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Phân tích động làm việc Nhân viên - Áp dụng học thuyết tạo động lực vào thực tiễn INDEX INTRODUCTION PART I: THEORY Maslow's theory of needs analysis: Herzberg two-factor theory analysis: The relationship of needs theory Maslow and Herzberg two-factor theory PART II: ANALYSIS OF ENGINE WORK OF EMPLOYEES General Information: 1.1 Name of company 1.2 Office address 1.3 Telephone 1.4 Position, function 1.5 Organizations and personnel 1.6 Negative issues about staff motivation in the room Analysis of negative issues about the motivation of the staff: 6 6 6 Negative impacts of leadership style and organizational mechanisms: Analysis of negative issues about staff motivation: PHẦN III: SOLUTIONS PROPOSED TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION Adjust and improve professional competence and leadership: Improve working conditions: Improvement of salaries and bonuses: Improvement of training, recruitment and appointment: Adjustment of division and assigned to employees: Strengthening the role of the Union: CONCLUSION 2.1 Tác động tiêu cực phong cách lãnh đạo chế tổ chức 2.2 Phân tích vấn đề tiêu cực động làm việc nhân viên PHẦN III: ĐỀ XUẤT MỘT SỐ GIẢI PHÁP CẢI THIỆN TÌNH HÌNH 12 Điều chỉnh, nâng cao lực chuyên môn phong cách lãnh đạo Cải thiện điều kiện làm việc Cải thiện chế độ lương, thưởng Cải thiện chế độ đào tạo, tuyển dụng bổ nhiệm Điều chỉnh phân công giao việc nhân viên Tăng cường vai trò cơng tác Đồn thể đơn vị 12 13 13 13 14 14 KẾT LUẬN 14 TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 15 INTRODUCTION Currently, the society and Vietnamese people have been dramatic changes in awareness that the success of many organizations, businesses, corporations in the world, is not natural that they have been, but in addition to the application of advanced scientific and technical achievements, they are mostly very effective use of human resources and is based on the application of behavioral science research When considering the challenging issues in the management of organizations, we have found that the real challenge for the capacity of leaders and managers is how to build and maintain effective human organizations To cope with these challenges, we need to have the special tools and the skills to use these tools Through study and research on the subject "Organizational Behavior" by Dr Tran Van Binh teaching, students themselves know methods to understand the basis of human behavior, learn about motivation and job design method to improve the performance of individuals, improve effective teamwork, understanding the role of effective leadership and how to apply in practice Also consider developing policies on the relationship between man and man in the organization's activities and to implement measures to improve the work efficiency in the work place Through study and research has helped to answer some personal problem that for so long I was a concern, it is the work efficiency of employees in the lower room, uneven and how to create forces work to employees, to employee commitment and effort and passion to work in conditions allowing to create high productivity and efficient help for the Department of Natural resources and Environment to fulfill their assigned tasks Theoretically, I personally found most fully agree with Maslow's needs theory and Herzberg two-factor theory PART I: THEORY Maslow's theory of needs analysis: Maslow needs theory states that people are always in demand, the demand is the lack of something that people can feel and human needs hierarchy from low to high Changing human needs and changes, a demand has been satisfied, no longer a driving force, one need not be a driving force before the demand in front of the tower needs to be satisfied If you not achieve satisfaction, lower low-level needs will be the driving force The innate desire of the curve is climbing on the tower needs Needs to assert it’s unlike other needs Tower needs Maslow divided into 05 levels, the bottom level is the biological needs, 2nd grade needs, 3rd level is the need to link, the fourth level is the need to be respected and the top level is the need to complete Every individual has their goals and they have close contact with the objectives of the work unit When the goal of the unit is done employees can be rewarded for his work corresponds with the results of their contributions This reward will be the satisfaction for employees The goal of each individual reward often differ in only one unit reward system prescribed by the State for the entire staff Therefore, the system must be in harmony with the goals of each individual To increase motivation, good unit to ensure individual needs are met To meet the individual needs must first accurately assess their needs? Systematically evaluate the results of work recorded properly contributions, employee effort Reward system, fair treatment policy work effectively Herzberg two-factor theory analysis: Consists of two main factors promoting behaviors, which are factors that employee satisfaction is in the work itself and the factors that disgruntled employees located in the working environment A party is a group of factors motivating effect for which the individuals in the unit will work better, that is the challenge of the job and growth, achievement and responsibility, prospect of job The factors that motivated an individual to improve their achievements in the work that is recognized units of achievement, they assigned and that it makes sense and they have a chance further development A party is a group of factors that work to maintain the operation of the people, it is the supervision and working conditions, wages, private life is guaranteed and policies of the appropriate unit The elements of working conditions, status of the unit, the wages they receive, personal relationships and job stability to help maintain the operation of the people, without these factors will cause dissatisfaction of employees lead to organizational decline In any organizational units determinants of success is maintaining the work of employees in the organization The individual's work is a combination of ability and their desire to the job Therefore, the main motivation is an important factor stimulating the potential employee's work effort Encouragement of organizations and individuals are important resources to make up the motivation of employees and in social relationships key to success is always stimulating others The relationship of needs theory Maslow and Herzberg two-factor theory: These two theories have a mutual relationship and complement each other, Maslow's theory of needs analysis and assessment of the needs of the human person, considered the needs of the people first, the individual needs help to organize social existence and development, while two-factor theory of Herzberg placed individuals in the organization and the interaction between individuals and organizations, and vice versa, two-factor theory of Herzberg appreciate the factors to maintain the operation of individuals in the organization Maslow's theory of needs supplementing, supporting further clarify the factors that motivate team working in the two-factor theory of Herzberg Additional Herzberg two-factor theory, support further clarify the motivation of individuals within the organization need to maintain elements help for personal needs that extra motivation and help organizations survive and development Motivation is the desire to try to achieve the unit's goals and meet individual needs A stimulus would have tried to complete more work is not stimulating Motivation is the desire to something, somewhere This is determined by the ability to meet the needs of individuals However, individuals always have in certain institutions and they can only satisfy the needs of individual organizations achieve this goal Therefore, the personal dynamics are associated with the objectives of the unit or organization PART II: ANALYSIS OF ENGINE WORK OF EMPLOYEES General Information: 1.1 Name: Department of Natural Resources and Environment - Ngo Quyen People's Committee 1.2 Office address: No 19 Da Nang - Ngo Quyen – Hai Phong 1.3 Telephone: 031.3550511 Fax: + 84.31.3550511 1.4 Position and function: Is a specialized agency of the People's Committee has the function to advise and help the People's Committee fulfill state management in the field of natural resources and the environment Seal and accounts; subject to the direction and the whole area of the district People's Committee; simultaneously subject to the direction and guidance, check on the professional services of the Department of Natural Resources and Environment 1.5 Organizations and personnel: Department of Natural Resources and Environment has a total of 25 people, including 01 heads and 03 Deputy Chief, Accounting 01, 01 Archives Search Treasurer and 05 specialists In the room with the land use right registration office with 15 people, including 01 Deputy Head and Director, 01 Deputy Director, Accounting 01, 01 clerical cum cashier and 11 employees General Manager in charge of the regime leader, responsible to the District People's Committee on the results of the room assignments for the Deputy Head and the staff in the room, private use right registration office land assigned by the Director The average age of the staff members in the room is 33, the highest is 57 and the minimum age is 29 Qualifications: Bachelor's: 03; Engineer: 22 As the deputy head I responsible to advise and assist the Chief perform professional tasks assigned directly, in accordance with the mission and work program in the field of industry, directly perform or direct the professionals 1.6 Negative issues about staff motivation in the room: With work experience in 10 years, to the position of Deputy Head through observation, monitoring showed that employees with cognitive ability to understand the issues, personalities, attitudes very different and also different performance For example, employees deal, just make room leaders urge urgently, enlisted personnel and time to more relationship outside agencies, staff intends to transfer the work to other units, employee initiative, positive, creative, eager to complete the great work assigned Thus, the employees motivate are negative issues to consider Analysis of negative issues about the motivation of the staff: People not only differ in the ability to act, but also different in terms of the will or actions that boost the boost depends on the power of the engine The engine is sometimes defined as the need, the desire, the energy, the impulse of the individual Engine aims to be conscious or subconscious The engine is the cause of the behavior We awaken and maintain the action, the general behavior of the individual orientation Demand is something of an individual to promote individual action The goal is personal ones outside stimuli, sometimes intended as "hope" to achieve the rewards that the engine forward The leader must have the professional ability to influence the behavior of employees, in particular to understand past behavior, predict future behavior and guide change and control behavior of them When considering the negative impact on the motivation of employees to consider the problem of institutional mechanisms and leadership style in the room meet the individual needs of the employee or not, at the same time considered on the basis of needs theory Maslow and Herzberg two-factor theory to find a solution to adjust and change to improve the situation 2.1 Negative impacts of leadership style and organizational mechanisms: Head of Bachelor of Laws, born in 1955, is longtime senior work in the room, leadership style "patriarchal" assertive oppression and few listen and talk to the staff, expertise natural resources and environment not deep so myself or vibration and at the superior chief responsible professional, or push responsibility for subordinates however or autocratic Pooh-Bah job, less decentralized deputy and led mainly by the method of administrative orders No method to learn the employee's past behavior, predict future behavior and guide change and control their behavior Activities of the staff in the room through the Head or Deputy Head in charge of assigning tasks and according to the regulations, the program has been launched to discuss, develop and consistent from the beginning of the year Regular periodic briefings to common rules, new text and listen to the staff report results of work done at the same time head of direct address Facilities and arranged work for staff positions is not assured of working facilities such as computers often fails, accelerated depreciation and not equipped timely, a number of employees to ensure that tasks had to equip themselves with laptops to work, especially with the operating environment of the district People's Committee mainly through computer networks Opportunity issues, conditions for academic staff improve their knowledge and professional work in training has not been paying attention, periodically organized for employees in the travel activities, picnics, periodic medical examination and treatment as prescribed have not received the enthusiastic response of staff Bonus issue merits no attention to good employees and high efficiency, primarily focusing on leadership Major energy problems by recurring period, less salary base on the time for the staff working fine Regular employees to overtime on Saturday but is not entitled to remuneration Political education, ideological limited staff, mainly through conferences, living room and mainly for party employees have been admitted Due to professional work is too heavy so the heads have less time to learn aspirations Motivation employee strives and encourage We also have Youth Unions and Trade Unions, Housework group However, the activities of these organizations are poor, made the visit to encourage members sickness, maternity, hospitality, the joy, not mobilized members enthusiastically participate and promote creativity for exciting so they work best conditions in terms of funding due to restrictions on public spending 2.2 Analysis of negative issues about staff motivation: Promote employee motivation process begins with the demand cannot be satisfied These needs cannot be satisfied as a state of deprivation, is what you want but not achieve it caused inhibition There are two types of inhibition are functional and non-functional Inhibition of inhibitory function is positive, making employees work towards implementation Inhibition of inhibitory function is not negative, leading to psychological problems for staff reduction efforts of the staff From the inhibition of the function, the staff will have to try to match, concentrating the work to achieve their results The relationship the between effort and work process is the ability to Enhance efforts into to achieve job success When their try hard to achieve the highest productivity in work However, if you try without results, the inhibition of the initial function will turn inhibits functional and Psychological Harm to employees Therefore, the work of the staff must be clear, the arrangement of scientific work must, in accordance with the capacity and have full support, training and guidance to the staff trying to achieve results From the inhibition of the function, the staff will have to try to match, concentrating the work to achieve The relationship the between effort and the work process is the ability to Enhance efforts into to achieve success in the job When they can efforts achieve high efficiency in work However, if you try sometimes without results, the inhibition of the initial function will turn inhibits functional and Psychological Harm to employees Therefore, the work of the staff must be clear, the arrangement of scientific work must, in accordance with the capacity and have full support, training and guidance to the staff trying to achieve results When the job, the staff aim to complete the work When the completion of the work of the employees with the aim of are combined into one unit, will boost employee motivation Meanwhile, the staff completed the work will lead to achieve unit objectives Therefore, the unit must have clear objectives, implementation plan specific objectives and ensure employees know about them Through which employees know the meaning of their work and understand their expectations in what units and how they are to achieve the objectives unit Some employees have physical needs and safety are outstanding, looking forward to long-term work and pay in state agencies, career advancement opportunities if there is good politics, including2 new employees are not interested, good guidance and direction, but also entrusted to the old coaching staff Some employees, their motivation is the work to try to fulfill their responsibility to help them survive in the organization because cognitive abilities The elements can maintain the organization's positive impact on employee motivation as: stable, stable compensation, extended relationships, relatively good working conditions and be assigned tasks in accordance with ability and gradually increase the level of difficulty so that they gradually increase the cognitive ability to handle problems and timely encouragement when they are done Maintain organizational factors can negatively impact employee motivation as: Delivering all little things demanding mentality is will cause psychological boring; assign the highly challenging, demanding asked minds beyond their ability, they may not complete the task lead to the emergence of depression, failure and will return to find a way to deal with the job; leaders care less room, friendly chat with the staff, building and creating trust with employees is not good, rewarding, motivating, encouraging, visit timely, work follow the path, professional dry weight, lack of creativity, fun work environment lack of heavy responsibility and not make their employees see the meaning and importance of assigned work Some employees need links is outstanding (working in public authorities in order to facilitate exchange links for personal purposes such as economic links do) For some employees, their motivation is the work to try to fulfill their responsibility to help them survive in the organization with the desire to have more personal relationship more The elements can maintain the organization's positive impact on employee motivation as: stable, stable compensation, extended relationships, relatively good working conditions, be assigned tasks in accordance with ability and gradually increase the level of difficulty so that they gradually increase the cognitive ability to handle problems and timely encouragement when they are done, distorted shape when Maintain organizational factors can negatively impact employee motivation as: Delivering all the less demanding position of power, the little things create conditions for them to communicate, meet, will cause psychological boring or not interested because psychology is not consistent with preferences; Communications highly challenging, requires intellectual resources beyond their ability, they may not complete the task lead to the emergence of psychological depression, failure and will return to find a way to deal with the job, the it yourself or dodge push it to others; leaders care less room, meet friendly chat with the staff, building and create the trust with employees is not good, rewarding, motivating, encouraging, visit timely, follow the path, dry weight of expertise, lack of creativity, work environment lack of fun is serious about accountability and not make employees feel they have meaning and importance to the work assigned PHẦN III: SOLUTIONS PROPOSED TO IMPROVE THE SITUATION Comes from the negative practices of employee motivation in the room, consider, on the basis of theoretical analysis to study and to improve the situation need to perform some of the following measures: Adjust and improve professional competence and leadership: Should arrange time to find, care about staff such as: What is important to them (and possibly their families), to find out the engine, goals, interests, preferences, strengths and weaknesses of them Implementation of the survey, get the opinions of the staff what they really think, what they desire, they are satisfied with the work or not on the basis of good faith in order to obtain objective information Through that help leaders understand the behavior, identify the reasons for the previous behavior, which to some extent predictable changes, this control behavior even after service of the administrative, communication and policy to mobilize, encourage and reward timely help employees be more motivated to work more efficient 10 Need to adjust some behaviors such as listening, selective information, create close relationships with employees and limit the use of power, increased use of personal prestige Self-learning to improve professional qualifications and arguments, refer to the comments of the experts Intellectual investment in time and solve the problem that the employee is not practicable, to take her as an example for employees to follow Dare to take responsibility, dare to protect employees, make them to believe Need to adjust working methods ensure science Avoid Pooh-Bah, assigned with authorization for 03 deputy heads array work Mobilize the intellectual power leadership in the management, assignment and tasks Improve working conditions: Leaders of the room, especially the District People's Committee should propose to create better conditions for infrastructure, especially about computers to equip staff in the room With the modernization of the facility needs of modern technical equipment help improve working efficiency of employees Interested in working conditions of each employee, create a good working environment for all the fun, sociable and make work more fun Improvement of salaries and bonuses: As a general rule of the Government, but for perspective, to suggest a raise ahead of time, to reward outstanding employees and protect the board wage increase, considering emulation Proposals, selection of the high quality services of health insurance, health care, social security, work mode, vacation mode, maternity and public employees to know, contribute in this selection process To propose competent agencies to consider salary adjustments and bonuses guarantee their lives and family, and the recruitment and remuneration regime requirements higher than the recruitment and remuneration of majority of businesses in order to attract talented people to join and devoted, talented contribute to state management agencies and with such a new state management agencies manage the units and individuals operating under sectors, which state agencies are managing Improvement of training, recruitment and appointment: Further promote the training of professional staff, especially for new employees, focus on quality requirements and training and practice in order to meet the practical work, avoid heavy on theory Proposed measures and measures with the competent agencies for training, coaching and training skills, new knowledge and staff based on job requirements and needs, staff forte 11 Research and propose to the competent authority for the recruitment, appointment, transfer, employee rotation as: Recommend taken seriously and improve the quality of input according to the needs of the recruitment unit to be recruited, avoid job occupations left on the unit layout needs For some functional staff expertise should not be rotated from one department to other departments Adjustment of division and assigned to employees: Assigning employees need the ability, capacity and requirements of the task, the balance in order to create conditions for employees of different jobs, avoid boredom and psychological help they have general knowledge of work in the room, to create conditions for them to grow The responsibility must be coupled with recognition of the completion of the well and shape distortions in time For new employees: For new employees: Leaders should adjust their methods to help integrate with colleagues in the room, capture the work promptly By assigning experienced staff or deputy head of guidance, direction, and then to observe how new employees to work new or not and whether they have to change anything, what need additional training to promote the qualities, to their growth Assigned to the job fair, science-based and requirements, the nature of the job and the employee's forte capacity, ensure the work from easy to difficult, and each individual performed the work of room, except for some special work such as accounting When assigning work should clearly state the objectives and responsibilities, enhance the value of the work, updated knowledge and new information to employees handling, creating opportunities for staff development and avoid the threat of job stability, discipline or dismissal and must have a reasonable reward mode Strengthening the role of the Union: For Youth, the trade union, women enhance the surface activity to staff activities, create closeness sociable and unity within the organization and people sympathetic to share with each other, help each other and make the organization stronger progress and development CONCLUSION Through the implementation of individual exercises helped research, applied theory into practice to improve a negative situation, create more incentives for employees to work enthusiasm, effort, creativity and engagement with organizations in 12 order to create productive and effective help for the Department of Natural resources and Environment to complete outstanding tasks assigned by the district People's Committee One of the current problems is the system of State management agencies currently face local legal system that is not really perfect supplement and adjust; training issues, recruitment, appointment and remuneration of those working in public authorities should soon adjust and upgrade to meet the requirements of real life going on; reform issues towards streamlining administrative procedures, compact to ensure management and enforcement requirements of the organizations and citizens Department of Natural Resources and Environment is one of the units is the need to change, adjust time if not will not be able to meet the requirements of the assigned tasks, there is the view, attitude, ability of consular and staff in the implementation of administrative procedures for granting land use right certificates, house ownership and other assets attached to land, procedures for compensation, support and resettlement in the original the problem is that the land management system must be regularly updated As a deputy head, to advise and assist the Chief, I personally find myself through research, education also need to change, adjust working methods, communication with Head and fellow employees helped improved the organization's activities and leadership team with this person, the other person but still a collective stick for the development of the defense, to also have confidence in the staff leadership TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO Giáo trình “Hành vi tổ chức” Chương trình đào tạo Thạc sỹ quản trị kinh doanh quốc tế PGSM PGS.TS Trần Văn Bình Http://www.tailieu.vn/xemtailieu/baigiangquantrihanhvitochuc 13 ... needs Tower needs Maslow divided into 05 levels, the bottom level is the biological needs, 2nd grade needs, 3rd level is the need to link, the fourth level is the need to be respected and the... assessment of the needs of the human person, considered the needs of the people first, the individual needs help to organize social existence and development, while two-factor theory of Herzberg... the ability to act, but also different in terms of the will or actions that boost the boost depends on the power of the engine The engine is sometimes defined as the need, the desire, the energy,

Ngày đăng: 17/12/2018, 15:49

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