1. Trang chủ
  2. » Trung học cơ sở - phổ thông


185 11 0

Đang tải... (xem toàn văn)

Tài liệu hạn chế xem trước, để xem đầy đủ mời bạn chọn Tải xuống


Nội dung

- T asks Ss to answer the questions in pairs and write the answers on the board... - Ss write their answers on the posters... - T asks the groups to stick the posters on the board. - Ss [r]


Date of preparing:

Period 1: The method of learning EnglishThe method of learning English Date of teaching:

Class: Attendence: A Aim :

- To help Ss grasp at the lesson - To help Ss learning English easily B Aids :

- books, notebooks C Procedure :


* At school : Ss must

- Listen to the teacher carefully when he ( she ) reads - Have to write adequate the lesson

- Have adequate books , notebooks and other material

- If Ss don't understand any parts , they should ask their teachers * At home : Ss must be :

- Learn the vocabulary ( write the vocabulary untill you learn them by heart )

- Learn the lesson combine the books and the notebooks - Apply their knowledge into real situation

- Do homework carefully

- Consult many books and other material

- Organize to learn in groups , pairs or have exchanges with classmates


Date of teaching: Class: Attendence: A Aim :

- Introduction and greetings with " Nice to meet you " " How is everything ? " and " just fine " / " not bad " / " pretty good "

B Aids : poster , colored chalks C Procedure :

I Warm - up :

Sing the song ABC II Check - up:

Check Ss' preparation III New lesson :

1 Revision : Slap the board - T writes the words on the BB

- Ss work in groups , Ss listen and slap the suitable response

Good bye Yes , I am Class A

Very well , thanks My name's Hoa - T makes questions :

1 What's your name ? How are you today ? Which class are you in ? Good bye

5 Are you a new student ? Practice:

a Matching : T uses the poster

- Ss work in individual then compare with a partner

b Gap fill : A4 a,b ( P 12 , 13 )

- T gives the poster with a) p 12 and b) p 13 with answerkey a) Mr Tan : Hello Lien How are you ?

Miss Lien : Just fine , thank you How is everything , Tan ? Mr Tan : Pretty good , but I'm very busy

Miss Lien : So am I Pretty good

How is everything ? Nice to see you So am I / me , too Just fine

Not bad

Không tôt Tôi vây Khá tốt


b) Nam : Good afternoon , Nga.How are you ? Nga : Not bad , thanks.How about you , Nam ? Nam : OK , thanks

Nga : I'm going to the lunch room Nam : Yes , me too

- Ss work in individual then compare with a partner - Ss listen to the tape recorder and check

- Getting Ss to come to the board and write the word c Picture cue drill : A5 p 13

- T tells Ss look at the pictures , T introduces each picture

Ss listen and write the letters of the dialogue in the order they hear * Answer key : c - b - d - a

* Picture drill :

- T uses the pictures a , b , c , d

Example exchange : a ) Nga : Good afternoon , Ba

Ba : Good afternoon.How are you , Nga ? Nga : I'm fine , thanks How about you ? Ba : Not bad

- Running through the pictures , dealing with the first then the second - T models picture a) , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss - Ss : open pairs - Ss - Ss : closed pairs

* Checking : some closed pairs Production : Mapped dialogue

- T encourages Ss to use the new greeting expression from the matching

Ba Nam



Nice again too How ?

thanks about ? thank you

Good bye See Bye

* Example exchange :

Ba : Good morning , Nam

Nam : Good morning , Ba Nice to see you again

Ba : Me , too / Nice to see you , too How is everything ? Nam : Not bad , thanks How about you ?

Ba : Pretty good , thank you Good bye See you later Nam : Bye

IV Homework :

- Speaking and writing A5 again - Do A1 , A3 in work book

Date of Preparing:


Date of teaching: Class: Attendence: A Aim :

- Reading for details and revising simple present , comparision , a lot of / many and reading skill

B Aids : Poster C Procedure : I Greeting :

II Check - up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A1

- Introduce yourself and greet each other III New lesson :

1 Revision : Wordsquare - T uses the poster with wordsquare

Aunt , friend

Student , happy , live

School , big , uncle , new , old parent

2 Pre-reading : a Pre-teach :

- different ( adj ) : khác explanation

- unhappy # happy antonym

- to miss : nhớ situation

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual * Vocabulary checking : R O R

b T / F statement prediction : _ Hoa is from Hue

_ She lives with her parents in Hanoi _ She has a lot of friends in Hanoi _ She misses her friends in Hue _ She is happy now

- Ss work in individual to predict then compare with their partners - T tells Ss to write their answer on the BB

3 While reading : ( book open )

- Ss read the text on their books and correct their predictions * Feed back : T tells Ss to give the answers

* Answer key : 1.T , F , F , T , F








* Comprehension questions : A2 ( p 11 ) a) e) :


- T gives the poster with numbers



* Questions :

1 Where is Hoa from ? Lucky number !

3 Does she have a lot of friends in Ha noi ? Who is she staying with ?

5 Lucky number !

6 How is her new school different from her old school ? Why is Hoa unhappy ?

8 Lucky number !

4 Post reading : Transformation writing

- Ss write in their excercisebook to change the information and change " Hoa " to "I "

IV Homework :

- Write about you as the same A2

Date of teaching:



Class: Attendence: A Aim :

- Asking for and giving personal information : name , age , address B Aids : Posters

C Procedure : I Check - up : Ss

- Do A3 again

- Answer some T's questions II warm- up : Slap the board

So am I Nice to see you

Just fine

How is everything ?

Not bad Pretty good

III New lesson :

1 Revision : Noughts and crosses - T sticks the poster on the BB - T introduces

- Ss work in teams A and B

- Ss ask and answer about the information given in the grid

You / 13 HXHuong street Nga

Her father / 40 Lan Le Loi school

30 Che Lan Vien street your mother / 36 Class 7/7 * Example exchange :

A : Where you live ?

B : I live at 30 Che Lan Vien street Presentation :

a Pre-teach :

- Family name : họ example

- Middle name : chữ lót

- an address : địa situation

- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word ) - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Rub out and Remember b Presentation dialogue : B1 P 15

- T gives the picture ( B1 P 15 ) - T introduces the dialogue

- Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Practice : S - S : open pairs

S - S : closed pairs * Checking : closed pairs

c Comprehension questions : B1 ( a - d ) p 15 a Who is Hoa talking to ?


c What is her middle name ? d Where does she live ?

- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions - Ss copy down the answers in notebooks

3 Practice :

a Word cue drill - T gives the word cue

- Running through the words , dealing with the first then the second - T models ( just the first word cue )

- Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T - the whole class ; the whole class - T * Pair work : open pairs - closed pairs - T corrects ( if necessary )

b B2 - P 16 : Complete the dialogue

- Ss work in individual then compare with their partners - Ss read the complete dialogue in pairs

4 Production : B3 - P 16

- Ss copy down the table and ask their partners questions and fill in the form

IV Homework :

- Write a paragraph about yourself to introduce about name , age , grade , school and home adress

- Do exercises B1,2,3 ( work book )

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :


Period 5 : Lesson : B Lesson : B - - 64 - - ( P ( P 16 - 1816 - 18))

A Aim :

Nam Nguyen


30 H X Huong

Hoa Ngo 15 Danang city

Lan Tran


Bach Dang street Tam

Bui 12

45 Le Hong Phong Street

Minh Le 13 H C M city

+ Name : Hoa

+ Age :

+ Grade :


- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to use " How far " question and answer with " kilometers / meters " to talk about distances

B Aids :

Poster for wordsquare and survey C Procedure :

I Check - up :

- Act out the dialogue B1

- Ask about family name, middle name and age - Answer some T's questions

II Warm- up : wordsquare

- T sticks the poster with wordsquare , Ss work individual then compare with their partners

- Feedback : T tells Ss come to the board and circle the words they found






Who , we

What , where , at , by , he Why , when , on , to , from III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre - teach :

- far ( adj ) : xa example

- distance ( n ) : khoảng cách situation

- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word ) - Ss copy down the words

* Vocabulary checking : R O R b Presentation dialogue : B4 p 16 - Ss read the dialogue ( individually ) - T elicits the model sentences from Ss

How far is it from your house to school ? - About one kilometer / 200 kilometers - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T writes the model sentences on the board * Concept check :

+ Meaning : T tells Ss translate into Vietnamese + Form : How far is it from to ?



+ Pronuciation :

- Ss copy down the model sentences and the notes c Comprehension questions :

- T asks , Ss answer in individual

1 Where does Hoa live ? ( 12 Tran Hung Dao ) Is it far from school ? ( No )

3 How does she get there ? ( by bike ) Practice : Picture drill

- Using pictures on page 17 ( B5 )

- Running through the pictures , dealing with the questions and answers - T models the first picture , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T - Ss ; Ss - T

* Pairwork : open pairs - closed pairs * Checking some open pairs

3 Production : Listen and write - Look at the picture on page 18

- T's introduction in the picture

Lan's house , school , post office , market , theatre - Ss listen and write down

- T asks some questions :

+ Is Lan's house near / far from school ? + Is Lan's house near the market ?

- Ss look at the picture and answer

* A6 : T writes on BB , Ss listen to the tape and write the distances Lan's house

(1) (2)

Post office Post office

(3) (4)

The theater * Feed back : T checks and corrects

Answer key :1)300 ms 2) 200 ms 3) kms 4) kms IV Homework :

- Write questions and answers about place which you know - Do exercises B1 , ( work book )

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :


Period 6


Lesson 5

Lesson 5

: :







A Aim :

- Practise asking and answering about the private informations - Skill : speaking

B Aids : Poster C Procedure :

I Check - up : - S answers T's questions

How far is it from your house to your school ? Is it far from your house to the market ?

How far is it from your house to the post office ? - Write some new words

II warm- up : Noughts and crosses - Ss work in teams A & B

- T gives the poster

family name/ (1) (4) you/ (7) Lan Tran 10 Le V Hien street 11 years old Le Loi school (2) (5) you (8) His name

The market /10ms fine Ba

Dung (3) (6) He (9) Middle name Ngu H Son street school / bike Thi

- Ss of each team choose number, make questions and answer the question to get marks

III New lesson :

1 Survey : B5 p 18 T uses the poster

- Ask your claasmates : " Where they live and how far it is from their house to school and how they go to school ? " then fill in the survey form

- Ss can go around the class and ask their friends

Name Hoa

Address Distance Transport

10 HXHuong km

by bike

* Example exchange : S1 : What's your name ? S2 : My name's Hoa S1 : Where you live ?

S2 : I live at 10 HXHuong street S1 : How you go to school? S2 : By bike

* Feed back : T asks Ss to report using " My friend's name is " Remember :Ss write and learn by heart " Remember " Revision : T uses the poster

- Ss look at the poster ( survey ) then write the answers for the questions What's her name ?


3 How far is it from her house to school ? How does she go to school ?

IV Homework :

- Do B7 again ( survey ) write about your friends * eg : My friend's name is Hoa She lives

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 7


Lesson 1

Lesson 1

: :



1 -2- - 4

1 -2- - 4

( P

( P

19 - 20

19 - 20



A Aim :

- Asking for and give telephone numbers and further practice in addresses - Skill : speaking


I Check up : Ss

- Writing the model sentences about distance - Using the cards to ask and answer

Hanoi / HCM city / 14.000 kms Le Loi school / post office / 50 ms

The market / 20 ms the bus stop / ms

II Warm - up: Sing an English song III New lesson :

1 Revision : B6 p 18

- T writes the words on the BB

- Ss listen to the tape and write the distances Lan's house

(1) (2)

Lan's school the post office

(3) (4)

The theater - T checks and corrects

* Answer key : 300 ms 700 ms 3 kms kms Presentation:

a Pre-teach:

- ( to ) call somebody : gọi người ( situation ) - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

b Presentation text : A3 - P 20

- T gives the picture and introduces the text - Ss read the text ( individually )

- T elicits the model sentences from the Ss : + What's your telephone number ? + 8273584

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individually - T writes the model sentences on the BB

* Concept check :

+ Meaning : T tells Ss translate the sentence into Vietnamese What's your / her / his telephone


+ Form :

What's + possessive pronoun + telephone number ? [ ] ( number )

+ Usage : Asking for and giving telephone numbers + Pronunciation :

3 Practice :

a Word cue drill :

Ngoc Lan / 684573 Tam / 231634

Van Nam / 975682 Xuan Huong / 0905475128 * Example exchange :

+ What's her telephone number ? + [ 684573 ]

- T run through the cards , dealing with the questions and the answers - T models ( the st card )

- Ss'repetition : chorus - individual TRWQ - T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs Presentation dialogue : A P 21 a Pre-teach :

+ ( to ) meet : gặp + free ( adj ) : rãnh rỗi

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual * Checking vocabulary : R O R

b Presentation dialogue :

- T gives the picture with Tam and Phong - Ss answer some T's questions

+ Who's she ? - What's she doing ? + Who's he ? - What's he doing ? - T introduces the dialogue

- Ss read the dialogue individually c Questions : a , b , c, d P 21

- Ss work in pairs : open pairs and closed pairs * Answer key : ( short answer )

a Phong and Tam b see a movie c at 6.45

d in front of the movie theater d Model sentences:

- T elicits the model sentences from the Ss

+ Where will ? " We'll " - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss ; Ss - T


* Form : The simple future

+ Affirmative : S + will + Vinfi + Negative : S + won't + V infi + Interogative : Will + S + Vinfi

* Concept check : Meaning , form , usage , prounuciation e Practice :

e1 Substitution drill : T uses the model sentences again

e2.Word cue drill : Poster / cards - T gives some cards with words cues

- T runs through the words and deals with the first card - Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T - Ss , Ss - T

- Pairwork : S- S : open pairs - closed pairs * Checking : some closed pairs

5 Production : Survey - T gives the poster

- Ss work in groups of to ask and fill in the table

Name address Telephone number

* Example exchange : - What's your name ? - Where you live ?

- What's your telephone number ? IV Homework :

- Do survey again

Where will we meet ?

We'll meet in front of the movie theater

T says

- Where will we meet ? - You

- What time - Go

- How - What / see

Ss say

- Where will we meet ? - Where will you meet ? - What time will you meet ? - What time will you go ? - How will you go there ? - What will you see ?

Where / meet ? In the street

What time / meet ? In the street

What / see ? A film


- Do A1,2,3,4 in workbook

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :





Period 8


Lesson 2

Lesson 2

: :





( P

( P





A Aim :

- Further practice in the " will " future , WH questions and answer B Aids : Poster , coloured chalk

C Procedure : I Check - up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A2 P.21

- Ask and answer with the model sentences ( the future ) II Warm-up : write it up : A5 P.21

- Ss listen to the teacher and rewrite information about the dialogue * Key : + Telephone number : 545545

+ They will see the movie + They will meet at Lan's house + They will go by bus


- Who's calling ? : Ai gọi

- Can I speak to ? : Tơi nói chuyện với - I'll call again : Tôi gọi lại

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation dialogue :

- T introduces the language on the phone - Ss listen to the teacher

- T elicits

+ If you are the caller What will you say ? + If you are the receiver What will you say ? - Ss answer

- T takes the roles of the dialogue - Ss'repetition : chorus - groups - pairs - T introduces some new words

+ ( to ) be out : vắng nhà + ( to ) be back : nhà

* Practice : T - whole class ; whole class - T * Pairwork : open pairs - closed pairs

- Checking : some closed pairs Practice :

a Comprehension questions : ( p 22 ) - Ss work in pairs : open pairs , closed pairs

b Answer given :

- T uses the title of A7 to set the scence - T gives the poster with the answers

- Ss work in individual , listen to the teacher and find the answer then work with a


3 Production : Mapped dialogue

Tan Nam

What tomorrow morning ? Questions

1 Who's calling ?

2 Who's answring the phone ? Who are they talking about ? When will she be back ?

5 When will Phong call her again ?


- Phong is calling

- Han is answering the phone ) - They are talking about Lan - She will be back at about - He will call her again after

Answer given At 5.30

2 We'll eat cake and sweets till 7.00 or half past We'll meet in the street


a When will the party be ? b What will we eat ?


go stadium What watch ?

a football match /

Would like with me ? Yes , when start ?

4.30 / at 15 Where meet ?

infront of stadium OK !

* Example exchange :

S1: What will you tomorrow morning ? S2: I'll go to the stadium

S1: What will you watch there ?

S2: A football match Would you like to come with me ? S1: Yes , when will it start ?

S2: At 4.30 Let's meet at 15 S1: Where will we meet ?

S2: Infront of the stadium S1: OK !

- T puts the cues on the BB

- T models the dialogue with the given cues - Ss'repetition : chorus ( sentence by sentence ) - T - Ss , Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some closed pairs

IV Homework :


Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 9


Lesson 3

Lesson 3

: B

: B

1 ,2, 3,9

1 ,2, 3,9

( P

( P





A Aim :

- Talking about dates of the year and the pronunciation - Skills : speaking and writing

B Aids : Posters for jumbled words , matching , survey, word cards C Procedure :

I Check - up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A6 p 22 - Answer some T's questions

1 Who are talking on the phone ? What is Han doing ?

3 What is Phong doing ? Who are they talking about II warm- up : Pelmanism

1st = first 2nd = second 5th = fifth

10th = tenth 3rd = third 9th = ninth

- 12 cards : + cards for numbers + cards with the words

- The numbers and the words are mixed T sticks the cards on the BB so Ss can see the letters

The first row : a,b,c,d,e,f and the second row : g,h,i,j,k


the team They raed the number aloud then put them under the group's nameon the board If not , T turns the cards over again and asks the xext team to - Ss continue the game untill all the cards over

- The team which has more pair cards is winner III New lesson :

1 Presentation :

a Pre - teach : T elicits the ordinal numbers from Ss - twelfth = 12th

- twentieth = 20th - twenty-first = 21st - thirtieth = 30th - thirty-first = 31st

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

Checking vocabulary : R O R and Jumbled word + t t t e ew n i h = twentieth + t t h t h i i r e = thirtieth + w e l t t h f = twelfth

+ f s t i r = first

+ t t w e n y - t i r s f = twenty-first

b Guess the new words : B p 24 : Months of the year - One S writes one month on the paper

- One S comes to the front of the class and other must ask to guess the month - The answer can only be Yes or No The S who guess correctly is the next one up

Example exchange : S1: Match ? S2: No S3: June ? S2: No S4: May ? S2: Yes - S4 replaces S2 and go on

c Matching : - T sticks the poster on the BB

- Ss work in individual then come to the board and match - T corrects

January tháng 10

February tháng

Match tháng

April tháng 12

May tháng

June tháng

July tháng

August tháng

September tháng 11

October tháng


2 Practice : B2 p 24 - T explains the aim of B2

- Ss look at B2 ( textbook) and answer T's questions * What's this ? - It's a calenda

- Ss listen to the conversation containing the dates of July - Ss listen to it and write the numbers they hear on the paper - Ss compare the result with their partners

* Feed back : Ss gives the numbers they hear - T corrects

* Answer key: + The first of July + The ninth

+ The sixth + The fourteenth + The seventeenth + The thirty-first Practice : B3 p 24

- Ss work in individual to write the months in order from first to twelfth - Ss compare with their partners

* Feed back : Ss read and write the months on the BB Production: Survey ( poster )

- Ss work in groups of to ask and fill in the table - Ss can go arround the class

Name Birthday

Dung May th

Example exchange :

S1: When's your birthday ? S2: [ May th ]

IV Homework :


Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :





Period 10


Lesson 5

Lesson 5

: B

: B

4 - 5

4 - 5

( P

( P





A Aim :

- Listen for factual information - Skills : listening and reading B Aids : Poster for wordsquare C Procedure :

I Check - up : Ss

- Read and write the ordinal numbers from - 20 - Read and write months

- Ask and answer about birthday II Warm- up : B9

- Play with words III New lesson :

1 Pre-reading : a Pre - teach :

- Date of birth : ngày sinh

- ( to ) worry : lo lắng example

- nervous ( adj ) : bồn chồn , lo lắng situation - won't = will not

- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word ) - Ss copy down the words

* Vocabulary checking : wordsquare

Birthday , on , we , live

Name , worry , friend

Phone , twelfth

Happy , man , row







Date of birth Nervous Address

b Open prediction : B5 p 26

- T sticks the poster with the registration about Hoa on the BB

- Ss work in individual to predict and fill in the registration about Hoa , then compare with a partner

* Feed back 1: T asks Ss to give the answers T writes Ss'answers on the BB

S1 S2 S3

Date of birth :

Address :

Telephone number : While - reading:

- Ss listen to B4 p.25 and check their prediction * Feed back : T checks Ss'answers and corrects * Answer key :

* Comprehension question : B4 p 25

- T makes questions , Ss answer in individual , Ss'repetition : chorus - Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs

* Checking : some closed pairs Post reading : write it up

- Ss ask and answer about the police Record P 41 ( language forcus ) - Ss write a dialogue about this

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs

Student registration form

- Name : Pham Thi Hoa - Date of birth :

- Address :

- Telephone number :

Student registration form

- Name : Pham Thi Hoa - Date of birth : June eighth

- Address : 12 Tran Hung Dao Street - Telephone number : 262019

Police Record

Name :

Age :

Address :


* Checking : some closed pairs IV Homework :

- Write B4 p 25 again about yourself - Do exercises B4 , ( work book )

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 11


Lesson 6

Lesson 6







A Aim :

- Writing an invitation to a party - Skill : writing

B Aids : Poster C Procedure :

I Check - up : 15 minute-test


- T gives the poster with 10 numbers - Ss work in teams

- One S from each team chooses a number , if it's a lucky number , the team gets marks without answer the question If not , he has to answer the corresponding question with the correct answer , the team get marks

- The group with more mark is winner *Questions:

1 What's your family name ? Lucky number !

3 How old are you ? What's your address ? Lucky number !

6 What's your telephone number ? What's your date of birth ? Who you live with ? Lucky number !

10 How old will you be on your next birthday ? III New lesson :

1 Re-writing : a Pre-teach :

+ ( to ) have a party : tổ chức bữa tiệc ( question )



+ an invitation card : thiệp mời ( realia ) - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

Checking vocabulary : R O R b B6 P 26 :

- T introduces the text B6 P 26

- Ss read the text individually then answer the questions a How old is Lan now ? ( 12 )

b How old will she be on next birthday ? ( 13 ) c When's her birthday ? ( May 25th )

d Where will the party be ? ( at her house )

e What's her address ? ( 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street ) f How long the party last ? ( from 5.pm to 9.pm ) While - writing:

a Gap fill : B P 27

- T sticks the poster B6 P 27 on the BB - T guides Ss how to it

-Ss work in individual to use the information from the answer to complete the invitation card

- Then Ss compare the result with a partner - S fedd back the answer , T corrects

Dear Mai,

T am having a birthday party on May 25th

The party will be at my house at 24 Ly Thuong Kiet Street from 5p.m to 9p.m

I hope you will come and join the fun Love

Lan Tel : 674758

- Ss copy down the invitation

b Question and answers : B7 P 27 a) f) - Ss work in individual

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

- Ss use the answers to form the paragraph Post - writing :

- Ss write an invitation to their birthday party IV Homework :

- Write B6 P 26 about you - Do B 6-8 ( work book )

Date of preparation :





Period 12


Lesson 1

Lesson 1

: :



1 , 3

1 , 3

( P

( P

29 - 31

29 - 31



A Aim :

- Bathroom and kitchen vocabulay - To talk about furniture

B Aids : picture P.29 , 30 , 31 ; poster C Procedure :

I Check up : - Check some Ss'books and notebooks - S writes your invitation card

II Warm - up: Shark Attack

* Words : television , chairs , picture , stove , table III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre-teach :

+ a bathroom : phòng tắm

+ a kitchen : nhà bếp

+ a sink : bồn rửa

+ a washing machine : máy giặt + a dishwasher : máy rửa chén

+ a dryer : máy sấy

+ a tub : bồn tắm

+ a refrigerator : tủ lạnh - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss give the Vietnamese meanings

Checking vocabulary : Network

- T gives the word " house " and an example ; Ss work in individual

kitchen House

bathroom Practice: A3 P 31

a True / False repetition drill: ( picture P 31 ) - T gives the picture and introduces how to it - T gives the model sentences , Ss work in chorus

There's a television


There are some chairs [repeat ] There are two pictures [ repeat ] There's a refrigerator [ silent ] b Deliberate mistakes

- T gives the picture of the kitchen P 30

- T sticks the poster for deliberate mistakes on the BB and guides how to it - Ss work in individual then compare with their partners

This is the picture of a kitchen The television is next to the

refrigerator There is a washing machine between the dishwasher and the electric stove There is a dining table with chairs Beside the washing machine is the tub

* Answer key : Ss feed back the words they replace - kitchen

- dishwasher - sink

- dryer

3 Further practice : Chain game - T introduces how to the chaingame - Ss are invided into groups of

- T gives the topic : say about the kitchen Example exchange :

S1: There's a stove in the kitchen

S2: There's a stove and a sink in the kitchen S3: There's a stove , a sink and a refrigerator S4:

IV Homework :

- Write and learn the words by heart

- Do ( language focus ) P 41 in workbook - Do exercise A ( workbook )

V Remark :

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :





A Aim : Teaching points

- Giving compliments with " what a / an + adj + noun ! " to talk about the house

B Aids : Poster for wordsquare and mapped dialogue Wordcards for word cue drill

C Procedure : I Check - up : Ss

- Read the vocabulary and describe your kitchen then write the vocabulary and write about your kitchen on the BB

- Ask and answer with the model sentences ( the future ) II Warm-up : Wordsquare

- T gives the poster ( extra board ) with wordsquare - Ss circle the word they know in individual

- T calls Ss to go to the BB and it

Shower , living room , kitchen , dishwasher , her , an

Lamp , sink , desk , stove , armchair , chair

Bookshelf , dryer , couch Bench

III New lesson : Presentation : a Newwords :

- amazing ( adj ) : đáng ngạc nhiên - delicous ( adj ) : ngon

- bright ( adj ) : sáng - interesting ( adj ) : hấp dẫn - convenient ( adj ) : tiện lợi - comfortable ( adj ) : tiện nghi - modern ( adj ) : đại - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R

b Presentation dialogue : A P 29 , 30 from " This is a bathroom some "

- T gives the picture and introduces the dialogue again - Ss read the dialogue in individual

- T elicits the model sentences from the Ss :









-T asks : How does Hoa say when she sees Hoa's bathroom ? her kitchen ? - Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs

- T writes the model sentences on the BB

* Form : Exclamatory compliment complaint

* Concept check : meaning , form , usage , pronunciation Practice : word cue drill

- T gives the word cards

a kitchen / amazing b armchair / comfortable c livingroom / bright d dinner / delicous

e story / interesting

- T runs through the cards , dealing with the exclamatory ( first card ) - Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

Example exchange : S1 : The kitchen is amazing ! S2 : What an amazing kitchen ! Further practice :

a Mapped dialogue

Lan Hoa

This house

beautiful ! And this bedroom

It nice

Where kitchen ? It over there

What a beautiful bathroom ! an amazing kitchen !


Oh ! modern !

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

* Example exchange : S1: This is my house

S2: What a beautiful house ! S1: And this is my bedroom

S2: It's very nice Where's the kitchen ? S1: It's over there

S2: Oh ! What a modern kitchen ! b Write it up :

- Ss write compliments , using the cues in A2b P 31 - T checks some Ss

IV Homework :

- Make compliments with " What " - Do exercise A ( workbook )

V Remark :

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 14


Lesson 3

Lesson 3

: A

: A



( P 30)

( P 30)

A Aim :


C Procedure : I Check - up : Ss

- Make compliments - Write some newwords II warm- up : Jumbled words

- T gives the cards with Jumbled Words , Ss in individual

tgbirh = bright tetiinrgesn = interesting

leoudicis = delicous dogo = good

tieaufuble = beautiful lelovy = lovely

III New lesson :

1 Pre - teach : T elicits the newwords from Ss

- awful ( adj ) : khủng khiếp , tồi tệ ( situation )

- expensive ( adj ) : đắt ( antonym )

- bad ( adj ) : dở ( question )

- boring ( adj ) : chán ( situation )

- wet ( adj ) : ẩm ướt ( situation )

- T models times , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

Checking vocabulary : slap the board

- T writes Vietnamese on the BB , T reads them in English

Đắt chán

ẩm ướt

tồi tệ dở

2 Presentation : - T gives the picture 2a p 30 - T introduces

- T reads , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual * Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from the Ss :

+ What does Hoa say when she see an expensive dress ? ( 250 000đ ) - Ss answer and repetition : chorus - pairs

- T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs

- T writes the model sentences on the BB

What an expensive dress !

* Form :

What + ( a / an ) + adj + Noun ! * Usage : for complaints


3 Practice : Word cue drill - T gives the word cards

1 dress / expensive restaurant / awful party / boring movie / bad - Running through the vocabulary

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Practise : T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs

Example exchange : S1 : This dress is expensive

S2 : Yes , What an expensive dress ! Further practice: Noughts and Crosses

- T gives the extra board with the words

dinner house Restaurant

boy party Girl

shirt movie room

- T introduces how to the game - Ss are invided into teams

- Ss give compliments or make complaints with " What + a / an + adj + Noun ! " Example exchange :

S1 : The dinner is delicious

S2 : Yes , What a delicious dinner ! IV Homework :

- Make compliments and complaints - Do exercises A ( work book )

V Remark:

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 15


Lesson 4

Lesson 4

: B

: B



( P

( P





A Aim :

- Listening for main ideas , details and jobs vocabulary - Skills : listening

B Aids : extra board and stereo C Procedure :

I Check - up : S

- Read and write exclamatory II Warm- up : Network


III New lesson : Pre-reading : a Pre - teach :

- ( to ) raise : nuôi ( question ) - ( to ) take care of : chăm sóc ( situation ) - cattle (n ) : gia súc ( visual ) - a journalist : nhà báo ( situation )

- a newspaper : báo ( realia )

- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word ) - Ss copy down the words

* Vocabulary checking : Rub out and Remember b Matching : B3 p 35

- T gives the poster B3 P.35

- Ss work in individual then compare with their partners

a farmer writes for a newspaper

a doctor works on a farm

a journalist teaches in a school a teacher takes care of sick people c True / false statements prediction : ( bookshut ) - T gives the extraboard with sentences

1 Hoa's father is a worker

2 Her mother does the housework and help on the farm Her sister is 10

4 Lan's father takes care of sick children Her mother is a doctor

6 Her brother works on the farm

- Ss work in individual to predict then compare their result with their partners * Feed back : T calls some Ss come to BB and write the result

2 While - reading:

- Ss listen to the tape recorder and check their answers ( or read ) * Feed back : T corrects the results

* Answer key :

1 F T F T F F * Comprehension question : B1 p 33 - 34

LUCKY NUMBER - Ss work in teams

* Questions:

1 Lucky number !

2 What does Hoa's father ?


3 Lucky number !

4 Where does her father ? What's Hoa's mother work ? Lucky number !

7 What does she everyday ? Are they happy ?

9 How old is Hoa's sister ?

10 Does Lan's father teach in the school ? Post reading : Survey

- Ss work in groups of to make some questions and fill in this table S can go arround the class

Members Age Job Place work

Father Mother Brother Sister IV Homework :

- Describe your friends' members - Do exercises B ( work book ) V Remark :

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 16


Lesson 5

Lesson 5

: B

: B



A Aim :

- Listening for personal informations

- Ss know how to describe about jobs : doctor , journalist , through the verbs : work , take care of , teach , write ,

- Skills : Listening , reading

B Aids : Poster , extra board , cards C Procedure :

I Check - up : Ss

- Write new words - Act out the dialogue B1 II Warm- up :

- Ss talk about their family , using Survey lesson Example exchange :


- T gives the cards and introduces how to it - Ss work in groups

III New lesson :

1 Pre-listening : a Pre-teach :

+ a high school : trường ( question ) + a magazine : tạp chí ( realia ) - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :

- T gives the poster with the table - T introduces how to it

- Ss predict about three people : Tom , Susan , Bill and fill some information about them

Name Age Job Place of work

Tom Susan Bill

- Ss work in individual then compare with their partners about the result * Feed back 1: - T tells Ss to read their result

- T writes on BB While - listening:

- Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions - T corrects the mistakes

* Feed back :

* Answer key : - Tom : 26 , teacher , at a high school - Susan : 19 , journalist , for a magazine - Bill : 20 , nurse , in a hospital

- Ss copy down

- Recall : Ss use the grid to talk about Tom , Susan and Bill Example exchange :

takes care of sick people

teaches in a school

writes for a newspaper

A journalist works on a farm

A teacher


+ Tom is a teacher He's 26 years old He teaches at a high school + Susan is a journalist She's 19 years old She works for a magazine +

3 Post - listening : write it up

- Ss write again about Tom , Susan and Bill - T checks and corrects the mistakes

IV Homework :

- Write about your family ( age , job , place of work ) - Do exercise B ( work book )

V Remark :

Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 17


Lesson 6

Lesson 6

: B

: B



( P 35-36

( P




A Aim :

- Comparatives and superlatives of irregular adjectives ( ex : good - better - the best ) and long adjectives ( ex : more expensive - the most expensive )

- Skills : listening

B Aids : poster , picture ( p.36 ) , coloured chalk C Procedure :

I Check - up : S

- Say about people in your family then write on the BB II Warm- up :

- T gives the poster with cues

- Ss make sentences with Comparatives and superlatives using the cues :

Nam : 1m35' Hanoi 30oC

Ba : 1m45' HCMC 35oC

Tam : 1m60' Hue 38oC

- Ss compare with their partner

- T checks some Ss , Ss read their sentences Example statements : - Ba is taller than Nam


a Pre - teach :

- an apartment : hộ ( visual) - suitable ( adj ) : phù hợp ( situation ) - good - better - the best : ( explaination ) - expensive - more expensive - the most expensive

- T models , Ss' repetition : chorus - individual ( word by word ) - Ss copy down the words

* Vocabulary checking : Slap the board

- T introduces how to it - Ss work in groups

more expensive

apartment the best


the most expensive

expensive suitable

b Presentation dialogue : B5 p 35-36 - T uses the picture B5 P.35-36

- T introduces the dialogue - Ss act out the dialogue

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs c.Comprehension question: a) d) - T asks , Ss answer individually

* Pairs : Sq - S a

* Answer key : a 27 b 79 c 79 d 27

d Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss by using these question

+ What does Nhat say about the apartment at number 40 ? 79 ?

- Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T writes the model sentences on the BB

The apartment at number 40 is better It's more expensive The apartment at number 79 is the best It's the most expensive * Form :

+ Comparatives :


Short adj : THE adj + EST Long adj : THE MOST + adj

* Concept check : form , meaning , usage and pronunciation * Notes :

- good - better - the best - bad - worse - the worst

- Ss copy down the model sentences , form and note

2 Practice: Picture drill : Language focus ( ? P 39 - 40 ) - T gives the picture

- Run through the picture

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

Example exchange :

S1: A is a cheap toy

S2: And B is cheaper and C is the cheapest Further practice : Written execise

- T sticks the poster on the BB

1 Sydney / big / Australia Tokyo / expensive / world

3 He / good student / class The Titanic / good This food / bad

- Ss work in groups of to write sentences - T checks and corrects ( Ss read )

IV Homework :

- Rewrite exercises in your exercises note books - Make sentences with Comparatives



Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 18


Lesson 7

Lesson 7



A Aim :

- Further practice in present simple , the " will future and prepositions B Aids : Poster , picture

C Procedure :

I Check - up : Read and write the sentences Sydney / big / Australia Hanoi / big city / Vietnam She / good student / class

4 This shirt / expensive / that one II Warm- up : Bingo !

- Ss write adjectives

- T reads : nice , new , expensive , cheap , small , tall , good , large , big , beautiful , amazing , boring , modern , comfortable ,

III New lesson :

1 Prepositions : Language focus / p.39 * Kim's game :

- T gives the pictures / p.39 for seconds

- Ss remind and write prepositons of place " Where's the cat ?" for minute - T checks , Ss read their predictions

- Do exercises / p.39 : picture drill


- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

2 Present simple tense: Language focus / p.38 - Ss work in individual then compare with their partners - T tells some Ss to read their exercises

3 Future simple tense :

- Language focus p.38 : Noughts and crosses - T sticks the poster on the BB

- Ss work in groups tell things Ba will and will not tomorrow

4 Occupations :

a Language focus p 40

- Ss work in individual then work in groups of , T monitors - T checks and corrects

b lucky numbers : - T gives the poster with 10 numbers - T explains

- Ss work in groups to listen to the job word and gives the correct definition

1 LN a worker

2 a fire man LN

3 a teacher a truck driver

4 a farmer LN

5 a doctor 10 a student

5 Ordinal numbers :

- Language focus 3p 38 : write the correct ordinal numbers - Ss work individual then compare with their partners

- T monitors

- T checks some Ss to read the numbers IV Homework :

- Do all exercise in language focus again

- Review grammar points : + exclamatory sentences + simple present tense + future tense

+ comparatives adj + superlatives adj

Go post office Call Ba Read book

Tidy yard See movie Watch TV

Meet minh Write


Do homework



Full name : ………


Class : 7/………


Date of preparation :





Period 20


Lesson 1

Lesson 1

: A1 -2-

: A1 -2-

( P 42 - 43)

( P 42 - 43)

A Aims :

- Revision for telling the time , school vocabulary and present simple tense - Skill : speaking

B Aids : a clock , stereo C Procedure :

I Check up :- Say about jobs of the people in your family II Warm - up: Revision : A1 p 42 - Noughts and crosses

III New lesson : Presentation : a Newwords :

+ physics ( n ) : môn vật lý realia / visual + Physical education ( n ) : môn thể dục visual

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

b Checking vocabulary : Slap the board

- T elicits words ( subjects ) from Ss , T writes the words in English , T reads in Vietnamese

- Ss work in groups to slap the words on BB

Math Physics Music

Geography Physical education

2 Practice : Picture drill A4 p 42 - T uses the pictures A4p.42

- T runs through the pictures , dealing with the questions and answers - T models ( the first picture ) , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

Example exchange :

S1: What's Lan studying ? S2: She's studying Physics

S1: What time does Lan have her Physics class ? S2: She has her Physics class at 8.40

7.00 4.15 1.45

8.30 9.40 11.5


a Mapped dialogue :

- T sticks the poster with the cues on the BB

- T models the dialogue with the given cues Ssrepetition : chorus ( sentence by sentence ) - T - Ss ; Ss - T

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

Example exchange :

You : What time is it ?

Your friend : It's nine - twenty

You : What time you have Math ? Your friend : nine - thirty

You : Do you have Literature today ? Your friend : No

You : When you have Literature ?

Your friend : On Tuesday , Wednesday and Saturday b Survey : A2 P 42

- T gives the handout with the table , Ss work in groups of

Name Get up Classes start Classes finish Have lunch Go to bed

- Ss ask and answer then fill in the table - Ss report back about their friends IV Homework :

- Write sentences about Subject you have Eg: I have English at on


Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 21


Lesson 2: A3,5

Lesson 2: A


( P 43-44)

( P 43-44)

A Aim :

- Listening for details and school vocabulary

You Your friend

What time ? What time / Math ?

Literature today ? When ?


B Aids : stereo , pictures C Procedure :

I Check - up : Ss

- Read and write Subjects

- T sticks the pictures ( p 43 ) Ss ask and answer about them Eg: - What's Lan stutying ?


- What time does she have ? At

II Warm-up : Wordsquare

Pictures , history , math , classes

Sixth , mom , can , start , study

English Geograhpy Music

Physics , physical

Education III New lesson :

1 Pre-listening : a Pre-teach :

- Schedule ( n ) : thời khóa biểu ( realia ) - important ( adj ) : quan trọng ( situation )

- fun ( adj ) : vui ( mime )

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction : ( book shut )

- Ss predict classes Thu have on Wednesday and Thursday


- Ss work in individual then compare with a partner - T tells Ss to write their prediction on the BB ( Ss )

S1 S2 S3












2 While-listening:

- T turns on the tape , Ss listen to the first time

- Ss listen to the tape the second time and check their prediction - T checks and corrects

a Practice dialogue :

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus

- Ss work in pairs : open pairs , closed pairs b Comprehension questions :

- T writes the questions on the BB

1 When does Thu have English class ? What time they start ?

3 What other classes does Thu have on Thursday ? What's Thu's favorite subject ? Why ?

5 What's Hoa's favorite subject ? * Answer key :

1 On wednesday and thursday

2 On wednesday at 8.40 , on Thursday at 9.40

3 Math , Geography , Physical education and Physics History It's interesting and important

5 Math It's difficult but fun - T asks , Ss answer in individual

- Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs * Checking : some open pairs

c A3 ( p.43 ) : open prediction : - T sticks the poster on the BB

Friday Saturday

7.00 _ _ Geography 8.40 _ _ Physics 1.30 _

Physical education 2.40 _ English


- Ss predict and fill in the blanks on the poster - T turns on the stereo , Ss listen to the tape times - Ss check their prediction and feedback

- T corrects * Answer key :

Friday Saturday

7.00 English 1.00 Physical ducation

7 45 Geography 2.40 Math

8.40 Music 3.40 English

9.40 Physics 4.30 Physics


3 Post-listening :

- Write your schedule in your exercise book

- Ask and answer question about your schedule with your partners ( Ss work in groups of )

IV Homework :

- Practice speaking and learning the dialogue A5 ( p.44 ) by heart - Do exercise A ( work book )


Date of preparation :

Date of teaching :




Period 22


Lesson 3

Lesson 3

: A

: A


( P 44-45)

( P 44-45)

A Aim :

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to read for details and compare an American school and a Vietnamese school

- Skills : speaking and writing

B Aids : Posters , picture and handout C Procedure :

I Check - up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A5 p 44

- Read and rite words about subjects II warm- up : Jumbled words

- droab = board - ustnetd = student


- ss rearrange the letters to make meaningful words III New lesson :

1 Pre-reading : T introduces the title

a Pre - teach : T elicits the newwords from Ss

- uniform : đồng phục

- break : nghỉ giải lao

- a snack : ăn nhẹ

- a cafeteria : quán ăn tự phục vụ - ( to ) sell # ( to ) buy

- T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

Checking vocabulary : R O R b True / false predictión :

- T sticks the poster on the BB ưith the statements

- T asks Ss to predict which statement is true and which is false a Students don't usually wear uniform

b There are classes on Saturday morning c Students don't have a break in the afternoon d The school cafeteria sells food to Ss

e The school cafeteria only open at lunch time f Basketball is an unpopular after school activity

- Ss copy down the table and work in individual first then they compare with their partners

Predictions After reading

a b c d e f

- T asks some Ss to write their predictions ( T/F ) on BB While-reading : A6 p 44

- Ss read the passage " School in the USA " ( p 44 ) silently - T helps Ss to correct their predictions

- T gives the answer key

a - T ; b - F ; c - F ; d - T ; e - F ; f - F - T's explainations

+ ( to ) be different from : khác biệt với + a 20 minute - break : giớ chơi 20'

+ after school activities : hoạt động sau học - T áks Ss to read the pasage chorally

- Some Ss read the pasage a Grids :

- T sticks the poster on the BB and gives Ss handouts

Activities In the USA In Vietnam

- There is a school uniform


- The school day ends at - There are lessons on Saturday - Ss have lunch at school



- T asks Ss to find out the differences between school in the USA and in Vietnam , then fill in the table

- Ss work in groups of

* Answer key : + There is school uniform x v

+ Classes start at 8.30


+ The school day ends at 3.30 / 4.00 11.15

+ There are lessons on Saturday x v

+ Ss have lunch at school v x

b Comprehension questions :

- Are schools in the USA different from schools in Vienam ? - How many breaks Ss in the USA have each day ?

- What are the most popular after school activities ? - T asks ; Ss answer

3 Post reading :

- T asks Ss to talk about schools in the USA and schools in Vietnam , using the above information

- Ss work in groups of

- T checks some Ss to say again

IV Homework : - Write about your school - Practise A6 p 44


Date of preparation

Date of teaching :

Unit four


At school

Period 23




( p 47 - 48 )

A Aims : Reading a text to understand the details and practising library vocabulary

B Aids : Cards, posters, picture

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Say about schools in the USA - Say about schools in Vietnam

II Warm up : Jumbled words

- T helps Ss to revise subjects vocabulary - T sticks the cards with jumbled words

luralitere = literature torishy = history

hispisc = physics phygrageo =


liogoby = biology

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading :

a New words :

- a library : thư viện picture

- a reference book : sách tham khảo realia

- a novel : tiểu thuyết realia

- a dictionary : từ điển realia

- a reader : sách đọc thêm realia

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Wordsquare - T uses the poster and hang it in the board

Newspapers , novels , magazine , dictionary

Racks , library,science , reader , eleven , even ,

read , nine , well

Books , math , shelf b Pre-questions :

* T’s introduction :

- T uses the picture and asks Ss some questions about it

+ What is it in the picture ? Where you usually see it ? + Does your school have library ?

+ What you usually when you go to the library ? + Who usually helps you find the books in the library ? - “ Now before you read a conversation between Ss and the librarian You must predict the answers for these questions ” :

1 When is the library open ? close ?

2 What kinds of books are there in the library ?










- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

- Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions and write on the board

S1 S2 S3


2 While reading :

a Grid : ( with answerkey )

- Ss read the dialogue B1/ p.47 to check their answers and fill in the grid on the poster :

The library - opening time - 7.a.m

- books on the left - Math , science books

- books on the right - History , Geography books , dictionary and literature

- books in English - Reader , novels , reference books and Vietnamese dictionary - closing time - 30 p.m

* Feed back : T asks Ss to fill in the poster - T corrects

b Comprehension questions : B1 a) – g) :


* Questions :

1 Lucky number

2 Where are the magazines ? Where are the newspaper ?

4 Lucky number

5 What books are on the left ? What books are on the right ? Where are the books in English ? What time does the library open ?

9 Lucky number

10.What time does it start ?

- Ss work in teams

* Answer key :

2.The magazines are on the racks The newspapers are on those racks Math and science books are on the left

6 On the right are history and geography books, dictionaries and literature in Vietnamese

7 The books in English are at the back of library The library opens at a.m

10.It closes at 4.30


- Ss write sentences about their school library, using pre-questions and library vocabulary

- Ss work in groups of to write on the poster

- T asks the groups to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework :

- Write about your school library again - Do exercise B (exercise book )


Date of preparation

Date of teaching :

Unit four


At school

Period 24

: LESSON : B2 - ( p 48 ) A Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use prepositions of position “ at the back / front, on the left / right, in the middle ” to describe the position of books in the library

B Aids : Cards, posters, picture

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Read and write words about library - Answer T’s questions :

1 What time does the library open ? What books are on the left ? What books are on the right ? What time does it close ?

II Warm up : network

- Ss write words about library

library rack magazine

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- a rack : giá đỡ picture - in the middle : visual - ( to ) find : tìm situation - T models Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : slap the board - T elicits and writes on the board


magazine dictionary newspapers

- Ss wok in teams Each team, Ss go to the board - T reads Vietnamese, Ss slap on English

- The winning team is the team slaps more words b Presentation dialogue : B2 / p.48

- T introduces the dialogue

- Ss listen to the dialogue Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Pairwork : open pairs

c Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss :

+ What does Nga ask when she wants to find the math books ? + How does librarian answer ?

- T models, Ss’reprtition : chorus – individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* concept check :

 Meaning : Vietnamese  Form :

 Use : Ask and answer about where the thing( s ) is / are  Pronunciation :

- Ss copy down the lesson

2 Practice : Noughts and crosses

- T uses the poster and hangs it on the board

Science books ( 1) Reference books (4) Newspapers (7) Magazine ( ) Readers (5) Biology books (8) Novels ( ) History books (6) Dictionaries (9) - Where can I find the math books, please ?


They are on the shelves on the left.


Where + can I find + S +, please ? are



- Ss work in teams, to make questions and answer with words - eg : S1 : Where are the science books ?

S2 : They’re on the shelves on the right

3 Pre -Listening : open prediction - T uses the poster with the table - T’s introduction :

+ T uses the picture p.48 and says “ Now let’s guess the position of the racks and shelves of books in the library What books are on the racks and shelves : 1, 2, 3, +5, + 7, ”

No Guess Listen

1 + +


Study center

Library's desk - Ss work in individual then compare with their partners

* feed back : T asks Ss to read their predictions and fill in the table

4 While –listening : B3/ p.48

- Ss listen to the tape times and check their predictions * Feed back : T asks Ss to fill in the table - T corrects

* Answer key :

2 : Science and math. 3 : Geography, history.

4 + : Newspapers and magazines. 6 + : English.

5 Post-listening : Write it up

- Ss write sentences about the position of books in the library using the grid

- Ss work in groups of

- Ss write on the posters then stick them on the board - T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework :

- Rewrite sentences about the position of books in the library - Do exercise B ( workbook )


Date of teaching

Unit four


At school

Period 25




( p 49)

A Aims : Reading for details and further practice in comparatives and superlatives

B Aids : Extra board, picture

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

- Act out the dialogue B2 / p.48

- Answer T’s questions and write them on the board Where are the math books ?

2 Where are the magazines and newspapers ?

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) receive : nhận situation - ( to ) contain : chứa đựng, gồm có Vietnamese - an employee : nhân viên question - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b True / false predictions : B4 p.49

1 The library of Congress is in New York. 1 It receives copies of all English books.

2 There are over 100 million books in this library. 3 The shelves are about 300 kilometers long.

4 5,000 people work in the library.

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read their predictions and fill on the board

S1 S2 S3 Key

1 F

2 F

3 T

4 F

5 T

2.While reading :

a Text : B4 p.49

- Ss read the text p.49 silently and check their predictions

- Feed back : T asks Ss to write the answer on the board - T corrects

* Answer key : 1F, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T


* Questions :

1 How many people work there ? LN !

3 Why is it so large ?

4 How many books does it have ? LN !

6 Where is the Library of Congress ? How long are its shelves ?

8 LN !

* Answer

1 Over 5,000 people work here

3 Because it receives copies of all American books It has over 100 million books

6 It’s in Washington D.C the capital of the USA It has about 1,000 km of shelves

3 Post reading :

- T uses the extra board with the table :

your school’s library The library of Congress

smaller x

more modern has more books

has shorter bookshelves more employees


- Ss copy this table and work in groups of to compare their school library with the library of Congress

- T asks Ss to fill in the table

* Write it up : Ss make sentences from the table on the posters - T asks Ss to read and stick their posters on the board

- T corrects and gives marks

* Eg : My school library is smaller than the library of Congress

IV Homework :

- Write a paragraph about your school library

- Rewrite in correct order to make meaningful sentences

1 The Unite States’, one, largest, the, of, is, library, world’s Congress, of, library

2 employees, work, 5,000, library, that, in the, books, are, lot, of, in, there, a, library the, borrow, books, can, students, from, library


Date of preparation Date of teaching :

Unit five


Work and play.


B Aids : poster

C Procedure :

I Check up :

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) learn about : học Situation - ( to ) use : sử dụng Vietnamese - how to use : cách sử dụng Vietnamese - ( to ) be interested in = ( to ) like : thích Synonym - a map : đồ Visual - an experiment : thí nghiệm Picture - last lesson : học cuối Example - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Text : A1 / p.51

- T uses the picture to introduce the text

-T asks Ss some questions : + Who’s this ?

+ Which school does she study ? + Which grade is she in ?

+ How often does she go to school ?

2 Practice : a Grid : - T uses the poster

- Ss listen to the tape and fill in the grid

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

classes What to do Computer science

Geography Physics

- T asks Ss to read and fill in the table - T corrects

* key :

+ Computer science : to learn how to use a computer

+ Geography : To study maps and learn how about different countries + Physics : To some experiments


- Ss uses the grid to make questions and answers about what Mai does in her class

- Dealing with the questions then the answers

- T models the first cue Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

S1 : What does Mai in her Computer science class ? S2 : She learns how to use a computer.

- T – Ss , Ss – T

* Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs c Presentation Dialogue : A3 / p.53 - T introduces the dialogue

- Ss listen to the dialogue * Practice : pairwork

3 Production :

a Questions and answers

- T asks , Ss answer then write on the board What time your classes begin ? What you learn at school ?

3 What you in your Computer Science class ? What you study in your geography class ? What you in your last lesson ?

6 What time your classes end ? b Writing :

- Ss uses the answers to write the paragraph about your classes * Eg : Our classes start at

IV Homework :

- Rewrite about your classes - Do exercise A ( exercise book )


Date of preparation

Date of teaching :

Unit five


Work and play


Period 27




( p 52 )

A Aims : Reading for details about Ba’s activities at school and at home

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Say about your classes - Anwer T’s questions :


2 What does Mai in her physics class ? II. Warm-up : Jumbled words

1 vorteafi = favourite ssicyph = physics shignwa chienma = washing machine

4 puretmuc = computer III New lesson :

1 Pre-teach : a New words :

- ( to ) enjoy : thích synonym

- ( to ) fix : sửa chữa picture

- ( to ) repair : sửa chữa ( máy móc ) picture - an art club : câu lạc nghệ thuật Vietnamese - electronics : môn điện dân dụng Question - ( to ) be good at : giỏi situation - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words

Checking vocabulary : R O R b T / F statement predictions : - T intoduces about Ba using the picture

- T runs through the statements

-T asks Ss to predict T / F in individual then compare with a partner Ba enjoys his school very much

2 His favorite subject is electronics

3 In this class, he does some experiments He isn’t good at fixing things

5 He can help his parents at home He never goes to Art club

- Ss guess in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back ( 3Ss ) : T asks Ss to read and fill their predictions on the board

S1 S2 S3 S4 Answer key






2 While reading : a Text : A2 / p.52

- Ss read the text and check their predictions + Feed back ( S )

- T corrects

* Answer key : T, T, F, F, T, F b Guess the meaning :

- T uses the poster with the words

o A household - Bức hoạ

o A drawing - Đàn ghi ta

o An artist - Thiết bị gia đình

o The guitar - Hoạ sĩ - Ss read the text again then match the English with the Vietnamese - T models, Ss’repetition : Chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

c Comprehension questions A2 / p.52 - T asks , Ss answer

+ Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

+ Checking : T asks Ss to write the answers on the board - T corrects

* Answer key : a) It’s electronic

b) Yes, he does Ba also likes other subjects at school because he enjoys school very much

c) In electronics, he learns to repair household appliances d) This subject helps him to fix the lights, the washing machine and the refrigerator

e) Yes, he is His drawings are very good

3 Post reading : Survey ( handouts )

- T gives Ss the handouts like the lible on the board

- Ss work in groups of to ask their friends then fill in the handouts - T checks some groups

* Eg :


S1 : What you in your free time ? S2 : I

IV Homework :

- Read the text again and write about you - Do exercise A2 ( exercise book )


Date of preparation Date of teaching :

Unit five


Work and play


Period 28



4 - 6

( p 54 - 55 )

A Aims : School subject vocabulary with listening and reading practice

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 1S

- Answer T’s questions and write on the board Which subject does Ba like best ?

2 What does Ba learn to in electronics ? How does this subject help him ?

4 Is Ba good drawing ? Write the sentence that tell you this

II Warm up :

Jumbled words


3 mucoretp iececns = nogyloecth =

5 yichpals dueacoitn = hcisyps =

III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : A4/ p.54 - T draws the pictures of Ba and Hoa

Hoa Ba

- Ss predict what subjects Ba / Hoa has on Saturday morning :

+ Ba : + Hoa : - Ss work individual then compare with the partners

- T asks Ss to read and write their predictions

2 While listening:

- Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions - T corrects with Answer key:

* Ba : d, a, e

* Hoa : c, b, e 3 Pre Reading:

a Pre teach

- an essay : văn (visual) - an event : kiện (situation) - calculator : máy tính (realia)

- past and present events: kiện khứ - T models times, Ss read in chorus individual

- Ss copy down


- T explains (teaches) vocabulary: piano, graph, equation, globe, atlas, (to) paint - Ss in individual

- T corrects

c Open prediction:

- Ss predict the subjects that will appear in the text - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

*Feed back :T asks Ss to read and write their predictions : English,

4 While reading : A5 p55 a Text :

- Ss reads the text silently to check their predictions

- Answer key: Literature, History, Geography, physics, language, English, music, sports, art

b Comprehension questions: - T asks, Ss answer

- Ss’ repetion: chorus individual

*pairwork: s- s open pair, closed pairs + Questions :

1 What you study at school? What you learn in literature?

3.Do you study past and present events in History ?

4.What subject you learn about different countries and their people ?

5 Do you speak English in language class ? What other things you study ?

5 Post reading : Noughts and crosses - T uses the extra board

History Language Art

Physics Computer science Math

Literature Electronics Geography - Ss work in teams to make questions and answers


S1 : What you in history ? S2 : We study past and present events

IV Homework :

- Write your schedule - Learn by heart newwords


Date of preparation

Date of teaching :

Unit five


Work and play


Period 29




( p 56 - 57 )

A Aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use recess vocabulary and review the present progressive

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 1S

- read and write things in each subject + Physical Education :

+ Geography :

+ Music :

+ Art :

+ Math :

II Warm-up : Nought and crosses

Music ( ) Math ( ) Literature ( ) English ( ) Physics ( ) Geography ( ) History ( ) Electronics ( ) Computer Science ( )

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) talk about : nói

- ( to ) chat : nói chuyện, tán ngẫu


- ( to ) play blind man’s bluff : chơi trò bịt mắt bắt dê - ( to ) skip rope : chơi nhảy dây

- popular ( adj ) : phổ biến - T models , Ss’repetition : Chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation Text : B1 / p.56

- T uses the pictures ( p 56 ) and introduces the text by using these questions :

1 Where are the children ? 2.What are they doing ?

3 When they usually these games ? - Ss answer the questions

- Ss listen to the Text and complete the list : - T uses the poster for the list :

Recess activities The most popular activities

- meeting friends

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners - T asks Ss to read and write on the board

- T corrects

* Key :


- talking about - eating

- drinking - chating

- playing catch / marbles - skipping rope

c Revision of the present progressive tense : * Form : T elicits from Ss

2 Practice : Picture drill

- T uses the pictures B1 P 56 - Running through the vocabulary - Dealing with the questions & answers

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual ( the first picture ) - T – Ss, Ss – T

* Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : What are they doing ? S2 : They are skipping rope

3 Further practice : Write it up

- Ss work in groups of to write sentences about the pictures * Eg : The boys are talking to each other.

- Ss write on the posters

- T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework :

- Make questions and answers about the pictures ( p.56 ) again - Do exercise B ( exercise book )



Date of preparation

Date of teaching :

Unit five


Work and play


Period 30




( p 57 - 58 )

A Aims : Reading for details about recess activities in American schools and compare with schools in Vietnam

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 15' minute test

II Warm-up : Bingo !

- Ss write activities at recess , then listen to the T and tick

- T reads : play catch , skip rope , drink , play marbles , play tennis , play soccer , play baseball , talk to friends , read , listen to music , eat , play badminton , chat , meet friends

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a junior high school : trường THCS Example - a senior high school : trường THPH Example - ( to ) score a goal : ghi bàn thắng Explanation - ( to ) swap : trao đổi Mime

- ( to ) relax : nghỉ ngơi , thư giãn Question - ( to ) take part in : tham gia Situation - T models , Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Prediction :

- Ss work in individual to guess what activities Ss in the USA at recess then compare with the partners

- Feed back : 3Ss

Actions at recess in the USA


2 While reading : B3 / p.57 a Text :

- T asks Ss to open the books and read the text

* Feed back : T asks S to fill the answer on the board - T corrects

* Answer key : Play basketball, listen to music, read, study, swap

basecards, eat or talk with friends

b Matching :

- T uses the poster with the words

1 Energetic students Khắp giới

2 Portable CD players Bạn qua thư.

3 Packet of candy Máy nghe nhạc CD xách tay 4. Pen pal Chủ yếu.

5. Mainly Những học sinh động.

6 world wide Những gói kẹo

- T asks Ss to match the words in column A with the words in column B - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

- T corrects

c Multiple choice : p.58

- T uses the poster and asks Ss look at their books

- Ss the exercises then read the answers and tick on the poster - T corrects

* Answer key : a C, b A, c D, d D d Writing :

- T uses the poster :

Recess activities

in Vietnam in American yours

- Ss copy down the table and work in groups of to fill activities at recess in Vietnam, in American and themselves

- T monitors


- T asks Ss to compare what activities are the same

+ What’s the most common way relaxing at recess ?

3 Post reading : Survey

- T uses the poster with the table on the boards and gives Ss the handouts: - Ss work in groups of to ask their friends then fill in the handouts - Ss can use these questions :

+ What you at recess ?

+ Do you play soccer / skip rope / ?

IV Homework :

- What children in America at recess ?

- Give some different activities in recess between America and Vietnam


Date of preparation


Unit five


Work and play

Period 31

: LESSON : B1b, 2, ( p 57 - 58 )

A Aims :

- Further practice in present tenses and school vocabulary

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 1S

- Say recess activities of children in America

II Warm up : Network

- T writes the title “ Recess activities in Vietnam ” on the board

III New lesson :

1 Finding friends : B1b / p.57

- Ss asks Ss their friends and tick on the handouts

activities marbles catch play

blindman’s bluff

rope to friend

to music

baseball cards. take

part in play skip listen swap talk

- Ss work in groups of

* Example exchanges :

S1 : Do you take part in recess activities S2 : Yes, I

S1 : Do you play marbles ? S2 : Yes, I / No, T don’t

2 Present simple and present progressive tense : a Listen and match :

- T asks Ss to listen to the tape and match - T asks Ss to read the result

* Answer key :


o Kien is playing blindman’s bluff with some friends

o Lan is skipping rope

o Ba is playing marbles b Survey : B4 / p.57

- T uses the poster on the board and give Ss the handouts

- Ss work in groups of to ask and answer then fill in the handouts - T monitors

* Example exchanges :

S1 : What you usually at recess ?

S2 : I usually skip rope I sometimes read or talk to my friends

c Write it up :

- Ss write again what they fill in the table on their way

* Eg : Her name’s Hoa She usually skips rope Sometimes, She reads or talks to her friends

IV Homework :

- Write about your friends ( Survey ) - Do exercise B( exercise book )


Date of preparation

Unit 6


After school

Period 32

: LESSON : A1 ( p 60 )


- Reading a dialogue about after school activities and greeting further practice in the present progressive tense

B Aids : posters, pictures, word cards

C Procedure :

I Check up : 1S

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading :

a Pre teach :

- ( to ) practise : luyện tập situation - ( to ) invite : mời situation - ( to ) enjoy : thích synonym - together : với example - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

* Checking vocabulary : Jumbled words ( with answer key ) b Prediction :

* T’s introduction : - T uses the picture of Minh and Hoa - T asks Ss some questions :

+ What you after school ?

+ What Minh and Hoa after school ?

+ “ Now you will read a conversation between Minh and Hoa They are talking about their after school activities.

- T asks Ss to predict what Mai and Minh after school

After school activities homework

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read their predictions and write on the board

2 While reading : a Dialogue : A1

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue and check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects and give key


* Practice dialogue : Pairwork b Comprehension questions : a) – f) /p.61 - T asks , Ss answer

* Pairwork : open pairs closed pairs - T asks Ss write the answers on the board

* Answer key :

1 She is doing her math homework

2 They’ll go to the cafeteria and get a cold drink He’s in the music room

4 He’s learning to play the guitar He usually meets his friends She enjoys playing the volleyball

3 Post reading : Noughts and crosses - T uses the poster

- Ss work in teams to make question and answer using the present progressive tense

* Eg : S1 : What is Lan doing ?

S2 : She is doing her homework

IV Homework

- Learn the dialogue B1 P.60 by heart - Do exercise B ( workbook )


Date of preparation



After school

Period 33

: LESSON : A2 ( p 61 )

A Aims :

- Further practice in adverbs of frequency with the simple present tense for after school activities

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :


- Answer T’s questions :

II New lesson :

1 Labelling :

- T uses pictures and ticks them on the board

- T asks Ss to label the pictures using V-ing in groups of 6. - T gives the example: 1) Reading / Studying in the library - Ss write on the board

- T corrects

* Key :

1 Reading / Studying in the library Swimming

3 Playing video games Going to the movie Playing soccer Watching T.V

2 Practice : Noughts and crosses - T uses the poster with the words


go swimming

go to the beach


go / library



play soccer

play computer games


go / movies



watch T.V

play tennis




- Ss work in groups

- Each group, Ss make questions and answers in pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : What you usually after school ? S2 : I usually watch T.V


a Matching : ( poster )

- Ss read the information in the table and the matching

Activities Frequency

go cafeteria never ride bicycle sometimes practice the guitar often

do homework usually play computer games always - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

- T asks Ss to match on the poster b Write it up :

- Ss work in groups of

- Ss write sentences about Ba using adverbs of frequency * Eg : After school, ba

usually - T checks some groups

- Ss say again and write sentences on the board

IV Homework : Write sentences say what you after school using adverbs of frequency


Date of preparation



After school

Period 34

: LESSON : A3 - ( p 62 - 63 )

A Aims : - Reading a text for details about pastime activities and listening for matching

B Aids : posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : Answer T’s questions :

1 What you usually after school ? how often you go to the movies ? What you usually after school ? Do you always go to school by bike ?

II Warm up : Guessing game

III New lesson :

1 Pe reading : a Pre teach :


- a president : chủ tịch, tổng thống example

- ( to ) collect : sưu tầm explanation

- a collector : người sưu tầm question

- a collection : sưu tầm question

- an anniversary : lễ kỷ niệm situation - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words - T uses the picture and ask Ss :

+ Who are in the picture

- Now, you will read the text about Nam, Ba and Nga, You must guess these sentences about them are true or false

* T / F predictions :( poster )

1 Nga, Ba, Nam are students in class 7A They like sports very much

2 Nga’s favorite pastime is jogging Ba likes collecting stamps

4 Nam plays soccer every afternoon Nam usually watches T.V

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners *Feed back : Ss

S1 S2 S3

2 While reading : a Text :

- Ss read the text then check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects

* Key : 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6T b Comprehension questions : A3 p.62


1 Which grade are Nam, Ba and Nga in ? What is Nga’s theater group doing ? How does Ba get American stamps ? Lucky number

5 Lucky number

6 When does the stamp collector’s club meet ? Lucky number

8 What does Nam in the afternoon ? Lucky number

10.How often does Nam play games ?

3 Post reading : A4 p.63 a Matching : ( with key )


Mai * go to the circus

Nam * go to the school cafeteria

Ba * watch a movie

Lan * tidy the room

Kien * rehearse a play

- Ss work in pairs

- T asks Ss to match on the board - T corrects

b Write it up :

- Ss write a short paragraph about after school activities, using the matching - Ss work in groups of to write on the posters

- T asks some groups to stick their posters on the board * Eg : After school hours, Mai often goes to the cafeteria

- T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework :

- Write a short paragraph about your school activities - Do exercise A ( exercise book )


Date of preparation



After school

Period 35

: LESSON : B1 ( p 64 )

A Aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make suggestions with “ Let’s / What about ? / Why don’t ” and how to response

B Aids : pictures, extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up : - Read and write new words - Answer T’s questions :

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- an assignment : tập example

- fun ( n ) : niềm vui situation

- ( to ) relax : nghỉ ngơi explanation - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words


- Ss listen to the dialogue

- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

c Comprehension questions : B1 / p.64 a) – e) - T asks, Ss answer

- Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key : a Nam wants to go to the movie

b Lan doesn’t want to go because there aren’t any good movies at the moment

c Lan wants to listen to some music at her house

d Hoa doesn’t want to go to Lan’s house because she has many assignments

e It’s Sunday d Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss :

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check : - Meaning : Vietnamese

- Usage : Suggestions and responses - Form :

- Pronunciation :

2 Practice : word cue drill - T uses these word cards

Let’s go to my house.

What about going to the movies ?Why don’t you relax ?

o Yes, let’s.

o Good idea


- T runs through the words

- Dealing with the suggestions - dealing with the responses - T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

- Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs - Example exchanges :

S1 : Let’s listen to some music S2 : Yes, let’s / Good idea

3 Further practice : Mapped dialogue - T uses the extra board with the cues

S1 S2

What this afternoon ? movies

isn't good What about Mai's house ?

too far We don't bike Why bus ? OK !

- T runs through the words

- T models the dialogue, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

- Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs

* Example exchanges : S1 : What should we this afternoon ? S2 : Let’s go to the movies

S1 : There isn’t a good movie

S2 : What about going to Mai’s house ? S1 : It’s too far We don’t have a bike S2 : Why don’t we take a bus ?

S1 : OK

IV Homework :

- Rewrite the dialogue ( in mapped dialogue ) again - Do exercise B ( exercise book )

Listen to music Reading book Play badminton



Date of preparation



After school

Period 36


LESSON : B2 ( p 65 )

A Aims :

- Reading a magazine survey about the most popular activities of American teenagers and getting further practice in leisure vocabulary

B Aids : word cards , pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

II Warm up III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a teenager : thiếu niên example

- a musical instrument : nhạc cụ visual - guide : nữ hướng đạo sinh explanation - scout : nam hướng đạo sinh explanation - ( to ) attend : tham gia, tham dự Vietnamese - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words - Ss work in teams

- T says the words in English, Ss slap the words in Vietnamese b Prediction :( book shut )


- T’s introduction : In this lesson, you will study about the most popular after school activities in America You guess what these activities are ?

- Ss work in individual then work in pairs to compare with the partners * Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their predictions

2 While reading :( Book open ) a Text : B2 / p.65

- Ss read the text twice or three times to check their predictions * Feed back : S

- T corrects

b Comprehension questions :

- T makes questions, Ss answer in individual then practice in pairs

1 Which of the activities in the list of American teenagers you think are also popular among Vietnamese teenagers ?

2.Are there many kinds of entertainment for teenagers in Vietnam ? What are they?

3 What organizations are there for teenagers in Vietnam ? - T asks Ss to write the answer on the board

- T corrects

3 Post reading : Discussion

- Ss work in groups of to ask their friends what they like doing in their free time Make a list of their group’s favorite leisure activities

- T gives the Ss the handout each group

- Ss use this question : “ What you like doing in your free time ? ”

Activities S1 S2 S3 S4 Total

Watch T.V v

Learn to play a musical instrument : the guitar

Listen to music v v v v

Go to the movies Go shopping Help old people

* Check orally :

- Each group tell before the class : “ In my group, [Listen to music] is the first, the second, the third,



Date of preparation



After school

Period 37


LESSON : B3 ( p 66 )

A Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make invitations with “ Would you like ? ”, how to accept or refuse the invitation

B Aids : word cards, posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Answer T’s questions :

* Questions : What you like doing in your free time ?

2 Do you like listening to music ?

What organizations are there for teenagers in Vietnam?

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a New words :

- ( to ) join : gia nhập situation - a wedding : đám cưới picture - You’re welcome : khơng có chi explanation - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Dialogue : B3 / p.66

c Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss :

+ Nga wants to invite Lan to go to her house, what does Nga say ? + How does Lan answer ?

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Use : An invitation

o Form :



Pronunciation : * Note : I’d = I would

- Ss copy down the lesson

2 Practice : word cue drill - T uses these word cards

- T runs through the words

- Dealing with the invitations - dealing with the answers - T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

- Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs - Checking some pairs

* Example exchanges :

S1 : Would you like to join our English speaking club ? S2 : Yes, I’d love to

3 Language focus 2 : /p.71

- Make invitations : Ss write down possible dialogue

- Ss work in groups of to write the possible dialogue on the posters - T monitors

- T asks some groups to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework :

- Make invitations and responses - Learn the dialogue B3 / p.66 by heart


Date of preparation



After school

Join our English speaking

club watch a soccer match on T.V

Rehearse a play with us Listen to some music


A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember the use present progressive tense, adverbs of frequency and making suggestions

B Aids : pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

- Make invitations and responds

II Warm up : Mime game

III New lesson :

1 Present progressive tense : Gap fill : L.F / p.68 - T reminds the form of the progressive tense :

Adverbs : now, right now, at the moment

- T asks Ss to complete the passage using the verbs in brackets - Ss compare with classmates and write on the board

- T corrects : is doing / is writing / is reading

is cooking / are playing / is kicking / is running

2 Time : a Write it up :

- Ss write the time : L.F ; 3) / p.69

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners then write on the board b Survey :

- T uses the table on the extra board - T gives Ss the handouts

Name Get up Go to school Do homework Have dinner

Go to bed

- Ss work in groups of to ask their friends and fill in the handouts * Eg : S1 : What time you get up ?

S2 : At 6.00

3 Subject vocabulary : a Exercises : L.F ;4 ) p.70


S + is +

V- ing


- Ss work in individual

- T asks Ss to write on the board

b Lucky numbers : ( with answer key ) - T uses the extra board with 12 numbers

* Questions :

1 What you learn in a history lesson ?

2 What subject you learn about books and writers ? LN !

4 Do you learn about different countries in Geography ? How often you have English classes ?

6 What you learn in Math ? LN !

8 What you in a Computer Sciennce class ? LN !

10 What subject you need pencils , paints , paper ? 11 Do you learn new song in Art lesson ?

12 What lesson you learn how things work ?

4 Adverds of frequency : L F 5) / p.71

- Write sentences about Ba using adverbs of frequency * Answer key :

1 Ba never goes to the cafeteria at lunch time He seldom rides a bike to school

3 He always practices the guitar after evening He usually does his homework in the evening He sometimes plays computer games

IV Homework :

- Do language focus again


Date of preparation

Unit 7


The world of work

Period 40

: LESSON : A1 ( p.72 – 73 )

A Aims :- Listening and talking about studying activities of a student and practicing comparatives with “ fewer / more ”

B Aids : pictures

C Procedure :



II Warm up : Network

Play marbles

Activities in freetime

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- an hour : example - ( to ) last : kéo dài situation - early – earlier : sớm - Sớm question - few – fewer : it – question - many – more : nhiều - nhiều question - T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

*Checking vocabulary : R O R b Pre questions predict :

- T uses the poster with the questions :

1 What time Hoa’s classes start ? What time they finish ?

3 How many hours a day does Hoa her homework ? What will Hoa during her vacation ?

5 What about you ? Do your classes start earlier or later ? Do you work fewer hours than Hoa ?

6 When does your school year start ? When does it finish ?

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners to compare their answers - T asks Ss to read and write the answers on the board

c Dialogue : A1 / p.72

- Ss listen to the dialogue and check their answers - T corrects :

1 At 7.00 At 11.15 hours


d Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss : - T write the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

+ Meaning : Vietnamese + Usage : Comparative + Form :

- Ss copy down the lesson

2 Practice : Word cue drill - T uses these words card

- T runs through the vocabulary

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

- Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Hoa’s classes start later than our classes S2 : Our classes start earlier than Hoa’s classes

3 Noughts and crosses :

- Ss work in teams to make sentences comparing their work with Hoa’s work using “ earlier / later / more ”

- My classes start earlier than Hoa's classes. - I work fewer hours than Hoa

Earlier + than + N S + fewer + than + N

More + N

Hoa's classes 7.00 our classes

6.45 start

The film 8.45 the play

10.00 finish

Hoa : hours Miss Lan : hours


Lesson : activities Lesson :


Classes start School year start Summer vacation finish Summer vocation


Work ( hours ) Classes finish

Activities in summer vacation

School year finish

The film start

IV Homework :

- Write sentences in comparative


Date of preparation

Unit :

The world of work

Period 41


LESSON : A2 - ( p.73 – 74 )

A Aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to compare American students’ vacation and Vietnamese students ‘ vacation

B Aids : handouts, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

- Act out the dialogue A1

II Warm up : Pelmanism

- T uses these word cards

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading :

a Pre teach vocabulary :

- ( to ) celebrate : tổ chức

- Solar New Year : Tết dương lịch


- Easter ( n ) : Lễ phục sinh - Thanksgiving ( n ) : Lễ tạ ơn

- Independence day ( n ) : Ngày quốc khánh - Christmas ( n ) : Lễ giáng sinh - T models Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Jumbled words b T/ F predictions :

- Before reading the letter, you guess these sentences are true or false Vietnam students have fewer vacations than American


2 American students have the longest vacation in the winter In America, students don’t have a Tet holiday

4 Their most important vacation is New year’s Day During his vacation, Tim spends time with his family - T asks Ss to guess in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to write their predictions on the board S1 S2 S3


2 While reading : A2 / p.73 a Text :

- T asks Ss to read the letter and check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects

* Answer key : 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T b Grid :

- T uses the poster with the table - T gives Ss the handouts

Vacations Vietnamese students American students


- T asks Ss work in groups of to fill in the grid - T asks Ss to fill the answer on the board

- T corrects and gives mark

*Answer key :

Vacations Vietnamese students American students

- Longest vacation In the summer In the winter

- Tet holiday V X

- Thanks giving X V

- Christmas X V

- Independence Day September , 2nd July , 4th

- Easter X V

- New year's Eve ( Day ) Lunar December 30th January 1st

3 Post reading : A3 p.74 a Listening :

- Ss look at the picture and guess the name of the public holiday in each picture a)

b) c) d)

- Ss guess in individual then compare with the partners *Feed back : 3Ss

- Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects :

* Answerkey :

a ) Thanksgiving, b) Independence day, c) New Year’s Day d) Christmas

b Write it up :

- Ss work in groups of to write about Vietnamese students’ vacations ( use the information from the grid )


IV Homework : Write about your vacations


Date of preparation

Unit 7


The world of work

Period 42




( p.78 )

A Aims : Reading for details about a typical student’s life

B Aids : Picture

C Procedure :

I Check up: Answer T’s question:

1.Does VNamese students have fewer vacations than American students ? Do they have the longest vacation in the winter ?

3 What’s the most important vacations of American students ?

II Warm up : Networks

Vacations Tet holiday

Summer holidays

III New lesson :

Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- period : tiết học - (to) review : ôn tập

- typical : tiêu biểukeen (adj): say mê - lazy (adj) : lười biếng

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words


Period review

Typical lazy

- Ss work in teams b Predictions :

- Ss guess the amount of time Hoa spends on her work Hoa goes to school days a week She has periods a day She works hour a week

4 She has about hours of homework every week Before tests she works hours a week - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : 3Ss

S1 S2 S3


2 While reading : A4 p.75 a Text :

- T asks Ss to read the text and check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects:

1 12

2 5 45

3 20

Lucky numbers

* Questions :

1 Why some people think that student have an easy life ? LN !

3 LN !

4 Does Hoa have to work at home ?

5 Does Hoa work fewer than most workers ? How many hours a week you work ?

7 How many hours a week does she work before Tests ? Do you work fewer or more than Hoa ?

3 Post reading : Questions – Answers


 What you think of a student’s life ?  Do you think students are lazy ?

IV Homework :

- Learn by heart new words

- Write a short paragraph about your job everyday , base on the above questions * Eg : Everyday , I always go to school in the morning

Date of preparation

Unit 7


The world of work

Period 43




( p.76 - 77 )

A Aims : Reading Tim’s letter about his parents’ jod and getting further practice in the simple present tense

B Aids : Picture

C Procedure :

I Check up : - Say about amount of time Hoa spends on her work

- Say about you

II Warm up :

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) take care of : chăm sóc - ( to ) work part- time :

- ( to ) repair : sửa chữa - ( to ) play golf : chơi gôn

- A mechanic : thợ máy

- homeless ( Adj ) : vô gia cư - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R

b Prediction : Ordering ( foe main ideas ) - Ss predict the order of the main ideas

a Mr Jones's work

b Tim's introducton of his family c Mr Jones's vacaton time

d Mrs Jones's work


2 While reading : B1 / p.76 a Text :

- Ss read the text and check their predictions * Feed back : 1S

- T corrects : – – –

b Comprehension questions : B1 / p.77 Where does Mrs Jones work ?

2 What does she for homeless people ? What's Mr Jones's job ?

4 How many hours a week does he usually work ? How you know the Jones family like the Florida ? - T asks , Ss answer

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key :

1 She works at the local market

2 She cooks lunch for homeless people He is a machanicin the factory

4 He usually works about 40 hours a wek

5 Because they always go to Florida on vacation

3 Post reading : Transformation writing

- Ss rewrite the letter p.76, replacing the information about Tim’s family with the information about their own family

- Ss work in groups of to write on the posters - T asks Ss to stick the posters on the board - T checks and corrects

IV Homework :


Date of preparation

Unit 7


The world of work

Period 44



2 –3

( p 77 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the daily duties of a farmer

B Aids : pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

- Rewrite a letter ( p 76 ), replacing the information about Tim’s family with the information bout their own words

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- a pig : lợn picture

- crop : mùa question

- a buffalo : trâu picture - buffalo shed : chuồng trâu question - ( to ) feed : cho ăn picture - chicken coop : chuồng gà picture - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Slap the board b Presentation Text : B2 /p.77

This is a text about Mr Tuan

- Ss read the text and using the information from the finding friends to fill in the table :

Hours per week Day off Vacation time

Mr Jone Mr Tuan

- T asks Ss to read and fill in the table

- T corrects

Hours per week Day off Vacation time

Mr Jone 40 An aftrenoon public holidays

Mr Tuan or five times a year No

c Model sentences :


- T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :


Meaning : Vietnamese meaning


Form :

S2 + V + more / less + N + than + S2


Usage : Comparative


Pronunciation :

3 Practice :

a Word cue drill : grid B3 / p.77 - T uses the cards to this drill

- T runs through the vocabulary first

- Dealing with the first part of the exchanges and then dealing with the second part of the exchanges

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Mr Jones has more days off than Mr Tuan S2 : Mr Tuan has less days off than Mr Jones b Language focus : ( ) p.58

- Ss make new sentences about the amount of food in the refrigerator compare with the one in fridge

* Eg :

o There are more eggs in fridge than fridge

o There is less milk in fridge than fridge

IV Homework :

- Write 10 sentences about your parents’ job and day off

Date of preparation

Unit 7


The world of work

Period 45




( p 78 )

A Aims :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and talk about a lot of jobs

 Mr Tuan works more hours than Mr Jone  Mr Jones works fewer hours than Mr Tuan


B Aids : extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up : 15 minute test

II Warm up : Network


Occupations factory worker

shop assistant

III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Pre teach :

- amount of vacation : số kỳ nghỉ

- to be on duty : trực ( ca làm việc ) - annual ( adj ) : năm

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :

- T asks Ss to guess about people : Peter, Susan, Jane, Phong - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T calls Ss to write their predictions on the board

2 While listening : a Text :

- Ss listen to the tape and correct their predictions * Feed back : S

- T corrects

* Answer key :

Name Job Hours per week Amount of vacation

1 Peter Doctor 70 weeks

2 Susan Nurse 50 weeks

3 Jane Shop assistant 35 week

4 Phong Factory worker 48 weeks


Eg : S1 : Peter is a doctor He works 70 hours a week He has weeks’ vacation each year

S2 :


S3 :


S4 :


c Questions and answers :

- Ss work in pair to ask and answer using the grid B4 * Eg :

1 What’s Peter’s Job ?

How many hour a week does he work ? How much time does his vacation last ? - T asks – Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

3 Post listening : Write it up

- Ss write about the people ( Peter, Susan, Jane and Phong ) using the grid - Ss work in groups of to write on the posters

- T asks groups to tick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework :

- Rewrite about Peter, Susan, Jane and Phong - Write about the members of your family

Date of preparation

Unit 8



Period 46

: LESSON : A1 - ( p 79 - 80 )

A Aims : Further practice with “ Where ” questions and prepositions of place with place vocabulary

B Aids : Word cards

C Procedure :


- Write sentences using comparatives - Answer T’s questions :

1 What's Susan's job ?

2 How many hours a week does she work ? How much time does her vacation last ?

II Warm up : Jumbled words

1 bkan = loiphats =

2 tohel = nstoait =

5 tamrek = fosp feifco =

III New lesson :

1 Pre teach : Matching

- T uses the pictures ( p 79 ) and nouns of place ( jumbled words )

- Ss match the words to the pictures

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners - T asks Ss go to the board and write down

- T corrects :

a National Bank of Vietnam b Saint Paul Hospital

c Hotel

d The Central post office e Hanoi Railway Station f Dong Xuan market

- T models the words, Ss’repetition : chorus – individaul - Ss copy down the words


opposite prepositions of place in front of

- Ss work in groups of to fill the more prepositions they can - T asks Ss to fill in the board

- T corrects

b Picture drill : A3 / p.81

- T uses the street map to ask Ss to make questions and answers - T runs through the words

- Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers - T asks, Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Where’s the book ?

S2 : The bank is between the hotel and the restaurant It’s opposite the hospital

3 Further practice : Language Focus ) p.96

- Ss work in groups of to write the location of each store on the poster - T asks Ss to write on the poster

* Example exchange :

+ Clothing store is on Hai Ba Trung street It’s near the shoe store to the right


Restaurant +


IV Homework :

- Do Language focus again


Date of preparation , December 18th , 2005

Unit 8



Period 47



2, 3

( p 80 )

A Aims :- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and give directions

B Aids : Pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Write the prepositions of place

- To ask and answer about your house using the question : Where ?

II Warm up :

III New lesson :

1 Presentation :


- a souvenir shop : cửa hàng bán đồ lưu niệm - ( to ) go straight : thẳng

- ( to ) take the first street : dường - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation text : A2 p.80

c Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss - T reads, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage : Asking the way

o Form : * Could you tell me the way to ? * Could you tell me how to get to ? 2 Practice : Picture drill A3 /p.81

- T gives cues on the right column : restaurant, hotel, post office, school - T runs through the vocabulary

- Dealing with the questions and dealing with the answers - T models the first picture, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – SS, Ss – T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Could you show me the way to the restaurant ? S2 : Go ahead, turn left then turn right

3 Further practice :

- Ss look at the street map again, listen and write the places mentioned

* Could you tell me how to get there ? show the way to the mini mark ?

- Go straight ahead Take a first street.


- T asks Ss to read and write the places they hear * Answer key :

a Souvenir shop b Shoe store c Hotel d Drug store e Hospital

IV Homework : Complete this dialogue

Date of preparation , December 20th , 2005

Unit 8



Period 48




( p.78 )

A Aims : Further practise with " How far ?" to talk about distance

B Aids :

C Procedure :

I Check up: Check Ss'preparation

II Warm up : Hangman

1 : How far : meters

3 : kilo meters

III New lesson :

Preparation : * Pre teach :

- a long way = far : xa

- It takes ( time ) to get there : ( example )

Ex : It takes about hours to get to the park - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words


a Predict dialogue : A4 p 82

- Ss look at the open dialogue ( poster and fill in the gaps in pairs

Lan : You're from Hue How far is it from Hanoi ?

Hoa : It's a long way It takes about 18 hours to get there by coach I think it's about (1)

Lan : And How far is it from HCM city ?

Hoa : About _(2) _

- Ss listen to A4 p.82 to check their predictions - T corrects

* Answerkey : 680 km 1030 km b Mapped dialogue :

Lan Hoa

How far Hanoi Nha Trang ? How far HCM city Nha Trang

It takes by coach It's about

It's about - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

* Pair work :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss

How far is it from Hanoi to Nha Trang ?

It's about 1200 km

* Form : How far is it +name of place + to + name of place ? It's about + distance + meters / kilometers

* Usage : Ask and answer about the distance

3 Further practice : Word cue drill - T gives some cue words

a Danang to Hue / 100 km

b Danang to HCM city / 900 km c Danang to Hoi An / 30 km d Danang to Hanoi / 800 km - T models the first cue

- Ss' repetition : chorus - individual


IV Homework :

- Ask and answer about the distance of places - Do exercise A ( workbook )

Date of preparation , December 24th , 2005

Unit 8



Period 49




( p.83 )

A Aims : By the and of the lesson , Ss will be able to ask and answer the information about the prices at the post office using the structure " How much "

B Aids : Picture , poster

C Procedure :

I Check up : - Make question and answer with " How far "

1 Lan's house / school ? km Your house / here ? 100 m

II Warm up : Jumled words

1 stop oceffi = post office mpsta = stamp

3 tertle = letter lopeveen = envelope

III New lesson : Pre teach :

- ( to ) send : gởi ( question )

- change ( n ) : tiền thừa ( situation )

- aitogether : tất ( Vietnamese )

- ( to ) pay : trả ( situation )

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R Presentation dialogue : B1 a Set the scence :

- T asks Ss to look at the picture on the BB and asks : + Who are they ?

+ Where are they ?

+ What are they talking about ?

- Ss answer in individual then compare with their partner * Feedback

2 While reading : B1 / p.83 a Text :


- T corrects : + They are Liz and her friend + They are at the post office

+ They want to ask about the cost of sending a letter and an envelope

b Comprehension questions : B1 / p.83 Where will Liz mail her letter ?

2 How much does Liz pay altogether ? How much change does she receive ? Where is your nearest post ofice ?

5 How you get there from your house ? - T asks , Ss answer

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key :

1 to the USA It's 11,500 dong It's 3,500 dong

4 It's at 20 Ngu Hanh Son street I get there by bike

- T asks Ss some qustions to put out the target language

+ How does Liz say when she want to send a letter to the USA ? + How does Liz say when she want to know th price of the stamps ? - T models , Ss'repetition : chrus - individual

- T write the model sentences on the BB * Model sentences :

I'd like to send this letter to the USA How much are they ?

* Concept check :

- Khi muốn mua thứ gí ta dùng mẫu câu đề nghị lịch I'd like + to- infinitive + a / some + I'd like + Noun

- Hỏi giá cả:

How much + / does + S + cost ? How much + is / are + S ?

3 Post reading : picture drill & real things

1 picture / 100,000 dong a pen / 8,000 dong stamp / 2,000 dong a box / 2,500 dong envelope / 200 dong shoes / 50,000 dong

- T gives the real things , runs through the vocabulary , dealing with the qustios and answers

- T - Ss ; Ss - Ss

* Pairwork : open pairs - closed pairs


S2 : It's 100,000 dong

IV Homework :

- Do exercise B 2,3 ( workbook )

Date of preparation

Unit 8



Period 50



2 –3

( p 84 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to develop the reading and speaking skill by practising about the prices

B Aids : pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :

II New lesson :

1 Prelistening : a Pre teach :

- a local stamp : tem thư nước - overseamail : thư nước

- a phone card : thẻ điện thoại real things - a post card : bưu thiếp

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : what and where

A post card overseamail

A phone card local


b open prediction : poster

- Ss guess what Hoa and Nag buy at the post office

Name Stamp Envelopes Phone card Post card

Nga Hoa


* Feed back : T asks Ss to call out their prediction While listening :

- Ss listen to the tape or times to check their prediction * Feedback :

* Answerkey Nga : a phone card

2 Hoa : stamps and a phone card * Comprehension questions :

- T asks Ss to read the dialogue silently and answer the questions * Answerkey :

a Hoa needs some local stamps , some stamps for overseamail and a phone card

b She needs stamps for overseamail because she has a penpal in America

c She needs a phone card to phone her parents once a week

3 Post listening : B3 /84

- This is the conversation between Hoa and a post office clerk but there's some infinished informations Now Ss raed and complete the conversation

- Ss work in pairs



: like are much

4 is here change

IV Homework : make complte sentences How / a local stamp / cost ? Would / you / my house ? I / like / stamps / overseamail How / are / post cards ?


Unit 8



Period 51




( p 85 )

A Aims :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and answer about the prices and practise with the question " How much ?"

B Aids : poster

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss act out the dialogue B

II Warm up : Network

Post card Things at the post office

III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Matching :

- T asks Ss to match the picture to each name

1 a packet of envelopes a pen

3 a writing pad five stamps a phone card b Open prediction

- T 's introduction

- Ss predict the prices of these things ( poster )

Things Guess Listen

1 a packet of envelopes a pen

3 a writing pad five stamps a phone card

* Feedback : T asks Ss to fill in the poster While listening :


* Feedback * Answerkey :

1 000 dong 500 dong 3 000 dong 500 dong 50 000 dong

- Ss answer the questions :

1 What's the total cost ?

The total cost is 59 000 dong including How much will she have in charge ?

1 000 dong Post listening :

Lucky numbers





: LN !

2 How much is it to mail a letter in Vietnam ? How much is it to send a letter to America ? LN !

5 Which letter you often send ?

6 How much is a box of coloured pencils ? What can you buy at the stationery store ? Do you wrote to anyone overseas ? Who ? - Ss work in teams , choose the question and answer

IV Homework :

- Make questions with " How much " then answer - Do exercise B5 ( workbook )

Date of preparation

Unit : At home and away

Period 55 : LESSON : A1 ( p 86 - 87 )

A Aims : By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about vacation activities using the past simple tense with “ Was / were , wasn’t / weren’t ” and some past regular verbs

B Aids : word cards, extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up : Check some Ss’ preparation


1 eepnexivs = expensive dlyiendr = friendly

3 rdeonwufl = wonderful ueatfulbi =


5 ciouslide = delicious oodg = good

III New lesson :

1 Presentation :

a Pre teach :

- an aquarium : bể, hồ cá - a souvenir : đồ lưu niệm

- a gift : quà

- be – was / were - have – had - take – took - go – went - buy – bought

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Matching :

- Ss match the verbs with the past form :

* talk * returned

* return * visited

* visit * talked

c Ordering :

- Ss listen to the teacher then number the verbs they hear - T reads :

Liz went to Nha Trang with her parents They took her to Tri Nguyen aquarium Liz bought a lot of gifts The Robbinsons had a great time in Nha Trang

- T asks Ss to read the verbs

* Answer key : 1: went, 2: took, 3: bought, 4: had d Presentation dialogue :

- T introduces the dilogue - Ss listen to the tape

- Ss read the dialogue then number the sentences on page 87 ( ) Liz bought souvenirs

( ) Liz visited Tri Nguyen aquarium ( ) Liz returned to Hanoi

( ) Liz went to Nha Trang

( ) Liz talked to Ba about her vacation

- Ss these sentences in individual then compare with a partner - T checks and corrects

* Matching : Ss read the dialogue then match these words

o The people * expensive

o The food * friendly


o Nha Trang * wonderful d Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss

- T reads , Ss ‘repetition : Chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage : The simple past tense

o Form : ( + ) S + was / were

( - ) S + wasn’t / weren’t ( ? ) Was / were + S ?

o Pronunciation : - Ss copy down the lesson

2 Practice : word cue drill - T uses these word cards

- T runs through the words

- Dealing with the questions and the answers

- T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss - T

- Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : How was the vacation ? S2 : It was wonderful

3 Production : Guessing game :

IV Homework :

- Learn the dialogue by heart

- Make questions and answers using the past simple tense

Date of preparation , January 16th , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 56 : LESSON : A2 ( p 87- 88 ) A Aims : Reading for details about Robbinsons’ vacation and practice Wh-questions in the past simple tense

B Aids : extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Act out the dialogue

- Read and write new words

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

 It was wonderful


- a shark : cá mập - a dolphin : cá heo - a turtle : rùa biển - a crab : cua - a cap : mũ lưỡi trai - exit : lối

- T models, Ss ‘repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : What and where

b Matching :

- eat * wore

- see * thought

- wear * ate

- think * saw

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners - T asks Ss to match on the board

c T / F prediction :

- T uses the extra board for these statements :

1 The Robinsons went to Tri Nguyen aquarium They saw many types of fish

3 Liz bought a little turtle They had lunch at a food stall Liz ate fish and crab

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their predictions on the board

S1 S2 S3


2 While reading : a Text : A2 p.87

- Ss read the text and check their predictions * Feed back : Ss


b Questions : Lucky numbers



1 Lucky number

2 Who went to the aquarium with Liz ? What did the Robinsons see there ? What did they buy in the souvenir shop ? Lucky number

6 Did Liz like the cap ?

7 Do Mr Robinson like to eat sea food ? How you know ? Why did Liz eat noodles for lunch ?

3 Post reading : Recall :

- Ss look at the picture a, b, c, d, e ( p.88 ) totell the story of thr Robinsons’ trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium

- Ss work in groups of to write the story on the posters then present it before the class

- T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework :

- Rewrite the story of the Robinsons’ trip to Tri Nguyen Aquarium using the pictures page 88

Date of preparation , January 22nd , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 57 : LESSON : A3 ( p 89 )

A Aims : Listening for details and practice the past simple tense

B Aids : Tape recorder, posters, stereo

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Write new words

II Warm-up : Bingo !

- Each S write past form of irregular verbs and regular verbs

- T reads : went , bought , had , took , talked , returned , visited , wore , ate , thought , were ,

- Ss say Bingo ! if they hear verbs they have

III New lesson :


- peanut ( n ) : đậu, lạc - calm and peaceful ( Adj ) : yên tĩnh - ( to ) stop - stopped

- ( to) arrive - arrived - ( to ) drive - drove - ( to ) look – looked

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :

- Ss read the sentences in A3 / p 89 and guess which sentences they are going to hear

- Ss copy down this table and guess in individual then compare with the partners

Sentences A B C D E F G H I J

Guess Listen

* Feed back : T asks Ss to stick on the board

2 While listening : a Listen : A3

- Ss listen to the tape and check their predictions * Feed back : Ss

- T checks and corrects

* Answer key : b, d, e, h, j b Gap fill :

- T uses the poster for gap fill

- Ss listen and complete the following paragraph

Liz was excited as the bus ( ) through the country side Every thing ( ) _ calm and peaceful At o’clock, the bus ( ) at a small roadside restaurant Mrs Robinson ( ) some peanuts and an ice cream for Liz The bus ( ) _ in Hanoi at about p.m

- T asks Ss to write the words on the board - T corrects


3 Post listening : Role play

- Ss work in pairs, interview Liz about her family’s trip back to Hanoi * Eg :

+ How did you travel back to Hanoi ? + What did you see on the way back ? + How did every thing look ?

+ Were you tired ?

+ When did you arrive in Hanoi ?

IV Homework :

- Do exercise A ( exercise book )


Date of preparation , January 24th , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 58 : LESSON : A4 ( p 89 – 90 ) A Aims : - Reading Ba’s dairy to understand the details and talk about past activities

B Aids : posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) keep in touch : giữ liên lạc - stamp collection : sưu tầm tem - ( to ) teach – taught

- ( to ) come - came - ( to ) rent - rented - ( to ) move – moved - ( to ) improve – improved - ( to ) receive – received

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b T / F predictions :

- T uses the poster with these sentencse : The Robinsons are America


3 They rented a house next door to Ba’s They moved to a new apartment last week Liz and Ba are the same age

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners to compare their predictions

- Feed back : T asks Ss to write their predictions on the board

2 While reading : a Text : A4 / p.89

- Ss read the text about Ba’s dairy and check their predictions * Feed back : S

- T corrects

* Answer key : 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5T b Answer given : ( poster )

1 The Robinsons arrived in Hanoi this year He is a teacher of English

2 Last week

3 They like playing and talking together She helps him with his stamps collection - Ss make questions for these answers

- T asks Ss to read the answer and write on the board * Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

* Answer key :

1 When did the Robinsons arrive in Hanoi ? What does Mr Robinson ?

2 When did they move to a new apartment ? What Liz and Ba like doing ?

4 What does Liz help Ba ? c A4 ( p.90 )

- Ss read the sentences ( a – g ) and make them true - Ss work in individual then work in pairs

- Ss read and write on the board

* Eg : a) Liz lived next door to Ba

3 Post reading :

- Imagine Liz is your friend Write a letter to one of your friends to tell her / him about Liz and her family

* Eg :


I’m glad to tell you that I have a new fiend Her name’s

Liz. She’s America

- Ss work in groups of to write a letter on the posters - T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board

- T checks, corrects and give mark

IV Homework :

- Rewrite a letter to your friend about Liz and her family


Date of preparation , January 28th , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 59 : LESSON : B1 - ( p 92 - 93 ) A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice the simple past tense in negative and interrogative forms and short answers to talk about past activities

B Aids : Poster , word cards

C Procedure :

I Check up :

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- a hair dresser : thợ uốn tóc Picture

- a dress maker : thợ may Picture

- a neighbor : người hàng xóm Situation

- material ( n ) : vải Realia

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation dialogue : B1 / p.92 – 93 - T draws Lan and Hoa on the board

- Ss listen to to text c Grid :

Thing to Hoa Hoa’s neigbor Hoa’s aunt

Buy the market Cut her hair Make the dress Buy the dress


- T corrects

d Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss - T reads , Ss’ repetition : chorus- individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage : The past simple tense ( Interrogative )

o Form : Did + S + V ( inf ) ? Yes, S + did / No, S + didn’t

o Pronunciation :

2 Practice :

- T asks Ss use the information in the grid to make questions and answers - T runs through the words

- Dealing with the questions and with the answers

- T models the first question, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Did her neighbor make the dress ? S2 : Yes, she did

3 Production : Guessing game - Ss write sentence on their paper like this :

- Others make questions :

+ Did you go to ? + Did you

buy ?

* Example exchanges :

S1 : Did you go to the market yesterday ? S2 : Yes, I did

S1 : Did you buy some sugar ? S2 : No, I didn’t

S3 : Did you buy s new shirt ?

* Did Hoa buy the dress ?

No, she didn’t.

* Did her aunt cut her hair ?

Yes, she did.


S3 : Replaces S2,

IV Homework :

Do exercise B - work book


Date of preparation , January 30th , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 60 : LESSON : B3 - ( p 93 - 94 ) A Aims : - Reading for details to understand Hoa’s sewing work and further practice in Wh- questions to talk about past activities

B Aids : extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

- Act out the dialogue - Answer T’s questions : + Did Hoa cut her hair ? + Who make her dress ?

+ Did Hoa’s aunt buy her dress ?

II Warm up : Sing an English song

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a hobby : thú tiêu khiển riêng - a sewing machine : máy may

- a cushion : đệm gối - useful ( adj ) : hữu ích - ( to ) sew : may - ( to ) decide - decided - ( to ) try - tried

- ( to ) make - made

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

b Ordering : * T’s introduction :

- What you learn in Home Economic ?

- What you like to most in Home Economic ?

- You will read the text about Hoa , she sewed her a skirt with the neighbor’s help

- T uses the extra board for these statements : a First, she made a cushion a Next she made a skirt b Hoa bought some material c Hoa’s neighbor helped her d She tried it on


- T asks Ss to order these sentences in individual then compare with the partners * Feed back : T asks Ss to write their ordering on the board

2 While reading : a Text : B3 / p.93

- Ss read the text and check their ordering * Feed back : S

- T corrects

* Answer key : 1c, 2a, 3b, 4e, 5g, 6d, 7f. b Questions : Noughts and crosses

* Questions a) – i) B3 / p.93

a d c

g b e

f i h

- Ss work in teams

- In each group, Ss make question and answer

* Answer key :

a She learned how to use a sewing machine b First, she made a cushion for her armchair c It was blue and white

d Next, she made a skirt

e It was green with white flowers on it f It looked very pretty

3 Post reading :

a Listening text : Ordering

- Ss listen and number the verbs they hear - T reads :

Hoa watched her neighbor make her dress She decided to learn how to sew First, she bought some material Then she made a cushion for her armchair Next she cut out the dress. The cushion was fine but the dress wasn’t Then her neighbor helped her, so finally it fitted her.

- T asks Ss to read their ordering - T corrects

* Answer key :

* wasn’t ( ) * decided ( ) * bought ( ) * watched ( )

* cut ( ) * fitted ( ) * was ( ) *

helped ( )

b Recall :

- Ss work in groups of to retell how Hoa did the sewing work, using the information in the pre reading

- Ss write on the posters


IV Homework : fill in the blanks with the past form of the verbs:


Date of preparation , February 4th , 2006

Unit : At home and away

Period 61 : LESSON : language focus

A Aims :

- Further practice in simple past tense, prepositions of place “ How much ”, “ How far ” to talk about price and distance Comparatives with more, less and fewer

B Aids : Pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- S1 : Do B4 / p.94 - Answer T’s questions : What did Hoa learn to use ? What did she make first ? What color was it ?

II New lesson :

1 The past simple : Gap fill : 3b / p.97 - Ss work in individual to exercises in 3a /p.97 - T asks Ss to write on the board

- T corrects

2 How much ? : 1b / p.95

- Ss listen to the dialogue

- They practice in pairs using the information in 1b / p.95 - T runs through the vocabulary

- Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers - T – Ss, Ss – T

* Pair work : open pairs, close pairs

* Example exchanges :

S1 : How much is the violet dress ? S2 : It’s 35,000 dong

3 Preposition of place : - T uses the poster

- Ss listen to the stereo and name each store

1 Library

LE LOI street



2 _ _ _ _ _

* T reads :

There’s a library on Le Loi street To the left of the

library, there’s a shoe store To the right of the library, there’s a

bookstore The hair dresser’s is next to the bookstore on the right.

There’s a clothing store opposite the shoe store The restaurant is

between the clothing store and the mini-mart.

- T asks Ss to read and write on the board the name of store they heard

* Answer key :

1 shoe store bookstore hairdresser’s clothing store

5 restaurant mini-mart

4 How far ? : 2b / p.96

- Ss work in pairs using the information in 2b / p.96 - T runs through vocabulary

- Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers

- T models the first part, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual * Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

* Example exchanges :

S1 : How far is it from the shoestore to the mini mart ? S2 : It’s 500 meters

5 More, less and fewer : / p.98 - Ss the exercise

- T asks Ss to write on the board

* Complete the following sentences using more, less or fewer. IV Homework :

- Do all exercises in Language focus again


Date of preparation , February 6th , 2006

Unit 10




Period 62




( P.99 –


A Aims :

- Reading a letter to understand the details about Hoa and her family

B Aids : extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Do exercise 2a / p 96 and / p.98

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a harvest : Mùa gặt

- ( to ) work hard : làm việc chăm - ( to ) hope : hi vọng

- helpful ( adj ) : hữu ích

- ( to ) iron : ( ủi ) quần áo - probably ( adv ) : có lẽ

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

b Ordering : T uses the posters for these sentences * Hoa’s mom writes

1 Your dad and I hope you’re fine I hope you are taking well of yourself I received a letter from your aunt last week I miss you a lot

5 Don’t forget to write

6 Your granddad talks about you a lot

- Ss work in individual to order these sentences then compare with the partners * Feed back : T asks Ss to write their ordering on the board

2 While reading : a Text : A1 p.99 - T asks Ss to read the text - Ss check their ordering

* Feed back : S - T corrects


b Questions : Lucky numbers

1. Why are Hoa’s parents busy ?

2 Lucky number

3. Who helps them on the farm ?

4. When will they go to Hanoi ?

5 Lucky number

6. How is Hoa different now ?

7. What does Hoa/s mother want her to ?

8. What does she want Hoa not to ?

9 Lucky number

- Ss work in teams to ask and answer the questions

3 Post reading : Questions and answers

- Ss ask and answer about Hoa mom letter, using questions a) – e) - Ss work in pairs : open pairs, closed pairs

- T asks Ss to write the answers on the board

IV Homework :

- Answer the questions p.99 again

- Learn irregular verbs by heart ( p.177 text book )


Date of preparation , February 8




Unit 10




Period 63

: LESSON : A2 - ( P.100 -

101 )

A Aims :

- Listen to the text about routine to revise past simple tense

B Aids : Picture, stereo

C Procedure :



1 Why are Hoe’s parents busy ? Who help them on the farm ? When will they go to Hanoi ? How is Hoa different now ?

II New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Pre teach :

- ( to) polish : đánh bóng - ( to ) change : thay đổi - ( to ) have a shower : tắm - ( to ) comb : chải đầu

- a comb : lược

- pants ( n ) : quần lót dài - sandals ( n ) : dép

- ( to ) drink – drank - ( to ) got – get

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Ordering : A2 a) – h)

- T uses the pictures p 100

- Ss predict the order of Hoa’s activities

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their predictions on the board * , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ , _ ,

2 While listening :

- Ss listen and check their predictions

* Feed back : T asks Ss to order : S - T checks and corrects

* Answer key : 1a, 2c, 3f, 4d, 5g, 6c, 7h, 8b


- T uses the pictures A2 / p.101 and sticks them on the board - Ss tell what Hoa did yesterday, using the pictures

* Eg : Yesterday Hoa got up, she took a shower and put on her clothes,

- Ss work in individual

- T asks some Ss to present in front of the class

3 Post listening : Transformation writing : A3 / p.101

- Ss work in groups of to write about what they did yesterday based on Hoa’s activities and Nam’s diary

- Ss write on the posters

- T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework : Use the correct form of the verbs She never ( stay ) up late

1 Why you ( leave ) the party early last night ?

2 I ( brush ) my teeth every night, but last night I ( forget ) to brush them

3 Minh ( not eat ) breakfast this morning They ( go ) to the zoo days ago ?


Date of preparation , February 10




Unit 10




Period 64




( P.102 )

A Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a letter to reply and talk about routine and hygiene

B Aids : extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up :


II New lesson : 1 Pre writing :

a Presentation : b Re call :

- T uses the poster for these questions :

1 Did Hoa get a letter from her mom ? Will her mom visit her after the harvest ? Can Hoa take care of herself ?

3 Does she get up early every morning ? Does she go to bed late ?

5 Will she write to her mom soon ? - Ss talk about Hoa’s mom letter

- Ss work in pairs to recall the letter - T asks Ss to present in front of the class - T checks and corrects

2 While writing : Gap fill A4 / p.102 - Ss complete the letter

- Ss work in groups of to write the compete the letter on the posters - T asks some groups to read the letter

- T corrects

* Answer key : was, having, show, take, get, go, wash, iron, eating, told, see, go

3 Post writing : a Exhibition :

- Ss put their poster on the board, comparing their work - T corrects and gives mark

b Transformation writing :

- Ss write a reply letter to their pen pal, telling what they everyday - Ss work in individual

- T check and corrects

IV Homework :


1 I was absent from class yesterday a his decaying tooth stopped

2 Minh’s going to see the dentist b They often eat a lot of candy

3 She has healthy teeth c I was sick

4 Children have toothache d It’s good for our health

5 He was haapy e She has a toothache

6 we jog every morning f She brushed her teeth after every meal


Date of preparation ,February 12


, 2006

Unit 10




Period 65




( P.103 )

A Aims : Reading a dialogue about a visit to the dentist

B Aids : pictures, extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up: 15 minute test

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a dentist : nha sĩ picture

- ( to ) go to the dentist : khám nha sĩ situation

- an appointment : hẹn situation

- scared ( adj ) : sợ hãi synonym

- ( to ) fill : trám mime

- ( to ) hate : ghét antonym

- T models, Ss ‘repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words


* T’s introduction :

- T hangs the picture of Hoa and Minh and introduces :

" This is a dialogue between Hoa and Minh,they are talking about Minh's teeth" Now you guess these sentences are True or False

1 Minh has a toothache

2 Hoa never goes to the dentist The dentist is kind

4 Hoa's tooth still hurts her

5 Minh isn't scared after talking with Hoa - Ss predict T / F in individual then compare with their partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to write their predictions on the board S1 S2 S3

1.While reading : a Dialogue : B1 / p.103

- Ss read the dialogue and correct their predictions * Feed back : T asks S to correct

- T corrects : 1T, 2F, 3F, 4T, 5F, 6T

b Guess the meaning of the new words : - T uses the poster with the words

* sound * lỗ sâu

* drill * tiếng, âm

* cavity * to

* afterwards * khoan

* loud * sau

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners - T asks Ss to match on the board

- T corrects

c Comprehension questions : B1 / p.103


1 Lucky number

2 What’s wrong with Minh ?

3 Does Minh like going to the dentist ? How you know ? Why did Hoa go to the dentist last week ?

5 What did the dentist ? Lucky number

7 What did you the last time you had a bad toothache ? Are you scares of seeing the dentist ?

- Ss work in teams


- Ss make question and answer in pairs

3 Post reading : Find someone who - T gives Ss the handouts :

Find some one who Name

has a toothache

likes going to the dentist is scared of seeing a dentist

- Ss work in groups of to make questions and answer then fill in the handouts - They can go around the class

* Example exchanges :

S1 : Do you have a toothache ? S2 : Yes / No

IV Homework :

- Write about your friends again

- Do the exercise B ( exercise book )


Date of preparation , February 16




Unit 10




Period 66



2 -

( P.104 )

A Aims :

- Listening and reading for details about Dr Lai’s job to revise the present simple tense

B Aids : recorder, tape, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue B1 / p.103 - Read and write new words

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- ( to ) explain : giải thích - ( to ) tell : nói, kể

- ( to ) remind : nhớ, nhắc nhở

- regularly ( adv ) : thông thường, thường xuyên - sensibly ( adv ) : thực chất

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :


S1 S2 S3

2 While listening : B2 / p.104

- Ss listen to the text about Dr Lai and check their predictions * Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions - T corrects

3 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a surgery : phẩu thuật - ( to ) check : kiểm tra

- ( to ) smile : mỉm cười - serious ( adj ) : nghiêm trọng - ( to ) notice : ý

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

b Pre questions :

4 While reading : a Text : B3 / p.104

- T asks Ss to read the text and check their answers

* Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions again ( Ss ) - T corrects

* Answer key :

1 She checks his teeth, she smiles at him and say “ Don’t

worry are fine ” and she fills the cavity in his tooth He feels very pleased

b Answer given :

- T uses the poster for these answers : He has one small cavity

1 She fills the cavity in his tooth He’s very pleased

3 She advises Minh to brush his teeth regularly

- Ss work in pairs to find the questions for these answers

- T asks Ss to practice in open pairs, closed pairs and write on the board - T corrects

* Answer key :

1 What’s wrong with Minh ?


3 What does Dr Lai advise Minh ?

3 Post reading :

- Compete the story / p.104

- Ss work in groups of to complete the story on the posters - T asks Ss to sticks their posters on the board

- T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework :

- Re tell the story / p.104, using the present simple


Date of preparation , February 19th , 2006

Unit 10




Period 67




( P.105 )

A Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make questions “ Why ” and giving the answer with “ Because ” to talk about causes

B Aids : word cards, pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Rewrite the new words - Retell the story ( p.104 ) - Answer T’s questions : + What’s wrong with Minh ?

+ What does Dr Lai with Minh’s tooth ?

II New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Presentation text :

* Set the scene : T uses the pictures B1, and to introduces the text

- Ss read the dialogue B1 again b Model sentences : B4 / p.105 - T elicits the model sentences from Ss

- T reads the model sentences, Ss’ repetition : chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board


* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage : Asking with Why answer with Because

o Form : Why + / does + S + V ( inf ) ?

Because S + V/ Vs / Ves

o Pronunciation : - Ss copy down the lesson

2 Practice :

a Word / picture drill :

- T uses the word cards and the pictures B4/ p.105

- T runs through the words

- Dealing with the questions and answers

- T models the first card, Ss’ repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss, Ss - T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Why does Minh nervous ? S2 : Because he sees the dentist b True / false repetition Drill :

- T reads the statement, Ss’repetition in chorus if they’re true, Ss are silent if they’re wrong

* T reads : Ss :

Minh goes to the dentist because she has a toothache [ repeat ]

He is scared because the dentist is not kind [ silent ]

He’s scared because he hates the sound of the drill [ repeat ]


Minh’s tooth hurts because he always brushes his teeth [ silent ]

3 Further practice :

- Ss work in teams to make questions with Why ? and answer with


* Example exchanges :

S1 : Why you go to the dentist ? S2 : Because I have a toothache

IV Homework : Make questions with why ? then answer


Date of preparation , February 20th , 2006

Unit 11


keep fit, stay


Period 68




( P.107 -

108 )

A Aims :

- Reading a dialogue to understand the details and practice “ Would you + V ? ”

B Aids : word cards, pictures

C Procedure :

I Warm-up : Ss

- Using the pictures B4 / p.105 to make questions with “ Why ? ” and answer with “ Because ”

- Ss work in teams

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a medical check up : kiểm tra sức khỏe question

- a medical record : sổ y bạ realia

- temperature ( n ) : nhiệt độ example

- ( to) take one’s temperature: đo nhiệt độ mime

- height (n ) : chiều cao situation

- ( to) measure : đo mime

- ( to) weigh : cân nặng situation

- T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words


* Checking vocabulary : What and where b Ordering : A1 / p.108 a ) - h)

- T uses the poster with these sentences :

a The nurse weighed Hoa

b Hoe returned to the waiting room c Hoa left the waiting room

d The nurse called Hoa’s name e The nurse measured Hoa

f Hoa filled in her medical record g The nurse took Hoa’s temperature

h The nurse told Hoa to go back to the waiting room - Ss work in individual to order the sentences then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to write their order on the board

S1 S2 S3

2 While reading : A1 /p.107 a Dialogue : A1 / 107

- T asks Ss to read he dialogue A1 and check their order * Feed back : T asks S to order gain - T corrects with the key : 1f, 2d, 3c, 4g, 5e, 6a, 7h, 8b

d Comprehension questions : Lucky numbers ( with key )

1 What were students of Quang Trung school doing ? LN !

3 Who was doing the medical check up ? What did the nurse ?

5 LN !

6 What was hoa's temperature ? Was it normal ? what was her height ?

8 What was her weigh ?

3 Post reading


* Eg :

S1 : Would you open your mouth, please ? So I can take your temperature ?

S2 : OK

IV Homework :


Date of preparation , February 22th ,


Unit 11


keep fit,

stay healthy

Period 69



2 -

( 108 )

A Aims :- Listening for details and practising asking and answering about height and weight

B Aids : Poster, record player

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A1 - Answer T’s questions :

1 What were the students of Quang Trung shool doing ? What was Hoa's temperature ?

3 What 's your height ? and your weigh ?

II New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Pre teach :

- weight ( n ) : trọng lượng situation - What’s your weight :

- heavy ( adj ) : nặng situation

- How heavy are you ? :

- male ( n ) : nam example - female ( n ) : nữ example - T models, Ss’ repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Predict : A2 / p.108

- T : This is the conversation between Hoa and the doctor However, some words are missing You must guess these words

- Ss work in individual to guess the words then compare with the partners * Feed back : T asks Ss to read their guessing and write on the board


2 While listening : A2 / p.108 a Dialogue :

- Ss listen to the recorder and check their predictions * Feed back : T ask Ss to correct

- T corrects :

* Answer key :

1 ask 50 tall 10 will 13 think

2 How shorter meter 11 nurse 14 No

3 your me centimeter 12 height 15 form

b Practice dialogue :

- Ss repeat the dialogue after the tape

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs c Practice A3 / p.108 - 109

- Ss work in pairs : one is A, the other is B

- Ss use these questions to ask their friends then fill in the medical record Which school / class does he go / study ?

2 What’s his surname / forename ? What’s his address ?

4 How old is he ? What’s his weight ? What’s his height ? - T asks Ss to read their records - T corrects

3 Post listening : survey - T uses the poster for this table - Ss copy down it

Name Male / female

Age Weight Height

Hoa female 14 43 1m50

- Ss work in groups of to ask their friends then fill in the table They can go around the class

* Example exchanges :

S1 : What’s your age ? S2 : 14

S1 : What’s your weight ? S2 : 43


IV Homework :

- To compete the medical record about you - Do exercise A ( exercise book )

Date of preparation , February 25th ,


Unit 11


keep fit, stay


Period 70




( 110


A Aims :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about sicknesses and further practice in the past simple, questions forms and negative forms

B Aids : pictures, cards

C Procedure : I Check up : Ss

- Write a medical record about you and answer T’s questions * Questions :

1 What's your weight ? What's your height ?

II New lesson :

1 Presentation :

a Pre teach :

- ( to ) have a bad cold : cảm lạnh a headache : đau đầu

a virus : bị dịch cúm mime / questions

a stomachache : đau dày

flu : cúm

- ( to ) write a sick note : viết đơn xin phép nghỉ ốm - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Rubout and Remember b Presentation Dialogue : B1 / p.110

* Set the scene :

- T uses the picture B1 / p.110 to make some questions and introduces the dialogue


- T elicits the model sentences from Ss - T reads, Ss repetition : chorus - individual

- T writes the model sentences and the form on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese

o Usage : Ask and answer about disease

o Form :

o Pronunciation :

2 Practice : a Word cue drill : - T uses the wordcards :

- T runs through the vocabulary - Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers

- T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges:

S1 : What was wrong with Lan ? S2 : She had a headache

What was wrong with you ?

I had a headache.

What was wrong with her ?

She had a headache.

* What is / was wrong with someone ? S + has / have

had + ( bệnh )

You / a cold Lan / a headache He / flu


b Comprehension questions : a) - e) / p.110 - T asks, Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs - T asks Ss to write the answer on the board

3 Further practice : Noughts and crosses - T uses the posters

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

- Ss work in groups

- Each group choose the number and the exercise :

* Use the correct form of the verbs : The weather ( be ) awful today Lan ( be ) sick yesterday

3 She ( not come ) to school yesterday How you ( feel ) now ?

5 She ( walk ) to school everyday

6 I ( send ) a letter to my penpal last month He ( work ) in Hue a few years ago

8 Why Lan ( not go ) to the library yesterday Hoa ( go ) to the dentist last week

IV Homework :

- Do noughts and crosses again - Do exercise A2 - ( exercise book )


Unit 11


keep fit, stay


Period 71



2 - 3

( 111 )

A Aims :

- Listening for specific information

B Aids : tape recorder, poster

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Write words and disease

- Ask and answer about disease using the simple past tense

II Warm-up : Network

Disease flu

II New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Survey : B2 / p.111 - T uses the poster :

Name Cold Flu Stomachache Headache toothache

+ Were you absent from school last semester ? + Were you sick ?

+ Did you have a cold / a stomachache / ? - T asks the secretaries to give the result of their groups

* What was the most common illness ? least

b Open prediction :

- T draws the table on the board :


- Ss work in individual to predict the days lost through sickness in class 7A last semester

- Ss compare with the partners

*Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their predictions on the board

2 While listening : B3 / p.111 - Ss listen and check their predictions

*Feed back : S - T corrects with answer key :

* cold : 10; * flu : 43, * stomachache : 37 ; * headache : ; * toothache : 17

* Total days lost : 112

3 Post listening :

- Ss compare the days lost through sickness in class 7A with those in their own class

- Ss compare the table in groups of

Cold Flu Headache Stomachach e

Toothache total

Class 7A Your class

* Orally report back :

- Ss say again about their class ( one S each group )

*eg : Last semester, in class 7A, [ cold ] caused [ 10 ] days’ absence, but my class

IV Homework : supply the correct form of the verbs :

1 Lan ( be ) very tired when she ( catch ) a bad cold days ago

2 Every body ( wait ) for the president in the hall now You should ( go ) to bed early

4 My father never ( take ) medicine What ( be ) wrong with you ?

I ( have ) _ a bad cold

Date of preparation , March 1st , 2006

Unit 11


keep fit, stay


Period 72




( 112 )

A Aims :

- Read a text to understand the details about the common cold

B Aids : posters, colored chalk

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Write words about disease - Answer T’s questions :

1 What was wrong with you ?

2 Did you have a bad cold last semester ?

3 What was the most common illness in your class last semester ?


- T uses the poster for wordsquare


weight , virus , headache bad

sick cold feel , flu temperature height

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a New words :

- common cold : cảm thông thường - disease ( n ) : bệnh tật

- symptom : triệu chứng

- a runny nose : chảy mũi nước - a slight fever : sốt nhẹ

- ( to ) cough : ho - ( to) sneeze : hắt - a cure ( to ) cure : trị bệnh - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Pre questions :

2 While reading : B4 / p.112 a Text :

- T asks Ss to read the text B4 to find the answers

*Feed back : Ss answer the questions in the text - T corrects

* Answer key :









1 Because every year million of people catch it ?

2 They are a running nose, a slight fever, coughing and sneezing.

b Matching : Guess the meaning - T uses the poster

- T asks Ss to read the text again then match these words with their meaning

* unpleasant * biến

* relieve * khó chịu

* disappear * ngăn cản

* prevent * hồi phục

c Comprehension questions : a) - f) : Lucky numbers



* Questions :

1 Why we call cold " common " ? LN !

3 What are the symtoms of the common cold ? Is there a cure for the common cold ?

5 LN !

6 Do cold cures work ?

7 How can you help prevent a cold ? LN !

3 Post reading : write it up

- Ss work in groups of to write about the common cold ( summarize the text ) - They write on the posters

- T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives marks

IV Homework : Fill in the blanks with these following words

Catch cure cough sneeze

disappear prevent relieve write

1 My mpother a sick note for me yesterday Nam usually and when he has a cold He flu last week

4 The medicines just the symtoms of the cold Nobody knows how to the cold

Date of preparation , March 5th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 73




( 114 )

A Aims :

- Reading a text to understand the details and practicing food vocabulary


I Check up : Answer T’s questions :

1 Why we call cold “ common ” ?

2 What are the symptoms of the common cold ?

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading :

a New words :

- a papaya : đu đủ realia

- a cucumber : dưa chuột realia - a durian : sầu riêng picture - a pineapple : dứa realia - spinach ( n ) : rau chân vịt picture

- ( to ) smell : ngửi mime

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :

- T says : Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt went to the market and asks Ss to guess what they bought

- Ss guess what food Hoa and her aunt bought


- Ss work in individual then compare with their partner

* Feed back : T asks 3Ss to write their predictions on the board

S1 S2 S3

2 While reading :

a Dialogue : A1 / p.114 - 115

- Ss read the dialogue and check their predictions

* Feed back : T asks S to write the words they heart on the board - T corrects

* Answer key : beef, spinach, cucumbers and oranges.

b Comprehension questions : Lucky numbers - T introduces the game


1.What did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market ? Lucky number

2 Does Hoa like pork ? How about her aunt ? What meat would they like for dinner ? Lucky number

5 What are the favorite vegetables of Hoa aunt ? What fruit did they buy ?

7 Why didn’t they buy a papaya and a pineapple ? Lucky number

10.Does Hoa like durian ? Why ( not ) ? *

Answer key


1 They bought beef , spinach , cucumber and oranges No , she doesn't She doesn't either

4 They would like beef for dinner They are spinach and cucumber They bought oranges

8 Because they aren't ripe 10 No , she doesn't

3 Post reading : Make real conversation about shopping - Ss talk about the food they like and dislike

- They work in groups of to make a conversation on the posters - T asks groups to stick their posters on the board

- T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework :

- Learn the new words and the dialogue by heart

Date of preparation , March 7th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 74




( 114

-116 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use and practice with “ I don’t like , either / I like , too ; Neither I / So I ” to express

B Aids : Pictures, handouts

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A1 - Answer T’s questions :

+ What did Hoa and her aunt buy ?




noodles orange

- Ss work in pairs to find more words they can about food and fruit

III New lesson :

1 Presentation Dialogue :

- T uses the picture p.114 - 115 to introduces the dialogue again - Ss act out the dialogue in open pairs

2 Model sentences :

- T elicits the target language from Ss :

+ How does Hoa say when she likes spinach and cucumber ? + How does Hoa’s aunt response when she like them, too? + How does Hoa say when she doesn’t like pork ?

+ How does her aunt response when she doesn’t like it ? - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage , form :

 So / too : thế, : đồng ý với với ý

kiến khẳng định

 Neither = not either : không : đồng ý với ý

kiến phủ định

o Pronunciation : T models - Ss copy down the lesson

3 Practice : Picture drill

- T uses these pictures and sticks them on the board

- T runs through the words

- Dealing with the questions and the answers

a) S1 : I like spinach and cucumbers.

S2 : So I / I do, too.

b) S1 : I don’t like pork ?

S2 : Neither I / I don’t either

* So + be / / does + S / S + be / / does,


- T models the first picture, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss, Ss - T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges:

S1 : I like bananas S2 : So I/ I do, too S1 : I don’t like potatoes

S2 : Neither I / I don’t either

4 Further practice : Survey - T gives Ss the handouts :

Name Durian s

Fish Chicke n

Cucumbe r

Carrots peas

Nga V 

- Ss work in groups of to interview their friends and fill in the table * Example exchanges :

S1 : I like durians Do you like them ? S2 : Yes, I like them, too / so I - T checks some Ss ( presentation )

IV Homework : Fill in the blanks with so ; too ; either ; neither He can’t swim, can I

1 Nam and Ba are playing soccer and is Minh They don’t come here _ we

3 She won’t visit NhaTrang and _ will we Nga loves dogs and she loves cats,

Date of preparation , March 9th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 75




( 116 -

118 )

A Aims : - Reading a text to understand how to make a meal

B Aids : pictures, extra board

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Make sentences say about what you like or dislike Other response using so / too or neither / either

II Warm-up :


- Ss write words about food , fruit or vegetables

papaya meat

durian rice

- T reads , Ss tick ( v ) which words they heard


III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- a bowl : chén

- a dish : đĩa realia

- soy sauce ( n ) : xì dầu

- ( to ) slice : cắt thành lát mỏmg mime - ( to) add : thêm ( vào )

- ( to ) stir-fry : xào ( explanation )

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Slap the board b Ordering :

- T asks Ss some questions :

1 Do you always cook meal ?

2 What you think of this work ? Do you like it ? what you have to when you cook meals ?

- Today you will read a text about what Hoa’s aunt have to when she cook meal

- You guess these statements ordering a She sliced the beef

a Then, she cooked some rice and boiled some spinach b Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner

c Next, she sliced some green peppers and onions

d And then she set the table and her family sat down to eat e After that, she stir fried the beef and vegetables

f Finally, she slices the cucumbers and make cucumber salad - Ss work in individual to guess the order of the statements

* Feed back : T asks Ss to write their ordering on the board S1 :

S2 : S3 :

2 While reading : a Text : A3/ p.116

- T uses the pictures / p.116 to sticks on the board and introduces the text

- Ss read the text and check their prediction

* Feed back : T asks S to write the key after reading the text - T corrects

* Answer key : 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5f, 6g, 7e b Comprehension questions : A3 / p.116 - Ss work in pairs of to ask and answer


- T corrects

c Matching :

- T sticks these pictures on the board

- T asks Ss work in groups of to match the instructions with the pictures a),b)

- Ss write their answers on the posters

- T asks the groups to stick the posters on the board - T corrects and gives mark

* Answer key : 1c, 2f, 3a, 4d, 5b, 6e, 7g

3 Post reading : A4/ p.118 - Ss say about themselves in individual

IV Homework :

- Do A4 again

- Do exercise A ( exercise book )

Date of preparation , March 14th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 76




( 119 )

A Aims : - Listening for specific information to understand why Ba had to go to the doctor’s

B Aids : Pictures, tape recorder

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Say how Hoa’s aunt cooked dinner

II Warm-up :


- Ss in turns , select a piece of paper with a feeling written on it - Sugguested feeling : cold , hot , angry , headache , stomachache ,

- Ss mime the feeling in front of the class and aks " What's the matter with me ?"

III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Pre teach :


- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b True / false prediction :

1 Ba had a headache He was at the doctor’s

2 He ate spinach, but his parents didn’t His mum washed the spinach

4 Vegetables often have dirt on them That dirt can’t make him sick

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks 3Ss to write their prediction on the board

S1 S2 S3

2 While listening : B1 / p.119 a Dialogue : B1

- T uses the picture and sticks it on the board

- Ss listen to the tape recorder and check their prediction

* Feed back : T asks Ss to corrects their prediction - T corrects : 1F, 2T, 3T, 4F, 5T, 6F

b Comprehension questions : ( with answer key ) - T asks, Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

1 What did Ba eat last night ? ( fish, rice, soup and spinach ) Who washed the spinach ? ( Ba did )

3 Why did Ba go to the doctor’s ? ( Because he had a stomachache )

4 What made him sick ? ( The dirt on vegetables )


a Complete the story : B1 / p.119

- Ss work in groups of to write the words on the posters - T asks some groups stick their answers on the board - T corrects and gives mark

* Answer key :

1 doctor sick 3 asked had spinach wash 7 more carefully 8 vegetables 9 make 10 she 11 medicine

b Retell the story : - Ss retell the story

IV Homework :

- Do exercise B1 ( workbook )

Date of preparation , March 16th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 77




( 120 )

A Aims : - Reading comprehension and further practice indefinite quantifiers “ a little, too much, plenty of, lots of ”

B Aids : posters, colored chalk

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue B1 / p.119 - Answer T’s questions :

+ What did Ba eat last night ? + Why did he go to the doctor’s ? - T corrects and gives mark

II Warm-up :




III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- amount of : lượng example

- a diet : chế độ ăn questions


- lifestyle ( n ) : lối sống, cách sống explanation - dairy product ( n ) : sản phẩm làm từ sữa realia

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

- Ss work in teams

* Checking Vocabulary : Slap the board ( T reads English, Ss slap Vietnamese) b True / false prediction :

- T asks Ss some questions :

+ What’s your favorite food ?

+ What you always have for breakfast / lunch / dinner ? + Do you think your diet is balanced ?

- T uses the poster and sticks it on the board

* What does “ a balanced diet " mean ?

1 Eat a lot of meat

1 Eat a little fruit, vegetables Eat a mount of sugar

3 Eat a little fatty food

4 Eat plenty of food you like

- Ss work in individual to guess True or false then work in pairs to compare their prediction

* Feed back : T asks Ss to give their prediction on the board

S1 S2 S3

2 While reading : a Text : B2 / p.120

- T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction * Feed back : S

- T corrects : 1F, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5F.

b Comprehension questions : a) - c) p 120 - T asks, Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs - T asks Ss to write the answers on the board

- T corrects

* Answer key :

a Sugar adds taste to food and it gives you energy

b No it isn’t A balanced diet is not enough All people need exercise to keep a healthy life

c Ss answer about themselves

3 Post reading : Matching - T uses the poster on the board

A lot of Sugar

Should Fatty food



Too much Coffee

Shouldn't Deep-fried food

Plenty of Vegetables

Eggs - Ss work in groups of to talk about “ a balanced diet ”:

* Eg : To have a balanced diet, we should eat a lot of

IV Homework :

- Write what should you or not when you want to have a balanced diet

Date of preparation , March 18th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 78




( 121 )

A Aims : - Listening for details and further practice in food vocabulary

B Aids : cards, tape recorder, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Write new words

- What does “ a balanced diet ” mean ?

II Warm-up :

Jumbled words

- T uses the wordcards

1 soodeln = noodles gevateelbs = vegetables

3 awert = water sifh = fish

5 eicr = rice ceiju = juice

7 triuf = fruit febe = beef

III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : Open prediction :

- T draws the pictures of Lan, Ba, Nga and Hoa:

- T asks Ss guess what Ba, Lan, Nga , Hoa had for breakfast :

Name What for lunch. Lan


- Ss work in individual, then compare with the partners

- Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their prediction on the board

2 While listening :

- Ss listen to the tape and check their prediction : * Feed back : S

- T corrects

* Answer key :

Name What for lunch.

Lan Noodles, vegetables, fruit, juice

Ba Fish, rice, fruit, water

Nga Rice, vegetables, juice

Hoa Noodles, fruit, juice

3 Post listening : a Lucky numbers

1 What did Lan have for lunch ? Lucky number!

2 Did Ba have any fruit ?

3 Did Ba and Nga have rice for luch ? Who had vegetables ?

5 Lucky number! Lucky number! Who drank juice ? What did Ba drink ? Did Hoa have fish ? * Answer key :

1 beef , noodles , vegetables and juice Yes , he did

4 Yes , They did Lan and Nga

8 Lan , Nga and Hoa Water

10 No , he didn't b Write it up :

- Ss work in groups of to write about Lan, Ba, Nga, Hoa * Eg “

For her luch, Lan


” - Ss write on the posters

- T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board



- T corrects and gives mark

IV Homework :

- Write what you and your family had for dinner - Do exercise B ( exercise book )

Date of preparation , March 20th , 2006

Unit 12



Period 79



A Aims : - Review and further practice in past simple, indefinite quantifiers, too and either , so and neither and imperative

B Aids : Posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Use the correct verbs form

1 Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt ( go ) to the market I would like ( tell ) you about my family

3 My father ( not watch ) TV last night He ( read ) newspapers and magazines

4 When you ( buy ) this dress ? two days ago

II Warm up : Sing an English song

III New lesson :

1 Simple past tense :

a Language focus : ) p.123 - 124 - Ss the exercise in individual

- T checks and corrects b Mapped dialogue : - T uses the pictures p 123

- T uses the poster and stick it on the board

Do homework ? No, watch T.V


- T models the dialogue, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss, Ss - T

* Pair work : open pairs , closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : Did you your homework yesterday ? S2 : No, I watch T.V

S1 : Did you have dinner at home ? S2 : No, I had dinner in the restaurant ? S1 : Did you go to school yesterday ? S2 : No, I went to the movies

S1 : Did you watch video at weekend ? S2 : No, I read books

S1 : Did you play baseball yesterday ? S2 : No, I played soccer

2 Indefinite quantifiers : a Matching : 2) p.124 - 125

- T uses the pictures and sticks them on the board

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners to make the correct expressions to the pictures

- T asks Ss to match on the board - T corrects

b Gap fill :

- Ss complete the dialogues with the correct indefinite quantifiers, cues from the pictures p.125

- Ss work in open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key :


B: a lot of C: too much D: a little

3 Too Either / so, neither :

a Language focus : 4) p.126 - 127 - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss, Ss - T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

b Noughts and crosses :

- T uses the pictures and sticks them on the board

- Ss work in teams to make sentences using : So, too / either , neither. * Examples :

S1 : I like mangoes

S2 : I like mangoes, too / I too

4 Imperatives : Gap fill - T uses these pictures on the board

- Ss look at the pictures and complete the instructions - Ss work in groups of to write the words on the posters - T asks some groups stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives mark

* Answer key : a peel ; b wash ; c slice ; d mix ; e add ; f stir ; g wait.

IV Homework :

- Do all exercises in Language focus again

Date of preparation , March 19th , 2006

Unit 13




- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about sports by reading for comprehension and sport vocabulary

B Aids : pictures, tape recorder

C Procedure :

I Check up : Check Ss’ reparation and notebooks

II New lesson :

1 Pre reading :

a Pre teach :

- skate boarding: môn trượt ván

- roller-skating : môn trượt ba ( giày có bánh xe ) ( Pictures)

- rollerblading : trươt ba ( giày có bánh xe dọc ) - baseball : mơn bóng chày

- ( to ) take part in : tham gia (Explanation) - ( to ) win the prize : dành giải thưởng


- a competition : thi (Questions)

- surprising - surprisingly: ngạc nhiên - đáng ngạc nhiên (Vietnamese)

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Pre questions :

* T’s introduction : Today, we learn about sports in America, before reading the text, you guess to answer these questions :

1 Which sports you think are the most popular in USA ? What other sports you think are also favorited ?

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions and write on the board

2 While reading A1 : a Text : A1 / p.119

- T asks Ss to open the books and read the text - Ss check their answers

* Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions again - T corrects

* key : Baseball.

skateboarding, roller-skating, rollerblading, basketball, football, volleyball, tennis, badminton, swimming.

b Comprehension questions :


- T asks, Ss answer individual

- Ss work in open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key :

1 It’s baseball. 2 It’s table tennis. 3 Pre reading A4 : Open prediction :

- T uses the pictures a4/ p.132 to sticks it on the board

- T asks :

1 What’s kind of sports in the picture ?

2 What’s WFF ? WTS ?

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions then write on the board

2 While reading : a Text : A4/ p.132

- T asks Ss to read the text and check their prediction

* Feed back : T asks Ss to answer the questions again - T corrects :

* Answer key :

1 walking.

2 WFF is “ walking for fun ” WTS is “ walk to school ”

b Matching : Guess the words - T uses the poster

- Ss work in individual - T corrects

c Comprehension questions : A4 / p.132 :

Lucky numbers

a What sports activity does the writer take part in ? b Why did the school children organize the WFF ? c What are the two activities of the club ?

d How far is it from the school to the beach ?

e Which day of the week is the WTS day of the club ? f Who often takes part in the WTS day ?

*Anwser key :


c A kilometers walk and a walk to school on wednesday d It's kilometers from school to the beach

e Wednesday

f Members living near school

3 Post reading : Find someone who - Ss work in groups of

- Ss uses this questions to ask their friends and fill in the table

“ Which sports you like best ?

I like ……… ”

Name Like ……… best.

soccer badminton walking table tennis swimming

IV Homework :

+ Answer the questions p 132 again and write in notebooks + Fill in the blanks with the prepositions

1 I like taking part sports

2 There was a walking competition children last year Are you aware the time ?

4 I don't have my pocket me

Date of preparation , March 26th , 2006

Unit 13



Period 82


Lesson : A


( p.131 - 133 )

A Aims :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use Adjectives and Adverbs to talk about sports

B Aids : Pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :


- S2 : Answer T’s questions : + What’s WFF ? WTS ?

+ What kinds of sports you like best ?

II New lesson :

1 Pre teach :

- good ( adj ) - well ( adv ) - skillful ( adj ) - skillfully ( adv ) - slow ( adj ) - slowly ( adv ) - bad ( adj ) - badly ( adv )

- interesting ( adj ) - interestingly ( adv ) - sudden ( adj ) - suddenly ( adv ) - quick ( adj ) - quickly ( adv ) - safe ( adj ) - safely ( adv ) - careless ( adj ) - carelessly ( adv ) - strict ( adj ) - strictly ( adv ) - clear ( adj ) - clearly ( adv ) - T models, Ss;repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R

2 Presentation : a Set the scene :

- T uses the picture and sticks them on the board - Ss listen to the text and repeat

b Model sentences : - T elicits the models from Ss

- T reads, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage :

o Form :

- Ss copy down the lesson

3 Practice : word cue drill - T uses these word cards

He's a skillful volleyball player.

He plays skillfully.

S + be + ( a / an ) + Adj + N


- T runs through the vocabulary

- Dealing with the questions and dealing with the answers - T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

* Example exchanges:

S1 : He’s a good soccer player S2 : Yes, he plays well

4 Further practice :

a Language focus : 1) p.162

- Ss check the correct box and then complete the sentences b A5 p.133 : Change the Adj in bracket to Adv - Ss work in groups of to write on the posters

- T asks groups to stick their posters on the board - T checks and gives mark

IV Homework : Complete with suitable adverbs David Beckamp is a good socer

player.He……… My father is a safe driver.He ………

3 My mother is a slow cycle list She ………

4 I am a bad swimmer I ………

Date of preparation , March 30th , 2006

Unit 13



Period 83


Lesson : B

1, 4

( P.134 - 137)

A Aims :- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make an invitation and practice in model verbs “ Can , should , ought to, must ”

B Aids : Posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up : Write adjectives and adverbs

II Warm up :


Safe / safely cyclist


Table tennis Brush teeth

After , before , meals , adult , swim

, thin

Can , should , eat

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- ought to : phải situation

- must : phải

- a table tennis paddle : vợt bóng bàn realia - T models , Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation Dialogue : B1 / p.134

* Answer key :

a Nam must finish his homework b He will be ready in a few minutes c Bad will finish a question for Math d He has paddles

- T asks some questions to pull out the target language :

+ You want to know what Bad before he plays tennis, how you ask ?

+ How does your friend answer ?

- T reads the model sentences, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

- Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese meaning

o Usage :

o Form : S + ought to + V ( inf ) must

o Pronunciation :









* What should Nam before he plays tennis ? ~ He ought to his homework.


2 Practice : Word cue drill - T uses these word cards

- T runs through the vocabulary

- Dealing with the questionsand dealing with the answers - T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

3 Further practice : B4 / p137

- Ss complete the passage with the model verbs in the box - Ss work in groups of to write on the posters

- T checks and corrects

* Answer key : can must must not should can should can / should

IV Homework : Name work you must / ought to in a day

Date of preparation March 30th , 2006

Unit 13



Period 84


Lesson : B


( P.135 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make, accept and refuse an invitation using model verbs

B Aids : Pictures, tape recorder

C Procedure :

I Check up : 2Ss

Make questions and answers :

1 Nam / before / table tennis ? homework We / after / meals ? brush teeth

3 You / before / school ? homework Lan / when / very fat ? have a diet

II Warm up : Mime game Nam / before / table tennis

Do homework

Children / when / swimming Swim / with an adult We / after meal

Brush teeth


- T mimes , Ss give advices

( language focus ( c ) P 163 ) * Eg : T : cold

Ss : You should / ought to stay inside You shouldn't go out

III New lesson :

1 Presentation Dialogue : B2 / p.135

* Set the scene :

- T draws the pictures of Ba and Nam on the board

- T introduces the text - Ss listen to the dialogue - Ss repeat after the tape

*Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

2 Practice : B P 135

- Ss practise in new dialogue , using the cue given a volleyball

should / visit / grandmother

the weekend / Saturday afternoon b chess

ought to / help / Dad

Wednesday night / o'clock c badminton

must / go / dentist

Sunday morning / 10 o'clock

- T models a) - Ss'repetition : chorus - individual - T - Ss ; Ss - T

* Pairwork : open pairs - closed pairs Production :

- Ss make their own dialogue , using pictures P 135 * Eg :


S2 : I must _ S1 : Can you _ ? S2 : Yes _ S1 :

* Language focus : a & b P 162 - 163 a Work with a partner Read the dialogue

Ba : Can I go to the movies , Mom ? Mom: No , you can't

Ba : Please , Mom !

Mom: First you must your homework Then you can go Ba : Great ! Thanks , Mom

- Ss work in pairs to practise the dialogue

b Look at the pictures to make similar dialogue - Ss work in pairs to make up similar dialogue

* Practice : S - S : open pairs ; closed pairs III Homework :

- Do language focus 2.a & b again and write into exercise book

-Date of preparation , April 3rd , 2006

Unit 13



Period 85


Lesson : B


( p

136 - 137 )

A Aims : - Reading comprehension and study about " couldn’t " for past ability

B Aids : pictures , posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue B2 P 135

II Warm up :

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- underwater ( n ) : nước

- scuba diving ( n) : thiết bị lặn có bình dưỡng khí - a vessle ( n ) : tàu thuyền

- ( to ) explore : thám hiểm - ( to ) invent : phát minh - an invention : phát minh - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words


b T's introduction : T uses the picture and intoduces the text * True / False prediction :

1 Most of the world's surface is land

2 Befpre the invention of special breathing equipment , man couldn't swim freely underwater

3 Now , scuba - diving is a popular sport Jacques Cousteau's invented special cameras

5 We can learn more about the undersea world thanks to Jacques Cousteau's invention

- Ss work in individual then compare with a partner * Feedback : Ss

S1 S2 S3

2 While - reading : B3 P 136

- Ss read the text B3 P 136 and check their prediction a Feedback :

Answer key : 1T 2F 3T 4F 5T

b Questions :

Lucky numbers

* Questions :

1 How long could a pearl diver stay underwater ? Now , How long can a diver stay underwater ? When did Jacques Cousteau die ?

4 What could he study ?

5 How can we explore the occeans now ? * Answer key :

a minutes a long time 1997

4 The early 1940s Underwater life

6 With special TV cameras Post reading :


Invention Verbs Sentences

Special breathing equipment

- explore the occean

- learn about the sea

- Before invention of special breathing equipment , we couldn't explore the occeans , we couldn't learn about the sea



- watch TV - use computer - listen to music


- travel far - get home quickly - visit places

- Before

- Ss work in groups of to complete the grid on the poster - T checks and corrects

IV Homework :

- Write sentences like grid in your exercise notebooks - Do B4 ( workbook )

Date of preparation , April 4th , 2006

Unit 14



Period 86


Lesson : A


( p

139 - 140 )

A Aims : - Listening for specific information about Hoa and Lan

B Aids : tape recorder, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Write the complete the sentences using given words : special breathing equipment / explore the ocean

2 Electricity ? read all night, watch T.V, listen to music

II Warm up :


III New lesson :

1 Pre listening : a Pre teach :

- an adventure : phiêu lưu - a cricket : dế

- series ( n ) : phim truyền hình nhiều tập - ( to ) guess : đoán

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

Have watch talk read play


- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Open prediction :

- T’s introduction : T draws the pictures of Lan and Hoa on the and introduces the dialogue :

- Lan and Hoa are talking about what they and their family in the evening Now you guess what Lan/ Hoa does in the evening

* Lan : ……… * Hoa : ……… - Ss work in individual then compare with their partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their predictions on the board

S1 S2 S3

Hoa Lan

2 While listening : a Dialogue :

- Ss listen to the tape recorder and check their predictions * Feed back : S

- T corrects

* Answer key :

 Lan : have dinner, watch T.V

 Hoa : talk about the day, read, play chess

b Multiple choice : A1 / p.140 a) - e) - Ss the exercise ( text book ) in groups of - T asks Ss to write their answers on the board - T corrects

* Answer key : a) C, b)A ,c) B, d) C, e) D

3 Post listening : find someone who… - T gives Ss the handouts

Find someone who… Name

… reads books

… goes to English club … watches T.V

… plays football …has a picnic


S1 : Do you usually [ read books ] in your free time ? S2 : Yes, I / No, I don’t.

- T monitors

- T asks some groups to the survey again

IV Homework :

- Write about what you and your family usually in the evening Date of preparation , April 6th , 2006

Unit 14



Period 87


Lesson : A2

( p 141 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “ What would you like to watch ? ” questions and answers “ I’d like to watch … ” to talk about your favorite T.V

B Aids : Cards, posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Say what you and your family usually in the evening - Answer T’s questions :

+ Do you and your parents usually in the evening ? + Do you usually watch T.V ? How often ?

II Warm up : Slap the board

News movie theatre

Adventure program concert

- Ss work in teams

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- a cowboy movie : phim cao bồi - detective ( n ) : thám tử

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation dialogue :


- Ss listen to the dialogue

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs c Model sentences :

- T elicits the target language from Ss

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : T asks Ss to translate into Vietnamese

o Usage : Like + to inf … : Thích / muốn làm vào thời điểm cụ thể đó.

o Form :

o Pronunciation :

2 Practice : word cue drill - T uses these word cards :

- T runs through the vocabulary - Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers

- T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : What would you like to watch ? S2 : I’d like to watch a football game

3 Further practice : Mapped dialogue

Would … theater ?

… good What would you … ?

…“ easy life ”…

OK … Tuesday night Sorry… English club

How … Thursday ?

OK Fine Let’s …

- What would you like to watch ? ~ I’d like to watch a cowboy movies


- T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs

IV Homework : Rewrite the mapped dialogue in your exercise notebooks and learn it by heart

Date of preparation , April 8th , 2006

Unit 14



Period 88


Lesson : A3 ( p

141 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the details about television in Vietnam

B Aids : Pictures, posters

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue A2 /p.141

II Warm up : Shark Attack

1 ( television ) / ( living room ) ( watch )

III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- An owner : ngườI chủ - A program : chương trình

- ( to) gather : tụ tập, tập trung lại - ( to ) change : thay đổi

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b True / false prediction :

1 Thirty years ago in Vietnam, a lot of people had T.V set These T.V owners were very popular


4 now, they don’t spend much time together A few people have T.V sets today

- Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : T asks Ss to write their predictions on the board

S1 S2 S3


2 While reading : a Text : A3 / p.142 - T asks Ss to read the text - Ss check their prediction

* Feed back : T asks Ss to corrects - T corrects : 1F, 2T, 3F, 4T, 5F

b Answer given :

- T uses the poster on the board No, very few people

2 The black and white program They might sleep a little No, No one

5 In their own living room - T asks Ss to make questions

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Answer key :

1 Did a lot of people have T.V sets 30 years ago ?

2 What did they watch ?

3 What might the older people ?

4 Did anyone go home before the T.V programs finish ?

5 Where people watch T.V now ?

3 Post reading : a Fill in the blanks :

- Ss work in groups of to A3 in the posters - T asks Ss to stick their posters on the board - T corrects and gives mark

b Retell the story :

- T uses the pictures and to sticks them on the board


Date of preparation , April 10th , 2006

Unit 14



Period 89


Lesson : B1, ( p

144 - 145 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be bale to use and practice “ What kinds of programs you like ? ” questions and answer “ I’d like programs about … ” to talk about their favorite programs

B Aids : Pictures, tape recorder

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Say about T.V in Vietnam - Write new words

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- a kind : loại

- a cartoon : phim hoạt hình - a fistful : nắm tay - ( to ) prefer : thích

- a sport show : chương trình thể thao - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : Slap the board - T elicits and writes the words on the board

Kind cartoon firstful

Prefer sport show

- Ss work in teams

- T reads Vietnamese Ss slap English

2 Presentation Dialogue : a Set the scene :

- T draws pictures of Nga and Bad and introduces the dialogue


- Ss answer

- Ss listen to the dialogue

* Pairwork : open pairs, closed pairs b Model sentences :

- T elicits the target language from Ss

- T reads, Ss’repetition : chorus - individual - T writes the model sentences on the board

* Concept check :

o Meaning : T asks Ss to translate into Vietnamese

o Usage : HỏI thích xem chương trình

o Form :


o Pronunciation :

c Comprehension questions : B1 / p.144 a) - e) - T asks, Ss answer

* Pair work : open pairs , closed pairs * Answer key :

a No, because these aren’t any good programs for teenagers

b He likes to watch sport show, cartoons and movies c She likes to watch programs about teenagers in other


d Because they don’t play the kind of music she likes e She’s going to listen to the radio and may be read a


3 Practice : word cue drill

- T uses these word card and sticks them on the board

* What kinds of programs you like ?

I like programs of teenagers.


What kinds of programs + / does +S + like ?

I like +


- Dealing with the questions - Dealing with the answers

- T models the first card, Ss’repetition : chorus- individual - T - Ss, Ss _ T

* pair work : open pairs, closed pairs * Example exchanges :

S1 : What kind of programs you like ? S2 : I like programs about weather forecast

4 Listening : B2 / 145 a Open prediction :

programs time

a Children’s program b The Early News c The weather forecast d The world today

e The movie “ A fistful of Dollars ” - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : Ss read and write their predictions on the board b Text :

- Ss listen to the tape recorder and write time of the programs * Feed back :

- T corrects :

IV Homework : Ask and answer about what kinds of programs your friends like

Date of preparation , April 12th , 2006

Unit 14



Period 90


Lesson : B3, ( p

145 - 146 )

A Aims :


B Aids : Posters, handouts

C Procedure :

I Check up : Ss

- Act out the dialogue B1

- Ask and answer what kinds of programs your friends like using : The world today

2 Cartoons

II Warm up : Network

The world today cowboy movie Detective movie TV programs cartoons

Weather forecast teenagers


III New lesson :

1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- an audience : khan giả - a band : ban nhạc - a contest : thi - a contestant : thí sinh

- an import : hàng nhập - satellite ( n ) : vệ tinh

- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b T/ F prediction :

* T’s introduction :

- T uses pictures p.145 to stick on the board and ask Ss :

- ognize the characters in each picture ? ( The Moffats band, contestants of “ The road to the Olympia peak ” T.V contest, The famous Detective Sherlock Holmes )

2 In which programs these scenes usually appear ? ( The Moffats - pop music, contestant – T.V contests, Sherlock Holmes – imports )

- T asks Ss to work in individual then in pairs to guess these sentences are true or false

1 Pop music, contests, imports are popular T.V program Teenagers like to listen to classical music

3 There are contest of knowledge

4 The contestants are students, workers, T.V viewers … Imports are very expensive

* Feed back : T asks Ss to read and write their prediction on the board



2 While reading : a Text : B3 / p.145

- Ss read the text B3 and check their prediction * Feed back :

- T corrects : 1T, 2F, 3T, 4T, 5F

b Comprehension questions : lucky numbers * Questions :

a What teenagers like to hear and see ? b Who are the contestants in contest programs ? c What import usually include ?

d What T.V programs you want to see ? e How often you watch T.V ?

3 Post reading : a Survey :

- T gives Ss the handouts :

- Ss work in groups or 6, They can go around the class - Ss make questions then fill in the handouts

* Example exchanges :

S1 : Do you want to [ have pop music ] ? S2 : Yes, I / No, I don’t


S1 : What T.V programs you want to hear / see ?

S2 : I want to [ hear pop music ] b Gap fill : B4 / p.146

- Ss work in groups of

IV Homework :

- Do B4 / p.146 into your exercise notebooks - Say about popular programs

Date of preparation , April 17th ,


Unit 15


Going out

Period 92


Lesson : A1

( p 147 )

A Aims : - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to practice in Wh-questions and give advice for not doing something

B Aids : Pictures, posters


I Check up : Say about pop music and contest

II Warm up : Jumbled words

1 omwrkheo = homework refluac = careful

3 pevexnsi = expensive ieodv = video

5 cone = once espnd = spend

III New lesson :

1 Presentation : a Pre teach :

- the amusement center : trung tâm giải trí

- addictive ( adj ) : có tác dụng gây nghiện - the arcade : khu vui chơi, mua bán - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual

- Ss copy down the words

* Checking vocabulary : R O R b Presentation dialogue :

* Set the scene :

- T uses the picture p.147 and puts it on the board - T asks :

1 Are there many amusement centers in your town ? Do you often go to an amusement center ?

3 What you usually there ? - Ss answer

- T introduces : “ You’re going to listen to a conversation between Lan and Nam Nam’s going to the amusement center ”

- Ss listen to the dialogue - Ss read the dialogue

c Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss

+ As video can be addictive if you play too much So “ What does Lan advise Nam ? And How does he repose ? ”

- T reads, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T writes the model sentences from Ss

- Don’t pent too much time in the arcade


* Concept check :

o Meaning : Vietnamese

o Usage : Khuyên đừng làm vịêc

o Form :

A promise

o Pronunciation :

2 Practice : Comprehension questions : Lucky numbers

- T introduces the game

1.(a) Where is Nam going to go ? 2.(b) What’s he going to ? LN!

4.(c) How often does he go ? LN!

6 LN!

7.(d) Does he spend a lot of money ? 8.(e) How long does he usually stay ? 9.(f) Why must Nam be careful ? 10.(g) What will Nam later ? - Ss work in teams

3 Production : Mapped dialogue

Where … going ? amusement center

What … ? Video games

How often … ? / week

Don’t spend…

Video games v

Don’t forget …

homework v

- Don’t + V ( inf )

- No, I don’t

1 2 3 4 5


- T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - T – Ss, Ss – T

* Pair work : open pairs, closed pairs *

Example exchanges


S1: Where are you going ?

S2: I'm going to the amusement center S1: What are you going to ?

S2: I'm going to play video games S1: How often you play ?

S2: Twice a week

S1: Don't spend too much time on playing video games S2: Don't worry I won't

S1: Don't forget to your homework S2: No , I won't

IV Homework :

- Rewrite the dialogue again - Learn the dialogue B1 by heart

Date of preparation , April 20th , 2006

Unit 15


Going out

Period 93


Lesson : A2 - ( p

148 - 149 )

A Aims : - Reading for details about videos and video games

B Aids : Posters, pictures

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Act out the dialogue

- Make some advice with “ Don’t …” and reply

II Warm up : Network


1 Pre reading : a Pre teach :

- dizzy ( adj ) :hoa mắt, choáng váng - social skill : kĩ giao tiếp - premise ( n ) : đất đai, nhà cửa - the industry ( n ) : công nghiệp - a robbery : vụ trộm cướp - T models, Ss’repetition : chorus – individual - Ss copy down the words

* Checking : What and where

industry social skill dizzy

inventor premise

robbery b T/ F prediction :

1 Children like playing video games because they are good fun It’s very good for children to spend to much time on their own Playing video games for a long time will make children become dizzy

4 Children mustn’t play out doors with their friends Some inventor become rich when they are very young - Ss work in individual then compare with the partners

* Feed back : Ss

S1 S2 S3

2 While reading : a Text : A2 / p.149

- Ss read the text and check their predictions

* Feed back : Ss read the answer after reading - T corrects : 1T, 2F, 3T, 4F, 5T

b Matching : - T uses the poster

* Careful *chơi trời

* develop * quên


* forget * tham gia c Multiple choice : A2

- Ss work in groups of to A3 on the posters - T checks and corrects

3 Post - reading : Gap fill A3 P 149

- Ss work in groups of to A on the poster - T checks and gives marks

IV Homework : - Do A3 again

- Say about video games

Date of preparation , April 24th , 2006

Unit 15




Period 94


Lesson : A2 ( p

148 - 149 )

A Aims : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to give advice with " should or shouldn't "

B Aids : Posters

C Procedure :

I Check up :

- Present the text A2 in your own words

II Warm up : Slap the board

- T elicits and writes the words on the BB

play out door play with friends

on your own

take part in activities play video


- Ss work in teams

III New lesson :

1 Presentation:

a Presentation text : A2 p 148 - Ss read the text

- T corrects their pronunciationif necessary b Model sentences :

- T elicits the model sentences from Ss by asking the question " What does teacher advise children ? " - T models , Ss'repetition : chorus - individual

- T writes the model sentences on the BB

Children should play outdoors

They shouldn't play video games for a long time

* Concept check :

Meaning : T asks Ss to translate in to Vietnamese Usage : an advice

Form :

S + should / shouldn't + V


Pronunciation : - Ss copy down

c Grid : ( poster ) with answer key - T puts the poster on the BB

- Ss work in individual

Activities in free time Should Shouldn't

Play outdoor

Play video games for a long time Take part in activities with friends Spend a little time playing video games Spend too much time on your own

v v v


v - Ss write on the BB

2 Practice :

- Ss use the grid to make sentences about what they should - T deals with the questions and answers

- T models the first question and answer , Ss'repetition - Pairwork : open pairs and closed pairs


S1 : Should we play outdoor ?

S2 : Yes , We should / No , We shouldn't Production : Noughts and crosses

- T puts the poster on the BB

- Ss work in teams to make sentences woth should and shouldn't play outdoor spend much money

on video games

take part in outdoor activities stay up too late play video so much be with people of

our age spend little time

playing video games

study hard spend too much time on our own

IV Homework :

- Do exercise A in workbook

Ngày đăng: 29/04/2021, 11:49



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