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Nội dung

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed friends - Teaching aids : Text book and picturesB. - Anticipated problems :Ss may have diffic[r]


14/ 08/ 2011

Period 1: review A-Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to reviwe some basic knowledge they have learnt and know how to use the text book “English 8”, how many problems they will learn in grade , how to get acquainted with “English 8”?And know some new things about this and how to learn well

Teaching aids : Text book and workbook

Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reviewing things that were taught in the periods of “ Grade 7” and how to learn “TIENG ANH 8” well


- Content:

Warm up : Greetings Chatting (say in Vietnamese )

Ask Ss some questions to warm up the class after long Summer time : How did you spend your Summer holiday ?

-Where did you go ?-What did you ?-Who did you meet ? -Do you like to learn English? Why ?


Go meet buy play come

Met went came bought played

I Presentation

1 simple past Form S + V(past) (-) S + did not + V (?) Did + S + V?

Eg: Huy visited Ha Long Bay last month Did he visit Hoan Kiem lake?

- regular verb Verb + ED

Eg: play –played visit – visited

- Irregular verb Eg: go – went – did Comparative adjecties

Short adj: S1 +adj – ER + than + S2 Eg: Lan is smaller than Hoa

- long adj: S1 + tobe + more + adj + than + S2 Linh is more beautiful than Nga

II Introduce the book : English :“ ” 1-How many units are there in English ? 2-How many parts are there in each unit ?

3-How many skills does each unit have ?What are they ? 4-How many topics are there in this book ?

( There are topics :1-.Các vấn đề cá nhân (You and me) , 2-.Các vấn đề giáo dục học tập (Education), 3-.Cng ng(Community), 4-.Sc kho (Health),

5-.Vui chơi, giải trÝ (Recreation) ,6-.ThÕ giíi quanh ta (The world aroud us) III How to learn English 8?

-Preparations for the English subject : - Text book :English

- Workbook : workbook English 8( sách tập TiÕng Anh )

- Two notebooks for this subject : one for writing in class , the other for exercises at home


Planning date: 15/08/ 2011


Lesson 1: getting started + Listen and read

A Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa-Lan-Nien and to review simple present and simple past tense

- Teaching aids : Text book and cards

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading the dialogue for details and doing some excercises of simple present and simple past tense

B Content :

Warm up Greeting volleyball

I Presentation soccer chess

1 Pre-teach vocabulary


- seem : (v) ( traslation )

- a next door neighbor (explanation:-a person who lives next to your house - (to) look like : ( traslation )

- enough: (adv)

- Checking vocabulary: Pre-questions :

a) Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend ?

b) How old is Nien ? c) Where does Nien live ? d) Is she a beautiful girl ?

II Practise

- Ask students to read the dialogue among Hoa, Lan and Nien on page 10 and check if their answers are correct or not

- Answers: a) She is Hoa’s friend b) She’s twelve years old c) She lives in Hue d) Yes, she is 1, Comprehension questions:

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and anwer the questions in exercise on P.11 Ss work in pairs

- Call on some Ss to ask and answer the questions - Correct their mistakes or pronunciation

- Ask them to work in closed pairs 2,structures:

- what do/does + S + look like?(hái vỊ d¸ng vãc ngêi) - what + tobe + S + like?(hái vỊ tÝnh c¸ch)

- be(not) + adj + enough + to V(đủ hay không đủ để làm gì) Eg: what does he look like?

He is tall and thin and has short black hair What is he like?

He is handsome and freindly

He is strong enough to bring that table

III Writing

- Ask Ss to write a paragraph about Hoa and Lan using given word cues below Lan /Hoa’s best friend They/same class/Q.Trung school

3 Last year/Hoa/to school first time Lan/show/around/introduce/to/new friends - - Let’s Ss discuss with their partners

*Choose some answers and correct them in front of the class


- Learn by heart vocab and read the dialogue times again - Ask Ss to exercise 1(a); 1(b) on their notebooks

Period Planning date: 18/08/ 2011


Lessson3: Speak + LANGUAGE FOCUS 3,4 A-Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and write some sentences using the structure “(not) + adjectives enough + to –infinitive”

 Teaching aids : Text book and pictures

 Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone

B- Content :

Brainstorming :

Ask Ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair: -Team A: Body build :( thin ) - Team B : Hair :( curly ) *Possible answers:

fat,slim,tall,short,overweight,slender/straight,long,short,color(black/dark,blond/ fair,brown,grey, )

I-Pre - speaking:

Show Ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair,her body build Ex: She has long blond hair She is short and thin

Form : S + have/ has + adjectives + hair ) S + be + adjectives

II-While - speaking:

1) Word cue drill: ( cards ):

a-He/ tall/ thin c- He / short / fat e- curly / blond

b- She / short / slim d –long / black f – straihgt / brown 2) Practice speaking :


Ex: S1:This person is short and thin She has long blond hair S2 : Is this Mary ? - S1: Yes - And go on…

III-Post - speaking: -Presentation :

Set the scene to introduce the structure “(not) +adjectives enough +to –infinitive” Complete the exchange : T: Can you(1) this(2) over ther

Ss: No, I(3) not(4) (5) to(6) the(7) over there Answers: T: Can you hang this picture over there ?

Ss :No, I am not tall enough to hang the picture over there

1-Form: “ (not) + adjectives enough + to – infinitive ” 2-Meaning: “ đủ / không đủ (điều kiện /khả )…để làm ”



a-Read English books / v good

Can you read English books ?-Yes, my English is good enough to read EL books b- Drive a car / x old

Can you drive a car ? - No,I’m not old enough to drive a car c- Carry this bag / v strong

Can you carry this bag ? - Yes, I’m strong enough to carry this bag

V-Futher practice :

Ask Ss to exercise on p.17 in pairs

Answers:a)Not big enough, b)Not old enough, c)Strong enough, d)Good enough

VI-Homework :

- Ask Ss to write five sentences about themselves using the structure : “(not) adjectives enough + to- infinitive”

- Do exercises in the workbook

……… Period Planning date: 18/08/ 2011


Lessson3: listen + LANGUAGE FOCUS 1,2

A-Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and use simple present tense to talk about general truths

 Teaching aids : Text book and pictures, stereo

 Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone

B- Content :

Warm up : Greetings


Ask Ss to exercise “Listen a,b,c,d” on p.12,13

*Give Ss some expressions and make sure they know their meanings

*Get Ss to guess and complete four dialogues on p.12,13,using the given expressions

II- While - Listening

Let Ss listen to the tape twice * Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue Answers : a) I’d like you to meet…,Nice to meet you…,

b) …I’d like you to meet…, It’s a pleasure to meet you …, c) …come and meet…, d) ….How you do?

III- Post-Listening:

Call on some Ss to play the roles of Nam-Hoa-Thu,Khai-Mrs.Lien-Mrs.Vi,Ba-Bao-grandmother, Mr.Lam-Mrs.Linh-Mr.Thanh and practce the dialogues

Correct Ss’ pronunciation

Curly bold blond slim

Straight fair dark black

Position of adjective: kÝch thớc tính chất màu sắc - noun Let Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogues ( closed pairs )

* Language focus 1,2

-Presentation 1: Matching

- a planet: ho¶

- Mars: (ex: the sun, the moon, the earth

- Murcury : ngí ngÈn - silly(adj) : thuû


b-Usage:The simple present tense is used to express an action which is always true

Give Ss five verbs : be, move, set, rise, go *Ask Ss to complete the dialogue between Ba and Tuan ,his young cousin *Get Ss to work in pairs

Answers : …rises sets…goes…moves… … … …is is is

Presentation 2:

Compare with the past simple tense in exercise1 ( page : 16) Ask students to exercise1 ( page : 16)

IV- Homework : Ask Ss to exercises in their work book from 1-7

Period:5 p

lanning date: 20/08/ 2011


Lesson Reading

A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friend - Teaching aids : Text book and posters

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading for specific information

B- Content :

Warm up : Greetings

Chatting (Ask Ss to look at four pictures on p.10 and talk about the activities they want to after school or in their free time.Give them questions)

Questions: What are these students doing ?

What time of the day you think it is? Do you like soccer/reading books.? Whom you like playing with?

I-Pre-reading : 1)Pre-teach vocabulary:

- a character : ( translation ) - an orphanage: (explanation)

( a place where children without parents live ) - resevered(adj) : ( translation )

- sociable(adj) : ( translation )

- (to) tell jokes : (explanation) ( tell a story which makes people lauge - sense of humor ( translation )

Checkingvocabulary: * What and where *

2)T/F statements prediction: (poster):

Set the scene:These statements are about Ba and his friends,read them and guess: a-Ba only has three friends:Bao-Long-Khai

b –Ba and his friend have the same characters c- Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public d- They all enjoy school and study hard


Ask Ss to open their books , read the text on p.13 and check( I-2) Correction: a-F,b-F,c-F and d-T

a Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao,Song and Khai b They have different characters c –Only Song and Khai are quite reserved

1)Multible choice:(Get Ss to exercise on p.14.Ask them to work in pairs to choose the best answers) Answers: a-…three…, b- work doesnot affect his school work…,

c- … are rather shy…, d-….get tired of…, Explain the meanings of the phrases if it neccessary 2) Comprehension questions :

Ask Ss to work in pairs to exercise on p.14 Let Ss read the text again and answer the questions

Answers: a)He feels lucky having s lot of friends b)Bao is the most sociable c) Khai likes reading d)His jokes sometimes annoy his friends

e)Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage

III-Post-reading :

Ask all Ss to work in closed pairs

Ask Ss to work in groups and talk to another about their friends , using the adjectives they have just learnt to describe

IV Homework

Ask each student to write a paragraph ( about 50 words ) about one closed friend Do exercices in th workbook Prepare “Write” for the next lesson

Period 6 Planning date: 22/08/ 2011 UNIT : MY FRIENDS


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed friends - Teaching aids : Text book and pictures

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in using the correct places of kinds of words in a sentence,writing about oneself and about other people

B Content :

Warm up : Greetings Kim s game

Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.17 quickly (for 20 seconds).Then let them keep their books closed Divide the class into four groups Give Ss two questions,the group which answers correctly the fastest wins the game

Questions: a)How many people are there in the picture?(four) b)What is each person wearing?

(-The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt The man who is standing beside the car is wearing brown trousers and a yellow shirt The man who standing on the pavement is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers The boy is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt.)

I-Pre-writing :

Reading :Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer some questions: a)What is his name? b ) How old is he ? c )What does he look like?

d) What is he like? (He is sociable,humorous and helful.) e )Where does he live? f) Whom does he live with? g ) Who is his friend

II-While-writing :

Let Ss write a paragraph about Tam, using the information they have just got They have to work individually

Ask Ss to compare with the paragraph in their books on p.15

Ask Ss to write some information about one of their friends,then write a paragraph about him or her Get Ss to share with their partners and coreect if possible


His/her name is…and /she is …years old

He/she…lives at …in with his grandmother,his parents and his younger sister,Mai He/she is tall and slender

He/ she has short black hair

He / she rather shy but friendly and helful

He/she has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are…and…

III-Post-writing :

Transformation writing

*Ask each student to write a similar paragraph about himself/ herself

*Move around the class and help Ss ,then ask some Ss to speak in front of the class about himself / herself

IV- Homework :

- Ask Ss to write another paragraph about their family - Do exercises5,6 in workbook


Period 7: 24/8/2011

Unit 2: making arrangements Lesson1: Getting started +listen and read


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read a text for details to understand the way to make a call and know some objects name

- Teaching aids: cassete and disk and pictures of some objects

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering the questions B


1 Warm up Greetings

2 Getting started

- Matching

Ss match the words in the box and these objects in the pictures

Hang the pictures on the board and get students to match each object with its name - Answer key

a an answering machine b a mobile phone c a fax machine d a telephone directory e a public telephone f an address book

pre-teach vocabulary


arrange (v) (mime, exam) hold on (v) (mime, exam) Outside (pre) (example) Cheking vocabulary


a set the sence: show the pictures and ask Who is this?

What are they doing? Who is speaking? b Listen and read

Ss look at the dialogue and listen to the tape once Ss read the dialogue in pairs

Call two pairs to read the dialogue c Game( Lucky number)

Ss into two ask the partner these questions to check your answers Questions Answer keys who made the call? Nga made the call Lucky number! Lucky number! 3.who introduce herself? Nga introduce herself

4 who invited the other to the movies? Nga invited Hoa to the movies Lucky number! Lucky number!

6 who arranged a meeting place? Nga arranged a meeting place who arranged the time? Hoa arranged the time Lucky number! Lucky number! Who agreed to the time? Hoa agreed to the time

d Chatting

Questions Answer Does Nga want to speak to Hoa? Yes she is Is Nga going to see a movie “dream city’? Yes she is Does Hoa have to ask her mother? No she doesn’t who does Hoa have to ask? She has to her aunt

5 where does Nga ask to meet Hoa? Let meet Hoa outside the theater Structure

Let meet outside the movie theater form Let + V(bare) (yêu cầu hay đề nghị làm gì) Can I speak to hoa, please?

form Can I speak to + someone? (xin phép đợc nói chuyện với đó)

Practise in pairs for the structure 5 Homework

Learn by heart the vocabulary and read the dialogue times again


Period 8: Planning date:25/8/2011

Unit : making arrangements

LEsson : speak and LF3 A


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to make a complete telephone conversation about invite someone to some where and listen to fill in the missing information and use the adverbs of place -Teaching aids: subordinate board

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening to fill in the information

B Content

I Pre Speaking

1 Warm up Greetings

Review check old vocabulary

Pre teach vocabulary

Upstairs (n) (antonym) Corner (n) gãc (example)

Band (n) đội văn nghệ (translate) Concert (n) buổi hoà nhạc (translate) Checking vocabulary What and where

Set the sence


1 10 11

b f j a l c e k g h d

call some pairs to read the conversation with the order

II While Speaking

Dialogue build

Speak on page 20 about Ba and Bao Answer key

Ba: Hello 257 012 Bao: Can I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao

Ba: Hello Bao How are you? Bao; I m fine, thanks And you?’ Ba: Great Me too Bao: Can you play chess tonight?

Ba: I’m sorry.I can’t play chess to night.Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon?

I’m going to my homework

Ba: Yes Tomorrow afternoon is fine Bao: I ll meet you at the center chess club’ Ba: At the center chess club? Bao: Is 2.00 o clock OK?

OK Let’s meet at the front door

Ba: Great See you tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock

III Post - speaking : Language focus 3

1.Brainstorm behind

inside downstairs

outside upstairs

2.set the sence Hide and seek

Example: S1 close the eyes and S2 hide and whole class ask: Where is he/she?

S I think he is out side the class Practise

Ss use the adverbs of place on th table and look at the pictures on P26 to practise ask and answer Example: S1 where is he?

S2 He is upstairs a—f

IV Homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary- making a telephone conversation like the conversation abov


Period 9: Planning date:25/8/2011

Unit : making arrangements

LEsson : LISTEN and LF 1,2 A


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to make a complete telephone conversation about invite someone to some where and listen to fill in the missing information and practise with “be going to + V(bare)

-Teaching aids: subordinate board, cassette and dish

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening to fill in the information

B Content

I Pre Listening

Prediction: Ss predict the information to fill in the gaps about “ KINGTON JUNIVOR HIGH SCHOOL”

II While - Listening

Ss listento the telephone conversation and fill the informaton Answer key

Date: 12/09 Time: 2.30

For: The principal

Message: Mrs Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning

Telephone number: 64683720942

Tape transcript in teacher book on page 25, 26

III Post - Listening

Language Focus 1,2: * Matching

A fishing rod phim hành động An action movie cần câu cá


Invite bè mÑ Parents mêi * Presentation the future intention

Modal sentenses: I have a movie ticket

So I am going to see a movie tonight

Ask Ss to give the structure of future intention Form: S + to be + going to + V(bare)

Ask Ss the use and meaning

Cue drill (language focus ex on P 24) a Game ‘Lucky number”

Eg: Nga has a movie ticket > She is going to see a movie

1 Quang and nam bought new fishing rods yesterday Lucky Nimber!

3 Lucky Number!

4.Ly’s mother gave her a new novel this morning and she has no homework to Lan has alot of homework in math

6 Hoang likes action movie very much and there is an interesting action movie tonight Hien’s friend invited her to his birthday party

8 Lucky Number! - Interview

Ask Ss to use the table in language focus ex on P25 to ask and answer Example Exchange

You: what are you going to tonight? Your partner: I am going to see a movie

You: Are you going to play sports tomorrow morning? Your partner : Yes, I am

Ss work in pairs to Ask and answer

_ Period 10 Planning date:26/8/2011

Unit : making arrangements

Lesson 4: reading

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read a text for details about inventor and know more some new words

- Teaching aids: pictures and subordinate boards

- Anticipated problems: Ss can be confused about the part putting the events in the correct order

B Content

Warm up Greetings Pre - teach vocabulary

Emigrate(v) di c, xuÊt cảnh (explane) Experiment(with)(v) làm thí nghiệm (example) Transmit(v) trun, ph¸t tÝn hiƯu (trans) Conduct(v) tiÕn hµnh, thùc hiƯn (trans) Deaf- mute(n) ngời vừa câm vừa điếc (exam) Divice(n)(trans)

Checking vocabulary R – O – R

I Pre Reading

Set the sence

Use the picture of Alexander

Do you know who is this? What did he invented? When was it invented? True/ False prediction

II.While Reading

Ss read the text to check their prediction Answer key abcdef

Ordering statements (use the statements in exercise on page 22) Alexander graham bell


e went to live in Canada c f invented the telephone b g work with peaple who could neither speak or hear f

III Post Reading

Gap fill(with answer key)

a Alexander G Bell was born in Edinburgh b He work with deaf - mutes at Boston university c Thomas Eison was Bell’s assitant

d In 1876 Bell and Waston introduced the telephone

e Bell experimented wth way of transmitting speech over a long distance f Bell demonstrated his inventions at a lot of exhibition

IV Homework

- Learn by heart vocab and read the text times again - write about alexander’s biography

- Prepare for writing


Period 11 Planning date:28/8/2011

Unit : making arrangements Lesson write

A Aim:

Be the end of the lesson ss will be able to write a telephone message - Teaching aids: subordinate boards

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in filling in the gap in the passage write ex on P23

B Content

- Warm up Greetings Game “hang man”

Message _ - Preteach vocabulary

Furniture delivery (n) phân phối hàng nội thất (trans) Delivery service (n) dịch vụ giao hàng (exp) Stationary order (n) đặt hàng văn phòng phẩm (trans)

Customer (n) khách hàng (exam)

Checking vocabulary

Slap the board

I Pre Reading

Gap fill (show the writing subordinate board)

A customer (1) the Thang Loi delivery Service on (2) .just before midday She wanted to (3) to Mr Ha buthe was out So Mr Tam (4) amessage for Mr Ha The customer’s

(5) was Mrs Lien, and she wanted to know about her furniture(6)

She wanted (7) to call her She said Mra Ha could reach her(8) 645 141 after lunch Ss run through the paragraph and predict the information to fill the gap (base on Thang Loi delivery service in the box)

T correct and explain the viet namese if some words are difficult Answer key

1 telephone may speak took

5 name delivery Mr Ha at

II While Writing

T give each student a card/ piece of paper writing the message Eg: Thanh Cong Delivery service

Date Time For Message Taken by

Ask Ss to read the paragraph2 on P23 to fill in the information in the message

III post Writing

Tranformation writing

Ss write a telephone message about themselves

Then call students to write their writing message on board

IV Homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary



Period 12

Planning date:3/9/2011


Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue and use modal verbs : must, have to , ought to

-Teaching aids : Text book, poster

-Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in read the dialogue for details and practice with modal verbs

B-Content :

Warm up : Greetings Matching

Show pictures(getting started ) to Ss * Ask them to look at pictures and match with words that show with schores (with answer keys)

Wash dishes/do washing up picture a make the bed picture b sweep the floor picture c cook meal picture d tidy up picture e feed the chicken picture f - Pre-teach vocabulary:

- chore (n) : ( example ) ( sweep, clean the floor - rice cooker(n) : (visual)

- steammer(n) : ( translation )

- sink(n) : ( translation ) - sauce pan(n): (visual) - Checking vocabulary : *What and where II-Presentation:

1-Set the scene :

Who are they? What are they doing? Talking about ? How talk to each other? Nam’s mother didn’t come back home,she asked Nam to some things for her 2- Network : (Make the list of things that Nam has to )

cook dinner go to the market

buy vegetables 3-Target language :

a-Example: Nam has to cook dinner

You have to /must cook dinner

b-Form : S + have to/ has to/ must/ should/ ought to + V c- Usage: dùng để diễn đạt bắt buộc làm gì(phải làm gì)


1-Picture-Cue- Drill: ( use pictures in getting started )

*Example Exchange: S1: What you have to ? - S2:I must the washing up

a-do the washing up ; b-make the bed; c- sweep the floor ; d- cook dinner ; e- tidy my room ; f- feed the chickens

*Ask Ss to work in pairs and give correction

2-Gap fill: Give Ss words :feed ; empty ; ; tidy ; sweep ; clean ; dust ;

- Ask S to look at the pictures and complete the dialogue between Nga and Lan,using modal verbs given *Answers: have to do/must tidy/have to dust/must sweep/haveto clean/mustempty/must feed…


- Ask Ss to write the things you have to on Sundays Ex: On Sundays morning, I have to - Do all exercises in your workbook and redo all exercises in the text book

……… Period 13 Planning date:3/09/201


Lesson 2: Speak


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to use prepositions of place to talk about the positions of the furniture in the house and listen to the direction of how to make Vietnamese fried rice -Teaching aids : Text book, poster

-Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in speaking with some strange pronunciation and practice with modal verbs

B-Content :


-Warm up : Greetings Kim’s game :

*Devide the class into two teams Ask Ss to study the things in the picture ( for 30 minutes )

Take away the picture and ask Ss to write down as many things as they can remember *Which team having more things win the games

I-Pre- speaking :

*Ask Ss the positions of the items in the pictures Example exchange

Where is the clock ? It’s above the fridge… the fruit? in the bowl

the flowers ? on the table

rice cooker ? next to the bowl of fruit cupboard ? on the wall, above the counter knives ? They are on the wall, under the cupboard

dish rack? on the counter, next to the bowl of fruit

II- while- speaking :

Get Ss to work in pairs, talking about the positions of each item Example : The calendar is on the wall, above the stove

The knives are on the wall, under the cupboard…

III-Post- speaking:

*Set the scene :

“Mrs.Vui bought new furniture for her livingroom, but she cannot decide where to put it You should help her to arrange the furniture

* Look at the picture and talk about their ideas” * Example :

_ Let’s put the clock on the wall, between the shelf and the picture _ OK.I think we ought to put the TV and the sterio on the shelf

_ I think the coffee table should be between the couch and the arm-chair _Let’s put the telephone next to the couch

_ I think we should put the magazines above the books on the shelves _I think the shelves ought to be at noe of the corners, opposite the couch *Ask ss to practice speaking :

If they agree , they may use : OK You are right

If they disagree, they may use : No, I think we’d better/ ought to put…/I think it should be…

Example exchange

A: Let put the telephone on the shelf next to the radio B: OK, you are right

IV Homework

- Do exercise 2,3 in work book

- Arrange the things in listening in text book on P 29


Period 14

Planning date:5/09/2011


Lesson Listen. A-Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to use prepositions of place to talk about the positions of the furniture in the house and listen to the direction of how to make Vietnamese fried rice Teaching aids : Text book, poster

Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in speaking with some strange pronunciation and practice with modal verbs

B-Content :

Warm up : greetings

I-Pre-listening :

1-Pre-teach vocabulary :

ham (n) : thÞt m«ng heo ( translation ) green peper (n): xanh ( picture ) Pea hạt đậu tròn (visual) Garlic tái,cñ tái (realia)

2- Prediction : Use picture at page 30 Guessing


Pictures a- rice noodle b - rice cooker pan

c - garlic and onion garlic and the green peppers d – chicken and peas ham and peas

- Ordering sentences :

a Put ham and peas in the pan b Fry garlic and greenpepers c Put rice in the pan

d Put cooking-oil and let it be hot e Add a teaspoon of salt in the pan


Ss listen to check their guessing Tape transcript:

Lan: can I help you cook dinner, Mom

Mrs Tu: Sure you can cook the “special chinese fried rice” for me Use the pan please Lan: Ok, How much oil I put in?

Mrs Tu: Just a little Wait until it’s hot and then fry the garlic and the green peppers Lan: Do I put the ham and the peas in now?

Mrs.Tu: Yes.And you can put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in Lan: Um, It smells delicious

Keys for guessing a.A; b.B; c.B; d.B Keys for ordering: d – b – a – c – e

III-Post-listening : Discussion

Ss discuss about the viet namese fried rice that they often

IV-Homework :

- Describe your livingroom/ bedroom - Do all exercices 4,5 in your workbook


Period 15

Planning date:6/9/2010


Lesson : Read


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read for details about safety precautions in the house and practice in Why-questions and answers-Because

- Teaching aids : Text book, posters

- Anticipated problems :Ss can meet difficulties in using Why-Because

B-Content :

Warm up : Greetings

Brainstorm drug electricity boiling water

fire gas knife

I-Presentation :

1-Pre-teach vocabulary :

- a precaution (n) ( translation ) - a socket : (n) ( realia ) - a match : (n) ( realia )

- safety ( n ) ( translation ) - (to) destroy : ( translation ) - (to) injure : g ( picture )

* Checking vocabulary : Slap the board

2 True/ False Statements Prediction : ( Poster ) a It is safe to leave medicine around the house

b Drug can look like candy

`c A kitchen is a suitable place to play d Playing with one match can not start fire

e Putting a knife into electrical socket is dangerous f Young children not understand that many household objects are dangerous

*Teacher gives the feedback

II-While-reading : 1- Reading the text :

*Ask Ss to read the poster and check their prediction, correct if the statement is false


*Answers : a-F; b-T; c- F; d- F, e- T; f- T 2- Comprehension questions :

*Ask Ss to answer the questions beneath the text one by one *Answers :

a Because children often try to eat and drink them b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place

c Because playing with one match can cause the fire

e Because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill f Because the dangreous objects can injure or kill children

III-Post-reading :

* Discussion : Ask Ss to work in groups ,discussing about the topic : - Safety precautions in the street

- Safety precaution at school

IV-Homework :

- Practice in Why- questions with Because- answer by doing the exercises Language focus in your text-book

- Do all exercises in your workbook


Period 16

Planning date:9/09/2011 UNIT : AT HOME - Lesson 5: Writng

A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to write a description of a room in their house Teaching aids : Text book, posters and pictures

Anticipated problems :Ss can meet difficulties in using words to write

B-Content :

Chatting : Ask Ss to look at picture at page 32 and answer questions : Which room is it ?

What’s this ? Where is it ?…

I-Pre-writing :

1-Pre-teach vocabulary :

- folder (n) : giÊy tê , s¸ch vë ( translation ) - beneath (pre) phÝa díi ( example ) - towel rack (n) gi¸ treo khăn lau tay ( picture )

- lighting fixture (n) đèn chùm ( picture ) Checking vocabulary : Rub out and Remember

2- Reading :

Ask Ss to read the description of Hoa’s room, then ask some comprehension questions : Ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions

Questions :

a What is there on the left of the room? b Where is the bookshelf ?

c What is there on the right side of the room ? d Where is wardrobe ?

Answers key:

a.There is a desk on the left of the room b.The bookshelf is above the desk

c.There is a window on the right side of the room

The wardrobe ic beside the window and opposite the desk

II-While-writing :

*Ask Ss to write the description of the kitchen on page 32 ( Hoa’s kitchen )

Ex: This is Hoa’ kitchen There is a refrigerater in the right corner of the room Next to the refrigerater there is a cooker and an oven On the other side of the oven is a sink and next to the sink there is a tower rack, a dichrack on the counter is to the right of the window and beneath the shelves on the shelf and on the counter beneath the window there jars of sugar, flour and tea In the middle of the chicken there are there table with four chairs A lighting fixture is above the table, and beneath the lighting fixture is a vase with flowers

III-Post-writing : Speaking :

*Ask Ss to talk to their partners about their room , living room , kitchen /…

IV-Homework :

- Ask Ss to write a description of their bedroom / living room - Do all exercices5 in your workbook


UNIT : AT HOME - Lesson : Language Focus

A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to use the Reflexive Pronouns (myself, yourself/yourselves, himseslf, herself, ourselves, themselves )

- Teaching aids : Text book and posters

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in using the Reflexive Pronouns to further practice

B-Content :

Warm up : Greetings

Brainstorming :

Whole class into two groups do our homework repair the machine

water flower clean the floor

cook tidy up paint the house fix the TV set

I-Presentation :

*Set the scene : “You your homework and no one helps you What you say ?” - I my homework myself.

Explain the Reflexive pronouns : We use I with myself You yourself He himself She herself

We ourselves

You yourselves They themselves It itself

Use: Used to emphasize a person or a thing E.g :-She cut herself

–Jonh saw himself in the mirror

Note: By + Reflexive pronoun = mét m×nh I this homework by myself

II-Practice : Word Cue Drill : a.You / / homework

b.He / fix / washing machine Example Exchange c.Mary / cook / dinner Did you your homework ? d.These students / paint / the pictures Yes, I it myself

e.You / / your housework

III-Further Practice :

*Ask Ss to fill in the blanks with suitable reflexive pronouns or emphasis pronoun on page 35,36 exercise in language focus

- Modal verbs: must, have to,has to, ought to S + modalV + V(bare) +

Eg: I have to my homework He must go now

She has to the chore

She ought to drink milk everyday

IVHomework :

- Write sentences using the Reflexive pronouns and emphasis pronoun - Ask Ss to exercises in your workbook


Period 18


Planning date:18/9/2011

A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to review all points of garmmar that they’ve just learnt from unit to unit and some given exercises

- Teaching aids : Text book and posters

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in using all the points that they have learnt because they may forget some of these points


- Content :

I-Revision : Brainstorm : ( Ask Ss to make a list of all points that they’ve learnt ) Simple tense Present simple to talk about general truths (not ) adj + enough Tobe going to + to-infinitive

The things

you cannot do

The things

you can do


Adverbs of place

reflexive pronouns Why- Because

Modal verbs (must,have to,ought to)

*Ask Ss to make a list and then aks them to talk about them more : forms ; usages II- Practise :

- Give the correct form of the word in the parenthese a I am (luck) … enough to have a lot of friends b The Sun always (rise)… in the East

c Where you ( spend) … your summer holiday last year, Tam ? d In my country , it (not rain)… much in the Winnter

e She has short (curl) … hair

g Nam is very( social )…., kind and generous h Each of my friend has a ( differ)… character i She’s beautiful with a ( love )… smlie

-Using“tobe going to” to talk about Mary’s intentions at weekend III- Give the antonym os these preposition of places:

Eg: behind - infront of Inside




-IV - Prepositions :

Gap fill: Fill in the suitable the preposition in the blankets 1) He was born….March 3rd ,1845….Scotland.

2) He worked… Deaf-mutes… Boston University 3) I’ll come to pickup Hoa o’clock

4) I couldn’t meet him because he’s…

5) Ha worked very hard and finally came… a very important invention Key:

1 on- at with- at at outside/ out over

V-Rewrite :

1)Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone > Alexander Graham Bell was (telephone inventotr)

2) Let’s meet inside the center , at the cafe corner

> How about I (meeting inside the center, at the cafe corner)

3) Sao Mai movie theater is near my aunt’s house

> Sao Mai Movie Theater isn’t (far from my aunt s house)’ 4) I’ll telephone you tomrrow morning

> I’m going to (telephone you tomorrow morning). VI-Homework :

- Ask Ss to review all that they’ve just learnt for the next test - Prepare for the next test


Period 19


A.Aim : check students' knowledge from unit 1-3

B Matrix :

Topics/language & skill

Knowledge Comprehension Application (Low)



ject ive



choose the word with the underline part has different pronunciation

5 items

2.5 points 5 items

2.5 point 25% Grammar and Vocab (25 %) -present simple, present progressive tense, past simple : iterms 1.5 point

be going to, would you like +

to V ? items

1 point 2.5 points5 items

25 % Reading (25%) -A passage about people items 1.5 points -A passage about Alexanda Graham Bell items point items 2.5 points

25% Writing (25%) -Write sentences Base on cues items -Rewrite iterms 2.5 points items 2.5 points 25 %



4.0 points 40% items 1,5 points 15% items points 20% items 2,5 points 25 % 22 items 10 points 100%

Full name:……… WRITTEN TEST NO

Class: Time: 45minutes

I Odd one out (2,5 pts):

1 a happy b character c fat d classmate a missed b looked c invented d stopped a character b children c chicken d teacher

4 a slim b thin c smile d visit

5 a now b go c know d bowl

II Read: (2,5 pts):

Graham Bell was born in Scotland in 1847, but when he was a young man of twenty three, he moved with his parents to Canada Before the year was over, young Graham had left his family and gone to Boston Though Bell was a dreamer, he was also a practical thinker and a man of action In Boston, where he worked day by day as a teacher of the deaf - mute people, he worked far into the night experimenting with the electrical transmission of the sound This led to the invention of the telephone

1 Write T for true sentences, F for false sentences

 a Graham Bell worked with the deaf-mute people in Boston

 b He experimented with the electrical transmission of the sound

 c Graham Bell invented the television

2 Answer the questions:

a Where was Alexander Graham Bell born?

……… b What year did he move to Canada?



a I (receive) ……….a letter from my friend last week b The Earth (move) ……….around the Sun

c Lan has a movie ticket She (see) ………a movie tonight d I’m thirsty - Would you like (drink) ……….some iced-tea? e We ( ) ……… an English Test now

IV Write: (2,5 pts)

1 Make meaningful sentences using cues given: (1,5 pts)

a She / tall / long black / hair


b There / lamp / next / bed


c Alexander G Bell / invent / the first telephone/1876


2 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meanings (1, pts)

a My school has 400 students

-> There………

b His hair is curly

-> He has………


Period 19

TEST CORRECTION Time: 45minutes

Aim: correct the students' mistakes and feedback

I Choose the word in each group that has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest:

(1,0 pts)

1 d classmate a character

2 c invented c smile 5.b now

II Read: (2,5 pts)

1 Write T for true sentences, F for false sentences

a T b T c F

2 Answer the questions:

a He was born in Scotland

b He moved to Canada in 1870/ In 1870

III Language focus (4,0pts)

1 Circle the correct answers: (2,0 pts)

a C to go out b B up

c B What does Tom look like?

d A himself

e C old enough f D sociable

g C invention h B well

2 Put the verbs in the blankets into correct forms (2,0 pts)

a received b moves c is going to see d to drink

V Write: (2,5 pts)


c She is tall with long black hair d There is a lamp next to the bed

e Alexander G Bell invented the first telephone in1876

2 Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meanings (1, pts)

a There are 400 students in my school b Let’s go to the movie

Total: 10 points



Period 21 24/ 10/ 2011



Lesson 1: Getting Started Listen and Read


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to a dialogue for details about the activities people used to in the past

- Teaching aids: pictures of unit4 English 8, text books

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading a dialogue about the life of many years ago to understand the details

B-Content :

Warm up : Greetings

Getting started :

-Ask Ss to look at the picture on poster and write the name of the things that not belong to the past -Answers :TV,Radio,Mobile phone ,Lighting fixture, Modern clothing /school uniforms

I-Pre-reading :

3) Pre-teach vocabulary :

(to) look after : ( Synonym ) equipment (n) : (exampple ) traditional (adj) : (translation ) Great grandma : (n) (explanation ) Electricity (n) (trans) Checking vocabulary : * What and Where 4.True/ False Statements Prediction : (Poster ) a)Nga used to live on a farm

b)Nga’s grandma didn’t go to school

c)She has an easy and happy life when she was young d)There wasn’t any modern equipment at her time e)“The lost shoe” is a short story

5 Reading :

-Ss read the dialogue between Nga and her grandma and check their predictions -Give feedback : and answers :1F ,2T ,3F ,4T ,5F(correct the false )

6)Fact or Opinion :

-Ask Ss to read the statements part on page 39 and decide which is fact and what is an opinion -Give feedback And answers: a-F,b-F,c-F,d-F,e-O, f-O

Structure: S + used to + V(bare)

Meaning: thờng hay khứ, không xẩy Cue drill: Language focus on page 45

7) Survey : Did you use to ……… Name Lan - Get up late

- Ride bicycle too fast - Eat too much candy

- Forget to your homework - Go to school late

Example exchange

S1: Did you use to go to school late when you was ten, Lan? S2: Yes I did/(or No I didn’t)

8)Homework :

- Learn by heart vocab and read the dialogue five times again - Write down all in survey activities in their notebooks


Period 22



Lesson 2 Speak & Language focus A-Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to tell the activities people used to in the past - Teaching aids: pictures of unit English

Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading a dialogue about the life of many years ago to understand all

B-Content :

Warm up : Gretings

Jumbled words :

rieletcitycr (electricity) menttaenterin (entertainment) ektmar (market) suepr amrekt (super market)


-Recall the conversation between Nga and her grandma, then ask :

T: Where did Nga’s grandma use to live ? - S: She used to live on a farm 1-Form : S + USED TO + Infinitive + O Answer :

S + Didn t use to + Infinitive + O Yes ,S + did Did + S + use to + Infinitive + O ? No, S + didn t ’ 2-Use :Use to express a past habit , or an action usually happened in th past 3-Meaning : ĐÃ thờng hay khứ

II While-Speaking

Word-Cue-Drill : ( Noughts and crosses ) - work in pairs

1 live/ Hue / Hanoi ( -Did you use to live in Hue ? – No, I used to live in Hanoi ) have / long hair / short hair (-Did you use to have long hair?- No, I uesd to have short get up / late / early (-Did you use to get up late ?- No, I used to get up early.)

4 walk to school/ bicycle (-Did you use to school by bike? –No, I used to walk) study / evening / early morning (-Did you use to study in the evening? –No, ….)

III Post-Speaking :

1 Pictures Drill: Compare two pictures on page 40 ,using “USED TO” to talk about the actions in the past (can use the pictures to hang on the board)

-Elecit some ideas so that Ss can talk about them : ( poster ) a)Where did they live in the past ? And now ?

(People used to live in small houses Now ,they live in big houses and buildings ) b)How did they travel ?

(People used to walk Now, they can go by car , motorbikes ,…) c)What’s about their life / work ?

(People used to work hard all the time Now, they have a lot of time for entertainment ) d)Did children use to go to school ?

(Most children used to stay at home Now, they all go to school ) Language focus

Preposition of time: 0n, in, at

- at: đứng trớc để giờ:eg: at 6.30, at o’clock(at night, at noon ) - on: đứng trớc thứ tuần, ngày tháng với thời gian ngắn Eg: on Monday, on Sunday, on october 3, on October 10, 2008 - in: đứng trớc tháng, năm, mùa, buổi ngày

Eg: in June, in July 2008, in 2008, in summer, in the morning/afternoon - between and: between and after, before

IV Homework

- Learn the structures by heart, and preposition of time - Do exercise in work book and language focus in P44


Period 23

29/9/ 2010


Lesson : Listen & Language focus 1,2


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to tell the activities people used to in the past


- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading a dialogue about the life of many years ago to understand all

B-Content :

Warm up : Greetings Matching vocabulary :

- foolish ( adj ) ngí ngÈn - greedy (adj ) tham lam

- gold (n) vµng(kim loại)

- (to)lay-laid: dọn (bàn ) - amazement : (n) ngạc nhiên


1.Prediction : (Predict the moral lesson of the story ) a- don’t kill chickens

b- don’t be foolish and greedy c- Be happy with what you have d- It is difficult to find gold

II-While-Listening : 1- Checking predictions :

-Have Ss to listen to the tape twice and check their predictions -Answer: “Don’t be foolish and greedy”

Tape transcript

Once a farmer lived a comfortable with his family His chicken laid many eggs which the farmer used to sell to buy food and clothing for his family

One day he went to collect the eggs and discovered one of the chickens laid a gold egg He soudted ecitedly to his wife “we’re rich! We’re rich!”

His wife ran to him and they both look at the egg in amazement The wife wanted more, so her husband decided to cut open all the chickens and find more gold eggs Unfortunatey, he couldn’t find any eggs When he finished all, the chicken were dead There are no more eggs of any kind for the poolish farmer and his greedy wife

Note:(nếu h/s khơng tìm đợc học đạo đức câu chuyện GV đặt câu hỏi nội dung câu chuyện

III-Post- Listening :

- Language focus1 P.44: write the past simple form of each verb

Run- ran, fly- take- go- have- do- be- ride- eat- sit- come-

*Mapped dialogue :

(L.focus P.44: “Lan asks Nga about Nga’s yesterday activities.) *Answers :

Lan : Did you eat rice for lunch ? Nga : No, I ate noodles

Lan : How did you get to school ? Nga: I rode a bicycle to school Lan :Which subject did you have yesterday? Nga : I had Maths

Lan : Where were you yesterday evening ? Nga : I were at home

IV Homework:

Ask Ss to write the things they used to last year “Last year, I used to get up late Now, I get up very early and morning exercises ,…”

- Do exercise 1,2 on P 44 language focu


Period 24



Lesson Reading A-Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read the story “The lost shoe” for details - Teaching aids: picrures of unit english

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in retell the story B

-Content :

Warm up : * Brainstorming :

Cây tre trăm đốt Tấm cám hồng tử cóc ( one hundred-section bamboo) ( the frog Prince )

Đôi hài bảy dặm Nàng Bạch tuyết bảy lïn (seven- miles shoes ) ( Snow White and seven dwarfs )


1-Pre-teach vocabulary:

- cruel to : ( adj) độc ác với ( explanation ) - Little pea : cô ( translation )

- Stout Nut : C¸m (translation ) - upset (v) = hopeless ><hopeful :buån phiÒn (antonym )

- a fairy :ông bụt –( explain many folk tales stories this person appears …) - ( to ) drop : đánh rơi ( mime )

- (to) fall in love with : yêu ( t/yêu nam nữ ) ( translation ) Checking voccabulary :

Rub out and remember

I-Pre-reading : - Set the scene :

Do you like the folk tales ? Which one you like the best ? Give the Vietnamese name of “ The lost Shoe” ?

3-True/False Statement Predictions : (poster) a) Little Pea’s father is a poor farmer

b) Her father got married again when her mother died c) Her new mother was nice to her

d) Little Pea worked hard all day

e) She didn’t have new clothes to take part in the harvest festival

III-While-reading :

Ss read the text and check their prediction Answer key

a-T, b- T, c-F(Her new mother was cruel to her ), d- T, e-F (a fairy give her new clothes)

2- Gap-fill : Ex1 –P.42 –Ss work in pairs and the teacher corrects Answer key: a was poor farmer, b died, c.had again

d marry, e new clothes, f lost

3-Comprehesion Questions : ( Poster )

*Ask Ss to ex –P.42 and the teacher corrects

III-Post-reading :

*Ask Ss to retell the story “The Lost Shoe” one by one ( sentences buildings ) - Once a poor farmer ……

IV-Homework :

- Retell the story with your friends - Do exercises in your workbook - Prepare for the next period writing

Period 25



Lesson 5: Write


By the end of the new lesson, students will be use Past Simple Tense to write a folktale - Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in writing a short imaginary story

- Teaching aids : text book , eleven cards B

-Content :

Warm up : * Chatting :

Ask Ss some questions about imaginary stories :Do you want to read imaginary stories ? Name some of them ? Which story you like the best? Have you ever read the story “How the tigers got his stripes?”

Pre-teach vocabulary :

- wisdom (n) : trÝ kh«n (translation) - a stripe : säc ngang (realia) - a straw : rơm rạ (realia) - a servant : kẻ nô lệ (translation) - (to) escape : tÈu tho¸t / trèn tho¸t (translation)

- (to) graze : gặm (picture) - (to) light – lit – lighted : thắp, đốt (mime) *Checking vocabulary : *slap the board

I-Pre-Writing :

1.Reading :

Ss Read and complete the story on page43

- Ask Ss the meanings of the verbs in the box - Have them work in pairs using suitable verbs to fill in the blanks


2 Comprehension questions :

a.Where was the man ?

b.What did the buffalo when the tiger appear ? c.What did the tiger want to know ?

d.What did he before going home ? Why ? e.What did he when he returned ?

*Get Ss to ask and answer the questions

II-While-Writing : Write – it - up

*Get Ss to exercise They have to imagine tobe a man in order to write the story *Get Ss to change : The man I ; His my

*Get Ss to write individually then share with their partners and correct mistakes *Take some writings to correct in front of the class

Suggested Answers :

“ One day ,I was in a field and my buffalo grazed nearby , a tiger came It asked why the strong buffalo was my servant and I was its master I told the tiger that I had something called wisdom The tiger wanted to see it but I said that I left the wisdom at home that day Then I tied the tiger to a tree with a rope beccause I didn’t want it to eat my buffalo I went to get some straw and I burned the tiger The tiger escaped , but today it still has black stripes from the

burn ”

III-Post-Writing : Telling the story :


- Learn by heart vocabulary and Rewrite story again

- Prepare for next lesson Unit Getting started, listen and read


Period 26

8/10/ 2010


Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and read A-Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read a dialoge for details between Jim and his Mom about his study

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in pronunciate some new words - Teaching aids : text book, cassette player, dish, pictures


-Content :

1.Warm up Chemistry Physics Math - Brainstorms


2 Chatting :

? – What subject are you good at ? bad at ? Geograph - What subject you like the best ?

- How often you have math / literature /English ?

3 Pre- teach vocabulary :

- a report card : phiÕu học tập / sổ liên lạc ( realia ) - pronunciation (n) : phát âm ( mime ) - (to) improve : c¶i tiÕn / cđng cè ( translation ) - (to) be proud of : tù hµo vỊ ( situation ) - (to) try one’s best : cè g¾ng hÕt søc (translation ) *Checking vocabulary :

Rub out and Remember

4.T/F Statement Predictions :

*Ask Ss to guess the sentences T / F and they can share with their partners a.Tim was out when his mother called him

b.Tim’s mother met his teacher at shool c.Tim’s report is poor

d.Tim needs to improve his Spanish grammar e.Tim promised to try his best in learning Spanish

5 Reading :

a Checking T/F Predictions

*Ask Ss to read the dialogue and with their partners to check their prediction *Give feedback

a-F, b-T, c-F , d-F , e- T and ask Ss to correct false statements

b Comprehension Questions:

*Ask Ss to work in pairs ,answering the questions on page 47 *Answers: a) She is Tim’s teacher


b) She gave Tim’s mother his report card c) He worked really hard

d) She said Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciation e) She gave him a dictionary at the end of the conversation

c Survey :

? What subject you need to improve ?

*Ask Ss who need to improve the same subject work in groups and discuss how to improve

6 Homework :

- Ask Ss to write the way how to improve the subject that you are not good at - Prepare for speak and listen lesson


Period 27

18/10/ 2010 UNIT : STUDY HABITS

Lesson 2: Speak & Listen


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to talk about their study habits and listen for specific information to fill a report card

- Teaching aids text book , posters, cassette player and disks:

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in fluency and listening to some new words B_- Content :

* Warm up : - Brainstorming :

( Ask Ss to write their ideas to the board one by one , each student one way)

speak EL to friends in class listening to the E radio program

read E stories

watch E TV grammar exercises read E newspapers or E magazines

I-Pre-listening :

1Pre-teach vocabulary :

behaviour (n) : hµnh vi , c¸ch c xư ( translation )

participation (n) : tham gia (explanation) satisfactory (adj) : thoả mãn , tốt đẹp ( translation ) co- operation (n) : hợp tác ( translation ) *Checking vocabulary : Rub Out and Remember

2)Prediction (Ss look at the report card on P48 and complete the report card ) a.Day present ; b) day absent ;c)behaviour- participant ;

d) listening ; e) speaking ; f) reading ; g) writing *Give the feedback

II-While-Listening :

1-Listen: *Let Ss listen to the tape ( teacher ) and check their predictions

a)87 days, b)5 days, c)Spanish- pronunciation, d)comprehension, e) A, f)A, g) B

2-Comprehension questions : (poster ) a.Who are Nga’s parents ?

b.What subject was reported ? c.What’s Nga’s teacher’s name ?

What’s about : F, U ,A , B , C , D (answers: S-Satisfactory, U-Unsatisfactory, F-fail A-Excellent ;B-good ,C-fair (kh¸), D-poor (kÐm)

III-Post- Listening : *Survey :

1-When you your hw?

2-Who help you with your homework ?

Ss work in pairs , Asking their partners questions and taking notes of the answers

Ask Ss to report what they have known about their partners’ study Ss can use this structure to talk : Eg: Nam said he did his homework after dinner

- Lan said she spent hours studying Math -Ba said he needed to improve Literature

-Mai said she should more grammar exercises

VI-Homework :

- Write about your partners study habits

Eg: Hoa is my best friend She works very hard and always gets good marks She usually does her homework after dinner … ”


- Do exercises in your workbook


Period 28

26/10/ 2010


Lesson : reading

A Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read the text for details to understand how to learn new words and some comprehension qiestions given

Anticipated problems :Ss can meet difficulties in the part comprehension question to express their thought in English

Teaching aids : text book , posters

B Content :

- Warm up : Greetings

Chatting :Do you like learning English ?

? How many new words you try to remmember a day?

What you when you meet a new word ?How you learn new words? Today we will read a text : “How to learn new words/vocabulary ?”

-Pre-teach vocabulary :

- mother tongue :( n ) ( translation ) - underline : ( v ) ( mime ) - highlight ( v ) : ( explanation ) - come across : ( v ) gặp tình cờ ( translation )

- stick ( v ) : ( mime ) - learn by heart (v)

*Checking : Slap the board

I-Pre-reading :

-Brainstorming:(Ask Ss to come to the board and write down the ways they know) learn by heart translate it into mother tongue

write it on a small piece of paper piece of paper and put ( Ss may say in Vietnamese )

II-While-reading : Skimming :

Ask Ss to read the text quickly in minutes to know about the content of the text After minutes reading , ask Ss to close their book surely

1-T/F Statements *Give the poster :

a.All language learners write the meaning of the new words in their mother tongue b.Some learners write examples of the words they want to learn

c.Every learner tries to learn all the new words they come across d.Many learners only learn the new words that are important Then Ask Ss to open their book to read and check their answers

*Answers : a) – F( correction :Some # all ) ; b) – T ; c)- F( correction :Every # Many learners not try to … ; d ) – T

2- Comprehension questions :

- Ask Ss to answer the questions in pairs by write the answer in a poster *Answers :a No, they don’t

b.Because they want to remmember how to use the words in the right way

c.They write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere so as to learn it any time

d.Because they want to learn only important words

III-Post-reaing :

- Ask Ss to give out the different ways of learning new words : 1- Make a list of words, their meanings and learn them by heart

2- Write example sentences with new words 3- Stick new words somewhere in the house 4- Underline or highlight the new words 5- Read stories in English

6- Learn words through songs

IV-Homework :

- Ask Ss to exercises in workbook and answer “How should you learn words ?” - Prepare for Writing lesson in the next period


Period 29

20/10/ 2010


Lesson 4

: Write

A Aim:


By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to know the format of a friendly letter and practice writing a letter to a friend

- Anticipated problems :Ss can meet difficulties in writing their thought in English - Teaching aids : text book

B Content :

- Warm up : Greetings

Chatting : Give a letter and ask Ss “What’ s it ? Have you ever writen to someone ? - Ask Ss “How many parts are there in a letter ?

-Pre-teach vocabulary :

- Lunar New Year: (n) ( translation )

- enjoyable (adj ) : thÝch thó , vui mõng (synonym) (What word is similar to “interesting”? )

- (to) celebrate : ( example ) *Checking : Rub Out and Remember

I-Pre-writing :

1 Ordering : (Give the order of the letter)

a)- Opening d)- Body of the letter b)- Closing e)- Signature

c)- the date f)- Writer’s address *Answers : f)- c) –a)- d) – b) – e)

- Ask Ss to read the letter on page 51 to check their order

2 Labeling :

- Ask Ss to label each section with the correct letter

*Set the scene : “Who wrote the letter ? to whom ? What are there in the heading ?What is the main part of the letter ? What did Hoa receive a few days ago ?

Is Hoa good at Math?Where is she going to celebrate the Lunar New Year Festival?”

II-While-writing : * Substitution writing :

- Ask Ss to exercise on page 51 , Ss imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her penpel Donna in Sans Francisco, using the given information

*Answers: “Tran PhuStreet, Ha Tinh,June 10th ,2008. Dear Donna,

Thanks for your letter I’m glad to hear you had an interesting/enjoyable Mother’s Day

We received our second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math but my English and History results were poor My teacher advises me to improve English and History I think I have to study harder next school year

In a few weeks, we’re going to celebrate the mid Autumn festival That is an Autumn moon festival in Vietnam This afternoon,I’m going to go to Ha Long Bay with my aunt and uncle by bus and I’m going to stay there with them until the festival comes I’ll send you a postcard from there

Write soon and tell me all your news Best wishes,Lan”

III-Post-writing : *Correction :

- Ask Ss to read aloud their letter and correct the mistakes

- Write a letter to your friend to tell him / her about your second semester report and about your Summer holiday

IV-Homework :

- Ask Ss to write in their notebooks once more and exercise in wor kbook - Prepare Language Focus for the next period


Period 30

25/10 / 2010


Lesson : Language Focus

A Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able use “Adverbs of manner” and modal “Should” as an advice

- Teaching aids : text book

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in using some special adverbs like “good – well , hard- hard ,

B Content :

- Warm up : Greetings

I-Presenntation : *Set the scene : ( pictograms )


(Introduce Tim’s mother and Tim’s teacher –Miss Jackson by drawing their faces They are talking about Tim’s study

Ask Ss to read the statement in exercise on page 53 to understand what T says *Checking understanding :

What did Miss Jackson say to Tim’s mother ? “Can you give Tim this dictionary ?”

What did Tim’s mother report it to Tim ?

Miss Jackson asked me to give you this dictionary + Form :

What else did Miss Jackson say ?

Tim should work harder on his Spanish pronunciaion What did Tim’s mother report it to Tim ?

Miss Jackson said you should work harder on your Spanish pronunciation

II-Practice :

Ask Ss to work in pairs to exercise on the page 53 (explain the situation clearly) Ask Ss to work with their partners to exercise on the page 53

Presentation adverb of manner pelmanism

Adjectives: Good Hard Soft hard Fast Beautiful

Adverbs: fast carefully Bad beautifully badly Careful well softly Ask Ss to use the words from pelmanism to fill in the gap to complete sentence given Nam is a …(1)… student and he always studies …(2)…

+ Answers: (1)-good ; (2)- well

- Ask Ss to distinguish the use of Adjectives and Adverbs :

-Form : S + V + adverb / S + be + adjective

Use :

- Adjective modifies the noun after it / the subject - Adverb modifies the verb of the sentence Cue drill: Exercices P.52.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to exercise on page 52 using the adverbs in the box : softly , well , fast , badly , hard to fill in the dialogue

(Key : a)- well ; b)- hard ; c) – fast ; d) – badly ; e) – softly ) + Give Ss the explanation of the modal verb “should” and form

Form : S + should + infinitive + (O) Use :

to give an advice * Picture: Cue Drill :

- Hanging the pictures and run through all and model one picture Ask Ss to work in pair to give out the answers

III Production : Write It Up

- Each team make sentences with “Should” as many as good

VI-Homework :

- Ask Ss to exercise page 52 at home - Prepare Language Focus 3-4 for the next period


Period 31 24/10/2010


Lesson 1: Getting Started & Listen and read ( P.54 )

A Aim

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue for details and practise with gerunds after verbs : love , like , hate , enjoy

- Teaching aids : text book ,cassette player and disks and pictures

- Anticipated problems : Ss can meet difficulties in reading a dialogue for detail B Content :

1.Warm up : Greetings

Brainstorm cleaning up beach

Help old people


S + asked / told + someone + to something


What you usually on your Summer holiday ?

Are you members of the young Pioners and Youth Organization ? Do you like to take part in these ?

What activity you like most ?

2 Pre-teach vocabulary :

- (to) enroll : ghi danh / đăng ký tên (translation)

- (to) answer tr¶ lêi (exam)

- application form : (translation) - out-door activities (n (examples) Checking voccabulary :

Rub out and Remembe

3 Listen and read : Set the scene :

“Nga is a student in grade She wants to enroll in the activities for the Summer” Ask Ss to listen the dialogue and then repeat

Ss read the dialogue in pairs

Get Ss to work in pairs and complete Nga’s particulars

Name: Pham Thi Nga Home address: at Tran Phu street Date of birth: April 22, 1989 Sex: female

Phone number: no interests: Checking their understanding by asking questions :

What her name ? Where does she live ? When was she born ? What are her hobbies? Modal sentences: what are Nga’s hobbieis?

She likes drawing and out door avtivities

4 Concept check : Form :

Examples : I like drawing He enjoys riding bicycle

Word- Cue Drill : play soccer / volleyball

watch TV / listen to music *Example Exchange :

read book / homework S1: What are your hobbies ?

chat with friends / the housework S2:I love playing soccer and volleyball cook meal / decorate the house

5.Homework :

- Write about your friends’ hobbies - Prepare “Speak” for the next period - Do exercises in the workbook


Period 32


Lesson 2: Speak & Listen ( P 55-56 )

A Aim:

By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to ask for favors and respond to favors - Teaching aids : text book ,cassette player and disk

- Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in how to remember the thing that the teacher gave them and use them in their speaking lesson

B Content :

Warm up : Greetings

Shark s attack :

I Pre-reading

f- - - - ( gaps ) – favor ( Do you know meaming of this word in Vietnamese ?) Ask Ss to talk about the meaning of the word FAVOR(sự giúp đỡ,

What you say to ask for a favor ?

Can you help me ?/Could you me a favor ? Can / Could you …?

- When you ask for favor ? Need some help - How you say to respond to favor ?

Certainly / of course / sure/No problem

- Ask Ss to copy down the following phrases :

Asking for favor Responding for favor

* Can /could you help me please ?

* Could you me a favor ? * certainly / of course * No problem


* I need a favor

* Can / could you … * What can I for you ?* How can I help you ? * I’m sorry I’m really busy

II While - speaking

- Get Ss to practise speaking in pairs

- Set the scene and then ask Ss to make a dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa “Mrs Ngoc ic carrying a heavy bag, but she’s hurt her arm so she needs some help ” *Give feedback

*Ask Ss to make a similar dialogue and practise in pairs -Receptionist: May I help you ?

-Tourist: Yes, Can you show the way to the nearest bank ?

-Receptionist :Sure, Turn right when you get out of the hotel Turn left at the first corner It’s on you right -Tourist : Thank you very much

III.Pre-Listening :

Guesing the mising words :

Ask Ss to guess the words to fill in the gaps in the song ( page 56 ) then share with their partners

IV While-Listening :

*Give feedback

- Listen to the song and fill in the missing words then share with their partners

*Answer words : unite…peace…right…love…North South world…show…place…out…stand world - Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue between a receptionist and a tourist :

- Ask Ss to work in closed pairs to practise the dialogue

VI Homework :

- Ask Ss to write an other dialogue between your and a shop keeper : “Your aunt wants you to buy some vegetables because she is busy cooking dinner ”

- Do exrcises in your workbook - Prepare for reading lesson


Period 33

27/10/ 2010


Lesson 3: Reading ( P 57 )

A-Aim :

By the end of the new lesson Ss will be able to read a text for details about a young pioneers club - Teaching aids : text book and poster

- Anticipated problems : Ss can meet difficulties in reading the text to get some exact main information of the text

B-Content :

1 Warm up: Greetings

Number dictation:(T reads some years and Ss listen and write on their paper Ask Ss to come to the board and write Check -eg : a-1910 ;b- 1994 ; c-1907 ; d-1909 )

2 Pre-teach vocabulary:

- citizenship (n): quyền công dân (example)

- coeducational (adj): thuc giáo dục chung cho nam nữ (translation) - scout (n) : hớng đạo sinh (translation)

- encourage: (v) khuyÕn khÝch (explanation) - Checking vocabulary: What and where

I Pre reading:

T/ F statements prediction:

No Statements Guess Correct

The Boy Scout of America is a youth organization Scouting began in America

William Boyce is a bussinessman in London Boys and girls ca joy BSA

he Scouting Association is the biggest voluntary youth organization in the world

- Let sts to look at the poster, read then guess which one is true (T) or false (F)

II While-Reading:

1 Checking sts’guess:

- Ask sts to read the passage on p.57 then check T/ F

Answer key:


3 F: William Boyce is an American businessman, F: BSA is mainly for boy Fill in the missing date:

* Answerkeys : a 1907 b 1909 c 1910 d 1994 Comprehension question:

- Get sts to read the text once more to answer the questions on p 57 * Questions:

a/ When did scouting begin in England?

b/ What led to the Scouts Association crossing the Atlantic in 1910? c/ What are the scouting groups that girls can join?

d/ What are the three of the scouting program?

III Post-reading:

Gap fill:- Get sts to close their books

- Give them minutes of silent time to fill in the blanks

The boy scouts of America in -(1) - in -(2) -.The scouts association crossed the Atlantic in (3) (4) can join the girl guides association and the

co-educational camp fire bouys and girls There are (5) -aims of the -6) program - Ask sts to answer and correct

KEY: 1,England 2.1907 3.1910 4.Girls three

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart the vocabulary and read the text times again

- Do exercise in workbook and answer the question in text book P57 - Prepare for writing lesson


Period 34 17/10/ 2010

Unit 6: The young pioneers club

Period 4: Write A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter about a future plan using “be going to

 Teaching aids: poster

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing

B Content:

Warmer: Greetings

* Revision of the stucture: “be going to” Form: S + tobe + going to + Verb

- Ask sts the usage of “be going to” (to express a future plan) - Get sts to make the sentence: S + tobe + going to + Verb - Ex: I’m going to buy a new car

II Pre-writing:

1 Vocabulary:

- fund (n): (example) - resource (n): (translation) - register: (v) (situation) - recycle: (v) (explanation) - parcitipate (exam) Checking vocabulary:

Slap the board Reading note:

- Ask sts to read the notice on p.58

- Ask sts some questions to check their understanding

? What members of the Y and Y have to in the recycling program? ? What is the purpose of the recycling program?

? What other programs can members of the Y and Y parcitipate in? ? Who write the letter? - Nga

? To whom does Nga write? - Linh ? Is Nga a member of Y &Y? - Yes ? What does Nga write to Linh about?

- Get sts to work in pairs to fill in the gaps in the letter - Give feedback


1 Gap Fill

Ask Ss to fill in the gaps into the letter on page 58 -Answer key:

1 community recycling collect send recycling save earn participating planting 10 helping - Ask sts to read the dialogue on p.59

- Ask them questions

? Why does Hoa Look happy?

- Because she is able to join in the Y & Y Green Group ? What is she going to in the environment months?

- She is going to clean the lakes, banks, plant trees and flowers in the park and water them ? What are they doing to earn money for their school Y & Y?

- They are going to plant young trees to sell to some school

- Let sts to read the dialogue then help Hoa to write a letter to her parents - Get sts to work in group of to write a letter on a poster

VI Post-writing:

- Move around the class to help sts to write - Ask sts to stick their letter on the board

- Get the whole class to read the letters and correct them

Possible answer letter: Dear Mom and Dad,

I’m very happy to tell you that I’m ableto join tn the Y &Y Green Group of my school The Green Group is holding an environment month plan We are going to clean the lakes, banks on weekends We are also going to plant trees and flowers in the park and water them every afternoon after class We are planting young trees and plants to sell to other schools I hope that we can bring more green to the city and earn some money for the school Y &Y

The program is very interesting and useful, isn’t it? I’m still in very good health I will tell you more about the group activities later

With love Hoa,

V Homework:

- Learn new words and read the letter on page 58 again - Write the letter on page 59 exercise

- Prepare for Language focus

Period 35 17/10/ 2010

Unit 6: The young pioneers club

Period 5: language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use simple tense to talk about future activities and practice in gerunds

 Teaching aids: - poster

 Anticipated problems:

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings


- Ask sts some questions about their activities and their summer holidays ? What you usually on your summer holidays?

? Are you members of the Young Pioneers and Youth Organization? ? Are there any activity programs for the summer?

? Do you take part in them?

? What activities you like most?

II Practice:

1 Simple Present tense:

- Ask sts to look at the dialogue on p.60 and read - Ask sts questions:


Ask Ss to give the form Form: S + V(s/es) +

? How to use this tense? - to express an action that happens in the future Cue Drill:

- Ask sts to practice asking and answering about the Y&Y activity program by using the following cues: a/ collect and empty garbage/ Dong Xuan Market

b/ Plant and water trees/ parks c/ Help elderly people/ March 26 d/ Clean up the trees/ June

e/ Water trees and flowers/ am - 7am f/ collect and empty garbage/ 8am - 5pm - Pairwork

- Ask sts to answer

a/ where they collect and empty garbage? - At Dong Xuan Market

b/ Where plant and water trees? - In the park

c/ When they help the elderly people/ - On March 26

d/ When they clean up the trees? - On June

e/ What time they water trees and flowers? - They start at 6am and finish at 7am

f/ What time they collect and empty garbage? - They start at 8am and finish at 5am

2 Gerunds: - Give an example:

- Hoa likes drawing, out door activities and she also enjoys acting ? What is gerunds?

? What is its form? - V-ing ? When we use gerunds?

- After some verbs: like, love, hate, enjoy, Like/ dislike/ hate/ love/ enjoy + Ving

- Have Ss to look at Ex.2 on p 61 then talk about our friends’ hobbies Ex: Ba loves camping, but he hates cooking meal

- Work individually

Find someone Who Name Example Exchange

.Playing soccer Lan S1: Do you like playing soccer? .Cooking meals S2: Yes, I like it

.Gardening No, I hate it .Camping

.Watching T.V .Performing music .Playing badminton

- Ask sts to write on board and correct mistakes Modals verb

- Let sts to look at Ex.3b on p.62

- Ask sts use the phrase words on the box then fill in the dialogue - work in pair

III Homework:

- Learn the basic knowledge that you have learnt in this lesson - Prepare for next lesson

Monday,November 2010 PERIOD 36: REVIEW


By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to review all the basic knowledge they have larnt from Unit to Unit focus preposition of time, past simple,adverb of manner, reported speech,Gerunds and present tense with fututre meaning



1.Preposition of time: 0n, in, at

Ask Ss to answer the use of the preposition of time

- at: đứng trớc để giờ:eg: at 6.30, at o’clock(at night, at noon ) - on: đứng trớc thứ tuần, ngày tháng với thời gian ngắn Eg: on Monday, on Sunday, on october 3, on October 10, 2008 - in: đứng trớc tháng, năm, mùa, buổi ngày

Eg: in June, in July 2008, in 2008, in summer, in the morning/afternoon - between and: between and after, before

* cue drill (fill a suitable preposition into the gap) a You can meet me 7.15 and 8.00

b Tam works hard Monday Friday so She sleeps the weekend c the accident happened Monday morning when Sue driving to work d does your mother enjoy working night?

e we usually fly kites summer

f the birds start singing half past four every morning key: a – between b from to at c.- on

d - at e - in f - at

2 Adverb of manner

Adjectives Adverbs Adjectives Adverbs

Beautiful beautifully clear claerly

Fast fast easy easily

Careful carefully slow slowly

Good well hard hard

Preposition of the adverbs of manner: After main verb

Gap fill

a.She ran very so I couldn’t catch up with her - fast b.we lost the match because we didn’t play - well c.she is a famous singer She sings very - beautifully d he drives very so he is sure to have no accident - carefully 3.Reported speech

* Commands in reported speech a Affirmative commands V + O/A

-> S + told/ordered + O + to + V (infinitive) + O/ A b Negative commands:

Don’t + V + O/ A

-> S + told/ordered + O + not+ to + V (infinitive) + O/ A * Requests in reported spech

Affirmative commands

V + O/A, please Or please, V + O/A

-> S + asked/ begged + O + to + V (infinitive) + O/ A Negative commands:

Don’t + V + O/ A, please Or please, Don’t + V + O/ A -> S + asked/begged + O + not+ to + V (infinitive) + O/ A With “ can/ could/ will

Can + S + V + O/A? -> S + asked/begged + O + not+ to + V (infinitive) + O/ A * Cue Drill

a.“Please, lend me your book,Tam” said Hoa

b “Don’t make noise in the class” the Teacher said to the children c “Can you help me with my homework?” Nam said to me d “Can you turn on the radio?” Mr ba asked Nam

e “Please don’t talk during the test”Miss Lan said to the students f “Close the door, Nam” asked Mr Ha

key: a Hoa asked Tam to to lend her Tam’s book

b The teacher told the children not to make noise in the class c.Nam asked me to help him with his homework

d Mr Ba asked Nam to turn on the radio

e Miss Lan asked the students not to talk during the test f.Mr Ha told Nam to close the door

4 Gurends


Put the verb in correct tense

a The boys like(play) games but they hate (do) lesson - playing b Please stop (talk) I try to finish my work - talking c I love (watch) film on Sunday - watching d someone avoids (meet) the strangers - meeting

II Homework

- Learn by heart these knowledge above - Prepare for the next test



Period 37-38 : 26/11/2020

Test 45 A Aim: - Check student’s knowledge

B Content

I Tìm từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác từ l¹i

1.A my B sky C try D sixty

2.A habit B hour C honest D honor 3.A lunar B mark C arrange D sugar 4.A comment B equipment C improvement D development 5.A played B appeared C burned D looked

II Gạch chân đáp án ngoặc để hoàn thành câu sau

1 He is leaving for Vinh (on/ at/ in/ of/ for) Monday

2 look! Our new teacher (come/ comes/ are coming/) She has long black hair We saw Lan in Hue (at/ in/ on/ of/ between) September

4 When we (are/ was/ were/ be) young, our family lived in the countryside They will come back (at/ before/ between/ on/ of) 8.30 and 8.45

6 We used to (go/ goes/ went/ going) camping in summer when we were young The English class begins at 9.00 so I have to come (before/ at/ on/ of/ in) 9.00 Lan doesn’t like (playing/ play/ plays/ played) soccer

9 Nam goes to school (on/ in/ at/ of/ for) 6.45

10 Ba loves (watch/ watching/ watched/ watches) TV in the evening

III Chuyển câu sau sang cách nói gián tiếp dùng từ gợi ý: "Can you lend me some money?"

Lan told me "You should learn harder, Nam"

Nam's mother said "Open your books, please"

The teacher asked me

4 The teacher said to us “Do the exercise before going to class” The teacher asked us

5 The teacher said to students “Can you open the widow?” -> The teacher said to students

IV.Đọc đoạn văn sau điền (T) hay sai (F) vào câu sau.

December 15th Dear Lan,

I’m witing to tell you something about my family There are four people in my family: my grandmother, my parents and I My grandmother will be 80 next month but she is still fine and can look after himself My father is a doctor, he works in the hospital all day Sometimes he has to stay there overnight My mother is a teacher She teaches in a primary school near our house To me mother is the most beautiful woman in the world and she is the best cook, too We are a happy family I love my family very much Well, I think that’s enough about us Please write to me soon and tell about yours

With love, Hoa * T/ F: 1 Lan is writing to Hoa to tell about her family

Hoa’s grandmother is bad Hoa’s father works in hospital

Hoa writes to Hoa on April 15th

To Hoa her mother is the most beautiful woman in the world

Answer key I 0.2/1 câu/ (1 điểm)


3 B mark A comment D looked

II 0.3/ câu/(3 điểm)

1 on is coming in were5 between go before playing

9 at 10 watching

III 0.5/ c©u/ (2.5 ®iĨm

1 Lan told me to lend her some money Nam’s mother said he shoyuld learn harder The teacher asked me to open the books

4.The teacher asked us to the exercise before going to class 5.The teacher asked students to open the widow

IV 0.3/ câu/ (1.5 điểm)

1 F F

3 T F T

V 0.5/câu(2 điểm)

1 playing eating listening going

* Homewok

- Prepare for unit getting started and listen and read


Reriod 39 Planning date:10 /2010

Unit 7: My neighborhood

Period 1: Getting started + Listen and read


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read a dialogue to know more about Na’s new neighbor

Structures: present perfect tense

- Teaching aids: - poster, pictures, disk

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using the present perfect tense

B Content:

1 Warmer: - Greetings

* Matching:

- Hang on the pictures and phrase words on board (on P63 in text book)

- Run through all the picture and ask for their meanings to make sure Ss know exactly what they mean - Let sts to match the names of place with the suitable pictures

- Ask Ss to answer and correct

2 Vocabulary:

- tasty (n): (example)

- wet market (n (visuals) - (to) serve: (situation)

- pancake (n): bánh bột mì (realia) - neighborhood (n) (explanation) - Checking vocabulary:

Slap the board

3 Presentation technique

a Set the sence Draw Nam and Na Who is this? Point to Na and Nam

What are they talking about? b Pre-question:

- Give two questions and ask Ss to work in pairs to guess the answers ? How long has Nam lived in that neighborhood?

? Where does Na want to go? Dialogue

- Ask Ss to listen and read silently the dialogue between Nam and Na then ask them if their answers are correct or not

Key: for 10 years Since last week

a Comple the sentence:

- Let sts to read the dialogue again then complete the sentences in exercise on p.64 - Work individually


- Call Ss to answer and correct the mistakes * Answer key: for complete the sentences: a/ Na is new to the neighborhood

b/ She and her family arrived last week c/ Na’s mother is very tired

d/ There is a restaurant in the area e/ The restaurant serves food from Hue f/ Nam thinks the pancakes are tasty

b Answer given:

a Na has been here since last week b Nam has lived here for 10 years

Answer key a/ How long has Nam lived here? b/ How long has Na been here? Structures: Modal sentences

Nam has lived here for 10 years Form: present perfect tense S + HAVE/ HAS + PP + (-) S + HAVE/ HAS + PP + (?) HAVE/ HAS + S +PP + ?

5 Production:

Language focus

Cue Drill (Ss use the present perfect tense to complete these sentences: a is done) a I have lived here since last week (live)

b we in that restaurant for two years (not eat) c I her since yesterday (not see) d They Quang Trung since last year (attend) e My Dad for this company for 20 years (work) key: b have not eaten c have not seen

d have attended e has worked Discussion

a/ How long have you lived in your neighborhood?

b/ Do you loke it? Why? (people are friendly/ the environment is good/ safe) c/ Is there a restaurant/ post office/ market/ bank/ shop is your neighborhood? d/ How you to keep your neighborhood clean?

- Ss write invidually and teacher moves around the class to help Ss - Call Ss to read out and correct mistakes

6 Homework:

- Learn the vocabulary by heart and read the dialogue times again - Learn the form by heart and use it to make up sentences

- Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for speak and language focus


Period 39 Dec/ /2010

Unit 7: My neighborhood

Period 2: Speak and Language focus 5

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about how to send parcels or letters

Teaching aids: - posters, a picture, a map

Anticipated problems:

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings

- Put a map of Vietnam on the board

- Ask sts to look at then label some places (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh city, Ca Mau, ) - Ask them a question:

? Do you have any friends or relatives that live in another part of Vietnam?

- Ask them to the board to write the name of their relatives next to the place that person lives

II Pre-speaking: 1 Vocabulary:

- surface mail (n): th gửi đờng bộ, th thờng (example) - air mail (n): th gửi đờng hàng không (explanation) - (to) weigh : cân (situation)

- parcel (n): bu kiÖn (realia) - Checking vocabulary:


2 Set the scene:

- Mr Kim wants to send a parcel to Qui Nhon, so she has to gi to the post office - Give sts some questions:

? Does Mrs Kim send the parcel surface air mail or surface mail? why? ? What’s the weight of her parcel?

? How much does she pay? - Pair work

III While-speaking: 1 Mapped dialogue:

- T elicits and write on board A: Can I ?

B: I want to this to ? A: Do you want to it or ? B: I want to it How ?

A: I’ll have to it first It weighs kilos That’ll be B: All right

- Run through the dialogue and let sts fill in the gaps quickly

- Practice reading the dialogue a few times and erase some gaps each time so sts have to remember what goes in them

2 Word cue drill:

- Hang on the poster on board

- Sts speak in pairs using the following information (Ex.2 on p.65) - Show sts how to check in the chart to get the price

IV Post-speaking: Freer practice

- Sts think of a relative or friend that they want to send a parcel to

- Tell them to write down a present they want to send that friend (eg: a CD, a book)

- Praise interesting ideas, remind sts of the price: 19,200 for every kg surface; 13,000 for every kg air mail


Clerk: Can I help you?

Sender: I want to send this elephant to my sister in Hue? Clerk: Do you want it to go air mail or surface mail? Sender: I want it to go air mail How much does it weigh?

Clerk: I’ll have to weigh it first It weighs 400 kgs! That’ll be two million 600 thousand dong please

Language focus Drill 3:

- show sts books, a red book and a yellow one which have the same size and a bigger brown dictionary then ask sts to make comparisions

- The red book is the same as the yellow one - The red book is as big as the yellow book

- The yellow book is different from the brown ditionary - Write the form on board: the same as Cñng gièng nh

(not) as as (kh«ng) b»ng nh

different from kh¸c víi - Ask sts to ex.5 on p 70, 71 using form above - Ask sts to answer

a/ not as big as h/ not as modern as b/ diferent from g/ as long as c/ diferent from i/ not as cheap as d/ the same as

e/ not as big as f/ the same as

V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocab and the structures - Do exercise in text book on page 70


Period 40 /12/2010

Unit 7: My neighborhood

Period 3: Listen


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know what Na is going to on the weekend by listening


 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening specific to fill in each of the advertisement

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings Matching millenium , stadium

II Pre-listening:

* Brainstorming and guessing: Hang the advertisements on board

- Ask sts to look at advertisements of “What s on this week?’ ” and get Ss to guess what is in the blanks 2-3-4

The new comer (has been done) Stadium (6) how many Ss choose School ground (10)

Town Ground play

English Speak Contest Picture Exhibition

Culture house School

City Hall

Expain the meaning of these words above: stadium, school ground, culture house

Check Ss understanding their task(listen and choose the one phrase from the box to fill in each of advertisement)

III While-listening:

1 Listening task 1:

- Let sts to listen to the disk then check their predictions - (Ss listen twice)

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Ss listen again

- Call sts to answer

Answer key: Listening task 1:

1/ The newcomer 2/ Town Ground 3.English Speaking Contest Culture House Tape transcript

Na: Hi Nam

Nam: hello Na what are you going to this weekend?

Na: I’m not sure I just don’t know what to and where to go in this new neighborhood Nam: Why don’t we look at “what’s on this weekend?” in the newspaper?

Na: Good idea Can you get what I should do?

Nam: Do you like movies? There is a new film at the millennium Cinema

Na: What’s that? The newcomer, an Australian film.I’ve seen this film before.I saw it on star movies channel

Nam: You did?

Na: yes, (pause).Here, the photo exihibition at the culture house sounds exciting!

Nam: But it does not open during the weekend And you can not go to the EL speaking contest either It is at Nguyen Khuyen school, and it is on Thursday.(pause) Ah yes here the soccer A match between Le Do school and Quang Trung school- the best U15 teams in our provine I’ll go and see it because my brother play in the match

Na: where they play?

Nam: At the town ground Woulld you like to join us?

Na: Oh, yes I’d love to.I’ve never been to a soccer match before.It much be fun to watch a real macth at the stadium And I’d like to visit the town Ground, too

Nam: Great I’ll tell Minh and Ba to come to your home, and we all go together Remember the macth starts at pm but we must be there by 3.30 if we don’t want to miss the opening show

2 Listening task 2:

- Let sts to look at the statements on p 66 and then predict which one is true or false and which one has no information

- Ask them to share their ideas with their friends - Give feedback

- Sts listen the conversation twice again and tick in the correct colunm: True/ false or no information on theposter

- Ask sts to answer

1 Movies

2 Place


Answer key for task 2:a/ T b/ F c/ F d/ T e/ T f/ No information

IV Post-listening:

- Ask sts to work in groups to talk their friends about what Na is going to this weekend

Ex: She looks at the advertisements to decide what to and where to go

this weekend She likes movies but she won’t see the film at Millennium Cinema because she has seen it before

V Homework:

- Do exercise in work book - Prepare for Reading lesson

……… ……….

Slap the board

I Pre-reading:

2 T/ F statements prediction:

No Statement T F

1 The mall is open six days a week

2 There are more than 50 stores in the mall

3 Everyone in the neighborhood is pleased about the new mall

4 It’ll be more comfortable to shop in the mall than in the presentshopping area Some of the stores on Tran Phu street may have to close

- Hang on the poster and a picture about the mall on board and have Ss T/F - Ask them a question:

? Do you know anything about the mall?

- Let sts to read the statements then predict which one is true or false

II While-reading:

1 Checking sts prediction:

- Have sts to read the text on p.67 to check - Ask sts to correct false statements

Answer key: T/ F statement prediction:

1 F: The mall is open daily

2 F: There are 50 stores in the mall

3 F: everyone is not pleased The owners of the small stores on Tran Phu street are not happy T

5 T

2 Comprehension question:

- Let sts to read the text again then answer questions on p.68 - Work in pairs

- Ask pairs to answer and correct mistakes ? What’s special about the new shopping mall? ? What facilities are available in the shopping mall?

? What the small store owners think about the new shopping mall? ? What kinds of goods will the stores in the mall offer?

III Post-reading:

* Discussion:

? Do you like going shopping? ? Where you often go shopping? ? Is there a mall in your village? ? Who you usually go with? ? What you often buy?

- Let sts work in pairs then answer the questions - Call sts to answer

Language focus 1,2 Pelmanism:

be work attend eat live see write collect go

Worked eaten gone lived seen attended collected writen done Gap fill:

for/ since(for: a period of time since: a point of time)


since 2006 since Friday for 10 years

since Christmas since last summer for a month

IV Homework:

- Read the text five times again and learn the verbs PP by heart - Prepare for Writing lesson


Period 43 : 21/12/2010

Unit 7: My neighborh Lesson 5: Write, language focus 4

A Aim :

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a notice

–Teaching aids: - posters

–Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing a note

B Content :

Warmer: - Greetings

* Play a game: Shark attack :Notice

- Help sts to know how to play this game - I’m thinking a word with letters

? Do you know about this game?

N O T I C E I Pre-writing:

- Hang on a community notice on board - Ask sts to look at and read

- Ask them questions:

? What’s this? – It’s acommunity notice ? What’s the notice write about?

? Why are the residents and store owners on Tran Phu Street going to hold a meeting? ? When will they hold a meeting? What time?

? Where will they hold a meeting?

- Sts answer: + To discuss the effects of the new mall

+ They will hold the meeting on May 20 at p.m

+ They’ll hold the meeting at 12 Tran Hung Dao Street, Binh’s hardware store - Help sts to know the way to write a notice

? What you write first in a note? - to people

? What you write second in a note? - body of the notice

? What you write third in a note? - date - time, place, contact,

- Let sts to read passage on p.68 then write a notice - Help sts to understand the text

II While-writing:

- Get sts to write the notice individualy - Ask sts to share with their friends

III Post-writing:

- Ask sts to write on board - Call sts to read out the notice

- Ask them to find mistakes and correct - Correct mistakes


Be live see look want

Been lived seen looked wanted

- Give sts an open dialogue between Nam and Na then ask them to comple it Na: How long (1) you (2) in this neighborhood?

Nam: I (4) (5) here (6) 10 years Na: Really It’s a long time

- Ask sts to repeat the dialogue and ask in pairs - I have lived here for 10 years

- Let sts to look at the sentence above to give the form - Help sts how to use this tense

Form: Have/ has + past participle


 We often use “since”, “for” with the present perfect tense

for: length of time (a period of time)

sice: starting point (a point of time)

Gap fill: ask Ss to complete the conversation using the words in the box And then ask Ss the tense they in each sentence

Answer key:

1 have been hope have lived is

5 want is have been have looked

IV Homework:

- Write the again into your notebook

- Prepare for Unit “Getting started, listen and read


Period 44 : 28/12/2010

Unit 8: Country life and city life

Period : Getting started, Listen and read

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about city life and the country life

 Teaching aids: - posters, cassette player and disk, a picture

 Anticipated problems: Ss acn meet difficulties in abswering the questions run through the dialogue

B Content:

1 Warmer: - Greetings

* Chatting:

- Talk to sts about life in the city and life in the country by asking some questions: ? Where you live?

? Do you like living in the city or in the country? why? ? What are diferences between the countryside and the city?

- Ask them to work with their partner then make a list between the city and the country

Country City

- quiet - noisy

- fresh air - trafic jam

2.Preteach Vocabulary:

- relative (adj): (example) - peaceful (adj): (situation) - permanently (adv): (explanation) - facility (n): (example) - accessible (adj): (translation) Checking vocabulary:

What and where

3 Dialogue

- Hang on the picture about Na and Hoa on board and ask Ss to guess what are they talking about -Ss Work in pairs

- Let Ss read the dialogue between Na and Hoa to check - Give feedback and get more information

4 Comprehension question Lucky number Games Ss into two groups

- Ask them read the dialogue again to answer questions

* Question:

1, Where has Na been?

> Na has been to Kim Lien village 2, Lucky number

3, How long was she there? >She was there for the weekend 4, Lucky number

5 What her opinion of the countryside? >To her the country side is peaceful and quiet

6, Na says, “There is nothing to do.” What does she mean by this? She means that there is not much work for people to

7, Lucky number

8, What are some of the changes that Hoa mentions? >She mentions electricity and medical facilities 9, Do you prefer the city? why or why not?

>Possible answer: I prefer city because we can get a job easily with many good choice of career








- Help sts how to play this game

5 Production:

* Dicussion:

Living in the country Living in the city

Bad points Good points Bad points Good points - no movies - quiet - noisy - convenient

- Ask sts to discuss with their friends to fill in the table - Work in group of six people

- Ask sts to write on board

6 Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the diague times again - exercise in work book and answer the question in text book.


Period 45 : 30/12/2010

Unit 8: Country life and city life

Period : Speak, Listen

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice speaking about the differences in town now and in the past

Teaching aids: - posters, a picture cassette player and disk

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for detail to fill in the blank

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings

Slap the board game

II Pre- speaking: - Present the dialogue between Hoa and Na:

Ss use the words in the box to fill in the gap

Kim Lien is beautiful weekend been

Hoa: Have you - (1) - away?

Na: I went to - (2) for the - (3) -Hoa: How - (4) - it now?

Na: It is getting more - (5)

-Answer key:

(1) been (2) Kim Lien (3) weekend (4) is (5) beautiful - T reads the dialogue out loud

- Ask them to write down the missing words in their notebooks - Ask sts to go to the board and fill in

- Underline sentence: It is getting more beautiful

- Pronunciation practice: Jazz Chant using the short adjectives sts generated - Model: The strong are getting stronger

The rich are getting - - Sts use the adjectives above to chant - Ask sts to read out

- Hang on the pictures on board

- Let sts to look at them to talk about the things that are changing in town using the words in the box - Run through the words in the box

III While-speaking:

- Get sts to work in pairs - Ask sts to write on board










- Check as a whole class Ask sts if the changes are a good thing or a bad thing and then label them with faces

Ex: + The streets are getting dirtier 

+ The building are getting more beautiful  - The traffic is getting busier

- There are more tall buildings and houses - The houses are getting more modern - The town is becoming more beautiful - There are more green trees

- The streets are more becoming cleaner/ larger/ noiser - Goods are getting more expensive

II Pre-listening:

- Hang on the picture about Lan and aunt Hang on board

- Let sts to look at the picture then guess what are they talking about on the phone - Run through

 What are they talking about?

 What are you going to do?

- Have sts to look at the dialogue between them on p 74 - read and find the words to fill in the dialogue - Ask sts to guess

- Write sts’ guess on board

III While-listening:

- Get sts to listen to the tape then check - Open the tape (twice)

- Ask sts to share with their friends - Ask sts to go to board and fill in - Open tape one more time - Sts listen again to check

1/ that 2/ this 3/ It’s 4/ Where 5/ from 6/ coming 7/ next week 8/ arriving 9/ Thursday 10/ late 11/ afternoon 12/ speak 13/ my 14/ get

IV Post-speaking and listening:

- Ask sts to work in groups and talk about changes in their hometown/ neighborhood

- Call on volunteer from each group to show their ideas before the class Other groups can add in their ideas

- T corrects mistakes

V Homework:

- Prepare for reading lesten


Period 46 : 28/12/2010

Unit 8: Country life and city life

Period : Read

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the text about one of the social problems

 Teaching aids: - posters, subordinate boards

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in finding the word in the passage that mean the word given in part on page 75 in text book

B Content:

I Warmer: Greetings

Slap the board Game

- plentiful - population - nature - provide - flood - result - destroy -facilities II Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:


slap the board Brainstorming:

- Ask sts to think of the dificulties of farmers’life

typhoon floods

get little money

- Ask sts to guess how farmers deal with difficulties - Get sts to work in groups to guess

III While-reading:

1 Checking sts’guess:

- Let sts look at the text on p.75 read silently and check - Ask them a question:

? What many farmers to solve their problem?

- They move to the city so that they can get well-paid jobs Gap fill:

- Ask sts to read the text again to complete summary on p.75, using the information from the passage - Work individually

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Call sts to write the answer on board - Let sts look at the answer to correct

Answer key

(1) leaving (4) rural (7) schools (10) world (2) home (5) city (8) hospitals

(3) city (6) problems (9) problem Finding the words:

- Hang on the poster about the phrase words on p 75 on board - Let sts to look at them and run through

- Ask sts to read the text again to find the word in the passage that means - Have sts to share with their friends

- Call sts to go to board and write

Find the words:

a on the countryside - rural b as many as need - plentiful c become greater or larger - increase d a great presure - strain

e a terrible event - tragedy f of the city or the city life - urban

IV Post-reading:

* Discussion:

- Give sts a situation: If you were a Minister, what would you for farmers? - Work in group of six people

- Ask sts to write on board

V Homework:

- Learn new words by heart and ex 4, in workbook - Prepare for Unit 8: Write


Period 47: 28/12/2010

Unit 8: Country life and city life

Period : Write

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write letters to their friends about their neighborhood

 Teaching aids: - posters, subordinate boards

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meetdifficulties in writing the letter to their friends about their neiborhood

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings

* Revision:

- Ask sts to put the outline for an informal letter in the correct order - Prepare cards with outline on them

- Call Ss to hold them and stand in order


- Ask some other Ss to rearrange them in the correct order

- Write the answer on the board so that sts can remember the outline of a letter Heading

- Writer’s address - Date

- Dear , Opening

3 Body of the letter Clothing

II Pre-writing:

- Ask sts to work in pairs to answer the questions in ex.2 on p.76 - Give feedback

? Where you live?

- I live in a small town/ big city/ village ? What does your house look like?

- My house looks very nice/ small with rooms and a nice/ big garden ? What can you see from your bedroom window?

- From my bedroom window, I can see a small park with many green trees and colorful flowers ? How far is it from your house to school?

- It is very near so I can walk

? What kinds of facilities are there in your neighborhood?

- There is a park/ a swimming pool/ some restaurants, a post office, a library ? What things in your neighborhood you like best? why?

- I like the park best beacause I can walk with my sister after dinner

III While-writing:

- Ask Ss to write letter to friends about their neighborhood - Sts using the questions to help them write a letter

- Let them write individually

- Ask them to share with their friends and correct if they can - Call Ss to read out the letter

Suggested letter:

(Write address) (date)

Dear ,

I live in ( ), a small town My family has a large house with six rooms and a big garden from my bedroom window I can see a beautiful park with green trees, flowers and a lake We can don’t live far from my school so I usually walk there

In my neighborhood, there is a swimming pool and a beautiful park On the weekend, I often go swimming withmy friends Early in the morning, I always jog around the park But the thing I like best in my neighborhood is the public library near my school There I not only can study and read books but also watch video and learn how to use the computer

Do you have a library like that in your neighborhood? Is there anything interesting in the place where you live? Write to me

I would like to say good buye now I am lookingforwards to hearing from you soon Love,


IV Post-writing:

- Ask sts to write the letters on board

- Let sts to look at them then find the mistakes and correct

V Homework:

- Prepare for Unit 8: Language focus ………

Period 48 2011

Unit 8: Country life and city life

Period 5: Language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use comparative and superlative adjectives and further practice in present progressive tense to talk about the future

 Teaching aids: posters

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using the present progressive to talk about the future

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings

* Brainstormming:


- Get sts to go to the board and write the adjectives beautiful

tall short


II Revision: long

- Remind sts of the forms of comparative and superlative adjectives * Activity one: comparative adjectives

+) form: short adjective-er + than + objective more long adjective + than + objective ? Ex: - Lan is taller than Mai

- Hanoi is more beautiful than Vinh * Activity two: superlative adjectives +) form: the short adjective – EST the most + long adjective ? Ex: - Ba is the biggest in our class

- Ho Chi Minh is the most expensive city in Vietnam Note: Irregular adjectives:

- good/ well -> better -> the best - bad -> worse -> the worst - many -> more -> the most - little -> less -> the least

III Practice: Exercise 4: p.79

- Hang on the words on a poster - Run through the words

- Have sts to look at the words to make comparision between the city and the country - Give a model: - The air in the country is fresher than in the city

- Work in pairs

- Let each student read aloud one of the sentence they have made Possible answer

1/ The food in the city is more expensive than in the country 2/ The school in the city is better than in the country

3/ The traffic in the city is busier than in the country

4/ The entertainment in the country is poorer than in the city 5/ The transport in the country is worse than in the city

(+) Exercise 5:

1/ The villa is older than the apartment

2/ The house is more expensive the the apartment 3/ The villa is bigger than the apartment

Exercise5: p.79

- Have sts to look at advertisements then compare the house, villa and the apartment - Run through advertisements and adjectives

? What are advertised? – an apartment, a villa and a house

? How old are they? – The apartment is years old, the villa is years old and the house is new - Devide class in two teams and ask them to play Noughts and Crosses One team is Noughts (O) and the other is Crooses (X)

- Two teams choose the words in the boxes in turn then use the coparative or superlative

If the sentence is correct, they will get one mark The team which has three (O) or (X) on a line will win the game

old (1) expensive (2) big (3) expensive (4 small (5) hot (6

big (7) beautiful (8 old (9) - Modal: - The villa is bigger than the house

- Work in pairs

- Ask sts to read out and correct mistakes

3 Exercise 2: p.78

- Run through the dialogue

- Let sts to complete the dialogue using the verbs in the present progressive tense

long adjectives


- Pairwork

- Ask pairs to read out and correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Prepare for Revision

Planning date://2009

Period 49: Revision 1 A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use reported speech and present perfect tense with

since and for.

Teaching aids: posters

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficuties in using the reported spech

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings II Revision:

* Activity one: Reported speech.

- Give some examples:

a “Sit down, please” the teacher said

b “Can you open the door for me” My mother said c “ You should study harder” my friend said

- What kind of sentence? - command, request and advice - Ask Ss to change them using reported speech?

(a) -> The teacher told me to sit down

(b) -> My mother asked me to open the door for her (c) -> My friend said I should study harder

- Ask sts give the form

Form: (a) S + tell somebody to something (command in reported speech)

(b) S + ask somebody to something (request in reported speech)

(c) S1 + said + S2 + should + V(infinitive) + (advicein reportedspeech) * Activity two: present perfect tense.

- Write examples on board:

- She has lived in Hanoi for 10 years - They have seen Ha Long Bay since 2002

- Let sts to look at these sentence then ask them a question ? Which tense is it? - present perfect tense

- Ask Ss to give the form?

Form: S + has/ have + P.P

- S + has/have + not + PP ? Has/have + S + PP ?

? How to use this tense? - to express an action began in the past and continue in the present

for: a period of time

since: a poit of time

III Pratice:

* Exercise 1: Complete the sentences Put “since”, “for” into each gap He has been in London - February

2 She has lived in Vinh city - 1989

3 They haven’t seen each other - a long time I have read this novel - two hours

5 We haven’t phoned each other - last week Answer key

1 since for for for since

* Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with correct form of the verbs in the brackets He - (learn) English since 1996

2 My brother - (not/ work) in that factory for 15 years We - (visit) Hue citadel for years

Answer key 1/ has learned 2/ hasn’t worked 3/ have visited


1 “Please listen to me” Lan said


-2 “Can you turn on the radio for me” My mother said ->

-3 “You should practice English everyday” My friend said ->

-4 “Nam should work harder on his math” The teacher said ->

- Write the exercises on the poster

- Ask sts to look at the exercises then exercise - Work individually

- Ask sts to answer and correct mistakes Answer key

1/ Lan told me to listen to her

2/ My mother asked me to turn on the radio for her 3/ My friend said I should practice English everyday 4/ The teacher said Nam should work harder on his math

IV Homework:

- Review al the knowledge you have learnt and make up sentences - Prepare for Revision 2


Planning date: /2011

Period 50: Revision (2)

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use comparatives and superlatives of adjective

Teaching aids: - posters

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using the comparison of adjective

B Content:

I Warmer: - Greetings revision


Good/well bad many/much big beautiful noisy Better worse more bigger more bautiful noisier

II Presentation:

- Remind sts of the forms of comparative and superlative adjectives * Activity one: comparative adjectives

+) form: short adjective-er + than + objective more long adjective + than + objective ? Eg: - Lan is taller than Mai

- Hanoi is more beautiful than Vinh * Activity two: superlative adjectives +) form: the short adjective – EST the most + long adjective ? Eg: - Ba is the biggest in our class

- Ho Chi Minh is the most expensive city in Vietnam * Activity 3: comprison with as as

+ form: as + adjective + as

? Eg: Lan is 1.60cm tall Ha is 1.60 cm tall, too Lan is as tall as Ha

Note: Irregular adjectives:

- good/ well -> better -> the best - bad -> worse -> the worst - many -> more -> the most - little -> less -> the least

III Pratice:

* Exercise 1: Complete the sentence using the words in the bracket with suitable comparasion form My sister is - (thin) than me

2 Which one is - (difficult) this exercise or that one? There are - (many) boys than girls in my class Nam is - (good) student in our school

5 Ho Chi Minh city is - (big) than Hanoi thinner


-4 better -5 bigger

-* Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences, biginningas shown, so that the meaning stays the same Anna is taller than Hoa

-> Hoa isn’t -2 My sister cooks better than my brother

-> My brother doesn’t -3 This shirt is not so expensive as that one

-> That shirt is -4 Hai is the most intelligent in this class

-> No students -5 Nam doesn’t speak English as well as Mai

-> Mai -6 Lan’s brother is a more careful driver than I am

-> Lan’ brother -Answer key:

1/ Hoa isn’t as tall as Anna

2/ My brother doesn’t cook as well as my sister 3/ That shirt is more expensive than this one 4/ No students in this class are as intelligent as Hai 5/ Mai speaks English better than Nam

6/ Lan’s brother drives more carefully than I - Write the exercises on the poster

- Ask sts to look at the exercises then exercise - Work individually

- Ask them to compare their friends - Ask sts to answer and correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Prepare for the next lesson review 3.


Planning date: /2011

Period 51: Revision (3) A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get further practice with “tobe(not) adjective + enough + (for someone) + to something vs “tobe + too + adjective + (for someone) + to something” - Teaching aids: porters

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using “enough”

B Content

I Warm up: Greetings Revisi


Long beautiful

Intelligent tall

Short smal 1.Combine the following sentences using “as as”

a Lan is intelligent, and Ha is intelligent, too > Lan

b N am is 1.70 tall And Ba is 1.70 tall, too > Nam

c This ruler is 30cm long That ruler is 30cm long,too > This ruler


a Lan is as intelligent as Ha b Nam is as tall as Ba

c This ruler as long as that ruler Compare “ as as with the same as

and different from” - The red book is the same as the yellow one - The red book is as big as the yellow book

- The yellow book is different from the brown ditionary - Write the form on board: the same as Cñng gièng nh

(not) as as (kh«ng) b»ng nh

different from kh¸c víi Combine the following sentences using “enough”

a Lan is years old She can not go to school (old) b This test is difficult We can not it (easy)

c Ha is not intelligent She can’t fininsh this exam (intelligent) Ask Ss to combine them using “enough”


a Lan isn’t old enough to go to school b This test isn’t easy enough for us to it c Ha isn’t intelligent enough to finish this exam Ask Ss to give out the form:

S + tobe (not) + adjective + enough + (for someone) + to + something Enough or not enough to something

Note:vs : too + adjective + to somehting(quá đến không thể) Cue drill

a This exercise is too difficult for us to finish it on time (easy) > This exercise isn’t

b the tea is too hot for him to drink it (warm) > The tea isn’t

c Lan is too weak to carry that suitcase (strong) > Lan isn’t

d This car is too expensive for me to buy it > I don’t have

> I am not Answr key:

a > This exercise isn’t easy enough for us to finish it on time b > The tea isn’t hot enough for him to drink it

c > Lan isn’t strong enough to carry that suitcase d > I don’t have enough money to buy this car


> I am not rich enough to buy that car Adjective + enough + to + V

Noun + enough to + V Enough + noun + V

Eg: I have enough money to buy that house I have money enough to buy that house

II Homework

- Review all the basic knowledge you have learnt in this lesson - Making up sentences using the structures above

- Preoare for next lesson review (4)

……… period 52: Revision (4)

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get further practice with preposition of time , and used to

- Teaching aids: porters

- Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using the preposition of time

B Content

I Warm up: Greetings Revision

II Revision:

* Activity one: Reported speech.

- Give some examples:

a/ “Sit down, please” the teacher said

b/ “Can you open the door for me” My mother said c/ “ You should study harder” my friend said

 What kind of sentence? - command, request and advice

 Who can change them using reported speech? (a) -> The teacher told me to sit down

(b) -> My mother asked me to open the door for her (c) -> My friend said I should study harder

- Ask sts give the form

Form: (a) S + tell somebody to something (command in reported speech)

(b) S + ask somebody to something (request in reported speech)

(c) S1 + said + S2 + should + V(infinitive) + (advicein reported speech) * Activity two: present perfect tense.

- Write examples on board:

- She has lived in Hanoi for 10 years - They have seen Ha Long Bay since 2002

- Let sts to look at these sentence then ask them a question

 Which tense is it? - present perfect tense

 Who can give the form?

Form: S + has/ have + P.P

 How to use this tense? - to express an action began in the past and continue in the present

for: a period of time

since: a poit of time

III Pratice:

* Exercise 1: Complete the sentences Put “since”, “for” into each gap He has been in London - February

2 She has lived in Vinh city - 1989

3 They haven’t seen each other - a long time I have read this novel - two hours

5 We haven’t phoned each other - last week

* Exercise 2: Complete the sentences with correct form of the verbs in the brackets He - (learn) English since 1996

2 My brother - (not/ work) in that factory for 15 years We - (visit) Hue citadel for years

4 Mr.Ba - (buy) souvenirs for friends * Exercise 3: Change these sentences into reported speech

1 “Please listen to me” Lan said


-> -3 “You should practice English everyday” My friend said

-> -4 “Nam should work harder on his math” The teacher said

-> - Write the exercises on the poster

- Ask sts to look at the exercises then exercise - Work individually

- Ask sts to answer and correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Prepare for Revision V Remarks:

* Answer key: * Exercise 1:

1, 2, 5: since 2, 4: for * Exercise 2:

1/ has learned 2/ hasn’t worked 3/ have visited 4/ have bought * Exercise 3:

1/ Lan told me to listen to her

2/ My mother asked me to turn on the radio for her 3/ My friend said I should practice English everyday 4/ The teacher said Nam should work harder on his math


Period 53-54

Period 5: correct test:

Unit 9: A first - aid course

Period 1: Getting started + Listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know what they would in the situations which require first-aid

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, tape

Anticipated problems:Ss can meet difficulties in reading comprehention questions to answer the question from the text

B Content:

1 Warmer: - Greetings

* Brainstorming:

- Give a situation and ask Ss a question:

What will you if you have a burn on your arm? - I’ll use cold water to ease the pain

- Hang on the pictures on p.80 on board - Let Ss to look at them and run through

Which first-aid is necessary in these situations? - a boy has a bad cut on his leg

- a girl has a nose bleed - a boy has bee sting

- Ask sts discuss to give out solutions with each situation - Ask sts to answer and correct

2 Vocabulary:

- ambulance (n) : xe cøu th¬ng (picture) - wound (n) : vÕt th¬ng (visuals)

- promise (n): lêi høa (situation) - emergency (n) : tình trạng khẩn cấp, cấp cứu (translation) - conscious (adj):trong trạng thái tỉnh táo (translation) - (to) bleed: chảy máu (situation) - Checking vocabulary:

What and where

T/ F statements:

No Statements Guess Correct


2 She had a traffic accident T

3 She has a cut on her leg F

4 The nurse asked Lan to try and stop the bleeding T A car will take the injured person to hospital F

6 The injured person must stay awake T

- Stick a picture about Lan and the nurse on board - Ask Ss questions:

Where are they? What happened?

- Ask sts to look at the table read and guess which one is true or false - Write sts’ guess on board

4 Practice:

1 Checking sts’ guess:

- Get sts to read the dialogue on p.80 inpair to check - Open tape

- Ask sts to correct false statements

* Answerkey:

1/ F: a student 2/ T

3/ F: she had a bad cut on her head 4/ T

5/ F: An ambulance will take the injured person to hospital 6/ T

2 Gap fill:

There was an emergency at Lan s school A student (1) - off her bike and hit her head on the road.

“ ’

She was (2) bit she cut her head and the (3) was

(4) -badly Lan telephoned Bach Mai Hospital and asked the nurse to send an (5) to Quang Trung School Lan was asked to keep the student (6) while waiting for the ambulance.

- Hang the chart with the paragraph on the board

- Ask sts read the dialogue again and fill in the missing words - Work in groups

- Ask sts to write on board - Correct mistakes

1/ fell 4/ bleeding 2/ concious 5/ ambulance 3/ cut 6/ awake

IV Homework:

- Learn new words by heart and read the tex times again - Answer all the question in text book

- Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for speaking, listening lesson


Planning date: ./01/2010

Unit 9: A first - aid course

Period 2/56: speaking, Listening A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to requests, offers and promises and develop listening for specific information about what happening at a hospital

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, disk and cassette

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for specific

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings I Pre-speaking:

* Questions:- Ask Ss some questions to elicit the models: 1/ I want you to get me a bandage How can I say?

2/ I’d like you to come to my party How can I say?

3/ I tell my mother that I’ll surely finish my work before bedtime.How can I say?

* Model sentences:

- Will you (please) get me a bandage? - Would you like to cometo my party?


- Get sts to work out the rules for themselves by asking questions.

a/ To make a resquest:

- Will/ Would you (please)+ Vbare? - Could/ Can


- Sure/ Ok/ All right

- I’m sorry I can’t./ I’m afraid not

b/ To make an offer:

- Will/ Won’t you

- Shall/Can I + Vbare ? - Would you like

- What can I do/get for you?- Can I get you?

Responses:Yes, please./ That would be nice No, thank you

c/ To make a promise

- I promise I’ll/ I won’t - I will I promise to


- I hope so./ Good./ I’m a glad./ Don’t forget

Get sts to copy

II While-speaking: 1 Matching:

- Hang the chart with the statements on the board - Ask sts to look at the pictures on p.82, match the situations with the statements

2 Picture Drill:

c/ A: Can I get you some badage? B: Yes, please./ That would be nice

Or: A: You are bleeding What can I for you?

B: Can you get me some badege?/ Would you go to the hospital with me?

III Pre-listening: 1 Vocabulary:

- eye chart (n) : bảng đo thị lực (picture) - stretcher (n) : cáng (visuals) - crutch (n): nạng (visuals) - wheelchair (n) : xe lăn tay (picture) - (to) wheel : ®Èy, kÐo (mime) - Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

2 Matching: Ambulance -> A Scale -> E Stretcher-> F Eye chart -> D Wheelchair -> B Crutches -> C

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and match the A, B to the correct words in the box - Put the words in the table

You guess You listen Ambulance

Wheelchair Crutches Eye chart Scale stretcher

- Have sts copy and guess the order of the words

III While-listening:

- Let sts listen to the tape and check

2 T/ F statements:

- Hang on the table with the statements on the board.

Statements T F

1 A doctor is wheeling a patient into the emergency room F

2 The patient’s head is bandaged T

3 A nurse is pushing a wheelchair with a patient sitting on it F The eye chart consists of 28 letters ranging in the different size T The baby’s mother is trying to stop the nurse from weighing her baby F - Have sts to read the statements and guess which one is true or which ine is false

- Open tape again – sts listen and check

IV Post-listening:

a/ The girl has a burn on her hand b/ The girl has a bad fever

c/ The boy has just broken the vase d/ The boy has a headache


* Write it up:- Ask sts to look at the pictures on p.82 again then write about activities people doing in the picture Using present continuous

* Model: This is the amergency room i a large hospital

V homework

- Learn by heart vocabulary and structures - Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for reading lesson


Planning date:5/01/2010

Unit 9: A first - aid course Period 3/57: reading

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the content of the text: reading for the instructions about some more situations requiring first-aid

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering questions run through the passages

B Content:

1 Warmer: - Greetings

- Ask sts some questions:

? What causes of emergency you know? - paiting, shock, burn

- Ect

? What will you when somebody faint? - Ss answer

1 Vocabulary:

- shock (n) : có sốc, choáng (situation) - injection (n) : mũi tiêm (visuals) - victim (n): nạn nhân (explanation) - treatment (n) : điều trị (picture) - sterile (adj): v« trïng (situation) - (to) elevate: nâng lên (mime) Checking vocabulary:

What and where

I Pre-reading: Pre-questions:

- Hang on the pictures on p.80 on board - Ask sts to look at the pictures and ask ? What you if someone faint? ? What you if someone has a burn? ? What you if someone has a shock? ? What you if someone has a dog bite?

- Ask Ss to discuss then answer the questions above

II While-Reading: 1 Checking Ss answers:

- Ask sts read the text on p.83 to check their answers - Ask sts to read out the text

2 Matching:

- Let sts to read the text again then match three leadings A, B, C to the treaments on p.84

Leadings Treaments

A Fainting B Shock C Burns

a The victim should not sit or stand b Victim can not drink wine or beer

c The victim’s head should be below the level of the heart d You should ease the pain with ice or cold water packs e The victim should drink a cup of tea when reviving

- Get sts to the board and math - Correct mistakes

* Answerkey:

A Fainting: a, c, e B Shock: b

C Burns: d


* Retell:

? What treatments you use with fainting? ? What treatments you use with shock? ? What treatments you use with burns? ? What treatments you use with dog bite? - Work in pairs

- Ask sts to retell

IV Homework:

- Learn new words by heart and read the text times again - Answer all the questions in text book

- Do exercise 3.4 in work book - Prepare for Writing lesson



Unit 9: A first - aid course Period 4/58: writing

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a thank you-note

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing a thank you note

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

* Brainstormimg:

- Hang on the table on board

- Let sts to look at the table then complete it

Useful gift Expensive gift Big gift Small gift Funny gift

Dictionary Airplane Elephant

- Elecit an example three columns from sts

- Give them minutes inpairs to try to think of a gift for each column - Ask sts to write on board and correct mistakes

I Pre-writing:

- Ask sts which gift they want to receive

- Ask them what they say when someone gives them a gift, and then tell them to look at the “thank you” letter on p.84

- Have sts read the letter then complete it with the right verbs from - Call sts to answer and correct

II While-writing:

- Tell sts that they are going to plan a thank you note Use one of the interesting ideas that the sts brainstormed

- Ask them use the questions on p.85 to plan the letter Elecit sts ideas:

a dictionary for Teacher Day

It was small and interesting Happy

- Tell sts to work in pairs and brainstorm ideas about a different gift on board Take some sts note - Show them a poster to help them to write the letter

Dear -,

1/ Thank you very much for -2/ It/ They -3/ When I received your gift I felt -4/ (Add your own idea)

Thanks again! Your friends,

- T goes around the room and look at what are sts writing Note the most interesting ideas so you can ask those sts to share with their class

* Answerkey:

Dear Hoa,

Thank you very much for the flowers you sent me while I was in the hospital They were beautiful and they really helped to cheer me up I came out of the hospital on Monday morning


I will telephone you on Friday afternoon

Your friend,

IV Post-writing:

* Exhibition:

- Ask sts to go the board to write letter

- Let class to look at the letter then find mistakes then try to correct them - Help sts to correct mistakes (if necessary)

V Homework:

- write the thank you note into your notebook again - exercise in work book

- Prepare for Language focus


Planning date:1/1/20

Unit 9: A first - aid course Period 5/59: language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use “in order to, so as to”; future simple tense and modal will to make requests, offers and promises

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using “in order to, so as to”

B Content:

I Presentation:

Warmer: - Greetings

* Revision: Bingo

- Ask sts to give nouns for emergencies which require first-aid and write them on the board

Suggested words:

burn, cut, bee sting, snake bite, fainting, shock

- Have Ss choose any words on the board and write them down on a piece of paper

- Call out the words until someone has ticked all the four words and shouts: “Bingo” He/she wins the game

- Ask sts a question: Why should we cool the burn immediately?

- We should it so as to /in order to minimize the tissue

- Let Ss to look at the sentence above then give the form * Form: + so as to/ in order to + bare infinitive ? When we use this form? - to express the purpose - Ask Ss to give an example

II Practice: 1 Exercise 1: p.86

- Hang on the poster on board and ask sts to look at them - Run through

- Ask Ss match one part of a sentence from column A with another part in column B then write a complete sentences by using: “in order to/ so as to”

- Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends

- Call sts to go to the board and write down their answers

* Answerkey:

a/ Exercise 1:

1/ I always keep the window open in order to/ so as to let fresh air in

2/ Marry wrote a notice on the board in order to/ so as to inform her classmates about the change in schedule

3/ Mr Green got up early this morning in order to/ so as to get to the meeting on time

4/ My elder brother studies hard this year in order to/ so as to pass the entrance exam to the university 5/ People use first-aid in order to/ so as to ease the victim’s pain and anxiety

6/ You should cool the burns immediately in order to/ so as to minimize tissue damage

2 Exercise 2: p.86

* Repetion Drill: will, shall or won’t


- Read the dialogue aloud, sentence by sentence (half of sentences are right, the other are wrong)

3 Exercise 3: p 87

- Ask sts to look at the pictures and the dialogue on p.87 - Run through

- Get sts to work inpair to complete the dialogue - Call pairs to read out and correct

Example : (b) Mrs Tuyet : My book is on the floor. Will you give it to me, please? (c) Mrs Tuyet: Will you answer the telephone, please?

4 Exercise 4: p.88

- Get sts to look at the pictures on p.88 - Run through

- Let sts to look at each picture to make resquest, offers or promises with the words on the boxes - Model with picture (b): Will you paint the door, please?/

I will paint the door tomorrow

- Work in pair - Ask sts to read out - Correct mistakes

b/ Exercise 4:

c/ Will you study harder, please?/ I will study harder

d/ Will you carry the bag for me, please?/ Shall I carry the bag for you? e/ Will you hang the washing, please?/ Shall I hang the washing for you? f/ Will you cut the grass, please?/ I will cut the grass for you

III Homework:

- Do the exercicse in text book language focus 1,2,3,4 - Prepare for Unit 10: Getting started + Listen and read.


Planning date:8/1/2010

Unit10: : Recycling

Period 1/60: Getting started + Listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to something to protect the environment and save natural resources

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures Casstte and dish

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in

B Content:

1 Warmer: - Greetings

* Brainstorm:

reuse garbage ? What you with plastic bag?

? How to reduce garbag?

2 Pre-teach vocabulary

- representative: (adj) đại diện (exam)

- natural resources: (n) tài nguyên thiên nhiên (trans)

- reduce (v) giảm, cắt giảm (trans)

- reuse (v) tái sử dụng (exp)

- (to) throw- threw- thrown ném, vứt (mime)

- contact; (v) liên lạc (exam)

3 T/ F predictions:

Statements T F

1 Friends of the Earth is an organization to help people make friends with each other Miss Blake asks the sts to remember things: reduce, reuse, recycle

3 Reduce means buying the products which are overpacked

4 We can not reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, old plastic bags Miss Blake says that we should use cloth bags and shouldn’t use plastic bags at all Recycling means not just throwing things away but trying and finding another use for them

* Answerkey:


1 F: protect the environment and save natural resource.s


2 T

3 F: Reduce means not buying F: We can reuse things

5 T T

- Hang on the poster on board and ask sts to look at them

- Ask sts to read the statements then guess which one is true or which one is false

4 listening:

1 Checking sts’ guess:

- Let Ss to look at the book on p.89-90 listen the dialogue and check their predictions Lucky number game:

a/ Who is talking to sts of Quang Trung? b/ What does Miss Blake mean by reduce? c/ What things can we reuse?

d/ What does recycle mean? e/ Lucky number

f/ Where can we look information on recycling things?

g/ Why does Miss Blake tell Lan that we shouldn’t use plastic bags at all? h/ Lucky number

Answer question: a/ Miss Blake

b/ Reduce means not buying products which are overpackage

c/ We can reuse things like envelopes, glass, plastic bottles, and old plastic bags d/ Recycle means not just throwing things away Try and find another use for them

f/ We can look for information on recycling things by having a contact with an organization like Friends of the Earth, going to the local library, or asking our family and friends

e/ We shouldn’t use plastic bags because when we theow them away they could stay very long and could not be self-destroyed

5 structures:

* It is difficult to remember these verbs

Form: It is (not) + adj + to + V (bare): để làm việc

Use: nhận xét làm điều

* I’m pleased that you want to know more about these activities Form: S + tobe + adj + that + clause


? How to protect our environment?

- Ask sts to express their opinions/ ideas on a poster - Call sts to stick their answer on board

- Give feedback, correct mistakes

6 Homework:

- Read the dialogue times again and answer all the questions in text book - learn by heart vocabulary and structures above

- Do exercise 1,2,3 in work book on P 59, 60 - Prepare for Speaking and listening.


Planning date:10/01/2010

Unit 10: Recycling

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in giving and responding to instructions and develop listening skill: for specific information about making compost

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures,dish and cassette

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for specific

B Content:

*Warmer: - Greetings


- compost (n): ph©n xanh (explanation) - fertilizer (n): phân bón (example) - fabric (n): sợi (vải) (realia) - metal (n): kim lo¹i (realia) - leather (n): da (visuals) - Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

1(g) 2(h) 3(c) 4(d)


I Pre-speaking:

1 Grids:(with answer key)

Group Items

Paper used paper( old newspaper, books) Glass bottles, glasses, jars

Plastic plastic bags, plastic bottles Metal food cans, tins

Fabric clothes, cloth bags

Leather shoes, sandals, schoolbags Vegetable matter Banana peel, vegetables, fruit - Hang on the table on board and ask Ss to copy it

- Ask sts to read this then find which items is belong to each group - Ask sts to discuss with their friends to fill in the table

- Model: Paper: used paper( old newspaper, books) - Ask sts to go to the board to complete the table

II While-speaking: * Mapped dialogue:

- Ask sts to look at the dialogue on page 91 and read - Model- Ss listen and repeat chorally

- Ask Ss to work in pair, replacing the information with the words in the Grids - Ask pairs to read out

- Correct mistakes

III Pre-listening: Matching Vocabulary:

- moisture (n): * * sù Èm (explanation)

- heap (n): * * đống, chồng (visuals) - grain (n): * * hạt (lúa) (realia)

- condensation (n): * * đông đặc (realia)

- shade (n): * * bóng mát, bóng râm (visuals) - Checking vocabulary: What and where

2 T/ F statements:

No Statements T F

1 Using any meat or grain products to make compost heap The best place for a compost heap is everywhere

3 The compost heap needs moisture

4 Don’t cover the heap with a sheet of strong plastic Keep adding to the pile and after about six weeks

- Hang on the table on board and Let Ss to guess which one is true or false

* Answerkey:

1 F: Don’t use any meat and grain products

2 F: The best place for a compost heap is in a garden T

4 F: Cover the heap with a sheet of strong plastic F: Keep adding to the pile and after about six months

IV While-listening: Checking sts’ gueesing:

- Open the tape (twice) Let sts to listen to the tape then check - Ask them to share with their friends

- Open tape again and let Ss Listen and correcrt Multiple choice: (using questions on p 91) - Ask sts to look at the questions on p 91

- Read the questions then disscuss with their partners to answer

- Open tape again Let sts to listen to the tape again to choose the correct answer 1/ What type of garbage can you put in the copost?

A All vegetable matter


3/ Should you water the compost? B Yes

4/ How long does it take before you can use the compost? B Six months

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and exercise in work book - Prepare for reading lesson


Planning date:14/01/2010

Unit 10: Recycling Period 3/62: Read

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to understand the content of the text about how things are recycled and know more some new words

Teaching aids: - posters, text book

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering the questions

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

bottles glass

can ? What can we recycle?


- deposit (n): tiền đặt cọc (explanation) - tire (n): lốp xe (visuals) - glassware (n): đồ dùng thuỷ tinh (example) - dung (n): phân thú vật (explanation) - (to) refill: làm đầy lại (translation) - (to) melt : tan ra, chảy (situation)

- Checking vocabulary: Slap the board

I Pre-reading: Open prediction:

- Give sts two questions to think ? What people with used things? ? What csn they make from them? - Ask sts to discuss and guess - Write sts’ guess on board

II While-reading: Checking sts’ guess:

- Let sts read the text on p92 to check - Ask sts to read out the text

2 Grid:

- Hang on the Grid on board

- Get sts look at the table - raed and fill in the table - Ask them read the text again - Work in pairs - Call sts to go to the board and fill in the table - T corrects

* Grid:

Used things Recycling Facts

Car tires Milk bottles Glass


Drink cans

Household and garden waste



Used things Recycling Facts

Car tires are recycled to make pipes and floor coverinds Milk bottles are cleaned and refilled (with milk)

Glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware Drink cans are bought back for recycling

Household and garden waste is made into compost Lucky number:

- Explain sts how to play this game - Devide class into two teams

? When you get a mark? - Answer correctly a question ? When don’t you have answer? - Get a lucky number * Questions:

a/ What people with empty milk bottles? (People cleaned and refilled empty milk bottles) b/ Lucky and number

c/ Where millions of old car tires are thrown away every year? (In the USA.)

d/ What happens to the glass when it is sent to the factories? ( The glass is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.)

e/ What did the Oregon government to prevent people from throwing drink cans away? (The Oregon government made a new law that there must be a deposit on all drink cans The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.)

f/ What is compost made from?

(Compost is made from household and garden waste.)

g/ If you have a recycling story to share, how can you share it? h/ Lucky and number

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the text times again

- answer the question in text book again and exercise in work book - Prepare for Writing lesson.


Planning date:14/01/2010

Unit 10: Recycling

Period 4/63: Write A.Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a set of instruction on how to recycle used things

Teaching aids: - posters,text books

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing how to recycle things

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

* Guessing game:

a/ first b/ - c/ - d/ finally

? When we use these words? - Give instruction

1(g) 2(h) 3(c) 4(d)


I Pre-writing: Vocabulary:

- bucket (n): thïng, x« (visuals) - tray(n): khay (visuals) - pot (n): lä, hũ, bình (visuals) - (to) soak: nhúng, ngâm níc (explanation) - (to) mash: nghiỊn, bãp n¸t (translation) - (to) scatter : tung, r¶i (mime)

Checking vocabulary: Slap the board Oredering prediction:

- Tell sts they are going to raed a text about how to recycle used paper - Put the verbs on the board randomly in a flow chart

- Ask sts to work in groups to guess the order of the actions

soak dry pull out mix press mash


- Call out two pairs to write their answers on the board

- Explain the process of recycling, using mimes of Vietnamese and correct

* Answerkey:

Ordering prediction:

soak mash mix

pull out press dry

II While-writing: * Gap fill:

- Ask sts to look at the book on p 93-94

-Read the text then fill in the blanks using the verbs in the box - Work individually

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Call sts to read out

- Correct mistakes Answer key for Gap fill:

1 use mix place

4 press wrap wait dry

III Post-writing:

* Ordering picture:

- Give sts a question and ask them to discuss: How to prepare the tea leaves? - Stick the photocopied pictures on the board randomly

- Ask sts to look at them and run through all the cue words in the box

- Get sts work in groups to rearrange the pictures according to the instructions on how to prepare the tea leaves

- Call sts to rearrange the picture

- Ask sts look at each picture to write the instruction using the words given - Model: First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot

- Ask to read out the instruction - T’ corrects

c/ Ordering picture:

First, take the used tea leaves from the tea pot Next, scatter the tea leaves on a tray


Finally, put the dry leaves in a pot for future use

IV Homework:

- learn by heart vocabulary

- Writie the passage how to recycle things - Prepare for Language focus.


Planning date:20/1/2010

Unit 10: Recycling

Period 5/64: language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use passive form and adjective followed by: an infinitive, a noun clause

Teaching aids: - posters

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using passive form

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

* Change the verbs into past participle: break mix wash melt dry use

Key: broken washed dried mixed melted used

I Presentation: Passive form:

- Give sts some example

Ex.1: Glass is recycled into new glassware Ex.2: A new house will be built nest year - Let Ss to look at them

? Which tense is it? - passive form ? Who can give the form?


a/ Passive form in simple present tense: S + V + O + M

S + be + PII + M + by + O a/ Passive form in future simple tense:

S + will be + PII + by + O ? How to use this form?

- It is used when the subject is affected by the action of the verb Adjective + a noun clause/ Adjective + to infinitive:

- Example:

+ It’s difficult to follow your directions + We are delighted that you are passed exam

- Have sts to look at the sentences above to give the form


a/ Adjective + a noun clause b/ Adjective + to infinitive - Get sts to copy

II Practice:

1 Activity one: Ex.1-p.95

- Ask sts to look at the pictures on p.95 - Run through all the pictures

- Ask sts to look at sentences on p.95 then rewrite them in the passive form and put the pictures in the correct order

- Work individually

- Ask sts to answer and correct mistakes

* Answerkey:


a/ Picture 1: The glass is broken into small pieces

b/ Picture 4: Then the glass (it) is washed with a detergent liquid c/ Picture 3: The glass pieces are dried completely


e/ Picture 2: The mixture is melted until it becomes a liquid

f/ Picture 6: A long pipe is used It is dipped inti the liquid Then the liquid is blown into intended shapes

2 Activity two: Ex.2-p96

- Let sts to look at the dialogue on p.96

- Ask them to complete the dialogue using correct form of the verbs in brackets - Work in pairs

- Call two pairs to read out and correct

3 Activity three: Ex.3-p.96

- Have sts to look at the dialogues on p.96 - Run through

- Get sts to complete the dialogues using the words in box with strucre: “Adjective + to infinitive” - Work in pairs

- Ask pairs to read out the dialogues - T correct

4 Activity four: Ex.4-p.97

- Have sts to look at the letter on p.97

- Ask sts read the letter then complete it using structure: “Adjective + a noun clause” - Work individually

- Ask sts to read out their answer - Correct mistakes

III Homework:

- Do exercise in text book ‘ language focus’

- Prepare for Unit 11: Getting started + Listen and read.


Planning date:23/1/2009

Unit 11: Traveling around viet nam Period1/65: Getting started + Listen and read

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some expressions to express their interest

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, tape, cassette

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in making true or false statements

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings Phong nha cave * Brainstorm:

? Tell me places of interst in Vietnam? Ha Long Bay

Hue citadel - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on p.98

- Run through

- Ask Ss to match the places of interest in Viet nam with the right pictures - Call Ss to match and correct

Answer key:

a Ngo Mon Gate b nha Rong Harbor c The Temperature of literature d Ha Long Bay Vocabulary:

- corn (n): ngô (visuals) - crop (n): vụ mïa (explanation) - sugar cane (n): c©ymÝa (visuals) - water buffalo (n): tr©u (picture)

- seat (v) chæ ngåi (explaination) - Checking vocabulary:

Rub out and Remember

3 Pre-question:

- Hang on a chart with the questions on a board ? Where does Hoa meet the Jones?

? Is it the first time The Jones have visited Viet nam? ? How they travel to Ha noi?

? What would Tim like to do?

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to answer the questions above - Let them read the dialogue on p.99 and check

4 T/ F statement:

- Hang on the poster about T/ F statements on p.99-100


- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then choose T or F - Call sts to answer

- Ask them to correct the false sentences

No Statements T F

1 This is the first time Hoa has met Tim’family Hoa helps Mrs.Jones with her luggage

3 The Jones family is traveling from the airport in a bus Shannon has never seen rice paddies before

5 The car is traveling past farmland

6 Only rice and corn are grown around Hanoi

* Answerkey:

T/ F: T T

3 F: in a taxi T

5 T

6 F: Not only rice and corn but also sugar canes are grown around Hanoi

IV Production: * Discussion:

- Ask sts read the dialogue again, discuss with their friends then ask them to pick out the sentences containing the situations mentioned below:

a/ To express interest:

- I’d like you to meet my parents - It’s nice to meet yoou

- It’s a great to be in Vietnam - I’d like to sit with Tim b/ To express a request:

- Would you mind sitting in the front seat - Would you mind if I took a photo?

New structures:

- Would you mind + V.ing?

(a formal request/ ask S.O to Smth) - Would you mind + If I + V past?

(a permision/ an excuse)

V Homework:

- learn by heart vocabulary and read the dialogue times again

- Making up sentences using the structures above and exercise in work book - Prepare for Speak, language focus 3,4.


Planning date11/02/2009: Unit 11: Traveling around viet nam

Period 2/66: Speak, language focus 3,4 A.Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make and respond to formal requests using “Would you mind” and make suggestions

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in making request

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


- revolutionary (n): cách mạng (explanation) - botanical garden (n): vờn bách thảo (example) - vegetarian (n): ngời ăn chay (situation) - (to) suggest: đề nghị, yêu cầu (synonym) - Checking vocabulary: What and where

I Pre-speaking:



Mr John: It’s very nie here Do you mind opening the window? Nam: Not at all

Mr.John: Would you mind telling me where it is? I like it very much Nam: so I It’s Long Bien bridge

Mr.John: Would you mind if I took a photo with you? Nam: Yes please

- Open pairs -> closed pairs

- Ask sts look at underlined sentences then give the form * Form: Resquest

a/ Would you mind + V-ing

if I + V(past) b/ Do you mind + V-ing

if I + V(present)

* Use: - to make respond to formal resquests

? How you reply?

 

No, I don’t mind No, of course not Not at all


I’m sorry, I can’t

I’m sorry, thatis not possible I’d prefer you didn’t

I’d rather you didn’t

III While-speaking:

- Have sts look at book on p.101

- Run through all the informationon the box - Explain sts how to exercise on p.101 ? What’s student A going to do?

- Ask the tourist information officer to suggest where you could go ? What’s student B going to do?

- Make suggestions about which places to visit

- Model: Could you give me some information please? Yes, please

Would you mind if I ? - Pair work

IV Post-speaking:

* Mapped dialogue:

You Tourist officer

Excuse me!

I’d lkie to visit a market Would you mind suggesting one?

That sounds interesting Thank you

Yes? Not at all

How about going toThai Binh market?

It’s opens from about 5a.m to 8p.m

You are welcome - Put the dialogue chart on the board

- Elicit the exchanges from sts and have them repeat - Open pairs: ask pairs to demonstrate the dialogue

- Closed pairs:Ss open the book on p.101 and use the information to practice LANGUAGE FOCUS 3,4

Exercise on P109

A:Would you mind moving your car? B: No, ofcourse not

Ask Ss to use the cue langauge focus on P, 109 Exercise 4.Make up dialogue:

- Ask Ss to look at pictures on p.110

- Let ss look at “Request” on p.110 again then give request and response with each picture - Model with picture (e):

S1: Would you mind if I turned on the air conditional? S2: No, of course not

- Pair work: Ask pairs to read out

V Homework:


- Do exercise in work book.

Planning date1/2/2010

Unit 11: Traveling around viet nam A.Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able develop listening for details about the place directions

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for details

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

- Ask sts a question:

? What did you yesterday? - Get them to tell you the truth then ask sts the same question but ask them to tell you a crazy story

I.Pre - listening:

- Hang on a poster about the map on p.102 - Ask sts look at this

- Run through the map

- Ask sts guess where the places on the map are

II While-listening:

- Get sts listen to the tape and check their predictions - Open tape (twice)

- Listen and match the places in the box to their correct positions on the map - Ask them compare with their friends

- Call sts go to the board and match - Open tape again

- Listen again and correct

Answer key: a/ restaurant b/ hotel c/ bus station d/ pagoda e/ temple

III Post-listening:

* Picture dictation:

- Review prepositions: next to, between, in the middle, beside, near, - Give sts instructions to draw:

1.There is a lake in the middle of the picture 2.There is a house to the north of the lake 3.There are some trees beside the house 4.To the sound of the pond the is a highway 5.There are some chickens next to the highway - Let sts listen several times

- Ask them to show their pictures

- Put an empty box on the board and have sts draw each instruction individually to check

Presentation:for language focus - Write examples on board: +The boy reading the book is Ba

+The old lamp made in China is five dollars

- Let sts look at the sentences and ask: ? What’s the differences between them? - Ask them give the form

Form: a/ S + V-ing (present participle) b/ S + V-ed (past participle)

Use: - A present participle (phrase) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with active meaning - Apresent participle (phrase) can be used as an adjective to qualify a noun with passive meaning - Get sts to copy

III Practice: Word cue drill:

a/ Mr.Quang/ walking up the stair b/ Miss Lien/ carrying a bag c/ Nam/ talking to Miss Lien d/ Ba/ sitting under the tree e/ Lan/ standing by the table f/ Nga and Hoa/ playing chess

- Hang on the word cues on board and let sts look at them then write sentences using the form (a) above - Model: The man walking up the stairs is Quang


- Ask them compare with their friends Ask sts go to the board to write down Question-Answer drill:

- Ss look at the picture on p 109 make question and answer using the form (b) above a/ The box painted green/ one dollar

b/ Truck made from recycled cans/ $ c/ Doll dressed in red/ $

d/ Flowers wrapped in blue paper/ $ e/ Toys kept in a cardboard box/ $10

- Model with cue (a): How much is the box painted green? - The box painted green is one dollar - Work in pair

- Call pairs to read out and correct

V Homework:

- Do exercise in language 1,2 in text book - Do exercise in work book unit 11

- Prepare for Read


Planning date:05/02/2010

Unit 11: Traveling around viet nam Period 4/68: reading


By the end of the lesson, students will be to read for details to understand the content of the text about some places of interest in Vietnam

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in understanding the content of text

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings - Ask sts some questions:

? Where is Ha Long Bay?

? What’s interesting in Nha Trang? ? Are there flights to Sa Pa?


- limestone (n): đá vôi (visuals) - accommodation (n): chỗ (translation) - tribe (n): tộc, lạc (explanation)

-waterfall (n): th¸c níc (visuals) - giant (adj): to lín, khỉng lå (visuals)

- magnificent (adj): lộng lẫy, đầy Ên tỵng (example) - Checking vocabulary:

Slap the board

I Pre-reading:

Quiz: What’s this place?

- Hang on the poster and pictures on board and ask sts look at them

- Ask them guess Which statements belong to place: Nha Trang, Da Lat, Sa Pa, Ha Long Bay Places Statements

Nha Trang

1 It’s called the city of Eternal(vÜnh viÔn) Spring It’s a seaside sort

3 It’s has a lot of waterfalls and lakes It has tribal villages

5 It consists of a lot of islands It has an Oceanic Institute Sometimes it has snow

8 It is recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESSCO You can find the most kinds of flowers here

10 It’s a mountainous resort Da Lat

Sa Pa

Long Bay Nha Trang: 2, Da Lat: 1, 3, Sa Pa: 4, 7, 10 Long Bay: 5,

II While-reading:


- Ask sts open book on p.102-103 and read the text to check - Ask them go to the board and correct

2 Grids: (on p.104)

- Let sts read the text again then check () the topics mentioned in the grids on p.104 - Get sts to work inpairs to compare their answers

Answer key:

Nha Trang: flights to Hanoi, railway, hotels, local transport, tourist attractions Da Lat: hotels, local transport, waterfalls, tourist attractions

Sa Pa: hotels, local transport, mountain slopes, tourist attractions, villages

Long Bay: World Heritage, tourist attractions, sands beaches, railway, hotels, caves, local transport

III Post-reading:

* Interview:

Tourist Tourist officer

Would you mind if I asked you a question?

I studies tibes around the world I like mountain-climbing Do you mind suggesting one?

Thank you

No, I don’t mind

You should go to visit Sapa

You are welcome - Ask sts look at book on p.105

- Imagine you are a foreign tourist want to spend your coming summer vacation in Vietnam Ask Tourist officer where should you go

- Devide class into groups: - Group 1: Mary - Group 2: John

- Group 3: Joanne -Group 4: Donna

V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the text times again - Do exercise in work book unit 11

- Prepare for Writing lesson


Planning date:08/02/2010

Unit 11: Traveling around viet nam Period 5/69: write


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to write a narrative

 Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing a narrative B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings Vocabulary

- Rescue(v) cứu thoát, cứu hộ (explain)

- Stumble (v) trợt ch©n (example) - Realize (v) nhËn (trans) - Paddle (n) m¸i chÌo (visual)

- Dangerous (adj) nguy hiĨm (example) Checking vocabulary

R - O - R

I Pre-writing:

* Odering statements:

- Ask Ss open their books, read the first part of the story on p.105 and rearrange the sentences on p.106 to complete a story

- Ask sts compare with friend then give their answers - Ask them read out the story

Answer key

c the wind started to blow and theb rain became heavier a the canoe move up and down the water

g Shanon dropped the paddle

d she leaned over and tried to pick it up

f the canoe overturned and every one fell into the deep and dangerous water e the family was very lucky

b a boat appeared and rescued them


1 Odering pictures:

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures on p.106-107 then order the pictures - Call Ss to answer

2 Dictation:

- Dictate the first sentence of the story to sts: “she had a math exam on Friday and she get up late” - Call one student to the board to write the sentence

- Let other Ss correct it until it is right

- Ask them to underline all verbs, check if they are in simple past tense - Explain what tense we need to use (simple past ) and why

* Word cues:

a/ Suddenly, she/ stumble (trợt chân)/ against/ a rock and/ fall b/ She/ realize/ her alarm clock/ not go off

c/ Strangely, the rain/ stop/ as she/ get/ to her classroom d/ She/ have a math exam on Friday and she/ get up late e/ As she/ leave/ it/ start/ rain heavily

f/ Her school bag/ fall/ in a pool and everything/ get wet g/Luckily, Uyen/ have/ enough time/ finish

h/ Uyen/ try/ run/ as fast as she/ can

- Ask sts look at word cues then write full sentences - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends

III Post-writing:

- Call Ss go to the board to write the sentences

- Let Ss look at all the sentences to find mistakes and correct - Ask Ss read aloud the sentences

- Give feedback and correct

- Ask Ss notice the simple past tense is often used in a narrative Answer key:

d- b- e- h- a- f- c- g

Uyen had a day to remember last week

d she had a maths exam on Friday and she got up late b She realized her a larm clock did not go off

e as she was leaving home, it started to rain heavily h Uyen tried to run as fast as she could

a Suddenly she stumbled a rock and fell down

f Her school bag dropped into a pool and everything got wet c Strangely the rain stopped as she got to her classroom g Luckily, Uyen had enough time to finish the exam

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- write the story again in text book about the Jones family - Prepare for review lesson


Planning date:12/02/2010

Period 70: review


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some basic knowledge they’ve learn before

 Teaching aids: - posters, B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings Pelmanism

Buy teach learn take make give

Boughttaught learnt taken made given I P-P-P

1 Passive form:

A: S + V + O + (M)

P: S + am + PP + (M) + BY + O is

are Active voice - simple persent S + V + O - simple past

Passive voice


S + V(past) + O Present perfect

- S + HAVE /HAS + PP + O Modal verb

- S + MODAL V + V + O

S + WAS/ WERE + PP +

S + HAVE/ HAS + BEEN + PP + S + MODAL V + BE + PP +

Cue drill :

Change the following sentences in to passive form She writes a letter to send her friend every week

2 They will visit Ha Long Bay next month we have learnt English for three years we played soccer in the stadium yesterday Answer key:

1 a letter is written to send her friend every week Ha Long Bay will be visited next month

3 English has been learnt for three years Soccer was played in the stadium yesterday Requestion with do/ would you mind

Ask Ss to give out the form on the board * Form: Resquest

a/ Would you mind + V-ing

if I + V(past) b/ Do you mind + V-ing

if I + V(present)

* Use: - to make respond to formal resquests

? How you reply?

 

No, I don’t mind No, of course not Not at all


I’m sorry, I can’t

I’m sorry, thatis not possible I’d prefer you didn’t

I’d rather you didn’t

Cue drill:

Rewrite these sentences using request with do/would you mind + can you close the door behind you,please?

> would

2 Do you thing you should the shoppin on your way home? > would

3 can you the cooking tonight? > would

4.can I open this window just a little? > Do you

> would

5 I’d likt to ask you just one more question > Do

> would

3 Use with “in order to: so as to

S + V + in order to/ so as to + S + V We open the door in order to let fresh air in

We learn English so as to speak English with foriegn people and future job We study hard in order to pass al the exams

II Homework

- Review all the basic knowledge you’ ve learnt - Making up ssentences using the structures above - Prepare for the next test


Planning date:13/02/2010



By the end of the test, students will be able to the test well and remember the basic knowledge they have learnt

Teaching aids: test papers B Content

Warm up : Greetings Hand paper to each student


I Underline the best answer to comple the following sentence:

1 you should cool the burns immediately (in order to/ but/ because/ and) minimize tissue damage

2 Would you mind (open/ opening/ opened/ to open) the window? Lan is happy (pass/ passing/ passed/ to pass) all exams

4 Do you mind (and/ if/ or/ but) I close the door?

5 Last year, my family (visited/ visiting/ visits/ visit) Dalat Ba often (got/ get/ getting/ gets) up late on Sunday

7 He always keeps the window open (so as to/ and/ but/ because) let fresh air in Would you mind if I (close/ closed/ closing/ to close) the door

9 Nam (buy/ buys/ buying/ bought) a new computer yesterday 10 Do you mind (take/ took/ taking/ to take) a photo?

II Rewrite the following sentences that meaning the same as the sentence provided

1 They will play soccer next month

>Soccer They eat potatoes everyday

>Potatoes Lan bought two new books yesterday

>Two can you open the door behind you?

>Would you mind It three years since I last wrote to her

> I haven’t

III: Read the passage below then answer the questions:

A customer telephoned the Me Linh Delivery service in August just before midday She wanted to speak to Mr Ngoc but he was out So Mrs Mai took a message for Mr Ngoc The customer’s name was Mrs Lan and she wanted to know about her furniture delivery She wanted him to call her She said Mr Ngoc could reach her at 645 141


1 When did the customer make a phone call ?

Who did Mrs Mai take a message for ?

What was the customer’s

name ? What did Mrs Lan want to know about ?

IV Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence.

1 Every week there are two from Da Nang to Ha Noi FLY Lan has a newspaper in this town WEEK My aunt lives in a area of the country MOUNTAIN

Answer key: I Underlined

1 in order to opening

3 to pass if

5 visited gets so as to closed bought 10 taking II Rewrite

1 soccer will be played next month by them Potatoes are eaten everyday


III answercquestions

Customer made a phone call in August just before midday Mrs Mai took a message for Mr Ngoc

The customer’s name was Mrs Lan

4 She wanted to know about her furniture delivery IV Wordform

1 flight weekly mountainous Homework

- Do the test again in to your notebook

- Prepare for unit 12 getting started, listen and read


Planning date:15/02/2010

Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 1/72:Getting started + Listen and read


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to aware of how to make, accept and decline invitations

 Teaching aids: - posters, casette and dish, and pictures Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in Grid activity B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings * Guessing game:

- Show the pictures on p.111 to Ss one by one and ask Ss look at them - Ask Ss guess what country it is

2 Vocabulary:

- (to) bother: bận tâm (situation) - (to) include: bao gồm, gồm có (translation) - (to) pick up: đến đón, rớc (ai) (explanation) - (to) come over: vợt qua (example) - Checking vocabulary:

What and Where T/ F statements Prediction:


1 Mrs.Quyen’s calling Mrs.Smith from the airport in San Francisco

2 Mrs.Smith invite Mrs.Quyen and her husband to stay with her while they are in town

3 Mrs.Quyen doesn’t accept Mrs.Smith’s invitation because she want to stay with a Vietnamese friend of hers

4 Mrs.Quyen and her husband will be in the USA for three days

5 Mrs.Quyen and her husband will come over to Mrs.Smith’s place for dinner one night

6 Mr.Thanh; Mrs.Quyen’s husband, goes abroad for a business meeting

- Hang on a picture about Mrs.Smith and Mrs.Quyen are calling and a poster on board - Ask Ss look the table then guess which one is true or which one is false

- Get Ss to give their answers and write them on the board Checking Ss’guessing:

- Have Ss open their books, listen top the tape while reading the dialogue on p.112 - Ask Ss to correct false statements

Answer key: T/ F statement Prediction: 2, 4: T

1: Mrs.Quyen is calling Mrs.Smith from Hanoi

3: because her accommodation is included in her ticket price 5: Only Mrs.Quyen will come over to Mrs.Smith

4 Practice: Grid:

Monday 25 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28

Coming to San Francisco

- Hang on Grid on board and let Ss look at this


- Ask S

s go to the board to complete the Grid.

Monday 25 Tuesday 26 Wednesday 27 Thursday 28 Coming to

San Francisco Going out Having dinner with the Smiths Leaving San Francisco IV Production:

* Grammar Awareness:

- Tell Ss look at the dialogue again and pick out the statements indicating the following situations: Making an invitation

2 Accepting an invitation Declining an invitation Making a report

- Call sts to give their answers and have them copy Answer key

1.Would you like to come and stay with us ? you must come over for dinner one night

2/ Yes, we’d love to but we’ll only be in town for three nights 3/ That’s very kind of you but we’re coming on a tour 4/ Oh dear, He’s always working

V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the dialogue times again - Prepare for Speaking lesson


Planning date:20/02/2010

Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 2/73: speak, language focus 1, 2 A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk their plans for a trip abroad.and will be able to use past progressive and present progressive tenses with “always”

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, tape

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in the part language focus

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


- sightseeing (n): ngắm cảnh, tham quan (situation) - itinerary (n): lé tr×nh (translation) - gallery (n): phòng trng bày (situation) - brochure (n): tê r¬i (realia) - Checking vocabulary: What and Where

I Pre-speaking:

? How many flights a week can you take from Los Angeles to Boston? ? Which flight can you take everyday of the week?

? Which hotel is cheaper?

? How much is a double room in Revere Hotel? How about the atlantic Hotel?

II While- speaking:

1 Mapped dialogue:

- Put the mapped dialogue on the board - Elecit the exchanges from sts

- Let sts to work in pairs, replacing the information using the tables.

Where shall we stay? Where should we visit?

What time should we leave Los Angeles?

The Revere Hotel is expensive but it has a gym

I think we should visit Havard Medical School, the Museum and Arts Gallery

There is a daily flight at 10 am, would that be OK?

III Post-speaking:

* Transformation:

- Ask Ss to make a plan for their coming summer holiday by filling the information in their holiday - Ex: Depart (Hue):


Accommodation: Sightseeing: - Work in pairs

- Give feedback and correct Language focus 1,2

Ask Ss a question:

? What were you doing at p.m yesterday? - Write sts’ answers on the board

+ I was studying English at p.m yesterday. + I was waching TV at p.m yesterday.

- Ask them look at the sentences and ask: ? Which tense is it? - Introduce form, use of past progressive tense

* Form: S + was/ were + V-ing

? When we use this tense?

* Use: - to indicate an action that was in progress at a point of time in the past Word cue drill: : language focus 1,2

a/ Ba/ take a shower d/ Nga/ write a letter b/ Hoa/ have a dinner e Na/ walk with her dog

c/ Bao/ read a comic f/ Lan and her grandmother/ talk to each other - Ask sts look at the cue then make sentence with the form above

- Model with cue (b): Hoa was having dinner

- Work individually - Ask sts go to the board to write down their answers Matching:

- Ask Ss look at pictures on p.119 and the matching on p.120

- Run through all the pictures and sentences And call sts to give their answers - Ask them questions:

? What was the Le family doing when the mailman came? ? What happened while Nga was eating?

* Model sentences:

- The Le family was sleeping when the mailman came - The phone rang while Nga was eating

- Let them look at the sentences above to give the form * Form: Main clause Conjunction Adv clause Past continuous When Past simple Past simple While Past continuous

* Use: Sequence of tenses: an action was taking place in the past when another action took place

V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and the structures

- Do exercise language focus 1,2 in text book and work book - Prepare for Listening lesson , language focus 3

Planning date:24/02/2010

Unit 12: A vacation abroad A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice in listening to the weather forecast for information about the weather in big cities in the world And get further practice in present progressive tenses with “always”

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, tape

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for specific

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


? Tell me the words related to the weather forecast?


humid sunny

I Pre-listening:

* Chatting:

- Ask Ss some questions to lead in the lesson

? Do you usually listen to the weather forecast on TV or radio? ? What does it report about?

- Weather and temperature


? Do you think it’s necessary to listen to the the weather forecast? Why/ Why not? ? What you know about the high and the low temperature?

- It refers to the lowest and the highest temperature degree in a day

II While-listening:

* Gap fill:

- Ask Ss look at he book on p 115 and read the information - Put the gap fill table on the board

- Let Ss the look at the table and guess which words can fill in the table

- Ask them to listen to the tape then fill in the gaps with information they hear.

City Weather Temperature

Low High

1 Sydney Dry, windy 26 Tokyo , .15

3 London , cold Bangkok Warm ,

5 New York , 15 Paris , 10

- Open tape (twice)

- Ask them to compare with their friends - Call Ss go the board to fill in the table - Let Ss open tape again to correct

Answer key

City Weather Temperature

Low High

1 Sydney Dry, windy 20 26

2 Tokyo Dry, windy 15 22

3 London Humid, cold -

4 Bangkok Warm, dry 24 32

5 New York Windy, cloudy 15

6 Paris Cool, dry 10 16

III Post-listening:

* Role play:

- Have Ss look at the table again then make questions and answers about the weather and temperature using the information in the table

- Model:

A: What’s the weather like in Sydney today? B: It will be dry and windy

A: How about the temperature?

B: The low will be 20 and the high 26 degree

- Work in pairs Ask three pairs to demonstate the exchanges Language focus Piccture drill:

- Ask Ss look at the pictures on p.120 - Run through

- Ask them look at the pictures then write sentences what people are always doing - Model with picture (a):

- Bao is always forgetting his homework - Ask Ss look at sentence then give the form * Form: S + am/ is/ are + always + V-ing * Use: to express a complaint

- Ask them to read out their answers and correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart the structures and mae up sentences with it

- Do exercise 2, in work book and exercise language focus in text book - Prepare for Reading lesson


Planning date:04/03/2010

Period 75: trả kiểm tra tiÕt

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to the test again and review the basic knowledge they have learnt and known more the sentences they didn’t in the previous test


Warm up : Greetings

Hand paper to the students and marks Answer key and check

I Underline the best answer to comple the following sentence:

1 you should cool the burns immediately in order to minimize tissue damage Would you mind opening the window?

3 Lan is happy to pass all exams Do you mind if I close the door? Last year, my family visited Dalat Ba often gets up late on Sunday

7 He always keeps the window open so as to let fresh air in Would you mind if I closed the door

9 Nam bought a new computer yesterday 10 Do you mind taking a photo?

II Rewrite the following sentences that meaning the same as the sentence provided

They will play soccer next month >Soccer will be played next month They eat potatoes everyday

>Potatoes are eaten every day

Lan bought two new books yesterday >Two new books were bought yesterday can you open the door behind you?

>Would you mind opening the door behind your? It three years since I last wrote to her

> I haven’t written to her for three years

III: Read the passage below then answer the questions:

A customer telephoned the Me Linh Delivery service in August just before midday She wanted to speak to Mr Ngoc but he was out So Mrs Mai took a message for Mr Ngoc The customer’s name was Mrs Lan and she

wanted to know about her furniture delivery She wanted him to call her She said Mr Ngoc could reach her at 645 141


1 When did the customer make a phone call ?

Customer made a phone call in August just before midday Who did Mrs Mai take a message for ?

Mrs Mai took a message for Mr Ngoc What was the customer’s name ? The customer’s name was Mrs Lan

4 What did Mrs Lan want to know about ? She wanted to know about her furniture delivery

IV Use the correct form of the word given to complete each sentence.

1 Every week there are two flights from Da Nang to Ha Noi Lan has a weekly. newspaper in this town My aunt lives in a mountainous area of the country Homework

- Do the test again in to your notebook - Prepare for reading lesson


Planning date:09/03 Unit 12: A vacation abroad

Period 4/76 reading A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about the places of interest in the USA

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures,

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in while state “the grid”

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings



? Tell me States in the USA you know? Chicago

I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

- volcano (n): núi lửa (situation) - lava (n): dung nham, nham thạch (translation) - wharf (n): cầu tàu, cầu cảng (situation) - (to) carve : chạm khắc (example) - (to) pour: đổ (mime) - overhead (adv): phía đầu (example)

- Checking vocabulary: What and Where Pre-question:

- Give sts some questions:

? What places did Mrs.Quyen visit in the USA? ? What did she see?

- Ask sts to guess about Mrs.Quyen - Write sts’guess on the board

II While-reading:

* Grid:

- Hang on the Grid on board and let sts look at this

- Run through.

Place What she did and saw

a Hawaii Went simming, visited Kilauea Volcano b New York

c Chicago

d Mount rushmore e San Francisco * Answer key:


Place What she did and saw

a Hawaii Went simming, visited Kilauea Volcano b New York Went shopping, bought lots of souvenirs c Chicago Saw Lake Michigan

d Mount rushmore Saw th e heads of four American presidents

e San Francisco Visited Fisherman’s Wharf, the Napa Valley wine - growing area and the Alcatraz prison

- Ask sts open the book on p.116-117 read to check their predictions and fill in the table - Call sts go to the board to fill in the table - Correct mistakes

III Post - Reading

2 Lucky number:

- Explain sts how to play this game - Devide class into two teams

? When you get a mark? - Answer correctly a question ? When don’t you have answer? - Get a lucky number * Questions:

a/ How did Mrs.Quyen go to Kilauea Volcano? b/ Lucky and number

1(g) 2(h) 3(c) 4(d)


c/ Where in San Francisco did Mrs.Quyen see the famous prison? d/ What is special about Mount Rushmore?

e/ What is the other name of Chicago? f/ b/ Lucky and number

g/ What did Mrs.Quyen while her husband was visiting the Statue of Liberty? h/ Who was visiting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building?

Answer key:

a/ She went there by plane

c/ She saw the famous prison on the island of Alcatraz

d/ It is the mount where the heads of four American Presidents are carved into the rock; and it can be seen from more than 100 km away

e/ It is also called “The windy city” g/ She went shopping

h/ Dad was visiting the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building

IV Homework:

- learn by heart vocabulary and read the etxt again - Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for Writing lesson


Planning date:10/03/2010

Unit 12: A vacation abroad Period 5/77: writing

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write poscards to their friends about their trip

Teaching aids: - posters, pictures

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing the post card

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

* Lucky number game:

- Write the numbers on the board (1->8)

- Tell sts each number is for a question but two of them are lucky numbers For a lucky number, sts can get one point and no answer

- Ask them answer briefly Questions:

1/ Where did Mrs.Quyen and her husband spend their holiday? 2/ Lucky number

3/ What did they see on Mount Rushmore?

4/ Who did they visit when they were in the USA? 5/ Lucky number

6/ What did Mrs.Quyen while her husband was visiting the Statue Liberty? 7/ What did Mrs.Quyen buy?

8/ What did she send to her children from the USA?

I Pre-writiing:

* Gap fill:

- Have sts look at the book on p.upload.123doc.net - Run through you write about the place?

- Names of places * Answer key: Gap fill:

1/ in 2/ people


5/ her 6/ lovely

7/ bought 8/ for

9/ heaviness 10/ soon ? What you write about the weather? - The weather is

- Ask them complete the gap with the aaropriate words - Call sts go to the board to write down

- Coreect mistakes

II While-writiing:

* Grid:

- Ask sts imagine they are a tourist on vacation in a certain place - Hang on the Grid on the board and let them to complete the Grid - Ask sts some questions:

? Do you have a holiday? Where?

? Do you write a postcard to a friend about the trip? ? What information did you write?

? What is the weather like? ? Who did you meet?, etc

Place: People : Weather: Who you meet: What you see: What you buy: - Call sts to go the board to complete

Answer key

Place: Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh city People : friendly, hospitable, helpful Weather: hot, cold, sunny

Who you meet: friend, relative What you see: zoo, park What you buy: post card

III Post _ Writing

Transformation writing:

- Ask them look at grid then write a postcard using information in it - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends - Call sts read out

- Give feedback and correct

IV Homework:

- write the post card again - Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare fore unit 13: getting started, listen and read

Planning date:11/03/2010

Unit 13: festivals Period 1/78: getting started, listen and read A Aim:


Teaching aids: - posters, pictures, dish and cassette player

Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in finding the T/F statements

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings

Rice-cooking festival * Brainstorm:

? Tell me festivals in Vieatnam?

Mid-Fall Festival Presentation:

* Vocabulary:

- husk (n): vá trÊu (visuals) - (to) fetch: ®i lÊy, mang vỊ (translation) - (to) separate: t¸ch rêi (mime) - (to) urge : thóc dơc (example) - (to) yell: hÐt to (situation) - (to) award: tỈng, tỈng thëng (example)

- competition (n) cuéc tranh tµi (translation)

- Checking vocabulary:

What and Where

* Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.121 and ask: ? Which festival is it? - Rice-cooking festival

- Tell Ss that they are going to read about a rice-cooking festival, and this festival has three competitions: water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking

- Put sentences on the board, two sentences relate to each competition

- Ask Ss to predict if the sentences are about the water-fetching, fire-making and rice-cooking competitions

1/ Rubbing pieces of bamboo together 2/ There’s a river about one kilometer away 3/ It’s made in the traditional way

4/ The most delicious one is the winner 5/ Each runner must take a bottle 6/ The teams remove the husk

- Ask Ss to guess and write on the board which of them

Ss listen to the cassette player and chech their predictions * Answerkey:

Water-fetching, fire-making or rice-cooking: 1/ Rubbing pieces of bamboo together (fire-making)

2/ There’s a river about one kilometer away (water-fetching) 3/ It’s made in the traditional way (fire-making)

4/ The most delicious one is the winner (rice-cooking) 5/ Each runner must take a bottle (water-fetching) 6/ The teams remove the husk (rice-cooking) II Pratice:

1 Checking sts’predictions:

- Ask Ss read the dialogue on p.121-123 to correct - Pair work

2 T/ F:

Statement T F

1 Two teams members take part in the water-fetching contests One person has to collect four water bottles

3 The fire is made by matches or lighters


4 Pieces of wood are used to make the fire

5 In the final contest, the team members take the rice The grand prize is given to the team with the most points - Hang on the table on the board

- Let sts read the dialogue again then check () the table T or F - Ask sts answer

- Get sts correct the false statements

Answer key: T/F:

1/ F: One team members take part in the water-fetching contests 2/ F: One person has to collect one water bottles

3/ F: The fire is made without matches or lighters 4/ F: Pieces of bamboo are used to make the fire

5/ F: In the final contest, the judges members take the rice 6/ T: The grand prize is given to the team with the most points V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read text times again - Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for Speaking, Listening lesson


Planning date:16/03/2010

Unit 13: festivals Period 2/79: speaking, listening A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about preparations and listen for details a Tet holiday

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures and disk, cassette player

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening for details the tet

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


- Get Ss answer the following questions:

? What you usually on Tet holiday? ? Where you usually visit on Tet holiday? I Pre-speaking:

1 Vocabulary:

- pomegranate (n): qủa lựu (visuals) - marigold (n) : cúc vạn thọ (picture) - peach blossom (n) : hoa đào (situation) - (to) tidy : dọn dẹp (example) - Checking vocabulary: What and Where

2 Ordering:

- Ask Ss to look at book on p.123 - Run through

- Get sts read the dialogue and put the sentences in the correct order - Work inpair

- Call on some sts to give their answers - Give feedback and correct

Answerkey: Ordering:


II While-speaking: Make up dialogue:

- Ask Ss to look at book at (2) on p.123 again

- Have them choose one of the festival then make up their own dialogue - Pair work

- Ask three pairs to read out and correct III Pre-listening:

* Gap fill prediction:

- Hang on the chart on board

- Get Ss look at the chart and read the statements - Ask them to predict the words in the gaps - Write Ss’predictions on the board

a/ Mrs.Robinsion wants - to go to the -

b/ Mrs.Robinsion wants some marigolds because they are - at Tet c/ Mrs.Robinsion wants Liz to buy a packet of -

d/ Mrs.Robinsion is asking Mrs.Nga how to - spring rolls IV While-listening:

* Checking Ss’prediction:

- Ask Ss to listen to the tape then check - Open the tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to share with their friends

- Call Ss to go to the board to write down their answers - Open the tape again and let Ss listen then correct - Give out correct answer

*Answer key for Gap fill prediction:

a/ Mrs.Robinsion wants Mr.Robinson to go to the flower market

b/ Mrs.Robinsion wants some marigolds because they are traditional at Tet c/ Mrs.Robinsion wants Liz to buy a packet of dried watermelon seeds d/ Mrs.Robinsion is asking Mrs.Nga how to make spring rolls

V Post-listening: * Grid:

Things to

Mr.Robinson: -Mrs.Robinson: -Liz: - Hang on the grid on the board

- Ask Ss to look at this then fill in the gap with the information taken from the statements above - Call on Ss to give their answers

Answer key: Things to

Mr.Robinson: go to the flower market to buy peach blossom and a bunch of marigolds Mrs Robinson: go to Mrs.Nga’s to learn how to make spring rolls

Liz: go to the market to buy candies and a packet of dried watermelon seeds VI Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and exercise in work book

- Prepare for Reading lesson

……… Planning date:16/03/2010


A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to get some knowledge about Christmas and understand the text for details

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering the question run through the text

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


- Ask Ss some questions about Christmas ? What you on Christmas holiday? ? Where you usually go on Christmas Eva? I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

- carol (n): thánh ca (example) - patron saint (n): thánh bảo hộ (translation) - jolly (adj) vui nhén, vui vỴ (synonym) - (to) spread : trải ra, căng (explanation) - (to) design : thiÕt kÕ (example)

- Checking vocabulary:

Slap the board T/ F statements:


1/ The Christmas tree was appeared in Riga and then came to the USA in the 1800s 2/ An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his

friends in the 20th century

3/ Christmas songs were performed eight hundred years ago

4/ Santa Claus is based on the description of Saint Nicholas in his poem 5/ Santa Claus is the person who gave children presents on their birthday - Hang on the poster on the board

- Let Ss look at this, read then predict which one is true or which one is false - Write Ss’s predictions on the board

II While-reading:

1 Checking Ss’predictions: Answerkey:

a/ T/ F statements: 1, 3, 4: T

2 F: An Englishman had someone design a card to send Christmas greetings to his friends in the mid-nineteenth century

5 F: Santa Claus is the person who gave children presents on Christmas holiday - Ask Ss to open the book on p.124-125

- Let Ss read the text to check

- Ask Ss to correct the false statements Grid:

Christmas Special Place of origin Date Riga

Mid-19th century Christmas carols

USA - Ask Ss to read the text again then fill in the grid


- Give feedback and correct mistakes Answer key for Grid


Christmas Special Place of origin Date

The Christmas Tree Riga Early 1500s

The Christmas Card England Mid-19th century Christmas Carols No information 800 years ago

Santa Claus USA 1823

III Post - reading

Comprehension question: - Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Look at the questions on p.126 discuss to answer - Ask five pairs to ask and answer

- Correct mistakes

Answer key for Comprehension questions: 1/ More than a century ago

2/ He wanted to send Christmas greetings to his friends 3/ 800 years ago

4/ An American professer named Clement Clarke Moore 5/ O the description of Saint Nicolas in professer’s poem IV Homework:

- Read the text times again and learn by heart the vocabulary - Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for Writing lesson


Planning date:18/03/2010

Unit 13: festivals Period 4/81: writing

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a report on a festival

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings


? Tell me traditional festivals you know?


Tet ? What traditonal festivals you like best?

I Pre-writing: * Questions:

? How many competitions were there? ? What are the competitions?

? How far was the river? ? How did they make fire?


? How many people from each team took part in the rice-cooking contest? ? Which team won?

- Write the questions on the board and ask sts look at them - Ask Ss look back at the “Listen and read” to answer questions - Call Ss to answer and correct

* Gap fill:

- Get Ss work in pair to complete the report on p.127 - Ask Ss go to the bard to write down their answers - Check the sts’answers

Answerkey: * Gap fill:

1/ rice-cooking 6/ traditional

2/ one 7/ bamboo

3/ water-fetching 8/ six

4/ run 9/ seperate

5/ water 10/ added

II While-writing:

- Ask Ss choose the festival at Brainstorm then write a report - Ex: Tet

- Write these prompts on the board and the first as an example ? What is Tet? - It’s lunar New Year

? When? ? How long?

? What people do? ? What people eat? ? Do you like it?

- Let them work in pair then answer

- Write the Ss ideas on the board next to the prompts

- Put the gap-fill report on the board and ask sts to complete the gaps about “Tet” in Vietnam - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends

“Tet is lunar new year in Vietnam and it is in It lasts and we not go to school for -We many things at Tet -We -We also eat some special food such as -I like Tet because

-III Post - Writing

- Call Ss go to the board to write down their answers - Correct mistakes

Ask Ss to write other repost IV Homework:

- Write the repost again in to the book - Prepare for Language focus


Planning date:22/03/2010

Unit 13: festivals Period 5/82: language focus


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use reported speech; compound words and the passive in the past present and future tense

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in using the reported speech

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings Pelmanism: Infinitive - past participle

- Prepare 10 cardboards

- Stick the cardboards on the board showing the numbered side

- Devide class into teams and ask each team choose two numbers If the words in both cards match in sequence of an infinitive with its past participle, this team will get one point Ex: write -> written

Infinitive past participle I Presentation:

Activity one:

- Write example on the board: Nhat Ky Trong Tu was written by Uncle Ho - Let Ss look at the sentence then ask:

? Which tense/ form is it? - Passive in the past present - Ask them to give the form

Form: S + was/ were + PII + by + O

- Have Ss give an example and repeat the form of passive in simple future: S + will be + PII + by + O

Activity two:

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.130 and ask: ? Who is it? - It’s Nam

? What does he do? - He is a plumber - Ask Ss to report what the man said

- Write sentence on the board: He said he was a plumber - Get them look at the sentence

? Which tense is it? - Reported speech - Ask Ss to pay attention to the changes in:

Tense Adverb of places and time

Quoted speech Reported speech Quoted speech Reported speech - Present simple

- Will - Must - can

- Past simple - Would - Had to - could

- This - now - here - today - tomorrow - yesterday - ago

- that - then - there - that day - the next day - the day before - before

II Practice:

Activity one: Ex.1 - p.128

- Ask Ss to look at Ex.1 then complete the sentences wuth the right form of the verb in the box - Work individually

- Call sts to answer and correct


Activity two: Ex.2 - p.128

- Have sts look at the picture and the dialogue on p.129

- Let sts complete the dialogue with the right form of the verbs in the box - Work in pair

- Ask some pairs to read out and correct

Activity three: Transformation drill - Ex.4 - p.130 - Let Ss look at Ex.4

- Run through

- Ask them look at the sentences then report what the man told Mrs.Thu - Call Ss to go to the board to write down

Activity three: Ex.3-p.130 - Ask Ss a question:

? How many competitions are there in rice-cooking festival? - A water-fetching copetition

- A fire-making

- A rice-cooking festival

- Ask Ss to look at the underlined part the ask: ? What is it? - compound adjective * Form: Noun + V-ing

- Let Ss look at the Ex.3 then rewrite sentences using compound word - Work individually

- Ask Ss to go to the board to write down III Homework:

- Do all the exercise in text book in language focus unit 13 - Prepare for Unit 14: Getting started + Listen and read

Planning date:24/03/201

Unit 14: wonders of the world Period 1/83: getting started, listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to seek information about language game to complete a summary

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures disc, cassette player

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in the part Gap fill bellow

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings Matching:

- Ask sts look at the pictures on p.131 - Run through the pictures.? What is it?

- Ask sts match the names of these famous world landmarks to the correct pictures - Have sts to answer and correct Inform the topic: “Wonders of the world”

1 Vocabulary:

- wonder (n): kú quan (example) - bridge (n): cầu (picture) - clue (n): gỵi ý (situation) - statue (n): tỵng (realia)

- Checking vocabulary: What and Where Ordering:

- Hang on the picture about Nga and Hoa and statements on the board - Ask sts look at this and ask:

? What are they talking about? -They are playing a language game called guessing game ? How does this game work?


* How to play the guessing game:

a/ B asks questions to find out who or what is b/ A thinks of a famous person or place

c/ B wins if he/ she can guess the correct answer d/ A give B a clue

e/ B loses if he/ she cannot guess the correct answer f/ A can only answer “Yes” or “No”

- Call sts go to the board to write down their answers 3.Practice:

a Checking sts’ordering:

- Ask sts open the book, read the dialogue to check - Work in pair - Get sts to correct

Answer key for ordering -1 - - -

b Gap fill:

- Get sts read the dialogue in pair again - Put the chart on the board

Hoa, Nga and her cousin, Nhi were bored, so Nga suggested that they play a (1) call 20 Questions She explained the rules and then the girls started to play Nga thought of a - (2) and she gave the others a - (3) - by saying that it wasn’t in - (4) - Nhi found out the place was in - (5) - Hoa though it was the - (6) - Gate Bridge, but that is in San Francisco Nhi was - (7) - when she said it - (8) - the Statue of Liberty

- Let sts look at then fill in the missing gaps - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends

- Call sts go to the board to write down their answers - Correct mistakes

Answerkey: 1/game 3/ clue 5/ America 7/ right

2/ place 4/ Vietnam 6/ Golden 8/ was * Guesing game:

-Prepare for pictures of the famous world landmarks and scene spots inVietnam - Show the pictures one by one to sts and ask them what place it is

- Ask sts make “YES”, “NO” questions to guess the place in Vietnam and the world Sts: Is this Great Wall?

T : Yes -> show the picture to class; T: No -> not show the picture to class

Great Wall Hue Citadel The Statue of Liberty


4 Homework:

- learn by heart vocabulary and read the text again

- Do exercise in work book and answer the question in text book - Prepare for Speaking


Planning date:28/03/2010

Unit 14: wonders of the world Period 2/84: speaking, listening

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to to make a report on famous places using reported speech And listen to an advertisement

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures disc, cassette player  Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings ? Tell me The famous place in Vietnam

and on the world? Ha Long Bay Pramid

Great Wall I Pre-speaking:


- crystal-clear (adj): suèt nh pha lê (translation) - marine (adj): thuộc biển, hàng h¶i (example) - heritage (n): di s¶n (example) - coral (n): san h« (picture)

- (to) snorkel: bơi lặn có sử dụng ống thë (picture) - Checking vocabulary: What and Where

* Dialogue Build:

- Hang on the picture about Hoa and Mai are talking on the board - Ask sts look at this then predict What are they talking about Hoa: Do you know Phong Nha cave?

Mai: Yes, I

Hoa: Is Phong Nha cave in Southern Vietnam? Mai: No, It isn’t It’s in central

Hoa: I asked Mai if Phong Nha cave was in Southern Vietnam She said that it isn’t - Present the dialogue

- Get sts look at underlined sentence and ask them give the form

* Target language: I asked Mai if Phong Nha cave was in Southern Vietnam * Form: S + asked + someone + If/ whether + statement

 Meaning: - Ask sts to translate into Vietnamese

 Usage: Indirect question with “if” and “whether” II While-speaking:

* Word/ Picture cue:

- Hang on the pictures about place: Ha Long Bay, Great Wall, Petronas Twin Towers, Hue citadel and Eiffel Tower

- Run through all the pictures - Put the word cue on the board 1/ Great Wall/ China

2/ Petronas Twin Towers/ tall 3/ Hue citadel/ Nothern Vietnam 4/ Ha Long Bay/ beautiful 5/ Eiffel tower/ France


* Example changed:

S1: Is Great Wall in China? S2: Yes, It is

S1: I asked her if Great Wall was in China She said that it was - Work in pair

III Pre-listening:

1 Find out the mistakes:

- Ask sts look at the picture on p.113 and ask: ? What is this? - beach

- Let them read the passage to find out the mistakes - Work in pair then guess

- Write sts’ answer on the board III While-listening:

* Checking sts’guess:

- Get sts listen to the tape to check - Open tape again

- Listen to the tape again to correct IV Homework: - Prepare for Read V Remarks:

* Aswerkey:

a/ * Crossword puzzle:

b/ Find out the mistakes:

Look no futher than beautiful far north Queensland Stay right onthe beach at the Coconut Palm Hotel Take guided tours through the rainforest, swim in the crystal-clear water of the Coral Sea and snorkel amongst the coral of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park - a World Heritage Site

Call (077) 6924 3927 for more information


Planning date:30/03/2010

Unit 14: wonders of the world Period 3/85: reading

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop reading to get some knowledge about the wonders of the world

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in the part grid in post stage

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings * Jumbledwords:

- Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board - Devide class into two teams

- Sts from two teams go to the board to write the correct words - The teams which writes more correct words first win the game

1 ralco -> - tageeirh ->



l o s



c l

u e


j u n g l e


2 norlsek -> - ridgeb -> -3 erinam -> - tuesta -> -* Aswerkey:


1 ralco -> coral tageeirh -> heritage norlsek -> snorkel ridgeb -> bridge

3 erinam -> marine tuesta -> statue I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

- royal (adj): hoµng gia, hoµng téc (situation) - god (n): vị thần, chúa (example) - (to) claim: tuyên bố, khẳng điịnh (explanation) - (to) compile: biên soạn (example) - (to) surround: bao quanh, v©y quanh (situation)

- Checking vocabulary: Slap the board T/ F statements:

Statements T f

1/ An Egyptian man compileda list of what he thought were the wonders of the world

i 2/ The only surviving wonder is The Pyramid of Cheeps in Egypt

3/ Today, we can still see the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in present-day Iraq

4/ Angkor Wat was originally built to honnor a Hindu God

5/ The Great wall of China first wasn’t in the list of the wonders of the world

6/ In the early 15th century, the Khoner King chose Angkor War as the new capital

- Hang on the poster on the board

- Let sts look at this, read then predict which one is true or which one is false - Write sts’s predictions on the board

II While-reading:

1 Checking sts’predictions: - Ask sts open the book on p.134 - Let sts read the text to check - Ask sts correct the false statements Multiple choice:

- Ask them read the text again

- Hang on the poster on the board about the sentences on p.134

- Ask them look at this then choose the best answers to complete the sentences - Read the statements aloud and make hand gestures to show the missing words - Get them to choose A, B, C or D

- Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends - Call sts to answer and correct III Post-reading:

* Grid:

- Draw the grid on the board and have sts coppy it

- Ask sts work in pair to fill in the grid with the information taken from the text - Write the seven wonders of the world


1 Hanging gardens of Babylon


- Call on some sts to give their answers - Correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Rread the test again and answer all the questions in text book - Prepare for Writing lesson

Planning date:02/04/2010

Unit 14: wonders of the world Period 4/86: writing

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice writing a letter to his/ her friends to tell about some places they have visited recently

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing the letter

B Content:

Warmer: - Greetings *Guessing game: Wonders of the world

- Ask Ss to think of one of the wonders of the world and write it on a piece of paper - Call on a student to the front of the class with his/ her paper

- Have the rest of the class ask him/ her Yes/ No questions to guess the wonder - The student having the right guess will take the place of the last student I Pre-writing:

1 Vocabulary:

- ranger (n): kiĨm l©m (explanation) - edge (n): r×a, mÐp (visuals)

- breathtaking (adj) : mª ly, kÝch thÝch (explanation) - temperate (adj) : (khí hậu) ôn hoà (traslation) - canyon (n) : khe, hỴm nói (picture)

- Checking vocabulary:

What and Where Insertion:

- Ask Ss to look at the letter on p.135 - Run through

- Read the letter then complete with sentences below: A, B, C, D - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends

- Call Ss to read aloud their answers and correct Answer key:

1/ I hope you are studying hard for your exams next week

2/ The Canyon is part of Grand Canyon National Park and it was formed by the Colorado River over millions of years

3/ He also talked about the original inhabitants who lived there during the Stone Age 4/ That’s all I have time to tell you about

II While-writing:


- Draw the outline on the board and elicit some details from sts ? Place?

? Where did you visited recently? - Ha Long Bay, Hue citadel, Hanoi, ? Distance? - 100 kilometers,

? How to get there? - bus, train,

? Sight? - magnificent, nice, wonderful, ? Weather? - beautiful, sunny,

? How you feel? - happy/ relaxed, - Give sts a letter which has missing words

- Ask Ss to use the information from outline to complete the letter June 8th 2007

Dear Hoa,

I’m writing this letter to tell you the I’ve just returned from a trip to -with my family The sights

-It took us - to get there from - we spent - there

The weather was - It - we enjoyed walking a long the seaside at night very much

It was really interesting when we knew about the legeda of - we really want to comeback there when wa have timenext year How are you getting with your study at home? Where are you going for -? let me know

Love, Lan

- Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends III Post-writing:

- Ask two good Ss to go to the boars and write down the letters - Let class look at them read and give remarks

- Correct mistakes IV Homework:

- Finish the writing on your notebook - Prepare for Language focus


Planning date:06/04/2010

Unit 14: wonders of the world Period 5/87: language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to practice more in reported speech, passive voice, question words before to-infinitive and verb + to-infinitive

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in B Content:

Warmer: Greetings * Chatting:

- Ask sts make “Yes/ No” question with present tense

- Devide class into two groups and ask them go to the board to write down Ex: - Is he a doctor?

- Do you know My Son, Lan?, I Revision:

1 Reported speech:


- Ask sts repeat the form of reported speech * Form (a):

S + asked + someone + if/ whether + S + V(past) Passive in simple past :

- Write the sentence on the board: American was discovered by Columbus - Ask sts look at the sentence to give the form

* Form (b):

S + was/ were + PII + by + O Question words before to-infinitive:

* Brainstorm: play go

buy - Give example:

(+) He told me how to play sing where to go

what to buy

- Let sts look at te sentences above to give the form: * Form (c):

S + V + O + Question words + to-infinitive II Practice:

* Activity one: Lucky number - Explain sts how to play this game - Devide class into two teams

When you get a mark? - Change a question into reported speech correctly ? When don’t you have answer? - Get a lucky number

* Questions:

a/ Is it far from Hanoi?

b/ Is My Son in Quang Nam province? c/ Do many people live at My Son? d/ Lucky number

e/ Do many tourists visit My Son every year? f/ Do you want to visit My Son one day? g/ Lucky number

h/ Do you like My Son? * Activity two: Word cue drill

- Show the word-cue chart on the board (Ex.3-p.137) - Run through

- Ask sts make sentence using form (c) - Model: Nga told Nhi how to get there - Work individualy

- Ask sts to answer and correct * Aswerkey:

Word cue drill:

a/ Nga told Nhi how to go there

b/ Nga showed Nhi where to get tickets c/ Nga pointed out where to buy souvenirs

d/ Nga advised Nhi how to go from My Son to Hoi An e / Nga told Nhi what to there during the visit * Activity three: (Ex.1-p.136)

- Let sts look at ex.1 on p.136 - Run through

He told me

1(g) 2(h) 3(c) 4(d)


- Ask them complete the sentences using the passive form of the verbs in the box - Work individualy

- Have them to share with their friends - Ask sts to answer and correct

III Homework:

- Do all exercise in text book language focus

Planning date:09/04/2010

Period 88: review A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able review all the basic knowledge base on reported speech, passive voice, question words before to-infinitive and verb + to-infinitive, the past continuous and would/Do you mind + V ing

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in reported speech B Content:

Warmer: Greetings I P P P

1 Reported speech:

- Have Ss look at the sentences below then change them into reported speech a Lan asked Nam “Do you know My Son?”

-> Nam asked Lan if/ whether she knew My Son - Ask Ss to repeat the form of reported speech * Form :

S + asked + someone + if/ whether + S + V(past) b Lan said ‘I am a good teacher”

> Lan said she was a good teacher Passive in simple past :

- Write the sentence on the board and ask Ss to change into passive voice: Columbus discovered American more than 400 years

American was discovered by Columbus more than 400 years - Ask sts look at the sentence to give the form

* Form :

S + was/ were + PII + by + O Question words before to-infinitive: - Give example:

(+) He told me how to play where to go

what to buy

- Let Ss look at the sentences above to give the form: * Form :

S + V + O + Question words + to-infinitive Past continuous:


I was playing babminton at 4.30 yesterday afternoon Ask Ss to look at the lesson and give out the form Form:

S + Was/ were + V ing Using with when and while


Lastnight, while I was studying my lesson, my mother was watching TV suggest with “would/ Do oyu mind”

Eg: would you mind opening the door? Do you mind opening the door? Form:

Would/Do + you + Ving ?

Would you mind + If + S + V(past)? Do + you mind + If + S + V?

Eg: would you mind If I opened the front door? Do you mind If I close the window? II Further practise

1 She - (has lived/ lived/ lives/ is living) in Hanoi since 1990 Nam asked me - (whether/ when/ what/ why) I liked English I - (know/ have known/ knew/ known) her for a long time

4 Last year, Lan’family - (visits/ visited/ is visiting/ is visited) Ha Long Bay He said that he - (plays/ played/ is playing/ was played/ ) badminton

I (was watching/ watch/ watched/ watching) TV when he came

7 They (has/ have/ having/ had) a picnic two weeks ago

8 Ba said that he (work/ worked/ working/ works) at Hong Ha company Ly’father (is/ are/ were/ am) an artist

10 Mr.Ba asked Hoa if she (were/ was/ is/ has) a doctor Answer key:

1 has lived whether have known

4 visited played was watching

7 had worked is

10 was

III Homework

- Learn by heart all the basic knowdge they have learnt - Prepare for the next 45 minutes English test


Planning date:11/4/2010

Period 89: a 45 minute english test


By the end of the test, students will be able to the test well and remember the basic knowledge they have learnt

Teaching aids: test papers B Content

Warm up : Greetings Hand papers to each student


I Underline the best answer to comple the following sentence:

I Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: She (has lived/ lived/ lives/ is living) in Ha noi since 1990 Nam asked me (whether/ when/ what/ why) I liked English I (know/ have known/ knew/ known) her for a long time

4 Last year, Lan’family (visits/ visited/ is visiting/ is visited) Ha Long Bay He said that he (plays/ played/ is playing/ was played/ ) badminton

6 I (was watching/ watch/ watched/ watching) TV when he came

7 They (has/ have/ having/ had) a picnic two weeks ago

8 Ba said that he (work/ worked/ working/ works) at Hong Ha company Don’t stop your work (despite/ although) you are tired


II True (T) or false (F)? Read the text then tick () the statements

Greece is a great place to visit, and there are plenty of tourist attactions there However, there are not many rooms available in the summer, so reservations are important The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not much rain in the summer, although there is plenty in the winter There is a little snow in the winter, except in the north, which is the mountainous If you like swimming, there are lots of beautiful beaches Greece is a safe place to visit because there is hardly any crime Outside Athens, the capital, there is not much pollution because there is not much industry in other parts of the country Transportation is good, and there are many taxis and buses There are also plenty of large ferries that go to the islands

Statements T F

1 There is a little snow in winter in the north

2 There is much industry outside Athens, the capital The weather is wonderful

4 Greece is good place for people who like swimming In Greece, it is not easy to go to the islands

III Change sentence into reported speech: 1.“Is Huong River in Hue, Ba ?” I asked

-> I asked Ba

-2.“will you clean the living-room?”asked My mother

-> My mother asked me -3 Nguyen Du wrote kieu story

-> Kieu story -4 He will buy a new computer soon

-> A new -5 They were playing volleyball at 4.30 yesterday afternoon

->Volleyball -6 Although the weather was bad, we played soccer in the stadium

-> Inspite of


I points:

1 has lived whether have known 4.visited 5played was watching had worked although 10 was II points:


T/ F F F T T F

III points:

1 I asked Ba if/ whether Huong River was in Hue

2 My mother asked me if/ whether I would clean the living-room kieu story was written by Nguyen Du

4 A new computer will be bought soon

5 volleyball was being playedat 4.30 yesterday afternoon Inspite of the bad weather, we played soccer in the stadium IV Homework

- Do all the test again into your notebook

- Review the structures that you coud not in the test - Prepare for unit 15 getting started, listen and read

- ………


Unit 15: computers

period 1/90: getting started, listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to read the dialogue for detail about the usage of computer and kmow more about the present perfect with already and yet

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures, cassette and disc

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in guessing true or false

B Content:

Warmer: Greetings * Braistorm:

- Hang on a picture about a computer on the board and ask Ss to look at this ? Tell me about advantages of using a computer?

save time keeping information

1 Vocabulary:

- printer (n): m¸y in (picture) - guarantee (n): giấy bảo hành (explanation) - manual (n) : s¸ch híng dÉn sư dơng (realia)

- plug (n) : phích cắm điện (realia)

- (to) connect : kÕt nèi (situation)

- socket (n) ổ cắm điện (realia)

- Checking vocabulary:

What and Where T/ F statement prediction:

Statements T F

1/ The priter isn’t working

2/ Nam has already turned the computer on

3/ Nam knows how to connect a printer but he hasn’t connected it properly 4/ The manual helped them to find out the problem

5/ Mr.Nhat bought the computer in Ho Chi Minh city and it’s still under guarantee 6/ Mr.Nhat thinks the company wouldn’t anything with his computer because it’s too far from his place

- Hang on the picture about Nam and Mr.Nhat are talking on the board - Let Ss to look at this and guess

? What are they talking about? - about the problem of the computer ? What happens to the computer?

- Put the chart on the board and have sts guess which statement is true or false - Write sts’guess on the board

Answer key: 1, 2, 5: T

3 F: Nam knows how to connect a printer and he has connected it properly F: Mr.Nhat thinks it’s very helpful

6 F: Mr.Nhat thinks the company should something with it Practice:

1 Checking sts’guess:

- Ask Ss to open their books on p.138 - Open to the tape

- Sts listen and read to check

- Have Ss to work in pairs to check if their guesses are right or not


- Call on Ss to correct the false statements - Give feedback and correct

2 Fact or opinion:

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then check (v) from the statement above fact or opinion - Explain the words: Fact and opinion

+ Fact: A thing that is known to be true, especially when it can be proved

+ Opinion: Your feelings or thoughts about someone or somethin, rather than a fact - Ask sts answer and correct

Answer key: - Fact: a, d, e - Opinion: b, c, f

Comprehention question

Have Nam turned the print on yet?

- yes, He has already done it

form: Have/ has + S + PP + yet? / S + Have/ has + not + PP + yet S + have/ has + already + PP +


- yet is used in negative and interrogative sentence - already is used in positive sentence

IV Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the dialogue time again - - Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare for Speaking and listening lesson


Planning date:16/04/2010

Unit 15: computers

period 2/91: getting started, listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use some common useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement and complete the flow chart through listening

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in

B Content:

Warmer: Greetings I Pre-speaking:

* Braistorm:

- Write the topic on the board: Useful expressions to express agreement and disagreement - Put the table on the board and elicit sts’answer then write them on the table

Opinions Agreement Degree of agreement Disagreement I like

I don’t like I think I feel I don’t believe

So I

I agree but

I disagree Matching:

- Put the photocopied pictures on p.139 on the right of board and the word cues on the left (not in order) - Run through and ask sts to match the words with the right pictures

Picture a - Playing the rain Picture b - Driving a car Picture c - Foreign food


II While-speaking: * Picture drill:

- Get a student to demonstrate the model (a) T: I think driving a car is easy

Ss: I disagree I think it’s difficult to drive a car (or) So I

- Ask Ss to use the adjectives in the box on p.140 to express their opinions after going through the meaning of some new words

`1/ entertaining 2/ time-consuming 3/ challenging

- Have Ss to use the pictures on the board to practice speaking with their partners - Work in pairs

II Pre-listening:

- Put the flow chart on the board

- Get sts to understand how events are sequenced in a flow chart and the meanings of all the shapes used in the chart

starting/ stopping point (Circle)

Questions (Triangle)

Answers (Oval)

II While-listening: * Gap fill:

- Ask Ss to look at the flow chart and guess the words in the gaps - Open tape (twice)

- Ask Ss to listen to fill in the gaps then share the answers with their friends - Call on Ss go to the board to write down their answers

- Open tape again

- Give feedback and correct Answer key:

a/ Do you have the coorect change? b/ Yes

c/ What you want to drink? d/ Take it

III Post-speaking and listening: * Mapped dialogue:

- Present the dialogue and have sts repeat, sentence by sentence

- Have sts make similar dialoues refering the cues on p.140 (below the dialogue) to replace the information

- Put the map dialogue chart on the board I am having problems with

It doesn’t work I think Oh! Sorry

What’s wrong? No, You didn’t V Homework:


- Prepare for reading lesson


Planning date:18/04/2010

Unit 15: computers period 3/92: reading

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know more about how computers work in a university

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering the questions

B Content:

Warmer: Greetings * Chatting:

- Ask Ss some questions:

? Where in the libarary we get information? ? If we want to discuss something how can we do? - Base on Ss’answers -> T introduces the new lesson I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

- freshman (n): sinh viên năm thứ (situation) - impact (n): ảnh hởng (translation) - acess (n): đờng dẫn đến (explanation) - bulletin (n): tin (example) - (to) store: lu trữ (situation) - (to) require: yêu cầu (synonym)

Checking vocabulary:

What and Where T/ F statement:

Statements T F

1/ There is a new university without a library in the USA recently 2/ Users can send and receive messages by using computers

3/ First-year students in many universities are required to have access to a computer

4/ Students have to go to computer rooms to connect their computers to computer jacts

5/ Computer bulletin boards are the same as the traditional ones

6/ Not all people think positively about the new method of study off campus - Hang on the poster on the board

- Let sts look at this, read then predict which one is true or which one is false - Write sts’s predictions on the board

II While-reading: Checking Ss’guess:

- Ask Ss to open their books on p.141 - Read the text to check

- Ask Ss to correct the false statements Lucky number:

- Explain Ss how to play this game - Devide class into two teams

? When you get a mark? - Change a question into reported speech correctly ? When don’t you have answer? - Get a lucky number


a/ What make the new university different from others? b/ Lucky number

c/ What type of information is available through the computer? d/ Lucky number

e/ What type of equipment is necessary for first-year students?

f/ What is the difference between a traditional bulletin board and the one on the internet? g/ Would you like to complete a college degree from home? Why/ Why not?

h/ Lucky number IV Post-reading:

* Discussion:

- Devide class into six groups

- Talk about advantages and disadvantages of using computers - Call on sts go to the board to write down

- Correct mistakes Using computer

advantages Disadvantages

- quickly - influence on eyes

V Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the text times again - Answer all the question and exercise in work book - Prepare for next lesson correcting test


Planning date:20/04/2010

Period 93: correcting test


By the end of the lesson, students will be able to the test again and review the structures that they have done in the test

Teaching aids: test papers B Content

Hand papers to each student Questions:

I Underline the best answer to comple the following sentence:

I Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences: She has lived in Ha noi since 1990

2 Nam asked me whether I liked English I have known her for a long time

4 Last year, Lan’family visited Ha Long Bay He said that he played badminton

6 I was watching TV when he came

7 They had a picnic two weeks ago

8 Ba said that he worked at Hong Ha company Don’t stop your work although you are tired 10 Mr.Ba asked Hoa if she was a doctor

II True (T) or false (F)? Read the text then tick () the statements


beaches Greece is a safe place to visit because there is hardly any crime Outside Athens, the capital, there is not much pollution because there is not much industry in other parts of the country Transportation is good, and there are many taxis and buses There are also plenty of large ferries that go to the islands

Statements T F

1 There is a little snow in winter in the north

2 There is much industry outside Athens, the capital The weather is wonderful

4 Greece is good place for people who like swimming In Greece, it is not easy to go to the islands

Answer key


T/ F F F T T F

III points:

1 I asked Ba if/ whether Huong River was in Hue

2 My mother asked me if/ whether I would clean the living-room kieu story was written by Nguyen Du

4 A new computer will be bought soon

5 volleyball was being playedat 4.30 yesterday afternoon Inspite of the bad weather, we played soccer in the stadium IV Homework

- Do all the test again into your notebook


Planning date:24/04/2010

Unit 15: computers period 4/94: writing

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a set of instructions on how to use the printer

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing the instruction: B Content:

Warmer: Greetings * wordsquere

- Put the square chart on the board

- Inform the topic and the number of the hidden words - Devide class into two groups A and B

- Ask sts go to the board to write down the words - Hidden words can lay on a (straight, a croos, dow) line Vocabulary:

- paper in put tray: khay đặt giấy vào (picture) - output path: lối (picture) - icon (n): ký hiệu, biểu tợng (visuals) - power button: nút mở điện (picture) - monitor screen: hình máy (picture)

Checking vocabulary: Slap the board I Pre-writing:

1 Matching

- Ask Ss to look at Ex.1-p.142 and matching - Get Ss to give their answers and correct Gap fill:

- Get Ss to make use of some phrasal verbs

- Put the words on the board and ask Ss to fill in the gaps with the right words if possible a/ (to) wait (so/sth)

b/ (to) remove (sth) c/ (to) turn (a machine) d/ (to) plug (sth) e/ (to) load (sth) - Work individually

- Call on sts to give their answers and correct mistakes Answerkey for Gap fill:

1/ -> b 4/ -> e 2/ -> d 5/ -> f 3/ -> a

II While-writing:

* Write the instruction:

- Have Ss look at the pictures and the cues on p.143 - Run through

- Get Ss work in pairs to outline the instructions - Model:

Plug in the printer and turn on the power - Call on sts to say out the instructions first

- Ask Ss to go to the board to write down their answers - Give feedback and correct









Possible answer: Write the instruction:

Plug in the printerand turn on the power

Remove the old paper and load the new paper in the paper input tray Wait for the power button to flash

Have the pages appear on the computer screen

Click the priter icon on the screen and wait for a few seconds The printered-paper will get out from the output path in a minute III Post - writing

Call students on board and write their writing on board IV Homework:

- Write the instruction into your book again - Do exercise in workbook

- Prepare for Language focus


Planning date:25/04/2010

Unit 15: computers period 5/95: language focus

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise: present perfect with yet and already and comparison of present perfect and past simple

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in the comparison of present perfect and past simple

B Content:

Warmer: Greetings Guessing game:

- Call on a student to go to the board and give him/ her a job name - Ask the rest of the class to guess the job by asking yes/ no question - The chosen student can only answer yes or no

Example: ? Do you work with children? II Revision:

Activity one: present perfect tense - Write the examples on the board: - Have you done it yet?

- Yes I have already done it

- Ask Ss look at the sentences above ? Which tense is it?

- present perfect tense

- Ask Ss to repeat the form and the usage of this tense again * Form: (+) S + have/ has + already + PII

(-) S + haven’t/ hasn’t + PII + yet (?) Have/ has + S + PII + yet? - Explain Ss how to use yet and already.

* Use:

YET: used in questions and negative statements AlREADY: used in positive statements

* Activity two: past simple tense - Ask them a question:

? What did you last night? - I watched T V last night


* Form:

S + V (past) + O * Use:

- to express an action happened in the past with definite time III Practice:

1/ Gap fill: Ex.1-p.144 - Ask Ss look to at Ba’s diary

- Run through the dialogue and Ba’s diary - Comple the dialogue using Yet and Already.

- Pairwork

- Ask two pairs to read out the dialogue and correct mistakes 2/ Questions - answers:

- Have Ss look at the flight information tables and ask questions to show the model - Model: S1: Has the flight to Vientiane departed yet?

S2: Yes, it has already departed

S1: Has the flight from Los Angeles arrived yet? S2: No, it hasn’t arrived yet

- Ask Ss to take in turns to ask and answer the questions - Call on five pairs to read out

- Give feedback and correct 3/ Ex.3-p.146:

- Use Vietnamese to elicit the models: a/ I have ever been to England (finished)

b/ My family has gone to Paris for three weeks (incomplete) - Ask sts look at models (a), (b) and explain:

(+) finished actions -> indefinite time

(+) incomplete actions -> for, since, recently,

- Get them look at the table on p.146, read the sentences and check () the column - Work individually

- Ask them compare with their friend - Call on Ss to answer and correct Ex.4-p.146:

- Let Ss look at the dialogue on p.146 - Run through

- Get them work inpair to complete the dialogue using the present perfect or the past simple of the verbs un brackets

- Ask four pairs to read out - Correct mistakes

IV Homework:

- Do exercise language focus in text book and exercise in work book - Prepare for Unit 16: Getting starte + Listen and read

Planning date:27/04/201

Unit 16: Inventions

period 1/96:Getting started, Listen and read A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the origin of paper and talk about the process of producing something

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures, dics and cassette player

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in reading the text and matching the exercise part on


B Content:

1 Warmer: Greetings * Matching:

Have Ss look at the pictures on p.147

- Run through all the pictures and statements

What you think the people in the picture (a) doing? What can you see in picture (a)?, …

- Ask Ss to match the pictures with the right statements - Call on Ss to answer and correct

Answer key:

A – b B – c

C – e D – a E - d Vocabulary:

- papyrus (n): cói (situation) - process (n): quy trình, q trình (explanation) - mold (n): khn đúc (visuals)

- (o) grind - ground: xay nhá (picture) - (to) crush: nghiỊn n¸t (example) - (to) remove: lÊy ra, lo¹i bá (traslation)

- Checking vocabulary: What and Where Open prediction:

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on.148 - Run through

? Who are they?

- Tim, Mrs.Allen, Mr.Robert, ? Where are they?

- They are in the factory ? What are they doing?

- Ask Ss to guess what are they doing at the factory - Work in groups

- Ask Ss to answer

- Write Ss’guess on the board Reading the dialogue Checking Ss’guess:

- Get Ss open their books on p.148 - Read the dialogue to check - Ask Ss to read out the dialogue Matching:

- Have them look at Ex.2-p.149 - Run through the statements

- Ask Ss to read the dialogue again then match the half sentences on p.149 - Ask them to compare with their friends

- Call on Ss to go to the board to write down their answers - Correct mistakes

Answer key:

a.- E: the beans are cleaned before being cooked

b.- D: Mr Roberts thought Tim and Sam were going to touch the button c.- C: After cooking, the cacao beans smell like chocolate

d.- F: sugar is one of the ingredients in chocolate


f.- A: A sample of chocolate is given after visitors have toured the factory structures:

Modals verbs in passive form A: S + auxV + V + O

P: S + auxV + be + PP + by O

Note: Equivalents of modals in passive forms CAN : be able to

MAY : be possible, be allowed to MUST : have to

WILL/ SHALL : be going to Homework:

- Learn by heart vocabulary and read the text times again - Do exercise in work book

- Prepare for Speaking , language focus 1,2


Planning date:28/04/2010

Unit 16: Inventions period 2/97:speaking, language focus 1,2 A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use passive form to talk about inventions and creations

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures, dics and cassette player  Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in speaking B Content:

Warmer: Greetings Bingo:

- Get sts to brainstorm a list of 10 words and write them on the board

(foreman, process, manufacture, remove, crush, liquefy, grind, pour, mold, conveyor belt) - Ask sts to choose any words and copy them into their paper

- Call out the words until someone has ticked all of his/ her words and shout “Bingo” Pre teach Vocabulary:

- facsimile (n): b¶n fax (visuals) - helicopter (n): máy bay lên thẳng (picture) - reinforced concrete (n): bê tông cốt thép (explanation) - loudspeaker (n): loa (phãng thanh) (picture) - microphone (n): mic cr« (visuals)

Checking vocabulary:

Matching (use the pictures) I Pre- speaking

1 Present Dialogue:

- Hang on the picture on the board about a telephone; Ba and Nam

- Let sts look at them and guess what are Nam and Ba talking about

Ba: When was the telephone invented? Nam: It was invented in 1876

Ba: Who was it invented by? Nam: By Alexander G Bell Ba: What was his nationality? Nam: He was American

- Open pairs - Closed pairs


II While- speaking: Substitution:

- Hang on the poster on p.150 on the board - Run through

- Ask sts look at this then ask theirs friends question to fill in the table - Call sts go to the board to fill in

- Correct mistakes

2 Make up similar dialogue:

- Get sts choose one of invention above then make up dialogue - Work in pairs

- Ask some pairs to read out and correct III Post- speaking:

* Transformation:

- Get sts look at the poster then write the sentences about the inventions - Model: Color television was invented in 1950 by Peter Carl Goldmark - Work individually

- Ask them to share with their friends - Call sts go to the board to write down - Correct mistakes

Language focus 1,2 Miss Lien wrote this letter

> This letter was written by Miss Lien Form:

A: S + Vpast + O +

P: S + was/ were + PP + by O Cue drill:

Exercise language focus 1,2 on page154 Eg: Mrs Quyen typed this document > This document was typed by Mrs Quyen IV Homework:

- learn by heart vocabulary and structures


Planning date:10/04/2010

Unit 16: Inventions period 3/98:listening, language focus 3,4 A Aim:

`By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to fill in the gaps and order sentences by listening

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures, dics and cassette player  Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening B Content:

Warmer: Greetings * Guessing game: What invention?

- Ask students to think of an invention or write it down on a piece of paper

- Call on one student to the front of the class or ask the rest of the the student ask him/ her Yes/ No questions

Ex: Are you thinking of -?

- The chosen student can only answer Yes or No

I Pre-listening:

* Vocabulary:

- vat (n): thóng to, chum - roller (n): trục lăn

- liquor(n) rợu mùi

- (to) roast rang, quai - (to) drain: làm nớc

- (to)smooth: làm cho phẳng

Checking vocabulary: What and Where

* Take a paper before class the ask Ss to look at this ? What is this? - It’s a paper

? When was paper invented? ? Where was it invented? ? How to make paper?

- Mime some steps in the paper making process - Ask Ss to guess which step you are miming 1/ Paper pulp was placed in the vat

2/ The water was drained

3/ Paper pulp was mixed with water

4/ The fibers were smoothed and pressed dry

- Give Ssone minute silent time to predict the order of steps (in Ex.2) - Write sts’ predictions on the board

II While- listening:

1 Checking sts’ predictions: a/ Ordering:

- Open th tape (twice) - Ss listen to check

- Ask them to share with their friends - Call Ss to answer

- Open tape again to coreect * Answer key:


c - d - a - e - g- f - b b/ Gap fill:


- Get Ss to listen to the tape again to fill in the gaps - Open tape once more

- Ask Ss to answer - Open tape again - Listen and correct Answer key

Gap fill:1/ simple 2/ same

3/ two hundred 4/ left

5/ rollers

III Post- listening:

* Game-trivia:

- Devide Ss into two teams

- Give Ss in both teams minutes of silent time to write trivia questions about when things were invented (all Ss close their books)

- One student from team A ask team B a question

- Give one point for correct answers and two points for correct questions Ex: S1: When was the color television invented?

S2: In 1950 Cue drill;

Language focus 3,4 in text book

IV Homework:

- Learn new words by heart and exercise in language focus 3,4 - Prepare for Reading lesson


Planning date:18/04/2010

Unit16: Inventions period 4/99: reading

A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to develop reading skill: a poem for information about inventions

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures,

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in reading comprehension questions B Content:

Warmer: Greetings


? Tell me household appliances?


washing machine

I Pre-reading:

1 Vocabulary:

- microwave (n): vi sãng (picture) - vacuum (n): m¸y hót bơi (situation) - toaster (n): máy nớng bánh mì (explanation) - hair-dryer (n): m¸y sÊy tãc (visuals)

Checking vocabulary:

Rub out and Remember Guessing the heading to the verses:

- Ask Ss to look at the poem on p.151 and ask them some questions:


? Do you like reading a poem?

? How many verses are there in this poem? - three verses Verse 1: a/ Instrument invented by Alexander Graham Bell Verse 2: b/ Appliances that cook food

Verse 3: c/ Appliances that clean or dry things

- Ask Ss to look at the poster then guess the heading to the verses

II While- reading: Checking Ss’ guess:

- Let Ss look at the book on p.151 - Read the poem to check

- Ask Ss to correct.Answer key: 1/ Guessing the heading to the verses: Verse 1: b/ Appliances that cook food

Verse 2: c/ Appliances that clean or dry things

Verse 3: a/ Instrument invented by Alexander Graham Bell Gap fill:

- Get Ss to look at Ex.2-p152 - Run through

- Ask them to read the poem to fill in the sentences - Work individually

- Ask them to share with friends - Call Ss to go to the board to fill in - Correct mistakes

Answer key: (1) vacuum (2) telephone

(3) washing machine (4) microwave (5) hairdryer (6) toaster

III Post- reading:

* Discussion:

- Give Ss some questions to discuss

? What is vacuum used to do?? Who was the telephone invented by? ? What is toaster used to do?

? What is microwave used to do? ? What is hairdryer used to do? - Ask sts to answer

- Correct mistakes

V Homework:

- Learn the vocabulary by heart and read the text times again - Answer all the question in text b

Planning date:12/05/2010

Unit 16: Inventions A Aim:

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use sequence markers to describe a manufacturing procedure

 Teaching aids: posters, pictures,

 Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in writing B Content:


* Jumbledwords:

- Put the cardboards with jumbles words on the board - Inform the topic: words related to papermaking produre 1/ lppu ->

2/ llreor -> 3/ morever -> 4/ darniver -> 5/ berifver ->

- Ask each student to write answer on a piece of paper to hand in * Answerkey: Jumbledwords:

1/ pulp 2/ roller 3/ remove 4/ drain 5/ fibre

I Pre-writing:

1 Gap fill:

- Ask Ss to read the text on p.152 and fill in the gaps with the right sequence markers to describe the procedure of paper-making

- Ask them some questions to check ? What is cut into chips?

? What are chips mixed with before they are crushed to heavy pulp? ? Why is the pulp passed through rollers?

? What is the last step in paper-making? - Call on sts to read the completed sentences - Give feedback and correct

Answer key: Gap fill: 1/ First

2/ Then 3/ Next 4/ After this 5/ Then 6/ Finally

2 Ordering pictures:

- Have Ss look at the pictures on p.153

- Ask Ss to think of the process of cacao-making and put the pictures in the correct order - Work in group

- Ask Ss to answer - Correct mistakes Answer key; Odering: - - - - -

II W hile-writing :

* Write:

- Ask Ss to rearrange the sentences on p.153 according to the order pictures - Work individually

- Ask Ss to answer - Correct mistakes Answer key:Write: d-a-e-c-b-f

III Post – Writing


Ask Ss to write on board their writing

IV Homework:

- write the processe into your book

- Prepare for review lesson

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 11:13



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