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Phân tích thuyết nhu cầu vào học thuyết tạo động lực cho người lao động Motivation is the factors that stimulate human internal efforts to create significant productivity and efficiency in enabling conditions An organization can only achieve high productivity and efficiency when it owns employees who work actively and creatively To more create depending on the techniques and methods that managers use to motivate employees There are many physiological scientists studied about the theory of human motivations and working motivations In my study research, I would like to present two theories: "Maslow's theory of human motivation" and "dual-factor theory of Herzberg" in order to clarify this issue Question Select two basic theories of Motivation for employees And then, make your analysis of the each self characteristics and relationship between these two theories? Maslow's theory of human motivation Maslow is an American well-recognized social physiologist developing theories about human needs related to human motivation in the 1950s His theory enables human key techniques to understand of human motivations by identifying a hierarchy of needs Maslow detailed the different needs of the people, based on the following requirements and the generation with levels of classification, ranging from low to high: physiological needs; safety; love and belonging; esteem and respect; self – actualization Theory showed that when this demands are met, human – being requires their next upgraded needs to be motivated and satisfied that lead human being keep going forward with efforts and targets 1.1 Physiological needs At the bottom of pyramid are the physiological needs, it seems a basic list of needs that people need to maintain their lives and survive, for example: food, water, sleep, shelters; keeping warm; breaths; sex All these needs are originated, vital, regulated Without any of these basic human needs, people can not survive Especially with children - they are highly dependent on adults to provide a full range of needs Or at work, people work for earnings to support and to meet their physical needs They must be paid to feed themselves and their families They need the time to rest to recover health, get rid of fatigue and monotony of work And almost of these supported by purchases, however, expenses understand as the tool of satisfactions not targets In these first requirements of Human need hierarchy, the human needs are measured and predicted and even accounted by money, thus, managers stimulate working stability, welfare, benefits as targets of working motivation to support living conditions and purchases 1.2 Safety needs When lower demands are met, people will desire and pay attention to security and safety Safety is one of the most basic needs of any one’s life It is a precondition for other contents of safe environment and conditions, such as occupational safety, environmental safety, occupational safety, economic security, health care safety and travelling safety This is recognized as the popular demands of the people To survive, people are inevitably built on the basis of security needs Safety need list, if people are not guaranteed, their jobs will not be processed normally and the other needs will not be satisfied Any workers who took part in their working life, they almost care about their working meanings and characters to get benefits, or financial benefits such as working targeted benefits and working confirmed terms of safe in finance and health care safety Working safety aspects reasoned working conditions, welfare, retirements and social security; working stability and supported finances; For example: When travelling by taxis, customers always choose reliable taxi brands, to be confirmed by safety first, price, services and life insurance Or homeless children most are "stuck" in these basic demands with the risks faced in street life in the (such as: being abused, crime, food security, health care, etc.) Employees want to be assured of the safety of the body They want to work in a safe place, with a high protecting health care safety working environment This explains why many people not want to work in construction sites, shipyards, toxic chemical and poisonous working environments 1.3 Love and belonging needs Human – being are originated to live collectively This demand originates from feelings of fears about being lonely, being neglected, being bored Everyone wants to be a member of a certain group, organization and maintain relationships with others This includes close friendship and a supportive family It could be a club, a team, a group at work When people need to be recognized in any group, they desire to live and corporate in peace and corporations, and be called as a social needs of human – being Because of the strong belonging needs in organization, in each company, there arrange Unions and non – manufacturing organization that ensure the needs of employees, in which by the operating techniques and motivating terms to promote work force It is proven that, if the managers apply a suitable to raise the power of team force of satisfactions that will strongly improve working effectiveness And in contrary, managers focus out of employee’s need and desire that easily form the dissatisfaction within working force, which can make the worst damages to organization The positive and negative behaviors of employees depend much on decisions and visions of administrators For example: At work, people cooperate to gather at lunch time, to participate in the company's football team, taking sensory tour or perform other social work programs: on Viet Nam Women Day Ceremony 20/10, World Women Day Ceremony 8/3 for female gifts, and for their children and employees on 1/6 This activity facilitates staffs of the department to meet other parts At the same time also helps to develop a sense of community and teamwork In some Japanese companies, all employees gather to sing the company song every morning to develop general operation of organizations 1.4 Self - esteem and respect needs When people are satisfied, they will move up to the next levels Esteem and respected needs is the fourth level of Maslow hierarchy People also feel motivation from achieving things, either in their personal and professional lives In administration areas, esteem related with being respected by individual power, social positions and individual prestige In organization, each individual is respected and motivated or not that affected directly to people behaviors And it is clear that each people always make targets and try to be respect in organization by power, prestige and position The need for self-esteem as it shows two levels: - Demands other people loved, respected through their own achievements - Felt needs, esteem, reputation, self-esteem, confidence in their own ability We often see at work or in life, when a person is encouraged, rewarded for the fruits of their labor, they are willing to work more enthusiasm, more efficient After joining the organization, we always want to be in the group respected, beloved, we also strive to feel "related" in the group For examples: At work, the encouragement to increase status of feeling can satisfy this demand Cars by the company, large office, secretary, etc are needed and leave the impression of importance and success If there should reward organizations awarded for good employees to show appreciation and recognition for achievement of each individual 1.5 Self – actualization needs This is the highest form of motivation People seem to be satisfied all fields and basic needs in their lives to move up in the highest demands of self – actualizations Self – actualized people often wish to solve problems of society According to Maslow “this is the highest form of motivation In this level, people seem to be satisfied all fields and they can accept themselves and other people as they are; and they may have a deep sense of right or wrong Self – actualized people often wish to solve problems of society” It means that this is the need for use of all possibilities, leasing potential to assert themselves, to work and achieve success in society Maslow's theory of Needs have been widely recognized, especially in the areas of management and administration It is accepted by the logic and the clearance in which people can use intuition to understand this theory To motivate employees, managers need to understand where they are in demand on the system and focus on satisfying the needs in the hierarchy Herzberg, Dual factors theory Dual factors theory was initiated by an American psychologist, Frederick Herzberg in 1959 His discovery has created a big surprise because in psychologists Managers often assume that the opposite of satisfaction is dissatisfaction and again However, Herzberg assume that the opposite of dissatisfaction is not satisfaction, but satisfaction, and the opposite of satisfaction is not dissatisfaction, but dissatisfaction This theory has been the management of enterprise wide application The theory is divided into two factors: 2.1 Factors that create the satisfaction in work – Motivation factors − The success: self satisfaction when completing a job, solving problems and seeing the best results of their efforts − Meaningful work: The positive effects from job to everyone Work can be fun, diverse, creative and challenging − Recognition: The recognition to complete the job and achievements − Assigned Empowerment: The empowerment of a person for the job It may be somewhat affected by the powers and responsibilities that come with it − Development Opportunities: The opportunities for advancement, improve ourselves in careers Development opportunities also appear in the daily work if we decide to implement more These are the basic needs of workers participating in the work Each characteristic of each factor is that if not satisfied will lead to dissatisfaction If satisfied, would have the effect of motivation 2.2 Factors lead dissatisfactions of employees, form working environments – Hygiene factors − Working conditions: It does not affect the results of the work of the group, as long as it's good environment of working Conversely, if the working conditions worsened, the work affected in a negative direction When working conditions through relatively well, it just makes more work result quite a bit − Promoted Position: Is the position of an individual in relation to others "Icon" status as very important titles Awareness of declining status can seriously deteriorating morale − Salary: Most people go to work for the purpose of making money, but when we are engrossed with work and enjoy it, we will not think about the wage issues Whether, the people who participate in volunteer activities However, wages are extremely important when employees feel like paying inadequate wages One thing to be highlighted is that employees tend to be interested in their income gap with other people − Relationships: Herzberg said that the relationship of the members of the collective worse, it can interfere with work But when the relationship is good, it will not cause any significant difference − Job stability: People not have to worry about keeping a job as a stable job But will decline if there is a risk of losing the spirit According to Herzberg factors leading to job satisfaction are separate, unrelated to the factors that lead to job dissatisfaction So managers to figure out how to remove the factors that can create job dissatisfaction may bring stability but not certainly provide motivation If you want to motivate people, Herzberg suggested that emphasis on achievement, recognition, work itself, responsibility and advancement The Relationship between Dual Factors Theory and Human Motivation of Needs From a theoretical basis, we can see the relationship between " Human motivation of needs" and "Dual factor theory" through the following diagram: Motivation of Needs Behaviors Motivating Targets Maslow pointed out in every human being always contain needs and it is divided into levels from basic to upper Meanwhile, Herzberg stressed two factors of promoted motivations and maintaining When people have already satisfied this element, they will rise higher demands the previous levels However, to satisfy the demand is still a big question Their needs and motivations associated with goals that they set will constitute their behavior So if in a enterprises, policies that ensure good employees will stimulate workers to work Their behavior will have a positive impact on the operation of enterprises On the other hand, if the regime's policy without discussion enterprises meet the demands, workers will not be able to stimulate their enthusiasm to work Question In the current time, What are the negative problems about motivation the organization where you work is facing about? Please use these pervious theories tips to analyze their working motivations? In 2012 summer, I graduated university with a good degree With my same course, a lot of my friends effort to look for a suitable work places, to support for a living needs However, I myself seem to be more lucky when families continue to facilitate my upgraded education I can learn dual certification (or parallel certification), degrees of Accounting in 2011 and more recently studying for Master of International Business Administration by the University of Thai Nguyen affiliated with the French PGSM training I have experienced in three different learning environments, with variously derived members also Due to the new Masters program started so I have not encountered any negative difficulties With the 4-years studying time schedule of college, added more year of Dual certification Degree, I has just learnt that it is enough time to compare and find the negative in Dual certification Degree So, these negative aspects, how are they? The first: Students of Dual certification, attending classes, however, they pay no attentions to lectures or study, just only to wait for the end of the roll the name and remark their presence only They not listen to the teacher lecture that sit and talk to the class of noisy, affecting other members of the inefficient and acquire knowledge Their purposes are to upgrade educational certification but knowledge and techniques The second: Whenever examination coming, there are a lot of students to the nominally teachers to thank, pay and ask for a high mark to make a good study certification These build a unfair in education and study The third: The term of payments for fees at the Department of Finance and Accounting has its difficult for students I will apply theories of Human needs of Maslow and Dual Factors of Herzberg to management to conquer the negative aspects of education and working motivation of students, lectures and educational administrators, Problem − Learning conditions (or working conditions): The students of the class, more than 120 people, spacious rooms, but too small speakers, the teachers said audible only within the first seats, from the 7th table or poor sound quality Students sat away from harsh teacher The talk, disorderly grades increase, causes inhibition of psychology teachers and result in poor quality of lectures − Lecturer’s teaching techniques: just read and write Ways of teaching, making students passive and not interested in learning Only a few teachers who encourage students to speak, built posts by bonus points (recognition) − Students have social needs (need for emotional exchanges and is attached to the): crowded member, communication needs to be very high During the day people have to go to work, at least have the opportunity to meet, so the class will be a place for them to body, pouring vote mind the Problem − The perspective of Lecturers: Teachers teaching lecture and examination are not the same, which cause the difficult references to students For example, with two same examination knowledge but different mark gained Because, students who pay money personally to teachers who get more marks Why teacher have to treat like that? Is it because teacher salaries are very low, especially during the economic crisis, the amount of approximately million VND/ month, they are not enough to support themselves, their families They need to it to earn extra income and improve their quality of life (physical demands) − The perspective of students: Making a wrong trend of paying money before any tests, whether good studied students or lazy one They want to have peace of mind when making posts (Psychological safety Demand) Problem At my university, time of payment notices from the beginning of the period to the beginning of the implementation of all (about months) But dual certification, the time of payment is deadline exactly month Dual certification is the degree studying at night time, after working time for the purpose to help employees increase their certification and salary at work of the study conditions But time payment of fees prescribed hours, they arrested students have to pay, not by the clock Many students have difficulties, go to work, they have not managed to keep up Getting trouble with some policies, which causes psychological fear for students who have not paid, not exam (Safety needs) Making the school can not be guaranteed They have to spend time doing the procedure to apply for deposit into the following period Question Pleas, recommend your suggestions to improve the negative cases and develop your Organizational behaviors? Because, we have already pointed out the problems, found out the causes of arising problems, we can find ways to reduce and improve the negatives Here are a few measures, following: − Facilitate learning conditions for students: Equipped with speaker and micro fit the room Combining the projectors, computers so that students in the class can see clearly and hold up the teacher's lecture − The teacher should change and up date information and new knowledge and teaching methods Expose students to discuss issues Leading, motivating speech by point Recognizes and acknowledge achievements − Class monitors should create events on 8/3, 20/10, 20/11 for people to be able to communicate, create cohesion, solidarity and closeness in the class Accordingly, the group will study and emulate 10 − Monthly, the class should have one ceremony Public spending announcement, praised the good school spirit, has certain achievements contributions to class (recognized achievements) − Teachers are trained skills as well as work force abilities for the country, a noble work The government should increase the salaries of teachers, so that they still work, not to worry about their livelihood, so they can impart the best knowledge − Finance - Accounting should change your payment and payment term Notice tuition from the beginning of the period and deadline: prior to the end of the period Collection of documents in two: Switch evening or allow the clock (if time remains the same administration) Working environment is a key factor in the creation of learning and motivation to work for students as well as teachers Requires coordination between schools, teachers and students to achieve the desired results REFERRENCE http://www.dinhpsy.com/2011/11/thuyet-nhu-cau-cua-maslow.html http://vi.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://vi.scribd.com/doc/64120162/Thuy%E1%BA%BFt-hai-nhan-t %E1%BB%91 http://my.opera.com/nldv/blog/2011/10/24/thuyet-hai-nhan-to-cuaherzberg-voi-viec-quan-ly-nhan-vien http://www.doanhnhan360.com/Desktop.aspx/Quan-ly-360/Quanly/Cac_ly_thuyet_tao_dong_luc/ 11 ... organizations 1.4 Self - esteem and respect needs When people are satisfied, they will move up to the next levels Esteem and respected needs is the fourth level of Maslow hierarchy People also feel motivation... power, prestige and position The need for self-esteem as it shows two levels: - Demands other people loved, respected through their own achievements - Felt needs, esteem, reputation, self-esteem,... wages are extremely important when employees feel like paying inadequate wages One thing to be highlighted is that employees tend to be interested in their income gap with other people − Relationships:

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2018, 15:50



