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Nội dung

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able toask have or not in the house - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening.. - Educate ss love their lesson II..[r]


planning date: 9/9/2009 teaching date: 10/9/2009

Period 1: REVIEW

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will bele to review all knowledge of class - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents Struture

knowledges of class Vocabulary: have no III Teaching aids

- Teacher’s ’book and planning - ss’ books, pens

IV Teaching procedure.

Students’ and teacher’s activities 1 Warm up

a organization who’s absent today? b check the old lesson (don’t check)

c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game


How old are you? - yes I

Are you student? - I live in yen chau Where you live? -yes I

Do you go to school at 7am? -I’m 11 years old ss: play game

2 New lesson

T: give examples and explain about them eg: I am a student

she is a teacher they are students tobe

I am not a teacher are you a student?


1 present simple tense of tobe


? how to use and devide tobe? ss: answer

T:give examples and explain eg: she lives in yen chau - I live in noi

she doesn’t live in Moc chau I don’t live in yen chau you live in Ha noi ?

? How to use present simple tense? ? How to devide it?

ss: answer

T: give examples and explain eg: I am reading book they are playing soccer

? How to use present progressive tese? ? How stucture does it have?

T: give example and explain eg: I am going to visit Hue He is going to visit hue

? How structure does future tense have? Production

T give exercise and ask ss to ex ss: look at ex

T: guide ss to ex ss: ex

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

* answer: is - lives - is reading - is

- are : they, we, you, - am : I

2 present simple tense of verb

(+) S + V- es + O (-) S +do/does + V + O (?) do/does + S +V + O ?

3 present progressive tense

S + TOBE + V- ing

4 future tense

S + Be going to + V Exercise

complete the sentence with correct form

she a student she in y/c she read book now

she going to visit Ha noi this summer vacation

(3’) Home work.

-lean by heart all structures


planning date: 10/9/2009 teaching date: 11/9/2009 Period 2: UNIT ONE: BACK TO SCHOOL.


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to further speaking about greeting and introuduce myself

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents structure

- Nice to meet you ; too ;so am I vocabulary

- Classmate ( n) ; meet (v) III Teaching aids

- Teacher’s ’book and planning - ss’ books, pens

IV Teaching procedure

Students’ and teacher’s activities 1 Warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson ( don’t check)

c Introduction

?what did you during your summer vacation? what you say whenyou see your friend again after the summer vacation?

?Are you happy tobe back school again? ss: answer

T: introduce new lesson 2 presentation.

T: introduce structure by situation ss: listen

T: give eg

eg: A nice to meet you B B nice to meet you , too A Iam in class7a

B so am I


1 Grammar and structure -Nice to see you again - Nice to meet you

* Phần thêm vao xác định “Too”


T: introduce grammar ss: listen

? where is too stand ? ? where is so stand ? ss: look at eg and answer 3 practce

T: ask ss to read the dialogue part 1- p10 ss: read in pairs

T: ask ss to read in front of class ss:practice in pairs

T: guide ss to read and answer the questions ss: read and answer qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

ss:Contents in their books T: ask ss to look at hte picture ss: look at the picture and guess T: introduce new words

ss: write new words

T: ask ss read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer qs

T: correct mistakes ss: write corret answer 4 production

T: ask ss to compare Hoa’s old and new school, use structure: it has alot of ; it bigger/ smaller new shool old school

phần thêm vào

- “so”được viết đầu phần thêm vào đảo ngữ

a lot of

lot of ; nhiều

- dung câu xác định thay cho many ,much (?)(-)

2.Now answer

a Her name is HOA b She is in class 7a c Nam is also in class 7a

3 answer the questions a She is from Hue b she is staying with her uncle and aunt

c no, she doesn’t have any friend in Ha noi

d her new school is bigger than her old school

e she is unhappy because she misses her parents and her friends

(3’) Homework

-learn by heart new words and read the dialogue at home - ex 1,2,4- p3,4 in workbook


planning date: 11/9/2009 teaching date: 12/9/2009

Period 3:


LESSON: A3,4,5

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able toask aboutsomeone’s healthy in social english - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

- How is everything? vocabulary

- pretty good - just fine III Teaching aids

- Teacher’s book and planning - Ss’books, pens

IV Teaching procedure

Students’ and teacher’s activities 1 Warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question: ex4 p-10?

- answer: b a lot of ; c lot of; d any ; e a lot of

f many c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game slape the board ss: play game

good morning good afternoon good night good bye good evening 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ss:look at the picture and guess

? what are they doing?

ss: they are greeting each other T:introdure content of the dialogue ss: listen

T: guide ss listen and practice ss:listen


Greeting and answer

- How is everything?

- pretty good


3 practice.

T ask ss listen and repeat part3 ss:listen and repeat

T: call ss to practse in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T:guide ss to listen and complete the dialogue in part

ss: listen and complete T: ask ss to liste three times ss: listen and answer

T: ask ss to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the picture p and guess content

ss: look at the picture and guess

T: ask ss to listen and write the letters of dialogue in the order

ss: listen and write T: ask ss to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and tell again about content of the picture which you heard ss: practice in pair

T: ask ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T corret mistakes

a - How are you? - pretty good - How about you? - Not bad,

- me, too

b - How is everything? - ok- How are you today - Just fine

- so am I

3 write the letter of the dialogue in the order 1.c 3.d

2.b 4.a

(3’) Homework

- write the dialogue you heard in p-5 in you r books - exercise p-4

-prepare B1,2 for next poriod./



LESSON 3: B 1,2

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able tounderstand the dialogue and ask and answer own information as age , name ,address

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents structure

- what’s your family name? “ wh-qs” vocabulary

-family name (n) ; middle name(n) III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, planning - ss’book and pen

IV Teaching procedure

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson (don’t check) c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game network ss: play game

which what who


why where ? How are wh - qs used?

ss: It is writed in the first sentense outside it is used to make object, subject

2 presentation.

T; ask ss to look at the picture and guess what Miss Lien and hoa are talking about

ss: look at and answer

T: introduce about new stucture ss: listen and write

T:guide ss to read the dialogue ss; listen




3 practice

T: guide ss to read the dialogue in pairs ss: read in pairs

T: guide ss read the dialogue and answer the qs

ss: answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes ss:write in their books

T: aks ss to look at part2 - p16 ss: look at the dialogue

T: guide ss to complete the dialogue ss: complete the dialogue in pairs T call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read all the dialogue ss: read in pairs

4 production.

T: ask ss to make similar dialodue ss: make similar dialogue in pairs T: call ss to practice in front of class ss:practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes ss:correct mistakes

what’s your middle name? It’s Thi

2.answer the qs

a she is talking with Mrs b.her family name’s Pham c her middle name thi d she live at 12 THD street

3.complete the dialogue - who -where - who -where - what - how

(3’) Homework

- write the same dialogue with new structure - exercise B1,2 - p6 at home

-prepare B4,5 for next poriod./

planning date: 18/9/07 Teaching date:7a 18/9/07 7b 19/8/07



I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask what someone go to school , office by - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

- How far from to ?

- It about meters/ kilometers vocabulary

- not far; kilometers III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question: ex (a) -p5?

- answer: a what ís your family name? b.where you live?

c.what class are you in? d how old are you? c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game “slap the board” ss: play game

market movie theater post office bus stop school bike 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture part and ask ? where is this?- It’s on the street

? what are they doing?- they ‘re riding the bike

?how you go to school ?→ this is stucture ask about means

T: introduce structure ss: listen and write

?why you go to school by bike? ss: It’s far?

?How far is it from your house to your


1 structure

How do/does + s + go to + ( place) ?

- s +go to+ place + by + means

*How far is it from to ? It’s about kms/ ms

- not far:ko xa

2 practice


school?→ ask about distance of two places T: Introduce structure

ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice.

T:T: ask ss to practse in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to read in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct pronunciation ss: correct

T: ask ss to look at part p- 17 ss: look at picture

T: guide ss to practise ask and answer about ficture with structure how far

ss: practce in pairs

T: ask ss to practse in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes 4 production

T:ask ss to ask and answer about distance between two places and what means they go by

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

*ask and answer.

A How far is it from your house to market?

B It’s about two kms

A How far is it fromyour house to movie theater?

B.It’s about 700 meters

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new structure and make sentences with them - exercise B3,4 - p6 at home

- prepare B6,7 for next poriod./

planning date: 18/9/07 Teaching date:7b- 19/9/07 7a- 22/9/07



- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask how someone go to school , how far it is form place to platce

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents structure

- How far from to ?

- It about meters/ kilometers vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduces




Students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question: ex -p6?

- answer: b her family name’s tran c.she live on 15 thd street

d.It.’s km

e she go to school by bike f she live with her parents c.Introduction

T; todaywe will listen and about distances and fill in the survey form


2 Pre- listening

T: ask ss to look at the mape ss: look at

? which places? ss: answer

T: guide ss to listen -from school to Lan’hose

- from lan’shouse to the post office - movie theater -from movie theaer to the post office 3 while- listening

T: ask ss to listen the dialogues ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen times ss: listen

T: ask ss to stand up to answer


1 listen and write

a school to Lan’s house: 300 meters b Lan’s house to post office:700 meters



ss: answer

T: corret mistakes ss:write corret answer 4 production.

T: guide ss to look at p7 ss: look at p7

T: guide ss to ask their classmates where they live , how far , how they go


ss: ask and fillin the survey form T: help ss with new words

ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to practise in front of class ss: ptactice

T: correct

d movie theater to post office : km

2.A survey Name: Address

Means of transport Distance

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise B5- p6 at home

-prepare A123 for next poriod


planning date:23/9/07 Teaching date:24/9/07


LESSON.1: A1,2,3

I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to find out the number in system number and read the same numberstand next to each other

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents structure

- what is your phone number? Vocabulary

- telephon dictionary III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces


1 warm up a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question: write two structure on the board? - answer: -How do/does+s +go to + place _ How far isit from + + to ? c Introduction

T: ask ss to play bingo game

8 13 10 18 11

17 15 20

14 19 12 16

ss: play game

T: Introduce new lesson 2 presentation

T? where you find the phone number? ss: in the telephone dictionary

? How to ask the phon number? T: introduce structure

ss: listen

T: ask ss to look at p1 and introduce new lesson

3 practice

T: guide ss to read the phone number ss: read the phone number in chorus T: ask ss to practice in pairs

ss: practice in pairs

T: guide ss to listen and write the telephone numbers in part 2- p20

ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen to the tape ss: listen to the tape

T: let ss to listen times and compare the result with each other

ss: listen and write and compair T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at part p20and guess what they are doing and talking

ss: look at and guess

T:guide ss to read the dialogue ss: read the dialogue

T: ask ss to practise in pairs

1 structure

- telephone number: DBDT

*what +tobe + S+phone number? *cách đọc số điện thoại

-khi có hai số giống đứng cạnh ta đọc theo hai cách:

+ Dùng từ “double” trước chữ số + Đọc số bình thường

2 write the phone number a 8251654

b 8250514 c 8251936 d 8351793 e 8237041 f 8821652


ss: practice in pairs 4 production.

T: guide ss to practise with their classmates, ask and complete the list

ss:go around class to ask their freinds T: go around to hepl ss

ss: practice

T: call some pairs to practise in front of class

ss: practce in front of class T: correct mistakes

name address phone


(3’) Homework

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise B1- p8 at home

- prepare A4,5 for next poriod./

planning date : 24/9/07 Teaching date: 25/9/07

Period 8:Unit two: Pertional Information

Lesson.2: A4,5,6

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to arrange a planning or an appointment in the future

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents structure

-future tense: -will you be free ? - what time will it ? - where will we meet? vocabulary

- ( have no)

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduce

Students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up


a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question: write these number into letter? 840275; 022854362

- answer: - eight four oh two seven five - oh double two eiht five four three six two

c Introduction

? what will you on next week? ss I stay at home

?would you like to join a picnic with us? ss: yes, what time will it start?

where will we meet? T: this is an appointment

? How to make an appointment or a planning? we will study this lesson 2 Presenttation.

T: which tense is used to make a planning? ss: future tense

? how is future tese used? ss: answer

T: ask ss to look at the picture ss: look at the ficture

?who are they ?

?what are they doing?

? what are they talking about? ss: answer

T: give structure to make an appointment ss: listen

T: Introduce the dialogue and guide ss to read

ss: listen 3 practice.

T:guide ss to read the dialogue ss: read in chorus

T ask ss to practise in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to read the dialogue and answer the questions

ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the part 5-p21 ss: look at

1 structure * future tense

- dung để diễn tả kiện xảy tương laivới thời gian xác định

eg.He will go home next week

-S + will + V + O - will+S+be+free+ (time)? -what time will it start? - where will we meet?

2 answer the qs

a phong and Tam b they will see a movie c they will meet at 6.45


T: guide ss to listen and write the answers ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen times and write the answers

ss: listen and compairthe result T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at part and guide ss to read the gialogue

ss: look at p6 read

T: ask ss to practise in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to answer the qs ss: answer the qs

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same dialogue (change some informations as name , where )

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice

T: correct

3 complete the form

a 8545545 b a movie c Lan’s house d bus

4 read and answer a phong is calling bHanis

c about Lan

dat about six o’clock e after six

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise A3,4 - p9 at home

- prepare B1,2,3 for next poriod

planning date: 25/9/07 Teaching date:26/9/07 Period : UNIT TWO: PERTIONAL INFORMATION

LESSON 3: B1,2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk and wtire ordiral numbers ,and day in a month


II Language contents structure

-(have no) .2 vocabulary

- first; second; third;fourth III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduces

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a Organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question:ask and answer about the phone number?

answer:- what is your phone number? - 022 840 583

c Introduction

? who is a good student in the class? ss; first is Tru; second is Tho third is Khanh

T:first ,second ,third are called ordinal 2 presentation

T: ask ss to look at the p1-p24 and introduce new word

ss: look at p1

T: introduce how to make ordinal number ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen and repeat ss: listen and repeat

3 practice. ss: read in chorus

T: call ss to practse in front of class ss: practice

T: guide ss tolisten and write date in part2-p24


T: ask ss to listen times and compair ss: listen and compair

T: call ss tostand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes T: ask ss to look at p3 ss: look at p3


1 ordinal number

- first ;1st - second: 2nd

- third: 3rd - fourth: 4th

- ninth: 9th -twelfth: 12th

-4th→ th

2.listen and write - the first of july - the nineteenth - the six

- the fourteenth - the seventeenth - the thirdty- first


T: guide ss to and write the months in order from first to twelfth

ss: write

T: call some one to write in the board ss: write

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to practise in pairs someone read number other write in letter

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss; practice

T: correct mistakes

-march -april -may -june -july -august -september -october -november -december

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1.2.3 - p10 at home

- prepare B4,5 for next poriod./

planning date : 31/9/07 Teaching date: 1/10/07 PERIOD 10 :UNIT TWO: PERTIONAL INFORMATION

LESSON.4 B4,5 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to interview someone by qs in the dialogue - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

-what’s your date of birth? .2 vocabulary

- nervous; worry; III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces.

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question:write the ordinal number in the board?


answer:- first , second , third , fourth , fifth, sixth

c Introduction ? what’s your name?

? what’s your phone number? ? where you live?

ss: answer the qs 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are talking

ss: guess

T: introduce structure by situations ss: listen

T: introduce the dialogue and new structure ss: write new structure

T: ask ss to look at the dialogue and make a list the qs Mr tan ask Hoa

ss: make a list 3 practice

T guide ss to read the dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to read again and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T:ask ss to read the dialogue again and complete this form in part 5-p26

ss: read and complete the form T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to play role , someone is an interviewer someone is a student ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practice in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T correct mistakes

1 structure

* ask about the date of birth - what’s your date of birth -june eight

*ask about address - what’s your address? -12 THD street

2 answer the qs

a Hoa is 13 years old

b she will be 14 on next birth c her birthday is on june eight d Hoa live with her aunt and uncle e Hoa is worried because she doesn’t have any friends

3.complete the form

name pham thi Hoa

date of birth june eight

address 12 THD street

telephone number


(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new structures and make sentences with them - exercise B4 - p10 at home

- prepare B67 for next poriod



I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write invitation card to your friends - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

-what will you give Lan? vocabulary

- give : leave (v) III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduces.

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question:write new structure in the board? - answer:-what’s your date of birth?

-march nineteenth -what’s your address? - 12 THD street c Introduction

?How to inviteyour friend to come to your party birthday?

ss: write an invitation

?How to write it?we will study this lesson 2.presentation.

T: ask ss to look at part 6-p26

? what are they doing in the picture? ? what’s Lan doing?

ss: they are having a birthday party T: introduce new words and grammar ss: read and write new words

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ?How old is she now?

?where does she live?

?where is her birthday organized? ? when will the party start and finish? ss: answer


1 New word and grammar - invite (v)

- start (v) - finish (v) - party (v) * Giới từ:

-At; dùng cho giờ, tuổi

+ Ngoại lệ: at night, at christmas - ON: dùng cho buổi ngày tuần, ngày

- IN: dùng cho tháng , năm ,mùa , kỷ ; dùng cho buổi ngày



T: ask ss to read the text and complete the the invitation card

ss: read and complete

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the part7 p27

and imagine you will be a guest at lan’s birthday party,now write according to these qs

ss: listen

T:ask ss to answer the qs ss:discuss and write

T: ask ss to read the Contents ss:read

T correct mistake 4 production.

T : guide ss to write the invitation card SS : write

T: call two ss to write on the board ss: write

T: correct mistakes

Dear, Hoa

I am having a birthday party on sunday, may 25 the party will beat my houseat 24 LY THUONgG KIETstreet from 5p.m to 9p.m I hope you come and join the fun love


3.write about Lan’s birthday party At Lan’s birthday party I will give Lan a present, it is a bear Iwill get there by motorbikes.I will eat a cake, sweet , dring water I will leaver at o’clock

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new structures and make sentences with them - exercise B5 - p10 at home

-prepare A1 for next poriod./

planning date :1/10/07 Teaching date:7b- 3/10/07 7a- 6/10/07


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discuss the house what it have - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents 1 structure

-what + A / AN +ajd + N ! .2 vocabulary

- awful, comfortable, dryer , sink , tub ,refrigerator III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens


students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson form:oral

-question:write new word in the board - answer: invite, finish, paty, start c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game slape the board ss: play game

come in uncle aunt work shop room nice house see 2 presentation.

T:ask ss to look at the picture part 1-p29 ss: look at? How many roomsare there in the house?


? what are they?

ss:livingroom , bedroom, bathroom, kitchen

? what are in each room? ss: discribe

T: introduce new word and guide ss to read ss: listen and read in chorus

T: give example and explain about it eg1: what a lovely room!

eg2: what a hot day! ?which are these sentences? ss: cau cam than

? how is it maked?

ss: what + a/an + ajd + N? ? How does eg1 have property(t/c)? ? -eg2 -? ss: eg1 khen ngợi

eg2: phàn nàn

T:ask ss to find out exclamations in the dialogue

ss: find out 3 practice

T: ask ss to read the dialogue ss: read the dialogue

T;call ss to read in pairs in front of class ss:read in pairs

T: correct pronunciation


1 Vocabulary - tub (n) bồn tắm -sink (n) chậu

- washing machine (n) máy giặt - dryer (n) máy sấy

- dish washer (n)rửa bát - electric stove (n)bếp ga - refigrerator (n)tủ lạnh -convinient (adj) tiện lợi - comfortable (adj) thoải mái - awful (adj)

* câu cảm thán

→ what +a/an +adj +N! * câu cảm thán có hai loại:

- câu cảm thán mang tính chất khen ngợi

- câu cảm thán mang tính chất phàn nàn

2 answer the qs

a living room, hoa’s room, ketchen, bathroom


T: guide ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer the qs

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to ask and answer about themselves wiyh qs e,f

ss: practise in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct

c a sink, atub and ashower d awashing machine a dryer a refregerstor, a dish washer,and electric stove

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A1,2 - p13 at home

-prepare A2 for next poriod

planning date : 4/10/07 Teaching date:6/10/07 Period 13: UNIT THREE: AT HOME

LESSON.2- A2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review exclamations and know to use fluontly

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

-what + A / AN +ajd + N ! .2 vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces

students’ and teacher’s activities 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson



- form: 10’

-question:complete the sentence with a,b,c? - answer

1 c a b c c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game

restaurant dinner house

day party movie room

ss: play game 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to review about exclamation ss: tell again structure

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guide ss to make sentense and useexclamation

ss: listen 3 practice.

T: ask ss to make sentense with complain and compliment

ss:practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production

T: ask sss to make sentense with things in the class

ss: make sentense

T: call someone to write in the board ss: practice

T: correct mistakes

a is b am c are I will…… 14 on Sunday november 8th.

a be b is are …… a beautiful girl!

a where b what c when would you like to…….a movie a seeing b saw c see

1 structure

what + a/ an+adj +N !

2 practice * complain

a what an awful restaurant! b what a wet day!

c what a boring party! d.what a bad movie! * compliment

a what a lovely house! b

( 2’) Homework.- make sentences with structure - exercise A2 - p13 at home - prepare A3 for next poriod./


planning date: 6/10/07 teaching date:8/10/07

Period 14: Unit three: AT HOME Lesson – A 3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able toask have or not in the house - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure


vocabulary - have no III Teaching aids .

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduce

students’ and teacher’s activities 1.Warm u p

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form:oral

-question: ex 2in the board ? - answer:

what a delicios cake!

What a good washing machine!

What a boring song! What an old


c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game ‘”net work” thing have in the house? Ss: play game

- presentation

T: ask ss to review structure ss: tell again

T: guide ss to look at the picture and discribe what have in the picture

ss: listen - practice

T: ask ss to practice in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practice in the class ss: practice

T: correct mistakes 4 production

T: guide ss to ask and answer the qs about which have in the class

ss: ask and answer

T: call ss to practice in the class ss: practice


1 stucture

* there is/ are… on/ in … * is /are there… on /in…

2 ask and answer

A what is in the picture? B there is a table


T: correct mistakes (3’) Homework

- make sentences with structure - exercise A3,4 – p13 at home - prepare B1,2 for next poriod


planning date: 6/10/07 teaching date:9/10/07 Period 15: Unit three: AT HOME

Lesson.4- B12 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer about someone’s job with stucture what / does +s + do? where / does + S + work?

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- what do/ does + S + do?

- where + work? .2 vocabulary

- ountryside; grow vegetable; house work ; farm III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form:oral

-question:do ex on the board? - answer

:a.house f kichen b clean bed room c garden I neighber d flower h quite

e living c Introduction

T: we know about answer the qs about hoa

? where does she live now? ?who does she live with?


? where does she come from ? ss: answer

? wheredoes her parents do? what they do? we will study this lesson

2 presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture ss: look at

?What re they doing?

? what does woman at home? T: introduce new word by situation T: riview structure

what your parents do? ? where they do? ss: answer

3 practice.

T: ask ss to listen to the dialogue ss: listen

T: ask practice in pairs ss: practice in pairs

T: guide ss to answer the qs ss: answer

T: call ss to answer

ss: answer T: correct mistakes T: ask ss to look st part and read ss: read

T: guide ss to practice with a partner ss: practice in pairs

4 production.

T: ask ss toask and answer about you ss: ask about themselves

T: call some pairs practice in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

1 Vocabulary - countryside: - grow vegetable: - house work - raise cattle

- what + do/does +S +do? - S + tobe + job - where + do/does +S +work? - S + work answer the qs

a he is a farmer

b.he work on his farm in c.she is a housewife

d.she does her house work and help her husband

e yes they are f she is eight

3.practice with a partner A: what does her mother do? B: her father is a doctor A: where does he work? B: he work in a hospital

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new structures and make sentences with them - exercise B1 - p15 at home

- prepare B34 for next poriod

planning date: 8/10/07 teaching date:10/10/07 Period 16: Unit three: AT HOME


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to complete imformation in the form - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduce

Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

-question:write a paragraph about member in your family:-what they ; -where they work

- answer: my father is a docter , he work in a hospital my mother is a nurse, she work in a hospital too, my sister is a student, he study in a primary school

c Introduction ?what’ s your name? ? how old are you? ? what you do? ss: answer

2 pre - listening

T: ask ss to look at part and guide ss to matchsentences

ss: listen and match

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to listen and complete the form 3 while- listening.

T: ask ss to listen and complete ss: listen and complete

T: let ss to listen times.and check again ss:check and compair

T: call ss to stand up to answer


1 matching

-a farmer - work on the farm - a docter- take care of six people - ajournalist- write for a newspaper - a teacher - teach in a school

2 complete the form a

name Tom age 26

job teacher place hight school

name susan age 19

job journalist place magazin


ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 post - listening.

T: ask ss to interview your friend and write down

name age job place

ss: interview each other T: call some pairs to practise

job nurse place hospital

about you

name age job place (3’) home work.

- make sentences with structure - exercise B2 - p15 at home - prepare B5,6 for next poriod


planning date: 12/10.07 Teaching date:15.10/07 Period 17: Unit three: AT HOME

Lesson.6- B 5,6 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to compare this thing with that thing - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- compairative and superlative vocabulary

- apartment - empty - suitable III Teaching aids - teacher’s and ss’book

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss ‘ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson


- form: oral

-question: practice in ask and answer to complete the form?

- answer: name age job place

c introduction T: give ex and ask

? what form sentence is it used? ss: compare

T: How to compare this thing with that thing we will studythis lesson

2 presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ss: look at and guess

? where you live?

? you like your sandal? why? ss:its suitable with me

T: where nobody live what are wecalled? ss: empty

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T:give ex and explain

eg:Hoa is the taller than Nga

-this book is more beautiful than that eg: this pen is the newest pen

- this machine is the most convinien machine T: ask ss to look at the text andfind out the sentence which is used comparative

ss:find out practice

T:guide ss to read the text ss: read in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: answer the qs

T:call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer the qs

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at part -p36 ? what you see in this part? ss: a letter

? why you know a letter?

1 vocabulary and structure

- apartment (n) can ho - suitable (adj) hop - empty (adj) rong

* comparative

- S +tobe +the +adj +ER + than -S+ tobe +more +adj+than+ S

-S+tobe+the most+adj _S+ tobe+ the + adj + EST answer the qs

a the one at number 27 b .79 c 79 d .27

the most suitable apartment is th smallest but it’s newest of the three apartments It have two bedrooms a large a modern bathroom and a kitchen


ss: dear love ; date

T:you will read the letter from Jonh to his wife and daughter and filling word in the spaces

ss: read and complete

T: call ss to stand up to and answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes production

T:ask ss to compare things have in the class ss: practice in pairs

T: call some pairs to practice in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

1 beautiful expensive cheapest small big best

5 home work

- make sentences with structure - exercise B34 - p17 at home

-prepare languege focus for next poriod


planning date : /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 PERIOD 18: LANGUAGE FOCUS

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structrure fluenly - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduce

Teacher and ss ‘ activities warm up

a organization - who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

-question: devide present simple tense


- answer: (+) he/she/it +V-es-s +O they / we /you /+ V+ O (-) s+ do/does+not+V + O (?) do/does +S+ V+ O? c Introduction

T: we will appliy structure to exercise New lesson

T: ask ss to review about the present simple tense

ss: apply structure to ex1 T: call ss to ex on the board ss: ex

T: correct

T:ask sss to review future tense ss: review

T: ask ss to apply structure to ex ss: ex2

T: ask ss to review about preposition ss: review

T: ask ss to ex3 ss: ex3

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: coreect

T: review about comparative ss: give the structure

T: ask ss to give examples ss: give example

T:guide ss to ex5 ss: ex5

T: review about there is/ are ss: apply to ex7

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: correct mistakes

? which qs- word did you learn? ss: answer

T: guide ss to ex8 ss: ex

3 production

T: guide ss to ex by completing the sentences

ss: listen and ex

T: call ss to stand to answer

1 present simple tense * ex1

a is -live- are- goes b is - eat- rides - catches future tense

- S+ will +V + O * ex2

3 preposition

- on; behind; next to; in front of; under

* ex3

4 compare adj

- S+ tobe+the + Adj +ER+ than+S - S+tobe+ the +Adj+ EST

- S+tobe+more+ Adj+ than - S + tobe +The most+ adj * ex5

5.- Is there a ? - are there any ? * ex7

6 Question words - what

- where - how - who * ex8

7 complete the sentences a Nga my friend is am are b.He in noi


ss: answer

T:correct mistakes * answer

a.1 b.2 c.2 d.2 e.1 ss: writecorrect answer

1 in under at

d.this book is expensive than that one

1 the most more

e there two books in the class are is

(3’) Home work

- make sentences with structure

- all exercise in test yourself1 at home - prepare to check 45’ for next poriod

planning date : /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 :

PERIOD 18: TEST 45’ I Objective.

- Check understanding of ss about using vocabulary, structure, grammar and apply in reality

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure:

Present, past tenses vocabulary:

have no III Teaching aids - Teacher’s planning - Ss’ paper and pen IV Teaching methord

- Contents V Teaching proceduce

Organiration - who’s absent today? Question

Question 1: Listen and complete the passage ( điểm )

Nam (1) my friend He (2) in Ha noi with his mother, father and older sisten His parents (3) teachers They teach in secondary school in Ha noi His elder sister goes to Quang Trung school Nam (4) to school Quang Trung , too

Question 2:choose the best answer to complete sentences ( điểm ) He in Yen chau


a go b goes c going He volleyball after school a.play b plays c playing

she her mom with house work a.help b helps c helping This pen is than your a newer b.new c newest

Question 3:Read the paragraph and answer the questions ( 2,5 điểm )

Mai is twelves years old She is a student in class 7a There are four people in her family Her mother is a docter , she work in a hospital,she is thirty- five years old Her father is an engineer , he is fourty years old.Her brother is eight years old, he is a student How old is Mai?

→ which class is she in? → what does her mother do? → what does her father do? → How old is her brother? →

Question Answer the questions about you ( 2,5 điểm ) what’s your name?

where you live?

How many people are there in your family? what’s your address?

whatdo you do? 3 Keys

Question 1:

1 is are lives goes Question 2:

1.b 2.a 3.a

4.b 5.b 6.a

Question 3: 1.Mai is twelves years old She is in class 7a

she is a doctor he is an engineer He is eight years old Question


There are four people in my fa mily my address is Chieng Tuong Y/C I’m a student

* Ưu điểm:

Cơ HS nắm cấu trúc ngữ pháp vận dụg vào làm *Nhược điểm

*Thống kê điểm: G: K: TB: Y: K

planning date : /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 Period 20: UNIT AT SCHOOL

LESSON 1: A 1,2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer about the time - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

- what time is it? vocabulary

- math, physic, phisical educate III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens

IV Teaching proceduce.

Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 Warm up

-Greeting - organization

who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: - Check the old lesson don’t check

- Introduction

T:How to ask about the time we will study this lesson

2 presentation.

T:review structure ask about the time


1.ask and answer about the time → what time is it?

- Itis + (time) + o’clock


ss: review

T: give example and explain about it ss; write

3 practice.

T: now listen to the tapeabout content of p1

ss: listen and repeat

T: now ask and answer about the time ss: practice in pairs

? what time you everyday? ? what time you these things? eg: what time you get up ?

what time you go to bed? T: guide ss to practise p2

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T:guide ss to listen ss: listen

T: introduce new words in part3 ss: listen and write

T: ask ss to listen and complete missing words in part

ss: listen and complete

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistake 4 production.

T: ask ss to ask and answer “ what time get up ; go to school ; each subject start ; go to bed

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise in front of class

ss: practice

T: correct mistakes

-It’s+ + TO + eg; what time you get up? - I get up at o’clock

2 practice

A what time you get up? B.I get up at six o’clock A.what time classes start B they start at seven o’clock 3.complete schedule

- math (n) - music(n) - history(n) - physics(n) - geography(n)

- physical education (n) * answer Friday

7.00 7.50 840 940 10.30

english geo music physic history Saturday

1.00 2.40 3.40 4.30

physical math english physics

(3’) Home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with structure - exercise 12-p21 at home

-prepare A4,5 for next poriod

planning date : /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 Period 21: Unit 4: At School


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer about their subject - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- what time do/does+ S +V? vocabulary

- Impotant III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 Warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- Question: ex1-p21? c Introduction

T: ask ss to play game network physic math history


english geography music ss; play game

2 presentation

T: ask ss look st part4-p43 and ask ? what are they doing?

ss: they are learning

T: review progresive tense ss:give examples

Eg: I am playing soccer are you learning english? - yes I am

? awhat time you have your english class?

T: review presen simple tense ss: review

T: in troduce new words by situations 3 practice

T: ask ss to practise p4-p43

ss: ask and answer about the fictures


- answer: b.it’s twenty one fifteen c it’s three nineteeen d it’s nine fifteen e it’s fifteen forty- five f

1 grammar

*presen progresive tense →S +Tobe + V-ing + ? TObe + S +V- ing ?

* present simple tense

→ she/he/it + V-es- s + O ? do/does +S+ V+ o ? - impotant (adj)

- intersting (adj)



T: call ss to practise in front of class ss: practice in pairs

T: guide ss to read the dialogue in p5 ss: read the dialogue

T: call ss to read in front of class ss: read


T: explain about new structure ss: listen

4 production.

T: guide ss to give their schedulein their books

mon 7.15 english 8.05 math

tue apr Thur

ss; give schedule

T: guide ss to ask and answerthe qs with a partner make the same gialogue

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to practise in pairs ss: pactice

A what is Binh doing? B He is studying geography A what time does Binh have his geography class?

*ask and about the time with “when” → when do/does +S+ V+O ?

(3’) Home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with structure - exercise 3-p22 at home

-prepare A6,7 for next poriod


planning date: /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 Period 22: Unit 4: At school

lesson 3: A 6,7 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer about the time and understand content of the dialogue

- Practice skill: Speaking, reading - Love their lesson

II language contents structure

- Have no vocabulary


- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 Warm up

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson - Question: ex3-p22? c Introduction

T:ss all over the world have to be went to school

? whatb are they learning at school?

? Are.schools in VN different from school in the USA?

T: we will study this lesson 2 presentation

T:ask ss to look at the picture in p6 ? what are they doing?

ss: they are learning ?which school is it? ss: school in the USA

T: Introduce new words by situations ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read the text 3 practice.

T: ask ss to read the text ss:read the dialogue

T:ask ss to read the text and true or false

ss: read and “true or false” T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes ss: write correct answer 4 production

T: ask ss to practise in group and find out the different between school in VN from school in the USA

ss; practice in group

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes


- answer :b what ‘s Trung doing? - he is listening music c what is Mai doing? - she is doing her math d what’re Hung and Ha doing?

they ‘re learning english f

1 vocabulary - different : - start (v) - finish (v)

- two 20 minute break - uniform(n)

- base ball( n) - basket ball(n) - cafeteria (n) True or false

a.T b.F c.F d.T

e.F f.F

3 compare VN school -there is schol uniform

- classes start at 7.15

- class finish at 11.30

-there are lessons on saturday

-there are 4- five minute breaks

USA school - theris no school uniform

- class start at 8.30

- class finish at 3.30- o’clock -there are not any lessons on



T: ask ss to look at part7 ss: look at

T: ask ss to listen and repeat ss: listen and repeat

-20 minute breaks

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 4-p23 at home

-prepare B1 for next poriod

planning date: /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08 Period 23: UNIT 4: AT SCHOOL

lesson 4: B ( 1, 2, ) I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about the library and position of things there are in the library

- Practice skill: Speaking, Listening, reading - Love their lesson

II language contents structure

- thereis/ are vocabulary

- reference books; - science books - dictionary III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 Warm up.

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson

- Question: Read and translate the text in vietnamse?

- answer :trường học Mỹ khác với trường học VN thường không mặc đồng phục đến trường

c Introduction

? where you go toborrow book? ss: liberary

? which booksarethere in the library?



T: we will study this lesson 2 presentation.

? what you see in the picture? ss: library

? where is books in? ss: it’s on the rack, shelf

? what books are there in the library? ss: answer

T: introduce new words by situations ss:listen

T: guide ss to read the new words ss: read new word

T: you will listen to a conversation between ss and the librarian she is showing position of the books

3 practice.

T: guide s to read the dilogue ss: read thin chorus

T: ask ss to read in front of class ss: read in pairs

T: aks ss to read and answer the qs ss: answer

T: call ss to stand up to nanswer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes ss: write correct answer

- shelf (n) - dictionary (n) - reference book (n) - libray (n)

- librarian (n) - science book (n) - reader (n)

2 answer the questions

a.the magazines are on the rack b.the newspapers

c the math and science books are on the shelves on the left

d the history and geography books dictionnaries and literature inVN are on the shelves onthe right

e.the books in english are at the back of the library

f the library open at a.m g the library close at 4.30 p.m

T: guide ss to listen the dialogue ss: listen

T: ask ss to practse in pairs ss: practice the dialogue

T:guide ss ask and answer the qs about the library plan in B1

ss: practice in pairs T:ask ss to listen part3 ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen and write down in their books

ss: listen and write

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to look at the picture in part3 and


discribe again content of listening ss: discribe again

T: call ss to practise in front of lass ss: pracice

T: ask ss to discribe position of things in the class

ss: practice in pairs


* where can I find ( name’sbook) please?

- midle :

2.make the similar gialogue

3 position of things inthe library (part3)

1 study area

2 geography- history books 3.science and math books 4,5 magazines- newspaper 6,7 english books

home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 2-p24 at home

-prepare B4 for next poriod

planning date : /10/08 Teaching date: /10/08

Period 24: Unit At school lesson 6: B 4,5 I Objective.


- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- congress - conteain - receive - employee

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduce





Teacher and ss ‘ activities 1 warm up

- Greeting. a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction

? which library is biggest library in the world?

T: to know we will study this lesson 2 presetation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ? where is it?

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read the text ss: read

3 practice .

ask ss to read the text ss: read

T: guide ss to read and answer thqs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: anwser

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to retell about that library ss close the their book and retell T: call ss to stand up to retell ss: retell

T: correct mistake

T: ask ss to discuss the question


1 vocabulary - employee (n) - contain (v) - congress (n) - receive (v)

3 answer the questions

a the library is in washington D.C b.it has over 100 millions books c the shelves all about1000 km long d over five thousand employees work there


? which library is largest in VN/ YC? ss: discuss

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 3-p25 at home

- prepare A1 for next period

planning date : /08 Teaching date: /08


I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe what they learn - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- map, computer, sience, experiment III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 warm up.

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- Question: write new word on the board? - Answer: employee, content, congress, receive

c introduction

? which subject you like to learn?

ss: my favorite subjectis geography because I study map and learn about defferent


T: introduce new lesson 2 presentation

T: ask s to look at the pictureand introduce





new words

ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read in chorus ss: read in chorus

T:guide ss to read the text ss: read

3 practice.

T: ask ss to read the text in single ss: read the text

T: guide ss to ask and answer five the qs about Mai

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistake 4 production

T: ask ss to ask and answer about themselves ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: pratice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

- computer (n) - interested in (v) - map (n)

-experiment (n)

2.ask and answer the questions about Mai

A what does Mai study in her geography class?

B.she study about map and A what is Mai favorite class? B her favorite class is computer science

A what does Mai study in her physic class?

B she does some experiments

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 1-p28 at home

-prepare A2 for next poriod

planning date: /08 Teaching date: /08 Period 26: UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY

LESSON 2: A2, 3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about feature of each subject - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- fix, light, house hold , repairs , electronics III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning






Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 warm up

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b:

b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- Question: write new word on the board? - Answer:begine , ues , computer interested in experiment

c introduction

? you know where is Mai school, and Ba’s school?

T: to know we will study this lesson 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at part2 ? what is he doing?

? which library is biggest ? ss:repair

? what is fixing? ? what is he good at? ss: answer

T: intrioduce new word ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new word ss: read in chorus

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss: read the text

T: ask ss to and answer theb qs ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer the qs ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same the text by discribe their friends in the class ss practice in groups

T: ask ss to read their text ss: read

T: correct mistakes ss; write correct answer


1 vocabulary - fix (v) - light (n)

- house hold appliance: - electronic (n)

- repair (v) - artist (n) - light (n)

2 answer the questions a Ba like electronic best

b yes , he does he like school very much

c he learn to repair household appliances

d he will be able to fix his own appliances

e yes he is , he drawing are very good

(3’) home work.


- prepare A3,4 for next period./

planning date: /08 teaching date: /08 Period 27: UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY

LESSON :A 4,5,6,7

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about subjects in the school - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- right , wrong, erase III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 warm up.

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- Question: write new word on the board? - Answer:electronic, repair , artist, fix , light c introduction

? what you have subject today? ss: math , english

? you like them?

T: to know what subjects Hoa, Lan, Ba will have today

2 Presentation. ?do you like math? ? is it difficult or easy? T: ask ss to look at the part3 ss: look at

T: introduce the text and new words


1.Vocabulary - right:

-wrong: - price: - erase:


ss: listen

T: ask ss to read the text and answer the qs: ? how much does one banana cost?

ss: read the text and answer

T:introduce new words and guide ss to read ss: read in chorus

3 practice.

T: ask ss to read and answer ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss tolook at part 4.-54 ? what are they doing? ? which subject you like?

T: guide ss to guess”what subject Ba and Hoa have on saturday moning?”

ss: guess

T: ask ss to listen and match ss: listen and match

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes

2.cost of a banana - it is 600 dong

3 answer about Hoa and Ba

- Ba: d.a.e - Hoa: c,b,e

4 Odd one out - literature;- painting

- history: -baskit ball games - science :- preposition - english:- england

5 Matching


T: ask ss to look at the text and guide ss to read the text

ss:look at and read scanning ? what you learn in literature? ? what history? ? what physic? ? geography? ss: answer

T: we have names of subjects in accordane with relevant words each suject you find out irrelevant word and odd it out

ss: practice in groups

T call ss to stance up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to look at part ss: look at p6


ss: pratice ingroups

T: call s to stand up to answer ss: anwer

T: corect mistakes

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 4-p30 at home

-prepare B1,2 for next poriod


planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 Period 28: UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY

LESSON 5: B1,2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about activies in the recess - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- present progresive vocabulary

- bell, ring, recess, chating, blidman’s bluff, catch, marbl, skipping rope III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces.


Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 warm up

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b:

b Check the old lesson - Form: write 10’

- Question: write new word in the paper? - Answer:author, temperature, grap, equation, calculater, atlas, globe c introduction





? what you at the recess? ss: play game, talking ? what else?

T: to know we will study this lesson 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: answer

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen and read

? How the activities are happening? ss: activities are happening

? which tense have they used in the lesson? ss: present progressives

? canyou find out those sentences which used present progressives?

eg: many are talking about the last class T: introduce structure by example

3 practice

T: ask ss to look at the text and guide ss to read the text

T: ask ss to ask snd answer the about the pictures

ss: answer and ask

T: ask ss to practice part(b) ask and answer about themselves

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: answer practice in pairs T:correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask ss to look at part2 - p57 ss: look at

T: guide ss to listen to the tape ss: liten

T: ask ss to listen and match ss: listen and match

T: ask ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

1 vocabulary - chat (v) - marble (n) - skip rope: - catch (v)

- blindman’s bluff (n) - bell (n)

- ring (v) - recess (n)

*present progressives tense → S+ tobe + V-ing +O

2 practice

* ask and answer

A: what is this boy doing? B: he is playing marble * ask and answer -p(b),

A: what you at the recess? B: I play marble

A: you talk with your friends? B: yes, I

3 listen and match - Mai is playing catch - Kien is playing marble - Lan is skipping rope

- Ba is playingblindman’s bluff

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1-p30 at home

-prepare B3 for next poriod

Planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 Period 29: UNIT 5: WORK AND PLAY


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about ss in america - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- penpal, american ss, take part in, scoring goals, shoot, energetic III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss ‘ activities. 1 warm up.

- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b:

b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- Question: write new word on the board? - Answer:chat, skip rope, play marble, catch,

c introduction

? what you at the recess? ss: play game, talking

T: what about amrecanss?what they at the recess?

T: to know we will study this lesson 2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: answer

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen and read

T:introduce cont of the text ss: listen

3 practice.

T: ask ss to look at the text and guide ss to read the text

ss: read the text

T: call ss to stand to read the text ss: read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs


1 vocabulary

- penpal (n) bạn qua thư - take part in : tham gia - energetic (n)hiếu động - portable: mang theo -score goals: ghi bàn:

- earphone (n) tai nghe

2 answer the qs



ss: answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes 4 production .

T: ask ss to look at part2 - p57 ss: look at

T: guide ss to make alist about activities at recess of VNss and american ss

ss: practice in groups T: ask ss to write in paper ss: write in paper

T: call groups answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

3.make the list

VN ss -catch chat -skip rope -marble -read

USA ss -basket ball -scoring goals -listen to music -study -read

(3’) home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B2-p31 at home

-prepare A1- unit6 for next poriod


Planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08

Period 30: UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL LESSON 1: A 1 I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to advide somebody should something - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- should - why don’t you ? - let’s

.2 vocabulary

- meet friends III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up.





- Greeting a organization

- who’s absent today? 7a: 7b: b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- Question: write new word on the board? - Answer:penpal, american ss, take part in, scoring goals, shoot, energetic

c introduction

? what are you doing? ss: I’m listen to teacher

? what you after school? ss: I play soccer, voleyball ? you play tennis?

ss: yes,

2 presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: answer

? which sport you like?

ss: tennis, badminton, soccer, voleyball T: how to give the way to play suitable for everyone

eg:A: let’s play voleyball B: why don’t we play tennis? C:we should play badminton

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen and read

T:introduce cont of the text ss: listen

3 practice.

T: ask ss to look at the dialogue and guide ss to listen and read the dialogue

ss:listen and read the dialogue

T: call ss to stand to read the dialogue ss: read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same the dialogue with friends in the class

ss practice in pairs

T: ask ss to read their dialogue


* Gợi ý làm việc - let’s + V + O - why don’t+ S + O ? - S + should + V +O

2 answer the qs

a she is doing her math homework

b they are going to geta cold drink c he is in musix room


ss: read

T: correct mistakes

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new structures and make sentences with them - exercise A1-p33 at home

-prepare A2- unit6 for next poriod

Planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 Period 31: UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL

LESSON 2:A 2 I Objectives

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about activities after school - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- How often vocabulary

- adverb of frequency III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction

? what you play after school? ss: I play soccer, voleyball ? how ofter you play them? ss: I usually play them

2 presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: they are studying and reading in the library

T: introduce new structure by situations ss: listen and read


1 structrure- grammar

How often + do/ does +S+V ? S+usually +V +O




T:introduce adverb of freequency and review present progresivies

ss: listen 3 practice.

T: ask ss to write some sentences about activities after school


T:ask ss to read and answer the qs with structure “how often”

ss: ask and answer

T: call ss to stand to practise ss: practice

T:correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to talk about their activities after school

ss:practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand to practise ss: practice

T: correct mistakes


*trang từ tần xuất : - thường dứng trước dộng từ thường sau trợ động từ

2 practice a

2.swimming in the pool playing computer game going to the movie playing soccer watching TV b

-on mondy I usually my homwork with Hoaand Ba after school

- on tuesday I somtime go swimming with my friends

on wednesday

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new structures and make sentences with them - exercise A3,4-p34 at home

-prepare A3,4- unit6 for next poriod


planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 PERIOD 32: UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL

LESSON 3:A 3,4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about activities after school - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- rehearse, annyversary, commic III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning






Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction

activities after school 2.presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: they are herearsing the play

T: introduce new structure by situations and picture

ss: listen and read

guide ss to read new words ss: read in chorus

T: ask ss to read in single ss: read in single

T: introduce conten of the text ss: listen

3 practice.

T: ask ss to read the text ss: read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: ask and answer

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at part4 and guide ss to listen and match

ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen times and match ss:listen and match

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to talk about their hobbies after school

ss:practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand to practise ss: practice

T: corect mistakes


1 vocabulary - play (n) kịch

- rehearse (v) luyện tập

- annyversary celebration: lễ KN -pastime: giải trí

- comic (n) chuyện tranh

- president of the stamp collector’s club:

2 answer the qs

a.her groups is rehearsing a play for school

b.Ba’s american friend give him c.the stamp collector’s club meet on wednesday

d he never play games Matching

-Mai -go to school -Nam- rehearse a play -Ba- go to the circus - Lan -tidy the classroom -Kien- watch a movie

(3’) home work


-prepare B - unit6 for next poriod

planning date: /11/08 teaching date: /11/08


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about what they should in the free time

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- should ST .2 vocabulary - assignment

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson

- Question:write new words on the board? - Answer:rehearse, annyversary, commic -Form: oral

c introduction

?what you in the free time?

ss: I listen to music, go to the movies, watch TV

? what about playing video game? ss:yes

T: Ba,Lan, Hoawhat they in the free time.let’s study this lesson

ss: listen 2 presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: they arelitening to music

T: review structure by situations and ask ss to find out sentences which used structures


1 structure





ss: listen and find out

T: introduce conten of the text ss: listen

3 practice

T: ask ss to listen to the text ss:listen and read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: ask and answer

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same the dialogue ss:practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand to practise ss: practice

T: corect mistakes

- great I’d love to - I’m sorry

-assignment= exercise answer the qs

a Nam want to go to the movie b lan doesn’t want to go to the movies becau se there aren’t any good movie at the moment

c.lan want to listen to some music at her house

d.Hoa doesn’t want to go to lan’s housebecause she has so many assignment

e it’s saterday (3’) home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1-p35 at home

-prepare B - unit6 for next poriod./

planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 PERIOD 34: UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL.

LESSON 5: B2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about thíngs which amrecan teenager like to in the free time

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- rehearse, annyversary, commic III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces






1 warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -Form: oral

- Question:do exercise 1-p36? c introduction

?what you in the free time? ? which activities should teenager do? ss: -help old people

-watch TV ?what else?

T: now we discuss about them 2.presentation.

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ?what are they doing?

ss: they are listening to music T: introduce content of the text ss: listen

T: explain about scouts, guide ss:listen

3 practice.

T: ask ss to read the text ss:listen and read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ? which of the activities in the list for american teenager , you think popular for VN teenager?

ss: watch TV , listen to music

? are there many kind of entertainment for teenager in VN?

? what are they?

? what organiration are there for teenager in VN?

ss: ask and answer 4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss in groupsof people ? think about activities which teenager after school?

ss: discuss and choose activities which you like best?

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

- Answer:

a.what about going to the library? - it’s agread idea, I ‘d love to b.let’s go to the zoo

- I’m sorry ,I’m busy

c.why don’t we go to the canteen? - it’s a good idea

1 vocabulary

- scouts =boy scout = nam hướng đạo sinh

- guide =girl guide = Nữ hướng đạo sinh

→Tổ chức nhằm cho hội viên kỹ thực tiễn XD nhân cách

2 Answer the qs

-watch TV, listen to music, go to the movies

- go fishing, play sport, play game - there are organiration such as young pioneer or different kind of clubs for children

(3’) home work


-prepare B 3,4 - unit6 for next poriod

planning date: /11/08 Teaching date: /11/08 PERIOD 37: UNIT 6: AFTER SCHOOL.

LESSON 6:B 3,4 I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to invite their friends to St with them - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- would you like ? vocabulary

-elderly people III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -don’t check

c introduction

?where is your date of birth? ss: itis 19-3

? you invite your friends to join? ss: yes

? how can you invite them in english? T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T: review structure

eg:-would you like a cup of tea?

- would you like to come to my house? - will you join us?

ss: review

T: introduce content of the text ss: listen

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss:listen and read in pairs


1.structure *

-would you like to + + St? -yes I’d love to

-I’m sorry I busy *



T:ask ss to read and make the same the dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and discuss in groups part4 with qs ( a,b)p67

ss: discussion

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ex “true or false”

1 the young ss are doing community service some young people work as hospital volunteers

3.they are called candy stripers ss:answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

2 answer true or false

1 t 2.t 3.t

-community service: - candy stripers:

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B4-p37 at home

-prepare language forcus for next period

planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 PERIOD 38: LANGUAGE FOCUS 2.

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review and apply structure to exercise - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- present progressive -making suggestion -adverb of freequency vocabulary

-have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning


IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -don’t check

c introduction

?what are you doing? ss: I’m learning english I’m listening to teacher

T: review about progressivies tense 2 New lesson.

T: ask ss to review about the present progressivies tense

? what does present progressives tense express?

ss: it express an action is happaning at the moment

ss: apply structure to ex1 T: call ss to ex on the board ss: ex

T: correct

T:ask sss to review pronoun those, these ss: review

T: ask ss to apply structure to ex2 ss: ex2

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about asking the time ss: review

T: ask ss to ex3 ss: ex3

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: coreect

T: review about subject T:guide ss to ex4 ss: ex4

T: review about adverb of frequency ss: apply to ex5

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: correct mistakes


1 present progressive

(+) S + tobe + V-ing (-) S + tobe +not + V-ing (?) tobe + S +V -ing ? ex1:

2 THIS/ THAT THESE/ THOSE ex2:b this, that ,this c these, these, those d these, those


-what time is this? - it’s + gio + phut ex3:


-a physical education b.physic

c.math d

5.adverb of frequency


T: ask ss to give out suggestion ss: give out

T: guide ss to ex6 ss: ex

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: correct mistakes

3 production.

T: guide ss to ex by completing the sentences

ss: listen and ex

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes * answer

1 b 2.a a b a 6.c

6 making suggestion - let’s + V

- would you like to st ? -should we +V +O ex 6:

ex 7.choose the best answer 1.Hoa is voleyball now a plays b playing c.play 2.Mai voleyball after school a plays b playing c.play .book is yours

a this b these c those what time it? a am b is c those let’s fishing

a go b going c.goes would you like to soccer? a plays b playing c.play

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart structures and make sentences with them - exercise in language focus at home

-prepare to check 45’for next period

planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08

Period 39: TEST 45’

I Objective.

- Checkunderstandingof ss about using vocabulary, structure, grammar and apply in reality

II language contents structure

- adv, time, suggest, present progressive vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning

- ss’ books and pens IV Teaching method

- Contents


- who’s absent today? 2 Question s

Question 1:chọn đáp án cho câu sau

1 would you like to volleyball? a playing b play c plays would you like to fishing?

a go b going c goes let’s to music a listening b listen c listens

4 should we to see a movie a go b going c goes Question 2:Chia động từ ngoặc cho

Nga (do) her homwork she (write) a leterature essay Mr Thang (read) a newpaper and Mrs Ngoc (cook)

dinner two Nga’s brother ( play) soccer Her grand mother and grandfather (watch) TV

Question 3:Điền trạng từ vào câu cho vị trí a Hoa go to school in time.(often)

b Mai stay up late (seldom)

c.He is happy when he get good mark (always) d My bedroom is tidy ( often)

e.They are sad when they get bad mark (always) f I like reading comic (never)

Question 4:Viết câu trả lời chữ - what ime is it?


Question 1(2d)

b 2.a 3.b 4.a Question 2:

1 is doing is Contents is reading is cooking are playing are whatching Question 3:

a Hoa often to school b.Mai seldom stay up late c.He is always happy d They are always sad e my bedroom often tidy f I never like raeding comic Question 4.

a.It’s telve forty - five b It’s six twenty c It’s eight twenty- five d It’s eleven ten e It’s five forty f It’s three fifteen Trả kiểm tra

*Ưu điểm:

Đa số em nắm ngữ pháp vận dụng vào làm tương đối tốt đặc biệt tập 1,3 đa số học sinh làm

*Nhược điểm:

Nhìn chung kỹ viết em cịn yếu Với tập có viết song sai lỗi tả nhiều, với tập em chưa hiểu yêu cầu * Thống kê điểm: G: K:

TB: Y:

planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 39: UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK.

LESSON 1:A 1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue and answer the qs - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure


- it take + vocabulary -have no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’s book , pen

IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? 7A 7B b Check the old lesson

- check in lesson c introduction

?do you remember about Hoa? ? who is she living with now? ss: uncle and aunt

T: to know what Hoa and uncle talk about we will study this lesson

2.presentation T: review structure

?when you your homework at home? ss: after dinner

? how long does it take youto yuor homeworks?

ss: it take me two hours to my homeworks T: explain eg and riview structure

ss: review

T: introduce content of the text ss: listen

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss:listen and read in pairs

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ex “true or false” 1.her class start at eight o’clock they finish ta twelve o’clock

3.she does her homwork in the afternoon 4.she will help her parents on the farm ss:answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer



- How long does + it +take +N +to +V?

- It takes +N+time

2 answer the qs

a her class start at 7.15

b they finish at halp past eleven c Hoa does her homework for two hours a day

d she ‘ll may be heip her parents on the farm

e our class start earler at

seven oclock no ,she work more hours than Hoa does

f it finishes at the end of may answer true or false


T: correct mistakes (3’) Home work

- learn by heart structures and make sentences with them - exercise 1-p43 at home

-prepare A2,3 for next period


planning date: 07 /12/08 Teaching date: 08 /12/08 Period 40: UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK.

LESSON 2:A 2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand about great holiday of american - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- compare- fewer - more vocabulary

-easter , thank giving III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson don’t check

c introduction

? have you ever write any letter ? ss: yes

? yopum have friendsin broad? ss: no

? you want to know aboutfriends in american?

ss: yes

T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation.

T: in your opinion what the letter talk about? ss: talk about the vacation

T: ask ss to raed the letter and introduce structure



* so sánh danh từ bậc - S +V + fewer+ Ns +than + N less




ss: listen

T: give eg and explain ss: listen

Eg:- he has fewer brothers than Hoa

- He work more hours than you -this room has the most furnitures

- he makes the fewest mistakes in the test practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss:listen and read in pairs

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the picture part and guess

ss: look at and guess

T: ask ss to listen and write the name of the public holiday in each of these picture ss: listen and write

T: ask ss to listen and check ss: listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to tell about their holiday which they know

ss: may day , tet holiday,

T: ask ss to discuss about big holiday in vietnam

ss: discuss

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

* so sánh danh từ bậc nhiều - S + V + more +Ns + than +N *so sánh danh từ bậc nhiều - S + V +the most + Ns

2.Answer the qs

a summer vacation is the longest in american

b during his vacation Tim spend time with his family

c vietnamese ss have fewer vacation than american ss

3.write the name of picture a thanks giving

b independent day c new year’s day d christmas

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart structures and make sentences with them - exercise 2,4-p43 at home

-prepare A4 for next period


LESSON 3:A 4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- keen., defenitely, review III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form : oral

- question: ex2 (a,b,c,d) -p43?

- answer: a fewer b more c less- than d more than

c introduction

? how many hours you work aday? ss: six hours

?what you think about it? ss:I think it is easy life

T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T: ask ss tolook at the picture and guess T: introduce new word by situation ss: listen

? what you everyday? ss: study, my home work ? is your work st home hard or ok? ? how many hours a daydo you study? ? you have to many homeworks? T: introduce content of the text and guide ss to read

ss: listen practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss:listen and read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs


1 vocabulary - keen : cham chi -review:

- defenitely: chac chan



ss practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about their works in a day , aweek, a month

ss: discuss

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

a.people think ss have an easy life because they only worka few hour a day and have long a vacation

b Hoa work 20 hours a weeks it is fewer than most worker’s work c about 18 hour , it fewer than Hoa d no , writedoesn’t think ss are lazy

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 5-p44 at home

-prepare B1 for next period./

planning date: 07/12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 42: Unit 7: The world of work.

lesson 4:B1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk what they should in the free time - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- shelf , machanic, day off III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’tcheck

c introduction

? how many people are there in your family?

?what is your father ‘s job? mother brother





T: today we will study about Tim ‘s family 2.presentation

T: ask ss tolook at the picture and guess T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read in chorus and in single

T: introduce content of the letter and guide ss to read

ss: listen practice

T: ask ss to read the letter ss:listen and read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs ss practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ex true or false

1 there are four people in Tim’sfamily? 2.Tim’s father prefers the moning shift 3.Tim’s father often play golf in the afternoon

4 Tim’s mother works part time at a local supermarket

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

1.vocabulary - take care of:

- mechanic : tho co - shift :ca

- dayoff: - prefer:

2 answer the qs

a.mrs jonh works at home, but three moning a week, she works part time at a local supermarket

b.she cooks lunch for homeless people one a week

c Mr jonh is a mechanic , he repairs machine in a factory

d He works about 40hours aweek e the jonh family always go to florid on vacation they have gread time there

3 answer true or false T T F T

(3’) Homework

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1-p45 at home

-prepare B2,3 for next period

_ planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 43: UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK

LESSON :B 2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text about Hoa’s family and use structure comparation.fluently

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson


- compara vocabulary

- buffalo, pig, feed, III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question: write new words on the board? - answer :- take care of:

- mechanic : tho co - shift :ca- dayoff:- prefer c introduction

? you remember about Hoa, ? what does her farther do? ? what does famer do?

T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T: ask ss tolook at the picture and guess ss: look at the picture

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read in chorus and in single

T: introduce content of the text and guide ss to read

ss: listen practice

T: ask ss to read the text ss:read

T:ask ss to read and get information about Mr Tuan

ss read and get informations

T: guide ss to read the letterand the text about Mr Tuan then make note about them ss: practice in groups

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ex true or false

1 Hoa’s father start work at seven o’clock


1 vocabulary - buffalo: trau - pig : lon -feed: cho an

- chicken coop: chuong ga - buffalo shed: chuong trau - crop: mua mang

- annimal: dong vat

2.compareation about Mr Tuan and Mr Jonh

hour per week

day off vacation time Mr


40 two a three

week summer vacation Mr


84 one

-four or fine


2.Hoa’s father has breakfast then feeds the buffallo, pigs, chickens and collects eggs 3.he reests and eats alunch form 12 to o’clock

4 they come back home at five o’clock ss: answer

T: correck mistakes

time a year answer true - false

1 F T T F

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B2,3-p46 at home

-prepare B for next period


planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 45: UNIT 7: THE WORLD OF WORK.

LESSON 6:B4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and take notes - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary - have no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question: write new words on the board? - answer : buffalo: trau- pig : lon

-feed: cho an- chicken coop: chuong ga - buffalo shed

c introduction ? what you do? ss: I’m a student

? how many hours you a week? ss: 40





? how much time you have for a vacation?

ss: month

T: to knowpeter, susan, jane, phong how much time for vacation we will study this lesson


T: ask ss tolook at the table ss: look at

T: guide ss to listen ans get main information to complete the table ss: listen

T: ask ss to guess ss: guess

3 practice

T: ask ss to listen about peter , susan, ss: listen and complete

T:ask ss to listen again and check ss: listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to base on notes and talk again abouteach person as job, hour per week ss: practice in pairs

T: call s to atand up to answer ss: answer

T: correck mistakes

1 listen and take notes

name job hour

per week

amount of vacation

peter docter 70 four


susan nurse 50 three

weeks jane shop


35 one

weeks phong factery


48 two

weeks practice

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B4-p46 at home

-prepare unit A 1,2 for next period

_ planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 PERIOD 46: UNIT 8: PLACES

LESSON 1:A1,2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask about the way to a place - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- can you tell me the wayto the ? vocabulary


III Teaching aids - teacher’s and ss’book - teacher’s book and planning - - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction

T: ask ss to look at the pictureguess and write the name of these places

ss: guess and write

eg: bank , hospital, hotel, post office T: introduce new lesson


T: ask ss to look at the picture part ss: look at

? who are they?

?what are they talking about ? ss: ask and answer about the way

T: introduce new structure by examples Eg: can you tell me the way to the market? - can you tell me the way to the hospital? ss: listen

3 practice

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss: read the dialogue in pairs T: call ss to stand up to read ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to base on dialogue and make the same dialogue

ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to look at the part and make the same dialogue p

ss: pratice

T: call s to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes


1 structure

* - can you tell me the way to the ?

*- can you tell me how to get ?

- go straight a head

-take the first streeton the lelf - second right - opposite

- in front of :


A: excuse me , is there a police station near here?

B: yes,

A: call you tell me the way to get there?

B: straight a head , take the first street on the right, it opposite hotel A:

(3’) home work


- exercise A1-p47at home -prepare unit A3 for next period

planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 47: UNIT 8: PLACES

lesson 2:A 3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask about the way to a place - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- can you tell me the wayto the ? vocabulary

- have no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question: write structure on the board? - answer :- * - can you tell me the way to the ?

*- can you tell me how to get ? - go straight a head

-take the first streeton the lelf c introduction

T: ask ss to play game slap the board ? ss: play game

: bank hospital hotel post office museum shoes store

market bookstore 2.presentation

T: ask ss to review about structure ss: review




T: guide ss to ask and answer about these places in the table

ss: listen practice

Task ss to practise in pairs as example ss:practice the dialogue in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the map again listen and write the places

ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen and write

T: ask ss to listen again and check ss: listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to base on the map and discribe a place , other guess which place

ss: practice in pairs

T: call s to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

1.ask and answer about the way

A: where is police station?

B: the police station is between the school, post office and


2 listen and write places a souvenir shop

b shoe store c hotel d drug store e bank

(3’) home work

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise A2-p48at home

-prepare unit A4,5 for next period


planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08 Period 48: UNIT 8:PLACES

lesson 3:A 4,5 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer distance of two places - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- How far ? vocabulary - have no

III Teaching aids


IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

-c introduction

T: ask ss to play game slap the board ? ss: play game

one hundred fifty thirteen twenty fifteen

twenty - five three forteen 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the example eg: How far is it form Y/C to HN? - How far is it form C/O to C/T?

T: introduce structure by situations and examples

ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the structure and give examples

ss; give examples practice

T:ask ss to practise the dialogue in pairs ss:practice the dialogue in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the table and map , ask and answer about distance between two places ss:ask and answer in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ask and answer the real situations ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes


1 structure

- How far is it from to ? - It is about km/m

eg: how far is it from Y/c to M/C? - it is about 60 km


A: How far is it form HN to Vinh? B: it’s about 319 kms

A: how far is it from HN to Hue? B: it’s about 688 kms

(3’) home work

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise A3-p48at home

-prepare unit B1for next period


planning date: /12/08 Teaching date: /12/08

Period 49: UNIT 8: PLACES lesson 4:B1. I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to ask and answer the price - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- How much ? vocabulary

- envelope , send , change III.Teaching aids.

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - -form: oral

- question: write new structure on the board? - answer:- How far is it from to

- it about km -c introduction

T: have you ever send the letter? ? how much is a stamp for a letter? ss: 800d

T: how to ask and answer about the price we will study this lesson


T: ask ss to look at the picture ? where are they ?

ss: they are in the post office ? what thing does the girl take? ss:envelope

?what for? ss: send

T: introduce new words and structure by situations and picture

eg: how much is it? - how much are they?


1 vocabulary - letter:

- envelope: - send: -receive: - altogether - change: * structure:

- How much + tose + S? - S + tobe + ( money)




- how much does it cost? - how much they cost?

eg: I’d like to buy some envelope ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss; listen

3 practice

Task ss to practise in pairs ss:practice the dialogue in pairs T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read the dilogue again and answer the qs

ss:read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

- it cost

* I ‘d like to + V + N

2 answer the questions

a.liz will mail the letterto the USA b she pay 11,500d altogether c she receive 3,500d in change

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise A2-p48at home

-prepare unit B2for next period


planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 50: UNIT 8: PLACES

LESSON 5: B2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue ask and answer the qs

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- How much ? vocabulary - phone card


- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - -form: oral

- question: write new words on the board? - answer: - letter:- envelope:- send:

-receive:- altogether- change -c introduction

T: ask ss to play slap the board ss: play game

stamp phone parents postoffice How often why what 2.presentation

T: ask ss to review structure ss: review.eg: how much is it? - how much are they?

eg: I’d like to buy some envelope ss: listen and write

T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ? where are they going?

ss: they are in the post office ? what does they go for?

ss:send letter and buy envelope

T: introduce new words and structure by situations and picture

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss; listen

3 practice

Task ss to practise in pairs ss:practice the dialogue in pairs T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read the dilogue again and answer the qs

ss:read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class


1 structure.- vo cabulary * How much tobe + S? - S + tobe + * I’d like to

* new words - phone card:

- overseamail: thu qte

- local stamp: tem thu nuoc

2 answer the question

a Hoa need some local stampsfor oversea mailand a phone card

b she need some stampsfor oversea mail because she have a penpal in american



T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes (3’) home work

- learn by heart structure and new words and make sentences with them - exercise A34-p49at home

-prepare unit B3,4,5for next period

_ planning date: /1/ 09 Teaching date: /1/09


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue ask and answer about the price

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- How much ? vocabulary - have no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check:

c introduction

T: ask ss to play slap the board ss: play game

local stamp phone card eighty thousand altogether

seventy- five fifteen 2.presentation

ss: listen and write




T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ? where are they going?

ss: they are in the post office ? what does they go for?

ss:send letter and buy envelope T: ask ss to review structure ss: review.eg: how much is it? - how much are they?

T: introduce content of the dialogue ss: listen

T: guide ss to complete the dialogue ss; listen

3 practice

Task ss to complete the dialogue ss:practice the dialogue in pairs T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at part ss: look at

T: ask ss to listenand write the pricefo each these five items

ss:listen and write

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ask answer the qsin part5 ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

1.complete thhe dialogue like are much is here change

2 answer the qs a total cost is 59,00d

b she will have 1000d in change

3 answer part5 a it’s1500d b.it’s 9500d c.it’s 800d

d yes I do, it’s my friends (3’)5 Home work

- learn by heart structure and new words and make sentences with them - exercise B6-p50at home

-prepare review for next period

planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 52 REVIEW

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structure from U1 to U4fluenly - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening


II language contents structure

- review Vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -don’t check

c introduction

T:today we will review structure form unit to unit

2 New lesson.

T: ask ss to review about so and too eg:he is new and Iam ,too

he is new , so am I ? how to use so and too? ss: answer

T: give example and explain about it ss: he hasn’t got many new books - is there much ink in the inkpot? - there are a lot of flower in the garden ? how to use much , many , a lot of? T: ask ss to review structure comparation ss: review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about qs word ss:review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: coreect

T: review about future tense ss; review

T: review about exclamation ss: review


1.phần thêm vào ”so ,to” có nghĩa

.- “Too” viết cuối phần thêm vào

- “so”được viết đầu phần thêm vào đảo ngữ

2 Từ số lượng bất định a lot of

lot of ; nhiều

- dung câu xác định thay cho many ,much (?)(-)

- many, much có nghĩa nhiều dùng câu (?) (-)

3 So sánh

- S + tobe + adj + er + than +S - S + tobe +the more + adj + than +S

4 Từ hỏi

- từ hỏi viết đầu câu làm câu hỏi, làm tân ngữ , bổ ngữ chủ ngữ câu

5.Thì tương lai


T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to give out ss: give out structure “ there is / are ”

ss: review

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about subject ss:review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

3 Production

T: guide ss to ex by completing the sentences

ss: listen and ex

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T:correct mistakes * answer

1 a b

3 b b 5.b

6 Câu cảm thán what + a/an + adj +N?

7 Hỏi có nơi khơng is /are there +N + in/on ?

8 Hỏi môn học

when do/does + S +have +subject? S+ have on at


1 I like mangoes , he like mangoes a too b so c.neither

2.there are not apple on the table

a much b many c a lot of .book you like to read? a where b which c when what hot day!

a an b a c some my house is than yours a big b bigger c biggest (3’) Home work

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise at home

-prepare review for next period

planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 53 REVIEW

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structure from U5 to U8fluenly - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- review vocabulary


- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -don’t check

c introduction

T:today we will review structure form unit5 to unit

2 New lesson.

T: ask ss to review about adverb ss: review

? tell about th position of adverb? ss: answer

T: ask ss to review structure of advice ss: review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about structure of invitation


T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: coreect

T: review structure ask about the way ss; review

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about command ss:review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review asking price ss:review

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer


1 adverb.trạng từ tần xuất: * trạng từ đứng sau động từ tobe * đứng trước động từ thường * đứng sau trợ động từ

2.gợi ý ,đề nghị làm - ưhy don’t you ? ưhat about

3.mời dùng gì,làm * would you like + N ? * would you likr to st?

3.hỏi đường

could you tell me the way to ? can you tell me how to get ? Lời đề nghị lịch

- I’d like =I want

5 Hỏi giá đồ vật

- How much +tobe + S ?


10’ 3 production.

T: guide ss to ex by completing the sentences

ss: ex

1 he go to the zoo with her friends a already b sometime c don’t 2.what about to see a movie.? a go b goes c going would you like to my house? a coming b comes c come 4.how much a hat cost? a b does c doing

6 answer exercise

1 b a c b

(3’) home work

- learn by heart structure and make sentences with them - exercise at home

-prepare from u1 to u for next period to check 45’

_ planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09


- Check understanding of ss about using vocabulary, structure, grammar and apply in reality

II language contents structure

- review vocabulary - have no

III Teaching aids - teacher’s planning - ss’papers and pens IV Teaching method. - Contents

V Teaching proceduce 1 Organization.

- who’s absent today? 2 Questions.

Question 1: chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu .a clever boy!

a where b what c how

2.could you show me the way the posoffice , please? a to b at c from


a how long b how far c how old

6.Tomorrow is sunday what about to chieng khoi lake? a going b to go c go

Question 2:Hoàn thành câu với động từ ngoặc Lan (play) voleyball at the moment

2 My friends always (skip) rope at the recess I (be) 14 tomorrow

4.Nam isn’t very sporty.He never play ( sports)

Question3:Đặt trạng từ vào vị trí câu 1.we play marble at recess (usually)

2.Tuan and Hung are late for school (never) what you after school? (often)

4.Mai does her homeworks after dinner (always)

Question 4: Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi bên

Mary usaully get up at eight o’clock on sundays then she has breakfast she always has bread and butter for breakfast.after that she halp her mom to house workor sometime she go es to the zoo with her friends in the evening she watch TV and does her home work she goes to bed at 10 o’clock

1 what time does Mary get up on sunday? what does she have for breakfast?

does she listen to music in the evening? what time does she go to bed?

Answer keys

Question 1: b a b c b a

Question 2: is playing skip will be never plays Question 3:

1.we usually play marble at recess

2.Tuan and Hung are never late for school what youoften after school?

4.Mai always does her homeworks after dinner Question 4:

1 Mary get at o’clock on sunday


3.No, she doesn’t

4 she goes to bed at 10 o’clock 4 Trả kiểm tra.

* Ưu điểm:

* Nhược điểm:

* Thống kê điểm:

planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 55: UNIT AT HOME AND AWAY.

LESSON 1: A 1. I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue ask and answer about the qs

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesso

II language contents structure

- past simple tense vocabulary

- temple , aquarium, sovenir, gift III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check:

c introduction

? Have you ever gone to Nha Trang? ? Have you ever heard about Nha Trang? ss: answer





T: in this lesson we will visit Nha Trang 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ? where is this?

ss: it is Nha Trang

?what would you , if you have gone to NT ?

? what will you there? ss:asnwer

T: introduce new word by siruations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: give out example

eg: where did you last summer? - I went to Nha Trang

eg: I played soccer yesterday she didn’t go to school yesterday - she was in her room last night when does activity happen? ss: answer

T: introduce new structure ss: listen

T: introduce content of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

Task ss to read the dialogue ss:practice the dialogue in pairs T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and “ now answer “ ss: read and

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about what they in last summeror last week

ss: discuss

T: ask ss to make similar dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

1 vocabulary - temple: - aquarium: - sovenir: - gift: - delicious: - wonderful 2.grammar

-* Thì khứ đơn

-diễn tả kiện xảy chấm dứt hoàn toàn khứ

- dt kiện xảy khứ với thời gian xác định

( +) S+ V-ed + O (-) s+ didn’t + V +O (?) did + S+V+ O ? yes, S+ did

no, S+ didn’t * cách đọc - /t/- /p,k,f,ch.sh/ -/id/- / t,d /

- /d/- âm lại * khứ tobe S+ was / were + O - was- he /she/ it/ I -were- they / we/ you/ Now answer


(3’)5 Home work


- exercise A1-p53 at home -prepare A2 for next period

planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: 1/09 Period 56: UNIT AT HOME AND AWAY.

LESSON 2: A 2. I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue ask and answer about the qs and use past simple tense fluently

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- past simple tense vocabulary

- shart, donphin, turtle, cap, crab III teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduce s



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question.write new word on the board? c introduction

T: ask ss to play game matching ss:play game

go saw

see ate

think went

eat thought

T: you remember about Liz? ? what did they in Nha Trang? 2.presentation.

? which animal you like? ss: answer

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen


* answer: - temple: - aquarium:- sovenir:

gift:- delicious:- wonderful




T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: review structure by ask ss some qs about liz

? How was liz ‘s vacation?

?what did she think of Nha trang? ?what places did they visit?

ss: listen and answer

T: introduce content of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the text ss:read the text

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the picture and tell the story of liz’s trip to Tri Nguyen aquarium ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correck mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about what they in last summeror last week

ss: discuss

T: ask ss to ask similar qs ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

- donphin: ca heo - turtle: rua bien - crab: cua - cap :mu

- instead: thay vao

 past simple tense

- S + V- ed + answer the qs

a.her parents went to the aquarium with her

b they saw sharks, donphins, turtles, and many different types of fish c they bout a cap and a poster d yes she did she wore it all day e yes they did they ate fish and crap

f because she remembered the

colorful small fishes in the aquarium tell the story

a the Robinson went to the aquarium b they saw sharks, donphins, turtles, and many different types of fish c.there was a sovenir shopnear the exit of the aquarium

d.Mr Robinson boughtliz a cap with a picture of a donphinon it Mrs Robinson bought a poster

e.they had lunch at a foodstall Mr and Mrs RObinson ate seafood, but liz didn’t she ate noodle instead

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A2-p53 at home

-prepare A3,4,5 for next period


planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 57: UNIT AT HOME AND AWAY.


- By the end of the lesson ss will be able towrite their diary - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

- rent, keep in touch, return III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question.write new word on the board? c introduction

T: you remember about Liz? ? what did they in Nha Trang? T: we will study this lesson 2.presentation.

T: ask ss to listen and write the letter of the sentences you hear part

ss:listen and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correck mistakes

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: review past simple tense ss: listen

T: introduce content of the part4 ss: listen

3 practice.

T:ask ss to read the text ss:read the text

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and make these sentences true

ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer


* answer: - shark: ca map

- donphin: ca heo- turtle: rua bien - crab: cua- cap :mu- instead: thay vao

1.write the letter of the sentences heard

b, d, e, h, j

2 vocabulary

- keep in touch: giu lien lac - teach= taught= day

- Improve: nang cao

3.make sentences true a liz live next door to Ba b liz learn vietnamese in VN c liz doesn’t tcolleck stamps ,she give them to Ba



ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to tell again the letter or sumazise the letter

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correct mistakes

f.the Robinsons moved Now Ba is sad

g.Ba will see liz next week

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A3-p54 at home

-prepare B1,2 for next period


planning date: /1/09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 58: UNIT AT HOME AND AWAY.

LESSON 4: B1,2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand about the dialogue and answer the qs

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- review: past simple ; exclamation vocabulary

- material

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question.read and translate the text - answer:read and translate

c introduction

T: you remember about Hoa? ss: yes

? whodoes Hoa live with? ss: uncle and aunt





T: we will study about Hoa in this lesson 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture ss:look at

T: look at Hoa what different from Hoa? ss: she has short hair

? what are they doing? ss: Hoa has new dress who make Hoa new dress?

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: review past simple tense and exclamation

ss: listen

T: introduce content of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the dialogue in pair ss:read the dialogue

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to play game ss: practice in pairs

T: guide ss to play devide ss into two groups and first groups give qs second groups answer again and again , which groups don’t answern is lose( thua)

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

1 vocabulary - make:

- neighbor: hang som - meterial: chat lieu -dressmaker: tho may * exclamation

- what + a/ an +adj +N! * past simple tense

2 practice

(a) answer the qs a she is hairdresser b she is a dressmaker (b) answer ‘yes- noqs’ a no, she didn’t

b.no, she didn’t c yes, she did

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A4-p54 at home

-prepare B3 for next period

_ planning date : /1/09 Teaching date: / /09


LESSON 5: B3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand about the text and answer the qs - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- review: past simple ; vocabulary

- sew, sewing machine, fit, III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question.write new word on the board? - answer:

- make:- neighbor: hang som

- meterial: chat lieu-dressmaker: tho may c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game maching ss: play game

wach made

think decide decide wached

make thought


T: ask ss to look at the picture ss:look at

? how to has a new dress? ss: may

T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read

T: review past simple tense and ss: listen

T: introduce content of the text


1 vocabulary - sew:

- sewing machine: may khau - fit: hop





ss: listen practice

T:ask ss to read the text ss:read the

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ask and answer about their neighbor

? what’s her name? ? how old is she ? ?what does she do? ? what is she good at? ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

2 practice * answer the qs

a.she learnes how to use a sewing machine

b she made a cushion for her airmchair first

c it was blue and white d next she made a skirt

e it was green with white flower on it

f it look very pretty

g she tried it on but it didn’t fit h Hoa’s neighbor help her i.finally it fitted very well

(3) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B3-p55 at home

-prepare B4 for next period

planning date: /1/ 09 Teaching date: /1/09 Period 60: UNIT AT HOME AND AWAY.

LESSON 6: B4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to review past simple tense - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- review: past simple ; vocabulary

- nave no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen






Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question.write new word on the board? - answer:

- make: sew:- sewing machine: may khau- fit: hop-uesful

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play gameslape the board

ss: play game

make cut

dress hobby

neighbo r


decide buy


T: guide ss to complete the text ss: listen

T: review past simple tense and ss: listen

T: ask ss to guess and read the text ss:read and guess

3 practice.

T:ask ss to read the text and complete ss:read and complete

T: ask ss to check for each other ss: conpare and correct

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ask and answer the qs what’s her name?

?who made Hoa her dress? ?what thing did she use to sew? ? what thing wasn’t fine? ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes


1 Grammar past simple tense

2 practice

1 watch bought cut used decided 6.was 7.made was 9.wasn’t 10 helped 11 fitted

3 asnwer the qs


(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B3-p55 at home

-prepare B4 for next period /

planning date: /2/09 teaching date: /2/09 Period 61 LANGUAGE FOCUS

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structures and apply to exercises fluenly - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- review vocabulary - have no

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson -don’t check

c introduction

T: ask ss to play slap the board ss: play game

viold green brown blue red puple yellow black white

T:today we will review structure New lesson

T: ask ss to review how to ask the price ss: review

T: guide ss to make the same dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: ask ss to review preposition ss: review

T: guide ss to ex2-p96 ss: ex2


1 ask about the price - How much +tobe +S? - S+ tobe + ex1:




T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about structure ask about distant between two places


T: guide ss to ex2 -b-p97 ss: ex2

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: correct

T: review about past simple tense ss: review

T: guide ss to ex3-p97 ss: ex3

T: call ss to stund up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review about simple tense ss:review

T: guide ss to ex4-p98 ss: ex4

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to review comparation ss:review

T: guide ss to ex4-p98 ss: ex4

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

3 production

T: guide ss to ex by completing the sentences

ss: ex

1 How much they a is b are c.am

2 My house is the park a between b.near c.next to How far is it from HN SL? a at b on c.to

4 what did you lastnight?

a b did c does I volleyball after school

a play b plays c playing


ask about distant between two places

- How far is it from to? - it is about


4 past simple tense (+) S+ V- ed + O (-) S+ didnot+V+O (?) did + S +V+O ? ex3:

5 simple tense (+) S+ V-es + O

(-) S+do/does- not+V+ O (?) do/ddoes+ S+V+O? ex4:

6 coparation

S+ V+ more+ Ns +than+ S less

fewer ex5:



(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise at home

-prepare unit 10 A1 for next period

planning date : /2/09 teaching date: /2/09 PERIOD 62: UNIT 10 HEALTH AND HYGIENE.

LESSON 1: A1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the letter and answer the qs

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

-havest, moning exercise III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board

ss: play game


farm work

hard visit get up

happy wash


T: guide ss to look at the letter and guess content of the letter

ss: look at and guess

T:T: introduce new word by situations ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words ss: read in chorus


1 Vocabulary - havest: mua

- moning exercise: TDBS

-take care of yourself: tu cham soc minh




3 practice

T:ask ss to read the letter ss:read

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to ex ‘ true or false’ ss: ex

1 Hoa’s parents are well

2 Hao’s mother received a letter from Hoa’s aunt last month

3 Hoa’s mohther miss her a lot

4 Hoa’s parents will visit herin HN next sunday

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

2.answer the qs

a.bacause it is nearly havest again b.their grandfather helps them c.they go to HN after the havest

d.she are taking moning ex and get up early now

e.her mother want :-take care of yourself

-wash and iron your own clothes her mother don’t want: eat to much candy or stay up late

3 answer true or false

1 T F 3.T F

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A1 -p 61 at home

-prepare unit 10 A2,3 for next period

planning date: /2/09 teaching date: /2/09


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about their diary - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

-havest, moning exercise III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces Teacher and ss’ activities warm up






a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: Contents 10’

- question: write new word on the paper? c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board ss: play game

get up wash face

eat breakfast comhai


brush teeth shower go to

bed 2.presentation

T: guide ss to look at the picture and guess content of the picture

ss: look at and guess

T: guide ss to listen and put them in the order ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss tolisten the tape ss:listen

T: ask ss to listen times and answer ss: listen and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at Nam’s diaryand guide ss to write about yourself then practice with your partner ask and answer

ss: wite

T: call ss to stand up to practice ss:practice in front of class

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to interview ss in the class about their diary

ss: interview

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice in pairs

T: correck mistakes

* answer:

- havest: mua

- moning exercise: TDBS

-take care of yourself: tu cham soc minh- miss : nho

-forget: quen -write : viet

1 put the picture in correct order a 2.e 3f 4d g 6.c 7.h 8.b

2 practice

A: what time you get up? B I get up at fine o’clock

A what time you eat breakfast? B I eat

(3’) Home work


-prepare unit 10 A for next period /

planning date : /2/09 Teaching date: /2/09 PERIOD 64: UNIT 10 HEALTH AND HYGIENE.

LESSON 3: A 4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a letter to thanks - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents structure

- have no vocabulary

-havest, moning exercise III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board

ss: play game


havest difficult fine carefull visit go to

bed 2.presentation.

T: guide ss to look at the letter and ask ss: look at and answer

?who write the letter? ? who receive the letter? ? what are they talking about?

T: guide ss to complete the letter.and guess ss: guess

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

3 practice.


1 complete the letter




T:ask ss to read and complete the letter ss:read and complete the letter

T: ask ss to compare their result ss: compare

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to read the letter and answer true or false

ss:read and answer

1 everything strang and difficult

2 everyday she get up early to has a bath 3.she never stay up late

4.she eat too much candy

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss:answer

T: correck mistakes

2 answer true or false

1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A3 -p 62 at home

-prepare unit 10 B for next period

_ planning date: /2/09 teaching date: /2/09


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to undestand content of the dialogue - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

-tooth, dentist, appointment, scared, drill, fill III Teaching aids

- teacher’s and ss’book - teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen


IV Teaching proceduce

Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up






a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game maching

ss: play game

look went

stop did

go looked

do stoped


T: guide ss to look at the picture and ask ss: look at and answer

?what the meatter with Minh?

? what will you if you have a tooth ache? ? what will dentist when you come there? ? can you tell about the problem of your teeth?

ss: answer

T: introduce the new words ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss:read

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the dialogue ss:read in pairs

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about two qs 1.How to protect your teeth?

2.what you to protect your teeth? ss: discuss

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss:answer

T: correck mistakes

1 vocabulary

-toothache: dau rang - dentist, nha sy

- appointment, cuoc hen - scared, so

- drill, cai khoan - cavety:lo nho - fill: lap , gan

2 answer the qs

a Minh hase a toothache

b No, he doesn’t.the loudness of the drill scare him

c.because she had a toothache d she filled the cavety inher teeth

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise -p 63 at home


planning date: /2/09 Teaching date: /2/09 PERIOD 66: UNIT 10 HEALTH AND HYGIENE.

LESSON 4: B2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to undestand content of the text - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

-have no III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduce




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board ss: play game

look after

wash uniform

hand clean

woman children 2.presentation

T: guide ss to listen and answer the qs ss: listen and answer

T: you are going to listen to the tape about Dr , the woman Hoa mentioned in the

conversation, can you guess what she is like? ss:guess

3 practice

T:ask ss to listen to the tape part ss:listen

T: ask ss to listen and answer the qs ss: liten and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer


1.answer the qs a Dr Lai is a dentist

b she wears uniform to work c most children feel scared when they come to see Dr lai d.she explain what will



ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to look at the part3 and guide ss to read the text

ss: read part

T: call ss to read in front of class ss: read

T: ask ss to read and complete the story ss: read and complete

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about qs 1.do you eat lot of candy?

2.How often you clean your teeth? How often you visit the dentist? How is the dentist at our school like? ss: discuss

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss:answer

T: correck mistakes

she tell them how to look after their teth and she remind them to clean their teth regulary and eat sensibly

- eat sensibly: an uong hop ly - remind sb to st: nhac nho lam gi

2.complete the story nervous smiles cavity 4.brush please

(3) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise -p 63 at home

-prepare unit 10 B for next period

_ planning date teaching date


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to undestand content of the text - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II.language contents


- have no vocabulary

-have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen






Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board ss: play game


cavety brush finish clean health




T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess content of the picture


T: guide ss to make sentences and ask ‘why’

ss: listen practice

T:ask ss to make sentences r ss:make sentences

T: ask ss to ask and answer the qs ss: ask and answer

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss about part

? how to care of your teeth- what should and do’nt

ss: discuss

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss:answer

T: correck mistakes


1.ask and answer

b Minh is nervous why? Because he ‘s seing the dentist c the cavety is not serious why?

Because it is small

d.Minh look worryed why? Because he always forgets to brush his teeth

e Minh is happy.why? Because his teeth are ok

2 should and don’t

- use a tube of toothpaste - see a dentist

don’t - eat sweets - use an old toothbrush (3’)5 Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise 4, -p 65 at home


planning date 25/2/08 teaching date: 27/2/08 Period 68: UNIT 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY.

LESSON 1: A I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to undestand content of the dialogue - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

-temperature, normal,measure, weigh, scale go back III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ssto play game slape the board ss: play game


open doctor mouth last

year wait




T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess content of the dialogue


T: introduce new word by situations and guide ss to read them

ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the dialogue ss:practice in pairs

T: ask ss to ask and now answer



-temperature, nhiet -normal,BT

-measure: - weigh: can -scale: cai can

- go back: quay tro lai



number the sentences ss: read and ex

T: call ss to stand up to practise ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to answer the qs.( check 10’) what does nurse first with Hoa? 2.what does the nurse need to know then? 3.how tall is Hoa?

4 How weight is Hoa? ss: answer

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss:answer

T: correck mistakes

5 e 6.a 7.h b

3 answer the qs

1 she take Hoa temperature 2.she need to know Hoa’s height 3.Hoa is one meter 45 centimeters Hoa is 40 kilos

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A -p 67 at home

-prepare unit 11 A2 for next period


planning date: 26/2/08 teaching date: 28/2/08 Period 69: UNIT 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY.

LESSON 2: A 2, I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to complete informations in the medical record - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

- full name:- surname: -fore name:- male: female: III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral

- question: write new word on the board? c introduction.:


* answer :

-temperature, nhiet -normal,BT





T: ask ss tosome qs

? have you ever seen a doctor? ss: yes

? what qs did the doctor ask you?

ss: name, weight , hight, and fill in the medical record


T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess content of the dialogue


T: guide ss to listen and write missing words ss: listen

T: ask ss to guess missing words ss: guess

3 practice

T:ask ss to listen and write missing word in part

ss:listen and write

T: ask ss to listen and check ss:listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: introduce content of the medical record in part

ss: listen

T: guide ss to ask and answer the qs ? which ?- whatis ? - where does he ? - how is he?

ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to interview their friends the qs ? which ?- whatis ? - where does he ? - how is he?


T: call ss to atand up to retell the result which they interviewed


T: correck mistakes

-scale: cai can- go back

1 Listen and write missing words 1.ask how

3 yuor 50 5.shorter 6.me 7.tall 8.meter 9.centimeters 10 will 11.nurse 12.height 13.think 14.no 15 form

2 Medical record - full name:ten day du - surname:ho

-fore name:dem va ten - male: nam


* practice

A: which school you go? B: I go to school Nguyen Du A:

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A 2,3 -p 68 at home

-prepare unit 11 B1 for next period /



I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

- head ache, bad cold: III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV.Teaching proceduces




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.: T: ask ss tosome qs

?was you absent in your class? ss: yes

? why was you absent ? ss: because I was six 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ? who are they?

ss:guess they are Lan and teacher T: what are they talking about? ss: answer

T: introduce new words by situations ss: listen

T: guide s to read new words ss: read new words

T: guide ss to read the dialogue ss: read n chorus

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the dialogue .ss:read in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read the dialogue again and answer the qs


1 vocabulary

- head ache: dau dau - bad cold: cam lanh: - virus:

-six note: giay xin phep -stomachache: dau bung - flu: cum

2.answer the qs

a she haed a bad cold b she head a headache

c.he said she should stay in side at recess



ss: read and answer the qs T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to make the same dialogue ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to atand up to practise ss:practice

T: correck mistakes (3’)5 Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1,2 -p 69 at home

-prepare unit 11 B2,3 for next period /

planning date : 3/3/08 teaching date:5/3/08 Period 71: UNIT 11 KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY.

LESSON 4: B2,3 I objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about illess students have - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary - have no: III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.: T: ask ss to some qs

?was you absent in your class? ss: yes





? why was you absent ? ss: because I was six 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the table and guide ss to ask your feiends the qs and check the table then combine the results for whole class and find out the most common illness ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to practise in groups ask and answer qs in part

ss:practice in groups

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to listen and complete the table in part

ss: listen and complete the table T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to interview their friends to find out the most common illness

ss: interview

T: call ss to atand up to answer ss: answer

T: correck mistakes

1.finding out the most common illness

name cold flu

2.complete the table

cold flu sto head toot

10 43 37 17

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B3 -p 70 at home

-prepare unit 11 B4 for next period

planning date teaching date


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about illess students have and understand the text

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.Language contents 1.structure



- symptom: -runny nose: -slight fever:-cought: -sneezing: -cure:relieve III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.: T: ask ss to some qs ?what disease ss have? ss: answer

T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ss some qs

?which disease does he have? ss: cold

? what symptom does it have? ss: answer

T: How to cure? ss: answer

T: introduce new words by situations ss: listen and read

3 practice

+T:ask ss to read the text in part ss:read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to play game matching

sổ mũi sốt nhẹ triệu chứng hăt nhiễm bệnh ho phòng chữa bớt

T: call ss to atand up to match words have the same meaning


1 vocabulary

- symptom: trieu chung -runny nose: so mui -slight fever:sot nhe -cought: ho

-sneezing:hat hoi -cure:chua

-relieve:bot di -prevent:phong - catch: nhiem benh - disappear: bien mat answer the qs

a we call the cold common because every years million of people catch it

b.they are: a runny nose, a slight, fever cought and sneezing

c.No, there is no cure for common cold


ss: play game

T: correck mistakes (3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B4 -p 70 at home

-prepare unit 12 A1 for next period

planning date : 9/3/08 teaching date: 10/3/08 Period 73: UNIT 12 LET’S EAT

LESSON 1:A1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about foods they which have leant - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II Language contents 1.structure

- too/ so/ either / neither vocabulary

-spinach cucumber, pork, durian, papaya,pineapple, ripe, III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book and planning - ss’ books and pen

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral:

- question: write new word on the board? - answer: symptom: trieu chung

-runny nose: so mui-slight fever:sot nhe-cought: ho-sneezing:hat hoi -cure:chua-relieve:bot di-prevent:phong- catch: nhiem benh- disappear: bien

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game net work

cabbage peas chichken bean Name of foods beef carrot vegetable fish






T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ss some qs

?where is it? ss: store

? what are there in the store? ss: answer

T: introduce new words by situations ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read new word in chorus and in single

ss: read

T: ask ss to give eg with “so , too” eg: he like apple, so I

- she don’t like pineapple,I don’t like ,too T: introduce structure by eg and explain about them

eg: I can’t speak chinese, she can’t either - my mother doesn’t like coffee, neither I

ss: listen

T: introduce conten of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the text in part and guide ss to listen the dialogue

ss: listen and repeat

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read and answer the qs ? what did Hoa and her aunt buy at the market?

ss: read and discuss the qs in groups T: call ss to stand up to answer

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to exercise “ complete sentences with so, too, either, neither 1.she like orrange, am I

2 she like banana, I am he doesn’t like milk, I

4 Hoa doesn’t like carrot, I don’t like ss: ex

T: call ss to stand to answer

1 vocabulary -spinach -cucumber, - pork, - durian, - papaya, -pineapple, - ripe,

* Phần thêm vào.” either, neither” dùng để diễn tả giống hay đồng ý với ý kiến dùng câu phủ định có nghĩa khơng

- either: viết cuối phân thêm vào

- neither/ nor: viết đầu phần thêm vào với động từ dạng khẳng định đảo ngữ

2 make a lít about what Hoa and her aunt buy

- beef - spinach - cucumbers - oranges

3 answer exercise


ss: answer

T: correct mistake (3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A1 -p 71 at home

-prepare unit 12 A2 for next period

planning date : 10/3/08 teaching date: 12/3/08 Period 74: UNIT 12 LET’S EAT.

LESSON 2:A2, 3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the text and review about neither , either

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II Language contents 1.structure

- review: too/ so/ either / neither vocabulary

- green peper, onion, salt, soy sauce, plate, spoon, add, chopstick, boiled,

III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture -ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form: oral:

- question: ask and answer the qs with a partner talk about the food you like? Part -p115

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board dinner vegetable rice cucumber eat spinach

sit down beef 2.presentation


* Answer:

- A:I like pineaple,do you like them?

- B: yes I like, too/ yes,so I





T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ss some qs

?what is it?

ss: green pepper, pan ? what are there on the table? ss: answer

T: introduce new words by situations and pictures

ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read new word in chorus and in single

ss: read

T: review about past simple tense ss: listen

T: introduce conten of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the text in part ss: read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read and answer the qs ? what did Hoa and her aunt and uncle have for dinner? write the menu part (a) ss: read and discuss the qs in groups T: call ss to stand up to answer

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to part (b), add the missing verbs then match the instructions to the pictures

ss: ex

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistake

1 vocabulary -green peper, -onion,


- soy sauce, - plate, - spoon, - add, -chopstick, - boile

2 Answer the qs * the menu

- cucumber salad with onions - boild spinach

- rice

- stir fried beef with gren pepper and onions

3 Add the missing verbs then match slice slice

heat stir – fry 5.add boil 7.add

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A2,3 -p 72 at home

-prepare unit 12 A4.5 for next period


LESSON 2:A 4, 5 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk what things to ate and drank yesterday - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II language contents 1.structure

- review: past simple tense vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Don’t check c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game matching

Have liked

Eat Drank

Drink Ate

like Had

Ss: play game

T: review about past simple tense Ss: review


T: ask ss to ask each other what things did you eat and drink yesterday?

ss: ask and answer

A what thing did you eat yesterday? B I ate meat, fish, eggs…

T: guide ss to write about what thing they ate and drank

ss: listen

T: review about past simple tense ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to write according to part4 Ss:write

T; go around to help ss Ss: write


1.Things ate and drank yesterday - for lunch I had fish, rice, meat vegetable…



T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss tolook at the part – and ask ss to review pronunciation, vocabulary…

ss: do’ play with word’ T: call ss to stand to raed ss: read

T: correct mistake

- for dinner: I had noodle, milk, bread…

2 Practice

( 3’) 5.Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A4 -p 72 at home

-prepare unit 12 B1 for next period


planning date: 16/3/08 teaching date: 18/3/08 Period 76: UNIT 12 LET’S EAT

LESSON 4:B1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand the dialogue and discribe about the desease

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.language contents 1.structure

- it must be…… vocabulary

- terrible, wash, dirt,make III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check c introduction.: T: ask ss some qs

? did you have stomachache? Ss: yes





? you know what cause? Ss: yes/ no

T: to know we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and ask ss guess

Ss: guess

T: give situation to introduce structure ss: listen

T: introduce new words by situations and pictures

ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read new word in chorus and in single

ss: read

T: review about past simple tense ss: listen

T: introduce conten of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the text in part ss: read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read and complete the story ss: read and discuss to complete the story T: call ss to stand up to answer

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss in groups what we should eat and drink

ss: dicuss

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

1 vocabulary

* phong doan VD gi -> it must be……

- it is / was probly… Chac la… -terrible,

- wash, - dirt, - make

2 complete the story doctor sick asked had spinach wash more carefully

8 vegetable make 10.she 11 medicine

3 what we should or shouldn’t eat and drink

- eat food have done

-drink boil water Fruit is ripe - everything are wash


Food bad smell -food have not done yet -fruit is not ripe

-drink water (3’) 5.Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseB1 -p 74 at home

-prepare unit 12 - B2,3 for next period



LESSON 5: B 3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about balance diet.and understand the text

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.languagecontents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary

- affect: moderate: sensible: balance diet: cereal: III.Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce 7’



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check c introduction.: T: ask ss some qs

? what things you have for meal? Ss: I have meat, fish, eggs…

? you know why we have balance diet? T: to know we will study this lesson


T: introduce new words by situations and pictures

ss: listen and read

T: guide ss to read new word in chorus and in single

ss: read

T: introduce conten of the dialogue ss: listen

3 practice

T:ask ss to read the text in part ss: read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: guide ss to read and answer the qs ss: read and discuss to answer the qs in groups

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer in front of class


1 vocabulary -affect:

- moderate: - sensible: - balance diet: - cereal:

2 answer the qs

a sugar add to food and it give you enery

b a balance diet is not enough all people need exercise to keep a healthy life



T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to discuss in groups and write a menu for yourself and your family

ss: dicuss and write

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

3 write a menu * body building

-eggs, fish, chicken, milk… * protective

- vegetable, tomoto, pineaple, * enery giving

- honey, sugar, candy…

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseB2,3 –p 74 at home

-prepare unit 12 – B 4,5 for next period


planning date19/3/08 teaching date: 21/3/08 Period 78: UNIT 12 LET’S EAT

LESSON 6: B 4,5 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about food.and understand the content of the listen

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.languagecontents 1.structure

- have no vocabulary - have no III teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - form:oral

- Question; write new word on the board? c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game

Rice sugar fruit






Banana name of food meat Fish vegetable noodle 2.presentation

T: look at the picture and guess ame of foods

ss: guess

T:guide ss to listen and write the letter of what they ate and drank

Ss: listen and guess practice

T: ask ss to listen to the tape and write Ss; listen and write

T:ask ss to listen and check again Ss: listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to look at the part and discribe what they listened

ss: discribe again what they lisetned T: call ss to stand to talk again ss: talk again

T: correct mistakes

1 Write what they ate and drank - Lan: b,d,f,g

- Ba: c,a,e,h - Nga: a ,d,g - Hoa: b.e,g

2.Talk again what they ate and drank - for her luch,Lan had beef with noodles and vegetables She had juice too.Ba choose fish and rice and some fruit He drank some water Nga ate riceand vegetable and drank juice.Hoa had noodles and somefruit She had juice too

(3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseB -p 75 at home

-prepare language focus for next period /

planning date: 22/3/08 teaching date:25/3/08 PERIOD 79: LANGUAGE FOCUS 4.

I Objectives.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structure fluently and apply to exercise

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.languagecontents 1.structure


-indefinite quantifiers - too, so, neither , either vocabulary

- have no III Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces



Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game matching

Go played

Have Watched

Play Had

watch Went

Ss: play game

T: review about past simple tense ? How to devide past simple tense? Ss: answer

T: ask ss to exercise1-p123 Ss: ex

2.New lesson

T: ask ss to review about indenfinite quantifiers

ss: review

eg:there is a little sugar in the bold my class has a lot of tables

T:guide ss to exercise Ss: apply grammar to ex2 T: call ss to stand up to answer Ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: give eg to review grammar Eg: I like mangoes, she like too - she don’t like candy,neither I

- she don’t like pineapple, I don’t like either ? where are position of them?

Ss: answer

T: ask ss to apply to ex Ss: ex3,4-p126-127


1 past simple tense. + S + V-ed +O…

- S + did not+ V + O ? did + S+ V+O… ? Ex1

2.Indefinite quantifiers.

- a few: dùng cho danh từ đếm số nhiều , có nhgià vài

- few : có nghĩa

- a little: dùng cho danh từ khơng đếm , có nghĩa it

- little: có nghĩa

=> little, few bao hàm nghĩa phủ định

=> a few, a little bao hàm nghĩa xác định


3.Too, neither , so, either.

- Too dùng câu khẳng định -either ……… phủ định

=>chúng đặt cuối phần thêm vào

-so dùng rong câu khẳng định - neither ………….phủ định

=> chúng đặt đầu phần thêm vào đảo ngữ




T:guide to ex5-p 127 Ss: ex

T: call ss to ex Ss: ex production

T: ask ss to exercise Ss: ex

1 I( play / played)…… Soccer yesteray

2 there are(a few/ a little)… apples on the table

3 there is ( a little/ a few)…… Milk in the bottle

4 I like apple,……( so/ neither) does she

5 she doesn’t like milk, …… (so/ neither) I

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

d mix e add f stir g wait ex5.choose the best answer 1.played

2.a few a little 4.so 5.neither

(3’) 5.Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise language forcus -p 80 at home

-prepare to check 45’ for next period /

planning date:24/3/08 Teaching date: 26/3/08

Period 80 TEST 45’ I Objective.

- Check understanding of ss about using vocabulary, structure, grammar and apply in reality

- Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss hard work


III Teaching aids

o teacher’s planning o ss’pen, paper IV Teaching method.

- wirting

V Teaching proceduce 1 organization.

- who’s absent today? 2 Questions.

Question 1: chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu 1.I have .friends

a a little b.a few c.a lot of 2.there is not milk in the bottle a little b few c a lot of there is water in the bowl

a a few b.a lot of c.a little 4.there are students in the class a.a lot of b few c a little

Question 2:Hoàn thành câu với động từ ngoặc she likes mangoes, I

2 she doesn’t like spinach, I I like chicken, she like………

4.Nam doesn’t like potatoes, I don’t like…… Question 3: Đặt trạng từ vào vị trí câu

1.He played soccer yesterday ………? 2.she stayed at home last night ……….? 3.He went to school yesterday ………? 4.she watched TV last night

……… ?

Question Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi bên Hoa is a student, she is in class 7a, she fourteen years old She live in Yen Chau with her parents.there are four people in her family She likes learning english and play voleyball Her parents are teachers, her brother is a student, too

1 which class is she in? ………


……… what her parents do? ……… How old is she?

……… 3.Answer keys.

Question 1:

c a c 4.a Question 2:

so neither too either Question 3:

1 did he play soccer yesterday? did she stay at home last night? did he go to school yesterday? did she what TV last night? Question

1 she is in class 7a

2 there are four people in her family her parents are teachers

4 she is fourteen years old 4 Trả kiểm tra:

** Ưu điểm: đa số hs làm tập 1,2,3 kiến thức vừa học xong hs vận


* Nhược điểm: Do chưa nhớ từ nên hs chưa dịch hiểu hết nội dung trả lời chưa xác lắm, nên mắc lỗi phần nhiều, điểm không cao

* Thống kê điểm:

G: KH: TB: Y:

planning date :26/3/08 teaching date: 7B,C: 31/3/08 7A: 2/4/2010 Period 81: UNIT 13 ACTIVITIES.

LESSON 1:A 1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to talk about popular sport - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening

- Educate ss love their lesson II.languagecontents

1.structure - have no 2 vocabulary.


o teacher’s book, chalk,picture o ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces





Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game network Volleyball skip soccer Badminton sports tennis basketball swimming T: what are your favorite sports? Ss:answer

? when you play these sports? Ss: answer


T: look at the picture and guess name of sports

ss: guess

T:introduce new words by picture and situations

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words Ss: read new words in chorus

T: guide ss to read the text in part1 –p 129 Ss: listen

3 practice

T: ask ss to listen and read the text Ss; listen and read

T:ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to interview each other question A: which sport you like best?

B: I likeplay soccer best

ss:interview and retell the result ‘ the most popular sport’


1 Vocabulary. - skate board, - teenager, -roller- skating, - athletic,

- choise, - surprising…

2.Answer the qs a yes, it


T: call ss to stand to talk again ss: talk again

T: correct mistakes (3’) Home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA1 –p 81at home

-prepare unit 13 – A2,3 for next period

planning date:1/4/08 teaching date: 7A: 7B: 7C: Period 82: UNIT 13 ACTIVITIES

LESSON 2:A 2,3 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use adverb fluently - Improve ss’ skills: reading, speaking, Contents, listening - Educate ss love their lesson

II.Language contents 1.structure

-adj + ly = adv 2 vocabulary.

-skillful: slow: bad: quick: safe … II Teaching aids

o teacher’s book, chalk,picture o ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces

Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer:- skate board,

- teenager,-roller- skating, - athletic,- choise,- surprising c introduction.:

T: ask ss to interview part2 Ss: part2

A: what are your favorite sports? Ss:I like play soccer

? when you play these sports? Ss: answer


- ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing



T: look at the picture and guess name of sports

ss: guess

T:introduce new words by picture and situations

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words Ss: read new words in chorus

T: introduce grammar by examples Eg:he play skillfuly

- skillful -> skillfuly - easy -> easily - simple -> simply Adj + ly = adv Ss: listen

3 practice

T: ask ss to listen and read the text Ss; listen and read

T:ask ss to read and practice Ss: read and practice

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to exercise

1 my brother cycles …….she is a….cyclist

( slow /slowly)

2 Ba’s sister swims…… she is a…… ((quick/ quickly)

3 mr Hai drives…… She is a…… swimmer ( careful /carefully)

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

-slow: -bad: -quick: - safe

2 Grammar: * adverb

(3’) home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA2,3 -p 82at home

-prepare unit 13 – A4,5 for next period


planning date 08 teaching date7A 7B

7C Period 83: Unit 13 Activities.


I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and answer the qs


structure -have no


activities(n): -take part in:- competition:(n)- prize(n):-wish(v):-participant(n):- volunteer(n)

III teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce

teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer: - skillful: -slow:

-bad: -quick:- safe c introduction.: T: ask ss to some qs

? have you ever gone walking? Ss: yes

? you like walking? Ss: yes

? why you like ?

Ss: because it is good for health 2.presentation

T:- ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing

Ss: look at the picture and guess

T:introduce new words by picture and situations

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words Ss: read new words in chorus practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read

T:ask ss to read Ss: read

T: guide ss to answer the qs Ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of


listen to the teacher

1 vocabulary.

- activities(n) -take part in: - competition:(n) - prize:(n)

-wish:(v) -participant:(n) - volunteer:(n) 2 answer the qs.

a he takes part in walking for fun club

b the writer school team won the first price.they were so happy and want to keep the activity



ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to read part and complete the text by change the adj in brackets in adverb

Ss:read and complete the text T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read whole the text in front of class

Ss: read the text

the other is walk – to –school day d it’s kms walk to the beach e.wensday is the WTS day

f.members living near school ofern take part in the WTS day

3.change adj into adv.

- clealy -carefuly -safely -carelessly - strictly

home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA3,4 at home

-prepare unit 13 – B1,2or next period

planning date teaching date Period 84 Unit 13 Activities.

lesson 4:B1,2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and use modal verbs fluently


contents 1.structure -modal verb

vocabulary.-have no III;Teaching aids ;

teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer: - activities: -take part in:- competition:- prize:-wish:-participant:- volunteer

c introduction.:

? you invite your friend something?





Ss: yes

T: how to invite in english We will study this lesson


T:- ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing

Ss: look at the picture and guess

T:introduce structure by situations And example then explain them

Eg Would you to play table tennis this affternoon?

- would you to go camping tomorrow? Ss: listen

T: ask ss to review and find out modal verbs have in the dialogue

Ss: find out

T: explain about them practice

T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T:ask ss to read the dialogue in front of class

Ss: read in pairs

T: guide ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer the qs

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to listen part and practice with your partner change the underlined details using information in the box

Ss:practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand to practice ss: practice

T: correct mistakes

1.grammar *động từ tình thái

- should, ought to: diễn tả lời khuyên chủ quan

- must:diễn tả lời khuyên mạnh mã hơn.cương

* mời làm

- would you like to ST?

2 answer the qs

a Nam must finish his home work before he play table tennis

b.Nam will be ready in a few minutes

c Ba will finish a question for math d Ba has two paddle

2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseB1,2 at home

-prepare unit 13 – B3,4 for next period

planning date teaching date Period 85 Unit 13 Activities.


- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and answer the qs

II.contents 1.structure -have no


-surface(n) Pean diver(n) Equipment.(v) Deep sea diving vessel explore(v) II teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce




Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: write 10’

- question:do exercise 3a,b,c,d – p85? - answer: a must b.can- must c can – can – must d must c introduction.:

T: ask ss to some qs ? you like swimming? Ss: yes

? you want to explore the ocean ? Ss: yes

T: we will study this lesson 2.presentation

T:- ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing

Ss: look at the picture and guess

T:introduce new words by picture and situations

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read new words Ss: read new words in chorus T: review about modal verb Ss: review

Eg; I can swim when I 15 years old - man could swim freely underwater practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read

T:ask ss to read in front of class Ss: read

T: guide ss to read and answer true or false Ss: read and answer the qs


1 vocabulary -surface(n) - Pean diver.(n) - Equipment.(n)

-Deep sea diving vessel -explore(v)

* modal verb

=> modal verb+ V +O……

2 answer true or false F 2.T



T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production.

T: ask ss to read part and complete the textwith the modal verbs

Ss:read and complete the text T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read whole the text in front of class

Ss: read the text

5 T

3 complete the passage 1.could must can 4.must can 6.can can can

2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseB4,5 at home

-prepare unit 14- A for next period

planning date teaching date Period 86: Unit 14 Freetime Fun.

lesson A 1 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and exercise

II.contents 1.structure

-review Would you like……? vocabulary

- have no

II teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce T


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up





a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer: -surface.- Pean diver.- Equipment -Deep sea diving vessel -explore

c introduction.: T: ask ss to some qs

?do you remmember about Lan and Hoa? Ss: yes

? where does Hoa live with? Ss: she live with uncle and aunt

T: what they in the evening? We will study this lesson


T:- ask ss to look at the picture and guess what they are doing

Ss: look at the picture and guess T:review structure by situations Ss: listen

T: how to invite SO to ST in english Ss: would you like…….?

Eg: I prefer watching TV - I prefer to watch TV T: explain eg

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T:ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs Ss: read

T: guide ss to read and choose the best answer Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to answer the qs Ss:answer the qs

1 what does Lan invite Hoa do? what time can Hoa come to Lan’s house?

3 what Lan’s family in the every night?

T: call ss to stand to answer ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

1.structure. * invitation

Would you like to ST? *

- prefer to / doing ST to ST: thich hon

2.choose the best answer

a C b.A c B d C e D

3;answer the qs.

1.Lan invites Hoa to have dinner at her house she can come before


3 Lan’s family watch TV every night


- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA1,2 at home

-prepare unit 14 –A2or next period

planning date teaching date Period 87: Unit 14 Freetime Fun.

lesson A 2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and knơ to invite SO to ST and make an apointment

II.contents 1.structure

-review Would you like……? , what about…? How about….? vocabulary

- classical concert (n), youth culture house (n) ,detective movie(n)…. II teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce


15 ’

Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Ss: play game

See movie theater Make Free time Friday

Wednesday Monday night 2.presentation

T:- ask ss to look at the adventisments in part Ss: look at the picture and guess

T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen and write down

T: how to invite SO to ST in english Ss: would you like…….?

T: ask ss to review suggestion and find in the dialogue


listen to the teacher


- classical concert,(n) - youth culture house,(n) - detective movie(n)… - new age theater.(n) *invitaion


15 ’


Ss: review

Eg: How about playing soccer? - what about playing tennis? - let’s play soccer

- can you make it on Monday night? - can you make it on Sunday?

T: explain about eg to review structures Ss: listen

3 practice.

T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T:ask ss to read the dialogue in pairs Ss: read

T: guide ss to read and practice in pairs to make the similar the dialogue.with information in the adventisement

Ss: read and practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practice in front of class ss: practice in front of class

T: correct mistakes 4 production.

T: ask ss to make the similar the dialogue with information of themselves

Ss; make the dialogue with real situations T: call ss to stand up to practice in front of class ss: practice in front of class

T: correct mistakes

* suggestion

- How about + Ving/ O? - what………? - let’s + V……

* Hoan vao khac - can you make it on… ? 2.practice

A would you like to go to the zoo this weekend? B that sound good.what time we go?

A it’s o’clock B.can you make it on Monday night?

A.I’m sorry ,I can’t I’m busy.How about Tuesday? B ok

A fine , let’s go on tuesday

- 3’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA 3- at home

-prepare unit 14 –A3or next period

planning date teaching date Period 88: Unit 14 Freetime Fun.

lesson A 3.4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and complete the ex

II.Contents 1.Structure

- past simple tense vocabulary

-TV owner: gather: any more: no long…. II Teaching aids


IV Teaching proceduce





Teacher and ss’ activities.

warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Ss: play game

poeple house watch living room family children window program finish 2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture in part Ss: look at the picture and guess content of the text

T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus

T: review past simple tense Ss: listen



T:ask ss to read the text Ss; read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read the text in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

a what did poeple after dinner?

b what TV did people in VN have thirty year ago?

c where people watch TV today? T: call ss to stand up toanswer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask s to read the dialogue again and complete the summary


1.vocabulary -TV owner: - gather:

-any more: / (+) -no long…./(-) *past simple tense -=> S+ V- ED +O…

2 answer the qs

a they sat and watched TV all every night

b thirty years ago people in VN had black and white TV

c today people watch TV in their own livingroom


Ss; complete the summary

T: call ss to stand up toanswer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

5 evening gather they today have 10 life 11 know

2’ 5 home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exerciseA 4- at home

-prepare unit 14 –B 1,2or next period

planning date teaching date Period 89: Unit 14 Freetime Fun.

lesson B1,2 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and answer the qs

II.Contents 1.Structure

- like to ST : like doing ST : what kinds……? vocabulary

- sport show(n), cartoon,(n) teenager(n), program(n)…. II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce



Teacher and ss’ activities

warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game net work Ss: play game

Sport news Program on the TV

Music film 2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture in part Ss: look at the picture and guess content of




the text

T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus

T: review like and prefer Ss: review

Eg What kinds of sports you like? - what kinds of programs you like? I like watching film

I prefer watching news to sport


T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the dialogue in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up toanswer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask s to listen and write the of the programs in part

Ss; listen and write

T: ask ss to listen and check Ss: listen and check

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

1.vocabulary -sport show,(n) -cartoon,(n) - teenager,(n) - program…

* what kinds of ……like? - like to / doing ST - prfer doing ST

2 answer the qs

a no beccause they aren’t any good programs for teenager b Ba watches sport shows cartoon and musics

c.Nga likes to watch

progeamsabout teenager in other country

d Nga doesn’t like the music programs because they don’t olay kind of music they like e in the evening Nga is going to liten to the radio and may be read a book

3.write the time of programs a.children’s programs- p.m b.early news- p.m

c weather foretcard.- 6.10 d the world today- 6.15 e the movie- o’clock

- 3’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B1,2- at home

prepare next lesson

teaching date planning date 7a 7b 7c


lesson B 3,4 I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and answer the qs

II.Contents 1.Structure - have no vocabulary

- contest: contestant:import : audience: folk music II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce




Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Ss: play game

Music song student Game telephone worker Family question sport


T: ask ss to look at the picture in part Ss: look at the picture and guess content of the text

T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the text ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up toanswer in front of class


1.vocabulary -contest:(n) - contestant:(n) -import :(n) - audience: (n) -folk music.(n)

- contest of knowledge; 2.answer the qs.

a.teenager like to hear the lasted pop music and see the show of their favorite artists b in contest program the

contestants are students worker or family member



ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask s to write and complete the passage in part

Ss; write and complete

T: ask ss to compare the result Ss: compare

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

and hospital series d……

3complete the passage around watch listen series show like station receive cities 10 posiible

- 2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B3,4- at home


date planning: teaching date:

Period 91 TEST 45’



- Check understanding of ss about using vocabulary, structure, grammar and apply in reality

II language contents structure

- adv; modal verb; like , prefer vocabulary

- have no

III Teaching aids - teacher’s planning - ss’pen, paper

IV Teaching proceduce 1 organization

- who’s absent today?

2 Questions

Question 1: chọn đáp án để hoàn thành câu. 1.I prefer TV to listen to music


2 would you like camping with us a to go b go c going I like soccer

a play b.plays c.playing I .in my room last night

a.was b.is c are

Question 2:Điền trạng từ ngoặc vào vị trí câu she goes to school by bike ( always)

2 Hoa goes swmiming in the summer (often) 3.Nga stays at home on Sunday.(usually)

Question3: Nối cột A với cột B cho câu có nghĩa. A B

1 Lan has a toothache Lan is very thin

3 Hoa plays badminton badly

4 Minh always late for shool

5 Ba eats too much meat

a she ought to eat more b He ought to get up early

c She ought to see a dentist

d.She should practice more

e.He ought to eat vegetables

1…….; 2…….; 3…….; 4………; 5………


Question 4:chuyển tính từ sang trạng từ - good =>……


3.answer keys. Question 1:

b a c 4.a

Question 2:

1 she always goes to school by bike

2 Hoa often goes swmiming in the summer Nga usually stays at home on Sunday

Question 3: c a d 4.b 5.e

Question - good =>…well…

- simple => simply - happy =>…happily… - safe =>…safety… - fast =>…fast…


Good point ; ps qs carefully such as question 1,2

bad point ; ps prepare the knowledges careless such as qs 3,4 *the result ;



planning date 22/4/08 Teaching date 7a 25/4/08 7bc 23/4/08

Period 92: Unit 15 GOING OUT

lesson A1

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and Give advice



- waste/ spend time on + V-ing… vocabulary

- amusement (n), addictive (adj) , spend, (v) arcade (n) a short time… II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce T Teacher and ss’ activities

1 warm up






a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Ss: play game

stay play expensive vidoegame homework tonight

usually week worry

2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture in part Ss: look at the picture and guess content of the dialogue

T:introduce new word s by situations and picture

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus

T: ask ss to read in single Ss: read in single

T: give examples and explain about them

Eg: you must be careful

- He waste much time on games Spend…………

Ss: listen and wirte


T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the dialogue

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask ss to discuss and make a list about damage of video game Ss: discuss in groups


-amusement, (n) - addictive,(adj) - spend, (v) -arcade, (n) - a short time *

- waste/ spend time on + V –ing - must be……

2 answer the qs

a He is going to the amusement center b He is going to play video game

c He goes to the amusement about one a week

d No, he doesn’t spend much money e.He usually stays for about an hour f Because he canbe addictive to video games

g He ‘ll his homework later

3 damage of video game.

- harm to eyes - backache


T: ask ss to compare the result with other groups

Ss: compare

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

- learn worse

2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A 1- at home

-prepare unit 15- A 2,3 for next period

Planning date 25/4/08 Teaching date 7a-26/4/08 7b /4/08

Period 93:

7c /4/08

Unit 15

lesson A2,3

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and Complete sentences

II.Contents 1.Structure - have no vocabulary

- inventor:(n) rich ( adj) dizzy:(adj) take part in: develop:(v) social skill (n) II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens






Teacher and ss’ activities.

warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - - Form: oral

- question:write new words on the board?

- answer:- harm to eyes

- backache- waste time - waste money- learn worse

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to discuss question

? why don’t we spend much time on playing video game?

Ss: discuss and give answer

- tired - waste time/ money -dizzy

-backache - bad for children 2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture

Ss: look at the picture and guess content of the dialogue

T:introduce new words by situations and picture

Ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus

T: ask ss to read in single Ss: read in single

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the text ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and complete the sentences

Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask ss to read and complete the text


1.vocabulary -inventor:(n) - rich: (adj) -dizzy:(adj) - take part in: - develop:(v) - social skill (n)


in part

Ss: read and complete in groups T: ask ss to compare the result with other groups

Ss: compare

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

3.complete the passage be 2.have is 4.identify 5.are use 7.can 8.will 9.buy 10 show 2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A 2,3- at home

-prepare unit 15- B 1,2 for next period /

planning date teaching date

Period 94 unit 15

Lesson 3; B1,2 In the city

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the dialogue and Answer the qs

II.Contents 1.Structure

- get/ be used to … vocabulary

- traffic (n): busy road: (n) keep me wake up II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching steps;


Teacher and ss’ activities

warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral





- question:write new word on the board?

- answer:-inventer:- rich: -dizzy:- take part in:- develop:- social skill

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Ss: play game

City life noise Village quiet people Move live stay home 2.presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture Ss: look at the picture and guess content of the dialogue

? what you think about the life in the city and in the countryside? Ss: - busy, noisy, crowed

- quiet, peaceful, less people… T:introduce new word by situations and picture

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus and in single T: give ex to introduce new structure Eg: he is a farmer He gets used to working in the sun.

- the boy isn’t used to the new life in the city

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the dialogue

ss: read the dialogue in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask ss to practice in pairs ask and

1.vocabulary -traffic:(n) - busy road:(n) - keep me wake up

* quen với việc

- be/ get + used to +V-ing/ Noun => used to: dùng để diễn tả quan thuộc

2.anwser the qs.

a she goes to school theater club b no she doesn’t

c.she lives in village near Hue d.because it was quitet and there was alitter traffic here

e.because in the city, there is too much noise and the road are busy f she dislikes crossing the streets most, because the traffic really scares her


answer the qs in part Ss: ask and answer the qs

T: ask ss to make a list about part 2(b,c) in groups

Ss: discuss and make a list

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

- comfortable - a lot of intertainment -good


- crow - noisy

- heavy trafic

- quiet - fresh air - peaceful - a little trafic


entertainment - boring - inconvinient

2’; home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B 1,2- at home

-prepare unit 15- B for next period

planning date teaching date 7a 7b

Period 95: UNIT 15

lesson 4.B 3

I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and Answer the qs

II.Contents 1.Structure

- past simple tense vocabulary

-enjoy:(V) borrow (v): decide(v) II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. 1 warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - - Form: oral

- question:write new word on the board? - answer:- -traffic:


15 ’

15 ’


- busy road:

- keep me wake up c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game.slap the board Ss: play game

City roard scare country play library Teach table tennis listen 2. presentation

T: ask ss to some qs

? you remember about Hoa? Ss: yes

? what thing did she hate when live in the city?

Ss: she hates crossing the road

T: now how is she ? we will read the text T:introduce new words by situations and picture

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus nad in single T: review about past simple tense Ss: review

3 practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the text ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and make a list of the things Hoa does in the evening

Ss: read and discuss in groups

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

4 production

T: ask ss to read and and answer the qs Ss: read and answer the qs

1.what did Hoa uncle buy for her? where did Lan and hoa go to? was there a library in her village?

1.vocabulary -enjoy:(v) - borrow:(v) - decide (v)

* past simple tense S + V- ed + O…

2 make a list of thing Hoa does in the evening.

-she visits her friends

- she talks and litens to music with her friends

-she and her friends help each other with their homeworks - she plays table tennis - she plays chess

- she socializes with her friends

3 answer the qs.


T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

2’ home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B at home

-prepare unit 15- B for next period /

planning date teaching date 7a 7b

Period 96: UNIT 15


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to listen and match each name to an activity II.Contents


- past simple tense vocabulary - have no

II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - Form: oral


15 '

15 ’ ’


- question:write new word on the board? - answer:-enjoy:

- borrow: - decide

c introduction.:

T: ask ss play game matching to review grammar

Ss: play game

Play saw

Go Watched

See Went

watch Played

T: How to devide verb into past simple tense Ss: answer

2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture Ss: look at

? what activities in the picture? Ss:guess

T: guide ss to listen and matching Ss: listen and guess first

T: ask ss to give the result which they guess Ss: give the result



T: ask ss to listen and match Ss: listen and match

T: ask ss to listen times and copare the result with each other

Ss: listen and compare the result T: call ss to stand up to answer ss: answer

T: ask ss to listen again to check the result Ss: listen and check

T: correct mistakes and give the right result 4 production

T: ask ss to look at the picture and retell what they listened

Ss: retell content of the pictures

T: call ss to stand up to retell in front of class ss: retell in front of class

T: correct mistakes

1 match each name to a activity.

-Ba –b -Hoa- a - Nga- d - Nam –c - Lan –f - An – e

2 retell about hoa and her friends

- yesterday evening Ba played table tennis

Nga saw a movie

Lan went to the restaurant Hoa played chess

Nam listened to CDs

An watched a soccer match


- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B at home

-prepare unit 16- A1 for next period /

planning date teaching date

Period 97:


lesson 1.A 1

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to understand content of the text and exercise

II content 1.Structure

-present progressive tense vocabulary

- region, (n) greeting from Bangkok postcard (n) II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities. warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.: T: ask ss some qs





?can you tell me the name of the countries belong to asia?

Ss: thailand, myanmar, malysia, singpore, …

T: you know about relaties of asia? Ss: answer


T: ask ss to look at the picture Ss: look at

? where is this place in the picture? Ss:guess content of the dialogue T.explain newwords (pictures) Ss.listen and write down

T.read newwords with ps and call ps read again

Ss listen and read

T: introduce content of the dialogue and review about the present progresive tense Ss: listen and review


T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read

T: call ss to stand up to read the dialogue ss: read in front of class

T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and match the half – sentences

Ss: read and discuss in groups then match T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes and give the right result 4 production

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs again Ss: read and answer the qs

1 what does Ba uncle do?

2 w here did the posrcard send from? which place s does he fly?

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes


region (n) postcard(n)

greeting from Bang kok

ex.what is he doing in Bang kok ?

2.match the half sentence

a –D b – F c – B d – C e – A f – E

3.answer the qs.

1 He is a pilot

2.he sent from Bangkok 3.he flies to Hongkong, Bangkok, kuala umpur, singapore, jakata


- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B at home

-prepare unit 16- A1 for next period /

planning date teaching date 7bc 6/5/08 7a


I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to discribe about their schedule II content.

1.Structure -have no

2 vocabulary - have no

II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduces


Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to complete the table

Bangkok thailand

China Kuala


Malysia Compodia






Yangon Myanmar

jakata Indonesia

Ss: comlete the table

T: ask ss to ask and answer with a partner A: where does Ba ‘s uncle fly to?

B: he usually flies to… A: where is that?

B: It’s in……


T: ask ss to look at the schedule Ss: look at

T: guide ss to listen and complete the schedule

Ss listen and guess first

T: ask ss to give the result which they guessed

Ss: give guessing results 3.practice

T: ask ss to listen and complete the schedule

Ss: listen

T: ask ss to listen times then compare with their friends

Ss: compare

T: call ss to stand up to answer ss:answer in front of class

T: ask ss to listen again to check the right result

Ss: listen and check

T: correct mistakes and give the right results


T: ask ss to look at the picture and retell what they listened

Ss: retell content of the pictures

T: call ss to stand up to retell in front of class

ss: retell in front of class T: correct mistakes

1 ask and answer

A: where does Ba ‘s uncle fly to?

Br : he usually flies to… A: where is that?

B: It’s in……

2.complete the pilot’s schedule.

Mon: bangkok and singapore Tue: singapore

Wed: jakata Thu: Bali Sat: Hongkong Sun: back to HN

2’ home work.


- exercise A at home

-prepare unit 16- A4 for next period /

planning date teaching date 7a 7b 7c


I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to introductce about destination in asia II content


- prefer + V-ing/ noun + to + V- ing / noun vocabulary

- destination (n): attraction (n) anceint (adj): buddhish temple traditional: shadow puppet colorful coral (n) monument (n)

II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens


Teaching proceduce



Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: today we will visit famoua place of VN 2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the the picture and guess




Ss: look at and guess

T:introduce new words by situations and picture

Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus and in single T: review about structure Ss:review

Eg: I prefer watching TV to playing soccer 3.practice

T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read the text in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes and give the right result 4.production.

T: ask ss to read the text again and answer the qs

a.where can we see colorful dances? b what can we see in indonesia?

c.what can we when we go to the sea? Ss: answer

T: call ss to stand up to retell in front of class

ss: retell in front of class T: correct mistakes

1 vocabulary.

- destination: (n) - attraction (n): - anceint: (adj ) - monument (n)

- buddhish temple traditional: * thich hon…

=> prefer + V-ing/ noun + to + V- ing / noun

2.answer the qs.

a they are anceint

momument, show resorts b.I prefer the traditions of different culture

3.answer theqs

a we can see dances in Thailand

b we can see puppet shows in indonesia

c we can swim, dive, admire colorful coral and fish, sail 2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise A at home


planning date teaching date

Period 100: Unit 16 People and Places

lesson 4.B1 Famous People

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to know more about famous people in Vn and in the world


content 1.Structure - have no vocabulary.

- - victory (v):-quiz:(n) cuoc thi-general: dai tuong -lead:(n)lanh dao- people ‘s army of VN: quan doi - communder in chif: tong chi huy-Defeat (v): danh bai II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce


Teacher and ss’ activities warm up.

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Famous history book

Happen let’s go tomorrow Problem prefer favorite Ss: play game





2.presentation T: ask ss to some qs

? you know about DBP victory? ?do you know about Vo Nguyen Giap? ? who is he?

? what you know about him? Ss: answer

T:introduce new words by situations Ss: listen and write

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus and in single

T: review about “ prefer……to…….” 3.practice

T: ask ss to read the dialogue Ss;read the dialogue

T: call ss to stand up to read the dialogue in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and check the right column Ss: read and exercise

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes and give the right results


T: ask ss to read the text again and make the same the dialogue

Ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class

ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes



- victory:(v) -quiz: (n) cuoc thi -general: dai tuong -lead (n) : lanh dao

- people ‘s army of VN: quan doi

- communder in chif: tong chi huy

Defeat (v): danh bai

2 answer true or false.

a F b F c T d F e T f F

2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise AB1 at home


planning date teaching date

Period 101:Unit 16 People and Places

lesson 5.B2, 3.



- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to more understand about the bttle of Dien Bien Phu


content. 1.Structure - have no vocabulary

- indochina: veterans: hospitality: neibering village:sceniry: trading center II

Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce



Teacher and ss’ activities.

warm up a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to play game slap the board Tourists family member Depend on people live Leaver food provinces Ss: play game


T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess


1 vocabulary




? where is this? Ss: it is DBP

T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen

T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus and in single T: call ss to read in single


T: ask ss to read the text Ss;read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read the text in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to read and answer the qs Ss: read and answer

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class

T: correct mistakes and give the right results


T: ask ss to complete part2

Ss: read the text and complete the dialodue T: call ss to stand up to read in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to make the same the dialogue Ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practis in front of class

ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes

dong duong

- veterans:cuu chien binh - hospitality:hieu khach - neighboring village: - sceniry:canh

- trading center: trung tam thuong mai

2.answer the qs.

a people can visit the battle site in DBP

b tourite can also enjoy the beautiful scenery Muong velley, visit the neighboring village and share the hospitality of the loacl people

c DBP ic only 30 km from the Lao’s border so it is a important trading center

3 complete the dialogue prefer

2 like 3.guess favorite

2’ home work.

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B2,3 at home


planning date teaching date

Period 102 :Unit 16 People and Places

lesson B 4,5

I Objective

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to more understand about the text and know more about favorite people

II content 1.Structure - have no vocabulary

-electriccity light bulb: power station: gramophone: molion picture: fairy tales II Teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV Teaching proceduce



Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.: T: ask ss some qs Ss: listen and answer

?do you know who invented ecletricity? ?do you know about the poem who have famous novel , play, poem?

Ss: no

T: we will study this lessonabout them 2. presentation

T: ask ss to look at the picture and guess ? who is this?

Ss: Hans christain and Thomas Edison T:introduce new word by situations Ss: listen


1 vocabulary.

- electriccity light bulb: -power station:




T: guide ss to read the new words Ss: read in chorus and in single T: call ss to read in single practice

T: ask ss to read the text in part Ss;read the text

T: call ss to stand up to read the text in front of class

ss: read in front of class T: correct mistakes

T: ask ss to interview , ask and answe the qs about Thomas and han christian

Ss: practice in pairs

T: call ss to stand up to practise in front of class

ss: practice in front of class T: correct mistakes


T: ask ss to complete part5, t guide ss to listen and complete the table

Ss: listen

T: ask ss to look ta the table and guess missing words

SS: guesss

T: ask ss to liten times

Ss: listen and complete the table T: ask ss to compair your friends Ss: compairs

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class

T: ask ss to listen again and check right answer

Sslisten and check

T: correct mistakes, and give the right answer

2 practice in pairs.

A.when was Thomas born / die? B.he born in 1847/ die in 1931 A.what did Thomas invente? B.he invented electricity bulb A where did Anderson born / die?


3.complete the table.

Year -1890 - 1911 -1900 -1917 -1923 -1930 1941 -1945 -1969

Place -kimlien - sai gon -london -paris Moscow -giangzhou - VN

-VN - HN

2’ home work

- learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise B4,5 at home


planning date teaching date


I Objective.

- By the end of the lesson ss will be able to use structure fluently and apply to exercise


contents 1.structure

- adj / adv: modal verb: like/ dislike; tenses 2 vocabulary.

- have no

III teaching aids

- teacher’s book, chalk,picture - ss: books, pens

IV teaching proceduce



Teacher and ss’ activities warm up

a organization

- who’s absent today? b Check the old lesson - don’t check

c introduction.:

T: ask ss to change ajd into adv Skillful

Good bad

Slow T: review about adv

? How to change adj into adv? Ss: answer

T: ask ss to exercise1-p162 Ss: ex

2.New lesson

T: ask ss to review about modal verb ss: review

eg:can you go fishing with us? - I must my homework



Adj + ly = Adv - simple -> siply - happy - Happly - hard - Hard - EX1

2.modal verb - can

-Cann’t -Must



T:guide ss to exercise Ss: apply grammar to ex2 T: call ss to stand up to answer Ss: answer

T: correct mistakes

T: give eg to review like and dislike Eg: I like playing table tennis

- she dislikes playing soccer Ss: answer

T: ask ss to apply to ex Ss: ex3

T: ask ss to review about tenses : past, presen, future

Ss: review

T:guide to ex4-p 166 Ss: ex

T: call ss to ex Ss: ex production

T: ask ss to exercise Ss: ex

1 I like ( play / playing)…… Soccer 2.she is going to ( visit /visits)………her parents next Sunday

3.He (go/ goes)…… to school on food 4.I dislike to ( stay / staying) ………up late

5.she must ( / does) her homework before watching TV

T: call ss to stand up to answer in front of class

ss: answer in front of class T: correct mistakes

- ought to -Have to

3.like nad dislike

- like/ dislike + V- ing+ O… - like/ dislike + to + V +O… Ex3

4.past simple tense. -S + V- ed + O…… * present simple tense -She/ he /it + V- es- s+ O * future

- S + be going to + V +O Ex4

5 ex.choose the best answer

1.playing 2.visit 3.goes stay 5.do

home work

2’ - learn by heart new words and make sentences with them - exercise language forcus at home


prepa ring date Teaching date

period 104 REVISION

I. Objectives.

Pupils review the main grammar such as present simple ,past simple ,adverbs of frequency ps some exercises

II Language contents

structure above structure vocabulary ( nothing ) III Teaching Aids

1 teacher book , the knowledges pupils review the old lessons IV Teaching steps.

Time Teacher’s & students’activitives Contents , 1’


1.Warm up

T monitor ! who ‘s absent today ? S.answer

2 Language focus.

T today we review some grammars such as the present simple , the past simple ,adverbs of frequency Do you remember about them ?

S answer

T repeat and write tthem on the board ( examples )

S give examples and write them in the notebooks

1. The present simple

ex I go to school everyday

He plays soccer every afternoon +, HTD ( every )

2. the past simple

ex I watched TV yesterday

She ate a lot of eggs last night +,QKD ( yesterday, last , ago )

3. Adverbs of frequency

Always, usually , often ,sometimes , never ex.I always go to school on time





T.ask ps to some exercises S exercise

T calls ps on the boad S on the boad

T observes and check , give the correct key

S, repair I

1 b playing a togo 3.c much 4.c.alittle 5.b in


1.to tell 4.was 2.drink 5.see 3.goes 6.watched 7.teaches

4, Home work

T.repeat grammar and exercise and ask ps redo exercises and study grammars S listen to the teacher

T you’ll all exercises in the exercise book Prepare next period test the

second term

S listen and write down

ờng đứng sau động từ TOBE


I, choose the correct key a, b or c


.I like soccer

a, play b, playing c, played

2.would you like camping with us? a to go b go c going

3.How is the blue hat ? a.far b many c much

4.Add salt and pepper to the soup a afew b few c alittle

5.They arrived home at 6.30 the evening

a.on b.in c at

II complete the sentences with the correct forms

1.I would like (tell ) you about my school and my teacher

2.You must (drink ) much water everyday




( phòng GD - đt đề )

Question I :

Khoanh tròn đáp án để hoàn thành câu sau

1 How is the blue hat ?

a far b much c many

After the holiday they returned to Ha Noi bus a by b on c in

3.Mai likes TV in her free time a to watch b watches c.watch 4.How is it from Hue to Da Nang ? a many b much c far

Ba wanted to buy some English books and he went to the a.library b bookstore c clothing store

You should your hands before meals a wash b washing c to wash Question II:


A B 1.What is his family’s name ?

2 What is his full name ? 3.What is his age ?

4.Which school does he go to ? 5.Which class is he in ?

6 Where does he live ? What is his height ? How heavy is he ?

A 12 Tran Hung Dao Stress B.He goes to Le Quy Don School C.He is 40 kilos

D.He is fourteen E Nguyen Van Hung F.Class 7A

G 1,50 meters H It’s Nguyen The answers :

1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- Question III :

Chia dạng hay động từ ngoặc đơn 1.We (be ) at the seaside for ten days last summer 2.They (do ) morning exercise every day

3.Yesterday , Hoa and her aunt (go) to the market

4.The students of Le Do school (have ) a medical check -up at the moment Question IV :

Đọc đoạn văn sau trả lời câu hỏi bên dới :

In the summer holiday ,Mr Hung ,Mrs Chi ,and their childen, tuan and hoa often go to the beach for two or three days They always go to Vung Tau in the south of Viet Nam They usually stay in a small house or flat by the sea , but sometimes they stay in a hotel Last summer , they went to Nha Trang They stayed at sunshine hotel or three days In the morning ,tuan played football with his father on the beach Hoa and her mother walked along the beach and built sancastles They visited Tri Nguyen Aquarium and saw different kinds of fish there They also bought a lots of souvenirs for friends

 Questions :

1 Wher does Hoa’s family often go for their summer holidays ? - > 2.Where they usually stay ?

-> Did they go to Vung Tau last summer ?

- > 4.What did Hoa and her mother in the morning ?

-> 5.Did they visit Tri Nguyen Aqurium ?

-.> What did they see there ?




Question I :(3MS)

1 B C

2 A 5.B

3 A 6.A

Question II : (2MS )

1.h 2.e d b 5.f 6.a 7.g c Question III : (2MS )


went 4.are having Question IV :(3MS )

1 They often go to the beach

2 They usually stay in a small house or a flat by the sea

3 No, they didn’t

4 Hoa and her mother walked a long the beach and built sandcastles Yes, they did

They saw different kinds of fish there * Comment the test

+ Good points

ps review the lessons carefully so ps part I,II very good + Bad points

ps part III not very carefully the results is not very good

 The result : TSHS 97 G

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 04:02
