and they need some advice on where to go - Introduce the names and their hobbies  This is Tom He likes swimming and sunbathing.=> Where should he visit?  This is David He is interested in ancient cities => Where should he visit?  Oliver is keen on pottery => Where should she visit?  … II Pre- reading 1/ Pre-teach: - husk: vá trÊu (sit) - a bamboo: c©y tre (real) - (to) participate: tham gia (syn) - (to) fetch: ®i lÊy, mang vÒ (sit) - (to) yell: reo hß (syn) - (to) urge: thóc dôc (tran) - (to) rub: cä s¸t (mime) - (to) award: tÆng thëng (sit) * Slap the board 2/ Open- prediction: - Ss answer some questions a) How many competitions people enter in a rice- cooking festival b) In water- festival competitions, what people do? How about a fire- making competitionsa rice-cooking competitions? III While- reading 1/ Check the prediction: - Ss read the dialogue and then check their predictions * Rice- cooking festival: - water - fetching - fire- making - rice- cooking 2/ T/F statements: - Ask ss to read the dialogue again then stick which true sentense and which false sentense - correct the false sentenses a) F Only one team member takes part in the water- fetching contest b) F One person has to collect one water bottle c) T d) F Pieces of bamboo are used to make thefire e) F In the final contest, the judges taste the rice IV Post-reading * Telling the festivals again - Ss close the books then tell again the rice- cooking festival Eg: (135) S1: A rice- cooking festival has parts They are water-fetching contest, fire-making contest, and rice- cooking contest S2: In the water- fetching contest one of the team member runs as fast as possible to the river bank and take the bottle of water return to the starting position S3: … V Homework - New words - Do 1,3 (79) (136) No 78 Saturday, March12, 2011 unit 13: festivals lesson : speaking - listening A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to develop their speaking and listening skill through their preparations for special events * Teaching aids: - Cassette player/ projetor B / Proceduces: I.Warm up Revision: How many competitions are there in rice-cooking festival? Brainstorming: - Ask ss to list the preparations for a special event - " What people to prepare for Tet ?"  Decorating the house  Buying flowers/ Fruits  Cooking meal  Making cakes  Buying new clothes  Buying postcards  Sending postcards II Speaking Pre- speaking a/ Pre-teach: - pomegranate: qu¶ lùu (trans) - peach blossoms: cành hoa đào (vis) - marigolds: cóc v¹n thä (sit) - dried watermelon seeds: h¹t da hÊu kh« (realia) - spring rolls: nem (vis) *Checking: Back to board b/ Ordering: - Ss read the dialogue and put the sentenses in the correct order Key: a-> f-> c-> h-> b-> g -> d-> j->e-> i 2/ while- speaking - SS list preparartions for school festival:  Decorate the classroom  Tidy the school jard  Buy flowers  Take flags  Buy invitation cards  Rehearse T models: S1: what are you doing? S2: I ‘m decorating the class room What about you? S!: I will buy some flowers SS make up their own dialogue talking about preparations for the festival - Call some pairs to present their dialogues - Corrects III Listening: 1/ Pre listening: T: “you will hear a conversation of the Robinson They are talking about preparations for Tet” - Gap- fill prediction: - Ss read the statements in page 124 then guess the words to fill the gaps (137) 2/While- listening -SS listen to the tape and check their prediction Key: a) Mr Robinson/ flower market b) Traditional c) Dried watermelon seeds d) Make spring rolls 3/ Post listening: - Grid: - ss fill in the gaps with the information taken from the statements above Things to Mr Robinson Mrs Robinson Liz - Go to the flower market to buy peach blossoms and a bunch of marigolds - go to Mrs Nga's to learn how to make spring rolls - go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds IV Homework - New words - Do 7,8 ( P82) - prepare for reading (138) Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 No 79 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 3: Reading A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to answer the questions about the Christmas * Teaching aids: B Proceduces: I Warm up: Back to board * What word is this? - Ask one student go to the board and ask him to stand in front of the class then guess the word on the board  Demcember24th  Song  Tree  Card  Santa Claus II Pre- reading 1/ Pre- teach: - a carol: bµi h¸t vui ( syn) - a Santa Claus: «ng giµ n« en (vis) - a patron saint: thÇn b¶o hé (tran) - description: h×nh tîng, h×nh d¸ng ( tran) - (to) spread: lan réng ( sit) - (to) design: thiÕt kÕ (sit) - jolly: (a)vui tÝnh (syn) * Back to board 2/ Prediction: - SS look at the table and guess the information to complete the it III While -reading 1/ Complete the table: - Ss read the texts and then check their prediction Christmas special Christmas tree Christmas card Christmas carol Santa Claus Place of origin Riga England USA Date 1500s Mid- 19th century 800 years ago 1823 2/ Answer the questions: - Answer the questions in pairs then write on the blackboard a) The Christmas tree came to USA in 1800s b) Because he wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends c) Christmas songs were first performed 800 years ago d) An Amecican professor named Clement Clacke Moore e) Santa Claus is based on the decription of Saint Nicholas in a poem IV Post- reading: * Playing the game:"Who rings the bell?" - Choose the best answer to complete these sentenses 1/ When did the Christmas tree appear? • A: 1800s B: 19th century C: 1500s 2/ Where did the Christmas tree appear? • A: America B: Riga C: England D: 800 years ago D: Franch (139) 3/ An … designed the Christmas cards • A: Clement Clarke Moore B: Frenchman • C: Amecicanman D: Englishman 4/ The Christmas songs were … put to music • A: stories B: poems C: novels D: films 5/ The leaders of the church said the songs were … • A: impossible B: unsuitable C: unhappy D: unlucky 6/ Clement Clarke Moore is a … • A: writer B: doctor C: professor D: teacher 7/ What color is the Santa Claus’s suit? • A: pink B: red C: blue D: black 8/ The Santa Claus is based on the … of Saint Nicholas in the poem • A: character B: picture C: description D: A , B, C are correct - Find the persons that win the game - Give them some presents V Homework - learn the new words by heart - Read the text - Do ( Page 82- workbook) - Prepare for writing No 80 Tuesday, March 15th, 2011 Unit 13: Festivals Lesson 4: writing A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a report on a festival they have joined * Teaching aids: B Proceduces: I Warm up *Kim’s game: - ss look at the picture for 20 seconds - T divides the class into two teams then choose one student to go to the board - Ask ss to answer these questions a) How many people are there in the picture? b) What are they doing? c) Name all things in the picture - choose the winner II Pre- writing 1/ Gap fill: (140) - ss use the information in the dialogue on page 121 to fill the gaps in the report on page 127 - ss read the key aloud rice- cooking one/a water- fetching run water traditional bamboo six separate 10.added 2/ Questions: - ss answer the question on page 127 a) Harvest festival/ village festival/ flower festival… b) The festival was held on the stadium/ pagoda/ school… c) The festival lasted a day/ two hours/ a morning… d) There are a lot of activities such as…There are chess- playing contest/ duckcatching… e) … III While - writing * Writing: - ss base on the questions and the report above, write a report on a festival they have joined recently IV Post- writing * Correcting their writing: - Ask ss to read the report aloud - Give some main mistakes and correct them V Homework: - New words - complete the report - Do ( P83) (141) Sunday, march 20, 2011 No.81 Unit 13: Festivals Language focus A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use reported speech and the passive in the present and future tenses * Teaching aids: B Proceduces: I Warm up * Pelmanism: - ss find a pair of verbs put put write written make made bring brough t hold Held II.Practice: 1/ Language focus 1: - Ask ss to give the form of the passive voice Be+ PP - Ss complete the snetenses using the passive voice a) Were performed b) Was decorated/ put c) Is made d) Will be held e) Was awarded f) Was written 2/ Language focus 2: a/ Pre-teach: - a jar: (vis) - (to) jumble: (tran) - (to) scatter: (sit) *R&R b/ Practice: Gap fill: - Ss complete the sentenses basing the picture ( 1: jumble, 2: broken, 3: broken, 4: scattered, 5: pulled) 3/ Language focus4: a/ Set the sence: yesterday, Lan's grandmother, Mrs Thu, needed a plumber A man came to her door and said: "I'm a plumber" - SS change the sentence into reported speech "I'm a plumber" => he said he was a plumber b/ Model sentense: Reported speech: - Changing tenses into the reported speech + present simple => past simple + will => would + must => had to - Changing the adverbs of place and time This => that Now=> then Here => there Today => that day Tomorrow=> the next day (142) Yesterday => the day before Ago=> before Direct speech + present simple + will + must This Now Here Today Tomorrow Yesterday ago Reported speech past simple would had to That Then There That day The next day The day before before - Change these sentenses into reported speech a) He said he could fix the fausets b) He said the pipes were broken c) He said new pipes were expensive d) He said Mrs Thu had to pay him then * Lucky number: Language focus 3: - SS complete the sentences using compound words ( 1: LN, 2: Ask them to 3: b, 4: LN, 5: d, 6: e, 7: LN, 8: f) III Homework: -Redo these exercises again - Do 1,2 (P77) No 82 Monday, March 21st, 2011 Unit 14: wonders of the world Lessson 1: Getting started and listen and read A Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to seek information about a language game to complete a summary * Teaching aids: - Cassette player B Proceduces: I Warm up * Getting started: - Introduce the topic: Wonders of the world - Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match them with the famous world landmarks a) The Pyramids b) Sydney Opera House c) Stonehenge II Pre- reading 1/ T/F prediction: - Set the scene: Nga, Hoa and Nhi are playing a language game called guessing game How does this game work? - Arrange these statements in the right order of the game a) B asks questions to find who or what is (143) b) c) d) e) f) A thinks of a famous person or place B wins if he can guess the correct answer A gives B a clue B loses if he cannot guess the correct answer A can only answer "Yes" or "No" III While -reading - Ss read the dialogue and then check the prediction b) A thinks of a famous person or place d) A gives B a clue a) B asks questions to find who or what is f) A can only answer "Yes" or "No" c) B wins if he can guess the correct answer e) B loses if he cannot guess the correct answer - Ask ss to read the dialogue again and complete the summary Key: game place clue VietNam America golden right was IV Post- reading * Guessing game: - Choose one student and ask him to think of a famous place in Viet Nam then ask the others guess it by asking "Yes" and "No" questions - Suggested questions:  Does it have a beach?  Does it have a cave?  Is it a World Heritage?  Can we swim there?  Can we climb mountain there?  … V Homework - Read the dialogue - Do (Page 87) (144) No 83 Monday, March 21, 2011 Unit 14: wonders of the world Lesson 2: Speaking + Listening A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to make a report on famous places using reported speech - Recognize mistakes through listening to an advertisement * Teaching aids: cassette B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Play a game: "20 questions" - Introduce the game ask and anwser about a famous place: S1: is it in Viet Nam? S2: No S1: Is it in American? … II Pre speaking: 1/ Pre- teach: - Great Wall:v¹n lÝ trêng thµnh (vis) - a citadel: phè cæ (sit) - twin tower: tháp đôi (vis) - coral: san h« (tran) - (to) snorkel: èng thë (vis) - crytal clear: s¹ch, tinh khiÕt (syn) *R&R 2/ Matching: - Ss to read the sentenses then match with the names of the famous places in the box on P133 a) It is in South central Asia, 8.848 metres high about sea level b) It was built from 246-209 BC and some people say it can be seen from the moon c) It is a bell striking the hours in the clock tower of the houses of Parliament in London d) It is a skycraper in Manhattan, New York city e) It is a famous place in Quang Binh province, recognized as a world Heritage site by Unesco Key: a) Mount Everest b) Great Wall of China c) Big Ben d) Empire state building USA e) Phong Nha cave - Ss make "Yes/No" questions about 10 places in the box, using the information in the matching 3/ Reported speech in "Yes/No" question: T: Is Hue cidadel in the central of VN? Ss: Yes, it is => I asked Lan if Hue citadel was in the central of VN and she said it was - Ss write some rules when report a "Yes/No" question 4/ Practice: -Ss report all questions which they have just made about 10 famous places above S1: I asked Mai if Petronas Twin Towers was the tallest building in the wor;d S2: I asked Hung if/ whether Ha Long Bay was one of the world wonders III Listening: (145) 1/ Open- prediction: - Set the scene: " You are going to listen to an advertisement on the tape There are mistakes in the advertisement in the book? What are they?" - SS read the advertisement then find out the mistakes 2/ While-listening: - Ss to listen to the tape and then check the prediction - Ss listen again and then give the key:  southern -> far north  Inn -> Hotel  Jungle -> raiforest  6824 3927 -> 6924 3927 3/Post listening: * Write it up: - Ss base on three forms above then make six sentenses of their own - Ask ss to read their sentenses aloud IV Homework - New words - Do (P85-8) (146) No 84 Sunday, March 27, 2011 unit 14: wonders of the world lesson : reading A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to get some knowledge about the wonders of the world by reading a text for details *Teaching: pictures B / Proceduces: I Warm up: * Ss list wonders of the world they know II Pre reading: 1/ Pre-teach: - God: chóa trêi (tran) - Statue of Zeus: tîng thÇn Dít (sit) - (to) honor: t«n kÝnh (sit) - (to) compile: biªn so¹n (tran) - royal: thuéc hoµng gia (sit) *R&R 2/ T/F predictions: - SS read these statements and then a An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world b The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is the Pyramid of Cheops c Angkor Wat is the smallest temple in the world d In the early 15th century, the Khmer king chose Angkor as the new capital III While reading: 1/ T/F statements: - SS read the text and then check their prediction a F à The Greek man named Antipater did it b T c F à It is the largest temple in the world d F à The Khmer King chose Phnom Penh as the new capital 2/ Grid: - Ask Ss to read the text again then complete this table Wonders of the world Country Hanging Garden of Babylon Iraq - Ss look at the pictures and then name the places and their countries IV Post- reading * Game: "Who rings the bell" 1/ The only surviving wonder on Antipater’s list is … • A The Great Wall of China • B The Pyramid of Cheops • C The statue of Zeus • D Angkor Wat 2/ Angkor Wat was originally built for……… • A The Hindus B Kings (147) • C Buddhists D.The citizens of Phnom Penh 3/ Angkor Wat…………… • A The was a small temple • B is one of the seven wonders of the world • C is a pyramid • D was part of a royal Khmer city a long time ago 4/ The Hanging Gardens of Babylon is in …… • A Greece B Iraq C China D India 5/ In the 1400s, the Khmer King …… • A built Angkor Wat • B turned Angkor Wat into a Buddhist • C chose Phnom Penh as the new capital • D moved the temple to Phnom Penh 6/ The Great Wall in China is the … structure in the world • A oldest B highest C biggest D longest 7/ Angkor Wat was built around the year … • A 1100 B 1110 C 1010 D 1101 8/ … is the World Heritage Sites • A Great Barrier reef B Ha Long Bay • C Phong Nha cave D A , B, C are correct V Homework: - Learn the new words by heart - Read text and (P 84) - Prepare for the next lesson.(writing) No 85 Monday, March 28th, 2011 unit 14: wonders of the world lesson 4: Writing A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a letter to a friend about a place they have visited * Teaching aids: B / Proceduces: I Warm up: * Guessing game: - Ss write one of the wonders in the world on a piece of paper - The others guess what wonder it is using Yes/No questions S1: Is it the Statue of Zeus? S2: No, it isn't II Pre writing: 1/ Pre-teach: - a ranger: Ngêi b¶o vÖ rõng - a canyon: hÎm nói (explain) (vis) (148) - edge: c¹nh (rea) - Stone Age: thời kì đồ đá (tran) - temperate: nhiệt độ (expl) - breathtaking: ngo¹n môc (tran) * What and where 2/ Complete the letter: - SS read the letter Tim sent to Hoa about his trip to the grand Canyon - Ask ss to read the letter again Key: 1.C, 2.B, D, A III While writing: 1/ Set the sence: - Imagine you have visited a place recently Write a letter to a friend of yours and tell him about this place - Ss read the outline on Page 135 2/ Writing: - Ss base on the outline and write a letter to a friend about the place that they have visited recently IV Post writing: 1/ Correcting: - Ss read their letter aloud then correct them 2/ Interviewing: - Ss use the information in the letter to make interview • Where have you just visited? • How far is it? • How did you get there? • What is it like? • Is it beautiful? • How about the weather? • How did you feel? - Ss change the role V Homework: - Learn the new words by heart - Do (Page 88) - Prepare for the next lesson (149) Monday, March 28th, 2011 No 86 unit 14: wonders of the world lesson 5: Language focus A/ Aims: By the end of the lesson, Ss will know more about those grammar points + Passive forms + Indirect questions with " If " and " Whether " + Question words before to-infinitives + Verbs + to-infinitive * Teaching aids: B/ Procedure I Warm up: Pre-teach vocabulary: + civil ( adj ) : thuéc c«ng d©n mét níc ( example/ trans) + ( to ) construct : x©y dùng ( mime) + summit ( n ) : đỉnh , chóp (visual) + expedition (n) : ®oµn th¸m hiÓm ( visual) *Checking: What & where II Practice: 1/ Exercise 1: - The passive form of the simple past: S + was/ were + PP - Ss work in individual then compare with a partner * Feedback : - T corrects * Answer key : a was completed b was constructed c was designed d was presented e was reached 2/ Exercise 2: - T asks Ss to tell how to change a direct speech into indirect speech +/ tense +/ subject/ object +/ adverbs/ possesive adjectives - T asks Ss to the exercise in individual then compare with their partners - T calls some Ss to write their sentences on the board * Feedback : - T corrects 3/ Exercise 3: - T models the first sentence - Ss work in individual then compare with a partner - T calls some Ss to write sentences - T corrects - T asks Ss to give the form : S + V + O + WH + to - infinitive * Concept check : form , meaning , use 4/ Exercise 4: - Ss work in pairs to in exercise then compare with other pairs * Feedback : - T corrects (150) III Further practice : ( poster ) Lucky numbers Empire State building / complete / 1931 She said : " Can you play table tennis ?" - She asked me LN ! It started ( rain ) when they left home Could you show me to the post - office ? Quoc Tu Giam / establish / 1076 LN ! Nam said : " I want to come there but I'm busy " IV Homework - Do exrcise in your notebook - Do exercise - in workbook Sunday, Aprill 3th, 2011 No 87 revision A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review some grammar points such as passive, reported speech, …by doing exercises * Teaching aids: - Extra board B / Proceduces: I Warm up * Pelmanism: - Ss find a couple of words put put write written go gone make made hold held II Presentation ( review) 1/ The passive voice: - Ss give the form of the Passive voice => S - be - P2 - ( by ) Ex: Active: They clean the room everyday Passive: The room is cleaned everyday 2/ Reported speech: (151) - Ask ss to give the form of changing a statement and "Yes No" question into reported speech - Some rules when changing reported speech => S - ask - if/ whether - S - … III.Practice: Exercise1: Change these active sentenses into passive ones j) People don't use this road very often k) We will grow a lot of trees in the park l) They are painting the living-room light blue m) People have developed many defferent paper products n) He asked us many difficult questions o) They must widen the road soon p) She advised me to reuse the milk bottles q) My siter cleans these rooms eveyday r) Waste from chemical factories have caused lots of pollution Exercise2: Change these passive sentenses into active ones j) This tree was planted by my grandfather k) The rubbish hasn't been collected l) Is recycled paper being used? m) Will a new school be built very soon? n) A lot of work is done everyday o) Many trees are cut down to make paper p) English is considered the most international language q) These doors should be shut before pm r) Many lakes and rivers have been destroyed by pollution from factories Exercise3: Change these sentenses into reported speech a) " Will you help me?" he asked me b) " Do you think they will come?" she asked him c) "You must go to school on time" My teacher said to us d) "Are you ready?" My mother asked me e) "Do you want to dance?" Lan asked her friend f) Mrs Lien said: "She will visit HaLong Bay tomorrow." Exercise 4: Put the correct verbs in these sentenses a) He should know how (use) the lift, but if he doesn't you'd better (show) him b) I advised her (ask) the bus conductor to tell her where (get off) c) The doorbell (ring) while Tom (watch) TV d) We want (see) the house where William Shakepeare (bear) e) The lights (go0 out while we (have) dinner But it (come) on again after about ten minutes f) Please go on (write) i don't mind (wait) - Check and correct IV Homework - Do these exercises again - Prepare for a test (152) Monday, Aprill 4th, 2011 No 89 A writeen test no A/ Aim : To check students ‘s knowledge form unit 11 to unit 14 including vocab, grammar ( passive, reported speech, tenses …), listening, reading and writing skill  Teaching aids: students the test on paper given B/ Content: I/ Listen to the passage then fill in the word you hear(2 points) Last winter Richard needed a new (1)……… His mother took him to a big shop in(2)……… The shop assistant brought three coats and asked Richard to try them on The first one was too(3)…… The second was much too(4)…… The third coat was a good fit It fitted Richard very well, and he liked it His mother said she would buy it The shop assistant asked if she should send the coat, but Richard wanted to wear it So he put it on and walked (5)…… of the shop, very pleased with his new coat II/ Choose the best answer(4pts) 1.Nga a letter at eight o'clock last night A write B was writing C is writing D writes Mrs Nga .always .her umbrellas A.were/ losing B has/ lost C will/ lose D is/ losing 3.They have to the rice from the husk and then cook the rice A separate B.take C bring D make I'm interested in the .contest A making-fire B fire-making C fire-made D made-fire 5.The first prize to the Mekong Team just after the final match yesterday A is awarded B was awarded C awards D awarded My teacher said he …….tired and… to go home A is/ wants B is / wanted C was / wants D was / wanted I asked Nga…………I could borrow her book ! A and B if C or D but Angkor Wat is one of the largest…… in the world A temples B churches C pagodas D tombs III.Read then choose the suitable word to complete the passage(2pts) India, Iraq , Greece, claimed, wonder, Egypt, compiled, included Centuries ago in (1) , a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon (2) a list of what he thought were the seven( 3)…………… wonders of the world The seven the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present- day (4) , The Statue of Zeus in Greece and the Pyramid of Cheops in (5) The Pyramid is the only (6) you can still see today Many people (7) .that there were other wonders , which the (153) ancient Greeks knew nothing about These included The Great Wall of China , The Taj Mahal in (8) and Angkor Wat in Cambodia IV Rewrite the sentences(2pts) 1.Someone painted the wall last night ® The wall My friend said, I will meet you tomorrow”.® My friend said 3.We should give this boy some rice ® This boy should He asked me “ Do you buy this book?”® He asked me …………………… Lan will meet him tomorrow ®He C Answer key and points: I./ points in toal – Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, coat 2, London 3, small 4, big II/ 4pts in toal -Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, B 2,A 3,A 4,B 5, B 6, D 5, out 7, B 8, A III 2pts in total- Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, Greece 5, Egypt 2, compiled 6, wonder 3, included 7, claimed 4, Iraq 8, India IV 2pts in total- Each correct sentences received 0,5 points The wall was painted lastnight My friend said he would meet me the day after This boy should be given some rice by us He asked me If I bought that book He will be met by Lan tomorrow D.Homework: - Redo the test at home - Prepare for unit 15 lesson1: getting started and listen read (154) …………., Aprill …, 2011 writeen test Class: 8/ full name:……………………… I/ Listen to the passage then fill in the word you hear(2 points) Last winter Richard needed a new (1)……… His mother took him to a big shop in(2)……… The shop assistant brought three coats and asked Richard to try them on The first one was too(3)…… The second was much too(4)…… The third coat was a good fit It fitted Richard very well, and he liked it His mother said she would buy it The shop assistant asked if she should send the coat, but Richard wanted to wear it So he put it on and walked (5)…… of the shop, very pleased with his new coat II/ Choose the best answer(4pts) 1.Nga a letter at eight o'clock last night A write B was writing C is writing D writes Mrs Nga .always .her umbrellas A.were/ losing B has/ lost C will/ lose D is/ losing 3.They have to the rice from the husk and then cook the rice A separate B.take C bring D make I'm interested in the .contest A making-fire B fire-making C fire-made D made-fire 5.The first prize to the Mekong Team just after the final match yesterday A is awarded B was awarded C awards D awarded My teacher said he …….tired and… to go home A is/ wants B is / wanted C was / wants D was / wanted I asked Nga…………I could borrow her book ! A and B if C or D but Angkor Wat is one of the largest…… in the world A temples B churches C pagodas D tombs III.Read then choose the suitable word to complete the passage(2pts) India, Iraq , Greece, compiled , included, claimed, wonder, Egypt Centuries ago in Ancient (1) , a man by the name of Antipater of Sidon (2) a list of what he thought were the seven wonders of the world The seven (3) The Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present- day (4) , The Statue of Zeus in Greece , and the Pyramid of Cheops in (5) The Pyramid is the only (6) you can still see today Many people (7) .that there were other wonders , which the ancient Greeks knew nothing about These included The Great Wall of China , The Taj Mahal in (8) and Angkor Wat in Cambodia IV Rewrite the sentences(2pts) (155) 1.Someone painted the wall last night ® The wall My friend said, I will meet you tomorrow”.® My friend said 3.We should give this boy some rice ® This boy should He asked me “ Do you buy this book?”® He asked me …………………… Lan will meet him tomorrow ®He Monday, April 4th, 2011 No.90 unit 15: compurters lesson : getting started- listen and read A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem * Teaching aids: Cassette player B / Proceduces: I/ Warm up * Discussion: - Ask Ss to make a list how computers can help us in their opinions  Computers help us learn interestingly  Computers help us learn more quickly  Computers are very quick in giving answers to our questions  Computers are convenient and easy for keeping and storing information  … II/ Pre- reading 1/ Pre-teach: - a printer: m¸y in (vis) - a manual: sæ híng dÉn (sit) - a plug: phÝch c¾m (rea) - a socket: æ c¾m (vis) - (to) connect: nèi (sit) - under guarantee: thêi gian b¶o hµnh (sit) * Slap the board 2/ T/F prediction: - Ss read the statements then predict T/ F a) The printer isn't working b) Nam has already turned the computer on c) Nam knows how to connect a printer but he hasn't connected it properly d) The manual helped them to find out the problem e) Mr Nhat bought the computer in HCM city and it's still under guarrantee f) Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn't anything with his computer because it's too far from his place III While- reading 1/ T/F checking: - Ss read the dialogue and then check their prediction a) T b) T c) F d) F e) T f) F 2/ Fact or opinion - Explain the "fact, opinion" + Fact: a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved + Opinion: Your feelings or thoughts about someone or something, rather than a fact - Ask ss to read the dialogue again then tick the suitable boxes a) F b) O c) O (156) d) F e) F f) O IV Post-reading * Write it up: - Ss use the reported speech to rewrite the dialogue in groups - Each group writes about 3-4 sentences - Check their writing by reading aloud v Homework - New words - Complete the reported speech - Do (P90) Monday, April 11th, 2011 No 90 UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson2: Speaking + listening A/ Aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give opinions ; agreement or disagreement about other opinions and Listen to complete the way to get the drink from a machine * Teaching aids: B/ Content: I/Warm up: 1/ Networks (157) screen Computers - Ss work in teams 2) Pre-teach vocabulary : monitor mouse + challenging ( adj ) : thử thách + time-consuming : lãng phí thời gian + unhealthy ( adj ) : không khỏe mạnh , không tốt + necessary ( adj ) : cần thiết + triangles ( n ) : hình tam giác + oval ( n ) : hình ô van + insert coins : nhét , đưa đồng xu vào * Checking vocabulary : R O R II.Speaking: 1.Pre speaking : - T asks Ss : What you think about playing video games ? - Ss answer individual - T : I think it's boring Do you agree with me ? - S1: No , I don't think so No , I dis agree I think it is interesting - S2: Yes , I agree with you I think it's time - consuming - SS other activities same to the example above -T presents the structures ( the box in the book ) Opinions I like I don't like I think I feel I don't believe Agreement Degree of agreement Disagreement So I I agree You're right Neither I I agree , but Yes , but on the other hand I disagree I can't agree with you No , I think While speaking: a Practice dialogue : - T shows the pictures in exercise and asks : + Who are they ? + What are they doing ? + What's wrong with it ? How to solve the problems - Ss practise the dialogue in pairs : open pairs - closed pairs - T asks Ss to make the similar dialogue , using the information in the table in exercise III Listening: Pre listening: How can you buy a drink from a machine? T introduces the steps to buy a drink from the chat then asks ss to predict the missing words While listening: Ss listen to the text tehn correct their prediction *key: Start Find a machine Do you have a correct change ? Yes What you want to drink ? Lemon soda Insert coins and press button take it Post-listening: - Ss listen to the tape again and fill in the missing words (158) This flow chart shows how to get a ( 1) from a machine It shows that the first step is to find a (2) Next ask yourself if you have a correct (3) When the answer to this question is "(4) " ask (5) .what you want to drink For example , (6) Finally , (7) the coins and (8) the button to choose the drink you want Once the drink appears , you maytake it from the machine IV Homework: -Learn the new words by heart -Do ex in workbook -Prepare for reding Tuesday, April 12th, 2011 No.91 UNIT 15: COMPUTERS Lesson 3: Reading A Aim : - By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to develop their reading skill through reading a text about usefullness of computers * Teaching aids: pictures B Procedure : I Warm-up: -Ask Ss to dicuss again the steps to get drink from amachine and speak aloud in front of the class.( Work in pairs)  find the machine  ask yourself if you have correct change  Ask yourself what drink you want to drink  Insert coins and press the button  Take the drink appearred II Pre reading: Vocbulary: (to) store information : (to) send massage: (to) receive information: lu tr÷ th«ng tin göi tin nh¾n nhËn th«ng tin ( trans) ( trans) ( trans) (159) telephone lines: (to) access: đờng dây điện thoại truy cËp ( trans) (a freshman: sinh viªn n¨m thø nhÊt College campus: khuôn viên trờng đại học Computer bulletin board: b¶n tin ®iÖn tö * Checking: Back to board T/ F prediction: -Ss read the statements on page 141 then predict T/F (Visual) (explanation) ( trans) ( trans) III While - reading - Ask Ss to read the text and then check their pedictions -T gives the correct answers: a-T b-T c-T d- F e- T f-T - SS read again and answer the questions: a) It doesn't have a library All the information normally found in a library now stored in the university's computers b) All the information is available through the computer c) A computer and a telephone line.With a bulletin board on the internet, a great number of people can get access to the bulletin and exchange information quickly e) More and more people complete their college degree through Distance education programs online IV Post - reading - Ss list the usefulness of using computers - The usefulness of using computers in schools V Home work: - Read the text and exercise ( p92) in the work book - Prepare: Write (160) Sunday, April 17th, 2011 No 92 test correction A/ Aims: - By the end of the lesson ss will be able to find out the mistakes which they made from the tesst and know how to correct them *Teaching aids: - tests B / Proceduces: I/ Warm up * Discussion: a/ What you think about the test? b/ Is it easy or difficult? c/ Which sentense is the most difficult? d/ How many marks you think you got? II/ Revision: 1/ Passive form: Be + PP 2/ Reported speech: III/ Correcting the test: Answer key and points: I./ points in toal – Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, coat 2, London 3, small 4, big 5, out II/ 4pts in toal -Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, B 2,A 3,A 4,B 5, B 6, D 7, B III 2pts in total- Each correct words received 0,5 points 1, Greece 5, Egypt 2, compiled 6, wonder 3, included 7, claimed IV 2pts in total- Each correct sentences received 0,5 points The wall was painted lastnight My friend said he would meet me the day after This boy should be given some rice by us He asked me If I bought that book He will be met by Lan tomorrow IV/ Teacher’s comments: 4, Iraq 8, India 8, A (161) - T makes comments about their results - Review some grammar points that they made mistakes in the test V.Homework: - Redo the test at home - Prepare for unit 15 lesson 5: write Monday, April 18th, 2011 No 93 Unit 15: Computers Lesson 5: Write A Aims: -By the of the lesson Ss will be able to - know how to use the printer - use the new words: paper, icon, power button, out put path - develop Ss’ writing skill ( writing instruction) *Teaching aids: Textbook B/ Procedure I Warm up 1/ Networks screen Computers mouse monitor (162) 1/ Mathching: A a paper input tray b monitor screen c power button d icon e output path f paper B GiÊy đờng/ lối Ký hiÖu Nót më ®iÖn Khay ®a giÊy vµo Mµn h×nh II Pre- writing - Ss match the words with the numbers in the picture( P 142) - Ss read the words aloud a) paper input tray b) .monitor screen c) power button d) icon e) .output path f) paper -Read the word in chorus III While - writing - ss use the given words and the pictures to write the instruction on how to use the printer - ss share their answer to their partners - Ss write the sentences on the BB - Call some pairs to show their writings to check a Plug in the printer and turn on the power b Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray c Wait for the power button to flash d Have the pages appear on the computer screen e Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds f The printed paper will get out from the output path in a minute - Check the writing and correct - Ss read the instruction again IV Post- writing - Retell how to use the printer V.Home work: - ss the exercises in the work book -Prepare: Language focus (163) Monday, April 18th, 2011 No 94 Unit 15: Computers Lesson 6: Language focus A Aims: -By the of the lesson Ss will be able to - Ss will be able to revise the present perfect tense and compare with the simple past tense - the exercise in the text book *Teaching aids: Textbook B/ Procedure I Warm up -Ask Ss to the order sentences into meaningful passage to know how to get money from the machine Choose the amount of money you want to withdraw Enter the PIN ( Personal Identification Number) Insert the card into the machine Get money and the receipt -Ask ss to work in pairs to -Give the correct answers II Presentation: * The present perfect tense -SS give the form of the present perfect tense used with already and Yet -SS give the form and the uses S + have/ has + PP +… -* Thì Hiện Tại Hoàn Thành dùng để quá khứ không rõ thời điểm và còn liên lạc với tại.( yet (vẫn chưa), for, since, already, ) Ex: I have lived here for two weeks Have you finished your homework yet? I have already finished the homework -Ss compare the present perfect with the simple past tense: * Thì Quá Khứ Đơn dùng để quá khứ có thời điểm rõ rệt cắt đứt với hieän taïi (yesterday /last week / last /last year /last summer /ago (caùch ñaây) - We came here a month ago.) II Practice 1/ Exercise ( p144).- ss work in pairs to the exercise ( p144) - Share the answers to the partners - Give the correct asnwers Ex: (164) Ba: yes, I have already finished it, Mom Ba: I’m sorry, Mom I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet Ba: don’t worry , Mom I have already turned it off Ba: I have already called and told her to have lunch with us 2/ exercise ( p144-145) -work in pairs to practice asking and answering about the flight - Ss this exercise orally - Call some pairs to practice before the class 3/ exercise ( p146) -T explains the examples: +I have been to Sapa.( Finished action) +I have gone to SaPa.( Incompleted action) -Work in pairs to give the correct answers: Ex3: c She has finished her homework.( complted) d He has worked with the computer since early morning.( Incomplete ) e.( Completed) f.( completed ) g.( Incomplete) IV Production What is the differences between the past simple and the present perfect tense? V.Homework: -Review the grammar points - Do all the exercises in unit 15 in work book -Prepare for the new lesson.( Unit 16) Sunday, April 24th, 2011 No 95 Unit 16: Inventions Lesson 1: Getting started+ Listen and read A Aims: -By the nend of the lesson Ss will be able to: +/ get knowledge with some inventions: The way to make paper and socola +/ Pracice speaking and reading skills *Teaching aids Textbook + tape and casstte B Procedures (165) I/ Warm up: -Ask ss to work in pair to match the stages in the development of paper with the correct pictures - Call some pairs to give the correct answers -Explain he meaning of new words: Papyrus: c©y cãi , giÊy cãi Wood pulp: bét gç Papermaking: lµm giÊy Prisoner: tï nh©n II.Presentation -Vocabulary: Cacao bean: h¹t ca cao ( visual) Manufacturing process: quy tr×nh s¶n xuÊt ( Trans) (to) crush: nghiÒn (mime) (to) liquify: lµm thµnh chÊt láng( Trans) Vanilla: vani ( Trans) Pour: đổ (mime) Mold: khu«n ( Trans) Conveyor belt: b¨ng truyÕn t¶i.(visual) -Read the new words in chorus aloud before the class III Practice -Ss look at the dialogue and then listen to the introduction about the dialogue Ss work in pairs to practice reading the dialogue -Ss work in pairs to the matching - share the answers to the partners -Call Ss to give the correct answers The answers: a).The beans are cleaned before being cooked b)Mr Robert thought Tim and Sam were ging to touch the button c) After cooking, the cacao beans smell like chocolate d) Sugar is one of the ingredients in chocolate e) Mrs Allen warned Sam to leave some chocolate for others d) A sample of chocolate is given after visitors have toured the factory -Check if necessary IV Production - Ss work in pairs to read the dialogue aloud before the class Ss summarize the chocolate- manufacturing process - Call some pairs to report in front of the class First, The beans are washed, weighed and cooked Then, the shells are removed Next, cacao butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added The mixture is ground, rolled, and poured into the molds -SS give the remark and the way to report the process to make some products: We often use: First.Second, Next, then, finally V.Homework : -Ask ss to the exercise in the text book.(p96) (166) No.96 Monday, May 2, 2011 Unit 16: Inventions Lesson 2: Speaking+ L focus 1,2 A Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: -get knowledge with some inventions: fascimile, microphone, color TV, laser - Ss practice speaking skill *Teaching aids: Textbook B Procedure I Warm up: Revision - ss give the process of making chocolate First, The beans are washed, weighed and cooked Then, the shells are removed Next, cacao butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added The mixture is ground, rolled, and poured into the molds II.Presentation: 1/ Pre teach: Fascimile: m¸y fax Reinforced concrete: bª t«ng cèt thÐp Microphone: mØ cr« X-ray: M¸y chôp X quang Loudspeaker: loa phãng Helicopter: M¸y bay trùc th¨ng Optical fiber: sîi quang * Checking: Back to board 2/ Presentation daialogue: -Ss work in pairs to practise the dialogue on page 149 3/ Grammar points: (167) Model sentences: elicite from the dialogue - When was the facsimile invented? -> It was invented in 1843 Who was invented by ? -> By Alexander -Passive voice: - S + be + pp… - S + be +not + pp… ? Wh- + be + S + pp ? III Practice: 1/ Ss work in pairs to mak the similar dialogue ( S1 use the table on page 150 and S2 use the table on pge 156) - Call some pairs to practice before the class A: Who was microphone invented by ? B: It was invented by D.E Hughes A: What was his nationality ? B: He was an American A: When was the microphone invented? B: It was invented in 1878 2/L focus 1,2 -Ss the exercise on page 154( Change the sentences from the active into the passive) - Give the correct answers: IV.production: -Ss rewrite some inventions Ex: Printing press was invented in 1810 by Friedrich Koering in Germany etc V.Home work : the exercise in work book - Prepare for “ Listening + L focus 3,4” - ss (168) No 97 Monday, May 2, 2011 Unit 16:Inventions Lesson 3: Listening + L focus 3,4 A Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to: - know the process of making paper : Paper making , vat, fibers, rollers - drill Ss listening skill *Teaching aids: Textbook + pictures , tape, cassette, B Procedure I.Warm up: chatting -ss work in groups to ask some questions about inventions S1: When was the printing press invented? S2: It was invented in 1810 S3: Who was it invented by? S4: by Friedrich Koering S5: What was his nationality? S6: German etc II Pre-listening 1/ Pre teach vocabulary: Pulp vat: chum bét giÊy Roll: trôc l¨n, l¨n Papermaking machine: m¸y lµm giÊy 2/Pre questions: -What can we use to make paper? -How is paper made ? III While - listening -Ss listen to the text then fill in the misssing words -Work in pairs to share the answers to the partners -Read the answers aloud a.Paper making is a simple process b.The procedure is almost the same as it was two hundred years ago c.The pulp vat is on the left of the machine d.The papermaking machine has alot of rollers - Check the answers -Read again the sentences IV Post- listening -Ask Ss to liten to the tape again and then work in pairs to arrange the sentences into correct order -Share the answers to their partners -Write the answers on the BB a.paper pulp was placed in the vat b.Paper pulp was mixed with water c.The water was drained d.The pulp fibers were poured out e.The pulp was conveyed under the rollers f.The fibers were smoothed and pressed dry g.The paper was put on a roll (169) -Read the answers aloud -Check if necessary *Language focus 3: ss make questions for the underline phrases in the sentences (p.154) - T and ss correct V Home work -Ask Ss to the exercise in the work book - Do l focus - prepare for the next lesson” reading” No 98 Tuesday, May 3, 2011 Unit 16:Inventions Lesson 4: Reading A Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : -learn about house hold inventions: Microwave,toaster, vacuum, hair dryer, dishwasher - Practice reading skill *Teaching aids: Textbook + pictures B Procedure I/ Warm up: 1/ Guessing game It was invented in 1816 by a german What is it? It was invented in 1950 by Peter Carl goldmark, An American What is it? It was invented in 1939 by Igor sikorsky, an American What is it? Etc SS play the game in two teams 2/ Pre teach: Microwave: lß vi sãng (viual) Toaster: m¸y níng b¸nh(viual) (170) Automatically: Tự động ( trans) (to) rinse v¾t (mime) Vacuum: m¸y hót bôi (explanation) Hairdryer: m¸y sÊy tãc Air conditioner: máy điều hoà nhiệt độ (viual)  Checking: back to board (viual) II.Pre -reading Pre questions; - What does “up- to- date’ mean? - How many verses does the poem have? - What is the poem about? III While- reading -Ss read the reading in silence to get the meaning of the reading -ss the exercise in the text book + Match the headings to the verses Verse 1: b) Appliances that cook food Verse2: c) Appliances that clean or dry things Verse : a) Instruments invented by Alexander Graham Bell - Call Ss to read the reading again to the exercise in the text book -Work in pairs to fill in the gaps in the sentences with one invention in the poem a) " Joan, Where 's the vacuum? I want to clean the floor " b) Last night I was reading in the bedroom when the telephone rang It was Ann, an old friend I didn't see for more than 12 years c) A dishwasher is a kitchen appliance that automatically washes, rinses, and dries dishes d) " Jane, Why don't you put the meal in the microwave to defrost? e) Can I borrow your hairdryer? F) We now toast the bread with a toaster on the table -Give the correct answers IV Post-reading -Ss practice asking ans answering the “ yes- no “ questions about the inventions - Retell the usues of the household inventions V Home work: - ss the exercise in the work book - Prepare for the next lesson(writing) (171) No 99 Sunday, May 8, 2011 Unit 16:Inventions Lesson 5: Writing A Aims: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to : - learn about how to write the process of making paper and chocolate -Practice writing skill *Teaching aids: Textbook + pictures B Procedure I.Warm up 1/ Chatting: When was Microwave invented ? Who Toaster by? Vacuum Hair dryer Dishwasher SS play the game in two teams 2/ Pre teach: II Pre -writing * gap fill: -Ss read the text “ How paper is made?”then use the words given to fill in the blank -Work in pairs to complete -Write out the answers 1) First 2) Then 3) Next 4) After this 5) Then 6) Finally -Ask ss to read the text aloud III While writing -SS order the pictures in the correct order -Share the answer to the partners Answers: 3-1-4-5-6 -Ss use the pictures to rewrite the sentences using the sequence makers -Rearrange the sentences - Ss work in pairs to write the sentences (172) d First, the fruit harvest is fermented for three to nine days to kill the beans and turn them brown a Then the beans are dried in the sun a Next , The bean are cleared in special machines c Then the beans are roasted to bring out the chocolate flavor b After this, They are shelled and groud to produce chocolate liquor b The liquor is made into chocolate candy or cocoa powder IV.Post -writing - Talk about the process to produce paper and chocolate V Home work : -Rewrite process of making chocolate and paper - Do exercises in work book -Prepare for the language focus (173) No 100 Monday, May 9th, 2011 Revision A.Aims: -By the ennd of the lesson Ss will be able to review the grammar that they learnt from unit to unit 16 include: -The passive voice - some structures:-Would you mind + Ving?/-Would you mind + if ? -etc - practice writing skill *Teaching aids: Textbook , work sheets B Procedure I.Warm up: -Ask Ss to review the main grammar that they learnt from unit to unit 16 -The passive voice -The direct speech -Would you mind + Ving ? -Would you mind + if .? II.Presentaion -Ask ss to listen to the form of exeercises that they are going to + Choose the best anwser + Rewrite the sentences + Choose the correct verb + Read and answer the questions III Practice -Ask ss to work in pairs to these exercise below, Ex1: Choose the best answer: 20 Do you know how .computers ? a use b using c to use 21.Life in the city is different life in the country a with b of c from 22.My mother showed me how .clothes a to make b making c make 23.My computer hasn’t since last week a work b worked c working 24 This dish looks a deliciously b delicious c badly 25.This is the boy Tim a calling b calls c called 26.Are you .in detective films? a interested b interesting c interest 27.They had a time in Hanoi a wonderful b wonder c.wonderfully -Work in pairs to give the answers -Ask ss to work in pairs to write the sentences on the BB 1.My mother often gives me present on my birthday ( Change into passive ) ->I am “ Is the weather warm and nice ?“Thu asked Hoa They built this house two years ago (174)  This house was Could you bring these flowers home? Would you mind ? -Ask ss work in pairs to the exercises -Write the answers on the BB Ex3: Choose the correct form of the verb: 1.These essays ( were written / is written ) by Daisy Would you mind if I ( closed / closing ) the window ? I ( met / was meeting ) a friend when I ( am doing /was doing ) the shopping 4.This time last Monday we ( are taking / were taking ) the final test Could you tell me how ( to go / going ) from Vinh to Phong Nha Cave ? 6.Linh asked me ( if / has ) I lived in Quang Nam province 7.She said that she ( like / liked) swimming in the sea in Autumn - Read and complete the sentences with yet or already; 1) I’ve started learning computer but I ‘ve not learnt very much 2) I’m still trying to finished my home work I’ve .been at it for hours 3) The children are still watching TV They haven’t been to bed 4) We offer to help Tim with the bike but he has mended it 5) Ba has’t gone to school He is still having breakfast 6) We have seen Titanic and we don’t want to see it again -Read the sentences aloud IV Production -Ask Ss to review the grammar structures that are mentioned in the lesson Home work: - Learn the grammar by heart] - Prepare for the final test No 101 Monday, May 9, 2011 Revision A.Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to consolidate some new points of grammar they have learnt such as reported speech / simple past tense… B Content: 1/ Reported speech a/ Form a Advise: S + said + sb + should / had better / ought to + V- infinitive Eg: Hoa asked “you should learn english everyday’’ - Hoa said I should learn english every day b Command: S +asked/told+sb(o)+toV (175) Ha asked you “ Open the door please’’ - Ha asked me to open the door c Questions with if and whether S+ ased + O + if/whether +S +V b/ Usage Changes in tense Direct speech Reported speech Present simple I walk Present progressive I am walking Past simple I walked Past Progressive I was walking Present perfect I have walked Will/shall must can Past simple I walked Past Progressive I was walking Past perfect I had walked Past perfect progressive I had been walking Past perfect I had walked Would/should Had to could Here and now words Adverbs Direct speech of Time now today tonight tomorrow yesterday last night two days ago ago Place here this these in reported speech Reported speech then /immediately that day that night the next day / the following day the day before / the previous day the night before two days before before there that those c/ Practice Exercise Here are something that Ann said to you.Rewrite, using reported speech 1.“I will send you a portcard” Answer key: 2.“Can you drive” She said she would send me a portcard 3.“Jane is my friend” She asked me if I could drive 4.“I'm working tomorrow evening” She said Jane was her friend 5.“I don't have any brothers or sisters” She said She was working the next day evening” 6.“Do you like fish?” She said she didn't have any brothers or sisters” 7.“Dave is lazy” She asked me if I like fish” 8.“Jane has a very well-paid job.” She said Dave was lazy” “I want to go on holiday but I can't afford She said Jane had a very well-paid job.” it.” She said she wanted to go on holiday but I can't 10 “I'll tell Mary I saw you.” afford it.” 10 She said she would told Mary she had seen me.” Ss: Do Ex in pairs T:Call on some Ss to give their answers orally for the class (176) T:Get some Ss to go to the board and write the sentences Ss: Give their answers T: Give feedback and correct 2/ Past simple tense a/ Form : S + V<past form> b/ Practice Exercise1 : Supply the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the following sentences She (make) a cake for her mother's birthday last saturday Huong (go) fishing in the river? Where you (be) yesterday ? I (be) at home Four days ago I (not play) soccer I (play) badminton Exercise2 : Change the following sentences in to the negative and iterrog-ative We wanted to beat them at tennis Nam saw a movie They took me home by taxi She was upstairs *Home work: - Learn the grammar points by heart - the exercises again - Prepare for new lesson No 102 Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Revision A.Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to consolidate some new points of grammar such as future tenses … B Content: * Warm up: T: Ask Ss to retell the simple future tense I The simple future tense Grammar 1.1 Form: S + Will + V<bare> 2.2 Usage: The simple future tense is used to talk about future things without preparations E.g I will go to the movies tonight Practice Exercise 1: Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences below (177) You (be) free tomorrow evening? I (give) her a ring when I get there My mother (buy) me a new bike if I get good grades You (have) lots of new friends soon I am sure Exercise 2: Change the following sentences in to the negative and interro-gative She will go to her friend's party They will have a party for his birthday We will be home late tonight He will see a movie II The near future tense Grammar Form : a Affirmative form : S + be going to + V<bare> b Negative form : S + not be going to +V<bare> c Interrogative form : Be + S + going to + V<bare> ? Practice Exercise: Make up questios for the following statements I’m very hungry ( what/you/reat?) 2.We’re going to the movie(what/you/see?) 3.My brother’s going to university (what/he/study?) Hoa’s not going by bicycle(she/go/bus?) Ba is working hard for his exams (when/he/have/exams?) It’s my birthday next week (you/have a birthday party?) III Would/do you mind…? Grammar + Would/do you mind + V-ing? + Do you mind ifI + V(present simple)? +Would you mind if I + V(past simple)? Practice Exercise Make the following requests more polite Exercise Make the following requests more polite Can I turn on the TV? Can I take a photo of you? Can I give you some advice? Can you correct this exercise for me? Can you play the tape? 6.Can I use your computer? Could I have a look on your homework? Could you tell me how to learn English? *Homework: - Learn the grammar points by heart - the ex again - Prepare for new lesson (178) (179) No 103 Tuesday, May 10, 2011 Revision A.Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to consolidate some new points of grammar they have learnt Help Ss practice in use passive form and used to B Content: * Warm up: T: Ask Ss to retell passive form I The passive form Grammar Form : be + past participle 1.Passive voice of Present Simple tense S + am/ is / are + P2 + (by agent) Passive voice of Present Progressive S + am/ is / are + being + P2 Passive voice of simple past S + was / were + P2 + (by agent) 4.Passive voice of Past progressive S + was / were + being + P2 5.Passive voice of Present perfect S + have / has + been +P2 + (by agent) Passive voice of modal verbs can / could may / might S+ will / would + be + P2 shall / should Practice a Exercise1 Rewrite the sentences in the passive 1.We check the aeroplanes(may bay) every month The aeroplanes 2.They clean these rooms every evening These rooms 3.I'll give him some new clothes He 4.The police arrested those thieves Those thives 5.I will give you that book tomorrow You 6.You should finish your home work before you go to school Your homework Exercise Rewrite the sentensec, putting the verbs in the passive My car / damage / last night The machines / make / in Scotland The money / change into dollars / at the bank Cheese / make / from / milk The children / give / some food The house / paint / every year Several people / hurt / in an accident last night Exercise3 Read the passage carefully then choose the best answer to complete the passage RECYCLING FACTS (180) In the USA, millions of old car tires are (1) _every year But tires can be (2) to make pipes and floor coverings Nowadays, many people wear shoes and sandals made from old car tires In Britain, the milkman brings bottles of milk to houses and collects the empty ones The empty bottles are then (3) and refilled Every milk bottle can (4) thirty times People throw (5) _billions of cans every year all over the world In Oregon, the government made a new law several years ago They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The (6) _is returned when people bring the (7) _back for (8) 1.A throw away B threw away C thrown D thrown away 2.A used B reused C recycled D recycle A cleaned B to clean C cleaning D clean 4.A be reuse B are reused C be reused D be recycled 5.A out B away C off D on A deposit B law C drink cans D.money &deposit 7.A law B drinks C cans D all are correct A use B using C recycle D recycling II Used to Grammar => (+) S + Used to + V- infi ( - ) S + didn’t + use to + V- infi ( ? ) Did + S + use to + V- infi Diễn tả việc xảy quá khứ, ko còn E.g I used to cook meal, clean the house Practice Exercise Complete the sentenses with Subject and used to She used to… He used to… It used to… He used to… They used to… Exercise Complete the sentenses with Subject and used to 1.My Mom was very good at swimming -> … … go swimming in the summer 2.My dad didn’ have a motobike -> ………… go everywhere by bicycle I had a dog when I was a kid -> ……… follow me everywhere My uncle was a pilot -> ………fly over many countries in the world My friends had a love holiday -> ……… Visit Ha Noi and Ha Long *Homework: - Learn the grammar points by heart - redo the ex - Prepare for the final test Sunday, May 10, 2011 No.104 (181) THE SECOND TERM TEST A Aims: To check ss : a Knowledge: All the language items from unit to 16 include grammar points / vocbulary… b Skill: Reading, writing * Teaching: ss the test on paper given B Content: §Ò ch¼n I Choose the best answer from the words in the bracket (4p) In his free time, he often chess ( play/ plays / playing/ is playing) What did they last weekend? They fishing in the river ( go / have gone/ went / will go) Du is my friend I her for two months (haven't seen / didn't see / don't see / not see) My Grandmother used a singer ( to be / am / is / be ) Would you mind if I the phone? ( use / will use / am going to use / used) Would you mind the window? ( to close / closing / about closing / closed) Nga pointed out Nhi where souvenirs ( buy / to buy / buying / bought) Sydney Opera House .completed in 1973 ( Is / are / be / was) II Read the passage 2p Dear Jane, Last month I met my friend Her name is Mary and she is a student in my evening class She has lived in this city since 2000 Mary has studied French for three years, and she began studying Russian last month Mary and I have gone to a lot of parks here Last week I saw her every evening, and this week I have already seen her twice On Monday we had a good time and saw an interesting film We have decided to take a trip to Devon in summer I have never been to Devon before Please write to me soon Love, Anna Read Then check True or false (T or F) the boxes (0.5pt) a Last month Anna met her friend b Mary has studied French for two years Read Then answer the questions (1,5pt) a When has Mary lived in this city? ……………………………………………………………………… b What did they on Monday? …………………………………………………………………………… c Has Anna been Devon before? ………………………………………………………………………… III Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning use reported speech( 3p) “Can you swim?” He asked me → He asked me………………………………………………………… “Close the door, please!” He asked her→ He asked her……………………………………………… Marry asked me: ‘’ Do you want to visit London?’’ → She asked…………………………………… “I’m going to the book shop” He said → He said……………………………………………………… 5.They painted the school every year ->The school……………………………………………………… People have made these machines from China for 10 years -> These machines…………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets (1p) She (study)………… ……… English for three years (182) He used to (cook) …………… dinner himself * Answer key I Choose the best answer from A, B, C, D (em hãy khoanh tròn đáp án đúng nhất) (4p) 1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-A; 5-D; 6-B; 7-B; 8-D II Read the passage 2p Read Then check True or false (T or F) the boxes (em hãy chọn câu đúng hay sai) (0.5p) a T b F Read Then answer the questions (em hãy trả lời các câu hỏi sau) (1,5p) a Marry has lived in this city since 2000 b On Monday they had a good time and saw an interesting film c No she hasn’t III Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning use reported speech 2p He asked me if I could swim He asked her to close the door She asked me if I wanted to visit London He said he was going to the book shop The school is painted every year These machines have made from China for 10 years IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1p has studied cook *Home work: - Check the test at home - Review the misstaken knowledge Phßng GD-§T CÈm Xuyªn Trêng THCS NguyÔn H÷u Th¸i Ngµy … th¸ng n¨m 2011 KiÓm tra häc kú II- n¨m häc 2010-2011 M«n : TiÕng Anh (183) Hä vµ tªn: …………………………………… Líp 8/… §Ò ch¼n I Choose the best answer from the words in the bracket (4p) In his free time, he often chess ( play/ plays / playing/ is playing) What did they last weekend? They fishing in the river ( go / have gone/ went / will go) Du is my friend I her for two months (haven't seen / didn't see / don't see / not see) My Grandmother used a singer ( to be / am / is / be ) Would you mind if I the phone? ( use / will use / am going to use / used) Would you mind the window? ( to close / closing / about closing / closed) Nga pointed out Nhi where souvenirs ( buy / to buy / buying / bought) Sydney Opera House .completed in 1973 ( Is / are / be / was) II Read the passage 2p Dear Jane, Last month I met my friend Her name is Mary and she is a student in my evening class She has lived in this city since 2000 Mary has studied French for three years, and she began studying Russian last month Mary and I have gone to a lot of parks here Last week I saw her every evening, and this week I have already seen her twice On Monday we had a good time and saw an interesting film We have decided to take a trip to Devon in summer I have never been to Devon before Please write to me soon Love, Anna Read Then check True or false (T or F) the boxes (0.5pt) a Last month Anna met her friend b Mary has studied French for two years Read Then answer the questions (1,5pt) a When has Mary lived in this city? ……………………………………………………………………… b What did they on Monday? …………………………………………………………………………… c Has Anna been Devon before? ………………………………………………………………………… III Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning use reported speech( 3pts) “Can you swim?” He asked me → He asked me………………………………………………………… “Close the door, please!” He asked her→ He asked her……………………………………………… Marry asked me: ‘’ Do you want to visit London?’’ → She asked…………………………………… “I’m going to the book shop” He said → He said……………………………………………………… 5.They painted the school every year ->The school……………………………………………………… People have made these machines from China for 10 years -> These machines…………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets (1pt) She (study)………… ……… English for three years He used to (cook) …………… dinner himself Phßng GD-§T CÈm Xuyªn Ngµy … Th¸ng n¨m 2011 Trêng THCS NguyÔn H÷u Th¸i KiÓm tra häc kú II- n¨m häc 2010-2011 M«n : TiÕng Anh Hä vµ tªn: …………………………………… Líp 8/… (184) §Ò lÎ I Choose the best answer from the words in the bracket (4p) Nga pointed out Nhi where souvenirs ( buy / to buy / buying / bought) Would you mind if I the phone? ( use / will use / am going to use / used) My Grandmother used a singer ( to be / am / is / be ) Would you mind the window? ( to close / closing / about closing / closed) What did they last weekend? They fishing in the river ( go / have gone/ went / will go) Du is my friend I her for two months (haven't seen / didn't see / don't see / not see) In his free time, he often chess ( play/ plays / playing/ is playing) Sydney Opera House .completed in 1973 ( Is / are / be / was) II Read the passage 2p Dear Jane, Last month I met my friend Her name is Mary and she is a student in my evening class She has lived in this city since 2000 Mary has studied French for three years, and she began studying Russian last month Mary and I have gone to a lot of parks here Last week I saw her every evening, and this week I have already seen her twice On Monday we had a good time and saw an interesting film We have decided to take a trip to Devon in summer I have never been to Devon before Please write to me soon Love, Anna 1/ Read Then answer the questions (1,5p) a When has Mary lived in this city? b What did they on Monday? c Has Anna been Devon before? 2/ Read Then check True or false (T or F) the boxes (0.5p) a Last month Anna met her friend b Mary has studied French for two years III Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning use reported speech( 3p) Marry asked me: ‘’ Do you want to visit London?’’ → She asked………………………………… “I’m going to the book shop” He said → He said………………………………………………… “Can you swim?” He asked me → He asked me………………………………………………… “Close the door, please!” He asked her→ He asked her……………………………………… 5.They painted the school every year ->The school……………………………………………………… People have made these machines from China for 10 years -> These machines………………………………………… IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets (1p) He used to (cook) ………… … dinner himself She (study)…… ……… … English for three years Sunday, May 15, 2011 No.105 TEST review A Aims: By the end of the lesson students can review their knowlede form the test include grammar points / vocbulary… * Teaching: B Content: (185) I/ Warm up: -Teacher’s comments about the test: II/ Revision: 1/ Theory: a/ The present perfect tense: S +have /has + PP S +haven’t /hasn’t + PP Have /Has + S + PP? * Use : - Dùng để miêu tả hành động đã xảy quá khứ tính đến đã xảy bao lâu (FOR) đã xảy từ lúc nào (Since) Ex: You have studied English for years / She has studied English since 2005 - Dùng để miêu tả hành động xảy quá khứ không cụ thể thời gian Ex: Have you ever been to Hue? I have never gone Since: / For: So far = up to now = up to present Just: vừa mới, Lately = Recently: gần đây, once/ twice: một/ hai lần Ever: đã Yet: chöa Before: trước đây already: b/ passive: S + be + PP b/ stuctures: Would you mind + Ving… Would you mind if + S + V (past) S + used to + V (bare)… * Answer key I Choose the best answer from A, B, C, D (4p) 1-B; 2-C; 3-A; 4-A; 5-D; 6-B; 7-B; 8-D II Read the passage 2p Read Then check True or false (T or F) the boxes (0.5p) a T b F Read Then answer the questions (1,5p) a Marry has lived in this city since 2000 b On Monday they had a good time and saw an interesting film c No she hasn’t III Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning use reported speech 2p He asked me if I could swim He asked her to close the door She asked me if I wanted to visit London He said he was going to the book shop The school is painted every year (186) These machines have made from China for 10 years IV Give the correct form of the words in brackets 1p has studied cook *Home work: - Review the miss knowledge - Make a plan for studying in the summer (187)

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 01:24

