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GA AV 7(Unit 1)

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  • Period 1: Get to know the textbook English grade 7

  • Period 3

  • Unit 1: BACK TO SHOOL

  • A2

  • Page 11

  • Week 2 Date of preparing: August 26 th, 2009.

  • Period 4


  • B 1,2,3

  • P 15-16

  • , Date of preparing: August 26th, 2009. Week 2

  • Period 5


  • B 4-5

  • P.16-17

  • Week 2 Date of preparing: August 28th , 2009 .

  • Perid 6: Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL

  • B 6-7

  • Page 15

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Week 1. Date of teaching: August 18 th, 2009 Period 1: Get to know the textbook English grade 7 Teaching Points: Getting farmiliar to the textbook and introducing the curriculum. 1. Revision. Simon says: Stand up Listen and repeat Sit down Read Pick up your pen Write lesson in your notebooks Put down your pen Open your book Turn to page (14) Close your book Look / Don’t look at the board Come here Look at exercise (4) Go to the board 2. Presentation. -Getting to know the textbook-Ss read the questions in the handouts and try to find the answers by themselves. Handouts: 1. How many units are there in the book? 2. Read pages 4-9. What do they tell you? 3. What happens after every 3 units? 4. What will we have after this lesson? 5. Where can you find the Vietnamese equivalents? 6. What are there on pages 168-176 ? What can you do with them? 7. What are there on page 177? 8. What does the Remember tell you? 9. What do you do with * Play with words? 10. What do you do with the exercise on the top of page 137? 11. What does √ / X mean? 12. How can you fill in the table on page 77? Getting familiar with the Curriculum. + How many times will you have the 15 text ? In which periods ? + How often do you have English classes? + How many weeks are there in a school year? + Say “How to learn English well” in Vietnamese. 3. Practice. - Ss discuss the handouts in groups of 4. Feedback by the “Lucky Letters”. 4. Further Practice. Guessing Game. S1: I’m reading page 180. S2: You’re looking for the Vietnamese equivalents! ********************************* Week 1 Date of teaching: August 18 th ,2009 Period 2: Unit1: Back to School A1, 3,4,5 Page 10,12,13 A/ Aim: Expressions to greet and responses. B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to give different greetings to people of different roles (ages) and respond to the greetings. C/ Visual aids: I. Revision: * Slap the board: - Ss listen and slap the suitable responses: a. What’s your name ? b. How are you today ? c. Which class are you in ? d. Good morning. e. Goodbye. f. Are you a new student ? g. Hello ! II. Set the scene: A new schoolyear. Pupils meet again. Pupils and teachers meet again. III . Presentation: Pre - teach: . Pretty good,/ Just fine, / Not bad. .So am I / Me, too. .How is everything? . Nice to see / meet you. Check vocab: What and Where / Matching ( E-V ) * Concept check: + Do you use “Hi” to greet a person older than you? (No) + What expressions can we use to respond to the greeting “ How are you today? “ ( Just fine / Not bad / Very well / Pretty good + Is “ How are you? / How is every thing? “ a question or a greeting? ( a greeting ) VI. Practice: Gap fill: A4 /P12-13 a) - b). -Ss work on their own first, then compare with their partners, Ss listen and check. Answer Key: 1- How are you? 6- How is everything? 2- Pretty good. 7- OK. 3- How about you? 8- How are you today? 4- Not bad. 9- Just fine. 5- Me, too. 10- So am I. V. Production: Mapped dialogue ( Ss are encouraged to use the greets) Nam Ba . morning! >. morning! Nice again . . , too .How are ? > . thanks . about ? . thank you. Goodbye. See . > . Bye. VI. Homework: - Copy A4 P12-13 into your exercise notebooks - Prepare: U1: A2. Week 1. Date of teaching: August 22 nd, 2009 Goodby eeeeeye eee Yes, I am H ii Class 7s Very well, thanks. Good morning Period 3 Unit 1: BACK TO SHOOL A2 Page 11 A/ Aim: Practice in reading for comprehension. B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a short paragraph about a student himself / herself. C/ Visual aids : I.Revivion: Jumbled words drierf : ( friend) tnua:(aunt) tneduts:(student) yppah(happy) evil: (live) loohcs:(school) ibg: (big) elcun: (uncle) dlo: (old) ewn: (new) II. Pre - Reading. 1. Pre - teach: + different (adj) : + unhappy(adj) : Check Understanding: R.O.R + (to) miss(v) : 2. Set the scene: Hoa is a new student in class 7A. 3 Prediction: 1, from 2, staying with? 3, a lot of friends 4, old school and new school? ( > / < / = 5, happy / unhappy / Why? III. While - Reading: - Ss read and check their prediction: 1. Hue 2. uncle and aunt. 3. No 4. new school > old school.(Big, small) 5. unhappy / misses friends + parents. Comprehension Questions: a) - e) / P.11 IV. Post - Reading: Transformation Writing. + Weaker Ss: change “ Hoa” to “ I “. + Stronger Ss: As Weaker Ss + change the information. Eg: I’m a new student in I’m from I live with My new school is I’m (un)happy because V.Homework: - Complete your writing. - Prepare U1: B1,2,3 ********************************* Week 2 Date of preparing: August 26 th, 2009. Period 4 Unit 1:BACK TO SCHOOL B 1,2,3 P 15-16 A/ Aim: Further Practice in * Asking for and giving personal information. * Wh- questions with the simple Present tense. B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a report from a Present information form C/ Visual aids: Word cues. 1.Warmer: Chatting: name / live / How old. EX : S1: Hello! What’s your name? S2: S1: …………………………? S2:……………………… S1: ? S2: 2 . Presentation a, Set the scene: Hoa is a new student. Her teacher wants to know about her personal informations. b, Pre-teach: - family name: - middle name: - address.: c, Presentation dialogue. (B1/ P.15) Ss listen and repeat the dialogue. d, Comprehension Questions: Answer Key: a- Miss Lien b- Pham . c. Thi d. 12 THD street. 3. Practice: a/ Word Cue Drill: Example exchange S 1 : What’s Nam’s family name ? S 2 : ( It’s ) Nguyen. S 1 : How old is he? S 2 : He’s 15. S 1 : Where does he live? S 2 : 32 Nguyen Du Street. b/ Gap fill (B2 P/16) - Ss complete the dialogue, using Wh- question words. *Answer Key: 1.Who 2. Who 3. Which / What 4. Where 5. Where 6. How 4.Production: B3 / P.16 - Ss work in pairs and fill in the form. - Ss report back ( orally) Example: Her name’s Lien. She’s 12 years old 5.Homework: - Write a short paragraph about your partner to information, ( using the form B3 P.16). - Be ready for B4,B5. ***************************** Le GiaNghia / 12 / 19 Hung Vuong Nguyen Thi Nga / 19 / Dai Nghia,Dailoc Tran Hong Nguyen / 15/ 23 Nguyen Du street Phan Huy / 12 / 129 Hung Vuong , Date of preparing: August 26th, 2009. Week 2 Period 5 Unit 1:BACK TO SCHOOL B 4-5 P.16-17 A / Aim: Practice “How far ? “ and “ Kilometres “ to talk about Distances. B/ Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about distances by using the question “ How fas is it from to ? C/ Visual aids: Wordsquare, Wordcues. I. Revision ( Warmer ) II. Presentation: 1. Pre-teach: - far (adj) : - distance (n). : 2. Set the scene: Hoa and Nam are talking about the distance from Hoa’s house to school. . 3. Presenttation Dialogue: B4 / P.16-17 4. Comprehension Questions: * Where does Hoa live? (12 THD ) * Is it far from school? ( No ) * How many kilometers is it? ( about one) * How does she get there? ( by bike ) Model sentences: . Concept check: + A → B What’s this? (Distance) + When we ask about Distances, Which Question words do we use? ( How far ) + Which 2 prepositions do we use for distances? ( From / to ) III. Practice: Picture Drill / Word Cue Drill. B5 P.17 Ex Exchange: - How far ? ( As model sentences ) VI.Further Practice: Gap fill: - Ss complete the passage with the corrected prepositions. “ Hoa is a new student in Nam’s class. She’s ……… Hue ,and now she lives……….Hanoi ………. her unde and aunt. She lives ……….12 THD St. It’s not far ……… her school. It’s ………. one kilometre. She always goes to school ……… bicycle “. V. Homework: - Write 5 Wh- questions for the information in the Gap fill above. - Be ready for B6,7/ P15. the market / 2 km school / 1 km the P.G / 700 m themovie theatre / 3 km the bus stop / How far is it from your house to your school ? About [one kilometer / 700 meters] ******************* Week 2 Date of preparing: August 28 th , 2009 . Perid 6: Unit 1: BACK TO SCHOOL B 6-7 Page 15 A/ Aim: Further Practice in “ How far ?” and other Wh- Questions. B / Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write questions and answers from a survey. C/ Visual aids: Handouts or Poster for the survey. I.Revision: Networks: What’s your family name? Write qs for them (Remember) II. Practice: Listen and Write: B6 / page 16 + Ss listen and write the 4 distances. Anwser key: Lan’s house (1) (2) 1- 300 m School the P.Office 2- 700 m 3 - 3 km (4) The theatre (3) 4 - 2km + Ss ask and answer about the 4 distances. III. Further Practice: Questions - Answers: + Ss look at the results of the survey, ask and answer about An’s information. N 0 Name Age Address Distance to school Transport Living with 1 TranThi Tuan An 12 15 Yen Bai 400m walking parents 2 Phan Van Hai 13 27 Ng. Du 2km bicycle aunt 3 La Thi Lua 13 321 Le Lai 300 m walking parents Example: . How old is An? . What’s her family name? . Where does she live? . How far is it from her house to school? - Ss write similar questions and answers about Hai and Lua. IV. Homework: - Finish your writing. - Be ready for Unit 2(lesson1): A1-3. Wh- question words. . Getting familiar with the Curriculum. + How many times will you have the 15 text ? In which periods ? + How often do you have English classes? + How many weeks are there in a school year? . a new student ? g. Hello ! II. Set the scene: A new schoolyear. Pupils meet again. Pupils and teachers meet again. III . Presentation: Pre - teach: . Pretty good,/ Just fine, / Not bad. . discuss the handouts in groups of 4. Feedback by the “Lucky Letters”. 4. Further Practice. Guessing Game. S1: I’m reading page 180. S2: You’re looking for the Vietnamese equivalents! *********************************

Ngày đăng: 13/07/2014, 13:00

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