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  • S + asked / told + someone + to do something

  • S + like / enjoy / love / hate / mind + V-ing + O

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Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 14/ 08/ 2011 Period 1: review A-Aim : By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to reviwe some basic knowledge they have learnt and know how to use the text book English 8, how many problems they will learn in grade 8 , how to get acquainted with English 8?And know some new things about this and how to learn well Teaching aids : Text book and workbook . Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reviewing things that were taught in the periods of Grade 7 and how to learn TIENG ANH 8 well . B - Content: Warm up : Greetings Chatting .(say in Vietnamese ) Ask Ss some questions to warm up the class after long Summer time : How did you spend your Summer holiday ? -Where did you go ?-What did you do ?-Who did you meet ? -Do you like to learn English? Why ? Pelmanism Go meet buy play come Met went came bought played I. Presentation 1. simple past Form S + V(past) (-) S + did not + V (?) Did + S + V? Eg: Huy visited Ha Long Bay last month Did he visit Hoan Kiem lake? - regular verb Verb + ED Eg: play played visit visited - Irregular verb Eg: go went do did 2. Comparative adjecties Short adj: S 1 +adj ER + than + S 2 Eg: Lan is smaller than Hoa - long adj: S 1 + tobe + more + adj + than + S 2 Linh is more beautiful than Nga II. Introduce the book : English 8 : 1-How many units are there in English 8 ? 2-How many parts are there in each unit ? 3-How many skills does each unit have ?What are they ? 4-How many topics are there in this book ? ( There are 6 topics :1 Các vấn đề về cá nhân (You and me) , 2 Các vấn đề về giáo dục và học tập (Education), 3 Cộng đồng(Community), 4 Sức khoẻ (Health), 5 Vui chơi, giải trí (Recreation) ,6 Thế giới quanh ta (The world aroud us) III. How to learn English 8? -Preparations for the English subject : - Text book :English 8 - Workbook : workbook English 8( sách bài tập Tiếng Anh 8 ). - Two notebooks for this subject : one for writing in class , the other for exercises at home Năm học: 2011 - 2012 1 Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 Period:2 Planning date: 15/08/ 2011 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 1: getting started + Listen and read. A. Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to know more about Hoa-Lan-Nien and to review simple present and simple past tense. - Teaching aids : Text book and cards . - Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading the dialogue for details and doing some excercises of simple present and simple past tense. B. Content : Warm up Greeting volleyball I. Presentation soccer chess 1. Pre-teach vocabulary - seem : (v) ( traslation ) - a next door neighbor (explanation:-a person who lives next to your house - (to) look like : ( traslation ). - enough: (adv) - Checking vocabulary: 2. Pre-questions : a) Is Nien Lans friend or Hoas friend ? b) How old is Nien ? c) Where does Nien live ? d) Is she a beautiful girl ? II. Practise - Ask students to read the dialogue among Hoa, Lan and Nien on page 10 and check if their answers are correct or not. - Answers: a) She is Hoas friend. b) Shes twelve years old. c) She lives in Hue . d) Yes, she is . 1, Comprehension questions: - Ask Ss to read the dialogue again and anwer the questions in exercise 2 on P.11. Ss work in pairs - Call on some Ss to ask and answer the questions . - Correct their mistakes or pronunciation. - Ask them to work in closed pairs . 2,structures: - what do/does + S + look like?(hỏi về dáng vóc con ngời) - what + tobe + S + like?(hỏi về tính cách) - be(not) + adj + enough + to V(đủ hay không đủ để làm gì) Eg: what does he look like? He is tall and thin and has short black hair What is he like? He is handsome and freindly He is strong enough to bring that table III. Writing - Ask Ss to write a paragraph about Hoa and Lan using given word cues below 1. Lan /Hoas best friend. 2. They/same class/Q.Trung school. 3. Last year/Hoa/to school first time. 4. Lan/show/around/introduce/to/new friends. - - Lets Ss discuss with their partners. *Choose some answers and correct them in front of the class. IV-Homework: - Learn by heart vocab and read the dialogue 5 times again - Ask Ss to do exercise 1(a); 1(b) on their notebooks . Năm học: 2011 - 2012 2 Favorite activities Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 Period 3 Planning date: 18/08/ 2011 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lessson3: Speak + LANGUAGE FOCUS 3,4. A-Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe someone and write some sentences using the structure (not) + adjectives enough + to infinitive. Teaching aids : Text book and pictures . Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone. B- Content : Brainstorming : Ask Ss to think of the adjectives used to describe body build and hair: -Team A: Body build :( thin ) . - Team B : Hair :( curly ). *Possible answers: fat,slim,tall,short,overweight,slender/straight,long,short,color(black/dark,blond/ fair,brown,grey, ). I-Pre - speaking: Show Ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair,her body build . Ex: She has long blond hair. She is short and thin . Form : S + have/ has + adjectives + hair . ) S + be + adjectives . II-While - speaking: 1) Word cue drill: ( 6 cards ): a-He/ tall/ thin . c- He / short / fat . e- curly / blond . b- She / short / slim. d long / black . f straihgt / brown . 2) Practice speaking : Show the poster of six people /or ask Ss to look at six people on p.11-12 Call on a St to describe one person,the other have to guess who she/he is . Ex: S1:This person is short and thin .She has long blond hair . S2 : Is this Mary ? - S1: Yes . - And go on . III-Post - speaking: -Presentation 1 : Set the scene to introduce the structure (not) +adjectives enough +to infinitive. Complete the exchange : T: Can you(1) this(2) over ther Ss: No, I(3) not(4) (5) to(6) the(7) over there . Answers: T: Can you hang this picture over there ? Ss :No, I am not tall enough to hang the picture over there . 1-Form: (not) + adjectives enough + to infinitive . 2-Meaning: đủ / không đủ (điều kiện /khả năng ) để làm gì . IV-Practice: 1)Word-cue-drill: a-Read English books / v good . Can you read English books ?-Yes, my English is good enough to read EL books b- Drive a car / x old. Can you drive a car ? - No,Im not old enough to drive a car . c- Carry this bag / v strong . Can you carry this bag ? - Yes, Im strong enough to carry this bag . V-Futher practice : Ask Ss to do exercise 4 on p.17 in pairs . Answers:a)Not big enough, b)Not old enough, c)Strong enough, d)Good enough . Năm học: 2011 - 2012 3 Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 VI-Homework : - Ask Ss to write five sentences about themselves using the structure : (not) adjectives enough + to- infinitive. - Do exercises in the workbook . . Period 4 Planning date: 18/08/ 2011 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lessson3: listen + LANGUAGE FOCUS 1,2. A-Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to complete the dialogue by listening and use simple present tense to talk about general truths . Teaching aids : Text book and pictures, stereo . Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone. B- Content : Warm up : Greetings I-Pre-Listening: Ask Ss to do exercise Listen a,b,c,d on p.12,13. *Give Ss some expressions and make sure they know their meanings . *Get Ss to guess and complete four dialogues on p.12,13,using the given expressions II- While - Listening Let Ss listen to the tape twice . * Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogue Answers : a) Id like you to meet ,Nice to meet you , b) Id like you to meet , Its a pleasure to meet you , c) come and meet , d) .How do you do? III- Post-Listening: Call on some Ss to play the roles of Nam-Hoa-Thu,Khai-Mrs.Lien-Mrs.Vi,Ba-Bao-grandmother, Mr.Lam- Mrs.Linh-Mr.Thanh and practce the dialogues. Correct Ss pronunciation . Curly bold blond slim Straight fair dark black Position of adjective: kích thớc tính chất màu sắc - noun Let Ss work in pairs to practice the dialogues ( closed pairs ). * Language focus 1,2 -Presentation 1: Matching - a planet: sao hoả - Mars: (ex: the sun, the moon, the earth - Murcury : ngớ ngẩn - silly(adj) : sao thuỷ Checking vocabulary : Slap the board . 2)Revision of simple present tense : a-Form S + V ( s, es ) + O . b-Usage:The simple present tense is used to express an action which is always true. Give Ss five verbs : be, move, set, rise, go . *Ask Ss to complete the dialogue between Ba and Tuan ,his young cousin . *Get Ss to work in pairs . Answers : rises sets goes moves is is is Presentation 2: Compare with the past simple tense in exercise1 ( page : 16) Ask students to do exercise1 ( page : 16) IV- Homework : Ask Ss to do exercises in their work book from 1-7 Năm học: 2011 - 2012 4 Trêng THCS TiÕn ThiÕt Hoµng §øc To¶n G/A: TiÕng Anh 8 Period:5 planning date: 20/08/ 2011 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 4 Reading A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friend - Teaching aids : Text book and posters - Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in reading for specific information B- Content : Warm up : Greetings Chatting (Ask Ss to look at four pictures on p.10 and talk about the activities they want to do after school or in their free time.Give them questions). Questions: What are these students doing ? What time of the day do you think it is? Do you like soccer/reading books.? Whom do you like playing with? I-Pre-reading : 1)Pre-teach vocabulary: - a character : ( translation ) - an orphanage: (explanation) ( a place where children without parents live ). - resevered(adj) : ( translation ) - sociable(adj) : ( translation ) - (to) tell jokes : (explanation) ( tell a story which makes people lauge - sense of humor ( translation ) Checkingvocabulary: * What and where * 2)T/F statements prediction: (poster): Set the scene:These statements are about Ba and his friends,read them and guess: a-Ba only has three friends:Bao-Long-Khai. b –Ba and his friend have the same characters. c- Bao-Song-Khai are quite reserved in public. d- They all enjoy school and study hard . II-While-reading: Ask Ss to open their books , read the text on p.13 and check( I-2). Correction: a-F,b-F,c-F and d-T a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao,Song and Khai. b. They have different characters. c –Only Song and Khai are quite reserved. 1)Multible choice:(Get Ss to do exercise 1 on p.14.Ask them to work in pairs to choose the best answers). Answers: a- three , b work doesnot affect his school work ,… … … c- are rather shy , d- .get tired of ,… … … … Explain the meanings of the phrases if it neccessary 2) Comprehension questions : Ask Ss to work in pairs to do exercise 2 on p.14. Let Ss read the text again and answer the questions. Answers: a)He feels lucky having s lot of friends . b)Bao is the most sociable . c) Khai likes reading. d)His jokes sometimes annoy his friends . e)Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage. III-Post-reading : Ask all Ss to work in closed pairs . Ask Ss to work in groups and talk to another about their friends , using the adjectives they have just learnt to describe. IV. Homework Ask each student to write a paragraph ( about 50 words ) about one closed friend . Do exercices in th workbook .Prepare “Write” for the next lesson N¨m häc: 2011 - 2012 5 Trêng THCS TiÕn ThiÕt Hoµng §øc To¶n G/A: TiÕng Anh 8 Period 6 Planning date: 22/08/ 2011 UNIT 1 : MY FRIENDS Lesson 5 : Writing A-Aim: By the end of the new lesson, students will be able to write a paragraph about their closed friends - Teaching aids : Text book and pictures - Anticipated problems :Ss may have difficulties in using the correct places of kinds of words in a sentence,writing about oneself and about other people. B. Content : Warm up : Greetings Kim s game’ . Ask Ss to look at the picture on p.17 quickly (for 20 seconds).Then let them keep their books closed. Divide the class into four groups. Give Ss two questions,the group which answers correctly the fastest wins the game. Questions: a)How many people are there in the picture?(four) b)What is each person wearing? (-The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt . The man who is standing beside the car is wearing brown trousers and a yellow shirt. The man who standing on the pavement is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers. The boy is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt.) I-Pre-writing : Reading :Ask Ss to read the information about Tam then answer some questions: a)What is his name? b ) How old is he ? c )What does he look like? d) What is he like? (He is sociable,humorous and helful.) e )Where does he live? f) Whom does he live with? g ) Who is his friend II-While-writing : Let Ss write a paragraph about Tam, using the information they have just got . They have to work individually. Ask Ss to compare with the paragraph in their books on p.15. Ask Ss to write some information about one of their friends,then write a paragraph about him or her . Get Ss to share with their partners and coreect if possible . Example: His/her name is and /she is years old.… … He/she lives at in with his grandmother,his parents and his younger sister,Mai .He/she is tall and … … slender. He/ she has short black hair . He / she rather shy but friendly and helful . He/she has a lot of friends but his/her close friends are and .… … III-Post-writing : Transformation writing *Ask each student to write a similar paragraph about himself/ herself . *Move around the class and help Ss ,then ask some Ss to speak in front of the class about himself / herself IV- Homework : - Ask Ss to write another paragraph about their family - Do exercises5,6 in workbook . …………………………………………. N¨m häc: 2011 - 2012 6 Trêng THCS TiÕn ThiÕt Hoµng §øc To¶n G/A: TiÕng Anh 8 Period 7: 24/8/2011 Unit 2: making arrangements Lesson1: Getting started +listen and read A. AIM: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read a text for details to understand the way to make a call and know some objects name - Teaching aids: cassete and disk and pictures of some objects - Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in answering the questions B. content 1. Warm up Greetings 2. Getting started - Matching Ss match the words in the box and these objects in the pictures Hang the pictures on the board and get students to match each object with its name - Answer key a. an answering machine b. a mobile phone c. a fax machine d. a telephone directory e. a public telephone f. an address book 3. pre-teach vocabulary agree (v) (exp) arrange (v) (mime, exam) hold on (v) (mime, exam) Outside (pre) (example) Cheking vocabulary 4. Dialogue a. set the sence: show the pictures and ask Who is this? What are they doing? Who is speaking? b. Listen and read Ss look at the dialogue and listen to the tape once Ss read the dialogue in pairs Call two pairs to read the dialogue c. Game( Lucky number) Ss into two ask the partner these questions to check your answers Questions Answer keys 1. who made the call? Nga made the call 2. Lucky number! Lucky number! 3.who introduce herself? Nga introduce herself 4. who invited the other to the movies? Nga invited Hoa to the movies 5. Lucky number! Lucky number! 6. who arranged a meeting place? Nga arranged a meeting place 7. who arranged the time? Hoa arranged the time 8. Lucky number! Lucky number! 9. Who agreed to the time? Hoa agreed to the time d. Chatting Questions Answer 1. Does Nga want to speak to Hoa? Yes she is 2. Is Nga going to see a movie “dream city’? Yes she is 3. Does Hoa have to ask her mother? No she doesn’t 4. who does Hoa have to ask? She has to her aunt 5. where does Nga ask to meet Hoa? Let meet Hoa outside the theater N¨m häc: 2011 - 2012 7 Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 Structure Let meet outside the movie theater form Let + V(bare) (yêu cầu hay đề nghị ai đó làm gì) Can I speak to hoa, please? form Can I speak to + someone? (xin phép đợc nói chuyện với ai đó) Practise in pairs for the structure 5. Homework Learn by heart the vocabulary and read the dialogue 5 times again Period 8: Planning date:25/8/2011 Unit 2 : making arrangements LEsson 2 : speak and LF3 A . Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to make a complete telephone conversation about invite someone to some where and listen to fill in the missing information and use the adverbs of place -Teaching aids: subordinate board - Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening to fill in the information B. Content I. Pre Speaking 1. Warm up Greetings Review check old vocabulary 2. Pre teach vocabulary Upstairs (n) (antonym) Corner (n) góc (example) Band (n) đội văn nghệ (translate) Concert (n) buổi hoà nhạc (translate) Checking vocabulary What and where 3. Set the sence Use the picture of part 2 in page 20 and let students to put the converstation in part of speak 1 in order Answer key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 b f j a l c e k g h d call some pairs to read the conversation with the order II. While Speaking Dialogue build Speak 2 on page 20 about Ba and Bao Answer key Ba: Hello 8 257 012 Bao: Can I speak to Ba, please? This is Bao Ba: Hello Bao. How are you? Bao; I m fine, thanks. And you? Ba: Great. Me too Bao: Can you play chess tonight? Ba: Im sorry.I cant play chess to night.Bao: What about tomorrow afternoon? Im going to do my homework. Ba: Yes. Tomorrow afternoon is fine Bao: I ll meet you at the center chess club Ba: At the center chess club? Bao: Is 2.00 o clock OK? OK. Lets meet at the front door. Ba: Great. See you tomorrow afternoon at two oclock. III. Post - speaking : Language focus 3 Năm học: 2011 - 2012 8 Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 1.Brainstorm behind inside downstairs outside upstairs 2.set the sence Hide and seek Example: S 1 close the eyes and S 2 hide and whole class ask: Where is he/she? S 1 I think he is out side the class 3. Practise Ss use the adverbs of place on th table and look at the pictures on P26 to practise ask and answer Example: S 1 where is he? S 2 He is upstairs af IV. Homework - Learn by heart vocabulary- making a telephone conversation like the conversation abov Period 9: Planning date:25/8/2011 Unit 2 : making arrangements LEsson 3 : LISTEN and LF 1,2 A . Aim : By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to make a complete telephone conversation about invite someone to some where and listen to fill in the missing information and practise with be going to + V(bare) -Teaching aids: subordinate board, cassette and dish - Anticipated problems: Ss can meet difficulties in listening to fill in the information B. Content I. Pre Listening Prediction: Ss predict the information to fill in the gaps about KINGTON JUNIVOR HIGH SCHOOL II. While - Listening Ss listento the telephone conversation and fill the informaton Answer key Date: 12/09 Time: 2.30 For: The principal Message: Mrs. Mary Nguyen wanted to see you at 9.45 in the morning Telephone number: 64683720942 Tape transcript in teacher book on page 25, 26 III. Post - Listening Language Focus 1,2: * Matching A fishing rod phim hành động An action movie cần câu cá Invite bố mẹ Parents mời * Presentation the future intention Modal sentenses: Năm học: 2011 - 2012 9 Adverbs of place Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 I have a movie ticket So I am going to see a movie tonight Ask Ss to give the structure of future intention Form: S + to be + going to + V(bare) Ask Ss the use and meaning Cue drill (language focus ex 1 on P 24) a. Game Lucky number Eg: Nga has a movie ticket > She is going to see a movie 1. Quang and nam bought new fishing rods yesterday 2. Lucky Nimber! 3. Lucky Number! 4.Lys mother gave her a new novel this morning and she has no homework to do 5. Lan has alot of homework in math 6. Hoang likes action movie very much and there is an interesting action movie tonight 7. Hiens friend invited her to his birthday party 8. Lucky Number! - Interview Ask Ss to use the table in language focus ex 2 on P25 to ask and answer Example Exchange You: what are you going to do tonight? Your partner: I am going to see a movie You: Are you going to play sports tomorrow morning? Your partner : Yes, I am Ss work in pairs to Ask and answer _________________________________________________________________________ Period 10 Planning date:26/8/2011 Unit 2 : making arrangements Lesson 4: reading A. Aim: By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read a text for details about inventor and know more some new words - Teaching aids: pictures and subordinate boards - Anticipated problems: Ss can be confused about the part putting the events in the correct order B. Content Warm up Greetings Pre - teach vocabulary Emigrate(v) di c, xuất cảnh (explane) Experiment(with)(v) làm thí nghiệm (example) Transmit(v) truyền, phát tín hiệu (trans) Conduct(v) tiến hành, thực hiện (trans) Deaf- mute(n) ngời vừa câm vừa điếc (exam) Divice(n)(trans) Checking vocabulary R O R I. Pre Reading 1. Set the sence Use the picture of Alexander Do you know who is this? What did he invented? When was it invented? 2. True/ False prediction Năm học: 2011 - 2012 10 [...]... Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 b - rice cooker pan c - garlic and onion garlic and the green peppers d chicken and peas ham and peas - Ordering sentences : a Put ham and peas in the pan b Fry garlic and greenpepers c Put rice in the pan d Put cooking-oil and let it be hot e Add a teaspoon of salt in the pan II-While-listening Ss listen to check their guessing Tape transcript: Lan: can I help you cook... between Nga and her grandma and check their predictions -Give feedback : and answers :1F ,2T ,3F ,4T ,5F(correct the false ) 6)Fact or Opinion : -Ask Ss to read the statements part 3 on page 39 and decide which is fact and what is an opinion -Give feedback And answers: a-F,b-F,c-F,d-F,e-O, f-O Structure: S + used to + V(bare) Meaning: đã thờng hay ở quá khứ, không xẩy ở hiện tại nữa Cue drill: Language... Lan: can I help you cook dinner, Mom Mrs Tu: Sure you can cook the special chinese fried rice for me Use the pan please Lan: Ok, How much oil do I put in? Mrs Tu: Just a little Wait until its hot and then fry the garlic and the green peppers Lan: Do I put the ham and the peas in now? Mrs.Tu: Yes.And you can put the rice and a teaspoon of salt in Lan: Um, It smells delicious Keys for guessing a.A; b.B;... traditional (adj) : (translation ) Great grandma : (n) (explanation ) Năm học: 2011 - 2012 22 Trờng THCS Tiến Thiết Hoàng Đức Toản G/A: Tiếng Anh 8 Electricity (n) (trans) Checking vocabulary : * What and Where 4.True/ False Statements Prediction : (Poster ) a)Nga used to live on a farm b)Ngas grandma didnt go to school c)She has an easy and happy life when she was young d)There wasnt any modern equipment... :Every # Many learners do not try to ; d ) T 2- Comprehension questions : - Ask Ss to answer the questions in pairs by write the answer in a poster *Answers :a No, they dont b.Because they want to remmember how to use the words in the right way c.They write each word and its use on a small piece of paper and stick it somewhere so as to learn it any time d.Because they want to learn only important words... Ss imagine that they are Lan and write a letter to her penpel Donna in Sans Francisco, using the given information *Answers: Tran Phu Street, Ha Tinh,June 10th ,2008 Dear Donna, Thanks for your letter Im glad to hear you had an interesting/enjoyable Mothers Day We received our second semester report last month I got good grades for Geography, Physics and Math but my English and History results were... can look like candy `c A kitchen is a suitable place to play d Playing with one match can not start fire e Putting a knife into electrical socket is dangerous f Young children do not understand that many household objects are dangerous *Teacher gives the feedback II-While-reading : 1- Reading the text : *Ask Ss to read the poster and check their prediction, correct if the statement is false *Answers... Comprehension questions : *Ask Ss to answer the questions beneath the text one by one *Answers : a Because children often try to eat and drink them b Because the kitchen is a dangerous place c Because playing with one match can cause the fire e Because children often try to put something into electrical sockets and electricity can kill f Because the dangreous objects can injure or kill children III-Post-reading... explanation of the modal verb should and form Form : Use : S + should + infinitive + (O) to give an advice * Picture: Cue Drill : - Hanging the pictures and run through all and do model one picture Ask Ss to work in pair to give out the answers III Production : Write It Up - Each team make sentences with Should as many as good VI-Homework : - Ask Ss to do exercise 2 page 52 at home - Prepare Language... time to fill in the blanks The boy scouts of America in -(1) - in -(2) -.The scouts association crossed the Atlantic in (3) (4) can join the girl guides association and the co-educational camp fire bouys and girls There are (5) -aims of the -6) program - Ask sts to answer and correct KEY: 1,England 2.1907 3.1910 4.Girls 5 three IV Homework: - Learn by heart the vocabulary and read the text 5 times . TiÕng Anh 8 b - rice cooker pan c - garlic and onion garlic and the green peppers d – chicken and peas ham and peas - Ordering sentences : a. Put ham and peas in the pan . b. Fry garlic and. translation ) - an orphanage: (explanation) ( a place where children without parents live ). - resevered(adj) : ( translation ) - sociable(adj) : ( translation ) - (to) tell jokes : (explanation). the exchange : T: Can you(1) this(2) over ther Ss: No, I(3) not(4) (5) to(6) the(7) over there . Answers: T: Can you hang this picture over there ? Ss :No, I am not tall enough to hang the

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2014, 04:00

