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- T gives the instructions: Look at the situations in part 1 to say appropriate sentences. Congratulations!, Well done! You did a really good job! - T checks Ss’ understanding... - Ss do[r]


Date of preparing: 22.10.2020 Period: 22 UNIT 3: TEEN STRESS AND PRESSURE


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some vocabulary about life skills and the use of question words+to-infinitives then practice speaking more in “Communication”

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to have life skills and educate them love learning English more


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and the projector C METHODS:

- Word webs, multiple choice, write-it-up, pair work D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision/ Warmer: (5 minutes) * Word webs

- T draws the nets on the board

- T gives the instructions: Complete the word webs with nouns and adjectives connected with the city

- T models the first one

Cognitive skills - T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects, then praises the winner

+ Possible answers:

Cognitive skills, emotion control skills, social skills, self-care skills, housekeeping skills…

III New lesson : (37 minutes)

Activity 1: Multiple choice ( part 1/ p.34) (10 minutes)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part in the text book p.34, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Put yourself in these teen’s shoes Choose the two best words to describe your feelings in the following situations

- T models the first one

excited/ delighted - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group can write one answer

- T corrects, gives marks, praises the winner + Answer key:


1 excited/ delighted frustrated/ upset tense/ stressed

4 worried/ tense disappointed/ frustrated emotional/ depressed Activity 2: Say appropriate sentences( part 2/ p.34) (5 minutes)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part in the text book p.24, then runs through

- Ask Ss to remember the meanings of these verbs: congratulate, empathise, encourage, assure, and advise

- T gives the instructions: Look at the situations in part to say appropriate sentences - T models the first one

1 Congratulations!, Well done! You did a really good job! - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers,

- T corrects, gives marks + Answer key:

1 Congratulations!, Well done! You did a really good job! You must have been really disappinted

If I were you, I would talk to my parents

3 Stay calm Everything will be all right It might be a good idea to have a break when you feel too stressed

4 I understand how you feel

It might help to consider talking about this to somesomeone Have you thought about caring a counselling service?

5 It might help to consider focusing on the good points of the presentation rather than only the weak points

6 You must have been really emotional I understand how you feel

Activity 3: Gap- fill (part 3/ p 34) (5 minutes)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part in the text book p.34, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Give at least two examples for each of these sets of skills - T models the first one

Cognitive skills: concentrate on doing something, organise your timetable - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers then corrects

+ Answer key:

1 Cognitive skills: concentrate on doing something, organise your timetable Cognitive skills: control feeling, know how to get over negative feelings Cognitive skills: cooperate with others; communicate well

4 Cognitive skills: know how to act in emergency, know when to stop taking risks Cognitive skills: cook for oneself and others; manage a small budge

Activity 4: Write it up (part 4/ p 34) (10 minutes)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part in the text book p.34, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Rewrite the following in reported speech - T models the first one

1 She said she was really stressed out, and that she had had sleepless nights thinking about her exam

- T checks Ss’ understanding


- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group can write one answer

- T corrects, gives marks, praises the winner + Answer key:

1 She said she was really stressed out, and that she had had sleepless nights thinking about her exam

2 He said he couldn’t concentrate because it was too noisy in here She said she had been very upset at first but she was fine afterwards He said he didn’t think taking risks too often was a good idea

5 She said he would take a cooking class before he went to college He said he really wished he could make informed decisions * Communication (7 minutes)

Activity 5: Pair work (part 6/ p 35)

- Direct Ss to the two callers in part 4, skill Using the notes they produced for that exercise, ask Ss to recall the details of the two calls

- Ss discuss this task in pairs to work out the advice they would give to the two callers Encourage Ss to use the phrases they have learned for giving advice

- Call on five pairs to report the advice to the class - The class vote for their favourite piece of advice IV Summary. (1 minute)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson IV Homework: (1 minute)

- Finish all exercises - Finish the project (p.35)

- Prepare the new lesson: Review (unit 1-2-3) E EVALUATION:


Date of preparing: 22.10.2020 Period: 23


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review stress on content words, pronouns, on the verb “to be” in sentences and phrasal verbs

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: practise and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about Millennium Wheel


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters, stereo and the CD record C METHODS:

Chatting, matching, gap-fill, write it up D CONTENTS:

I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / Warmer: (5 minutes) * Chatting

- How are you? How’s the weather today?


III New lesson: (37 minutes) * Pronunciation (10 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen and practise saying the sentences ( part 1/p36)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 1/ p.36 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Listen and practise saying the sentences Pay attention to the underlined words

- Ask Ss what kinds of words are underlined

- Elicit the rule from Ss ( they are content words and are stressed because they contain all the important information being convey)

- Play the recording for Ss to listen and read along silently, then they can repeat out loud trying to stress the same words

- Call on some Ss to read out the sentences again - Correct their pronounciation as a class

Activity 2: Mark sentences as W(weak) or S(strong)( part 2/p36)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 2/ p.36 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Look at the underlined words in the sentences and mark them as W(weak) or S(strong)

- T models the first one

A: Is Minh happy about winning the scholarship? - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs first to mark the underlined words as W or S

- T plays the recording again and Ss repeat Pause and correct their pronounciation + Answer key:

A: Is (W) Minh happy about winning the scholarship? B: Yes, he is (S) But his parents are (W) happier A: I can’t (S) understand it! Aren’t (S) you my son? B: I’m terribly sorry, dad But it isn’t (S) entirely my fault A: Pho Hien is (W) a very old town in North Viet Nam B: Is it(S) ? Where is it (W) located?

A: It’s (W) rainting Are they (W) wearing raincoat? B: She (S) is, but he (S) isn’t

* Vocabulary (10 minutes) Activity 3: Match (part 3/p36)

- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 3/ p.36 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Match the verbs in column A with the words/ phrases in column B

- T models the first one reduce pollution - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

reduce pollution pull down an old building emphathise with someone make a handicraft


- T shows the poster which has the contents of part 4/ p.36 on the board then runs through

- T gives the instructions: fill the gaps with the words in the box - T models the first one

1 giant

- T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work with their partners in about minutes

- T gets Ss’ answers by dividing the class into groups One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes the answer

- T controls, corrects, gives marks then praises the winner + Answer key:

giant tallest attractions symbol fascinating excited affordable interest * Grammar (10 minutes)

Activity 5: Gap-fill( Part 5/ p 37)

- T shows content of part 5/p37, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Complete each sentence with the correct form of a phrasal verb from the list

- T models: set up

- T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss work in pairs in minute - T gets Ss’ answers

- T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 set up deal with 3 turned down 4 look up give up put up with got over keep up with Activity 6: Rewrite the following questions in reported speech, using question words before to-infinitives (Part 6/ p 37)

- T shows content of part 6/p37, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Rewrite the following questions in reported speech, using question words before to-infinitives

- T models:

1 Trang wondered what to wear to the fancy dress party - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss work in pairs in minute - T gets Ss’ answers

- T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 Trang wondered what to wear to the fancy dress party

2 She couldn’t decide whether to help Chau with the money her mum had given to her

3 Nick wondered where to get those traditional handicrafts

4 Phuc had no idea who to turn to for help with his homework Hoa was not sure when to break the sad news to him

* Everyday English (7 minutes) Activity 7: Gap-fill( Part 7/ p 37)

- T shows content of part 7/p37, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Choose the suitable words/phrases to complete the talks - T models: As far as I know


- T gets Ss’ answers - T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 As far as I know what to 3 Cool 4 No worries If I were in your shoes.

IV Summary: (1 minute)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (1 minute)

- Finish all exercises

- Prepare the new lesson: Review 1.Skills E EVALUATION:


Date of preparing: 22.10.2020 Period: 24 REVIEW (UNIT 1-2-3) SKILLS


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to develop skills more such as reading, speaking, listening and writing

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: practise and develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to know more about gossip and a craft village


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters, stereo and the CD record


Chatting, presentation text, true/ false statements, discussion, comprehension questions, gap-fill, write it up


I Organization: (1 minute)

II Revision / Warmer: (15 minutes) III New lesson: (27 minutes)

* Reading ( minutes)

Activity 1: Presentation text (part 1a /p38)

- T shows two letters on the BB and have Ss read the letters silently - T clarifies anything they don’t understand


- Correct their pronunciation

- T asks Ss to underline the phrasal verbs in the letters and say what they mean - Ss the exercise in pairs

- T gets Ss’ answers, checks and correct found out = get information face up with = deal with go on with = continue keep away from = avoid

Activity 2: True/ false statement (part 1b/ p38) - T shows content of part 1b/p38, then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Decide whether the statements are true or false

- T models: F

- T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss work in pairs in minute - T gets Ss’ answers

- T checks and corrects + Answer key:

1 F T 3 T 4 T F

* Speaking (5 minutes)

Activity 3: Discussion( part 2/p39)

- T shows the poster with three situations of part 2/ p.39 on the board then runs through

- Ss work individually first

- Have them read all three situations and think of the one that interests them the most - Then they talk in groups

- Give them a few minute to prepare what thay want to say - Encourage them use the language they have learnt

- Go around and give assistance if need be * Listening (10 minutes)

Activity 4: Comprehension questions( part 3a/p39) - T shows questions of part 3a then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Listen to the conversation and answer the questions - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Play the recording

- Ss listen and write their answers

- Play the recording again for Ss to check - Explain any difficult words if necessary - T gets Ss’ answers and corrects


1 In a litte town In a city Activity 5: Gap-fill (part 3b/p39)

- T shows sentences of part 3b then runs through

- T gives the instructions: Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Play the recording

- Ss listen and write their answers

- Play the recording again for Ss to check - Explain any difficult words if necessary - T gets Ss’ answers and corrects

+ Answer key:

1 a stranger at night downtown entertainment * Writing (7 minutes)

Activity 6: Write-it-up (part 4/p39)

- T gives instruction: Write a letter to your pen friend about your last visit to a craft village

- Ask Ss to pay attention to:

Time/ date of your visit People you went there with The name of the village The crafts it makes What you saw there

Your impression of the visit

- Before Ss write, brainsorm Ss’ idea about a craft village (or a place of interest the have benn to if they haven’t been to a craft vilage)

- Tell them to look at the cues given; note; they will need modifying slightly for a place if interest

- Encourage them to use words/phrases they have learnt in the unit - Give Ss time to the writing task

- Then have them swap their word with a partner to check before handing it in - Collect their papers to check at home

IV Summary:

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework:

- Finish all exercises at home - Prepare for 45- minute test E EVALUATION:



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:44

