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Tiêu đề Kế Hoạch Dạy Học Theo Định Hướng Phát Triển Năng Lực Của Học Sinh Năm Học 2020 – 2021
Trường học Hòa Bình University
Chuyên ngành Education
Thể loại Kế hoạch
Năm xuất bản 2020 – 2021
Thành phố Hòa Bình
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KẾ HOẠCH DẠY HỌC THEO ĐỊNH HƯỚNG PHÁT TRIỂN NĂNG LỰC CỦA HỌC SINH NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021 I. CĂN CỨ XÂY DỰNG KẾ HOẠCH Căn cứ công văn số 4612 BGDĐTGDTrH của Bộ trưởng Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ngày 3 tháng 10 năm 2017 ngày về việc hướng dẫn thực hiện chương trình giáo dục phổ thông hiện hành theo định hướng phát triển năng lực và phẩm chất học sinh; Căn cứ công văn số 1812 SGDĐTTrH của Sở Giáo dục và Đào tạo tỉnh Hòa Bình ngày 22 tháng 8 năm 2019 về việc xây dựng kế hoạch giáo dục nhà trường phổ thông năm học 20192020; Căn cứ công văn số 2384 BGDĐTGDTrH của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo ngày 1 tháng 7 năm 2020 về việc xây dựng kế hoạch giáo dục nhà trường phổ thông năm học 20192020. II. MỤC TIÊU: Việc dạy học theo định hướng phát triển năng lực để cập nhật kiến thức về chính trị, kinh tế xã hội, bồi dưỡng phẩm chất chính trị, đạo đức nghề nghiệp, phát triển năng lực dạy học, năng lực giáo dục và những năng lực khác theo yêu cầu của chuẩn nghề nghiệp giáo viên, yêu cầu nhiệm vụ năm học, cấp học, yêu cầu phát triển, đổi mới và nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục trong toàn ngành. Phát triển năng lực tự học, tự bồi dưỡng, tự kiểm tra đánh giá của giáo viên đối với học sinh Xác định trọng tâm bài dạy, theo chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng, theo định hướng phát triển năng lực. III. HƯỚNG DẪN THỰC HIỆN 1. Các thiết kế bài giảng phải bám sát các yêu cầu chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ năng trong chương trình: Giáo viên phải căn cứ vào chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ năng của từng nội dung dạy học; tùy từng đối tượng học sinh để phát triển kiến thức ở 4 mức độ (nhận biết, thông hiểu, vận dụng và vận dụng cao). Mục tiêu phải viết riêng cho từng tiết. Tùy vào các chủ đề dạy học để hình thành và phát triển các kĩ năng: Kĩ năng quan sát, kĩ năng thu nhận và xử lí thông tin, kĩ năng phân tích và tổng hợp, kĩ năng thực hành, kĩ năng thuyết trình,… qua đó hình thành nhân cách, phẩm chất, năng lực học sinh. 2. Tích cực thực hiện đổi mới phương pháp dạy học theo hướng tích cực hoá vai trò chủ thể sáng tạo của học sinh. 3. Đổi mới kiểm tra, đánh giá phù hợp với đặc trưng bộ môn. Tăng cường ra đề kiểm tra theo hướng “ mở” nhằm phát huy năng lực sáng tạo của học sinh. Để đáp ứng yêu cầu đổi mới kiểm tra đánh giá học sinh, giáo viên phải dự kiến các phương án đánh giá: Bằng những cách nào học sinh có thể thể hiện được mức độ hiểu của mình sau bài học; các hình thức đánh giá (bài tập ứng dụng, quan sát, bài tập viết, …) và các công cụ đánh giá (đánh giá bằng nhận xét, đánh giá theo thang điểm, đánh giá bằng điền phiếu cókhông, hay đánh giá theo hồ sơ học tập). Đồng thời cũng xác định thời điểm đánh giá: Trong bài giảng hoặc sau bài giảng. 4. Thực hiện yêu cầu giảm tải, không thêm những nội dung nâng cao ngoài SGK. Tập trung hướng dẫn học sinh đạt kết quả cần đạt ghi ở đầu mỗi bài học. 5. Xác định trọng tâm bài dạy, theo chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng và định hướng phát triển năng lực theo các kỹ năng như sau: a. Getting Started: Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. b. A closer look 1,2: Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. c. Communication: Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics. d. Skills 1: Reading: Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in communicating, cooperating. Speaking: Competence in using language. Competence in recalling and solving information. Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating. e. Skills 2: Listening: Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information. Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating. Writing: Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information. Competence in creating, solving problems. f. Looking Back and Project Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. B. PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHI TIẾT: PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH LỚP 6 Cả năm: 35 tuần = 105 tiết Kỳ I: 18 tuần = 54 tiết Kỳ II:17 tuần = 51 tiết HỌC KỲ I Unit Tiết theo PPCT Tiết theo bài dạy Nội dung Định hướng phát triển năng lực Điều chỉnh 1 1 Giới thiệu sách Unit 1: My new school 2 1 Lesson 1: Getting started Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 3 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 4 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 5 4 Lesson 4: Communication Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics. 6 5 Lesson 5: Skills 1 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 7 6 Lesson 6: Skills 2 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information . Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems. 8 7 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. Unit 2: My home 9 1 Lesson 1: Getting started Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 10 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 11 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 12 4 Lesson 4: Communication Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics. 13 5 Lesson 5: Skills 1 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 14 6 Lesson 6: Skills 2 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information . Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems. 15 7 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. Unit 3: My friends 16 1 Lesson 1: Getting started Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 17 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 18 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 19 4 Lesson 4: Communication Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics. 20 5 Lesson 5: Skills 1 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 21 6 Lesson 6: Skills 2 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information . Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems. 22 7 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 23 Review 1 (Unit 123) Competence in recalling, solving problems 24 Review 1 (Unit 123) Competence in recalling, solving problems 25 Written test 1 Unit 4: My neighbourhood 26 1 Lesson 1: Getting started Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 27 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 28 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 29 4 Lesson 4: Communication Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics. 30 5 Lesson 5: Skills 1 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 31 6 Lesson 6: Skills 2 Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information . Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems. 32 7 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 33 Written test 1 correction Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world 34 1 Lesson 1: Getting started Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics. Competence in using language. Competence in communicating, cooperating. 35 2 Lesson 2: A closer look 1 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. 36 3 Lesson 3: A closer look 2 Competence in using language. Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating. Không dạy Task 3

KẾ HOẠCH DẠY HỌC THEO ĐỊNH HƯỚNG PHÁT TRIỂN NĂNG LỰC CỦA HỌC SINH NĂM HỌC 2020 – 2021 I CĂN CỨ XÂY DỰNG KẾ HOẠCH - Căn công văn số 4612 / BGDĐT-GDTrH Bộ trưởng Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo ngày tháng 10 năm 2017 ngày việc hướng dẫn thực chương trình giáo dục phổ thông hành theo định hướng phát triển lực phẩm chất học sinh; - Căn công văn số 1812 /SGD&ĐT-TrH Sở Giáo dục Đào tạo tỉnh Hịa Bình ngày 22 tháng năm 2019 việc xây dựng kế hoạch giáo dục nhà trường phổ thông năm học 2019-2020; - Căn công văn số 2384 /BGDĐT-GDTrH Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo ngày tháng năm 2020 việc xây dựng kế hoạch giáo dục nhà trường phổ thông năm học 20192020 II MỤC TIÊU: - Việc dạy học theo định hướng phát triển lực để cập nhật kiến thức trị, kinh tế xã hội, bồi dưỡng phẩm chất trị, đạo đức nghề nghiệp, phát triển lực dạy học, lực giáo dục lực khác theo yêu cầu chuẩn nghề nghiệp giáo viên, yêu cầu nhiệm vụ năm học, cấp học, yêu cầu phát triển, đổi nâng cao chất lượng giáo dục toàn ngành - Phát triển lực tự học, tự bồi dưỡng, tự kiểm tra đánh giá giáo viên học sinh - Xác định trọng tâm dạy, theo chuẩn kiến thức kỹ năng, theo định hướng phát triển lực III HƯỚNG DẪN THỰC HIỆN Các thiết kế giảng phải bám sát yêu cầu chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ chương trình: Giáo viên phải vào chuẩn kiến thức, kĩ nội dung dạy học; tùy đối tượng học sinh để phát triển kiến thức mức độ (nhận biết, thông hiểu, vận dụng vận dụng cao) Mục tiêu phải viết riêng cho tiết Tùy vào chủ đề dạy học để hình thành phát triển kĩ năng: Kĩ quan sát, kĩ thu nhận xử lí thơng tin, kĩ phân tích tổng hợp, kĩ thực hành, kĩ thuyết trình,… qua hình thành nhân cách, phẩm chất, lực học sinh Tích cực thực đổi phương pháp dạy học theo hướng tích cực hố vai trị chủ thể sáng tạo học sinh Đổi kiểm tra, đánh giá phù hợp với đặc trưng môn Tăng cường đề kiểm tra theo hướng “ mở” nhằm phát huy lực sáng tạo học sinh Để đáp ứng yêu cầu đổi kiểm tra đánh giá học sinh, giáo viên phải dự kiến phương án đánh giá: Bằng cách học sinh thể mức độ hiểu sau học; hình thức đánh giá (bài tập ứng dụng, quan sát, tập viết, …) công cụ đánh giá (đánh giá nhận xét, đánh giá theo thang điểm, đánh giá điền phiếu có/khơng, hay đánh giá theo hồ sơ học tập) Đồng thời xác định thời điểm đánh giá: Trong giảng sau giảng Thực yêu cầu giảm tải, không thêm nội dung nâng cao SGK Tập trung hướng dẫn học sinh đạt kết cần đạt ghi đầu học Xác định trọng tâm dạy, theo chuẩn kiến thức kỹ định hướng phát triển lực theo kỹ sau: a Getting Started: - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating b A closer look 1,2: - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating c Communication: - Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics d Skills 1: Reading: - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating Speaking: - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling and solving information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating e Skills 2: Listening: - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating Writing: - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, solving problems f Looking Back and Project - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating B PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH CHI TIẾT: PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH LỚP Cả năm: 35 tuần = 105 tiết Kỳ I: 18 tuần = 54 tiết Kỳ II:17 tuần = 51 tiết HỌC KỲ I Tiết Tiết Unit theo theo Nội dung PPCT dạy 1 Định hướng phát triển lực Giới thiệu sách Lesson 1: Getting - Competence in started repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and Điều chỉnh Unit 1: My new school Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in Lesson 7: Looking recalling, solving back (+Project) problems, creating Lesson 1: Getting - Competence in started 10 Lesson 2: A closer look 11 Lesson 3: A closer look 12 Lesson 4: Communication 13 Lesson 5: Skills 14 Lesson 6: Skills 15 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Unit 2: My home repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating Unit 3: My friends 16 Lesson 1: Getting started 17 Lesson 2: A closer look 18 Lesson 3: A closer look 19 Lesson 4: Communication 20 Lesson 5: Skills 21 Lesson 6: Skills 22 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating Review (Unit 12-3) Review (Unit 12-3) Written test 23 24 25 Unit 4: My neighbourhood 26 Lesson 1: Getting started 27 Lesson 2: A closer look 28 Lesson 3: A closer look 29 Lesson 4: Communication 30 Lesson 5: Skills 31 Lesson 6: Skills - Competence in recalling, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing information, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, 32 33 Unit 5: Natural wonders of the world 34 35 36 37 38 39 cooperating, solving problems - Competence in Lesson 7: Looking recalling, solving back (+Project) problems, creating Written test correction - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper Lesson 1: Getting topics started - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language Lesson 2: A closer - Competence in look recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language Lesson 3: A closer - Competence in Không dạy Task look recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving Communication and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating Lesson 5: Skills information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating Lesson 6: Skills - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in 40 41 42 Unit 6: Our Tet Holiday 43 44 45 46 47 48 creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in Lesson 7: Looking recalling, solving back (+Project) problems, creating Revision Written test - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper Lesson 1: Getting topics started - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language Lesson 2: A closer - Competence in look recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language Lesson 3: A closer - Competence in look recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving Communication and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating Lesson 5: Skills information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating Lesson 6: Skills - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating 49 information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in Lesson 7: Looking recalling, solving back (+Project) problems, creating Written test correction Review (Unit 4- - Competence in recalling, 5-6) solving problems Review (Unit 4- - Competence in recalling, 5-6) solving problems Revision The first semester test 50 51 52 53 54 HỌC KỲ II Unit Tiết Tiết theo theo Nội dung PPCT dạy Unit 7: Television 55 Lesson 1: Getting started 56 Lesson 2: A closer look 57 Lesson 3: A closer look 58 Lesson 4: Định hướng phát triển lực - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Điều chỉnh Lesson 6: Skills 74 75 76 77 Unit 10: Communication 78 79 80 81 82 83 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Review (Unit 7-8-9) Written test and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in recalling, solving problems - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 1: following the proper topics Getting started - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving Lesson 5: and creating information Skills following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating Lesson 6: - Competence in using Skills language, recalling, solving and creating information 84 85 86 87 88 89 Unit 11: Science and technology 90 91 92 93 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Written test correction - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 1: following the proper topics Getting started - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving Lesson 5: and creating information Skills following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Revision 94 Unit 12: Life on other planets Written test 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 1: following the proper topics Getting started - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving Lesson 5: and creating information Skills following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving Lesson 6: and creating information Skills - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Written test correction Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 10-11-12) solving problems Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 10-11- solving problems 12) The second semester test PHÂN PHỐI CHƯƠNG TRÌNH LỚP Cả năm: 35 tuần = 105 tiết Kỳ I: 18 tuần = 54 tiết Kỳ II:17 tuần = 51 tiết HỌC KỲ I Unit Unit 1: Local Environment Tiết Tiết theo theo PPCT dạy 1 2 3 4 5 Nội dung Định hướng phát triển lực - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics Lesson 5: - Competence in using Skills language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, Điều chỉnh Lesson 6: Skills Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) 10 11 12 13 Unit 2: City life cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating Lesson 6: - Competence in using Skills language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving 14 Unit 3: Teen stress and pressure 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving Lesson 5: and creating information Skills following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 1-2-3) solving problems Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 1-2-3) solving problems 24 Unit 4: Life in the past Written test 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Unit 5: Wonders of Viet Nam - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Written test correction Lesson 1: - Competence in repeating, Getting started imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics 34 35 36 37 38 Unit 6: Viet Nam: The and now 39 40 41 42 - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Revision Written test Lesson 1: - Competence in repeating, Getting started imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Written test correction Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 4-5-6) solving problems Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 4-5-6) solving problems Revision Revision The first semester test HỌC KỲ II Unit Tiết Tiết Nội dung Định hướng phát triển Điều theo PPCT theo dạy 55 56 57 58 59 60 Unit 7: Recipes and eating habits 61 62 lực - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Lesson 1: Getting started - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics chỉnh 63 64 65 Unit 8: Tourism 66 67 68 69 70 Unit 9: English in the world - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating Lesson 2: - Competence in using A closer look language 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 Unit 10: Space travel 78 79 80 - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Review - Competence in recalling, (Unit 7-8-9) solving problems Written test - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating Lesson 3: - Competence in using A closer look language 81 82 83 84 85 86 Unit 11: Changing roles in society 87 88 89 - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 5: following the proper topics Skills - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: - Competence in creating, Skills communicating, cooperating, solving problems Lesson 7: - Competence in recalling, Looking back solving problems, creating (+Project) Written test correction - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating Lesson 4: - Competence in using Communication language, recognizing information, solving and Lesson 5: Skills 90 91 92 93 94 Unit 12: My future career 95 96 97 98 99 Lesson 6: Skills Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Revision Written test creating information following the proper topics - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in repeating, imitating, recalling, solving and creating information following the proper topics Lesson 1: - Competence in using Getting started language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using Lesson 3: language A closer look - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language, recognizing Lesson 4: information, solving and Communication creating information following the proper topics Lesson 5: - Competence in using Skills language, recalling, solving and creating information Lesson 6: Skills 100 101 102 103 104 105 Lesson 7: Looking back (+Project) Written test correction Review (Unit 10-11-12) Review (Unit 10-1112) The second semester test following the proper topics - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using language, recalling, solving and creating information - Competence in creating, communicating, cooperating, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in recalling, solving problems - Competence in recalling, solving problems ... creating Lesson 4: - Competence in using Communication language, recognizing information, solving and Lesson 5: Skills 90 91 92 93 94 Unit 12: My future career 95 96 97 98 99 Lesson 6: Skills Lesson... language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating - Competence in using language - Competence in recalling, solving problems, creating 65 66 67 68 Unit 9: Cities of the world 69 70 71 -. .. 8: Tourism 66 67 68 69 70 Unit 9: English in the world - Competence in using language - Competence in communicating, cooperating - Competence in using Lesson 2: language A closer look - Competence

Ngày đăng: 12/06/2021, 23:18



