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scarf down dish up pick at knock back pig out (on) cut down (on) eat up /skɑːrf daʊn/ /dɪʃ ʌp/ /pɪk ət/ /nɒk bæk/ /pɪg aʊt (ɒn)/ /kʌt daʊn/ /i:t ʌp/ to eat your food very quickly (ăn nhanh) to serve a big meal (chuẩn bị bữa ăn thịnh soạn, nhiều món) to eat unwillingly (ăn chậm chạp uể oải) to drink or swallow (an alcohol drink) quickly (uống nuốt đồ uống có cồn nhanh) to eat a lot of food at one time (ăn nhiều đồ ăn lúc) to consume less (ăn đi, cắt giảm) to eat all of something (ăn hết sạch) Susan only has 15 minutes to eat lunch so she scarfs it down really fast He dished up a great dinner when we got back I wasn't very hungry so I just picked at my food The pub was closing so we knocked our drinks back and left Jamie had been on a diet all week, so during the weekend he pigged out on fast food I'm trying to cut down on the amount of coffee I drink during the day That cake looks delicious, I want to eat it up Reading & Listening Photo of siblings This photo was taken when we visited our grandparents last weekend We four siblings sat together at a table We dished up a great lunch with all kinds of Italian cakes They were great My eldest brother - John is sitting in the middle of the photo He is the most gluttonous among us and he always scarfed down his food every time grandma brought a dish out To his left is Emmy - my older sister She is a total opposite of John: she just picked at her food because she doesn't like Italian cakes very much Maybe she was still tired after the hours on the bus to get there My younger brother - Tom is sitting next to John on the right He looks so funny with the empty bottle in his hand My grandpa was really furious with him when he knocked back all of his wine The last one is me Oh God I look so silly! I was trying my grandma's new vegetarian dish It was so great and I was pigging out I was getting fatter and she said I should cut down on the amount of fast food and cakes that I eat! After 40 minutes, we had eaten up all the food My grandparents were really glad They always hope to see us on the weekends and always show us warm hospitality We all had a great time together A: How was your dinner with the Smith family last night? B: It was very kind of them When we came, they dished up a big meal We talked a lot during dinner time The foods were so good We ate them all up A: My daughter has anorexia again She only picks at her food and always says she's not hungry B: My daughter is slightly better She insists B: It was very kind of them When we came, they dished up a big meal We talked a lot during dinner time The foods were so good We ate them all up A: My daughter has anorexia again She only picks at her food and always says she's not hungry B: My daughter is slightly better She insists on doing her own cooking and generally eats vegetarian dishes only But she always scarfs down all her food A: Last night, when Alex got to the bar he immediately asked for a big whiskey and knocked it back B: Really? The doctor said that he should cut down on alcoholic drinks since he has a stomachache A: I don't know what happened to him But right after the drink, he took out a big donut that he brought along and started to pig out mark down shop aroun d stock up (on) sell off sell out /mɑːk daʊn/ /ʃɒp ə ˈraʊnd/ /stɒk ʌp/ /sel ɒf/ /sel aʊt/ to reduce the price of something (Giảm giá sản phẩm) to look around for the best price, quality (Xem quanh để chọn sản phẩm giá/chất lượng tốt nhất) I'll buy a lot more if you mark them down a bit to buy a lot of something (Mua thứ với số lượng lớn) I've stocked up on food this week because my family is staying with me to sell something cheaply (Bán với giá rẻ - giảm giá) to have no more of something left (because it has been bought) Many brands sell off their products when holidays come If you shop around, you can find some real bargains for air tickets The tickets for the Super Junior music show were sold out in a couple of hours sell off sell out pick out try on to sell something cheaply (Bán với giá rẻ - giảm giá) to have no more of something left (because it has been bought) (Khơng để bán - hết hàng) /sel ɒf/ /sel aʊt/ /pɪk aʊt/ to choose (Lựa chọn sản phẩm) /traɪ ɒn/ to put clothes on to see if they fit (Mặc thử quần áo) Many brands sell off their products when holidays come The tickets for the Super Junior music show were sold out in a couple of hours She picked out the ones she wanted to take and left the rest I tried the jacket on before I bought it Reading & Listening Year-end Shopping Season These days, the practice of celebrating Christmas and welcoming the New Year is more jubilant than ever before Every street and shop is decorated with Christmas trees, flashing lights and messages are delivered to every one with the wish of a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year The Christmas atmosphere is even more bustling with clearance sales and amazing discounts Shopping around on the noisy streets, you can find a lot of shops and stores, from small to large, marking down a variety of their products for year-end shopping season You have a great opportunity to find some real bargains for a lot of things However, many items that are sold off are old product inventory, or defective merchandise You should pick out your things carefully to get cheap but good quality products With fashion products, you should try them on before deciding to buy them Most of the food items are sold out in a short period of time after stocking But there are also a number of products that have been stocked up for a long time being sold in this shopping season People should note carefully the expiration date printed on the packaging of products to avoid buying outdated goods Short Conversation A: A report from the sales department says that the holiday shopping season got off to a strong start over the long weekend, and nearly thousand items were sold out B: That is great news for us We were right to follow John's plan to mark the prices down a bit and sell more in quantity A: Why are you stocking up on so much sugar and eggs in the refrigerator, Linda? B: I am going to make Tom a big double cake for his birthday party tomorrow A: Ah I see I will go downtown and shop around to buy him a nice present, too A: A lot of fashionable clothes are on sale for up to 50% off in many Blue Exchange branch shops Would you like to shop around with me? B: I don't like to buy on sale clothes very much It takes me hours to pick out good items but none of them fit me A: You know you can try them on before deciding to buy them, so you can find the items that fit save up splash out (on) cut back (on) shell out (on) /seɪv ʌp/ /splæʃ aʊt/ /kʌt bæk/ /ʃel aʊt/ get by /ɡet baɪ/ tide over /taɪd ˈəʊvə(r )/ to keep money (for a particular purpose) (Tiết kiệm tiền) to spend a lot of money on something that is not essential (Tiêu pha vào thứ không thực cần) to reduce expenditure (Giảm chi tiêu) to spend money on something (when it's expensive) (Tiêu xài cho việc giá đắt đỏ) to have just enough money to live on (Chỉ đủ vừa sống) to help sb operate through a difficult period (Giúp qua khỏi giai đoạn khó khăn) to repay the He saved up for a year for a new motorbike When his father died, he inherited a large property and constantly splashed out on useless parties Although we had to cut back on spending, our life is still difficult I had to shell out a hundred dollars on the dinner with her They are finding it increasingly difficult to get by since their daughter was born This $50 will tide me over until I get paid get by /ɡet baɪ/ tide over /taɪd ˈəʊvə(r )/ pay back /peɪ bæk/ enough money to live on (Chỉ đủ vừa sống) to help sb operate through a difficult period (Giúp qua khỏi giai đoạn khó khăn) to repay the money borrowed (Trả lại số tiền vay mượn) increasingly difficult to get by since their daughter was born This $50 will tide me over until I get paid She would have got angry if I hadn't paid her back Reading & Listening Vietnam's Economy Review Another year has come on earth, and it is time to review Vietnam's economic situation throughout the entire year of 2012, a year full of challenges Vietnam's economy expanded at its lowest rate in the last 13 years due to rising bad debt levels while foreign investment rates and consumer spending growth slowed This has badly affected the daily life of both laborers and businesses In spite of the fact that inflation has eased, prices remained high in Vietnam in 2012 Employees had to try their best to get by on such a small salary Different from previous years, it was almost impossible for laborers to save up their monthly earnings The slowdown in economic growth has not only affected employees' lives, but also hurt businesses' benefits, especially in the travelling and industrial sectors In 2012, it seemed that people were unwilling to shell out a lot of money to buy luxurious goods or splashed on a trip around far-away locations like Europe; instead they visited local beauty spots to cut back on expenses In order to help tide over enterprises during difficulties, many solutions were created Most noticeably, on May 4th, the State Bank of Vietnam issued a circular, imposing a 15 percent cap on lending interest rates for the four preferential sectors However, bank loans with such low interest rate are still beyond the reach of many enterprises, and most of the businesses have to pay back the loans with the per annum rate from 16 to 18 percent 2012 has passed, and another year has come Where our national economy is going next is now entirely up to precise decisions from the Government In order to achieve higher economic growth in 2013, stronger efforts from all sides are required Short Conversations A: I've heard that you just shelled out on a nice car, didn't you? B: Yeah I have saved up more than two years for it It's really worth it A: Why are you always going shopping and splashing out on mountains of dresses while you constantly complain that you don't have much money? B: Well Actually I always try hard to cut back on daily expenses, but I can't stop spending on such beautiful clothes Am I a shopaholic? A: Could you lend me $50, please? It's urgent I promise to pay you back next week B: I'm really sorry I'm broke myself I only have about $50 left to get by It tides me over until the end of this month turn on switch off /tɜːn ɒn/ /swɪtʃ ɒf/ to start a machine (bật máy) to stop a machine from working (tắt máy có ngắt hẳn I turn the radio on to get the weather forecast every morning I remember switching off all the lights and locking the door carefully before coming here turn on switch off log in sign out sign up print out /tɜːn ɒn/ /swɪtʃ ɒf/ /lɒɡ ɪn/ /saɪn aʊt/ /saɪn ʌp/ /prɪnt aʊt/ to start a machine (bật máy) to stop a machine from working (tắt máy có ngắt hẳn nguồn điện) to enter a restricted area on a computer system (đăng nhập vào khu vực bị giới hạn máy tính) to close a computer program that requires a name and password (thoát chương trình máy tính có u cầu tên đăng nhập mật khẩu) to give your name to subscribe (đăng ký cung cấp thông tin) to make a hard copy of a computer document (in văn - tạo thành cứng) I turn the radio on to get the weather forecast every morning I remember switching off all the lights and locking the door carefully before coming here I had forgotten my password and couldn't log in If you don’t sign out from your account before closing the browser, you will have to wait for 15 minutes before you can log in again Forums always require you to sign up for an account before you can post anything Can you print out five copies of the new contract for me, please? sign up print out stand by log off /saɪn ʌp/ /prɪnt aʊt/ /stænd baɪ/ /lɒɡ ɒf/ name to subscribe (đăng ký cung cấp thông tin) to make a hard copy of a computer document (in văn - tạo thành cứng) to be waiting and ready for something to happen (trạng thái chờ sẵn sàng làm gì) to exit a computer system (thốt hệ thống máy tính) you to sign up for an account before you can post anything Can you print out five copies of the new contract for me, please? When you are not at your desk for a while, remember to put the computer in stand-by mode to save energy When she finished working on the spreadsheet, she logged off and left the office Reading & Listening Các bạn đọc đoạn văn để hiểu cách sử dụng cụm động từ học play 00:00 How to work on a computer safely Computer usage is increasing all over the world However, using computers can be dangerous Also wrong behavior when using the computer might cause damage to the computer This article will tell you how to safely work on your computer Never touch any of the circuit boards inside the computer while it is turned on You will risk electrical shock and possibly ruin your computer Before working on a computer, always switch the power off and unplug the power cable Before touching anything in the computer, it is smart to connect a grounding cable or anything that removes static electricity Never share financial information over the internet Always use some sort of privacy program like encryption or anonymous IP when logging in with a banking account or anything that requires a credit card number And you are also strictly recommended to sign out of your accounts before closing the internet browsers Be careful about sharing your personal information over the internet When you sign up for an account, an online course or a social activity, be sure that you are accessing an authorized website Additionally, spending some time to read through the Terms of Use before clicking on the agree box is highly recommended Never have your lunch or drinks near the computer keyboard you are working on Some people have the bad habit of eating their lunches at their desk their computer is standing by Both of food and drinks, when stuck in the keyboard, will not only create physical damage but also facilitate bacterial development Get away from the computer after a maximum hours of use People that work on computer for a long time are times more likely to have problems with their bones, joints, muscles and nerves If you don’t want to put yourself at risk for health problems, try to come up with any excuse to log off your computer and get away from it after hours of use If you want to continue working, you can print your work out for a real “offline reading” instead of sticking your eyes to the screen Short Conversations A: Could you turn on the laptop for me please? I have forgotten my flight number and I need to check it again B: I have just put the computer on stand by to charge the battery Wait for a few minutes, we still have a lot of time left A: Oh God Next time if you need to charge the battery, please switch it off That helps to extend the battery life A: My account has just been deactivated for not using it for months Can I log in with your ID please? B: I don't think it's a good idea You can sign up again easily It doesn't take a lot of time A: Don't log off the computer I'm downloading some videos for my presentation next week B: Sure I just wanna print out some documents I will drag your downloading windows to the taskbar, OK? A: Yup You can also sign out of my yahoo messenger if necessary ... logged off and left the office Reading & Listening Các bạn đọc đoạn văn để hiểu cách sử dụng cụm động từ học play 00:00 How to work on a computer safely Computer usage is increasing all over the... were created Most noticeably, on May 4th, the State Bank of Vietnam issued a circular, imposing a 15 percent cap on lending interest rates for the four preferential sectors However, bank loans with... enterprises, and most of the businesses have to pay back the loans with the per annum rate from 16 to 18 percent 2012 has passed, and another year has come Where our national economy is going

Ngày đăng: 02/01/2019, 14:04

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