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A list of seven wonders of the world was compiled by Antipater V.Complete this text with the suitable words. 23.[r]


Class: 8







TIME : 45’

I. Phonetics ( choose the word which has different pronoucing)

1 A.ocean B.commercial C.ancient D.council

2 A.impressed B promised C decomposed D.increased

3 A.possess B.possible C.glassware D.accessible

4 A decorate B.teamate C.pomegranate D.participate

5 A.commercial B.comment C.compile D.decompose

II. Choose the best answer.

6.Taj Mahal, _was built by Shah Janhan for his wife, became a wonder of the world.( what ,where,which,that)

7.The police saw a man _car was stolen yesterday.(who, whose,whom,which)

8.We are delighted you will come and stay at my house ( because, so, that, in order to) 9. _around the world is something he loves ( travel, travelled, travelling, travells)

10. Who is your brother ? _The boy _(to talk,talk,talking, talked) to miss Hoa is my brother 11. The book _(write,writing,wrote,written) by Victor Huygo is interesting

III. Give the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences.

12.While my sister and I ( watch) a Music show on Tv lastnight, her friend (come) ( , ) 13.I feel tired Would you mind (turn) the TV down ? ( _)

14 If you have an Math test next week, what you (do) ? ( ) 15 I myself (witness) an accident on the road yesterday

16 We wanted to build a culture house, so we had a designer (design) a model ( ) IV. Change these sentences into passive.

17 They cancelled the meeting because of bad weather

……… 18 Many people have watched this film several times

……… 19 We can see Mount Rushmore from 100km away

……… 20 When did you send that letter ?

……… 21 Ancient Chinese had made The Great Wall for along time

……… 22 Antipater compiled a list of seven wonders of the world

V. Complete this text with the suitable words.

In the united States, (23) of the most important days in the year is Halloween It is a day (24) some people wear strange or unusual costrumes Usually, they may dress up to look (25) _an animal, a character from the book or movie or famouse person from history In some places, children go to school in(26) _Halloween costrumes After dark, many young children(27) _on their costrumes and visit their neighbors They knock on the(28) _and shout “trick or treat” Then the neighbors(29) _them some candies, and the children go on to the (30) house There are usually halloween partties in the evening and the there is a prize for the most or the best unusual costrume

Class: 8…






TIME : 45’

I.Phonetics ( choose the word which has different pronoucing)

1 D.council

2 C decomposed

3 A.possess

4 C.pomegranate


II.Choose the best answer. 6.which

7 whose 8.that 9.travelling

10. talking

11. written

III.Give the correct form of the verbs to complete these sentences. 12.Were watching , came


14 will

15 witnessed

16 design

IV.Change these sentences into passive.

17 The meeting was cancelled because of bad weather

18 This film has been watched several times

19 Mount Rushmore can be seen from 100km away

20 When was that letter sent?

21 The Great Wall had been made for along time

22 A list of seven wonders of the world was compiled by Antipater V.Complete this text with the suitable words.

23. one

24. when

25. like

26. their

27. put

28. door

29. give

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 03:20
