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- T asks Ss to look at picture on page 34 and tell them that they are going to read the” Can you sing ?” chant and check the.. comprehension.[r]


Date of preparing : 24/10/2020 WEEK - Period 29 UNIT 5:CAN YOU SWIM ?

Lesson 3: Part 1, 2,3 I Objectives:

- After the lesson Ss can pronounce the sounds of s and sw in the words sing and swim respectively, sing the “ can you sing “chant.

1 Language focus:

The sound of the letter s and sw in the words sing and swim 2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading and writing

3 Attitude: Teach Ps to love swim II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C Monday, October 26th 2020 2 Warm up 5’

- T asks Ss to sing the “ Can you swim ? ” song - T monitors and correct their mistake

3 New lesson:30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content 1 Listen and repeat 10’


- Asks Ss to open their book on page 34 and tell them that they to practice saying the letter , words, sentences Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the two diallogues on the board Draw Ss’attention to the sound of the letters s and sw in the wordssing and swim

- T asks Ss to listen and pronounce these


sounds correctly

Listen and write (8’)

- T tells Ss that they are going to a dictation

- T calls Ss to on the board

- T monitors and correct their mistake Key:

4 a. 2.c.

1.b. 3.d.

3 Let’s chant 8’ *Set the sence.

- T asks Ss to look at picture on page 34 and tell them that they are going to read the” Can you sing ?” chant and check the


- T plays the CD times for Ss to read in choral and individual

- T devides Ss in to group and asks Ss to face to face and practice chanting and doing the action and clap in to the rhythm of the chant - T monitors and correct their mistake

2 Listen and write


4 a. 2.c.

1.b. 3.d.

3 Let’s chant

4 Homelink 1’

- Asks Ss to sing the song on their notebook 5 Homework:

- T asks Ss to write five sentences with can and can’t Ask ps to the ex




UNIT 5:CAN YOU SWIM ? Lesson 3: Part 4, 5,6 I Objectives:

- After the lesson Ss can pronounce the sounds of s and sw in the words sing and swim respectively, sing the “ can you sing “chant.

1 Language focus:

The sound of the letter s and sw in the words sing and swim 2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading and writing

3 Attitude: Teach Ps to love swim II TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C Thursday, October 29th 2020 2 Warm up 5’

- T asks Ss to read aloud the” Can you sing ?” chant 3.New lesson:30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content 4 Read and complete 8’


- T asks Ss to open their book on page 35 asks them that they are going to read the text - Asks Ss to go through the dialogue outline and discuss how to complete it

- Get one or more Ss to read their answer to the class

- T monitors and correct their mistake Key: 1.Nam 2.Phong Mai *.Practice 5’

* Activity: Board Race

4 Read and complete


- T devides Ss in to teams (Blue – White) - T explains how to play this game

- T lets teams play together - T monitors and praise the winner 5 Write about yourself 8’

Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 35 to write about your self

- T gives Ss minutes to the task

- T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their notebook

6 Project 9’

- T tells Ss that they are going to interview three friends and complete the chart

- Let Ss playtogether and T correct their mistake

5 Write about yourself

6 Project

4 Homelink 1’

- Asks Ss to sing the song on their notebook 5 Homework:

- T asks Ss to write five sentences with can and can’t Ask ps to the ex


-Date of preparing: 24/10/2020 WEEK 8- Period 31 REVIEW

I Aim and objectives:

- Review model sentences and vocab they’ve learnt from unit to unit 1 Language focus:

- Review model sentences and vocab from unit to unit 2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading and writing

3 Attitude:



2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C Friday, October 30th 2020 2 Warm up 5’

* Activity: Dialogue Musical Chairs - T devides SS ino groups( group of 10) - T explains how to play this game - T lets the groups play togtether - T monitors

3.New lesson:30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content 1 Listen and tick 8’

* Ask the students open the book on page 36

- Get pupils to look at the pictures and tell the purpose of listening

- Listen and tick the correct picture in each number

- Elicit pupils’ answers e.g What you see in the pictures of number from to 5? Who are they? What are they doing? - Using English and Vietnamese when necessary

- Ask pupils should make guesses based on the pictures and contextual clues as they listen

* Play the recording three times: the first for pupils to listen all the way through and the second for them to the task Pause after


each part for them to tick the picture - Ask pupils share guess answers before listening and correct answers after listening in pairs and report their answers to the class

- Teacher writes the whole answers from students on the board then replay the recording the third to check their correct answers

- Give some question Why you choose that answer

- Teacher remark and correct

*After listening: Asking students look at the pictures and retell the content of the

listening lesson Aim is to check their understanding and consolidate language knowledge

Key: 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.a

2 Read and write 7’

* Get pupils to look at the sentences and tell the purpose of the task

* Make sure pupils understand the task. - Have a brief discussion about vocabulary in the box

- Repeat those words some time

- Ask the students skim the sentences then

Key: 1.b 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.a


scan each sentence before completing the sentence

* Individual does the task

* Set time and move around the classroom to monitor the activity

- Ask the students share their result follow pairs

- Let some students tick their answer on the board Others look and give comments - Teacher correct and explain if it’s necessary

- Ask the whole class read again to drill pronunciation, phonic Correct false about pronunciation, phonic

* Consolidation

- Give some questions to check their comprehension

- Ask some student retell the reading by speaking or writing at home

3 Read and match 5’

- Check their comprehension and the meaning of the questions and answers in focus Recall the meaning of the words Get pupils repeat a few times

- Do the first example. - Individual work

- Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary

- Get pupils to check their answer in pairs - Call on a few pupils to report

4 Look and write 5’

3 Read and match

4 Look and write


-Ask ss to look at the picture and describe the character

- Ask ss to complete the sentences 5 Write about you

-Ask ss to look on page 37 and write - T gives Ss minutes to the task

- T corrects and let Ss to copy down on their notebook

4 Summary 5’

- After revising, the pupils will be able to the tasks related to vocabulary and spelling, listening, reading and writing to consolidate the language knowledge and skills they have learnt in the focused units

5 Homework:

- T asks Ss to read again Ask ps to the ex


-Date of preparing: 24/10/2020 WEEK 9- Period 32 SHORT STORY p1

I Aim and objectives:

- Do ex in review on page 36

2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading and writing 3 Attitude: Teach Ps to love swim


1 Teacher: students' book, recording, pictures, posters, puppets. 2 Student: students' book


1 Organization (1’) - Greeting

- Check Ps’ attendance

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4C Friday, October 30th 2020 2 Warm up 5’

* Play a game: LN


- T explains how to play this game - T lets teams play togtether - T monitors and praise the winner 3.New lesson:30’

Teacher and Students’ activities Content 1 Read and listen to the story 7’

Ask pupils open the book on page 38 - Set the context: Read the title of the story (Do you understand it? Can you guess what you are going to read about? Look at the picture Elicit their answer What is the story? Recall any vocabulary such as: Cat, mouse that pupils will need to understand the task

* Check if pupils can understand the task * Play the recording three times: the first for pupils to listen all the way through and the second for them to the task Pause after each part for them to repeat - Divide class in to groups to role play Chit and mouse then retell this story * Pairs work

- Teacher monitor the activity

- Call on some pairs to display to the class

2 Complete the conversation 8’ * Set the context: You are going to complete the conversation follow the story Cat and mouse

- Get pupils to read the storyin the silence in a few minutes before completing the conversation

- Do the first the example

* Individual work Set time Pupils the tasks independently in silence Monitor and offer help as necessary

- Ask pupils check answers in pairs and report their answers to the class

- Give some question Why you choose that answer

1 Read and listen to the story


4 Summary

- After revising, the pupils will be able to the tasks related to vocabulary and spelling, listening, reading and writing to consolidate the language knowledge and skills they have learnt in the focused units

Ngày đăng: 17/05/2021, 02:31


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