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SCHOOLYEAR: 2010-2011 WEEK ONE Date: .2010 LESSON 1+2 Prepare for the beginning of the academic year Aims: Review the vocabularies and the structures that students learnt in grade 3. Skills: speaking, listening. TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES T asks students some questions: -How are you? -What’s your name? -How do you spell your name? Uses the shool objects ans asks the color. -What color is this? -How many boys in your class? -How many girls? ……………………………………… Asks ss to work in groups of 4 to discuss . Answer the questions about themselves -I’m fine, thanks. -My name is Mai. -M-A-I. Look at the objects and answer. -It’s yellow/ white/ purple/……. 14/25/…boys ……… girls. ……………………………………… Discuss in groups of 4 ,ask and answer about their partner. WEEK TWO UNIT 5 Date:…………………… .2010 LESSON 3 LET’S TALK (period 1 st ) Aims: By the end of the lesson ss can aks and answer the ages. Review the ordinary numbers from one to ten. Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: ordinary numbers, gifts… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Presentation (10’) Practice (10’) Production (10’) Homework 1.Pelmanism 7 5 4 10 8 6 9 Five six seven eight nine ten 2. Vocabulary: -old: già, cũ (realia) -year(s) old: tuổi (realia) -you: bạn (realia) Checking vocabulary: Slap the board Sets the sence to get the model sentences. 3.Structure: A: How old are you? B: I’m seven years old. Use: Hỏi –đáp về tuổi 4. Cues-drill Runs through the ordinary number T models: I’m 5 years old. Uses the cues,asks ss to make the sentences individuallyand then asksk and answer in pairs. a.6 b.7 c.8 d.9 e.10 f.5 ex: How old are you? I’m six years old 5.Noughts and crosses 6 8 9 5 7 10 3 4 2 Guilds ss play the game use the structure Study the lesson. play the game in two teams: guess and choose the correct number with the suitable word Listen, aswer and repeat in chorus, individually. Two teams Listen and repeat in chorus, in pairs. Listen and repeat in chorus, individually. Ask and answer in open pairs,close pairs. Play the game in two teams. Write down. WEEK TWO Date:…………………… 2010 LESSON 4 LET’S TALK (period 2 nd ) Aims: By the end of the lesson ss can talk the bidthday greeting. Review the asking and answring the ages. Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: ordinary numbers, gifts… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Presentation (10’) Practice (10’) Production (10’) Homework 1.Gessing game A: Are you nine year old? B: Yes, I am. / No, I’m not. 2. Vocabulary: -happy birthday:SN vui vẽ(picture) -for you: tặng, cho bạn (realia) Sets the sence to get the model sentences. 3.Structure: A: Happy birthday,Jenny. This is for you. B: Thank you Use: Chúc mừng sinh nhật bạn 4. Repeatition-drill Asks students practice in pair,use the gifts that they prepare to talk the happy birthday to their friends. 5.Mapped Dialogue Guilds ss play the game use the structure they have learnt in period 1 and 2. John Andy What……….? Happy……Andy. This…………… …old… Andy? I……………. Thanks you. I’m……8… T models,asks ss to repeat in chorus, then play the role with a good student. Asks ss to play in groups, pairs. Study the lesson. play the game in pairs Listen, aswer and repeat in chorus, individually. Listen and repeat in chorus, in pairs. Talk in open pairs, close pairs. Listen carefully. Repeat in chorus. One student plays the role. Play the game in groups,pairs Write down. WEEK THREE Date:…………………… 2010 LESSON 5 LET’S SING (period 1 st) Aims: By the end of the lesson ss can sing the song“Happy birthday”. Review the ordinary number. Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: ordinary numbers, gifts… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Pre- listening (10’) While- listening (10’) Post- listening (10’) 1.Matching 1 six eight 6 2 nine two 7 3 five three 8 4 four ten 9 5 seven one 10 Reads aloud. 2. Vocabulary: -today: hôm nay (realia) -now: bây giờ, hiện tại (realia) 3.Gap- fill: It’s ,today. It’s , today. It’s , today. Happy Jenny. One, ., , .,five, , . years old. Now I’m years old. Now you’re .years old. Now I’m .years old. Happy Jenny. 4.Read the song : T reads the song. Reads the song sentence by sentence. Divides in to 2 groups. Divides class into groups of 4 Checks some groups. 4.Create new song: Asks ss to create the new songs according to the song they have just learnt. play the game in two teams: guess and choose the correct number with the suitable word Listen, aswer and repeat in chorus. Listen, aswer and repeat in chorus,individially. Guess and fill in the gaps. Listen and check. Listen and repeat in chorally. Repeat in group. Practice reading the song. Read aloud. Create the new songs. Sing the new song Home work. Asks ss to sing the new song. Write the song into your notebook. Learn the song by heart. individually. Write down. WEEK THREE Date:……………………2010 LESSON 6 LET’S SING (period 2 nd ) Aims: To review the song” Happy birthday”. Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: ordinary numbers, gifts… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Practice (15’) Production (5’) Homework 1.Revision T aks ss some questions concern about the ss themselves. Ex: It’s nice to meet you. How are you? How old are you? ………………. 2.Sing the song : Asks the whole class sing the song. Divides class into 2 groups to play the song. Calls some excellent ss to model the song comebine some activities. Calls other groups until the end. Asks ss to sing the song in chorus. Practice the song Prepare the next lesson. Answer the questions. -It’s nice to meet you, too. -I’m fine,thanks. -I’m nine years old. Sing the song in chorus. 2 groups play the song. Sing in groups. Sing in groups. Sing in groups. Sing the song in chorus. Write down. WEEK FOUR Date:…………………… .2010 LESSON 7 LET’S LEARN (Period 1 st ) Aims: By the end of the lesson ss can aks and answer the objecties with structure: “What’s it?- It’s a/ an… ” Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: pictures, cues…. STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Presentation (10’) Practice (10’) Production (10’) Homework 1.Review the song Asks the whole class to sing the song “ Happy birthday” 2. Vocabulary: -a yo yo: cái yo yo (picture) -a kite: con diều (picture) -a car: ô tô (picture) -a ball: quả bóng (realia) Checking vocabulary: Matching the picture with the correct word. Sets the sence to get the model sentences. 3.Structure: A: What is it? B: It’s a yo yo. Use: Hỏi –đáp về đồ vật 4. Cues-drill Runs through the pictures T models: It’s a kite. Uses the cues,asks ss to make the sentences in groups,dividually and then asks and answer in pairs. a. a ball b.a car c.a yo yo d. a kite ex: What’s it? It’a a ball. 5.Noughts and crosses 6 8 9 5 7 10 3 4 2 Rewrite the vocabulary and prepare the next lesson. Sing the song in chorus. Listen and anwer Listen and repeat in chorus, in dividually. 4 students Listen and answer. Listen and repeat in chorus, individually, pairs. Repeat in chorus. Repeat in chorus. Make the sentences in groups, pairs. Asks and answer in open pairs,close pairs Use the school objecties Play the game in two teams. Write down. WEEK FOUR Date:………………… …2010 LESSON 8 LET’S LEARN (Period 2nd) Aims: To practice the structure they have learnt To learn some new vocabularies. Skills: speaking, listening, reading,writing. Teaching aids: pictures, cues…. STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up (5’) Presentation (7’) Practice (13’) Production (10’) Homework 1.Jumbled words: -tike = kite -ooyy = yo yo -lbal = ball -acr = car Checks and corrects if any, reads aloud. 2. Vocabulary: -a doll: con búp bê (picture) -a bicycle: chiếc xe đạp (picture) -a puzzle: đồ chơi lắp ghép (pic) -a bat: gậy đánh bóng chày (pict) Checking vocabulary: what and where 3. Cues-drill Runs through the pictures T models: It’s bat. Uses the cues,asks ss to make the sentences in groups,dividually and then asks and answer in pairs. a. a ball b.a car c.a yo yo d. a kite e.a bat f. a bicycle g. a doll h.a puzzle ex: What’s it? It’a a bat. 4.Guessing game : Asks the whole class to play the game use the structure: A: Is it a ball? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. Rewrite the vocabulary and prepare the next lesson. Rewrite the correct words. Repeat in chorus. Listen and anwer Listen and repeat in chorus, in dividually. remember and read aloud. Listen and repeat in chorus. Make the sentences in groups, pairs. Asks and answer in open pairs,close pairs Play the game Write down. [...]... pairs Play the game Write down WEEK FIVE LESSON 10 Date:…………………… .2010 LET’S LEARN (Period 4th) Aims: To practice the structure they have learnt, learn the answer with “ I don’t know.” Skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing Teaching aids: pictures, cues… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up 1.Guessing game: (5’) Asks the whole class to play the Play the game game use the structure:... box j a square box It’s a little car …………… Production 3.Guessing game: (15’) Asks the whole class to play the game use the structure: A: Is it big? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t Play the game Homework Rewrite the vocabulary and prepare the next lesson Write down WEEK SEVEN LESSON 14 UNIT 5 Date:……………………20… LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (Period 4th) Aims: To review the sentence: “It’s a/an + adj +object” To... short box b.a little box It’s a little box c.a long box d a big box It’s a round box e.a round box f a square box …………… g a long jump rope Production 4. Guessing game: (10’) Asks the whole class to play the game use the structure: A: Is it big? Play the game B: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t Homework Rewrite the vocabulary and prepare the next lesson Write down WEEK SEVEN LESSON 13 UNIT 5 Date:……………………20…... Practice 4 Cues-drill (10’) Runs through the pictures T models: It’s a little bat Uses the cues,asks ss to make the Make the sentences in groups, sentences in groups,dividually individually a a big ball b.a long car c.a little yo yo d a little kite e.a little bat f a big bicycle Production 5.Guessing game: (10’) Asks the whole class to play the game use the structure: A: Is it big? Play the game B:... November5th,2010 LESSON 24 LET’S LEARN (Period 4th ) Aims: To review the structue “ There is… and There are…” And the question : “How many + plur.N + are there?” Skills: speaking, listening, reading, writing Teaching aids: pictures, cues, poster,cassette… STAGES TEACHER’S ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES Warm up 1.Kim’s Game (5’) Uses a poster in which drawing 2 teams the objects that they have learn, Look at... d…………… ?-It’s under the bag e …………book?-It’s by the pen ………………………………… 4. Noughts and crosses: 1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9 Listen and repeat in chorus Repeat in chorus Make the sentences Ask and answer in open pairs, close pairs Play the game Asks ss to make the questions and answer freely Homework Prepare the next lesson Write down WEEK 14 LESSON 27 Date: Tuesday, November16th, 2010 LET’S LEARN SOME MORE (Period... dividually use the prepositions above 4. Lucky Number: 1.How old are you? 2.LN 3.How many boys an how many girls? 4. What color is your bag? 5.Where is your book? 6.LN 7.Where are your pens? Asks ss to choose the number and answer Prepare the next lesson Repeat in chorus Make the sentences Ask and answer in open pairs, close pairs Play the game Write down WEEK 14 LESSON 28 Date: Friday, November 19th,... cassette the last time Checks and corrects, gives the answer key 1b, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7b, 8a 5 Guessing game: T models, then asks ss to play the game Ex : Can you……………? Yes, I can./ No, I can’t Listen and repeat in chorus, in dividually Listen to choose the pictures they hear Compare with their parter Listen and check play the game ... three tables a tree, four trees, a table, three There is a puddle tables, a puddle, four puddle,… ………………………… Production (13’) 4. Guessing Game: Is there a……….? Yes, there is./ No, there isn’t Are there ………? Yes, there are./ No, there aren’t Homework Prepare the next lesson Play the game WEEK 12 Date:Tuesday,November2nd, 2010 LET’S LEARN LESSON 23 (Period 3rd) Aims: To review the structue “ There is… and... groups,dividually and then asks and answer in pairs a a ball b.a car c.a yo yo d a kite e.a bat f a bicycle g a doll h.a puzzle i a ro j a jump-rope ex: What’s it? It’a a bat Production 4. Guessing game: (10’) Asks the whole class to play the game use the structure: A: Is it a bicycle? B: Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t Homework Rewrite the vocabulary and prepare the next lesson STUDENTS’ ACTIVITIES match the words with . old 5.Noughts and crosses 6 8 9 5 7 10 3 4 2 Guilds ss play the game use the structure Study the lesson. play the game in two teams: guess and choose the. Happy Jenny. 4. Read the song : T reads the song. Reads the song sentence by sentence. Divides in to 2 groups. Divides class into groups of 4 Checks some groups. 4. Create

Ngày đăng: 23/10/2013, 00:11

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