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giao an khoi 2 TUAN 26

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Teacher calls out/ shows the phonics card of one of the phonic cards, the 3 students have to race to touch the word. The student who touches first wins a point for his/ her team[r]


WEEK 26 Period 51 Date of preparing : 17/03/2019

UNIT 11: LESSON : Xx I Objective :

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

Recognize and pronounce the letter Xx and its sound correctly Understand, recognize and say the three Xx words

Write the letter Xx Language focus: Vocabulary: Ox, box, taxi Sight words: Stop, the

2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading , writing 3.Attitude: to teach ps : Ox, box, taxi

II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher: - Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant. 2 Student: i-Learn My Phonics Grade 2, Pupil’s book – p.49

III Method: - TPA, PPP IV.Procedures: 1 Organization: - Greeting

- Check student attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

2B Tuesday, March 19th 2019 2C Monday, March 18th 2019 2D Tuesday, March 19th 2019 2 Warm up (5’)

Put up phonics cards from the previous unit on the board

Choose students to go to the board and make a line in front of the board Choose a student to be “Memory Master”

The students choose a phonics card and say the word (without touching the cards- each student chooses one phonic card)

The “Memory Master” must hand correct phonics cards to each student Or

Activity: Say the word

Write the letter W on the board and elicit its sound

Ask individual student to say a word beginning with the /w/ sound Ask the rest of the class for verification

3.New lesson 30’


1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 67): Introduction of letter X, its sound and how to pronounce the words with Xx


Show the students the ox phonic card Point to it and say: /ks/ The students repeat

Then say /ks/- ox The students repeat Put your forefingers on the sides of your head, as if you have horns and say: /ks/- ox Encourage the students to the same

Say the letter, the students perform the action and the word

Follow the same procedure: /ks/- box(mime a square), /ks/- taxi (mime driving)

Write the letter Xx on the board next to the phonics cards Point to it and say: “This is the letter /esk/ The letter /esk/ makes the /ks/ sound The students repeat

Activity: Run and Touch 4’

Divide the class into two teams A and B Put up the phonics cards on the board Say one of the words Two students, one from each team, call out the word when they race to touch the corresponding card

The first student to touch the card wins a point for his/ her team

The team with more points wins

Pupil’s book open

Point to and elicit the sound of the letter and the words./ks/- ox, /ks /- box, /ks/- taxi

Play the CD The students listen, point and repeat

The students color the letters Xx(explain that they can use any colors they like)

Teacher goes around the class and elicits the letter and the word from individual students

2 Listen and point Colour (Track 68): Read the words in sentence 6’

Point to the ox and say: Stop the ox! The students repeat

Do the same procedure for the box and taxi

Listen, point and repeat Colour Ox bò thiến

Box Cái hộp Taxi xe taxi


Play the CD The students listen and point Say: Stop the box! Ask the students to point to the corresponding items

Ask the students to look at the missing puzzle pieces and match them to the picture Go around the classroom ask the students to name the item they are matching

3.Chantand show! (Track 69) 5’

Put up the ox, box and taxiphonics cards on the board

Point to the phonics cards and say: /ks /- ox, /ks /- box, /ks /- taxi The students repeat Play the CD The students listen, follow in their books and chant

Ask the students to the actions of the words when they chant

Repeat the chant without the CD Keep the rhythm by clapping hands

Activity: Chant in group (Optional)

Divide the class into groups (ox, box, taxi) Each group says the appropriate chant while the rest of the class claps

Ask each group to mime the corresponding action or show the corresponding phonics cards while they chant

Activity 1: Writing in the air

Show the letter Xx again, have students write the Xx in air with their fingers

Activity 2: Guess

Divide the class into two teams, A and B Ask a student from one team to come to the board

Whisper one of the vocabulary words (from this unit) to the student

Without speaking, the student draw a picture of the word on the board

The first team to guess the word correctly wins a point

Repeat the activity with a student from the other team


The team with more points wins the game 4.Consolidation:1’

- T asks whole class to learn by heart newwords and let’s chant 5 Homelink: 1’

Do the excersice


……… ………


-WEEK 26 Period 52 Date of preparing : 17/03/2019

UNIT 11: LESSON : Xx I Objective :

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to: Recognize and say the three Xxwords correctly Do the corresponding actions

Practice reading skills Sing letter Xx song Language focus: Vocabulary: Ox, box, taxi

Sight words: Stop, the,Look, the, is, in, a, stop, please 2 Skill: listening, speaking ,reading , writing

3.Attitude: to teach ps : Ox, box, taxi II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher: - Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant. 2 Student: i-Learn My Phonics Grade 2, Pupil’s book – p.49

III Method: - TPA, PPP IV.Procedures: 1 Organization: - Greeting

- Check student attendence

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

2B Thursday, March 21th 2019 2C Tuesday, March 19th 2019 2D Friday, March 22th 2019 2 Warm up (5’)


Put the phonics cards on the board Name the items One at a time, ask students to corresponding actions then say the sound of the letter and words

E.g Teacher: (Point to the ‘ox’phonics card) Say /ks/- ox Class: (mime horns on their heads) /ks /- ox

Tell the students to listen for words that begin with the /ks/ sound

Ask the students to stand up when they hear words with /ks/ sound and sit when they hear words without/ks/ sound

Say slowly at the beginning and faster to make it more fun Encourage the students to give the correct answer

3.New lesson 30’

Teacher– Students’ activies Content 4 Listen Read Along (Track 70)(8mins)

Ask: Can you see /ks/- ox? Point to it

Encourage the students to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

Play the CD Have the students listen to the story once

Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

Read the story The students follow in their books

Teacher reads the printed words then let the students look at the pictures and say the words

Ask students work in pairs One reads while the other checks, then they swap roles Or one reads the printed words while the other looks at the pictures and says the words Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help

Activity: Say the Sight Words

Point to and say the sight words: look, the, is, in, a, stop, please

Have students repeat

Have some students read them aloud Activity: Speed race

Divide the class into teams, A, B and C Ask students from each team to come to the



Write the three words ox, box, taxi on the board

Teacher calls out/ shows the phonics card of one of the phonic cards, the students have to race to touch the word

The student who touches first wins a point for his/ her team

The team with the most points wins 5 Song (Track 71) 5’

Put up the ox, box, taxiphonics cards up on the board

Point to the taxi and say: Stop the taxiThe students repeat

Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

Play the CD The students listen and sing along

Play the CD again The pupils sing and corresponding actions OR ask the students to take out their own well, watch, window picture cards and place them on their desks Play the CD again The students listen and hold up the corresponding picture cards

Activity: What is it? 5’

Teacher holds up a phonics card, partly hidden by a sheet of paper

Slowly reveal the phonics cards The students try to guest what the phonics card is

Teacher can use some more cards from the previous units

5 Song


- T asks whole class to learn by heart newwords and let’s chant 5 Homelink: 1’

Do the excersice


……… ………


Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 11:48


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