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Preparation: Lecture: Class: 11A2 Period Unit 9: The Post Office Lesson 1: Reading I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will: - Be able to find the meaning of words through text. - Know the words related to post office. - develop reading skill as well as speaking skill II: Lexical items: words related to reading topic III: Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape IV: Procedure: Stages Activities 1. Before you read Ask Ss to answer the following questions: - How far is it from your home to the post office? - Have you ever been there? - How often do you go to the post office? - What services do you think the post office offer? à Lead in the reading passage 2. While you read - Play the tape, ask Sts to look at the passage and listen to the tape - Ask them to read again, underline new words if any - Explain some new words in the passage - Task 1: circle the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicized word • Make sure that Sts understand what they are going to do in task 1 • If necessary, give them some tips on doing this task. • Ask Ss to read words carefully and circle the word that has the opposite meaning to the italicized word • Compare their answers with their partners • Correct and explain if necessary: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. c -Task 2: Answering questions: + Ask Ss to read the text again to answer the following questions. + Do the task individually and then compare with the partner. + T should go around to check and to give help. + Check the answers. -Task 3: Find evidence in the text to support the statements • Make sure that Sts understand the requirement. • Ask Ss to work in pairs to do this task. • Call some Ss to present the answer. • Get feedback and give correct answer 3. After you read - Ss l work in group of 3 to discuss the questions: 1. Which services provided by Thanh Ba post office do you think is the most important and why? 2. What services do you think Thanh Ba post office should have in the future? - Walk around the class to observe and offer help - Call some groups to present in front of the class - Give remark, may be give marks to Ss who speak well 4: Homework - Ex 1,2 (workbook), prepare for speaking period Preparation: Lecture: Class: 11A2 Period Unit 9: The Post Office Lesson 2: Speaking I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will: - be able to take part in a conversation to subscribe one service in a post office following the cues. - develop their speaking skill II: Lexical items: Words related to a post office. III: Teaching aids: textbook, pictures IV: Procedure: Stages Activities 1.Check homework: - Call 2 pupils to present their talk on previous topic, 2 others to do Ex 1, 2. - Remark and give marks 2. Activity 1 - Instruction: act out the dialogue and then answer the question: What service is the customer taking in the dialogue? - Pair work: practice reading this dialogue - T goes around and give help. - T calls some pairs to read the dialogue. - Call one S to answer the above question: facsimile service. 3. Activity 2 - Instruction: make a conversation from the suggestions below. The conversation takes place at the post office between a clerk (A) and a customer (B), who wants to have a telephone line installed at home. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to do this task. - Go around to check. - Call on some pairs to act out the dialogue. Ask the rest to listen to them and give feedback. 4. Activity 4 - Instruction: Imagine that one of you is a clerk at the post office and the other is a customer, make a dialogue for each of the following situations: 1. you want to subscribe to Lao Dong daily newspaper for a year and have the newspaper delivered to your home every morning before 6:30. Your address is 67 Ngoc Ha Street, Ha Noi. 2. Your best friend’s birthday is on May 16 th . You want to use the Flower Telegram Service provided by the post office to send her a greetings card and a bunch of red roses on her birthday. - divide the class into two sides, each side do one situation in 5 minutes. - call some pairs to role play Preparation: Lecture: Class: 11A2 Period Unit 9: The Post Office Lesson 3: Listening I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will: -be able to listen to a short monologue -develop their listening skill and speaking skill as well II: Lexical items: words related to listening passage III: Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, tape… IV: Procedure: Stages Activities 1. Check homework - Call 2 Ss to talk about services in the post office. 2. Before you listen: -Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer questions in the textbook. 1. Is your family on the phone? 2. Does any member of……….? 3. What do you think………….? -Call some pairs to give opinions -Help Sts read and understand some new words and phrases in the listening passage Commune rural network Capacity digit subscriber - Lead in: you will hear some information about the development of Vietnam’s telephone system over the past few years. Listen and do the tasks that follow. 3. While you listen * Task 1: multi-choice -Make sure Ss understand what they have to do: check some new words appeared in this task - Give them 3 minutes to read through sentences in task 1 -Play the tape twice -Check the answers in front of the class, if possible ask Sts to give reasons for their choice - Answer key: 1. B, 2. D, 3. C, 4. D, 5. C * Task 2: Listen and answer the questions. -Let Ss read the requirement in task 2, make sure Sts understand their task -Play the tape again and ask them to note down -Play the tape again if they haven’t finished yet -Call some Ss to answer the questions. -Get feedback, call some good Sts to write down on board. 1. China 2. 140.000 3. They were changed from 6 to 7 digits in Hanoi and HCM city and from 5 to 6 digits in other provinces. 4. in 2001 5. 6.014 -Correct their work and play the tape , pause it when necessary 4. After you listen -Ask Ss to work in group of 3 to summarize the main ideas of the listening passage. The summarize should include some points in the text book. -Give comments Preparation: Lecture: Period Class: 11A2 Unit 9: The Post Office Lesson 4: Writing I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will: 3. be able to write a paragraph describing their friends 4. develop their writing skill II: Lexical items: words related to describing a person III: Teaching aids: textbook, some cards . IV: Procedure: Stages Activities 1.Warm-up: - ask Ss about the service at the post office that they like most and dislike most. 2. Activity 1 - Ask Ss to open the Reading lesson and answer the following questions: 1. what time does Thanh Ba post office open and close? 2. what is Thanh Ba post office equipped with? 3. what services are offered at Thanh Ba post office? 4. what are the attitudes of the staff? - Ask Ss to work in pair in 4 minutes. - Go around and check. - Call some pairs to answer. 3. Activity 2 Instruction: work with a partner, imagine that you have been using some of the services provided by Thanh Ba post office (you have learnt about this post office in the Reading lesson). Discuss the things that may make you satisfied (or dissatisfied) with the services there. - make sure that Ss understand the requirement. - ask them to base on the ideas in text book, page 107. - let Ss do this task in 10 minutes. - call on some pairs to talk about each of the services. - give comments. 4. Activity 3: Writing Instruction: After a year in the job, the director of Thanh Ba post office has invited residents in the neighborhood to write letters to him describing the quality of the services they have received. Write such a letter, using the ideas Ss discussed in task 1. - make sure that Ss understand the requirement. - ask them to write on a piece of paper in 15 minutes. - hand in the writing. - sample writing: Dear Sir, I have been using the services provided by Thanh Ba post office for years and I am writing in response to your call for customers to express their satisfaction or dissatisfaction towards to the post office services. Like any other customers, I find your post office a well- equipped and reliable address for our postal needs…… Homework Ex 3 (workbook), complete their writings Preparation: Lecture: Period Class: 11A2 Unit 9: The Post Office Lesson 5: Language focus I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will: 1. be able to distinguish the sounds /sp /, /sk/ and / st / and pronounce them correctly 2. understand and master the use of defining relative clauses and non- defining relative clauses. 3. develop 4 skills II: Lexical items: words containing the above sounds III: Procedure: Stages Activities 1.Pronunciation: * Presentation 1: - Demonstrate the sounds /sp /, /sk/ and / st / by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - Help them to distinguish these sounds - Instruct the way to pronounce - Ask Ss to repeat these sounds slowly and correctly * Practice 1: - Play the tape and ask them to repeat - Call some Ss to repeat in front of the class - Ask Ss to work in pairs to practice these sounds and the sentences - Walk around and offer help if necessary 2.Grammar * Presentation 2 - give 2 examples: 1. The post office which is equipped with advanced technology is a reliable address for customers. (defining clause) 2. Thanh Ba post office, which is equipped with advanced technology, is a reliable address for customers. (non-defining clause) - Ask Ss to distinguish 2 clauses. * Task 1 (page 109 textbook) - explain how to do this task. - let Ss do the task individually first and then compare with a partner. - go around checking and giving help. - call some Ss to answer * Task 2 (page 109 textbook) - Ask Ss to use WHO, WHOM AND WHOSE to fill in the blank - let Ss do the task individually first and then compare with a partner. - go around checking and giving help. - call some Ss to answer * Task 3 (page 109 textbook) - Ask Ss to combine 2 sentences using WHO, THAT, WHICH. - let Ss do the task individually first and then compare with a partner. - go around checking and giving help. - call some Ss to answer * Task 4 (page 109 textbook) - explain how to do this task. - let Ss do the task individually first and then compare with a partner. - go around checking and giving help. - call some Ss to answer Homework Ex 1, 2, 3 ( workbook) Preparation: Lecture: Period Class: Unit 10: nature in danger Lesson 1: reading I: Aims: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas and guessing meaning in context. - Use the information they have read to discuss the topic - Develop other skills II: Lexical items: words related to reading topic III: Teaching aids: textbook, pictures, cassette, tape IV: Procedure: 1. Before you read: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to look at picture at page 114, then discuss the given questions:  What do you understand from the facts above?  Can you explain why the numbers of these animals have become small? - Call some Ss to give their answers, others comment - Lead in the reading topic: Nature in danger - Preteach some new words: species, influence, consequences, establish, rare…. 2. While you read: - Set the scene: you are going to read about how people affect the nature. While you are reading, do the tasks in the textbook - Play the tape once, ask Sts to look at the passage and listen to the tape - Ask them to read again, then do task 1  Task 1: Fill in the blank with suitable word: - Write the words on the board - Guide Ss to read the passage again, pay attention to these words - Help Ss to base on the context to guess the meaning of these words - Guide Ss the way to do task 1 - Call some Ss to give their answers, others comment - Give correct answers if necessary  Task 2: Circle the best answer - Ask Ss to read through 4 options in each question - Get them to read each paragraph, try to find out the best option to sum up each paragraph [...]... necessary to the survival of all living things 2 Badly polluted air caan cause illness, and even death.Polluted water kills fish nd other marine life pollution of soil reduces the amount of land that is available for growing food 3 Because much pollution is caused by things that benefit people For example, exaust from automobiles causes alarge percentage of air pollution, but automobiles transportation... collection + six years ago + both local and foreign stamps from the letters of friends and relatives + into categories/ put stamps of animals, flowers, birds etc + in two albums, one for local and the other for foreign ones + keep beautiful picturtes on yhe stamps/broaden knowledge about the world/ … + join the stamp exhibitions to learn from experienced stamp collectors/can expose collection at an exhibiyion... for specific information - develop other skills as well II: Lexical items: words related to listening passage III: Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, tape… IV: Procedure: 1 Check homework: Call 2 sts to talk about how to protect endangered animals 2 Before you listen: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to list some national parks in Vietnam - Call some Ss to give their answers, others give comments - - Introduce... Method and aids: Mainly communicative Text book,pictures of sports, record player Procedure Organizing the class : How many pupils are there in your class ? Old lesson: New lesson: Pupils’ activities Teacher’s activities Suggested answer: *warm up: 1 Swimming, pole vaulting, 1.Name some gymnastics jumping, marathon, javeline you know or see? We call him /her a 2.What do you call the person 2 gymnast who... skill II: Lexical items: words related to writing topic III: Teaching aids: textbook, handouts IV: Procedure: 1 Presentation: - Give Ss handouts with a description of a ntional park - Ask Ss to work in pairs to discuss the main points included in the passage - Call some Ss to give answers - Give the correct answers: The description includes 6 main points:  Name of the national park  Its location and... looking at it - Call some Ss to write down on B.B - Ask Ss to give comment - Give Ss the correct answer:  She is the woman about whom I told you  The picture at which she was looking was beautiful - Elicit the use of these pronouns: - NOTE: relative pronoun “ That” is not used in this case * Practice 2: - Ask Ss to do E x 1 individually - Ask them to compare with their partners - Call some Ss to... prepositions - develop 4 skills II: Lexical items: words containing the above sounds III: Procedure: 1 Pronunciation: * Presentation 1: - Demonstrate the sounds/ sl /, /sm and / sn / , /sw/ by pronouncing them clearly and slowly - Help them to distinguish these sounds - Ask Ss to repeat these sounds slowly and correctly * Practice 1: - Play the tape and ask them to repeat - Call some Ss to repeat in front...- Ask them to compare with their friends Call some Ss to answer, ask them to explain their choice Get feedback, give correct answers if necessary  Task 3: Ask and answer questions: - Ask Ss to read through 3 questions, make sure they understand them - Get them to work in pair to anwer them - Call some pairs to ask and answer the questions - Give feedback 3 After you... Give correct answers if necessary * Practice 3: - Ask Ss to do Ex 2, combine sentences using relative pronouns - Call some Ss to write down on B.B, others correct - Give correct answers if necessary * Practice 4: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to complete sentences using who, whom, which, that - Call some Ss to correct - Make necessary correction 3 Homework: Ex 1, 2 ( workbook) V: Comments: Period Date of... new words in the context - To scan for the information to fill in the table - To read and answer the questions on the text Knowledge: General knowledge:knowledge of some kinds of sports Language: -Practise saying:/str/, /skw/ and /skr/ in single word or saying -Words related to sports Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information B Method and aids: Mainly communicative Text book,pictures of the . Lexical items: words related to listening passage III: Teaching aids: Textbook, cassette, tape… IV: Procedure: Stages Activities 1. Check homework - Call. what time does Thanh Ba post office open and close? 2. what is Thanh Ba post office equipped with? 3. what services are offered at Thanh Ba post office?

Ngày đăng: 27/07/2013, 01:25

