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Nội dung

- Guess and give the -Pacific Rimn : vßng ®ai Th¸i B×nh - Teach some vocabs and D¬ng have Ss guess and give the meaning of the - ‘Ring of Fire’ : vßng ®ai löa newwords meaning of these w[r]

(1)Class: 9A : Class: 9C : Period: 37 Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Getting started + Listen and read I The aims of the lesson - Reading about the work of a group of conservationists and listening for details to complete - By the end of the lesson, students will know more about the environment problems and the solutions II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, picture, cassette player, tape… -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson Procedures Contents Student’s activities Teacher’s activities * Warm up Getting started - To ask Ss to look at the - Note down the words - deforestation (n): tàn phá rừng and pronounce them pictures and sugguest (explanation: the destruction of the the words in the box forests) about today environment - garbage dump (n): Bãi rác, đống problems rác - Match the pictures - Have students repeat - dynamite fishing (n): Việc đánh with the words the words in chorus - To ask Ss to match the - Give the answers cá thuốc nổ pictures with the words - spraying pesticides (n): Việc - To call some Ss to give phun thuốc diệt sâu bọ the answers - Disappointed (by/about/at * Listen and read - Listen to T’s something) (adj): Thất vọng - Ask students to keep introduction the books closed - Sewage (n): Nước thải, nước * Set the scene: Mr cống Brown is talking to some * anskeys: volunteer - Try to guess - Picture a: air pollution conservationists Guess b: spraying pesticides the place where they are - open and read the text Picture Picture c: garbage dump going to work Picture d: water pollution - Give students minute - check the prediction Picture e: deforestation to guess Picture f: dynamite fishing - Give feedback Listen and read : - Ask students to open - read the text again Conservationist (n) : Nhà bảo tồn their books and read the match the names in thiên nhiên text on page 47-48 column A with the - Let students check activities in column B Spoil(v): Làm hại, làm hư hỏng, their prediction làm huỷ hoại A Match… a) Match the name … - Ask students to match Group - f walk along the shore - read the text again to Group - e check the sand the names in column A answer the questions in Group - b check among the with the activities in b) in pairs column B (exercise 2a rock (2) Mr Jones - a collects all the bags and takes them to the dump Mrs Smith - c Provide the picnic lunch for everyone Mr Brown - d give out the bags b) Comprehension questions The speaker is Mr Brown The listeners are (members of) the volunteer conservationists They are on the beach They are going to clean the beach If they work hard today, they will make the beach clean and beautiful again soon 6.Yes, I have We clean our school/street We collected the rubbish and take them to the garbage dump If the pollution continues, the environment around us won’t be good and it will be harmful to our health, our life 4.Consolidation - To ask Ss about the pollution in our area and how to solve this problem 5.Homework - Learn by heart vocabularies, read the text and answer all the questions again Prepare the next part; Speak and Listen at home on page 48) - Ask them to read the text again and work in - One asks, another pairs to match answers B Answer : - Ask students to work in pair to answer the question on page 48 (exercise 2b) - Let students read the text again and answer the questions - To call pairs of Ss to - Give feedback Class: 9A : Class: 9C : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period: 38 Speak and Listen I.The aims of the lesson - Practice speaking (to persuade people to protect the environment) and improve Ss’ comprehension listening skill (comprehension listen for main content ) - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to persuade their friends to protect environment II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, picture, cassette player, tape… -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… (3) III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to write newwords and read the text and answer the questions of the last period Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents * Speak I Speak : a, T explains the a, Try to persuade your partner… speaking - Prevent (v): ngăn chặn, phòng chống - To ask Ss to give their - give ideas about (translation) environment ideas about - Reduce (v): giảm, làm giảm protection environment protection,T write on - wrap (v): bao bọc (mine) - read the the board - faucet(n): vòi nước, cá rô-bi-nê informations and the - To lead Ss to use the - leaf (n): leaves (pl.) lá model sentences in informations in the I think you should … the table table with the the model sentences in Won’t you… ? yellow box It would be better if you … - practice in pairs - T one as a model Whydon’t you … ? - before class with one Ss before class Why not … ? - To ask Ss to speak in - read the questions What / How … ? pairs S1: It would be better if we reuse and - To call one or two recycle bottles and cans - answer the pairs to check S2: Why ? b, To ask Ss to read the questions S1: Because doing that will reduce questions of the garbage and save natural resources or questionnaire and people will throw every where that is answer them dangerous for us to walk on - To check the answers - To discuss to each b, others the best ways 1.- I think you should recycle used c, To lead Ss to toprotect the practice in pairs after paper, newspapers finishing the table; one environment * Why don’t you use banana leaves for asks, another answers wrapping? -To in front of - T practices with one * I think you should write on both sides class as a model Ss as a model of paper? - To ask Ss to in * How about cleaning and reusing pairs - listen to T’s them? - To call one or two explainations * Why not use paper bags instead of pairs to before class plastic bags? and correct * It would be better if you don’t throw * Listen : waste and garbage into streams, lakes or - T introduces the in rivers and even ocean short the cotent of the * I think we should put garbage bins listening and explains - read the opened around the school yard how to the exercises sentences in the * Why don’t you throw all garbage in table “ We’ll listen to a waster bins? talking in the tape * Can I persuade you to go to school about the causes to by bike? - listen and the pollute the ocean …” * Why not use private vehicles less? exercises - Read the table with check the answers * Won’t you try to reuse and recycle the opened sentences things? - To allow Ss to listen II Listen : to the tape to fill the (4) missed informations in the gaps - Listen again to check the answers - To call one or two Ss to give the answers and correct errors Raw(a): Sống, chưa chín, chưa tinh tế Guilty(n) : Tội, tội lỗi (a) : Có trách nhiệm việc làm sai trái Spill(v) : Tràn Leak(v): Rò rỉ Vessel(n): Thuyền lớn, thuyền, thùng, chậu Marine(a): Thuộc biển Deliberate(a): Có tính toán, có chủ tâm, có suy nghĩ 4.Consolidation 5.Homework - Learn by heart vocabularies,practise speaking at home and prepare the text for next period Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Period: 39 Read I.The aims of the lesson - Drill in Reading Read a poem about the environment - By the end of the lesson, students will be to understand a poem about the environment II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, picture, cassette player, tape… -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson - To call Some pairs to talk how to save the environment and vocabularies Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Vocabulary : * Pre – reading : Get students to copy - T gives vocabularies Junk(n): ghe mành, thuyền mành, đồ the work in their - Ask students to repeat dùng nát books the words chorally Junk yard (n): bãi phế thải - Ask students to (5) - Rub out the words one at a time Each time you rub out an English word, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask “what’s this in English?” (the whole class answer chorally) - To ask Ss answer two questions a) Who are the people in the poem? b) Where are they? - T introduces the situation of the text “ A mother and a son are having a picnic in a park The son sees that the place is polluted He aks his mother about the problems of pollution What does the mother think about pollution ?” * While reading : a, Have students read the poem - Have students practice guessing the meaning the words by matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in column B - T reads the poem and stop at the word in column A and call Ss to give the phrase in column B - T uses sentences 2,3 to introduce the conditional sentence(type I ) b, To ask Ss to read all the questions in b, and read the poem again to find the answers - To call one or two Ss to give the answers before class - T corrects errors * Post-reading : - Divide the class into four groups - Have students discuss the question: “What could you in your house to minimize pollution?” repeat the words chorally - answer two questions - read the poem - guess the meaning the words by matching each word in column A with an appropriate explanation in column B - Note down the structure - read all the questions in b, and read the poem again to find the answers - give the answers before class - discuss the question: (explanation: a place where people store wastes) treasure (n): kho báu Hedge (n): hàng rào nonsense (n): điều vô nghĩa, dại dột Foam (n): bọt folk(n): Người a, Matching A junk yard end up treasure foam stream hedge folk B a a row of things forming a fence b people c a piece of land full of rubbish d a flow of water e mass of bubbles of air gas f valuable or precious things g reaches of state of * Answer key: 1-c, 2-g, 3-f, 4-e, 5-d, 6-a, 7-b Sentence 2: If all the pollution goes on, the wolrd will end up like a secondhand junk-yard ( condtional sentence )  If-clause , main clause (Simple present) , (simple future) Comprehension questions - Show questions (from 1-5) on page 51 - Get students to work in pairs to answer the questions b, Answer : According to the mother, what will happen of the pollution goes on? - If the pollution goes on, the world will end up like a second hand junk yard Who does the mother think pollute the environment? - The mother thinks other folk pollute (are responsible for the pollution of) the environment but not her or her son What will happen to the boy if he keeps on asking his mother such questions? - His mother will talk him home right away Do you think the boy’s question is silly (line 9-10)? Why not? - No Because he is right; if he throws the bottles that will be polluting the woods What does the poet want us to learn (6) about keeping the environment unpolluted? - The poet wants us to learn that everyone is responsible for keeping the environment from pollution 4.Consolidation 5.Homework - Ask students to write things that they have to to keep the unpolluted environment Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 13 / 01 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 6: Period: 40 THE ENVIRONMENT * Write * A.The aims of the lesson - Writing a letter of complaint - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a complaint letter B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, picture, posters … -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson - To call Some pairs to talk how to save the environment and vocabularies III New lesson Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents * Pre – writing - listen * Write : - T introduces Ss the Situation(n): Tình writing - read and note Complication(n): Sự phức tạp, rắc - T reads and explains down rối the form of the complain Resolution(n): Cách giải quyết, letter; S C R A P tâm “Mr Nhat wrote a letter Action(n): Hành động, hành vi, việc to the director of L & P làm Company in Ho Chi Politeness(n): Cử lễ phép, lịch Minh City…” The five - complain (v): phàn nàn sections of the letter are complain (n) not in the right order complication (n): điều gây rắc rối Label each section with - resolution (n): tâm, giải the appropriate letter: S, - Rearrange the quết C, R, A or P sections in pairs - float (v): trôi, bồng bềnh (7) - Ask students to work in pairs - To call one S to read the correct order letter and correct errors * While-writing : - Let students read the production 6b on page 53 - Ask some questions to make sure the students know what they have to write a What people in the lake behind your house these days? b What makes you worried? c To whom you write the letter to? d What suggestion you want to make? e Any future plant you want to make? - Ask students to write the letter individually - Move around the class and help students - Get students to share with their partners and correct if possible * Post-writing : - Call on some students to read aloud their letter - Give feedback, correct some letters before the class T can write the mistakes (spelling; grammar…) on the board - prohibit (v): ngăn cản, ngăn cấm Fine(v): Phạt, phạt vạ * Answer key: - To give the correct Dear Sir/Madam order of the letter R I would suggest your company - read the to tell your drives to clear up all production 6b on the trash on the ground before page 53 leaving - answer T’s S I am writing to you about the questions short stop of your trucks around my house on their way to the North a They begin to A I look forward to hearing from catch fish you and seeing good response b.They use from your company electricity to catch C When the trucks …… there is fish smell and flies c.We write to the P Your Faithfully, head of the local Tran Vu Nhat authorities Suggested letter : d.We suggest the Dear Mr President local authorities I am writing to you about the catching should prohibit and of fish of many people in the lake fine heavily any one behind my house using electricity to I am very worried because they use catch fish electricity to catch fish After a short e.We look forward time, they leave the lake; a lot of small to seeing the fish die and float on the water surface protection of I would suggest the local authorities environment from should prohibit and fine heavily anyone the local authorities who using this way to catch fish I look forward to hearing from you - read aloud their and seeing the protection of letters and correct environment from the local authorities with the T Sincerely, - Correct ………… IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Ask students to write their letter in their notebooks, and prepare “Language focus” (8) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 10 / 01 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 14 / 01 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 41 UNIT 6: THE ENVIRONMENT Language Focus I.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to use adjectives and adverbs to make sentences with adjective + that clause, conditional sentence type and to make sentences with because / as / since II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, picture, posters … -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: - To call Some pairs to talk how to save the environment and vocabularies Procedures Teacher’s Student’s activities Contents activities * adjectives and Reviesion of adjectives and adverbs adverbs : Adj + Ly = Adver of manner -What are these ? - Listen and answer * Adjective can come in two places in a ( adjectives and sentence : adverbs) Before a noun : Ex : a beautiful house - Have Ss give the - Remind the After some verbs : be , look , appear , formation of the formation of seem , feel, taste , sound , smell … adverb and its adverds from * Adverbs normally go after the direct usage adjectives and object explain qickly the Ex : I play soccer badly useage Exercise : - Take note - Ss remind and b slowly c sadly d happily e well carefully take note Adjective + that clause : - Have ss Ex : Ba : Dad! I got mark on my test - Complete the exercise in pair Father : That’s wonderful I’m pleased sentences * Adjective + that you are working hard individualy that clause : * Form : S +be + adjective + that clause Share with the - To call Ss to Exercise : Complete the dialogues partner give the model (9) - Have ss exercise in pairs - To call Ss to give the answers and check if nescessary - Ask ss share with the partners * Conditional sentences : Type - Introduce the structure of conditional sentence b … I’m excited that I can go to Dalat this time c I’m sorry that I broke your bicycle yesterday d … I’m dissappointed that you didn’t phoned me about it e ….I’m amazed that I could win the first prize - share with the Adverb clauses of reason : partners Ex: a Ba is tired b He stayed up late watching TV → Ba is tired because he stayed up late watching TV - Listen to teacher’s Main clause + because/since/as + leading and adverb clause of reason combine the * Because / since / as => Bởi vì - Have ss exemple sentence Exercice : execise in text - Take note b, I have a broken leg because I fell over book in small grammar carefully while group - Combine these c I’m going to be late for school because - Call two groups sentences the bus is late to write on the individually d I broke the cup because / as I was board - Share with the careless - Check and partner e I want to go home since I feel sick correct - Write on the * Exercise 5: f I’m hungry as I haven’t eaten all day board and check - Have ss Conditional sentences : Type whole class continue doing Listen to teacher’ Compelte the statement : exercise in text -leading ……… we polute the water , we …… have book ( teacher - Complete the no fresh …… to use gives example sentences Answer : first ) Get the answer If we polute the water , we will have no -Have them write and check before fresh air to use individually class * Form : - Have ss share Copy down the If + main clause , subordinate clause with the partners structure ( simple present tense ) (simple future tense) - Do exercise in Exercise : small group 1-e 2- a 3- c 4- d 5-b - Call ss write on - Write on the Exercise : the board and board and correct Ex:If the rice paddies are polluted , the rice check whole class plants will die - Complete the * Answer key : sentences b If we go on littering , the environment individualy will become seriously polluted - Share with the c If we plant more trees along the streets , partner we’ll have more shades and fresh air - Read all the d…………………………………………… sentences and correct the mistakes 4.Consolidation 5.Homework - Do all exercises in the exercise book - Review all grammar points - Prepare Unit Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 13 / 01 / 20212 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 03 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… - Listen and take note carefully - Practice in pair (close and open pairs ) - Give the answer (10) Period: 42 UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY GETTING STARTED – LISTEN AND READ I.The aims of the leson - By the end of this period , students will able to understand the dialogue and about the way to save energy II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, casette player … -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Getting started : I Warm up : - Ask ss to look at the - Think and write in Is the TV on ? picture and write in group Who is watching TV ? group Is the light still burning ? - Check and give - Check the whole What happen to the faucets ? correction class Should we turn off the TV ? - Using these words and What must we to save energy ? the pictures to chat with - Look at the picture Make the list of things : students * Possible answers: and answers - Have ss make a list of - Turn off the TV things to save energy - Make a list of things - Turn off the light in group - Turn off the radio to save ennergy in - Tick some poster on - Turn off all the faucets group the board and check II New lesson : - Give feedback ( ss ) Presentation - Tick on the board - Teacher checks and and check whole class * Pre – teach vocabulary : give possible answers - Listen to teacher - bill ( n ) : Hóa đơn (visual) if necessary - enormous ( a ) : Khổng lồ * Listen and read : - Today we learn how - reduce ( v ) : giảm to save energy at home - plumber ( n ) : Thợ sữa đồ nước - Teach some vocabs - crack ( n ) : vết nứt and have ss guess and give the meaning of - driping faucet ( n ) :Vòi nước bị nhỏ - Guess and give the these words meaning of the giọt = (tap) Model , repeat , read newwords -pipe(n): Đường ống before class -bath = bath tub(n) : Bồn tắm - Call some ss to check * Checking vocab : their pronuciation - They should turn off the faucets - Teacher uses - Listen and repeat - Read aloud before when they don’t use them technique “ What and class - They should swich off the lights where” to check vocab when they go to bed or out Set the scene to lead - They should turn off the TV or radio in the lesson when they don’t watch or listen to it Mrs Mi is talking to Listen and read her neighbor,Mrs Ha A * T / F statements prediction : Mrs Ha looks very - Listen to teacher worried Now work in 1.Mr Ha is ………………….bill group to guess about Mrs Mi gives ……….water (11) the conversation between them - Have ss read these statements and guess in - Guess and write T or group F in group - Ask ss to write on the board - Write on the board Mrs Ha has checked ………… racks Mrs Ha suggests ………pipes Mrs Mi suggests ……… water Practice B Reading and checking prediction : * Answer key - Have ss listen to the text and check T or F - Listen to the text and No Guess Answer T again (give feed back ) check again Then give T the answers - Have ss read the text F again , ask and answer - Read the text , ask F the question in pair and answer in pair T (close and open pair) * Comprehention questions: Why is Mrs Ha worried ? How much money does Mrs Ha pay for her water bill ? What does Mrs Mi advise Mrs Ha to do? How much water can be wasted a month by a dripping faucet ? Do baths use twice as much as showers? * Answer key : Because his recent water bill is enomous He pays 200.000 3.She advises Ha to get the plumber to check her water pipes and to reduce the amount of water by taking shower and turning off the faucets after using 500 liters of water a month Yes, they 4.Consolidation 5.Homework Do exercise Prepare “ Speak and listen “ Write things that can save energy at home and at school Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 31 / 01 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 04 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 43 UNIT : SAVING ENERGY SPEAK + LISTEN I.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to make and response to suggestions Making suggestion ( I suggest+ V -ing , Shall we …, Let’s …) And students will able to know more about solar energy by listening II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, casette player … -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… (12) Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read the text and answer comprehension question or write vocabularies Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Speak : * Pre – speaking : Introduce the Work in groups * vocabulary : topic of the speaking : Review the ways to make - Solar ( a ): Thuộc mặt suggestions trời (explaination) - Ask Ss to make some sentences - Work individually - solar panel ( n ) : Description : kim loại để tiếp - Have Ss look at the pictures ( A - Work in groups lượng mặt trời ( picture) – H ) and describe the pictures in class - nuclear power ( n ) - Call on Ss to practice in class lượng hạt nhân (translation * While - speaking ) Speak a) - Practice in class - install ( v ): lắp đặt / cài - Have Ss look at expressions in đặt the above tables and pictures in the book to make suggestions about how to save energy (translation ) - Call on some Ss to read the * Pre – speaking suggestions aloud Set the scene : - Correct - Feedback and give suggested Show at the picture and ask Answers : : Speak b) : work out an Action Is the TV on ? Who is Plan to save energy for your class - Work in groups of watching ? ( no one ) - Ask Ss to work in groups of Ss students  I think you should turn off , using the suggestions in Speak a - Read their the TV - Go around class and provide suggestions aloud A : I think we should turn help if necessary - Work in groups off the faucet - Call on some groups to act out I suggest fixing the faucet the discussion - Practice in front of B I suggest turning down - Give feedback class the gas * Post - speaking : C I suggest turning off the Write fan - Ask Ss to write some sentences - Work individually D I think we should turn about saving energy in their off the air conditioner houses when no one is in Example : - Listen and copy E Why not we turn off - I think we should turn off the TV the TV when no one set when we not watch it watches it - Why not we go to school by F I think we should turn bus - Listen and write down off the faucets * Pre- listening : Introduce the new words G I think we should not go topic of the listening and some to school by motorbike new words to students H I suggest going to * While - listening : school by bus Prediction check : - Listen and the Listen : - Play the tape two times and ask exercise a, Answer keys: Ss to check their predictions True - Ask them to compare the - Compare to others False answers with a friends - correct False - Feedback and give the correct True answers : False - Have them copy down b, Answer keys: Gap filling : effective - Ask Ss to read the statements - Read the text (13) carefully and guess the missing words - Call on some Ss to read their predictions aloud and write on the board - Ask them to listen to the tape to fill in each blank with one word to check their predictions - Call on some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud - Feedback : - Have them copy and read them again - Listen to the tape again and fill in the text Pollution Countries Store Roof Instead - Read the text aloud and correct 4.Consolidation 5.Homework Copy the completed sentences in their notebooks , Write a short passage ( 40-50 words about their knowledge, s solar energy Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 03 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 10 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Period: 44 Read I.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will know how North American and European countries save money and natural resources II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, casette player … -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Test: 15 minutes I Fill in the blanks the correct form of the verbs in the parentheses She suggested ( sing ) this song tonight The students who ( born ) in England are my friends I was ( go ) to Da Lat when I was young What did you think about ( take) part in the program have you ever ( come ) to the USA Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents * Presentation : A Warm up : - Greet and chat with - Listen and answer * Chatting : (14) ss with these questions From these questions lead in the lesson ( Today we learn about how people in the others countries to save money and save our natural resource ) - Teach some vocabs and have ss to guess and give the meaning of these words - Model , repeat , read before class ( Call some ss to check their pronuciation ) - Teacher uses technique “Roub out and remember” to check vocab - Ask ss to read question a) and b) before reading -Have ss read the text silently and check again two questions - Have ss to read again and choose the best summary for the text ( ss discuss in group ) - Call some groups to give the answer ( ss gives feedback ) - Check and give the answer key - Have ss read the text again then ask and answer the questions in pairs (close and open pair ) - Have Ss play game in group - Check and give answer key - Give the task and ask the questions - Listen to teacher’s leading - Guess and give the meaning of the newwords - Listen and repeat - Read aloud before class - Play the game “Roub out and remember” - Listen and answer the questions ( By guessing ) - Read the text silently and check the question in prequestion again - Read the text again and choose the best summary in group - Write the answer on the board - Check whole class - Read the text again and ask and answer the questions in pair (close and open pair ) What is this ? ( electricity bill ) how much is your family’s electricity bill? Are your parents worried about it ? Do you want to reduce the amount of electricity? And what should you ? How about people in the other countries ? 2.Read : Pre-reading * Pre – teach vocabulary : Consumer ( n ) : người tiêu dùng Bulb ( n ) : bóng đèn tròn Lable ( n ) : nhãn Scheme ( n ) : kế hoạch = plan Innovation ( n ) : đổi Conserve ( v ) : bảo tồn Luxury(n) : Xa sỉ phẩm Necessities(n) : Nhu yếu phẩm Consumer(n): Người tiêu dùng Household(n): Hộ gia đình Lighting(n): Sự thắp sáng Last(v): Kéo dài Tumble dryer(n):Máy sấy efficiency(n): Hiệu Category(n): Loại appliance(n): Đồ dùng, thiết bị Untimately(adv): Sau hết, cuối cùng, xét lâu dài READ *Pre questions a Do people in Western countries think electricity ,gas ,and water are luxury ? b Do they want to save electricity / What they to spend less on lighting ? While -reading * Answer key ( for pre- question ) No, they don’t Yes they use energy saving bulb instead of ordinary bulbs and there is a labling scheme helping them use household appliances efficiently - Play the game Reading for main detail (15) ss discuss in group - Ask ss to write on the poster and hand in some then have them compare with the other group - Give the answer before class - Check and take note * Which is the best summary for the passage : Answer : North American …………resources * Comprehension questions ( Questions in book from – /a – e) - Teacher summary for the best ways - Give the homework and explain how to execise - Have discuss in group to write down Lucky number : - a Lucky, lucky, 4- c , 5- b Lucky, 7- e , - d the ideas on the * Answers Key : poster a Western consumer are interested in - Tick some poster on the board - Check the whole class - Copy down the home work products that will not ……………save money b They can use energy saving bulbs instead of ordinary 100 watts bulbs to spend less on lighting c She will pay US$ Because these bulbs use ( a ) quarter of the electricity of standard bulbs d It helps the consumers know how energy efficient the houselhold appliences are e Because when we save energy ,we will save money and conserve the - Earth’s resources 4.Consolidation 5.Homework Do exercise Read the text again and Prepare “Write ” (16) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 07 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 11 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Period: 45 Write I.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will write a simple speech and present it before class II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson - To call Ss to read the text in (5.Read) and answer comprehension question or write vocabularies Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up : A Warm up : - Greet and ask Ss to give - Write these sections Situation Complication parts of a complaint letter of the letter in group - Check and give feedback A -Check the whole class Politeness From the game lead in the complain leson * Pre- writing : - Listen and answwer 1.How many parts are there the questions in complaint letter ? Action Resolution How about a peech ? New lesson : In order to know about it we Pre- writing learn part A SPEECH Listen and read three Introduce the three parts of (17) the speech and have ss match in group Call groups to write on the board Check and give feedback Introduce the speech on the extra board and have ss read and order Ask ss to compare with orther partners Have ss give answer and check Call ss read the speech before class * While - writing : - Introduce topics and have ss choose one topic and write a speech (topics on the text book ) - Have ss write and share with the partner * Post - writing : - Call a volunteer from each group to present his /her speech before class - Correct their mistakes - Give the suggested speech A speech usually has three parts : Match A with B in Introduction,Body and group Conclusion Write on the board and a) Match each part of a check whole class speech in column A to Read the speech and suitable function in column order it individually B ( in book ) Compare with the other * Answer key : Give the answer and B , 2.C , 3.A check before class b) Put the following sections Read the speech aloud in the correct place to before class complete a speech : parts of the speech Read three topics and choose one to write a speech base on the topic Write and share with the orthers - Correct errors ( the speech in book ) * Answer key : 3-2-1 While - writing C) Choose one of the following topics and prepare a speech for your classmates: * Topics: Reducing garbage Reusing paper Saving energy in the kitchen * Suggested speech : 2.Reusing paper : Good morning everybody My name is …… And today I am going to tell you how to reuse paper Most of us use too much paper You can reuse paper by : * Having a separate wastebasket for waste paper *Keeping sheets with single printed page for drafting If you follow these simple rules , not only will you reduce garbage,but also you’ll save money 4.Consolidation 5.Homework - Prepare “Language focus ” - Write the complete speech in your notebook at home (18) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 07 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 11 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 7: SAVING ENERGY Period: 46 Language Focus I.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will write be able to use conectives, Phrasal verb and make suggestion : II Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… III Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read their speech writing that they prepared at home Procedures Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents Write the conectors A Warm up : * Warm up : in group Greet and have ss play * Brainstorming : game - find the And but Check whole class connectives and write in group Listen and answer Check and decide which before class group wins so From the game lead in Write all the the leson connectors on the What are these ? beacause or board ( connectives ) B.New lesson : Give the meaning What you use Presentation connectives for ? Complete the sentences Use the Complete all the Yes Today we use these correct connectives : sentences with the * SS give all the connevtives they connective to combine connectors then these sentences have learnt share with the Have ss to give more And,but,beacause ,so,or,therefore, partner connectives which they however Read aloud before Practice : have learnt Have ss give the meaning class * Complete the sentences : Find the vebs with of these connectives ( in book ) prepositions Have ss complete the * Answer key : sentences in the book and a and , b but , c because , d Therefore compare with their friends Read all th phrasal , e or , f so g and , h.However verd and give the Complete the sentences Use the Call ss to read before class meaning right tense of the phrasal verbs in and check ,give the key the box and the pictures : Have ss write down some Match the phrasal Presentation verbs with picture verbs with prepositions * Match the phrasal verbs with (19) Check and give ss phrasal verbs and ask them to give the meaning Have them match with pictures in group Call ss to match on the board in group Call ss match on the board pictures Turn on , turn off , look after , look for, go on Check whole class * Answer key : Picture : Look after Use these phrasal Picture 2: go on verbs to complete Picture 3: look for Check and give the key the sentences in Picture : turn on dividually Picture : turn off Have ss use these phrasal Share with the other Practice : verbs to complete the and give the answer * Complete the sentences : sentences before class a) look after Listen to teacher b) go on Call ss read aloud before c) Turn on class Listen and take d)looked for Check and give the key note e)turn off Make suggestion : Set the sence and Give example Presentation introduce the situation a) Your class wants to help the poor in the neighborhood of your school Give example first and Give suggestion in The following ideas may help you : explain grammar group and read * Model sentence Have ss make more before class Ex: I suggest collecting some money suggestions before class Practice Have ss give suggestion in Listen to the *Answer key : group then read before second situstion I suggest organizing a show to raise class money Call ss to read before class Copy down I suggest collecting old clothes I suggest giving lessons to the poor Introduce the second Practice in pair children situation (close and openpair I suggest help elder people and war Give model sentences ) invalids with their chores Practice before b) Your friend wants to improve her Have ss practice making class english: suggestion with the * Modal sentences : partner Play the game I suggest that you should write sentence Call ss to check before with new words class Choose on and make sentences 4.Consolidation 5.Homework - Do all exercises in the exercise book - Review all grammar points - Prepare Unit 8( Part 1+2 ) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 14 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 18 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 47 TEST 45 minutes A.The aims ofthe lesson - To test Sts’s knowledge from Unit to that they’ve learnt - After the test they have to try their about what they forget or they haven’t learnt by heart B Preparation -Teacher : Questions and keys -Students : Pens, pencils, … (20) C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents ………………… II Checking the old lesson: (Missing) III New lesson Question I Choose the best answer a,b,c or d, for the following sentences: (1,0 ps) (Hãy chọn đáp đúng a,b,c, hay d, điền vào khoảng trống) We can save natural……….by using solar energy A.products B.resources C.preserves D.produces You can ennergy by turning off the lights if you don't use A saving B to save C saved D save Question II Which one has different pronounced : (1 ,0 ps) (H·y t×m mét tõ cã phÇn g¹ch ch©n ph¸t ©m kh¸c víi tõ cßn l¹i) A how B hat C hour D house A ear B sea C pea D tea Question III Complete the following the correct form of the verb : ( 2,0 ps) ( Hoàn thành các câu dạng đúng động từ ngoặc) If you give me a book, I ( read) the text for you My house is ( decorate) for Tet Festival Question IV Write sentences base on the words given ( ,0 ps) (Viết lại các câu sau dựa vào các từ gợi ý đã cho sẵn) How about going out for a walk => I suggest …………… …………………………………………… I think you should go to school to learn math => I suggest …………………………………………………………… She used to walk to school last year => She often …………………… .………… .…………… Question V Read the passage then answer the questions( ,0 ps) (Hãy đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi) In Britain, natural gas is the most popular fuel for heating homes, and for cooking It is piped all over the country from the gas fields below the North Sea Natural gas is used chiefly as a direct source of energy, although it is also used in the chemical industry At the moment the supply is plentiful, but it will running short by the end of the century, and will run out during the 21st century unless new supplies are found We could without natural gas, as coal gas can be used as a substitute, and there should be enough coal to last for several centuries However, it is a form of energy which is not only cheap, but also highly efficient Questions What is natural gas used for? What is gas used chiefly as? Question VI Listen Then answer the question ( 1,0p) What should we to save anergy? => ………………………………………………………………………………………… IV Collect the test paper V Home work -Do the test again at home for the next period (21) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 17 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 23 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 48 TEST CORRECTION A.The aims of the lesson - To emphasize knowledge that they lightly understand - After the test correction they understand more deeply B Preparation -Teacher : Keys -Students : Books, note books, pens, … C Taching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: (Missing ) III New lesson Key for test Question I Choose the best answer a,b,c or d, for the sentences: (1,0 mark) ( sentences x 0.5 = mark) B.resources D save Question II Which one has different pronounced : (1 mark) ( sentences x 0.5 = mark) C hour A ear Question III Complete the following tag questions: ( marks) (22) ( sentences x = marks) If you give me a book, I will read the text for you My house is decorrated for tet Festival Question IV Write sentences base on the words given ( marks) ( sentences x = marks) I suggest going out for a walk I suggest that you should go to school to learn math She often walked to school last year Question V Read the passage then answer the questions( marks) ( sentences x = marks) It is used for heating homes, and for cookin It is used chiefly as a direct source of energ Question VI Listen Then answer the question ( Mark) ( Nghe đoạn văn sau đó trả lời câu hỏi) We should cook rice by wood and go to school by bike Total : 10 Marks IV Consolidation V Home work - Prepare Unit - Getting Started and Listen & read Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 21 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 25 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT : CELEBRATIONS Period: 49 Getting started, Listen and read A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will know more about the popular celebrations in the world B Preparation: -Teacher : Text books, pictures, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read their speech writing that they prepared at home III New Lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Greet and have ss play a - Play a game in group I Warm up : game - Match the picture - Have ss match picture with with the icons * Match pictures with the icons the words Easter Christmas - Check and remark Birthday - Listen and answer - Set the scence to lead into Christmas Mid – Fall the questions the lesson Festival What celabrations you Lunar New Year like best ? What you often at II New lesson : Tet ? - Guess and give the Presentation What food you often have meaning of the * Pre – teach vocabulary : at Tet? newwords - Occur (v) Xảy - Teach some vocabs and have ( synonymn ) ss guess and give the - Listen and repeat - Decorate (v) trang trí meaning of these words - Read aloud before (picture) (23) Model , repeat , read before class ( Call some ss to check their pronuciation ) - Teacher uses technique “ What and where” to check vocab Lead into the lesson - Here are some celebrations in the world Now guess and write T or F in group - Have ss write on the board class - Play the game “What and where” - Guess and write T or F in group - Write on the board ( translation) - Parade (n) diễu hành ( picture) - Listen to the text and check again * Checking vocab : ( What and where ) - Have ss listen to the text and check T or F again ( give - Read the text silently feed back ) and complete the table in group - Have ss read the text again and complete the table in smal group - Write on the board and check before class - Call each group to complete each celebration - Check and give answer before class - Set the scence and give model sentence Do you know this man ? ( draw picture ) - Give example and explain the grammar - Have ss to give more examples or complete the sentence with who or which - Ask ss to work in group discuss then answer the question - Call ss to give their ideas , answer before class - Give the homework and explain how to execise - Freedom (n) tự (Translation ) - Slavery (n) nô lệ ( picture ) - Jewish (a) thuộc Do Thái - Listen and take note - Give more examples Listen and read * T / F statements prediction Tet is the most important celebration for vietnamese Chicken is the special food in the Tet Passover occurs in late Match or early April It celebrates freedom from the slavery Easter is the joyful festival Practice : *Reading and checking prediction : Answer key 1.T , 2.F , 3.T , 4.T , T * Read the text again and complete the grid Note : - Discuss in group to ask and answer the questions * Relative clause with Who / Which Ex : This is the man who gave me some money ( relative - Give the ideas before clause ) class The book which is about - Copy down the beautiful sights is expensive IV Consolidation V Homework Do exercise Prepare “ Speak and Listen” Write what you prepare for the Tet (24) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 24 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 02 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT :CELEBRATIONS Period: 50 SPEAK + LISTEN A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to: - give and respond to compliments - practice listening to fill in the missing words of the song B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, cassette player, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read the text ( Part ) and answer the questions III New Lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Have you ever got good marks Sing a song whole A.New lesson : ? class * Pre – speaking How your friend talk to you - Active (a) Tích cực Teach some vocabs and have Listen and answer - Nominate (v) Chọn lựa ss guess and give the meaning the question - Nomination (n) of these words Guess and give the Model , repeat , read before meaning of the - Charity (n) Hội từ thiện class newwords - Acquaintance (n) Người quen ( Call some ss to check their Listen and repeat biết pronuciation ) Read aloud before SPEAK Teacher uses technique “ What class This is how to give and and where” to check vocab respond to compliments: Play the game “What * Give complement Introduce some expressions and where” Well done how to give and respond to That’s a great / an excelent… compliments Listen and take note Let me congratulate you on … Have ss add more and give the carefully * Respond to a compliment meaning Add more and tell Thanks the meaning of Set a scene and lead in the expressions It’s nice of you to say so lesson That’s very kind of you Listen to teacher * While – speaking : Make model with a good student Listen to model first a) Read the following situations with apartner , then give and respond to Practice (close and approriate Have ss read all the situation open pair ) * Set a scene : Trang has just to practice in pair won the first prize in the Some pairs practice speaking contest What does Call some pair to check before before class Mai say to pay Trang a class (25) Think of the situation compliment? And what does and practice before Trang respond ? class (in group) Mai : Well done , Trang Have ss think of the situation Trang : Thanks and practice in group of One ss introduce the * Practice : Teacher can suggest some situation and two ss ( Read all the situation and situations to some weak practice before class practice in pairs ) group Possible answer : Call some groups to introduce Read the song and b Mother : Well done , Huyen the situation then practice guess the missing Huyen : Thanks , Mom before class words in group c Friend : Congratulations on your nomination , Tuan Have ss read the song , guess Write on the board Tuan : It’s very nice of you and fill in the mising words of to say so the song Listen to the tape and d You : That’s an excellent Ask ss write on the board ( in complete the song drawing , Hoa group) Hoa : That’s very kind of Go to the board and you to say so Have ss listen to the tape the write b Now think of the situation first time in which to give and respond Listen again and After the first time ask ss go share with the compliment … on the board and write the partner * Suggested situation : words they hear Listen one more and Situation 1: Tuan has just Have ss listen to the second give the answer passed the graduation times then complete and share Check the whole examination with the partner class and check the Situation 2: Hoa made an Have ss listen one more and guessing excellent report on saving check again energy Ask ss to give the answer Listen to the tape and Situation : Ba got good grade ( Check ) repeat in chorus on English LISTEN Have ss listen to the tape and Listen and sing in Guess and fill in the mising repeat in chorus group words of the song “ Auld Have ss sing in group Lang Syne” Call each group sing aloud Practice singing Key before class individually a days b take c mind Have ss practice singing d hand e kindness individually Practice singing the song ( whole class , group , individual ) IV Consolidation V Homework - Do exercise 3- Prepare “ Read ” Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 28 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 03 / / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Check and remark UNIT : CELEBRATIONS Period: 51 READ A.The aims of the lesson By the end of this period , students will know more about opinions , fellings , and memories of children about their father on the Father’s Day in the USA and in Australia B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, pictures, cassette player, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… (26) C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - T gives situations for Ss to give and respond to compliments III New lessons Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Greet and control ss to - Play the game in A Warm up : play a game group * Pelmanism: - Have ss find the correct - Find the correct March June 1st cards in group cards - Check and remark Teacher’s Day Women’s Day - Check whole class From the game lead in the June 1st lesson March 3rd - Listen to teacher’s 1.What is the day we think Children’s Christmas Day leading and talk about mother ? - Listen and answer November 20th th : 2.Are there any days for B.New lesson December 25 the questions father ? Pre-reading - Today we …… * Pre – teach vocabulary : - Teach some vocabs and have - Guess and give the - Hug (n) ôm (mine ) ss guess and give the meaning of the - Considerate (v) ân cần meaning of these words newwords ( translation ) - Model , repeat , read before - Terrific (a) tuyệt vời class - Listen and repeat (Synonym) ( Call some ss to check their Read aloud before - Priority ( n)Sự ưu tiên pronuciation ) class ( explaination) - Teacher uses technique “Roub out and remember” to - Play the game “Roub - Sense of humor (n) khiếu hài check vocab hước out and remember” Set a scene to lead in the (example ) cotent of the reading - Distinguish (v) phân biệt - Have ss guess the adjectives - Listen to teacher (translation) that children use to talk READ about their father(in group) - Guess and write in *Prediction : - Call ss to write on the board group Think of the adjectives - Have ss read the text that children use to talk silently and check again - Write on the board about their father : - Teacher check and give the - Read the text Ex : Strong , great , generous , answer key silently and check While -reading - Have ss read the text again again Reading and tick all the then ask and answer the - Check the guessing adjectives in the guessing questions in pairs (close and whole class ( Checking ) open pair ) - Read the text again * Answer key - Have ss play game in group and ask and answer Strong , generous , cosiderate , - Check and give answer key the questions in pair humorous ,healthy , the best , (close and open pair ) terrific - Have ss write or talk with a - Play the game Reading for main detail partner about their fellings , - Give the answer * Comprehension questions : opinions ,… before class ( in text book ) - Call some ss to check before - Check and take note * Answer : class a To her dad b He is possibly dead These - Write or talk about ideas may tell about that … the felling , … to the How much you are missed father (in group) I now have children Dad - Present before class … , (27) c his sense of humor d The best person in the world , a teacher , a friend ,… Post -reading Writing / Talking Write or talk about your fellings ,opinions, … to your father IV.Consolidation V.Homework -Do exercise -Prepare “Write ” - Read the text again Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 02 / / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 09 / / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT : Period: 52 CELEBRATIONS Write A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to write a letter to a friend / pen pal to share the ideas B Preparation: - Teacher : Text books, extra board, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - methd I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read the text (5.Read) and answer the comprehension questions III New lesson Teacher’s activities -Greet and have ss find and write the words -Have ss write in two groups Check and give feedback -From the game lead in Student’s activities Contents -Write words ( in A Warm up : group) * Word square : -Write on the board C E L E B R A and check whole F I S L O W E class P K P O P R S T R T E M S E U M (28) the leson 1.On what occasion you offer your parents gift? Do you think that we shoud have the day for our parents ? -Listen and answer the questions -Guess and give the meaning of the newwords E O N M O Y W W V O C I A L F O O D Z R T R A D I T I O N I F I A O D C B A N M I G I L M N D R A C G H K R Q O P S Y W Key : celebration tradition, flower , card , gift, special food , memory -Listen and repeat before class -Today we learn how to -Read aloud before write a letter to a friend / class B.New lesson : pen pal to share the Pre- writing ideas -Play the game * Pre – teach vocabulary : “Slap the board ” - Enhance (v) Tăng cường -Teach some vocabs and - Support (v) ủng hộ (help ) -Listen to the have ss guess and give teacher - Nationwide (n) toàn quốc the meaning of these - Gift (n) quà words -Read the ideas in B WRITE -Model and have ss repeat the outline and In Viet nam pople not celabrate before class order in group -Call some ss to check Mother’s Day or Father’s Day You their pronuciation -Write the answer think it is necessary to have a day to on the board celabrate ……………………… While - writing -Use “slap the board” to -Check whole class Writing : check vocab In my opinion , it is essential to -Read the outline have a day to celebrate for our -Read the title of the and write the letter parents writing individulaly On these occasions , children will have a special to express their fellings, -Introduce the outline of memories and love for their parents the letter and have ss put We have an opportunity to enhance the parts in the correct family traditions Members of family order (in group ) can have a chance to get together , to -Share the writing know one another -Call ss to write on the I think the first sunday of April is with friend and board correct each other suitable Sunday is the day of so everybody is free from work or study -Check and give the key April is late Spring or early summer , and the weather is generaly fine at this -Have ss read the outline time of the year , many activities can carefully and wrote the happen outdoors letter individually It is necessary to have a parties but it is good ideas to have lunch or diner -Tick the writing -Go around to help ss if with all members of the family on the board and necessary check before class Children should give their parents flowers , send cards , or bring them -Read the -Have ss share the writing sugessted writing special cake Moreover ,children with the partner and should serve their parents food that correct they like best I believe the ideas will be supported Hand in some students’ and the day will be celebrated writing and correct before nationwide because everybody loves class their parents and want their parents to -Give suggested writing be happy and have ss read IV.Consolidation (29) V.Homework Prepare “Language focus ” Write the complete letter in your notebook (30) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 06 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 10 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT : CELEBRATIONS Period: 53 Language Focus A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will write be able to use relative pronouns B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read their writing III New Lesson Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents - Note down * T Introduces the Relative Clauses relative pronouns : Who , * Relative pronouns - listen and make Mệnh đề quan hệ (mệnh đề tính từ) Which, examples đợc giới thiệu đại từ quan Explain how to use hÖ(Relative pronoun) hay tr¹ng tõ quan hÖ( relative adverbs) vµ bæ - Give examples and have - read the modle nghĩa cho danh từ hay đại ss combine tõ - Call ss write on the board sentences * Mệnh đề tính từ luôn luôn đứng and check - share the exercise sau tiÒn ng÷ cña nã Exercise : with others - Who : Thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷(chñ - Have ss join the To give out the ng÷ ®i tríc) chØ ngêi vµ lµm chñ ng÷ sentences (Ex.1 P.70) use mệnh đề tính từ relative clause in dividually completed sentences Ex The man who is holding the - look at the briefcase is my father - Have ss share with the pictures and read - Whom : thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ chØ others and correct the examples ngêi vµ lµm t©n ng÷(tóc tõ) cña mÖnh đề tính từ (whom có thể đợc thay - T Calls Ss to write on the - Work in groups board b»ng who giao tiÕp) - saying before - Check before class and Ex The boy whom you saw class give the correction yesterday is my younger brother - correct errors - Whose : Thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ chØ listen and note ngêi vµ cã chøc n¨ng nh mét tÝnh tõ Exercise : down së h÷u - To ask Ss to read the - give examples Ex The man whose wife is my friend examples and look at the (31) pictures - Have ss look at the pictures using relative pronouns and describe in group - To call some Ss to say about the people in the picture before class - T corrects errors * T introduces “Adverb clauses of concession” - To give an example then explain how to use - listen - read the modle sentences - practice in pairs - before class and correct errors - listen - read the modle sentences - practice in pairs - some Ss make Exercise : sentences before - T explains the exercise class - To ask Ss to read the modle sentences - To ask Ss to practice in pairs - To call some Ss to before class and correct errors Exercise : - T explains the exercise - To ask Ss to read the modle sentences - To ask Ss look at the pictures, T explains the words under the pictures Note Ss the tense of the verbs - To ask Ss to practice in pairs - To call some Ss to before class and correct error is a docter * Relative adverbs : - When : dïng thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ lµ tõ chØ thêi gian nh day,time,year, Ex I remember the day when I joined the University - Where : Thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ lµ tõ chØ n¬i chèn nh : city Village, place, Ex Tan quang is the place where I was born - Why : Thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ lµ tõ “reason” Ex I don’t know the reason why Lan didn’t attend my birthday party Adverb clauses of concession : * Mệnh đề nhợng thờng đợc giới thiệu các liên tõ sau ®©y : although, even though, though - Mệnh đề nhợng có thể đứng trớc đứng sau mệnh đề chính nhng chú ý dấu phẩy, mệnh đề nhợng đứng trớc phải có dấu phẩy Example Although it’s raining, I go shopping We go to school without raincoat even though it’s going to rain IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Do all exercises at home - Prepare Unit ( getting started and listen & read ) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 09 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 16 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… (32) UNIT : NATURAL DISASTERS Period: 54 Getting started, Listen and read A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to get the information about weather from the weather forecast B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - T give some pairs of sentences for Ss using relative pronouns to join the sentences III New lesson Teacher’s activities * Warm up : - Chat with ss and have ss answer - Have ss look at the picture and match with the words Check and remark From the game lead in the new lesson Snowstorm , earthquake … are natural disasters - Teach some vocabs and have ss guess and give the meaning of these words - Model and have ss repeat before class - Call some ss to check their pronuciation - Check vocab “ What and where” Set a scene : Thuy is talking to her grandmother while they both are watching TV - Have ss listen to the text and - Have ss practice the dialogue in pair (close and open pair) - Call some pairs to check before class - Have ss read the dialogue again and fill in the gaps in group - Ask ss write on the board and check before class - Give ss some comprehention questions - Have ss read the questions Contents I Warm up : * Chatting What is the weather today ? - Look at the pictures Do you like hot/cold and match with words weather ? in group Have you ever listen to the - Give the answer and weather forcast on TV ? check whole class Match picture with words : 1.Snowstorm ,2 earthquake , - Listen to teacher volcano typhoon II New lesson : - Guess and give the Presentation: meaning of the Pre – teach vocabulary : newwords - Expect (v) mong đợi - Listen and repeat Thunderstorm (n) bão có sấm before class - Read aloud before chớp class - Delta (n) vùng châu thổ - Play the game “What - Trust (v) tin tưởng ( synonym) and where” rely on - Listen to teacher - Snow storm (n) bão tuyết leading * Checking vocab : ( What and where ) - Listen to the Listen and read dialogue - Practice * Pre questions : the dialogue in pair What are they watching on (close and open pair) TV ? Answer : They are watching the - Read the dialogue weather forecast on TV again and fill in the Practice gaps in group a Practice the dialogue in - Write on the board of three : (close and and check before class group open pair) - Read these comprehension Gap filling : questions and ask and b turn up / weather forcast answer in pair rainy (close and open pair) central highlands Student’s activities - Listen and answer the questions (33) and answer in pairs (close and open pair) - Call ss to check before class have temperatures weather forcast / watching - Check the answer them whole class - Find some phrases to c Comprehension questions describe about the Why does Thuy’s - Have ss read the text again weather grandmorther ask her to turn up and notice some phrases - Take note carefully the volume ? (Because she wants to listen to the weather forcast ) - Have ss copy these phrases - Copy the homework Which city is the hostest today ? - Give the homework and ( HCM city ) explain how to execise Where is Thuy going ? ( going to the park ) What does Thuy’s grandmother want her to ?(to bring along with the raincoat ) Production : Ask ss read the dialogue to notice some phrases : - will have temperature between …….and …… - HCM’s temperature will be between …….and …… - can expect clould / thunderstorms IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Do exercise - Prepare “ Speak & listen” - Learn all the words by heart Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 13 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 17 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT :NATURAL DISASTERS Period: 55 Speak +Listen A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to: practice about preparations for a typhoon / what they want to buy and to prepare for typhoon - Practice listening for details to complete the table B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board,cassette player, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: (34) - To call Ss to read the text, write vocabularies and answer T’s questions III New Lesson Teacher’s activities 1, Warm up : Greet and ask ss play a game Divide class into groups Have ss think then write down Check and give the feedback Set a sence to lead into new lesson Speak : What you prepare for a typhoon ?Why ? Today we talk about the things we prepare for the typhoon,… - Teach some vocabs and have Ss guess and give the meaning of these words - Model and have ss repeat before class - Call some ss to check their pronuciation -Check vocab “ Slap the board ” Student’s activities - Play the game in groups - Write as much as possible Contents Warm up : * Brainstorming : Think about what they to prepare for a typho Buy food - Listen and answer Store water - Listen to teacher buy oil - Guess and give the meaning of the newwords - Listen and repeat before class - Read aloud before class - Play the game “ Slap the board ” - Read all the praparations listed in the book and check (√ - Have ss think and write in ) in the box group - Write on the board and check before class - Call two groups write on the - Listen and take note board carefully - Check and give feeback - Predict what happens if there is a - Teacher introduces the form typhoon and write of making prediction down - Read aloud or write on the board before - Have ss predict what may class happen if there is a typhoon - Use all the and write on the board - Check and give more some pridictions and practice speaking in predictions pair (close and open pair ) - Listen to the model - Have ss practice talking example about how to prepare for a typhoon and explain why in - Practice before class pairs - Give model first - Call some pairs to check - Discuss in group to before class find out /list all things - Have ss work in group to find out “What should we what should we if there is an earthquake if there is an earthquake” Buy candels B.New lesson : Pre – speaking - Bucket (n) Cái xô - Leak (n) chỗ thủng - Tie (v) cột , trói - Available (a) có sẵn - Ladder (n) cái thang - Latch (n) Cái chốt cửa - Block (n)Ngăn cản - Roller (n) Trục lăn - Strike (v) Va chạm ( Synonym) = hit ( slap the board ) SPEAK : Pre listening a What preparations you think should be made for a typhoon ( from the list in book ) Possible answer : Buying some canned food Buying candels Buying matches Filling all buckets with water Buying a ladder Checking all the window and door latches While – speaking : Revision : * Form must / may + infinitive * Use : in derection or prediction What happens if there is a (35) typhoon ? ( ss give their ideas ) - Read the song and * Possible answer : guess the missing There may be a power cut words in group There must be heavy rain - Write on the board The market may be closed - Listen to the tape There may be flood and complete the * Practice song Talk about what you think you want to buy and to - After the first time ask ss go - Go to the board and prepare for a typhoon ; on the board and write the write explain why words they hear Use : - Have ss listen to the second - Listen again and I think … times then complete and share with the partner I think you should … share with the partner - Have ss listen one more and - Listen one more and Yes, I think so What for ? check again give the answer Example exchange - Ask ss to give the answer - Check the whole S1 : I think we should buy some ( Check ) class and check the canned food before a typhoon guessing - Have ss discuss in group to - Discuss in group to S2 : Yes, I think so too The market may be closed and no answer the questions answer the question food will be available Post –speaking : - Call each group to give the - Give the ideas Discussion ideas before class before class “ What you think you should if there is an earthquake ?” * Possible answer - Cut power - Don’t stand near a glass window /… - … LISTEN : Pre –listening * Task Guess and fill in the mising words ……… While – listening : * Task Listen to the text and fill in the missing words : Key 1.bottom shelf of the bookshelves fridge washing machine mirrors a window inside under a strong table doorway corner of the room Post - Listening: - Call some groups to give their ideas - Have ss read all the table and guess to fill in the missing words ( in group) - Ask ss write on the board - Have ss listen to the tape the first time (36) Discussion What should we to live with the earthquakes? IV.Consolidation V.Homework : - Do exercise - Practise talking about another natural disasters - Learn all the words by heart (37) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 16 / 03/ 2012 Total:…… absent:…………… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 24 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 9: NATURAL DISASTERS Period: 56 5.Read A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will get more information about the natural disasters in the world B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board, cassette player, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read the text, write vocabularies and answer T’s questions III New lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities - Play thye game in Warm up : A Warm up : group Greet and Have ss play * Kim’s game : - Look at the pictures Look at the pictures quickly and game in group and write Check and decide which write the name of disasters group win Key Set a sence to lead into the Snowstorm , earthquake , Volcano , - Listen and answer lesson typhoon the questions Which country is it? B.New lesson : 2.What happened in Kobe * Pre – teach vocabulary : in 1995 ? - Guess and give the -Pacific Rim(n) : vßng ®ai Th¸i B×nh - Teach some vocabs and D¬ng have Ss guess and give the meaning of the - ‘Ring of Fire’ : vßng ®ai löa newwords meaning of these words - strink->strunk(v): đánh, đánh sập - Model and have Ss repeat - Listen and repeat - `hurricane(n): B·o before class - Read aloud before - erupt(v): phun - Call some Ss to check `Overland(a): qua đất liền class their pronuciation Over`land(adv): đờng - Play the game - Teacher uses technique - Tidal wave (n) Sóng “Roub out and “Roub out and remember” Thần(translation) to check vocab remember” - Abrupt (a) Bất ngờ (Synonym) - Show all the pictures of Sudden disasters and ask ss look - Look at the picture - Shift (n) Sự chuyển and guess what happened in and guess (Definition ) change of position group - Funnel shaped (n) Có hình phiểu - Call ss write the answer - Guess and write T Tornado (n) Cơn lốc xoáy on the board in group or F - Suck up (v) hút lên * Checking vocab : - Have ss open the book ( Roub out and remember ) and read the text silently - Write on the board READ - Ask ss check the *T or F predictions sentences again (38) - Ask ss give the answer ( T - Read the text or F ) and correct silently and check again T or F - Have ss read the text - Give the answers again and complete the before class sentences in dividually - Have ss compare with the - Read the text again partner and complete the - Call ss write on the board sentences - Compare with the - Check before class partner - Write the answer on - Divide class into groups the board and have ss in each group - Check(whole class ) ask and answer eachother - Call ss ask answer before - Read the text again class and ask and answer - Check before class the questions in groups - Ask and answer before class a Most of the earthquakes in the world……… Fire b The earthquake in …….damage c A huge tidal … 1960s d Typhoon, huricane ….disaster e The eruption of……eruption f A tornado …… funnel While -reading a Reading and checking * Answer key ( for T or F prediction ) a.T ; b.T ; c.F ; d.T ; e.F ; f T b Complete the sentences …….occur around the Pacific Rim …….people were killed when homes, office blocks and highways collapsed …… when there is an abrupt shilf in the underwater movement of the Earth …… as a cyclone … the word “typhoon” has a funnel shape and suck up anything in itsway Post -reading * Ask and answer in group Group ask group answer and change Why people call the Pacific Rim “ Ring of Fire “ 2.What will happen when there is an abrupt shift in the underwater movement of the earth ? What does “ typhoon” mean ? Can we predict the vocano ? IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Learn all the words by heart - Prepare “Write ” - Read the text again and all the questions - Do exercises in workbook Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 20 / 02 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 24 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT : NATURAL DISASTERS Period: 57 A.The aims of the lesson Write (39) - By the end of this period , students will able to write a story B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: To call Ss to read the text (5.Read), write vocabularies and answer T’s questions III New Lesson Teacher’s activities * Warm up : - Greet and have ss find and write the words from the jumble words - Have ss write in two groups - Check and give feedback * Before Writing : Set a sence to lead in the new lesson What you often before a typhoon coming ?, ……… - Today we learn how to write a story like that - Teach some vocabs and have ss guess and give the meaning of these words - Model and have ss repeat before class - Call some ss to check their pronuciation - Use “slap the board” to check vocab - Show six pictures on the board and ask questions for each pictures - Have ss look at the pictures and answer the questions * While - writing : Student’s activities - Write words ( in group) Contents A Warm up : * Jumbel words: otnophy => typhoon damotro => tornado - Write on the board lacovno => vocalno and check whole ormts => storm class B.New lesson : Pre- writing - Behave (v) Cư xử - Shelter (n) Chổ trú ngụ, ch ỗ ẩn, - Listen and answer (v) che tr ở, b ảo v ệ, the questions - All of sudden : bất ngờ (synonym ) Suddenly Write a story - Guess and give the Telling story meaning of the Picture : newwords Who is this ? ( It is Lan ) - Listen and repeat Who is she playing with? ( Playing before class with her dog ) - Read aloud before Picture : class How is the dog ? ( Strange / - Play the game Perhape It is scared ) “Slap the board ” Picture : - Look at the What is on TV ? ( The weather pictures forecast.) What does Lan’s mother say ?( She tells Lan she has heard there is a - Listen and answer typhoon coming ) the questions with Picture 4: pictures What are they doing ? ( They are garthering and taking about the - Read the cues coming typhoon…… ) words to write a Picture : story What is the weather like now ?( It is (40) - Have ss read the cues words and look at the pictures to write a story very dark it has strong wind and - Ask for help if heavy rain ) necessary While - writing Writing : It was a beautiful day - Go around to help ss if - Share the writing necessary with friend and The sun was shiny , the sky correct each other was blue and the weather - Have ss share the was perfect Lan was writing with partners and outside playing with her dog , - Tick the writing correct skippy All of a sudden, the on the board and dog began behaving check before class * Post - writing : strangely She kept running - Hand in some students’ - Read the sugessted around circles Lan ran home writing and correct before writing with her dog to tell her class mother what Skippy was - Give suggested writing doing Lan’s mother,Mrs and have ss read Quyen told Lan that she heard the weather forcast on TV that there was a typhoon coming Mrs Quyen gatherd her family and told them to find shelter in the house Suddenly, the sky was became very dark the storm came with strong winds and heavy rain Mrs Quyen and her family was scared , but soon the storm finished and everyone was glad What a clever dog Skippy is ! She saved Lan from being caught in the typhoon IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Learn all the words by heart - Write the another story in your notebook - Do exercises in workbook - Prepare “Language focus ” (41) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 23 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 30 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT : NATURAL DISASTERS Language Focus A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will be able to write and use relative pronouns B Preparation -Teacher : Text books, extra board, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens… C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: Test: 15 minutes I Combine the sentences into one Using the guiding words in the parentheses I meet the singer He is a famous singer all over the world => He is too short he can't reach to the ceilling => He is very young He can't go out olone => I will come back the school The school, I learn there when I was young => I am so happy i can all the things in the life => Period: 58 III New Lesson Teacher’s activities Presentation Grammars - Introduce the relative pronouns : Who , Which Explain how to use Presentation Ex1 : - Give example and have ss combine - Have ss combine in class - Share with the other partners - Call ss answer before class and check Contents A New lesson * Relative pronouns which ,that : Replace the - Listen and take note pronoun carefully - Which : Dùng để thay cho tiÒn ng÷ chØ sù vËt hay sù viÖc, lµm chñ ng÷ hay t©n ng÷ mệnh đề tính từ - Read the example Ex The books which have red and combine covers are mine - That : dïng thay thÕ cho tiÒn ng÷ chØ ngêi, vËt vµ lµm chñ ng÷ tân ngữ mệnh đề tính tõ Ex The bike that has yellow lable is Huong’s Read all the sentences * Defining adjective clauses : and combine Mệnh đề tính từ xác định là individually thành phần câu, nó xác định Share with the hay phân loại tiền ngữ (chủ ngữ partners and seft trước), không thể bỏ correct Ex.The house which is on the street corner is a library * Non-defining adjective Write on the board clauses Mệnh đề tính từ không xác định Check whole class Student’s activities (42) Presentation Ex2 : - Give example and call ss join Combine sentences - Take notes - Explain the grammar Practice in pair - Have ss join the sentences use relative clause in dividually - Have ss share with the others and correct - Call ss to write on the board - Check before class and give the correction Share with the partners Write on the board Check before class Presentation Ex3 : - Have ss underline the relative clause in group Presentation Ex4 : - Explain and ask Ss to at home - Underline the relative clause in group - listen là thành phần thêm vào để giải thích hay hay thêm thông tin cho tiền ngữ Nếu bỏ mệnh đề t ính từ này tiền ngữ có nghĩa đầy đủ Mệnh đề này thờng nằm gi÷a hai dÊu phÈy Ex The book, which you gave me yesterday, is Nguyen Du’s novel Practice : Use your knowledge to anser the questions Use who / which / that … * Answer key : a The city which / that …… b The country which / that won the … is Singapore c The animal which / that has one or two horns on its snout is rhinoceros d The explorer who / that discovered ….is Christopher Clumbus e The planet which / that is closest to the Earth is Venus f The planet which was chosen ….is the buffalo g The food which you can chew but you can not swallow is the chewing gum and the thing you can swallow but you can not chew is water Match each of sentences in the column A with column B Ex : Andrew is playing to Sancramento, which is the capital of California * Practice 2.g /It snowed in Lang Son, which is on the Ky Cung River , in the winter of 2002 3.f/Pompeii, which is an acient city of italy, was completely destroyed in AD 79 by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius 4.a/ Hurrican Andrew, which swept … , killed 41 people …….homeless 5.c/ The cyclone of the … Banglasdesh, which killed ……people, was one of the …… century (43) 6.d/ The most ……history, which occurred…1923,damaged …… poeple 7.b/The october 1989…….earthquake, which measured… scale, caused …… area Underline the relative clause in the sentenses Then add the commas to separate ………………………… Ex : Vietnam, which is in south east Asia, export rice * Lucky number Kangaroos, which come ……, have long ………………………… 4………………………………… IV.Consolidation V.Homework - Write all the sentences in exercise in the notebook - Do all exercise in the exercise book - Review all grammar points - Prepare for the test Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 27 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 31 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 59 TEST: 45 minutes A The aims: - To test Ss’ knowledge from Unit 8,9 and relative clause - After the test they have to try their about what they forget or they haven’t learnt by heart B Preparation: (44) - Teacher: Questions - Students: Pens, pencils, … C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents ……………………… II Checking the old lesson: III New lesson: Give out program of the test I Choose a suitable word to fill into the blanks (2.0 pts) He suggested to the friends on Sunday A writing B to write C wrote Would you mind………………………………… …………… the window for me? A open B opening C to open They need Hue again A to visit B visiting C visited She asked me what I …………………….… for the children when I go to the market? A buy B.bought C.to buy II Fill into the blanks the correct form of the verbs in the parenthese (2.5 pts) 1.We were ………………………….………………… ( take) to Washington by plane They had us ………………………………………… ( decorate) their house for Tet He gave me the things which was ………………… …………….( buy) at the store When I came to the USA Mary was ……….…….….( meet) the writer at the school III Combine two sentences in to one Using relative clause (2.0 pts) I met the policeman The policeman lived in Ho Chi Minh city for many years ago => We don't know the story Mr John tell to the friends about It => She is a worker The worker, I met yesterday => They had some books The books are very thick => IV Read the passage the answer the questions ( 2.0 pts) There are many natural disasters in a year all over the world but we can only avoid some of them by basing on the weather forcast everyday So the people all the world must try their best to everything to protect the environment However we have to the things for our life so there are the things that we know that they are not good for the life in the future but we still What have you done to save our world? I think that the people who have the good felling, they always think about the things they should and shouldn't Pollution is the result of natural disasters Do you think so? Questions What must the people all over the world to protect the environment ? => … … Why the people still pollute the environment everyday? ? => … V Listen then answer the question ( 1.5 pts) What the students have to learn in the nineth form? => …………………………………………………………………… …………… IV Consolidtion Collect al the papers of the test V Remind - Do the test at home for the next period (45) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 30 / 03 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 06/ 04 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Period: 60 TEST CORRECTION A The aims of the lesson - To emphasize knowledge that they lightly understand - After the test correction they understand more deeply B Preparation - Teacher: Keys - Students: Books, note books, pens, … C Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………… Checking the old lesson: (Missing ) - Combine in teaching Keys for the test I Choose the best answer.(2 pts) ( sentences x 0,5 = pts) A B A B (46) II Rewrite the sentences with the word given (2 pts) ( sentences x = pts) taken or taking decorate bought meeting or me III Write sentences with the cues given.(2 pts) ( sentences x = pts) I met the policement who lived in Ho Chi Minh City for many years ago We don't know the story which Mr John tells to the friends about She is a worker who I met yesterday They had some books which are very thick IV Read and choose the best answers given below (2 pts) (2 sentences x 1.0 = pts) the people all over the world must try their best to every thing to protect environment Because they have to the things for their life V Listen then answer the question ( 2.0Ps) T must learn point of grammar" Relative clause" Collect the paper of the test Homework - Prepare Unit 10 part (Getting started, listen & read) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 03 / 04 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 07 / 04 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 10 : Period: 61 Life on other planets Getting started + listen and read A The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period, students will able to know more about UFOS B Preparation - Teacher: Textbook, pictures, extra board, stereo, - Students: Students’ books, notebooks, pens … C Teaching - Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents ……………………… Checking the old lesson: - To call Ss to read the text (5.Read), write vocabularies and answer T’s questions New lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up : I Warm up : - Chat with Ss and have Ss - Listen and * Chatting answer answer the Getting started : questions - Have Ss look at the pictures and answer the - Look at the questions pictures and answer before - Call Ss answer before class class What can you see in the picture ? 2.What we call them in Vietnamese Set a scene to lead in to the - Listen to teacher ? lesson Do you think it really exist ? - In order to know are there Have you ever seen any films on any evidences about the UFOs? Do you want to see a UFO ? What UFO let’s learn “listen and (47) you want to ? II New lesson : - Teach some vocabs and * Pre – teach vocabulary have Ss guess and give the - spacecraft (n ) tàu vũ trụ meaning of these words - meteor /'mi:tjз/ (n) băng - Model and have Ss repeat - evidence /'evidзns/ (n) chứng before class - Call some Ss to check - alien /'eiljзn/ (n) Người lạ their pronunciation - device / di'vais /(n) Thiết bị, phương - Check vocabs “ What and sách, phương kế where” - Listen to teacher - claim (v) nhận là, cho , đòi, leading yêu sách; thỉnh Lead in the reading cầu There are some evidences with years now guess and Capture/ /(n,v): bắt giữ, bắt match Listen and read - Read and guess in group, write on * Pre questions : - Have Ss guess in group Match years with facts the board and write on the board - Listen to the text Key : 1947 a, 1952 c, 1954 b , 1964 e , 1971 d and check - Have Ss listen to the text Practice and check again - Give the answer a Find the words in the text have same meaning - Ask Ss to give the answer before class * Key : and check 1.evidence , meteor , aliens - Read the text collecting , captured , again and - - Have Ss read again and disappeared complete the complete the sentences in B complete the notes: sentences in group a an aircraft , a weather balloon or groups - Ask Ss share with other meteor Share with other groups b nine large round object travelling at groups - Call Ss to give answer and - Give the answers ……….an hour c 1500 UFO check before class ( write on the d UFO above their house ( write the answer on the board ) e an egg-shaped object in one … soil board ) f claimed they were - Give some questions and …….spacecraft ask Ss discuss in group g and his plane …… a UFO - Read all the questions and h … that he saw …… 30 meters - Call some group to give discuss in group their ideas before class - Give ideas before away……… class read” - Guess and give the meaning of the new words - Listen and repeat before class - Read aloud before class - Play the game “What and where” Consolidation Do you believe in Kenneth Arnold, or the woman who saw UFO above their house? Have you ever seen a picture of an client? Can you imagine what the clients are like ? Homework - Read and answer all the questions, exercise in workbook - Prepare “Speak and listen” - Learn all the words by heart (48) Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 06 / 04 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… Class: 9C : Period: Teaching date: 13 / 04 / 2012 Total:……… absent:… UNIT 10 : Life on other planets Period: 62 Speak +Listen A The aims of the lesson - By the end of this period , students will able to: - practice talking what might be on the Mars and on the other planets - practice listening some information about the moon B Preparation - Teacher: Textbook, pictures , extra board, stereo, - Students: Students’ books, notebooks, pens … C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson Ask sts to read and translate the text into Vietnamese III Procedures Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Warm up A WARM UP : Play the game in - Greet and ask Ss play a * Brainstorming : group game Think and write some planets - Divide class into groups you know Mars - Write as fast as - Have Ss think then write possible down - Check and give the The Earth feedback Set a scene to lead into Venus - Listen and answer new lesson Mercury Do you want to make a tour Saturn - Listen to teacher to the Mars ? B SPEAK : Let’s take a tour to the Pre – speaking Mars and see what there are - microorganism (n) vi sinh vật - Guess and give the on the it - gemstone ( n) đá quí meaning of the new - Teach some vocabs and words - sparkling (n) lấp lánh have Ss guess and give the - Listen and repeat meaning of these words - track (n) dấu vết before class - Model and have Ss repeat - mineral ( n) khoáng sản - Read aloud before before class - Crater (n )hố, miệng núi lửa - Call some Ss to check their class pronunciation - Play the game “ Slap Try to guess the pictures and match with the words : - Check vocabs “ Slap the the board ” board ” - Look at the picture and match in group - Have Ss look at the picture and match in group - Write on the board (49) * Words: Minerals, planets , little creatures , mountains , - Check and give feedback microorganism , gemstones , water , gas - Have Ss listen and repeat Key: the dialogue before class gas 2.little creatures - Call some pairs to check 3.gemstones before class - Use the pictures and Minerals 5.water 6.plants make similar dialogue 7.mountains - Have Ss use the pictures to - Make model first While – speaking make similar dialogue in * Practice pair - Practice before class Practice the dialogue with the - Call a good pair to make partner model first N: What these drawings say, - Call some pairs to check - Tell some planets HUNG? before class later H : There might be water in - Practice freely in Mars - Have Ss write some planets pairs N: and practice in pairs - Some pairs practice ……………………………… - Go around to help Ss before class b Make up the similar - Call some pairs to check dialogues in pairs before class ( students practice in close and Set a scene to lead in the - Listen to the teacher open pair work ) listen part c Tell the other what you You are going to listen to the think there might be on passage about the moon - Read the sentences Mars , on the moon , or on and guess T or F ………… other planets - Have Ss read all the table - Write on the board S1: Do you think there might be and guess T or F ( in group) - Listen to the tape and water on the moon ? check T or F - Ask Ss write on the board S2: Yes I think there might be - Listen and check - Have Ss listen to the tape water on the moon again then share with the first time and check How about the mountain ? the partners - Have Ss listen to the C LISTEN : - Listen one more and second times then check Pre –listening give the answer and share with the partners Guess and write T or F - Have Ss listen one more a ………… b ………… - Check whole class and check again then give and correct the answer Discuss in group and - Ask Ss to give the answer ( While – listening : write the short passage Listen to the text and check T Check ) - Have Ss discuss in group to about the Moon or F - Read before class write the short passage about the moon - Call some groups to read Key before class and remark 1.T, F , T , 4.T, F ,6 T, F, F, T , 10 T Post - Listening: Write the short passage to tell what there are and no on the moon Ex : On the Moon there is no air , no sound , no water , no lakes and no rivers……………………… IV Consolidation V Homework - Call two groups write on the board - Check before class and correct - Listen and repeat in chorus - Practice before class (50) Do exercise Prepare “ Read ” - Learn all new words Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2012 Total:……… absents:… UNIT 10 : Period: 63 Life on other planets Read (51) A.The aims of the leson By the end of this period , students will able to: practice talking what might be on the Mars and on the other planets practice listening some informations about the moon B Preparation: -Teacher : Textbook , pictures , extra board, stereo, -Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … III Teaching – Method Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities -Chatting * Warm up : 1.Warm up : * Chatting: New lesson : Do you often go on a trip ? *New words -Look at the Do you want to plan for Physical condition(n): §iÒu kiÖn some kind of exciting trip ? picture of thÓ lùc spaceship and ask: * Let Ss look at the picture Push – ups (n): động tác thể dục of spaceship and ask: chèng ®Èy + Nowaday, many people Orbit (n): quỹ đạo want to have a trip to space Cabin (n): buång l¸i + Do you want to fly around - Answer the Totally (adv)  completely: hoµn the new planet in a toµn questions spaceship? marvelous(adj): t×nh tr¹ng søc + Have you heard about the khoÎ astronauts flying in to *Multiple choice space? 1)If you want to take the trip to +If we want to travel in the space, you must be space, what should we do? (healthy; heavy; fat) +What can we see from the 2) You should before the flight outer space? ( prepare food; exercises; +Can you guess the topic of sleep ) this text? 3) You must have ( a medical -Listen, read and New lesson : write check – up; a letter from the * Before reading : scientist; knowledge about the *Pre-teach vocabulary: space) -Elicit words from Ss -Play a game 4) You will be able to see *Checking vocabulary: “Rub when you get on the space trip out and remember”: ( the oceans; the big rivers; the -Choose the * Multiple choice earth; the stars; all the above) correct answer: - Ask Ss to choose the 5) You will not anything -Listen, read and correct answer: when you are in orbit ( eat; drink; write - Present tructures: weigh) Elicit structure from Ss *The condictional sentennces type 2: -Read the text and While reading : If clause: S +V(past) + O - Get Ss to read the text and compare their Main clause:S +would/could/might compare their answers with answers with the +V partners the partners (To be : were) - Call on some Ss to answer -Answer Diễn đạt điều không có thật -Copy - T gives feedback x¶y ë hiÖn t¹i hoÆc t¬ng lai a) Put the phrases in order E.g:If you were on board now, you -Put the statements would experience those marvellous -Have Ss work in pairs to put in order things the statements in order to (52) show what they need and get in joing a trip into space - Call on sone Ss to answer before the class -Listen and comment b) Comprehension quetions: - Get Ss to read the text again and work in pairs to answer the questions b) on page 87 Key: Multiple choice 1) healthy2) exercises 3) a medical check – up 4) all the above 5) weigh a) Put the phrases -Read the text again and work in - - - - pairs to answer the b) Answer questions on page 1) If you decide to take a space trip, you will have to run a lot, 87 swim everyday, and aerobics - Discuss and push – up to have an excellent * Post-reading : physical condition - Let Ss discuss the question 2) If you want to show you are in perfect health you must get a leter + If you were able to take a from the doctor -Answer before space trip, what would you 3) You can see pictures of the the class to prepare for the trip? Earth: your country, interesting What would you like to places, the oceans, the big rivers, bring along? the tall mountains - Call on some Ss to answer 4) We can see those scenes 16 before the class times a day 5) We can walk on the walls or on the ceiling 4.Consolidation Repeat: -The content of the text -The new words -The conditional sentences type 5.Homework - Leant by heart newwords -Do exercises in the notebook Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 13 / / 2012 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period Teaching date: 21 / / 2012 Total:……… absents:… -Answer before the class -Write down UNIT 10 : Period: 64 Life on other planets Write A.The aims of the Lesson - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able towrite an exposition about the existence of UFOs B Preparation - Teacher : Textbook , pictures , extra board, stereo, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… II Checking the old lesson: III New Lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities 1.Warm up : 1.Warm up : * Ask Ss to read the passage -Listen or read the and guess thing in the passage and guess “It passage: was UFO ” (53) “ Suddenly there was a loud noise, and a big bright objects flew over their car It stopped in mid – air and turned round Then it went straight up in to the sky and disapeared” Can you guess what object it was? 2.Pre-writing : - Ask Ss to read the aim of the writing: - Get Ss to read the outline (a) and answer the questions: + How many parts are there in this exposition? What are they? +What is the content of each part? - Let Ss match these passages in colunm A with colunm B - Call some Ss to answer - Give feedback - What is the writer’s opinion about UFO? - Present some new words: -Elicit words from Ss *Reading the dialogue: - Let Ss read the dialogue between An and Ba about existence of UFOs - Ask Ss some questions: T: What does Ba’s opinion about UFOS? T: What makes Ba believe there are UFOS? T: What is Ba’s conclusion? While-writing : - Ask Ss to base on the passage (a) to write an exposition about existence of UFOs (use Ba’s opinion) - T goes round the class to help them - Get Ss to compare their answers with the partners Post-writing : - Call on some Ss to read their writing in front of the -Read the aim of the writing: -Read the outline (a) and answer the questions: -Match these passages in colunm A with colunm B - He doesn’t believe that UFOS exist -Listen, read and write - Note down -Read the dialogue between An and Ba about existence of UFOs -Answer the questions: S: He thinks UFOS exist Writing : a) Pre-writing : There are three parts in an exposition : Introdution (I think , I bbelieve , ) Body (First, Secondly, ; ) Conclusion (Therefore, ) Key a : Introdution - ii Body - iii Conclusion - i *New words: imagination(n): sù tëng tîng tricks of light (n): nh÷ng kiÓu ¸nh s¸ng mysterious (adj): huyÒn bÝ, bÝ hiÓm b)While-writing: *Suggested writing: I believe UFOs exist because articles and report in newpapers talked a lot about their appearance S: Article and reports First, many people from talk about UFO; many different countries reported that people have seen they once saw flying saucers flying saucers Seconds, there are many photos + Some of the of flying saucers and photographers saw photographers said they saw man like creatures get manlike creatures get out of the out of the saucers vehicles Moreover, people are + There are mysterious discussing those mysterious circles on the fields in circles on the fields in the Great Britain It might countryside of Great Britain be traces of UFO So I think UFOs are not S: UFOS are real our imagination They are real; -Write individually and we should be ready to see compare their answers their visits with the partners - Read their writing in front of the class - Listen and correct (54) class.A I R C R A F T X - T listens, and comments P B E O E D I U N4.Consolidation : about existence of UFOs U A X U GRepeat: B N-The S exposition Y -The new words S X I F R E P A J 5.Homework : H L S O I A I - Leant U S by heart some newwords Write notebook U C T L S P -A C an E exposition in the - Prepare:Language focus P M A T R A C E G S C R E A T U R E B A L L O O N S T Class: 9A : Period: Teaching date: 17 / 2012 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period: Teaching date: 27 / / 2012 Total:……… absents:… UNIT 10 : Period: 65 Life on other planets Language Focus A.The aims of the lesson - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to use of modal verbs:may/ might and distinguish the difference between conditional sentences type and B Preparation - Teacher : Textbook , pictures , extra board, stereo, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … C Teaching - Method I Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents ………………… II Checking the old lesson III New Lesson Contents Teacher’s activities Student’sactivities * Word square : Warm up : Words square : - Let’s Ss play the game - find the words “Wordsquare” - Divide class into two groups to fing out 11 words of lengthwise, crosswise(diagonal) and cross Aircraft, space, trace, -Rearrange: creature, balloons, push– ups, exist, UFO, - Answer: “may” turn/ may/ on/ I/ mother/ TV/ the? saucer, alien, orbit May I turn on the TV, mother? dùng để xin phép * Jumbled sentence: - may: chØ kh¶ n¨ng cã thÓ x¶y - Get Ss to give the use - might: chØ kh¶ n¨ng cã thÓ x¶y Ýt h¬n of “May” in this sentence - Listen to the T *Key Practice modals: may, b) It may be a box of crayons, or it might -Look at the might be a box of paints * Language focus 1: pictures and read c) It may be a football, or it might be a - T repeats the ues of the sentence (a) in basketball may and might (55) * Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the sentence (a) in ex 1on page 89 - Explain some new words: crayons: Bót ch×, s¸p mµu - Get Ss to ex individually - Call on some Ss to answer before the class -T gives feedback Practice conditional sentences: type and type * Language focus 2: -Ask Ss to look at the ex on page 90 and repeat the condition sentences type 1: -Get Ss to make sentences using conditional sentences type 1.Make sure Ss use the correct verb form in if clause and main clause -Call on some Ss to answer before the class -Give feedback * Language focus 3: -Get Ss to look at the ex on page 90 and repeat the condition sentences type 2: - Have Ss ex individually - Ask Ss to compare their answers with the partners - Give correct answer Ex 1on page 89 -Listen, read and write - Answer before the class -Write down -Look at the ex on page 90 and repeat the condition sentences type 1: -Make sentences using conditional sentences type -Answer -Write down - Look at the ex on page 90 and repeat the condition sentences type 2: - Do ex individually - Compare their answers with the partners - Copy d) It may be a boat, or it might be a train e) It may be a flying saucer, or it might be a meteor f) It may be an evening star, or it might be a spacecraft *C©u diÒu kiÖn lo¹i diÔn t¶ kh¶ n¨ng cã thÓ x¶y ra, thµnh hiÖn thùc ë hiÖn t¹i If clause , main clause present simple, future simple *Key b) Lan will miss the bus if she does not hurry c) If Ha is not careful, he’ll drop the cup d)Mrs Nga will join us if she finishes her work early e)If Mrs Binh writes a shopping list, she won’t forget what to buy * C©u ®iÒu kiÖn lo¹i diÔn t¶ ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng cã thËt ë hiÖn t¹i hay tr¸i víi thùc tÕ If clause , main clause past subjunctive , would V(inf) could might *Key b) If Mr.Loc had a car, he would drive it to work c) If Lan lived in Ho Chi Minh City, she would visit Saigon Water Park d) If Nam had an alarm clock, he would arrive at school on time e) If Hoa lived in Hue, she would see her parents every day f) If Nga owned a piano, she would play it very well g) If Tuan studied harder, he would get better grades h) If Na had enough money, she would buy a new computer 4.Consolidation : Repeat:-Conditional sentences type and -Modal verbs:may/ might 5.Homework : - Leant by heart some newwords -Do language focus in the notebook - Prepare:Rivison Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Period: 66 revision (56) I.The aims : - By the end of the lesson,Ss will be able to practice the structures and understand the structures II Preparation: - Teacher : Textbook , grammars, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … III Teaching: Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures: Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Contents The past simple tense -Retell the past Past simple tense - To call Sts to retell three simple tense with S = I, We, You, they, He, She, It, three forms forms, affirmative, a, Affirmative (Khẳng định) - It is used to negative, interrogative S + V(past) + O/ express an action Ex Last night I went to the movie “What is it used to that happened in the b, Negative(Phủ định) express ?” past and ended in S + didn’t/ + V(infinitive) + +O - To ask Sts to make the past sentences - make sentences as Ex Thuy didn’t learn her lesson yesterday examples c, Interrogative(Nghi vÊn) Did/ + S + V(infinitive) + O ? Yes, S + did/ No, S + didn’t/ Ex Did you your homework ? Yes, I did * Note : Learn by heart the irregular verbs * Use:Thì QKĐG diễn tả hành động x¶y qk C¸c tr¹ng tõ ®i kÌm: ago, last , yesterday, Presentation the past Past simple tense with “WISH” simple tense with Form : “WISH” : - To give model S + wish(es) + that + Pro + V(past) + - To call Sts to retell the - It is used to O model express a treaty at Ex I wish I could fly (kh¶ n¨ng present but it is “What is it used to không có đợc ) unreal or not happen express ?” - make sentences as Used to - To ask Sts to make examples a, Affirmative (Khẳng định) sentences S + used to + V(infinitive) Ex I used to get up late last year, but now I don’t get up late Presentation “Used - To give form b, Negative(Phủ định) to” : - It is used to S + didn’t + use to + Vinfinitive) - To call Sts to retell the express a habit in model the past that contrast Ex.I didn’t go out at night with to the present friends “What is it used to make sentences as c, Interrogative : (Nghi vÊn) express ?” examples Did + S + Use to + V(infinitive) ? - To ask Sts to make Yes, S + did sentences No, S + didn’t Ex Did your mother use to (57) morning exercises ? + Yes, she did 4.Consolidation : 5.Homework : - Leant by heart grammars - Do practice at home Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Period: 67 ( Continue ) revision I.The aims : - Help Ss to review grammars and structures (Present Perfect tense, passive voice Direct and reported speech ) - By the end the lesson Ss will be able to use grammars and structures fluently to make sentences II Preparation: - Teacher : Textbook , grammars, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … (58) III Teaching: Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Presentation the Presentation the Present Perfect present perfect tense : - Give the correct tense : - To call Sts to retell the form and make *Affirmative (+) sentences form and how to use it S + have/has + V(past participle) + - Correct and give *Nagative (-) correct form S + have/has+not+V(past participle) Since, for, recently, * Interrogative (?) - To call Ss to name some adverbs usually lately, yet, just, Have/has + S + V(past participle) ? used with the present Thì HTHT diễn tả hành động xảy already, … perfect tense qu¸ khø, mµ kÕt qu¶ cña nã cßn lu tíi hiÖn t¹i - Thêi hiÖn t¹i hoµn thµnh diÔn t¶ mét hành động vừa xảy thờng có “Just” ®i sau have Presentation the passive voice : Form : Presentation the Active : S + V + O passive voice : - T give an active - change into passive Passive :S + be +V(past participle)+ (by+ O) sentence and call Ss to sentence * Note : We change active voice into change into passive passive voice if the verb (transitive sentence - Give the correct verbs) in the sentence has an object - To call Sts to retell the form and make behind, if the verb (transitive verbs) form and how to use it sentences has no object behind we can’t change - Correct and give - Make sentences it correct form - Note down Ex + They wrote a letter > The letter was written + They came late > We can’t change * The passive voice using Get ,have something done To express an action that is rent to by another people Ex 1, I have my hair cut every two months 2, He has his car washed once a week Direct and reported 3.Direct and reported speech speech - To call Sts to retell the - retell the form and a Change the personal I, We ->He, She, It, They form and how to use it how to use it You -> dùa vµo t×nh huèng - Correct and give - give out sentences He, She, It, They ->gi÷ nguyªn correct form and change them - To call Ss to make b.Change the tense: “lïi l¹i mét th×” into reported speech sentences, another Present simple ->Past simple change them Present progressive ->Past progressive Past simple ->Past simple /Past perfect Must ->Had to May ->.Might Will ->Would c.Change the adverbs: +Adverbs of time: Directspeech Indirectspeech (59) This These Now Here Today Tomorrow Yesterday Next week/month That Those Then There That day The next day The day before The following week/month The Last week/month week/month before +Adverbs of place: Here ->there +Adverbs of demonstrative heads: This -> that These -> those 4.Consolidation : 5.Homework : - Leant by heart grammars - Do practice at home Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Period: 68 ( Continue ) revision I.The aims : - Help Ss to review grammars and structures (Conditional sentences, Tag-questions, Tag-questions, Modal with “if”) - By the end the lesson Ss will be able to use grammars and structures fluently to make sentences II Preparation: - Teacher : Textbook , grammars, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … III Teaching: Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities * Conditional Conditional sentences type - remind sentences : If-clause , main clause - To call Ss to give out the (simple present) , (simple types of conditional future) - note down sentences DiÔn t¶ ®iÒu kiÖn cã thÓ xay ë - Correct and give the hiÖn t¹i hoÆc t¬ng lai - make sentences right model E.g: If you can’t find your place, I - Ask Ss to make will help you get there with this sentences map - Give Ss some sentences Conditional sentences type to If-clause , main clause (past simple) , (past future) would could (60) - remind * Tag-questions : - To call Ss to give out the types of conditional sentences - Correct and give the right model - Ask Ss to make sentences - Give Ss some sentences to - note down - make sentences - Give examples * Modal with “if”: - To call Ss to give examples and the model as well as - Correct and give the right model - Ask Ss to make sentences - Give Ss some sentences to - note down - make sentences might +DiÔn t¶ ®iÒu kiÖn kh«ng cã thËt x¶y ë hiÖn t¹i hoÆc t¬ng lai E.g: If you saw UFOs, what would you do? 3.Tag-questions -Lµ c©u hái l¸y -Cã vÕ:VÕ ®Çu lµ c©u kh¼ng định->vế sau là câu nghi vấn-phủ định Vế đầu là câu phủ định -> Vế sau là câu nghi vấn khẳng định -Các động từ:be, modal verbs( can, could, must, ), will, ->lÆp l¹i -Các động từ thờng:->mợn trợ động từ: Do Does, Did E.g:You like watching sports, don’t you? You have read this article on the wedsite, haven’t you? Modal with “if”: + Sử dụng mệnh đề “if” mệnh đề chính để đa thông tin vÒ kh¶ n¨ng, ch¾c ch¾n, lêi høa, nghÜa vô bæn phËn hoÆc sù cÇn thiÕt E.g: If you want to improve your English, we can help you If you want to get good grades, you must study hard 4.Consolidation : 5.Homework : - Leant by heart grammars - Do practice at home (61) Class: 9A : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Class: 9B : Period:…… Teaching date: … /… / 2011 Total:……… absents:… Period: 69 revision ( Continue ) I.The aims : - Help Ss to review grammars and structures - By the end the lesson Ss will be able to use grammars and structures fluently to make sentences II Preparation: - Teacher : Textbook , grammars, - Students : Students’books, notebooks, pens … III Teaching: Controlling the class: Total ………………… Absents …………………………… Checking the old lesson: Procedures: Contents Teacher’s activities Student’s activities Gerunds : -Gerund after some verbs Verb such as: enjoy, hate, like, love, Enjoy ,Like, Love, Hate +V-ing E.g: In Vietnam, people love reading newspapers and magazines Relative clauses : +Relative pronouns: Defining Defining and nondefining people who Suject that thing which people whom object that thing which people whose whose possesive thing whose/ whose/ of of which which E.g: Tet is a festival which occurs in late January or early February + Relative clause: -Defining -Non-defining *Defining: -CÇn thiÕt cho nghÜa cña c¶ c©u -Kh«ng ë gi÷a dÊu phÈy (62) -Cã chøc n¨ng nh tÝnh tõ -B¾t ®Çu b»ng :who, whom ,which có thể thay đợc that -B¾t ®Çu b»ng :whose cã thÓ thay đợc of which -Khi đề cập đến thứ gì đó thuộc sở hữu quốc gia, thứ gì đó đợc tổ chøc, s¾p xÕp thµnh quy luËt E.g:The novel that you gave me on my birthday has been lost *Non-defining: -Không tuyệt đối cho nghĩa c¶ c©u -Loại bỏ mệnh đề tính ngữ không hạn định, mệnh đề chính đầy đủ nghĩa -ChØ thªm Ýt th«ng tin phô cho mệnh đề chính -Thêng ë gi÷a dÊu phÈy -B¾t ®Çu b»ng who, whom, which nhng kh«ng b¾t ®Çu b»ng that E.g: Ba, who lives on Trang Tien Street, likes playing the guitar 11 Adjective Adjective + that clause -Mét sè tÝnh tõ theo sau cÊu tróc nµy:afraid, angry, bad, certain, disappointed, glad, grateful, happy, helpful, important, lucky, pleased, possible, sad, sorry, sure, thankful, true, wrong, E.g: I’m disappointed that people have spoiled this area 12.Adverb clauses: *Adverb clauses of result: SO E.g: Everyone felt tired and hungry so they sat down under the tree and had a snack *Adverb clauses of reason: Because/ Since/ As E.g: Because pollution is something that other folk do, we’ve just enjoyed our day *Adverb clauses of concession:Though, Although Even though E.g:Many tourists enjoy festivals in Viet Nam though they not understand Vietnamese culture very much 13 Preposition of time:up, to, till, after, before, E.g:He will stay there till the begining of October B Practice -Cho học sinh làm các đề kiểm tra để hiểu cấu trúc (63)

Ngày đăng: 17/06/2021, 00:13

