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Nội dung

3.A very thick forest 4.To make a question Ss practice in pairs / groups T corrects and gives marks T elicits words from Ss Ss read , repeat after teacher. T holds class to play “What an[r]


Unit 9:

A first- aid course

Division of lesson

1.Getting started + Listen & Read

2.Speak + Listen

3 Read

4 Write

5 Language focus


Period: 55 Teaching day:


Unit 9:

Lesson Listen & Read

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can know what they would in the situations which

require first- aid

II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: ( n ) ambulance , emergency, bleeding,

(adj ) unconcious , concious , bleed ( v)

2 Grammar: Simple future

III Techniques : Slap the board, Kim's game

IV Teaching aids: Pictures, cassette , gap fill chart

V Procedures:

Tell Ss these things are often used for

first- aid

Divide the class into two groups

Ask Ss to write the names of the things

they've just seen from memory

( in English or Vietnamese)

T corrects

Ss discuss and write what they would

1 Warm up: / marks ( 5')

Kim's game

Answer key

1 emergency room ice


do in these situations ( in groups )

T corrects and gives marks

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say meaning

Ss copy

Ss play the games to check vocabulary

T hangs the chart with the paragraph on

the board

Ask Ss to complete in the gaps

Students listen to the tape

Then check the predictions are right or


Students practice the dialogue

+ Possible answer

+ A girl has a burn on her arm -> Use cold

water/ ice to ease the pain

+ A boy has a bad cut on his leg-> Use

alcohol/ medicated oil/ sterile dressing.

+ A girl has a nose bleed -> Use a

handkerchief to stop the bleeding/ tell her

to lie down

+ A boy has a bee sting -> Use medicated


2 Presentation: (18')

I Pre-teach:

- ambulance ( n ) ( picture )

- emergency ( n )

- unconcious # concious

- bleed ( v ) -> the bleeding

+ Slap the board

II Gap fill prediction

"There was an emergency at Lan's school.

A student off her bike and hit her

head on the road She was _ but she cut

her head and the was badly

Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital

and asked the nurse to send an

to Quang Trung School Lan was asked to

keep the student _while waiting for the


3 Practice:( 10')

Answer key

1 fell bleeding

2 concious ambulance

3 cut awake


Ask Ss to answer the questions

Students read the dialogue again and

select the topics covered in the dialogue

Work in groups

T corrects

Ss play the roles to demonstrate the


Answer key

a, b, c, e, f

4 Consolidation (10' )

5 Homework (2' )

- Do exercises in workbook

- Learn by heart new words

- Prepare next lesson L speak + Focus




Period: 56 Teaching day:


Unit 9:

Lesson Speak + Listen

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and respond to requests, offers, and


II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar: Offer, request, promise sentences and responses.

III Techniques : Net work, Matching

IV Teaching aids: Pictures, posters

V Procedures:


T asks Ss to look at the picture and write

out all the verbs describing the actions of

the people in it.

Ss work in groups.

T corrects and gives marks

T asks Ss questions to elicit the models.

Ss repeat or times.

T emphasizes the underlined words

T elecits Ss to make some more phrases

with the same use

Ss copy and notice these phrases.


Guess from context

- What actions?

Answer key

to drive/ wheel / move / push / weigh / wait

/ lie / stand / lean

1 Pre- Speaking ( 18 ' )

1 I want you to get me a bandage How

can I say?

2 I'd like you to come to my party How

can I say?

3 I tell my mother that I'll surely finish my

work before bedtime How can I say?

+ Model sentences

1 Will you (please) get me a bandage?

2 Would you like to come to my party?

3 I promise I'll finish my homework before


+ Structures

1 To make a request

Will/ would/ could/ can + you (please) +

bare infinitive ?

-> Sure/ OK/ All right

I'm sorry I can't / I'm afraid not.

2 To make an offer

Will / won't you

Shall I + bare infinitive

Can I

Would you like + to inf .?

What can I / get for you?

Can I get you ?

-> Yes, please / That would be nice

No, thank you.


T asks Ss to look at the pictures on page

82 and match the situations with the


Ss work in groups and answer

T corrects

T helps Ss identify the situations in the


Students practice in pairs.

T corrects and Ss write these questions

on the board

T presents new words

Ss listen, copy

T explains the words by using simple


T has Ss repeat the words in chorus

T checks

T holds class to play the game what and


T asks Ss to look at the pictures in their

books again and match the letter A, B, C,

D, E, F to the correct words in the box.

I promise to

-> I hope so / Good / I'm glad / Don't forget

2 While- Speaking: ( 10')

+ Matching

1 The girl has a burn on her hand.

2 The girl has a bad fever.

3 The boy has just broken the vase.

4 The boy has a headache.

5 The boy has a snake bite

Answer key

1 a d e b c

a-> request

b-> offer / request

c-> offer / request

d-> offer

e-> promise

Ex: Could you give me one tablet?

OK, wait for me a minute



1 Pre- Listening ( 18 ' )

a Pre- teach vocab.

- eye chart (n) (picture)

-> eye sight

- paramedic: (He takes care of patients but

he isn't a doctor nor a nurse.)

- wheelchair (n) (picture)

- to wheel ( to push a wheelchair)

- stretcher (n) (picture)

- crutch(es) (n) (picture)

+ What and where

b Matching

Answer key


Ss will listen to a paragraph about the

activities taking place in an emergency

room which contains the words on the


Ask Ss copy and guess first

Play the tape and ask Ss to listen

Ask Ss to give their answers and correct

Ask Ss to read the statements carefully

and decide which of the statements is

true and which is false.

(Works in pairs).

Ss listen to the tape again (2 or times).

Ss give answers and T corrects.

T asks Ss to write the story about the

B -> wheelchair E -> scale

C -> crutches F -> stretcher

2 While- listening: ( 15')

a Order prediction

You guess On tape

ambulance 3

wheelchair 2

crutches 6

eye chart 4

scale 5

stretcher 1

b True/ False Statements

1 A doctor is wheeling a patient into the

emergency room.

2 The patient's head is bandaged.

3 A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a

patient sitting on it.

4 The eye chart consists of 28 letters

ranging in the different size.

5 The baby's mother is trying to stop the

nurse from weighing her baby.

Answer key

1 False (a paramedic not a doctor).

2 True

3 False (empty wheelchair not with a

patient )

4 True

5 False ( stop her baby from crying)

3 Post - Listening: (5 minutes )


Write it up.


activities in the picture, using the present


Then maybe using the past tense.

5 Homework (2' )

- Do exercises in workbook

- Learn by heart some phrases of offer,

request, promise

- Prepare next period



Period: 57 Teaching day:


Unit 9


Lesson Read




At the end of the lesson , Ss can use the instructions about some more situations

requiring first- aid


Language contents:



: lie flat ( v ), elevate ( v ), victim ( n ), overheat ( v)

tissue damage ( n ), ease ( v ).



: none



: Bingo, net work, matching, grid.


Teaching aids

: chart, picture



T holds class to play "bingo"

Asks Ss to give nouns for

emergencies which require first-aid.

1 Warm up: / marks ( 5')



Suggested words

burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock,

nose bleed.


T presents new words.

Ss listen, copy.

T explains the words by using

simple English, guesture.

T has Ss repeat the words in chorus

T checks

T has Ss play "Rub out and


T has Ss play net work

Ask Ss to think of what to in

these emergency cases.

Ss read the instructions and add the

missing information.

T asks Ss to read the statements on

page 84 and match three Leading A,

B, C to them.

T asks Ss to read the instructions

again and fill in the information.

Call some Ss to the board to write

their answers.

Pre- teach vocab.( 18 ' )

- lie flat ( v )

- elevate # lower ( v )

- victim ( adj ) ( person who needs first-aid)

- overheat ( v ) ( make s.th too hot )

- tissue damage ( n )

- ease = stop ( v )

+ Rub out and Remember

+ Net work


let the victim lie down



Don't give the victim

any food

cool the burn with ice


3 While- reading: ( 10 ' )

+ Matching

Answer key

A -> a, c, e B -> b C -> d

+ Grid

Case Do Don't

Fainting leave the Don't force patient him/her to sit lying flat or stand Shock Give him/her a Don't


T has Ss copy the grid in their


T asks questions to elicit the


T corrects.

T asks Ss to an exercise in their


T presents new words.

Ss listen, copy.

T explains the words by using

simple English

T has Ss repeat the words in chorus

T asks questions to elicit the



Why should we cool the burn


=> We should it / so as to / in

order to/ minimize the tissue


T gives the form and how to use

drink or drug Burns Cool the burn

immediately to minimize the tissue damage Ease the pain with ice or cold water pack

4 Post-Reading ( 10 ' )

**Put the words in the box into four groups

Headache heart leg nose scale revive

stretcher toothache wheelchair AIDS

ambulance arm bleed cold crutches ease

elevate fall flu head

Necessities for patients :

Parts of body :

Illnesses / diseases :

Verbs :

2 Pre- teach (15’)

Pre- teach vocabulary

anxiety (n)

entrance exam (n)

inform (v)

+ Form:

so as to/ in order to + bare inf

+ Meaning: để

+ Use to indicate purposes ( ám mục đích )



( 10 ' )


In order to check Ss’ knowledge , T

gives some exercises

Ss work individually

T corrects and gives marks


Combine each pairs of sentences, using in

order (not ) to / so as (not) to

a/ He always drives carefully He doesn’t want to

cause accidents

b/The boys stood on the beaches They wanted

to get a better view

c/ I went to the college I wanted to see Professor


d/ She wore warm clothes She didn’t want to get



Simple future or Simple present

1 We (go) out when the rain ( stop)

2 She ( not come) until you (be) ready

3 I ( come) and (see) them before I leave here

4 We ( phone) you as soon as we

( arrive) in Hanoi

5.When I (see) Mr Pike tomorrow, I ( give) him

your message

5 Homework (2' )

- Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare next period



Period: 58 Teaching day:


Unit 9


Lesson 5





By the end of the lesson, Ss know how to write a thank- you note.


Language contents




: Thanks s.o for s.th, cheer s.o up, come over



Teaching aids

: sub-board, colored chalk.



T asks Ss some questions.

Ss answer.

T presents new words

T gives an example with a gap.

Eg: She thanked me helping her.

Ss copy, read loudly.

T checks.

T has Ss play " Slap the board"

T sets the scene:

Nga was sick and she

had to go to hospital After she left the

hospital, she wrote a thank you note to

Hoa Why and what did she write?

T hangs the poster and ask Ss to predict

these statements.

T corrects and answer

Ask Ss to read the whole letter and check

their answer.

1 Warm up: / marks ( 5')


Have you ever written a thank you note?

- What's for?

2 Pre- writing ( 18 ' )

Pre- teach vocab.

- to thank ( s.one) for s.th

- cheer s.one up ( v ) to make s.one feel


- come over ( v )

+ Slap the board

Cảm ơn

điều khích lệ

động viên

nạn nhân

nâng lên

Bảng đo thị lực


True/ False Predictions

1 Nga writes to thank Hoa for some


2 Hoa's gift cheered Nga up.

3 Nga'd like Hoa to see her at the hospital

4 Nga is very bored now.

5 Nga writes the letter at the hospital.


Answer key


T asks Ss to complete the thank you note.

T corrects the answers.

T tells Ss to write a thank you note to a

friend and write him/her to go on a picnic

with them Before writing, answer these

questions (practice in pairs ) Then T asks

Ss to join these sentences into a paragraph

to make it a thank you note

Ss write their letters.

T corrects.

T asks groups to write letters on the

sub-board Then paste on the board,

correct them.

T gives feed back and corrects.

3 F -> at her house ( not at the hospital)

4 True

5 False -> at her house ( not at the



While writing

( 10 ' )


Answer key

1 was were helped

4 came am will phone

+ Questions in text book on page 85.

4 Post-Reading ( 10 ' )


Answer key

Dear Phuong ,

Thank you very much for the books you

sent me while I treated my disease at

home They were very interesting and

helped me relax a lot I loved reading

them very much Now I have got over and

felt very sad I want to go out to enjoy the

fresh air Do you want to go on a picture

with me this Sunday? If yes , I'll come and

pick you up.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you

Your friend,


5 Homework (2' )

- Write another letter to another friend for

another occasion

- Do exercises in workbook.

- Prepare next period.



Period: 59 Teaching day:


Unit 9


Lesson - Language focus

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, Ss can make and respond to requests, offers, and


II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar: Offer, request, promise sentences and responses.

III Techniques : Net work, Matching

IV Teaching aids: Pictures, posters

V Procedures:

T asks Ss to play net work.

Call one or two Ss to this game.

T corrects and give mark

T explains the demand of this exercise

and does an example.

Ask Ss to this exercise.

T corrects.

Ss work in pairs

T corrects the answer.

Ss fill in the gaps with the right words.

T corrects the answer

T asks some pairs to play the roles in

1 Warm up: / marks ( 5')


Net work

have a bee sting

have a cut

have a burn have a snake bite


L.Focus 1:

Ex: I always keep the window open in

order to / so as to let fresh air in

Key answer

2 Mary wrote a notice on the board in

order to / so as to inform her classmates

about the change in schedule

3 Mr Green got up early this morning in

order to / so as to get to the meeting on


4 My elder brother studies hard this year

in order to / so as to pass the entrance exam

to the university.

5 People use first-aid in order to /so as to

Situation which


front of the class.

T asks Ss to L Focus then practice

speaking with a partner.

T corrects

ease the victim's pain and anxiety.

6 You should cool the burns immediately

in order to / so as to minimize tissue


L Focus 2

Complete the dialogue, use the

correct word or short form


1 will will won't

4 shall will 'll

L Focus 3

Look at the pictures and

complete the sentences Use the words

under each picture and will

Ex: Are you hot, Grandma?

Yes, will you open the window, please,


+ Answer key

b) Will you give it to me, please?

c) Will you answer the telephone, please?

d) Will you turn on TV, please?



L Focus 4


Answer key

b) Will you paint the door, please?

c) I promise I'll study hard next semester.

d) Shall I carry the bag for you?

e) Will you hang the clothes, please?

f) I promise to cut the grass in the garden.

5 Homework (2' )

- Do exercises in workbook

- Learn by heart some phrases of offer,

request, promise

- Prepare next period



Unit 10:


Division of lessons

1 Getting started + Listen and read

2 Speak + Listen

3 Read

4 Write

5 Language Focus


Period: 60 Teaching day:


Unit 10


Lesson 1

Getting started

Listen and read

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson students will be able something to protect the

environment and save natural resources

II Language content

a.Grammar: none


representative (n)

recycle (v)

protect (v)

contact (v)

natural resources (n)

III Teaching aids

: posters, a chart, cassette

IV Techniques

: Jumbled words, True/False prediction, Brainstorm…

V Procedures:

Teacher ‘s and Ss’ activities


Asks Ss to think of ways to reduce the

amount of garbage they produce.

Deliver posters to Ss , dividing them into 4



Warm up(5’)



Tell Ss to put the posters on the board

after they finish and the team having the

most ideas is the winner.

I presents the new words to Ss.

Ss repeat then say the meaning

Ss repeat and copy

Stick flashcards with jumbled words on

the board

Ask Ss to rewrite the words in the right


Set the scene:

A representative from

Friends of the Earth, Miss Blake, is

talking to the students of Quang Trung

school Friends of the Earth shows people

how to protect the environment and save

natural resources

Put the chart with the statements on the


Ask Ss to work in pairs to decide if the

Statements are True or False.

Write the S


’ guesses on the board

reuse plastic bags

Possible answer

Use cloth bags, use tree leaves to wrap

things, make garbage into fertilizer, make

vegetable matter into animal food…


New words

-representative (n) người đại diện, đại biểu

-protect (v) = keep someone/sth safe danger

-natural resource (n)

(coal mines, oil/gold/mineral deposits)

-recycle (v) = to make something already

used able to be used again)

-contact (v) = communicate with someone by

telephone or letter …

* Jumbled words








Pratice (20’)

True/False predictions

/ Marks

1/ Friends of the Earth is an organization to

help people make friends with each other

2/ Miss Blake asks the students to remember

3 things: reduce, reuse, recycle.

3/ Reduce means buying the products which

are operpacked.

4/ We can not reuse things like envelopes,


presentativea ceresoru


Ask Ss to open their books, listen to the

tape while reading the dialogue.

Call on Ss to correct the False statements

Ss practice the dialogue

Ask S


answer the question on page 90

Ss work in pairs

Teacher calls some pains to ask and

answer the questions

T corrects

Write the topic on the board

How to protect our envirnment ?”

Ask Ss to express their opinions/ideas

Write their ideas on the board

T corrects and has Ss copy

glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags.

5/ Miss Blake says that we should use cloth

bags and shouldn’t use plastic bags at all.

6/ Recycling means not just throwing things

away but trying and finding another use for


Answer key

1 False

… an organization to help people

protect the environment and save natural


2 True

3 False

Reduce means not buying…

4 False

we can reuse things …

5 True

6 True

* Comprehension questions

a/ Reduce means not buying product which

are overpacked

b/ We can reuse things like envelopes, glass,

plastic bottles and old plastic bags

c/ Recycle means not just throwing things

away Try and find another use for them.

d/ We can look for information on recycle

things by having a contact with an

organization like Friends of the Earth, going

to the local library, or asking your family and

friends or scientific society.

e/ (Possible answer) Miss Blake tells Lan that

we shouldn’t use plastic bags at all because

plastic bags are difficult to be destroyed, so

the amount of garbage increases.


Consolidation (5’)



Homework (5’)


-Learn by heart new words

-Prepare next lesson : Lesson Speak



Period: 61 Teaching day:


Unit 10


Lesson Speak+ Listen

I Objectives

This lesson helps S


practice in giving and responding to instructions

II Language contents



: none



: fertilize (v)

fabric (n)

compost (n)

leather (n)

III Teaching aids:

picture (copied from Textbook,sub- board

IV Techniques

: Kim’s game, Bingo, Dictation List, Mapped dialogue

V Procedures

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Show the picture to the Ss and ask them to

observe it carefully, let them look at the

picture for about 20’’ then put it away

Ask Ss to go to the board and write as

many words showing things in the picture

as possible

T corrects

Elicit words

T presents some new words

T can explain some words in English or

use the picture

Ss say the meaning

Ss repeat and copy


Warm up


Memory game (Kim’s game)

Possible answer

Used paper, old newspapers, books,

cardboard, boxes, bottles, glasses, jars,

plastic bags, food cans, drinking tins,

vegetable matter, clothes, shoes,



Pre-speaking (10’)

-fertilizer (n) (farmers often use this thing

to make their plants or trees grow well.

What is it)

fertilize (v)

-Compost (n) phân trộn

(What you call the fertilizer made from

spoiled food, leaves, vegetable matter …)

-fabric (n) (realia: clothes)


Get Ss to brainstorm a list of about 10


Ask Ss to choose words and copy into

their papers.

Call out the words until a/student (s)

has/have ticked all of their words and

shout “Bingo” and they win

Tell Ss they are going to listen to the

words for items and put them into the right


Draw the table on the board and ask Ss to

copy it.

Tell Ss to listen to the words and put them

in the right columns

Model some words

Put the mapped dialogue chart on the


Elicit the exchanges from Ss

Have some pairs practice each exchange

before going on to another exchange.

After finishing the dialogue, ask a good

pain to demonstrate the whole dialogue.

Ss work in pairs, replacing the information

(in brackets with the words in dictation


T corrects

-leather (n) (our shoes, sandals are often

made of …?

* Bingo

fertilize, compost, leather, fabric, plastic, glass,

metal, paper, cardboard, tin …


While-speaking (20’)

Dictation List

Answer key

Group Items

Paper used paper (old newspaper, books, cardboard boxes)

Glass bottles, glasses, jars

Plastic plastic bags, plastic bottles Metal food cans, drinking tins Fabric Clothes (cloth bags,


Leather Shoes, sandals, school bags Vegetabl

e matter Fruit peels, (vegetables,rotten fruit

Mapped dialogue/Marks

Which group (do

clothes) belong to?

What can we do

with (those clothes)?

Are/Is (fruit vegetable


What will we do

Put them in


We can recycle

them and make

them into paper

or shopping



T asks Ss to put these words in the correct


-Elicit words

T presents some new words

T can explain some words in English or

use the picture

Ss say the meaning

Ss repeat and copy

T checks voc

Tell Ss they are going to listen to an

expert who gives the instructions to make


Ask Ss to open their books and read the

multiple choice question on page 91.

Check if Ss understand the questions

with (it)

We make (it

into compost

and fertilize

our field )


Post-speaking (5’)

Put these words into the correct groups

Aluminium cans –apple pie-

butter-cakes-car tires-old clothes-dictionary-waste


story-jam-magazines-newspapers-plastic toys-picture

books-pork-vegetable matter-textbook-novels

> Things to eat :

>Things to read :

>Things to recycle :

Pre-listening (10’)



pick (n)

shovel (n)

shade (n)


compost heap(n)

moisture (n)

condensation (n)


*** Rub out and remember

While- listening (20’)

Answer key

a A

b B

c A d B


Play the tape or times Ss listen and do

the exercise.

Ss answer and T corrects

Ss choose true or false

T asks Ss to correct the false sentences

True or false statements

a/ The expert explains how to start a compost heap

b/We can use meat or grain products to make


c/ We should find a place in our garden that gets a

few hours of sunlight each day

d/ We shouldn’t use picks to turn the compost

e/ If the weather is very wet , we should cover the

heap with a sheet of strong plastic



-Do exercise in the workbook.

-Practice the dial with your partners

replacing the information.

-Prepare : lesson Listen



Period: 62 Teaching day:


Unit 10


Lesson -Read

I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, S


will be able to read for details about how things are


II Language contents

1 Grammar:

Passive form in the Present Simple tense

2 Vocabulary:

tire(n), pipe (n), deposite (n), refill (v), melt (v)

III Teaching aids:

wordsquare chart, photocopied pictures (p.95), drawing…

IV Techniques

: rub out and remember, Grid,…

V Procedures:


Put the wordsquare chart on the board

Tell Ss the topic is about the

environment and there are 14 hidden


Divide the class into groups.

Ask Ss to write their answer on a piece

of paper and hand in when they finish.

Tell Ss the group with the most right

words is the winner

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say meaning

Ss copy

Ss play the game to check Vocabulary

Draw the grid on the board and have Ss

Copy it.

Ask Ss to open their books and read the


Ask Ss to work in pairs to make a list of

recycling facts mentioned in the text

call on some Ss to write the information

in the grid on the board

Warm up (5’)

Revision : Wordsquare











Answer key

Environment, garbage, pure, used paper,


Envelope, dust, green tree, can, plastic

paper bag, reduce, reuse, recycle

Pre-reading (10’)

Pre-teach Vocabulary

-tire (n)

-pipe (n)

-deposit (n)

-refill (v): to fill something empty again



Rub out and Remember

While-reading (20’)

Grid (Read 2)


Used things

Recycling Facts

Car tires

Milk bottles



Ask Ss to work individually to wnswer

the questions on page 93.

Let Ss compare their answer with their

partners (pairwork)

Call on some Ss to answer

T corrects

Elicit the madel sentences froms Ss the

have Ss repeat.

Ss listen carefully and notice the

grammar point.

After Ss copy in their notebooks

T gives an example

Ss retell the story with

Passive Form

They can tell main details

Drink cans

Household and

garden waste


are brought back for


is made into compost

Comprehension questions (Read 1)

->Answer key

a/ People cleaned and refilled empty milk


b/ The glass is broken up, melted and made

into new glassware

c/ The Oregon government made a new law

that there must be a deposit on drink cans.

The deposit is returned when people bring the

cans back for recycling

e/ If we have a recycling story to share, we

can call or fax the magazine at 265 456

Model sentence: Passive Voice/Form










past part

To make pipes and

floor coverings

into new glassware

Concept checking

+ Form: Passive Form in the Present Simple

Subject+ am/is/are + Past Participle

+ Use: it is used when the subject is affected

by the action of the verb (Vietnamese can be

used for weaker students)

Change an active sentence to a passive



S + V




S + be + Vpp + by O


My parents

sre loved by me

Post-reading (8’)

Homework (2’)

-Learn by heart Voc + Passive Form

-Do exercise in workbook

-Prepare: Lesson write



Period: 63 Teaching day:


Unit 10


Lesson 4


I Objectives

Students will be able to write a set of instructions on how to recycle used things using the


II Language contents

1 Grammar: none

2 Vocabulary:

soak (v), mash (v), wire mesh (n) , bucket (n)

III Techniques:

Lucky numbers, slap the board, ordering, prediction

IV Teaching aids

: drawing, mine, photocopied pictures (p.94)

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities


Write numbers on the board, from to 9

Tell Ss each numbers is for a question but 3

of them are lucky numbers If Ss choose a

lucky number, they not have to answer

any question but they get points and they

Warm up/Marks (10’)

Lucky Numbers

1 Lucky Numbers


can choose another numbers

Divide the class into teams

I remarks and give marks

I presents some new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Set the scene:

Tell Ss they are going to read

a text about how to recycle used paper Put

the verbs on the board randomly in a flow


Ask Ss to work in groups to guess the order

of the actions.

Call on about pairs to write their answer

on the board.

Explain the process of recycling

T corrects

Ask Ss to open their books, read the text on

page 93 and fill in the verbs.

T corrects and Ss copy the exercise in their


T asks Ss to close their books.

Write the sequencing on the board and

have Ss practise speaking first.

Call on Ss to say the sentences from

3 Say this sentence in the active

“Cartoons are liked by most children”

4 Lucky number

5 Lucky number

6 Passive: “We not use things


7 Active: “Are candies liked by the

children ?”

8 Passive: “Mr Han teaches Maths”

9 Passive:“Vegetarians not eat meat”

Pre-writing (5’)

-Pre-teach Vocabulary

-soak (v): put sth in liquid for a time so

that it becomes completely wet

-mash (v) đánh nhừ, nghiền nát

-wire mesh (n) lưới thép

-bucket (n) thùng, xô

Slap the board

While-writing (20’)

Ordering prediction (write 1)


dry pull out mix



1 _ _

4 _ _

Answer key

1 soak

2 mash

3 mix

4 pull out press

6 dry

Write 2

Answer key

1 use mix place press

5 wrap wait dry




Then, _

Next, _

After that, _

Finally, _

Ss write the text in brief using the


Ss work in group

T corrects

Stick the photocopied pictures on the board

randomly (cảm tính, tùy ý)

Ask Ss to listen and work in groups to

rearrange the pictures according to the

instructions on how to prepare the


Ss answer

T corrects


Answer key

First, soak old newspaper in a bucket

overnight Then, mash the paper by a

wooden spoon Next, mix the mashed

paper with water After that, use a wire

mesh to pull the mixture out, put it on the

cloth and press it down firmly (mạnh,


Finally, take the mesh out of the cloth and

dry it in the sun.

Post writing (8’)

Ordering Pictures

a First take the used tea leaves from the

tea pot

b Next scatter the tealeaves on a tray

c Then dry the leaves in the sun

d Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for

future use

Homework (2’)

-Write the instructions on how to make a

thing you have ever made using the


-Do exercise in workbook

-Prepare lesson Language Focus




Period: 64 Teaching day:……….

Unit 10 :

Lesson - Language focus

I Objectives

Students will be able to form the Passive in Future simple and the structures with


II Language contents


: none


: Passive in Future simple / Passive in Present Simple

It + be + Adj + To- Inf / that clause

III Techniques:

Ordering pictures , question game, Interview, gap fill, matching

IV Teaching aids

: cardboards, posters, handouts

V Procedures :

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


Call on Ss to go to the board and give

him/her a job name.

Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by

asking yes No question or Pelmanism

T corrects and gives marks

Ask Ss to read the instructions and look at the

picture on page 95

Ask Ss to put the pictures in the correct order

according to the instructions.

After ask Ss to rewrite the sentences (L.F1)

in the Passive form.

Ss write on the board.

Warm up/Marks


-Do you get a big salary ?

-Do you wear uniform ? …

Pelmanism take a/ eaten

bring b/ taken

eat c/ brought

d/ …

While (14’)

*Ordering pictures (Language Focus 1)

Answer key

a b c d e f 6


Answer key


T corrects

Set the scene:

A famous inventor, Dr Kim, is going to build

a time machine One of his assistant, Hai, is

asking him questions about the invention He

wants to know when Dr Kim will start the

project How can he say the sentence in the

Passive ? (I can use Vietnamese for weaker


T asks Ss to complete the sentences using the

Passive in Future Simple.

Ss complete the sentences.

T corrects

T prepares separate large cardboards, one

for Dr Kim, one for Hai

detergent liquid

c/ The grass pieces are dried completely

d/ They are mixed with certain specific


e/ The mixture is melted until it

becomes a liquid.

f/ A long pipe is used It is dipped

(nhuùng) into the liquid, then the liquid is

blown into intended shapes.

* Pre-teach structures (L Focus 2)

Model sentences

When will


the project




past participle


Concept checking

Use: Passive Form in the Future Simple

Form: will/shall + be + past participle

+ Fill in the gaps using the Passive

1 It to the public when it is finish


2 it by the end of the year?


3 It _before Tet (finish)

4 _it by you ? (make)

Answer key

1.will be showed/shown 2.will…be built…?

3.will be finished 4.will…be

made ?


Ask Ss to play role of Hai to interview Mr


Teacher (Dr Kim)

Student (Hai)

T can deliver hand-outs (same content as 2

cardboards) to the whole class and ask them

to pair work

T corrects

Set the scene:

Ba gives Nam a lot of directions

at a time so Nam find it difficult to follow Ba’s

directions What does he say to Nam?

T explain the model sentences

Ss copy

Ask Ss to open their books and complete the

dialogues on page 96

Work in pair

Call some pairs to demonstrate the dial

T corrects

Set the scene:

Nam passed the English exam

and his grandparents are delighted at it.

What did they write to him ?

T presents model sentence and explains



copy the form

T asks Ss to read the letter on page 97 and

match the words

Call on some Ss to go the board to draw the



Dr Kim


project/start/ ?

2.Mary people

/want / see/time


3.will /it /build / by

the end / year/ ?



5.Let’s begin


1.very soon





3.I’m afraid not / but/

It/ finish/ before Tet/

4.No/ I /need you/

build it when can

you start?

* Pre-teach structures (L.Focus 3)(8’)

Model sentences

It’s difficult to follow your directions

It’s + be + Adjective + to Infinitive

Gap fill

Answer key

a/ difficult to follow

b/ easy to understand

c/ hard to believe

d/ dangerous to wait

e/ important to wait

* Language Focus 4

Model sentences

We are delighted that you passed the

English exam.


Ss copy the Voc

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete the letter

using the words in the box

Ss answer

T corrects


1 relieved (a)

a xin chúc


2 congratulation (n)

b trông chờ

3 look forward to (v)

c xác nhận lại

4 confirm (v)

d nhẹ nhõm

Post (8’)

Answer key

(1) was happy

(3) is afraid

(2) am relieved

(4) Are you sure

(5) am certain

Homework (2’)

-Rewrite the letter beginning with

” Nam’s grandparents are delighted that

he …”

-Do the exercises in the workbook

-Prepare: Unit 11 Lesson



Unit 11



Division of lesson

1/ Listen and read

2/ Speak + focus 4


4/ Read

5/ Write


Period: 65 Teaching day:


Unit 11


Lesson Listen and read

I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some expressions to express their


II Language contents

1 Vocabulary:

crop (n)

sugar cane (n)

water buffalo (n)

forty-minute drive

2 Grammar:

The drive takes 40 minutes

It’s a 40-minute drive

III Techniques:

Jumble words, Bingo

IV Teaching aids

: cassette, charts (jumbled words and pre-question), pictures

V Procedures

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T puts the chart with jumbled words

on the board

T asks two groups to connect the

words to make the right phrase for

places of interest and write them on

the board as fast as possible

T asks Ss to open books and match

the names with the pictures

Warm up/ Marks


Jumbled words

Answer key

Ngo mon Gate, Ha Long Bay, The Temple

literature, Nha Rong Harbor

a/ Ngo Mon Gate d/ Ha Long Bay

b/ Nha Rong Harbor



HaLong Nha Rong


The Temple


T corrects

T presents some new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ss copy

T can give an example

T asks Ss to notice that a plural noun

must be changed to the singular form

when preceding the noun it modifies

in a noun phrase

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T sets the scene

T puts the chart with questions

Teacher gives Ss a few minutes to

think about the questions

T asks Ss to listen to the tape

Have Ss work in pairs to answer the


Call on some pairs to give their


T corrects

T asks Ss to work in pairs again and

choose true or false

Then work in groups to correct the

false sentences

c/ The Temple Literature



Pre-teach Voc

crop (n) (something such as grain, rice, fruit … is

grown in one season)

Sugar cane (what is used to make sugar)

water buffalo


forty minute drive (n)

Model sentence

The drive takes 40 minutes

It’s a 40-minute drive



1 Where does Hoa meet The Jones?

2 Is it the first time The Jones have visited

Vietnam ?

3 How they travel to Hanoi ?

4 What they see along the road to Hanoi ?

5 What would Tim like to ?



Answer keys

1 Hoa meets the Jones at the airport

2 Yes, it is

3 By taxi

4 They see a boy riding a water buffolo rice

paddies, corn and sugar cane fields

5 He’d like to take a photo

Answer key

a T

b T

c False

… in a taxi

d T


T aks Ss to discuss and pick out the

sentences containing the situations


Ss work in groups

are grown around Hanoi



* to express interest:

Ex: I’d like you to meet my parents…

-I’d like to

* to express a request

Ex: Would you mind sitting in the front seat ?



-Learn new words by heart

-Do exercises in workbooks

-Prepare: Lesson Speak + focus




Period: 66 Teaching day:


Unit 11 :

Lesson 2- Speak + Language focus4

I Objectives

By the end of the lesson, S


will be able to make and respond to formal requests

using “mind” and make suggestions

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar:

1 Would you mind/ Do you mind + V-ing … ?

2 Would you mind if I + Verb (in Past tense) …?

3 Do you mind if I+ Verb (in Present simple tense …)?

III Techniques:

Card board Drill, Game: “What does it say?”,

Mapped Dialogue

IV Teaching aids

: card boards, a mapped dialogue chart

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities


T chooses a student and ask him/her

to go to the front of class with his/her

back to the board.

Write the information on the board.

Ask the rest of the class try to help

the student guess what is written on

the board by asking question until

he/she says out the right word (s) on

the board

T sets the scene

Remind Ss of the exchanges

between Hoa and Mr Jones and

between Hoa and Tim in the last dial

and elicit the sentences from Ss

Warm up / Marks


Game: What does it say ?

Ex: On the board: Yes, I do



ask: Do you like your teacher ?

Or on the board: Everyday



say: How often you have a shower ?



I/ Pre-teach structures

Model sentences


T writes the models on the board

Ss copy and notice the form of verbs

T sets the scene:

You are a tourist on

vacation in HCM city You want to

visit a market This is a conversation

between you and the tourist officer

the taxi ?

B: No problem

2 A: Would you mind / if I took a photo

B: Not at all

Use: To make and respond to formal requests


1 Would you mind/ Do you mind + V-ing ?

2 Would you mind if I + Verb (Past tense) …?

Do you mind if I + Verb (Present tense) …?



No, I don’t know/ No, of course not/Not at all/Please

do/Please go ahead


I’m sorry, I can’t/I’m sorry, it’s impossible

I’d preper you didn’t / I’d rather you didn’t.

Meaning: Xin bạn cảm phiền



Mapped dialogue


Tourist officer

Excuse me

I’d like to visit a

market Would you

mind suggesting


That sounds interesting

Thank you


Not at all

How about going

to Thai Binh

Market? It opens

from about a.m

to p.m

You’re welcome




Focus 4:


Get Ss write the numbers and look

at the pictures on page 110 (1


Ask Ss to listen to the situation and

order the pictures

Turned off explain talking ask

1 Would you mind me something about it ?

2 Do you mind if I you a question?

3 Would you please _this new word to me?

4 Would you mind if I _the television ?

II Ordering pictures

1 turn off the stereo

2 watch TV while eating

3 sit down

4 postpone the meeting

5 turn on the air-conditioner

6 smoke

Answer key (1d, 2f, 3a, 4c, 5e, 6b)



-Choose the information on p 101 and write down a

complete dialogue, using your own words

-Do exercises in workbook

-prepare: Lesson Listen + Read 1




Period: 67 Teaching day:


Unit 11 :

Lesson 3- Listen + Language focus1,2,3

I Objectives

Ss will be able to use present and past participles to describe things and people

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar:

Present Participle, Past Participle

III Techniques: Memory game, Matching, gap fill

IV Teaching aids:

pictures, cardboards, gap-fill chart

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’activities


Ask Ss to open their books and observe

the pictures on page 109 carefully

Let Ss look at the pictures for 20” and

ask them to close their books

Divide class into two teams and ask each

team to go to the board and write from

memory the names of the things they’ve

just seen in the picture

T asks Ss to open their books and look at

the picture on page 108

Set the scene

Ask questions and call on Ss to answer

then correct

Warm up/Marks


Memory game

Answer key

: box, lamp Truck, doll, flowers,

elephant, bear, rabit


a restaurant b hotel c bus station

d pagoda e temple


(language focus 1) (10’)

Teacher: What’s Mr Quang doing ?

Student; He’s walking/going up the stairs

T: (Miss Lien)

S: (carrying a bag)

T: Nam


Elicit the target language by asking the

question below then have Ss repeat

Have Ss copy

Show the cardboards and have Ss run

through the sitnation again

Ss say the sentences

Ask Ss to look at the words in the box

and the pictures on page 109 to the


Ask Ss to look at the picture on page 109

again and answer the questions

Elicit the target language by asking the

question below then have Ss repeat

S: (sitting under the tree (reading a book)

T: Lan

S: (standing by the table)

T: Who is the man walking up the stairs ?

Model sentence

The man/walking up the stairs/ is Mr Quang

(Present participle phrase)

Form: Verb + ing

Present Participle

Use: A present participle (phrase) can be

used as an adj to qualify a noun with native


While (5’)

1 Mr Quang/ walking up the stairs

2 Miss Lien/ carrying a bag

3 Nam/ talking to Miss Lien

4 Nga and Hoa/ playing chess

5 Lan/ standing by the table

Language focus 2

1 Pre-teach (10’)


1 box

a wrap in

2 truck

b dress in

3 lamp

c.recycled from

4 doll

d keep in

5 flowers

e make in

6 toys

f paint

1.Where is the lamp made in? (China)

2.What colour is the box painted? (green)

3.What is the truck recycled from? (cans)

4.What colour is the doll dressed in? (red)

5.What are the flowers wrapped in? (blue


6.Where are the toys kept? (in a cardboard



T explains the form and use of past


T has Ss look at their books , listen to the

questions and answer

Ss work in pair, asking and answering

Ask Ss to use the right form of the verbs

in the box to fill in the gaps

Open pairs: Ask some pairs to demonstrate

the dial

Closed pairs Have Ss open their books and

use the information on page 101 to practice

other dialogues

Model sentences

The old lamp/made in China/ is five dollars

(past participle phrase)

Form: Regular verb +ed -> Past


Irregular verb


Use: A Past participle (phrase) can be used

as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive




1/ T: How much is the box painted green?

Ss: The box painted green is one dollar

2/ Truck/made from recycled cans/$2

3/ Doll/dressed in red/$ 2

4/ Flowers wrapped in blue papert/$1

5/ Toys kept in cardboard box/ $ 10



Answer key

Gap fill

: Present or past participle ?

Sit break live water sing

1.The girl _at 50 Tran Hung Dao is my


2.The garden _every morning is full of


3.That cat on the table is hers

4.The vase yesterday is my father’s

favourite one

5.The woman _on the stage is my neighbor

Answer key:

1 living watered

3 sitting

4 broken singing


Group 1: Markets

Group 2: Museums

Group 3: Restaurants

b.put out/cigarette (v) d wait/moment (x)

Eg: T: Would you mind moving your car?

Ss: No, of course not

Homework (2’)

- Learn by heart the structures

- Do exercises 4,9 in workbook

-Review the structures from unit9 to unit 11



Period: 68 Teaching day:


Unit 11 :

Lesson - Read

I Objectives

Ss will be able to get information from simple tourist adver tisements and know

about the place direct ons and some places of interest in Vietnam

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary:

accommodation (n)

giant (a)

tribe (n)

slope (n)


limestone (n)

2 Grammar:


III Techniques:

Quiz, Grid, Interview

IV Teaching aids

: cassette, a route map, pictures of cities

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities


Ask questions and call the student who puts

his/her hand up first to answer

Tell Ss each place consist of questions, 3

points for the 1


question, points for the 2


and point for the 3


Warm up/ Marks


Quiz: What’s this place ?


1 It is called the city of Eternal Spring

2 It has a lot of waterfalls and lakes


Then T sets the scene “

the Jones family are

going around HaNoi and they are talking about

the directions to places in the map”

T puts the map on the broad and asks Ss to

identify the places

Play the tape or times

T tells Ss to work in pairs to compare their


T elicits words from Ss

Ss repeat words and say the meaning

Ss copy

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T asks Ss to read the advertisement about

the resorts and check (v) the topics

mentioned in the grid


*Nha Trang

1 It’s a seaside resort

2 It has a very big monument of Buddha.

3 It has an Oceanic Institute

*Ha Long Bay

1 It is recognized as a World Heritage site by


2 It has a lot of caves

3 It consists of a lot of islands

Answer key

a/ Restaurant

b/ hotel

c/ bus station

d/ pagoda

e/ temple



I Pre-teach vocabulary

-accommodation (n) (a place to live, work or

stay in)

-giant (a) = very big

-tribe (n)

tribal (a)


-slope (n)

-jungle (n) (a very thick forest)

-limestone (n)


While-reading (15’)

Grid (page 104)

Answer key


Get Ss work in pairs to compare their answer

Ask Ss to give their answer

Ask Ss to work in pairs one plays the role of

a tourist, and the other plays the roles of a

tourist officer to ask and give the information

about the tourist sites

Ss in pairs should be assigned to work on

only one topic

Group 1: Nha Trang

Group 2: Sapa

Monitor and help Ss with their work

Tell Ss to ask and answer questions using

the information in the text

T writes the model on the board

Dalat: hotels, local transport, waterfall,

tourist, attractions

Sapa: hotels, local transport, mountain

slopes , tourist attractions, villages

Ha Long Bay: World Heritage, tourist

attractions, sand beaches, railway, hotels,

caves, local transport

Restaurants, types of food

no place




1.Nha Trang

2.Da Lat


4.Ha Long Bay

5.Nha Rong


a.tribal villages,



b.the place


president Ho

Chi Minh left

VN in 1911

c.swimming and






Answer key : 1d 2e 3a 4c 5b



A: Where should (Andrew) go?

B: He should go to (Sapa)

A: Why ?


Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice speaking

Monitor and correct

T asks S


to use the right words in the box

to fill in the graps

Homework (5’)

-Learn words by heart

-Rewrite the advertisements to make them

into short paragraphs, like this

“Nha Trang is a wonderful seaside resort

for summer holidays …

-Do exercises in workbooks

-Prepare: Lesson 4: Read + Focus




Period: 69 Teaching day:


Unit 11


Lesson Write

I Objectives

Ss will be able to know how to write a narrative using a guided composition

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary:

canoe, paddle, hire (v) overturn (v) rescue (v)

2 Grammar: none

III Techniques: Which word? Jumbled words, ordering statements, matching, write

it up

IV Teaching aids:

pictures, gap fill charts, cardboards

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities


T gets Ss study the definition of a

narrative by a gap fill

Show the chart and asks Ss to fill in the


T presents some new words by using

simple English or pictures

Ss repeat and copy

Warm up/Marks (5’)

Which word ?

Written climax attention brief


A narrative is a sequence of (1) these events

are usually (2) in chronological order and often

lead to a (3) The first sentence of a narrative

should get the reader’s (4) and the ending

should be (5)

Answer key

1 events

2.written 3.climax

4.attention 5.brief

Pre-writing (15’)

I Pre-teach vocabulary

-canoe (n)

-paddle (v)

paddle (n) (a thing used to paddle)


T asks Ss to work in groups to find the

right words and go to the board to write


Teacher sets the scene “Last week, while

on vacation in Dalat, The Jones family had

quite an unforgetable adventure on Xuan

Huong Lake What did they and what

happened to them?

Ask Ss to read the fix past of the story

and rearrange the sentences

Call on some pairs to give their answer

and correct

Get some Ss read the story aloud

T has Ss look at the pictures on page 106

and 107 and guess the meaning of new


Get Ss copy

Ss look at the pictures again

T asks Ss to rearrange the events

Call on Ss to give their answers

Ss use the pictures already rearranged

and write the story about Uyen

Monitor and helps Ss with words or

structures while they are writing

Ask Ss to notice the past simple tense is

often used in a narrative

Ss work in groups in sub-boards

-rescue (v) (to save sombody’s life from


Jumble words

a cusere b erhi


d erhi

e ventuader f erovutrn

Answer key

a rescue c.paddle

e adventure

b canoe

d hire

f overturn


Ordering statements

Answer key :








While-writing (15’)



vặng lên

go off

nhận ra


trượt chân

Ordering pictures










Post-reading (20’)

Answer key

Uyen had a day to remember last week


T corrects and gives marks

started to rain heavily Uyen tried to run as

fast as she could Suddenly, she stumbled

against a rock and fell onto the road Her

schoolbag went into a pool of water and

everything got wet Strangely, the rain

stopped as she got to her classmate

.Luckily, Uyen had enough time to finish

her exam

Homework (3’)

-Write the whole story in your notebooks.

-prepare: Unit 11: Lesson Focus 1,



Period: 70 Teaching day:



I Objectives

Ss will be able to use present and past participles to describe things and people

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar:

Present Participle, Past Participle

III Techniques: Memory game, Matching, gap fill


V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’activities




Period: 71 Teaching day:


TEST 45 Minutes

A Aim

This period helps Ss to have a chance to review the knowledge having been learned from unit to unit 11 and Ss can recognize their errors and then they’ll correct them

B Contents

I.Listen and choose True or False (1m)

1/This is the first time Hoa has met Tim’s family 2/ Hoa helps Mr Jones with his luggage

3/ It takes them 45 minutes to get to Ha Noi 4/ Tim sees a boy on a water buffalo

II Choose the correct words or answers(3ms )

1 Cool the burns immediately so as to tissue damage ( ease, relieve, minimize,maximine) She promises she back in about half an hour ( is, be, has been, will be )

3 I the washing-up ?-No, thanks I can it myself ( Can, Would, Shall, Won’t) It’s dangerous in this river ( swim, to swim, swimming, swam )

5 The glass bottles will be into small pieces ( broke, broken, break, breaking) Would you mind me some paper from the desk? ( getting, get, to get, got ) The woman the red shirt is my Math teacher ( wear, wearing, worn )


a I’d rather you don’t b I’d rather you won’t c I’d rather you didn’t d I’d rather you haven’t

10 There are flights daily to Hanoi Sunday ( on, except, besides ) 11 She is looking forward to a good job ( get, getting, gets )

12 What you say?

- Your friend: Tell me how we can reduce the amount of garbage! -You:

A We should use cloth bags instead of plastic bags B We should reuse plastic bags

C We should change garbage into fertilizer D A, B and C are OK

III Make the complete sentences from the words given (2ms)

1/ you/ mind/ if/ wait/ me/ moment ?

2/ Who/ man/ waiting outside ?

3/ There/ be/ some children/ swim/ the river

4/ you/ visited/ Bach Ma mountain ?

IV Do as directed in parentheses (3ms)

1 I was very happy I received your letter this morning ( Combine the sentences, using “ Adj+ to- infinitive” )

-> 2.People mix the small pieces with certain chemicals (change to Passive Voice) -> 3.The boy is my friend He is living on Tran Hung Dao street

( combine the sentences, using “ Present Participle”)

-> You want someone to help you with your luggage

-> Would you mind ? Traveling around the world is exciting

-> It Why don’t we go to the beach ?

-> How about ?

V Match a verb in A with a phrase in B to have a complete phrase (1m)


1 to use to throw to wear

a the glass into small pieces b a new law


4 to make to grow to break to to live to pass 10 to buy

d old car tires e the exercise f cloth bags g a beautiful scarf h food for animals i on the moon j shoes and sandals



Period: 72 Teaching day:





: This lesson helps Ss to recognize their common mistakes and can use the grammar

points perfectly Besides, they will have a chance to practice some exercises in order to

review the models


Answer keys

I 1m

1/ T 2/ F 3/ F 4/ T

II 3ms

1 minimine will be Can to swim broken getting wearing

8 away I’d rather you didn’t 10 except 11 getting 12 D

III 2ms

1/ Do you mind if you wait for me for a moment ?

2/ Who is the man waiting outside ?

3/ There are some children swimming in the river

4/ Have you visited Bach Ma mountain ?



3 The boy living on Tran Hung Dao street is my friend

4.It is exciting to travel around the world

6 How about going to the beach ?

V 1m

1f 2d j 4b 5h 6a 7e 8i 9c 10 g


Remarks about students ‘ answers



8B (44)

TB %

8C (46)

TB %


TB %

Total: 134




















Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T holds class to play “ What does it say ? “

T asks one student to write the structures of

Passive on the board ( Present simple,

Simple past)

Game “ What does it say?”

Ex: On the board : Mountain rushmore

Ss say : It is a place where the heads of four

American presidents are carved to the rocks

Or on the board : The World Trade Center

Ss say: This is a place that makes us

remember the eleventh of September in


Change to Passive voice


After that, T calls some bad Ss to write the


T corrects

T helps Ss to review how to use present and

past participle in the sentences

Ss rewrite the sentences, be sure to keep

the meaning unchanged

Ss work individually

Then they write on the board

Ss work in groups and the exercise

next year

3/ People often call Chicago “ The windy


4/ Mai does the test well

5/ My mother takes my brother to the zoo



Choose the right word

a/ The ruler( making,make, made) of plastic

is Lan’s

b/ The girl ( wear, wearing, wire) a red hat

is my friend

c/ The book ( put, putting) on the table is


d/ The boy ( sing, singing, sang) on the stage

is my neighbour


Do as directed

1 Can I close the windows?

-> Do you mind if ?

2 The house is very beautiful It was built

last month

-> The house

3 Making him laugh is very difficult

-> It is

4 They cancelled all the flights because of

the fog

-> All flights


Omit one word in the following


1 It’s difficult to be follow your instructions

2 Donna has a flower shop in the Hanoi

3 Andrew likes to mountain- climbing

4 We were singing on the boat when it

began to have rain



- Rewrite the sentences


- Prepare Unit 13 : Listen and read

STT L ớp Sĩ số







Unit 12



Division of lesson




Listen and read






Listen + Focus1, 2



Read 1,



Write 1, + Focus 3


Period: 73 Teaching day:


Unit 12

: Lesson Listen and read


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will aware of how to mark, accept and decline invitations

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: include (v), come over (v), pick (somebody) up (v) abroad (adv)

2 Grammar: Propressive tense with “always”

III Techniques: Guessing game, charting, rub out and remember

IV Teaching aids: cassette, pictures


Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Show the photocopied pictures to Ss; one by one, and ask Ss to guess what country it is

T can ask Ss if they know what first pictures are

Ss tell their partners which country they would like to visit and why?

T presents some new words Ss repeat and say the meaning Ss copy

T presens grammar T checks voc

Put the chart on the board and ask Ss to read the statements

Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are T or F

Warm up/ Marks (5’)

Getting started

1-Guessing game:

Answer key

a/ The USA b/ Australia

c/ Thailand d/ Britain

e/ Canada f/ Japan

a/ Statue of Liberty b/ The Opera House c/ …

2- Chatting

A: Which country you want tovisit? B: I’d like to visit Australia

A: Why ?

B: B/c Australian people are friendly

Presentation: (10’)

Pre-teach voc

-include (v)

-come over (v): (to come to someone’s house to visit for a short time)

-pick s.b up; (to come and get someone in your car to drive him/her to a place)

-aboard (adv)-in a foreign country

Model: Progressive tense with “Always” +He’s always working

 Rub out and remember (voc) *True/False Predition:

1/ Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from the airport in San Francisco

2/ Mrs Smith invites Mrs Quyen and her husband to say with her while they are in town

3/ Mrs Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs Smith’s invitation b/c she wants to stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers 4/ Mrs Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for days

5/ Mrs Quyen and her husband will come over to Mrs Smith’s place for dinner one night


Ss open their books, listen to the tape while reading the dialogue on page 112 Ss work in pairs

Call on some Ss to give their keys T corrects

Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule with the information taken from the dialogue

Tell Ss to read the dialogue again and pick out the statements indicating the following situations

Ss answer the question on page 113 Give feedback and correct

bussiness meeting  Practice (15’)

Answer key

1-F  Mrs Quyen is calling Mrs Smith from Hanoi 2-T

3-F  b/c her accommodation is included in her ticket price


5-F  Only, Mrs Quyen will come over to Mrs Smith’s 6-T

*Complete Mrs Quyen’s schedule: (Read 1)

Date Mon


Tue 26 Wed 27 Thur 28 Sched


San Franci sco

Go-ing out

Havin g dinner with the Smith s

Leaving San Francisco

*Grammar Awareness: 1-Making an invitation

”Would you like to come and stay … ?” 2-Accepting an invitaion

”Yes, we’d love … “ 3-Declining an invitation ”That’s very kind of you …” 4-Making a complaint

 “Oh dear He’s always working”

Consolidation (7’)

*Comprehension questions (Read 2)

Answer key:

a/ No, they won’t B/c they are coming on a tour, and their accommodation is included in the ticket price, so they will stay at the hotel

b/ No, he won’t B/c he will have a business meeting in the evening that day


-Learn new words by heart -Do exercise in workbooks -Prepare Lesson Speak





Period: 74 Teaching day:


Unit 12


Lesson Speak

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss be able to talk about their plans for a trip aboard

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary:itinerary, gallery, flight, via, facilities, brochure, gym Grammar: none

III Techniques: Slap the board, Matching, mapped dialogue, Quiz

IV Teaching aids: cardboard, a mapped dialogue chart

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Tell Ss who can answer the questions will get or good marks

Teacher present voc Ss repeat

T checks voc by holding class to play “what and where” game

Show the photocopued tables (p 113, 114) on the right of the board

Randomly and ask Ss to match them with the right titles on the left

T asks Ss some question for information about the flights, accommodation, and tourist places

Warm up/ Marks (5’) * Quiz:

1/ What’s the end of everything?  ( letter g)

2/ What word starts with T, ends with T, and is full of T?

 (Teapot ; Pot full of )

3/ What’s in the middle of New York City ?  York

4/ Which river in America has eyes ? -> Mississippi : four eyes

Pre-speaking: (10’)  Pre-teach voc:

-itinerary (n)/aI`tInrerI/: lộ trình

-brochure (n): tờ quảng cáo, giới thiệu du lịch -Flight (n)

-gym (n): phoøng tập thể dục -via (prep): through a place * What and where/Slap the board


1- Itinerary


T calls some pairs to practice each exchange before going on to another exchange

T writes the mapped dialogue on the board T calls some pairs to practice each exchange before going on to another exchange

T asks Ss to make a plan for their coming summer holiday by filling the information in their itinerary

4- Travel brochure  While - speaking (20’) Suggestions:

* For the flight information table:

+How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston ?

+Which flight can you take everyday of the week ? * For the Hotel advertisement table:

+Which of the hotel is cheaper ?

+How much is a double room in Revere Hotel ? How about the Atlantic Hotel ?

* For the Travel brochure: +Where can you visit ?

Mapped dialogue:

Set the scene:

“These people are making a plan for their trip from Los Angeles to Boston Let’s it with them!”

Where shall we stay?

Where should we visit?

What time should we leave Los Angeles?

The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym

I think we should visit Havard Medical school, the Museum and Arts Gallery

There’s a daily flight at 10 a.m, Would that be OK ?

Post – speaking:(8’)


Depart (Hue) _ Arrive (HCM City) _ Accommodation _ Sightseeing Depart (HCM City)

Homework 92’) -Learn voc

-Do exercises in the workbook -prepare next period: Listen



Period: 75 Teaching day:


Unit 12


Lesson Listen +Focus 1,2

I Objectives: Practice in listening to the weather forecast for information about the weather in big cities in the world

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: minus (a), humid (a) Grammar: none

III Techniques: Chain game, brainstorm, chatting

IV Teaching aids: cassette, chart (gapfill)

V Procedures

Teacher and SS’ activities Contents

Get Ss, one by one says out a word until they make a meaningful sentence At the end, ask the whole group to repeat the sentence

T writes the topic on the board

Ask Ss to find the words related to the topic  present new words; Collect Ss words and write them on the board

Go through the meaning of the words and have Ss copy

Ask Ss some Ss to lead in the lesson

Warm up/ Marks (5’) * Chain game:

S1: I

S2: went

S3: shopping

S4: and

S5: bought

S6: a lot of

S7: things

Pre – listening (15’) I- Brainstorm:

Humid (new word) humidity (n)

Possible answer:

Cloudy, cool, cold, warm, hot, dry, fine, humid, rainy, snowy, sunny, wet, windy, stormy, degree, minus, centigrate,…

II- Chatting:


a/ Have you ever listened to the weather forecast on TV

Words relates to the

weather forecast



Put the gap fill table on the board

Ss listen to the weather forecast about cities in the table and have to fill in the gaps with the information they hear

or on the radio?

b/ What does it often tell you about? ( - Weather & temperature)

c/ Do you think it’s necersary to listen to the weather forecast? Why/why not?

d/ What you know about the high and the low temperature ?

(It refers to the lowest and highest temperature degree in a day)

While - listening (15’)

Answer keys


City Weather Low High


Sydney Tokyo London Bangkok New York


Dry; windy Dry; windy Hurmid; cold Warm; dry

Windy; cloudy Cool; dry

20 15 -3 24 10

26 22 32 15 16

Post - listening (7’)

Ex: What’s the weather like in Sydney today?  It’ll be dry and windy

How about the temperature ?

 The low will be 20 and the high 26 degrees

Homework (5’)

- Write- it- up: Use the information in the table to write a weather report, beginning with: “Here is today’s weather forecast for the international travellers

In Sydney, it’ll be _ -Learn voc

-Prepare Lesson Read 1, 2+Focus



Period: 76 Teaching day:


Unit 12


Lesson Read

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss can obtain some knowledge about some scenic sports in the USA

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: volcano (a), lava (n), pour out (v), carve (v) be situated (v), overhead (adv)

2 Grammar: Past progressive tense

III Techniques: pelmanism, Grid

IV Teaching aids: postcards, cardboards, pictures, drawing

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T holds Ss to play the game

Elicit words from Ss

Ss copy

T checks voc by matching game T presents grammar

T explains the usage of the past progressive tense

Warm up (5’)

 Pelmanism Adj-Noun Adjectives Noun humid humidity

warm warmth

windy wind

cloudy cloud  Pre – reading (15’)

Pre-teach voc: -volcano (n): núi lửa

-lava (n): dung nham, nham thạch -pour out (v): đổ

-carve (v): tạc, chạm khắc -be situated : tọa lạc -overhead (adv): cao

 Matching: English – Vietnamese  Model sentence: Past progressive

The lava was pouring out when we flew overhead

* The usage:


Ask Ss to copy the grid in their notebooks

T asks Ss to read the postcards from Mrs Quyen to her children and fill in the gaps with the information taken from them

Give fedback & correct

Show the cardboard and go through the verbs (page 119)

Ask Ss to look at the Qs on p 118 and answer the questions to check the content of the lesson

the past

c/ The action was happening in the past and another one happened

d/ Two actions happened at the same time in the past

While - reading (15’)  Grid

Place What she did and saw

a.Hawaii b.New York c Chicago d Mount Rushmore

e.San Francisco

Went swimming, visited Kilauea Volcano

Went shopping and bought lots of souvenirs

saw Lake Michigan

Saw the heads of four American presidents carved into the rock visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa

valley, wine growing area and the Alcatraz Prison

* Focus 1:

a/ Ba was taking a shower at o’clock last night b/ Hoa was having dinner at

c/ Bao was studying at _ d/ Nga was writing a letter at _ e/ Na was walking with her dog at _

f/ Lan was talking to her grandmother at eight o’clock last night

Post - reading (10’) Answer key:

a/ She went there by plane

b/ She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz

c/ On Mount Rushmore, there are heads of for American presidents carved into rock

d/ It’s “The Windy City”

e/ She was shopping while her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty

Homework (5’)



Period: 77 Teaching day:


Unit 12


leson Write+ Focus 3

I Objectives: Ss will be able to write postcards to their friends about their trip

II Language contents

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar: progressive tenses with always

III Techniques: gap-fill, Grid

IV Teaching aids: chart, sub-board

V Procedures

Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T asks Ss some questions

Ss answer

T remarks and give Ss marks

Ss look at the postcard on p118 and complete the gaps with the appropriate words

Call on some Ss to go to the board & write the words they guess

Give feedback and correct Write the topic on the board

Ask Ss to read the postcard (write 1) again and fill in the gaps with the sentences showing the information on the left

Ss work in groups

Warm up (5’) marks


1/Where did Mrs Quyen & her husband spend their holiday? (In the USA)

2/What did they see on Mount Rushmore? (The heads of American Presidents carved into the rock)

3/ Who did they visit when they were in the USA? (The Smiths)

Pre – writing (10’) a/ Gap-fill:

Answer key;

1/ in 2/ people 3/ weather

4/ visited 5/ her 6/nice/lovely

7/ bought 8/ for 9/ heaviness

10/ soon b/

-Information needed to write a postcard

Answer key:

Necessary information for a postcard

Place We’re having a wonderful

time in the USA How you feel about


Ss write the postcards on a piece of paper (to be collected if recessary)


T asks Ss to practice Focus

Ss write full sentences by answering the following questions

Elicit the model from Ss, using Vietnamese

Have Ss repeat and write the sentence on the board

Ask Ss to practice Focus chorally Call some Ss to the front of the class and ask them to talk about their friends (using progress tense with “Always”)

Let Ss make sentences with “while” or “when” (using past simple and past progressive )

Weather The weather has been warm

& sunny

Who you meet/visit In San Fransisco, I visited my friend, Sandra Smith)

What you see No information

What you buy I bought lots of souvenirs  While - writing (20’)

 Set the scene:

Imagine you are a tourist on vacation in a certain place/ city in VN Write a postcard to a friend about your trip, using the information in the grid

 Writing

Focus 2:


a/ C b/ F c/ E d/ B e/ D f/ A

1/ What was the Le family doing when the mailman came ?

2/ What happened while Nga was eating?

Focus 3:

Bao is always forgetting his homework Form: is/am/are + always + V-ing Use: To express a complaint

Answer key:

b/ Mrs Nga is always losing her umbrella

c/ Mr and Mrs Thanh are always missing the bus d/ Nam is always watching TV

Post - writing (7’) Eg:

Minh: Nam is always talking in class Lan: Tam is always going to school late Ss answers

Homework (5’)

-Learn by heart the grammar points - Redo exercise Focus 2,

- prepare: correction Test 45’


Unit 13



Division of lessons


1 Listen and read + Focus 3

2 Speak + Listen

3 Read

4 Write

5 Focus 1,2,4


Period: 78 Teaching day:


Unit 13


lesson :Listen and read



: SS will be able to ask for explanations of events


Language contents



: fetch (v) yell (v) urge (v) rub (v) participate in = take part in

award (v)



: Compound words

III Techniques

: Chatting, What and where


Teaching aids

: stereo, pictures



Teacher ‘s and SS’ activities


T writes the names on the board

Tell Ss these people are going to go on their

visits to Vietnam and they need advice on

where to go

Introduce the names, one by one

T presents some new words


Warm up

(8’) Marks


Tom, David, Huckleberry, Oliver, Robinson

1 Tom likes swimming and sunbathing.

Where should he go ? Why ?

2 David is interested in ancient cities -> ?

3 Huckleberry likes mountain- climbing-> ?

4 Oliver is keen on pottery -> ?

5 Robinson is fond of crowded places -> ?





SS repeat and say the meaning

Ss copy

T presents model sentence

T checks voc

T sets the scene : “

Ba invites his friend Liz

to a traditional festival in the North of

Vietnam Do you know what kind of festival

it is ?”

( It is the rice- cooking festival )

T asks Ss to guess what they are going to

read by asking questions

Ss open their books, read the dialogue and

listen to the tape

Ask Ss to read the statements and check the

boxes , using the information in the


Ss work in pairs and correct the false


Deliver posters to SS

Fetch (v) : to go to get (sth) and bring it


Yell (v) : to shout loudly

Urge (v): make a person / an animal move

more quickly

Rub (v)

Participate in -> participation (n)

Award (v)

(He is the winner of the commpetition .

They award him the first prize )

Model sentence

There are three competitions :

water-fetching, fire- making and rice- cooking

**What and where


How many competitions people enter in

a rice-cooking festival ?

In water- fetching festival competition ,

what people ?




True or false

Answer keys

a F -> Only one team member takes

b F -> one water bottle

c T

d F -> of bamboo are used

e F -> the judges taste

f T






Answer keys


Ask Ss to exercise on page 130 and write

their answers on the posters

SS work in pairs / groups


c a car- making industry

d a flower-arranging contest

e a rice-exporting country

f a clothes- washing machine




-Learn new words , exercises again

- Do exercise in workbook

-Prepare Lesson Speak + Listen



Period: 79 Teaching day:


Unit 13


Lesson Speak + listen



: SS will be able to talk about their preparation for a special event


Language contents



: Pomegranate (n) peach blossoms (n) Marigolds (n)

dried water melon seeds Spring rolls



: none



: What and where, Grid


Teaching aids

: chart , stereo



Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T asks Ss to think of things they often

prepare for Tet

SS write them on the board

T remarks and gives marks to Ss


Warm up

(5’) Marks


Find things in common

Decorate the room/yard


T presents voc

Ss repeat

Ss join the game

Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page

123 and put the sentences in correct


Ss work in pairs

Call some pairs to give their answers

T puts the chart with the cues on the


Elicit the exchanges from Ss

SS work in pairs

T calls some pairs to practice each

exchange before going on to another


Buy cakes buy new dress

Send New Year cards to friends


Pre- teach


Speak 1


Pre- teach voc

Pomegranate(n) lựu

Peach bloosoms (n) đào

Marigolds (n) cúc vạn thọ

Dried watermelon seeds : hạt dưa

Spring rolls (n) : chả gioø

What and where



Answer keys

A-> F

B-> G

C-> H

D-> J

E-> I




Mapped dialogue

Mrs Quyen


A: You/ tidied/

bedroom ?




C Sure/ will

D not really/ but/

want house/look


E That/very good.


1 Yes/where/going/

2.Could/collect/new Ao

Dai tailor/corner?




out ?


now/will/clean glass



Ask Ss one of the festival (page123)

and make up their own dialogues

Ss work in pairs

Then T calls on some pairs to

demonstrate their dialogues before


T sets the scene”

The Robinson family

is making preparations for Tet They

want to buy things to make it a

traditional festival as Vietnamese

people “

Ask Ss to open their books and read

the statements on page 124

Ss predict the words in the gaps

Play the tape (2 or times )

Then correct

Ask Ss to copy the grid( Page124) and

fill in the gaps with the information

taken from the statements above

Call on some students to give their


Speak 2

A village festival

A school festival

A spring festival

A harvest festival

A flower festival


Gap-fill prediction

Answer keys

a Mr Robinson/ Flower market


c.Dried watermelon seeds

d.Make spring rolls




Things to do

Mr Robinson Go to the flower market to buy

peach blossom and a bunch of




Go to Mrs Nga’s to learn how to

make spring rolls


Go to the market to buy candies

And a packet of dried

watermelon seeds




-Learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook

- prepare Lesson Read


Period: 80 Teaching day:


Unit 13


Lesson Read



: Ss will get some knowledge about Christmas


Language contents



: spread (v) Christmas carol (n) patron saint (n) jolly (a)



: none



: Sing a song , Jumbled words, Matching


Teaching aids

: pictures, cardboards, poster, stereo



Teacher’s and Ss ‘ activities


T teaches Ss an English Christmas song

Ask Ss to listen to the tape and sing along

T presents new words

Ss repeat and copy

T checks voc by holding class to play “

Jumbled words “


Warm up



Sing a song

EX: Silent night I wish you a merry



Pre- reading


Pre-teach vocabulary

Spread (v) : To cover a larger and larger


Spread / spread / spread

Christmas carol (n)

(Silent night is a Christmas carol )

Patron saint (n)

Jolly(a) : happy and cheerful

**** Jumbled words


While- reading



Answer keys



Places of



Ask Ss to open their books and read the

paragraphs on page 124/125

Draw the grid on the board and have Ss

copy it

Ask SS to read the paragraph again and

complete the grid

Give feedback and correct

Ask Ss to answer the questions

Ss work in pairs

T corrects and gives answers





Early 1500s












800 years


Santa Claus USA



Post- reading


Answer keys

a more than two centuries ago

b Because he wants to send Christmas

greetings to his friends

c.800 years ago

d An American professor named Clement

Clarke Moore

e.On the description of Saint Wicholas in

professor Moore’s poem




-Rewrite the answers in their notebooks

- Learn the words

- Write it up : Use the information in the


To write the brief paragraphs

- Prepare Lesson Write



Period: 81 Teaching day:


Unit 13


Lesson Write



: Ss practice in writing a report on a festival they have joined


Language contents :

1 Vovabulary : none

2 Grammar : none



: Memory game , ask and answer , Gap fill


Teaching aids

: photocopied, picture (p126) , chart



Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T shows the photocopied picture to Ss and

ask them to observe it carefully

Let Ss look at the picture for about 20’’ then

put it away

T asks Ss to listen to the questions

SS answer

T puts the picture on the board again

Give feedback and correct

Write numbers on the board from to 9

Tell Ss each number is for a question but 3

of them are lucky numbers

If Ss choose a lucky number, they don’t

have to answer any questions Divide the

class into teams


Warm up

(5’) Marks

Memory game

1/ How many people are there in the picture

? What are they doing ?

2/Name all the things in the picture

Answer keys

1/ They are participating in the rice-cooking


2 rice , basket, pans, bamboo sticks, paper

fans , chopsticks, a flag


Pre- writing



Lucky numbers

1.What you call the festival where

people have to cook rice ?

(the rice-cooking festival )

2.How many competitions are there in the

rice-cooking festival ? What are they ?

(water-fetching, fire- making and

rice-cooking )

3 Lucky number

4.What people use to fetch water ?


5.Lucky number


T asks Ss to use the information in the

dialogue on page 121 to fill in the gaps in

the report on page 127

Ss work in pairs

T corrects and remarks

Ask Ss to write a similar report on a festival

They’ve joined recently

Ss look at the questions and practice

speaking first by answering the questions

from a->g

T has Ss connect the sentences to make it a


Monitor and help Ss with their work

Call on some Ss to read their reports aloud

( No, pieces of bamboo)

7.What people have to before they

cook the rice ?(separate the rice from the


8.Lucky number

9.How many people are there altogether in

a team taking part in the rice-cooking

festival ?

(9 , one for water-fetching, two for

fire-making and six for rice-cooking)





Answer key

1 rice-cooking 6.traditional

2.one/a 7.bamboo

3.water- fetching 8.six

4.run 9.separate

5.water 10.added




Questions and answers




-Write your report in your notebooks

-Do exercises in workbook and prepare




Period: 82 Teaching day:


Unit 13


Lesson Focus 1,2,3,4



Ss will be able to use reported speech and the passive in the past, present and future



Language contents



: jumble (v) scatter (v) jar(n) pull(v)



: Passive form , reported speech



: Matching, gap fill, transformation drill


Teaching aids

: cardboards, chart



Teacher’s and Ss’ activities


T prepares 11 cardboards, numbered from 1

to 11 on one side and the words on the other


Divide the class into teams and ask each

team to choose numbers, one in the first

row If the words in both cards match in

sequence of an infinitive with its past

participle, this team will get a point

Ask Ss to match the words in column A with

the forms in column B

Ss work in pairs

Call SS to give their answers

T corrects

Have Ss copy


Warm up

(3’) Marks

**** Pelmanism


Past participle















Language focus 1


The passive form





1.Present simple

2.Past simple

3.Future simple

4.Present perfect

a was/were+ V(pp)

b have/has been +


c Is/ am/are + V

(past participle)




Ask Ss to look at Focus on page 28

Have Ss fill in the gaps with the right form

of the verbs in the box

Ss work in pairs

Call on some Ss to write their answers( only

the verb forms)

T corrects

T presents new words

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ask Ss to look at Focus on page 128/129

and fill in the gaps with the right form of

the verbs in the box


T sets the scene

Then write the quoted speech on the board

T explains and ask Ss to pay attantion to the


Answer key

1c 2a 3d 4b




Gap fill

Answer key

a.were performed

b.was decorated

c.is made

d will be held

e was awarded

f.was written


Language focus 2



Pre-teach voc


scatter (v) to throw things everywhere on

the ground

jar(n) (drawing,realia)



/ While

Gap- fill

Answer key

1 jumbled

2 broken

3 broken

4 scattered

5 pull


Language focus 4




He said, “ I’m a plumber”

(quoted/ direct speech )

Model sentence :

Reported speech

He said he was a plumber

1 Tenses


Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at Focus on page 130 and

do the exercise


SS rewrite the sentences , remember to

keep the meaning unchanged




Had to

2 Pronouns( depending on the subject of the

main clause)

3.Adverbs of place and time

this-> that

now-> then

here-> there

today-> that day

tomorrow-> the next day

yesterday-> the day before

ago-> before



Transformation drill

Answer key

b.He said he could fix the faucets

c He said the pipes were broken

d He said new pipes were very expensive

e.He said Msr Thu had to pay him then




a The children said , “ We are waiting for

the school bus” -> The children said

b Nobody has used this machine for years

-> This machine

c.The last time I played tennis was in 1990

-> I haven’t




-Learn by heart the words, grammar

-Do exercises and prepare Unit 14: Listen

and read




Division of the lesson

1 Listen and Read Speak

3 Listen + Language Focus 4 Read

5 Write + Language focus 1,2,3


Period: 83 Teaching day:


Unit 14


Lesson Listen and Read

I Objectives: Students will seek information about a language game to complete a summary II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: none

2 Grammar: question words before to_infinitive III Techniques: ordering, gap fill

IV Teaching aids: pictures, cassette, textbook V Procedures


Teacher and students’ activities Contents

T has Ss look at the pictures on page 131 and the matching

Check if they know where/ in which country these wonders are

Set the scene “Nga, Nhi and Hoa and are playing a language game called guessing game How does this game work ?”

Rearrange the statements in the right order of the game

Put the statements chart on the board

Ask Ss the read the statements and put them in the right order in pairs

1 Warm up (5’)

Answer key:

a the Pyramid

b Sydney Opera House c Stone Henge

2 Presentation(10’) 1/ Ordering

How to play the guessing game

1B: asks questions to find out who or what is 2A: thinks of a famous person or place

3B: wins of he/ she can guess the correct answer 4A: gives B a clue

5B: loses if he/ she can not guess the correct answer



Call on some pairs to go to the board and write

their answers

Ss read the dialogue while listening to the tape Check if Ss’ guesses are right or not

Have Ss read the diallogue again and complete the summary on page 132 in pairs

Then Ss compare their answers with their partners

Elicit the target language by asking Ss a question (in VNese)

Emphasize the form and use

Ask Ss to this exercise in pairs A

1 suggest (v) golden (adj) clue (n) bored (adj) T corrects and gives answer

3. Practice(15’)

Answer key: 1) Gap-fill

Answer key

1 game America

2 place Golden

3 clue right

4 Vietnam was

2) Grammar

Model sentences

I don’t know to play it

Form: S + V + Question word + to_Inf

Use: Reduced form of an indirect question Post-reading (10’)



a/ a pieces of information that helps you discover the answer to a question

b/ What you often fell when you have nothing to c/ make a gold

d/ make a suggestion

Answer key

1d 2c 3a 4b Homework (5’) - Learn model sentences - Do exercises

- Prepare : next period Speak






Lesson Speak +Language Focus 2

I Objectives : Ss will be able to make a report on famous places using reported speech II Language contents

1.Vocabulary :none

2.Grammar : Indirect Yes/ No question III Techniques: Matching , sub- board IV Teaching aids: pictures, sub- board V Procedures


Teacher ‘s and Ss’ activities Contents

T asks Ss to write 10/15 famous world places within minutes ( in pairs )

Put the chart with the statement on the board

Ask Ss to read the statements and the names of the famous places in the box on page 133 and the matching

T checks if Ss understand the statements Call on some pairs to give their answers Give feedback

Ask Ss to write Yes/No questions about 10 places in the box, using the information in the matching

1 Warm up (5’)


Answer keys

The Pyramid , Stone Henge , Sydney Opera House Pre-speaking (10’)

I Pre—teach


1 It was designed and built by the French civil engineer with 300 metres in height

2 It is in South Central Asia, 8.848 metres high above sea level

3.It was built from 246-> 209 BC and some people say it can be seen from the moon

4.It is a bell striking the hours in the clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London

5.It is a skycraper in Manhattan New York city 6.It is a famous place in Quang Binh province recognized as a World Heritage site by Unesco 3.While- speaking (15’)

Answer key

1.Eiffel Tower 2.Mount Everest 3.Great Wall of China 4.Big Ben

5.Empire State building 6.Phong Nha Cave

Questions and answer drill


1/ Have they just built the Eiffel Tower in Paris ? 2/ Is the Empire State building located in New York city ?


(Work in groups )

Have Ss ask and answer the questions Check Yes or No

Call on a group to demonstrate their work T presents the model sentences

Yes/No questions -> direct speech

T guides Ss how to change into indirected Yes/No question “Hue citadel was in the central Vietnam “is “Indirect Yes/No question”

T and Ss form the structure

T emphasizes these notes

Choose a group’s answer to the model Have Ss work in their group

Give feedback and correct

Malaysia ?

4 Is the Great barrier Reef in China ? Have you ever seen Mount Rushmore ? Is Mount Everest in Nepal ?

Grammar drill

Model sentences

I said to Lan, “ Is Hue Citadel in the Central Vietnamese ? “

-> I asked lan if/whether Hue Citadel was in the central Vietnam

** Indirect Yes/ No question Form

Note: to say-> to ask /want to know

Direct question Indirect question Present simple

Past simple Present perfect

Past simple Past Perfect Past perfect Post (10’)

S1: I said to Nam :”Is Petronas Twin Towers the tallest building in the world ?”

S2: I asked Nam if/whether Petronas Twin Towers was the tallest building in the world

5 Homework (5’) -Learn the model

_Do exercise in workbook -Prepare Lesson Listen + focus




Period: 85 Teaching day:


Unit 14


Lesson Listen + focus 3,4

I Objectives : SS will be able to recognize mistakes through listening to an advertisement II Language contents

a.Vocabulary: relaxing (a) crystal clear (a) coral (n) snorkel (v) b Grammar: V + to-inf , V-ing

III Techniques : Crossword puzzle, What and Where IV Teaching aids :stereo, picture, sub-board

V Procedures

Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents

T puts the chart on the board

Ask Ss to listen and fill in the crossword 1.Unable to find s.th/ s.one

2.Something that help you find out an answer to a question

3.A very thick forest 4.To make a question Ss practice in pairs / groups T corrects and gives marks T elicits words from Ss Ss read , repeat after teacher

T holds class to play “What and where “

T sets the scene “You are going to listen to an advertisement on the tape There are 4 mistakes in the advertisement in your books,

1.Warm up(10’)

Crossword puzzle




G E S T 2.Pre- listening (10’)

I Pre-teach voc

Relaxing (a) relaxing vacation

Crystal clear (a) = completely (trong suoát) clear and bright

Coral(n) san hoâ

Snorkel(v) bơi lặn có sử dụng ống thở

What and where

3.While- listening (20’)






What are they ? “

Have SS read the advertisement for a few minutes Ask Ss some questions about the geographical names in the paragraph

SS listen to the tape or times Ss answer the questions

T corrects and gives marks

T elicits the target language from Ss

T presents the structures and the use Ss listen carefully and take notes

Ss exercise language focus in textbook on page 137

Call on some Ss to give their answers

T corrects if necessary

Ask Ss to write sentences of their own , using three forms above

Answer key

Incorrect Correct


2.Coconut Palm Inn 3.jungle


Far north

Coconut Palm Hotel Rainforest

6924 ** Language focus 4


1.I want to go at weekends to- inf

2.She enjoys swimming very much V-ing

3.He can speak many languages Modal verb bare inf

Concept check

1 Form : S+ V+To-inf

Use: Most of the verbs in English are followed by a to infinitive

2 S+V+V-ing

Use follow ; enjoy , start, begin , advise, 3.S + Modal verb + bare inf

Modal : can , could, will,

would,shall,should,may,might , must, 2/Practice

Answer key 1.to jog go 3.to gather 4.to rain 5.to reach 6.to continue get

4.Post (3’)

EX; They begin studying harder He can jump higher

5 Homework (2’)

-Do exercise , learn new words , structures -Prepare next period


Period: 86 Teaching day:


Unit 14


Lesson Read+Language Focus 1

I Objectives : SS will be able to get some knowledge about the wonders of the world II Language contents:

a.Grammar :none b.Vocabulary :

compile(v) claim (v) honor(v) god (a) religion (n) royal (a) III Techniques : Hangman, Slap the board , Grid

IV Teaching aids : sub- board, stereo, textbook



Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents

Draw dashes on the board, each dash is for a letter of the word

Have Ss guess the letters one by one For every wrong guess draw a line (from to 8) Ss will lose the game if they guess wrong times

T presents new words by simple English or translation

Ss listen, repeat new words and copy them

T holds class to play “slap the board”

T writes these sentences in a sub-board and put on the board

Ask Ss to decide if the statement are true or false

1 Warm up (5’)




Revision: Coral, crystal, clear, snorkel, relaxing Pre-reading (10’)

I/ Pre-teach voc

To complete (v)

Claim (v) say sth is true Honor (v): to show respect God (male)goddess (female) Religion (n)

Royal (a)

Slap the board

II/ True_False prediction

1) An Egyptian man compiled a list of what he throught were the seven wonders of the world

2) The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of Chiops in Egypt

3) Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present day Iraq

4) Angkor Wat was originally built to honor a Hindu God










Ss work in pairs

Ask Ss to read the text on page 134, to check their gueses

Call on some Ss to correct the false statements

T corrects if necessary

Ask Ss to choose the best answers to complete the sentences

T corrects

Ss read the text again and complete this grid Call on some Ss to give their answers

5) The Great Wall of China first wasn’t in the list of the wonders of the world

6) In the early 15th century, The Khmer King chose

Angkor Wat as the new capital While-reading (15’)

Answer key:

1) False: Greek man named Antipater did it 2) True

3) False The only surviving wonder is the Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt

4), 5): True

6) False: In the early 15th century, the Khmer King

chose Phnom Penh as the new capital III/ Multiple choice

Answer key

a) C b) A c) D d)B Post-reading (10’)


5 Homework (5’)

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare next period write



Wonders of the world Country

1 Hanging gardens of Babylon


Period: 87 Teaching day:


Date: April 12th 2006


Unit 14


Lesson Write

I Objectives: Ss can write a letter to a friend about a place they visited II Language contents:

a Grammar :none b Vocabulary:

ranger (a) edge (n) canyon (n) breathtaking (a) temperate (a) Stone Age (n) III Techniques: guesing game, Rub out and Remember, Interview

IV Teaching aids: Textbook, sub-board



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of the world and write it on a piece of paper

Call on a student to the font of the class with his/ her paper

Have the rest of the class ask him/ her Yes_No questions to guess the wonder

Ss guessing correct is the winner

T elicits words from Ss Get Ss copy and read them

T checks Ss understand

Ask Ss to read the letter Tim sent to Hoa about his trip to the grand Canyon on page 135 Tell Ss to complete the letter by inserting the letters of the missing sentences (A, B, C, D) Call on some Ss to read their complete letters in front of the class

T corrects

1 Warm up (10’)

Guessing game


S1: It isn’t in Asia S2: Is it in Europe ? S1: No, it isn’t S3: Is it in America ? S1: yes, it is

S4: Is it ?

2 Pre_teaching (15’) I Pre_teach voc

Ranger (a) (person who takes care of a park) Edge (n)

Canyon (a)

Breathtaking (a): very exciting, inpressive Tenperate (a)

Stone Age (n)

Rub out and Remember

II Insertion

1 Letter on page 135/ textbook

Answer key


T sets the scene “ Imagine you have visited a place recently Write a letter to a friend of yours and tell him/ her about this place ” Draw the outline on the board and elicit some details

Have Ss talk about something they have done first by asking questions for them answer Ss write a letter in their notebooks T corrects if necessary

Ss use the outline on the board and the information in their letters to make an interview

3 While_writing (15’)

+ Place: Phong Nha Cave/ Cuc Phuong National park + Distance: 100km/ 12 hours by train

+ How to get there: (by bus/ plane) + Sights: (beautiful/ breathtaking) + Weather: (temperature, sunny, cool) + How you feel: (happy, relaxed)

4 Post_writing (3’)



Where have you just visited ? How far is it ?

How did you get there ?

What is it like ? Is it beautiful ? How about the weather ? How did you feel ? 5 Homework (2’)

- Write a completed letter in your notebook - Do exercises in notebook

- Prepare focus 1,2,3



Period: 88 Teaching day:



I Objectives: Ss can report what people aks and answer about one of the world cultural Heritage of Vietnam

II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: construct (v), design (v), summit (v), expendition (n), guide (v) Grammar: Passive in Past Simple tense

Indirect Yes_No question III Techniques: Bingo, Matching

IV Teaching aids: charts, posters, textbook



Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T holds class to play “Bingo”

T reads: Temperate, breathtaking, royal, religious, canyon, pyramid eged, god, jungle, compile

T writes the words and their meaning on the board

Ask Ss to go the matching

Call on some Ss to draw the lines to connect the words

T corrects and gives answer keys

T asks Ss to retell the form of passive in the Past Simple tense

Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the right passive form of the verbs

Call on some Ss to give their answers

T sets the scene: Yesteday, Nga and Nhi talked about My Son, one of the world cultural Heritage of Vietnam Beside answering some of Nhi’s questions Nga gave her some additional information about My Son

1 Warm up (5’) * Bingo

+ Language focus 1

2 Presentation (10’) I Matching

1 construct (v) design (v) summit (v) expendition guide

a thiết kế

b đồn thám hiểm c xây dựng

d hướng dẫn viên e đỉnh (núi)

Answer keys: 1C 2A 3E 4B 5D


Form of passive in Past Simple tense

S + was / were + PP + by O Practice (15’)

Answer keys

a was completed d was presented b was constructed e was reached c was designed

+ Language focus 2

+ Presentation

Form: S + asked + if / whether


Ask Ss to retell the form of Indirect Yes_No question

Call on one student to read the question another student read the reported sentence

T corrects if necessary

T asks Ss to retell the model Ss exercises

T corrects if necessary

Answer key:

a Nhi asked Nga if she knew My Son

b Nhi asked Nga if My Son was in Quang Nam province

c Nhi asked Nga if / whether it was far from Hanoi d Nhi asked Nga if / whether many tourists visited My Son every year

f Nhi asked Nga if Nga wanted to visit My Son one day

* Language focus 3

4 Post (10’)


S + V + Question word + To_inf

Answer key

a Nga told Nhi how to go there

b Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets c Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs

d Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son to Hoi An

e Nga told Nhi what to there during the visit Homework (5’)

- L.Focus 1: Turn the passive to active - Do exercises in workbook

- Prepare next period: Consolidation for test




TEST 45 Minutes

I Aim: This period helps Ss to have a chance to review the knowledge having been learnt from unit 12 to unit 14 and Ss can recognize their errors and then they’ll correct them


I Listen and choose A or B (2ms)

1 A Mrs Robinson wants Liz to go to the flower market

B Mrs Robinson wants Mr Robinson to go to the flower market

2 A Mrs Robinson wants some peach blossoms because they are traditional at Tet B Mrs Robinson wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet A Liz is busy

B Liz is not busy

4 A Mrs Nga is going to show Mrs Robinson how to make spring rolls B Mrs Nga is going to show Mrs Robinson how to make moon-cakes II Fill in each blank with one suitable word in the box (2ms)

temples carved single double flag Crystal-clear water starting point 1/ I spent my time swimming in of the Coral sea

2/ Angkor Wat is one of the largest in the world 3/ Ancient people figures into rocks

4/ A bed is for two people III Choose the right word ( 2ms )

1/ The first pyramids of Egypt ( built, were built, are built ) around 3000 BC 2/ He urged me ( to learn, learning, learn ) French better

3/ I use these pieces of wood to ( do, make, have) the fire 4/ You are always ( talking, talk, talked) in class

5/ Motorbikes ( make, made, making) in China are cheap 6/ Thanks ( to, with, for ) inviting me to the party

7/ Paris is famous for its ( Big Ben Clock, Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty ) 8/ Do you know how ( make, making, to make ) fire without using the matches ? IV Change the sentences into the passive voice (1m )

1/ They have just built a new church near my house 2/ Miss Thanh taught me to draw the Christmas cards V Change the sentences into indirect speech (1m)

1/ The children said, “ We are waiting for the school bus “ 2/ Nga said , “ Is Phong Nha Cave in southern Vietnam, Nhi ? “ VI Supply the correct form of the verbs (1m)

a May I ( borrow) your bike when you are on vacation

b We decide ( buy) a book about the seven wonders of the ancient world c When we ( meet ) Tam yesterday , we ( walk ) through the park

d Your poem should ( write ) in French VII Give the correct form of words (1m)


b On Christmas Day, I often send my close friends cards ( greet ) c There are in the race ( compete)

d , we lost the game we felt very disappointed ( fortunate)



Period: 90 Teaching day:



I Aim:

This period helps Ss to remind the structures having been learnt and have a chance to review their knowledge by doing some exercises Teacher can check Ss’ understanding again

II Answer keys

I 2ms

1B 2B 3B 4A II 2ms

1/ Crystal- clear water 2/ temples

3/ carved 4/double III 2ms 1/ were built 2/ to learn 3/ make 4/ talking 5/ made 6/ for

7/ Eiffel Tower 8/ to make IV 1m

1/ A new church has just been built near my house

2/ I was taught to draw the Christmas cards by Miss Thanh V 1m

1/ The children said that they were waiting for the school bus 2/ Nga asked Nhi if Phong Nha was in Southern Vietnam VI 1m


c/ met/ were walking d/ be written

VII 1m a/ performed b/ greeting c/competitions d/Unfortunately

III Remarks about Ss’ answers

1/ Statistics

8B 8C 8D

2/ Advantages

3/ Disadvantages



Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T can warm up the period by asking some questions about the weather

Then T gives some exercises

SS complete T corrects

Ss give the correct form of the verbs

I Fill in the blanks to complete the word

1/ The students are interested in protecting the en (vironment)

2/ Compost is a natural f

3/ we have put down a de on a new house

4/ Car tires can be r to make pipes and floor coverings

5/ Nha Trang is a popular seaside r in Vietnam

II Put the verbs into the correct form: present simple or past simple, active or passive

1/ We ( not/ play) football yesterday afternoon The match ( cancel)

2/ Originally the book ( write) in Spanish and a few years ago it ( translate) into English


Ss rewrite the sentences T corrects

Ss copy

III Complete the sentences

1/ “ We are waiting for the school bus”, said the children

-> The children said

2/ She said to me, “ Turn off all the flights when you go out”

-> She

3/ They usually hold the concerts at the university -> The concerts

4/ Penicillin was discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming( Make question)

5/ Homework

- Rewrite the sentences to notebooks -Prepare for the consolidation


Unit 15



Division of lessons:

1 Listen & read + Focus 3

2 Speak + Listen

3 Read

4 Write + Focus 4

5 Focus 1, 2


Period: 91 Teaching day:



I Objectives: Ss will be able to express their opinions about a problem and get Ss to differentiate facts from opinions through reading

II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: Printer connect plug

manual under guarantee socket

2 Grammar: Present Perfect tense

III Techniques: Bingo, T/ F prediction, write it up

IV Teaching aids: photocopied picture, realia, cassette, chart



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Ss write the topic on the board

Ask Ss to think of the topic and express their opinions

T collects Ss’ opinions

T presents new words Ss repeat and say meaning

Teacher sets the scene: “ Mr Nhat are talking about the problem of the computer they’ve just bought What happens to the computer ?”

T puts the chart on the board and have Ss guess which statements are true and which are false

1 Warm up (5’)


Computers can help us - save time



 Coputers help us learn interestingly  Computers help us learn more quickly

 Computers are convenient/ easy for keeping/ storing information

 Computers are very quickly in giving answers to our questions

2 Presentation (10’)

I Pre_teach vocabulary

Printer (n) Manual (a) Connect (v)

Under guarantee (n) Plug (n)

Socket (n)

* Bingo

II True/ False prediction

1 The printer isn’t working

2 Nam has already turned the computer on

3 Nam knows how to connect a printer but he hasn’t connected it properly


T writes Ss’ guesses on the board

Ask Ss to open their books, read the dialogue and listen to the tape

Have Ss work in pairs again to check if their guesses are right or not

Give feedback and corrrect

T explains “ Facts or Opinion”

+ Fact: a thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved

+ Opinion: your feelings or thoughts about someone or something, rather than a fact

Ss read the statements and check T corrects

T explains

Ask Ss to look at the table on page 146, read the sentences and check

Ss give their answers T corrects

Aks Ss to use reported speech to rewrite the dialogue

Ss work in groups

They write their report on a poster and put it on the board for public check

6 Mr Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t anything with his computer because it’s too far from his place Practice (15’)

Answer key

1 T T

3 F and he has connected it properly F

5 T

6 F Mr Nhat thinks the company should something with it

Answer key

a) Fact b) Opinion c) Fact d) Opinion e) Fact f) Opinion

4 Consolidation (10’)

*** Language focus 3

Present Perfect tense

Use: finished actions  indefinite time incompleted actions  for, since, recently

Form: have/ has + past participle

Write it up

5 Homework (10’)

- learn new words

- Do exercises in workbook


Period: 92 Teaching day:


Unit 15:

Lesson Speak + Listen


II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: challenging (a), time_consuming, adjust (v) knob (n), disagree, agree (v)

2 Grammar: none

III Techniques: guessing game, brainstorm, Mapped dialogue IV Teaching aids: photocopied pictures, charts, cassette V Procedure

Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Ask Ss each to think of one of the ways computers are helpful and write it on a piece of paper

Call on a student to the front of the class

Get the rest of the class ask him/ her “ Do you think that computers are ?”

Ss can only answer with “Yes or No” T writes the topic on the board

Useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement

Explain “on the other hand”

Put the table on the board and elicit Ss’ answers then write them in the table

Put the photocopied pictures on the right of the board and the cues on the left

Get a student to demonstrate the model (a) Ask Ss to use the adjectives in the box on page 140 to express their opinions

T presents some new words

Ss practice speaking Ss practice before class Ss work in pairs

1 Warm up (5’)

Guessing game

“ Do you think that ?”

2 Pre_speaking (10’)



1 Reading comic books d

2 Playing in the rain a

3 Oriving a car b

4 Foreign food c

Answer key: 1b 2c 3a 4d While_speaking(15’)

T: I think driving a car is easy

P: I disagree I think it’s difficult to drive a car

New words

Challenging (a) Time_consuming Adjust (v)

Knob (n)

Mapped dialogue


T corrects

T gets Ss to understand how events are sequenced in a flow chart and the meaning of all the shapes used in the chart

T plays the tape or times and asks Ss to listen

Tell Ss to fill the gaps with the information they have heard from the tape

Ss compare answers withtheir partners Ss write on the board

It doesn’t work I No, you didn’t Oh, sorry

4 Post(10’)


  starting/ stopping point (circle)

  questions (triangle)

 answers (oval)

a Do you have the correct change ? b Yes

c What you want to drink ? d Take it

5 Homework(5’)

- Do exercises in workbook - prepare Lesson



Period: 93 Teaching day:


Unit 15


Lesson Read

I Objectives:


1 Vocabulary: freshman (n) bulletion board (n) impact (n)

jack(n) skeptical (a)

2 Grammar: /

III Techniques: jumbled words, open prediction IV Teaching aids: chart, cardboards



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Put the cardboards on the board

Ss work in teams

Elicit words from Ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning

T asks Ss to guess what they’ve going to read T writes Ss’ guesses on the board

Get Ss to read the text again then choose true or false

T asks Ss to answer questions Ss write on the board

T corrects

1 Warm up(5’)

*** Jumbled words: words relating to a computer terpirn

2 seumo recsnc nimorot

5 bdoaryke moseu dap

Answer key

1 Printer

2 mouse screen4 monitor key board6 mouse pad Presentation (10’)

freshman (n) jack (a)

bulletion board = notice board skeptical (a)

impact (n)

What and Where

* Open prediction

1 Where in the library we get/ find information ? How can we store the information ?

3 If we want to discuss something, how can we ? While_reading (15’)

a) T b) T c) T d) F e) F f) T

4 Post (10’)

a) It has no library All the information normally found in a library is now stored in the university’s computes


c) A computer and a telephone

d) With a bulletin board on the Internet, a great number of people can get access to bulletin and exchange informatin quickly

5 Homework (5’)

- Learn words

- Prepare for next period



Period: 94 Teaching day:


Unit 15


Lesson Write

I Objectives: Ss will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer and complete a flow chart

II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: paper input tray (n) power button (n) icon (n)

output path (n) remove (v) Grammar: Present Perfect III Techinques: matching, gap fill IV Teaching aids: pictures, charts



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Teacher holds class to play Bingo

T uses the picture on page 142 to elicit words from

1 Warm up (5’)


Monitor power Computer

Tray Printer Freshman

Notice board Bulletin board Paper Pre_writing (10’)

I Pre_teach vocabulary



Ss repeat and say the meaning Have Ss copy

Ask Ss to look at exercise and the matching Get some Ss to give their answers and correct Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 143 and read the cues

Have Ss work in pairs to outline the instructions Call on some Ss to say out the instructions first (1 or Ss for each sentence)

Ask Ss to write the instructions in their notebooks Give feedback and correct

Ss complete the dialogues Ss work in pairs

Have some pairs to demonstrate the dialogues for the class

Pronunciation correction

Power button (n) Icon (n)

Output path (n) Remove (v)


Answer key

a)3 b)1 c)6 d)2 e)4 f)5 While_writing (15’)

Answer key

Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray

Wait for the power button to flash

Have the pages appear on the computer screen Click the printer icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds

The printed paper will come out of the output path in a minute

4 Post (10’)

Focus 4

Answer key

1) Have you seen did you see/ saw 2) have not had 3) have been 4) have heard 5) happened 6) had

7) fell 8) broke 9) has arrived

has / did it arrive / arrived Homework (5’)


- Prepare: Language focus 1,



Period: 95 Teaching day:


Unit 15


Lesson Language focus

I Objectives:

Ss can use “yet” and “already” to express the present perfect II Language contents

* Vocabulary: none

* Grammar: Present Perfect

III Techniques: lucky number, gap_fill dialogue IV Teaching aids: chart



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

T divides the class into teams

T sets the scene

T shows the chart (Ba’s diary) on the board

1 Warm up (5’)

Lucky number

1/ What does your father / mother ? 2/ What did you last night ?

3/ Lucky number

4/ How often is Hue festival held ? (It is held every years )

5/ Lucky number

6/ What were you doing at o’clock last night ?

7/ Guess what your parents are doing at the moment ?

8/ Who often cooks in your family ?

9/ Which grade will you be in next school year ? 10/ Lucky number

2 Pre_teach (10’)

*Language focus 1

_ Do homework √  (already) _ Tidy the room X  (not yet)


T presents the present perfect with “yet” and “already”

Have Ss copy

Ss complete the dialogue using Yet and already Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogue for the class

Give feedback and correct

T corrects

Ask Ss to look at the flight information tables and asks questions to show the models

Ask Ss talking in turns to ask and answer the questions

_ Call and tell aunt Le to have lunch √  (already)

Present perfect with “Yet” and “Already”


Yet: used in questions and negative statements Already: used in positive statements


Yet: at the end of the sentence

Already: between auxiliary have and past participle

3 Practice (15’)

Answer key

- I have finished it already

- I haven’t cleaned and tidied it yet - I have already turned it off

- I’ve already called and told her to have lunch with us

4 Post (10’)

** Focus 2

Questions and answers

T: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet ? S: Yes, it has already departed

T: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet ? S: No, it hasn’t arrived yet

5 Homework (5’)

- Do exercises in workbooks - Prepare: Correction - Write questions & answers


Date:May12th 2006 Period: 96

Unit 16



Division of periods:

1 Listen & read Speak

3 Listen Read

5 Write + Focus


Period: 96 Teaching day:


Unit 16:

Lesson Listen and read

I Objectives: Ss can know the origin of paper and talk about the process of producing something II Language contents:

1.Vocabulary: remove (v) process (a)

crush (v) mold (n)

liquify (v) conveyor belt

grind (v) manufacture (v) Grammar:none

III Techniques: quiz, matching, open_Prediction, grid IV Teaching aids: Cassette, Pictures, grid chart



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

T tells the teams to raise their hands when T finished the questions

Get Ss to look at the pictures on page 147 and ask them some questions to evaluate how much they understand the pictures

Ask Ss to read the sentence (AE) and match them with the correct pictures

Call on some Ss to give their answers Give feedback and correct

Elicit words form Ss

Ss repeat and say meaning

Ss copy

1 Warm up(5’) Marks

** Quiz _ who did it ?

Who was the inventor of ? or who invented ?

Getting started

Where are they form ? (picture a, b, c) What is the man in picture a) doing ? What is it ? (d)

Answer key:

A b) B c) C e) D a) E d)

2 Presentation (10’)

II Pre_teach vocabulary

Remove (v) Liquify (v) Crush (v)

Grind / ground / ground Manufature (v)= produce Process (n)



manufacture process

T sets the scene: Tim Jones, Hoa’s American

penpal, is visiting a chocolate factory with his class and his teacher Mrs Allen, now, guess who will show them around the factory and what they will learn from this visit

Ss guess

T writes Ss’ prediction on the board

T plays the tape and asks Ss to listen while reading then dialogue on page 148

Ask Ss to match the half sentences on page 149

Have Ss compare their answer with their pictures

Put the gird on the board and have Ss copy Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and fill in the grid

T calls on some pairs to go to the board to write their answers

Give feedback and correct

Conveyor belt II Open prediction

3 Practice (15’)

Answer key

E a) D b) C c) F d) B e) A f)

4 Consolidation (10’)


Answer key

1 The beans are

washed, weighed and cooked The shells are removed

3 The beans are crushed and liquefied

4 Cocoa butter, sugar, vanilla and milk are added The mixture is ground, rolled and poured into the molds

5 Homework (5’)


- Rewrite the grid using sequence markers (first, next, then, , finally)

- Prepare: Speak



Period: 97 Teaching day:


Unit 16:

Lesson Speak

I Objectives:

Ss can talk about the inventions using the passive II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary:

Facsimile X_ray

Reinforced concrete Loudspeaker

Microphone Helicopter

2 Grammar: none

III Techniques: Bingo, Word_cue drill, Making reports IV Teaching aids: Tables



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Get Ss to brainstorm a list of 10 words and write them on the board

Ask Ss to choose any words and copy them into their paper call out the words until someone has licked all of his/ her words and shouts “Bingo” T has Ss study the meanings of the inventions usiing Vietnamese

Ask Ss to read the dialogue on page 148 again and pick out all of the passive sentences

Call on Ss to give their answer

1 Warm up (5’)

** Bingo (Revision)

(foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, liquify, grind, pour, mold, conveyor belt)

2.Pre_speaking (10’)

I Pre_teach voc

1 Facsimile

2 Reinforced concrete Microphone

4 X_ray

5 Loudspeaker Helicopter


Have Ss review the passive in the present and past simple tenses

T asks Ss to ask and answer questions about the inventions to the fill in the missing information Ask Ss to look at the tables on page 150 and page 156 and model the exchanges, using a good student

Ss work in pairs

Ss ask and answer then fill in the missing information

Monitor and help Ss if necessary Ss practice before class

Have Ss copy the complete table Model and have Ss repeat

Ask Ss to use the comlete table to report what they have found

Asnwer key

1) This is where the cocoa beans are stored ( pre, simple)

2) That button can not be touched (passive with model)

3) The beans are washed, weighed and cooked here

4) After the shells are removed into molds While_speaking (15’)

T: What was invented by Friedrich Koneig ? S: Printing Press

T: When wa it invented ? S: In 1810

T: Where was Koenig form ? S: He was from Germany

4 Post (10’)

*** Making reports

Eg: The printing press was invented by Friedrich Koenig in 1810

5 Homework(5’)

- Use the information in the table to write 12 complete sentences in the

- Prepare : Listen



Period: 98 Teaching day:


Unit 16:

Lesson Listen

I Objectives:

Ss can fill in the gaps and order sentences from listening They can know more information about papermaking

II Language contents:


procedure (n) microware (n)

pulp (n) vacuum (n)

vat (n) foaster (n)

drain (v) roller (n) roll (n) Grammar:none

III Techniques: Guessing game, What and Where, Matching, Gap_Fill IV Teaching aids: cassette, picture (p 150)



Teacher and students’ activities Contents

Ask Ss each think of an invention or write it down on piece of paper

Call on student to the front of the class or ask the rest of the Ss Ask him / her Yes / No question

The chosen student can only answer Yes or No Elicit words from Ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Inform the topic: paper_making process Have Ss read the sentences

Play the tape or times and ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the words the catch

Call on Ss to give their answers

Ask Ss to read the sentences (a_g) carefully and guess the order

Play the tape again and ask

1 Warm up (5’)

Guessing game What invention ?

Eg: Are you thinking of ? Pre_listening (10’)

Pre_teach vocabulary

Procedure (n) Pulp (n)

(What is used to make paper ?) vat (n)

drain (v) roller (n) roll (n)

What and Where

3 While_listening (15’)

Answer key

1 simple two hundred rollers

2 same left

4 Post_listening (listen 2) (10’)





Ss to listen

Give feedback and correct Answer key:

c) d) a) e) g)

5 Homework (5’)

_ Do exercises in the workbook, page 96 _ Prepare: Lesson Read



Period: 99 Teaching day:


Unit 16:

Lesson Read

I Objectives:

Ss can understand the content of the poem They can know more information about inventions II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: Microwave (n) Vacuum (n) Toaster (n) Hairdryer (n) Dishwasher (n) Grammar:none

III Techniques: Bingo, Matching, Gap_Fill , Brainstorm , Guessing game IV Teaching aids: cassette

T asks Ss to work in pairs and make a list of modern equipment in their home

T presents some new words

1 Warm up (5’)

* Brainstorm

- washing machine - dishwasher -refrigerator 2/ Pre_reading (10’)


Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ss listen to the tape about the content of the poem

Get Ss to read the poem on page 151

Ask Ss some questions to help them understand the reading more

Have Ss match the headings to the verses on page 152

Call on Ss to give their answers Give feedback and correct

Tell Ss to read the sentences and fill in the gaps with the inventions taken from the poems Have Ss compare their answers with their partners

Ss give their answer and correct

Pre_teach vocabulary:

Microwave (n) Vacuum (n) Toaster (n) Hairdryer (n) Dishwasher (n) ** Bingo

3/ While_reading (15’)

Matching (read 1)

What’s the 1st verse about ?

Is the 2nd verse about the appliances used in the

kitchen ?

What are “doom, chugga_chug, vroom, boom” ?

Answer key

Verse 1: b Verse 2: c Verse 3: a (10’)


Answer key

1 vacuum microwave

2 telephone hair dryer

3 washing machine toaster

Guessing game

EX: Is it used to clean and dry our hair ? Homework (5’)

_ Do exercises in the workbook, page 96 _ prepare: Lesson Write + Focus




Period: 100 Teaching day:


Unit 16:

Lesson Write + Focus 4

I Objectives:

Ss can use the sequence markers to describe a manufacturing procedure II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary: log(n) flatten (v) refine(v) chemically(adv) Grammar:none

III Techniques: Jumbled words, rub out and remember, Ordering pictures, word cue drill IV Teaching aids:pictures( p 153), cardboard



Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Put the cardboards with jumbled words on the board

Inform the topic: words relate to papermaking procedure

Ask each group to write their answer on a piece of paper to hand in

Elicit words from ss

Ss repeat and say the meaning

Ss play the game

Ask ss to read the text on page 152 and fill in the gaps with the right sequence markers to describe the procedure of paper-making

1 Warm up (5’)

Jumbled words


= Pulp = roller




2 Pre- writing (10’)

Pre-teach vocabulary

Log(n) : a thick piece of wood that is cut from a tree Flatten(v) : to make sth become flat


Chemically(adv) : treated in a chemical process

Rub out and remember

3 While- writing (15’)

Write 1

+ What is cut into chips ?

+ What are chips mixed with before they are






Ask ss some questions to check if they understand the text

Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences Give feedback and correct

Have Ss look at the picture on page 153 Ask Ss to put the pictures in the correct order Ask Ss to rearrange the sentences on page 153 according to the ordered pictures

Call on Ss to give their answer

Have Ss use the sequence markers to link the sentences together in a paragraph

Ss write a description of how white rice is produced

In the traditional way, using the sequence markers Have Ss complete the sentences orally first

Ss write

Give feedback and correct

crushed to heavy pulp ?

+ Why is the pulp passed through rollers? + What is the last step in paper- making ?

Answer keys:

1 First next Then Then after this finally

Write 2

** Ordering pictures Answer key: 2-4-1-5-3-6



4 Post- writing (10’)

Language focuc 4

Answer keys

First, the rice crop is harvested Then the rice plants are threshed ( to seperate the grains from the straw) Next ( After this), the rice grains are husked in the mill to produce brown rice After this, the bran is removed in the mortar and it is finally winnowed to produce white rice

5 Homework (5’)

- Learn new words

_ Prepare Language focus 1,2,3



Period: 101, 102 Teaching day:



I Objectives:

Ss can change active sentences into passive ones and write WH questions in the passive II Language contents:

1 Vocabulary:run a busuness/ company around the corner due to flood(n) zipper(n) xerography(n)

2 Grammar:Passive voice




Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

Inform the topic “ Infinitive- Past participle Divide the class into teams

T presents new words Ss copy

T checks vocabulary

Have Ss exercise on page 154 Ss write the sentences on the board T corrects

Ss practice

Ss write on cardboards T corrects

Ss copy

Go through the underlined words with Ss before have them write questions

a/ The zipper-> what b/ Maize-> what

in the 16th century-> when

c/ by Lewis Waterman-> who e/ in Hungary-> where

e/ in copying machines-> in which machine

1 Warm up (5’)


Infinitive Past Participle

Write written Draw drawn Sell sold Win won Run run Pre- teach (10’)

Pre- teach vocabulary run a busuness/ company (v) around the corner = every year due to = because of

flood(n) ( There might be when it rains heavily for days)

zipper(n) xerography(n)

Slap the board

3 While (15’)

Language focus 1

Answer keys

a/ The document was typed by Mrs Quyen b/ the computer was repaired by Mr Nhan c/ The picture was drawn by ba

d/ the lights were turned off by Hoa e/ The cake was baked by Lan

Language focus2

Answer key a/ was awarded b/ won

c/ ran

d/ was run/ was sold f/ was closed ( closed)

Language focus 3

Answer key

a/ What was invented by W.L judson in 1893? b/What was brought into Vietnam by Phung Khac Khoan? When was maize brought into Viet Nam ? c/ Who invented the fountain pen ? When was the fountain pen invented ?


Ss write questions

Have Ss change the passive sentences into the active ones

T gives feedback and corrects

e/ In which machine is xerography widely used ? Post (10’) Marks

Transformation drill (Focus 3) Homework ( 5’)

- language focus 1,2: Turn the sentences into the active if possible

- Do the exercises in workbook


Period: 103, 104 Teaching day:



I Objectives: This period helps Ss review the structures having been learnt in the previous units and some exercises using the grammar points

II Languade contents

Grammar: Passive Voice

2 Indirect speech/ Indirect question Past Progressive tense

4 Do you mind/ would you mind ? Present/ Past Participle

Vocabulary: from unit to unit 15

III Techniques: gap –fill, guessing game IV Teaching aids: sub- boards



Teacher and Ss’ activities Contents

T holds class to play guessing game

T asks ss to repeat the structures in Present, past, Future, Present Perfect

Ss exercise

I Warm up

Guessing game

II Language focus

1/ Passive voice

S+ be+ Vpp+ by O

Change to passive voice

1/ Clement Clark Moore wrote the poem in 1823 2/ They have just built a new church near my house 3/ They told us to go home and wait


T consolidates the structures

Then SS practice

Ss give the form and give some examples

Ss repeat the structures

SS exercises in their notebooks

Ss rewrite the sentences SS write them on the board T corrects

2/ Indirect speech/ Question

* Indirect speech

S+ said+ (that) + S+ V S+ told+ O+ that + S+ V * Indirect question

S+ asked + if/ whether+ S+V

Change to reported speech

1/ A foreign tourist said to Lan, “ Is Phong Nha in Quang Tri province?”

2/ She asked me, “ Can you be my guide to Phong Nha this weekend?”

3/ She said,” I will answer the phone”

4/ Tam said, “ Jone wants to come here but she isn’t very well”

3/ Past Progressive tense

S+ was/were + V-ing

EX: While we were having lunch, Tom arrived It suddenly rained while they was sitting in the garden

4/ Do/ would you mind ?

Do/ Would you mind + V-ing ? Do you mind+ if+ S+ V( present)

Would you mind if + S+ V ( past) ?

Give the correct form of verbs

1/ When we ( meet) George yesterday, we ( walk) through the [ark

2/ What you (do) at o’clock last night? We ( watch) TV

3/ I have decided where ( go) for my holidays 4/ Would you mind ( close) the windows? 5/ Do you mind if I ( take) a photo?

5/ Present Participle and Past participle

Do as directed

1/ Do you know the woman? The woman is talking to Tom( using “ Present Participle”)

2/ The boy was taken to the hospital He was injured in the acciñent( Past participle)

3/ I/ surprised/ see/ Paul/ the party/ last night ( using” Adj+ to- inf”)

4/ Is it all right if I take a photo?


compound noun”)

6/ Nam gets up early every morning He doesn’t want to be late for school ( in order to )

III Homework

- Review all the structures

- Prepare for the second semester test



Period: 105 Teaching day:



I Aim :

This lesson helps Ss have a chance to recognize their mistakes and can use the grammar in the right way Teacher can help Ss remember the structures having been learnt in the second term

II Contents

I Choose the correct words to fill in the blanks (2ms ) 1/ The USA is famous for its

a)Big Ben Clock b) Eiffel Tower c) Statue of Liberty d) Opera House 2/ Have you ever been to a festival ?

a) bull- fight b) bull- fighting c) fighting –bull d) fight- bull 3/ Do you know how fire without using the matches ?

a) make b) making c) to make d) made

4/ Farmers collect household and garden waste to make a) compost b) floor covering c) glassware d) pipes

II Do as directed in parentheses (3ms)

1/ They made the fire in the traditional way ( Change into passive voice ) 2/ Mai asked Nam ,” Does your sister have a toystore in London ?” ( Rewrite the sentence, using reported question)

3/ Travelling around the world is exciting ( Rewrite the sentence, using “ It + be + adj ” ) 4/ I started learning English seven years ago

-> I have ( complete the sentence) 5/ The girl is Lan She is reading the book


6/ The English- speaking contest will be held at Le Loi school ( Make the question for the underlined words)

III Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in parentheses (2ms)

1/ “ What you (do) at o’clock last night ? “ “ We ( watch ) telivision “

2/ She has a lot of books ( write ) in English 3/ Would you mind ( close ) the window?


Fill each blank in the sentences with a suitable word from the box (1m)

Christmas carol flag starting point single gym water-fetching 1/ In a contest, people have to run and take water from a river

2/ Do you sing at Christmas ?

3/ After running to fetch water, competitors have to come back to their 4/ What is the colour of the of your country ?

V Fill in each blank with a suitable word (1m) 1.Jane used………be my neighbor

2.My grandfather was cooking………the telephone rang 3.This is……….most expensive dress I have ever had Do you mind……….I sit here?

VI Rewrite each sentence, beginning as show, so that the meaning stays the same (2ms) 1/She gave me a dress

-> I………

2/I started learning English three years ago > I have………

3/“Do many tourists visit Viet Nam every year, Hanh?” Susan asked -> Susan asked Hanh……… 4/“Could you lend me some money?”

-> Do you mind……….? III Keys

I 2ms

1/ c 2/ b 3/ c 4/a II 3ms

1/ The fire was made in the traditional way

2/ Mai asked Nam if his sister had a toystore in London 3/ It is exciting to travel around the world

4/ I have learned English for seven years 5/ The girl reading the book is Lan

6/ Where will the English- speaking contest be held ? III 2ms

1/ were you doing were watching 2/ written


IV 1m

1/ water-fetching 2/ Christmas carol 3/ starting point 4/ flag

V m

1.to 2.when 3.the 4.if

VI ms

1 I was given a dress

2 I have learned English for three years

3 Susan asked Hanh if many tourists visited Vietnam every year Do you mind lending me some money?

IV Remarks about Students’ answers

1/ Statistics

8B(44) 44  100% 8C(46) 46  100% 8D(43) 43  100%

2/ Advantages

- - - -

3/ Disadvantages

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2021, 06:51


