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Thiết kế bài dạy môn Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 10: Nature in danger - Period: 61 section: reading

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10 A B * Practice: Exercise 1: Dùng câu dẫn để giới thiệu các cụm từ diễn Explain taû caùc nguyeân nhaân xaáu Nature is threatened because people are - killing endangered animals for fur[r]

(1)Lesson plan11 Week: Date : /2/2009 Period: 61 Bui Thi Phuong Thao UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER Section: Reading Aims: Students read to know about nature in danger Lexical items: Words relate to reading text Grammar: Reading for main idea, guessing meaning and mastering passive voice Teaching aids: Pictures & textbook Procedure: T Stages Teacher’s act Ss’ act 3’ I Warm up: Questions: T uses the pictures of tiger, ask answer elephant, and bear to introduce the new lesson What animals can you see in these pictures ?- It’s a tiger , … Where these animals often live? - In the forests, zoos or National Parks What would happen if their habitats were destroyed? - Animals would die - The environment would be polluted 5’ - Nature would be in danger II Pre-reading : ask * Questions : The facts above show the numbers of some wild or open their rare animals such as cheetahs, pandas & Siberian What causes danger books and tigers become small or extinct to environment? look at the The numbers of these animals become small pictures to because they are killed for food, medicines, fur or answer skin The things that causes danger to environment : Read and write the - Wastes from factories & hospitals words on the board - Smoke from vehicles explain 5’ - Oils spills from ships - Forests fires Repeat and - People ‘s carelessness copy down * Vocabulary - co- exist (v) / / soáng chung -devastate (v) / e/ taøn phaù , phaù huûy = destroy (v) /  / - extinct (a) / I / không còn , tiệt chủng Lop11.com (2) Lesson plan11 Bui Thi Phuong Thao 5’ - protect (v) / / baûo veä - survive (v) /  / toàn taïi - respect (n ) / e / mặt , lãnh vực III While Reading : * Read the passage quickly find the words in the passage that best suits with each of the following definitions : : a substance that causes pollution : natural conditions e.g: land, water, air in which we live -: no longer existence -: to be in danger 5 -: become smaller or fewer Key Pollutant, 2.environment, 3.extinct, 4.endanger, decrease 10 * Task 1: Fill in each blank with a suitable word : Key : extinct , protect , decreasing Pollutants, Endangered, inference * Task 2: Circle A, B, C or D that best sums up each paragraph Key : C , B , A , C * Task : Answer the questions : Four ways that people change the world are : - They are changing the environment by building cities and villages -They are affecting the water supply by using water for industry and agriculture -They are changing weather conditions by cutting down trees in the forests - They are destroying the air by adding pollutants like smoke from factories and fumes from cars The serious consequences of people‘s interference with the environment are: - Many kinds of rare animals are killed - The environment where these animals are living is badly destroyed - The numbers of rare animals are decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct Many things have been done to protect endangered nature, such as: - many organizations have been set Lop11.com show the poster check the answers fill in each blank a suitable word explain and correct individually read & ask sts to Do the task answer in pairs Check the answer & Copy down ask them to practice in pairs Think answer & Practise in pairs ask sts to discuss in groups observe & correct mistakes Copy down (3) Lesson plan11 Bui Thi Phuong Thao up & money has been raised to save rare animals - thousands of national parks have been established - laws have been passed to prohibit killing Endangered animals IV After reading : Find out why some animals have become extinct V Homework : Find out the parts of speech (N, Adj, &Adv) of these words: exist, peace, natural, actively Lop11.com Work groups Talk front class in in of (4) Lesson plan11 Week: Date : /2/2009 Period: 62 Bui Thi Phuong Thao UNIT 10: NATURE IN DANGER Section: Speaking Objective: Talking about endangered nature, measures to protect endangered nature Teaching aids: textbook, pictures Procedures: T 3’ Stages * Warm up: We can call birds, animals, forests, rivers, seas in one word What word is it in English? Nature Question: What you think about our nature now? Is it in good condition? (No, it is worse than it was many years ago.) Intro: All animals, forests, rivers, seas around us are called “nature” Nature is necessary for our life, but it is now in bad condition Today we’ll learn about nature and 12 some ways to protect it * Vocabulary: - Pollutant [pə`lu:tənt] n chaát gaây oâ nhieãm - ban [æ] v caám - recreation [,rekri`ei∫ən] n giải trí - encourage [ in`kʌridʒ] v khuyeán khích Teacher’s act Intro Ask Ss to guess Correct Clap hands Explain & Lissten & copy write on BB - decrease [`dikri:s] v laøm suy giaûm Pattern: Killing endangered animals should be banned 10 A B * Practice: Exercise 1: Dùng câu dẫn để giới thiệu các cụm từ diễn Explain taû caùc nguyeân nhaân xaáu Nature is threatened because people are - killing endangered animals for fur, skin, and food - keeping animals as pets - hunting animals for entertainment - burning forests - cutting down trees for wood - using fertilizers and pesticides for cultivation 10 - discharging chemical pollutants into the environment Correct Exercise 2: Maãu caâu noùi veà bieän phaùp A Caàn ngaên caám: Intro - should be banned (caám) Lop11.com Ss’ act Guess Answer Do the exe Repeat models the (5) Lesson plan11 Bui Thi Phuong Thao - 1’ should be prohibited (ngaên caám) should be discouraged (laøm naõn loøng, ngaên caám) B Caàn khuyeán khích: - should be encouraged (khuyeán khích) - should be protected (baûo veä) - should be established (thieát laäp) Intro Model: - Killing endangered animals (for fur, skin, and food ) should be banned - should be encouraged Production: Intro Task 3: Kết hợp Nguyên nhân xấu + Biện pháp A: People are killing endangered animals for fur, skin, and food Give remarks (1) B: Killing endangered animals for fur, skin, and food should be banned (2) * Homework: Re-read at home Lop11.com Say sentences Correct Pair work Practise the (6)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:10

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