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- Ask students work in pairs and look at two pictures on the book and discuss the questions - Go around and help if necessary. -Ask students to give the answers[r]


Lesson plan of English 11

Date : 15/08/2010 Week 1

Period : Guiding how to learn and to English tests I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students know about English book in grade 11 Knowledge:

Student know: - How to learn English in grade 11 - How to English tests

- How to use student’s book and workbook Skill : - Reading

- Speaking - Listening - Writing

- Doing English tests

II Teaching aids: Student’s book, student’s workbook, dictionary, some test papers, etc. III Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up :(7 minutes)

- Introduce to students about the teacher - Ask students about their names and English knowledge etc

I Guiding: 35 minutes

1 Guiding student’s book and workbook: * Introduce to students how to use their book and workbook

* Introduce to students how to learn reading, speaking, listening, writing, language focus in their books and how to the exercises in their books

2 Guiding English tests in grade 11:

* Introduce to students about oral tests, 15 minute tests, 45 minute tests, etc and how to them

* The tests in grade 11 include: reading : 25%

listening: 25% writing: 25%

language focus: 25%

3 Guiding other books and tape, disc, etc II.Homework: minutes

- Ask students to prepare textbook, notebooks and the things for learning and prepare lesson reading - Unit

- Listen to the teacher

- Answer the teacher’s questions

- put the student’s book and workbook on the table

- listen to the teacher and look through the books

- Listen to the teacher

- listen to the teacher and write down the things which will be prepared at home


Lesson plan of English 11 Period:

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 1: friendship Period 2: Reading I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know what a friendship is, know how to keep a friend long

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know about how to make and to keep friends long - Language: Sentences and expression for describing qualities of true friendship - New words: Words related to qualities of friendship

3 Skills: Guessing meaning in context, scanning for specific information and passage comprehension

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.

III Teaching aids: Student’s books, note books, chalks board, etc. IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Ask students the questions: - Have you got many friends? - Who is your best friend?

- What your friends and you in your free time? - Let students understand more about activities and qualities of friends, then say to students: Today we learn Unit 1- part A: Reading

1 Before you read : (7 minutes)

- Ask students to look at the picture and read the poem in their books

- Ask students to discuss then ask and answer the question:

- What you think of the friend in the poem? -Let them work in pairs

- Listen to students and correct pronunciation and grammar if necessary

-Show students to know about friends

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions:

- Yes, I have

- A is my best friend

- We usually come to the library sometimes play foot ball…

- Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit 1, part A: reading

- Look at the picture in the book, listen to the teacher, read the poem then ask and answer the question, work in pairs:

A: What you think of the friend in the poem?

B: I think…


Lesson plan of English 11 2 While you read : (23 minutes)

- Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage

Task : (3 minutes)

- Ask students to fill each blank with a suitable word/phrase

- Let students work individual or in groups - Help students if necessary


1-mutual; 2-incapable of; 3-unselfish;

4(1)-acquaintance; 4(2)-friend; 5-give-and-take; 6-loyal to; 7-suspicious

Task 2: (4 minutes)

- Ask students look through the passage then try to choose which of the choices A, B, C, or D most adequately sums up the ideas of the whole passage

- Let them work in pairs Key: B

Task 3: (6 minutes)

- Ask students to scan the passage and answer the questions:

- Let them work in pairs

- Walk round and help students

- Ask some students to stand up to ask and answer each other

- Walk round the classroom and correct mistakes

- Listen to the teacher then read the passage

- Ask some new words if necessary - Keep the book open

- Listen to the teacher then task - Ask the teacher if necessary

- work individual or in group

- Write down the true keys in the notebook

- Listen to the teacher

- Look through the passage again and try to choose the most adequately sums up the idea of the whole passage

- Practice with a partner then write the key down in the note book

- Ask the teacher if necessary

- Listen to the teacher then ask and answer the questions in the book:

1/ The first quality for true friendship is unselfishness

2/Changeable and uncertain people are incapable of …

3/ the third quality for friendship is loyalty…

There must be mutual trust between friends because if not, people cannot feel safe when telling the other their most intimate secrets

5 People can’t keep a friend long because they can’t keep a secret, either of their own or others


Lesson plan of English 11

3 After you read : (8 minutes)

- Ask students to discuss the question: “ Why we need to have friends? ’’ - Let them work in pairs

- Ask them to report the results to the class - Listen to students and correct mistakes Home work: (2 minutes)

- Ask students to write a passage about their friendships (80 words)

- Ask students to Reading exercise of Unit in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at home

friend, you must sympathize with your friend Where there’s no mutual sympathy between friends, there’s no true friendship

- Listen to the teacher - Try to discuss the question

- The students who are called to stand up to report the result to the class loudly

Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!

Unit : Friendship Period : Speaking I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know how to describe a person Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about physical characteristics and personalities of a person

- Language: Talking about people’s physical characteristics and personalities - New words: words related to people’s physical characteristics and personalities Skills: talking about people’s physical characteristics and personalities

II Method: integrated, mainly communicative.

III Teaching aids: Student’s book and pictures showing friends, etc. IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to keep book close

- Ask students to describe some students in the class

- Call some students to stand to talk to the class - Introduce, listen and repair mistakes for students

(We learn Unit 1, part- speaking)

- Keep books close - Listen to the teacher


Lesson plan of English 11 1.Pre-speaking : (12 minutes)

Task 1

- Ask students to look at the people in the book and describe their physical characteristics

- Let them work in pairs

- Introduce “Useful language” to the students:

+ Height: tall, medium, short, … + Face: square, large, oval, … + Forehead: broad, high, … + Nose: straight, crooked, … + Hair : Black, grey, …

+ Appearance: handsome, beautiful, good-looking, ….

2 While-speaking : (15 minutes) Task 2

- Help students with some new words

- Ask ss to make questions and answer questions with a partner, using the information from the picture

- Let them work in groups - Walk round and help them

- Ask some students to stand up to talk again loudly

- Listen and correct mistakes 3 Post-speaking : (10 minutes) Task 3

- Have students work in pairs - Guide them to the task

- Make sure that ss understand their roles - Pay attention to the suggestions :

+ his / her name + date of birth

+ his / her physical characteristics + his / her hobbies

+ his / her personalities ( friendly , humorous , quick-witted , good-natured , helpful , honest , pleasant , caring )

+ why he / she interests in Maths

+ how much time he / she spends on Maths everyday

+ what makes him / her a good friend

- Try to repeat from memory

- Try to describe the people in the book: + The boy is short He has a large face , …

+ The girl is ……… - Play roles

-Present their performance

- Work in groups of four

- List some personalities of a person - State some reasons why they choose - Discuss and say the reasons

- Report their results to the class and explain why they like that

- Make pairs : one is a journalist , the other is an interviewee

- Listen carefully - Practise in pairs

- Pay attention to the content : + physical characteristics + personalities

+ reasons why the friends are famous - Role play


Lesson plan of English 11 + what made him / her successful

( studious , intelligent , keenly interested in Maths , eager to learn , patient , calm )

+ what he / she does in his / her free time - Call some pairs to report

- Walk round and help them

- Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly - Listen and correct mistakes

4 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Ask students to write a passage about their daily routine (50 words)

- Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and homework

- The students are called stand up and tell loudly

- Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework Good bye!

The leader’s signature

Date: 22/08/2010 Week 2

UNIT : FRIENDSHIP Period : Listening I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know how to describe the best friend and how to keep the friendship

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn how to keep friendship - New words: Words related to friends and keeping friendship Skills: - To practise listening comprehension skill

- To distinguish true and false statements

- To take notes about given questions in order to answer II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, tape and cassette player, chalks, notebooks… IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes)


Lesson plan of English 11 -Ask students some questions about friendship:

 Who is your best friend?

What qualities & characteristics of your best friend you admire?

1 Before you listen: (7 minutes)

- Ask students to look at the part: Before listening - Let them work in pairs ask and answer the questions:

1 Who is your best friend?

2 How did you happen to meet him or her? How long have you known each other?

4 What qualities you admire in your best friend?

- Walk round, listen and help students - Read loudly the words in the books: - Ask students to repeat loudly the words - Listen and check pronunciation

-Explain some new words & phrases:

Residential area, ring (n), ride/ rode/ ridden, motorbike, happen to infinitive (v), introduce, ever since, college, great sense of humour, favourite, interest (n), plays (n), movies, a rough time

2 While you listen: (20 minutes)

-Have students read the true-false statement list and questions in textbook silently for several minutes to make sure that every student understands them (Task1, 2)

-Check again if students are able to understand main requirements of the tasks

-Emphasize “ you will hear Lan & Long talk about their best friends_Ha & Minh Listen to their talks and the tasks below”

-Turn on the cassette player twice

-Ask some students to their tasks on the board -Correct and give score

3 After you listen: (10 minutes)

-Have students ask & answer about the friendship between Lan and Ha, Long and Minh (How & Where they met, what they like about their friends

-Ask students to rewrite their answers completely

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

- Listen to the teacher then and answer the questions in the book - Work in pairs

- Look at the books

- Listen to the teacher and repeat the words

-Students repeat & take notes

- Repeat loudly the words and try to remember them

-Students read task1, silently for gist

-Elicited students raise their hands to interpret

Students take notes during listening -Other students watch and give comments


Lesson plan of English 11 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Ask students to rewrite their answers of tasks in their notebooks at home

- Remember them to prepare Part- Writing at home

-Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye! Key content

Where & how they met What they like about their friends Lan -They used to live in the same residetial

area in Ha Noi

-Lan went on a holiday to Do Son & Ha went there to visit her

-Ha is very friendly & helpful

-Ha is sociable She’s got many friends in Do Son & she introduced Lan around

Long -They met in the college

-Minh played the guitar, Long was a singer

-They worked together

-Minh has a sense of humour

-Minh likes to go to plays & movies

-Minh is a good listener -Minh is friendly & helpful Lan’s talk : 1f, 2f, 3t, 4f, 5t, 6f Long’s talk : 1f, 2f, 3t, 4t, 5t,

Period : Writing I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students know how to write a passage to describe a friend they like General knowledge: Students learn how to describe someone’s physical characteristics and someone’s personalities

- Language: The simple present of verbs to describe a friend

- New words: Words related to describe someone’s physical characteristics and someone’s personalities

3 Skills: Writing a passage

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, chalks, board… IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to keep book close

- Ask students some questions about their best friends

1 Pre-writing: (10 minutes)

- Teacher asks students to think about a friend they like

-Teacher raises a few guiding questions What is your friend name?

2 How old is he / she?

- Keep book close

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions


Lesson plan of English 11 Where and when did you meet each other?

-Teacher uses a picture to gives some key words to describe someone’s physical characteristics ( height , hair , eyes , face , clothes…) and his / her personalities

( helpful , sincere…) and some necessary structures

2 While-writing: (18 minutes)

-Teacher gives a sample and has students write a passage to describe a friend they like A Sample

Hoa has been my best friend since many years She is quite a lively person She is fairly tall with a good fingure She ‘s got a heart- shaped face with a small sort of turned- up nose It is very attractive She has got long , black wavy hair and blue eyes with very long eyelashes Her complexion is white Her lips are very full and she has got dimples in her checks Now she lives very far from me , but we still keep contact through e- mail

- Let them work in groups

- Go round, check and help students 3 Post-writing: (10 minutes)

- Give suggestions and corrections

-Teacher asks students to read / write some students’passsages on the board and Teacher gives comments

- Correct mistakes and mark 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Ask students to part writing of Unit in the student’s work book and prepare part Language Focus

3 We met each other at my cousin’s birthday party years ago

-Students write a passage

-Students read / write some students’passsages on the board

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!

Period 6: Language Focus I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know how to use Infinitive with to or without to make sentences

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn how to use infinitive with to or without to - Language: * The Infinitive with to or without to


Lesson plan of English 11 Skills: Writing sentences with infinitives with to or without to II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s books, notebooks, chalks, board… IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to keep book close

- Ask students to complete the sentence: - January is the …month of year. - Children eating sweets.

- Ask students to speak the sentence loudly

- Let students to get their attention on pronunciation : / dʒ /- / t∫/

- Introduce new lesson

1 Pronunciation: (8 minutes)

- Ask students to look at their books then introduce to them

*Listen and repeat :

- Read loudly then ask students to repeat - Introduce : / dʒ / - / t∫/

- Correct pronunciation for the students * Practise these sentences

- Read the sentences loudly - Ask students to repeat

- Correct pronunciation for students Grammar and vocabulary:(4 minutes) - Introduce exercises to the students

- Let students get their attention to focus on Infinitive with to and Infinitive without to Exercise 1: (13 minutes)

- Ask students to Exercise - Introduce how to it

- Let them work in pairs

- Walk round, check and give mark

Exercise (13 minutes)

- Introduce Exercise to students and explain how to it

- Ask students to it

- Let them work individually

- Keep book close

- Listen to the teacher and complete the sentence:

- Jannuary is the first month of the year. -Children like eating sweets.

- Open the books

- Look at : Listen and Repeat

- Repeat the words in chorus then individual - Look at Practise the sentences

- Listen to the teacher then repeat in chorus then individual

- Listen to the teacher

- Listen to the teacher and exercise Keys:

1 Who wants some thing to eat? I have some letters to write I am delighted to hear the news My mother has some shopping to

- Listen to the teacher and exercise Keys:

1.The police watched them get out of the car


Lesson plan of English 11 - Check, correct mistakes

Homework : (2 minutes)

Ask students to Part Language Focus and prepare part Reading of Unit at home

3 I heard them talk in the next room

4 The customs officer made him open the briefcase

- Listen to the teacher and write down Good bye!

The leader’s signature


Lesson plan of English 11 Teaching date 30/08./2010


Period : Reading

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim:

- Students understand the sequence of events in a story Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Through this unit, students know how to wite about the sequence of events in a story

- Language: Sentences and expression for describing the sequence of events in a story - New words: Words related to sequence of events in a story

3 Skills:

- Guessing meaning in context - Passage comprehension

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Tape and cassette player, pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs. IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (4 minutes)

- Ask students about their personal experiences 1 Before you read: (7minutes)


- Ask students to put the pictures in the book in the correct order to make a story (work in pairs)

- Ask some students to give their answers ( teacher doesn’t need to give feedback) - key : d, b, f, e, a, c

- Let’s begin our lesson you’ll know the whole story

- Ask students to listen to the tape - Ask students to read the whole story

- Explain some difficult words and structures embarrass(v)

- embarrassed(adj) - embarrassing(adj) - embarrassment(n) idol (n)

3 glance(n/v) - glance at sb/sth

- Listen to the teacher - Answer the questions

- Put the pictures in the book in the correct order to make a story ( work in pairs)

- Give their answers

- Listen to the tape

- Read the story


Lesson plan of English 11 Be busy doing sth

Be busy with sth

EX: I’m sorry I can’t go with you now I am busy with my homework I’m busy doing my homework

5 note (n) banknote EX

Do you want the money in the notes or coins? - The Beatles were the pop idols of the 60s 2 While you read: (20minutes)

Task : Fill each blank with one of the words in the box below

- Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs

- Walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when students need help

- Give suggestions

Task : Answer the questions in the book. - Ask students to read all questions to understand the content

- Ask students to read the small talks again to answer the questions

- Ask students to work with a partner

- Walks around the class to help students whenever they need

Suggested answers:

1 She wished to have a red hat-a floppy cotton hat ( like the one her star idol wore in her video clip)

2… so that she could buy the hat ( for herself.) She saw a wad of dollar notes ( exactly like the one that her father had given her)

4 Because she thought the boy had stolen her money / it was her money

5 She bought the pretty hat of her dream 3 After you read: (12minutes)

-Ask students to discuss the questions in group: How did the girl in the story feel when she discovered that the money she had taken was not hers?

(embarrassed, sad, ashamed, unhappy, terrible, uncomfortable, anxious, …)

2 What did the girl have to (when she

- Do Task in pairs -Take notes


1 glanced makes a fuss embarrassing idols

5 sneaky

- Listen to the teacher - Answer the questions

- Listen to the tape

- Read the story

- Read the questions silently and answer them in groups

- Give the answers - Take notes


Lesson plan of English 11 discovered that the money she had taken was

not hers )?

( put a notice on T.V or at school, get on the same bus on the next day to look for him, nothing, keep it a secret, tell her father everything and ask him for advice,…)

- Ask some students to represent their talk in front of class

Homework : (2 minutes)

- Ask students to review part reading and exercises in the workbook and prepare part speaking

- Report before class

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework to at home

Good bye!



Lesson plan of English 11 I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students can talk about their personal experiences Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Through this unit, students can talk about their personal experiences - Know how to talk again a problem happened

- Language: Students use sentences, words, phrases and expressions for talking about their personal experiences

3 Skills: Talking about past experiences and how they affected one’s life II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Pictures, English textbook 11, chalks, board, hand-outs IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities


- Have you ever spoken English to you friends ( teachers, foreigners…) ?

- How did you feel when you spoke English to them?

1 Before you speak: (8 minutes)

- Gives students some new words in Task - Reads the new words

Task 1:

- Asks students to Task in pairs - Gives feedback

2 While you speak: Task 2:

- Asks students to task in pairs - Asks them to give answers

3 After you speak Task 3:

- Gives students useful structures + Have you ever………….? + How did it happen ?

+ When/ Where did it happen?

+ How did the experience affect you? How did

- Answer freely

1 Confidence Attitude

3 Native English speaker Appreciate

- Explains the meanings + Structure:

Present Perfect ( Past simple) Have you ever………? Key:

1 D E B 4.F A C - Work in pairs


1 B E H A E G C F - Listen to the teacher - Answer freely

- Work in pairs Key:


Lesson plan of English 11 you feel?

- Asks students to Task in pairs

- Asks some pairs to perform their dialogues in front of the class

- Corrects common mistakes and give remarks

3 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to write a paragraph to tell their own experience in the past

- Asks students to prepare Listening

A Have you ever failed an exam? - Yes, I have

B How did it happen?

- I didn’t study well enough for exam C When did it happen?

- Last year

D How did you feel/ How did it affect you ?

- I felt disappointed/ sad/ depressed

A Have you ever traveled to other parts of the country?

- Yes, I have

B When did you travel? - In 2002

C How did it affect you?

- It make me love our country more./ I learned more about different places in our country

- Write down Good bye!



I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about memorable experiences and the importance of family

- Language: Use past simple

- New words: Words related to memorable experiences

3 Skills: Listening for specific information and comprehension questions II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative


Lesson plan of English 11

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up : (2 minutes) - Have you ever seen a fire ? - Where did it happen? - Was it frightening?

1 Before you listen : (8 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the picture in the book and ask them some questions

+ What is happening?

( The house is burning./ The house is on fire./ … )

+ What is she doing?

( She’s talking a little girl out of the burning house )

- Asks students to repeat the provided words and explain the words if necessary

2 While you listen: (24 minutes) Task 1:

- Asks students to read Task silently - Ask students to listen to the tape (twice) - Asks students to Task individually - Reads the sentences again to help weak students:

Task 2:

- Asks students to read Task silently and listen to the tape again

- Asks two students to write the answers on the board

- Gives feedback

3 After you listen: (10 minutes)

- Asks students to work in groups to discuss

- Answer freely

- Look at the picture and answer the questions

- Read the task and it - Listen to the tape carefully Key:

1.F F F 4.F 5.F

- Practise reading the sentences We talk to Christina, a successful business woman

2 My most unforgettable experience happened 13 years ago

3 The fire started in the kitchen where I forgot to turn off the gas stove

4 I was sleeping when I was suddenly woke up by terrible heat

5 I heard my mother’s voice calling my name

- Read the task and listen to the tape then task


1.grow 2.small everything realize family replaced took family - Work in groups


Lesson plan of English 11 the importance of family

- Goes around to provide help if needed

- Gives suggestion: Family is more important than things because it cannot be replaced… It gives you love, support…

- Calls each group to speak

- Gives comments and corrects mistakes - Gives marks

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to write a paragraph about the importance of family

- Listen to the teacher and correct mistakes

-Write down Good bye!

The leader’s signature


Teaching date : 06-10 /09/2010 WEEK 04


Period 10 : Writing

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to write a personal letter telling about a past experience, using the structures and vocabulary that they have learned in previous lessons


Lesson plan of English 11

- General knowledge: Students learn about the organization of content of a form - Language: Words used in a form of writing a personal letter

3 Skills: Writing a personal letter to describe a past experience II Method: Interagrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Chalk, textbook IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up : (4 minutes)

- Can you write a short letter in English? - Is it interesting?

- To day I want you to write a letter about your past experience in English

1 Pre-writing: (10 minutes)

- Has students give some of their past experiences? (being seriously ill, failing an exam; talking to a famous pop star,… etc) 2 While-writing: (10 minutes)

- Gives students some guidance: When it happened:

( It happened …years ago/in …./ when I was …years old.)

2 Where it happened:

( in my house/ at school / in the street) Who was involved:

( your family members/ your friends/ your relatives,….)

4 How it affected you:

( it changed outlook life / it make me more careful/ it gave me more confidence in …./ it taught me the lesson/…)

- Asks students to work in groups to tell their experiences to prepare for their writing

3 Post-writing: (20 minutes)

- Asks students to write a passage about the most memorable past experience

- Goes round to provide help - Corrects common mistakes 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Do the writing part, Unit 2, workbook

- Asks students to prepare part Language Focus at home

- Answer the questions

- Gives their own past experiences

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Work in groups to discuss

- Work individually and correct mistakes

-Write down

Good bye!



Lesson plan of English 11 I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish the sounds / m /, / n /, / η /

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - distinguish the uses of different verb tenses: present simple for indicating the past, past simple, past continuous and past perfect

- use these verb tenses to solve communicative tasks Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn sounds and review some tenses - New words: Words related to sounds and tenses

3 Skills:

- Pronunciation: /

m /- / n /- /



- Grammar: Tense revision: the past simple, past progressive and past perfect II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbooks, cassette tape IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Pronunciation:

- Writes some sentences on the board and ask some students to read them aloud

- Underlines the sounds /m/ /n / / η / Ex:

- We like singing many songs on New Year’s Day

- They live in a nice small house

- Asks students to look at their books, listen and repeat the words in the columns

- Asks students to read the sentences - Practises reading the sentences II Grammar:

+Warm- up

We’ve already learn the present simple tense, the past simple tense, the past progressive tense

Now we are going to review TENSE REVISION

- The present tense use to tell a story that happened in the past makes it more interesting and vivid

-Asks students to remember the use of these tenses

Task 1:

- Asks students to exercise in pairs

- Corrects the exercise and explain the use of the tenses

- Listen to the teacher and bear in mind

- Repeat in chorus then individually - Read the sentences

- Listen to the teacher and review tenses

- Retell the use of these tenses and bear in mind

- Work in pairs Key:

1 lives- invites- sets gets-5 waves promises

7 carries -8 contains -9 has baked 10 is -11 is shining


Lesson plan of English 11

Task 2:

- Asks students to exercise - Gives feedback

Exercise 3:

- Asks students to exercise individually - Explains the difference between the simple past and the past perfect

- Corrects the exercise

and explain the use of the tenses

- Consolidate the use of tense III Homework: (2 minutes) - Practise reading the sentences - Write exercise 2,3 in the notebook

- Prepare in Unit part A reading in advance

- Do the task Key:

1 broke / was playing wrote / was

3 was working/ broke stared / were walking told / were having - Do the task

- Listen to the teacher Key:

1 had eaten / arrived found / had taken got / had closed got / had left got / had arrived

- Write down

Good bye!

Unit 3: A Party

Period 12 : Reading I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statements

- use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: students know how to celebrate some celebrations - New words: Words to celebrations and festivals

3 Skills: Reading for general or specific information II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Some photos of celebrations in the world IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Before you read: (5 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the first picture in the book and ask them some questions:

 Are they having a party ?  What party is it ?


Lesson plan of English 11 -Asks students to look at the second picture and

ask some questions:

 Are they friends ?

 What are they celebrating ?

 How old are the people in the picture ?  How they feel ?

 How long have they been married?

* The lesson today gives us some information about birthday and wedding anniversaries in the US

2 While you read: (25 minutes) - Asks students to listen to the tape

- Asks students to read the passage silently - Explains some difficult words

New words: celebrate (v)

à celebration (n)

2 joke (v/n)

Ex: Don’t believe me I’m only joking anniversary (n)

+silver anniversary / silver wedding / silver jubilee : 25th wedding anniversary.

+ golden anniversary / golden wedding / golden jubilee: 50th wedding anniversary. +diamond anniversary / diamond wedding / diamond jubilee: 60th wedding anniversary. Task 1:

- Asks students to Task in pairs - Gives feedback

Task 2

- Asks students to task in pairs - Gives feedback

3 After you read: (13 minutes)

- Asks students to talk about their birthday

- Look at the second picture and answer the questions

- Listen to the teacher

-Listen to the tape and correct pronunciation - Pay attention to some new words

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Work in pairs Key:

1&2 (Both) 3&6(Birthday) 4&5 (Anniversary)

- Work in pairs Key:

1 eighth(seventh) brings(eats) food(presents) anniversaries(age) months(year) 5th (50th)


Lesson plan of English 11 party ( work in groups)(place, time, guest,

foods, drinks, activities)

- Calls some students to give their answers - Corrects mistakes and gives marks

4 Homework (2 minutes)

1 Do the tasks again in notebooks Prepare : Part B – Speaking

- Work in groups to talk about their birthday party

- Give answers

- Copy down Good bye!

The leader’s signature

Period: 14

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 3: A Party

LESSON : Speaking

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- use appropriate language to talk about parties and negotiate how to plan them - use appropriate language to invite people to come to parties

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know how to plan parties - Language: Words related to parties

3 Skills: Talking about parties


Lesson plan of English 11 IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1.Pre-speaking: (8 minutes) Do you like parties ?

Do you like quiet or noisy parties ?

à Shows the picture in the textbook and ask:

Are they having a party ? What does ‘party-goer’ mean ? 2 While-speaking: (25 minutes) Task 1

Are you the perfect party-goer ?

1 Which kind of parties you prefer ? -big / small / noisy / quiet parties

-parties with dancing and games

2 You find yourself standing with a complete stranger at a party What would you ? -talk about yourself / the weather

-try to get him or her talk about himself or herself

3 at a party, what would you tend to drink ? -beer / soft drinks / mineral water

Task 2

-Asks students to Task in pairs

-Asks some pairs to perform their talk before class

*Where (home-cosy, not expensive, not spend a lot of time to prepare, not have to clean up… *What time

*How many guests

*What to eat / drink (soft drinks, mineral water…./ chicken soup, green salad, steak, fired chicken, fish, beef, hamburger, cake…) *What to wear (dress, jeans, shirts, T-shirt, pullover, skirt…)

*Which activities (singing, playing games, taking photographs, give gifts…

3 Post-speaking: (10 minutes) Task 3:

- Asks students to Task in groups, using the simple past tense to report the past events - Gives some suggestions

- Answer the questions freely

- Listen to the teacher’s guidance and task

- Work in pairs

A: I am wondering where I should hold my birthday party ?

B: Why don’t you have your birthday party at home ? It’s cosy and not very expensive A: I don’t know if it’s suitable to begin at pm ?


 Why don’t you…  You ought to…  You should…

 I think you should…  You’d better…

 If I were you I would…

- Work in groups to task Suggestion:

-The party was held at…

-It started at……and ended at… -There were about……….people -He / She served us…

-We took part in some activities such as… -We were all tired but happy


Lesson plan of English 11 - Asks some students to perform before class

- Corrects common mistakes and give remarks 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write down task in the notebooks - Prepare part C (Listening)

Good bye!

Period: 15

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 3: A Party

LESSON : Listening

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know how to plan a birthday party - New words: Words related to birthday party

3 Skills: - Deciding on True or False statements - Comprehension questions

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Some pictures of birthday parties IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes)

- Asks students some questions :

- Do you often hold your birthday party ?

Where you often hold your birthday

party ?

When you like to organize your

birthday party, in the morning or in the evening ?

1 Before you listen: (8 minutes)

- Asks students to repeat the provided words Listen and repeat :

1 gathering restaurant birthday cake prizes

5 slices icing decorated clapped

2 While you listen: (20 minutes) - Asks students to read Task silently

- Asks students to listen to the passage (twice) Task 1

- Asks students to work in pairs to the task

- Answer the questions freely

- Repeat words in chorus then individually - Correct pronunciation themselves

- Listen to the passage and correct pronunciation

- Work in pairs Key:

1 F (Mai’s birthday party was held at home in the afternoon.)


Lesson plan of English 11 - Corrects mistakes and gives feedback

Task 2

- Asks students to read the questions in Task silently

- Asks them to listen to the passage again and Task in groups

- Asks some students to write the answers on the board

- Gives feedback

3 After you listen: (10 minutes)

-Asks students to talk about Mai’s birthday party

(-Teacher can ask some questions, if necessary :

Where did Mai hold the birthday party ?How many people were invited to the party ?What time did the party start and end ?

What did Mai’s mother serve the guests at the

party ?)

- Asks some students to retell Mai’s birthday party before class

- Corrects mistakes and give feedback

Homework : (2 minutes) - Practise listening at home - Write down Task

- Prepare Part D - Writing

birthday party)

3 F (The birthday cake was cut at about four thirty).

4 T (The birthday party lasted about three hours).(from three to six)

5 F ( Only the writer stayed after the party to tidy up the mess.)

- Read task silently - Work in groups Key:

1 She was 16 years old.

2 She didn’t like having the party at a restaurant because it is noisy and expensive. 3 She served them soft drinks and biscuits. 4 It was brought out at about four thirty. 5 It was beautifully decorated with pink and white icing

6 They clapped their hands eagerly and sang “Happy birthday”.

7 It finished at about six in the evening. - Work in groups

- Listen to their friends and correct mistakes

- Write down


Lesson plan of English 11

Period: 16

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 3: A Party

LESSON : Writing

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- define the format and structure of an informal letter of invitation - write an informal letter of invitation

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn to write an informal letter - Language: Words used in writing an informal letter

3 Skills: Writing an informal letter of invitation II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids:

IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Pre-writing: (8 minutes) Task 1

- Asks students to answer the questions: 1.On what occasions are parties held?

2.What kind of clothes they often wear at a party?

3.What kind of presents people often bring to a party?

*If you want your friends or relatives to come to your party, you must send a letter of

invitation Let’s begin our lesson. 2 While-writing: (20 minutes) Task 2:

- Asks students to task in pairs - Corrects mistakes and gives feedback

Task 3

- Asks students to task in groups - Gives them some guidelines

1.Reason for the party:

(birthday party/New Year’s Eve party/ wedding party)


Home / restaurant 3.When :

- Answer the question freely - Give answers:

*birthday, wedding anniversaries, New Year’s Eve

*dress/ skirt/ shirt/ trousers/ suit/… *gift/ flowers/ champagne/

- Listen to the teacher

- Work in pairs Key:

1 at my house to come refreshments to cook winners by Monday - Work in groups


Lesson plan of English 11 What day?

What time?

4.Number of guess:10 / 20 / 30 5.Which activities:

Eating and drinking /singing/dancing/ playing games/ watching films

6.Foods and drinks served:

(soft drinks ,mineral water ,…/chicken soup , green salad, steak, fired chicken, fish, beef, hamburger ,biscuits…)

3 Post-writing: (15 minutes)

- Asks some students to write their letters on the board

- Goes round the class to help students - Corrects common mistakes and give remarks

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write down the letter, pay attention to some structures and prepositions

- Prepare in advance Part E (Language Focus

- Work independently - Give their results - Correct their writing

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

Good bye!

Period: 17

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 3: A Party

LESSON : Language Focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - distinguish the sounds /l/, /r/ and /h/

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - distinguish the uses of infinitive and gerund in active and passive voices

- use these structures to solve communicative tasks Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn to pronounce sounds and grammar

3 Skill: fluency in pronunciating sounds and use of infinitive and gerund in passive II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbook IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

I Pronunciation: (14 minutes) The pronunciation of / l /, / r / and / h /

- Gives students words and ask them to put the words to the right columns / l / /r / and / h / : holiday, library, run, help, Lisa, realize.

à Today we are going to learn the

pronunciation of the sounds /l/ , /r/ and / h / Now look at your book, listen and repeat the

- Listen to the teacher and write down - Put the words in the right columns

I l l / r / / h / library run help


Lesson plan of English 11 sounds

II Grammar: (30 minutes) A- The Gerund:

- Asks students to put the words in correct order to make the two sentences:

Ex1 : the book / time/ return / she / on / to / failed / library / the

Ex 2: work / mind / the / helping / would / me / with / you / ?

- In the lesson today you'll learn how to use the gerund and the infinitive

Exercise 1

- Asks students to exercise in pairs - Checks answers and gives feedback - Notes:

* Some verbs followed by To inf : mean, demand, seem, want, agree, expect, offer, hope, refuse,

* Some verbs followed by V-ing dislike, risk, keep, appreciate, miss, mind, mention,


B Passive infinitive and gerund: - to be + pp

- being + pp ( in context meaning) - Ex:

I expected (invite) _to the party (to be invited)

No one enjoys (laugh) _ at (being laughed)

Exercise 2:

- Asks students to task in pairs - Checks the answers and gives feedback

Exercise 3:

- Asks students to task individually - Lets students compare their answers with a partner

- Checks the answers and gives feedback

III Homework: (1 minute)

- Do the exercises again in notebooks - Prepare : TEST YOURSELF A

- Put the words into correct orders - Listen to the teacher

- Work in pairs Key:

1 to operate having getting to tell

5 practicing to see receiving getting

- Listen to the teacher and copy down

- Work in pairs Key:

1 B A B B A

- Work individually Key:

1 D C B B C

- Listen to the teacher and write down


Lesson plan of English 11

Period: 18

Teaching date… /…./20

Test yourself A

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 1, and - Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests

Knowledge: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

- Language: Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests Skill: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Textbook, board, hand-outs, cassette tape and player. IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting

- Ask students something about the test yourself A

* Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? Test yourself

I Listening(2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Ask students to read all the sentences first - Ask students to listen to the tape once

- Ask students to listen again and speak out the statements are true or false

- Ask students to listen in the third time, the work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers

II Reading (2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Present the task:

- Ask pupils to work in groups to compare the answers they have already done to find the correct ones

- Give the correct answers to the class:

- Greeting

- Answer teacher’s questions

- Look at the book and listen to the task - understand the task

- Read the questions - Listen to the tape

- Listen again and say the statements are true or false

- Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers:

1-A, 2-D, 3-B, 4-D, 5-C

- Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to discuss about the passage

- Finish the task

- Compare their results with the other groups, and then with the keys

- Write the answers on the board


Lesson plan of English 11 III Grammar(2.5 points) (8 minutes)

- Present the task:

a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the right box

b/ Give the correct form of verbs 1, to see.

2, to be. 3, to phone. 4, pay. 5, to be met.

6, to be appointed.

Let students finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the original sentence

IV Writing (7 minutes) - Present the task:

- Call the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class

- Check their writings and help them correct the mistakes if they’ve made

Homework (5 minutes) - Ask students:

+ to study all the lessons again

+ to get ready for the 45 minute-test in the next period

- Listen to the teacher - Work in groups

- Compare the results with the other groups - Show the answers in front of the class - Observe the keys and correct their answers

- Students work in groups and practise writing about the some one’s birthday party - Two students go to the board and write - Give the writings by reading aloud - Read the letter carefully

- In groups or in pairs, write her a letter - Compare the results with the other groups - Correct mistakes

- Study all the lessons again

- Get the knowledge ready for the coming test

Good bye!

Period: 19

Teaching date… /…./20

English written test (No 1)

Period: 20

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 4: volunteer work




I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and skimming for general information

- use the information they have read to discuss the topic Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know the information about volunteer work - Language: words related to volunteer work

3 Skill: - Work formation


Lesson plan of English 11 - Passage comprehension

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: textbook, board, raising questions IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Before you read: (5 minutes) - Shows the picture of volunteer work and ask questions :

What is the old woman doing ? What does she this work for? - Checks the answers

- Gives Ss the following saying : “If you me a fish,

I will eat today

If you teach me to fish

I will eat my whole life long.” - Asks Ss what the saying implies -Checks the answer

2 While you read: (25 minutes)

- Supplies Ss music and some more pictures of Volunteer Work

- Asks Ss to match new words with explanation

Volunteer (n) Orphanage (n)

Handicapped people Disadvantaged people - Checks their answers Task 1

- Asks for filling the blanks - Gives the explanation of related words

- Corrects their mistakes

Task 2

- Asks for students to read the text again silently

- Asks Ss to choose the best answer - Checks their answers

Task 3:

- Asks Ss to discuss then answer the questions in task

- Checks their answers

- Look at the picture and answer questions freely

- Work in groups - Answer the questions

- Read and guess the meaning of the saying in their text book

-Answer the question -Take notes

-Identify the pictures - Work in groups Answer:

1 - c - d - a - b

-Individual work

-Read all of these sentences in task and fill in each blank


1 Voluntary (adj) Voluntarily (adv) Volunteers (n) Volunteers (v)

- Read the text again and task Key:

1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B, 5-C - Work in pairs


1.They usually visit hospitals, orphanages or homes for the ages They read books to the people or listen to their problems


Lesson plan of English 11

3 After you read: (13 minutes) - Asks Ss to discuss then answer the following questions

1.Why people volunteer work ?

Have you ever joined any volunteer work before ? - Asks ss to make a report in front of class

- Corrects their mistakes 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to review the text and prepare the new section: Part B-Speaking


3.During summer vacations, they volunteer to work in remote or mountainous area to provide education for children or medical services for local people

- Work in groups to answer the questions

- Present answers in front of the class - Correct mistakes

- Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 21

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 4: volunteer work



I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about different kinds of activities related to volunteer work

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know how to talk about volunteer work - Words: Words related to volunteer work

3 Skill: - Identifying types of volunteer work

- Asking and answering questions about volunteer work - Talking about volunteer work

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbook, board, raising questions, hand-outs IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the picture in their books and answer two questions:

1.What are these students doing? 2.Are they volunteers?

1 Pre-speaking: (8 minutes) Task 1:

- Has students Task in pairs - Asks students to give their answers

- Explains some activities of volunteer work

Helping people in the remote or mountainous areas

Giving care and comfort to the poor and sick

- Answer freely

1 They are helping an old man with the housework


Lesson plan of English 11

Providing education for disadvantaged children

Joining in the Green Saturday Movement - Corrects the mistakes

2 While-speaking: (20 minutes) Task 2

- Has students Task in pairs - Gives some suggestions:

 Providing minority children with

literacy (teach them how to read and write)

 Working in difficult or flooded areas

(help them rebuilt houses, provide medical services, etc)

 Raising money to help the handicapped

or starving children (put money in a piggy bank)

 Taking part in directing the traffic

(stand at the crossroads during rush hour to help direct the traffic)

 Volunteering in homes for the elderly

(clean up/ repair their houses, the washing up, some shopping, mow their lawns, take care of them, read books, etc)

- Has students perform the dialogue in front of class

- Corrects mistakes and gives comments 3 Post-speaking: (10 minutes)

Task 3:

- Has students Task in groups - Gives some suggestions:

 What kind of volunteer work you

usually take part in?

 What you think about it?

- Corrects common mistakes 4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Review Part B carefully - Prepare Part C – Listening

- Do the task in pairs

- Listen to the teacher’s guidance

- Perform in front of the class

- Work in groups - Listen to their friends - Correct mistakes

- Listen to the teacher and write down

Good bye!

Period: 22

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 4: volunteer work




Lesson plan of English 11

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop such listening micro-skills as intensive listening for specific information and taking notes while listening

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can listen and understand about the volunteer work in Spring School

- Language: Words related to volunteer work Skill: - Gap-filling

- Comprehension questions

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbook, board, raising questions, cassette tape IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (4 minutes)

- Asks students to make questions for the given answers

1 Do you usually take part in volunteer work?

2 What kind of volunteer work you usually take part in?

1 Before you listen: (10 minutes)

- Asks students to complete the questions in “Before you listen”

- Asks students to listen and repeat the new words (pay attention to the pronunciation of these words)

- Has students carry out it - Corrects mistakes

2 While you listen: (20 minutes) Task 1

- Asks students to read Task silently

- Introduces the passage: It is about May School in Ho Chi Minh city

- Asks students to listen to the tape twice and fill in the missing information

- Gives feedback and remarks Task 2

- Asks students to scan the given questions to set the contents of the conversations need listening

- Plays the tape and asks students to listen and answer the questions

- Asks students to write their answers on the

- Answer freely

1.Yes, I am/No, I am not

2.Helping disabled children how to read, write , taking part in directing the traffic, raising money to help people in the flooded areas,

- Pair works

- Complete the questions - Give oral answers - Listen and repeat

- Listen to the tape and task Key:

1 informal

2 30 street children

3 250 children (with special difficulties) 1998/ volunteers

Pair/ group works

- Read the questions silently - Listen to the tape

- Answer the questions Key:

1 It provides classes for disadvantaged children in Ho Chi Minh city


Lesson plan of English 11 blackboard

- Has students listen to the tape again to check these answers and correct mistakes

3 After you listen: (10 minutes) - Asks students to work in groups - Asks students to retell the story

- Asks a representative of each group to talk in front of class

- Gives remark and correct the mistakes 4 Homework: (1 minutes)

- Listen to the tape again at home and the exercises in the workbook

- Prepare part D: writing

3 Because they need money to continue their English and Performance Arts classes

4 They perform circus, theater, dance and singing at one of the largest hotels in Ho Chi Minh city

5 Because they can contact sponsors and help to expand the school activities Group works

- Retell the story

Discuss and perform in front of class

- Write down

Good bye!

Period: 23

Teaching date… /…./20

Correct the test (No 1)

I Objectives:

After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done And have to know how to try their best for the next test

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test IV Procedures:

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Warm-up: (5 minutes) - Greeting

- Ask students some questions on the previous test

- Tell the aim of the period: correct the test I Choose the best answer (15minutes) - Repeat the questions

- Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

- Greeting

- Listen and understand the task - Get ready for the lesson

- Look at their paper


Lesson plan of English 11 II. Read the passage and choose the best

answer (15 minutes) - Repeat the questions

- Show the passage again several times

- Get students to read the passage again carefully

- Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud III. Homework : (5 minutes) - Prepare Unit 5: Part A – Reading

- Look at the writing again and compare it with the others

- Correct the wrong sentences base on the key

- Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 24

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 4: volunteer work



I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a thank-you letter to a donor to acknowledge the donor’s contribution

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students know how to write a thank-you letter - Language: words related to a thank-you letter

3 Skill: Writing a formal letter expressing gratitude II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbook, board, raising questions, hand-outs IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pre-writing: (7 minutes)

- Asks Ss some questions about their situations:

1/ Have you ever received a donation? When? From whom?

2/ What did you then?

3/ Did you write a letter for thanks? - Some key words:

Donor Donate Donation

Handicapped(picture) fund

2 While-writing: (27 minutes) Task 1

- Asks Ss to read the letter and underline the sentences that express the points:

* The opening of the letter * The donated amount

- Answer freely

- Notice the words

- Do the task 1:

- Read and take notes: - “Dear Sir /Madam”


Lesson plan of English 11 * The way the money is used

* The way the receipt is issued * The gratitude to the donor * The closing of the letter Notice: Some structures:

- S + be + adjective +to + infinitive - To receive sth from sb/sth

- Would like+ to infinitive - To hope +to infinitive+ for sth Task 2

- Three parts of a letter.(picture) - Asks Students to task ; Give outline:

* ( the points in task 1) 3.Post-writing: (9 minutes) - Correcting( or letters of ss)

 Vocabulary  grammar

- Asks students to report writing (task 1) 4.Homework: (2 minutes)

- Write the letter by themselves - Prepare Part E : Language focus

- “I would like………company” - “ I look … faithfully”

- First : the opening

- Second: the body of the letter - Third: Conclusion/The closing - Writing in pairs

- Some students write their letters on the blackboard

- Students rewrite the letter (task 1) - Write down

Good bye!

Period: 25

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 4: volunteer work


Language focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to - distinguish the sounds /w/ and /j/

- pronounce the words and sentences containing these sounds correctly - use gerunds, present participles, perfect gerunds and perfect participles appropriately

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can understand perfect gerund and perfect participle - Language: Words related gerund and present participle

3 Skill: Pronounce the sound / w/ and /j / correctly II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, board, raising questions IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pronunciation: (15 minutes)

- Has students listen and repeat the sounds /w/ and /j/


Lesson plan of English 11 - Asks students to practice reading the

sentences provided

- We went for a walk in the woods near the railway

- We wore warm clothes and walked quickly to keep warm

- Excuse me Did you use to live in New York?

- Did you use to be a tutor at the university? 2 Grammar and vocabulary: (28 minutes) A Gerund:

A gerund is the Verb – ing form Ex:

1. There’s no point in waiting 2. I don’t mind cooking the meals

3 Reading French is easier than speaking it. - The gerund can be used in the following ways:

as subject of a sentence:

Skiing can be dangerous

as complement of a verb:

Her hobby is painting

after prepositions:

He was accused of smuggling

After certain verbs (eg admit,

avoid, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse + object, forgive + object, fancy/imagine, finish, keep, mind, ect.)

In noun compounds:

My school has a swimming pool A. Present participle:

Form: Verb – ing Ex:

1 Can you smell something burning? We had to leave the tree lying there

3 He spent a fortune rebuilding that old house


We can use the present participle

to form the continuous tenses:

I’m working right now

as an adjective:

- Practise reading

- Asks students review and bear in mind

- Listen to the teacher and write down


Lesson plan of English 11 The play was boring

after a certain verbs:

After the basic verbs of sensation (see, hear, feel and smell) and after listen to, notice and watch, we can use object + participle:

1 I heard the car stopping and saw him getting out.

2 We watched the children playing I saw him crossing the road

find, catch, leave + object (person or thing) I found them picking apples (They were

picking apples when I arrived.)

2 I caught them stealing my apples (They were stealing my apples when I arrived.) I left them talking (They were talking

when I left.) go and come

With these verbs we can use the participles of verbs of physical activity: dancing, riding, sailing, skiing, etc., also shopping.

Ex: Come dancing with me on Saturday I’m going shopping

spend and waste + object

I wasted a lot of time standing in queues be busy

She’s always busy cooking or cleaning Exercise 1

- Asks students to exercise in pairs - Checks and gives correct answers

Exercise 2

Perfect gerund and perfect participle: having + past participle


- Work in pairs Key:

1 parking 2 hearing 3 bending 4 behaving 5 meeting 6 spending 7 waiting

- Work individually 1 passing

1 burning/rising 2 reading

3 lying 4 shopping 5 preparing 6 trying

- Listen to the teacher and bear in mind, copy down

- Do exercise Key:


Lesson plan of English 11 a I kept you waiting so long I am sorry.

" I am sorry for having kept you waiting so


b After Jack had read the letter twice, he wrote a reply.

" After having read the letter twice, Jack

wrote a reply. Exercise 3

- Asks students to exercise - Checks the answers and corrects - Gives feedback

3 Homework: (2 minutes) - Write down exercise 1, 2,

4 having been 5 having been 6 having tied 7 having read 8 having taken Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 26

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 5: Illiteracy

LESSON : Reading

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, identifying main ideas, and identifying meaning in context

- use the information they have read to discuss illiteracy issues Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about illiteracy - New words: Words related to illiteracy

3 Skill : - Dictionary skills - Identifying main idea - Passage comprehension

II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures showing illiteracy IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Before you read: (5 minutes)

- Asks ss to look at the picture - Asks ss to answer the questions: Where you think the class is?


Lesson plan of English 11 What you think of the people in the

class? Are they at the same age? What you think of the teacher?

4 What is this class different from the class? 2 While you read: (25 minutes)

- Reads the reading text first

- Explains the new words to help the ss understand the text

New words:

1 illiteracy (n)

à to illiterate

2 compaign (n) ethnic (a) to eradicate * Task 1

- Asks students to read the text to find the Vietnamese equivalent to the following expressions

- Gives feedback * Task 2:

-T asks ss to read the text again to task - Checks answers and gives feedback

*Task 3:

- Asks ss to answer the following sentences: - Corrects them

3 After you read: (13 minutes)

- Asks ss to answer the following questions Are there any illiterate people in your neighborhood?

2 What you think we should to help them read and write?

Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to learn by heart the new words

- Read the text silently - Understand new words - Copy down

- Do the task Key:

1 Phỉ cËp gi¸o dơc

2 Héi khun häc ViƯt Nam Xo¸ mï ch÷

4 Kỹ thuật canh tác Kế hoạch hố gia đình Read the text and task Key: D

- Answer the questions Keys:

1 94% of the population

2 The campaign for illiteracy eradication

3 600 students in 2000 and 800 students in 2001

4 They willingly/ voluntarily spent their vacations teaching ethnic minority illiterate people to read and write

5 Illiteracy will soon be eradicated - Work in groups to answer the questions

- Copy down


Lesson plan of English 11 - Asks students to prepare part 2: speaking

Period: 27

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 5: Illiteracy

LESSON : speaking

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Talk about schooling and literacy related problems - Suggest solutions to these problems

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn about schooling and literacy problems - New words: Words related to literacy

3 Skill: Talking about literacy problems and offering solutions II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: textbooks, chalk IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (3 minutes)

- Asks students some questions

1 How many students are there in a common class in Vietnam ?

2 How many students are there in your class ?

3 Do you find it difficult to invest your study in such a crowded class ?

1 Pre-speaking: (10 minutes)

- Says: “Today we will discuss some problems that many schools are facing and the solutions for these”

Task 1:

- Some of these problems are listed in column A , please combine each problem in A with its appropriate solution(s) in column B in textbook (page59)

- Has students sit in pairs and asks them to task

2 While-speaking: (16 minutes) Task 2:

- Before practising, teacher asks Sts to read the information in task and

to use the suggestions in Task as example

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

1.Over 45sts in a class 45sts

- Students’answers may vary - Listen to the teacher

- Work in pairs

- Do the task individually, then in pairs they compare their answers Key: 1à b-g 2à a-e 3à d-f

4à c 5à h-i-j

- A good group of students is asked to demonstrate the example to make sure the whole class understand the task

- A: Many students can not buy all the required textbooks What you think we should to help them ?


Lesson plan of English 11

3 Post-speaking: (15 minutes) Task 3:

- Listens to the students and observes them - Corrects the students’ mistakes

- Asks students to work in groups of five - Asks them to think of three or four problems which their class

is experiencing , one student of each group will note down the information to report before class

- Gives students time to think about the school problems they are experiencing - Walks around the class and observes the students’ activities , offers ideas, comments when students need help…

- Chooses one student of every group to talk before class

- Listens to the students and observes them - Corrects the students’ mistakes

Homework: (1 minutes)

- Prepare the next lesson: Listening

head-master to provide free textbooks for students from low-income families.

C: We should collect used textbooks for school libraries

- Thinks of some problems , their solutions and then discuss them - Students can use the cues given in P.60,

or ask teacher for more information - Some representatives report their results before class, the others give the comment


1 Many classes are overcrowded 2 School infrustructure is

underdeveloped : inadequate toilets and washrooms …

3 Many schools have no playground equipment or extra activities

- Rewrite what students have discussed in class

Good bye!

Period: 28

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 5: Illiteracy

LESSON : Listening

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - Develop extensive listening skills

- Use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge:

- New words: Words related to literacy

3 Skill: - Extensive listening: multiple-choice questions - Comprehension questions

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative


Lesson plan of English 11

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Before you listen: (5 minutes)

- Shows a letter with a survey on it - Asks guiding questions:

1 What people a survey for? Have you ever done a survey? Do you know where Perth is?

- Introduces some new words / explains them: effective ( a )

maturity ( n ) » mature ( a ) » maturely ( adv ) performance ( n ) self- respect ( n ) academic ( a )

Perth ( n ) : Western of Australia - Leads ss to read the new words 2 While you listen: (26 minutes) Task 1:

- Leads ss to Task

- Asks them to read it carefully ( they can guess to choose a, b, c, d )

- Has ss listen the reading times - Asks some ss to read their answers - Plays the cassette again

- Gives correct answers Task 2:

- Asks ss to read the questions carefully - Plays the tape times

- Asks ss to read their answers

- Checks again and gives correct answers

3 After you listen: (12 minutes)

- Ask ss to discus questions (textbook) - Goes around and provides some new words if necessary

- Calls ss to read their answers in front of the class

Homework: (2minutes) - Prepare part Writing at home

- Listen and answer the questions - Yes / No

- Write down

- Listen

- Read Task

- Listen and Task - A, B , C read

- Correct Key:

1 D / B / B / C - Read

- Listen - Correct Key:

1 It took place in Perth 80 percent of the students They felt that they should be allowed to give some input into school decision making

- Discuss - A / B read


Lesson plan of English 11

Period: 29

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 5: Illiteracy

LESSON : Writing

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Interpret information presented in tables

- Identify language to be used for describing tables - Write descriptions of tables

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can know how to write a paragraph about literacy rates in Sunshine country from 1998-2007

- New words: Words related to literacy rate Skill: Describing information in a table

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Student’s book, chalk, board IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pre-writing: (3 minutes)

- Asks students some questions about (il)literacy

1 What’s the rate of literacy in Vietnam now?

2 Are there any illiterate people in your neighborhood?

3 What should we to help them? What will happen if more and more

people become illiterate? 2 While-writing: (10 minutes) Task 1:

- Explains some difficult words: to decline: to decrease

dramatic(a): unexpected dramatically(adv)

steady(a): developing gradually steadily(adv)

sharp(a): not gradual sharply(adv)

- Has the class read the instruction and Task

- Gives the answer key

3 Post-writing: (30 minutes) Task 2

- Asks students to read the information in the

- Answer questions freely in pairs

- Individual work Key:

1 varied rise declined different went up dramatically


Lesson plan of English 11 table

- Gives instructions for Task

- Asks students to work in groups to describe the information in the table by using Useful language

- Goes around the class and help students if necessary

- Asks some students to write some paragraph on the board to correct them

- Gives feedback

4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to write a paragraph of about 100 words, describing the literacy rates in Vietnam

- Ask teacher difficult words if needed

- Report results in front of the class and correct themselves

- Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 30

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 5: Illiteracy

LESSON : Language focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- distinguish the clusters /pl/, /bl/, /pr/, /br/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly

- understand reported speech with infinitives and use these structures to solve communicative tasks

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students learn how to use reported speech with infinitive - New words: Words related to pronunciation /


/ - / bl/ - /pr/- /br/

3 Skill: - Pronunciation : /pl/ - /bl/ - /pr/ - /br/

- Grammar: reported speech with infinitive(s) II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, tape, cassette player IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pronunciation: (10 minutes)

- Asks students to listen to the tape once to help them distinguish the sounds

- Instructs the way to pronounce:

+ /pl/, /pr/ : Close your lips hard, push air forward in your mouth Then open your lips quickly

+ /bl/, /br/: Close your lips hard, push air forward in your mouth Then use your voice to make /b/

-Asks them to listen to the tape and repeat in


Lesson plan of English 11 chorus

-Calls some students to repeat the words clearly

-Asks students to work in pairs and practise the sentences

-Introduces peer correction 2 Grammar: (33 minutes)

- Reviews the meanings of some verbs that are usually used in this kind of reported speech

- Asks them to pay attention to the special case

Exercise 1:

- Asks students to work individually and complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one using the words given

- Asks them to compare the answers with a friend

- Calls some students to go to the BB and write their answers down

- Corrects the answers

Exercise 2:

- Practise individually Review:

1 promise + to V: tell s.b that you’ll definitely or not s.th

2 advise + O + to V:tell s.b what they should

3 encourage + O + to V: persuade s.b to s.th that you think is good

4 remind + O + to V: ask s.b to remember (or not to forget) to s.th

5 warn + O + to V: tell s.b to or not to s.th in order to avoid danger

*The special case:

S+V+O: “If I were you, I would +V’…”

S+V+O: “Why don’t you + V’…?” S+V+O: “You’d better +V’…”

ßà S+ advise + O+ to V’…

- Work individually Key:

1 They promised to come back again

2 The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far from the shore John asked Peter to close the


4 The teacher encouraged Eric to join the football team

5 John promised to give it to him the next day

6 My mum wanted Lan to become a doctor

7 My sister reminded me to lock the door before going to school His boss advised him to go


Lesson plan of English 11 (Make the same steps)

3 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Asks students to exercise in work book - Asks students to prepare Unit at home

1 He advised me not to drink too much beer

2 She invited me to come and see her whenever I wanted

3 John asked me not to smoke in his car

4 He told Sue to give him her phone number

5 He reminded me to give the book back to Joe

6 He promised not to it again He agreed to wait for me

8 John asked her to lend him some money

- Write down

Good bye!

Period: 31

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : Reading

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context

- Use the information they have read to discuss the related topic Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students get information about competitions - Language: Sentences and expression for competitions

- New words: Words related to some competitions Skill : - Word meaning in context

- Passage comprehension

- Scanning for specific information II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up :(5 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the photos in their books and match them with the words in the box

* Suggested answers :


Lesson plan of English 11 a Quiz “ Road to Olympia”

b London Marathon

c Sao Mai Singing Contest d Olympic Games

1 Before you read (3 minutes) - Asks students some questions:

a Do you take part in the competitions like this?

b Do you hope to win a competition? If so, which competition would you like to win? c Is winning the most important thing in a competition? Why / Why not?

2 While you read: (28 minutes) - Asks students to read the text silently - Introduces some new words

New words:

1 Recite (v): to say a passage, a poem aloud from memory

2.Poem (n)

à Poet (n) : a person who write poems Poetry (n)

- Asks students to read the new words

- Asks students to read the text again and Task

* Task 1: - Give feedback

3 Homework: (1 minute)

- Write down the questions and the answers in the notebooks

- Learn the new words and questions by heart - Prepare Part B - Speaking

- Answer the questions in pairs

- Take notes

- Read the new words aloud. - Read the text carefully

- Do Task 1. Suggested key:

1 d f 3.e 4.c b a

Write down

Good bye!

Period: 32

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : Reading (Cont)

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and identifying meaning in context


Lesson plan of English 11 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students get information about competitions - Language: Sentences and expression for competitions

- New words: Words related to some competitions Skill : - Word meaning in context

- Passage comprehension

- Scanning for specific information II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Before you read :(5 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the photos in their books and match them with the words in the box

* Suggested answers : a Quiz “ Road to Olympia” b London Marathon

c Sao Mai Singing Contest d Olympic Games

2 While you read Task 2:

- Asks students to read the passage again to answer the questions in the full form

- Asks students to write their answers on the board and correct them if necessary

- Gives feedback

- Give answer with photos

- Read the text carefully Suggested key:

1 The representatives of the three classes of (the

speakers’) school took part in the annual final English Competition last Saturday It aims was to stimulate

the spirit of learning English among students

3 The students’ Parents Society sponsored the


4 They had to compete five activities in all On competition of each activity, they had to answer the

questions in worksheet within two minutes


Lesson plan of English 11

- Asks students to copy down in their notebooks

Task 3:

- Asks students to task

- Asks representative of each group to give oral answers and write them on the board - Gives feedback

3 After you read: (8 minutes)

- Asks students to practice reciting the poem - Gives remarks and correct mistakes

4 Homework: (1 minute)

- Write down the questions and the answers in the notebooks

- Learn the new words and questions by heart - Prepare Part B - Speaking

the winner

6 The winner would be awarded a set of CDs for studying English and an Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary

- Copy down the answers in their notebooks

Suggested key:

1 in activity , Hung was unable to recite the last sentence of the poem / complete the poem ( because he couldn’t

remember the last sentence) Having achieved the highest

score, Group B became the winner of the competition Group C lost the game They

just got 60 points

- Copy down in their notebooks - Recite the poem

- Perform in front of the class - Write down

Good bye!

Period: 33

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : Speaking

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- ask for and give information about types of competitions - talk about a competition or contest

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students understand some kinds of competitions - New words: Words related to competitions

3 Skill : - Asking for and giving information about types of competitions - Talking about a competition or contest


Lesson plan of English 11 III Teaching aids: Textbook, pictures, board

IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pre-speaking :(3 minutes)

- Asks students some questions:

1 Is population explosion a big problem to us nowadays?

2 Should the government something to solve this effectively?

2 While-speaking: (25 minutes) Task 1

- Introduces Task and give the meaning of some new words (If necessary)

- Asks students to Task in pairs * Task 2:

- Asks students to Task in pairs - Asks some pairs to present their ideas in front of the class

- Gives remarks

3 Post-speaking: (15 minutes) * Task 3:

- Asks students to Task (Group work) - Asks students to perform their work in front of the class

- Gives remarks

- Answer questions freely

- Listen to the teacher

- Work in pairs: General Knowledge Quiz

Art Competition

(Painting, drawing, sculpture…) - Work in pairs


A: What you think of the General Knowledge Quiz?

B: Oh, It’s great It’s an opportunity to test your general knowledge Some suggestions:

- What you think of the English competition?

Oh, it’s great It’s a good opportunity for us to practice English

- What you think of the Athletics Meeting?

Oh, it’s exciting It’s a good chance for physical training You will look athletic and healthy - What you think of the Art competition?

Oh, it’s wonderful It’s a good chance for your creative activities - What you think of the Poetry Reading Comprehension?

Oh, it’s boring It makes you feel sleepy

Some suggestions


Lesson plan of English 11

4 Homework: (2 minutes) - Review Part B carefully - Prepare Part C – Listening

was it? (Sao Mai Television Singing Contest)

3 Who won the competition / contest? (Kasim Hoang Vu) Did you enjoy it? Why / Why not? (Yes, I did because it was interesting / No, I didn’t because it was long.)

- Write down

Good bye!

Period: 34

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : listening

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: - develop extensive listening skills

- use the information they have listened to for other communicative tasks

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students will understand marathon competition - New words: Words related to marathon competition

3 Skill : - Deciding on True or False statements - Comprehension questions

II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette player IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up :(3 minutes)

- Asks students to look at the pictures in the textbook and answer the questions

1 What is the Boston Marathon?

2 Who you think can take part in the Boston race?

1 Before you listen: (6 minutes)

- Asks students to repeat the provided words

- Answer freely

- Listen and repeat in chorus. race (n)


Lesson plan of English 11

2 While you listen: (25 minutes) * Task 1:

- Asks students to read Task silently

- Asks students to listen to the cassette player (twice) and Task

-Asks students to work in pairs to compare the answers

- Has students listen again to check the answers

- Gives feedback * Task 2:

- Asks students to read the questions in Task silently

- Asks them to listen to the cassette player again and Task (Teacher can read aloud the sentences containing the information if necessary)

- Asks students to work in pairs and discuss the answers

- Asks some students to write the answers on the board

- Has students listen again to check the answers

- Gives feedback

3 After you read : (10 minutes)

- Asks students to work in groups and name some famous runners in Vietnam and say what is special about them

- Asks the representative of each group to speak in front of the class

- Gives remarks and correct mistakes 4 Homework: (1 minutes)

8 Kussik

- Read Task silently

- Listen to the tape and decide whether the statements are True or False

- Work in pairs and discuss the answers

- Listen and check the answers - Take notes

1.T F T T F F

- Read Task silently

- Listen to the tape and Task 2 - Work in pairs and discuss the answers

- Listen and check the answers Key:

1 (He came from) New York (She became the first official female champion) in 1972

3 (women started and finished the race in 1972)

4 6164 (runners joined the Boston Marathon in 1984)

- Work in groups.

- Perform in front of the class

Good bye!

Period: 35

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : Writing

I Objectives:


Lesson plan of English 11 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students will know how to write a reply letter - New words: Words related to replying

3 Skill : Writing a letter of reply

II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, board markers IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pre-writing: (15 minutes)

- Conducts a short discussion with the following question:

If you organise an English speaking competition, what will you to attract potential competitors?

- Collects ideas from every group

- Tries to elicit the idea of carefully responding to letters of enquiry from potential competitors

* Task 1:

-Asks ss to spend minutes reading the letter in the textbook on their own to find out

whether the letter is the one of enquiry or reply

-Confirms the kind of letter is an enquiry one -Asks ss to work in group of four in minutes to anwer the question that follows:

What does Thu Trang want to know about the English Speaking Competition?

-Gets answers from all group

-Introduces the main lesson: “Our lesson today has the focus on how to reply to a letter of enquiry.”

-Have ss work in group of and put the following elements of a letter of reply in an appropriate order

The Start:

 Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss VERY

IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss)  Providing Requested Materials:  We are pleased to enclose

 Enclosed you will find

- Discuss

-Brainstorm any interesting ideas and share

-Work alone

 A letter of enquiry

-Work in group of

 Number of participants

 Entry procedures (what to

to become a competitor)

 Venue

 Date

 Time

 Phone number  Email

The Start:

 Dear Mr, Ms (Mrs, Miss

VERY IMPORTANT use Ms for women unless asked to use Mrs or Miss)

Thanking the Potential Competitor for His/Her Interest:

 Thank you for your letter


Lesson plan of English 11

 We enclose

Closing a Letter Hoping for Future


We look forward to hearing from you / receiving your order / welcoming you to the competition

Providing Additional Information:  We would also like to inform you  Regarding your question about  In answer to your question (inquiry)


Thanking the Potential Competitor for His/Her Interest:

 Thank you for your letter of

inquiring (asking for information) about

 We would like to thank you for your

letter of inquiring (asking for information) about


Yours sincerely (remember use 'Yours faithfully' when you don't know the name of the person you are writing and 'Yours

sincerely' when you do.)

2 While-writing: (10 minutes) * Task 2:

-Asks ss to work in group of

information) about

 We would like to thank you

for your letter of inquiring (asking for information) about

Providing Requested Materials:

 We are pleased to enclose  Enclosed you will find  We enclose

Providing Additional Information:

 We would also like to inform


 Regarding your question


 In answer to your question

(inquiry) about

Closing a Letter Hoping for Future Business:

We look forward to hearing from you / receiving your order /

welcoming you to the competition  Signature:

Yours sincerely (remember use 'Yours faithfully' when you don't know the name of the person you are writing and 'Yours sincerely' when you do.)

-Follow the instructions.

-Try to submit the answer for the qualifying round as soon as possible

Thank you for your inquiry of 12 September asking for the latest edition of our catalogue

-4 groups chosen take part in the defining round


Lesson plan of English 11 -Conducts a competition among all groups

-Announces the rule of the competition:

 The competition has rounds:

Qualifying one & Defining one

 After the qualifying round, groups

will be selected

 Each group writes down their answer to

the question from the teacher in 30 seconds

 The best anwer is the one that is

written, based on the information in Task 2, correct and in full

 Only one best answer for each question

is chosen out of the ones

-Give out the question for qualifying round

 Put the words in the correct order to

make a meaningful sentence

latest for edition your of 12 September asking the of our thank inquiry you catalogue for 3 Post- writing: (18 minutes)

- Asks ss to write a letter to reply to Thu Trang’s letter in Task in minutes

- Reminds ss to use the language they have learnt and the information in Task

- Provides the information:

Remember to place your address at the top of the letter followed by the address of the person you are writing to The date can either be placed double spaced down or to the right

- Asks ss to work in pairs and correct the writing

3 Homework: (2 minutes)

1 Write a letter to reply to the following

- Write a letter of reply by themselves

Kate John

106 Tran Hung Dao Street Hoan Kiem District

Hanoi, Vietnam Thu Trang

140 Kham Thien St, Dong Da District

Hanoi, Vietnam October 19, 2007 Dear Thu Trang,

Thank you for your inquiry of 17 October asking for the information about the English Speaking Competition on our Language Centre’s website.

We are pleased to some details about the competition The number of participants is limited – just 25 The competition is

held on 25th November 2007 It taks place

at 106 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem District, Hanoi It starts at p.m

Contestants should arrive at p.m for registration For more information, please contact at the phone the phone number: (04) 9838188 and email:


We look forward to welcoming you to the competition.

Yours sincerely, Kate John Secrectary


Lesson plan of English 11 letter

2 Prepare Unit 6: Part E: Language Focus

writing to correct - Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 36

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 6: Competitions

LESSON : Language focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

- distinguish the clusters /tr/, /dr/, /tw/ and pronounce the words and sentences containing them correctly

- understand reported speech with gerund and use these structures to solve communicative tasks

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students understand reported speech with gerund - New words: Words related to /tr/, /dr/, /tw/

3 Skill : - Pronunciation: /tr/, /dr/, /tw/

- Grammar: reported speech with gerund II Method: Intergrated mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Textbook, hand-outs

IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pronunciation: (15 minutes)

I. Pronuciation: 1 Warm up:

Have students listen and repeat the sounds: /tr/ ; /dr/ ; /tw/

/tr/ /dr/ /tw/

traffic drive twelve troops dreadful twenty trousers drink twin tropical dress twinkle

2 Practice:

Have students read the sentences provided (textbook, page 68)

2 Grammar: (28 minutes) Reported speech with gerund

 Ex1: “It was very nice of you to help

- Listen and repeat in chorus - Listen carefully


Lesson plan of English 11 me Thank you very much”, Tom said

à Tom thanked me for helping him


congratulati on

accuse warn prevent stop …

+ obj +

for on of

against +v-ing

from from

 Ex2 : “I’m sorry I’m late” Peter apologised for being late

* apologised for / insit on / dream of…+ v-ing

 Ex3 : “ No, I didn’t borrow your


à Paul denied borrowing my dictionary

* deny/ suggest / admit / lok forward to / think of …+ v-ing

mar: (25 minutes) * Exercise 1:

- Asks students to exercise in pairs - Checks answers and gives feedback

* Exercise 2:

- Asks students to exercise individually then in pairs

- Checks answers and corrects

1 John congratulated us on passing our exams

2 Mary apologised for nor phoning me earlier

3 Peter insisted on driving Linda to the station

4 The teacher accused the boy for not paying attention to what he had said

5 Bob has always dreamed of being rich

6 I warned Ann against staying at the hotel near the airport

7 Her mother prevented Jane from going out that night

8 Paul denied borrowing my dictionary

9 Miss White thanked Jack for visiting her

- Work individually then in pairs Key:

1 Tom insisted on paying for the meal

2 Mrs and Mr Smith looked forward to meeting their children


Lesson plan of English 11

3 Homework: (2 minutes) - Practice reading the sentences - Write exercise 1,2 in notebook - Prepare in advance Test yourself B

4 The policeman stopped the customer (from) leaving the shop

5 The thief admitted stealing Mrs Brown’s car

6 Ann suggested having a party the next Saturday

7 John and his wife were thinking of buying the house

- Copy down

Good bye!

Period: 37

Teaching date… /…./20

Test yourself B

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: - According to the TEST students can revise all the language skills and grammatical points which they have studied and used in the three units: 4, and

- Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests Knowledge: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

- Language: Students can improve their techniques of doing the simple tests Skill: After this lesson, students will be able to:

- Check themselves their skills in reading, speaking, listening, writing - Improve their knowledge through the test yourself

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Textbook, board, hand-outs, cassette tape and player. IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Greeting

- Ask students something about the test yourself B

* Have you prepared it at home? * Have you got any difficulties? Test yourself

I Listening(2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Ask students to read all the sentences first - Ask students to listen to the tape once

- Ask students to listen again and speak out the statements are true or false

- Greeting

- Answer teacher’s questions

- Look at the book and listen to the task

- understand the task - Read the questions - Listen to the tape


Lesson plan of English 11 - Ask students to listen in the third time, the

work in groups to compare and discuss the answers with each others to find the correct answers

II Reading (2.5 points) (10 minutes) - Present the task:

- Ask pupils to work in groups to compare the answers they have already done to find the correct ones

- Give the correct answers to the class: - Keys: 1D, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5C

III Grammar(2.5 points) (8 minutes) - Present the task:

a/ Ask students to listen and put a tick in the right box

- Keys:

a play, drive, twice, proud

b/ Let students finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it has the same meaning as the original sentence

- Keys:

b taking, to go, smoking, saying, do, going, to make

IV Writing (7 minutes) - Present the task:

- Call the students to read the suggested sentences in front of the class

- Check their writings and help them correct the mistakes if they’ve made

Homework (5 minutes) - Ask students:

+ to study all the lessons again

+ to get ready for the 45 minute-test in the next period

statements are true or false

- Listen and discuss in groups to find the correct answers:

1A, 2B, 3D, 4C, 5B

- Look at the textbook and listen to the teacher

- Work in groups to discuss about the passage

- Finish the task

- Compare their results with the other groups, and then with the keys - Write the answers on the board - Listen to the teacher and correct the answers

- Listen to the teacher - Work in groups

- Compare the results with the other groups

- Show the answers in front of the class

- Observe the keys and correct their answers

- Students work in groups and practise writing

- Two students go to the board and write

- Give the writings by reading aloud - Read the writing carefully

- In groups or in pairs

- Compare the results with the other groups

- Study all the lessons again

- Get the knowledge ready for the coming test

Good bye!

Period: 38

Teaching date… /…./20

English written test (No 2)

Period: 39

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON :Reading


Lesson plan of English 11

1 Educational aim: students should know about world population Knowledge:

- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more about the world population

- Language:

- New words: Words related to world population

3 Skills: Guessing meaning in context, and passage comprehension II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos of music IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students close the book

-Ask students to answers some questions: Are all the people in the same family? Is it good to have many children?

3 What will happen if every family have a lot of children?

-Lead in : today we are learn about world population

1 Before you read : (7 minutes)

- Ask students work in pairs and look at two pictures on the book and discuss the questions - Go around and help if necessary

-Ask students to give the answers

- Listen to students and correct pronunciation and grammar if necessary

2 While you read : (23 minutes)

- Ask students to look through the passage and read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage

-Ask students to read loudly the difficult words in chorus

Task :

- Ask students to task

- Let students work individual or in groups - Help students if necessary


1.Although 2.method 3.increases

4.resources 5.sfigures 6.limit 7.international 8,control

Task 2:

-Ask students to read the passage again then answer the questions

- Ask students to answer the following questions

- Ask students look through the passages then try to answer the questions in right way

- Let them work in pairs

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions

- Listen to the teacher and open the book – Unit7, part A: reading

- Look at the book, listen to the teacher and work in pairs:

- Discuss and give correct answers - Listen to the teacher

- Ask some new words if necessary - Keep the book open

- Listen to the teacher then task - Ask the teacher if necessary

- work individual or in group - Write down in the notebook

Listen to the teacher

- Try to answer the questions Keys :


Lesson plan of English 11 - Help students if necessary

(the answers in the passage)

3 After you read : (8 minutes)

- Ask students to work in groups to discuss find out five world largest countries i population say where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country -Go around to help the groups when necessary -Call on some groups to answer the question - Listen to students and correct mistakes 4 Home work: (2 minutes)

- Ask students to Reading exercise of Unit in workbook

2,by the year 2015 the population of the world is expected to be over billion (last line,paragraph1)

3,some scientists say it can ,but others say it can’t (line2-4,paragraph2)

4 no, they don’t

5,because they know of no safe way to have fewer children( line4-5,paragraph3)

- Listen to the teacher

-Discuss and find out five world largest countries in population - The students who are called to stand up to talk loudly are intelligent ones

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!

Period: 40

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON : Reading (Cont)

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: students should know about world population Knowledge:

- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand more about the world population

- Language:

- New words: Words related to world population

3 Skills: Guessing meaning in context, and passage comprehension II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Textbook, some photos of music IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Before you read : (7 minutes)

- Ask students work in pairs and look at two pictures on the book and discuss the questions - Go around and help if necessary

-Ask students to give the answers

- Listen to students and correct pronunciation and grammar if necessary

2 While you read : (23 minutes)

- Ask students to look through the passage and

- Listen to the teacher and answer the questions


Lesson plan of English 11 read in silence

- Help students read the passage

- Explain pronunciation and meaning of new words which appear in the passage

-Ask students to read loudly the difficult words in chorus

Task 2:

-Ask students to read the passage again then answer the questions

- Ask students to answer the following questions

- Ask students look through the passages then try to answer the questions in right way

- Let them work in pairs - Help students if necessary (the answers in the passage)

3 After you read : (8 minutes)

- Ask students to work in groups to discuss find out five world largest countries in population say where they are and which is the richest and which is the poorest country -Go around to help the groups when necessary -Call on some groups to answer the question - Listen to students and correct mistakes 4 Home work: (2 minutes)

- Ask students to Reading exercise of Unit in workbook and prepare Part B : Speaking at home

- Look at the book, listen to the teacher and work in pairs:

- Try to answer the questions Keys :

1.the population of the world in 10,000BC was 10 million In1750 it was 6225 million; in 1850 it was 1300million ,in1950 it was 2510 million (paragraph 1)

2,by the year 2015 the population of the world is expected to be over billion (last line,paragraph1)

3,some scientists say it can ,but others say it can’t (line2-4,paragraph2)

4 no, they don’t

5,because they know of no safe way to have fewer children( line4-5,paragraph3)

- Listen to the teacher

-Discuss and find out five world largest countries in population - The students who are called to stand up to talk loudly are intelligent ones

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!

Period: 41

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON : Speaking

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know how to talk about problems of overpopulation and offering solutions

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students could identify causes to population explosion and facing overpopulated countries

- Language:


Lesson plan of English 11

3 Skills: talking about the causes of population explosion ,problems of population booms and solutions to these problems

II Method: integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: pictures ,textbook

IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to keep book close

- Show students the following picture and ask them two questions

1.what can you see in the picture? 2.What does the picture tell you? - We learn Unit 7, part- speaking 1 Pre-speaking : (12 minutes) Task 1

- Ask students to read through the causes - Let them work in pairs to order the causes and explain their order

-Call on some students to give their answer in front of the class

- Listen to students and correct mistakes 2 While-speaking : (15 minutes)

Task 2

- Ask students to to list the problem facing poor and overpopulated countries in the task - Let them work in groups

- Walk round and help them

- Ask some students to stand up to talk again loudly

- Listen and correct mistakes


-ask students to read the task3 and find out the solutions to the problems of overpopulation -ask them work in pairs to the task -Go around to offer help

-Call on some students to present their group’s ideas

-Give feedback

- Keep books close - Listen to the teacher - Answer the question

-Do the task in pairs

-Work in pairs and order the causes ,explain their order

- Look at student’s book - Listen to the teacher

- work in pairs to list the problems of poor and overpopulated countries _Suggested answer

+poor living condition +low living standard

+not enough/expensive food

+lack/shortage of

schools/hospitals/teachers/doctors/n urses

+illiteracy +social evils +unemployment

-Look at the task and find out the solution to the problems of overpopulation

-suggested answers:

+raise an awareness of the problems of overpopulation

+use birth control methods

+carry out population education program/family planning program +raise the people’s living standard

- Close the books - Listen to the teacher - Do task


Lesson plan of English 11 3 Post-speaking : (10 minutes)

Task 4

- Ask students to close books

- Ask students to tell the problems and offer solutions using the results of task and task3 - Walk round and help them

- Let them work in groups

- Ask some students to stand up and tell loudly - Listen and correct mistakes

4 Homework: (3 minutes)

- Ask students to part B in the workbooks - Ask students to prepare Part C- Listening and homework

- The students are called stand up and tell loudly

- Listen to the teacher - Write down the homework

Good bye!

Period: 42

Teaching date… /…./20

Correct the test (No 2)

I Objectives:

After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done And have to know how to try their best for the next test

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Greeting

- Ask students some questions on the previous test

- Tell the aim of the period: correct the test I Put each verb in brackets in a suitable form (2.point): (8 minutes)

- Repeat the questions

- Get students to read the passage again carefully

- Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

II Rewrite the following sentences so that the meaning of them don t change.(3.point): (8


- Repeat the questions

- Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

III Read the passage and then answer the questions that follow.(3 point) (10 minutes):

- Repeat the questions

- Show the passage again several times

- Get students toread the passage again

- Greeting

- Listen and understand the task - Get ready for the lesson

- Look at their paper

- Compare the resutls with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys

- Look at their paper

- Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys

- Look at the writing again and compare it with the others


Lesson plan of English 11 carefully

- Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

IV Make complete sentences using the cues below.(2 point): (9 minutes)

- Repeat the questions

- Get student to read the test again carefully - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud Homework: (5 minutes)

Prepare Unit 8: celebrations

on the key

- Look at their paper

- Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys

Prepare Unit 8: celebrations Good bye!

Period: 43

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON : Listening

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know to talk about the world population Knowledge:

- General knowledge: By the end of the lesson Students will be able to develop such listening micro-skill as listening for specific information

- New words: Words related to the topic Skills: - Comprehension questions

- Listening and deciding on choosing the best answer II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to close the books

- Ask students to number the following issues from 1to to describe your concern about them The first one will show that this issue is what you concern the most and so on

.housing Medical care AIDS

.Illiteracy Population Overpopulation

- If you want to know more details about them we will go to Unit 7- part Listening

I Before you listen: (7 minutes)

- Ask students to look at the part: Before listening

- Let them work in pairs and make questions - Walk round, listen and help students

- Close the books

- Listen to the teacher and

number the following issues from 1to to describe your concern about them

-Listen to the teacher and look at the before you listen

-Answer the question


Lesson plan of English 11

- Read loudly the words:

- Ask students to repeat loudly the words - Listen and check pronunciation 2 While you listen: (20 minutes) Task 1

- Ask students to read and explain statements in task

- Explain some words or phrases which students can’t understand

- Ask students to listen to the tape twice and task

-Ask students to give their answer on the board

- Correct the answers then explain them Task 2

- Ask students to look through the questions in task

- Ask students to listen to the typescript again and answer them

- Ask students to give reasons for their answers Key: 1.over billion

2,the population growth rates in some parts of the world are not the same

3,the reason is the improvement of public health services and medical care

4,they are shortage of foods ,lack of hospitals and schools ,illiteracy, and poor living conditions

5,there are solutions

3 After you listen: (10 minutes) - Ask students to open the books

- Ask them to summarize the main ideas of the listening passage

-some cues :world population today/main cause of population explosion/problems caused by population explosion/ solutions to the problems

- Let them work in pairs

- Walk round and help students

- Ask some students to stand up and retell their opinion to the class

- Listen and correct mistakes Homework: (3 minutes)

- Ask students to summarize the points of the passage

- Remember them to prepare Part- Writing at home


2.Asia has the largest population with China the most populated country in the world and India the second

-read individually and then read in chorus

- Look at the books - Listen to the teacher

- Read the statements in task independently

- listen to the tape carefully and the task

-Keys:1A, 2D.3C ,4D ,5A, 6C

- Keep book open

- Look at the questions and ask teacher some new words if necessary

- Listen to the typescript and the task

- Keep book open and listen to the teacher

-The students who are called stand up and talk their idea the listening passage

-Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!


Lesson plan of English 11 Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON : Writing

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should write descriptions of pie charts

2 General knowledge: Students learn how to write a descriptions of a chart - Language: students should interpret statistics on population from a chart - New words: Words related to the topic

3 Skills: Writing descriptions of pie charts II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Student’s book, notebook, IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Ask students to keep book close

-give them handout with a table of information -ask them to work in pair to transfer the table into a pie chart

- Check and explain them to the class:

In order to understand them we learn part Writing

1 Pre-writing: (10 minutes)

- Ask student to read the hand out with a description of a pie chart and discuss the organization and other characteristics of the description

- Explain some new words - answer the questions

1, how many parts are there in the description? what are they?

2,what does the first part tell you?

3.what language items should you pay attention to in the second part/underline them 4.what does the last part tell you?

- Let them work in groups

- Walk around, check and help students 2 While-writing: (18 minutes)

Task 2

- Ask students to work in pair to analyze the chart using the following questions

+what does the pie chart show?

+what is the general trend of the chart?

+which region has the largest population? Which comes second?

+which region has the smallest population? +where does most of the world population live ?

- Let students work individually to write the description of the pie chart, using the sentences given in the book to begin their description - Walk round and help students

3 Post-writing: (10 minutes) - Give suggestions and corrections

- Keep book close

- Listen to the teacher and to transfer the table into a pie chart

Read the prompts

- Ask the teacher if necessary

- Work in groups and answer the questions


1.3 parts(introduction, body and conclusion)

2 language use : +make up less than percent

+the most+ adj, the second most +adj

-Work in pairs and analyze the chart -Give answer

-then work individually to

write the description of the pie chart, using the sentences given in the book to begin their description


Lesson plan of English 11 - Ask students to read their profile

- Ask some students to read loudly their description

- Correct mistakes and mark 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Ask students to part writing of Unit in the student’s work book and prepare part Language Focus

- Some students read loudly their products in front of the class

- Listen to the teacher and write down homework

Good bye!

Period: 45

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit : World Population

LESSON : Language Focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students can distinguish the clusters /kl/ -/gl/- /kr/ -/gr/ -/kw/ and pronounce the words and dialogue containing these clusters correctly Knowledge:

- General knowledge: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use conditional sentences (types1,2 and 3) and conditional sentences in reported speech appropriately

- New words: Words related to pronunciation /kl, gl, kr , gr , kw / Skills: -Pronounce the sounds: /kl, gl, kr , gr , kw /

II Method: Intergrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Student’s book, pictures ,hand outs IV Procedure:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activities1 Pronunciation: (10 minutes)

- Ask students to look at their books then introduce to them

*Listen and repeat :

- Read loudly then ask students to repeat - Introduce : / kl, gl, kr , gr , kw / - Correct pronunciation for the students * Practise these sentences

- Read the sentences loudly - Ask students to repeat

- Correct pronunciation for students 2 Grammar:(34 minutes)

- conditional types ,2 and 3“ ” -write some sentences on the board a + If it doesn’t rain ,I will come to see you +If it didn’t rain, I would come to see you

-Ask students to comment on the use of conditional types in these examples

-Help students to use of them

-Ask some students give some similar examples - Introduce exercises to the students

Exercise 1: (15 minutes) - Ask students to Exercise - Introduce how to it

- Let them work in pairs

- Walk round, check and give mark

- Open the books

- Look at : Listen and Repeat

- Repeat the words in chorus then individual

- Look at Practise the sentences - Listen to the teacher then repeat in chorus then individual

- Listen to the teacher -write down their notebook -give some examples

- Listen to the teacher and exercise


1,would drive 2,could


Lesson plan of English 11 Exercise (8 minutes)

- Introduce Exercise to students and explain how to it

- Ask students to it

- Let them work individually - Check, correct mistakes Exercise 3: (11 minutes)

- write some conditional sentences in reported speech on board and ask students to comment on the changes of the verbs, pronouns and adverbs of time and places

-“If I had a permit , I could get a job’ he said He said that if he had a permit , he could get a job

- Introduce Exercise to students and explain how to it

- Ask students to it

- Let them work individually - Walk round and help them

- Check, correct mistakes , give reasons and mark


Homework : (2 minutes)

Ask students to Part Language Focus and prepare to correct the second test

- Listen to the teacher and exercise

-Keys :

1,had been told 2,had realized 3, wouldn’t have been 4, would have bought 5, had studied

- Listen to the teacher - Write down

-Take note quickly -Do the exercise Key:

1,the man said to her that he would come to see her if he had time

2,he asked her what she would say if someone stepped on her feet

3, they said to me if it didn’t rain they would go out with me

4,the man asked the woman what she would if she were a billionaire

5, the man said to me if I had asked him he would have lent me his motorbike

Listen to the teacher and write down

Good bye!

Period: 46

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 8: celebrations

LESSON : Reading

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know more about the celebration of Tet and other festivals’ activities

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: - Through this unit, students know the history of tet and some kinds of celebration

- New words: Words related to celebration

3 Skills: Reading for identifying the main idea and specific information II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Real objects, pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (4 minutes)

- Let students to listen to the song and ask some questions:

a What is the title of the song? b.When people often sing it? c.What is it about?

-There are many things about Tet that we want to say Today, we’ll study a new lesson Unit 8-Reading

- Look at the picture - Answer the questions a Happy New Year

b to welcome the New Year/it is often sung on the last days of the old year and the at the beginning of the New year


Lesson plan of English 11

1 Before you read: (7 minutes)

- Ask students to look at the picture and discuss the three questions in pairs

-Go around to offer help

-Call on some students to present their answers and give comments from other students

-Give feedback

- Let students work in pairs to tell which of the activities in the book they enjoy most at Tet - Call on some students to present their answer and other students comment

-Ask students to read through the passage and find some new words

+positive comments +candied fruit

+spread (v): to extend over a place +Lunar New Year

-Let students read and copy in their notebooks 2 While you read: (20 minutes)

You are going to read about the Tet holiday in Vietnam

-Make the class read the small talks, to scan the details and the tasks

1 Task :

-Ask students to read a passage about Tet holiday, and then underline those words which match with the definitions on the right column in the task

- Firstly, ask students to study individually then in pairs

- Walks around the class, offer ideas and comments when students need help

-Call on some students to explain their answer in front of the class

- Give suggestions Task 2

- Work in pairs, read the small talks again and answer these questions

- Ask students to work individually then work in pairs

- Walk round the class and comments when

the New Year

- Listen to the teacher look at the picture and answer the questions -The answers are various

1,It is spring and it should be Tet holiday because we can se the apricot blossom and a kumquat tree full of ripe fruits

2,the people in the picture may be a family the grandmother is giving her niece and nephew some lucky money The girl, the boy and their parents may be wishing their grandparents good health and happiness

-work in pair and discuss these activities they enjoy most doing in the Tet

-Read individually

-Listen to the teacher and write down

-Read in chorus

-Listen to the teacher

-Read the passage and underline new words

-Try to guess the meanings of the words

-Listen to their friends’ answers -Listen to the teacher and correct -Key:1,trọng đại, hoành tráng

2,biểu ngữ, băng rôn 3,táo dầm đờng 4,thuộc nông nghiệp 5,cầu nguyện 6,niềm vui thích, nơ nức -Read passage again

-Work individually


1F( it fall between 19thJanuary and


2,F( it’s just for agrarian people) 3.T

4,F( according to the passage, lucky

Teachers Headmaster Headmistress Students Classmaster Friends Close – friends Friendship Subjects Geography Chemistry English Sports Frotball Jogging

Problems at school Live far

From school


Lesson plan of English 11 students need

-Check the answer in front of the class as a whole

-Give correct answers Task :

- Ask students to read all questions to answer the questions in task

- Ask students to work with a partner

- Walks around the class to help students whenever they need

-Give correct answer

(the answer is in the passage) After you read: (12 minutes)

- Let students work in groups to talk about their last Tet holiday ,using the following main points - Has students work in groups and discuss

- Walk around the class, listen to student’s discussions and offer suggestions when necessary

- Give comments

- Call on some students to speak and give them feedback

Homework : (2 minutes)

-Ask students summarize the passage at home and prepare the next lesson

number tends to be given to children)

5T 6,T

-Work individually

-Read carefully and give the answer

-Work in group and discuss

-two students present in front of the class

-Copy down on the notebooks

Good bye!

Period: 47

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 8: celebrations

LESSON : Speaking

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students could talk about the celebrations of Tet and other festivals’ activities

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: - Through this unit, students can express their opinions about Tet holiday in Vietnam

- Language: Ask and answer questions about the Tet holiday in Vietnam

3 Skills: Fluency in expressing opinion and expressions about celebrations in Vietnam II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: Pictures, English textbook 11, hand-outs IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudent s activitiesWarm-up:(6 minutes)

- Ask students close the book and find words that go with “traditional” in groups

Today, we will practice speaking about Tet holiday in Vietnam

1 Pre - speaking: (5 minutes) Task 1:

- Listen to the teacher -Find out the words


Lesson plan of English 11 -Ask students to read the dialogue and ask

them what points are mentioned in the dialogue

- Ask student to work individually then work in groups

-call on some pairs to act out the dialogue - Give suggestions

2 While - speaking :(24 minutes) Task 2:

-Ask students to look at the three pictures and work out the name of each holiday

- Ask students to work individually then in pairs

- Walk around the class to help student when necessary

- Check and give suggestions

- Ask student to practice it with a partner - Corrects students’ pronunciation if necessary 3 Post-reading: (13 minutes)

Task 3:

- Ask students to read all words in the task -Give the meaning of some words when necessary

- Ask students to work individually then work in pairs

- Walk around the class to help students when necessary

- Check and give suggestions

- Ask students to practice this conversation - Correct their pronunciation when necessary - Give comments

3 Homework(2 minutes):

Write about the Tet holiday their like and prepare the next lesson

- read individually and then work in pairs

- listen to the friend and give comments

-Listen to the teacher -Answer :

1,picture 1: Mid-Autumn 2,Picture 2: thanksgiving 3, picture3 :Valentine’s Day -1cC ,2aA ,3bB

- Do the task

-Compare the answer with the partners

- Work in groups

-Ask the teacher if necessary

-Some groups present their answer in front of the class

Copy in their notebooks

Good bye!

Period: 48

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 8: celebrations

LESSON : Listening

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students should know more about the New Year celebration in Japan Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students listen for the main idea and comprehension questions - Language:

- New words: Words related to New Year

3 Skills: Listening for gist and for specific information II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative.

III Teaching aid: Pictures, text book IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up : (4 minutes)


Lesson plan of English 11 What is special about the New Year holiday

in Japan?

6 Can you guess what Japanese on these days?

7 Lead in: we are going to listen to the talking about how the New Year celebrated in Japan

1 Before you listen : (6 minutes)

- Let students work in pairs to guess which of the activities the Japanese often on their New year’s Day

-Call on some students to give their answers and write them on the boards

-Introduce some new words from the listening passage

2 While you listen: (24 minutes) Task 1:

-Ask students to listen to conversations - Listen to each pair

- Let students listen for three times

-Check the answer in front of the class as a whole

-tick in the right column that best reflect their answer

- Go around and remark Task 2:

- Ask students to listen again and answer the questions

- Let students read the questions first and quickly- work in pairs

- Let students listen again times and ask them to discuss in groups to answer the questions

- Listen to each group and remark After you listen: (10 minutes)

- Have students sit in groups and compare the following aspects of the Vietnamese New year with those of the Japanese one

- Go around and help if necessary

-Call on some students tell the class again -Give comments

Homework: (2 minutes)

Ask students to exercise in workbook Prepare the next lesson

-listen to the teacher

- Work in pairs and each pair works in role

Listen to the teacher

Look at the picture in the book and guess before listening

-Listen carefully - Work individually - Give corrects

-Listen to the dialogues and then work in groups and give their answers

-key :

1,Because they want to get rid of the old year and welcome the new year 2,from TV or the radio

3,Kimonos or special dress

4,No, New year is mostly celebrates among family only

- work in group and discuss

- each group presents their answers

- Listen and copy in their notebooks

Good bye!

Period: 49

Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 8: celebrations

LESSON : Writing

I Objectives:


Lesson plan of English 11 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can write a passage describing a celebration - Language:

-Newwords : Words related to celebration Skills: Describing a celebration

II Method: Intergraded, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Some models, hand outs, pictures. IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up : (4 minutes)

-Ask some questions:

1.Have you ever taken part in one of the popular celebrations in Vietnam?

2 What Do you know about it?

Lead in : To know more about the popular celebration we will learn the new lesson: Writing

1 Pre-writing: (10 minutes)

- Let students read the passage of the - Explain some new words if they not know

-Let students work in pairs and write an outline for their description using the main points set in the task

- Go around to help students to answer the task

-Check the answers with the whole class

2 While-writing: (20 minutes) Task 2

_Ask students to gather and organizing ideas for their paragraph

-Let students write their paragraph for 10 minutes -Ask students to exchange their paragraph with a partner

-Go around helping and collecting typical errors

3 Post-writing: (10 minutes

- Let students write on the board or in the papers

- Go around and remark

- Ask or students who may be good at English to write on the board

- Give general comments and remark 4 Homework: (2 minutes)

- Describing a celebration they have seen and prepare the next lesson

- Observe and work in pairs to answer

- Answer the question

-Listen and the task suggested answers :

9 the description includes main points:

+ name of the festival +purpose


+main activities /what people in the festival

+foods eaten

+people’s feeling about the festival - Listen to the teacher

-Write their paragraph down -Compare with the partners

- Some students read aloud the form of someone

- Listen and check themselves - One student of one group reads aloud the paragraph

- Discuss and correct mistakes themselves

- Listen and copy

Good bye!


Lesson plan of English 11 Teaching date… /…./20

Unit 8: celebrations

LESSON : Language Focus

I Objectives:

1 Educational aim: Students know how to distinguish the clusters /


/ and /fr/ and/ θr/ in a word or a sentences

2 Knowledge:

- General knowledge: Students can Use pronouns: one(s), someone, no one ,anyone, everyone appropriately

- Language:

- New words: Words related to holiday and celebrations Skills:

- Pronunciation:


/ - /fr/ and/ θr/

- Grammar: - pronouns :one(s), someone, no one ,anyone, everyone -Vocabulary about holidays and celebrations

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative. III Teaching aids: Textbook

IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesI Pronunciation(10 minutes)

-Model the two sounds /fr/ -/fl/ -/ θr / for a few time

-Pronounce the sounds and ask students to repeat

-Ask students to practice pronouncing the sounds in chorus and individually

-Give feedback

+Practice these sentences

-Read all the sentences and ask students to underline the words with the sounds and write /fl/ - /θr/ - /fr/ under them

-Ask students to practice the sentences in pair -Go around and help

- Let students read the sentences and work in groups

- Listen and remark each group II Grammar: (34 minutes)


-Ask students to comment on the use of :one(s), someone, no one ,anyone, everyone using the sentences on the board

-Ask students to read it quickly -Explain the use of them

+someone=somebody: used with a singular verb in an affirmative statements or a question when speaker expects the “yes” answer

+no one :takes a singular affirmative verb

-let students excerise1 individually and then compare their answers with another students -Go around and help

-Check the answer the class as a whole

-Listen to the teacher

- Read aloud in chorus first ,then read individually

-Underline the words with the sounds and write /fr/-/fl/-/ θr/ -Work in pair

Listen to their friends’ reading - listen to the teacher and comment - Listen and copy

- Take note quickly -Do exercise1 -Work individually

-Compare with the partners

-Answers: 1.anyone ,2someone , 3,anyone ,4someone, 5, no one , 6,everyone 7, no one


Lesson plan of English 11

Exercise 2

-Ask students read the sentences through -Explain new words if any

-Call on some students to go to the board and write the answers

-Give a feedback


-ask students how to this exercise

-let students work in pair to finish the exercise and compare with the person sitting next to them - Listen to students and help them to it

-call on some students to give the answer and give feedback

Keys : 1,traditional 2, grand 3,gifts ,4 celebrating 5,polite 6, good luck ,7excitement Homework: (2 minutes)

- Let them exercises in Workbook -Prepare the next lesson


1, of he three bags, I like the blue one

2, Mai is making a fruit cake, Huong is making one ,too

3,I like reading books, especially the ones about the natural world 4,I don’t have a computer ,and my father doesn’t want me to have one

-Do the exercise3

- Some students write on the board and others check and correct mistakes

- Listen and copy

Good bye!

Period: 51

Teaching date… /…./20




I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will able to:

- know how to use infinitive (base form or full form) - know how to use gerund

II Materials:

- chalk and board - handouts

III Anticipated problems:

- Some Ss are still confused about infinitives and gerund IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interacti

ons Tim

e Warme

r Giving the forms of verbs- T gives out some verbs.

- Ask Ss to give the forms of verbs - Compare with your partner

Pairs 8’


ation 1.To infinitive- T writes some sentences on the board and underlines the to-infinitive

+ I have letters to write

+ Does he get anything to eat? +There’s plenty to

- T asks Ss to comment on the use of to-infinitives in these examples


Lesson plan of English 11 - T reviews the form and use of to-infinitives

1 In the examples above the infinitives are used to replace relative


1 The infinitive can be placed after nouns/ pronouns to show how they can be used or what is to be done with them

+ I have letters to write = I have letters that I must write + Does he get anything to eat?

= Does he get anything that he can eat? Infinitive without to (bare infinitive )

a Động từ dùng sau động từ hình thái (can, could ,may ,might, will, would ,shall, should….)

eg: She can sing very beautifully She may be late

b Make and let

Các động từ có cấu trúc động từ +bổ ngữ+động từ nguyên mẫu không to‘’ ”

Eg: The cold weather made me feel depressed They made me it

c Động từ nguyên mẫu không to đ‘’ ’’ ợc dùng câu mệnh lệnh dạng khẳng định.

Eg: Go to the blackboard! Stay at home!


d We can use a noun or pronoun object+ bare infinitive after verbs of perceptions such as feel, hear, watch, see, notice, observe, perceive, smell


- Ask Ss to give some verbs /verbal phrases followed by the Gerund

Expected answers: enjoy /miss /risk /appreciate /avoid /detest /dislike /It’s no use /can’t help /

postpone / mind /be worth /mention /keep /count on /give up


- Ask Ss to give form and usage of these verbs Form: Verb +V +ing = gerund

Usage: To add information to what is expressed in certain verbs


e Choose the best answer in A, B, C or D:1 After … for hours we stopped … other … with us. A to walk - to let - to catch up B to walk - letting - catching up

C walking - to let - catch up D walking - letting - catching up

2 I can’t help … I caught a cold yesterday from … in a draught

A sneezing - to sit B to sneeze – sitting C sneezing - sitting D to sneeze - to sit

T-Ss 10 ’



Lesson plan of English 11

Home-work Prepare about participles Good bye! Individuals 1’

Period: 52

Teaching date… /…./20




( Cont )

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will able to: - distinguish gerund and present participle

- use perfect gerund and perfect participle II Materials:

- chalk and board - handouts

III Anticipated problems:

- Some Ss are still confused about present participle and gerund IV Procedure:

Stages Procedure Interactio

ns Tim

e Warmer What you call it?

- Give some sentences with –ing form of verb

- Ask Ss to give their name (if necessary) - Give feedback and correction

Teams 5’

Presentation Gerund

- If necessary T reviews the form and uses of gerunds To save time T may give Ss the handout below:

A gerunds is a noun made from a verb by adding ‘-ing’ The gerund always has the same function as a noun (although it looks like a verb), so it can be used:

+ as the subject of the sentence: Reading helps you learn English + as the complement of the verb to be‘ ’: Her favorite hobby is reading

+ after prepositions The gerunds must be used when a verb comes after a preposition:

She is good at learning English They re keen on windsurfing’

This is also true of certain expressions ending in a preposition , e.g in spite of , there s no point in’ … There s no point in typing the assignment’

In spite of missing the train, we arrived on time + after a number of phrasal verbs which are ‘ ’

composed of a verb + preposition / adverb Example:

To look forward to ,to give up ,to be for / against, to take to, to put off ,to keep on:


Lesson plan of English 11 I look forward to hearing from you soon (at the end of a letter)

He kept on asking for a discount + in compound nouns


a driving lesson , a swimming pool, bird-watching, train-spotting

It is clear that the meaning is that of a noun, not of a continuous verb


The pool is not swimming; it is a pool for swimming in

+ after the expressions:

can’t help , can’t stand ,it’s no use /good , and adjective worth:

I can t stand being stuck in traffic jams’ It s no use /good trying to persuade him’

It might be worth changing the title of the book 2 Present participle

- If necessary T reviews the from and uses of present participles To save time T may give Ss the following handout:

The present participle of most verbs has the form V+ing and is used in the following ways :

+ as part of the continuous form of a verb Example:

I am working She was dancing

+ after verbs of movement /position in the pattern: verb + present participle


My mother used to go shopping everyday He came running towards me

This construction is particularly useful with the verb ‘to go’ ,such as go diving, go fishing ,go swimming

+ After verbs of perception in the pattern: verb +object + present participle


I heard someone playing the guitar I can smell something burning!

NOTE: There is a difference in meaning when such a sentence contains a bare-infinitive rather than a participle The infinitive refers to a complete action, but the participle refers to an incomplete action, or part of an action


I heard Mai playing the piano (=she had started before I heard her, and probably went on afterwards) I heard Mai play the piano (=I heard her complete performance)

+ as an adjective Example:


Lesson plan of English 11 It s a bit worrying when the police stop you’ + with the verbs spend and waste, in the pattern:

verb + time /money expression + present participle


I spend two hours a day traveling to work Don t waste time playing computer games’ ! They ve spend $ 4,000 buying that watch’ + with the verbs catch and find, in the pattern:

verb +object + present participle

With catch , the participle always refers to an action which causes annoyance or anger:

If I catch you stealing my apples again, I ll tell ’ your parents

This is not the case with find, which is unemotional: We found our dog lying in the bathroom

They found their mother sitting in the garden + to replace a sentence or part of a sentence

- When two actions occur at the same time, and are done by the same person or thing, we can use a present participle to describe one of them:

He sang to himself He walked down the road (= Singing to himself, he walked down the road.)

- When one action follows very quickly after another done by the same person or thing ,we can express the first action with a present participle:

He put on his coat and left the house (= Putting on his coat, he left the house.)

- The present participle can be used instead of a phrase starting as, since ,because , and it explains the cause or reason for an action: Feeling tired, he went to bed early (=because he felt tired…)

Knowing that she likes roses, he gave her a bunch of red roses on her birthday.

Practice Giving their name

- Give some sentences

- Ask Ss to distinguish which is gerund and which is present participle


1 I object to him having made private calls on the office phone

2 Having been his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another

3 They denied having been there

4 Having tied one red of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window

5 Having read the instruction, he snatched up the fire extinguisher

6 The children admitted having taken the money


Lesson plan of English 11

Expected answers:

- Gerund: 1, 3, 6

- Present Participle: 2, 4, 5

Production Make some sentences with gerund and present

participle Pairs 10’

Home-work Prepare reported speech Good bye! Individual

s 1’

Period: 53 (Thi tập trung theo đề Sở GD & ĐT Bắc Giang)

the test

of the first term

Period: 54

Teaching date… /…./20

Correct the test

of the first term

I Objectives:

After this correction students will be clearer about the test they have just done And have to know how to try their best for the next test

II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III Teaching aids: board, the test paper, key for the test IV Procedures:

Teacher s activitiesStudents activitiesWarm-up: (5 minutes)

- Greeting

- Ask students some questions on the previous test

- Tell the aim of the period: correct the test - Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

- Get student to read the test again carefully

- Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

- Show the passage again several times - Get students to read the passage again carefully

- Call some students to write their answers on the board, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud

- Call some students to read out their answers, and the others give remarks if it is correct or not

- Finally read the keys out aloud Homework: (5 minutes)

Prepare Unit 9: the post office

- Greeting

- Listen and understand the task - Get ready for the lesson

- Look at their paper

- Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Look at their paper

- Compare the results with the others - Get the correct answers from the keys - Look at the writing again and compare it with the others

- Correct the wrong sentences base on the key

- Look at their paper


Ngày đăng: 30/04/2021, 09:14
