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Week: Date of making: Period: 34 Date of teaching: Unit 06: The young pioneers club. Lesson: 1 Getting started+Listen and read +language focus 2 A/The aims and objectives: 1.The aims: - Helps students know some vocabulary. - By the end of the lesson, students will able to understand the content of the dialogue about Nga, practice for gerunds, practice for questions beginning with “ What, where, when”. - They have a chance to listen and read the dialogue. 2.Objectives: a. Language focus: Gerunds, practice for questions beginning with “What, where, when”. b. Skills: speaking, listening B) Preparation: 1.Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, picture, cassette, tape. 2. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. C) Procedures: I) Organization: (1-2 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today? II) Checking up and warm up (5-7 ):’ Questions Answers S1: “Could you buy me an English book?”. S2: “Please, turn off the radio!”. => => * Warm up: Brainstorm: Raise money helping elder. Helping handicapped - Listens and checks the answers, give them marks. III) New lesson (30-35 ):’ Activities for the Youth Union in Viet Nam Teachers activities T Sts activities 1. Pre-teach: - (to) enroll: đăng ký học (Trans). - application (n): đơn xin (Visual). - (to) fill out: điền vào (Mine). - (to) draw: vẽ (Mine). - hobby (n): sở thích (Exp). + Check vocabulary: Matching. 2. Presentation: - Model sentences: Lan: I like drawing and outdoor activities. Hoa: I enjoy acting. + Form: S + gerunds + Ving. 3. Listen and read: - Asks students to listen to the dialogue between Nga and the secretary. Before doing this they have to predict. T/F statement prediction: 1. Nga doesn't want to do anything this summer. 2. She must fill out an application form. 3. She has a phone at home. 4. She likes drawing but she doesn't like out door activities. 5. She enjoys acting. - Get feedback T/F statement prediction. 4. Practice: - Listens and check the T/F statement prediction. - Play a role to read the dialogue. - Hangs the poster on the b.b fill in the blanks with the information in the dialogue. Name: Pham Mai Nga. Date of birth: April 22 nd 1989. Sex: Female. Home address: 5 Tran Phu st. Phone number: Not available. Interests: drawing, acting and outdoor activities. - Checks their answers. 5. Languge focus 2: Lan Asks students to look at overhead and pair work to talk bout Bas and Lans hobbies using the information from the table on page 61. Model sentences: 08 04 08 05 05 05 - Listen - Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Listen to the dialogue between Nga and the secretary. Before doing this they have to predict. 1. F 2. T. 3. F. 4. F. 5. T - Listens and check the T/F statement prediction Look at overhead and pair work to talk about Bas What does Ba like doing? What doesn’t Ba like doing? S1: Ba loves playing soccer but he doesn’t like washing up. S2: Lan doesn’t like playing soccer and she doesn’t like washing up. - Listens and check their washing. - Asks one students to write on their notebook. and Lan’s hobbies using the information from the table on page 61. IV) Consolidation (2-3 ):’ - Asks students some questions: 1- What’s her name? / her full name 2 - Where does she live? / What’s her address? 3 - Does she have a phone number? 4 - What’s her date of birth? 5 - What are her hobbies? V) Homework (1-2 ):’ - Learn the new words by heart. - Prepare new lesson. * To learn from mistakes: Week: Date of making: Period: 35 Date of teaching: Unit 06: The young pioneers club. Lesson: 2 Speak + language focus 3 A/The aims and objectives: 1.The aims:- Helps students know some vocabulary. - By the end of the lesson, students will able to know the way to ask some for favors and offer assistance with the model sentences. - They have a chance to speak English in the class with their friends. 2.Objectives: a. Language focus: Asking for favors and offering. b. Skills: speaking B) Preparation: Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, poster, word cues. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. C) Procedures I) Organization - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today? II) Checking up and warm up (5-7 ):’ Questions Answers S1: Write Y&Y activities. S2: Read the dialogue and answer the questions: 1- What’s your name? / your full name 2 - Where do you live? / What’s your address? 3 - Do you have a phone number? 4 - What’s your date of birth? 5 - What are your hobbies? - Listens and checks the answers, give them marks. III) New lesson (30-35 ):’ Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities 1. Presentation: a) Questions and answers: - Asks students to read the question and answer on page 55. b) Dialogue: - Builds the dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa. Mrs Ngoc Could you do me a favor, please? Hoa Sure, what can I do for you? Mrs Ngoc Can you help me carry my bag? Hoa Certainly, I’ll help you. Mrs Ngoc Thank you. That’s very kind of you. + Model sentences: Can/could you…… ? 2. Practice: - Gives the word cues. a) move/ chairs away/ need space. b) water/ flowers/ cook meal. c) buy/ a stamp/ write a letter. d) look after/ dog/ go away. e) answer/ phone/ have a bath. - Asks students to look at the cues and practice speaking. 3. Production: - Asks students to write the dialogue on their notebook to build the dialogue. - Checks one by one pair of students. *Language Focus 3: - Asks students to look at the overhead and fill in the gaps and then practice speaking the dialogue with 05’ 05’ 20’ 05’ - Read the question and answer on page 55. - Builds the dialogue between Mrs Ngoc and Hoa. - Look at the cues. - Run through the cues. - Practice the cues as the model sentences. - Look at the cues and practice speaking. - Write the dialogue on their notebook to build the dialogue. - Look at the their partner. A. buy a ticket. B. Take me across. C. Help me with this math problem. D. Water the flowers in the garden. - Listens and checks their answers. overhead and fill in the gaps and then practice speaking the dialogue with their partner. IV) Consolidation (2-3 ):’ - What have you studied today? - Asks students to retell for a favors and offering assistance then responding. V) Homework (1-2 ):’ - Learn the new words by heart. - Prepare new lesson. * To learn from mistakes: ________________________________________- ____ ______________________________________________________________ ___ ______________________________________________________________ ___ Week: Date of making: Period: 36 Date of teaching: Unit 06: The young pioneers club. Lesson: 3 Listen+ language focus 1 A/The aims and objectives: 1.The aims: - Helps students know some vocabulary. - By the end of the lesson, students will able to listen and fill in the blanks and practice sing a song. - They have a chance to listen an English song. 2.Objectives: a. Language focus: Listen and learn an English song. b. Skills: listening and speaking B) Preparation: 1. Teacher’s: Lesson plan, textbook, cassette, poster. 2. Students': Textbook, notebook, and reference book. C) Procedures I) Organization: (1-2 )’ - Good afternoon! Sit down, please! - What’s the date today? - Who’s absent today? - How are you today? IIChecking up and warm up (5-7 ):’ Questions Answers S1: Do the exercise III (page 61-62). * Warm up: - Asks students to match the asking for favor and responding in the English book. - Listens and checks the answers, give them marks. III) New lesson (30-35 ):’ Teacher’s activities T Sts’ activities 1. Pre-teach: - (to) unite: ®oµn kÕt. (Exp). - peace (n): hoµ b×nh (Trans). - love (n): yªu quý (Exp). - (to) show: chØ ra (Trans). - place: n¬i (Exp). + Check vocabulary: Slap the board. 2. Pre-listening: - Hangs the poster on the b.b. * Pre-question: - Do you like singing? - Who is your favorite Vietnamese singer? - What song do you know? - Do you know any English songs? - Can you sing an English song? 3. While-listening: - Asks students to look at the poster and the fill in the blanks themselves first. - Asks students to look at this and listen to the cassette check their answer. 1. unite 2. peace 3. right 4. love 5. north 6. South 7. of 8. world 9. show 10. place 11. out 12. stand 13. world. - Asks students to give the answers and listen again and check one by one. 4. Post-listening:language focus 1 Networks: 06’ 05’ 15’ 04’ 05’ - Listen - Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Look at the b.b and answer the question. - Answer the question. - Look at the poster and the fill in the blanks themselves first. - Give the answers and listen again and check one by one. - Listen again and earn money. clean banks of lakes. plant trees in the park. - When do they earn money? On . - Where do they earn money? At . - What time do they start and finish work? They start sing this song. 4) Consolidation (2-3 ):’ - What have you studied today? - Asks students to sing this song in the class. 5) Homework (1-2 ):’ - Learn the new words by heart. - Prepare new lesson. - Do the exercise 2 (page 39). * To learn from mistakes: ________________________________________- ____ ______________________________________________________________ ___ ______________________________________________________________ ___ Activities of Y&Y group. . hobbies using the information from the table on page 61. Model sentences: 08 04 08 05 05 05 - Listen - Listen and repeat. - Copy down. - Listen to the dialogue. information in the dialogue. Name: Pham Mai Nga. Date of birth: April 22 nd 1 989 . Sex: Female. Home address: 5 Tran Phu st. Phone number: Not available. Interests:

Ngày đăng: 30/10/2013, 20:11

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