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INTRODUCTION The necessity for choosing the topic Social insurance is a major policy of the Party and the State for employees to ensure their life and families, at the same time, ensuring the goal of the social security system which social insurance is a inseparable mainstay Social insurance policy in our country was made from the early days of the country Over the past 60 years, in the process of implementation, social insurance policy has been improved and constantly updated and supplemented to suit the current conditions of the country Along with the renovation of the economy after the 6th National Party Congress (12/1986), the social insurance policy and organizing management of social insurance activities also have many positive changes such as social insurance not only contributes to stabilizing the life of employees but also encourages them to work actively in order to create wealth for the society and build the country In the process of implementing, social insurance has ceaselessly developed in both quality and quantity The number of participants is increasing, expanding for the participants The social insurance management also has made fundamental changes Especially, organizational system was agreed on a national scale with a 3-level model, vertical from the central to local In social life, new challenges such as employment, labor force and population are emerging In addition, new challenges have emerged from the employers, such as evasion, debt which is frequent and increasing scale The legal corridor system has been regulated in detail and brought into certain effectiveness However, sometimes, the adjustment is not timely and not suitable for most of the aspirations of employees in the country In particular, the state management of social insurance should be paid attention and care because the state management of social insurance is good, the social security system has reached the target and meet the expectations of millions of employees Therefore, PhD Candidate chose the topic: " Research on factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam " The thesis has both theoretical and practical signification It helps to improve the state management of social insurance and development strategies for social insurance in the long term Research Objectives The basic objective of the subject is to provide solutions to improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam From the above basic objectives, the specific objectives of the thesis are as follows: - Identify the factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam - Propose some appropriate solutions to overcome the shortcomings in the state management of social insurance in Vietnam Research questions To achieve the objectives of the research, the thesis focuses on answering research questions: + What factors affect the state management of social insurance in Vietnam? + What solutions and suggestions are appropriate to help the state management of social insurance in Vietnam better? Subject and scope of research In order to achieve the objectives of the research and solve the research questions, the thesis defines the research subject and scope of research as follows: - Research subjects : The subject of research is "the State management of social insurance in Vietnam" - Research scope: + Spatial extent: The thesis focuses on researching central typical units and some units in Hanoi capital in the field of research and management of social insurance + Interm of time scale: Develop a scale to combine the questionnaires of experts and managers in the field of social insurance with the main source of research data from 2008 to 2015 At the same time, propose solutions to improve state management of Social insurance in Vietnam is valid until 2025 + Research content: The thesis focuses on the factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam based on the following contents: (1) evaluate and comment on previous research results; (2) systematizing theoretical issues on the state management of social insurance; (3) provide research hypotheses, research directions on research model and methods; (4) testing hypotheses in the context of research are factors influencing the state management of social insurance in Vietnam; (5) propose solutions and recommendations to better implement the state management of social insurance in Vietnam at present and future Research methodology To solve the problem, the thesis selects the sample, the subjects in the sample, conducts the survey through the questionnaire and develops the scale for the influencing factors After collecting the survey data from the selected sample, the thesis uses quantitative research method to run the model through SPSS software to test the level of influence with the dependent variable is the state management on Social insurance and independent variable groups include: Qualifications and competence of civil servant staff in the state management apparatus of social insurance; the level of administrative reform in state management of social insurance; material facilities for the state management of social insurance; development of the social security system; the development of commercial insurance policies; the need for awareness of citizen on social insurance After evaluating the influence level of factors by the reliability coefficient, Cronbach's Alpha, will evaluate the influence of each factor in the model and hypothesis on the state management of social insurance in Vietnam Research design New contributions of the thesis The thesis is expected to have the following contributions: - On the theoretical side: On the basis of the domestic and foreign researches, combining the management practice and the research model proposed by the author, the thesis has made many new contributions such as seting up scale to measure the criteria, factors affecting the state management of social insurance; scale and measurement variable of factors are reliability, closely related to the measurement aspect, ensuring statistical significance ; use the proposed model to study the factors affecting the state management of social insurance and determine hypotheses The research results of the thesis are theoretically meaningful, opening the direction of research on methods and procedures for evaluating the state management of social insurance, have the basis for implementing appropriate solutions to improve quality of state management of social insurance and development of social insurance - On the practical side : The thesis also shows the influencing factors and the levels of impact of factors on the state management of social insurance in Vietnam Based on the analysis and assessment, the author also provides the practical and appropriate solutions to further improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam at present and in the coming period Structure of the thesis Apart from the introduction, conclusion and the prescribed items, the structure of the thesis consists of chapters: Chapter : Overview of research projects on the state management of social insurance Chapter : Theoretical basis on the state management of social insurance Chapter : Model and Research Methods Chapter : Results of factor analysis affect the State management of Social Insurance in Vietnam Chapter : Solutions to improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ON THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE 1.1 Overview of foreign researches The overview of foreign researches showes that the researches focus mainly on one or two factors affecting the management of social insurance such as: - Helmuth, C., & Kerstin, R (2015) or Georges, C., Helmuth, C., & Pierre, P (2000) studied commercial insurance factors that have a certain influence on the state management of social insurance - Xian, H., & Qin, G (2014) on needs and perceptions of citizen influencing the state management of social insurance - Authors Ramona, L., Raúl, R., Pedro, G., & Josefa, M (2014) on the qualification of staff in the social insurance system affecting the state management of social insurance - Anil, D (2010) studied the influence of social security policy on state management on social insurance - Marcelo, B., & Guillermo, C (2014) study on administrative reform will have a certain impact on state management of social insurance 1.2 Overview of domestic researches In recent years, the subject on state management of social insurance in Viet Nam has received the attention of many researchers However, each studies deals with different subjects and scales Most of the studies focus on individual factors such as Nguyen Huy Ban (1999), Mai Thi Cam Tu (2004), Nguyen Kim Thai (2006), Vu Duc Thuat (2006), Nguyen Nguyet Nga (2012) However, there is no author to study the impact of factors on the state management of social insurance in Vietnam, the level of impact and in which factors are the most influential At the same time, no research has put forward the solutions as the thesis has mentioned from the research model 1.3 Conclusions on research overview and research problem determination Overview of research projects gives us the most comprehensive view of the published research related to the topic Thereby, the author draw the gaps and research questions Through the overview of the research presented above, the author recognizes some of the "gaps" of previous researches as follows: Firstly , researches on state management of social insurance are a topic that has been carried out in developed countries such as the United States, China and Germany… However, in Viet nam, research on the State management of social insurance has only been studied in a number of different aspects, with the number of researches is limited and the research is no long time There has been no research on the contents of the state management of social insurance and factors affecting the state management of social insurance deeply Therefore, it is necessary to supplement the experimental results on the factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam Secondly , researches on state management of social insurance have been practically limited in terms of study time, such as Anil Duman (2010), Qin Gao, Sui Yang, Shi Li (2012), Gerhard Igl (2015) only one factor influencing the state management of social insurance, has not provided empirical evidence, solutions for the factors that affect the State management of social insurance Starting from the shortcomings mentioned above, the author choose the topic: " Research factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam" with the objective of contributing to the filling the research gap The author argues that the topic has both theoretical and practical signification, providing appropriate solutions for the state management of social insurance in the coming time CONCLUSION CHAPTER The content of Chapter focuses on clarifying the general theory of the views of researchers in the world and in Vietnam on the state management of social insurance, through published projetcs including scientific journals, monographs, dissertations, etc… In each section, the authors present an overview of the common features of the researches and analysis, assess the advantages and disadvantages of the researches to indicate research gaps still need to be improved when studying the state management of social insurance Based on the research gap, the authors selected the topic to supplement the empirical evidence related to the state management of social insurance CHAPTER THEORETICAL BASIS ON THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE 2.1 General information on social insurance 2.1.1 The concept of social insurance In broad terms , social insurance is the guarantee or replacement or partial compensation for employees and their families when employees take part in social security contributions are reduced or lost income from labour due to social insurance events occur and provide employment services, medical care for them on the basis of the social insurance fund contributed by the partie in order to stabilize the life of employees, ensure social security 2.1.2 The role of social insurance For employees The biggest role of social insurance is to compensate for lost or reduced income in the following cases: Sickness; Maternity; Occupational accidents Occupational diseases; Retirement and death This support not only helps them to minimize difficulties but also creates conditions for them and their families to stabilize life For employers Social insurance helps organizations, businesses stablize operations through the delivery of cost to the employee reasonably Social insurance contributes to making the workforce in each production and business unit operate continuously, effectively At the same time, the parties of labor relations become more attached to each other For the state and society In social insurance, the role of the state is very large, not only reflected in the unified and comprehensive management of social insurance but also the support, patronization of social insurance In conditions of limited resources, the social insurance fund has helped the State reduce the burden of spending on state budget in payment of social insurance so that the State allocates part of state budget to build and develop high welfare programs to serve the common interests of the whole society 2.1.3 Social insurance management Social insurance management is the process of organizing and controlling the activities of social insurance in a unified order to achieve the goals and strategies set out Thus, management of social insurance consists of two basic contents: professional management of social insurance and state management of social insurance, in which: Characteristics of state management - State management is of special power, highly organized, and the unilateral order of the state State management is established on the basis of relationship between "authority" and "submission" - State management is organized and adjusted The organization here is understood as a science of establishing relationships between people and people in order to carry out the process of social management Adjustment is defined as the state based on the legal instruments to force the governed subject follow the objective social rules to achieve social balance - State management is scientific, planning This characteristic requires the state to organize its management activities on managed subjects must have a consistent and specific program and follow a outlined plan based on a research scientifically - State management is the continuous and stable impacts on social processes and systems of social behavior Along with the change of management objects, the state management activities must take place regularly, continuously, without interruption State management of social insurance The state management of social insurance activities is the process by which the state uses its power organized impact and adjusts relationships in social insurance activities to ensure social insurance activities take place in accordance with the law and properly perform the functions and tasks of social insurance 2.2 Content of the state management on social insurance 2.2.1 Policy making and orientation for social insurance development Study on the form of social insurance, on the formation of funds and social insurance regimes of the countries to determine strategies and orientations for development of social insurance activities in general and for the economic sector in particular 2.2.2 Developing the legal system on social insurance Research and issued the legal document system for managing and administering uniformly the operation of social insurance, implementation of state management by law such as: Labor law , Employment law, Social Insurance law, Decrees, circulars, decisions , organize and administrate of the legal system 2.2.3 Establishing financial mechanism of social insurance + Encouraging and creating conditions for agencies, organizations and individuals to participate in social insurance + Protecting the social insurance fund and taking solutions to preserve and increase the fund + Encourage employers and employees to take out supplementary pension insurance 2.2.4 Support and patronage of the State State manages comprehensively social insurance to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of participants in social insurance In their management, the State always has a policy of support and patronage, so that in all conditions and circumstances, the participants are guaranteed their rights This is also the biggest goal of the State when managing social insurance 2.2.5 Inspection and test of social insurance activities During the process of organizing inspection activities, Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs has combined closely with relevant ministries, sectors and local authorities Through the inspection and examination of social insurance activities are not only for the purpose of dealing with violations, but also grasping general situation in the field of social insurance, thereby advising the state management of social insurance to supplement, adjust to suit the general situation of society 2.3 Factors affecting the state management of social insurance 2.3.1 Internal factors Firstly, the qualification of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance Second, the level of administrative reform in state management Third, the material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance 2.3.2 External factors First, the development of commercial insurance policies Second, the need, awareness of citizen about social insurance Third, the development of social security policy system 2.4 Experience in the state management of social insurance in some countries in the world and lessons for Vietnam 2.4.1 Experience in the state management of social insurance of some countries in the world Research on the state management of social insurance in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Singapore 2.4.2 Lessons for Vietnam - It is necessary to expand the social security program, in particular the social insurance policy for employees in the labour relation sector, the private sector, the household and the informal sector (including enterprises operating under the law and the salaried employees) - All administrative and operating costs will be allocated from the central budget - In order to ensure the implementation of social insurance policy, countries attach importance and strengthen the inspection and examination in the implementation of social insurance CONCLUSION CHAPTER Chapter 2, the thesis mentioned some basic contents as follows: Clarifying the nescessity for research on the state management of social insurance Clarifying the contents of the State management of social insurance Previously, many authors have studied social insurance and state management However, there is no research to specify the concept and characteristics of state management of social insurance Clarify the factors that affect the state management of social insurance, which will serve as the basis for running the impact assessment model of factors through the actual survey data in chapter Drawing out some lessons about experience in the state management of social insurance in some developed countries, then can be considered and applied in accordance with the conditions of our country CHAPTER MODEL AND RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Research models and research hypotheses 3.1.1 Research models the development of the qualification of civil commercial insurance servant staff policies the material and financial conditions the need, awareness of State management of citizen about social insurance social insurance the level of the development of social security policy system administrative reform in state management Figure : Describe the research model (Source: the author synthetics) 3.1.2 Explain the variables in the research model - Dependent variable: The state management of social insurance - The dependent variable : the qualification of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance; the level of administrative reform in state management;the material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance; the development of commercial insurance policies; the need, awareness of citizen about social insurance;the development of social security policy system 3.1.3 Research hypotheses Based on the model presented in Figure 2.1, the author makes the assumptions following as: Hypothesis H1: the qualification of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance affects the state management of social insurance; Hypothesis H2 : The level of administrative reform in state management affects the state management of social insurance; Hypothesis H3 : The material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance affect the state management of social insurance Hypothesis H4 : the development of social security policy system affects the state management of social insurance Hypothesis H5: The development of commercial insurance policies affects the state management of social insurance Hypothesis H6: The need, awareness of citizen about social insurance affects the state management of social insurance 3.2 Research Methods In my research, the author uses both quantitative and qualitative methods However, in order to serve the researching process, the authors must design the research to make a basis for further research steps 3.2.1 Research design The research process consists of the following steps: Research Overview Conclusion and proposed solutions Reseach questions Theoretical framework Discuss the research results Data collection and analysis Research design Diagram : Research Process (Source: the author synthetics) 3.2.2 Qualitative research methods Before selecting the factors influencing the state management of social insurance in Vietnam, the author has reviewed the literature (scientific articles, lecture papers, syllabus, books monographs, dissertations, master theses, etc.) to summarize factors affecting the state management of social insurance Following that, the author lists the initial selected factors Then, the author organized a number of small seminars of 5-7 scientists in the field of social insurance (instructors, lecturers of the Faculty of Insurance Departurement of National Economics University, managers of social insurance sector, social insurance cadres, students participate in scientific research on social insurance ) As a common result of the discussions and consultations, the author has selected the six influential factors that have the greatest and direct impacts on the state management of social insurance, including: - The qualification, competence of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance - The level of administrative reform in state management - The material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance - The development of commercial insurance policies - The need, awareness of citizen about social insurance - The development of social security policy system 3.2.3 Quantitative research methods To serve for quantitative research, The author identified data sources, collection methods, research sample, data collection tools and data analysis as follows: Source of data collection Authors collected from two main sources are secondary data sources and primary data sources At the same time, the author conducted direct interviews with state management experts on social insurance, managers and management staff in social insurance units Interview questions focused on issues related to the state management of social insurance and solutions to improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam How to conduct data collection The author conducts data collection through two main tools: (1) send questionnaires directly and (2) submit questionnaires via the Google Docs application The method of sample selection n ≥ 50 + 8p In which: n is the sample size p is the number of independent variable in the model So, the minimum sample size that author can use for analysis is 98 However, the sample size is used for the analysis is 252 is perfectly appropriate Data collection tools - Phase 1: Draft questionnaire - Phase 2: Consultation with experts - Phase 3: Design of the official questionnaire Data processing and analysis methods Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) To use EFA, the first is evaluating the reliability of the scale Cronbach's Alpha coefficient (α) is a statistical test of the closely degree which the items in the scale correlate together, α with the formula: α = Np / [1+ p (N-1)] In which : p is the average correlation coefficient between items N is the number of asked items The total number of collected and valid questionnaires was 252 After collecting enough data, the author moved into excel, coding for the variables in sections and groups of the questionnaire Then put all the data into the SPSS software Thus, the data will include 252 samples in the SPSS analysis CONCLUSION CHAPTER This chapter also clarifies some of the following: ) Develop scale for assessing the criteria, factors affecting the state management of social insurance The scale of variables or the factors has the reliability, are closely related to the measurement aspect, ensuring statistical significance ) Use the proposed model to study the factors influencing the state management of social insurance and determine the hypotheses 3) Establishment of the research model is theoretically meaningful, opening the direction of research on methods relation to factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Vietnam CHAPTER ANALYSIS RESULTS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN VIETNAM 4.1 Status of the state management of social insurance in Vietnam 4.1.1 Building the legal system on social insurance Implementation of the program build legal documents guiding the implementation of Social Insurance Law, as of December 31, 2015, the total number of legal documents guiding the implementation of Social Insurance Law issued including 18 of Decree of Government, 04 Decisions of the Prime Minister and 31 Circulars of the ministries and branches 4.1.2 Object development At the end of 2015, the total number of people participating in compulsory social insurance and voluntary social insurance reached 12.14 million people, up 2.0 times compared to 2008, achieving an average growth rate of 7.4% per year in 2008- 2015 4.1.3 About the propaganda and dissemination of policies and laws of the State on social insurance The social insurance system from the central to local has actively coordinated with ministries, departments and central and local agencies to implement the propaganda and dissemination of social insurance legislation to employees and employers with many forms such as transmission of information through the mass media, newspapers, radio, TV 4.1.4 Inspection, testing of social insurance activities The Government has issued a decree regulating the performance of the specialized inspection function on social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance by the social insurance agency, which assigns the General Director of Vietnam Social Insurance, Director of social insurance of provinces and cities to sanction administrative violations in the field of collection of social insurance 4.1.5 Regarding the administrative reform in the field of social insurance Vietnam Social Insurance statistics show that Vietnam Social Insurance has reduced from 115 procedures to 32 procedures, with a 32% decrease in profile component; criteria for declaration forms decreased 42%; Process and operation reduced 54% Time to implement the administrative procedures to participate and enjoy the social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance of enterprises decreased from 335 hours/year in 2014 to 81 hours/year in 2015 Continue to reform the administrative procedures to reach 45 hours per year in the next time 4.2 Issues for the state management of social insurance in Vietnam - The propaganda and dissemination of the law on social insurance has not received the proper attention of the authorities in some localities - The awareness of a number of employers and employees on social insurance policy is limited - The level of compliance with social insurance participation of enterprises is not high ; The situation of owing social insurance is still large - The risk of imbalance of the social insurance fund is high due to the imbalance between the level of social insurance premiums and social insurance benefits - The coordination between functional branches in implementing the Law on Social Insurance is limited, not tight 4.3 Causes of existence of the state management of social insurance - The current social insurance policy is too favorable for the armed forces; public administration, the party, union through the calculation of pensions based only on a number of final years before the retirement - The level of social insurance premiums and social insurance benefits is imbalance; premiums disproportionate to the levels of benefit - The application of information technology in the management of social insurance is still limited, so management costs have not been saved - Local coordination has not met the practical requirements and expectations of leaders of ministries, branches and Viet Nam social insurance 4.4 Results of research on management of social insurance in Vietnam 4.4.1 Description of sample survey In total 252 people surveyed in 05 units of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs; Vietnam Social Insurance; Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in Hanoi and some research institutes (Institute of Social Labour Science, Institute of Social Insurance Science, university of Labour and Social Affairs), a total of 131 respondents were male (52.0%) and 121 respondents were female (48.0%) 4.4.2 Describe the characteristics of the data According to the assessment of cadres and civil servants on the state management of social insurance now, the scale of policy making, building the legal system of social insurance, financial mechanism, support from the State, inspection and examination of social insurance activities are rated as good from 3.53 points to 3.76 points In particular, the lowest point assessment is scale on development of financing mechanisms 4.4.3 Reliability analysis of the scale (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient) Table : Cronbach's Alpha Test of the state management of social insurance Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Corrected Item-Total Item Correlation Deleted Cronbach's Alpha if Squared Multiple Item Correlation Deleted State management of social insurance: alpha = 0.863 c1a1 c1a2 c1a3 13.64 13.67 13.43 7.123 6,988 7.290 779 811 698 724 735 559 796 877 815 c1a4 c1a5 13.53 14.50 7.023 7.574 698 428 388 188 814 896 ( Source: Data processing results of the author) Corrected Item-Total Correlation are quite high, all of these coefficients are greater than 0.3 Therefore, the measurement variables of these components are standard, ensuring good quality 4.4.4 Analysis of influencing factors Table : KMO and Bartlett's Test Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling 940 Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Sphericity Approx Chi-Square 8390.492 DF 630 Sig .000 ( Source: Data processing results of the author) KMO and Barlett's test showed that for the KMO index was 0.940 and the Sig value was 0.000; Meaning at 5%, the variables are correlated in the overall The above indicators are fully content with the condition to the exploratory factor analysis model to be highly relevant in the analysis 4.5 Estimate results The sequence of factors influencing the state management of social insurance is as follows: - Firstly, factor (qualification, competence of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance) contributed to 29.36% - Secondly, factor (the level of administrative reform in social insurance affects the state management of social insurance) contributed to 22.80% - Third, factor (development of the social security policy system affecting the state management of social insurance) contributed to 14.53% - Factor (The need, awareness of citizen on social insurance affects the state management of social insurance) contributed 13.59% - Factor (The development of commercial insurance policies affects the state management of social insurance) contributes 11.99% - Finally, factor (The material conditions of units affect the state management of social insurance) contributes 7.73% Table : Determine the importance of independent variables in the model Unit: % Criteria Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Factor Policy making 30.79 13.00 24.80 12.47 8.33 10.61 Develop law system 28.35 14.62 26.93 7.28 6.15 16.67 General Establish Support Inspection, management of financial test of social mechanism State insurance 29.97 32.65 24.56 29.36 10.42 19.64 14.13 14.53 25.10 21.97 14.99 22.80 21.22 15.44 3.36 11.99 9.13 4.02 11.76 7.73 4.16 6.28 31.20 13.59 ( Source: Data processing results of the author) The initial research model proposed factors affecting the state management of social insurance, including: The qualification, competence of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance; The level of administrative reform in state management; The material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance; The development of commercial insurance policies; The need, awareness of citizen about social insurance; The development of social security policy system with a total of 252 observations, with 10 related units After evaluating reliability of the scale, the variables have an alpha cronbach coefficient greater than 0.6 and loading factor coefficient greater than 0.5 Therefore, no elements are excluded from the model After factor analysis, the model also has proposed six factors that affect the management of state social insurance, including: : The qualification, competence of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance; The level of administrative reform in state management; The material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance; The development of commercial insurance policies; The need, awareness of citizen about social insurance; The development of social security policy system affects the state management of the social insurance CONCLUSION CHAPTER On the basis of situation on the state of the state management of social insurance, due to the sample survey conducted from 2008-2015 to present the results of the analysis, the author has identified the state management of social insurance is now influenced by six factors, ranked in the order of influence from the strongest to the weakest, namely: The qualification, competence of civil servant staff in the field of social insurance; The level of administrative reform in the state management of social insurance; Development of the social security policy system; The development of commercial insurance policies affects the state management of social insurance;The need, awareness of citizen on social insurance affect he state management of social insurance; The material and financial conditions to ensure the state management of social insurance; CHAPTER SOLUTIONS TO IMPROVE THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN VIETNAM 5.1 The view of the Party and the State on the state management of social insurance - Social insurance is an important social policy which is the mainstay of the social security system, contributing to social progress and equality, ensuring socio - political stability and socio- economic development - Expanding and perfecting regimes, social insurance policies with steps and route in line with the country's socio-economic development To develop the social insurance system in synchrony with the development of social services, meeting the needs of the people better and better; To create favorable conditions for people to participate and enjoy social insurance benefits - Social insurance must be based on the principle of contribution, entitlement, interests corresponding to obligations, sharing among members, ensuring the equality and sustainability of social insurance and medical insurance systems 5.2 Orientation on development of social insurance in Vietnam until 2025 - By 2020, about 50% of the labor force will participate in social insurance; 35% of labor force will participate unemployment insurance and over 80% of the population will participate in health insurance - To manage and use properly the social insurance fund and the health insurance fund so as to ensure that the social insurance fund is balanced in the long-term and the health insurance fund is annually balanced - To consolidate the organizational system of Vietnam's social insurance branch, raise the managerial capability and perform the tasks of cadres, civil servants staff so as to implement and contribute to ensuring the stability and sustainability of the social insurance and health insurance policies Determine policies, regimes on social insurance and health insurance with the following route: - Building a system of working offices which are spacious, modern, convenient for transactions and services; To ensure the requirements on the scale and long-term use of agencies in the social insurance system from the central to local levels throughout the country 5.3 Forecast of social insurance trends for 2016-2025 - Cript 1: The proportion of labor force participating in social insurance will account for 30% by 2020 and 45% by 2025 (not achieving the target of 15th Resolution of The Central Committee of the Party) Table 5.1: Forecast of the number of people participating in social insurance by 2025 (Cript 1) Unit: thousand people Total (thousand people) By type - Obligatory - Voluntary Structure (%) - Obligatory - Voluntary By sector - The State - Outside the state Structure (%) - The State - Outside the state Participation rate vs labor force (%) Growth rate (%) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 201620212020 2025 12800 13502 14831 16175 17570 27783 7,8 9.5 12500 12962 14090 15043 15813 22226 6.1 300 540 742 1132 1757 5557 48.8 97.7 2,3 96.0 4,0 95.0 5.0 93.0 7.0 90.0 10.0 80.0 20.0 5040 7760 5180 8323 5322 9510 5466 5613 6383 2.7 10709 11957 21400 10.9 39.4 60.6 38.4 61.6 35.9 64.1 33.8 66.2 31.9 68.1 23.0 77.0 23.0 24.0 26.0 28.0 30.0 45.0 7.1 24.8 -1,6 37.9 2.6 11.4 Source: ILSSA’s Forecast - Cript 2: The proportion of labour force participating in social insurance will account for 50% by 2020 (reaching the objectives of 15th Resolution of The Central Committee of the Party); From 2021 onwards each year will increase by percentage and reach 55% by 2025 Table 5.2: (Cript 2) Forecast of the number of people participating in social insurance up to 2025 Unit: thousand people Year Growth rate (%) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025 Criteria 2016- 20212020 2025 Total (thousand 13884 17581 21392 25274 29283 33957 10.9 3,0 people) By type - Obligatory 13371 16654 19927 23144 26354 27166 8.8 0.7 - Voluntary 513 927 1465 2129 2928 6791 35.2 17.4 Structure %) - Obligatory 96.3 94.7 93.2 91.6 90.0 80.0 - Voluntary 3.7 5.3 6.8 8.4 10.0 20.0 By Sector 5040 5180 5322 5466 5613 6383 2.7 2.6 - The State - Outside the state 8844 12401 16070 19807 23670 27574 14.1 3.1 Structure (%) - The State 36.3 29.5 24.9 21.6 19.2 18.8 63.7 70.5 75.1 78.4 80.8 81.2 - Outside the state Participation rate 25.0 31.3 37.5 43.8 50.0 55.0 vs labor force (%) Source: ILSSA’s Forecast 5.4 Some solutions improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam 5.4.1 To continue planning and perfecting policies and orientations for development of social insurance - Strengthen sanctions to increase compliance with the Law on Social Insurance ; - Continue to reform the parameters of social insurance such as increasing revenues, reducing debts, developing participants to ensure the ability to balance financial funds in the long term - To implement the policy of partially supporting voluntary social insurance premiums for specific employees (the near poor, the poor and labours with average or below average living standards in agriculture, forestry, fishery and salt industry) 5.4.2 To continue building, supplementing and perfecting the legal system on social insurance - Expand coverage of social insurance - Amend some contents on social insurance regimes in the direction of ensuring the benefits for employees, step by step applying the principles of balance of contributions and benefits - Modify and supplement regulations to renovate methods and organize the implementation of social insurance policies - Increase the authorization and add functions and tasks to the implementing organizations 5.4.3 Propose and develop a mechanism to ensure the sustainability of social insurance finance - Implement solutions to increase revenue for the fund, such as: prolong the contribution time and implement the contribution on the actual salary - Research and adjust the benefit level of social insurance - Continue to adjust the pension and social insurance benefits to improve the life of pensioners and compensate for inflation as the consumer price index rises 5.4.5 Coordinate and strengthen the contents of social insurance inspection and test activities - Strengthening the inspection and test of social insurance, coordination between the labor inspection agencies, the State inspectors and the Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs agencies - Vietnam social insurance should direct social insurance at all levels to report timely, fully the situation of social insurance debt with the People's Committee, the local labor inspectors to inspect and handle violations according to regulations - Strengthen the management of the settlement on benefits of social insurance regimes, ensuring benefits for employees and prevent the abuse behaviors of funds 5.4.4 Strengthen the information, propaganda and construction of the operating apparatus of social insurance - The social insurance agencies at all levels should cooperate very well with mass media agencies from central to local to propaganda and widespread social insurance policy - Build a standard job title system, job placement; renovate the method of assessment and appointment of managers to ensure transparency and objectivity 5.4.6 Continue to expand international cooperation on social insurance - Strengthen multilateral cooperation activities, participation and implementation of commitments, standards and initiatives of the United Nations, ASEAN in the fields of labor and society - Establish a positive working relationship with the United Nations agencies 5.4.7 Strengthen the administrative reform and the application of information technology to the state management of social insurance - Carry out synchronously the contents of administrative reform tasks with the implementation of the "one-door" and " interconnected one-door" mechanims - Speed up the application of computerized administrative management and quality management system ISO 9001: 2008 to serve the direction and administration in handling the work 5.4.8 Strengthen capacity of investment management of social insurance fund - Create the environment and autonomy management structure of social insurance fund - Establish strategic asset allocation (SAA) to provide fulcrum in investment decisions of Vietnam Social Insurance - Vietnam social insurance needs to build its risk management capacity based on a periodic market assessment of the portfolios 5.4.9 Modernize the administrative system of social insurance and strenthen the activities of state agencies related to state management of social insurance - In the context of many important transformations taking place in Vietnam in the next decade, the development of a modern social security administration must be given priority - In the first stage of social insurance, there should be a clear reform strategy for the next 10 years to increase the effectiveness, operation and accountability for the state management of social insurance - Strengthening the coordination among relevant government agencies will be very important to improve the social security services CONCLUSION CHAPTER Chapter of the thesis predicts the development trends of social insurance participants to 2025, pointing out challenges for the state management of social insurance State management of social insurance is influenced by many factors both external and internal The state management of social insurance is one of the important tasks of the socio-economy, because this problem has a great impact on the life of employees and the social security system Therefore, the solution to improve the state management is a special concerned problem In Chapter 5, the author proposes some solutions based on the results of actually research in management units, scientific research in the field of social insurance These solutions have high practical significance and can apply to the state management of social insurance now and in the future GENERAL CONCLUSIONS The state management of social insurance is a very important issue in the overall development of socio-economic Social insurance shows the level and capacity of social risk management of the state The issue of state management of social insurance is not separated from the policy and guidelines of the state, because of the objectives and strategy of national social security Only when the state management of social insurance demonstrates its role, the social insurance system will operate effectively, ensuring harmonious benefits for all participants In order to improve the effectiveness of the state management of social insurance, the author has studied the factors affecting the state management of social insurance Within the scope of the thesis, the author has solved the following key issues: Firstly, presenting a comprehensive picture of domestic and foriegn research on the state management of social insurance Secondly, clarifying the general theory of the state management of social insurance and analyzing the factors influencing the state management of social insurance in Vietnam - Proposing a research model for the state management of social insurance, the model shows the correlation between the state management and influencing factors ; Model also shows the correlation between the evaluation criteria and the influencing factors The proposed model is consistent with the survey data and has statistically significant - Based on the results of the research, analyzing the situation of the factors affecting the state management of social insurance in Chapter 04, the author proposed appropriate solutions in Chapter 05 to improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam The author also emphasizes that this thesis studies factors influencing the state management of social insurance in Vietnam This research has shown that the research model based on the Cronbach Alpha scale is a useful tool However, its results are just accurate if there are the full data in the model, and also note that considering the impact level from the Cronbach Alpha scale is not a complete evaluation solution It is just one of many tools that managers should consider in assessing the impact on their management RESTRICTIONS OF THE THESIS 1) The set of criteria for assessing the impact of the state management of social insurance in Vietnam according to the new author's proposal just explains 73 , 77% of the variation in the research model So, there are a number of other influencing factors that have not been included in the research model 2) The solutions based on the levels of influence of the factors in the model So, other solutions what have not mentioned for factors not included in the research model, has certain value in completing the state management of social insurance in Vietnam 3) The scope of the research space is mainly at the central level and in Hanoi, which is small in the field of the state management of social insurance in Vietnam 4) About the research information providing channel: At present, national data on social insurance are not properly developed and stored in Vietnam Thus, in a certain extent, self-collection of data has some influence on the conclusions of the research ... insurance in Vietnam CHAPTER ANALYSIS RESULTS OF FACTORS AFFECTING THE STATE MANAGEMENT OF SOCIAL INSURANCE IN VIETNAM 4.1 Status of the state management of social insurance in Vietnam 4.1.1 Building... affect the State management of Social Insurance in Vietnam Chapter : Solutions to improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam CHAPTER OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROJECTS ON THE STATE... insurance in Vietnam Based on the analysis and assessment, the author also provides the practical and appropriate solutions to further improve the state management of social insurance in Vietnam at present

Ngày đăng: 08/11/2018, 09:13


