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THUYẾT VỀ NHU CẦU ĐỘNG ỨNG DỤNG TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NHÂN VIÊN DOANH NGHIỆP BẠN Essay Recently, employee motivation has been given more attention in most organizations An organization is a group of people working together in order to achieve common objectives of stable growth and strong market position In Contrast, the employees receive physical and spiritual rewards from the business Actual employee motivation is, therefore, an investment of mutual benefit or a “win-win operation sought by both employees and employers I THE THEORY OF HUMAN NEEDS AND MOTIVATION Definition 1.1 Human needs and motivation Human needs are a mental state that people feel lack of or dissatisfied about something and looking forward to filling in Human needs have always been in great association with the existence and development of human being, communities and societies There are a variety of human needs, including in term of physiology, safety, love etc In all, however, human needs are divided into three main groups: • Physical needs • Spiritual needs • Social needs Needs are Human subjective demands They cannot, however, be parted from objective-actual realities which force people to act and perform Therefore, all of human performance aims at self- satisfaction Human needs have been improved and can be met by individual, a group of people, or a society Motivation is a subjective purpose of human activities It is also a driving force behind human performance in order to meet their needs 1.2 Motivation and motivating Motivation is a powerful desire which stimulate human performance in term of productivity, quality, efficient, adoptability, and creativity within each human potentiality In other word, motivation is the readiness and having efforts to work to win organizational aim and to satisfy their own needs In this paper, motivation must be associated with work and organizations Motivation is an intentional behaviour to satisfy human needs In other words, motivation is a series of activities or operations to encourage and influence employee needs in order to make them change their behaviours in accordance with desired targets of the organization II THEORY OF HUMAN NEEDS AND MOTIVATION Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Chart 1: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Self-actualization Esteem Love/belonging Safety Physiological According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the need system includes ranks: Physiological needs: they are literal requirements for human survival, including food, water, sleep, etc Safety needs: security of body, stable employment, protection of health and property such as having a house in a secure neighbourhood within a law-ruled society Love and belonging: Presented through human communicative activities, for example making new friends, seeking for lovers, getting married, joining a community, looking for jobs, working, going picnic, joining different clubs, team working, so on and so forth Esteem: a need to be accepted, respected, loved, and honoured by other people A need of achieving a high social standing is a selfrespect Self-actualization: This is the highest level of need in the ranks of Maslow’s hierarchy This is a desire to become more and more what or who one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming It represents the needs of being grown-up and developed, and being able to turn their potentiality in reality or wining new achievement People spend a gread deal of time at workplace Consequently, working is not a performance to earn money only In reality, of course, there are some working without earning but still have their own motivation of learning E.R.G Theory (Existence Relatedness Growth) This model is developed based on the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and addressed some of the limitations of the Maslow’s In an attempt to line up Maslow’s hierarchy, professor Yate Clayton Alderfer came up with this theory with his own conclusion of Human needs He believes that human activities originated form their needs He also proposes that human beings, at the same time, pursue three basic needs: existence needs, relatedness needs, and growth needs Existence needs: These include need for basic material necessities which are vital for human existence In short, it includes an individual’s physiological and physical safety needs as in Maslow’s hierarchy such as food, sleep, security, etc Relatedness needs: These include need to maintain significant interpersonal relationships Maslow’s social needs and external component of esteem needs fall under this class of need Growth needs: These include need for self-development and personal growth and advancement Maslow’s self-actualization needs and intrinsic component of esteem needs fall under this category of need ERG Theory states that at a given point of time, more than one need may be operational in one person if a higher- level need aggravates, an individual may revert to increase the satisfaction of a lower- level need Clayton Alderfer defined this phenomena in his well-known terminology “frustration & shy aggression dimension” It explains the situation of unsatisfied higher needs, an individual can still work on lower-level needs even He or she will concentrate on these needs At a specific point of time, if something happens threatening an individual’s current job, his or her basic needs will be seriously threatened If there are no factors helping relieve anxiety, he or she may fall into despair and panic ERG theory explains why employees often seek for higher salaries and better working conditions even though when their current conditions are good enough to meet the standards of the exist labour market When employees are not satisfied with the communication needs and current demand of growth, they will seek for satisfaction III EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION AT WORK An excellent manager must have a wide vision to scientifically forecast and predict things which are likely to happen within the development of a management system based on collective information and data analysis It includes favourable factors, difficulties, opportunities and challenges, environmental impacts etc, of which special attention is paid to organizational behaviour management A good manager must be able to deeply understand his or her employees’ personality, needs and feelings at work Social development has proved the fact that organizations are indispensable need of the entire economic activity, when the development of societies and organizations increase, the role of organizational behaviour management become more significant Organizational behaviour management is the key factor leading to succeed or failure of the whole operation system and maintaining a huge significant in organizational administration because of the following reason - Organizational behaviour management make other functions of administrative and managing operation working more efficiently - Based on his or her workload, a manager can be able to define staffing, sequencing them at right place, suited to their own knacks etc - Create favourable conditions for self-activity and creativity of all members of the organization, creating smooth collaboration within one business - Easy to test and evaluate employee performance thereby increasing labour productivity, managing effectiveness and the entire business efficiency - An excellent manager is always required to practice and learn in order to constantly improve his or her professional and social knowledge He or she must also be moral as well as skilled Employees themselves Each employee has different work motivation resulted mainly from themselves The first factor is the personality of each individual Individual personality means the nature and inner characteristics of each person which directly affect his or her thinking, speech and action A person can have more than one character and more than one individual may own the same character and each character or personality may influence their performance differently Chart 2: The relation between personality and motivation Responsibilities, What they want Preferred their manager to mode of recognize receiving The complete Credit for Income and stability and penetration and their obligations Conservative reliability dedication glue contribution employees with the existing to properly rules, regulations complete and life their jobs Self ability and The rights to The need of study and perfection makes Strategic discover failure and employees freely weakness Personality What they treasure Satisfaction and tireless creativity creative thinking Motivation unacceptable to them Independent Highly skilled, Intelligent, quick Rewards for Crisis or employees adventurous, and response and success and emergency joyfully working risk situations are the skilful under pressure places to express or show their ability Commitment, Unique ideas and The Being conquered enthusiasm, personal recognition by their own contributions in of passions thinking, and order to fight for organizations honest and kind- better changes and society Enthusiastic independent employees hearted Each individual owns a different personality, so the leaders need to understand their employees, impacting on their needs and benefits as to create highest motivation possible Employee personality affects his or her behavior, attitudes at work and towards his or her organization For employees who love their career or profession, they, of course, work with passionateness and enthusiasm and again have a higher motivation In contrast, workers who not love their jobs often resulted in feeling depressed and unmotivated to work Needs and desired benefits of employees also affect their work motivation Human needs, as understood normally, are the psychological state of tension that makes human beings (individual, groups of people, crowds and society and the entire humanity) feel desperate needs of something and look forward to satisfy it in order to survive and continue growing The hierarchy of needs has become more and more diversified increasing both quality and quantity (mental needs and spiritual needs) There are workers demanding high wages There are employees, however, in contrast, demanding training courses to improve their education and have chances of promotion Some others may wish to have a peaceful, quite life Human needs are diversified and deferred by each individual which require the managers to grasp their employee needs in order to find out proper modes of motivation for each individual Every individual has the qualifications, or professional capacity, they will have different behaviors for different work led to the labor force are also different So managers have to assist the employee aware of his true ability in a number of methods such as tests, observing the employees in the course of work to arrange the employee consistent with their abilities Other factors properly influence individual motivation including Self competence, working and professional experiences Competence is a combination of unique characteristics within an individual, suited to the requirements of a certain operation to ensure the effectiveness of the operation Each individual has different educational background, level of competence and profession Hence, the managers have responsibility to help the employees to properly recognize their own abilities through some methods such as testing, observing the employees during their work etc in order to assign suitable jobs to their competence Besides, an individual’s hometown or social and cultural background also has affection towards his or her work motivation Work and organization factors Strategic objectives of an organization must be clearly defined with the contributions of the staff and in accordance with their working ability It would create greater incentives to work The organizational structure also affects the labour force The organizational structure determines the organization’s activities If a company can develop a compact structure, the unnecessary cost will be minimized, therefore its employees’ wages can be raised higher and its wage budget increases If the staffs receive higher salary, their work motivation increases as well Organizational culture is a system of beliefs and values shared by its greater members creating standard behaviours on the job If a company can build a strong culture, it will greatly influence the employee behaviour Within a strong organizational culture, the relation between the leaders and the employees get closer The employees will feel as if they are part of the organization, they feel comfortable during the working process and have greater motivation Leadership style is the way a leader directly influences a group of workers to strengthen their awareness of collective work A proper leadership style help a leader to get on well with his or her employees and create higher motivation in comparison with a strict form which very often create pressure on workers Work itself is a significant factor impacting employee motivation Is the job attractive, interesting or too boring to the doer? Does the job require efforts and commitment? Can the workers take initiative during the working process? The answer is if the job too boring or too complicated and the employees can take initiative will result in lower motivation Generally, employees prefer safe and secure jobs Job safety will help them to feel secure to carry out their duties with their full capacity There are, however, individuals who like to challenge at work and adequate forms of encouragement will attract their attention and effort Besides, human resource policies, wage payment methods of an organization also have some impacts on employee motivation Working conditions, internal service system are factors to build employees’ excitement and satisfaction Reasonable labour cost policy and healthy reward and promotion policies help create work satisfaction Therefore, good managers are required to have knowledge and deep understanding of individual staff as well as constantly improve working environment to develop a safety feeling and loyalty towards the company Conclusion There are various way for human beings to satisfy their needs They satisfy their economic needs by doing a good job to increase income or to satisfy their devoted needs by spending a great deal of time to build or to strengthen the system in order to be credited by the organization etc Motivation of each personnel is relatively complex and often contradictory Hence, a manager has to devote his or her effort to satisfy one or more needs or objectives of each person at a specific time Employee motivation plays an important role, affecting the success or failure of an organization All organization in general and enterprises in particular want their employees work hard and efficiently to bring about high output and turnover On the other hand, work motivation is one of the key element influences employee work behaviour As a result, in order to manage the staff and make them work hard to produce high result, an organization must attach great importance to employee motivation However, it is not as easy as it may appear to be To be successful, a leader is required to have professional knowledge, and being able to work well with his or her staff or he or she must have good understanding of his or her employee thinking and desires as to work out measures suited to each individual then he or she is able to work at his or her full capacity Good managers must always observe and grasp their employees’ expectation, needs and desires to fully meet their demands An organization with good employee motivation can surely end up with sustainable development and high performance with mutual benefits for both its employees and employers ... of employees also affect their work motivation Human needs, as understood normally, are the psychological state of tension that makes human beings (individual, groups of people, crowds and society

Ngày đăng: 17/11/2018, 10:17



