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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Period 1 đến period 70

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Teacher’s activities Students’activities 1.Warm up: -Greets sts -Sts’answers -Homework-checking:No *.Introduction: -Ask ss to gives the past form of the -Gives out following verds -Corre[r]

(1)Planing date:15/08/010 Teaching date:9a: 9b: Period 1: REVIEW LESSON 1.Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,the sts will be able to: -Review of grammar -Muster to some exercises 2.Teaching aids: a.Teacher: plan b:Sts: preparation 3.Teaching proceduces: time Teacher’activities Sts’activities 5’ 1.Warm up +Greets sts -sts’answers +Homework-checking ?How many tenses did you learn in English -answer +present tense 8? +past tenses +present perfect tense +passive form 17’ 2.Language focus ?what is the form of the present tense ? 1.present tense (+) S+V(s/es)+O (-) S+do/does + V +O (?) DO/DOES +S +V ? ?what is the past tense ? 2.past tense (+) S+V(past) +O (-) S+did +not +V (?)DID +S +V ? ?what is the present perfect tense ? 3.present perfect tense (with since & for ) (+) S+have /has +Vp2+(since or for ) S+have/ has +(already) + Vp2 eg:I have lived in Y/S since 2002 for years I have already done my homework (-) S+have/has + not +Vp2+(yet) eg: He hasn’t done his homework yet Lop11.com (?) Have/Has + S+ Vp2 +(yet) ? -Yes,S+have/ has -No, S+ have/has not Tu hoi + have/has +S +Vp2? (2) eg:Have you seen her ytd? Have you gone to HN yet ? when has Ba collected stamps ? Ba has collected staps since 1995 passive form S+V+O (active )  O=>S+tobe +Vp2(passive) eg: They break the glass into small pieces =>The glass is broken into small pieces *Future tense with passive S+will +V +O(active)  O=> S+will +be +Vp2 eg:They will finished project before Tet =>The project will be finished before Tet ?what is the passive form ? 20’ 3’ 3.Production -Guides the sts to some ex I/ correct the verbs 1.we in Y/C since 2002(live ) 2.I .this bike last year ( buy) 3.Nga .to shool ytd (not go) 4.Hai stamps since 2004(collect) II/Complete the expressions using SINCE or FOR 20 minutes March 1780 last month .2 weeks III/Rewrite the sentences 1.Ha will this excerse next time =>This ex 2.They cut the trees into small pieces => The trees 5.Do exs -gets some sts to exs & give their answers 4.Homework -Preparation for the next lesson : Unit 1: -do exs & give the answers Lop11.com I/correct the verbs 1.have lived 2.bought 3.didn’t go 4.has collected II/ complete the expressions 1.for 2.since 3.since 4.since 5.for III/Rewrite the sentences 1.This ex will be done next time 2.The trees are cut into small pieces -Listen & remember (3) Getting started + listen & read -Comment on the class’ activities Planing date: 15/8/010 Teaching date:9a: 9b: Period 2: UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED + LISTEN AND READ 1.Objectives - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to know some places in VN , ss understand & master paragraph - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, wrting - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aids a T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson , picture b Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities 5’ 1.Warm up: -Greets sts -Checking-homework:no Introduction: -Gets ss play game “networds” or -Ask ss some question ? Do you have any penpal ? Where will you take your penpals if they visit your house? -Ask ss look at the pictures in book & introduces -Ask the question for picture ? Where is this in the picture a -> f ?Where will you take your friends if they visit your house ? -Introduces in the lesson 12’ 2.Presentation -Read the text before the class & introduces new words by explaining or eliciting ask ss to predict Lop11.com Students’activities -Students’answers - Answer - Answer & read - Read in chorus & single & write (4) -Gets ss play game “ matching” with new 1.Vocabulary: - Correspond (v)trao đổi words -Remark & the winner - mosque (n)nhà thờ - pray(v)cầu nguyện - friendless(n)s? thân thiện - to be impressed by(adj)gây ấn tượng -Ask ss repeat the structure of the past tense -: repeat & write & the past simple with “ wish” Grammar a The past tense S + V (past) + b The past simple with “ wish” S + wish + S + V (past) + Ex: I wish I visited Hung Temple 18’ 3.Pactice: -Read the text times -Ask ss look at the exercise in book & guide -Read in chorus & single - Do in groups & answer ss to -Correct mistakes Choose the correct option to complete the sentences -> C -> B -> D -> B 7’ 3’ 4.Production 4.Answer the questions -Ask ss some questions -Answer What is Lan’s penpal’s name ? ? Where is she from / ? Where did Lan take maryam on the first day in HN ? ? Was Maryam really inpressed by the beaty of the city ? ? Did they visited HCM Mouseleum ? ? What did she want to visit on Friday? -correct mistakes Homeworks: -Listen & remember - Learn by heart newwords & structures & read again the text Lop11.com (5) - Do exercise 1- - Prepare next lesson “ Speak” & Listen Planing date15/08/010 Period : Teaching date:9a: 9b: UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 2: SPEAK & LISTEN 1.Objectives - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to introduce themselves to one another person & ss will know to reply the introductions - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, wrting - Educate ss love their lesson 2Teaching aids a T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson , picture b Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures 4’ Teacher’s activities Warm up: -Greets sts Students’activities -sts’answers *.Check the old lesson: - Form : oral Question: Write again new words Answer: - correspond (v)trao đổi - mosque (n)nhà thờ - pray(v)cầu nguyện - friendless(n)s? thânn thiện - to be impressed by(adj)gây ấn tượng *Introduction: -Gives out pictures in book & ask ss ? Who are they ? ? Where is she from ? ? Is Lan’s friends ? -Introduce in new lesson 2.SPEAKING -Look at & answer Lop11.com (6) 6’ *Pre- speaking -Ask ss look at the exercise and then explains the order -Ask ss to read the exercise & introduces the structures 1.Talk about Nga & Maryam - Look at & listen - Read & write - Ask ss to the exercise in group + please to meet you ( vui, mừng, hân hạnh gặp bạn ) +let me introduce myself ( tôi xin tự giới thiệu mình) - Do & answer -Correct mistakes 1-> c 3-> a 5-> b 6-> 10’ * While- speaking -Explains the order of exercise b & ask ss to read the informations about Maryam’s friends -Ask ss to make similar dialogues in pairs & practise to in front of class -Correct mistakes 2-> e 4- > d -Listen & read - Make & practise Making similar dialogue Ex: S1: Hello, you must be YoKo S2: That’s right I am S1: Please to meet you Let me introduce myself I’m S2: Please to meet you, Are you one of Maryam’s classmates S1: Yes, I’m Are you enjoying your stay in VN S2: Yes, I like Vnese people & love old cities in VN Lop11.com (7) 4’ 6’ *Post-speaking -Ask ss to talk to an other person who came from Moc chau , yen chau -Call ss to stand up to practise in front of class -Correct mistakes 3.LISENING *Pre- listening -ask ss to look at the pictures in book & answer the questions ? Where can these pictures happen ? - picture 1,2 can happen in the park - picture 3,4 can happen on the road - picture 5,6 can happen in a restaurant -ask ss to gives out the content of the picture P1:don’t walk on the grass P2:don’t pick off the flower P3,4:we can catch the bus P5,6: we can eat the foods -Introduce the dialogue:This is the dialogue b/w Jim & Carlo you hear & find where they are going to & what they are going to -Ask ss guess the pictures with are in the tape -Gets ss listen to page & introduce new words by explaining -Introduces the structure S1: Do you live in a busy big capital city, too ? S2: Yes, I live in Tokyo.have you been there? S1: No, Is it different from HN ? S2: Yes, it is S1: Oh, I see Here’s Lan let’s go -Practise to in pairs -Look & answer - Gives out - Guess & answer 1.Vocabulary - catch (v) bắt, giữ - sign(v) dấu hiệu, ký hiệu - park keeper (n) người trông công viên - carefull (adj) cẩn thận - Read in choral & single - Write 2.Grammar Lop11.com (8) 8’ *While- listening -Open the radio 2->3 times & ask ss to -Open again or times -Correct mistakes 5’ *Post-listening -Ask ss some the questions -Coreect mistakes * Đã tới lúc đó làm gì It’ s time + S + V + O + Ex:It’s time we go home -Listen & to - Listen & answer Number the pictures a-> b-> c-> 4.Answer the questions -Answer ? Where are they going to ? ? Are they going to take a bus? ? Which bus are they going to catch ? ? Are they going to eat Mexican food ? ? What are they going to eat ? 2’ - They’re going to the restaurant - Yes, they are - They are going to catch the bus 130 - No, they aren’t - They’re going to eat hambergers 4.Homework -Preparation for the next lesson “Read” -Learn by heart structures & exs 6/9 -Listen & remember -Teacher’s comment on the class’s activities Planing date: 22/8/010 Period 4: Teaching date:9a: 9b: UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 3: READ 10 Lop11.com (9) 1.Objectives - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to know some informations about Malaysia - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, wrting - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aid a T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson b.Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures 5’ Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: +Greets sts +Homework-checking Question: Write again new words Students’activities -Sts’answers *.Introduction: -Ask ss to gives out words which use to talk about the information of any country ? Have you been to Maliasia ? -Introduce in new lesson Answer: - catch (v)bắt, giữ - sign(v)dấu hiệu, ký hiệu - park keeper(n)người trông công viên - carefull(adj) cẩn thận -Gives out & answer Play Capital Information Country Population 10’ Pre- reading -Hang the world map on the board ? Do you see Malaysia on the map ? ? Where is Malaysia in ?(in the south east asis ) ? How many regions/parts does Malaysia divide in to ?( regions ) ? What is Malaysia’s capital ?( kular lumpur) -Read the text & introduce new words 11 Lop11.com regions religion climate -Look at & answer - Read choral & single & write (10) 1.Vocabulary: - divide (v) chia, tách - region (n) vùng , miền - saperate (v) tách - climate (n) khí hậu - islam (n) đạo hồi - religion (n) tôn giáo - Buddhism (n) đạo phật – Hinduism (n) đạo hin du -Gets ss play game “matching” While- reading 15’ -Read the text again & gives out the extra board (bảng động, ngoài)which write parta -Explain it & ask ss read & -Correct mistakes 7’ -Explain the order of exercise “b” after giving the extra board (bảng phụ) & ask ss to in groups -Correct mistakes Post- reading -Ask ss some questions ? Where is Malaysia ? ? What is it tatal area ? ? What is the population of Malaysia? ? What is Malaysia’s nationnal language ? ? How many language does Malaysian speak ? ? How many relions cue there in Malaysia ? - Correct mistakes 12 Lop11.com -Play game - Do in groups & answer 2.Fill in table with right information 1.Area: 329,758 sq km 2.Population: over 22 millon 3.Climate: tropical climate 4.Unit of currency: ringit ( consiting of 100 sen) 5.Capital city: Kuala lumpur 6.Official religion: Islam 7.National language: Buddhism Malaysia 8.Compulsory second language: English - & answer True or false T F F F F Answer the questions -answer -It is in the south east asia - It total area is 329,758 sq km - The po[pulation of Malaysia is over 22 (11) million - It’s bahasa malaysia - Malaysia speaks languages - There are regions in Malaysia 3’ Homeworks: - Learn by heart structures - Do exercise 6,7,8 – 10 - Prepare next lesson “ Write ” Planing date:22/8/010 Period 5: -Listen & remember Teaching date:9a: 9b: UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON4: WRITE 1.Objectives - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to write a letter to their family to tell visit their relatives are friends - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, writing - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aid a.T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson, extra board b.Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities Students’activities 5’ 1.Warm up: -Greets sts -Sts’answers -Homework- checking: Retell the main -Retell malaysia has an area of 329,578sqkm.It information about Malaysia +area has a population of over 22 +population millionn.It’climate is tropical +climate -Corrects their mistakes *Introduction: -Ask ss some questions -Listen& answer ? Have ever written the letter ? 13 Lop11.com (12) ? To whom did you write ? ? What did you write about ? -Correct mistakes - Introduce in new lesson 10’ Pre- writing -Ask ss some questions -Answer ? Have you get any relatives who live in another part of our country? ? If you visit your relatives far from your house what will you write to your family about them ? -Correct mistakes -Ask ss to read the outline in book & ask ? How many parts are there in the outline ? - Answer & write ? What are they ? Make the outline - There are parts - They are + first paragraph + second paragraph + third paragraph -Ask ss questions to gives a outline about a visit * first paragraph ? Who did you visit ? ? Where does she/ he live ? ? How did you go there ? ? When did you arrive ? Who met you at the bus/ train station ? *second paragraph ? What places have you visit ? ? What food did you try ? ? What did you by ? ? Who did you meey ? *third paragraph ? How you fell now ? ? What you enjoy most ? ? When will you leave ? -Ask ss repeat the form of the present * The present perfect tense S + have/ has + V(p2)+ simple tense, the present perfect tense, the * The future tense past tense, the future tense S + will/shall + V + * The past tense S + V( past )+ 14 Lop11.com (13) * The present simple tense S + be + V + 18’ While- writing - Ask ss write a letter ( based on the outline -Write in group on the board ) in groups -writing & compare -Go around class to help ss with new words -Ask ss to compare their writing with each Write a letter HN Friday May 20 th other Dear parents, I arrived at HN train station at 10 am Aunt Hoa took me home by motorbike After lunch I drank Buoi tea & soda at night HN is wonderful I’ve visited many places in Hn ,Ho Tay lake ,Lenin park , HCM museum, Thu Le park & so on I’ve tried noodle & specialities Tomorrow I’ll go to My Dinh stadium Parents I’d like to stay here longer I enjoy to visit every where here specialy Thu Le park.I’ll leave HN on Monday next week ,pleace pick up me at the Nam Dinh train station at 10 Love your son Tran Hung 10’ 4.Post- writing -Ask ss to write on the board and other read their writing in front of class -Correct mistakes and give the keys on the board -Read the letter & correct mistakes -Call some ss to read the letter again in front of the class 2’ Homeworks: - Learn by heart structures & using - Do exercise “ complete the letter” - Prepare next lesson “Language focus ”./ 15 Lop11.com -Wirte on the board and other read in front of class - Look at - Read -Listen & remember (14) Planing date:22/08/010 Period 6: Teaching date: 9a: 9b: UNIT 1: A VISIT FROM A PENPAL LESSON 6: LANGUAGE FOCUS 1.Objectives - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to have a good chance to review the structures which ss have learned such as the past simple tense, the past simple “wish” from that ss will to some exercises better - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, wrting - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aids a.T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson, extra board b.Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures 5’ Teacher’s activities Students’activities 1.Warm up: -Greets sts -Sts’answers -Homework-checking:No *.Introduction: -Ask ss to gives the past form of the -Gives out following verds -Correct mistakes & introduce in new Be -> was/ were make -> made lesson See -> saw paint -> painted Buy -> bought go -> went Hang -> -> did 27’ Language focus -Gives example & ask ss talk about the -Answer tense of the above example The past simple tense Ex: He played soccer yesterday -Ask ss to repeat the form & the use of it -Repeat -Correct mistakes (+) S + V (past) + O + & repeat (-) S + did not + V + O + (?) Did + S + V + O + .? Yes, S + did No, S + did not 16 Lop11.com (15) -Ask ss look at the box about Ba’s, -Practise in pairs Nga’s, Lan’s Nam’s & Hoa’s activities then practise ask & answer T gives example -Correct mistakes *Exercise 1: S1: What did Nga on the weekend ? S2: She went to the concert to hear HN singers S1: When did she go ? S2: He saw it on Saturday afternoon at o’clock S3: What did Lan on the weekend ? S4: She went camping with the Y&Y S3: How long did she go ? S4: She went all the weekend -Look at -Ask ss look at the pictures *Introduce Lan & her friends are holding a farewell party for Maryam Write the things they did to prepare for the party -Guide ss to use words in the box & the past simple tense to write -Explain some words -Call some groups answer -Correct mistakes -Practice in groups -Answer *Exercise 2: Ex: S1: Huong made a cake S2: Trung coloful lamps in the room S3: Ha bought some flowers S4: Binh painted a picture of Hn S5: Thu & Thanh went shopping -Answer -Repeat -Gives out example & ask ss talk about the The past simple with “wish” tense of the above example -Ask ss repeat the form & the use of the Ex: I wish I were taller S + wish + S + V (past) + past simple with “wish” - câu đk loại dtả hđộng , việc không -Correct & repeat có thật , không thể xảy oẻ htại 17 Lop11.com (16) 10’ Production -Ask ss to write examples with “ wish” -Call ss to write on the board -Correct mistakes -Write -Write on the board *Exercise 3: b I wish I were in I pool c I wish I had a computer d I wish I lived close to school e I wish I had a sister f I wish I drew well g I wish I had my friend’s phone number h I wish I knew many friends i I wish there were rivers & lakes in my hometown -Listen & remember 3’ Homeworks: - Learn by heart structures & using - Do exercise 6,7-10 - Prepare next lesson “Unit 2“getting started+ listen & read” Planing date: 04/9/010 Period 7: Teaching date: 9a: 9b: UNIT 2: CLOTHING LESSON 1: GETTING STARTED+ LISTEN & READ 1.Objectives 18 Lop11.com (17) - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to know some kinds of tradition all clother of countries in the world & ss will be able to say about “ao dai”in the simple way - Improve ss’ skill; reading, speaking, listening, wrting - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aids a T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson, extra board b.Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare Teaching procedures Teacher’s activities 5’ 1.Warm up: -Greets sts -Check the old lesson:don’t check *.Introduction: -Ask ss look at the picture & answer the questions ? Where is she/ he from ? -Introduce in new lesson 10’ Presentation -Read the text time & introduce new words by exdplaining or pictures ask ss guess -Introduce new words Students’activities -Sts’answers -Look at the picture & answer -Guess & answer -Read in choral & single & write 1.Vocabulary : - a long silk tunnic (n) quần áo = lụa dài thùng thình - slit (v)xẻ majority (n) phần đông - inspriration (n) cảm hứng symbol (n) biểu tượng - ethnic minorties (n)dtộc thiểu số -Gives out example ask ss gives out the tense of example ex:Mussicans have mentioned the Ao dai in poems Ex: Ao dai was worn by both men & women 2.Grammar * The present perfect tense Ex:Nam has learned E since 2003 => S + has / have + V(p p) + Ex: I’ve been to HN since 2001 19 Lop11.com (18) - thì htht dùng để dtả hđộng đã xảy qkhứ -dùng để dtả hđộngđã bđầu qkhứ & còn tiếp tục htại *passive form: S+ tobe +Vp2 -Repeat & gives out the form & the use 17’ Practice -Gives out extra board in part “a” explaining & ask ss to -Call ss to stand up to answer -Correct mistakes and give the right answer -Do in groups -Answer 3.Complete the sentences poems, novels, & songs a long silk tunic with slits up the sides worn over loose pants to wear modern clong thing at work lines of poetry on it symbols such as suns, stars, crosses, & stripes -Answer 4.Answer the questions 1.Traditionally, men & women used to wear the “ ao dai” Because it is more convenient 3.They have printed lines of poetry on it or have added symbols such as suns, stars, crosses, & stripes to the “ao dai” -Repeat 10’ Production -Ask ss to answer the questions in the book -Call ss to stand up to answer 3’ -Correct mistakes -Ask ss repeat the form & the use of the present perfect tense Homeworks: - Learn by heart structures & using & newwords - Do exercise 1-12 - Prepare next lesson “Speak & Listen'' -Listen & remember Planing date: 4/09/09 Period : Teaching date: 9a: 9b: UNIT 2: CLOTHING LESSON 2: SPEAK 1.Objectivess 20 Lop11.com (19) - By the end of the lesson ss to be able to speak about personal hobby & clothes for their wearing - Improve ss’ skill:speaking - Educate ss love their lesson 2.Teaching aids a.T: teacher’s & student’s books , plan lesson b.Ss: student’s books , workbook , prepare 3.Teaching procedures 5’ Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up: +Greets sts +Check the old lesson: - Form:oral * Questions: Write again new words? Students’activities -Sts’ answers * Answer - a long silk tunnic (n) quần áo = lụa dài thùng thình - slit (v)xẻ - majority (n) phần đông - inspriration (n) cảm hứng - symbol (n) biểu tượng - ethnic minorties (n)dtộc thiểu số *Introduction: -Ask ss some the questions ? What is our traditional dress? ? What is it made from ? ? Who used to made the “ao dai” by traditional ? -Remark & introduce in new lesson -Look at & answer 12’ Pre- speaking -Ask ss look at the pictures & introduce newwords by using these pictures or realias -Read in choral & single & write 1.Vocabulary : - sleeve(n) tay áo - sleevess (adj) không tay - plaid(adj) kẻ ca rô - plain(adj) trơn( không hoa) - fode(n) bạc màu - baggy(adj) thụng - stripe(adj) vạch kẻ -Gets ss play game “ slap the board”with *Play game newwords -Remark & the winner 21 Lop11.com (20) -Gets ss read the phrases in part “ a” then match the phrases to the picture -Correct mistakes 2.Match phrases to the pictures -Read in choral & match -> a -> h -> d -> f -> b -> c -> g 8->e -> i 18’ While- speaking -Ask ss to use the questions in part “b” to ask their friends to complete the table in pairs -Call ss to stand up to answer -Ask & asnwer in pairs 3.Complete the table name Casual Favo School Cloth clothes Rite es for 8’ 2' -Answer -Correct mistakes and give the right answer Post-speaking -Ask ss to report keys before the class part “c” -Correct mistakes and give the right answer -Report keys before the class 4.Report the result S1:Lan said she wore a colorful T-shirt - She said she liked them because they’re comfortable - She said her favorite clothes were fade jeans & coloful T – shirt Homeworks: - Learn by heart newwords - Do exercise 2-13 - Prepare next lesson “Listen” / -Listen& remember Planing date :08/09/010 Period 9: Teaching date: 9a: 9b: UNIT 2: CLOTHING LESSON 3: LISTEN 22 Lop11.com (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 05:05

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