BCE limited company is one ofthe companies with 15 years of experience in the field of import and export of goods athome and abroad.. Within one month internship in BCE Vietnam Limited C
Student’s name: Vu Thi Thuong
Class :K52N5
Student Code :16D170326
HA NOI - 2020
HÀ NỘI - 2015
Trang 2Nowadays favorable terms of trade are very significant for the rapid economicdevelopment of the less developed and developing countries When a country hasfavorable terms of trade, it can import a larger quantity of goods for the given amount
of exports Thus, the availability of resources, in the country increases so that, rapidgrowth becomes possible and national income rises BCE limited company is one ofthe companies with 15 years of experience in the field of import and export of goods athome and abroad At the same time, the company has also created a great reputationamong foreign companies
Within one month internship in BCE Vietnam Limited Company, I had a greatchance to study and learned more about the working environment of the company.This synthetic report is made on that basis
The report is divided into 3 parts:
- Part 1: An overview of the company
- Part 2: Internship activities in the company
- Part 3: The reality of using English in the company
- Part 4: Topic idea for the graduate thesis
Due to internship period only in the early stages and my limited ability, the report
is certain to have some mistakes, I wish I could receive the teacher’s valuablecomments to make the report more complete In the process of making this reportmore complete In the process of make the report, I want to thank all of the supervisingteachers in English faculty and all of the staff especially the staff in Import and ExportDepartment at BCE Vietnam Limited Company, No.13 LICOGI Tower, 164 KhuatDuy Tien Street, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi
Ha Noi, February 6th, 2020 Student
Vu Thi Thuong
1.1 Introduction of the company 1
1.1.1 Basic information 1
1.1.2 The process of formation and development 1
1.1.3 Organizational Structure 2
1.1.4 Business lines and major business areas of the company 4
1.1.5 Some business results of the company 5
1.2 Introduction of Import And Export Department 6
1.2.1 Job description 6
1.2.2 Responsibility 6
1.2.3 Customer management: (Domestic and foreign) 7
1.2.4 Receive orders, complete delivery procedures 8
1.2.5 Qualifications of import and export department staff 9
2.1 Jobs assigned during the internship 10
2.2 Difficulties and lessons 11
2.2.1 Difficulties 11
2.2.2 Lessons and experiences 12
3.1 The current situation of using English in business 14
3.2 Proposing research issues 16
Trang 4
2 Table 1 three recent years Financial figures for the last 3 years (VND) 5
3 Table 2 balance sheet Information from the balance sheet 5
4 Table 3 business results
1.1 Introduction of the company
1.1.2 The process of formation and development
Slogan: “The best strategy for your laboratory”
BCE Vietnam Limited Company is an enterprise established under the businesslicense No 0101918501 issued by Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment.Mission: With the capacity and experience of BCE Vietnam's staff andemployees, BCE Vietnam has been constantly developing in providing customers withcomprehensive solutions on biotechnology, helping customers apply advanced andmodern techniques into reality
The function of company: Vietnam Limited Company is the world's leadingdistributor of biotechnology products for large, medium and small projects atuniversities, research institutes, hospitals, in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and otherprovinces nationwide
With a team of experienced staff who are formally trained through prestigiousuniversities at home and abroad, the company has participated in large-scale projectsand projects that are highly appreciated Along with the effective organization, theguideline of quality, progress and caring with customers is the top goal, the Company
Trang 6is fully confident to participate and successfully complete projects and constructions.big, medium and small.
The company's unwavering mindset is to provide customers with high qualityproducts that fully meet research and application in the current practical circumstances
of the country
Operating with the motto of maintaining prestige, responsibility to users andconstantly improving product knowledge, BCE Vietnam has been authorized by manyleading suppliers in the world to be its official representative in Vietnam
1.1.3 Organizational Structure
BCE Vietnam Limited Company’s organizational structure
Figure 1 organizational structure
Roles and function of each department in the company
● General Director
The General Director is the head of the company, always giving the strategy forthe whole company on investment, production and business Giving theresponsibilities and duties of a department in the company to achieve the overall goal
of the entire company
● Administrative Department
Make monthly reports on personnel fluctuations Responsible for monitoring,managing personnel, organizing recruitment, allocating labor to ensure manpower forproduction, laying off employees and training new employees Responsible fordrafting and archiving the company's papers, records, documents, contracts and
Accounting Department
Customer Sevice Center Department Sales Import & Export Department
Trang 7information related to the company Receive and track dispatch, directives,decisions,
Organize, implement and implement the company's internal labor regulations,monitor labor management, and propose rewards Implement regulations to ensurerights and obligations to employees such as salaries, bonuses, benefits, and so on.Collaborate with accounting department in paying salaries, bonuses and otherbenefits, policies for employees, and paying social insurance in the city in accordancewith the provisions of the state and the company
● Accounting Department
Be responsible for all financial revenues and expenditures of the company,ensure full costs for activities of salaries, bonuses, purchase of machinery, materials, and make a receipt for all expenses incurred Storing full and accurate data aboutexport and import according to the company's regulations
Responsible for recording, reflecting accurately, promptly and fully the existingsituation, making documents about the movement of assets in the company,implementing policies and regimes in accordance with the provisions of government.Prepare monthly, quarterly and annual accounting reports to submit to the board ofdirectors
Coordinate with the administrative department to pay salaries and bonuses forofficials and employees in accordance with the regime and on time Monitoring thepayment transfer process of customers via the banking system, responsible for settlingdebts with customers Open books, archive documents related to the delivery
● Customer Service Center
Customer Service Center is responsible for building information channels socustomers can easily access company information, product features, prices, paymentmethods… At the same time, receiving all information about customer complaints,give directions for handling
● Sales Department
Sales department is responsible for conducting business and market managementaccording to each employee's area As a direct contact with customers Sales staffbuild relationships to achieve the best results Simultaneously implement plans and
Trang 8programs that the director set out to achieve results and expand the market, towardsachieving the company's overall goals.
● Import And Export Department
This is a very important department, playing a key role in the company Ensurethe company's inputs and outputs, market access and research, product introductionand market expansion as well as attract new customers Implement business plans,calculate prices and make contracts with customers
Provide information, document translation, interpretation for management.Monitoring and speeding up the implementation progress of departments andworkshops to ensure the production of products on time as agreed with customers andpromptly proposing the most effective production plans
Prepare and allocate annual production and business plans to the company,quarterly and monthly for production workshops Set production orders for theworkshops, maintain and improve the source of goods for the company Proposingmeasures to improve the efficiency of Marketing in each period
1.1.4 Business lines and major business areas of the company
Buying and selling appliances, equipment, machinery electrical, electronics,information technology, mechanics
Purchase and sale of chemicals (except for banned chemicals)
Buying and selling livestock breeds
Buying and selling scientific equipment, testing, measuring and testing
Trading in medical equipment, tools
Consulting technology transfer in the fields of electricity, electronics,automation and mechanics
Service of installing scientific, electronic, automation and mechanicalequipment
Repair, maintenance, warranty for scientific, experimental, measurement,inspection, mechanical, electronic and informatics equipment
Agents buy, sell, sign goods
Import and export commodities trading company
Trang 91.1.5 Some business results of the company
Name Company: BCE Vietnam Limited Company
March 30 th , 2018
Financial figures for the last 3 years (VND)
1 year: 2015 2 year: 2016 3 year: 2017
Table 1 three recent years
Information from the balance sheet
Table 2 balance sheet
Information from the business results report
Total Revenue 79.207.759.73
173.745.677.503 177.209.579.132
Average annual revenue from
production and business
Profit before tax 398.829.158 986.222.207 2.298.698.393
Profit after tax 311.086.743 788.977.765 1.838.958.714
Table 3 business results report
Based on the data available above, I will analyze the business situation of thecompany in the last three years
From the company's balance sheet, we can see that total assets decreased slightlyfrom 2015 to 2016 but increased sharply in 2017 This results in values in items such
as total debt, working capital, Short-term assets change at the rate of total assets
Besides, the net asset value increased slightly year by year, without muchchange Short-term debt, which decreased slightly and increased slightly, is likely thechange is still within the company's prediction, not much difference
Thereby, showing the development potential of the company is going in apositive direction and there are many sources of investment to develop a variety ofproducts and services
Trang 10Next is the business results report, which directly reflects the growth of thecompany growing or weakening based on the total amount of money the company hasachieved over the years.
Looking at total revenue, we see a very clear breakthrough from 2015 to 2016.Sales in 2016 increased by 2.5 times the revenue in 2015 This strongly reflects thatthe company has jumped one step further, becoming popular and more popular withcustomers Consequently, the use of the company's products and services becamewidespread and large This data somewhat confirms that the quality of the company isvery good and can afford to meet the needs of customers and partners After that, from
2016 to 2017 the company is still in the development phase with a slight increase.Finally, when looking at the figures of profit before tax and profit after tax, wesee that the company's profit has increased sharply over the years, especially in 2017,the profits are 2-3 times higher than the previous years
Through the company's two business statistics tables, I see that the company is in
a strong growth momentum, and will grow stronger in the future
1.2 Introduction of Import And Export Department
1.2.1 Job description
Transacting and negotiating with partners to develop new products and signcontracts
Develop plans to import and draft foreign trade agreements and contracts
Direct the drafting and drafting of correspondence and emails dealing withforeign partners in English
Interpreting (English) at meetings, seminars, conferences with foreignpartners or on business trips abroad
Direct the translation of English documents
Carry out other foreign affairs
1.2.2 Responsibility
Responsible for operating and managing the Import and Export Departmentstaff
Managing the work of finding and taking care of export customers
Proposing plans to reach customers and target markets
Trang 11 Monitoring and checking the work of finding customers through the method:international e-commerce websites: alibaba.com, tradekey.com, ecvn.com
Supervising and inspecting the implementation of inspection and responding
to information with interested partners Report regularly to General Director aboutarising customers
Attend other customer search activities: seminars, conferences
Planning, deploying, supervising the implementation of customer care work
Manage, supervise, deploy the work of receiving orders, delivery procedures
To be responsible to the General Director for the execution of orders of exportingcustomers to ensure schedule, items, process and law
Planning to improve, change products in accordance with the requirements ofpartners
Responsible for drafting, translating and controlling the content oftransaction information, internal and external information in English
Interpreters (English) at meetings, seminars and conferences with waterpartners
1.2.3 Customer management: (Domestic and foreign)
Monitor and directly search for customers through methods on internationale-commerce websites
Publish products regularly, to get to the top of a category, for example, on anaverage of 500-1000 products a day to upload, your product will appear on the top
After one day of uploading such product, every morning you will check youremail and the inbox to see if there are any inquiries and customers who are interested
in that product
Respond to inquiries that interest customers There are two types of inquiryletters that need to be addressed and cared for One is a letter that will be sent to yourown inbox, will take care of and respond in detail to the customer's requirements andyour abilities Second, the mailing list is sent as spam, meaning that the sender alsosends many messages to many suppliers at the same time, with this form of mail mustreply with meticulous content and competitive price first, if there is a response fromthe customer, we will discuss again